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View Full Version : Match Guard and Pagliacci 2 DND Base Classes for 3.5 PEACH

2010-03-15, 10:12 PM
Hello everyone I am BIRDMAN and this would be my first post on this forum. I was refereed to here by a friend of mine who thought that you guys should see some of my work in particular my two recently made base classes...

These two classes were made for a campaign setting I was working on and starting small I am still working on the map so far the world is called Naelvich and it is a very odd blend between a lot of occult lore, the 1840's the renaissance, and a teensy bit of the Dark ages. I'm not the only one working on the project but to be fair the world in general is just 1840's aesthetically technology wise it resembles the renaissance a little more. Anyway I planned 2 base classes for the setting the first 1 being the Match Guard which was geared towards making the musket a bit more useful (New musket stats included) and a Jester type of bard like class named Pagliacci (name inspired clearly by the Opera). Anywhoo here they are I ask only for hard yet constructable criticism.

Match Guard

Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8

Class Skills

The Match Guard's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level

(4 + Int modifier) ×4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level

4 + Int modifier


Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Martial, Exotic Muskets

Match Guard

+0|Shorten Reload I, Bayonet Proficiency, Point Blank Shot

+0|Sight Compensation

+1|Shorten Reload II, Fast Movement

+1|Endurance, Up Close and Personal

+1|Bayonet Proficiency II, Skirmish Attack 1d6

+2|Hit and Run

+2|Shorten Reload III, Bayonet Proficiency III

+2|Skirmish 2d6

+3|Shorten Reload IV

+3|Zero Deviation

+3|Skirmish 3d6

+4|Iron Sight


+4|Guerilla Warfare, Skirmish 4d6


+10|Skirmish 5d6


+6|Skirmish 6d6, Brutal Shot


+6|Hide in Plain Sight, Skirmish 7d6, Melee Rush[/table]

Shorten Reload: Shortens the muskets reload time by 1 round.

Bayonet Proficiency: The Match Guard takes no penalty for attacking with a bayonet.
over time the Match Guard will have access to different size bayonets to be proficient with.

Up Close and Personal: The Match Guard is +1 on attacks with the bayonet

Endurance: The Match Guard gains the feat endurance

Skirmish: The Match Guard gains a skirmish attack. (see complete adventurer. its basically sneak attack)

Fast Movement: The Match Guard’s base speed increases by 10ft

Sight Compensation: The Match Guard no longer takes the -4 penalty for attacking with a musket at range

Hit and Run: The Match Guard gains the feat shot on the run

Zero Deviation: The musket ball flies exactly where the musket is pointing giving
the Match Guard +2 attack bonus while using the musket at range

Iron Sight: If the Match Guard’s target did not move on its turn,
the Match Guard doubles his critical threat range for that turn

Melee Rush: The Match Guard is +5 on attacks with the bayonet

Guerrilla Warfare: Remove the penalty to hide checks when attacking

Bayonet Proficiency II: You are now capable of using a short sword for
a bayonet

Bayonet Proficiency III: You are now capable of using a longsword
for a bayonet

Brutal Shot: Match Guard ranged musket attacks do 1d8 extra damage.

Musket: 2d8 damage, 6 full round actions to reload, Critical 20 X3, -4 to ranged attacks, a dagger bayonet may be attached but takes penalties unless the user is proficient with bayonets



Any non-lawful

Hit Die


Class Skills

The Pagliacci’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (dex), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at 1st Level

(6 + Int modifier) ×4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level

6 + Int modifier.


Light Armor, Medium Armor, Simple Weapons, All thrown weapons, Unicycle and Bicycle


+2|Skirmish 1d6, Comical Routine, Juggle, Inspire Confidence +1, Rough Tickle +1



+4|Skirmish 2d6, Distractive Act


+5|Worldly Comedian, Improved Juggle

+5|Skirmish 3d6, Improved Comical Routine +1


+6|Inspire Confidence +2

+7|Skirmish 4d6, Fearful Laugh


+8|Rough Tickle +2

+8|Skirmish 5d6, The Show Must Go On

+9|Show Time, Improved Comical Routine +2


+10|Skirmish 6d6, Inspire Confidence +3


+11|Rough Tickle +3


+12|Skirmish 7d6, Comical Genius[/table]

Skirmish: Unlike Bards, Jesters don't get spells.
However also unlike Bards, Jesters get a Skirmish attack every 3 levels.

Comical Routine: The Pagliacci performs some sort of comical routine whether
it be a pie to the face or anything that can cause the enemy creature to
laugh uncontrollably. All in all the comic routine can have many effects
depending on the type of person, their race, and how easily they can stay
on focus. When a pagliacci performs a comic routine on an enemy the enemy
must roll a will save. the DC is 10+ plus the Pagliacci's charisma modifier
half the pagliacci's level and +1 for every ten ranks in perform. When a
target fails a will save he must roll a fortitude save or a concentration
save (his choice) to see how hard the laughter is. Failing to fort or
concentration save will leave the victim falling over laughing leaving them
prone. Succeeding the fort or concentration save means the victim is not
helpless but in a state of over amusement or laughter; they recieve a -2
to attack rolls, and all saves. These effects last for 1d6 rounds +1 every
10 ranks in the pagliacci's perform skill.Creatures with an intelligence score
of 2 or lower are not capable of falling to this comical routine, and any
enemy effected that is not of the same creature type gains a +4 bonus on its
saving throw because humor doesen't "translate" well. Pagliacci's also must
be wearing special equipment or they will recieve a -5 penalty to this ability.
(See Pagliacci equipment)Comical Routine has unlimited uses's however it can
only work on a single target twice at the most. If the target fails on its first
time no penaltys will be taken for the second time. If the target succeeds the first
save the pagliacci can try once more on the target but he gets a -5 penalty to
the routine.

Juggle: The Pagliacci are very dexterous when it comes to the hands. As an
full standard action. A juggle is the preparation of 3 thrown weapons. It
requires a full round turn to begin the juggle. A Pagliacci will juggle its
3 thrown weapons and be ready for an full 3 weapon attack the next round.
all thrown weapons take a -5 penalty however. The Pagliacci can not move
while he is juggling but he does not have to throw all weapons the following
turn, he can wait.

Rough Tickle +1: Pagliacci's on a successful grapple can opt to make a tickle
attack. In order to successful tickle the victim must roll a fortitude save
dc 10+ the pagliacci's charisma plus the half the pagliacci's level. The
fortitude save is to find if the target is tickleish and if the Pagliacci
has found his tickle spot. Should the victim fail the fortitude check they
are currently being tickled. Tickled does nothing for 4 rounds but after 4
rounds the target begins needing air in four more rounds the victim needs to
roll another fortitude save or become unconcious due to a lack of air. While
being tickled the victim has a +4 added to all his grapple checks.

Inspire Confidence +1: The Pagliacci gets Inspire Courage +1

Improved Comical Routine +1: The Pagliacci can try his comic routine
three times on a single target the third attempt would recieve -2

Distractive Act: The Pagliacci gains Fascinate ability

Worldly Comedian: The +4 bonus that creatures that are not of the pagilacci's
type gain against the pagliacci's Comical Routine check is no longer effective.
They now know how to translate humor.

Inspire Confidence +2: The Pagliacci gets Inspire Courage +2

Fearful Laugh: Pagliacci's although usually a symbol of laughter and
enjoyment can also cause fear. The fear of jesters and clowns lives
in many peoples nightmares. When used on an victim they must roll a Will
save DC 10 + the Pagliacci's Charisma modifier. on a Failure to will
the creature becomes panicked and if cornered will begin cowering.
This ability can only be used 3 times a day and lasts for 1 round
per Pagliacci levels.

Improved Comical Routine +2: The Pagliacci can now do it four times
to a single target. The fourth would receive a -2 and the third loses its

Rough Tickle +2: The victim's +4 bonus against grapple checks
while being tickled is reduced to +3

The Show Must go on: The pagliacci gains the benefits of the
die hard feat.

Improved Juggle: The Pagliacci can now move while juggling.
Juggling also becomes a standard action and the penalty to
the thrown weapons attack rolls is reduced to -3.

Show Time!: The Pagliacci gets the benefits of the feat
Fast Movement.

Rough Tickle +3: The victims +4 bonus against the grapple while
being tickled is reduced to +2

Inspire Confidence +3: The Pagliacci gets Inspire Courage +3

Comical Genius: At 20th a Pagliacci has become one of the funniest
living creature in history. The Pagliacci gains a +2 to his Comic Routine
and his juggle ability receives no penalty but is still considered a standard
action to continue juggle. This class feat also grants the pagliacci up to 10
uses of the Comical Routine on a single target with no penalties except under
failing the first time which is reduced to -3

Pagliacci Equipment: Pagliacci's are all at heart and soul comedians
who often work with slap stick comedy and joke telling. Pagliacci's
however need special gear made to help them become funnier. The equipment
includes make-up: All pagliacci's should wear make up usually a painted on
smile, white face make up, make up to create exaggerated features on their
faces, and a big red nose (sometimes are strap on rubber or can even be made
with a synthetic material that can be placed on the nose. a Pagliacci nose is
considered head gear). Pagliacci's also need the right clothing. Pagliacci's
often wear Cloths or light armor, but nethertheless they must be bright, vibrant,
and of course silly looking. Many Pagliacci's wear very baggy cloths with enormous
buttons, patterned cloths, and a rainbow of colors. Pagliacci women tend to wear
tighter more graceful looking outfits. Pagliacci men unlike Pagliacci women may
prefer over sized shoes, these however cause a -2 to climb. The final piece of
Pagliacci equipment is Dyed hair. Not all pagliacci's dye their hair in fact some
may wear bright vibrant hats. Regardless, all Pagliacci's must have at least 75%
of their equipment on or they receive a -5 to perform checks and a -3 to all
pagliacci abilities (unless noted otherwise).

Well there they are... Hope they are good.

2010-03-15, 10:18 PM
I was the referrer, I didn't like how the matchguard's who feature was to become better with a ranged weapon, and how the fact until later in it's life, because of the long reloads; it' simply trying to imitate a fighter with lower hitdice and no bonus feats. The Pagliacci I don't like, but clearly someone will. I have not really skimmed over it.

2010-03-15, 10:27 PM
Welcome. As you are new here, I recommend that you read the first post to find out how to create tables. There is is a guide for that in the stickied thread. In the meantime here's the table that you can cut and paste from.


+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

It also helps if you use formatting (the bold and italics are at the top). You can edit your own post to make any corrections.

The special abilities are interesting. Shorten Reload should have a minimum of 1 round. It seems the musket normally takes 6 rounds to reload, but feats could change that.


2010-03-15, 10:41 PM
Welcome. As you are new here, I recommend that you read the first post to find out how to create tables. There is is a guide for that in the stickied thread. In the meantime here's the table that you can cut and paste from.


+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

It also helps if you use formatting (the bold and italics are at the top). You can edit your own post to make any corrections.

The special abilities are interesting. Shorten Reload should have a minimum of 1 round. It seems the musket normally takes 6 rounds to reload, but feats could change that.


Okay thank you imma work on getting some sort of table I should be able to figure it out. Yes the reload on musket was very annoying with me and my colleagues. I wanted balance where as they wanted a sense of realism (upon further research they totally underestimated the musket) Originally they wanted the musket to wait 10 rounds in order to reload since they heard it takes a minute to reload a musket, of course further research revealed experienced and trained users int he musket could fire four shots in a minute, which roughly translates to 2 round reload... I do believe I agree with you though... reload has been miserably hard to work with for this. I'm glad you found all of this interesting though :). Any other words of advice? maybe for Pagliacci?