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View Full Version : First atempt at making a class--The Shieldmaster

2010-03-10, 12:31 AM
So, many times over has the joke of dual-wielding shields come up amongst my several gaming groups....many times I have declared I'll make it an actual working class.

Being the lazy bastard that I am, and being a college student when I'm not, I've only recently started work on this.

I've never made a class before, and this idea might be destined to always be poor but I don't care! I still wanna make it. But the best way to do this is to get some feedback, obviously. So, without further ado, the Shieldmaster class:

2010-03-10, 12:32 AM
The Shieldmaster:

In a world full of countless dangers, you have trained to combat these the best way you know how: the best offense is a good defense in your eyes. You have begun the path to mastering the art of the shield, not only as a defensive tool, but as a viable weapon. Whereas others use a weapon with a shield in the offhand, you realize that if one shield has a defense of 2, then two of them must have a defense of 4. This mastery over the physical shield requires good control over one's body and mind and eventually you can block even magical attacks. In time, your mastery of defense can be applied to your allies as well.

Limits: A Shieldmaster must specialize intensely in order to maintain effectiveness. You can only choose this class at level 1, and can never multiclass.

BAB: Moderate, HD: d10 or d12 (I haven't decided yet)
Good saves: Fort and Will
Poor saves: Ref
Proficiencies: No weapons, light and medium armor, all sheilds (except tower)

1: Dual-Shield (Light/Light), Improved Shield Bash, Offensive Shield
3: Dual-Shield (offhand)
5: Light Shield Specialization
6: Great Fortitude, Defend Another
8: Dual-Shield (heavy/Light) (offhand damage +1 size cat)
9: Lesser Rapid Defense
10: Shield Sling, Lesser Magical Defense
11: Iron Will
12: Improved Defend Another
14: Dual-Shield (heavy/heavy), Heavy Shield Specialization
15: Major Magical Defense
16: Greater Rapid Defense
18: Master Defend Another

Bonus Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization (light shields), Great Fortitutde, Shield Sling, Iron Will, Shield Specialization (heavy shields),

*Dual-Shield: The Shieldmaster has trained to weild two shields effectively in combat. The player can equip a light shield in both hands, one as a weapon, the other as a standard shield. At 3rd level, the Shieldmaster can use his offhand shield as a weapon. The standard penalties for dual-wielding apply, and can be altered using the Two-Weapon Fighting feats.
At 8th level, the Shieldmaster can wield a heavy shield and a light shield. Both the strong hand and offhand weapon's damage also increases by one size category (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc).
At 14th level, the Shieldmaster can wield a heavy shield in both hands.

*Improved Shield Bash: Due to extensive training, a Shieldmaster's two shields are used in such a way to allow full offensive and defensive capabilities. You gain the Improved Shield Bash as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

*Offensive Shield: A Shieldmaster's weapon is his shield and he treats it as such. He treats the shield in his strong hand as a weapon when it comes to MW bonuses and magical enchantments. He can also take weapon feats in regards to it as well (treat all shields as merely Shields in this regard). Due to his intensive training, a Shieldmaster also deals improved damage with his shields; his strong hand shield causes damage as if he were two size categories larger (for Medium=from 1d3 to 1d6), and his offhand shield causes damage as if he were one size category larger (for Medium=from 1d3 to 1d4). This can be further improved with shield spikes, as normal.

*Light Shield Specialization= At 5th level, the Shieldmaster has used light shields so extensively, he gains the Shield Specialization (light shield) as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

*Great Fotitude= At 6th level your physical training has led to you being healthier than the average individual. You gain Great Fortitude as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

*Defend Another= At 6th level, the Shieldmaster has mastered the art of defense to an extent that allows him to add his shield AC bonus to an adjacent ally. You can continue to do so as long as you remain in an adjacent square. While defending another, you can only make one attack and you lose your shield bonus to your AC.
At 12th level, you can defend an adjacent ally and retain half your shield AC bonus. You can still only make one attack.
At 18th level, you can defend an adjacent ally and retain your full AC. You can also make one aditional attack with your offhand shield.

*Lesser Rapid Defense= At 9th level, you wield your shield with incredible speed. When you make a Reflex save, you can add half your strong hand's shield bonus to AC to your Reflex roll.
At level 16, your coordination with your shields is lightning fast, and you can add your strong hand's full shield AC bonus to your Reflex roll.

*Shield Sling= At 10th level, you master the art of using your shield as a ranged weapon if necessary. You gain Shield Sling as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

*Lesser Magical Defense= At 10th level, you've developed your body as a bulwark of defense, even going so far as to resist magical effects. If a spell would allow a Fortitude or Will save, you are treated as having Spell Resistance (10 + 1/2 level, round up).
At 15th level, your experience in a world filled with magic increases your skill at resisting certain magical effects. Your Spell Resistence against spells that allow a Fortitude or Will save increases (15 + 1/2 level, round up).

*Iron Will= At 11th level, your constant diligence and discipline allow you greater control over your own mind. You gain Iron Will as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

*Heavy Shield Specialization= With mastery over the shield, not only can you now wield two heavy shields, but you wield them with incredible effectiveness. You gain Shield Specialization (heavy shields) as a bonus feat, or--if you already possess the feat--another feat that you meet the prereqs for.

2010-03-10, 12:33 AM
Perhaps this might be better suited over in Homebrew?

2010-03-10, 12:36 AM
Initial thoughts:

That's a lot to keep up with, but eh, such is the way of this class I suppose.

I originally had some different abilities based on certain shield feats...then realized that was redundant if those feats existed, so changed some things around.

Biggest example: Shield parrying, which allows you to add your shield AC to your touch AC. I want this, but there seems to be little point if you can just take the feat....or is it really that good to open up a feat slot and make it a class feature?

I'm leaning towards the d12 HD, but that may make this guy just too grand a tank. Maybe not. Thoughts?

Those two blank levels, particularly the 20, really bug me...but I can't think of anything else to give there.

Also considering allow the Defend Other to eventually let you spread your shield AC to all allies adjacent to you, but that may be too much. Support? Argument? Alterations?

2010-03-10, 12:37 AM
Perhaps this might be better suited over in Homebrew?

*facepalm* Great point, and I can't believe I overlooked that!

Erm...how do I put it there?

2010-03-10, 12:39 AM
Limits: A Shieldmaster must specialize intensely in order to maintain effectiveness. You can only choose this class at level 1, and can never multiclass.Restrictions like this are horrible. Better to make a strong capstone (which this also lacks) to give incentive to actually stay in the class.

That said, the idea feels far more like a PrC than a base class. I mean "guy that fights with shields" is a variation on your normal face smashy guy, not a concept in itself.

2010-03-10, 12:41 AM
Restrictions like this are horrible. Better to make a strong capstone (which this also lacks) to give incentive to actually stay in the class.

That said, the idea feels far more like a PrC than a base class. I mean "guy that fights with shields" is a variation on your normal face smashy guy, not a concept in itself.

I really didn't want to put the restriction, but for the most part, it's such a specialized idea, it sorta felt necessary. As for the lack of capstone, I agree, but I haven't really thought of anything to put there yet. And perhaps it would be better as a PrC, I'd like to see the compression you'd suggest in that regard.

Edit: Also, one must keep in mind that this came from a joke...and while I'm attempting to make it into something serious, it's gonna be a little hard to break away from that.

2010-03-10, 12:58 AM
Heh...ignore this thread. I'ma put it in homebrew where it belongs, and remember that fact in the future before I get ahead of myself. Oh habituation.
Not sure the fancy way to do that...will do it manually.

2010-03-10, 01:05 AM
Only word of advice: Be rid of the dead levels. Dead levels suck worse than the Spaceballs' Megamaid.

2010-03-10, 02:18 AM
Ooh, someone else made one of these a while back. I can't remember who though, I thought it was The Dark Fiddler, but I think I'm wrong now.

EDIT: I actually meant that someone built a PrC dedicated to killing people with two shields in hand.