View Full Version : The Universe Is Broken (3.5, gestalt)

2010-03-05, 07:29 PM
The Chief seems nervous. Something seems to be on his mind. When he sees you, he says:
“Hello, members of the town. You have all heard about the way the world has been apparently cursed. The citizens are scared of what could happen if this continues, so I have gathered you here to request your assistance. This is what we need you for.
“One week ago, the town sent out an exploration party to the Southern Wilderness, across the Great River, in the aim of finding new areas that might not be cursed. However, we instead found a patch in space where the curse appears to have started from. Our explorers found a grove in the forest where the air was rippling like water, and the elements had gone wild. Several of our best warriors caught on fire like a torch and vanished.
“We don’t know what happened after that. The one man who came back was babbling, and that was all we could get out of him before he disappeared. One moment he was there, the next there was ashes and his tent was on fire. What we need all of you to do is to find the same grove and look at what is happening. You will be bringing our best mage, Heibos Gallan, with you. He thinks this might be a harmless rip in space that can be repaired, so he wishes to inspect it.
“All of you are here for different reasons. Meishu, you are here to be the leader in the group. Consider this part of your training to become the future Chief.
“Marrik, your insight and ability with unarmed combat is unrivalled among even the most devout. You are favoured by the gods, and that advantage will be necessary to come out alive.
“Ral Anra, you are also favoured by the gods, but in combat with a blade. We know this because your skills with a blade are comparable to those of the gods and your sword seems to have very powerful divine and magical abilities.
“Shemmi, you appear old, but you have wisdom, perception, and, more importantly, a kind heart. For this adventure, I suggest that you cast off your guise and use your true abilities. This might be your greatest adventure.
“If you wish to do this, Heibos will shift you to the other side of the river, and you may begin. On your return, you will be rewarded with twenty wagons of gold and five wagon of gems each.”
You all accept the challenge, because if you don’t, there is no campaign.
“In that case- Heibos?”
A young man suddenly appears in the space in front of you, not making a sound. He mutters a very consonant-heavy phrase and all of you vanish and appear on the shore of a raging river, facing over the river towards the town you were in just a moment ago.
Behind you is the deep forest. Heibos has already turned around and is flying over the ground, the trees and vines parting in front of him like grass in the wind. You follow him on foot.
When you set up camp for the night, you hear strange noises. All of you gradually fall asleep, except for Meishu and Shemmi. Meishu is sleeping outside. Shemmi has been pretending to be asleep. Just as you are Meishu is about to drift off to sleep, a large nonhuman figure wrapped in leathery skin and flames barrels into the camp, setting the tents where you are sleeping and the backpacks that contain supplies.

Surprise Round:
Participants: Meishu, Shemmi, Enemy
Initiative Rolls:
Shemmi: 32
Enemy: 26
Meishu: 16
Marrik: 16

2010-03-05, 07:58 PM
The old ragpicker and friend to the children nods at the chief's speach. A seeming ripple washes over him. The older gentleman is replaced with a younger man clad in the same raven feathered leathers (now new looking nice instead of ragged), bearing his patchwork bag and carring a short sword and crossbow. He is plain to look at but moves with a fluid grace. You could swear that his shadow is moving just a half a heartbeat slower than he is.

Well, I guess that I will have to carry on this charade another time. No quiet life for me eh? He grins easily and nods to the chief and the others, his face may be different but he is the same person he always was.

That evening Shemmi leans back against his bag and rests his eyes. When the burning figure bursts into the clearing he clearly is surprised as his shadow and him jump (in separate directions?) then promptly vanish.

AC: 28

Initiative: [roll0]
Free spot [roll1] and listen checks [roll2]

Action: Activate Vanishing (MIC p15) and the tumble away around to the left and rear of the enemy drawing shortsword as I do so. Tumble (auto-succeed 30) Shemmi wants to stay 15-20 ft away or so.

2010-03-06, 12:15 AM
Looking at the creature from behind his invisibility, Shemmi thinks about how similar the creature is to the bats back in the town. Wait... these don't look like bats... they look more like devils. Evil creatures, all of them. Just like the crazy churches talk about in the town.
The devil seems confused. It looks around for its missing prey and suddenly the ground underneath Shemmi erupts in a huge fireball.
DC 21 Reflex Save to avoid.
Suddenly a paralyzing fear strikes both of you, and you feel overcome with the terror of this enemy.
DC 27 Will save to avoid fear effect.
Meishu still needs to roll initiative. Looking at her bonus, I am pretty sure she will act after all the others.

2010-03-06, 06:05 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Will Save: [roll1]

A shiver runs down Meishu's spine as he jumps to his feet in surprise. He instinctively summons flaming whip to use to protect himself, but with his enemy already aflame he's unsure of it's effectiveness. Now prepared, he calls to the sleeping others "Everybody up!".

Actions:Move Action: rise from prone
Move Action: Summon Fire whip (Take 10 bending check)

2010-03-06, 06:32 PM
Shemmi shudders as a strange kind of fear rolls over him- not icy cold, but burning hot. In the back of his mind, he wonders this doesn't make sense before he instinctively rolls out of the way of a sudden explosion.

Parts of the summoned flame whip are breaking off and running toward the enemy, who seems to be energized by the flames.

The other members of the party are woken up, including Heibos, who takes one look at the creature and shouts: It's a demonatus macronus-a pit fiend! Cancel the fire in your hand! Turn it off now! It is fire, your attack will only help it!

Then the air around Heibos glows, there is the sound of a scream, and Heibos disappears with a soft sigh. You get the feeling that it wasn't on purpose.

Now for the pit fiend's move action (the fear effect was a free action, and the fireball was quickened).

The fiend raises it's hands, as if it is trying to lift a great load. The air around starts blazing, and the outlines of several smaller devils appear, before suddenly fading. The fiend seems to be surprised, and gestures again, to no effect.

summon devil, unfortunately failed for an unknown reason.

2010-03-06, 06:37 PM
"Will lightning do the trick?" he asks in return.

((The whip will disipate on my next action if I don't use a free action to maintain it.))

2010-03-06, 06:41 PM
Meishu looks around, but Heibos is not there. His gut instinct tells him that lightning should do fine, though.

2010-03-06, 07:20 PM
Parts of the pit fiend's fiery cloak split off and spiral out, aiming for the still bodies of the rest of the party.

Attack Ral Anra [roll0] Full Concealment (50% miss chance) MISS
Attack Meishu [roll1] MISS
Attack Marrik [roll2] MISS
Attack Ral Anra (again) [roll3] Full Concealment (50% miss chance) MISS

Cast Meteor Swarm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/meteorSwarm.htm) as spell-like abilitiy.

BTW, both attacks on Ral Anra missed because of the 50% miss chance. I used the forum dice roller, but then it messed up.

This (http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/227/round01.png)is the party's positions.

2010-03-06, 07:35 PM
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll0] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu + Shemmi (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll1] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu + Shemmi (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll2] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll4] Fire

Ouch. Totaled up for Ral Anra and Marrik, that's 87 Fire damage each. Meishu he failed his saves, but he has Fire Resistance 5, so he took 82. Shemmi made both his save.
Also, the others should roll initiative.

2010-03-06, 07:38 PM
Reflex Save #1: [roll0] (Fail)
Reflex Save #2: [roll1] (Fail)

((Is that fire damage? I have resist fire 5, so I take 77 then. Also, I do threaten it with my whip, can I take an AoO?))

2010-03-06, 07:43 PM
Yes, you can take an AoO.

2010-03-06, 07:46 PM
And 87-5=82, not 77.
In response to your signature, you are an elemental manipulater/explorer.

2010-03-06, 07:48 PM
AoO: [roll0] (Edit: miscalculation on sheet, should be +27, hitting AC 35)
Damage: [roll1], half fire, half slashing.

((Probably a miss anyway, but worth trying.))

Alth Falath
2010-03-06, 08:29 PM
16 on Initiative

2010-03-06, 08:38 PM
Meishu swings wide with his attack, unfortunately missing completely.

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 12:42 AM
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll0] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu + Shemmi (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll1] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu + Shemmi (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll2] Fire
Ral Anra (no save), Marrik (no save), Meishu (DC 27 Ref Save):
[roll4] Fire

Ouch. Totaled up for Ral Anra and Marrik, that's 87 Fire damage each. Meishu he failed his saves, but he has Fire Resistance 5, so he took 82. Shemmi made both his save.
Also, the others should roll initiative.

Actually, Ral has Fire Resist 10, so he only takes 77 0.

Sorry I'm so late to the party. I lost my invitation, ie subscription to this thread.

Here's my initiative. [roll0]

Oh, wait, those attacks missed me? Awesome. Very awesome.

2010-03-07, 12:57 AM
((For some reason I thought I was only supposed to do two saving throws there, so I guess I should roll the other two. And my resistance applies to each of the four individually, so it takes off 20 (initially I thought it was 2 attacks, so I took off only 10).))

Other 2 reflex saves:
[roll0] Success
[roll1] Fail
57 total after resistances.

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 12:57 AM
Ral lept up from his sleep to barely avoid being blasted by fiery streams. He wasn't sure at first what was happening, but all it took was one whiff of the air and he knew right away the scent of evil that lingered in the air. His temper flared for a moment as he grabbed his sword. He burst outside only to come face to face with a Put Fiend, a being of utter evil and the most perverse manipulations imaginable.

"Foul devil! Be gone from this plane!" Ral reached out and tried to touch the fiend, channeling a powerful spell to try and wound the creature greatly.

Ok, so, Ral is now here, and ready to kick ass. Is this acceptable?

If so, then he will step outside the tent as his move action and then as a standard action cast Harm on the Pit Fiend.

Roll to hit with touch attack: [roll0]
If he hits, he deals 150 points of negative energy damage, Will save 19 for half. This spell cannot reduce him to less than 1.

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 01:04 AM
I forgot to roll for spell resistance. Let's hope I am lucky.

Dammit. Ok, plan B. Hit it with sword until it dies.

2010-03-07, 04:29 PM
Your attack hits it straight on. It rears in pain and you can see the edges of the fiend wavering, as if you are seeing it through water, though you are not sure whether it is because of the heat or something else.
No comment.
HP=225-75=150 HP left. (it made it's save.)

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 05:03 PM
Freaking Sweet. Well, for my next turn, whenever that is, Ral will use his second favorite maneuver, Ancient Mountain Hammer.

Ral could feel the fiery beast's anger as he burned it with his furious wraith. He gripped his blade and brought it crashing down, aimed at the Pit Fiend's head. This attack rarely needed a follow up.

Ancient Mountain Hammer
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Notes: My sword is holy, my maneuver ignores all DR, and I also deal an extra 1d6 of fire I'm not even rolling because they are immune to fire.

Edit: Well balls. This dice roller hates me.

2010-03-07, 05:39 PM
Seeing his enemy weakened brings hope to Meishu.As his whip fades into nothing, he takes a few steps backwards to distance himself from the flaming monster. With swift and fluid motions, Meishu forms up the energies needed to launch his most devastation attack, releasing a bolt of lightning from his palm at the end.

Free Action 5' Step away from Pit Fiend (to 2-5)
Standard Action Quickenned bending using Coldblooded Fire (DC 45+10). Take 10 on bending check = 71.
Ranged Touch: [roll0], damage: [roll1] electric.

2010-03-07, 07:08 PM
Shemmi simply curls up in a little invisible ball wimpering. :smallfrown:

Alth Falath
2010-03-07, 08:00 PM
Marrik sneaks away from the demon, and calls upon the blessings of Zodal
move 10 feet back out of range and cast Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
4d8+16 [41]

2010-03-07, 08:58 PM
Meishu's lightning bolt passes through the devil, appearing to be harmless. Then the air around the pit fiend shudders and the lightning bolt reverses, coming back the other way, burning a smoking hole through the fiend.
150-109=41. Never thought he'd go down this fast.
When Marrik casts his spell, rays of light shoot from his hands, illuminating the dark grove. The light seems to refract off of thousands of invisible mirrors, before sinking into the other characters with a soft sigh.
The round's over. You need to mark down damage on your own character sheets.
Next round begins now:

2010-03-07, 09:09 PM
Shemmi simply stays curled up in a little invisible ball wimpering.

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 09:19 PM
Regaining his composure, Ral slowed his breathing. This battle had his heart racing, for it is not everyday that one faces down a fiend of the 9 Hells. He stepped forward, pressing his attack, preparing to finish his foe with his Finishing Move.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Edit: Duh, I forgot to factor in Blade Meditation, Weapon Focus, Specialization, and Greater Weapon Focus. To hit should 32, damage should be 52! All damage is holy.

2010-03-07, 09:49 PM
Ral misses.
I think. Unless it's a touch attack.

2010-03-07, 10:02 PM
The devil looks around, and bounds off into the distance. Looking after it, you notice that it's outline is becoming more and more blurry, until, with a shudder, it dissapears.
Don't worry, all of your attacks still hit. It's just not dead yet.
I'm going to consider that as if you beat him. The fear effect is now over. EXP is divided up as:
6750x2=13500. Add it all up. No level ups, but you're on the fast track to a higher level.

Heibos stares, and laughs.
"A pit fiend? Those are supposed to be-"
He looks down at his feet in shame.
"Sorry about not helping there. I was rather terrified. Guess that's just how this goes, huh? Anyway, I am completely sure that this is a planar rift. Devils like that do not belong in our world. Want to head back now?"

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 10:11 PM
Heibos stares, and laughs.
"A pit fiend? Those are supposed to be-"
He looks down at his feet in shame.
"Sorry about not helping there. I was rather terrified. Guess that's just how this goes, huh? Anyway, I am completely sure that this is a planar rift. Devils like that do not belong in our world. Want to head back now?"

"We should keep moving. No telling how many more of Hell's legions might be waiting for a chance to attack us." Ral cleaned his sword, more out of habit that need, and sheathed it. He tapped into the magic that flowed through his veins and calmed himself. He slowed his breathing again and craned his neck to the side. It was going to be one of those adventures.

2010-03-07, 10:25 PM
"Ral is right. We can't be going back." Meishu took a moment to think before continuing. "Is everyone well enough rested to move on?"

Alth Falath
2010-03-07, 10:41 PM
"Well, praise be that we made it. Who requires aid" Marrik seeks those who need some healing and restore them through the faith in his god.
pm me how much healing you need, I have a bad connection and can't read sheets easily

2010-03-07, 10:50 PM
Heibos raises an eyebrow.
"So you're saying that you want to head through the portal to wherever this leads? Because if you do, I have some supplies that you'll need.
"Oh, I'm not offering my services, I just don't want to head through that portal. Not a chance. In fact, I'm leaving right now."
There is a flash of light, and he vanishes.
Then there is another flash of light, and he reappears.
"The town is gone! Vanished! I tried to scry to locate its position, and I saw it, but the surroundings were different! They're in some sort of valley!
"We can't head back. My teleport spell requires you to have been there before, and we have not been to wherever the town is now.
"We have to head through that portal tommorow. Rest up. We travel through the portal at dawn."
Remember, it's still around midnight. Spellcasters, rest up, because tommorow is going to be action-packed!
By the way, I will post again tomorrow. It's over for today.
Also, did any of you notice that all of us were online at the same time for about an hour today? We got a fair amount done. Good job.

Arq Kujos
2010-03-07, 11:12 PM
Ral rubbed his eyes and yawned as the man disappeared. He figured that the cowardly mage would return in the morning, ready to try again.

He turned to go back to bed when Heibos reappeared. Ral listened in disbelief.

"All gone? By the gods this day gets worse and worse." He grabbed his sword and headed to bed. "I suggest we all get some sleep. This sounds like the beginning of a long journey."

2010-03-07, 11:13 PM
Shemmi rolls over and uncurls a moment after he reappers still curled into a fetal ball. He heaves a sigh of relief and gets to his feet. He dusts himself of calling the sword to his hand and sheathing it. My apologies gentlemen, the aura of mystical fear he projected overcame me. I think we will need to be better prepared for such surprises. He smiles sheepishly then turns serious for a moment. Might I suggest that in the future, we rotate watches as best possible. I also need to adjust my own thinking and warn the rest of you if we are to be attacked. I am so used to acting alone that warning others was last on my mind. For myself I need but a couple of hours sleep every day and am most likely the best prepared to act in the dark and be aware of oncoming dangers. he shrugs and looks around the area.

EDIT: -ninja'd-
When Heibos reappears Shemmi pales, Ah, the kids, he says lamely this is now even more important.

2010-03-07, 11:20 PM
Upon hearing the news from Heibos, a single tear runs down Meishu's cheek. He wanders away from the others, not far, but enough to show he needs to mourn by himself. With a wave of his hand, water formed about his hand. He then touched his wound, allowing to water to seep in, the burnt skin healing as the water passed.

I'm assuming there's water nearby. Don't need a lot. Using Healing Water.
Waterbend DC 20. Take 10 = 10+31+2(circumstance bonus at night)+5(circumstance bonus for taking my time) = 47
27 above DC = 5 extra d6 healed
[roll0] healed.

After a few minutes of solitude, Meishu returns to the group. "We rest here tonight, head into the portal tomorrow. I have taken care of my own wounds and can help Marrik with anyone else who needs it. I only need two hours rest, so someone needs to take the first watch and I can cover the rest of the night."

2010-03-07, 11:23 PM
Heibos utters a short laugh.
"Everyone, please. There is no need for a watch. Observe."
He gestures and space ripples around him. When the space calms, you are in a large room, with five luxury beds next to a window that gazes out on the forest they were just in. You notice a large ornate door which is ajar, beyond it you see a large hallway and more doors.
"It's not as big as the Mage's Accommodations back in town, but it will do. There are probably twenty thousand square feet of living space. I guess you thought I was just a useless mage, eh?"
He sinks down onto one of the beds, and starts snoring softly.

Everyone please remember that just because you can't find the town doesn't mean that everyone in the town is dead. Far from it.

2010-03-08, 07:28 AM
Shemmi chuckles as the space alters around him. Either way, I am no spell caster so allow me to share the last few watches, I do not need but a few hours. With that he will move to one of the bunks and lay down, falling into a quiet sleep very quickly.

2010-03-08, 12:25 PM
The next day, all of you gradually wake up, to see the light filtering in through the massive entrance panel. Each of you walk through it, and emerge in the same grove you were in last night. Somehow, the trees have regrown after the pit fiend burned them down. Odd.
"Excuse me, keep moving, right?"
Heibos makes his way through the dense underbrush, carving a path for the rest of you. You notice large clawed footprints near, probably from the pit demon last night. Finally, you arrive at a massive pit. A fair ways down is the portal; a semitransparent red and orange ripple in space.
"As I thought. The portal is situated underground. From the level of exposure and contamination outside, it should be about forty feet straight down. We'll have to jump."
He looks back at you for guidance.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Suddenly, the earth rumbles beneath you, and the portal beneath you grows much larger. You all feel unbalanced, and you nearly tumble into the pit.
Heibos screams "I should never have agreed to this" and tumbles down. There is another shudder, and the earth erupts like a miniature volcano. Reacting, all of you jump into the pit. There is a brief flash of light, and then nothing. The silence is interrupted by Shemmi:
"Why does it smell like brimstone?"

2010-03-08, 12:43 PM
All of you gradually regain sight. When you open your eyes, it seems like you are all partly transparent, lying in a small crater. The air around you is smoky and hot, and you all feel like there is a strong scent of evil in the air.
"Let's get away from here," Heibos says. He peeks over a rock and gasps.
"Stay down!" he hisses. "There are six pit fiends here, lower down- oh, this is a mountain!- and these ones are much bigger than the one we saw. These ones are maybe forty feet tall. They look rather similar."
"Get to the point!" Ral Anra whispers.
"We can't go back until they leave. I'm going to try and distract them."
He mutters a very long spell, and the earth rumbles for the third time today. Parts of the mountain break off underneath the larger pit fiends and wrap around the pit fiends, choking them. The largest devil looks around, before yelling something in a very guttural language. The rocks crumble to dust, and the rock underneath you lifts you up into the air.
Heibos mutters: "Reversed magic? But that's impossible!" before growing limp in the crushing rock.
The devils are advancing towards you, and the largest seems to emit an aura of power. The smaller devils are flying around to surround you.
DC 25 Str check to break out of the rock. You can still cast spells.


32 Pit Fiend #1
28 Shemmi
25 Pit Fiend #2
22 Klurichir (leader)
18 Pit Fiend #3
16 Pit Fiend #4

2010-03-08, 01:19 PM
Shemmi shakes his head muttering quietly to himself Oh, boy. Here we go again.

As the stone begins to overtake him Shemmi struggles and lithely twists free.

See OOC for escape artist check. Full round action to do so.

2010-03-08, 01:31 PM
Shemmi lithely slides out of the rocky trap. He gets the impression that the devils were aiming for power, not finesse, when they returned the spell. He's pretty sure that they don't see him yet.

Alth Falath
2010-03-08, 02:29 PM
Sighing, Marrik realizes he has little chance of escaping. He reaches into his pouch, holds aloft a tiny fragment of cloth encased in a reliquary, and invokes the protection of his faith.
Cast Holy Aura on entire party,
+4 Deflection
+4 on all saves
25 SR against evil spells/spells cast by evil creatures
If an evil creature succeeds on melee attack, DC 27 Fort save or blind

Arq Kujos
2010-03-08, 02:38 PM
Ral will cast Righteous Might, making him a size category larger, giving him a +8 to strength, and +4 natural armor bonus. As he grows, he gets a chance to break free from the rock surrounding him. If he fails, he doesn't grow anymore but he keeps the spells bonuses.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2010-03-08, 04:35 PM
Unable to break free, Meishu turns to away from his companions placing a hand on part of the rock wall. "I suggest keeping your distance from me. I'm going to try to melt this part of the wall, making a whole to allow us escape." As he speak the rock begins to glow red.

Initiative: [roll0]
Using Incandescence with Intensity. DC 65 (Take 10!) for 6d6 damage. 5' cube of stone melts after 20 damage.
[roll1] <- apparently I get a huge bonus to firebending (+50). So add 5d6 more to this. It's enough to melt it without rolling any more.

2010-03-08, 08:12 PM
The biggest of the devils utters a short throat-based noise that seems to reverberate in the air. You all wonder what is happening, before you all black out.
Sorry for cutting the combat short so soon, but I just realized something. You should ask yourself something: where's Heibos?

2010-03-08, 08:20 PM
When you recover, you see Heibos standing over you with a concerned look in his eye.
"The devils bit you, and you might be infected. Mind if I heal you?
He mutters something to himself, and a thick slimy black liquid flows out of your arms, through the air, and into a small pool on the ground beside Heibos.
"Devil slime. Very toxic. It kills you, then reanimates you as an undead. Takes about ten minutes to set in. You all feel fine?"
You all look quizzically at Heibos.
"We were all knocked out by an enhanced stun spell. My magic automatically awakened me, and I blasted all of the devils with a release of the dimensional lag built up by the accumulation of our bending the barriers- never mind. I cast a spell to give us a shelter, and here we are. Underneath a lava stream, which is being redirected over us to form a shelter. Any questions?"

Alth Falath
2010-03-08, 08:26 PM
"Interesting, I wonder if I could cleanse it" Marrik mutters. He then thinks a minute, stares at Heibos oddly. "Wait, when did you get so powerful? Shouldn't it have been safe for you to be here with so much power?"

2010-03-08, 08:35 PM
He looks down nervously. "I studied for a very long time, probably a couple of hundred years, under the old guildmaster, but I don't have his courage. I prefer to study, and I don't know very many combat spells. The one I used to eliminate the devils was just releasing all the energy that we dragged along with us when we went through that portal, redirected to hit them."
You all look at him oddly.
"What? The Chief told you I was powerful. Right?"
You all look at him oddly (again).

2010-03-08, 09:45 PM
Shemmi again shakes his head Oh boy. he says with a sigh.

Anyways, what are we going to be doing now? We cannot hide here forever. A very long time no doubt, but not forever. There is a town and even whole world that needs saving and we happen to be the ones first up for saving it. What is going to be our next step?

2010-03-08, 10:02 PM
Heibos stares.
"What do you mean, they need our saving? They aren't in any danger. Their new location doesn't seem to be anywhere near a rift, and the devils can't invade our world because I used the energy of the portal we came through to blow up the devils.. The only people who are in danger is us. We're in incredibly hostile territory and we are surrounded by devils who could crush-"
He looks around, guilty.
"Most of us in half a second. We need to find another portal to get back to our world. Anyone have any suggestions? I can send out a scrying spell to locate tredoubled quasiplanar- other rifts."

2010-03-09, 06:15 AM
Since when do I know where the town is? I know that it is gone, beyond that I know little. I am no mage and you have explained next to nothing. That is all beyond tthe point, we need to get out of here. Shemmi points to the ground, indicating their current predicament.

How are we going to get out of here?

2010-03-09, 11:42 AM
"Shemmi, I explained that the town had found another location. I do not know why or how, I just know that it is safe."
"One option is to try to find another rift that is open, and jump through it. Another option is to head to the devil's capital city, if they have one, and talk to the political leader to convince them to help."
You all stare at him oddly.
"Or...maybe not. We try to find another rift, then? I'll send out a scrying spell."
A wave of pulsing energy blasts out from him. A couple of seconds later, it returns, converging on him. He opens his eyes.
"There is another portal approximately 228.65 miles away from here. If we account for traveling inaccuracy, there would be approximately four hundred devils that could hurt us very badly. Under cover of darkness, though, it probably wouldn't be an issue. Anyone have a problem with this?"

Alth Falath
2010-03-09, 12:41 PM
"The simplest way for us to return would be to merely wait a day. I could then ask Zodal for a planar teleportation," Marrik says calmly. "Unless the other way would be quicker?"

2010-03-09, 05:44 PM
"200 and some odd miles of travel would not be quicker. If you don't know why or how the town is safe, then you are just assuming. That isn't enough. We need to know."

2010-03-09, 09:19 PM
"I suppose... but the planar rift seems so much safer. There's no planar distortion or warping in the area whatsoever. I can get us there in about two hours."

2010-03-10, 05:39 AM
Shemmi shifts nervously Let's go then.

2010-03-10, 05:52 AM
"Two hours? So be it. We try it your way then. Marrik, if we aren't there by the time you are ready with your suggestion then we'll have a go at it as you suggest. In the mean time, Heibos, how do we proceed?"

2010-03-10, 06:45 PM
Heibos smiles.
"Okay then. Let's move. I'm going to cast a teleport spell that will seem instantaneous to us, but will actually take about two hours. Haibrikrio!"
The world appears to crystallize around you, before reforming into a small ledge on the side of a cliff. A path leads up to a plateau. The area seems oddly humid, and you soon see the reason why. There is a small waterfall crashing down from a point in space. You can't actually see the rift, though.
"That's the place," Heibos says. "Everyone hold on to me. Water is coming out this end, so on the other end we are going to come out underwater and we'll have to swim fast enough to not get sucked back through the rift. Understand?"
You all grab on and he effortlessly flies up to the beginning of the freestanding waterfall. There is a flash, and you see water. Lot's of water. Heibos's voice reverberates in your heads: Go towards the surface! You all swim up to what seems like the surface, but there is no air, just another current of slightly differently-colored water. Some of you are starting to drown, but Heibos waves his hand and air bubbles collect around you to give you a place to breathe. Somehow, you are standing inside an air bubble, and it feels like jello beneath your feet.
Heibos mutters "This wasn't how it was supposed to work" and starts muttering quietly to himself.

2010-03-10, 07:23 PM
Shemmi squats beginning to wring out the soaked cloak I hate water. he says a little sullenly. He looks around them with a raised eye brow, examining their new predicament.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

2010-03-10, 07:41 PM
You see the water flowing around and around. You notice it seems to be spiraling down, possibly to another rift. Outside the bubble, you see many large fishlike creatures moving through the water. You see one, slowly moving through the water, propelled by several massive sacs full of water that propel it forward. You see a swarm of small, tiny snakelike creature slip through the water, quickly puncturing the massive creature's sacs and devouring it to nothing.
Heibos turns back to you, holding several tiny tubes.
"I've just enchanted these to turn the water into air that you can breathe. If you speak through it, it should allow us to hear you speaking. You put them in your mouth. Any questions before we try to find another rift?"

Alth Falath
2010-03-10, 08:19 PM
"Well, at least it's water. That's an improvement." Marrik grabs one of the tubes and places it in his mouth (or however they're supposed to be held). He then prepares to follow the others.

2010-03-10, 09:29 PM
Shemmi takes one of the tubes and looks at the mage. Really!? This is where you brought us to now? Weren't we supposed to be going back to our home dimension or something? He says with a raised eyebrow.

2010-03-10, 10:52 PM
Heibos looks angry.
"Hey, I never said that the rift would lead us back home! I just said that it would take us to another plane, where we could try and find another rift, and eventually make it home! I was told it would realign the borders between the planes, which would"
The bubble starts to crack, and Heibos calms down.
"I apologize. For one thing, you have been misled."
His body shimmers and disappears, revealing a glossy white humanoid figure that has an odd symbol on its left shoulder and two gleaming blue eyes, made of some sort of strange material.
"I am not actually a human. I am a Pregodite, a race from another plane that came to your world long ago in an colonization attempt.
"It was soon realized that there were problems with inhabiting a carbon-based planet with silicon-based mechanical-"
You look at him, not understanding most of the stuff he's saying.
"Your planet had life, while my race had none. Instead, we are powered by miniature... miniature engines. There was a problem with that, so the Pregodites decided to create a new race that would inhabit the planet. We would imbue them with creativity, strength, and, most importantly, the ability to calm the untamed magic that traveled through your world.
"You see, the Pregodites are not good at ruling. The last time there were several nations of Pregodites, there was a massive civil war. Instead, us Pregodites roam throughout the world, searching for creatures that are alive that we can blend in with. We guide the species, shape them into a peaceful and harmonious species... and then we leave, to assist another species."
"Now, normally we would have left your species long ago, but there is a small problem, that being that you die without us. I don't mean to be cruel, but the last time we left, only for about a hundred years, we came back to find most of your species dead. Your species called this the Great War.
"The problem right now is that the boundaries between the planes, these worlds, are breaking down. Species that normally would never meet each other are clashing. See those two schools of fish, right over there?"
You all nod.
"They are from different planes, and unfortunately they are attempting to kill each other with their psionic abilities. Quite sad, really.
"I will pause my communication of the facts right now, to give you all a chance to ask questions. Are there any questions?

That plot twist was a bit quick for my liking, but I needed to start the story arc. Did I mention that this was going to be a long campaign?

2010-03-11, 05:27 AM
Shemmi actually looks calmer now than before, exasperated but calmer Heibos, if that is the truth, why did we not start at that point of truth instead? You know that we are generally good natured people that you are taveling with. Why couldn't you have revealed that much?

2010-03-11, 05:34 AM
Before giving Heibos a chance to answer, Meishu responds. "He probably feared that we would be angered for being mislead for such a time. You did yourself say you were a coward, did you not?" he asked rhetorically. "Fear not, anger is not to be found in this lot."

2010-03-11, 07:31 AM
Oh, do not get me wrong. I have for a long time lead a double life as something I am not. That is not the piece I am worried about we all have secrets that we keep. It is the goals that we sek to accomplish, those need not to have been confused. He pauses for a moment chuckling And coward, I am not. I would have never reached the place in life that I have being a coward. There are just some things that bother me. But that is a conversation for another time. I think we need to focus on getting our bearings and onto the track to closing these portals or whatever they are.

Mostly I am bthered by not being in control of my situation and surroundings, something that I am usually careful to keep control of. I prefer to chose the place and time of my thefts and fights, not the other way around.

2010-03-11, 03:21 PM
"Actually, the pit demon encounter was not quite what it seemed. It was a much less powerful demon, and I made it look more powerful with my force fields. I said that I was a coward to remove myself from the fight and observe your approximate power level.
"Our "goal" as you put it, it to travel through the planes until we reach a little plane on the edge of the Void called Myrmak, where a colony of demons and devils live. These devils are not evil. They are pure, unfiltered evil, and they are attempting to destroy the planes to empower their "god," which is the Void.
"As for the planar travel, I actually have a map in my memory of where we should be going next."
A series of small transparent bubbles appear, floating in the air. Inside the bubbles are very lifelike replicas of various forms of terrain: lava, water, jungle, ice, etc.
"We need to head through this plane, which is called Vrimbal, to Iktak, to Veeribrum, to Moradiek, to Hengefaoc, then we arrive at Myrmak. To show where we are..."
All of the bubbles except for one vanish. That one grows until it is about ten feet across. Inside it is a miniature model of your bubble, the last rift you came through, and several other rifts quite near to you.
"As you can see, Vrimbal is very unstable. I estimate that it will be approximately four years before it collapses and joins the Void. This bubble around us is actually a force field. We want to head there."
A small rift glows bright gold.
"Unfortunately, this force field cannot move through the water, as it is being pressed on by all sides. Because of that, we will have to swim. I'll scare away any attackers with my holograms. Oh, and in case you were wondering: my name is not Heibos. My name is MHG001, which means Major Holographic Generator 001. The number says that I'm the best at what I do, which is deceive, so please don't feel bad that you were fooled. If it feels more comfortable, you can call me Heibos, though. Now come on!"
Without giving you a chance to ask further questions, the bubble around you slowly shrinks, exposing you to the water gradually.
Heibos/MHG001 slowly hovers in the water, while small rotating blades flip out from his feet. When they fully extend, he shoots through the water a bit, then settles down and heads what is presumably towards the rift.
No need to make Swim checks.

2010-03-11, 04:25 PM
After several hours of swimming, Heibos seems to have run out of energy and has folded up into a small sphere about an inch in diameter, which Marrik is keeping in his pocket.
A couple of minutes after that, a chill runs through the water. You turn around, and see the underside of a massive creature cut through the water above you.
Heibos returns to his normal android shape, and fires dozens of small weapons at the leviathan. As the energy pulses head through the water, however, the weaken in power, and splatter harmlessly against the Leviathan's thick rubbery skin.
"That didn't work. I don't think I can help with this. Here's a platform, as I know you biological two-legged species have trouble swimming."
A semitransparent platform shimmers into existence beneath you.
"And here's another."
An invisible wall seems to appear in front of the leviathan. It crashes into it, and the wall flickers, but holds.
"Now! Get it while it's stunned!"
Shemmi: 29
Marrik: 14

Roll initiative. You can also post your actions, and they will be resolved in initiative order.

Alth Falath
2010-03-11, 08:15 PM
"Take heed Leviathan, and fear the wrath of my divine power. Witness the glory of the light!" A multitude of rainbow colored beams erupt around the Leviathan's head and seem to burn it.

Casting Radiant Assault
(15d6)[66] energy damage and stun for one round, Will save (DC 26) for half damage and avoid stun.

2010-03-12, 06:36 AM
Shemmi again winks out of sight with a grumble I hate fighting under water.

activating Vanishing (undetectable for 3 min unless attack is made) and Hawkfeather armor for flight (50ft/good 5 rnd duration)

Move 50 toward/around Leviathan to get into a flanking position.

He'll tumble as needed to avoid AoO , auto succeeding with a Skill Mastery check of 30, at full speed thanks to Fast Acrobatics

2010-03-17, 10:21 PM
Okay, the firebender apparently isn't going to reply, so, her move is to use lightning.
Attack roll:
Damage: [roll]41d6 dice roller isnt working for me, so:
151 Electric damage.
All of your attacks hit. Leviathian HP = 219. Leviathian suceeded on it's will save, so no stun for you.

Roll Initiative.

2010-03-18, 08:04 PM
Seeing the lightning prove effective, Meishu launches another bolt.

Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Alth Falath
2010-03-19, 12:17 AM
Marrik holds back, waiting to make sure his allies are safe.

Hold action until ally is injured

2010-03-19, 08:21 AM
Shemmi moves inward to ward the Leviathan into melee range. --Tumble Auto Succeed to not provoke AoO--

He'll then hang back and off to the side awaiting the lightning death of the beast. If it moves to attack he will strike at the thing.

To Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
SA Damage [roll2] +2 STR Dam

2010-03-19, 10:03 PM
Shemmi hits the leviathan, but all it seems to do is make it angry.
The leviathan shatters the force wall, lethal energy shards spreading like shrapnel in the water.
DC 32 Ref save or take 4d6 slashing damage and 2d10 force damage.
The beast seems to glow with an eerie light. Then you realize that it isn't just the lighting, the beast is actually glowing. The tail bulges into four massive sacs that quickly fill with water, and the head morphs into a strange shape, something like an empty gel sac filled with water. In fact, the entire beast is filled with water, and appears a bit like a larger version of one of those jellyfish that you can see in the water near you. The body is covered with thousands of sinister tiny tentacles.
The beast compresses, sending a wave of water over you all. As it hits, the force platform collapses beneath you, and the tiny crystal tubes in your mouths break, shattering.
The things that looked like tentacles shoot out a red cloud of some liquid, As the cloud passes over some fish, they quickly disintegrate into nothing but dust in an infinite ocean.
The cloud is currently 80 ft. wide, and advancing at 40 ft. per round. You are 30 ft. away from the cloud, and 60 ft. away from the massive sea monster.

No need to roll initiative. I'll just sort it out myself. Make your moves.

Alth Falath
2010-03-20, 12:51 AM
By Zodal's hand shall thou be destroyed, lest ye hurt innocents

Casting Flame strike

14+20=34 Reflex save.
DC 24 Reflex save or 59 damage, half divine, half fire

2010-03-20, 12:09 PM
It hits, but only the divine power seems to have any effect.

2010-03-20, 07:06 PM
Ref [roll0]

Shemmi flees back toward the mage waving at his mouth and throat trying to sommunicate his lack of breathing capability.

2010-03-24, 11:07 PM
The leviathan waits to see if any of you are going to move a muscle.

Alth Falath
2010-03-26, 05:33 PM
"The wrath of Zodal be upon ye"
Casting stormrage

2010-04-13, 01:00 AM
As he splashes into the water, Meishu quickly comes to the conclusion that he must get himself safely out if he is to survive this encounter. With a quick thrusting motion he throws fire to his rear giving him lift, raising him from the water as he takes to the air. An extra flick of his wrist brings a lengthy cord of fire into his hand.

Activate Burning Rush (Flight), DC 65 (for perfect manouvering)
Take 10: 71 (exceeds DC by 6, extra 5' speed)
Move up as part of action.

Summon Fire Whip: extra 15' length (30' total) = DC 40
Take 10: 71 (exceeds DC by 30, extra 6d6 to damage)