View Full Version : What Makes You Scream Expletives At Your Computer?

2010-03-09, 11:02 AM
I'm not talking about BSODs, here, I'm talking about getting really into intense video games.

I woke my wife up one Sunday morning when I was playing through Half-Life 2: Episode 2 for the first time. It was the first encounter where you really get to fight the hunters (in that abandoned building where two or three of them attack you and Alex). At one point, I was unloading the SMG into the face of one of them and yelled a more explicit version of "Die, Mother Trucker."

I felt like Pvt. Hudson in Aliens. You know, without all the whining about how I was going to die with only two weeks left in my enlistment.

The rest of the time when I yell obscenities at video games, it's because of jumping puzzles in games where I can't see my feet. But, that's just not the same.

2010-03-09, 11:05 AM
Escort missions...

2010-03-09, 11:08 AM
I've been playing the last few levels of Castlevania III recently. As I type, I'm battling Death.

Also I like Touhou.


2010-03-09, 11:08 AM
Games tend to frustrate me quite easily. Recently the two most likely events to make me scream like a lunatic have been trying to beat the final boss in Puzzle Quest, and being overtaken in the last few yards of a 20 mile race in Fuel by a car which, when I use it, simply CANNOT go that fast.


Dark Faun
2010-03-09, 11:17 AM
It's not exactly screaming, but when someone played the beginning of Bioshock in front of me to show me the game, I spent the entire time hiding behind them. :smallfrown:

I'm not one to scream at the computer anyway, but I do find cheating AI annoying. Or stupid AI. Or scripted AI. I'm looking at you, missile launcher-toting captain charging the enemy in DoWII. :smallannoyed:

2010-03-09, 11:18 AM
Getting killed by a centaur with a wand shortly before receiving an Amulet of Reflection in Nethack.

Getting killed by forgetting to turn off autopickup before walking over a cockatrice corpse in Nethack.

Getting killed by getting stuck in a beartrap while running from monsters in Nethack.

Getting killed by a pair of Unicorns that move too fast to predict in Nethack.

Getting killed by a Mumak while holding down . to regain energy in Nethack.

Getting killed while failing to correctly engrave "Elbereth" on the floor in Nethack.

Getting killed in Nethack, then rolling a new wizard with 14 INT and an array of useless magic items.

2010-03-09, 11:24 AM
I didn't really mean scream in frustration; I meant when you get so into an intense part of the video game you start screaming at your opponents in the game as though you were actually fighting them for your life.

Good examples of frustrating experiences, though.

2010-03-09, 11:56 AM
Losing a battle in Civ 4 with a great general unit when the odds of my winning it are calculated at 95% or greater. Yeah, statistically possible, but...still makes me go into "DO NOT WANT" mode. :smallannoyed:


I didn't really mean scream in frustration; I meant when you get so into an intense part of the video game you start screaming at your opponents in the game as though you were actually fighting them for your life.

Oh. Whoops. Well then I don't do that. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-09, 12:15 PM
I didn't really mean scream in frustration; I meant when you get so into an intense part of the video game you start screaming at your opponents in the game as though you were actually fighting them for your life.

Good examples of frustrating experiences, though.

If I am playing any third or first person game I will lean and move with my character no matter what sytem. If I am playing some kind of shooter, not that it happens very often, I will often taunt my computer/playstation/xbox. "Die you [censored] Die!" Normally I play strategy games and once again, I taunt my opponent outloud even though it is just a bunch of 1s and 0s! For instant "Look [insert opponent here] my tiny army of heavily armoured soldier is nestled in this little narrow passage between the trees! There is no force about to ambush you! None at all!" Well that one wasn't very good, but you get the idea.

For being frustrated, One of my favourite games was PTO for the SNES. You would get a report that an enemy carrier fleet was sighted, then you would attack, and should you have the misfortune to knock a ship's speed to zero, normally a good thing as they can't move and you can just attack at will, the fleet will "evaporate". Only to reappear a few days later, fully repaired and resupplied, something which takes, at least, several weeks, not to mention the trip to a port, likely home port in either Hawaii, or Kure (Japan), and then back. Insert rude gestures and loud expletives here!

2010-03-09, 01:58 PM
What makes me scream at games? Any sort of game mechanic (either deliberate or bugged) that makes my character freeze in place. Nothing to brighten my evenings like pressing keys madly, KNOWING that if I was moving I could survive the encounter, but the game's decided I ain't going anywhere! If there's anything in the world more frustrating than getting stunlocked in Diablo 2 they should be deploying it as an anti-terror weapon...

2010-03-09, 02:06 PM
Settlers of Catan on Xbox Live Arcade.

2010-03-09, 04:24 PM
I didn't really mean scream in frustration; I meant when you get so into an intense part of the video game you start screaming at your opponents in the game as though you were actually fighting them for your life.

Good examples of frustrating experiences, though.

Oh. Umm... Sometimes when I kill a really hard boss or somesuch, I like to do a Captain Falcon impression. YES! YES! SHOW ME YA MOVES!

Archonic Energy
2010-03-10, 08:51 AM
Stratigic Launch detected...

Oh %*!@

Smiling Knight
2010-03-10, 08:59 AM
Fire Emblem.

The loudest was when one of the bosses moved off his square and attacked one of my units, nearly killing him. But then Edward's skill kicked in and he got back-to-back critical hits, annihilating the bosses. I jumped up and did a dance while taunting the defeated tiger.

2010-03-10, 10:03 AM
DotA. Intense. DotA.

I remember one game, I was playing Abbadon and I had almost killed this guy who I chased for quite some time. I was This close! (like... ten health) from killing the $*&% and I MESSED UP. I forgot to cast and he ran out of line of sight and I knew I had to get back before i got ganked.

I cursed. Loudly. Everyone was shocked. I don't normally curse loudly, see.

Oh, and then there was the time I saw a chance for a gank and told my ally (my bro) to stun, I started shouting (SCREAMING) "MICHAEL! STUN! MICHAEL! STUUN! MICHAAEEL?!" He didn't stun. The people observing me thought I had gone insane. I laughed when it was over, because I knew how serious I was taking something that was totally pointless.

Oh, and I broke into a cold sweat playing Half-Life 2. The level where you defend yourself from Combine with turrets? Ya, that was not fun.

Everything else though... I can take it in stride.

2010-03-10, 10:43 AM
Being British, I require little provocation at all to throw around needless insults/expletives around. But the most recent thing in memory is fighting Seth on the second round in Street Fighter 4. So frustrating! Especially when he teleports behind you and does a super-combo charged throw/shoryuken. "YOU CHEATING *beep!* DIE YOU *beep!*"

2010-03-10, 11:03 AM
Team Fortress 2: You have no idea how many times i curse at the computer screen when you jerks from GiTP royally abuse me. Thus why I try to not use my voice chat as much as possible.

Left 4 Dead 2: Unfair tank spawns, and what seem like rigged witch placements. A buddy and myself had 3 witches in almost the exact same spot in hard rain part 2. Oh, and the tank spawning just as we're trying to run into the safe room that has a freakin witch in it.

2010-03-10, 11:05 AM
Not out of fustration?

Finishing a Timesplitters 2 level on Hard difficulty.

2010-03-10, 11:08 AM
Getting the last M-COM station in Bad Company 2 with less than 5 tickets left. Stopping the attacking team in Bad Company 2 with only one M-COM station left.

2010-03-10, 11:09 AM
Basically everytime I play Left 4 Dead 2, especially versus. I can get quite impassioned. My room mates hold conversations with me, apparently... they can hear me through my door.

Oh, and I broke into a cold sweat playing Half-Life 2. The level where you defend yourself from Combine with turrets? Ya, that was not fun.

In Nova Prospeckt? I had so much trouble with that the first time that I played HL2, I actually loaded an earlier save and carried another turret from earlier in the level all the way there so as to have some extra firepower.

Lunix Vandal
2010-03-10, 11:16 AM
Heh. I dealt with the Combine turret-defense sections by setting them up in places that are a right pain to knock them down from. In the first sequence in the control room, set them up on either side of the stairs you enter by. They'll have LOS to the stairs the Combine use, but will already be firing at them by the time they get close enough for the AI to toss a grenade. Meaning that all you have to deal with are the Manhacks.

In the second sequence (the extended fight just before Alyx starts traveling with you again), I literally pick up the turrets, turn them around, and set them back in their closets. I hide in the one that was originally empty. There are a few specific points that enemies will run to before firing at you if you hole up in there. And, as I seem to recall without booting up the game and checking, the yellow dot in the middle of the suit charger across the hallway is almost exactly at Combine head height, which makes it fairly easy to score one-hit-kills with the shotgun, even on Hard. Combined with the quicksave hotkey, it becomes relatively easy to get through with minimal damage (they conveniently leave long enough gaps between groups of Combine that you can reload or step out to grab more shells).

For the third sequence, I set the turrets up as far away from the entrances the Combine use as possible. One goes next to the doorway you enter from, facing the hallway between that door and the teleporter; the second goes on the platform with the teleporter at the top of the stairs closest to (and facing) the gap in the bulletproof glass; and the third is set up in one of the open doorways near where the turret-closets are, facing the other gap in the glass, on the far side of the teleporter-charging-stuff in the floor. From there, the turrets will (at some point or other) have LOS to all of the incoming soldiers, and can almost singlehandedly handle everything until the Combine Elites start showing up towards the end.But yeah, I've had a few of the like-you-were-fighting-for-your-life experiences JediSoth was getting at -- mostly when I'm trying to pull a desperate come-from-behind victory in one of the various FPSes or strategy games I like. The three-on-one game I had running last week on Empire Earth II comes to mind -- they may have been set to the "Easy" AI, but when you're on the second-to-last map of a long Tug-of-War game and all three of them hit Epoch XV at roughly the same time ...

Let's just say I <3 the Static Defense Doctrine combined with offensive static-defense building, and leave it at that. For the curious, I started with nothing but Citizens. With the maximum 3000 carry-over points from the previous map, that meant 65. Forty-ish of them were sent to grab resources (mostly stone and wood) while the other 25 (dubbed the Army Corps of Engineers, for the lulz) built turrets and walls. Then (at least until the endgame when I already owned half the map and had razed most of the other half) whenever my army cleared out a territory, the ACoE immediately dropped a City Center and a pile of anti-air turrets, outposts, and walls on it. I was the only player to never lose a territory that game, and despite the game's handicaps making my units roughly half as efficient as theirs I still maintained a 2:1 kill-death ratio.

But that's what they get for only researching 6 techs per pre-XV Epoch to try and catch up to me after I went straight to XV on the first map. While researching all 12 in every Epoch. :smalltongue:

2010-03-10, 11:23 AM
I tend to provide my own dialogue for silent protagonists. Good thing I play by myself. Good thing it's not translated to in-game dialogue, either. Link would be subject to many punches in the face for his snarking.

2010-03-10, 12:14 PM
I once beat a far more experienced player in a Gears of War LAN by jumping him from around a corner with the chainsaw bayonet. I believe my next statement was something like "Sneak Attack! (Censored)" This was shouted in a Juggernaut-esqe manner.

Also downing a new boss/hard boss/ squeaking the win, in a Raid on WoW often gets a pretty loud "Woot!"

2010-04-03, 04:58 AM
Campers. Damn Campers on MW2. I Have to say,i do camp,but i only use camping as a last resort.:smallfurious:

Kris Strife
2010-04-03, 05:24 AM
My laptop's built in touch pad than can count as a left click if I don't have enough of an interval between touches.

2010-04-03, 05:27 AM
Half-Life 2. In the jail. :smallfurious: You know where I'm talking about.

The final boss in DoW II: Chaos Rising. I love fighting one single guy for like, a whole hour, and then dying...So, now I get to do it all again. :smallfurious:

2010-04-03, 05:39 AM
Escort missions...

Rescort Missions....i.e. having to rescue an NPC from a horde of enemies and then escort them....while being attacked by hordes of enemies. Usually ending with the NPC running off to get themselves killed.

2010-04-03, 06:09 AM
The Latin word for "curve" that was so nicely adapted to my mother language was used quite frequently during my playthrough of Rise of the Ashes, the fifth case of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney.

I correctly managed to connect the Blue Badger with the vase that Ema saw. All that I had to do was to use that newfangled 3D stuff to rotate the vase around so that it resembles the Blue Badger.

This is the only time I've had to check the walkthrough, because after numerous failed TAKE THATS! I started to have an idea that the Blue Badger thing might be a red herring, since Edgeworth and the Judge didn't accept my explanation. Phoenix was dumbfounded when I made the vase resemble the mascot.

Guess what - I've had to rotate the vase in a very specific way, so that every freakin' milimeter had to be correct. I've made about 11 tries to finally get it right. It felt like being a surgeon in the middle of an operation.

The whole case is frustrating and sometimes gets really drawn out, too.

2010-04-03, 06:10 AM
When I'm playing the Europa Barbarorum mod for Rome Total War:

1) Losing gratuitous amounts of men to naked fanatics who are surrounded on all sides by heavily armed bastards. "DIE! JUST DIE!"

2) My save game being corrupted just when I'm on the cusp of conquering the entirety of Greece as Rome- a feat that takes quite a while. "OMGaaaaargh" *facedesk*

3) Elephants against Camillan Roman troops. "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? STAB THEM WITH YOUR SPEARS! STAB- oh, never mind."

2010-04-03, 06:11 AM
God damn SWAT 4 can be hard; freaking AI.

2010-04-03, 06:33 AM
Team Fortress 2: You have no idea how many times i curse at the computer screen when you jerks from GiTP royally abuse me. Thus why I try to not use my voice chat as much as possible.

That's why I don't have my mic on either. :smalltongue:

As a general rule of thumb, if my time spent playing is less than the wait I have between respawns I get pretty sweary.

2010-04-03, 06:40 AM
I'd like to give a honourable mention to Mario Kart, which, while not on the computer, is quite capable of making me swear. (I've never screamed at a machine though)

2010-04-03, 06:41 AM
I'd like to give a honourable mention to Mario Kart, which, while not on the computer, is quite capable of making me swear. (I've never screamed at a machine though)

...Hell hath no fury like a First Placer hit by a Blue Shell...

...Then a Red Shell, then another Red Shell, then a Lightning Bolt.

Hunter Noventa
2010-04-03, 10:37 AM
When a massive enemy fleet shows up on my backlines via wormhole or phase in stabilizer cannon Sins of a Solar Empire.