View Full Version : I seek...a mini.

2010-03-09, 01:10 AM
I'm trying to find a mini that matches a character I have in a D&D game, and I am having a great deal of difficulty. It is most likely a fool's quest, but I have to start somewhere. Given the vast quantity of miniature systems...I am rather overwhelmed. Fortunately, the GitP knowledge base is dauntingly deep.

Here are the aspects I am looking for, in order of priority.

*Medium size, as in D&D medium-race minis. (slightly smaller base works too)
*With a Quarterstaff
*In a human/asimaarish race
*with silver, gray, or white hair.

Fool's quest, no?

2010-03-09, 07:20 AM
Warning: I'm the type to buy and paint a model for every character I ever play, even oneshots. I once bought a model at a convention just for the one-shot game I joined. Ignore this post if you're sane, mentally unstable, pregnant or human.

Does it have to be painted? Ask aroung your local gaming store to see if anyone does painting commissions. I know there are a few people at GW who do. First, agree on a price and quality. You give them the model, they give you the amount of money it takes to buy it. Meet up at an arranged date to pay them the price of the paint-job plus the security they paid you, and get your painted model back. One model doesn't cost much, at least where I live. A couple of bucks does it, and you will generally get quality work. What's more, you can dictate the colour scheme. Make sure they use a matte varnish after the paint job to protect it.

The reason I say this is because pre-painted models tend to be
A: Plastic
B: Mass painted.
Also, plastic, prepainted minis tend to fit a limited range of characters. You have male and female versions of each race and class, and occasionally a few different "ethnic" skin tones too. Sometimes the scuplt of the black mage, white mage, red mage and blue mage (To use Final Fantasy classes as an example) will be identical, or just have different staves or hats.

For a RPG character model, you really want something in quality pewter, for durability. Reaper Minis are cheap ($5 to $10 for a pretty damn sexy sculpt, going by Aus$), but their pewter isn't great. If you go to Reapers site, use their search function to find female human/elven monks, clerics and wizards/sorcererors. Find one you like, write it's name and serial number down and go to your local gaming store to see if they have it. If not, you can usually get them to order it in if it's still in production. For a good model and passable paint job that'll last you a lifetime, you can expect to spend $13 (Australian).

Edit: Expect the paintjob to cost more than to model, expecially if you buy Reaper. If you buy a GW or Anima Tactics mini, spend more on the model or you'll bankrupt yourself :p

2010-03-09, 09:13 AM
Yeah, you're unlikely to find a mini that's sold painted to your specifications.

I couldn't find exactly what you were looking for on Reaper, but if you talk to someone who paints minis they could probably remove the spearhead from this one (http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/plate/latest/02326) to make a decent quarterstaff.

Is it just me, or is the Reaper site a massive time sink? Every time I visit it, I end up looking at half their models, wanting to buy half of those, and inevitably remind myself that I'm not going to buy any more until I finish painitng the ones I have (which is only usually successful, making the problem self-perpetuating.)

2010-03-09, 04:36 PM
Some D&D minis that might suit your needs:

Storm Silverhand, if you don't mind a sword as well as a staff.
Raistlin Majere (the mini isn't too gender specific), if armor isn't too important.

2010-03-09, 06:30 PM
Raistlin Majere (the mini isn't too gender specific), if armor isn't too important.

I've seen the metal one going for about eighty bucks on eBay. I can't speak for any plastic possibilities, but I'd say that the Britta, War Maiden mini from Reaper seems the best match. Ask a buddy if he has a file and metal cutters, then fix that there spearhead.

2010-03-15, 12:13 PM
I've seen the metal one going for about eighty bucks on eBay. I can't speak for any plastic possibilities, but I'd say that the Britta, War Maiden mini from Reaper seems the best match. Ask a buddy if he has a file and metal cutters, then fix that there spearhead.

The plastic is going for 30.

Thank you all! The War Maiden is a very good match. The Silverhand would be perfect if the staff was just a bit longer (she does have a sword as a backup weapon). I honestly didn't expect there to be one good choice, let alone two. I knew I came to the right place.

Again, thanks!