View Full Version : [HALO-Plot] Timeskip VII [Semi-Private]

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2010-03-13, 12:20 PM
This is a thread where you can create a possible future for your characters. The idea all started when a whole room full of people in HALO got hit by age potions and were advanced ten years. Hilarity ensued, as it turned out some people were married, pregnant and so on.

Since this thread is Semi-private please PM me with what character(s) you would like to use in this thread and what you are planning on doing with them before you join.
Previous Threads:
HALO Timeskip I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141327)
HALO Timeskip II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141789)
HALO Timeskip III (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142513)
HALO Timeskip VI (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144564)

Current People in Plot:
Viera Champion
Masato Hyuga
Moofin Bard
Je Dit Viola

If your name isn't on the list, but you have been accepted into this thread, please tell me. I will try and correct it as soon as possible.

2010-03-13, 12:22 PM
Pixie walks over to Conky still feeding Artemis.

Sissy? What's wrong?

Mom scares me.
She shakes.

... What did I do?

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:23 PM
The fox follows, giggling.

They walk through the portal, an appear right in front of the house.
Her we are.

2010-03-13, 12:23 PM
Grant attempts to hold Conky.

It's alright.

2010-03-13, 12:25 PM
They walk through the portal, an appear right in front of the house.
Her we are.
It so nice!
In the breeze, Genkai might smell more of the Moro part of Nellie's scent

2010-03-13, 12:25 PM
Pixie sits down next to Conky and tries to huggle her with her free arm.

Don't you want to hold your nephew?

2010-03-13, 12:26 PM
Conky sniffles and holds Artemis, shaking.

Someone please tell me what's freaking Conky out!

2010-03-13, 12:28 PM
She's probably not used to the massive amounts of death and violence that the rest of us are.

Artemis giggles as cutely as only a newborn can.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:30 PM
It so nice!
In the breeze, Genkai might smell more of the Moro part of Nellie's scent

Genkai turns around sharply.
Moro! You bitch!

2010-03-13, 12:30 PM
Pesty wipes her face and sits down with Conky.

2010-03-13, 12:31 PM
She jumps back, and rolls onto her back in a submissive position, scared.

2010-03-13, 12:32 PM
Vaze undeadtimes and looks around from his hospital bed.

2010-03-13, 12:32 PM
Pixie huggles Conky.

It's ok sissy. Mommy's fine. She loves you. And so do we all.

2010-03-13, 12:33 PM
Carrie takes them back to HALO.
Conky smiles a little.
... Mom, your breath sucks.
Get a Tic Tac.

2010-03-13, 12:34 PM
Pixie offers Pesty one of the magic mints that she's been using for her puke breath

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:36 PM
She jumps back, and rolls onto her back in a submissive position, scared.

Genkai ignores Nellie. She apparently thinks the smell didn't come from her.
Where is my son?! I haven't forgotten what you made him do last time!

2010-03-13, 12:37 PM
Nellie, scared looking, tries to slink away from Genkai, and into the demi-plane.

2010-03-13, 12:39 PM
Din teleports herself back to HALO , change into casual clothes , and sits in the garden dome, watching the Fish outside for a bit, just to calm down

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:41 PM
They are in the demiplane silly.

Genkai growls at Nellie while she tries to escape.
You! That smell is coming from you isn't it? What do you know of Moro. And what of my son, Nathan?

2010-03-13, 12:42 PM
What smell? I don't know who those people are!
She looks really scared.
P-Please! I really don't know! Don't hurt me!

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:46 PM
Genkai calms down and sighs. The pregnancy must have her imagining smells now. She sighs.
I suppose you wouldn't. Sorry.

2010-03-13, 12:47 PM
Nellie whimpers, shaking.
Y-you're gonna be nice...?
Not hurt me?

2010-03-13, 12:48 PM
Pixie is looking for Lisa. She is carrying Artemis and feeding him. Her entire top is gone...just cause.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:49 PM
Genkai nods.
Of course. Unless you give me a good reason to hurt you that is.

2010-03-13, 12:51 PM
Lisa is asleep in the infirmary still.

No good reason!
She still smells like Moro.

2010-03-13, 12:52 PM
Pixie goes up to her and slides into the bed next to her and happily cuddles while feeding Artemis.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:53 PM
And Genkai still doesn't trust her. But she can't be sure about these things. Unless... She tries to probe through Nellie's mind with her psychic powers.

2010-03-13, 12:55 PM
Huh...it might be getting close to time for Gen's next check up...

2010-03-13, 12:55 PM
There are several very strong mental walls blocking off parts of her mind...
The unlocked parts contain images of war, and her running. There's also a tiny mental image of Roxy in the back of her mind...

She wraps arms around them.

2010-03-13, 12:56 PM
Hello love...look at him. He's so perfect.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 12:58 PM
There are several very strong mental walls blocking off parts of her mind...
The unlocked parts contain images of war, and her running. There's also a tiny mental image of Roxy in the back of her mind...

She wraps arms around them.

Gen Is confused by the Roxy part, but alas, I must deadtime.

2010-03-13, 12:59 PM
Nellie will wait for Genkai to get back.


2010-03-13, 01:01 PM
He's as hungry as I am! When he falls back asleep do you want to make love?

2010-03-13, 01:02 PM
In front of him?
Are you sure...?

2010-03-13, 01:03 PM
I could watch him for you while you two have fun!
Vita comes around a corner, smiling.

2010-03-13, 01:04 PM
No silly I want to take him back to our room and put him in his crib. Then make love to you in our bed which is in the other part of the suit.

Cause I just decided that Pixie's room is a suit. And has a crib in it now.

2010-03-13, 01:05 PM
Okay! Let's go.

2010-03-13, 01:06 PM
Then Vita walks into the room.

But I want you there too. I want to sleep with both of you. Not at once but each one at a time right after the other, then back again.

2010-03-13, 01:06 PM
Vita smiles.

2010-03-13, 01:08 PM
Lisa are you ok with that?

2010-03-13, 01:09 PM
Y-Yeah... I guess...

2010-03-13, 01:10 PM
If it bothers you, Lisa, I'll gladly take Artemis for a while!

2010-03-13, 01:11 PM
Pixie smiles and kisses Lisa on the lips.

Vita come lay down with us while Artemis finishes his meal.

2010-03-13, 01:18 PM
COme and lay down Vita, I'll be fine...

2010-03-13, 01:20 PM
Pixie whispers in Lisa's ear.

I want you all to myself, don't worry. Vita will only watch and touch me while you and I are together. And you don't have to touch her while I'm with her.

2010-03-13, 01:20 PM
She tries to give Lisa a chaste hug and an equally-chaste peck on the cheek.

2010-03-13, 01:21 PM
Lisa nods...
Then deadtimes for a short bit.

2010-03-13, 01:21 PM
Pixie giggles and sighs happily.

I love you both so much!

Then she starts noming them both one after another.

Vita. Will you bear my child some day?

2010-03-13, 01:36 PM
Lisa giggles. She doesn't watch Pixie kiss Vita.

2010-03-13, 01:37 PM
Din is still around, watching suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu on the big screen

2010-03-13, 01:38 PM
She giggles.

2010-03-13, 01:39 PM
Ark is around if Din needs someone to talk to.
Pixie turns back to Lisa and noms her a bit.

Will you bear my child some day Lisa?

2010-03-13, 01:39 PM
I will Pixie.
She giggles.

2010-03-13, 01:41 PM
I want to bear both of your children too. But not for another few centuries. At least not till after I hit puberty.

Gods that is going to be so funny! Pixie hitting puberty...She goes back to noming both their faces off.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 01:42 PM
All of Moofin's characters are here.
Especially Hannah if Alina wants to 'talk'.

2010-03-13, 01:43 PM
Lisa giggles.

If Roxy is around, she might see the two tailed female fox that Nathan has become...>.>

2010-03-13, 01:43 PM
Nerine should come meet Pixie's newborn son!

2010-03-13, 01:44 PM
Vita giggles too.
Narcotiq (http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q106/Beans-tastic/scarypestybig.png) is still asleep in the spare room.
Alina's looking for Hannah, cheeks a little flushed and step springy.

2010-03-13, 01:45 PM
Din watches Haruhi nom mikurus ear, pauses the DvD, and goes looking for ark. she has no idea why. she just wants someone to talk to

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 01:45 PM
She does indeed. She sniffs it.
Who are you and why do you smell like Nathan?


Hannah is in her room.


Nerine would but Moofin's already busy.

2010-03-13, 01:46 PM
Alina knocks on her door.

2010-03-13, 01:46 PM
She smells like Nathan, Moro, and perfume.
I'm Nelle! Who are you?

2010-03-13, 01:46 PM
Pixie noms Lisa and Vita some moar. Artemis fishes his meal and falls asleep.

So are we ready for a good time?
Ark is easily found.

Hey Din.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 01:50 PM
Roxy looks at the thing suspiciously.
Roxy......you still didn't answer my question.


Come in!

2010-03-13, 01:51 PM
Alina comes into Hannah's room.

2010-03-13, 01:52 PM
I dunno who Nathan is...

Lisa nods.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 01:53 PM
Genkai is back.
And Luke is around somewhere as well.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 01:55 PM
Roxy still looks at her suspiciously.
For the record I don't trust you.


Hannah sits up and smiles.
Hey Alina what's on your mind?

2010-03-13, 01:55 PM
A clone of Nellie is still with Genkai, probably... In the demi-plane

Why not...?

2010-03-13, 01:56 PM
Pixie gets out of the bed and leads the way back the their room. When they get there she opens the door and goes to the crib and gently lays Artemis down in it. Then she stands over the crib and looks down at her son.

Look at him. He's so perfect.

Pixie holds out a hand to both Vita and Lisa. Just wanting to watch her son sleep for a few minutes before going to the bed.

2010-03-13, 01:57 PM
Oh, I dunno.
She sits next to Hannah, beaming.
Just this.
Out of her hat, she whips a nice bunch of bright-yellow flowers.
Vita holds le hand.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 01:58 PM
Roxy glares.
Because you smell funny. I trust my nose.


Hannah takes them.
They're so pretty.
What's the occasion?

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:00 PM
Luke is ice skating on the currently frozen pool.
Genkai is still at her house with Nellie.
So, do you know anyone else at HALO yet?

2010-03-13, 02:01 PM
Well, I just wondered if you'd like to go out with me sometime. Alina smiles with her pearly whites.

2010-03-13, 02:01 PM
Yeah! A girl named Narcotiq!

But I'm friendly!

Lisa takes a hand.
Slow posting.

2010-03-13, 02:02 PM
Pixie turns and kisses Vita deeply.

All my gods and goddesses. I love you all so much. How did I ever get so lucky?

Then she kisses Lisa.

So...bed then?

Present thread Kur?

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:04 PM
Never heard of her.

2010-03-13, 02:04 PM
"Hi ark" din looks around a bit foolishly, not sure what to say

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:04 PM
Roxy still looks at her distrustingly.
So it seems but that doesn't make it true.


Hannah looks at the flowers and frowns.
You mean like...?

2010-03-13, 02:05 PM
What can I do for you Din? You seem like you want to say something. Go ahead.

2010-03-13, 02:07 PM
Like what?
She blinks.
... Oh, you're not...?
Sorry, I guess I sorta... um...
The color in her cheeks reddens.
Vita sighs happily.

2010-03-13, 02:09 PM
Yeah... Is your husband excited?

The fox pouts.

Lisa ndos.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:11 PM
About the cubs? Yeah. Having kids is like his life long dream or something like that.

2010-03-13, 02:12 PM
Pixie leads the way to the bed, and then stops. And pulls out a coin. It has Vita's name on one side and Lisa's on the other.

Yes this is stupid, lame and rather pathetic. But it's completely fair. And I don't want to choose who to make love to first.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:13 PM
Roxy walks around the fox.
It's a good thing she hasn't smelled Moro or she'd be dead.
Why are you here?


Hannah frowns a little more.
Oh. Well it's not just that.
I'm not going to be with anyone ever.
I made a vow.

2010-03-13, 02:15 PM
Hannah frowns a little more.
Oh. Well it's not just that.
I'm not going to be with anyone ever.
I made a vow.

Never, ever let Pixie hear that. She has already married the goddess of chastity and slept with her. Pixie would take that as a personal challenge.

2010-03-13, 02:15 PM
... This is kind of awkward.
All thanks to me being kind of a ditz. She pokes fun at herself in attempt to make the moment less awkward, smiling a little wryly.
I don't mind at all if Lisa goes first.

2010-03-13, 02:16 PM
But don't you two already have children...?

Lisa giggles.

I'm running away from a war!

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:17 PM
More suspicious staring.
When did you get here?


Hannah also attempts this.
Don't worry about it.
I should have been more forward so it's on me.
We can still be friends though right?

2010-03-13, 02:17 PM
But I mind one of you always having to sacrifice. This way It's always up to chance.

Pixie flips the coin.

It lands on Lisa.

2010-03-13, 02:19 PM
Hannah also attempts this.
Don't worry about it.
I should have been more forward so it's on me.
We can still be friends though right?
Of course! She grins.
Vita shrugs.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:19 PM
Yeah. Hannah made a vow. And besides, if she hadn't, we all know she would already have been smitten with love for Luke by now.:smalltongue: just kidding.

Yes, but they aren't technically ours. I mean they were here at HALO before I was, so I don't really know how it all happened.

2010-03-13, 02:20 PM
Looks like fate agrees with Vita.

Pixie giggles and climbs into the bed and waits to be joined.

Come to me my loves. I want you both so badly it hurts.

2010-03-13, 02:20 PM
Lisa watches.


oh, so they're bastards.
In the literal sense.

2010-03-13, 02:21 PM
What can I do for you Din? You seem like you want to say something. Go ahead.

"I don't really know how to put it... I've seen things, and done things,an have had things done to me, that no person should see, or do, or have done to them...why can I still live with myself?"

2010-03-13, 02:22 PM
I think that means you go first, Lisa.
'Cause I was saying that I didn't mind if you went first.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:23 PM
Even so, that isn't a very kind word to use.
Dont say that!

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:23 PM
((Yeah probably even though she doesn't think about things like that.))
Roxy sniffs her again.
Well you have passed.
But I'm still keeping an eye on you.


Hannah gives her a small smile.
I was going to go to the pool.
You can come with if you want.

2010-03-13, 02:24 PM
Ark stands up and looks at Din.

I...Din do the things you have seen depress you? Are you telling me that you are having thoughts of suicide? I'm confused. What are you asking me?

Pixie nods and pats both sides of the bed next to her.

Come to me my loves. Share our bed with me.

2010-03-13, 02:25 PM
Okay, sure! Grin grin grin dissapoint grin.
Vita sits down on one side.

2010-03-13, 02:26 PM
Lisa hops onto the bed.

What? it's true! They were born out of wed lock...

I'm sorry if I made yo mad...

2010-03-13, 02:27 PM
Pixie kisses Vita then begins to nom nom nom Lisa and undress her.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:28 PM
Hannah leaps off her bed and starts to the pool...
Where *cough* Luke is.


Roxy sits down.
I'm just cautious is all.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:28 PM
The pool? You mean the frozen one that Luke is skating on? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

And yeah, Luke is still there...:smalltongue:

Thats none of your business.

2010-03-13, 02:30 PM
Alina sees Luke.
Ooh, who's he?
Vita quietly watches.

2010-03-13, 02:30 PM
Lisa is undressed.

Oh... I'm sorry... Where are your children..? I'd like to meet them please...

Is it dangerous here, Roxy?

2010-03-13, 02:32 PM
Pixie waits for Lisa to undress her. Still nom nom noming her, and every now and then breaking off to kiss Vita deeply once or twice.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:33 PM
Oh thats my friend Luke!
She waves at Luke.
What did you do to the pool?


Roxy glares back at her.
Very much so.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:36 PM
Luke sees Hannah and waves back.
Oh. I just froze it. You can't ice skate on regular water.
Sure, but we will have to find them. Who knows where Nathan and Pesty will be.

2010-03-13, 02:36 PM
What's the danger?

Lisa tries to curtain.

Don't they live here...?

2010-03-13, 02:37 PM
He's walking on the pool! He's Jesus?
Who's Jesus anyway?
Wait, no, it's frozen.
Pesty is asleep in the living room.

2010-03-13, 02:38 PM
The first curtain is drawn.

When it raises it will be Vita's turn. Pixie pants for a few seconds and then turns to Vita and starts softly noming her face, and undressing her.

I love you both.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:38 PM
Well they live back at the base, but it's a big base you know? Ready to head back?

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:39 PM
Hannah walks out onto the pool.
But now we can't swim!
She laughs.


Roxy looks around.
The sneaky kind.
You don't know about the danger til it's too late.

2010-03-13, 02:40 PM
Lisa rolls over, away from them, and closers her eyes tightly.

Okay. let's head back.

Sounds scary.

2010-03-13, 02:41 PM
Vita giggles, nom nom.
Something wrong, Lisa?
I guess we can skate then.
She promptly falls flat on her back.

2010-03-13, 02:43 PM
Pixie sees Lisa roll away and kisses her on the back of her neck.

My love...

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:44 PM
Ice is more fun than water anyways.
He says pointing over to the large pile of skates in the corner.
Genkai heads back to HALO, probably with Nellie.

2010-03-13, 02:44 PM
Ark stands up and looks at Din.

I...Din do the things you have seen depress you? Are you telling me that you are having thoughts of suicide? I'm confused. What are you asking me?

"I don't really know myself" Din starts sobbing "it's just , when something happens, I just let my emotions go, but in a day or two,I put on the smiling mask again, I just push it away, distracting myself, but never really dealing with it"

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:45 PM
So that the time continuoum can be safe, Roxy goes away.
Be careful!


Hannah helps Alina up and pouts.
Water is soooo much better.

2010-03-13, 02:46 PM
Ice is water.
But ice is wearing its SRS BIZNIS expression.
Water in a gas form is when water is on speed.
... Did I do something wrong, Lisa?
Do my lady-cannons offend you?
Yes, I did that just so I could put in that line.

2010-03-13, 02:50 PM
"I don't really know myself" Din starts sobbing "it's just , when something happens, I just let my emotions go, but in a day or two,I put on the smiling mask again, I just push it away, distracting myself, but never really dealing with it"

Ark tries to wrap Din up and a comforting hug.

Then you should talk to someone about it...Or better yet. We can go into your dreams and I can try to help you deal with everything you have seen. We can talk about it, and make your peace with it.

2010-03-13, 02:52 PM
N-no... I'm fine.

Nellie nods. She follows Genkai back.

2010-03-13, 02:53 PM
Pixie tries to turn Lisa to face her.

My love...please. talk to us.

Viera Champion
2010-03-13, 02:55 PM
Deadtime. Going to da movies.

2010-03-13, 02:56 PM
Nellie sees Pesty and yips.
Hey there!

I'm fine!
She shouts.

2010-03-13, 02:57 PM
O hai.
Pesty still, very slightly, smells of blood.
Who are you?

2010-03-13, 02:59 PM
Pixie kisses Vita softly, then goes and gets Artemis who is now crying. Pixie climbs back up onto the bed and lays in between Lisa and Vita.

No you aren't. Please...

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 02:59 PM
Hannah starts skating without skates.
Too hard to balance.

2010-03-13, 03:00 PM
I'm Nellie!...
*Sniff* *Sniff*
You smell nice.

I-I know you can't only be with me, but I want you to, and it hurts me to watch you with someone else...

2010-03-13, 03:01 PM
Alina gets skaets on, whee!
Vita cringes.
I'm sorry, Lisa. This is my fault.
I ate a dude earlier today.

2010-03-13, 03:03 PM
No Vita. This is my fault. I'm a whore....

Pixie holds Artemis close and cries.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:06 PM
Hannah and Alina will skate then because Moofin must go do some hw.

2010-03-13, 03:06 PM
A guy? Why?...
She smiles liks a mixture of Nathan, Moro, and flowers.

D-don't cry....

2010-03-13, 03:08 PM
Ark tries to wrap Din up and a comforting hug.

Then you should talk to someone about it...Or better yet. We can go into your dreams and I can try to help you deal with everything you have seen. We can talk about it, and make your peace with it.
Din is still sobbing
"we could try that. I might not work, but anything that might work is ok with me"

2010-03-13, 03:08 PM
Pesty's sense of smell isn't that good anyway, and she hasn't smelled Moro before.
He was a jerk, kidnapped my grandson, so BAM. Tore him up and ate him like Unit 01 ate Zeruel. I love my stupid NGE references.
You're not a whore, Pixie.
Don't ever think of saying that again.
She tries to huggle Pixie.

2010-03-13, 03:10 PM
Pixie looks at Artemis sadly.

You, my perfect baby, are alive because I am a slut. I'm married to the goddess of bloody chastity, and engaged to a another woman. I've made love to more people than I can remember. And I have done, and seen everything you can think of and many things you can't...

Ark lets go of her and lays down on the grass. I have decided that they are in the garden dome.

So then. Off to the realm of dreams.

He casts the spells and dream time!

2010-03-13, 03:11 PM
Nellie hops onto the couch.
Sounds mean.
she's fluffy.

don't say that, Pixie...
I'm sorry...

2010-03-13, 03:12 PM
Pesty boinks onto the couch next to her.
Her slightly-new body is a little bouncier than before.
He tasted okay.
Don't say that!
Vita begins to cry.
Pixie, I love you... please don't talk about yourself that way.

2010-03-13, 03:14 PM
Why should you be sorry? I gave you my wedding vow, while pregnant with my own child. I married the goddess of chastity while I was knocked up! How do I even live with myself? I'm disgusting. Please don't cry Vita. I should cry for what I've done to you. I asked you to separate from Carrie to marry me, then I ran off and married someone else too.

2010-03-13, 03:16 PM
This is my fault! I knew it! I knew I was going to be a home wrecker... I should l-leave...

She giggles. she has Nathan's eyes.

2010-03-13, 03:17 PM
Pixie, stop it!
Just... stop saying that!
She looks at Lisa, terrified.
Don't leave...
Huh. Pesty looks closer.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:18 PM
((omg I Know Who She Is Now. When Moro Raped Nathan He Got Her Pregnant And This Is Their Child. Oh My Gosh. How Could You?))

2010-03-13, 03:21 PM
((omg I Know Who She Is Now. When Moro Raped Nathan He Got Her Pregnant And This Is Their Child. Oh My Gosh. How Could You?))
... Actually not.
But good idea.

2010-03-13, 03:21 PM
Nellie? No... Nellie is Nathan with a mind wipe and replaced with the fact that she's a girl and that she's server Moro her entire life... Moro attacked Nathan again yesterday...>.>

No. I should... GO back to being a goddess.... if they'll take me... O-or...

2010-03-13, 03:22 PM
Pixie cries harder.

Stop it stop it both of you! I love you both! Why can't we just be happy and be in love? Why can't you both just love me and that's enough?

Pixie tries to hold them both, while Artemis eats.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:22 PM
((I see....well that had been done anyway. What with Horatio...Okay gone for reals now.))

2010-03-13, 03:23 PM
Pixie looks at Artemis sadly.

Ark lets go of her and lays down on the grass. I have decided that they are in the garden dome.

So then. Off to the realm of dreams.

He casts the spells and dream time!

when they arrive in the dream world, they're in a big conference room, with a lot of people leaving the room. Din and Ark are standing in the middle of a lot of tables. no one can see them. if ark looks around, He'll see a silver haired woman leaving the room through the large doors

2010-03-13, 03:24 PM
Vita holds Pixie tightly.
I-I'll do anything for you, Pixie.
Heh, poor Horatio.
At least Vo's deader than dead.

You look slightly sorta almost kinda nearly a little like my brother.

2010-03-13, 03:25 PM

Lisa cries.
I-I should leave...

2010-03-13, 03:25 PM
Din, I am going to do my best not to alter your dreams in anyway. Every time we finish with one I will move us onward.

(Actually you will iElf, but Ark is using his powers)

Now why don't you tell me what's going on here, and talk to me about how it made you feel.


Pixie reaches out to Lisa.

Please don't! I love you! I don't want to live without you!

Pixie holds onto Vita with her other arm.

2010-03-13, 03:27 PM
Your eyes.
N-no... If you go, it'll hurt Pixie...
I can't let that happen.
So, is Vita holding Artemis then?

2010-03-13, 03:30 PM
Lisa doesn't know what to do.
I-I I'm going out for a bit...
I'll be back...

That's weird...
Where is your brother?

2010-03-13, 03:30 PM
Artemis is actually sticking to Pixie's chest without anyone touching him. He's a god, and hungry, he's not going to let a little thing like not being held keep him from eating.

Pixie cries harder.

Please! Please promise you are coming back to me! I won't go on I without you.

2010-03-13, 03:33 PM
Vita whimpers, eyes still bleeding.
... Dunno.

2010-03-13, 03:34 PM
We should go find him...

I swear.
And she's gone.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:35 PM
Roxy is back. She pads up to the fox.
I forgot one question.
Do you serve anyone of importance?

2010-03-13, 03:36 PM
Din, I am going to do my best not to alter your dreams in anyway. Every time we finish with one I will move us onward.

(Actually you will iElf, but Ark is using his powers)

Now why don't you tell me what's going on here, and talk to me about how it made you feel.

Din slowly walks out of the room, following the silver haired woman "This was a conference I attended , not 3 years ago, as representative of HALO. I had started a vote to ban a few exceptionally cruel torture devices, and some of the evil organisation didn't particularly like that" Din looks across at the woman with the silver hair. she turns round, and it's a three years younger Din, talking to tall man, and looking at him like she now looks at Carrie

2010-03-13, 03:37 PM
Pixie calms down after a few minutes and turns to Vita.

I...I'm sorry. We were about to make love and then I ruined everything.
Ark walks with her and nods.

So who was he/is he?

2010-03-13, 03:39 PM
Just please be okay.

2010-03-13, 03:43 PM
Din smiles fondly "John smith. he was an asistant to me, and we got into a bit of an relationship. he had asked me if I wanted t marry him the day before.The wedding was going to be in 4 months time from where we are now"
past Din and John French kiss, and then walk towards the exit. present Din follows

2010-03-13, 03:43 PM
I'll be fine. Let me go put Artemis back in his crib. I still want to be with you tonight.

Pixie kisses Vita deeply and then goes to put Artemis down. When she comes back she looks raidant, like nothing even happened.

I love you. Please make me forget about all that.

And she climbs into the bed and on top of Vita.
Ark falls down.

WHAT!?! What happened to...oh. Yeah that would be why we are here. What happened to him?

2010-03-13, 03:44 PM
... Curtain, I guess!

Also, John Smith.
I lol'd.

2010-03-13, 03:46 PM
Yep curtain. And afgter a few of them Pixie goes and gets Artemis.

Isn't he perfect my love?

2010-03-13, 03:47 PM
No. I used to be a soldier but I ran away...
Nellie stands, giggling.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:50 PM
Who were you a soldier for?

2010-03-13, 03:52 PM
Mial, the Moon goddess.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:55 PM
Oh okay. Why did you leave?
Moofin is trying to get her to say something about Moro.

2010-03-13, 03:57 PM
There was a war, and I didn't wanna fight..
she has Nathan's eyes.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 03:58 PM
She looks deep into her eyes and gasps.
You have Nathan's eyes!

2010-03-13, 03:59 PM
Ark falls down.

WHAT!?! What happened to...oh. Yeah that would be why we are here. What happened to him?
"you'll see" Dins face looks sad as the couple walk out of the front door. they follow them outside. Din and John are walking hand in hand towards a waiting airship, parked near the building.John walks on the side closer to the building. Din trips. A gunshot. Johns head turns into a pink haze. screaming. past Din waits a lot of energy trying to heal him, crying furiously over his body . present Din is crying as well "I was the target. I was lucky" she says, her voice sounding distant

2010-03-13, 04:01 PM
Yeah... So...?
She blinks.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:03 PM
And you smell like him too.
I'm so confused!

2010-03-13, 04:03 PM
I don't know anyone named Nathan...

2010-03-13, 04:07 PM
"you'll see" Dins face looks sad as the couple walk out of the front door. they follow them outside. Din and John are walking hand in hand towards a waiting airship, parked near the building.John walks on the side closer to the building. Din trips. A gunshot. Johns head turns into a pink haze. screaming. past Din waits a lot of energy trying to heal him, crying furiously over his body . present Din is crying as well "I was the target" she says, her voice sounding distant

Ark nods.

So how do you feel about this? How did you grieve?

2010-03-13, 04:10 PM
Ark nods.

So how do you feel about this? How did you grieve?

"I held him a funeral, and got very drunk, and then, I still had work to do.I didn't have time to grieve him"

2010-03-13, 04:12 PM
Ark nods.

I am going to rewind this. And I want you to watch it again. And I want you too feel how you felt then I want us to watch the funeral and I want you to spend time truly grieving for John. Don't worry about how long it takes. Time works how I want it to here.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:20 PM
Maybe you've seen him? He's a big wolf but he can turn into a person if he wants. Or anything really.

2010-03-13, 04:22 PM
I haven't....
I can turn into a person, though...
it must be Moro is disguise!

2010-03-13, 04:25 PM
If only Ark was awake and Roxy took Nathan/Neile to see him to figure out why she has Nathan's eyes...lol to bad he's in Din's dreams.

2010-03-13, 04:27 PM
Ark nods.

I am going to rewind this. And I want you to watch it again. And I want you too feel how you felt then I want us to watch the funeral and I want you to spend time truly grieving for John. Don't worry about how long it takes. Time works how I want it to here.

they go through the whole thing again, and at the end of it, both Dins are crying hysterically. they then go to the funeral. there are 5 people ther, watching Johns coffin being lowered into his grave .Din is wearing a long black dress, with a black veil covering her entire face

2010-03-13, 04:29 PM
Ark holds her closely as she cries.

Let it all out. Is there anything you want to say to John? Or say at his funeral? I can make it happen for you.

And D&D deadtime. I will be back later though.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:43 PM
Roxy looks at her suspiciously again.
Show me.

2010-03-13, 04:45 PM
She turns human.
The human looks like a female version of Nathan, long blonde hair, green eyes, freckles, she's wearing a loose robe, and she has fox ears and her two fox tails.

2010-03-13, 04:47 PM
Plot clone Din is walking .. somewhere. anyone can bump into her

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:48 PM

2010-03-13, 04:48 PM
I do...?:smallconfused:

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:52 PM
Yes you do. If he was a girl. And a fox.

2010-03-13, 04:53 PM
That's weird...

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 04:57 PM
We need to go to someone who can figure this out.

2010-03-13, 04:57 PM

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:04 PM

2010-03-13, 05:05 PM
Someone magic.
She scratches at her shoulder.
The dress is itchy.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:10 PM
You might wanna be a fox again then.

2010-03-13, 05:11 PM
She nods and becomes a fox again.
Who's magic?
We should find someone...

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:13 PM
Hmmm....Ark is magic. So is Esande. And so is Nerine. And Din might be I never asked.

2010-03-13, 05:15 PM
Okay, let's find one...

2010-03-13, 05:15 PM
Din is a Bard/ranger , so she can be asked. oh and being a Demigoddess helps too

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:16 PM
Roxy runs looking for magic people til she runs into Din.
Din are you magic?

2010-03-13, 05:16 PM
Ellie follows her.

2010-03-13, 05:19 PM
"yes, I can use magic. why do you ask?"

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:20 PM
Because we want to know why my friend Nellie smells like Nathan, has Nathan's eyes, and looks like Nathan in human forms.

2010-03-13, 05:21 PM
Nellie, the two tailed snow fox giggles. She was called a friend!

2010-03-13, 05:27 PM
"good question.." Din looks at Nellie for a bit "could be a memory loss potion, and a genderbend potion together, but I'm not particularly sure....."

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:29 PM
Could you try harder?

2010-03-13, 05:35 PM
((could you tell me what it is so Din can find out?I honestly have no idea))

"hmm, there something else here.... I'm not quite sure yet...I need a bit more time"

2010-03-13, 05:37 PM
If Din checks, she'll be able to find out that Nellie ahs the same DNA as Nathan, and most of her mind is locked off, and the unlocked parts show her running from war.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:44 PM
Roxy jumps up and down, waiting.

2010-03-13, 05:44 PM
"this is odd........a magical clone... just opposite gender. and a lot of memory locked off"

2010-03-13, 05:49 PM
But I have parents and stuff...
That's wrong!

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:50 PM
Roxy jumps even more.
I was right. You ARE Nathan!

2010-03-13, 05:51 PM
No. I am not a clone. I'm my own person.

2010-03-13, 05:52 PM
Din looks a bit further then mutters "a parallel universe?that would be the only other explanation"

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:52 PM
Or your first guess Din. Memory loss and genderbent potion!

2010-03-13, 05:53 PM
I'm my own person!
My own person!

2010-03-13, 05:55 PM
Din pulls out a needle "this is going to sting a bit" she draws a bit of blood out of Nellie and cheeks them of potion

2010-03-13, 05:56 PM
There's some potion in there, but the effects would be worn off, and it's exiting the system.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 05:56 PM
Roxy stares at Nellie firmly.
No. You are Nathan.

2010-03-13, 05:59 PM
"sorry, it looks like you are a clone of some kind. or do you have any memory of travelling through dimensions?"

2010-03-13, 06:00 PM
And I'm my own person!
She could be his daughter...

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:00 PM
No she's not a clone or anything she's Nathan!

2010-03-13, 06:07 PM
((Identical DNA. only twins and clones. even if I had a child with a gender bent clone of my self,I would be different, due to the way sperm and eggs are made,and crossing over, and stuff))

"the only other thing it could be can only be achieved with a lot of magic. or a belt of gender swap if we had one...... and some memory alteration spells...hmm" Din dispels any spells that are on Nellie

2010-03-13, 06:08 PM
Nellie twitches, then... Nothing.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:09 PM
Roxy pads over to her.
Nathan? Nellie?

2010-03-13, 06:11 PM
I'm N-Nellie... You're the best Roxy. I...
She twitches, now the two personalities are fighting.

2010-03-13, 06:12 PM
noth , as in nothing happens, or nothing as in... shes disapaerd, or nothing as in Carries villain? never mind

"two of them in the same body?" Din tries to help Nathan regain controll

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:15 PM

2010-03-13, 06:16 PM
No! I'm me!
R-Roxy! What's happening?

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:17 PM

2010-03-13, 06:18 PM
What's happening!?
Nellie is crying as Nathan starts to regain control, she's scared.

2010-03-13, 06:21 PM
"wait, we cant just kill her... I'll take her to Carries realm for a bit, till we can find her a own body" she pulls out a spirit stone to put Nellie in for a bit

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:23 PM

2010-03-13, 06:24 PM
Nathan starts to glow.

2010-03-13, 06:28 PM
Din places a palm on Nathen's forehead, and extracts Nellie from him into the spirit stone "she'll be able to live in Carries realm a bit. till we can find, or grow her a body"

2010-03-13, 06:30 PM
Glowy Nellie/Nathan jumps away from Din, growling.
No! I'm me!

2010-03-13, 06:31 PM
Problem is, jumping away from things also makes you jump toward other things.
Like Carrie, who just appeared in Nat/Nell's path.

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:35 PM
Carrie make her go away! Make Nathan come back!

2010-03-13, 06:35 PM
No! You're not taking me! You're not!:eek:

2010-03-13, 06:36 PM
Yes we are.
And we'll make you a brand new body, just how you want it.
Now give Nathan his body back before Pesty finds out.
You don't want her to find out.

2010-03-13, 06:37 PM
"don't force me to hurt you Nellie. you'll have a body of your own" Din walks closer to Nellie/Nathan

2010-03-13, 06:39 PM
No! This body is mine! Find this Nathan guy a new body!
She screams as loud as she can..

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:39 PM
I want Nathan back.
Roxy whimpers.

2010-03-13, 06:41 PM
It was his first.
Now just cooperate and it'll all go easy.
Carrie doesn't bat an eye.

2010-03-13, 06:42 PM
This is my body...
I've had it my whole life.
She's sending a mental distress signal to someone.

2010-03-13, 06:47 PM
"But Nathan has had it much longer than you. and the new body will be much more suited to you!"

2010-03-13, 06:47 PM
Carrie tries to block the signal with an aura of, ha ha, Deathly Silence.
I'm sorry, dear.
That's not true, even though you don't know it.

2010-03-13, 06:48 PM
That's not fair....
I like this body...
She whimpers.

2010-03-13, 06:50 PM
"but it's even less fair on Nathan. please , he's not getting any better if you suppress him"

Moofin Bard
2010-03-13, 06:50 PM
Roxy's whimper turns into a growl.
Give Nathan the body or you're not my friend anymore.

2010-03-13, 06:51 PM
I'd listen to her if I were you, dear.
Don't make me bring Pesty into this.