View Full Version : Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Thread 1: Talking Monkey, Talking Mirror...

Lord Loss
2010-03-13, 06:56 AM
I thought I'd start a thread for the little none Dragon Qyest Monsters: Joker game. Now for those of you who don't know what that it, GO BUY IT NOW. It's kind of a mixture of Final Fantasy and Pokemon, with some monster rancher thrown in for kicks. It's my favorite DS game (though Castlevania is a close second.

To start the thread up, I have a few questions of my own:

My party is composed of a lvl 18 Rank X (Zoma), a Lvl 17-ish rank A (Gigantes) and a lvl 27 Incarnus. Is my Party powerful enough? I'm about to tackle the Sun/Moon temple from the second side (North, I think, which you acces through infant). Is my party strong enough. I also have a lvl 25 Behemoth Slime, as well as a she slime. I would synethis two Beshemoth Slimes, but I forgot between what Isles I find the Behemoth slime.

So, let the discussion begin!

2010-03-13, 08:53 AM
Oh hell yeah your party is strong enough. I'm well past there with a much weaker party but I'm stuck now... damnit...:smallannoyed:

Oh yes, you might be happy to know that a sequels been anounced!

Lord Loss
2010-03-13, 08:59 AM
I heard :smallbiggrin:. I'm Really excited! This may be one of the few games I buy the Day it comes out ( I wish we could be characters other than Joker, though...).

2010-03-13, 07:14 PM
You know I can't remember exactly but I think you've still got an island or two to go?:smallconfused:

It should be a cakewalk...

Anyway the sequel looks a bit more story focused from what I seen and it seems to be based on one island.... and it has online competitive play!(and hopefully trading)

Mando Knight
2010-03-13, 07:23 PM
Pokémon × Dragon Quest? I'll have to check it out sometime. Probably after I get caught up on the main-line Dragon Quest games.

2010-03-13, 09:45 PM
Pokémon × Dragon Quest?
Actually, more like Dragon Quest 5 sans the human party and standard RPG story. The Dragon Quest Monsters games are based on DQ5's monster system, which pre-dates Pokčmon by a good four years.

I played the first two games, but haven't kept up with the series since. Much like Pokčmon, I sorta lost interest in it after a while, preferring games with more story to them for my turn-based combat and RPG fare. I did used to love raising monsters that were final bosses from their respective games though, like Zoma and the Dracolord. Of course, back then, I had only played the first three DQ games, so the only final bosses I actually recognized were the Dracolord, Hargon, Sidoh, and Zoma, but still.


2010-03-14, 06:21 AM
Well Joker is slightly more story-based, not the extent of a main Dragon Quest... but it's actually got the trademark funky characters and the plot is kind of interesting.

Lord Loss
2010-03-14, 06:22 AM
Correct. I've got North Celeste (Doing Now), Fert, and return to the Zombie one, as well as the Scout Championships. I've got 9 Darkonium, so 1 More and I get to go to the metal menagerie :smallbiggrin:!