View Full Version : [4E] Into the Underdark! (IC)

2010-03-07, 11:26 AM
The city of Valenshaernith. It is filled with many drow and oother inhabitants. In the market many citizens gather for meeting, social gatherings, and more. It is a haven for people looking for jobs. One of them catchs your eye. There is a note stuck to a door. It says

To whom it may concern, House Baenafin is looking for mercenaries/ adventurers. Terms of payment will be negotiated. To apply for the job, you must find Malith Baenafin. If you can find her, you will have proven yourselves worthy of the job.

A few people have crowded around the sign. A kobold with 2 katars. A goblin with a shortsword and a shortbow. A shadowy human with a longsword. A half-orc ranger with javelins and a longsword. And an elf who looks to be slightly off her rocker.

Now is the time for your characters to talk in person and get to know each other. I will advance the plot once that is done.

2010-03-07, 12:23 PM

Alain examined the sign with interest. He had some time of his own, and he decided that it could be helpful for him to gain some favour amongst House Baenafin's members. He looked at the creatures around him, also examining the sign with interest.

"Looks like it could be an intersting job." Alain proclaimed aloud, to get the attention of the others nearby. "I certainly know I could do with the coin. Anyone else intersted?"

2010-03-07, 12:26 PM
The tall and muscular Half-Orc approach the job offer. You can see many old scars, some surely gained during his yought. He his wearing a battered hide armor. On his belt is hung a long sword and dagger. On his back, beside his backpack , you see a quiver full of javelins. The quiver and scabards have some odd shape and appear to have seen a lot of use.
Reading the job offer take a long time for the half-orc. After he is done, he look around the other gathered around and say,
Job look good. Karv wanna do it. Me is Karv.
As he introduce himself, he slap his hand on his chest.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 12:47 PM
Snig is a small goblin, he is missing an eye and has a few battle scars from a rough life in a goblin tribe, he has a shortbow across his back and a short sword at his side. He has a very high charisma for a goblin and he strikes you as natural leader. He is unfriendly from being mistreated by humans for so long (being a goblin) but is warm to the cobold and can relate to him easily. :smallwink:

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 12:54 PM
Snig is eager to accept a job offer but works only as a mercenary and will settle for no less than 100 gp for himself. He was looking for a party (being a ranged combatant) to keep bad guys off his ass and would like to make friends with a kobold. he says Snig will accept offer only for 100 gp or more.

2010-03-07, 01:05 PM
Karv look perplex at Snig demand,
"Karv is no boss. Malith Baenafin is boss. Must find Malith to ask gold."

2010-03-07, 01:12 PM

Alain looked upon the mixed company, and smiled inwardly. "My name is Alain, friend. Come, let's go find the House Baenefin representative."

To those who look upon him, Alain is a young human, in his mid twenties, with medium length brown hair. His eyes are blue, but look remarkably devoid of life. The features of his face might be described as attractive but for an air about them that seems unnatural He carries himself with an easy confidence, and the scabbard by his side is like an extension of his hip, although he seems world weary. He wears leather armour and a cloak, of mixed grays and browns, with a purse by his side, and a pack upon his back.

2010-03-07, 01:19 PM
"Karv happy to meet Alain. Karv follow you, no good finding in city. Karv is better to find outside city."
Karv follow Alain.
"Maybe just ask where house Baenefin?"

2010-03-07, 01:22 PM
the streets of Valenshaernith are filled with nobles, street merchants, beggars, and commoners. Malith could be anywhere. Perhaps someone would know something about malith's were abouts. Beware, many others could be wanting this oppurtinity.

make a streetwise check

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 01:38 PM
I got a 22 :smallbiggrin:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (60)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

2010-03-07, 01:40 PM
I got a 22 :smallbiggrin:

you find a noble saying " I heard something about Malith over there." He points toward an alley

put results in spoilers

2010-03-07, 01:41 PM
Alain walks about the town, and uses his knowledge of Drow society guide him, pausing only occasionally to ask a (comparatively) trustworthy citizen.


He follows snig when the noble points to the neaby alleyway.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 01:43 PM
Snig says:
follow Snig, snig takes you to guy that gives us coin :smallsmile:

2010-03-07, 01:49 PM
As you enter the ally, you see 2 drow at the end of the alley. one is a male, grinning smugly. The other is a female who looks a little paranoid.

the male says Greetings. I assume you are looking for Malith Baenafin?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 01:53 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (60)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

I got a 16, Snig says: We need battle cry to yell in figts.

2010-03-07, 02:06 PM
The kobold by the job posting paces about the sign in a manner suggesting that he has no control over the action. The rough skins of his armor creak as they barely contain the surprising amount of muscle packed beneath his ruddy brown scales. His hands unconsciously play with the hand grips of the katars at his side as he makes small growling noises as he makes heads or tails of the sign.

Baenafin not here?! Grah! Wasting time hiding when job needs doing!

Teevo stomps a small ways from the sign, accosting the first drow he spots

You! Drow-clan! You know where Baenafin is! Speak! Teevo has no time for games!
Attempt intimidate: Natural 20-> Result 25

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 02:10 PM
If Teevo kill drow Snig heal Teevo.

2010-03-07, 02:35 PM
The male drow replies

Some one is impatient.suddenly he pulls a rapier and the female moves back and pulles out a crossbow.

roll initiative

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 03:25 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (60)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

I got a 16, Snig says: We need battle cry to yell in figts.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 03:27 PM
I have to go soon :frown:

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 03:34 PM
AWWWW I have to go, i'm sad. :smallfrown: :smallfrown: :smallfrown: :frown: :frown: :frown: bye.

2010-03-07, 03:40 PM
Teevo's innate kobold paranoia flares and he tightens his grip on his Katars, ready to draw them:
Initiative: Roll 9 + 3 = 12 initiative

2010-03-07, 03:41 PM
Karv frown at the two dark elves,
"Pointy ears wanna test Karv?"
Karv scan the area in case more drow are around.
Initiative :[roll0]
Is there others people around? Also, is the alley isolated ? (do we see the main street).
Perception : [roll1]

Karv's Status
HP : 25/25 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 6
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:16 FORT:15 REF:14 WILL:12
Main Hand : Nothing
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Hunter's Quary
Fading Strike
Throw and Stab
Furious Assault
Precise Assault
Isolation Strike

Effects :

2010-03-07, 04:06 PM

"Hmph. You'll never get anywhere with that attitude." Alain said, eying the drow while drawing forth his longsword in one hand, while a dagger appeared in his other hand.

Initiative-[roll0] (+1, as I have an Init bonus of +4 but only typed in +3)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 05:39 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (60)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

on my turn

On my turn I put an arrow in the nearest drow's skull
Attack: 23! :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin:
Damage(if it hits): 5 :smallconfused:

2010-03-07, 06:00 PM
initiative as is.
drow male
drow female

Here is the map
F=Drow female
M= Drow Male

everything that your character does not say but you are saying as a player goes in spoilers or the OOC thread. your turn dekkah. It is a secluded alley. there is no more drow in the vacnity.

2010-03-07, 06:35 PM
Chaedi was wandering the city when she came upon the fight, YAY!!! Fight!!!!

Initiative: [roll0]

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 07:13 PM
Since this is an evil city would I get arrested for killing beggars for xp? :belkar:

2010-03-07, 08:12 PM
Karv react quickly and doesnt wait for them to act.
"You mine pointy ears!" says Karv to the male drow.
He then move around the male up to the woman, just out of her reach and tell her,
"You next, wait here."
In a blur of motion he charge toward the drow male, drawing his javelin and throwing it his way. As he comes within reach he quickly draws his longsword, deal a two-hand slashing strike and, in a fluid motion, returns his weapon to it scabbard.

Minor :Hunter's quary on Male Drow.
Move : Right -> Right/Up -> UP -> UP -> UP ->Left/up (should be on same line as female, 2 square to her right)
Free Action :Draw Javelin
Free Action :Draw Longsword
Standard : Throw and stab (Range) on Drow Male :
Attack vs AC :[roll0]
Hit : [roll1]
Effect : Karv Charge Drow Male (end just above Drow male - Flanking with Teevo)
Attack vs AC :[roll2] (7 + 1(Charge) + 1 (running attack) + 2 (Flanking))
Hit :[roll3] (holding longsword two-handed)

If any of the 2 attack hit, hunter's quary damage :[roll4]

Free Action : Sheat longsword (Hunter Fighting style)

BTW, in this fight , if I am the one downing someone, I just knock them out instead of killing them

Karv's Status
HP : 25/25 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 6
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:16 FORT:15 REF:14 WILL:12
Main Hand : Nothing
Off Hand : Nothing
Ammunition left : 6 Javelin .... 1 Dagger
Powers :
Hunter's Quary
Fading Strike
Throw and Stab
Furious Assault
Precise Assault
Isolation Strike

Effects :

2010-03-07, 09:13 PM
Karv doesn't react quickly and doesnt wait for them to act.
"You mine pointy ears!" says Karv to the male drow.
He then move around the male up to the woman, just out of her reach and tell her,
"You next, wait here."
In a blur of motion he charge toward the drow male, drawing his javelin and throwing it his way. As he comes within reach he quickly draws his longsword, deal a two-hand slashing strike and in a fluid motion returns his weapon to it scabbard.

Minor :Hunter's quary on Male Drow.
Move : Right -> Right/Up -> UP -> UP -> UP ->Left/up (should be on same line as female, 2 square to her right)
Free Action :Draw Javelin
Free Action :Draw Longsword
Standard : Throw and stab (Range) on Drow Male :
Attack vs AC :[roll0]
Hit : [roll1]
Effect : Karv Charge Drow Male (end just above Drow male - Flanking with Teevo)
Attack vs AC :[roll2] (7 + 1(Charge) + 1 (running attack) + 2 (Flanking))
Hit :[roll3] (holding longsword two-handed)

If any of the 2 attack hit, hunter's quary damage :[roll4]

Free Action : Sheat longsword (Hunter Fighting style)

BTW, in this fight , if I am the one downing someone, I just knock them out instead of killing them

Karv's Status
HP : 25/25 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 6
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:16 FORT:15 REF:14 WILL:12
Main Hand : Nothing
Off Hand : Nothing
Ammunition left : 6 Javelin .... 1 Dagger
Powers :
Hunter's Quary
Fading Strike
Throw and Stab
Furious Assault
Precise Assault
Isolation Strike

Effects :

Chaedi laughs maniacally, Nice one orcy.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-07, 10:13 PM
Snig says: Snig say we kill talky deep elf man and capture female.

2010-03-08, 03:13 AM

Shadows swirled around Alain and he dissapeared from view, before he reappered next to the drow male, lashing out with his longsword. Out of sight of the main party, the drow female's shadow began to creep up her form.

Move-Shadow Step just to the right of the drow male.
Free Action-Assassin's Shroud on the drow female.
Standard Action-Shadow Storm on Drow Male
Attack-[roll0] v AC
Damage-[roll1] (3 Creatures adjacent to target) damage +[roll2] poison damage. (Venom Hand Assassin)

Healing Surges-7/7
AC-16 Fort-13 Ref-15 Will-15
Main Hand: Longsword
Off Hand: Dagger
Inescapeable Blade
Leaping Shade
Shadow Storm
Assassin's Shroud
Shadow Step
Nightmare Shades
Shade Form
Targetted for Death

2010-03-09, 04:11 PM
The drow male slumps down unconscious. His chainmail makes a thunk as it hits the ground. The female drow, looking extremely frightened, drows her crossbow Spare Me! I do not wish to meet the same fate She thinks that you have killed him.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 04:42 PM
Snig says: Snig say we torture deep elf for information :belkar:

This looks like a skill chalenge :smallconfused:

2010-03-09, 04:52 PM
The female drow looks at Snig,terrified.There will be no need for that. she says. She is trying to keep as much pain from here as possible. She mutters under her breath I am not getting out of the Arachne Tilith any time soon after this.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 04:53 PM
Snig walks up to the female drow, takes out an arrow, says Stay still or we kill you!, and jams the arrow into her leg (str 16) so she cant run away.

2010-03-09, 04:56 PM
The drow female grunts in pain.What was that for?! After you killed my brother before he could act, I am not going to run! I am not some stupid duergar. What do you want from me, besides the locatioon of Malith. That goes without saying.

what is snigs alignment?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:01 PM
Snig says: Your lucky Snig dosent kill you for your loot, you pulled out a crossbow on Snig.
Now Snig says you talk!

2010-03-09, 05:06 PM
She appears to be in much pain, but will talk Malith is hidden deep withen the Baenafin compound. Only someone escorted by a representive of the compound may even get close to her. That person is me. maybe disabling me was not the smartest idea now is it?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:09 PM
Drop your weapons and snig heal you, if you dont obey snig make you hurt.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:11 PM
Snig tells Teevo to guard the drow.
And than Snig says Your brothter is not dead, disobey and Snig kills him.

2010-03-09, 05:17 PM
Teevo removes his hands from his katars, and nudges the unconscious drow with his foot.
Take Teevo to Baenafin fool drow-clan or Teevo not be so kind as strangers!
Intimidate: 20

2010-03-09, 05:22 PM
the female drow pulls a holy symbol of Lolth from here neck.It is no problem. I am a cleric of lolth. Soon to be invited to the official clergy. She puts the symbol to her wound and mutters something in ceremonial drow language Xal lolth's elamshinae pholor dos and her wound is healed. She sighs learning her brother is not dead. The name is Ardulae Baenafin. My brother is Olin Baenafin.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:29 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Dont try anything or Snig carves 'lolth sucks' on your forhead (intimadate 26 :smallbiggrin:)

Snig takes away her holy symbol.

2010-03-09, 05:36 PM
she yells at her brother Wake up, you son of a drider! She points to the main street. If we can get back on the road, we can meet Malith by the end of the hour.

2010-03-09, 05:38 PM
Chaedi looks at Snig confused, Who's this "Malith" person, thing, and/or place you keep talking about? Is that what this fight was about?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:39 PM
Snig disarms the male drow and searches him for coin.

2010-03-09, 05:46 PM
Teevo looks at Chaedi
Work Elf-clan. Malith means work
Teevo glances at Snig
Goblin-clan is very excitable.
And finally turns to the drow
Lead drow-clan. Teevo's itching for a fight after your "test"

2010-03-09, 05:46 PM
you find his rapier and has 25 gp. 5gp for each party member. Olin saysLet me guess, we lost? Ardulae shakes her haid and says May we get a move on? She prooceds to head out into the street

Unless you want to roleplay something, I will skip straight to the baenafin compound.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 05:59 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Is thare any way Snig can sell the rapier and the symbol of lolth on the way?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 06:13 PM
A question for the DM:

I think i'm starting to get an idea of my character's personality
and I may have to shift my alignment to E or CE. As I play I try to develop an identity for my character and I think snig is turning out to be a real jerk.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 06:20 PM
Snig whispers to Teevo:

Should snig kill the drow man, he wont be much use?

2010-03-09, 06:37 PM
This seems fun. Anyways... What's the job? Do I get to kill things or people?

2010-03-09, 06:39 PM
Ardulae says Killing? Probably. I am not exactly what you will be, but killing will be payed for

2010-03-09, 06:47 PM
Ardulae says Killing? Probably. I am not exactly what you will be, but killing will be payed for

Chaedi smiles, YAAAAAAY! What/Who do I kill/maim/attack?

2010-03-09, 06:54 PM
Ardulae says I cant tell you, but Malith will. If SalakThorn knew our plans, things might be bad.

2010-03-09, 06:55 PM
Ardulae says I cant tell you, but Malith will. If SalakThorn knew our plans, things might be bad.

Who/What/Where is SalakThorn?

2010-03-09, 06:58 PM
Who/What/Where is SalakThorn?

SalakThorn is our only rival here. Their is a covert war being waged by mercenaries like you.We are currently only slightly stronger, but richer. With your help the tide of battle could change.

2010-03-09, 06:59 PM
SalakThorn is our only rival here. Their is a covert war being waged by mercenaries like you.We are currently only slightly stronger, but richer. With your help the tide of battle could change.

Why do you kill kill KILL them?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 07:16 PM
Snig likes filing things with arrows

2010-03-09, 07:17 PM
Snig likes filing things with arrows

And I like to make things go BOOM!

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 07:25 PM
Snig likes watching things go BOOM!!!!

2010-03-09, 07:30 PM
You arrive at the compound. The guards let you through because of your escorts. You go into a great hall. Its filled with statues. One that stands out is a picture of a crow holding a sword with an eye in the middle of the hilt. You come to the end of the hall and you see a female drow with a staff with a glowing green emblem at the top. She says Greetings. I am Malith Baenafin. I assume you passed the test?

2010-03-09, 07:31 PM
Snig likes watching things go BOOM!!!!

Chaedi grins, I am Chaedi, Lady of the Burnt Forest, Destroyer of All, and Seeker of Vengeance. I think we will be good friends.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 07:35 PM
Snig says: Don't mind talky wizard, Snig heard you give us cion for killing stuff.

2010-03-09, 07:37 PM
Snig says: Don't mind talky wizard, Snig heard you give us cion for killing stuff.

And for making things go BOOM!

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 07:39 PM
And filling them with arrows. :smallsmile:

2010-03-09, 07:39 PM
Malith rises.Yes. One of our caravans was recently attacked. The culprit is a rogue goblin clan. While normally we would go in , we have reason to believe SalakThorn is involved. We want you to take care of the goblins and get the evidence. Your reward? 150gp per each of you. If you can find any spoils of war, they are yours.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 07:40 PM
Snig wants 200.

2010-03-09, 07:42 PM
I'll do it for 100 if you give Siiiiiiiiiiiiiig 200.

2010-03-09, 07:44 PM
Malith looks at snig,annoyed. you do know how much we are offering?Unless you can suddenly give me a reason why it is worth this much, the offer stands as it is.But if the elf is wanting to go without, I am okay with this.

2010-03-09, 08:01 PM
Malith looks at snig,annoyed. you do know how much we are offering?Unless you can suddenly give me a reason why it is worth this much, the offer stands as it is.But if the elf is wanting to go without, I am okay with this.

YAY, Snig gets more money!

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 08:08 PM
Snig gets 200, snig happy.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-09, 08:53 PM
Whare do we go?

Question for DM

Can the goblin clan attacking the wagons be snig's old clan?

2010-03-09, 11:07 PM
Karv have kept silent after the fight, not being much at ease with dark elves.
Not wanting to keep the discussion going for long , Karv ask to the point questions.
"150 gold good. You tell us what goblin clan name? Where goblin hide? Us then go kill goblins, search for clue and return."

2010-03-10, 03:16 AM

Alain nods and agrees to the terms of the contract.

2010-03-10, 05:29 AM
Teevo would do it for free if it meant a decent workout. Drow-clan's offer is accepted. Teevo will clear the goblin hole.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 01:09 PM
Snig says Snig wants pay upfront. :smallmad:

What type of Fae are you? (http://onnachance.com/quiz/fae.htm)

2010-03-10, 04:39 PM
Malith looks at snig curoiusly If we pay you now, whats to say you want take the money and go run out of town?We cannot risk such a thing. you ask too much, by the way. What is your clan name little goblin?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 04:52 PM
Can my clan name be the name of the goblin clan attaking the wagons?

Snig was exiled from clan, snig does not like being called little.

2010-03-10, 04:56 PM
I was planning this. Great character development

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 05:06 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig will kill goblin clan, snig want goblin loot, snig won't run off. (deplomacy 20)

2010-03-10, 05:16 PM
Malith says Its a risk I cannot take,I am sorry but gold doesnt fall from the ceiling. What is your clan name? That has not been answered.

please put results in spoilers and please use the forum roller

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 05:24 PM
what is the name of the clan attacking the carts?

2010-03-10, 07:11 PM
Chaedi assumes an upright posture with her right arm over her chest and says in a calm and condescending voice, Now, now, children. Please stop bickering, fighting will solve nothing. You can give half of the price now so that we are sure that you will pay us, and give us half after to make sure we come back. Does this satisfy both of you?

2010-03-10, 07:14 PM
Malith looks slightly suprised by the elf and says I see no problem with this. She then pays the party 75gp each

2010-03-10, 07:15 PM
Malith looks slightly suprised by the elf and says I see no problem with this. She then pays the party 75gp each

Chaedi resumes her normal posture and gives 25 of her gold to Snig, Here you go...

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 07:46 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
125 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thanks you.

2010-03-10, 07:51 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
125 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thanks you.

Repay me with killlllllling.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-10, 08:20 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
125 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig also repays you with healing.

2010-03-10, 08:30 PM
"Now money thing agreed. Give details so us go hunt greenies."

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-12, 04:12 PM
Yes, Snig wants to go make bloody pin cushions.

2010-03-13, 12:46 PM
malith grabs a map of the surronding area and lays it down on a nearby table. You see Valenshaernith in the middle. To the north is 3 x's The goblin tribe has been shifting around recently. These places are where we believe they are. One X is located deep into a cavern. Another is near the edge of the map. The final one is located near a large pond made of water that has seeped from the surface. We have no clue on what is the real location. We would advise going in a search and destroy pattern, starting with the one near the lake.

2010-03-13, 12:49 PM
malith grabs a map of the surronding area and lays it down on a nearby table. You see Valenshaernith in the middle. To the north is 3 x's The goblin tribe has been shifting around recently. These places are where we believe they are. One X is located deep into a cavern. Another is near the edge of the map. The final one is located near a large pond made of water that has seeped from the surface. We have no clue on what is the real location. We would advise going in a search and destroy pattern, starting with the one near the lake.

Can't we just skip to the destroy part?

2010-03-13, 12:51 PM
malith has a grin upon her face It is your choice, but if you are set up into a trap, its not our fault now is it?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-13, 01:26 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thinks we should go to cave.

2010-03-13, 05:25 PM
Karn look suspiciously at Malith and ask
"Why lake first?"
He then look at the map, and try to plan the best approach possible.
Karv try to use his knowledge or the area to plan the order in which they will be the more efficient and the best path to make sure they cant pin us down, go warn other camps, etc.
Dungeonering :[roll0]

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-16, 11:32 AM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thinks we should go to cave.

Snig makes one too


2010-03-16, 11:37 AM
"Karv think grennies are in cave. Still us should check other places. Make sure no greenies behind us. Go now friend, hunt greenies."
At that, Karv leave.

2010-03-18, 07:15 AM
"Karv think grennies are in cave. Still us should check other places. Make sure no greenies behind us. Go now friend, hunt greenies."
At that, Karv leave.

Chaedi follows.

2010-03-19, 09:20 AM
When he is out of the drow house and when everyone else is with him, Karv says,
"Karv say we kill cave first. Cave closer. Then go to lake. Finish with spot far. One way, no greenies behind us."

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-19, 11:10 AM
Snig agrees, now lets appoint a party leader. :smallsmile:

Vote for snig! (diplomacy 4+8=12)

2010-03-19, 12:43 PM
Karv frown at Snig and reply with a definitive tone,
"Karv is free. Us work together, but no boss. All equal."
Realising his anger is raising, Karv take a deep breath to refocus and relax a bit.
"Anyone think other plan?"

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-20, 01:07 PM
Than who makes tough decisions?

2010-03-20, 03:03 PM
Than who makes tough decisions?

I do.-----

2010-03-20, 03:38 PM
Karv frown at Chaedi, then answer Snig,
"Decide as group, most voice wins. Karv and Snig want to go cave. Makes two on..."
Karv look around, obviously counting how many are gathered,

2010-03-20, 03:40 PM
Karv frown at Chaedi, then answer Snig,
"Decide as group, most voice wins. Karv and Snig want to go cave. Makes two on..."
Karv look around, obviously counting how many are gathered,


2010-03-20, 03:47 PM
Karv the nob to Chaedi,
"Then we go cave."
Two seconds pass, as if he realise something, then Karv burst out laughing,
"Seem so Chaedi decided!"
With a grin and wink Chaedi way.

2010-03-20, 03:57 PM
Karv the nob to Chaedi,
"Then we go cave."
Two seconds pass, as if he realise something, then Karv burst out laughing,
"Seem so Chaedi decided!"
With a grin and wink Chaedi way.

Chaedi smiles maniacally, grabs the map, and begins to move toward the cave.

2010-03-20, 11:50 PM
Karv follow Chaedi.

2010-03-20, 11:52 PM
Teevo hates caves. Goblins will pay dearly for living there.
Teevo follows suite

2010-03-21, 10:39 AM

Alain follows the group as they proceed towards the cave.

2010-03-21, 11:18 AM
When the group will come close to the cave, Karv will say to the group.
"Karv can scout. Ok?"

Unless someone is ooposed to it, Karv will scout, slightly ahead of the group, mainly seeking the best approach and making sure there is no sentries.

Stealth :[roll0]
Perception :[roll1]

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-21, 06:05 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thinks that is a good idea.
Can snig stay a few feet behind Karv so Snig can heal karv if he gets hurt and shoot anything karv encounters.

2010-03-21, 07:22 PM
Karv nod to Snig,
"Karv agree. But Snig stay far so goblin dont hear."
As the group came near the cave, Karv pull ahead. At some point, he signal the others to stay put. The group lost view of him for a minutes or so, before he come back to them quickly.
"Cave ahead. Karv seen two guards. Karv hear guard say group moving out soon. Greenies going back to tribe. Goblin have one prisonner. Beaten prisonner."
Karv think for a few seconds,
"Do we kill guards to go cave? Or ambush group?"

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-21, 08:33 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig wants to know about gaurds.

2010-03-21, 08:47 PM
Karv look perplexed at Snig,
"Know what?"

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-21, 09:27 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig wants to know how well they are armed, how tough they look, what armor they are wearing and stuff like that.
Snig also wants to know more about their prisoner.

2010-03-22, 02:05 AM

Alain watches Karv go, and return. "I want to know more of our opponents too. but I'd rather have a closer look myself." he said, sheathing his weapon, and pulling his cloak about him as he moved closer to the cave mouth.

Perception-[roll1] (+3 as I mistook his +6 bonus for a +3 bonus.)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-22, 08:04 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thinks we should go in quietly and kill the guards before the can fight back.
Snig thinks we should send in the assassin while Snig waits out of site to shoot arrows.

2010-03-22, 09:45 PM
Karv nod to Snig,
"Karv agree with Snig. Karv also strike quickly. One greeny have sword and sheild. Other have spear. Karv no see clan sign."

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-27, 02:43 PM
Snig wants to know more about prisoner.

2010-03-29, 10:17 AM
"Karv know no more about prisonner."
Karv scratch his chin apparently thinking then say,
"If us want surprise in cave, us go now."

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-29, 07:45 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

So we all agree to send in snig and the assassin guy?

2010-03-29, 09:49 PM
"Karv silent too. Karv can help kill guard quick."

2010-03-30, 05:36 AM
Chaedi agrees.

2010-03-30, 02:21 PM
you hear footsteps from behind you. it appears that their is a group of scared kobolds heading back. they do not notice you yet.

From what you can see, there are 4 very scared kobolds, with blood stains on them heading back to the cave.

2010-03-30, 02:25 PM
Karv head immediatly turn from there the sound come from. He tell the others in a hushed voice,
"Greenies...no leezards coming. Us should hide, see and trap."

Is there place to hide and ambush them? Are they coming in the path we are or they are going a different one?

2010-03-30, 02:41 PM
Karv head immediatly turn from there the sound come from. He tell the others in a hushed voice,
"Greenies...no leezards coming. Us should hide, see and trap."

Is there place to hide and ambush them? Are they coming in the path we are or they are going a different one?

Can the guards see the goblins approaching or the area around them?

((OOC: How close together are the goblins approaching us?))

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-30, 05:41 PM
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Snig, level 1
Goblin, Warlord
Build: Skirmishing Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 14 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3, Thievery +5

Level 1: Defensive Mobility

Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Risky Shot
Warlord encounter 1: Race the Arrow
Warlord daily 1: Inspiring Shot

Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short sword, Shortbow, Arrow (59)
25 gp, rapier, holy symbol of lolth

HP : 23/23 TEMP HP : 0
Surge Value : 5
Surge left/surge per day : 7/7
AC:15 FORT:14 REF:14 WILL:14
Main Hand : shortbow
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Risky Shot
Race the Arrow
Inspiring Shot

Effects :

Snig thinks we should kill all but one and torture the other.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-04-10, 09:17 PM
Out of character:

Is anyone still interested? We haven't played in weeks.

2010-04-10, 09:24 PM
Out of character:

Is anyone still interested? We haven't played in weeks.

OOC: Thats cause icastflare has issues to work through and dropped out for now, and maybe forever.