View Full Version : Neverending Dungeon - 2-Man Madness: NEDduo01 +

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-06, 05:09 PM
You both arrive in a small, 10x10 curtained off area. There are two torches floating magically at head height. The curtains are thick and opaque, and made of an old, musty fabric.

2010-03-06, 07:38 PM
NEDduo01 pokes at his partner to make sure he's still alive. Then, having the guisarme properly situated on his back (and looking silly like a standard without a banner), he readies his tower shield and wields his shortspear while waiting for his better half to check the curtains.

NEDduo01 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=188671)

2010-03-06, 10:07 PM
Hmm a name...... Parker!

Charsheet (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=35223)

Suggested Procedures (pending VG's agreement)

In hallways: Parker first, NEDduo01 following at 5 or 10 feet.
Parker poking 10 feet in front of him with the 10' ladder, also pressing on each square with as much weight as he can put on the ladder.

Before opening a door, take 20 on search (for 27, with trapfinding) of the door as well as the square in front of it, then poke the door with the ladder, then drop the ladder and open the door.

Any idea how to handle the acid traps that are all over (assuming they are here, as well)?

Parker lights a sunrod and sticks it out the top of his pack. Then, sword in hand, he takes his ladder and starts poking around. He'll poke the torches, every visible part of the floor, and then the curtain itself, before poking it open and stepping out.

2010-03-07, 12:21 AM
Hmm a name...... Parker!

Charsheet (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=35223)

Suggested Procedures (pending VG's agreement)

In hallways: Parker first, NEDduo01 following at 5 or 10 feet.
Parker poking 10 feet in front of him with the 10' ladder, also pressing on each square with as much weight as he can put on the ladder.

Before opening a door, take 20 on search (for 27, with trapfinding) of the door as well as the square in front of it, then poke the door with the ladder, then drop the ladder and open the door.

Any idea how to handle the acid traps that are all over (assuming they are here, as well)?

Parker lights a sunrod and sticks it out the top of his pack. Then, sword in hand, he takes his ladder and starts poking around. He'll poke the torches, every visible part of the floor, and then the curtain itself, before poking it open and stepping out.

I'm ok with the procedures in general. Are you lightly armored? My stance won't help until I threaten the foe, so you'll be at a slight AC disadvantage for one round. I'll make sure to use the angle and the the wall as cover to avoid those pesky WILL save spells (or does the cover from the wall help?).

I say we trigger all the acid traps. I can just heal you up with charnel touch after each. The pits, we'll have to be more careful about. Luckily, as our divine guide pointed out, I just have to "hold" the shield, and the penalty seems to go away. Otherwise, we'll just toss it across the pit before I jump across.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 04:40 AM
What, you think I'm gonna use the same traps as Tanaric? Fools.

You open the curtains to reveal a 6x6 room:


Curtains surround the square C3/D4, and the room appears to be only 15' high, with a veritable web of wooden beams for a roof.

Make a spot check each please.

2010-03-07, 08:25 AM
Spot [roll0] Wow...is that clueless or what.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 08:55 AM
You're quite confused, as you fail to see your teammate standing right next to you.

I mean, come on...0? Stylish :smallwink:

Hmm...make a listen check, too..and can you link your character sheet to me?

2010-03-07, 10:32 AM

Regarding pit traps: don't forget I'm doing all my poking with a 10' ladder. If nothing else, we can lay it down and crawl across

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 10:37 AM
Hmm. You see nothing interesting. Let me know which square you decide to step outside the curtains to, and make another spot check each when one of you does.

2010-03-07, 10:41 AM
My AC is 16; FF 14; T 12. I do have Stance of Clarity -- TS, can I have that automatically apply to the first enemy I see? Or do I have to wait till I have an action to do that?

2010-03-07, 10:43 AM
I'll step (after poking) into B3.


term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 11:08 AM
As you step out of the curtains, you hear a sudden flapping of dozens of tiny wings. A swarm of bats appears through the gaps in the rafters you thought was the ceiling, and flies down towards you.

[roll0] damage, and you take 1 damage from bleeding at the start of your turns from now on.

It is currently in A2/B3.

Anyyone within the swarm at the start of their go has to make a DC 11 Fort save vs Nausea. If you fail, you can only take a move action this turn.

2010-03-07, 02:02 PM
Now that's just mean.

Spending an inspiration point on the save
[roll0] edit: and a good thing, too.

Does Charnel Touch work against swarms? Ooo I bet breath weapons do. Yes?

2010-03-07, 02:23 PM
NEDduo01 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=188671)

NEDduo01 yells "fire in the hole!" as he readies his fire breath.


and the listen check:

listen [roll]1d20-4

2010-03-07, 02:25 PM
listen [roll0]

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 02:26 PM
Sorry, fail on my part:


Swarms can be affected fully by AoE attacks, are dealt 1d3 damage from a torch swung as an improvised weapon, 1d4 from a lantern thrown as a splash weapon, but are immune to normal weapon damage.

So breath weapons yes, charnel touch no.

2010-03-07, 02:27 PM
Man...how I miss that +7 to initiative.

2010-03-07, 02:38 PM
Oh yeah, init.


term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 02:43 PM
We need a re-roll to decide the tie:


2010-03-07, 02:50 PM
oh that's not good.


2010-03-07, 03:01 PM
It looks like swarms/Parker/NEDduo01. Was the swarm attack part of the sequence, or is it now the beginning of the new round? In particular, who's turn is it?

NEDduo01 calls out "grab a torch!"

2010-03-07, 03:19 PM
Assuming the swarm's move was its turn in the first round, Parker passes his fort save and steps back far enough to grab a torch.

2010-03-07, 03:33 PM
NEDduo01 steps to A3, and fires a breath of fire at the swarm at A2.

Fire breath attack REF DC 14 for 1/2 (assuming 1/2 HD = 0, otherwise it's DC 15)
Damage [roll0]
breath attack available in [roll1] round(s)

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 04:49 PM
Actually, that was it's turn in the surprise round.

New round: [roll0] damage.

For the breath: [roll1]

Parker could take a 5' step back, grab the torch, and attack, if he wished.

2010-03-07, 04:53 PM
"You ok Parker?" NEDdie01 asks as he readies himself for another fire breath.

2010-03-07, 05:26 PM
Parker shall do that, then. -4 for improvised weapon, yes?

Steely Strike attack, plus an inspiration point to the attack roll, and if it hits, another to damage

[roll1] (+3 more if I can apply Str to the damage)

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-07, 05:32 PM
hit and damage.

The swarm moves to cover both of you, you both take: [roll0] damage, and are bleeding, taking 1 damage a turn.

It's currently in A3, B3, C3, and B2.

2010-03-07, 06:20 PM
NEDdie01 steps to B4, and fires off another breath.

damage [roll0]
REF DC 14 for 1/2
available in [roll1] rounds Commentary: Grr...looks like I'll need that torch now

HP 12

2010-03-07, 06:21 PM
Forgot the FORT [roll0]

2010-03-07, 06:58 PM
Aren't swarm components required to stay in a square? I don't think each 10x10 individual swarm can be shaped (at least, that's how it's been ruled in the Arena).

Assuming Stone Bones and Steel Wind are both useless here, Parker takes a swift action to recover maneuvers and then attacks again.

Not using inspiration on the attack, but if this hits I'll use one on damage

[roll1] edit: wooooo max damage! :smallmad:

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 02:31 AM
Monster Manual:

"Unlike other creaturees with a 10' space, a swarm is shapeable. It can occupy any 4 contiguous squares"


EDIT: It dies. 150 XP each.

You're each still bleeding, though.

After it dies, you notice a Chest hidden in the rafters in C5, 15' from the ground.

2010-03-08, 04:20 AM
NEDdue01 touches Parker and applies charnel touch, and then touches self for charnel touch.

NEDdue01 continues with charnel touch until both are fully healed.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 04:40 AM
The bleeding stops after thr first touch, and you're both at full.

2010-03-08, 06:25 AM
Well, never mind then re: the swarm :smallsmile:

Is there anything that says a ladder has to lean on something? Or can I just plant it in the middle of the floor, then climb it and use VG's reach weapon to poke that chest down? :smallwink:

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 07:23 AM
Reach includes diagonals, you could do it from C6 and poke it down from there.

Though you seem to be correct and it doesn't need any support to work. Weeeeiiiird.

2010-03-08, 08:04 AM
I think that's what we'll try then. Also, I may have an idea for a new Arena tactic haha

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 08:14 AM
O_o...that's just mean lol..

Anyway. Chest falls from roof. Chest breaks. Inside appears to be a note of some kind.

2010-03-08, 09:44 AM
NEDduo01 sighs after seeing the lack of goodies, and waits to see what Parker finds in the note.

2010-03-08, 09:49 AM
Parker takes a look-see, reads the note.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 02:01 PM
The chest contained a map of the room, which indicates that something is hidden under the floor at E2. The floor in this room is (luckily) 5'x5' stones, which now you examine them, seem like they might be removable.

2010-03-08, 02:06 PM
NEDduo01 waits for Parker to see if he checks for traps, and then removes the stone as indicated on the map.

2010-03-08, 02:54 PM
Parker will take 20 (for 27+trapfinding) on Search of the indicated square as well as all adjacent square, also poking them all with the ladder. He then drops the ladder and readies an action to attack anything that might pop out of the hole when NEDduo01 opens it.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:04 PM
In the words of Admiral Akbar, IT'S A TRAP.

You detect a dart-trap, triggered to go off when you lift the flagstone. Want to disarm it?

2010-03-08, 03:07 PM
Can one of us hide behind the tower shield (total cover) and still be able to trigger the trap to fire into the shield?

2010-03-08, 03:07 PM
No points in Disable Device. Can I lift the flagstone from a distance with the ladder, so I'm not in the line of fire when the trap goes off?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:09 PM
*has no idea how to figure out what you know*

You don't know where the darts will be aimed when they fire.

2010-03-08, 03:12 PM
Meh. It's just a dart trap. Parker triggers the trap from directly west, with the ladder (if it hits him, just heal up)

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:14 PM
Where is NEDduo for this?

2010-03-08, 03:16 PM
NEDduo01 is behind him, with the shield protecting them both from the west, giving the two of them total cover from anything firing west to east.

2010-03-08, 03:16 PM
Behind Parker, I hope.

edit: Ninja with a tower shield!

2010-03-08, 03:17 PM
Great minds think alike, I always say.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:20 PM
Huh. Poor you.

Two darts speed from under the stone as you open it, both towards you:



The darts are a curious color, a sickly green, and appear to be covered in a sticky liquid of sorts...make a fort save for each that hit.

2010-03-08, 03:22 PM
Bah, I guess poor minds think alike too. Who's "you"? Is it Parker or NEDduo01?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:29 PM
The one between the other one and the flagstone. Parker.

2010-03-08, 03:29 PM
Nice rolls on damage. Never did get an answer on the Stance of Clarity question I had (Can I have it always active against the first attacker in a round, or is it non-active until I have an action to designate who it works on?)

If it's always active, only the first dart hits. edit: though with those fort saves, it doesn't matter much.

Fort saves (inspiration on both):

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:32 PM
You have to take the action to designate the target of the stance.

Anyway, under the flagstone, you find another Chest. It seems to be carved out of the stone the floor is made of though.

EDIT: Oh, and while you feel no different currently, I'm gonna need another fort save from you in a minute.

2010-03-08, 03:35 PM
Nice saves!

NEDduo01 heals Parker, if necessary.

Does the description mean the chest is built into the ground and cannot be lifted? We'll go with the same procedure (except for the tower shield thingy at the end). NEDdue01 will wait for another trap check, and then open the chest if no traps are found and it's not locked.

2010-03-08, 03:35 PM
Hmm. Take 20 again to search the chest and hole (assuming I can reach it), then poke around a bunch with the ladder.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:41 PM
No traps.

Opening it reveals a bottle marked 'Antidote', which seems to contain just enough for two mouthfuls.

And I need that secondary save, please :smallwink:

2010-03-08, 03:43 PM
Ugh, I forgot secondary saves still apply even if you pass the primary.

How do Inspiration Points work between encounters? do they refresh immediately?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 03:51 PM
5 minutes seems reasonable...

And you still feel no different.

2010-03-08, 04:11 PM
Have we seen anything else interesting about the room? Maybe an exit or something?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 04:13 PM

Exits are at A4, A6 West, F4, F6 East. My bad.

2010-03-08, 04:18 PM
Aw, VG's offline. Let's head for door number [roll0]

2010-03-08, 04:25 PM
And NEDduo01 is back. He is happy with the random choice, although he suggested they look out all four doors first for mapping purposes.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 04:27 PM
...counting from where exactly?

2010-03-08, 04:27 PM
Excellent plan. Speaking of which, how are we handling mapping? (and now I'm going offline for a bit)

2010-03-08, 04:34 PM
Assuming the roll matches the order you listed them, we'll head out the door at F4, after looking out the four doors. I'll make an executive decision, and request the descriptions in the order of: F6 East, A4, A6 West, F4. This way, we end up at F4 as the last door checked, and the one we head out.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-08, 04:44 PM
A4: The corridor goes west 25', then turns south.
A6: The corridor goes south 10', then turns east.
F4: The corridor goes east 10', then turns south.
F6: The corridor goes east 10', then turns north.

As per your procedures, after Parker turns south after moving 10' east, with Nedduo just behind him, there's a sudden flash, and while you're both trying to recover your vision, you hear a loud grinding noise.

In front of Parker, the corridor still goes 10' then turns to the right.

However, behind Nedduo, the corridor now extends 25', then turns left. (35' wall-to-wall). There's no sign of the door you just came through.

DMs only: No, really...DMs only.
[roll0] minutes til teleporter recharges.

2010-03-08, 07:44 PM
Egad! This could be a mapping nightmare!

Realizing he has no chalk, NEDduo01 cuts his finger with the tip of a shortspear, and marks a bloody 01 on the right wall at about knee level. Then, he applies charnel touch to himself to heal up, and waits for Parker to proceed.

OOC - Mapping is going to be a nightmare, isn't it.
OOC2 - I did make the first click on the for DM's spoiler. Very clever. You got me there. I'll stay out now.

2010-03-08, 08:19 PM
Parker continues along the path, while vollmond tries to find that notebook of graph paper he used to have....

2010-03-09, 01:57 AM
...and NEDduo01 falls into step behind Parker, as they resume their search and exploration pattern.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 05:39 AM
Ah, the hansel and gretel approach. Good choice.

You continue on, and turn to the right. The corridor ends after only 10' more, but there's a door on the left hand side.

2010-03-09, 06:41 AM
Let's pop it as per SOP.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 07:25 AM
Opening the door reveals the following room:

There is a door at A3 south, which you are just outside of.
In the room is a large Orc, wielding a shield and longsword, and it appears to have a pair of large horns on its head.

2010-03-09, 08:05 AM
A3 south?


term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 08:13 AM
Sorry, bottom. I've got the rooms organised by which way you go in, not by compass direction.

NEDduo can't beat that initiative, so you go first.

2010-03-09, 08:21 AM
I still fail at understanding where we are, but the room is small enough that it shouldn't really matter.

Choosing the Orc as target for Stance of Clarity
Move within 5' of the orc ([roll0] to prevent AoOs) edit: niiiiiice
Steely Strike attack + inspiration

2/5 Inspiration Points used
edit: 3/5 Inspiration Points remaining

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 08:30 AM
OK, 3 things:

1) You're outside A5 bottom, my bad.

2) I'm giving you that insp point back, he's flatfooted therefore cannot make AoOs.

3) He's hurt but still alive. And angry.

2010-03-09, 08:33 AM
OK, 3 things:

1) You're outside A5 bottom, my bad.

Oooo I get it

2) I'm giving you that insp point back, he's flatfooted therefore cannot make AoOs.

Actually, that tumble roll was sans inspiration - +6 is my normal mod.

3) He's hurt but still alive. And angry.


2010-03-09, 08:37 AM
For future reference -- can I use a swift action and charge on the same turn? Or does full-round preclude swift actions?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 08:47 AM
So why do you only have 2 left?

And yes, you can use swift actions as well as a full-round action.

2010-03-09, 08:53 AM
2/5 used, not remaining. I used one each on attack and damage.

That is actually a bit confusing. I'll edit it to show remaining instead of used.

2010-03-09, 09:17 AM
NEDduo01 exclaims, a fight!

initiative [roll0] Wow...wish that was the attack roll. Well, let's see now.

2010-03-09, 09:25 AM
Next time, I'll include this with the initiative (the 3 highest are granted):

Stone Bones [roll0]
Charging Minotaur [roll1]
Leading the Attack [roll2]
Crusader's Strike [roll3]
Vanguard Strike [roll4]

2010-03-09, 09:31 AM
NEDduo01 moves to C3 (assuming Parker is at A3), with shortspear in hand. He strikes at the orc with the shortspear, using the Stone Bones manuever.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Iron Guard Stance: Parker's AC is now +4.
If hit, NEDduo01 has DR 5/adamantine until next round

AC 19 FF18 T 11
HP 14

Hmm...that 15 is worrysome...what armor is this orc wearing?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 09:41 AM
This Orc is wearing Chainmail, and has a shield.

He decides to swing at the one that is looking at him funny (NEDduo):

[roll0] for [roll1]

And then, not forgetting about the thing that stabbed him, he tries to gore Parker:

[roll2] for [roll3]

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 09:42 AM
*sigh*...he would go and crit threat, wouldn't he...

[roll0] for [roll1]

2010-03-09, 09:46 AM
Oh oh, looks like a crit check is forthcoming.

Only the Steely Resolve of NEDduo01 (5 stored, 13 applied) keeps him standing...barely. He feels a sharp pain at the point of strike, and braces himself for the worst.

The attack threatened to crush him. Death flashed before his eyes, but he find himself still standing, somehow.

Next manuever granted:

Crusader's Strike 1d1000
Vanguard Strike 1d1000

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 09:48 AM
Don't forget your 5 DR.

I hope that didn't confirm...I suspect I should just have 2 Orc Barbarians, rather than a half-minotaur orc barbarian..Or maybe an orc warblade and an orc barbarian..

2010-03-09, 09:49 AM
Oops, needed a new post for this.

Crusader's Strike [roll0]
Vanguard Strike [roll1]

2010-03-09, 09:51 AM
I thought I only get the 5 DR when the hit connects. Did the 15 hit the orc?

2010-03-09, 10:03 AM
*blink* wow, lots of interesting rolls... good thing that crit didn't confirm (I think)

Stone Bones attack of my own. Using Insp

edit: 2/5 insp remaining

2010-03-09, 10:16 AM
Ok, NEDduo will attack either way (let me know if the first attack landed - it makes a difference as to whether NEDduo will be standing or unconsious after this attack).

NEDduo01 strikes with the Vanguard Strike, hoping he will be able to give Parker an advantage the next round...if there is a next round.

Furious Counterstrike for +1 hit and damage
Stone Power for -1 hit and +2 temp HP

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

If success, +4 to hit for Parker next round.

2010-03-09, 10:18 AM
Wow...a crit threat!

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

HP -2
AC 19 FF 18 T 11

NEDduo01 collapses after that heroic counterstrike.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 10:18 AM
EDIT: Good point, no the 15 didn't hit.

I'm sad..I thought I'd already toned down this encounter enough (first draft had a +14 to hit for 3d6+19, and a +9 for d8+6 as a secondary)

Parker obviously misses, and it's NEDduo's turn, with one chance to stop the big thing from smacking them around again.

EDIT: The ninjas strike again.

150XP, Chainmail, longsword, heavy wooden shield. All large.

2010-03-09, 10:22 AM
Awesome. I assume I lose that nice +4 to AC? :smallwink:

2010-03-09, 10:23 AM
or the +4 to hit?

I sure hope that 10 HP damage is enough to take this beast down.

I hope that's 150 xp each, although NEDduo01 is unconscious, and unable to complain really.

And I'm hoping really hard you don't roll a 1 on that potion. It'd be sad to waste two potions on this behemoth.

Initial thoughts - I think the problem was that we couldn't take it down right away. The big hit was fine. It's the price we pay for not having a way the control the fight. Going toe-to-toe with a half-minotaur orc is probably not the best tactic available. I'm guessing this beast has WILL save issues, which is what I wish I could've attacked.

2010-03-09, 10:28 AM
So, I don't have that potion any more since we're both now harmed by positive energy.

I really should have swapped it for inflict wounds instead of getting rid of it completely, eh? That thought didn't even occur to me.

edit: ignore me, i'm stupid

edit2: though my point still stands. I should have taken ILW.

2010-03-09, 10:30 AM
Parker grabs an ILW potion off NEDduo01 and pours it down his throat. [roll0]

2010-03-09, 10:32 AM
Regarding the results: pretty much agreed. I'm still torn on whether Stance of Clarity was a good choice over Punishing Stance. Also could have taken Rapid Assault instead of one of the Font of Inspiration feats -- those changes would push Parker's damage up to 4d6+7. Still, that's 2 encounters down and we're still (mostly) alive.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 10:32 AM
Every encounter that gives XP gives 150XP each.

And yeah, I'll keep him in for now. If he starts randomly ganking pairs for no real reason, he might be nerfed down to a pair of CR1 Orcs.

2010-03-09, 10:36 AM
Whew. That was one efficient roll.

NEDduo gets up, and charnel touches himself to full health. He then makes sure he has a working stance, and thanks Parker for reviving him.

Should we leave the junk or drag it with us? The shifting dungeon might make it difficult for us to come back to retrieve things.

Assuming the door at A5 is the only door, NEDduo helps Parker with searching the room, and waits for Parker to be ready to resume heading out the door and exploring.

2010-03-09, 10:37 AM
Bummer, that equipment would be more useful than this silly one.

2010-03-09, 10:37 AM
Parker will grab the loot and XP and toss them into his backpack (puts him into Medium encumbrance -- he'll drop the pack before opening any doors. Other gear should mostly fit in his pockets, so he'll still have it even when pack is dropped).

After NEDduo01 heals himself up: Search the whole room, then hit the hallways again if we don't find anything interesting.

2010-03-09, 10:44 AM

I'll do it this way to minimize the clutter.
The half-minotar is hitting 22-23 AC on the average, doing 13-23 HP (more on crit). I'd say what happened here will be very common. The tank in most parties will likely be down, or close to being down (I was right on the boundary of the two), if they go after damage here and don't take the beast down first round. Out of curiousity, was he close to being down after Parker hit him? I thought about charnel touch for 1d8, but wasn't sure if that'd be enough to take him down.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 10:49 AM
On the way out of the room, you walk 10', turn left, walk 10' more, turn left, walk 30', turn left.

You see a T-junction north/south at the end of the hall, 60' away.

On the way to that, you trigger a pit after 10', make your way over it, and then find a tripwire after another 20'. Do you want to trigger it, or step over it?

EDIT: He was on 1 HP after that first attack. I'm considering switching out toughness for weapon focus, make him easier to alpha-strike.

2010-03-09, 10:52 AM
I'm in favor of caution (stepping over the wire)

2010-03-09, 10:54 AM
I knew I should've gone with the charnel touch for the easier attack!

NEDduo steps over the wire after Parker pointed the way.

Edited to add: Or the breath for the guaranteed damage.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 12:00 PM
At the T:

To the left, the corridor turns left after 40'.

To the right, the corridor turns right after 10'.

2010-03-09, 12:11 PM
*sings* to the left! to the left!

2010-03-09, 12:29 PM
To the left it is.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 12:35 PM
As you both turn the corner, and find that there's nothing visible within your light, you hear a loud rumbling noise, a stone wall slides up to cover the entrances, and a Huge stone wheel falls from the ceiling, and starts to roll down the corridor.

NEDduo, make a reflex save, please.

2010-03-09, 12:44 PM
Me? Reflex?

REF [roll0]

oh oh...

2010-03-09, 01:11 PM
that can't possibly bode well

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 02:18 PM
Ok, that's [roll0] damage as the wheel rolls over you. I'm going to have to split the group for now, especially since the entire corridor seems to suddenly be silent, and neither of you can make a noise.

Parker:No. Vollmond only. you've got a giant wheel that just crushed your partner, coming down the hall at 20' a round. You think it's big enough that if you get to the end of the hall you can duck and it'll miss you completely.

NEDduo: No. VinGoodman only. You're now aware that that wheel was an illusion, and moving away from you at 20' a round. You actually took no damage.

Since you're on opposite sides, neither of you can contact each other, I'd like you to put all your actions in spoilers.

2010-03-09, 02:26 PM

Arg... I guess that's what I'm going to do, then. Run to the end (still probing with the ladder as best I'm able) and duck. Can I see what the end looks like? IE, are you saying duck to the side if the hall branches, or duck down so the wheel hits the wall above me and leaves a little empty space for me to cower?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 02:36 PM
Vollmond: I meant the second one. As far as you can see (and run), the corridor has no exits, and you'll just have to hope that the far wall is flat and normal, so you have the corner to cower in.

2010-03-09, 03:25 PM
DM only
Yep, just for the DM.

What do I see (please note I do not have a sunrod active right now)? If I can see, what's the light source?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 04:54 PM
NEDduo:You see an illusionary stone wheel, and since you know that it's an illusion, you can see through it, and the light can pass through it from the other side.

2010-03-09, 05:08 PM
DM only
Yep, still just for the DM.

I step into where the stone wheel illusion is, and poke my head out and about to look around. Is the source of light still coming from Parker's sunrod, or is the dungeon hallway providing some of it via torches or something similar? And, do I see Parker anywhere?

And, if I do not see Parker, I call out in a speaking voice to Parker, "Where are you Parker!", loud enough to be heard by someone in a room with me (say, for the voice to carry about 30', give or take).

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 05:16 PM
Heh, ok, spoilers over.

NEDduo's head pops out of the wheel again, and after being slightly shocked, Parker realises that the giant rock is just an illusion.

The wheel reaches the end of the hallway, and seems to fall through a gap which appears in the floor. The walls that slid up earlier slide back down, leaving the corridor as if nothing had happened.

2010-03-09, 05:40 PM
NEDduo01 shakes his head in disbelief. Whoever built this place has a wicked sense of humor, if you ask me.

NEDduo01 rejoins Parker, gives him a pat on the back to let him know NEDduo's ok, and is now ready to move on.

2010-03-09, 05:42 PM
Ha, niiiiice... So, continue down this way? It continues now, right GM?

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-09, 06:24 PM
It does indeed. After 150', the corridor turns left, and after 90', there's a split to the left.

2010-03-09, 09:27 PM
*sings* to the left! to the left!:smallbiggrin:

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-10, 04:48 AM
..both go left...

2010-03-10, 09:04 AM
Then let's go for the first left *readies greatsword*

2010-03-10, 04:17 PM
Out of curiousity, is the Dread Necromancer touch damage 1d8 or 1d8+1 (it says 1d8, +1 per four levels). I'm assuming 1d8 until level 4, when it becomes 1d8+1, but there has been instances where a minimum +1 is in effect, so I thought I'd ask.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-11, 06:20 AM
Until I can recover my stuff from my laptop, I can't continue this. I should have it back within a few days...no promises though.

2010-03-11, 09:29 AM
Good luck...NEDduo and Parker will be waiting.

NEDduo sits and starts casting charnel touch on the floor. Over. And over. And over.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-11, 11:34 AM
Right, I sort of recall what this path was...it's a simple path, with a coupla turnings, and the only traps are a pit trap and a non-poisoned dart trap or two, so I'll say none of them one-shot you, and you reach the next room.

There are two doorways here, and whichever one of them you go through leads to a room which is 5x4, and contains a living color spray. If one of you could give me the living spell template somehow (PM), I could use that to re-stat it. My books are at home, my pdfs are on my laptop. You're at A4 bottom, the color spray is at C3.

2010-03-11, 11:36 AM
*blink* there's a living spell template?

edit: I will try to get it to you (ECS?), but it may be a bit.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-11, 11:40 AM
Eberron, yeah. Basically, it's an ooze that casts a spell whenever it touches you. And it can engulf you.

This is probably an encounter I'm worried about being imbalanced, though it is quite squishy. (no pun intended)

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-14, 06:58 AM
Ok, you see an ooze that seems to sparkle all the colors of the rainbow as it moves at C3.


2010-03-14, 09:57 AM
Probably time to read that template myself haha


term1nally s1ck
2010-03-14, 10:53 AM
You probably wouldn't like it if you did..

You can take your turn if you wish, If Vingoodman beats the ooze we can always say he delayed his action, for the sake of efficiency.

2010-03-14, 03:44 PM
initiative [roll0]

2010-03-14, 03:53 PM
Arg -- that DR 10/magic is ugly.

I'll move to A1 (so there's space between me and NEDduo01), drawing an alchemist's fire as I go, then throw it at the spray

Using Inspiration on the attack; will the DR affect Inspiration on damage? I'll use it there, too, if it isn't affected.
[roll1] +3 if Inspiration can go through DR.
[roll2] on the next turn if it hit
[roll3] if needed

2010-03-14, 04:36 PM
NEDduo moves to B4 and breathes fire at this thing.

Damage [roll0]
REF 14 for 1/2
Next usable in [roll1] rounds

The dread(ful) roller is back!

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-14, 05:07 PM
Vollmond, you just manage to hit it with the fire.

It attempts to engulf you.

Reflex save, or AoO, your choice.

EDIT: and the insp to damage goes through.

2010-03-14, 05:18 PM
OOC: Is charnel touch consider a magical attack? And, does it do 1d8 or 1d8+1 at level 1?

2010-03-15, 01:11 AM
[roll0] (using my 3rd point of Inspiration)

*crosses fingers*

2010-03-15, 11:08 AM
Where is the Spell now? If possible, Parker takes a 5' step away, hoping to put 10' between him and the spell.

Either way, he draws and throws another Fire (using Inspiration again)

[roll1] edit: this should have been +3, not +4

edit: all Inspiration points have now been used.

edit2: entering Punishing Stance Stance of Clarity :smallredface: crap -- really wanted that extra 1d6 damage

edit3: can ToB maneuvers be used on an AoO?

2010-03-15, 11:50 AM
If charnel touch is consider magic, then NEDduo steps up and executes the touch on this strange and brilliant creature.

touch attack [roll0] AARRRRGGGGHHHHH
damage [roll1] (is it 1d8 or 1d8+1 for a first level dread necro?)

breath attack available in 2 rounds.
HP 14
AC 19 FF 18 T 11

Commentary: I sure hope the follow up damages on those two alchemist fires will polish him off.

2010-03-15, 11:56 AM
Hmmm. Higher roll on your damage than on your attack :smallsmile:

Unfortunately, that 1st Fire only got him with splash damage -- don't believe that triggers any follow-up damage :smallfrown: Here's hoping I can hit him hard enough to over come DR...

edit: or maybe it did hit? rereading, now I'm not sure.

edit2: Oh sweet, it did hit. The thing's Dex score should be 8. Awesome.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-15, 12:31 PM
Ok, you guys are battering this one. I feel slightly better now.

It tries again to engulf vollmond, make an AoO, or make a reflex save.

Questions: 1d8, 2 hits.

2010-03-15, 12:52 PM
Oops. On my previous turn, the spell should have taken another [roll0] from the first Fire.

I'll take an AoO
[roll1] Steely Strike (subtract 4 from this attack if I can't use maneuvers)
[roll2] edit: ew.

Crit confirm coming in next post. Does the damage stack? (IE, enough to bypass DR :smallwink:)

2010-03-15, 12:53 PM

2010-03-15, 12:55 PM
NEDduo siezes the moment and attempts to apply the charnel touch on the colorful creature.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] whew...glad I got that poor roll out of the way...only a few hundred more poor rolls to get rid of, apparently.

Edited to add: oh yeah, round 2 of 3. When it says in three rounds (1d4 result of 3), does that mean two rounds in between where I can't use the breath (so a 1d4 result of 1 would mean I can use it next round, under my interpretation).

2010-03-15, 12:56 PM
Ok, if that didn't kill him, then I'm engulfed. Do I get a Will save?

Just in case: [roll0] (no Insp left)

If that failed, then I'm unconscious. On my turn, the ooze takes another [roll1] from the 2nd Fire.

2010-03-15, 12:58 PM
Also, I'm now out of Fires. Need to find the vending machines and stock up on Acid Flasks.

term1nally s1ck
2010-03-16, 06:30 AM
It squishes. 150XP each. Some treasure, but no idea what it was. And now I DEFINITELY don't know what's next.

2010-03-16, 07:57 AM
NEDduo01 hands Parker a flask of alchemist fire. That's the last one. We need a vending machine (and cash)! Well, technically, I think we can throw a potion of ILW at someone. But, I'd rather not...

2010-03-16, 08:05 AM
Yep. Need to get some acid... I always forget about acid. Same effect, half the price -- could have started with 4 instead of 2. C'est la vie.

After waking up if that last engulf put me out, we search the room then head back to the hallways, still sticking to the left.

2010-03-16, 08:14 AM
Yep. Need to get some acid... I always forget about acid. Same effect, half the price -- could have started with 4 instead of 2. C'est la vie.

After waking up if that last engulf put me out, we search the room then head back to the hallways, still sticking to the left.

But a flask of fire is like attacking a second time with a free action.

2010-03-16, 08:17 AM
Hmm, that's a good point.

2010-04-16, 05:25 PM

2010-04-16, 07:19 PM
Did you just bump me Parker? Thought NEDduo01 as he adjusts his...er...armor.

NEDduo01 stares into space as his handler heads over to check out NEDduo's character sheet.

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-17, 11:57 AM
Ok, after the turning left, you turned left after 10', going past a door at the end of the corridor, then right after 20', you took the door on the right at the end of the corridor, there was also one to the left. You arrived in one corner of a 4x6 room, and directly opposite that entrance is another door.

On the way to this room, after you passed the first door, you tripped a tripwire.

Make a listen check each.

2010-04-17, 12:36 PM
"Parker, do you hear that?"

Listen [roll0]

NEDduo listens, and hears...

2010-04-17, 10:14 PM
Yay for being out of the house almost all day and then setting my grill on fire (mostly) while cooking dinner :smallbiggrin: Also, we appear to both have negative Listen mods -- that makes things interesting...


edit: holy crap, and we both got nat 20s on the check...

2010-04-17, 10:20 PM
Now I'm expecting natural 1's on the initiative...
Do we still that OOC thread (I'm too lazy to look it up right now)?

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-18, 12:06 AM
You hear nothing.

You hear a loud buzzing noise. You're not able to identify what kind of thing makes the noise.

2010-04-18, 12:14 AM
OOC Nothing!? That was my best roll! Sigh. Somedays, it's just not worth making a roll. Now I really wish I rolled a 1. :smallannoyed:

Well, at least NEDduo is happily oblivious.

2010-04-18, 01:17 PM
Parker says, "I hear buzzing, do you?" He pulls out a torch and lights it, keeping his greatsword in his off-hand. Torch as improvised weapon is one-hand, I presume?

2010-04-18, 01:38 PM
"You must be hearing things. I hear nothing. Have you thought to get your ears checked"

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-18, 02:04 PM

Ok, you know where you are, and have 2 doors and a corridor to explore.

Treasure is not finished for the encounters so far, I'll run the numbers and figure out what I can give you to maintain WBL.

2010-04-18, 03:13 PM
Ok, it looks like there are actually three unexplored rooms. We passed one, there's one opposite the door we went through, and there is one on the other side of the room.

I would say let's see what's outside the door on the other side of the room first. If it's a hallway, then let's backtrack and try the other two doors.

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-18, 04:26 PM
Ah, good point. Yeah, there's that door too. I kinda forgot about that..

2010-04-18, 09:07 PM
Ok, yeah, let's check out this room's door. Parker will start testing the floor with his sword, since he had to put the ladder away to hold the torch (unless NEDduo01 wants to hold onto the torch until/unless it's needed).

If it's a hallway, backtrack to the nearest unexplored door.

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-19, 02:45 AM
Yeah, it's a hallway.

After 5', it turns left, and then goes 30', ending in a door and a turn right.

2010-04-19, 03:15 AM
Hmm, another door. What say let's check the two prior door first. Let's go to the door opposite the room we entered (where we entered on the right, there was a door on the left - I suggest that be the one we try).

term1nally s1ck
2010-04-19, 03:19 AM
Ugh. That one.

Ok, I need to do the treasure adding up now, before we can continue.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-05, 11:44 PM
Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door E1 North, which you are outside of.
The room appears completely empty. Make a spot check.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-05, 11:49 PM
By the way, the last room you were in looked like this:

Opening the door reveals the following room:{table]|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_
There are doors at F1 north and F4 south.
In the room is was a large slimy ooze that appeared to sparkle all the colors of the rainbow.

2010-05-05, 11:52 PM
NEDduo01 makes his amazing spot check: [roll0]

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-05, 11:54 PM
Well, I won't bother to spoiler this one. you note that several of the stones in the wall are fairly loose, and seem like they could be moved. They seem to be scattered around the room.

2010-05-06, 12:19 AM
NEDduo looks at Parker. "What do you think? You move the stones, and I'll heal you if the stones beat you up?"

OOC Are the loose stones random, or do they exhibit a pattern?

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-06, 12:42 AM
Random as far as you can tell.

2010-05-06, 05:50 AM
Just on the chance this is still needed: [roll0]

Y'know, I'm a bit worried about what's behind this bricks... would rather not encounter another swarm before we have a chance to buy more AF flasks. [roll1] Do I hear the sound of millions of tiny chitinous claws crawling around in dank crevasses just waiting for unwary dungeon spelunkers to come through and then attack, stripping our flesh from our very bones?

edit: right, so, moving on

2010-05-06, 05:52 AM
Ok, then. Advance to the nearest loose stone and search it (Take 20 for 27; I have trapfinding)

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-06, 11:02 AM
It's a stone. You hear nothing.

You also spot the loose ones, so don't need NEDduo to tell you which ones.

2010-05-11, 10:36 AM
Ok, I'll try to move it. If nothing happens, I'll move on to the next, following same pattern (take 20 on Search, then move, then continue on if nothing happened).

2010-05-11, 11:17 AM
With his guisarme at the ready, NEDduo keeps an watchful eye to see if there are any effects from Parker's actions.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-11, 11:23 PM
Well, you now a have a lot of rocks. Nothing else seems to happen.

2010-05-11, 11:28 PM
Finally, some loot...

2010-05-11, 11:31 PM
Ok, for completeness: Take 20 on searches of the rest of the visible wall squares. If nothing is found, back out to the hall.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-12, 12:10 AM
Not a bean to be found. :smalltongue:

Trust me, there's enough treasure on this floor. You already have some large weapons and armor, which is double cost.

I like this floor better than the solo....might be a bit biased though :smallwink:

2010-05-12, 07:12 AM
Psh, I bet the stones are intended treasure... I'm sure we could get a few coppers for them... healbot, you wanna carry them around? hahahahaha

Maybe we should smash them in case their centers are platinum ingots. Or -- I've got it! We take them to the vending area and convince the loot machine that they're rare prehistoric paperweights that a museum would pay top dollar for.

*sigh* back out to the corridor to continue on, then.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-12, 07:54 AM
Ok, so you have the corridor you turned left from (with the illusionary wheel) to continue down, another door in this corridor to check, and another door on the other side of the ooze's room.

2010-05-13, 01:05 PM
We'll go for the other one in this hallway.

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-13, 01:26 PM
Opening the door reveals the following room:


There is a door at A4 bottom.

In the room, you see a strange humanoid in half-plate, wielding a golden morningstar. It appears to be glowing softly, and it's head is silvery, and hovering over it's shoulders.

2010-05-13, 01:35 PM
NEDduo stares and gawks at the thing, wondering what they're supposed to do to it.


2010-05-13, 09:51 PM
I hope we can get ahead with this encounter.


term1nally s1ck
2010-05-14, 12:37 AM

Just for that pun, it glitterdusts you both. Will save or blinded.

2010-05-14, 06:38 AM

Using Inspiration:

2010-05-19, 11:46 AM
*pokes VG for a save*

2010-05-19, 12:57 PM
"Ow. What was that for Parker? You should be poking that thing instead." :smallbiggrin:

WILL Save [roll0]

2010-05-19, 01:06 PM
Iron Guard Glare active: -4 to attack rolls when attacking Parker while threatened by NEDduo.

Available manuevers: 3 highest rolls.
Stone Bones (SD, strike) [roll0]
Charging Minotaur (SD, strike) [roll1]
Leading the Attack (WR, strike) [roll2]
Crusader's Strike (DS, strike) [roll3]
Vanguard Strike (DS, strike) [roll4]

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-19, 01:10 PM
You both save. Ah well.

2010-05-19, 01:15 PM
Can you charge with a manuever? I feel like I've asked this question before. If yes, then +2 on the attack roll and -2 on AC until next round. Otherwise, the rolls are as they are:

NEDduo moves in swiftly and strikes with the guisarme!

Leading the Attack manuever:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If successful, Parker gets +4 to attack on the creature.

HP 14
AC 19 Touch 11 FF 18

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-19, 01:16 PM
You can not. The strike barely scratches the creature's armor.

2010-05-19, 01:22 PM
"I scratched him! You see that Parker? I scratched him!" Sigh.

2010-05-20, 07:37 AM
*pats NEDDuo01's head* Good boy. You did good. :smallwink:

Swift: Assign the Headless Wonder as Stance of Clarity target
Move: Up to melee range
Standard: Attack! Steel Wind + Inspiration

If that hits, 3/5 inspiration points left. 4/5 if it missed.

edit: Also, why do I have all these knowledge skills but not knowledge devotion? Am I planning to go Cleric at 2nd level and trade off a domain? My Wis mod is negative, so I'm not sure... Hmmm...

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-20, 08:46 AM
I suggested either taking a Ccleric dip at 2nd, and getting a second cool devotion to use with your TU uses (which can be buffed by the undeath domain), or just taking Know Dev as a feat at L3. Personally, I'd go with the dip. 4 uses of a TU heavy devotion or 7-8 uses of a TU weak devotion, and Know devotion seems like a good level to me.

That's a miss.

It will swing back at you:

[roll0] for [roll1]

term1nally s1ck
2010-05-31, 09:45 AM
*pokes?* Are you guys still doing this?

2010-06-01, 09:46 PM
VG? You still around?

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-02, 06:46 AM
I suggest PMing him, he's still active in the forums, and if he's not interested now, theterran was left hanging by Phoenix being banned, so is looking for a partner.

2010-06-02, 09:08 PM
Next Manuever gained (highest roll)
Stone Bones (SD, strike) Available
Charging Minotaur (SD, strike) [roll0]
Leading the Attack (WR, strike) Expended
Crusader's Strike (DS, strike) [roll1]
Vanguard Strike (DS, strike) Available

Double post coming up to make up for not having updated this recently!

2010-06-02, 09:13 PM
Vaaanguaaard Striiike!

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If successful, Parker gets +4 to attack on the creature (why does it look like the two manuevers do the same thing?)

HP 14
AC 19 Touch 11 FF 18

2010-06-02, 09:45 PM
Stone Bones! Inspiration!

2/5 Inspiration Points remaining if this hit. 3/5 if I missed.

edit: I really hope NEDduo's strike hit, or I just wasted more Inspiration

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-02, 09:51 PM
Hit. Hit. Kill.

150XP each, MW morningstar, half-plate armor.

2010-06-03, 08:56 AM
We rock! Can you use either one? NEDduo can wear the half-plate, but he likes his reach weapon and will probably keep using that for now.

2010-06-03, 09:43 AM
Yeah, Parker can swap out his mundane morningstar for this one. You're certainly welcome to the plate -- I'll keep my not-horrible speed, methinks :smallwink:

Taking 20 (27, trapfinding) on reachable floor/wall squares, then back out to the corridor to continue on, I suppose.

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-03, 09:56 AM
so, taking the other exit from the living rainbow's room, or going to the end of the illusionary wheel's corridor?

2010-06-15, 07:55 PM
End of the illusory wheel's path, I do believe. Sorry for my absence, this is turning out to be quite the interesting summer...

2010-06-15, 09:27 PM
Woohoo! NEDduo cheers as the duo decides to press on! He follows Parker, while wonderings what lies ahead of them...

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-15, 09:33 PM
Turning left at the end, you see a T-junction after 10'.

At the T, you see:

To the right, there's a turning left and a door forward after 30'
To the left, there's a turning right after 10'

2010-06-15, 09:58 PM
Normally, I'd be saying to the left! However, there's a door! Let's go right and check out the door, Parker.

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-18, 07:25 AM
Opening the door reveals the following room:

The door is at A4 bottom.

In the wall are embedded 12 alcoves.

In 3 of them, small statuettes of the encounters you have met so far are stood.

2010-06-18, 11:45 AM
"Weirdness". NEDduo studies the statues and the empty alcoves. "Parker, do you think this is some sort of a magical map or something?"

If the group finds nothing else, NEDduo suggests we head back out to where the fork was, and go to the left instead of the right turn they took to get to the door. To the left!

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-18, 07:23 PM
Wait hang on, I think there's a statue of one of you there.

Who was it went unconscious and needed that potion to live?

2010-06-18, 11:56 PM
That would be NEDduo01 - if it were Parker, ND could have healed him.

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-21, 02:55 AM
Well, there's a bust of NEDDuo's head in one of the larger alcoves. It seems to be better made than the others.

2010-06-21, 11:33 AM
NEDduo looks at the statue of himself and frowns. He pokes at it gently.

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-21, 04:53 PM
It doesn't seem happy to see you either.

It rocks slightly when you poke it.

2010-06-21, 05:07 PM
Does NEDduo rock slightly as well?

Regardless, NEDduo shrugs as he suggests to Parker, "let's go beat up something and come back here to see if another statue shows up."

At his suggestion, they proceed (I hope that's ok Parker) with the earlier plan, going back to the T-intersection and continuing on the other way.

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-22, 04:55 PM
Oh, on the way here, you poke a hole in the floor. Seems to have been a pit trap. You got over it fine, you do have a ladder after all.

Turning right at the end of that hallway, the corridor goes 40' before turning right again.

After 20', though, as you walk over the very central square of the hallway, there's a flash of light, and a bang. You're blinded for 1 round, and you see nothing changed when you open your eyes.

2010-06-23, 12:33 AM
NEDduo looks to make sure Parker is still with him, and indicates that he's ok. They continue forward (no reason not to, right?).

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-23, 01:29 AM
The next corridor is very long, and has a door and a turning or two.

However, stone walls slide over both the doors and the turnings, including the one you arrived through, and you hear a loud rumbling, as a trapdoor appears above your heads. There appears to be a huge stone wheel falling through the roof.

Reflex saves.

2010-06-23, 01:36 AM
REF [roll0]

"Who's the sadistic creature who concocted this vile place?!" NEDduo cried out as he attempts to avoid the trap.

2010-06-23, 07:01 AM
Parker's still here :smallsmile:

[roll0] Using Inspiration

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-23, 09:42 AM
You both move far enough back to avoid the big stone.

It's a perfectly circular wheel, as high as the corridor, and as wide as the corridor.

It's moving towards you at 20' per round.

2010-06-23, 09:51 AM
How close are we to it?

If we're 20 feet or more from it where we are, I draw a torch and throw it, looking to see if it passes through or bounces off the wheel.

If we're less than 20 feet, I move to 20 feet away, drawing the torch as I go, and then throw it.

Is a torch weapon-like enough to be drawn that way? If not, I'll do something else...

Ranged attack roll if needed: [roll0]

Also, my ref save should have been +6, not +3. Forgot about Battle Clarity. Not that it makes a difference...

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-23, 09:56 AM
The torch bounces off the wheel. You were right next to it.

2010-06-23, 10:24 AM
Hmmm thoughts VM? We could try to do what Parker tried with the last wheel - hunker down tiny at the end of the hallway so it hits the wall and not us.

Upon rereading the wheel's appearance, I now see we only had about 20' worth of retreating available - did i read that right? Is Parker now up against a dead end with only free actions left?

term1nally s1ck
2010-06-23, 02:43 PM
Oh no, there's a huge long corridor to go through next.

As you attempt to speak, your words do not come out. The entire corridor is eerily silent.

2010-07-14, 08:05 AM
Then I suppose my turn is complete, as I'm out of actions. VM?

2010-07-19, 12:00 PM
Back from the traveling, and ready to meet their doom.

NEDduo screams into the eerie silence...and nothing comes of the screaming! He puts a shortspear into the side between the wheel and the wall, hoping to jam the wheel and stop its progress.

term1nally s1ck
2010-07-19, 04:25 PM

Make an int check, and a str check.

2010-07-19, 04:34 PM

Make an int check, and a str check.

Hey, I made the DM go "Hm."!

INT Check [roll0]

STR Check [roll1]

term1nally s1ck
2010-07-19, 05:07 PM
Ok. The average of those, 15, is your opposed check to the wheel's str check.


If it wins by 10 or more, it is not slowed at all.

If it wins by 5, it slows by 5' a round.

If it wins by less than 5, it slows by 10' a round.

2010-07-19, 06:41 PM
NEDduo cries out as he sees the shortspear get swallowed up by the wheel. "..."

ooc It was silenced. But, Nedduo cries out as he sees his shortspear fail to do its job. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh! We're doomed!"

term1nally s1ck
2010-07-19, 06:44 PM
The wheel is moving 20' this round...are you both moving out the way, or being shmooshed?

2010-07-19, 06:55 PM
If by avoid you mean move back 20', yes. From the description, I am under the impression this this is coming toward us with no room to move around it and no nooks/crannies to hide that the wheel wouldn't pass through (walls came down on the turns and doors).

NEDduo continues moving back, away from the wheel as he looks about frantically for any way out.

term1nally s1ck
2010-07-19, 07:29 PM
All correct. You see nothing to use as cover or to hide behind. The wheel is round and very large, though.

2010-07-19, 07:37 PM
NEDduo has a rare moment of inspiration as he runs to the end of the tunnel and ducks REALLY low, hoping the wall will stop the wheel before it crushes him.