View Full Version : Anyone Play Munchkin?

Tequila Sunrise
2010-03-13, 03:04 PM
Do you like it?

A friend of mine recently gave it to me as a b'day gift. Problem is, I'm totally nonplussed by it. Some of the cards are really funny, but I find the game itself to be a bore. Here's the kicker: she loves it. After playing it with me for the first time she went out and bought not just the basic game for herself but an expansion or two. Weird, huh?

2010-03-13, 03:07 PM
I enjoy it, in small doses.
I own the basic set and the Cthulhu expansion. It's fun with the right group, but the game itself is pretty simple and it can get repetitive if you keep playing for too long.

It's in no way a proper, serious Game, just a quick way to pass the time and get some kicks and giggles.

2010-03-13, 03:19 PM
It is also one of many things made better by booze and a few more people.

Mando Knight
2010-03-13, 03:39 PM
It's in no way a proper, serious Game, just a quick way to pass the time and get some kicks and giggles.

It's a proper game, it's just not serious.

The expansion to Star Munchkin (Star Munchkin 2: The Clown Wars) has a Plasma Cannon card, complete with Schlock and an OMMMMMMINOUS... HUMMMMMM.

If you don't want the game, I'm sure you could send it to me and I'll get a good bit of use out of it...

2010-03-13, 03:51 PM
Yeah, I play it sometimes. Mostly with my friends who actually understand the jokes. I find it entertaining.

2010-03-13, 04:04 PM
It's a proper game, it's just not serious.

No, see, what I mean by a proper Game is one of those hardcore, all- out serious business games where you can spend hours and days and months learning new strategies and finding new ways to make your friends hate you make yourself feel like a winner.

Munchkin is very much a one-trick pony and based more on blind luck than strategy, at least in my experience. It's fun, an absolute blast with the right group but it doesn't have that much depth to it.

So yeah. It's a game, but it's not a Game, if you get my drift.
On the other hand, I've seen what Settlers of Catan can do to a friendship, and it is not pretty, so maybe we're better of with games like this :smalltongue:

2010-03-13, 04:38 PM
Thing is, from what I understand from your post, you are playing it with two people. I tried that, doesn't really work. You really need 3 to 4, or even more, to make it really funny.

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-14, 02:12 AM
The game was not released as a serious game. It is now.

If you are sticking with the D&D Munchkin, get all expansions (eventually) except Demented Dungeons.

Basically, the game works much better with at least 2 expansions, since you then have enough monsters and other objects to actually play a serious game.

I also love the board game.

2010-03-14, 04:40 AM
I enjoy it a lot, and think it's absolutely hilarious.

But Eldan is right, and this may have been the crucial problem: Munchkin completely fails with just two people. You pretty much need a minimum of three to make it work. The game dynamics is completely different then, for many reasons, like that there is actual bantering over helping others in combat (as one cannot just demand everything anymore), or that there are so many monster boosting cards out there you never know what might happen at any time. The few times I've played Munchkin with just two people, it proved but a pale shadow of itself, not even close to the game it becomes with even a single person more. So, if you played it with just two, I understand why you wouldn't have found it much fun. It isn't under these circumstances.

2010-03-14, 06:00 AM
I played it with 7 other people, it was a blast. It also lasted for over 2 hours. :smalltongue:

2010-03-14, 06:58 AM
I would frequently play it with my DnD group (total; 7 people), or with a group at school (3-10 people).

Lord Loss
2010-03-14, 07:06 AM
I have munchkin Bites, but I seem to be the only person I know who enjoys it...

2010-03-14, 07:07 AM
this is the game you play while your waiting for your friend John to show up for a session of dnd.

we made a couple of new rules to make the games last longer, the most prominent is Double Epic which plays to level 30 with a player using normal epic rules from 10 to 20 and from 20 to 30 drawing 3 doors a turn.

2010-03-14, 07:08 AM
I have munchkin Bites, but I seem to be the only person I know who enjoys it...

I LOVE Munchkin Bites as it has so many references that my friends do not get because their underprivlidged. same w/ chuthulu.

Lord Loss
2010-03-14, 07:19 AM
I love the references ( I get most of them) Splatbook was one of my faves, but that's just me being a D&D nerd...

2010-03-14, 08:02 AM
Oh, my brother also has Star Munchkin.

What's people's opinion on that? We played it a few times, but we thought it was pretty boring. It didn't seem to work well: we never got any monsters we could defeat, so it was a case of running away for the first 50 turns, until we had found enough equipment to kill anything. Every time we played it, we spent the entire first half of the game running away.

2010-03-14, 08:08 AM
Totally love it! Although, as others have stated, it is best with 5+ people (we had 9 once -- great session!)

2010-03-14, 08:23 AM
I've got the original box, and maybe a couple of the first expansions -- I forget. Anyway, it's a fantastic game to play every now and again.

Best memory of it? Realising -- and convincing the rest of my group -- that the wording on a card allowed me to win a combat I wasn't even participating in, and thus take all the rewards for myself.

2010-03-14, 10:52 AM
No, see, what I mean by a proper Game is one of those hardcore, all- out serious business games where you can spend hours and days and months learning new strategies and finding new ways to make your friends hate you make yourself feel like a winner.

*cough* Trying using wandering monster on Great Cthulhu, then turn it into...
A computerized, last of it's kind, from another dimension, Cthulhu, and your also fighting it's clone and it's mate... and they're in a black helicopter and is that blood in the water?

(P. S. Yes, those are actual cards, but from different sets.)

2010-03-14, 10:57 AM
My favourite Munchkin-Set is Munchkin Impossible... which also happens to be the only one to which they didn't release an expansion :smallfrown:

2010-03-14, 11:02 AM
I was very verys dissapointed by the Munchkin Cthulhu expansion. Some cards are very funny, like Innsmouth Yellow Pages or Dungeons and Dagon (I fear the German translation runs rampant through most of the puns), and the art from Goomi is very good, but mostly it's just "green things with tentacles, lol"