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View Full Version : Gestalt Red Hand of Doom

2010-03-11, 11:52 AM
There seems to be a lot of RHoD fever going around these days. I'm considering running it for my RL group, but I'd like to spice it up in new and interesting ways.

It's a tough module, no doubt about it. My question is, what would need to be changed if I let the players make gestalt characters?

I'd probably keep the group to 4 or 5 players max. When I played through it as a PC two years ago, the 4 man party was non-gestalt, but we managed to get through the adventure thanks to careful buffing and relatively optimized spellcasting technique.

I'm thinking allowing everyone a gestalt character would encourage the use of classes otherwise commonly ignored, such as the better Tier 4 classes.

Would very much truly change? At a glance, it would allow the PCs to continue adventuring without resting for longer periods. This would probably allow them to outpace the Horde, perhaps buying them more time.

Of course, our non-gestalt group had practically a week to prepare Brindol before the arrival of the Horde, thanks to playing our cards right.

What would you do with a gestalt RHoD? Make the Wyrmlords gestalt characters too? Bump the dragons an age category? Throw in more mooks each fight?

2010-03-11, 03:09 PM
Players in my campaign, stay out.

Really guys. Stay out.

Almost definitely make the wyrmlords gestalt. Definitely bump the dragons up an age category from what they're printed as, and more importantly - play them intelligently. Use the limited casting they have - blood wind and scintillating scales are both fantastic for them.
Don't bother with more mooks - they'll just be so much cannon fodder. Instead, go with tougher ones - Bluespawn Godslayers (from MMIV) can be great fun. Play the Wyrmlords as intelligent, also, and once they get wind of the PCs, start actively working against them - do stuff like the "Marked for Death" encounter, the one with the greater barghests trying to assassinate the PCs.