View Full Version : [TOWN] Random Locations Thread IV

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2010-03-15, 06:11 PM
This thread is for miscellaneous, random locations that don't each warrant a whole thread for themselves.
Please, when posting, show your character's location like so:
Place Place

Someone does something

Or something like that.

The index can be found here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6319912)

2010-03-15, 06:13 PM
Vo heads back home with Ricusta.
Chol sits by Tease at lunch.
That one guy's still trying to sneak a peek at you.

2010-03-15, 06:14 PM
It does not bother me.

He's taken back.

2010-03-15, 06:16 PM
You don't mind that he's trying to gaze into your cleavage?

2010-03-15, 06:17 PM
He's not hurting me.
She shrugs.

2010-03-15, 06:18 PM
Would you mind if I scared him out of his mind?

2010-03-15, 06:19 PM
If he does anything I'll deal with him.

2010-03-15, 06:23 PM
She shrugs.

I like my Magtok-Vocusta avy way too much.

2010-03-15, 06:23 PM
After lunch she gets up to throw her things away.

2010-03-15, 06:25 PM
That guy... uh... Sheldon... gets up to throw his stuff away too.

2010-03-15, 06:25 PM
She ignores him, throwing her things away.

2010-03-15, 06:26 PM
"Hey there."

2010-03-15, 06:26 PM
She's fine with talking, just no touching.

2010-03-15, 06:31 PM
"I guess you're new here. My name's Sheldon."
He moves closer.

2010-03-15, 06:31 PM
My name is Tease.

2010-03-15, 06:34 PM
"Pretty good name for someone like you."

2010-03-15, 06:35 PM
Wha tdo you mean?

2010-03-15, 06:37 PM
"Well, you're not exactly on the prudish side, which is something to be thankful for."

2010-03-15, 06:39 PM
Oh, well, thank you.
Living up to her name, she does a bi,g long stretch,

2010-03-15, 06:40 PM
He tries to keep his cool, but his brain begins to not work.
"Um... W-welcome..."

Chol watches critically.

2010-03-15, 06:41 PM
She giggles, turns around, and heads to the table, it would be unwise to try and touch her rear.

2010-03-15, 06:43 PM
His brain fails him.
He attempts a casual "accidental" brush of her rear, and deserves any punishment he gets for it.

2010-03-15, 06:44 PM
She takes it very seriously.The first strike, is an attempted roundhouse kick to the face, it attempts to pulverize his jaw.
Then a followup punch to break his nose.

2010-03-15, 06:45 PM
He goes down like a bleedy bowling pin.

Chol puts up a hand for high-fives.
Well done indeed.

2010-03-15, 06:47 PM
She high fives. Then waits for the prinicipal/teacher to come and get her, because she just brokes someone's nose and jaw...

2010-03-15, 06:53 PM
She is brought to the principal's office.
"... Oh, not you too. I thought Chol was the only one who attacked other students."

2010-03-15, 06:55 PM
He touched me, it was self defense.

2010-03-15, 06:56 PM
"... I'm going to let this one time slide.
Hopefully, nobody else will try what poor Sheldon did.
If they do, try not to grievously injure them." He sighs.

2010-03-15, 06:57 PM
I'll try to keep their injuries manageable.

2010-03-15, 06:57 PM
He nods. She can go back now.
And it's tiem for another class.

2010-03-15, 06:58 PM
She goes to her next class.

2010-03-15, 07:03 PM
Everyone seems deathly afraid of her.
Except Chol.

2010-03-15, 07:04 PM
She cheerfully sits down.

2010-03-15, 07:05 PM
Well, stuff happens, blah blah, school's over!

2010-03-15, 07:05 PM
She's wlaking home, I guess. With Chol.

2010-03-15, 07:07 PM
So, how much trouble ya get in?

2010-03-15, 07:09 PM
the principal let it slide because it's in self defense.

2010-03-15, 07:10 PM
Chol giggles.
You're off to a great start.

2010-03-15, 07:11 PM
Thank you.
Why do boys have to be so handsy?

2010-03-15, 07:14 PM
The hormones disconnect their brains from everything else. She shrugs.
Not all of them are like that.
The ones that aren't stupid learn to control themselves.

2010-03-15, 07:16 PM
I don't even really like boys...
Or stuff...:smallredface:

2010-03-15, 07:21 PM
Me neither, I guess.
I'm more at home with a good book and some mindless violence.

2010-03-15, 07:22 PM
I don't like girls either I just...
DOn't know.
I like animals! I have a pet leopard.

2010-03-15, 07:24 PM
Oh, cool.

... Maybe you like robots.
I'm sure there's at least one robosexual person out there.

2010-03-15, 07:25 PM
No, I don't think I like robots...

2010-03-15, 07:26 PM
Well... I'unno.
Is my obsession with violence unhealthy?

2010-03-15, 07:27 PM
As long as you don't go hurt people.

2010-03-15, 07:28 PM
'S mostly 'cause I'm a manifestation of rage and frustration.

2010-03-15, 07:29 PM
I'm a manifestation of my dad's sexual... anxiety...
She realize how that sounds at the end of her sentence.

2010-03-15, 07:31 PM
Both us have parents with issues.
How 'bout we leave it at that?

2010-03-15, 07:33 PM
She nods, still blushing.
And we're both incarnations of emotion.

2010-03-15, 07:35 PM
I only have two siblings that aren't some type of that.
One is my sister Bio, who was made the normal way. The other's my brother Thomas, he was adopted by my dad before he met my mom.

2010-03-15, 07:39 PM
I've never met another person like me...

2010-03-15, 07:40 PM
Well, we manifestations of emotion gotta stick together, right?

2010-03-15, 07:43 PM
She nods, smiling.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 07:55 PM
As the two round a corner they will bump into a young boy of about the same age. And by bump into... I mean bump into. He was running. It's not much of a crash, more of him bouncing off of Chol and getting knocked to the ground. Disoriented, he gropes around for something to grab to help him stand up.

2010-03-15, 07:56 PM
Tease offers her hand.

2010-03-15, 07:57 PM
Hey, you okay?

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 07:59 PM

The young boy takes her hand with his left hand and stands up. His hand seems very cold...

"Ah, sorry. I'm fine. Are you all okay?" He asks apologetically in a quiet voice.

2010-03-15, 08:01 PM

Peter paces nervously around, waiting.

((This is completely not a reminder post...<_<...>_>...))

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:06 PM

The doctors gesture for Peter to enter a room, a baby's crying can be heard on the other side.

2010-03-15, 08:08 PM

Peter follows, smiling a little.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:12 PM

Abigale is sitting in the room, a small smile on her face. In her arms is a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. It is pale and the hints of black hairs are on its head. It has two little nubs on its forehead, sure to grow into horns eventually. The baby also has a tail, but it is not currently visible.

2010-03-15, 08:17 PM

Peter has smiles a plenty.

He'll go over and kiss Abigale on the forehead, then admire the baby.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:18 PM

Abigale smiles. "It's... It's beautiful..."

The baby starts to laugh when it sees Peter. Apparently it thinks he looks funny.

2010-03-15, 08:23 PM

Peter smiles. Course it is. Look who's its mother. He'll hold a finger out for the baby to play with.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:27 PM

Abigale gives him a weak nudge in the arm, indicating that the corny sensors were reading as >9000.

The baby bites plays with the finger for a while, then bites it. Of course, the baby has no teeth.

2010-03-15, 08:31 PM

Peter grins. He knows. That's why he said it.

So, is it a boy, or a girl?

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:34 PM

Abigale moves the baby's head away from the finger. "Garnet's a boy... You're a daddy." She smiles.

2010-03-15, 08:40 PM

Peter smiles.

Yeah...and you're a mommy.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-15, 08:50 PM

Abigale will let Peter hold the baby... and she'll soon go to sleep. She's very tired.

2010-03-15, 08:57 PM

It doesn't take long for Peter to start the baby talk.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 12:58 AM
[Too long in this thread]

The snakes in the hole watch him go.

The house is wooden, and old, and rather large, and looks like it might fall over in a strong breeze. The door hangs loosely off its hinges, and dogs can be heard howling in the distance.

An old house.

Zophiel walks up to the door, and knocks on it (using her foot as a brace to make it knockable).

"Hello?" she calls out.

2010-03-16, 01:00 AM
((Sorry, I couldn't find it when I went looking.))

There's no answer!

And the dogs sound to be getting closer.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 01:03 AM
FaerieLand - it's alright. Happens to me all the time.

"Is anybody home?" she calls out again, even louder this time. Maybe they're sleeping, or watching TV or playing Scar Pong.

She glances over her shoulder, in case a dog comes.

2010-03-16, 01:15 AM

There is still no answer. There's a fire in the fireplace in the living room, but nothing else out of the ordinary to find.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 01:24 AM
((Recaiden, you need some new clothes))


"Hello?" is one last call, before stepping just into the building. Unattended fireplaces aren't good, and it might burn down the house.

2010-03-16, 01:34 AM
((You stole my old ones. So you get them. (And while you're at it, bring back the hard disk with my Inkscape files...:smalltongue:)))


The building creaks as Zophia steps into it. The furniture looks rather like the house.
It could fall apart at any moment, and just hasn't yet.

The dogs can be seen out a back window, a small pack of them, each rather large, and wild-looking.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 01:41 AM
((Well, I did offer to go shopping with you))


Out the back window is pretty close, isn't it?

Even though there's probably a back door, Zophia decides to shut the creaky front door, just in case. Not locked, of course, because then you can't get out.

She looks around the unstable building, looking for signs of people (besides the burning fire)

2010-03-16, 01:44 AM
((I'd love to, but you have to get the clothes on your own.))


Yes it is.

The door hinge snaps and it falls to the ground outside, sending up a cloud of dust.

Zophia might see a mirror on a table that reflects the building as full of people, but without his own reflection.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 01:52 AM
((Fine. I'll make sure they don't match at all, then.))


Wow, that's creepy.
It reminds Zophiel of that one time that Cleo and him went into that scary cave of doom, with all the dancing undead people.
...speaking of which, I should probably continue that plot-thing. Great idea, Reccy!

However, she looks like :smalleek: upon breaking the door. Just because the wild dogs might come, she puts her hand on the sword hilt, but goes closer to the mirror, to look in it better.

2010-03-16, 01:56 AM
((Don't be vindictive.))


The mirror shows that very room, except with a little less red-coloring in everything, and full of people, standing, talking, sipping coffee. There's Cleo in the corner.

But Zophia might be distracted by a THUD! as a dog tries to jump through a window. Or by the CRASH! as another one succeeds. Or just by the footsteps she can certainly hear of others running around to the door.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 02:04 AM
((I'll try to be.))

[Place with Dogs]

Hey, look! It's Cleo! Zophie would wave, but she gets distracted, a little. Probably because of the dogs.

The paladin fluidly draws the sword, and decides to back up against a wall so that the dogs can only attack from in front. Also, the paladin has some natural paladin powers that gives affinity to wild animals. But only if she remembers to do that.

"Nice doggies..." she says, her eyes darting between each dog.

2010-03-16, 02:07 AM
[Dogs in a place]

There are only the 5 dogs here. Odd, it looked like there were more earlier.
But the five all look violent and angry, growling and slowly advancing on Zophiel, trying to circle around to each side of him against the wall.

And now it's night-time. No sunset, it went straight from well lit to dark in the blink of an eye. Might be a little disorienting.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 02:17 AM
[Dogs in the Place]

Wow, yeah. Totally disorienting.
At least there's the firelight.

Zophie has to blink several times to readjust. Unbeknownst to her, though, it happens a lot quicker than it does for normal people (due to...you know.) And, no, the dogs aren't allowed to circle around her, unless they can walk through walls. The can fan out, though.

"Just...uh...chill, dogs. I could go find you some food." And here's hoping the dogs can talk!

2010-03-16, 02:19 AM
[Dogz inta plaes?]

That is something.

The two most fanned dogs, unable or unwilling to talk, jump at Zophia, biting with the goal of getting him to run.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 02:30 AM

((I just have the gun, and the moon left, I think))

Let's see...um...no running. Won't give them that priviledge of letting them chase her.

Instead, she moves towards the one on the left just as suddenly as that one moves towards her, swinging her sword at that dog (but using the flat side rather than the sharp side) so that she's no longer surrounded, and has hopefully gotten far enough from the other leaper that it misses.

2010-03-16, 02:34 AM
[Faerieworld; house]

((Where do you buy moons?))

Zophia's plan has succeeded! She's knocked away the one dog, and gotten far enough away from the other.

Unless she meant not to hurt the dog.
Because it's on fire, and running in circles and rolling to try to smother the flames. Rather badly burned where the sword touched it.

The three other dogs charge forward. Clearly, the only option left is to keep Zophia from using her arms. This is an unusual piece of prey.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 02:48 AM
Faeworld, House

Aww...she meant not to hurt it.
Well, hurt it, but not seriously.

It's too bad, though.

The paladin backs up more as the dogs charge, actually using the pointy edge of the sword this time, to try to ward the dogs away by hitting them with the sharp metal stick in her hand.

2010-03-16, 02:52 AM
((Well, it certainly doesn't match.))


She should fend them off quite easily. Just one more is silly enough to get cut and burn, and the others run off.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 02:54 AM
((Without icky background:



((I know. I edited out the background.

...it still doesn't match, the see-through mask.))


After they run off...

She makes sure they've completely left, so she can go back to looking into the mirror.

((Forum Datadump soon!))

((Without see-through ugliness:

((Probably goodnight!))

2010-03-16, 06:25 PM

The young boy takes her hand with his left hand and stands up. His hand seems very cold...

"Ah, sorry. I'm fine. Are you all okay?" He asks apologetically in a quiet voice.

What's your name?

Shades of Gray
2010-03-16, 06:34 PM
"S-sorry. It's Dan." He still speaks in that quiet voice. "... Do you go to the school near hear?"

2010-03-16, 06:46 PM
Yeah, right around the corner.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-16, 06:55 PM
Dan nods. "Me too. I just enrolled a few weeks ago, you?" He asks in his quiet voice, dusting himself off after his fall.

2010-03-16, 06:55 PM
I enroleld yesterday...

Shades of Gray
2010-03-16, 07:06 PM
"Oh, neat." Yes he did just say "neat." "If you ever need any help then just ask me." He smiles, scratching his left arm over the sweater.

2010-03-16, 07:08 PM
Chol smiles. He seems like a nice guy, not always ogling like other boys.

2010-03-16, 07:24 PM
Thank you.
She smiles.

Shades of Gray
2010-03-16, 07:28 PM
"No problem." Dan sticks his left hand into his pocket, and checks his watch on the other hand. "I have to get home now. It was nice meeting you two." He started walking away.

2010-03-16, 09:49 PM

After they run off...

She makes sure they've completely left, so she can go back to looking into the mirror.

((Forum Datadump soon!))

((Without see-through ugliness:

((Probably goodnight!))
((It's okay. It could be better.))

They've gone. Zophia might hear someone walking up outside. Or it might just be the wind.

The mirror does not change. It reflects a group of people, or it did. They can be seen at the edge of it now, since she's moved.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 10:04 PM

't's alright. I don't like that one, anyway.

Zophie's thinking it's a weird mirror.

And, she turns towards the sound of the footsteps, because wind usually doesn't sound like that. "Hello? Someone there?" she asks again.

2010-03-16, 10:14 PM

It is a weird mirror.

The footsteps stop sounding.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 10:17 PM

The paladin hears the lack of footsteps now.

She decides to check it out, by going to the front (where she heard the footsteps?)

Because whoever it was, if it was somebody, will show themselves eventually.

2010-03-16, 10:22 PM

Yes, they were in the front.
There's a scarecrow standing there now, rocking back and forth in the wind.
But the grass and trees, should they be noticed, are perfectly still.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 10:27 PM

Zophiel frowns at the scarecrow.
"You weren't here before."

No point staying in the house, though, if the scarecrows want to move in. She decides to walk past the scarecrow, back towards the path.

2010-03-16, 10:31 PM

The scarecrow does not answer.
As she walks past, a translucent hand darts out from the scarecrow and reaches toward Zophia. It should go right through her, but mess with her focus and dull all her feelings.
Deadtime for now.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 10:33 PM

Her focus, as in her aim or visual concentration?

It does go through her, and she feels weird. Like...really weird. She can't put how weird it is, in words.


2010-03-16, 11:11 PM

Concentration in general.

The hand (and attached arm) sweep(s) back through Zophia, to the purpose of intensifying the weirdness.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 11:17 PM

The paladin stumbles, not really understanding exactly what's going on. Not enough blood going to the head? Yes, that must be it. Nothing to do with the scarecrow that can go through you.

She bends down so the blood doesn't have to travel as far.

2010-03-16, 11:44 PM

Well, it's more of a whole ghostly person who had been hiding in the scarecrow, and has now come out.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-16, 11:47 PM

A ghost, you say?

The paladin gets up now, hoping that she feels better now, not noticing the funny ghost yet. Probably because she's disoriented.

2010-03-17, 12:02 AM

No, I don't say.

The fairy tries to reach through Zophia again. Best to put her further off balance.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-17, 12:03 AM

Oh. Right - Fairies are even better than ghosts.

Yes, really unbalanced now. Like...almost drunk, now. That far.

2010-03-17, 09:53 AM

Sometimes they are. Sometimes not.

The red-eyed fairy tries to pick up the mirror, so Zophia won't have it. Must be a special mirror.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-17, 04:58 PM
Oh. They can take the mirror, of they want to.

It's obviously theirs, and not the paladin's, regardless of whether "Finders Keepers" is in effect or not.

2010-03-18, 09:05 PM
((Actually ACRO, but I don't think they have a Random Location thread.))

[Lythel City]

Jo Witt slips into her own private Sanctuary. A old stone building hidden away in the large stone cliffs just outside of the city. She goes over and pulls out a candle and a match from her small snatchle and lights it on the small alter.

She kneels down and folds her hands in a odd sort of pattern of Mudra's (yoga with hands). The intricate tattoos (think This (http://img.allposters.com/6/LRG/20/2097/XSS2D00Z.jpg).) making it almost hypnotizing as she starts to speak, in a small cheerful voice. Hi again. I just wanted to come and say thank you for helping me. I'm pretty sure my parents are at rest now. And I just wanted to ask if you might be able to help with little Jimmy's nightmares. I think he has problems with dreaming of the fire that burnt down his house. So if you could do something for hi that would be great. Thank you.

2010-03-18, 09:10 PM
((Actually ACRO, but I don't think they have a Random Location thread.))

[Lythel City]

Jo Witt slips into her own private Sanctuary. A old stone building hidden away in the large stone cliffs just outside of the city. She goes over and pulls out a candle and a match from her small snatchle and lights it on the small alter.

She kneels down and folds her hands in a odd sort of pattern of Mudra's (yoga with hands). The intricate tattoos (think This (http://img.allposters.com/6/LRG/20/2097/XSS2D00Z.jpg).) making it almost hypnotizing as she starts to speak, in a small cheerful voice. Hi again. I just wanted to come and say thank you for helping me. I'm pretty sure my parents are at rest now. And I just wanted to ask if you might be able to help with little Jimmy's nightmares. I think he has problems with dreaming of the fire that burnt down his house. So if you could do something for hi that would be great. Thank you.
A warm breeze swirls around Jo.
And beside her... stands Carrion. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7525204&postcount=409)
Hello there! She's cheerful too.
A cheerful, corpse-pale, black-haired, orange-eyed, scarred, winged 16-year-old girl with a plaid buckled top and black workjeans on.

2010-03-18, 09:16 PM
Jo spins around surprised that someone else came into her private sanctum. Not to mention the fact that she just appeared beside her. Her short frilled skirt spinning around with her, and her shinny bead necklaces bounce to a stop when she does.

Oh hi there. I didn't hear you come in. She says with a smile, not seeming to concerened about that.

2010-03-18, 09:18 PM
Oh, I just appeared here.
You were praying at the shrine of a death deity, and I was the closest one at hand, so---here I am, how can I help? Sorry, but the prayer was hard to hear since it wasn't directed at me.
She smiles warmly.

2010-03-18, 09:22 PM
Oh... your a death goddess? She folds her fingers together and bows her head. Oh wow, I never thought you would actually appear.

2010-03-18, 09:25 PM
Well, I'm a kinda personal death goddess. Carrion, The New Death Inaugurated is my boring clunky title. Call me Carrie.

So---your name is Jo, am I right? What can I do for you?

2010-03-18, 09:30 PM
Oh wow, this is incredible. Thanks Carrie. Um, well I preformed a ritual to make sure my parents soul were at rest. I was sort of worried, they always seemed to fight when they were alive. So um, did it work?

Oh and a little boy in the group home I'm in right now is having really bad nightmares. He won't talk about them but I think they have to do with the fire that burnt down his old house.

She says smiling a bit but still not really looking up at Carrie just yet, her head still bowed.

2010-03-18, 09:32 PM
If you tell me their names, I'll check on them...

And I'll see what I can do for the boy.

Oh, and you don't have to bow your head or anything. I'm a pretty dang informal goddess. For a dead girl, she has a warm smile.

2010-03-18, 09:37 PM
Jo smiles bigger and looks up at Carrie.

OK, they were Martha and Joseph Witt. Though my dad used a lot of different names. But I think that was his real one.

And thank you, this means a lot to me. I mean I found the book and this place. But to have you just appear. This is... well it's wow. She folds her hands behind her back stretching just a bit.

2010-03-18, 09:40 PM
Martha and Joseph Witt...
Checking... Checking in progress... Mmmm...
From what I can tell, they're fine! Unless they're not and stuff.

So, where's this boy?

2010-03-18, 09:44 PM
Nope they should indeed be fine.

Really that is great. Thank you. Jimmy lives at the group home that I'm staying at right now. I can show you where it is if that will help.

2010-03-18, 09:45 PM
Sure, that'd help a lot!
She smiles and nods.

2010-03-18, 09:56 PM
Jo nods and smiles. OK it isn't too far. Of course Jo's definition of not to far is being able to go there and get back in a day. She goes skipping her way to the city. She leaves the cliffs and starts to go down the beach. There seems to be a good number of people out enjoying the sun and surf.

Jo keeps skipping not looking back, figuring that Carrie is following her. She goes into city and goes to a crowded part of the city. She stops and points at a medium sized house.

That's the group home.

2010-03-18, 10:01 PM
Carrie looks around for the mind of the boy.
When she finds him, she'll extend the mental equivalent of a warm, light hug.

2010-03-18, 10:04 PM
The boy's mind is there, and quiet and a bit troubled. There are actually a good number of minds in the building, many of them children.

There is very little response from his mind, not sure what to do. Though it seems a bit curious.

Jo just sits down watching Carrie with wonder.

2010-03-18, 10:06 PM
The mental hug becomes more like a mental rinse, meant to find that trauma about the fire and help alleviate it.

2010-03-18, 10:08 PM
The mind seems relived and much more relaxed.

Jo keeps smiling watching Carrie. Wow this is great.

2010-03-18, 10:10 PM
She smiles.
I love helping people.

2010-03-18, 10:16 PM
That is great. I do to. I'm so glad that you came here. I'm sure Jimmy will be better now, thank you he really hadn't been sleeping very well at all. He woke up all the time at night. Some of the other kids were really annoyed him for waking them up. She says with a shrug and a smile.

2010-03-18, 10:17 PM
She nods, smiles, and deadtimes.

2010-03-19, 04:06 PM
Jo fidgets a bit standing there looking at the goddess. So um, should I keep praying to you at the shrine, or um, can I do anything for you?

2010-03-19, 04:08 PM
You can pray anywhere you want, I think. But if you like the shrine, go ahead there...

... Would you maybe consider being a priestess for me?

2010-03-19, 04:14 PM
Really, you would want me to be a priestess of yours? That would be great, I'd love to. Is there anything I would need to do for you? She says looking super excited and hopeful.

2010-03-19, 04:18 PM
She pulls a necklace out of nowhere. Nowhere that happens to be the back of her plaid top.
It has a golden spur on it!
This is yours now.
And I think your duties would be using the powers I'll give you to help people's lives end calmly and peacefully and stuff...

Okay, time for the Bestowing of Powers.
C'mere. She smiles pleasantly. Not lecherously.

2010-03-19, 04:25 PM
Jo steps over smiling widely her hands slowly reaching up to take the necklace and whatever Carrie is about to do to her. She seems utterly trusting.

2010-03-19, 04:26 PM
Carrie puts the necklace on her, then gives her a light kiss on the forehead.
She should feel power flowing into her.
But I dedtiem now for a bit.

2010-03-19, 04:35 PM
Sad day, the deadtiming, not the power flowing into her. She seems to enjoy that, and as she gets a kiss on the forehead she hugs Carrie.

2010-03-19, 05:30 PM
Carrie giggles and hugs back. She hugs with her wings too!

2010-03-19, 05:34 PM
This is wonderful. Thank you so much. So... um now what do you want to do? She says smiling up at Carrie. Are you hungry at all, or do you want me to show you around here?

2010-03-19, 05:36 PM
Not really hungry, but if you'd like to show me around I wouldn't mind.
She smiles.

2010-03-20, 01:41 AM
Oh. They can take the mirror, of they want to.

It's obviously theirs, and not the paladin's, regardless of whether "Finders Keepers" is in effect or not.


They do want to. This is almost too easy though...no fun at all.
"Giving up so quickly, Zophie?"

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 01:49 AM

Huh? If she wasn't on the ground, she would think "How does she know my name?" Well, she does think it, and it's shown on her face. But she doesn't say it.

"Naw, you can have it. It must be yours anyway." she points out.

2010-03-20, 01:50 AM

"Why must it be mine? Do you really think I would live in a place like this?" asks the faerie, tossing the mirror up and catching it.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 01:56 AM

"I don't know; maybe," says the paladin, getting up. "I honestly don't know much about fairies." But more about dragons and other mythological beasts, and demons, and stuff like that.

2010-03-20, 01:59 AM

"I hope you learn fast then. Not that it'll help you see either of them again, but it's no fun to destroy someone ignorant."
She tosses the mirror vaguely in Zophia's direction. If she reacts quickly, she could catch it before it hits the ground.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 02:08 AM

Actually, that was a lie. Zophie does know about fairy tales. Especially the ones about the fairies who can't hurt you if you don't know about them, or the ones who are bound by silly rules that make absolutely no sense. But, that's about it.

Zophia's a little slow on the reflexes at the moment, actually.

Mostly...because of the fairy's thing. So I hope it's understandable if she doesn't catch it in time.
Because she doesn't.

2010-03-20, 02:10 AM
They are bound by silly rules. But Zophiel hasn't been using many of them. It was good not to run from the dogs, but then he walked outside and let her have the mirror.

It's understandable. It doesn't even break. Except for the edges. But that's okay, right?

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 02:17 AM
Well, I feel sorry for the paladin, then. Because she doesn't know any of the silly rules. Just that there are silly rules.

Yes, it's okay enough. The paladin, seeing it break a little bit, since she missed it, goes down quickly and sees if it's alright enough.

((And, to be honest, I was thinking it was a Big Huge mirror at first. But now I know it's not.))

2010-03-20, 02:26 AM
It's alright enough. Still reflecting.

((Sorry. I guess I wasn't clear.))

The fairy does nothing, bound by her silly rules.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 02:29 AM
That's good. At least it still works, although she has no idea what it's supposed to do.

Silly fairies and their silly rules. It's like they're paladins, or something.

However, Zophiel stops looking at the mirror, and looks around the place again, looking for the path.

Except, she is struck by the beauty of the deadtime. Goodnight!

((Past my bedtime again. Silly me for staying up late))

2010-03-20, 02:31 AM
The path is gone. Can't be seen anywhere. It must have left while Zophia was inside. The trees and grass seem to be in the same places, at least.


2010-03-20, 08:40 AM
Not really hungry, but if you'd like to show me around I wouldn't mind.
She smiles.

Sure I'd love to show you around. Um, well this is the group house I live at for now. There isn't too much interesting there, and it is pretty crowded. So I'll show you something else instead of that.

She says all smiles as she turns to skip/jog back towards the beach.

((Not really on, just posting before I go off to work.))

2010-03-20, 08:46 AM
Sure I'd love to show you around. Um, well this is the group house I live at for now. There isn't too much interesting there, and it is pretty crowded. So I'll show you something else instead of that.

She says all smiles as she turns to skip/jog back towards the beach.

((Not really on, just posting before I go off to work.))
Carrie follows, smiling, glad she has a new priestess and a new person to hang out with!

Je dit Viola
2010-03-20, 01:00 PM
The path is gone. Can't be seen anywhere. It must have left while Zophia was inside. The trees and grass seem to be in the same places, at least.


He swears.

The path's gone. But, at least the trees are still there. The paladin decides to go on over, back to the trees that he left from, unless they're out of view, in which case she'll just use her sense of direction to try to find her way back.

2010-03-20, 06:01 PM
She can make it back easily enough.

How much are you charging for rent?

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:17 AM
Land of the Fairy

She looks around; and is wondering if taking the mushroom express will lead back.

And...well, I'm at a loss of words. Sorry.

2010-03-21, 12:21 AM
[Land of the fairy]

There are no mushrooms around here. Though perhaps she could go back. Perhaps she could do something to the fairy who's still standing there, or to the mirror.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:25 AM
[Land of the Fairy]

Oh, darn.

Well...assuming she brought the mirror with her, she glances in the mirror to see if she can try to figure out what's going on.

Should that fail, the paladin will go back to the fairy to ask a question, I think.

2010-03-21, 12:30 AM

It looks like it's showing Cleo. Who looks to be holding something of the exact size, shape, and position of the mirror, and looking into it, and thus out at Zophia.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:34 AM

"Huh..." she says. That's odd.

She turns over the mirror, to look at the other side. Maybe there's an inscription, or something on the back?

2010-03-21, 12:37 AM
Faeriiiieland: -

The back of the mirror appears to not exist. She can see straight through it. Which only barely makes any kind of physical sense.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:43 AM
You should write a song about it


That's odd.

After one last glance at the front of the mirror again, she goes over towards the house again, hoping the fairy's there and is in the mood to answer some questions.

2010-03-21, 12:45 AM
[I should start with a poem]

The fairy is there waiting. It's still Zophia's move. She looks quite hostile though.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:51 AM
Ooh, yes. A poem

The paladin stops, looking at the fairy, enough distance away.

"Hey, could I ask you something?" asks Zophia. "And will you answer honestly?"

2010-03-21, 12:53 AM
Maybe a haiku to start.

She tilts her head slightly.
"What will you trade me for the truth? Answers come in sets of three, you know. But what do you have to offer me?"

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 12:55 AM
Do it right now! And then a couplet.

"Um..." She doesn't know what she has. "Like what kind of things do you want?"

It's so she can get a more general idea of what it is that is wanted.

2010-03-21, 01:01 AM
Purple, glass, magic;
A wish on a fading star
Leaving just autumn

"Well, one could guess I want your emotions, as all insorii do. You might guess that I want what you value, as I've taken some of it, haven't I? Friends and family? Your sense of location, I would guess I already have.
Truly, we no longer bargain. We take, like the dogs I sent.
Give us a cause to believe in.
Give us a weapon to defeat our masters.
You can't do it, you know. But you don't need so much to buy a little truth; we have so much to go around. Entertain. Create just a little false hope. That's enough.
And that was one truth, given you on credit. Two more once you pay..."
The Faerie sighs, then laughs.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 01:07 AM
Very good.

"Oh. And here I was, thinking fairies took blood."

Stalling? Yes. Revealing how much she knows about fae? Also, yes.

2010-03-21, 01:09 AM
Thank you

"Are you offering? I don't drink it, but has a certain value to darker fae than I." The faerie gives her a wide grin, and her eyes glow a little brighter.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 01:18 AM
Fae Place, Fields

Darker Fae...like demons? Somewhat. In a way. No, that's probably not a good idea.

Besides, what would they want with god-blood?

"How about...something else."

Except, you can't get me to think of it, as my mind is drawing a blank.

2010-03-21, 01:25 AM
fae Places

Not quite. But close.

"I told you what I wanted. But gemstones would do nicely as well, or music. For the bright folk. My generosity with information extends no further."

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 01:31 AM
Fae Places

She doesn't have any gemstones...and Zophie should've asked Cleo for music lessons.

Shoot. And, since I'm not feeling very creative today, the blood thing will have to do. Since my player's day hasn't been the greatest, I think you'll...just have to settle with taking some blood."

2010-03-21, 01:35 AM

((I'm sorry you haven't had such a good day. :smallfrown:))

The faerie darts out with a knife and vial and goes to take a bit from his wrist.
"What do you want to know?"

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 01:48 AM

Ouch! Blood gets taken.

And...I can't think of any questions for her to ask. Like...any at all.

"Okay...how about...how can I get to where Cleo's at?" she asks, looking down at the injury.

2010-03-21, 01:50 AM

"Just set the mirror down, and jump into it. Silly. Your last question?"

((Maybe to continue later then? As I'm going to sleep. Good night. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.))

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 01:54 AM

((Goodnight. That seems like a good idea.))

"Okay..." Umm...since, backstory stuff might not work, she asks, "What's going to be done with the blood you took?"

It's always good to know what's going to happen to your blood, in case you're Spiderman or Superman and you don't want anybody doing blood tests.

2010-03-21, 09:48 AM
Carrie follows, smiling, glad she has a new priestess and a new person to hang out with!

Jo leads her to the beach as it starts to get darker as nightfall starts. She pauses and looks around with a smile and looks back at Carrie. Come on there is something really cool to see this way. She starts to walk towards a rockier part of the beach till they are climbing over ridges of rocks and looking down over a small cliff.

This may be a silly question but are you a good swimmer?

2010-03-21, 09:52 AM
Jo leads her to the beach as it starts to get darker as nightfall starts. She pauses and looks around with a smile and looks back at Carrie. Come on there is something really cool to see this way. She starts to walk towards a rockier part of the beach till they are climbing over ridges of rocks and looking down over a small cliff.

This may be a silly question but are you a good swimmer?
I did a lot of swimming before I became a goddess. She nods.

2010-03-21, 09:55 AM
OK good, because the place we are going to can be a bit tricky to get to. I'm sure you'll do fine though just follow me. She then turns back facing the cliff and jumps off into the water not caring about still wearing her clothes. Seems it is safe to dive into the water below as she comes up to the surface and waits for Carrie.

Once/if Carrie jumps down she will smile and dive under the water and swim down to a small hole in the rocks underground and start to swim through it. If Carrie follows she might notice that there are several crystals that seem to light the path, and that she is bumping into some jellyfish, not the kind who are poisonous.

2010-03-21, 09:57 AM
Carrie grins and dives in after her. She swims well, not needing to breathe, and follows.

2010-03-21, 10:01 AM
Soon they come to a shallow pool that there is air above. There seems to be a wide cavern here barely lit by a few glowing crystals around the edge, and a dim light from a few stars above. Jo swims over and climbs up on a small ledge out of the water. Come on it's almost time for it to start.

2010-03-21, 10:02 AM
Carrie knows better than to ask "what's about to start?" and just climbs up with her.

2010-03-21, 10:07 AM
Jo sits there looking excited as slowly the moon starts to appear in the opening far above of them. As the moon light starts to enter the cavern more and more crystals start to light up and glow with a cool blue color. Veins of crystals twist and turn around the cavern a few points sticking out in twisting stalagmites.

Soon after the crystals start to glow, the water does as well. But the glow in the water isn't stationary. It seems there are thousands of Jellyfish in the water all glowing and swimming around with each other.

Jo watches all of this peacefully and completely relaxed.

2010-03-21, 10:09 AM
Carrie watches in awe.

2010-03-21, 10:12 AM
The Jellyfish swim around in a pretty fashion. This whole display lasts for nearly an hour as the moon passes by the opening at the top of the cavern. And when it is gone the glow slowly fades away.

Cool right? Jo says with a smile as the cavern returns to it's dim state.

((This scene inspired by FFXIII and new Jellyfish exhibit at work. Which I am now off to. Be back later.))

2010-03-21, 10:13 AM
The Jellyfish swim around in a pretty fashion. This whole display lasts for nearly an hour as the moon passes by the opening at the top of the cavern. And when it is gone the glow slowly fades away.

Cool right? Jo says with a smile as the cavern returns to it's dim state.

((This scene inspired by FFXIII and new Jellyfish exhibit at work. Which I am now off to. Be back later.))
It's amazing. She grins.

2010-03-21, 12:58 PM
"Okay..." Umm...since, backstory stuff might not work, she asks, "What's going to be done with the blood you took?"

It's always good to know what's going to happen to your blood, in case you're Spiderman or Superman and you don't want anybody doing blood tests.


The fairy laughs, a high-pitched, evil laugh. "That's your third question? Okay, I'm going to sell it, and it'll probably be eaten or used to control you or give people powers."
She looks at the vial of blood more closely.
"Actually, if I could just have all of it, that would be worth quite a bit."

2010-03-21, 08:30 PM
It's amazing. She grins.

I'm really glad you liked it. I guess I should get back to my group house, it is pretty late. She says frowning a bit.

2010-03-21, 08:37 PM
I'm really glad you liked it. I guess I should get back to my group house, it is pretty late. She says frowning a bit.
Want me to escort you back?

2010-03-21, 08:40 PM
Yeah sure, actually do you want to stop and see one more thing before you go? She says standing up and starting to wade into the water.

2010-03-21, 08:41 PM
She nods, but has to deadtime because sleep is stupid and necessary and school is goin' ons tomorrow.

2010-03-21, 08:42 PM
((Ah sad day.))

Jo smiles and starts the swim back to the beach. And soon they are walking back through the city again. They approach a very nice looking house, that appears to be empty.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 09:15 PM

The fairy laughs, a high-pitched, evil laugh. "That's your third question? Okay, I'm going to sell it, and it'll probably be eaten or used to control you or give people powers."
She looks at the vial of blood more closely.
"Actually, if I could just have all of it, that would be worth quite a bit."

[:smallfrown: You're right and I'm wrong. I will not pass go. I will not collect $200.]

Zophia goes :smalleek: slightly. All her blood? I think she needs at least some of it.
"No, you only answered three questions."

Without saying anything else, she backs away from the fairy, to go somewhere else more private, to try out that "Step into mirror thing".

It needs to be private, so nobody can laugh at her when it doesn't work.

2010-03-21, 09:38 PM
[Here, have a get out of jail free card]

"Really? I don't think you understand... Perhaps there's nothing that matters enough, as it probably would kill you."
She steps away.
"Anyway, I'd best be thinking of more obstacles with you and ways to mess with if you do get Alkania back. She's proving to be a bit of a problem, actually. Not like that poison kid.
But no need to bother you with that. Bye!"

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 09:50 PM
[Too late; I've already broken out]

"Uhh...bye." That's all she says before she's gone.

Once gone enough, she tries to step into the mirror. Not jump, because that might break it.

((However, I'm gone now; sorry that I didn't see your reply earlier.))

2010-03-21, 10:00 PM
[Save it for next time]

If she steps, she'll likely be rather off balance and fall up into the other side as she passes through the mirror, leaving her flat on her back.

((Okay, bye!))

Je dit Viola
2010-03-21, 11:46 PM
[But now I feel like I owe you something :smallsigh:]

Flat on her back, looking upward.

"Wow, that was..." She tries to think of a way to describe walking into a mirror, and can't.

However, since she's on the ground, she gets up now.

2010-03-22, 04:22 PM
((Ah sad day.))

Jo smiles and starts the swim back to the beach. And soon they are walking back through the city again. They approach a very nice looking house, that appears to be empty.
Well, new priestess, send me a prayer if you ever need anything! She tries to give her new priestess a hug.

2010-03-22, 05:33 PM
[Not at all. It was a gift. :smallsmile:]

Cleo tries to help her up. The rest of the people in the room are looking at her strangely. And the next moment they're all gone.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-22, 06:12 PM
[I know. That's the point.]

Zophie's helped up, and looks at Cleo, since all the other people are gone.

"How does that work?" she asks, slightly confused still. Since usually the only way to go through a mirror is in a story.

2010-03-22, 07:27 PM
Well, new priestess, send me a prayer if you ever need anything! She tries to give her new priestess a hug.

Jo smiles and hugs her back. I will. Thank you so much for visiting me. It has meant a lot to see you. Maybe sometime I can come visit you where you live. If that is OK?

2010-03-22, 07:30 PM
Sure! Anytime!
She grins.

2010-03-22, 07:34 PM
Really, that would be great. She says fidgeting a bit and looking over at the abandoned house they are standing in front of. Sometimes I wish I could just go really far away. She says quietly.

2010-03-22, 07:35 PM
She tries to put a hand on Jo's shoulder.
I can help you do that.

2010-03-22, 07:40 PM
Really? I mean I wouldn't want to make a big fuss. I think if they just let me live by myself it would be OK, but they keep saying I am too young. It gets really old.

2010-03-22, 07:44 PM
There's no fuss necessary.
I can take you where you wanna go.

2010-03-22, 07:46 PM
I don't know where I want to go? I've never really been to any place else before.

2010-03-22, 07:50 PM
There's a place I like to go... in fact, my realm's being modeled after it.
It's the granite flats in the northwest. Would you like to see it?

2010-03-22, 08:06 PM
Could I that would be great, I'd love to.

2010-03-22, 08:09 PM
Of course, sweetie. She smiles warmly.
And she opens a portal to...
[The Granite Flats]
Through which Jo can step.

2010-03-22, 08:17 PM
[The Granite Flats]

Jo walks through the portal and looks around all smiles and looking excited at being at a new place.

2010-03-22, 08:19 PM
There's a mild, warm sun. And flat rock all around, with a plateau behind them.
In the plateau's shadow is a widespread one-story house, dusty white.

2010-03-22, 08:26 PM
Wow, it is so open here. I bet there are all sorts of birds that fly around here. She says squinting her eyes and trying to get a better look at the house.

2010-03-22, 08:27 PM
Carrie leads her to the house.
There are lots of birds, especially hawks and vultures and buzzards.
I love this place.

2010-03-22, 08:34 PM
[The Granite Flats]

It is really nice, though I think I would miss the ocean if I spent a whole lot of time here. She says as she follows Carrie to the house.

2010-03-22, 08:37 PM
I suppose so.
We do have a natural pool, though.

2010-03-22, 08:41 PM
Really, well that is nice. Though I can see why you would really like this place. She says trying to peak into what she assumes is Carrie's house, curious to see what a death goddess keeps in her house.

2010-03-22, 08:50 PM
Carrie opens the door.
It's simple, light, and airy.
Want some iced tea?

2010-03-22, 08:50 PM
Yeah sure that would be great.

((But I am off for the night.))

2010-03-22, 09:34 PM
[I know. That's the point.]

Zophie's helped up, and looks at Cleo, since all the other people are gone.

"How does that work?" she asks, slightly confused still. Since usually the only way to go through a mirror is in a story.

[No need to reciprocate it. Unless you actually want to.]

"You came through the mirror. Now, we need to find something to make fire with. I've already got the candle."
She holds one up; it's long and black.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-22, 10:58 PM
[No need to reciprocate it. Unless you actually want to.]

"You came through the mirror. Now, we need to find something to make fire with. I've already got the candle."
She holds one up; it's long and black.

[*sigh* I don't think you understand. Now I owe you something. And I have to do something back if I want to stop owing you something] [/makesnosense]

"Okay..." It sounds like Cleo knows what she's talking about. Although she has no idea what the candle will do.

"Maybe some flint? Will that work?" Except, there's no flint nearby.

There's the sword, but swords don't catch on fire unless they're supposed to.

2010-03-22, 11:22 PM
[I understand, but I deny that. You owe me nothing.]

"Yes. But this house is pretty stripped of useful things." Cleo has evidently not noticed that there's a fireplace in the living room. With a lit fire.
Which I forgot, but it's still there.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-22, 11:27 PM

The paladin does notice it, however.

"And why doesn't the fireplace count?" she asks, looking at it.

Maybe it has to be a small fire.

2010-03-22, 11:34 PM
[Nothing given in return? Well...]

Cleo looks down, embarrassed.
"Oh. It does work."
Cleo offers Zophiel the candle.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-22, 11:46 PM
[But what do you want, then?]

She grabs the black (?) candle. "Oh. Right." Totally not Cleo's fault.

Zophiel goes towards the fireplace, to carefully light it without catching her arm on fire.

2010-03-22, 11:49 PM
[Understanding. But failing that, an actual gift would be nice.]

Yes, it's black. Of course not. When has it ever been Cleo's fault? :smallwink:

It catches on fire. Cleo starts humming, and goes to take Zophiel's arm. The candle should start burning down really quickly, and the two of them to vanish from the room.

Rather, they'll be in a vaguely defined dark place, with rough ground, and a pale light in the distance. And fish hanging in the air watching them, at least nearby.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-22, 11:52 PM
[Understanding what? Since I don't have any real gifts]

Zophiel looks at the fish.

"Wow, that's weird," she comments to Cleo.

Seriously, fish are creepy.

2010-03-22, 11:58 PM
[People, mostly. And yes, you do.]

Cleo nods and points to the light. She starts walking towards it, and does her best to pull Zophia along.

About a tenth of the candle has burned away already.

A few fish move closer, to follow them. Including a hatchetfish, an angler, a rainbow trout, and a sunfish.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:00 AM
[Okay, and, no; if I did, I would know]

Zophie gets pulled quite easily towards the light. In fact, as soon as the pulling starts, she decides to make it easy and start walking.

She finds the fish a little creepy, but there's nothing she can do about it.

2010-03-23, 12:02 AM
[You just would have to try harder.]

The trout swims up towards the candle, and tries to eat it.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:04 AM

Zophia pulls the candle out of the way of the trout. Silly fish. Doesn't she know that, if she eats the candle, she will get cooked? Doesn't she know what fire is?

While still going on with Cleo, the paladin watches the fish a bit more closely, trying not to laugh.

2010-03-23, 12:11 AM
[Or perhaps you're right, and you have no gifts to give. But I think you do.]

The trout looks at Zophia with all the sadness it can muster, and swims off into the dark. The others get closer.

The sunfish tries to land on Zophia's head, and look around.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:17 AM
[Like what? I can't think of any]

Aww...Zophiel would say 'sorry', but talking to fish is weird.

She keeps on walking. If the sunfish can manage to stay on her head, she won't try to hit it off.

2010-03-23, 12:21 AM
[Think about it. It shouldn't be too hard.]

The sunfish bites onto Zophia's hair to stay on.

They'll be getting close to the light soon. It's an oil lamp on a shelf. Near it is a crib, and a birdbath, with green walls behind them.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:29 AM
Well....I do give a lot of service... recieve a lot as well]

Her hair's still like hair; it's blond, and not too long.

"So what now?" asks Zophiel, looking at the things, only just barely trying to figure out why they're here.

2010-03-23, 12:37 AM
[There we go. That's a track that can be followed]

The sunfish still holds onto it.

Cleo points at the crib with her free hand, and continues humming. It would look like there's a baby or small child in it.
Possibly the one they're looking for.

The candle's halfway down to its base. Zophia should watch for drips of wax falling on her hand.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:43 AM
[What? That I misspelled 'Receive'?]

Possibly. Hot wax is bad, though, but it eventually dries and feels strange.

Zophiel nods, and goes towards the crib to look in it.

She hopes that it's Alkania.

2010-03-23, 12:49 AM
[No. Service.]

It is Alkania! She's a bitlot older, from time going on all the time, and at 25x the speed. She smiles to see the three of them approaching.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 12:51 AM
[Oh. What about it?]

Oh, wait. The fish.

Zophia says, "Hey," and bends down to pick up Alkania (one handed!)

2010-03-23, 12:59 AM
[It could be gifty. But I doubt you actually want to give a gift to anyone.]

"Hey. Mommy?" she says, being picked up. I'll come up with a color later, or not.

Cleo looks a bit sad, and has to keep humming.

And I deadtime.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 01:05 AM
[I want to, I just don't have one]

"Hey Alkania," she says, smiling a bit.

However, she notices that Cleo's sad now; the smile drops a little.

So, what; she's how much older? A year or three?

Zophie then brings their child towards Cleo.


2010-03-23, 07:00 AM
[Except services and thoughts]

About 2 years. "Hey." is repeated again, and she looks up at Cleo, who smiles at her a little bit.

Cleo starts walking them back the way they came. The candle's getting low, so she hurries.

Je dit Viola
2010-03-23, 10:28 AM
[Except services and thoughts]

About 2 years. "Hey." is repeated again, and she looks up at Cleo, who smiles at her a little bit.

Cleo starts walking them back the way they came. The candle's getting low, so she hurries.

[If you say so.]

Hurrying is good - Zophiel hurries as well, as fast as she can while carrying a candle, a fish, and a two year old.

2010-03-23, 06:00 PM
[I do say so]

Don't be silly. She doesn't have to carry the fish with her hands, and it's rather tiny.

After a little while, there comes the sound of breaking glass and footsteps from the room they just left.