View Full Version : Anybody else play DDO?

2010-03-08, 07:32 PM
As the title suggests, I just downloaded Dungeons and Dragons Online, and I'm about to start it up. Anybody else here play/have any suggestions for a noob? :smallwink:

Foryn Gilnith
2010-03-08, 07:35 PM
I find it generally useful advice to go on forums, watch the chat, and whatnot. Knowledge is power.

Also, if you're playing free, http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=198865 might be useful. Basically, if you make one character on each server, and run quests until you have 50 favor/character, you'll get 100 DDO points per server. That can help you buy things. Run the characters up to 100 favor each and you can get another 25 points/character.

2010-03-08, 10:05 PM
A thread about DDO has to go under Gaming (Other), but wishes it could go under Roleplaying Games. Sadly, the tabletop games don't like DDO, and say that it has to stay with its own kind. 4E sympathizes with DDO, and might secretly wish it was an online game too, but it keeps quiet so it can keep hanging with the cool kids. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-08, 10:26 PM
I try to like this game, but everything in it goes so fast, it's just... bleargh. Someone put all this action in my RPG. :(

2010-03-08, 10:29 PM
Sometimes I consider it, at least until I remember that I hate MMORPGs with a fiery passion that could only be described as really, really, really hot.

2010-03-09, 12:44 AM
I have played DDO since beta in early '06. I absolutely recommend it. Best combat system in any MMO, based on 3.5 rules, so many ways to make a character with different races and classes, multi-classing, feats, stat points, skill points, and equipment.

The genius of DnD put in a MMO. If you like DnD, and you like MMO's I personally do not know how you can't play this game.

2010-03-09, 01:56 AM
Best part is the DM doing voiceovers for all the dungeons. I find that the big problme with this game is that you need to have a group of friends who play regularly to quest together.

2010-03-09, 04:18 PM
Best part is the DM doing voiceovers for all the dungeons. I find that the big problme with this game is that you need to have a group of friends who play regularly to quest together.

Unfortunately, that's just about the only thing I don't have at this point that really subtracts from the enjoyment. So far I've been able to solo most of the places on normal, but I assume that changes quickly. That said, anybody have a low-level character on Cannith?

2010-03-09, 04:26 PM
Aye, I picked it up a while back. Currently playing a level 4 Dwarven Paladin on Khyber - greataxe crits with Smite Evil are ludicrously overpowered, it's awesome.

Planning to be getting a few friends to start up as well, meaning an actual group to play with so I'm not just soloing absolutely everything/can feasibly attempt any quests on Hard or Elite that have Kobold Shamans in. Hold Person is brutal when you're alone aside from the fifteen kobolds surrounding you with pointy sticks...

If anyone feels like linking up and doing a few quests or something, my character's name is Haargrim.

2010-03-09, 04:34 PM
This is kind of a dumb question but how does the level/rank system work? I filled the little experience bar at the bottom, but then I just got rank 2.

Foryn Gilnith
2010-03-09, 04:57 PM
Every rank you get, you get an enhancement point, which can be used to get various bonuses. Like 10 extra HP, 1 extra smite/day, etc. Every few ranks (5, I believe), you get a new level, and all that entails.

2010-03-09, 05:27 PM
Every rank you get, you get an enhancement point, which can be used to get various bonuses. Like 10 extra HP, 1 extra smite/day, etc. Every few ranks (5, I believe), you get a new level, and all that entails.
Basically this.

For each rank, you get one action point. This can be spent on enchancements. Some cost one AP, some cost two - for example, Extra Smite I cost me one AP, while Extra Smite II cost me two APs. Extra Lay on Hands, for some reason, only cost me one AP despite being massively powerful. These enhancements are related to your skill or your race and are usually +1 bonuses/extra uses of something/skill boosts.

For each five ranks you gain a level, I don't think you get any APs when you gain level, you just level up as per the norm.

Levelling is slow. However, the item system more than makes up for this; I'm at the point where I can be using a combination of +2 full plate, a +1 greataxe, +1d6 damage to Monstrous Humanoids greataxe, +1 iron flaming returning throwing dagger (most recent acquisition, I loves it :D), cloak of feather fall (once a day), ring of waterbreathing (once/day), and many many other things. At level 4. Currently trying to save about 3800 gold to get me a +2 greataxe...

The end result of all of this is you're probably more powerful/more useful than you'd expect to be at any given level.

Also: I LOVE the pawn vendors in Stormreach Market.

2010-03-09, 11:17 PM
I'm Kolbrand on Thelanis. /Tell Me!

2010-03-18, 06:36 AM
I play on Ghallanda.

My main is Talemaliea, 20 barbarian.

This is the toon I started the game with, and despite making some mistakes in build, has done me very well. While I am always trying to improve my toon, I have quite good gear and am approaching the point where I have all the non-epic stuff I need. I enjoy tanking raid bosses and generally being a badass offensive tank melee.

Also, I have Danice, lvl 14 TR FvS, healer spec.

I'm finding playing as a FvS instead of a cleric to be more challenging, but more rewarding. You have less tools, so you have to make do with more consumables to augment your spells. Also, the combination of the TR equipment effect and a FvS's larger mana pool, and the character is quickly becoming extremely powerful.

Also, Lemanruss, a lvl 13 FvS that is a WF DPS spec.

Fun character, has some really cool gear, and its nice to be self-sufficent, and be able to lay the smack down and still do some support. However, I miss the raw power of a barbarian or the comfortable healing role of a cleric in this hybrid build. Still, it has alot of cool potential and I see myself leveling it to 20.

New: lvl 6 cleric, reliving the fun and variety of playing a clr as opposed to a FvS.

Finally, aside from bank toons, I have a couple mothballed ones I intend to play again at some point:

Zerelda, lvl 1 rog/4 bard. Supposed to be a trapper splash build, but its hard to do it right and the worry about doing it wrong prevents me from playing her. Also, the versitility lacks power in areas I enjoy, and causes me to have a lackluster experience at times.

Neogalatron, lvl 1 rog/7 barb WF. Evasion build with UMD and such, also trying out the WF barb angle. Leveling barbs is much less fun then playing them at cap, but I'll revisit him when my other toons free up some lowbie gear they are currently hogging.

2010-03-18, 06:46 AM
Its the mmo ive been playing recently, even made me give up eve for it. Got a level 10 drow wizard and i must say the power of an optimised caster is crazy. Even at level one with Niacs your getting instant kills on just about everything.

EDIT: Also the lightening staff in the 2nd last part of the Vault quest chain is just plain sexy. Starts making lightening bolt do 200+ damage per cast. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-18, 07:03 AM
Its the mmo ive been playing recently, even made me give up eve for it. Got a level 10 drow wizard and i must say the power of an optimised caster is crazy. Even at level one with Niacs your getting instant kills on just about everything.

EDIT: Also the lightening staff in the 2nd last part of the Vault quest chain is just plain sexy. Starts making lightening bolt do 200+ damage per cast. :smallbiggrin:

Casters are really interesting, and if played well have a unique ability to solo and control the game. Also, great burst damage and big numbers can be fun. :)

The game does a good job in balancing them in the end game. They have a very important role, and sometimes overshadow melee, but just as often melee overshadow them.

Have fun with your wizzie; and if I could give you any advice, its that enchantment-focused works wonders endgame, and always remember that any buffs you give yourself, your party members likely want as well.

2010-03-19, 06:46 AM
Casters are really interesting, and if played well have a unique ability to solo and control the game. Also, great burst damage and big numbers can be fun. :)

The game does a good job in balancing them in the end game. They have a very important role, and sometimes overshadow melee, but just as often melee overshadow them.

Have fun with your wizzie; and if I could give you any advice, its that enchantment-focused works wonders endgame, and always remember that any buffs you give yourself, your party members likely want as well.

Stoneskin for all huzzah! Too bad it costs like 50gp or something per cast...

2010-03-30, 03:46 PM
Im looking to start playing DDO, im just sad that from what I read the monk class is... not very monkish. From what ive read you HAVE to take TWF to be a true monk. Im still trying to decide on class i'll probably end up being halfling though.

2010-03-30, 04:30 PM
I do, but I need to actualy buy the game when my sorceress and ranger get to level four.

My sorceress is gorgeous. :smalltongue:

2010-03-30, 06:47 PM
I do, but I need to actualy buy the game when my sorceress and ranger get to level four.

My sorceress is gorgeous. :smalltongue:

Why do you need to buy the game at level 4?

2010-03-31, 01:21 PM
Why do you need to buy the game at level 4?

You don't. As far as I know they did away with the "leveling sigil" requirements for every 4 levels. If they didn't: a leveling sigil is a quest reward you can get that lets you keep advancing your levels if you are on free-to-play. If you are pay-to-play you don't have this restriction, or any restriction really.

As far as 50gp per cast of stoneskin; by time you are able to cast stoneskin and especially later in the game, 50gp is nothing. My level 18 character is sitting on several million gold when I quit playing. It's easy to recoup costs of material components for spells in adventures.

I spent a lot of time on that game if anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer.

2010-04-03, 06:00 PM
I have a free account, that's why. EDIT:^ Just understood you.

Welcome to a segment I like to call: Character Dungeon Strategies!
Here we see Zacary aggroeing several groups and killing them all with rage! The finess!
Ahh, here's Israeli sneaking up and blasting everything to hell! You go girl!
Margrid is always my favorite, see how she takes out everything she can long range then switches to close range when monsters get close enough? Breathtaking.

And that was our segment: Character Duneon Strategies!

2010-04-03, 11:14 PM
I have a free account, that's why. EDIT:^ Just understood you.

Welcome to a segment I like to call: Character Dungeon Strategies!
Here we see Zacary aggroeing several groups and killing them all with rage! The finess!
Ahh, here's Israeli sneaking up and blasting everything to hell! You go girl!
Margrid is always my favorite, see how she takes out everything she can long range then switches to close range when monsters get close enough? Breathtaking.

And that was our segment: Character Duneon Strategies!

Pretty cute little comics. Well done.

2010-04-04, 01:07 PM
I have a lvl 1 rogue on the Arg something server (its a wierd name). I haven't tried playing that much yet, seeing as how my internet has been spotty (until now) followed by my power randomly dying. Once I can get the power issue resolved I shall quest forth.

2010-04-04, 01:46 PM
I'm running a level 4ish Fighter named Intes on Cannith, as well as a level 2ish Dwarf wizard whose name currently escapes me. Its been about a month since I played, but if you PM me here or in game then I should respond to invites.

2010-04-04, 02:29 PM
I have atleast one character on every server, however, only the ones on Thelanis and Arggonesean are past level 1.

Thelanis has my Ranger and Cleric, and Arggonesean has my Sorceress and Barbarian.

2010-04-05, 07:44 AM
I currently have a lvl 2 cleric dipping into melee combat and have a friend who is trying to build an archer type rogue, just curious how far we can get before we need to pull in more people.

2010-04-05, 10:57 AM
I have a level 4 I think cleric and around 2 rogue on S something server. But I'm thinking about creating a wizard or a sorcerer on some other server (f2p wooo, two characters per server booo).

2010-04-06, 01:47 AM
problem solved i just had my buddy reroll a rogue/fighter 2h sneak attack build :)

2010-04-06, 06:53 PM
problem solved i just had my buddy reroll a rogue/fighter 2h sneak attack build :)

If any of you are on khyber i have a level 5 cleric up to join you.

2010-04-07, 02:52 AM
Actually on the server that starts with and A and is like 10 letters long:smallyuk:.