View Full Version : Under the Aurora: A Tournament at Greenfield (IC)

2010-03-07, 05:38 PM
The trees are growing red as the season of Earth begins to move to Air. The burg of Greenfield is a collection of cobblestone roads crisscrossing a relatively compact downtown area built in descending concentric circles from a central piazza. Greenfield itself is bordered by a low, stone wall no taller than an average man and the hinterland--the area surrounding that wall--is thick with woodland and pastures where herdsmen tend to fat sheep. To its north, the city borders the White Sea, and long stone stairways are carved into the cliffside connecting the raised township to its bustling port. Evening has just fallen, and the dark blue sky above is empty except for a wide ribbon of wavering color, the gentle light of the Aurora brightening the night even though the moon is new and dark.

Tern and Avan

Travel makes for strange bedfellows and companions, and so it was that the pair of you met in a small one-horse town two days ago. Discovering your mutual destination, the pair of you have been travelling in Avan's coach, fed and kept out of Tern's pocket for an appearance of equality. Those that Avan travels with have kept themselves scarce--they drive the horses, they keep them moving, but they never really address Tern. The coach pulls to a stop as Lara sticks her head through the window.

"We're here, boss," she says, looking right over Tern as if she were invisible. Outside, the coach is stopped in front of an inn just inside the city walls. Overhead is a wordless sign: a large fish jumps from a rippling pond. "Sign of the Leaping Perch," Lara adds.

Inside, the patrons are all congregated around a woman of impossible size flexing her muscles. A belt of thick red jade is worn high around her hips and a waif at her side is slowly adding more and more weights to each of her arms in turn; at present, each arm is probably supporting at least three talents worth of iron. Only a single lone man, sleight and pale with silver hair, sits unmoved by the display in a corner. The innkeeper seems a bit perturbed by the interruption as you enter.

Rising Hope

You, native son of the Near North, had no trouble following your feet northward through the autumn roadways. Whitewall had been a pleasant diversion, and the towns since had proved picturesque reminders of the home you left behind. You arrived in Greenfield three days ago, given more than adequate time to register for the Tournament. On your first evening in town, you rescued a lone bakerwoman from the predations of a local thug, and her hospitality has been, to say the least, almost overwhelming.

Honey Hoda was named for her blonde hair--bright, short, and shimmering like good honey. She was just beyond middle age and in the middle of a heavy pregnancy, but she carried herself with a gracefulness and a joy that was apparent in every motion. She lived above her bakery and offered you use of the room that had been her son's.

"I can't believe you're competing in that thing," she says, offering you a bit of cheese and a loaf leftover from the day, the meager generosity she can afford. "We've never had a tournament before. Don't even know what put that thought in the Princess' head. Town's been quiet ever since the Cold Winter, and she wants to go and invite all sorts of ruffians to come duke it out in our streets. No offense," she says. "Just a lot of trouble to deal with."

Meidani and Huli Jing

The Warren was a hole in the wall, almost in the literal sense. It was a collection of rooms and hovels, all connected to one another, on the very edge of the city wall. Inside, old women worked wool by hand and children played and cried about the cold. The matriarch, a woman named Three Feathers, sighed at each of your arrivals, thanking Luna.

"My grandfathers in the Pact informed me of your coming," she says to Meidani and then, later in the night, to Huli Jing. She finds each of you a room in the Warren: they're small and almost empty except for a bed stuffed with straw. Three Feathers has made all arrangements for you, securing a fine seat for Meidani and entrance for Huli Jing. Finally, Three Feathers calls to both of you and you find your way through the narrow hallways of the Warren into a crowded kitchen. Bowls of rice and a few platters of fish have been laid out, and at least twenty people sit around the long, low table, sitting on their knees. "Join us," she says.

2010-03-07, 05:51 PM
Huli Jing moves through the rooms of the Warren with a practiced ease, for all that she has never been here before. The fox within her, however, loves the feel of the den and warrens that protect the whole family.

There is something in the air tonight, something that she can put her finger on, but doesn't quite yet. A quick sniff of the air reveals only the presence of dozens of people that have walked these halls, and none of them are familiar.

Jing flirts with the tug against her heart, the pull that says They're here, they're here! Follow me and I'll show you them! but does not let herself fall into it yet. The suspense was part of the pleasure, after all. But even though she didn't follow the pull, the kitchen seemed to be the direction it wanted to go anyways.

Stepping into the room, Jing looked at the people for a moment, letting their faces sink into her mind for a moment, before the images flitted away once more.

Foxy ears twitched as she moved across the room, and Jing breathed in deeply, allowing the scents of the fish to fill her as she kneeled down to the low table, sitting calmly as she looked around at the others. "Heavenly." is her only word, as she waits for Three Feathers to begin the meal.

2010-03-07, 07:02 PM
Meidani moves through the Warren with a level of comfort that many people would not expect- but then again, there's a lot about Meidani that people never expect. She arrives in the kitchen shortly before Huli Jing, and kneels down at the low table as well. "Thank you for agreeing to let me stay here, Three Feathers.

That fish smells delicious..."

She breathes in the smell of the meal, and looks around the room for any other guests.

2010-03-07, 07:02 PM
Rising Hope

Moving slightly atop the creaking stool as to comfort himself, Rising Hope beams and swallows a large piece of stale bread before reopening his mouth.

"None taken," he replies, radiating such carelessness and ease that it verges on becoming disturbing. He munches on a couple more quick bites before continuing.

"Besides, despite what you speak, you seem to be doing rather fine," he says, gesturing gently at the woman with his free hand, and still not losing the grin.

He wasn't really caring about the freshness of the cheese nor the quality of his accommodations, and to tell the truth, things were going well above his expectations. This, perhaps, was because of the fact that he didn't have any expectations to begin with, but let's not waste time over such technicalities.

2010-03-07, 07:12 PM
Jing's eyes move rapidly to the other woman, the tugging that had pulled her through the city coalescing on her. The only outward appearance, thankfully, was a bit of a wide-eyed look at her in some shock and surprise, before curiosity filled them. "Might I ask of you who you are?" Jing directs the question to Meidana, who tries to make the question seem innocuous, but fails. Most of the room can see the change in her, as clothing seems to pick itself up around her, moving sinuously with Jing's every movement.

Jing slips into Dreaming Pearl Courtesean Form to add her MA score to her Socialize score.

Cha+Socialize on Meidana. [roll0]

2010-03-07, 07:15 PM
Rising Hope

"I'm doing fine," she agrees. "But just me." She bites into the loaf herself, swallowing a bite of awful bread. Anything worth eating was sold to put another few days worth of logs on the fire. "It's been nice to have someone here, with me. You remind me of him. I hope you don't mind me saying that," she says, setting her hand on his. "But you look a lot like I think my son would have looked, if he had gotten the chance to grow up."

Huli Jing and Meidani

Three Feathers smiles as Huli Jing and Meidani settle at her right hand, and then she nods. The old women sing from the depths of their throats and when Three Feathers speaks, it is in the strong dialects of an Airtongue variant:

<<Mother, the hand that guides the Sea of Whales, let your light fall upon us. Fill our nets and our hearts with your glory.>>

Even the children mouth along as best they can, trying to emulate the formal tone and strange words of Three Feathers. When it is said and done, the old women slow their singing and then stop, and plates are passed from left to right.

"How strange it is that you choose not to compete in this tournament, Lawgiver," Three Feathers remarks as Meidani's plate finally arrives at her place. "I had thought your kind would not pass up such an opportunity."

2010-03-07, 07:22 PM
Jing repeats the words that Three Feathers says, before pulling a little of the fish towards herself along with rice. She ensures that the children all get a portion of the fish as well, laughing if she has to give up her portion.

At Three Feather's words, Jing's eyes light up. "Ooh, a Lawgiver? Why won't you be in the competition tomorrow then? I'm competing! I'd love to go against a Lawgiver!"

2010-03-07, 07:23 PM
Tern smiles slightly as they enter the inn. Having gotten used to her fellow traveler's companions' refusal to acknowledge her presence, she hasn't attempted to break past that particular barrier yet. No doubt they'll all be thankful for reaching their destination.

Paying the current exhibition in the inn only the slightest glance, she turns instead to Avan, speaking only just loud enough to be heard over the display. "Well, your friends seem to have found us an interesting place to stay. I should thank you for the ride, regardless. However, they don't seem overfond of my presence, so I wouldn't take it amiss if you'd rather spend the evening with them."

2010-03-07, 07:28 PM
Meidani also repeats the words, and also ensures the children get their portions before taking her rice.

Hmmm... I mainly came to speak to the City Mother. Of course, I will be watching the tournament.

On competing... well, I'm a Zenith Caste, not Dawn. I prefer not to use my skill at combat unless it is necessary.

She then turns to Huli Jing. My name is Meidani. May I ask yours, Chosen of Luna?

2010-03-07, 07:32 PM
Jing frowns slightly, the surprise ruined. She then picks up the beat again quickly, laughing. "Shhh!!! You weren't supposed to tell anyone." Silver tattoos twinkle in her fur as she pulls a rather large silver fan from the folds of her cloth, opening it and sweeping it across her mouth. "I am Huli Jing, Changing Moon. Pleased to make your aquaintance."

2010-03-07, 07:35 PM
Meidani chuckles. Sorry about that.

It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Huli Jing.

She smiles. So, you came here specifically for the tournament?

2010-03-07, 07:39 PM
Jing smiles coyly. "A little of that, a little of other things. I've been following my heart, I guess you could say. The tournament was just an additional stop while I was looking."

Turning to Three Feathers, Jing expertly wields her chop sticks for a moment before speaking with her. "Dear one, do you know what other competitors will be there tomorrow? I heard the prize is something that Salmon Princess is giving out herself, so it's probably drawn lots of people."

2010-03-07, 07:44 PM
Meidani smiles. I know what you mean. The tournament's going to be interesting, but I'm here, as I said, to speak with the Wise Salmon Princess.

It's unusual for her to sponsor something like this, though, isn't it?

2010-03-07, 07:49 PM
Avan had enjoyed the ride. Usually travel was dreadfully dull. He knew all the stories his men could tell, and they knew most of his. He had very little interest in gambling, which was what they did mostly. And while Lara was still herself, Avan took her presence for granted. She was there, and she always would be, at least until she wasn't. Tern had brightened that chance considerably. She was a Northerner, and had the Exotic Cast that they did. And she was very good looking. He was actually rather sad to be pulling up to the Inn. He had yet to decide his avenue of attack. In the end, it mattered very little. He'd have her eventually, or something else would distract him. He walked in, looking at the display curiously. He supposed this woman was one of the Competitors. No other reason for someone with that kind of talent to be here. Tern distracted him, and Avan looked over at her.

"Not at all, my dear. My Companions were simply awestruck by your beauty. They'll miss your presence on the road as much as I know I will. As for what I shall be doing tonight, well, that is still to be decided. However, my companions are most likely already seeking their own amusements. The Road is long and hard, and all men like to enjoy themselves when they can. Women, too, for that matter."

Avan left out the part about their 'amusements' most likely consisting of thievery, and related activity, but it was true. His men enjoyed their work. He did as well, but he allowed his men to do the prep work.

"So for the time being, I believe I'll remain in your company. Unless you intend to get rid of me. I'd be dreadfully hurt, but I do not remain where I am unwelcome, no matter why."

2010-03-07, 07:55 PM
In the Warren

"It is tremendously unusual. Even when we were plagued by the Fair Folk, the Princess never sent for help. She marched down there to their court and parlayed with the queen. Sometimes I think that she was changed by their destruction," Three Feathers says, finally taking a plate for herself. "And you will both have to be careful. Three Dragon-Blooded arrived last night and secured the final entries into the tournament, and rumor has it that are on dispensation from the Wyld Hunt. Aside from them, I'm afraid I can't tell you much. I'll be in it, of course. And Good Alma--she's our local Janissary. Teaches self-defense to the kids. You'd like her. Anyone else is pretty much a stranger," she finishes, shrugging.

2010-03-07, 08:01 PM
"Dragon Blood on a Hunt, you say?" Jing's chopsticks snap together as she spears a piece of fish from her plate. She nearly viciously bites through the offending morsel. "Do you happen to know what Inn they took room in?"

2010-03-07, 08:02 PM
Meidani picks up a piece of fish with her chopsticks. "We'll just have to be careful not to make any use of Essence too obvious, then."

She takes careful bites, in contrast to Jing's current savaging of the fish.

2010-03-07, 08:08 PM
The Warren

"Last I knew, two of them were up at the Leaping Perch and the other was sleeping out on the coastline. The two at the Perch don't seem to be much to worry about, but I saw the other one when he came in. He has cruel eyes. Not the sort I'd want to tangle against, even if I were a real Chosen," Three Feathers says. The children have all eaten their fill and ask in unison to be excused. Three Feathers nods and they rush out into the evening street.

"There's too much at stake here," she says at last as the old women around the table finish with solemn looks of disappointment. "And I do not know what has happened to the Princess. Still, we can only do what we can."

2010-03-07, 08:16 PM
"You're right. Even if we won, we'd probably just bring a bigger Wyld Hunt down right on this city, and that's trouble you don't need."

2010-03-07, 08:17 PM
The half-smile stays on Tern's face as she heads toward a table further away from the woman showing off to the patrons, a quick appraising glance passing over the man in the corner. "Well, you don't make it sound as though I could get rid of you if I tried, but I won't put that to the test." Just another thing she'd have to get used to, no doubt. At least most people weren't quite so... blatant.

"I can't exactly argue with your assessment of the road, after all. Having spent a fair bit of time on both, now, I must say the water is greatly preferable."

2010-03-07, 08:21 PM
"Winning isn't the issue. It's winning while giving yourself away." Jing smiles brightly. "Do you think you could give me directions to what part of the coastline our errant friend is on? I'd like to scope out the competition, I think."

Having placed down her chopsticks, Jing is now almost nervously playing with her silver fan.

2010-03-07, 08:24 PM
"I'd advise against that..."

Meidani frowns. "What exactly do you intend to do when you meet him?"

2010-03-07, 08:27 PM
The Warren

Three Feathers looks aghast. "You're not going to Hunt him, are you? Whatever you want to do, I suppose. Last I heard from the fishermen is that they saw a little fire going in a cove just west of the port. Please don't do something rash," she asks at last.

Inside the Leaping Perch

The innkeeper finally turns his full attention to the small congregation of theives and diplomats standing in his entryway:

"Oi. Ain't no room for you here if that's what you're after. Should'a got in early if you was hopin' for a place to stay for the tournie."

The woman in the red jade belt laughs in their general direction as her well-dressed assistant loads her up with another talent on each arm.

2010-03-07, 08:35 PM
"He's competition! I wouldn't do anything to him!" Jing has an innocent look on her face. "Besides, I wouldn't Hunt a person. Nasty taste, there."

Looking at Meidana, Jing smiles widely. "It was nice meeting with you. Do you think we could possibly talk a little more tomorrow? I think I need to go scope out this scary Dragonblood."

2010-03-07, 08:38 PM
"All right. I'd like that. See you tomorrow, Huli Jing.

And... please, don't do anything rash."

2010-03-07, 08:40 PM
Avan laughs and nods.

"You doubt my sincerity! I am hurt, truly hurt, you know that? My self esteem is a delicate creature, easily bruised."

Avan is still all smiles and nods, even at the Innkeepers conduct.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that, friend. My friend and I may have to go elsewhere. To bad for you though. We were ready to pay quite the premium for comfortable, well kept rooms. Of course, it would be far to much to ask that you find some few who are willing to give up their rooms for some small financial recompsense."

It was easy for Avan to dangle the offer of a little bit of coin in front of the man. After all, he intended to steal it all back, with interest for the fellows rudeness.

2010-03-07, 08:43 PM
Tern smiles back, sweeping both arms down to her sides with a slight bow of her head toward the jade-belted woman. "Ah, I apologize. With all your patrons huddled around the prodigy there, the inn must appear emptier than it is. But such are the perils of travel."

2010-03-07, 08:48 PM
"Don't worry my dear. I'm just going to get a look at him." Jing smiles brightly, not catching her own words, before looking to Three Feathers and the other older ladies. "If you'll all excuse me ladies, I'll see everyone this evening." She says in Skytongue, her own native accent bleeding through.

Standing, she heads out of the Warrens, casually walking around the city as she looks to the sky and streets. Passing through a secluded area, her form shimmers and melts into silver that falls into itself, leaving behind an alley cat. The cat then continues on, running through the town towards where this Dragonblood was staying.

2010-03-07, 08:59 PM
"Why did she call me that?"

Meidani frowns as Jing leaves, and turns to Three Feathers. "Do you think she'll be all right?"

2010-03-07, 09:25 PM

"She is a Chosen of Luna. What she can not overcome, she will adapt to," Three Feathers says, but even still she seems to lack full and complete confidence.

In the Leaping Perch

The innkeeper considers Avan's proposal, but before he can speak there is a noise from the crowd:

"Such bold words from the would-be spectators," the assistant says, mockingly, as the crowd parts to grant the pair a better view of the newcomers. "If they hadn't the sense to get a room in advance, then they shall certainly be relegated to the highest, most distant seats. They shall be lucky to even make out your magnificent face, Carmine!" he exclaims as he sets another two talents on each arm. The woman--Carmine--strains slightly now, drawing breath in dagger-sharp shots as she grunts her assent.

Huli Jing

As you make your way down the large stone stairs that cut across the face of the cliffside, you can see the bustle of the city's port. At the moment, three yachts and six large fishing vessels are docked, and there seems to be a great deal of nervousness as the vessels are unloaded. No less than two men fall in as a load of fish are transferred aground, and their fellows seem to have very little time to spare for them as they toss them a bouy before returning to their work. Here, it seems, strength and skill reign.

Just beyond the broad wooden walkways of the dock, you can see the cove, lit as it is from within by a faint red light. Of course, the problem that arises is obvious: the dock ends a good forty yards before the cove begins, and the side is nothing but a straight vertical cliff that even one of Luna's Chosen would have trouble climbing. Either the Terrestrial flew across, or he swam. How fortunate that both options are also available to you.

2010-03-07, 09:29 PM
Meidani frowns. "On the other hand, from what you told us, this Dragon-Blood could decide to employ... underhanded tactics.

...what do you know of him?"

2010-03-07, 09:35 PM
Three Feathers watches as the old women stubbornly gather up the plates and spirit them away, presumably to leave the pair alone.

"He is...he does not have a good reputation. His family is among the most vehement sort in the Wyld Hunt. His brother has been pulled from the Hunt proper because even the Immaculates found his views...extremist. His name is Peleps Itsuki, and that is about the size of what I know, Lawgiver. I hear that he is a master of his styles, but I do not know what styles those may be. Water Dragon, perhaps, but more as well."

2010-03-07, 09:36 PM
The cat stops and watches the fish for a moment, idling hoping for the fishmongers to lose one her way, before continuing on when they don't.

Finding the cliff nearly insurmountable in her current form and not really wishing to look entirely out of place, a cat climbing a cliff would certainly count, Jing moves into the darkness and shifts once more, malleable body keeping the same size, though black wings form from the silver protean material, before a raiton is completely formed. Pushing her wings downward, the raiton's body lifts skyward as she soars across the river and to the cove, being careful to stay out of any lights that might give her away.

2010-03-07, 09:37 PM
"And what about Jing?


Meidani frowns. "Do you know what the Immaculates would consider 'extremist', in this case?"

2010-03-07, 09:43 PM
The Cove

The man who sits by the fireside is young and scrawny and disheveled. Torn and tattered robes reveal his athletic chest; a thin scar runs across the length of his collarbone. His hair is dark as the sea and just as wispy: it curls and uncurls like seaweed, and his skin has a light turquoise pallor. He looks up at the sound of rushing wings but can not find you against the shadows.


"Jing...I know even less about. My apologies, Lawgiver. And, as I understand it, they considered it extremist when his brother, Peleps Deled, began hunting Terrestrials and mortals who interpreted the Immaculate Texts differently. It is a shattered world, Sun-Chosen. And it cries out for those who once ruled it," Three Feathers says with a forced smile. She seems uncomfortable around the Solar, but hides it well enough from casual observation.

2010-03-07, 09:48 PM
Meidani smiles. "It's all right. I was asking out of curiosity... and concern."

Casual observation, perhaps... but for the eyes of a Lawgiver- particuarly a Lawgiver experienced in other people- it's quite obvious. Meidani smiles. "You don't need to act so formal around me, by the way."

2010-03-07, 10:02 PM
Tern's smile doesn't waver as she clasps her hands together, falling into a relaxed position. No sense in letting them know she'd be competing before the tournament started. "Ah, but if you'll be competing in the tournament, surely your feats of strength will be more important than your face." A rather silly statement coming from a Dreaming Pearl Courtesan, come to think of it, but that was another thing to keep secret.

"At any rate, my sight is not lacking, so I'm sure I won't miss anything important."

2010-03-07, 10:20 PM
The raiton sits there among the trees for many long minutes, stretching into half an hour. A Water Dragon then. Jing finally thinks to herself. Not Fire. You've been spared for now, little Dragon.

Visions of a wild mammoth trampling the campsite, and the unfortunate Dragonblood, take a lazy stroll through her mind before being banished back to the recesses they'd come from.

Jing takes one long last look at the Dragonblood, who has been silent this whole time, and takes silent wing once more, drifting lazily through the skies back to the Warrens.

Once there, her form becomes silver and shifts quickly, until the lady of the white fox stands once more and enters, smiling the whole time.

2010-03-07, 10:23 PM
Meidani looks up as Jing enters. "What happened?"

2010-03-07, 10:27 PM
Jing has a fairly strong silver glow around her as she enters, having finally shifted into peripheral motes when reassuming her bipedal form. Shadows seem to bend and push around her, hiding her features slightly.

"I didn't do anything to him, if that's what you're asking." Jing pouts. "I was just scoping out the competition. He looks well trained, so I doubt he'll be knocked out in the first rung. If he's the only other Exalt, we'll likely be meeting at the finals." Jing pauses. "Oh wait, Three Feathers said she was entering, along with two other Dragonblood. It might be more fun than I thought!" She claps gaily.

2010-03-07, 10:28 PM
"She boasts!" Carmine says, then laughs. One last hearty laugh catches in her throats and she almost drops her weights before regaining her composure. Her assistant begins the work of unloading the talents as quickly as he can.

"Vainglorious cowards, thinking you can have your way by throwing around a few coins! Not while we are around, Dragon-Chosen, proud Princes of the Earth. Be glad Itsuki chose to sleep nearer his element, too. He would not suffer such an insult with as much charity of spirit as we have mustered!"

"I see only two cowards here," the silver haired man says from behind a book, his voice a placid tone. "And they stand, arrayed by fools."

2010-03-07, 10:30 PM
"I see.

By the way, I have a question. Why did you call me 'my dear' when you left to take a look at him?"

2010-03-07, 10:42 PM
Jing gives a start. "Huh, I guess I wasn't paying attention." She gives a winsome smile. "Either it's a game I'm playing, or I'm slipping back into other modes of speech again. I'm not sure which."

Placing a finger to her muzzle, Jing taps it for a moment. "Oh well. I will see you in the morning then, Meidani. May your dreams be of silver and gold."

Jing sweeps past the Lawgiver to her room, where she will spend the night in quiet slumber and meditation.

2010-03-07, 10:58 PM
Meidani frowns a little, as if she's trying to put pieces of a puzzle together.

But quickly recovers, and smiles. "Sleep well."

She stands, yawning. "Oh, I suppose I'd better get to bed myself. Big day tomorrow, even for those who aren't going to compete in the tournament.

Good night, Three Feathers."

Meidani heads off to bed, where she quickly nods off to sleep, ready to face the next day.

2010-03-08, 12:47 AM
Well, that was only to be expected, perhaps. At least the Dragon-Blooded were not all like this. Tern tilts her head quizzically, the sad smile of a carefully acknowledged defeat molding her face into the mask of a naive girl overmatched in her element. "Boasts? Insults? You are certainly careless in what you choose to take offense to, but I suppose that is your right. Well, in the interests of getting me out of your inn sooner, I don't suppose you could direct me to the ones organizing this tournament? Given the caliber of those attending, some of these matches should be most interesting to see."

Charisma + Presence?

2010-03-08, 12:58 AM
Rising Hope

His wide grin subsiding into a careful, soft smile, Rising Hope looks the woman in the eye.

"That's high praise, coming from such a loving mother."

He hesitates about asking the obvious, but being the unsubtle, direct beast that he is, he can't help but do it.

"What happened to your son?"

2010-03-08, 06:15 AM
Avan laughed for his part at the Assistant and Tern. He stepped forward after Tern had spoken her piece, smiling as well.

"For a man whose abilities appear to be limited to boasting on account of someone else, you are certainly sure of yourself. As for you miss..."

Avan addresses the words to the strongwoman.

"...I'll see you at the tournament. Try not to get eliminated to early on. I'd love to see if your assistants words are backed up by reality."

However, Tern is right. He really does need to see the Tournament Organizers.

2010-03-08, 06:23 PM
Rising Hope

"The Raksha happened," Honey Hoda says, trying to make herself laugh. "They...they were much more active before whatever happened happened. The Princess did her level best to keep them contained, but they were many and she was only one. The Janissaries helped when they could, but this wasn't their mission. And," she croaks a little here, tears, then speaks: "One day, they just came and they went into his school. He wasn't the only one they...but still. They told me that the one that did it had a red eye on his chest, a big tattoo, and it just opened, and the next thing you know my little kiddo was just...just a shell. Lots of empty nothin' ratting around."

Sign of the Leaping Perch

"Silly mortals!" Carmine says, removing a stamped wax coin from her bosom as her assistant removed a similar one from his pocket. "The lots have been drawn. Perhaps if you had wanted to enter the tournament, you would have shown up on time."

"What will you ask for as your prize, Carmine?" the assistant asks, moving to dismiss the pair of Solars entirely.

"I hear the Wise Salmon Princess has the finest hair in the Near North. I think I shall ask her for that," the burly woman replies. "And it shall remind her of her proper place in this world."

2010-03-08, 07:14 PM
Tern laughs lightly, offering a half bow to the Dragon-Blooded before stepping toward the door. "Now, now, Avan, don't fall to their level. They've still been helpful, despite their lack of courtesy. But, of course, there is no reason to stay further at an inn with no room."

She turns to the Terrestrials once more before leaving, contentment plain on her face. "A most auspicious meeting. I look forward to seeing your matches tomorrow." Once outside, she glances back at Avan appraisingly. Overland travel was such an annoyance, and had apparently lost her even more time than she'd expected, but perhaps it could be made up for. Looking around, she takes in the layout of the town. Simple enough, and easy to guess where the people of importance would be. It was only early evening, after all, surely not so late that it would be impossible to speak with them.

With a final glance back at the Leaping Perch, she moves down the street a short way, waiting to see if Avan would follow.

2010-03-08, 07:37 PM
Avan sighed at their comments, and shrugged. If that was the way they wanted it, that was the way it was going to have to be. There were a limited number of coins. He didn't have one. For some this might be a problem. But Avan was in the business of transferring objects from one person to another, and this was hardly an exception. Avan listened to Tern's words with a bemused smile on his face, before shrugging.

"Tern, excuse me for a moment. I'll be back in a moment. I need to retrieve something I left inside the Inn."

Avan smiled, and pulled the hood of his cloak up. He was being honest, in a manner of speaking. He'd left the coins in the Inn, and now he was going to go retrieve them. A slight expenditure of essence, and he was effectively gone from sight. Or at least, he was so utterly unremarkable, that no one would think twice to look at him. His features as a Southerner might have marked him as someone to watch, but with the hood up, he was just another body in the Tavern. He walked easily through the crowd, not hurrying, but just steadily moving. If someone had been watching him, they might have believed he was just drifting. Of course, anyone who was able to watch him would know something entirely different was going on. His drifting took him past the Strong Woman and her Assistant, just by chance of course. Again, if anyone had been watching him, his hands would have appeared to shift slightly. Someone with the senses of an Exalted might even have noticed the swift movements, as the Thief swiftly stole the coins. In their place, he left two wooden coins. He had them made up for situations like these. Usually, he left them in bulk, inside of coin purses and other such things. However, they would function well enough here as well. They were simple enough simply showing the word "Apologies" on both sides. Lara had made sure it said that. Little details like that he left up to her.

Expend 5m, activate Easily Overlooked Presence

I'm assuming two rolls, one for each theft. If this count as a Stunt, just say, and I'll roll the extra Dice in OOC

[roll0] Theft from Strongwoman
[roll1] Theft from Assistant

2010-03-08, 08:23 PM
Carmine and her assistant do not notice--or do not appear to notice--the Night's chicanery. The silver-haired man in the corner, however, sets aside his book and smiles at the Solar. Tern grins himself as he exits the Leaping Perch, two wax coins held in hand. Upon inspection, they bear a profile of the Wise Salmon Princess on one side and a small inscription on the reverse:

From venture, gain. From death, glory.

Ominous to be certain, but there is still the matter of finding a place to sleep for the evening.

2010-03-08, 08:35 PM
Both the coins were pocketed away. Avan only needed one. He'd just keep the other one. Maybe he'd find somebody who wanted it. Or maybe, he'd just keep it. The less coins there were, the fewer people there were to compete against.

"Thank you for waiting Tern. I managed to find what I needed to. Now, where to?"

Avan looked at her, still grinning proudly. The Thief was proud of himself. He was tempted to just hang around the Inn, and wait for Strongwoman and the Assistant to realize what had happened. He was fond of watching reactions of his 'patrons.' However, he was still more interested in Tern, and thusly was back out here.

2010-03-08, 09:25 PM
Tern raises an eyebrow at Avan's sudden reversal of demeanour, but refrains from comment. "Well, I still must pay a visit to the organizers of this tournament. I don't think it would be overly difficult to convince them that the tournament would be better served by the inclusion of a latecomer or two. No doubt I can discern near as much from watching as participating, but I've not had the privilege of facing one of the Dragon-Blooded in a serious contest before, and I think it would be quite the learning experience." And of course, it would be much easier to find any fellow students if she happened to end up facing one...

She gestures toward the center of town, walking toward the busiest area apparent. "It can't be hard to find them, at any rate. Not that late yet, and there is still the matter of possibly finding a place to stay."

2010-03-09, 06:58 AM
Rising Hope

His grin now fully faded, Rising Hope stays silent for long seconds, carelessly patting her stretched hand and looking outside through the window.

"I lost many loved ones to the Raksha too," he says finally, with a voice just above whispering. "It's never easy."

He knew there would be more to say to console people in these kinds of situations, but he wasn't the type. The words just weren't coming to him. Instead, he stood silent, and waited.

2010-03-09, 07:59 AM
Avan nodded, and shrugged. Either way was fine to him, to tell the truth. He had done what he had to do, and now he was free to just amuse himself.

"Lead on then Lady Tern. I have no doubts that your powers of persuasion will overcome any resistance they might offer. And if the unlikely situation arises where you need aid, I shall endeavour to proovide. My powers of Persuasion are undoubtedly more limited then your own, but I still might be of some aid."

Avan's voice gave notice that he found something amusing, but not what. He just waited for Tern to start walking, intending to follow along after her. Usually, he demanded that he lead, but in this case, he was curious just what Tern was capable of.

2010-03-09, 11:46 AM
Rising Hope

"It's fine. I'm fine. Completely," Hoda says, brushing back tears with a broad smile that seems to force its way through the sorrow like the sun pushing through storm clouds. "It was years ago, and they're...well, I don't know. Dead, I suppose. As dead as those things can be. But I shouldn't be troubling you," Hoda says, picking up a few odds and ends to tidy the kitchen. "You've a long day tomorrow."

Tern and Avan

Tern stops a few passers-by, but they are, for the most part, polite but unhelpful. She finally stops a dark man in a fine, black silk suit embroidered with cobwebs.

"Out of luck, I'm afraid," he says with a growing grin. "The tournament was organized by the Princess herself, the lots drawn by her own hand and distributed to the competitors. She's withdrawn into her sanctum for the night, and unless you're some kind of god yourself, not much chance of getting in. Oh, but it is not all bad, dear child, dear girl, dear heart. Just let old Black Dog help you out. I've got the solution right and ready," he says. When he grins, it's like the world is ending. His teeth are perfectly square, pretty and white. He ambles off in the direction of the merchant's district, biding you to follow.

2010-03-09, 11:53 AM
Avan watches him go, and shakes his head. He didn't like the man. There were a number of reasons, most of them incredibly superficial. However, Avan usually listened to superficial reasons. He rarely thought beyond them, after all.

"If you want my advice, I vote we walk that way."

Avan pointed in the oppisite direction the man had gone.

"But, that is just my opinion."

2010-03-09, 01:38 PM
Rising Hope

"Troubling?" the young Solar says, incredulous. "I was beyond lucky to have found someone like you for a host. Actually," he continues, the familiar smile reappearing on his features, "If I would continue to be such lucky during the Tournament as well, the first place is as good as mine." He laughs so heartily at this that it's not exactly obvious if it's an act of self-confidence or a simple joke.

"But you're right," he says suddenly, after his laugh eventually dies. "It will be an interesting day and I'm looking forward to it. I'll... see you in the morning then," he adds softly and with another brief smile, he retreats to his room.

2010-03-09, 02:51 PM
"Ah, but I find myself rather curious, now. It can't hurt to see what he wants. It seems unlikely that he has what he claims, but my original plan isn't going to work." Tern turns on the ball of one foot, placing herself between Avan and Black Dog.

"Unless, of course," she adds with a smile, "you have a better solution?"

2010-03-09, 03:14 PM
Avan looked at Tern, rubbing his chin as though he was thinking.

"Now, suppose I did. What would you be willing to offer for such a solution? Such a thing would appear to be quite valuable, at least from where I am standing."

Avan looked at Tern curiously. He was actually far more interested in seeing what her reaction would be then in whatever she would offer.

2010-03-09, 03:45 PM
"Ah, indeed it would," muses Tern, clasping her hands together behind her back. "Alas, I have little to offer. After all, I haven't much hope of winning." Her smile doesn't falter, however, and after a moment she continues, her face a mask of innocence.

"I suppose I might be able to act on your behalf at some point in the future, but you haven't said yet what this potential solution would be."

2010-03-09, 03:55 PM
Avan smiled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of the Wax Coins he had acquired from inside with .

"So you will do me a favor in exchange for something like this? In truth, the notion of having a favor to call on from a beautiful woman does have it's attractions. And while I don't know your particular talents, you appear to be someone of skills and resources. Perhaps I do have something that could benefit from your aid."

Avan's smile was as innocent as Tern's look, full of good natured humor.

"I suppose I would have to request that you keep in contact with me, were I to agree to your offer. So I'd know how to request your aid, when it becomes relevant."

2010-03-09, 04:26 PM
"I'm sure we'll be able to work something out." She examines the coin carefully, noting both sides as Avan holds it up. "An interesting token. Yet, if lots have been drawn already, would these be enough? They don't appear to bear any individual identifying marks..."

With a shrug, she holds out a hand. "Well, I suppose we'll find out how they've set things up tomorrow. Shall we see if we can find an inn that isn't full?"

2010-03-09, 05:25 PM
Avan sighed consideringly, before just shrugging.

"There is a risk of that, of course. However, risk is part of every bargain. You risk that the coin is worthless, I risk that you word is worthless."

With that, he deposited the coin in Tern's hand. If he lost, that was that. Easy come, easy go. Of course, he'd have to track Tern down, but that wouldn't renew lost oppurtunities. But he was willing to bet he could trust Tern on her word.

More then she can trust mine.

"No bothersome questions? I like that. Let's see if there are any Inns so disreputable that they haven't managed to fill up."

2010-03-09, 09:22 PM

Eventually, Tern and Avan settle for a bed and breakfast whose owner persists in thinking them an eloped couple. Still, the night gives way to day and the aurora fades to be replaced by a bright sun and a sky so blue that the sea turned green with envy.

As the morning comes, the Exalted prepare. When they gather in the central piazza of Greenfield, each of you can see the ring, newly erected and prepared. It is a series of high stages, six in all. High, tiered seating rings the six stages, and at the very head of the makeshift arena is an elevated box draped in soft pink silk. Inside, there is a woman's silhouette. When the Wise Salmon Princess speaks, it is in a voice that would make the river still itself to better hear her.

"Competitors! Noble champions offered by Creation, I welcome you to Greenfield. You have come to us now upon the eve of our greatest need. Throughout our world, there is turmoil," she says, and those Exalted in the crowd can feel her gaze, even through the veils, fall upon them. "Our world needs heroes. Those who will fight back the darkness, the dead and the demons--"

"And the Raksha!" an old man calls out from the stands. This is met with cheers and applause, but the Princess' shadow turns stern and she motions for quiet.

"Serve yourself through the display of your abilities, champions, and serve your world through the application of those same talents. We shall depend upon you all--and to the victor, just rewards."

There's an uproar now, and the Princess joins in it, raising her arms gleefully as if to embrace the sun and the crowd and the whole of Creation. Each of the wax coins glows red as if hot, and a bright number appears above the Princess' silhouette. In the distance, just behind a pair of spirit-guards, Avan and Tern can hear the loud protests of Carmine and her assistant, but what happens happens all too fast for them to change anything.

"Speak your name, champions, and the number of your lot!"

The first to speak is the somber and disheveled Terrestrial: "I am the first, and my name is Peleps Itsuki."

Next comes a man in solemn purple, an undertaker with a collection of wineskins draped across his shoulder: "I am Jii of Sijain."

Two mortal men of middle age step forward to claim lots three and four: the first is Tian Cho, the second Stern Huu.

"I am Three Feathers, fifth lot," the young woman says happily.

"And I am Rising Hope, sixth lot," the Dawn Caste adds.

Huli Jing laughs as she displays her coin proudly, pronouncing her name and her place as the seventh contestant.

Avan follows her lead with a grin and declares himself the eighth.

A woman of great age is ninth, a dark haired crone in golden robes. "I am Good Alma," she proclaims.

"And I am Ibis of the Lilies," the tenth says, a boy no older than ten in appearance and seemingly sopping wet.

Tern sheepishly offers herself as the eleventh.

Twelfth and last is the silver-haired man from the Leaping Perch who declares his name to be Navigator Genti, kissing Tern's hand softly and politely as he displays his own coin.

"The Tournament shall commence!"

Note: you've had time to enter your Form or use scene-long charms before the start of each battle as you climb up to the stage.

Rising Hope v Three Feathers
Join Battle!: 3 successes v 2
Tick 0: Rising Hope
Tick 1: Three Feathers

Huli Jing v Avan
Join Battle!: 0 successes vs 2
Tick 0: Avan
Tick 2: Huli Jing

Tern v Genti
Join Battle!: 5 successes vs 8
Tick 0: Navigator Genti
Tick 3: Tern

2010-03-09, 09:42 PM
Meidani cheers along with everyone else as the competitors enter, and watches the match allocations with interest.

Huli Jing is... in her War Form? That's odd... most of the Lunars I know don't use it if they want to conceal their identites as Lunars. Of course, she could pass herself off as a spirit, since her Tell isn't obvious...

She is surprised, to say the least, when she feels the Princess' gaze specifically upon her.

Why do I get the feeling that she knew what I was?

She shakes it off, however, to watch the start of the matches. Talking to the Princess can wait until after the tournament.

2010-03-10, 08:37 AM
Avan stepped onto the stage, facing down his opponent. He already wore the Fighting gauntlet he intended to use. His Knives were safely in his belt loops, but since he wasn't aiming to kill anyone, he didn't plan on taking them out. And the Wheel was hidden away, like it always was. Using that would bring questions from the wachers he really couldn't answer. He observed his opponent as he got set. It looked like she was a spirit of some type, or something along those lines. He didn't really know. He wasn't really an expert at that type of thing. However, it did mean one thing. Avan wasn't going to be able to take it easy.

Tis unfortunate. I dislike hand to hand fighting, much as I excel at it. Much rather just attack from safety. In fact, attacking from safety when no one knows where I am is best of all.

Of course, it wasn't like that put him at a disadvantage. Limited or not, he was still what he was, and he was more then a match for some spirit.

"I'd love to say good luck, and all that, but it is hardly appropriate in this setting. So I guess I'll just have to start."

Avan swiftly closed the gap between the two of them, lashing out with his right fist as he did in a swift jab toward her Torso. The Face would have been better, if he was actually fighting, but to many chances of nasty complications in that.

2010-03-10, 09:31 AM
Rising Hope

With the prospect of combat drawing ever so close, Rising Hope can't help but feel the thrill inside him, not as a fear of what is to come, but the opposite, like a pre-battle adrenaline rush. He silently steps onto the ring and gazes at his opponent with mild interest. After a while, he bows.

"I really hoped I would face one of the Dragon-blooded than having to rough things up with a fair lady such as yourself," he says politely, but quickly raises a hand.

"Fear not, though. I won't disrespect your prowess by holding back. Here I come!"

Announcing his attack, the Solar dashes forward at Three Feathers, his face showing excitement and even joy. He raises a fist halfway through the run, the orichalcum gauntlets covered with tight white bandages, and throws a rather simple punch, if only at a much greater speed and force.

I wasn't sure if we were supposed to roll here or in the OOC thread, but anyway.

Spending two motes for First Martial Arts Excellency.


Oh and his Parry DV rises to 8, am I right?

Dodge DV: 3
Parry DV: 7

Soak: 16B/13L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6

Personal: 13/15 (X Committed)
Peripheral: 28/36 (8 Committed)

2010-03-10, 11:01 AM
Jing smiles at the man before he rushes in, and almost looks surprised as he starts attacking.

Quickly, she bows, fan held out low as Avan's fist skirts the top of her back. Standing back up afterwards, she scolds him. "You're supposed to bow before you begin. Didn't you know that?"

Holding onto her fan with a stable hand, Jing crashes it against the wrist of the apparently mortal man to bat away the second punch, before jabbing it into his solar plexus heavily, and then stepping backwards to give him a bit of breathing room.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage is 8B + successes

Personal: 11/14
Peripheral: 24/36
Commited: 12

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ])
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Dodge DV: 5 (6 in war form)
Parry DV: 7 (War fan)

Soak: 3B/1L (4B/2L in Warform)

2010-03-10, 12:44 PM
Tern steps up into the ring, loosening the first sash around her waist. Small weights sewn into the lining turned it into a useful weapon, and it wasn't likely to attract too much attention. Raising her hand as she sweeps it off, she allows it to twine around her arm before offering a graceful bow to Genti. At the earliest judgment, it seemed he would fight in a similar manner to her own, and would likely be good at it. No doubt a little caution would be a good idea.

Dodge DV 5 (+3 dice)
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 15/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-10, 03:05 PM
Avan sighed as the punch went wide. He'd lost his stance and he made it, allowing it to be knocked aside easily by the woman wielding the War Fan. The counterattack, when it came, would most likely hurt. He'd underestimated the Spirit, and he was likely going to pay for it.

"Apologies for not observing the proper etiquette. I'm terrible at such things, you realize."

Unless I'm smart enough to get out of it...

Avan didn't attempt to dodge the blow. He was overextended as it was. Trying to recover himself that way would only cause himself to get swiftly battered aside. Instead, he stepped into it, driving his Gauntleted hand down hard down on Jing's unarmored wrist, and stepping into her, bringing him face to face with the Spirit, hopefully dodging the blow.

"Look me up after this, and I'll try to make it up to you. Drinks are on me."

Avan didn't know if his bravado would turn out to be justified, but a change in tactics. Succeed or fail with his attempt to shield himself from the blow, he already had a plan in mind.

Sorry in advance, darling. If it works, it won't be pleasant for you.

Dodge DV 6 (-1 till Tick 5)
Parry DV 6 (-1 till Tick 5)

Soak: B4/L5

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 14/2 (3 Committed)
Peripheral: 35/35

2010-03-10, 04:42 PM
Genti vs Tern

"I'm sorry," Genti says as he clambers into their ring and assume the rote position of his chosen martial art--one leg bent at an angle with his foot flat against his knee, fingers splayed like feathers on a wing. "That you had to draw my name is bad luck, but I will try my best to be instructively gentle," he adds, utterly and serenely sincere. He rushes forward, moving to strike Tern with an open palm:

"The key to good strikes is all in precision."

Genti's attack rates 9 successes; if you want to stunt a defense you might be able to up your Dodge DV of 5 enough to mitigate, or you can activate a charm, or you can accept the blow. Incidentally, if you've not counted your Bracers in calculating your DV, you should. They're not rolled per blow, you just add them in as if they were extra Dodge dice.

Rising Hope v Three Feathers

Rising Hope's fist finds purchase against Three Feathers' own flesh, leaving a soft, purple wound all across her chest. The sound of it is sickeningly visceral, and Three Feathers herself seems surprised by the force of it, as if she hadn't expected the strength at Rising Hope's command. It would make more sense to her, certainly, if she saw the smashfist hidden beneath its concealment.

"You...you are very good," she says, staring down at the ground. "But I will not be beaten down so easily!" she says, smiling now. When she looks back up at you, the purple bruise is retreating like a rapidly-evaporating puddle. Soon, her skin is perfect and unmarred, and she rises from beneath Hope, moving into an uppercut meant for his jaw only to meet his metal-sheathed palm, deflecting the blow cleanly.

For the record? You hit her gooood. You dealt five levels of bashing damage, and you know that most normal people would be out like a light by now. It's a one-die stunt for your attack, and you may gain back 2m. Your DV is -1 until it refreshes...which is now.

Tick 5: Hope
Tick 6: Three Feathers

2010-03-10, 05:30 PM
Rising Hope

The blonde Solar looks a bit surprised at first - he didn't expect his blow to connect so well, but his face opens into a grin of outright astonishment as he notices the bruises from Three Feathers' body vanish, just like that.

His grin persists even as he deflects the woman's blow. As if going into some kind of martial arts stance, he swiftly puts one foot forward, and leans closer to her.

"Are you an Exalted?" he whispers, ever so blunt, with a voice almost a hiss, though not loud enough to be overheard. Not without Charms, at least. His large face shows intense curiosity, and he waits for his answer before pushing forward. His eyes don't stand still, however, trying to unravel pieces of evidence as to his theory of her. He puts on a basic fighting stance while waiting, with a folded left arm guarding his front and another folded right arm coiling near his belly, poised to strike.

Aim action. -1 to defense, I guess.

Dodge DV: 3
Parry DV: 7

Soak: 16B/13L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6

Personal: 15/15 (X Committed)
Peripheral: 28/36 (8 Committed)

2010-03-10, 05:54 PM
Meidani frowns as she watches the matches.

Huli Jing seems to be going well in her match... Three Feathers isn't going so well, though.

She continues watching in interest.

2010-03-10, 06:33 PM
"Then I shall endeavour to learn," replies Tern, expression solemn as she snaps open her fan. Seemingly allowing the air to carry its motion, she studies Genti carefully as he approaches. Too fast, too skilled to be fooled by simply moving out of the way, as an ordinary combatant would do. The idea, as the form had reinforced, was to simply appear to be moving, or alternately, move while seeming still. The fan's movement carries her left arm across her body, and she shifts her torso backward, allowing the precise strike to land just on the surface of her body, striking only the flowing fabric of her tunic as it holds the illusion of inertia.

Allowing Genti only the barest moment to register the impact, she turns her body sideways, holding one end of the sash between two fingers and allowing the other to remain curled around her arm as she drives her foreknuckles toward his solar plexus.

Ah... of course, that makes much more sense. :smallredface:

Dodge DV is 7, then, and spending 4 personal motes on Demure Carp Feint to raise it to 10 for the action.

Attacking with a simple punch.
Damage 5B + successes

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 11/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-10, 08:23 PM
Avan vs Huli Jing

Huli Jing's blow meets Avan's form quite nicely: the tip of her warfan is driven solidly into his solar plexus, knocking him back a few feet but failing to topple him.

Huli Jing deals Avan a nasty 4B bruise and, for her 1 die stunt, recovers 2m.

Tern vs Genti

Genti smiles as his hit connects with nothing more than fabric.

"An elegant ruse, dear, and well executed, but" he says as he catches her hand between his own crossed arms, "ultimately? Finally? You have to know who you're up against. That's the real ticket, right? Knowledge."

He smiles and lets her hand go, jumping backward--no, soaring backward, as if flying, arms outstretched like a bird's wings. He lands at the ring's edge, takes a brief bow, and turns back to Tern.

Genti's either Aiming or Guarding near as you can tell, and I rolled Tern's Martial Arts + Perception...you're pretty sure that you just ran into a Perfect Defense. Reasonably.

Still, Genti didn't hit you with his last attack. Of course, he doesn't seem to be fighting very hard.

Rising Hope vs Three Feathers

The woman smiles, letting her dark black hair flash blow wildly behind her. Her eyes narrow, and within them Hope can see reflections of dark blue and green, shadows within shadows. The bruise is entirely gone now, it is has left her mocha-colored skin.

"Not quite!" she yells excitedly, rushing forward as if carried on the wings of Valor itself to deliver a strong chop to his shoulder.

Three Feathers is attacking you to the tune of 12 successes...do you want to Charm, or take the hit?


In the stands, a dusky man in a black silk suit adorned with silver cobwebs strolls across the aisle. Those few peasants seated near you choose--perhaps judiciously--to flee his approach, not for pure terror but for a fear mixed with respect. The luxurious luster of his suit and the casual cruelty that seems to follow him suggest, to your Pact-trained senses, a Guildsman, or a mafioso. Someone who makes his living on the terror of others, but who still conducts useful trade. He offers you a gloved hand.

"Pleasure, ma'am. Name's Black Dog Bodhi, but you can just call me Black Dog if your little heart desires. Is this seat taken?"

2010-03-10, 08:35 PM
Meidani looks up, casting an evaluating gaze at the man. As a Lawgiver and an honorary member of the Pact, she doesn't parti particularly cuarly like what she sees... but there's no point in making a scene, is there?

The seat's free.

It's nice to meet you, Black Dog. My name's Meidani.

And an oddity- although her features mark her as a Westerner, her accent is obviously of the East. Her green dress is fine, but not gaudy, and offers her protection against the cold.

She shakes his hand, looking into his eyes.

2010-03-10, 09:14 PM
Avan grunts as the blow connects solidly, but keeps on smiling. He'd failed to keep it from hitting him, with unfortunate results. However, he was done underestimating her. Now it was time to put his plan into action. He was done undestimating her. That Fan hurt a bit much for him to deal with it constantly. Luckily however, he had other options.

"That's a lovely fan dear. How about you let me see it for a bit?"

Avan's free hand latched onto Jing's before she could withdraw it from his stomach, taking advantage of the extended stance the blow had placed her in. The Gauntleted fist smashed into the fan like a hammer on the anvil, Avan confident that this other would keep Jing's hand still. The blow was empowered with as much essence as Avan could force into it, the Thief knowing one or two more blows like that would leave him on the floor. It only took a little bit more effort to keep his Anima from showing up, a trick that had come with the Exaltation, as far as Avan knew. If that was successful, he fully intended to retrieve the weapon, he intended to retrieve the Weapon. A leap and rolling catch, after which he'd have to keep the weapon from the Lady Spirit. Once that was done, he could see to it that the weapon was remove from the fight on a more permanant basis, and turn to hopefully ending this bad business.

Dodge DV 6 (-1 till Tick 5)
Parry DV 6 (-1 till Tick 5)

Soak: B4/L5

-0 [/][/]
-1 [/][/][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 14/0 (3 Committed)
Peripheral: 35/28

Charms used: First Martial Arts Excellency

Action: Flurry

Attack: Called Shot Disarm 9m (8 Extra Dice from First MA Excellency, 1 mote to prevent Anima Flare) 11 Dice (4 Dex+4 MA+1 Weapon+8 First MA Excellency-2 Flurry Penalty-2 Called Shot penalty -1 Wound Penalty)

[roll0] 12 Successes (Two from the OOC thread, due to a dice I missed, and a misunderstanding of Internal vs. External Penalties.

Miscellaneous: Retrieval Action
4 Dice (4 MA+ 4 Dex - 3 Flurry Penalty- 1 Wound Penalty)

[roll1] 1 Success

2010-03-10, 10:14 PM
Jing quickly flips her warfan to the side slightly, manuvering the weapon just enough to have the blow glance off her fan instead of knocking it completely out of her hand, even as she flipped her body upwards, twisting until she balanced on her own fan, held by Avan.

Body twisted until it was almost in half, Jing smiled. "Good luck with that one. I don't let others play with my toys."

Pulling her arm and nearly jerking it out of socket, (the fan came free and Jian fell behind Avan, fan held out, ready.) (Jian failed to pull the fan free from Avan's hands as she landed behind him.)

Now, let's see if this actually works. I have a Parry DV of 6 because of my previous attack, spending 6 motes Personal Essence for First Dexterity.


I need four successes. Attack post will be after this.

Personal: 7/14
Peripheral: 24/36
Commited: 12

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ])
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Dodge DV: 5 (6 in war form)
Parry DV: 7 (War fan)

Soak: 3B/1L (4B/2L in Warform)

2010-03-10, 10:29 PM
A flicker of understanding crosses Tern's face, and she nods once. Well, I was expecting a learning experience, if not from such a skilled teacher.

Dropping the end of the sash, she allows it to uncoil as she moves forward with a light-footed stride, the weighted fabric trailing behind her in a barely encouraged helix. Two steps short of Genti's reach, she stops, drawing her back foot up to her knee as she twists her body to the side, and closes her fan with a minimal motion. Snatching the end of the sash in the gap between thumb and forefinger, she flicks it forward in a line that isn't quite as straight as it appears, before spinning underneath her raised arm and landing to the right as she collects the returning end between her fourth and fifth fingers.

An attack with the rope.

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 11/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-11, 01:57 AM
Rising Hope

Intrigued even further by the woman's answer, Rising Hope doesn't exactly move to dodge her incoming attack. He knew this one was a little too fast, so he just tilts his body slightly as to give the armor beneath his robes more of a chance, and braces himself for the impact.

"After this is over. Can you tell me then?" he asks with lingering curiosity. Having observed her fighting style a bit, he is hopeful that he might end the battle soon, but not preferably before getting the promise of another thing that he wants.

I guess if I use a Charm that would end the Aim action prematurely, am I right? Then no, I trust my good-ish bashing soak and just take the hit. I will even make a prediction and say she's going to hit for 3 bashing levels.

Dodge DV: 3
Parry DV: 7

Soak: 16B/13L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6

Personal: 15/15 (X Committed)
Peripheral: 28/36 (8 Committed)

2010-03-11, 08:39 AM
Huli Jing and Avan

Avan's blow prys the warfan from Huli Jing's hands with ease, sending it ten yards across the ring. Stunned as Huli is to have been disarmed, she is even more stunned when Avan rolls forward, grabbing the warfan with a flourish.

Avan is rewarded for his success and boldness with a two-die stunt. You can either regain 4m or 1 point of Willpower.

Tick 7: Huli Jing
Tick 10: Avan

Genti and Tern

"Lesson two, then? Play the long game. Sacrifice what you can so that you needn't sacrifice what you can't," Genti adds, stepping into the blow with an expression of perfect serenity. The sash strikes him in the chest, and he does wince a little. But that only makes it all the more worrisome. When he marches forward, his own katas and motions in perfect mimicry of your own just instants before...

2 die stunt for Tern, so recover 4m or 1wp. You hit, but Genti soaked the damage down to a few dice with no successes.

Genti's own hit is pretty massive, scoring 16 successes...so...response?

Tick 9: Genti
Tick 11: Tern

Three Feathers and Rising Hope

Three Feathers' attack lands square on Rising Hope's shoulder, telegraphing pain throughout his form.

3 Bashing damage, you crazy psychic you. Though you did force her down to Ping.


His eyes are like a cold winter night. You half expect them to be full of pine forests. He takes his seat beside you and leans over dramatically to whisper in your ear:

"I think the safe money is on the Terrestrial there, don't you?" He points to Peleps Itsuki, who is currently kicking Sijainese Jii over and over again. The poor mortal is curled into the fetal position. "Now, sure, he's got the power and he's certainly got the gumption, but I wouldn't be too sad if he got what was comin' to him. Immaculate types always mucking about in business that's not theirs to mind. My business."

2010-03-11, 01:48 PM
Meidani gives a cold look to the Immaculate monk, and nods.

"It would be safe to say you're correct... unfortunately. I'm wondering why they don't just stop the match now, it's obvious who's won..."

She looks at the man again, not shivering at the coldness of his eyes, for fear at such things is not for the Lawgivers to feel. She is, however, wary. "And what business would that be, exactly?"

2010-03-11, 04:22 PM
Rising Hope

Receiving the expected blow, Rising Hope winces sharply as the powerful blow explodes through his armor into his skin. He frowns, an unusual expression to his face, its source being not the blow, however, but the shrugging off of his request.

"You don't want to tell. I understand. There isn't any reason left for me to prolong this fight, then."

Without breaking his stance, the Solar takes a very small step to the right as to take Three Feathers to his left, and then unleashes a powerful backhand fist with his guarding left hand. Following it closely comes a terrible right hook, and as both of his arms are swinging counterclockwise, he joins with his body to the cycle, revolving swiftly around himself. He bends his knees to a crouch, and carrying all the momentum, he ends with a low right hook directly to the abdomen of the young woman.

Flurry of three blows, 3 dice coming from Aim, spending 1 Willpower to boost the first attack by 4. Using First Martial Arts Excellency with 7 and 8 motes for second and third attacks. With the -1 by his wound, it's 14, 13, 13 dice, I believe. Yes, it's an all or nothing attack, and yes, it's probably a waste of motes and Willpower, either if he succeeds or not. Well, he's reckless like that.


If the second attack would somehow knock her unconscious, he will abort his third attack.


Dodge DV: 3
Parry DV: 7

Soak: 16B/13L

-0 [/][/]
-1 [/][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 5/6

Personal: 0/15 (X Committed)
Peripheral: 28/36 (8 Committed)

2010-03-11, 05:10 PM
"Ah, I was hoping I had that one right," murmurs Tern, letting her fan drift open again. It wouldn't likely work to conceal her movements again, and distraction would certainly have little effect on an opponent of this caliber, but it was all she had while in full view of two Terrestrials that already had reason to suspect her. The loop of cloth she holds in her other hand follows the fan's movement upward as she begins a half-step back, and as the fan swings out of the path of Genti's strike, the sash snares his arm, shifting it toward the side that is already retreating. Not enough to stop it entirely, perhaps, but better one arm disabled than a strike taken full on.

I should probably see whether I'm even still up before taking actions. If only Pearlescent Filigree weren't Obvious... :smalltongue:

Using those four motes to Demure Carp Feint again, for a DV of 9.

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 11/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-11, 09:15 PM
Jing looked at her fan in the man's hands, her eyes dulling to a deep gray as she begins to scowl.

She begins to run forward, only to drop to all fours, her tail coming up out of the back of her dress to balance her out as she surges forward balanced on fingertips and the balls of her feet as she powers forward.

She jerks to a stop in front of Avan, the back half of her body continuing to move, spinning upwards as she bends her arms, tensing for a moment until her legs come up underneath the chin of Avan, and she pushes off, striking him directly as she whips her body around to be standing once more.

She looks at him with a furious glare and says a single word. "Mine."

Alright, burning 6 personal motes for First Dex. Taking a -1 External penalty for fierce blow.
Kick: Speed 5/Acc 11/Damage 6B

-1 Success, Damage is 9B + successes.

Personal: 1/14
Peripheral: 24/36
Commited: 12

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ])
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Dodge DV: 5 (6 in war form)
Parry DV: 7 (War fan)

Soak: 3B/1L (4B/2L in Warform)

2010-03-11, 10:28 PM
Avan clicked the Fan closed with a quick move of his fingers. The fan truly was a pretty little thing. It would fetch a nice price, if he were to pawn it off. He'd probably have to give it back after the battle. But that didn't mean he couldn't just pick it up after the tournament. Of course, he wasn't sure he would sell it, even so.

Either way, time to focus on that is hardly now.

Avan turned to meet the Spirits rush, preparing his defense. He could read the movement, but the Spirit was fast. Faster then him, and that was very fast. Avan was becoming suspicious. She wasn't an ordinary spirit. One of the rank and file wouldn't be able to do that to him. She was something special.

I'm burning through essence far too fast. Now that I've collected her toy, time to switch tactics.

Avan enchanced his movements with essence, bending backwards in a movement mirroring the Woman's sped, his body arching backwards as he attempted to move his chin out of the woman's reach, before pushing back and flipping in midair, repeating the action a number of times before landing on the balls of his feet, still giving the Spirit that very reckless smile.

"This pretty little toy? I'll keep it safe, no worries. You can have it back once we are finished."

Dodge DV 6 (-2 till Tick 10)
Parry DV 6 (-2 till Tick 10)

Soak: B4/L5

-0 [/][/]
-1 [/][/][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 14/0 (3 Committed)
Peripheral: 35/29

Charms used: First Martial Arts Excellency

Avan spends 3m (2 extra dice, 1 to prevent the Anima Banner via First Martial Arts Excellency.)


Then as a reflexive Action, he moves 3 yards backwards, on the same tick as Jing's attack, opening the space between them.

2010-03-13, 03:30 PM

"Curatives and curios," Black Dog says, twirling a small vial of blue liquid with his fingers. "I know a little magic; it's a talent I've always possessed, so when I settled down in the village a few years back, I figured it'd be the best way to make myself a pillar of the community. You understand, no doubt. You look to me like the sort with a good ol' story to tell 'bout yourself, am I right?" He smiles, and it feels as if his teeth are sharpening against your soul.

Three Feathers and Rising Hope

Three Feathers is knocked from her feet by the first blow and laid out by the second while still in mid-air, though the third is just a swing into nothing. She falls back to the edge of the ring and touches its side--an act of submission. Her face is bruised deep purple, but even that heals as she stands to bow to him, clearly exhausted.

"My Essence is spent. I can only hope you find more challenging fare throughout this contest," she adds with a small smile.

Genti and Tern

Genti's blow is effective, efficient, and soft--it strikes Tern on her side and reddens skin, raises a welt, but ultimately fails to find purchase despite being so expertly executed.

"Come now, you're not giving up on me? I've still so many more Styles I want to try! Don't go soft on me, I can take it; I am not a maiden," Genti says.

2B damage, and it's your turn, Tern.

Avan and Huli Jing

Huli's kick lands resoundingly and painfully against Avan's neck, causing the Night to stumble back briefly.

4m or 1w to Huli Jing, and 1 bashing damage to Avan. It's Avan's tick now.

2010-03-13, 03:38 PM
Meidani nods. "Some might call it an interesting story. My parents were from the West, but for several reasons, they went to the East before I was born. I was raised there, and I moved into their field of expertise- trading, that is. I've done pretty well for myself, so I decided to come here to watch the tournament."

She smiles. "Of course, I couldn't resist looking around while I was here, and several things here could fetch an all right price on other markets."

She offers the cover story she always tells to strangers with not a flicker to indicate a lie of any kind, but inside, the man is feeling increasingly dangerous- something that worries her considerably. "You must have a fairly interesting story yourself."

2010-03-13, 04:00 PM
Briefly closing her eyes as the strike connects, Tern is rather surprised by the lightness of the blow. The beginnings of a grin flit across her face at Genti's words, and she regains her focus, back foot safely planted. Playing games? Well, I shan't object.

"Giving up? No, not quite. Simply attempting to put your advice to good use." Sash pinned, she drops the edge of the open fan lightly upon the offending arm, obscuring Genti's view of the usual tell point, before snapping a quick kick off her front leg toward his midsection. Dropping the foot to the right, she twists the sash in an attempt to snare Genti's arm, before letting go of one end of it and spinning the rest of the way around, directing her back heel into his ribs with the assistance of an infusion of Essence.

Flurrying with two kicks, putting 8 personal motes from the First Excellency into the second.

Kick 1: [roll0]
Kick 2: [roll1]

Damage is 8B + successes.

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ /][/ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 3/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-13, 04:44 PM
Avan winced in pain at the blow. He'd made the right choice in backing off. It was fairly obvious that he couldn't challenge this woman in a fair fight. Exalted or not, she would cream him if he let her. However, he wasn't about to do that.

"A nice kick my dear. I'd applaud you, but again, that would be in poor taste considering the target. However, I realized, I've been unfair to you."

Avan kicked off, leaving the ground and soaring over her head with flippant wave and smile, landing further back, then he had been before, still smiling.

"You showed me your toy, and even lent it to me..."

Avan flourished the Fan, still smiling. He was intentionally aggravating her now. Frankly, his smile was genuine. He was having a good time, even if he was the only one getting knocked around. However, he was about to see if he could change that.

"...but I haven't reciprocated. A gentleman must do his best to answer a ladies advances. I've been failing in my duties all over the place today."

Avan brushed his cloak back, and pulled out the Typhoon Wheel, spinning the weapon in his hands with a smile, before looking at Jing.

"Not as pretty as yours, but it is all I have. I'm a man of my word, so here you go. All you have to do is catch it."

Avan threw the oversized Shuriken with a flick of his wrist, making the action appear careless, like he truly didn't mind if he didn't get the weapon back. The action imparted an odd spin, in the reverse of the direction the weapon was flying, giving it an almost wobbly look. Of course, the carelessness was as much a lie as everything else about him at the moment. He was deadly serious. The Wheel spun towards Jing, and as it got to her, the spin finally cause the Weapon to jerk to the right, hopefully slipping past her guard. Either way, the weapon continued to curve right, flying back into Avan's waiting hand, where he caught it with another flourish, spinning the weapon about his fingers as he looked straight at Jing.

"Oh, did you miss it? I'm sorry, that was bad throw. So odd that it returned to my hand. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to try again."

Dodge DV 6 (-2 till Tick 14)
Parry DV 6 (-2 till Tick 14)

Soak: B4/L5

-0 [/][/]
-1 [/][/][/][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 14/0 (3 Committed)
Peripheral: 35/25

Charms Used: Monkey Leap Technique (4 Motes- 3 for charm, 1 to prevent Anima Flare)

Jump as a move action (or if that would impart a penalty on the flurry, on the next Tick.) Avan is at 12 Yards, or the edge of the ring, whichever is shorter.

Draw Weapon

7 Dice: 4 Dex + 4 Thrown + 3 Weapon - 3 Flurry - 1 Wound

Automatic Success for action to return Typhoon Wheel (2 Successes necessary, 3 Automatic from Returning Weapon Concentration)

2010-03-13, 06:33 PM
Rising Hope

The Solar breathes heavily as he tries to regain his composure after the stunt he pulled just now. He bows slowly as well, with a smile of his own to mirror hers.

"You are pretty skilled, and that's a fact. I only had a couple more advantages in the matter," he adds in an ambiguous tone, remembering that he entered the battle with orichalcum arms of highest quality, and actually feeling a little sorry about that fact. Trying to purge his mind of those thoughts, he reopens the subject he inquired in the match.

"I was really wondering about that secret of yours," he adds casually, hinting to the now unmarked skin of her. "But I guess you still don't want to talk about it."

2010-03-13, 07:12 PM
Jing scowls at the weapon as it flies towards her. Such a flimsy attack would be entirely too easy to dodge, but instead she was utterly furious and showed her nails, before smacking the flying thing away from her.

When it wobbled through the air back into the hand of the man, Jing was positive. Another essence user, likely an Exalt. But since she hadn't seen an anima flare, he was either powerful enough to not use that much essence, or was playing with her.

Fine, be that way.

Rushing forward once more, Huli Jing's clothing seemed to come alive of it's own accord, whispering and flowing as her fist flashed forward. At the last moment, it stopped and her sleeve continued forward, subtly hardening, the edge becoming razor sharp for a moment as it crashed into his face, the clothing ripping into Avan's face. Jing pulled back, scowling.

"You cannot outrun me, not here. Not anywhere. And I will hunt you down and slaughter you if you do not give me my fan back."

Lethal Paper Attack, turning the sleeves of her clothing in a lethal version of a seven section staff.

6 Dex, 5 MA, -2 Accuracy, 9 dice: [roll0]
Damage is 10L+Successes

Personal: 2/14
Peripheral: 24/36
Commited: 12

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ])
-4 [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]

Dodge DV: 5 (6 in war form)
Parry DV: 7 (War fan)

Soak: 3B/1L (4B/2L in Warform)

2010-03-13, 08:20 PM
Avan sighed as the woman charged towards him. She was fast. Faster then he had expected, at the very least. Getting out of her range wasn't going to work evidently. However, her attack stance was odd. She wasn't throwing all her strength into the punch. His question was answered was swiftly, even as he attempted to dodge, flinging his head back and ducking down, trying to go beyond the hardened edge of her sleeve.

Neat trick. I don't know what she is, but she is no simple spirit. Unfortunately, that doesn't help much. Perhaps I really should start learning something about that.

"I told you, the fan is yours once this over. You want it back, surrender."

Avan refused to stop smiling, having no intention of showing any effect from her attacks.

2010-03-13, 08:31 PM

Black Dog shrugs: "Less interesting than you'd expect. Just kind of immigrated in from the hinterlands, oh, maybe five or so years ago. Easier to ply a trade here, yeah? But then, you're a trader. You know all about that sort of thing."

He twiddles his thumbs a bit and looks straight forward, turning all his attention to the contest. "So, who're you rooting for? Not the upstart Dragon, I hope?"

Rising Hope

"If you want to know," Three Feathers says, moving right up to Rising Hope and speaking in barely a whisper, "you'll just have to find me later tonight. Sign of the Rabbit's Foot, right where the Forth Street hits the Wall." She winks and bows to the crowd before scrambling up over the barrier and into the stands herself, to playful jeers and a few embraces from a small collection of children.

Tern and Genti

Tern's first blow is turned aside easily, but the second? It connects neatly, leaving a broad bruise across Genti's chest.

"Oh! Oh! Now that is what I meant, La--lass," Genti says at last, relaxing his form considerably. He adjust his stature to that of the king at leisure, a lion aware that he rules all the jungle. It seems as if a small flash of light settles like a pair of circles on Genti's brow.

"Now then, perhaps this will be an easier match for you to consider."

4m or 1w, and you did 2 bashing to Genti. He spent his whole action activating a new Form Charm, so you're good to go again.

Avan and Huli Jing

Huli slaps Avan's Typhoon Wheel aside with practiced grace and rushes forward--anywhere else and Avan's Solar mobility would be an advantage, but within the confines of the ring, it proves a liability. Her sleeve stiffens and then strikes, drawing a deep gash across Avan's shoulder. The blood flows freely for but an instant, and then stops by dint of Avan's Exaltation.

4m or 1w for Huli, and 4L to Avan.

2010-03-13, 08:46 PM
Meidani nods at the man's statement. "Oh, yes."

She watches for a bit. "Absolutely not. He's far too brutal. No need to kick an opponent while they're down."

She frowns. "I wouldn't say I'm 'rooting' for anyone. Simply admiring the forms of all the combatants at the moment."

2010-03-13, 08:52 PM
The Blood flow was stopped by Avan's body easily enough, but it wasn't enough. He wasn't the toughest of fellows before being exalted, and while he was probably better off then most mortals, he wasn't capable of taking this kind of pounding. He was flagging pretty hard already, and if he didn't manage to stop the fight before he took any more damage, he wasn't going to be consious at the end.

Ah well. I had fun. And isn't like it cost me much besides my pride.

Avan limped over to the ring, his smile still present, even if was obviously pained, and touched it faintly, tossing the Fan toward Jing. He still intended to steal it, but not in front of an audience.

"Been a pleasure, but I'm afraid I don't have anything left in me. You win. Good meeting you. Offer of a drink is still open, if you are interested."

Avan smiled, and gave Jing another wink, before limping off the stage, returning the Typhoon Wheel to it's hiding place, and gingerly touching himself. Probably a few cracked ribs. They'd heal fast enough, but still, he hadn't been that badly beat up in a while. He intended to leave the Arena, find himself some place to drink, and wait for his exaltation to have him back in shape.

2010-03-13, 09:38 PM
Disengaging as Genti changes stances, Tern flicks the other end of her sash back to her fingers, keeping it in an open loop for the moment. No doubt this was one of the other styles he had mentioned. Keeping her expression neutral, she swings the weighted sash in slow circles, holding the fan close to her body. The small flicker of light on Genti's brow is... interesting, but without further information, tells her little she didn't know already, so instead she focuses on his stance, on the way he now holds his body.

It was a confident style, to be sure. Not aggressive, but possessed of a certainty of purpose and motion. Few unnecessary movements, but at the same time, those that did occur... might perhaps have a little too much momentum behind them. It was a gamble, but to understand more of this new teacher, it was likely a worthwhile one.

She lets the fan follow the wind out to the side as she begins a slow drift forward, the motion of the sash constant, but slowing. No doubt Genti would be expecting something from it. Keeping a close eye on his serene form, she waits for the first hint of movement, the first shifting of the torso, and when it comes, she flicks the sash directly toward it, the weight sewn in the middle once again offsetting the fabric's flight the slightest bit. Bringing her arm across her body, she snatches it back to the left this time, exposing only her side to Genti's retaliation.

Taking a full Aim cycle to study Genti's new Form. I'm not certain, but I think it'll end before he next acts, in which case another attack with the sash.


Damage 8B + successes

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [ /][/ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 7/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-13, 11:00 PM
Tern and Genti

Tern's attack scratches across an evading Genti, leaving a bright, broad wound. Genti smiles immensely and then bows to Tern just as she recovers her balance from the strike.

"It has been a pleasure fighting you, but I have one last lesson--when you must strike the mountain, strike it until it is a hill."

With those simple words, he leans forward, striking with all force and speed. Within his first blow is contained the seed of all other blows, and when it lands, it lands with the force of a well-hefted spear.

6m or 1w. Normally, this isn't quite awesome enough to be a three-die stunt, but your detailing is so specific and delightful that I was just enamored. You also managed to deal Genti 2B, not that he appears much worse for the wear. Genti's attack is a 9 successor and an Undodgeable, Unblockable one at that, and while you're not sure what the nature of the magic is, it's probably not going to be good. Any defenses you'd like to declare/stunt?


"Well, looks like they're just about wrapping everything up for this round," Black Dog says as a pair of mortal attendants try to pry Sijainese Jii from the ring despite Peleps Itsuki's protests. A few of the defeated and victorious competitors finally have to distract the Dragon Blooded while they extract the poor alchemist from the ring.

"Whole town's a bit of a disappointment, I think. It's not going to be one of the natives that wins, I think. How sad! The Princess is in for a rude awakening, I think, if the Dragon Blooded wins, yes!" Black Dog says, smiling and raising his eyebrows pointedly. "Ho ho, what I would give to be a fly on that wall."

2010-03-13, 11:05 PM
"I am not so certain he will win, in any case. He focuses on brutality, but he's single-minded, and that's a dangerous attribute to have in any form of combat. Wouldn't you agree?"

Meidani looks at Black Dog, an evaluating glance- but she's looking for his reaction to her remark as much as to the arena, now.

2010-03-13, 11:10 PM
"Brutality. Feh. What use is it in the face of someone of more...creative aspirations? Anyone can tear down something. It takes a dreamer to build something up, ma'am," Black Dog replies, all traces of intellectual dullness suddenly gone from his bearing.

2010-03-13, 11:19 PM
She smiles. "I agree completely. Someone with dreams, and the drive to achieve those dreams as well."

She looks at the competitors, and the scene going on right now. "This city had better hope that the one who wins this tournament is one like that."

2010-03-14, 01:03 AM
"When I possess the ability to do so, I shall take your words into account," replies Tern, already watching Genti's attack. Winning the tournament wasn't worth revealing herself, and while she'd hoped to at least pass the first round, watching Genti face some of the others might be just as enlightening.

With a brief toss, her fan flutters up behind her as she snaps the middle of the sash into her left hand. Knees bent, she strikes directly against Genti's incoming fist, using what little purchase she manages to find to assist her jump backward. His fist slips between the strips of fabric easily enough, and she twists the sash at both ends in an attempt to slow it further. Even her leap back lacks the speed to do much more than slightly soften the blow, but she still reaches upward as the strike connects, folding with the attack and allowing the hit to send her flying back as she attempts to catch the falling fan as a final flourish.

Not much to do here, just playing with defense.

Dodge DV 7
Parry DV (4)

Soak: 3B/1L

-0 [/][/]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 6/6

Essence 3
Personal: 13/15 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 32/37 (5 Committed)

2010-03-14, 11:28 AM
Jing smiles as she takes her fan, holding it close for a moment. She kisses Avan on the cheek. "Sorry about going a little berserker there. A drink sounds good, but no promises of anything after!" She laughs a bit.

2010-03-14, 11:32 AM
Avan stopped to allow Jing to catch up, smiling at the kiss on the cheek. At the very least, he still had his looks.

"Well, I can't let you take all the blame for that. As for what comes after the drink, no promises is exactly the way I intended the offer. I much prefer it like that."

2010-03-14, 11:34 AM
Rising Hope

Glad that the woman kept such a positive attitude even after she lost the match, Rising Hope can't help but smile, feeling happy, not just for himself, but with the general flow of things. Wiping a drop of sweat off his brow with a bandaged hand, he barely remembers to bow to the crowd before jumping over the barriers with trained ease.

After a minute or two, however, the question strikes Rising Hope. What would he do with the rest of his day? Just as he decides to think about that for a few seconds, he notices that there are in fact other matches going on at the moment. Picking one that still continues, he nears the ring where Tern and Genti fight and sits on the first spot that is empty.

2010-03-16, 01:59 PM
Genti and Tern

Genti's first blow strikes, and then becomes a second, and a third, and fourth with limitless precision. A fifth begins, but stops mid-air as Tern falls, beaten and now bloodied.

He kneels beside Tern, seemingly surprised, gazing at her sorrowfully. He whispers in her ear, then kisses her forehead and the cuts fade to bruises and then to unmarred skin.

A great try against the Navigator, but Genti's attack is a magical flurry and not even half-way through before dropping you into Incapacitated. I hope you don't mind if I have the fight stop there?

And yes, when he kisses your forehead, you did totally get healed. I promise I'm not pulling this out of nowhere.

After the Fights

Twelve competitors arrived that morning, but now six were called to the foot of the Princess' veiled box. She speaks aloud their names and praises their skill and dedication, but one can not shake the feelings of strained competition. Peleps Itsuki glares from each combatant to the next, his eyes still wide and reddened by battle fury. For his part, Stern Huu is attempting to look utterly nonplussed by the Terrestrial whom he will fight in the next round. Rising Hope stands beside Huli Jing, Sun and Moon arrayed against one another in the second round. Finally, the boy named Ibis of the Lilies--who revealed himself as a water elemental during his fight with Good Alma--gazes up at tall, handsome Genti. There's a flash of essence in the child-elemental's eyes and a look of quaking terror.

"I withdraw!" he announces just as the Princess begins to outline the tournament's progress in tomorrow's semifinals.

"Hmm?" Genti asks, looking down with a sense of spoiled fun. "No, now don't go and do that. That's my job," he adds, laughing. "With apologies, Princess, I didn't imagine this would be more than a day. I have matters to attend, but I would very much like it if that dear young woman gave poor Ibis here some of my secondhand instruction."

Genti smiled, pulled his hair back into a ponytail, and strolled off, breaking into a sprint before vaulting the stadium seats in only two leaps.

"Well," the Princess said. "I suppose that happened."

It was settled: the final match would be between Tern and Ibis. The Princess clapped and bearers approached with her palanquin to carry her back to her sanctum. The tournament had concluded.

"Look me up sometime," Black Dog Bohdi said to Meidani as the stands started to empty. "It would do me considerable good to grant the wishes of so lovely a lady." He hands her a small scroll with a miniature wax signet and then departs, his coat draped over one arm.

2010-03-16, 02:03 PM
Meidani nods. "If I need help, I'll be sure to look you up."

She opens the scroll, reading it, before rolling it back up and tucking it away, clapping along with the rest of the stadium as the slots for the next round are announced. Afterwards, she starts to head back to the Warren.

2010-03-16, 04:14 PM
Rising Hope

Standing with the rest of the semifinalists, Rising Hope spends much of his valuable little time watching them, the Princess and the inside of her veiled box with childish curiosity. He responds to the Terrestrial's glare with a defying smirk, but ultimately, rests his eyes on Huli Jing, who is decided to be his opposition in the oncoming round.

After a moment, he extends a large, bandaged hand in a sudden manner.

"Lady Jing, is it? I'll be your opponent in the next match," he says, without making much of a point. His gaze upon her form includes an unmasked interest, pointing out the fact that he probably hasn't seen that many Exalted or other supernatural creatures in his time.

2010-03-16, 07:21 PM
Avan watched the ending ceremony with a smile. He'd had time to nip out for a quick drink, and find one of his men, whom he set to watching Jing. He hadn't given up his intentions of lifting that fan entirely. He still might go through with it, depending on his mood. He had little doubt that would be successful. Besides, he was curious about her. She wasn't what he was (though, to tell the truth, he still wasn't quite sure what that was either) but she wasn't a normal spirit either. She was stronger then him, at least on that field of combat.

Probably not going to get any answers.

The Thief wasn't to do anything, just find out where Jing was staying. Avan had been very emphatic on that point. He could probably steal something from the lady, but his men were just that, men. They'd trip up.

Tern lost, eh? Lucky she got the fellow who withdrew.

Avan didn't have any real plans, at least not at the moment. Now that he was out of the tournament, he planned to rest up, heal, and figure out just what he wanted to steal.

2010-03-16, 07:34 PM
Jing takes his hand in her own, shaking it gladly. Short claws caress his hand in an enticing manor, something entirely subconscious on Jing's part. The claws are short enough that they probably don't even register when she is fighting, as they wouldn't even really scratch.

Her blue white fur ruffles on her face in a form of a blush as she replies. "It ought to be fun, huh? But if you try to take my fan, I'm going to kill you." She says sweetly, the threat almost completely defanged by the person saying it. "May the best woman win." She laughs, before tilting her head. "Or man, I guess..."

She then looks over to Avan. "And you. Come on, we're getting drinks! You promised! Let's get Meidani as well!"

Letting go of Hope's hand, Jing instead grabs Avan by the arm, swatting him lightly with her paw if he resists, dragging him along with her to Meidani. "Meidani! Want to go for drinks? I promise I won't bite him." Jing gives Meidani a winsome smile.

2010-03-16, 07:36 PM
Meidani smiles. "All right. Why not?"

She looks at the strange sight. "So, where is there to get some drinks?"

2010-03-16, 07:59 PM
Avan allows himself to be dragged off by Jing with little resistance, waving at Tern merrily. If the other Woman wanted to come along, she was welcome. What was better then two beautiful companions? Three beautiful companions, of course. Avan then turned to Jing.

"What about if I ask to be bit?"

Avan gave her a wink, before turning to Meidani.

"Depends on what you want to drink. Since your beautiful companion soundly trounced me, and then had the graciousness to introduce me to a vision of loveliness like yourself, I suppose they will have to be on me. I'm Avan, if you missed it."

2010-03-16, 08:00 PM
Meidani smiles. "And I'm Meidani."

She offers her hand to shake his.

2010-03-16, 08:05 PM
Avan took her hand with his free one, the other occupied with being held by Jing and all. He considered doing some showy like kissing it, but frankly, faux chivalry didn't appeal to him at the moment. Instead, he gave her his most roughishly charming smile, and shook the hand firmly, but carefully.

"I wish I could say the pleasure is entirely mine, but I'm just to handsome and charming for that to be the truth."

Avan laughed, and looked between the two.

"So tell me, what do you lovely ladies like to drink? We can set our course from there."

2010-03-16, 08:10 PM
"Firewine!" Jing giggles. The alcohol was known to set fire to both bodies and minds, and was usually gifted to newlywed couples.

"But really, any sweet drinks will do."

2010-03-16, 08:14 PM
Meidani chuckles. "Not as strong as that for me, I'd say."

2010-03-16, 08:15 PM
Avan looked over at Jing, smiling. If she wanted to drink Firewine, Avan wouldn't stop her. He looked over at Meidani, putting on his best dissapointed face.

"Oh come on. What could go wrong?"

2010-03-16, 08:17 PM
Meidani raises her eyebrows. "All right then. Firewine for Jing, ordinary wine for me. Let's go looking for somewhere, then."

2010-03-16, 08:19 PM
Avan looked over at Jing. He wasn't really free to move as he might will, and had no wish to disentangle himself.

"Whenever you wish, Jing?"

2010-03-16, 08:33 PM
Jing laughs. "You're not getting me to drink Firewine tonight, unless you get me plastered first. We'll just look around for a good place. There's got to be a few, what with this tournament going on."

Tugging at her new puppy, Jing leads Avan along the districts until her nose twitches, and she ducks into one of the buildings, pulling Avan along with her.

Inside is a quiet little building, with only a few patrons sitting at elegant tables. Jing's face lights up as she pulls Avan and motions to Meidana with her tail to follow as she moves them over to a cloth covered table. "The smells coming from here are divine!" she whispers to them, almost conspiratorially.

2010-03-16, 08:36 PM
Meidani follows, sniffing at the smells from the building. "Oh, I can tell. Even if my sense of smell isn't as good as yours..."

She sits down. "It still smells brilliant."

She folds her hands in front of her, smiling at the other two.

2010-03-16, 08:38 PM
Avan laughed, taking note of that particular plan of action. Avan follows Jing, smiling all the way. He sat down at the table, leaning back.

"I'll have to trust you."

Avan sighed, looking about.

"So what do we have to do to get drinks? Any chance that beautiful serving girls will just happen to bring it to us?"

2010-03-16, 08:40 PM
"What, is two beautiful women not enough for you?" Jing pouts, before looking to Meidana. "Or maybe he thinks we're not pretty enough for him, and he wants more."

2010-03-16, 08:42 PM
"Hmmm... that's a possibility. I'm not sure whether to feel insulted or not..."

Meidani grins. Thankfully, saving Avan, a waiter comes over.

Unfortunately for him, this waiter is male. "May I take your orders, please?"

2010-03-16, 08:43 PM
Avan smiles at her.

"My dear, there are never enough beautiful women. Or men, for that. The world always needs more beauty."

Avan sighed at the Waiters appearance.

"Bring me some Wine, preferably of a respectable vintage, and whatever the ladies desire."

2010-03-16, 08:55 PM
Alright, more description people! :P

Jing taps a finger against her muzzle for a moment. "Do you have any Silverwind?"

The waiter nods appreciably towards her. "We have three separate years. We have a six year old, a nine, and a twenty seven."

"Mmm..." Jing tries to recall those years, but considering she wasn't alive twenty seven years ago, that might be hard. And six years ago was...

A frown appeared on her face for a moment, before a smile swallowed it up. "Let's go with the nine."

Looking to the other two with her, Jing tilts her head a bit. "Silverwind is made from ice grapes that actually only grow under extreme arctic weather. The colder the year, the better the wine. Six years ago would be bitter to me though, but you two might like it." She pouts once more, but then cheers herself up.

2010-03-16, 08:59 PM
"...hmmm... all right. I'll have a glass of the six year Silverwind."

Meidani smiles. "After all, in the North, do as the Northeners do?"

She looks in anticipation for the drinks.

2010-03-16, 09:07 PM
Avan sighs. He looked over at the waiter, and thought for a moment. Most of his tastes were of the South, and unlikely to be had.

"I'll trust you Jing. I fear my favorite is Golden Shine, but I've yet to find it outside the South. The 9 Year Old Silverwind."

The Waiter looked like he wanted to linger, but Avan gave him a glance, and shook his head. Avan didn't blame him for that. Avan would have wanted to stick around Meidani and Jing as well. However, the waiter swiftly got the message, and moved to get their orders.

"So tell me Ladies, how did you two take up with one another? To see one such beautiful lady is fortune indeed, but two together is beyond expectation."

2010-03-16, 09:17 PM
A pair of patrons enter the tavern that the gathered Exalts have chosen: the familiar face of Three Feathers first, leading a man by the arm. She looks immensely nervous, or perhaps uncomfortable. The man is tall and lean, with a dark pelt of short hair. He's dressed in blue-black tartan and dark leather and his skin--dark like Three Feather's own--is covered in inked knotwork, intricate tattoos that run up to his neck.

Three Feathers smiles when she spots Huli Jing and Meidani, insinuating herself into their company. She seems a bit weary about Avan and shoots him dour glances as she orders wine for the man and herself.

"An exciting first day, I'd say," she offers up. "Huli here won her round and will be advancing to the finals. Aren't you so glad that she's one of the family?"

"Cousin or proper relative?" the man asks cheerfully, his voice twanging with a backwater accent.

"Oh, proper. Isn't her coat so well kept?"

"Delightful," the man says, reaching across for Huli Jing's hand to give it a small peck. "But I have no introduced myself. I am Blue Boughs Bending," he says. He postures towards Huli as if trying to convey something else without words.

2010-03-16, 09:19 PM
"Oh, we just met." Jing smiles. "We're staying at the same place, brought here by the vagrancy of Fate and a chance to speak with the City-Mother, for one reason or another."

Jing, in another world, would likely go on here to speak as if they were newly best friends on Spring Break. Alas, nothing like that exists here, especially in the North, so she doesn't.

When Blue speaks with her, Jing gasps. "Ooh, a gentleman. Not to many of those around here. They keep stealing things from me." Jing ribs Avan with a smile.

"So you're here as well then. I hadn't heard the family was sending another rascal here. Were you going to chastise me?"

Brazenly, Jing leans her butt towards him, popping it lightly as she semi offers it to him.

2010-03-16, 09:22 PM
Avan answers her looks with wide grin of his own, making it seem almost like his head was empty of thoughts. That was his act at the moment. Avan, the pretty boy, excitable, flirty, and nonthreatening. He wasn't actually sure how much of that was true.

"I'm Avan, the fellow that Jing here stomped all over. I thought I might be able to breeze through the first round, but it appears it wasn't to be."

Avan shrugged.

"On the other hand, I made the acquaintince of several beautiful ladies, and got to spend time with them. I'll trade a bit of my pride and a couple of bruises for that anyday."

2010-03-16, 09:24 PM
Meidani glances at Avar, but partially answers the question. "Matters of governance and influence."

She then smiles as Three Feathers and Blue Bough Bending enter. "Hello again, Three Feathers. You fought rather well in your match, I'd say, even if you didn't win."

2010-03-16, 09:36 PM
"Aw now, don't tempt me in front of the little one," Blue Boughs Bending says to Jing, raising eyebrows and grinning madly. "There's a time and a place for every--" he stops midsentance and tilts his head, looking around. He stops when he sees a man with a fiddle who has been trying to provide adequate background music...trying being the operative word. Blue excuses himself (and may or may not have popped Huli Jing, depending on the alacrity and acuity of one's perceptions), takes the man's fiddle, and begins to play. The music fills the tavern and the wenches all begin dancing to his tune, the regulars beating out rhythm on their steins with spoons.

Three Feathers, for her lot, covers her face with her hands and speaks loudly through her palms: "Oh, Huli, why would you encourage him? Father's already bad enough on his own. But thank you, Meidani," she adds, turning, hands still clenched over her face. "I didn't do too well, though, truth be told. That man hit like a tsunami. Hmm. Perhaps that's not the best metaphor, given other competitors, but still. Haven't felt blows like that since I sparred with...well, father's friends and compatriots, yes?

2010-03-16, 09:40 PM
"He reminds me of my own father, oddly enough. Except my father can't play a tune to save his life."

Meidani grins, humming along in perfect harmony to Blue's tune.

Then she tilts her head at Three Feather's implication. "Hmmm... his techniques did look a lot like some I've seen my father using at times."

2010-03-16, 09:44 PM
Avan sighed, throwing up his hands.

"Jing, my dear, the only thing I aim to steal now is your heart. And you are hardly the only one at this table that is in danger of that."

Avan looked over at Boughs, and just shook his head.

"It doesn't help that Bough's is over there showing me up though. I mean, if I try competing with him, I just end up looking petty. What is charming fellow to do?"

Avan's voice was full of mock despair. He was getting the sense that there was part of this conversation that he wasn't a party to, but he wasn't so rude as to intrude.

2010-03-16, 09:48 PM
"If you think you've any hope of showing him up, please do," Three Feathers says, finally setting her hands in her lap with a look of utmost desperation. "Father needs to be taken down a peg or twelve." Looking between the pair, one notices a single jarring fact: Three Feathers looks, in many ways, older than her father. Stress, perhaps?

2010-03-16, 09:51 PM
Avan shook his head. He'd choosen the field of battle badly once today. He wasn't about to make the same mistake twice.

"I'm sorry, my talents are in other areas. Music has never been my strong point. It sounds like Meidani might be able to given him a run for his money."

2010-03-16, 09:51 PM
"Encourage? Pfft." Jing says, smiling at Three Feathers.

She stands up, bowing before Meidani and the rest of the table, before moving forward towards the center of the room, the hems of her clothing beginning to flow of their own accord as she reaches the center of the room, standing directly in front of the man.

Slowly, but still to the tune of the music, Jing begins to dance as well, her clothing lifting and twirling along with her as it seems to almost caress her own body, and she dances solely for her own amusement, her eyes daring Blue Boughs to stop the music that is now hers.

Her eyes climb and fall on the man, as she twists once more, her clothing almost giving a hint to anyone around her, before shutting down any possible peeks.

When she finally stops dancing, there is a wicked gleam in her eye as she smirks at Blue Boughs, before returning to her table, laughing lightly as she smiles at Three Feathers.

"That is encouragement. But it will do him no good. I don't dally with family." Jing smiles wickedly.

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form to add MA to my Presence skill. 5 personal motes.

Manipulation+Presence social attack, tempting and teasing Blue Boughs.

First Manipulation for 5 dice. 5 personal motes


2010-03-16, 09:57 PM
Meidani grins. "Yes, I might."

She stands up, and walks over to the stand, after Blue is done.

And begins to sing. It begins... quietly. A wordless, soft, happy, tune.

Then, conflict. A series of scales that evoke mourning, loss, death. Then, for a while, the tune has words of the Forest-tongue, expressing a desire for the glories that have passed away to return, but a doubt that they ever will.

But a note of hope enters. Glories returning, before climaxing in a glorious section, which could make men weep.

Then- it stops. The story goes on, but the singer does not know how. That is up to others to decide.


[spoiler]Spending five motes on First Performance Excellency, Charisma+Performance.


2010-03-16, 09:58 PM
Let's try this again. Charisma+Performance, five additional dice.


2010-03-16, 10:03 PM
Avan didn't know about Bough's but Jing's dance certainly had an effect on him, and he wasn't even the target. He began to wish that the damn waiter would hurry back with his drink. However, Meidani stood up, and calmed it down. The song was... familiar. Nothing about it was, but it seemed like he should know what it was about. Avan shook his head.

"Inspired Meidani. You have the voice that would make the sweetest songbird Green with envy."

Avan spoke with sincerity, before rounding on Jing.

"Now Jing, what exactly do I have to do to get you to dance like that for me?"

2010-03-16, 10:05 PM
Blue responds in kind, stripping the waist without ever missing a single note through an impressive flexibility of the wrists. He tosses his blue tartan vests aside and postures, his own body taut and athletic as he clambers up to the table, dancing in strong stomps to accompany his fiddling. Finally, he sighs as Jing's own dance raises to a fever pitch. He tosses the fiddle back to its original owner and reaches for Huli's hand, offering his.

"Come on, lamb. Let's go someplace else," he says. It's an offer.

2010-03-16, 10:07 PM
Jing takes the glass from the waiter hurrying over, sipping it, before cringing. A one in three chance, and she'd picked it. Hurriedly handing it to Medani, she grabs another before downing half of it in a fast sip.

Shuttering, she looks at Medani. "Sorry, got yours." she says of the drink she'd handed to her.

Looking to Avan, she smiles coyly. "If you have to ask, you haven't earned it yet."

2010-03-16, 10:15 PM
Jing looks at Blue's offered hand, and then at the man himself. "Well, you're not strictly direct family, I guess." she muses to herself.

Looking back to the others, she waves to them, and winks at Meidani. "I'll be back after Blue here is wore out."

2010-03-16, 10:18 PM
Avan waved at her sorrowfully. It appeared he'd lost one to Boughs. However, on the other hand, Boughs left two behind. In the end, Avan would make that trade.

"You know, I'm not so sure she won't be the one worn out."

2010-03-16, 10:28 PM
Meidani, having finished her song, smiles at Jing. "Oh, all right. You have fun."

2010-03-16, 10:29 PM
Caught off-guard by Genti's words and the swift healing, Tern barely manages to murmur her thanks before the victors are called to the Princess. Well, I'm not much of a teacher, but I can hardly refuse a debt like that, can I? She bows deeply to Genti as he leaves; somehow, it didn't seem to matter much whether he saw it or not.

Avan's wave catches her eye, and she smiles and follows at a slower pace; no doubt he'd be more pleasant company now that someone else had caught his eye, and it would be good to meet more of the non-Terrestrial competitors. Her mind drifts as she walks, though, mulling over the enigmatic Navigator's words. Spirit, god, or Exalt, he was certainly a fascinating individual, and while she felt herself more in his debt than the reverse, a second meeting either way would be something to look forward to. Ibis had seemed to know something, judging from how he had responded; she'd have to try and make his acquaintance properly after the match tomorrow.

The others eventually drift out of sight ahead of her, but the path is not difficult to follow in a town like Greenfield, and the music from the small building, not to mention the apparent quality of the cooking, draws her in after a quick check for any potentially angry Terrestrials. That was a meeting she'd have to try and postpone indefinitely, although she wasn't fond of her chances. No doubt it was far too much to hope that they hadn't recognized her.

The impressive display of song and dance brings her up short inside the entrance, and she silently steps to the side, waiting motionless until the songs end. Is that the Form? Never thought I'd have that much luck... Not that she'd bring up the subject in here, of course. She nods to Jing as she passes, then heads over to the others. "Well, I'm glad I didn't fall far enough behind to miss that performance," she says by way of greeting, standing a short distance from the table. "You are Three Feathers, yes? I was a little too preoccupied to see the other matches today." Turning to Meidani, she bows lightly. "I fear I can't offer you a song of that quality in return, but might I ask your name anyway?"

2010-03-16, 10:32 PM
Meidani nods to her. "My name is Meidani. Yours?"

2010-03-16, 10:34 PM
Avan smiled at Tern's appearance. He was glad she had followed. He had thought she missed his wave, but evidently she just tarried along the way.

"Where are my manners? This is Tern. She and I were travelling companions on the road here."

2010-03-16, 10:37 PM
"You're too kind," Three Feathers says in reply, smiling now with a genuine pleasure. The absence of her father seems to be a balm for her social graces. "But really, it seemed to me that you had the harder opponent. It almost looked like he whispered something to you at the very end, there. But you were out, I suppose. I'd love to know what that was." She's very...overt.

2010-03-16, 10:45 PM
"Indeed. The Navigator was a most interesting opponent. His words were as enigmatic as he was, though; a freely entered match can hardly be called unfair, no matter how skilled he was." Taking a seat, Tern decides to return like for like. "Have you seen him before, then?"

2010-03-16, 10:50 PM
"I have certain...well, my father has brought certain things to my attention. I--he thinks that the Navigator may have been slightly more important and powerful than she seemed," Three Feathers says.

2010-03-16, 10:51 PM
Meidani looks over at Three Feather. "What do you mean?"

2010-03-16, 11:03 PM
Three Feathers looks to Tern and then to Meidani, utterly conflicted. "You know my father is...well...part of the family? Well, I think that that fellow may have been the, you know, pater familias," she says, biting down on her thumbnail.

2010-03-16, 11:03 PM
Tern smiles, waving to the passing waiter and ordering a glass of V'neef red. "I'm not sure I follow," she replies after he leaves. "Still, though, I'm not the best martial artist, but he almost seemed like he was only here to play, so if that supports your theory any... In truth, before he withdrew, I was quite looking forward to seeing him deal with that Terrestrial berserker."

2010-03-16, 11:06 PM
Avan shuddered at the mention of the Beserker. He was probably better off not facing the fellow. He'd have to go all out if he did, and that would quite quickly end up with him being named Anathema. And then dead. Avan wasn't stupidly brave, and he'd rather not try the Wyld Hunt.

"That fellow takes this much to seriously. Just like those two in Inn last night. I wonder why they weren't in the tournament."

Avan smiled innocently.

2010-03-16, 11:13 PM
"But it a serious matter to him," Three Feathers says to Avan, glad for the distraction. "Greenfield isn't the biggest city in the Near North, but we are the biggest city of this region to go unruled by the Realm or it's satraps. Whitewall has been the bigger thorn in their side, but do you know the message they'd send by winning this tournament? That it doesn't matter where we are, or how long we've been independant. They'll come, and they'll win. That Dragon Blood can't be allowed to clench the prize."

2010-03-16, 11:17 PM
Avan sighed, and looked at Three Feathers.

"Then don't let him win. If there is truly some greater significgance, pick the field of battle you can win on. When the stakes are low, you can make a bet you'll lose. But when you can't afford, it is time to tilt the board in your favor."

Avan sighed. He didn't care what happened to some town in the Frozen North. The Realm or not, it didn't matter to him.

"Don't make it sound so dramatic."

2010-03-16, 11:23 PM
Tern glances at Avan. "It is a good point, though. You heard Carmine last night, didn't you? That's what they're here for. Unfortunately, I doubt I could stop him myself. Jing, though... well, you two would know better than I. Do you think she could manage it?"

2010-03-16, 11:24 PM
Avan shrugged. He honestly didn't know.

"No idea, without challenging him myself, something I'm not about to do."

2010-03-16, 11:28 PM
"My hopes are on Huli Jing," Three Feathers. "But there are wild cards, of course. My own opponent was...well, he was good. Brutal, a bit ungraceful, but potent. And you did well enough, if what I think was true is true," she adds to Tern. "And it's not so simple," she adds, turning to Avan. "The tournament's started. If he just up and disappears, it's going to cause a lot of questions. It's going to draw even more attention from the Realm. Anything other than an honest defeat is probably going to just put Greenfield in even greater danger."

2010-03-16, 11:31 PM
Avan looked at her. He didn't want to have to explain this. It wasn't his job.

"Changing the field of battle, and making him dissapear are completely different things. An honest defeat isn't needed. What you need is a defeat that appears honest."

2010-03-17, 09:09 AM
Rising Hope

The tournament leaving him with most of his day off, Rising Hope wanders around the town without much of an intent, before his feet finally bring him in front of the tavern called Sign of the Rabbit's Foot. He recalls the name instantly, and with the hope of catching sight of Three Feathers a bit earlier than promised (but mostly out of sheer boredom), he enters the building.

And there she was. Along with some other people, of course. He recognized one of the women as the one who lost against the Navigator, but the rest were new faces to him. Well, time to remedy that.

With several loud, huge steps he approaches their table, and wearing his characteristic grin, he bows faintly at the group.

"I saw your match," he addresses Tern as he enters the conversation in an overly direct (rude, perhaps) way, even if his tone is polite. "You were a bit unlucky to have that man as your opponent."

He nods briefly to the others, gives Three Feathers a second smile and pulls a nearby stool to add himself to the table in a more permanent way.

"I'm Rising Hope," he says, giving his real name without much thought. "And you pretty ladies are?" He waves a hand across the table, encompassing all of them in one swift gesture. As his hand stops at Avan, though, he realizes his mistake. He pauses for a moment, gazing at him awkwardly, and then suddenly breaks into a deep, warm laugh.

2010-03-17, 09:20 AM
Avan sighed as another man sat down at the Table. This group seemed to have taken on a life of it's own, shrinking and expanding by rules that were hidden to him, at the least.

Oh well.

Avan took a drink from the Glass of Silverwind he had recieved, pasuing for a moment. Jing had been right. He should have gotten the 6, not the 9. However, Rising Hope's mistake knocked that out of his mind.

"Glad to know I'm pretty enough to be included in this company, Hope. I'm Avan."

2010-03-17, 10:39 AM
"Oh, I wouldn't say that," replies Tern, smiling slightly. "I think I was quite lucky, in fact." She looks at Three Feathers briefly, but now that there was another participant to sound out, no doubt such answers would be long in coming, if she managed to get them at all.

"I am named Tern," she adds, raising her glass before taking a sip. Not bad, although she was used to better. Probably the result of getting something from the Realm at the edge of the Near North.

2010-03-17, 01:37 PM
Meidani smiles at the new arrival. "My name is Meidani, Rising Hope."

She lifts the glass and takes a sip of it, smiling in pleasure at the taste of it- Jing was right. This was truly a brilliant wine.

2010-03-17, 05:26 PM
Rising Hope

Trying to memorize their names, Rising Hope nods at them a second time and catches the bypassing waitress' sight with a gesture.

"I'll have... " he stops, realizing that his knowledge of drinks doesn't have any hope to go deeper than those sitting around him. "...one of what they're having."

"So," he asks in a conversational tone, refocusing his attention on the table. "What do you think about that Terrestrial? I hear he's pretty much the tournament's favorite."

2010-03-17, 05:29 PM
Meidani is quick to answer, with the certainty of a Lawgiver.

"He's too narrow-minded and too brutal. Although he might win, he's probably the one who's least deserving of it.

Of course, I'm not so sure he would win. I saw what you did in that fight. It was... very impressive."

2010-03-18, 06:03 AM
"Thanks," Rising Hope replies, though a scowl passes over his face for a brief instant.

"Thanks, but I don't think so. It's been a long time I tested myself with such skilled people, and if this match showed me one thing, it's that I'm not fast enough."

He chuckles lightly. "I mean, I may know some moves, but they are hardly enough for a tournament of this caliber. Maybe I can do better come time and training, but..." he trails off, with a tinge of melancholy in his voice. He drowns it in a gulp of wine and smiles once again.

"This is good!"

2010-03-18, 06:08 AM
Meidani, at this, gives him a mysterious smile. "Oh, I suppose you're right. I mean, there's no way that a mortal could defeat a Chosen of the Elemental Dragons, right?"

She leans forwards. "Don't you think?"

2010-03-18, 07:01 AM
Avan took a sip from his wine, not giving away anything. Talkking about things like that was very foolish, at least from him. He first addressed Hope, still smiling.

"My friend, you should be careful what you say. You did manage to pass the first round. There are those at this table who didn't even manage that."

Avan then looked over at Meidani, carefully and noncommittedly, taking a sip from his Glass before speaking again.

"What other kind of Chosen are there, my dear?"

2010-03-18, 07:04 AM
Meidani gives Avan an... enigmatic look. "Hmmm... what other kinds, indeed."

2010-03-18, 07:07 AM
Rising Hope retorts swiftly to Meidani, without even a visible flinch.

"I would think that you are underestimating the 'mortals', perhaps."

He throws a look at Avan.

"But I'm only telling the truth, friend. I don't think anyone would be offended of me laying out my own shortcomings, or am I wrong?"

2010-03-18, 05:10 PM
Tern grins, setting down her glass. "Poor Avan likes to affect a delicate ego, if recent events are any hint."

"Still, mortals are not the only others left in this tournament aside from the Terrestrial. There is the boy Ibis, for one; I can't speak to his strength, although I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow."

2010-03-18, 05:29 PM
Avan shook his head at the mention of the Water Elemental. Avan had his doubts about that one.

"My heart is in your hands Tern, you know that. But as for the boy, I doubt he can beat that Brute. Your average Elemental can't challenge one of the Dragonblooded."

Avan sipped the Wine, again wishing he had gone for something a little more bitter.

"Even if he has the power, he lacks the will. You saw how quick he was to quit against your opponent, Tern."

2010-03-18, 05:32 PM
Meidani looks over. "Huli Jing might be able to pull it off. So might Rising Hope. But otherwise..."

2010-03-18, 05:40 PM
Avan shrugged. It still wasn't his problem. If the Realm consumed this place, he'd just move on.

"Like I told Feathers, if you think the stakes for the battle are that high, do something about it."

2010-03-18, 05:46 PM
"Why would the stakes be high?" Rising Hope asks, not being savvy of the situation.

"Is there more to this tournament than I know?" He looks curiously from Avan to Meidani.

2010-03-18, 05:46 PM
"Well, I suppose we'll just have to hope one of them ends up facing him, then. Pity it can't be both." She frowns, considering the placings. "Of course, if my luck thus far runs out, I might first end up facing him myself in the third round. No doubt that would be an unpleasant experience."

2010-03-18, 05:47 PM
Avan shrugged.

"Ask Feathers or Meidani. I make a policy of not getting involved in politics."

2010-03-19, 08:12 AM
"So?" he says, extending the question to Meidani as Avan suggested. He reiterates himself.

"Why would the stakes be so high?"

2010-03-19, 02:04 PM
Meidani sighs. "It could push Greenfield into support of the Realm, if they're allowed to demonstrate their superiority in such an obvious way.

Firstly, a request for the Immaculates to be allowed to deal with some gods here who are causing trouble, maybe- or even a Wyld Hunt. I mean, that's reasonable, right? Who else can deal with a rogue god, or even an Anathema? Of course, when the Immaculate monks stay and start preaching the doctrine... well, they're allowed to do that, aren't they?

Then, they ask for permission to establish a guard force. Against the Bull, Marama's Fell, the Fair Folk- but now the Realm has a military presence.

Eventually, Greenfield could even become a satrapy, although I don't think the Realm would go that far. Thy might, though.

That's whats at stake here."

2010-03-19, 04:01 PM
"Ah." It finally dawns on the Solar. He stays silent for a few seconds, looking at his hands.

"Well, there is also the possibility that you guys are reading into this too much.

Or not. I don't know. I'm really not so well-versed in politics. All I can do is to put up a good fight against Lady Jing and hope for the best."

He pauses again, this time for a shorter moment.

"Is he the only Chosen around anyway? It wouldn't make much sense to send him alone in here, unless he is so powerful that it's another subject entirely."

2010-03-19, 04:06 PM
Avan spoke up, not able to keep that nasty smirk that said he knew something that the others didn't off in his face.

"There were at least two others but... they misplaced their tokens apparently. I saw them trying to get in at the beginning. Looked most unhappy."

2010-03-19, 04:27 PM
"Mm, yes. Rather unpleasant people. Seemed to speak highly of the Peleps, though, so not likely at his level. Of course, it's entirely possible that that doesn't mean much." She considers her drink for a while, slowly tipping the glass from side to side.

"I suppose we might be reading too much into it, as you say. But the Realm is scrambling to secure its influence right now. Things in the North aren't going well for them, and the situation on the near coast is becoming increasingly unfriendly. Control of the port here would be, I think, quite valuable to them."

2010-03-19, 06:23 PM
"Misplaced. Right." Rising Hope joins Avan with a smirk before turning to Tern.

"I see," he says, imitating a blatant expression of sulkiness. "A man can't even enjoy a fight or two before stepping knee-deep into Realm politics."

His voice softly drops to a whisper.

"And if I'm not mistaken, you're not exactly fans of the Realm, are you?"

2010-03-19, 06:33 PM
Avan put his hands out wide, and shrugged.

"I stay out of politics, like I said."

2010-03-19, 06:56 PM
"It's more the Realm isn't a big fan of me... but you'd be right.

2010-03-19, 07:13 PM
Tern grins, finally taking another sip. "Rather difficult to be, where I'm from. Not to mention in the North in general. They're not all bad, of course, but nonetheless..."

2010-03-19, 07:43 PM
Meidani smiles. "Seems none of us like the Realm that much- at least, not as it is."

2010-03-19, 07:52 PM
Avan shrugged.

"As I said, I don't get involved in politics. The Realms doesn't trouble me? Why would it. I'm just your everyday, average, dashingly handsome, rougishly good looking, superbly ski... wait, what was I saying?"

2010-03-19, 08:24 PM
Three Feathers leans foward into the almost-huddled collection of Exalts, taking on a mockingly conspiratorial tone:

"You know that this particular level of secrecy isn't terribly necessary here. This is Greenfield," she says, then stands atop the table, taking Blue's abandonned stein in hand.

"To the defeat of Peleps Itsuki, and victory for Greenfield!" she exclaims, and all about here there is clinking of glasses and yelps of approval. The natives seem as adamant as Three Feathers herself.

2010-03-19, 08:32 PM
Meidani's jaw drops.

Three Feathers will have this moment to treasure forever, it seems: the day she rendered a Lawgiver, a priestess of Ignis Divine himself, completely and utterly speechless. "...well. Um.

...seems we didn't need to be that secretive."

She looks at Three Feathers. "I'm assuming there are... certain facts... that should still be kept quiet?"

2010-03-19, 08:38 PM
Avan shrugged. Again, he didn't care either way.

"Chin up. If it helps any, you are beautiful when you are trying to be secretive. Not that you aren't beautiful the rest of the time."

2010-03-19, 08:49 PM
Tern giggles outright at the display, offering a mock toast to Three Feathers. The wine seemed to be getting better already.

"Not to say that I don't enjoy secrets, but whispering does get tiresome."

2010-03-19, 08:54 PM
Three Feathers shrugs at Meidani. "They wouldn't know what it was. No love for the Immaculates, no grounding in the teachings. Still, I'd advise against it with the Terrestrials in town," she says, finally clambering down. "Now, I've got a full day of watching people beat up the Peleps boy tomorrow, and I know for a fact that at least two of you have a chance at being the one to do the beating. So, that being said, I think I'm ready to retire to my warm, comfortable bed." She pauses, then wretches a little, quivering at the shoulders. "Which, with any luck, has not been the site of my father's passionate lovemaking with a woman young enough to be my sister. Meidani, you know the way back. If any of the rest of you need a place to stay, my Warren is your Warren. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go clean my bedsheets. Just in case," she adds, a hand over her temples.

2010-03-20, 04:50 AM
"Ha!" Rising Hope, too, raises his glass to the call of Three Feathers, wondering why he was being so secretive in the first place.

"Nice to be reminded that this town still knows its right from its wrong," he adds elatedly, before downing the rest of his wine in one go.

2010-03-20, 06:20 AM
Meidani raises her glass. "I'll drink to that. But you two who got into the next round are going to have a hard fight tomorrow- I'd suggest you get some sleep. We might talk more about this after the tournament, all right?"

2010-03-20, 11:44 AM
"Now that you mention it, a place to stay would be most welcome." Tern rises as well, leaving a finger of wine in the glass and a few coins on the table. "Don't know if that inn I was at last night is still free, and I'd just as soon not go near the place."

2010-03-20, 05:14 PM
"Well, as Three Feathers said, if you want to stay at the Warren, you'd be welcome."

Meidani looks at them. "Other than that, I don't know where you could go."

2010-03-20, 06:22 PM
"You are right, we should get our sleep. The dawn waits for us."

Rising Hope takes a couple pieces from his pouch and places them on the table.

"It was nice to meet you. Though I'll probably be seeing you again after the sound thrashing I'll receive tomorrow," he says, grinning.

Waving briefly, he heads for the door, and through that, to his temporary lodgings.

I don't have a clue about how much the wine costs, so just tried to be indefinite there.

2010-03-20, 06:37 PM
Avan smiled at Tern's comment.

"You found it that unpleasant that the Keeper of our lodgings believed we were an Eloping couple? I'm hurt Tern."

Avan tipped up the glass and drained it.

"So both you ladies are retiring? A Shame, the night is still young."

2010-03-23, 11:42 PM
"For you, perhaps," replies Tern with a slight smile. "You're out of the tournament, and you don't have any interest in who wins, but the rest of us do get to worry about it."

"Would you be so kind as to show me the Warren, Meidani? I think I shall take you up on your offer."

2010-03-24, 12:30 AM
Avan sighed sadly, reaching for his coin purse so he could settle accounts here. He had things to be doing, if he didn't have any reason to stay here.

Ahh my, failed not once or twice, but four times. Unfortunate, but then, I wasn't playing that hard.

"Tern, I'm shocked. I have an interest in who wins. A loss for you, and Jing would be a loss for beauty, and all have an interest in seeing beauty triumphant. Besides, I still have our deal from last night to consider. I haven't forgotten that so quickly, my dear. I may take Feather's up on her offer, but I have things to see to before I find rest tonight. And frankly, a bed lacks attraction if one has tasks to do, and there is no one to share it."

Avan shrugged. He didn't know what he was going to do. Speak to Lara, first. He'd go from there.

2010-03-24, 01:14 AM
Meidani smiles. "I'd be pleased to. Shall we go, then?"

Getting up (and paying the waiter), she heads for the front door.

2010-03-24, 01:24 AM
Avan reached out to stop Meidani from paying with a smile, sliding his own coins into the man's hand.

"Meidani, I told you, this was on me."

Avan didn't wait for a protest, smiling and waving at her, and giving a similarly overdone adieu to Tern. With that, he walked outside, shaking his head. He needed to be focused.

Let's see... thats it...

Avan smiled, as he remembered where Lara had indicated she would be staying, and how he should reach her. With that, the Thief walked in the streets, seeking his second in command.