View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 79: Train vs. Farkis Dardanos

2010-03-06, 09:55 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 79: Train vs. Farkis Dardanos


XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

Train (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=133308) - hustlertwo
Farkis Dardanos (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6916) and his familiar The Word (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7170) - 02youeng

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2010-03-06, 10:16 PM


Offhand, no buys come to mind. This will probably change after your post on the matter.

2010-03-07, 09:30 AM
We meet again. Let's hope it's a little less one-sided this time, hehe. Still thinking about purchases, lemme get back to you on that. Also, decided what you're gonna do for level 3? Decided I won't cancel Farkis and redo him, gonna take another level of Wolf Totem Barbarian for Imp. Trip.



2010-03-07, 11:53 AM
For Train, he'll probably just stay a barbarian for a while. For my other level 3, Battle Janitor, I like the idea of Incarnate but just don't have access to the material. So I might switch him to Fighter for a level to snag an extra feat, or something. Not yet sure. He won't stay barbarian, though, his variant has several levels of worthlessness after the first two.

Still waiting on your buys for my own, more than likely.

2010-03-08, 12:20 PM
Still on you, 02. Don't get DQ'ed if you can help it.

2010-03-08, 02:01 PM
Still here, hehe. Net's been a bit screwy, thought I'd posted here already. Gonna buy a Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker for 500g [1/day, move half your speed as a swift action] and a scroll of Expeditious Retreat for 25g.

2010-03-08, 02:59 PM
Heh, I had been pondering one of those as well, wasn't sure if I should as I didn't want to tip you off about them. Obviously not a problem, then. I also buy a Chronocharm. Do they work on base speed, or current?

Oh, also got a Shield of Faith potion, Tanglefoot Bag, and Alchemist's Fire.

2010-03-09, 06:56 PM
Guessing no more buys. Making sure before I take my turn.

2010-03-10, 08:53 AM
No, I'm done. Sorry, once again, screwy net connection.

2010-03-10, 01:25 PM
Train, Round 1

Start in Z-11, holding a Shield of Faith potion and my guisarme, with my buckler equipped on my off-hand.. Drink potion, drop vial, move to Y-17, drawing a javelin along the way.



HP: 23
AC: 20
Shield of Faith 10 rounds left
Equipped: javelin, guisarme, buckler
Position: Y-17

2010-03-12, 12:43 PM
The Chronocharm says you can "move half your speed." I would say that includes Expeditious Retreat, as it's an Enhancement bonus to my base speed, and the Chronocharm doesn't say anything about your non-modified speed. Once again, feel free to disagree.

Farkis, round 1

Starting in B11, holding my scroll of Expeditious Retreat in one hand, MW guisarme in other, Brute Gauntlets, Chronocharm and Steadfast Boots worn, The Word sitting on my shoulder.


Standard action: cast Expeditious Retreat, sharing with The Word
Free action: drop empty scroll
Move action: move to F12

Turn done, you're up

HP: 20/20
AC: 8 [8 Touch, 8 FF]

Rage: unused
Shift: unused
Brute Gauntlets: 3/3 charges remaining
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker: 1/1 charge remaining

Expeditious Retreat: 10/10 rounds remaining

Level 0 spells: 5/5 remaining
Level 1 spells: 3/3 remaining
The Word:
HP: 10/10
AC: 17 [16 Touch, 14 FF]

Expeditious Retreat: 10/10 rounds reamining

2010-03-12, 01:13 PM
Nah, that goes along with what Sallera said too when I asked. So I assume it's current speed.

I guess I'll get LoS.

2010-03-12, 01:23 PM

Refs God I hope Im doing this right.

LOS is established.

Train is in Y-17

Farkis is in F-12

2010-03-12, 02:10 PM
Well, let's give it a go.

Chuck a javelin at my opponent.

[roll0] (-6 for 3 range increments)

We'll roll damage if it hits. Odds are against it, but we have nothing else to do at the moment.

2010-03-12, 02:11 PM
That's a bingo!


Then I move to Z-13, drawing my greatsword along the way, and end turn.


HP: 23/23
AC: 19
Shield of Faith 9 rounds left
Equipped: greatsword, guisarme

2010-03-12, 03:48 PM
Owwie, you stuck me, I'll 'ave you for that!

Farkis, round 2


Move action: move to Q17
Swift action: activate my Chronocharm, moving to W15
Free action: Rage!
Free action: Shift!
Standard action: FARKIS SMASH!


Turn done, you're up. Apologies for being so silly, on new pills for my bad leg, still getting used to them.

HP: 18/24
AC: 6 [6 Touch, 6 FF]

Rage: 8/8 rounds remaining
Shift: 8/8 rounds remaining
Brute Gauntlets: 3/3 charges remaining
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker: 0/1 charge remaining

Expeditious Retreat: 9/10 rounds remaining

Level 0 spells: 5/5 remaining
Level 1 spells: 3/3 remaining
The Word:

HP: 10/10
AC: 17 [16 Touch, 14 FF]

Expeditious Retreat: 9/10 rounds reamining

2010-03-12, 03:54 PM
Never apologize for being goofy. That's half the fun.

I'll activate my Chronocharm, and move to W-14. Then drop my guisarme, shift my greatsword to both hands, and activate Whirling Frenzy.


Damage as needed.

2010-03-12, 03:56 PM
Holy crap, that was close. Nat 2 was fine, nat 1 meant problems. Still might have killed you with a single hit, but it was iffy.



Pretty sure with the javelin, you're guaranteed dead.

2010-03-12, 03:57 PM
Ah, dammit, forget about Whirling Frenzy. Was expecting 1 hit, which, on average, I would have survived. Good game sir, apologies for not being more of a challenge.

2010-03-12, 04:00 PM
Yeah, without the frenzy, I could have killed you, but only if the 2d6 came up with a 10 or better (and obviously they didn't), which was not overly likely. 9 would have disabled you, but you only needed one more attack anyhow. Good game, in any case. I was sweating your crazy move power, no doubt. With the Chronocharm and those scrolls, Farkis will likely be even harder to off next time.

2010-03-12, 04:10 PM
Hehe, wait till you see my choice of feat for level 3. Extra 40ft of movement as a swift action, once per game [on average]

2010-03-12, 04:11 PM
High Ref Sallera

Train sneaks inside Farkis' reach for the victory.