View Full Version : Langoliers nod - In the Wheel of Time books?

Zom B
2010-03-14, 12:12 PM
So I'm re-reading through the books and I'm in The Great Hunt (book 2). In chapter 15, Rand and Loial and Hurin find themselves in a sort of alternate timeline world where there are no people or animals. Then, this paragraph:

There was one sign of life; at least, Rand thought it must be so. Twice he saw a wispy streak crawling across the sky like a line drawn with cloud. The lines were too straight to be natural, it seemed, but he could not imagine what might make them. He did not mention the lines to the others. Perhaps they did not see, Hurin intent on the trail as he was and Loial drawn in on himself. They said nothing of the lines, at any rate.

It just seems to be a brief mentioning of the type of trails left behind by a jet aircraft, and Rand sees them twice. So, one on the jet's way into Langolier world and again on the way out?

Or maybe it explains later, but I've not run across an explanation yet.

Soras Teva Gee
2010-03-14, 01:11 PM
The Great Hunt Release: November 1990
The Langoliers Release: September 1990

Unless I'm completely wrong about publishing there is essentially no time for Jordan to have obtained the Stephen King story and liked it enough to insert a line into the manuscript that should be well into editing and possibly printing.

For what could be just a generic jet aircraft in the first place or more likely just a very weird cloud in that messed up distant world, like the funny streaks on the ground, the violence happy tree, or the spacetime warping.