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2010-03-14, 10:07 PM
I have decided to create the single most awesome opening for an RPG ever. For this purpose, I have studied some of the literary openings which are considered the greatest ever written, and produced this:

It is a fact universally acknowledged that it was the best of times, It was the most merciful thing, the inability of the human mind to correlate its contents. The sky above the port was the colour of a dark and stormy night.

Call me Ishmael.

But none of this is relevant. You have all read the wiki, so you know what the setting is.

The date is 15/03/2010. The time is 09:00.

Where are you?

2010-03-15, 06:21 AM
Thread = subscribed to! *spinnykick*

At 9am Sam is sitting in his office, a door cutting him off from the rest of London. A frosted glass panel in the door provides the only means of seeing into the office at the moment as heavy curtains have blocked off the light from the window.

Sam shifts slightly in his chair attempting to get comfortable with his chain shirt sitting heavy on him under his lightweight suit. He mutters under his breath that he wishes he didn't need to fear some damned goblin or other bursting into his office and trying to kill him.

His desk is tidy, a heavy telephone sits beside a pile of papers which are being held down by Sam's pistol acting as a very deadly paperweight. The centre of his desk is currently occupied only by an ash tray and a bottle of whiskey with a glass sitting next to it.

A filing cabinet leans against the wall behind him, a typewriter sits on top of it gently gathering dust.

2010-03-15, 10:38 AM
Sam's inner monologue is interrupted by a loud knock on the door. A humanoid shape is visible through the smoked glass, but no details can be made out.

2010-03-15, 10:59 AM
Sam wearily adjusts his tie to make himself look presentable and mutters that he really needs to get himself a secretary, one of those pretty ones that you see in the old movies. This complete he announces in his most business-like voice.

"Come in, the door's open."

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 11:10 AM
Its 9am.
Wei is wandering heading up towards Netherside, using the tunnels and caves of the Depths.
Shambling on his way, as he heads towards "Reid & Wright: Tome Raiders" to see if they have got the book he ordered, which he does every monday. For the past 50 years.

2010-03-15, 11:26 AM
The door swings open, revealing a strangely dressed dame woman.

She is wearing a hooded black robe covered in silver symbols that you don't recognise. The hood casts a shadow over her face, stopping you getting a good look.

"You are Sam Stone? The detective?"

She speaks with an odd accent that you cannot place.

"My employer would like to speak with you."

2010-03-15, 12:43 PM
John is asleep at home, in a small flat in the Netherside. He is face down and snoring heavily into his pillow. No sheets cover him, he's still dressed in his all black outfit, with the cape flowing off the bed onto the floor. He twitches slightly in his sleep.

The room is pretty bare. Just a bed in the corner and some ordinary furniture about. One notable object is the target crudely painted on the back of the door. Big notches are cut into it, and a dagger is lodged right in the bullseye.

2010-03-15, 12:46 PM
Suddenly, John is rudely awoken by a pounding on the door.

2010-03-15, 12:53 PM
"Mhnhm... Wha? Too early! Go 'way

2010-03-15, 12:57 PM
From outside the flat, a voice replies

"I'm sorry, but my employer would like to speak with you!"

2010-03-15, 01:03 PM
"Ugh, mk whatever, but he better have coffee"

John rolls out of bed and picks himself up from the floor. He ties his knife belt around his waist and retrieves the other from his door, slipping it up his sleeve. He slips a second from the belt and slides it up the other sleeve.

Sleight of hand checks:

John then opens the door to see who's bothering him.

2010-03-15, 01:19 PM
Standing before you is a tall, robed man, with his hood pulled up to conceal his face. His robe is covered in silver symbols, but you don't recognise any of them.

"Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I will ensure that coffee is available when we arrive. Are you ready to leave?"

2010-03-15, 01:26 PM
"Sure, I'll come with you. Not like i got anything to lose. Though why it has to be so early I'll never know. John yawns widely and steps out, closing and locking his door.

2010-03-15, 02:58 PM
"How do you take your coffee?"

The robed man asks.

2010-03-15, 03:02 PM
"Black. Don't want it poisoned with any milk or sugar or that kind of rubbish. Ruins the flava flavour."

John leans against the wall, rubbing his eyes slightly

"So where are we going, and who's this emplyer who wants to see me?"

2010-03-15, 03:03 PM
"All will be revealed shortly."

The man steps forward, places a hand on your upper arm, and clasps an amulet which hangs around his neck with the other hand.

He speaks a word which you do not understand, and suddenly the room you are in vanishes.

An instant later, a new room appears, this one carven from rough stone and lit by torchlight. You don't know how you know, but you are aware that you are far underground. In the room are 4 battered but comfy looking armchairs, and in the centre of the room is a small Ikea table. By the door is another robed man, carrying a mug. He places it on the table and leaves.

"Please, wait here. I need to inform the master that you have arrived. We are still waiting for some more people to arrive, so make yourself at home. Your coffee is ready."

When you pick up the mug, you find that it is full of hot, black coffee.

2010-03-15, 03:03 PM
[internal monologue] Great, either that's some new fashion or this is going to take me below. Why is it only ever elves and goblins that want to hire me or kill me these days? What happened to lost children, cheating husbands and blackmailing employees? Human ones at that. What I wouldn't give for a case that would let me stay above ground for once rather than descending into that damned crypt of a city again. [/internal monologue]

Isiah stands up behind his desk and holsters his pistol.

"Ok, let's get this over with."

As Sam leaves his office he locks the door behind them.

2010-03-15, 03:05 PM
"Ooh nice one fancy man" Smiles John. A little bewildered by the situation, but not willing to show it while there's coffee and comfy chairs available.

He steps quickly to a chair and sinks into it, sipping the coffee and waiting. Trying to wake himself up

2010-03-15, 03:07 PM

"Excellent. We will set off at once."

The woman steps up to you, and takes you by the hand. Holding her amulet, she mutters a word of power, and suddenly you are transported to a stone chamber (see previous description).

"Please wait here sir. I will be back shortly. Would you like anything to drink?"

The woman asks.


As you take a seat, a woman dressed in the same robes as the man who transported you, and another man materialise with a slight popping noise.

Could you both describe your character's appearance. You are now free to interact.

2010-03-15, 03:16 PM
[internal monologue]Too early in the morning for a whiskey? I couldn't say. [/internal monologue]

"Is it still 9am? I can't tell down here. Ah never mind, I'll be fine as I am."

Sam stands in the room, loosening the tie that's part of his suit. In part due to the humidity down underground in part to try and stay comfortable with the chain shirt he's wearing under the suit but currently very thankful for. He eyes the other man.

[internal monologue] Looks human, but you never can tell down here. They all used to look like humans to me. May as well act friendly. [/internal monologue]

"What they got you down here for? The name's Sam."

Sam extends a hand.

2010-03-15, 03:22 PM
John takes the hand of Sam and shakes it. "Hey, I'm John. You look like you live up there mostly? Bit uncomfortable down here?"

John is dressed all in Black, but it doesn't look posh. It seems to be all kinds of fabrics stitched together. A belt full of knives is around his waist, and another runs round over his shoulder. His hair is fairly shaggy, and he has a few days worth of stubble on his face.

"You got any idea why we're here then?"

2010-03-15, 03:26 PM
It's 9am and, as usual, Quitu is up and ready. She is outside her cottage in the Netherside, practicing her sword fighting skills, occasionally hitting a wooden training block. She seems somewhat relaxed and calm during this every day activity. Her father watches her from a window in the kitchen of the cottage, as does her cat, Taegahn, when it is not busy rolling around in the dirt.

2010-03-15, 03:29 PM

As you train, you notice a robed stranger at the gate of the cottage. He greets you.

"Good day!"


As the two of you are shaking hands, a dagger falls out of Johns sleeve, and clatters to the floor.

That's that natural one coming into play. :p

2010-03-15, 03:33 PM
"You dropped something. Being down here takes getting used to that's for sure. But no, I have no better idea why we're here than you."

[internal monologue]He seems like a good kid, bit rough around the edges but I know I'd look like that if I could get away with it and still get work. But got to look professional these days. Hope he's better at using those knives than he is at hiding them. I'd rather not get caught with my trousers down and my only back-up being some amateur knife juggler.[/internal monologue]

2010-03-15, 03:34 PM
"Ah crap, losing my touch"

He quickly scoops up the dagger again and stuffs it back up his sleeve.

Sleight of hand: [roll0]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 03:36 PM
Wei is still shuffling along towards netherside.

2010-03-15, 03:39 PM
As Wei is walking, he hears a voice from behind him:

"Excuse me sir, are you Mr. Zhi?"

2010-03-15, 03:46 PM
Quitu stops and slips her sword back into her scabbard. She turns and looks at the man.

" Hello, can I help you in any way? You're not lost are you?"

Taegahn seems excited about a visitor and runs up to the man and starts rolling around by the mans feet.

The cat is just a house cat, I just thought it would be cool to add it into the story and help along with my character :)

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 03:47 PM
Wei continues walking towards netherside, turns his head towards the voice and looks at the person or creature who spoke.

Spot check

After a while Wei Replies, answering carefully
"Yes and who might you be?

2010-03-15, 03:56 PM

The man is wearing a robe covered in silver symbols, some of which you recognise as being draconic. However, you are unable to recognise any complete words.

He stops to pet the cat, then turns back to Quitu, and says:

I am sorry to bother you, but my employer would like to speak to you.


The man steps up to you and greets you. He is wearing a silver robe which I have had to describe 3 times already so you know what it looks like. You don't recognise any of the symbols on it.

"My employer is interested in speaking to you in person, and I have been sent to bring you to her."

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 04:09 PM
Hmmm... Employment. I could use the money, ponders Wei.

"Ok, but this better not take long, I have other places to go to and be"
Wei replies, thinking "I realy want that book"

2010-03-15, 04:28 PM

"Ah, excellent"

The man says, placing a hand on wei.

"We'd better get going."

He mutters a word, and the pair of them are transported across time and space into the previously described room.

There are two people there, plus the man who transported you. (See previous descriptions)

Please describe your character, Oscar.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 04:40 PM
You see infront of you a deshevaled pile of rags wrapped around what was once the corspe of some slightly human. Its right arm seems to twitch as it stares at you, then its jaw moves ever so slowly down...

"Hello, who are you guys?"

2010-03-15, 04:42 PM
"Oh right, are they nearby or will we have to go further? What business do they want with someone like me?"

Quitu is puzzled; she doesn't understand why someone would need to speak with her so randomly. She is keen to go along with it.

2010-03-15, 04:44 PM
"The name's Sam Stone. I'd offer you a hand to shake but frankly it doesn't look like it'd do either of us much good. So who'd you used to be?"

2010-03-15, 04:58 PM

"I am afraid I am not allowed to discuss my employer's business"

the man says.

"If you are willing to come with me, is there anything you need to do, or can we leave immediately?"

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 05:06 PM
"Greetings Sam. You may call me Wei, that is what I used to be called a long time ago, but my past will intrest no one not even me to tell it.
Still to sum up I was human then I became this, a mummy if you will.... No idea why that is though? I have no children, nor am I a women...

On another subject any of you know why we are here?"
Replies Wei.

2010-03-15, 05:08 PM
"No I don't believe I have anything I need to do today, I could come straight away."

She replies to the man. She walks over to him, waving to her Father and giving her cat stroke goodbye.

"You stay there Taegahn, I don't want you getting lost now. So, which way is it then, sir?"

2010-03-15, 05:17 PM
"Wow, a freaking mummy! That's pretty cool, I don't think I've seen any of you guys around before"

John slumps further into his chair and drinks more coffee.

"Your guess is as good as mine for why we're here though. I was just enjoying my sleep, and then BANG. This guy wants to do some business or something. At 9am! Would you believe it?"

2010-03-15, 05:21 PM
"I got no idea why I'm here but I get a feeling we aren't going to get any answers out of our hooded escorts, we need to wait for the head hood."

[internal monologue]Great, more people appearing clueless into a room. This is a situation I don't like, I just hope that little teleport trick they pulled hasn't screwed with my pistol too much. Hope I won't need it but you never can tell. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-15, 05:22 PM
"We will be travelling via magical teleportation."

The man explains.

He clasps his teleportation amulet and speaks a word of draconic, you understand that it means "Transport".

As he speaks, you are magically taken to your destination, the fiery pits of hell the same room as everyone else!

Your guide offers you a drink.

Please describe your character. You are now in the big brother house.

2010-03-15, 05:49 PM
Quitu is dressed somewhat like a knight; fully armoured with her shield strapped to her back and sword at her side. Her face is slightly elongated with pointed teeth. Her skin shows hints of sparkling silver scales, which is best seen on her long tail. She has sharp claws instead of normal fingernails, but unfortunately she has no wings. She looks around the room and sees a man drinking.

"I'll have what he's having, judging by the colour and strong smell I'm not sure if I've had it before."

She then finds her self a seat near the others, and sits in it, hoping they will make conversation with her.

She rarely goes to the surface other than to visit her mothers side of the family, so she hasn't tried much :P

2010-03-15, 06:00 PM
"Another appearing person. Let me guess, you don't know why we're here either. The name's Sam Stone."

[internal monologue]Hmmm, she's silent other than ordering a drink. Is she just young and shy or does she feel superior to us? I'll have to watch this one. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-15, 06:13 PM
"Sorry, I don't know, I asked him but he said he cant discuss it. My name's Quitu Kerra-Drakkina, just call me Quitu, it's a bit of a mouthful.

She laughs awkwardly, but tries to appear happy and content. She smiles at the others, but is slightly shocked to see what appears to be a mummy. Her eyes widen as she looks at him.

2010-03-15, 06:16 PM
"Woah, you have a tail! Thats so cool. You must be like, part Dragon or something! Claws too? Wow. Looks like we have a strange combination of people here right? A human from upstairs, a Mummy, a Dragony-girl and me. Weird"

2010-03-15, 06:23 PM
[internal monologue]As much as I hated to admit it knife boy was right, this was weird. Who wanted such a diverse group of people brought together? And to what end? I get a feeling that I'm delving deeper into the rabbit hole that is the Netherside than I've ever gone before. Oh well, I guess I'm stuck here waiting for the white rabbit.[/internal monologue]

2010-03-15, 06:31 PM
"I'm glad you think it's cool, most people don't like it or think it's weird. My Grandfather was a dragon, heh. I wonder why we're all here. What's your name, and the other guy if you know?

2010-03-15, 06:32 PM
After you have talked for a few minutes, one of the mysterious individuals returns, and bids you to follow him.

I will wait until everyone has posted that they follow him, in case anyone has any chatting left to do.

2010-03-15, 06:37 PM
"I'm John". Says John.

He downs the rest of the coffee and gets up to follow the man.

"Might aswell find out whats going on here then"

2010-03-15, 06:39 PM
"I guess we're about to get our answers."

Sam follows the hooded figure.

[internal monologue] Let's just hope the answers aren't too nasty... [/internal monologue]

2010-03-15, 06:56 PM
Quitu gets back up again and follows everyone.

"I wonder what happened to my drink..." Quitu mutters to herself.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 07:35 PM
Wei follows the hooded man towards certian DOOM!!! and the rest of the party.

2010-03-15, 08:20 PM
"Excellent, you are all ready. Follow me."

The hooded humanoid leads you through rough stone tunnels into a much larger chamber. On the way, Quitu is given a cup of coffee.

This cavernous room stretches hundreds of feet in each direction, and is 50ft tall at its highest.
All around you, great piles of broken electronics and machinery tower towards the rough stone ceiling. Among the piles, more of the robed figures move. Here, they go unhooded, and you can see that they are made up of all manner of species, humans, elves, dwarves and a wide variety of others, some of which you can name.

Looking closer, you can see gold and jewels glinting among the scrap.

As you are led across the cavern, you see that in the centre of the room is the largest pile of all, made up almost entirely of old cathode-ray television sets and computer monitors, each one showing a flickering image.

As you move around the room, brought into view is a great lizard, more massive than any other dragon you have ever seen. It lies atop a great tangle of electrical cables of every size, its scales gleaming silver and sparkling in the harsh light of halogen tubes suspended far overhead.

Its huge eyes are focused on the column of screens, its gaze flickering from one to the next, but as you approach it turns its massive head towards you, and greets you.

"Good morning!"

It booms,

"I am glad my followers were able to bring you here so quickly. I apologise for the lack of information, but I thought it better that I talk to you myself."

It locks eyes with each of you in turn.

"I know who each of you are, and I hope that you have had the chance to introduce yourselves to each other. I am Kendrannis, the Dragon of Westminster, and I have brought you here, to make an offer of employment.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-15, 08:57 PM
"Employment eh?... What's the job? How long will it be? And what will we get in payment?

Those are my questions for now..."

Replies Wei, feeling tired.

2010-03-15, 09:08 PM
Quitu thanks the man for the coffee, drinks it very fast, and approves of it.

"Mmm, that was very nice actually, I'll have to get myself some of that."

When entering the room and sees the enormous dragon, Quitu is amazed. She thought her grandfather was huge until she saw this one. She leaps up and down with excitement, waving frantically and shaking her tail.

"Hello, hello! I'm part silver dragon too! You are so much taller than my Grandfather! Can you see my tail? I'm part dragon too!"

Quitu realises that this makes her seem childish, but she has only met a few other dragons, but never one of this size, so she is very happy and excited about this new experience.

2010-03-16, 06:06 AM
[internal monologue] I'd never thought of it before but the Netherside is the perfect place for a dragon, London manages to produce enough shiny waste for even the biggest hoarder. I think this is one client who I won't want to frustrate, but I wonder why he needs us? He seems like he could deal with just about anything with the forces he has here. [/internal monologue]

"What work could you need us for?"

2010-03-16, 06:26 AM
When John sees the Dragon he jumps back slightly, shocked by what he sees.

"Woah! I mean... wow. Um... Hi. So I guess I can see why you didn't come find us in person then. So yeah, like that guy said. What do you need us for?"

2010-03-16, 12:16 PM
Kendrannis turns first to Quitu, extending her long neck to have a closer look, and speaking more softly:

"Greetings, little one. I am familiar with your ancestry. I once met your Grandsire."

She pulls her head back, and resumes addressing the whole group.

"As to why I wish to employ you, that is a complex subject, but I will explain as best I can. The politics of the Depths have remained stable for many long years, but recently, things have been changing. We have remained hidden this long, remained separate from the world above, but there are many who want to reveal our presence to the surface dwellers.

However, it is not so simple. Many of those above would accept us, indeed, as some of you certainly know, the Depths are accepting of those born under the sun. Not all would be so accommodating, however. I may not leave this cavern, but still I can see much from here, and many of those who rule above would look at us and see nothing but a resource to be exploited.

This is why I need you. I have perhaps a score of dragonsworn serving me, but there are no warriors among them, and the times call for those who can serve me more directly. Forces move to destroy our way of life, and so forces need to move to protect it. You."

She finishes her speech, and waits for your response.

2010-03-16, 12:21 PM
"I don't suppose you have any leads on who might be planning something like this?"

2010-03-16, 12:30 PM
In response to Sam's question, Kendrannis addresses him personally:

"I have discovered several such groups, below the surface, and, perhaps more worryingly, above. They take care to hide themselves from my scrying magics, but I hope that, with a group such as yourselves, I will be able to uncover them."

2010-03-16, 12:44 PM
"And are there any methods of uncovering said groups that should be considered... out of bounds?"

[internal monologue] Ah the ins and outs of working out a contract, they're never interesting but always needed... Hey, can dragons read thoughts? I've never thought about that before... Can you hear this dragon? Nod twice if you can. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-16, 03:14 PM
"Warriors? I'm not much of a fighting man. Knives in the dark and running away from trouble I can do. Cloak and dagger stuff. But I wouldn't say I was a warrior. Though I'm guessing your dragonwotsits can't do that either.

Anyway. Whats in it for us? Theres no such thing as a free lunch after all."

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-16, 04:03 PM
"I repeat. How long this take? And what will we get in payment?

But in summary we have just got to find these people hiding from your scrying"

Says Wei

2010-03-16, 04:40 PM
Quitu thinks that the questions the others have already asked are important and cannot think of anything else to ask, so she listens contently.

2010-03-16, 09:25 PM
The dragon slowly shakes her head twice. Her expression changes, but you cannot read it easily.

"Not all warriors are of the sword and the shield. Each has a place. For some, that place is in the light, for others, the shadows. Out of bounds? Hmm... I do not like the innocent to be harmed, but I do not suffer the guilty easily. In this, I trust your judgement."

With one mighty talon, Kendrannis gestures to her hoard.

"You are right, my friend, no lunch is free, but as you can see, mixed in among the junk is some objects of value. I have more use for your service than I do for baubles, much as I am loath to give away such pretty objects..."

"Anyway, to business. I first require one thing of you. It is a test, of sorts. I apologise for this, but I must assess your abilities if they are to be of use to me. Would it be possible for you to meet in Fountain square, in Netherside, tomorrow, when the sun is at its apex on the surface? Some of my followers can lead you from there, that you may learn to walk the way to my dwelling without aid. Otherwise, I can transport you here as you have come to me today."

She awaits your responses.

"I am Kendrannis, AND I HAVE NO INDOOR VOICE!"

2010-03-17, 05:53 AM
"I'd prefer to be led if it's all the same to you. I prefer to avoid being teleported too frequently, not good for my equipment."

Sam pats his pistol under his suit.

2010-03-17, 07:06 AM
"I dont mind teleporting, but Id like to know how I can get here incase I need to and your friends arent conveniently around

Sure I'll join in. it's not like I have anything better do right now"

2010-03-17, 12:23 PM
"Very well. Tomorrow, noon. Fountain Square. Good day."

Unless there is anything anyone else wants to do, the Dragonsworn lead you out.

2010-03-17, 02:02 PM
Sam returns to his office in London above. Unlocking the door and entering the room Sam glances around the room for any obvious changes that have occurred since he left. Satisfied that everything is as it was Sam opens a draw in his desk and puts his ashtray and whiskey inside. Closing the draw, Sam then turns and takes down the dusty typewriter and places it on the, newly clear, space on his desk.

[internal monologue] Well, it may not be in writing, but a dragon's word is probably more sturdy than any contract I've ever had signed for me before. [/internal monologue]

Gently blowing the dust off the typewriter Sam checks the ink ribbon is still good and loads a handful of sheets of paper into the machine's mechanical mouth. Sam flexes his fingers twice and then begins typing.

Date - 15/03/10

Sam quickly glances at his wristwatch, realising he wasn't sure how long this whole business with the dragon had taken.

Time - 1130
Client - Kendrannis, the Dragon of Westminster

Initial Report:
At 0900 this morning, a hooded woman (later revealed to be a Dragonsworn, an agent for my new client) arrived at my office door. The woman offered no introduction other than that the woman's employer wished to speak with me. Clients sending others to my office on their behalf is nothing new, they might fear being spotted going to a detective's office or unable to leave the house on medical/legal grounds. Upon agreeing to see the woman's employer I was magically teleported by the woman to cavern, which I correctly assumed formed part of that part of the world known as the Netherside. The hooded woman then asked if I desired anything to drink, after I declined the offer the woman left and I was able to turn my attention to the other occupant of the room. Sitting in a battered leather chair drinking a mug of black coffee was a messy looking young man all dressed in black who introduced himself as John. My initial impression of John is that he has the capacity to be dangerous with those knives he carries with him, whether that danger is to himself, his allies or his enemies remains to be seen. We were shortly joined by 2 more people being escorted by Dragonsworn. They turned out to be Wei, a Chinese mummy of sorts and Quitu a woman of silver dragon descent. I wasn't given much time to evaluate either Wei or Quitu as we were quickly ushered in to meet the client although Wei seems very preoccupied with time and Quitu seems rather easily excited but otherwise relatively quiet and withdrawn. We were led to the client through a veritable hoard of items, some mundane, some magic, some valuable, some worthless, all shiny. This should have tipped me off as to what my client was, a giant silver dragon.

The meeting with the client went relatively smoothly, the case is the standard catch the bad guy, save the world that everything seems to be when dealing with the Netherside. A group are threatening to reveal the presence of the Netherside to the entire human world, something that could lead to mass destruction on both sides.

The agreed payment is a selection from the client's treasure hoard.

A second meeting with the client has been arranged for 1200 tomorrow, 16/03/10 to discuss the details of a 'test' we are to undergo.

Personal notes - I don't know how I feel about this case. I've never had to work with people I don't know before, but who says no to a dragon good or not? Plus I feel the dragon may be capable of reading my thoughts and bluffing rather well, this thought makes me uneasy. But I'm committed to the case now, the only option is success.

Sam then took this primary report and placed it on the top of the stack of papers on his desk. He'd get round to sorting them all at some point. Sam then spent the rest of his day as he normally would, he stayed in the office until 5pm, getting the occasional phone call, then he returned back to his London flat where he spent the evening reading crime novels and working out in his small home gym.

The next day he dressed, once more slipping his chainmail shirt under his clothes and went out to the office where he remained until 11.30am at which point he left to enter the Netherside to meet with the others.

2010-03-17, 04:08 PM
John leaves the Dragonsworn after being shown the way to Kendrannis' place, waving and smiling at them. Now he intends to spend the day as normal.

He wanders through the markets and public places of the underground networks. Taking in the sights and sounds of the Netherside. While wandering he looks out for any potential pick-pocketing victims.

Spot check: [roll0]
sleight of hand: [roll1]

After a while in the underground he decides its time to see sunlight again. (After all he was originally from the real London). He heads upstairs to the big city. Wandering around he considers how bad it could be if the Netherworld really did reveal itself, but decides the Dragon is probably right. Humans will exploit anything. He also looks for more people in the real world to mess with.

Not sure how pickpocketing works with wealth but I'll roll spot and sleight of hand again anyway.

Spot check: [roll2]
sleight of hand: [roll3]

He then heads home. Out of habit he hurls a dagger at the target on the wall before going to sleep

Attack: [roll4]

2010-03-17, 08:22 PM
In the bustling streets of Netherside, John spots a likely mark, a drunken orc, obviously on a long binge. Unfortunately, he can't loosen the orc's coinpurse

Spot check:

Assuming he succeeds, DC15 ref save to escape his wrath:

Assuming that fails, damage:

Once on the surface, John looks out for another mark, but fails to find one.

When he arrives home, he successfully hits a wall with a dagger. A quick appraisal of the target will reveal that it is somewhat smaller than a barn door, so that's pretty good, right?

2010-03-17, 08:23 PM
Spotting the black-clad would-be thief, the orc gives chase, but is unable to keep up.

2010-03-17, 09:43 PM
Quitu walks back to her cottage, very slowly trying to memorise the route back, as she imagines she'll probably be back there again. Once she arrives home she goes inside to tell her parents of what will be happening, then goes outside to do a few more hours training before sleeping, to ensure she is ready for whatever test they have tomorrow.

2010-03-18, 11:25 AM
Assuming that no-one has anything else they want to do, tomorrow rolls around, as is considered traditional.

You all manage to make it to Fountain Square at around noon. The eponymous fountain stands in the centre of the plaza, the water spouting from it lit from within by magical fire. The source of the water is atop a great column of marble.

Around the base, stands the statues of a vast variety of beings, both humanoid and otherwise.

A few beings wander through the square, but it is fairly quiet. You cannot see the Dragonsworn sent to meet you.

2010-03-18, 11:32 AM
[internal monologue] Damn I knew there was something dodgy about this case... Unless this is part of the test that was mentioned... [/internal monologue]

"Ok, do we wait and see if the Dragonsworn arrive or do we go back to the lair and try to find out what's happening?"

2010-03-18, 11:44 AM
"I say we just hang around for a bit. I mean this is just a public place right? It's not going to look weird if we're just waiting here.

John makes a quick pass around the area for anything out of the ordinary.

Spot check: [roll0]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-19, 10:46 AM
Wei stands, rigid his eyes staring into nothingness, waiting for something to happen.

2010-03-19, 04:50 PM
"I wonder why the Dragonsworn hasn't arrived yet, it has been a while now."

2010-03-19, 09:35 PM
Seeing that all of you have now arrived, a human approaches from the far side of the square. You see that it is one of the Dragonsworn who transported you yesterday (specifically, the woman who met with Sam). Today, she is not wearing her black robes, but is instead clad in the odd mix of modern clothing and medieval fashion which characterises the population of Netherside.

She greets you, and bids you to follow her.

2010-03-19, 09:39 PM
Alvilda follows the woman.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-19, 10:18 PM
Wei, shambles after the woman....At a dwarf like pace

2010-03-20, 08:21 AM
Sam follows the woman.

2010-03-20, 09:04 AM
Seeing what everyone else is doing, John follows too.

Hooray for sheep :smalltongue:

2010-03-20, 02:08 PM
You are led out of Netherside, and into the twisting passageways of the Depths. As you leave the bright lights of the city behind you, the Dragonsworn lights a torch to illuminate your path.

As you go, your guide points out the markings which show the way, and you think you could find it again in the future.

Suddenly, as you pass down a particularly wide passage, the dragonsworn stops, and gestures for you to do the same, putting a finger to her lips to indicate silence.

Roll listen and initiative please.

2010-03-20, 02:57 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

What the hell??? Really?

2010-03-20, 03:00 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Also make a hide check if possible.
Hide: [roll2]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-20, 06:14 PM

Unlucky becky

2010-03-20, 11:00 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-03-21, 03:17 PM
Those of you who beat 10 on their listen checks can hear a low rumbling from down the tunnel, slowly increasing in volume.

Enemy initiative:

2010-03-21, 03:27 PM
Before any of you can react, a massive, chitinous creature comes into view, suddenly revealed by the torchlight.

It's head is insectile, but thousands of times the size of any natural insect's head. Following the head is a long, segmented body, covered in armour like a tank's, and propelled by dozens of monstrous legs. As it approaches, it senses the presence of food, and attacks.

Now,justify to me why you would not be the closest player character to the front...

2010-03-21, 03:33 PM
I made a hide check, presumably behind the rest of the group :smalltongue:

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 04:41 PM
I have a movement speed of 20ft so I would be behind people, as Iam slow...
Also I have Lifesense so that mosnter is basicly a torch..For me its a walking continual light source.

2010-03-21, 04:59 PM
Because it's funnier to see paladins get eaten. Sorry Becky.

Also; what surface worlder in their right mind would lead a group in the depths?

2010-03-21, 05:29 PM
Because my armour weighs me down and makes me pretty slow (20ft) so I'd be at the back. Also, because I can hear nothing at all, I'm probably looking around at everything.

Also, this creature sounds like a giant Trilobite :D

2010-03-21, 06:00 PM
I have decided that Dom's reason is the weakest, so he suffers the consequences.

It was going to be a giant centipede, but since Trilobites are awesome, it is in fact now a giant trilobite. Who's extinct now, suckers.

Also, Lifesense is the second stupidest feat I have ever read. That's right, it is second only to Toughness.

The creature, seeing an easy meal, attacks Sam, who is taken by surprise by the sudden assault.

Roll to hit vs. Flatfooted AC

2010-03-21, 06:06 PM
Despite the suddenness of the assault, Sam skilfully dodges the clashing mandibles, and escapes the creature's bite.

Order of actions:

John and Wei may act during the surprise round. They should post two sets of actions, one for the surprise round, and one for the first round of combat. Sam and Quitu should post one round of actions.

Wei: 24
Sam: 36
Quitu: 24
John: 6

2010-03-21, 06:20 PM
As the monster attempts to bite Sam, he bobs and weaves and waits for the ideal moment when he can land a punch to the head.


[internal monologue] Great, 5 minutes into the Depths and I'm already being offered up as a lunchtime snack. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-21, 06:23 PM
Confirm Critical:

2010-03-21, 06:29 PM
I HATE that hit point list! 6 HP :smallmad:

John reacts fast, and flicks a dagger from his belt and swings his arm wide, sending it spinning towards the creatures jaws.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

On the next round he moves 30 ft around the beast (attempting to flank for sneak attack) But still staying away from direct combat, then hurls another dagger.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] (potentially)

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 06:34 PM
Suprise Round Action...
Wei charges the big mean monster machine, drawing his spear as he does so. And staying 5ft away from the big mean monster, as I have to...


Then in his next turn he tries to hit it once again.
And then attempts to flank it as well.


2010-03-21, 06:38 PM
Quitu is shocked by the monster as she couldn't even hear it coming. She charges at the creature in an attempt to defend her new found "friends". She tries to attack the huge centipede trilobite with her longsword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 06:39 PM
Re-Suprise Round
Can't Charge.
Using the longspear Wei readies for a charge. With it.
From the longspears special rules.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 06:41 PM
Not sure what to do realy for this. Longspears have a x3, so does that mean I get (3d8+21) or just (1d8+7)x3...
Not sure...
Anyway I will do the 3d8+21. If I have done wrong just tell me and I will re-do it.

Also Hurray for my first Crit.

Confirm critical For attack 2

2010-03-21, 06:45 PM
3d8+21 would be for a x4 crit. You've already rolled one lot of damage so you only need an extra 2d8+14.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 06:53 PM
Ok, thanks Dom.

Damage For crit.

2010-03-21, 06:54 PM
Despite the suddenness of the assault, John is able to react with cat-like speed. His dagger sails through the air, far over his target, and clatters away into the darkness. Wei is also able to act, and readies his spear, lest his opponent charge him.

John is able to throw another dagger. This one also goes awry, hitting...

1= Himself!
2= Wei
3= Sam
4= Quitu
5= The Dragonsworn who remains nameless.

2010-03-21, 07:02 PM
...Quitu in the back, for 4 damage!

Sam, avoiding the beast's deadly mandibles, swings with a haymaker and scores a solid hit!

While it is distracted, Wei approaches the monster, and drives his spear between two armoured plates, meeting little resistance.

The trilobite screams horribly, but makes one last attack against his tormentor.

(DR included)
Which should have occurred before John stabbed Quitu, but I forgot to put it in.

As the beast writhes in pain, Quitu puts it out of its misery with a well-placed strike, and the creature moves no more.

2010-03-21, 07:03 PM
Its final attack fails to find its mark.

2010-03-21, 07:07 PM
Sam cracks is knuckles smugly.

"Shall we continue before we get hit by the lunchtime rush?"

2010-03-21, 07:10 PM
So total damage so far: 4... to my team-mates.

John moves around to collect his daggers, hoping nobody noticed how much of an epic fail he is.

"Sure, lets move. Sorry Quitu, my hand slipped there"

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-21, 07:12 PM
Wei stops his cloth bound face seems to be caught up in thought...

He then shakes his head and shuffles onwards into the tunnel his head seeming to twitch left and right to spot and see of any signs of monsters.

2010-03-21, 07:23 PM
"It's okay John, you tried."

Quitu removes the dagger from her back making an animalistic snarl of pain as she does so. She pats John on the back and hands him back his dagger.

2010-03-21, 07:26 PM
Also, she looks around the for any signs pointing to more danger in this place.

Spot check: [roll0]

2010-03-21, 08:01 PM
The immediate danger seems to have passed, so the Dragonsworn leads you onwards.

2010-03-21, 08:12 PM
John follows, muttering about needing more rigorous self training.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-22, 02:54 AM
Wei plays his music box as he walks.

2010-03-22, 04:51 AM
Sam continues down the corridor at the head of the group.

2010-03-22, 05:22 AM
Quitu follows the rest of the group.

2010-03-22, 11:54 AM
Before long, you arrive at Kendrannis' home, and you are let inside by another Dragonsworn, as the one who accompanied you leaves to go and get changed back into her robes.

Kendrannis is still in the same place as yesterday.

"Greetings! I'm glad you got here safely! I was impressed with how you fought, I feel that I have made a good choice hiring you."

2010-03-22, 12:15 PM
"Wait so was that a set up? You actually just attacked us?"

2010-03-22, 12:25 PM
"So was that like a test to prove we are worthy?"

2010-03-22, 12:37 PM
"Nicely done, I'm somewhat glad to be working with a client that knows the value of correctly placed offence."

2010-03-22, 01:20 PM
"Of course not. Nevertheless, I neglected to inform you that the route you were shown lead through a moderately dangerous set of tunnels. Consider it part of the test. Now, let us move on to the matters at hand."

2010-03-22, 01:53 PM
"Ok then, so what's the job?"

2010-03-23, 06:25 AM
"As you know, this task will be a test of your abilities. I will explain as briefly as I am able. Simply, the storage tunnels which are joined to this tunnel run deep, perhaps too deep. While the deepest of these tunnels was being expanded, the excavations broke through into another system of tunnels, the upper levels of the Underdark. Since then, the foul beasts that make their home there have been pouring through. I have established barriers to keep them contained, but I need you to go down to the breach and seal it off.

Any questions?"

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-23, 06:34 AM
"Can I have a map of the entire known tunnel system where we are about to go."

Enquires Wei.

2010-03-23, 06:36 AM
"The dwarves dug too deep... You know what lies in Moria"

"What kind of beasts are we talking here? The small fluffy kind? Or big green ugly kind?"

2010-03-23, 06:57 AM
"The dwarves dug too greedily and too deep... you know what they awoke there." See, now is when we want a spellcaster for heroic sacrifice...

"Ok, I'm game for playing whack-a-mole in the Underdark."

[internal monologue] Too late to escape the rabbit hole now. May as well just keep going deeper. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-23, 07:55 AM
"I have prepared some equipment which you may find of use, including a map. Once we have finished here, Jason will give you it, and then show you to the start of the tunnel."

She nods her huge head towards the Dragonsworn who met you at the door.

"As to what foes you will face, I have scryed the tunnel, and I can tell you that you will face nothing beyond your ability, so long as you work together. I will not be more specific, but I can tell you that if you work together, you will meet no challenge too great for you to overcome.

I wish you all luck."

2010-03-23, 08:11 AM
Should this just be read as; make sure John isn't eaten within the first surprise round? Also; I am now very worried about the possibility of encountering something powerful enough to hide itself from a scrying dragon...

"As you wish. I'm ready to leave as soon as the others are satisfied."

2010-03-23, 08:12 AM
"Ooh free stuff? Nice"

John looks up and appears a lot more interested at the potential of free items.

2010-03-23, 07:32 PM
Jason the Dragonsworn shows you over to a table nearby. On it is:

A map of some of the tunnels, with your destination marked
8 bottles of clear liquid. Each one has a label reading "Drink Me."
50ft of nylon rope.
4 electric torches and spare batteries.
A metallic orb, about the size of an apple. One half is red, the other is white.

Jason helpfully informs you that the contents of the bottles will heal wounds, and that you should not necessarily drink them now. He also adds:

"Once you reach the breech, place the orb on the ground, and stand well back. That should do the trick."

2010-03-23, 07:42 PM
Quitu takes 2 bottles of the clear liquid, an electric torch and some spare batteries. She glances at the map.

"So who will be in charge of the map, rope and orb? There is only one of each. I don't mind carrying them around, I'd like to feel somewhat helpful in all this."

2010-03-24, 06:05 AM
"I guess I'll be leading the way again so I'll take this."

Sam picks the orb up off the table and feels its weight in his hand before slipping it into one of the pockets of his jacket.

He also picks up the map, carefully rolling it up and placing it in an inside pocket, he then suspiciously takes 2 of the bottles and, more confidently as he is well aware of its uses, a torch with a set of spare batteries.

[internal monologue] Wonder how many of these day 'team mates' of mine have ever had to navigate and track before. Wonder how many of them have ever seen a gorram battery before. [/internal monologue]

2010-03-24, 08:19 AM
John picks up a torch, throws it up and catches it, then smiles and puts it away on his belt. He also stuffs a couple of batteries in his pockets. He takes 2 bottles aswell, remarking:

"Yeah I've got a couple of these myself. Pretty useful."

2010-03-26, 06:21 PM
"Any chance we can get into this tunnel before I need to take a fortitude test for starvation?"

Yes, I went there. I broke the 4th wall. META!!! But it was the only way to actually get this game going again, it's been 2 days people! You've all been posting in Skippy's game, post here too! We don't get XP for killing time you know!

2010-03-27, 12:01 AM
Kendrannis casts mending on the fourth wall, and the game continues apace!

Jason the Dragonsworn leads you to the edge of the cavern, opposite the entrance tunnel and the antechamber you originally arrived in. Here, there is another tunnel, leading off into the distance, as far as the eye can see. It is lit by a string of electric lights. At the entrance to the tunnel, the trailing wire is wrapped around the blade of an obviously magical short sword, lightning crackling across the blade in time with the flickering of the lights.

Jason leads you down this tunnel, occasionally stopping to check the map. You pass several side passages, each marked with a plaque. The tunnel is fairly wide, perhaps 40ft across, although still not wide enough for Kendrannis to pass down.

John is aware that the tunnel is sloping gently downwards.

Quitu is able to read the plaques. Each is marked with a number, and a brief description of the category of treasures within.

(For reference, the Draconic language uses base 16, based on the number of claws a dragon has. Kendrannis uses a variation on the Dewey Decimal System for storage.

Some time later (about half an hour, if anyone is wearing a timepiece), Jason checks the map again, and informs you that this is the correct tunnel. Unlike the previous tunnels, the plaque at the head of this one is unmarked. Past this point, the main tunnel is unlit, although a box of unused lighting is against one wall, and the side passage is unlit.

The side passage is much steeper, visibly sloped even to those without a natural affinity to stonework. This tunnel is around 15ft wide, and it is totally unlit. The stone walls are much rougher, and the tunnel is braced with wood.

Jason points out a set of faintly glowing runes around the entrance to the side passage, inscribed in a language none of you can recognise. He explains that they keep anything from entering the rest of the caverns from the breach. With that, he bids you farewell, reminding you not to enter any of the other passages on your way back. He leaves with a cheery wave. You are left alone at the beginning of the tunnel.

2010-03-27, 04:57 AM
Do magic swords have a AC current through them then? :smalltongue: Would never have though about that.

John is a little unsure of why he feels like the tunnel is sloping down, and puts it down to intuition.

When Jason leaves the group he cracks his knuckles and stretches.

"So, who's ready to hunt down some underdark beasties?"

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-27, 07:15 AM
Wei, plods through the tunnel into the darkness and is eaten by a grue. He waves a goodbye to Jason as he leaves.

2010-03-27, 07:25 AM
Sam looks at the bottom of the side tunnel entrance to see if there are any tracks that may indicate the nature of the beast in question. Search: [roll0]

He fires his pistol into the darkness to test it's still working.

Once he is satisfied with this he switches on his flashlight and rests his pistol arm on top of his flashlight arm and descends into the darkness at the head of the group.

"Let's get this over with."

[internal monologue] Once more into the breach... [/internal monologue]

2010-03-29, 07:18 PM
Quitu has never been in a situation like this before. She trusts that her new friends will have all their best interests in mind. She follows the rest, causing no bother.

Sorry for the late reply. I thought I replied but I mustn't have :P

2010-03-29, 07:19 PM
Okay, new rule. If people don't post, and I get bored of waiting, the plot advances anyway!

Dom fires his handgun, the shot echoing loudly in the dark tunnel.

You steel yourselves and advance down the tunnel, your torches stabbing into the dark like something which makes a good simile.

Before long, you come to a partially collapsed part of the tunnel. The excavation has intersected with a small natural chasm, and the bottom of the chamber formed by this is filled with rubble fallen from the ceiling.

Listen checks please, everybody!

2010-03-29, 07:21 PM
Listen check: [roll0]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-03-30, 06:29 AM

2010-03-30, 09:54 AM
listen: [roll0]

2010-03-31, 08:59 AM
Listen Check: [roll0]

2010-03-31, 11:02 AM
Both John and Quitu are able to hear a low squeaking noise, and are able to react quickly to the wave of unusually large rodents which swarm from between the gaps in the rubble, having detected the arrival of a source of food.

Initiative please!


Blue (friendly):

Red (hostile):

2010-03-31, 02:23 PM
Seriously? You have us fighting Rodents Of Unusual Size?! When did I wander into the fire swamp??

Initiative [roll0]

Reacting to these rats Sam pulls his pistol from it's holster and resting his firing hand on top of the hand carrying the flashlight fires off a shot at the nearest rat.


2010-03-31, 02:36 PM
Also, a few things I forgot to mention. The rats will be split into 3 groups who will act on different initiative counts. The actual members of these groups are somewhat arbitrary, but I will try and keep it consistent.

I am also slightly altering how surprise rounds will work (pray I do not alter it again). This is so that people have to make less posts and they won't be as confusing as last time we had surprise. Basically, everyone acts in the surprise round, but anyone who was surprised is flatfooted and acts on the last initiative. In this case, for this round only, John and Quitu will act in initiative order, as will the rats, then Sam and Wei will act. After that, combat proceeds as normal.

Rat pack 1: [roll0]
Rat pack 2: [roll1]
Rat pack 3: [roll2]
Rat pack 4: [roll3]

2010-04-01, 05:13 AM
Further notes:
I am going to start awarding XP on the spot after combat/achievements/roleplaying so that people know what they got it from, and how to get more of it.

XP from the giant trilobite was 150xp

I will update the wiki when a milestone is met, such as a new level or the end of an adventure.

Note that the terrain in this area is light rubble, so all balance and tumble checks are at a -2 penalty.

2010-04-01, 05:22 AM
"Fluffy, but not as small as I thought"

John whips out a dagger and hurls it at the nearest rat to him (straight north)

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

2010-04-01, 11:52 AM
Quitu charges at the nearest rat, readying herself for attack.

Initiative: [roll0]
Charge: [roll1]

2010-04-01, 11:54 AM
Damage: [roll0]

2010-04-01, 12:05 PM
Wei moves to engage one of the rats and attempts to stab it with his longspear.



2010-04-01, 12:11 PM
Wei's initiative:


2010-04-01, 12:33 PM
Initiative Order:

Rat Group 1
Rat Group 2
Rat Group 3
Rat Group 4

Quitu charges at one of the rats, swinging her sword, but overswinging and missing.

Three of the rats gather around her and attack with their sharp teeth.

John draws a dagger, hurling it with deadly precision into the eyesocket of one of the rats.

Two of the rats attack John, and the other six split their attacks between Sam and Wei.

Sam fires his handgun into the darkness, but causes no damage. Wei charges with his spear, but misses.

2010-04-01, 12:34 PM
Attacks on Quitu:
Attacks on John:
Attacks on Sam:
Attacks on Wei:

2010-04-01, 12:52 PM
Quitu: 22
John: 6
Sam: 33
Wei: 20



3 rats may accidentally damage themselves.

2010-04-01, 12:54 PM
3 rats are injured on sharp bits of rubble.

Next round!

2010-04-01, 12:56 PM
John flicks out another dagger and tries to drive it into the rats head.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-01, 12:57 PM
Threatened crit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-01, 01:00 PM
Crit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-01, 01:03 PM
Now that the rats are closer Sam decides to give up the pistol tactic and punches the nearest rat in it's oversized rodent head.


2010-04-01, 01:10 PM
Quitu tries to kill the dire rat, and hopes to manage killing another.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I cleave:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2010-04-01, 05:06 PM
Wei's attack:

2010-04-01, 05:08 PM
Initiative Order:

Rat Group 1 (3 rats)
Rat Group 2 (2 rats)
Rat Group 3 (3 rats)
Rat Group 4 (3 rats)

Quitu swings at the rats again, but the beasts prove too elusive.

They attack back.

John takes advantage of the rat which stumbled on the rubble, and kills the rat with another dagger.

Sam punches and kills a rat with his handgun, and Wei kebabs a rat on his spear.

Two rats attack each of the remaining players.

2010-04-01, 05:09 PM
Attacks against Quitu:

Attacks against John:

Attacks against Sam:

Attacks against Wei:

2010-04-01, 05:11 PM
Quitu: 22
John: 2
Sam: 33
Wei: 17

Next round!

2010-04-01, 05:18 PM
Sam kicks at another of the rats at his feet.

2010-04-01, 05:31 PM
John strikes at the other rat with his dagger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-01, 05:32 PM
Damage: [roll0]

2010-04-02, 06:47 AM
Quitu *tries* again to hit another rat and hopes that she is more successful this time.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I cleave:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2010-04-02, 06:48 AM
Wei's attack:


2010-04-02, 06:56 AM
Initiative Order:

Rat Group 1 (3 rats)
Rat Group 2 (1 rats)
Rat Group 3 (2 rats)
Rat Group 4 (2 rats)

Quitu finally pins down one of the rats, slicing it in half, and continuing the swing on into another one, which also dies.

The remaining rat attacks her.

John slashes the one rat in contact with him, and leaves a long gash along its back, but not killing it.

Sam kicks a rat, which flies into the darkness and impacts the wall with a sickening crunch.

Wei runs another rat through with his spear.

Attack on John:
Attack on Sam:
Attack on Wei:

2010-04-02, 07:01 AM
Sam stands on the final rat that's bothering him.


2010-04-02, 07:07 AM
Quitu: 22
John: 2
Sam: 30
Wei: 15


Next round!

2010-04-02, 07:15 AM
John swings around on to the last rat in front of him. Hoping to continue with his ongoing luck.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-02, 07:44 AM
Quitu attacks the rat again, hoping to cleave onto the next again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I cleave:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2010-04-02, 08:25 AM
Wei's attack:

2010-04-02, 08:27 AM
Initiative Order:

Rat Group 1 (1 rat)
Rat Group 2 (1 rats)
Rat Group 3 (1 rat)
Rat Group 4 (1 rat)

Quitu kills another rat, and spins around and slays another one.

John swings at the rat next to him, but misses, but Sam takes the opportunity to move up to it and stamp on it, breaking its spine.

Wei kills the final rat with his spear.

Combat ends, each player gains 300xp

2010-04-02, 11:45 AM
Sam hostlers his pistol again and looks about at the breach.

"So, you reckon this is the breach we're meant to seal?"

He weighs the orb that he had been given in his hand.

[internal monologue] Whatever this thing does I sure hope it works, I ain't getting paid to do maintenance work on a tunnel complex.[/internal monologue]

2010-04-03, 05:36 AM
"Now that wasn't so bad. It's a shame they were aggressive though, I think I'd have liked them if they were gentle."

2010-04-03, 05:55 AM
"Even if its not the right bit, we can seal it off here and stop anything getting through, the tunnels might branch out further down and that'd be a whole lot more digging to do."

John walks up to the corpse of the rat which he hit with a thrown dagger and retrieves it. He then sheathes all his daggers back in his belt and brushes down his clothes.

2010-04-03, 07:13 AM
"Well, here goes nothing."

Sam places the orb on the ground under the breach as instructed and stands back.

[internal monologue] Crazy world of magic don't fail me now! [/internal monologue]

2010-04-03, 07:50 AM
You stand back.

Nothing happens.

You wait for a bit.

Nothing continues to happen.

Damn it guys, you have to go through the WHOLE dungeon! :p

2010-04-03, 08:44 AM
Hey don't blame us if you don't make it clear which breach you mean!

"Nothing appears to be happening, I think we need to keep going deeper to find the true breach we seek."

[internal monologue] Down down, deeper and down. [/internal monologue]

2010-04-03, 02:49 PM
But but but meurgh! If we seal the breach here, they can't get in right? Actually by that logic we don't even need to be here, there's a spell stopping the creatures from getting to kendrannis anyway.

John sighs. "Well I guess we have a whole lot more hard work ahead of us. So we just carryon through this gap right?"

He scrambles across further into the tunnel.

2010-04-03, 05:00 PM
You travel further down the tunnel. The light of the main passageway is no longer visible behind you.

Before long, something at the side of the passage comes into view. It is a wooden chest, banded with iron. Around it are 4 fairly fresh corpses, each wearing the robes of the Dragonsworn. From here, you can tell that each one has multiple stab wounds.

Incidentally, could each of you roll an unmodified d20 please, and would Quitu also make a separate d20 check with a +2 modifier.

2010-04-03, 05:04 PM


2010-04-05, 05:40 AM

I'll roll Quitu's aswell, in the interest of speeding up a bit. Becky isn't up yet.

2010-04-05, 05:41 AM
except because Im a retard I clicked post...


2010-04-05, 05:58 AM
And the normal d20 one for Quitu: [roll0]

2010-04-05, 06:47 AM
Sorry for 4 posts in a row

John looks at the box suspiciously, and then moves to the corpse furthest from the box and searches it more closely.

Search: [roll0]

"If someone has a object longer than a knife it might be an idea to test the box from a distance."

2010-04-05, 12:06 PM
"Stand aside."

Sam steps back and fires a bullet into the chest, seeing if it'll set off whatever traps it has on it.

2010-04-05, 07:44 PM
Now that you have all passed your Fort saves vs. disease, I can now tell you that that is what you were rolling, as a result of the general hygiene problems associated with rats.

Becky's roll at +2 was her heal check to realise that the wounds could become infected, and to ensure that all were clean.

Sam raises his handgun and fires a single round into the chest.

The body slumped over the chest rolls off onto the floor beside Sam.

Nothing happens...

... for a few seconds.
Without warning, the "corpses" simultaneously start moving!

The zombies rise, clawing at you!

Once more, initiative please!

Zombie initiative:
Zombie 1:
Zombie 2:
Zombie 3:
Zombie 4:


2010-04-06, 06:19 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Sam reacts to the new development by taking a 5ft step back and then firing a shot into the nearest zombie.

No attack of opportunity for Mr. Zombie! Also; nice way of getting round lifesense.

2010-04-06, 06:48 AM
It's odd, because I didn't plan the dungeon with Lifesense in mind, it's just that both of the encounters so far haven't been detectable with lifesense.

Also, note that none of the unoccupied squares Sam can step to are out of AoO range.

2010-04-06, 07:48 AM
Yeah I realised that afterwards, oh well at least this way I'm only being AoO'd once rather than 3 times... :smalleek: Also; I forgot to roll for my shot lol.


2010-04-06, 11:10 AM
John jumps back from the combat as far as he can while still being withing throwing range of the zombies. He then flicks another dagger away at the closest zombie.

Initiative: [roll0]

Staying withing 30ft at least.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2010-04-06, 11:25 AM
Quitu charges at the zombie that is opposite her, stabbing it with her longsword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-06, 11:27 AM
What a surprise, I didn't hit :P

2010-04-06, 12:25 PM
Wei moves to within a spear's length of the nearest zombie, and attempts to stab it.




2010-04-06, 12:26 PM
Initiative order:

A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie

2010-04-06, 12:28 PM
Wei reacts first, stabbing at a zombie, but failing to hit.

The zombie he attacked claws at him with its decaying talons.


2010-04-06, 12:29 PM
The zombie grasps only air.

John misses with his throwing dagger, and Sam moves out of the way, to where John was standing.

2010-04-06, 12:39 PM
Once more, the zombie fails to hit.

Sam's bullet buries itself in his target's decaying flesh, but the zombie doesn't react to the wound at all.

Quitu's charging attack fails to connect.

The remaining 3 zombies lurch forwards and attack, one on each in the front line.

Attack on Sam:

Attack on Wei:

Attack on Quitu:

2010-04-06, 12:44 PM
Two of the zombies find their marks.

Quitu: 22
John: 2
Sam: 23
Wei: 12



Next round!

2010-04-06, 12:51 PM
Realising that his bullets won't be as effective as he'd like here Sam once more opts for a more direct approach and punches the zombie in front of him in the head.


2010-04-06, 04:24 PM
John smiles at the way the combat positioning has played out, happy with being out of the way, and then hurls a dagger flamboyantly at the zombie furthest north.

Attack: [roll0] (-4 for into combat)
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-13, 01:38 PM
Quitu attacks the zombie that is directly in front of her with her longsword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-15, 06:34 PM
Note from the GM's next of kin: Sadly, while waiting for the posts the GM passed away from old age.

(Don't worry, he got better.)

Wei's attack:


2010-04-15, 06:40 PM
Initiative order:

A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie

Wei strikes, his hard spear penetrating the necrotic flesh of the zombie. In response, it attempts to attack him with its claw-like hands.


2010-04-15, 06:44 PM
John nails a zombie with his dagger, but it just keeps coming, as Sam attempts to fist another, but he misses. Quitu's longsword fails to find its mark.

Attack on John:

Attack on Sam:

Attack on Quitu:

Map is unchanged.

2010-04-15, 06:45 PM
Roll to confirm crit:

2010-04-15, 06:46 PM
Really? You had to word it as 'fist'?!

Sam swings for another zombie hoping to connect this time.

2010-04-15, 06:46 PM
Quitu is somewhat wounded by the undead creature's vicious assault.

Quitu: 14
John: 2
Sam: 23
Wei: 12

Next round.

2010-04-15, 07:03 PM
John is spoilt for choice on his next action, and hurls another dagger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-19, 06:35 PM
Wei, wasting no time, strikes again at the zombie before him.



Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-19, 06:42 PM
Frey calls out.
"Fair-well my fellow kindred, may the night mother embrace you"

My turn has been...
Oh well. Thanks for NPCing my character while I was away Dan.

I would just like to highlight that Wei has Damage reduction 1/-

2010-04-19, 06:44 PM
Now that you are back, you can ignore what I posted, and just do your turn.

I have been using your DR.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-19, 10:47 PM

Wei thrusts his master work spear at the Zombie, half-heartedly. Mummbling to himself about hurting family.


2010-04-20, 10:40 AM
Quitu takes a slash at the zombie in front of her again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Sorry I keep forgetting to post cos I'm not at my laptop as much now that Alex is with me all the time, I'll try a little harder :)

2010-04-20, 11:04 AM
Initiative Order:
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie

Wei strikes at the zombie before him, but misses by a hair.

The zombie again attempts to strike him.


2010-04-20, 11:09 AM
The zombie's wild swing fails to connect with its target.

John, with uncharacteristic accuracy manages to make another hit with the dagger, lodging his blade in the torso of the zombie.

Quitu also lands a solid hit with her longsword, and Sam punches his opponent for only minor damage.

The three other zombies each attack one of the party:

Attack on Wei:

Attack on Quitu:

Attack on Sam:

2010-04-20, 11:10 AM
Quitu: 14
John: 2
Sam: 23
Wei: 7

Next round, map is unchanged.

2010-04-20, 11:12 AM
Hey! I resent the uncharacteristic!

John throws another dagger.

"Are we getting anywhere with these things?"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-20, 11:23 AM
Stabbady Stab


2010-04-20, 11:27 AM
"Why won't these things die!"

Sam takes a 5ft step away from the zombie currently trying to eat his brains then draws his pistol and takes another shot.


2010-04-21, 02:55 PM
Again, Quitu strikes the zombie with her longsword.

Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-21, 05:10 PM
Initiative Order:
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie
A Zombie

Wei continues to battle against his foe, but fails to do any damage. His opponent once more attempts to land a hit.


2010-04-21, 05:16 PM
Wei is undamaged by the relentless assault.

John makes another attack, and eloquently provides an answer to Sam's question by felling his target with a dagger to the eyesocket.

Sam steps back and puts another bullet into the rotting flesh of his target, but still failing to stop it.

Quitu expertly beheads her opponent, and is able to make an attempt at striking the other zombie near her.


2010-04-21, 05:19 PM
But this attack misses.

The remaining two zombies attempt to attack Sam and Quitu.



2010-04-21, 05:20 PM
See how effective blades are against these creatures Sam takes a 5ft step towards the zombie and attempts to use his fingernails to slice at it's flesh. Who says unarmed attacks have to do bludgeoning damage eh? Also out of curiosity which zombie could attack John?


2010-04-21, 05:27 PM
Quitu is hit by a surprisingly hard attack.

Quitu: 7
John: 2
Sam: 23
Wei: 7



Next round!

2010-04-21, 05:30 PM
Whoops. I meant Sam. Fixed.

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-21, 06:26 PM
Seeing an oppertunity, Wei shuffles to flank the of the zombie attempting to eat Sam and tursts his harden wooden spear into its soft flesh .


Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-21, 06:34 PM
Attack Roll....

2010-04-22, 02:19 PM
Oscar, did you intend for that to be such a bad innuendo? :P/

Quitu takes a step back from the zombie and drinks her healing potion.
I don't know what healing potions these are so could Dan please roll this for me :)

2010-04-22, 02:30 PM
These potions heal 2d8+3

2010-04-22, 02:50 PM
John moves 5 foot south of his current position, and while doing so, hurls another dagger, this time at the zombie infront of Quitu, spurred on by his recent success.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-22, 03:08 PM
I most certianly did becky, I most certianly did.

2010-04-22, 07:27 PM
Wei attacks from the side, skewering the zombie on his shaft. It twitches and moans for a moment, then stops moving altogether.

John misses with his attack, and John moves to engage the last zombie, but fails to do any damage with his fingernails.

The last zombie mindlessly turns to swing at Sam.


2010-04-22, 07:29 PM
Quitu: 15
John: 2
Sam: 19
Wei: 7

Next round!

Finish him!

2010-04-23, 07:14 AM
Sam once more claws at the zombie hoping to score a more credible hit with his fingernails this time.


[internal monologue] I did not sign up for cat fights with the living dead. [/internal monologue]

Seriously? 2 natural 1s in a row?! That does it, I'm no longer fighting with my fingernails after this.

2010-04-23, 09:55 AM
Hey Dan got 2 natural 1s in my game too :P. Thankfully I chose not to have a natural one on the saving throw DC have any effect.

John throws another dagger for hopefully the last time, trying to spin it over Sams head.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Wizzard Of Zo
2010-04-23, 04:56 PM
Wei. Slides the Zombies Dead corspe of his wooden spears shaft. And Proccedes to take this finialy zombie from behind as well.

Flanking Attack
Stabby Damage

2010-04-24, 02:12 PM
After taking the healing potion, Quitu charges at the zombie to attack it.

Charge attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-25, 04:03 PM
Initiative Order:
A Zombie

Wei stabs the zombie with his spear, and John sucessfully spins the dagger over the heads of both John and his target. Sam continues to scratch hilariously at his target, to absolutely no effect, before Quitu slices off its head, which bounces off the wooden chest with a THUNK and rolls to a stop at her feet.

You are winners!

200xp each!

2010-04-25, 04:21 PM
"Well at least that's over now."

Sam brushes off his suit with his hand and looks at the chest.

"Well, lets see what those things didn't want us to get at."

He cautiously attempts to open the chest.

[internal monologue] I swear if this is the Ark of the Covenant I'm NOT going to be happy, actually better shut my eyes just in case. [/internal monologue]

Sam shuts his eyes as he opens the chest and waits to hear if his team mates scream as their bodies melt and their souls are torn from this plane of reality.

2010-04-25, 04:53 PM
Sam carefully opens the unlocked chest, revealing five bags, one smaller than the others.