View Full Version : extra spaces

2010-03-09, 09:37 PM
Is there a way to add in more than one space between words or pictures on this board?

2010-03-09, 10:03 PM
Um...... or _ or --- or just random wordslike so.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-09, 10:21 PM
You could try putting white-text periods or letters in between.


2010-03-10, 08:32 AM
As I understand it, spaces are collapsed because of your browser, not because of the board. It would be neat to have a vBulletin option for a non-collapsing space, but I'm not sure how simple that would be to implement.

2010-03-10, 09:10 AM
Spoilered for width.

Like, say, this?

using this notation
Like, say, this?

2010-03-10, 09:42 AM
Not really. The [code] tag does more than add a non-collapsing whitespace, like swapping to a monospaced font and putting it in a box. I was thinking of something more like the [br] [hr] tags in usage.

2010-03-10, 10:21 AM
Um...... or _ or --- or just random wordslike so.

Or do exactly what I did in the first response...

2010-03-10, 10:42 AM
Not really. The [code] tag does more than add a non-collapsing whitespace, like swapping to a monospaced font and putting it in a box. I was thinking of something more like the <br> <hr> tags in usage.

Well, your only options end up being, so far as I know, code tags and hidden text. There might be other options, but I don't know about it.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-03-10, 12:09 PM
It would be neat to have a vBulletin option for a non-collapsing space, but I'm not sure how simple that would be to implement.
Depends on whether or not vBulletin has an easy-to-use-interface for adding your own custom code or not. XHTML 1.0 has the handy <pre> tag to manage this sort of situation. So if the BBCode translator is easy to access, one just needs to input a translation of and to <pre> and </pre>.

Of course, since [br] and [hr], which also have their XHTML equivalents have those edit/quote bugs, I would assume there is no built-in easy way of adding it and that some minor tinkering with the source code is required.

On a side note, I do wish they would change the Code box widths. It’s longer than the maximum image width and always gives me the Horizontal Scroll of Doom™.

2010-03-10, 01:15 PM
Or do exactly what I did in the first response...
White text as spacers have the disadvantage of being visible when highlighted or placed against a coloured background.

Well, your only options end up being, so far as I know, code tags and hidden text. There might be other options, but I don't know about it.
I was kinda requesting another option in my post (hence the "it would be neat to have[...]").

Depends on whether or not vBulletin has an easy-to-use-interface for adding your own custom code or not. XHTML 1.0 has the handy <pre> tag to manage this sort of situation. So if the BBCode translator is easy to access, one just needs to input a translation of and to <pre> and </pre>.

Of course, since [br] and [hr], which also have their XHTML equivalents have those edit/quote bugs, I would assume there is no built-in easy way of adding it and that some minor tinkering with the source code is required.
<pre> would have the downside of not automatically wrapping text, making it easy to stretch screens if you accidentally put a sentence or two between the tags.

I'd suggest a, say, [nbsp] tag, being replaced by "&nbsp;&#38;#8203;", which would insert a non-breaking space and a zero width space (which would allow for wrapping). Although I suspect that would suffer from [br] and [hr]'s bug.
As an aside, I have found that I can just enter&#160;&#38;#160; each time I want a non-breaking space (as vBulletin apparently doesn't filter out character references like it does entity references), but a [nbsp] tag would be easier for me to remember. :smalltongue:

On a side note, I do wish they would change the Code box widths. It’s longer than the maximum image width and always gives me the Horizontal Scroll of Doom™.
640px at the moment, compared to the banner limit of 470px, innit? Your monitor must be rather small. :smalltongue:
Perhaps it could be changed to something like [code="width=#"], similar to how tables work, although simply setting the current width to a lower value would probably be easier to implement.

Also, I feel obliged to admit here that I know next to nothing about web design, and what little I do know I've gleaned from Google and messing about with Firebug.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-03-10, 01:45 PM
<pre> would have the downside of not automatically wrapping text, making it easy to stretch screens if you accidentally put a sentence or two between the tags.
Set up the stylesheet with "pre { white-space: pre-wrap; }". Then you’ll have preformatted text along with line wrapping.

640px at the moment, compared to the banner limit of 470px, innit? Your monitor must be rather small. :smalltongue:
1024 x 768. Most advice I see usually still recommends supporting that for regular, non-mobile device sites. The 640px box doesn’t work well with the sidebar and post author info areas for horizontal display.

That said, I’ve just reminded myself that I can specify a user stylesheet to override the site’s styles. I’m going to go ahead and do that right now.

Also, I feel obliged to admit here that I know next to nothing about web design, and what little I do know I've gleaned from Google and messing about with Firebug.
Almost my entire web design knowledge is self-taught myself. Though I’ve got a fair number of print books, too. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-10, 03:33 PM
Set up the stylesheet with "pre { white-space: pre-wrap; }". Then you’ll have preformatted text along with line wrapping.
That's useful. :smallsmile:
But wouldn't it then screw with the [code] boxes, which use <pre style="overflow: auto">? Would it be better to give the white-space attribute to the pre element produced by a hypothetical [pre] tag?

1024 x 768. Most advice I see usually still recommends supporting that for regular, non-mobile device sites. The 640px box doesn’t work well with the sidebar and post author info areas for horizontal display.
I'm being dense and managed to forget about them. My mind just went "He's stretching to see a 640px element? It must be tiny!" :smallsigh:

That said, I’ve just reminded myself that I can specify a user stylesheet to override the site’s styles. I’m going to go ahead and do that right now.
Man, you are like a font of knowledge. Or at least, a font of driving-me-to-learn-basic-CSS. Which is almost as good.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-03-10, 04:50 PM
That's useful. :smallsmile:
But wouldn't it then screw with the [code] boxes, which use <pre style="overflow: auto">? Would it be better to give the white-space attribute to the pre element produced by a hypothetical [pre] tag?
Well, among other things, I’d recommend actually switching the [code] BBCode to actually translate to HTML <code> tags. Y’know, keep the markup nice and semantic. Even if you didn’t do that, add some classes to keep the two uses separate. The pre-wrap example was just a general case.

Ultimately, though, the “overflow: auto” simply adds scrollbars to the box when it cannot wrap. “white-space: pre-wrap” won’t interfere anymore than using “overflow: auto” on a normally wrapping elment will. It will still add scrollbars if an image or similar large element causes overflow. So applying both wrapping and automatic overflow don’t conflict.

The only conflict here is that code boxes typically have straight-up preformatting with no wrapping at all except with specified linebreaks. But then, I’ve already outlined the solution to that: use the <code> tag.

I'm being dense and managed to forget about them. My mind just went "He's stretching to see a 640px element? It must be tiny!"
No problem. I’ve long ago resigned myself to the fact that my screen resolution is being left in the dust where desktop and laptops are concerned.

But even if I did have a larger resolution, I wouldn’t be likely to be browsing in maximized windows. Make your lines of text too long, and they become difficult to read.

Man, you are like a font of knowledge. Or at least, a font of driving-me-to-learn-basic-CSS. Which is almost as good.
I try. :smallcool: