View Full Version : let's play Modblivion

2010-03-15, 11:31 PM
I'm starting a compare and contrast thread to this let's play (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145439), using my modded game as an example. unlike the other LP that I'll hereafter refer to as the base game I'll be using multiple characters but how much each gets attention, what dungeon they go through, etc are you're decision.

now I know the base game is modded. But Oscuro's oblivion overhaul or OOO only makes changes to have a rebalanced game and adds little content.

here is what you can expect

rebalanced game (duh)
new magic (I would really like to show you some of Midas' stuff) sample (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwPiVVVZnXI&feature=related)
trick arrows (and I love them)
and so much more I can't remember all of it


gender: enough said
race: I has more races I'll post the additions soon
birth-sign: have remade but keeping the same themes
major skills:not much change here although I am using mods that alter the leveling system a bit
quirks: just like in the base LP

also to those mod savvy playgrounders out there. do you have any recommended mods for this LP? yes I use FCOM

2010-03-16, 06:44 PM
I can assist with this. After all, I use even more mods than you do, Aeon. XD

Plus, this forum deserves to see the beauty of Elsweyr Anequina. And Zem-Na's awesome headspikes.

2010-03-16, 07:11 PM
yes except we are making new characters as requested by the audience.

I would be posting screens of the custom races but my main computers down right now. Tok could yo take screens of the new races of race balancing project and post them?

2010-03-16, 07:31 PM
Add some visual boosters. Start with this (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=2420) and the mods linked to in the description.


I also recommend Elven Cartographers, BTMod and Natural Environments (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=41&view=Articles.Detail).

Deadly Reflex (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8273)
Mounted Combat (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8962)

See http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Must_Have_Mods especially "Open Cities"

Consider also one of these two mods.

2010-03-17, 06:18 PM
I don't use race balancing project. I SHOULD though. I'll install it soon. Hopefully, it won't conflict with a certain companion mod I have.

So, no using old characters? How about recreating from scratch? If not, I'm cool with that. I need to learn how to properly make a non-Argonian face anyway.

Expect complete and utter murder of Sephiroth, and by the way. That white haired pretty boy needs to die. Also expect an epic fight with He-Man. FRACK that boss is broken.

2010-03-17, 08:27 PM
I think someone put some greenmote in my drink when I wasn't looking. Teaches me not to to work on a let's play while in Mania.

anyway I wanted to give you a taste of the madness about to begin.

first off some characters I've remade from scratch
A mage character I had. My first character I made gone though several remakes
not much to say here

A noble gone thief have a bit more back-story for her

A khajiit knight, yes a khajiit Some do look like that.

sea elf person just made him for this sample

an Ayleid, supposedly

... dang how do I make these bigger?
[edit] fixed

got Ideas yet?

2010-03-18, 11:34 PM
....I'd be helping out with pics right now if Triscuitable didn't have my Oblivion disc atm DX

2010-03-18, 11:38 PM
I'd be helping with some pics of my flying mount now if I was at home :smallannoyed:

2010-03-19, 12:09 AM
also to those mod savvy playgrounders out there. do you have any recommended mods for this LP? yes I use FCOM
It's been a long time, but there was a sky and weather mod that I really liked. I'd also recommend the Unique Landscapes series, which adds interesting locations around the place.

2010-03-19, 06:03 AM
Definitely add Unique Landscapes and another one which was called, I think, Natural Environments. It added more forms of weather and quite a lot of fish, insects, birds, along with various other small immersion things.

2010-03-19, 03:12 PM
Definitely add Unique Landscapes and another one which was called, I think, Natural Environments. It added more forms of weather and quite a lot of fish, insects, birds, along with various other small immersion things.

I'll consider it however there are way to many files to download it and tesnexus is being a little disconnecty lately so I'll put it in eventually.

Character speech and thought will be color coded. I won't use a color for myself. does everyone have their color?

Yes Aeon
whats up with the elves
Er I never wrote a personality for them they're basically blank slates for the readers to fill in

Well now that that's out of the way lets get to part two of the prologue.

Celis your up.
Wait I thought I was your main character.
you are its just Celis is the most likely to be in prison in the first place.
Oh. wait but plot is-
not important

So I just wake up in prison not knowing why I'm here?
Only if you want to.
Well seeing as we're scraping the normal main plot I'll skip Mr. five minute man.
Just start already.

fourth day in prison:The dark elf across from me is getting more annoying by the hour, I just want to knock him out.


There's got to be a way out of here. if only I- Wait what's that tapping?


Well that was a weird coincidence, I fall against a brick in the wall and secret passage opens.
Lame, you can do better than that Celis.
Is it just me or does it look like she isn't wearing any of the starting cloths?

Well whats this a sword and some armor and a chest


Well Ive never picked a lock before so I don't know how to judge a lock like they can in the base game.


Well that was easier than I thought.
That's because it's the first lock in the game.

Finally the exit.


seriously you could have done better than that, much better.
Oh shush Josh we're all new to this so give her a break.
Can I be next I need to cast spells on things now.
Ric just wait we still have to have audience feedback to tell us where we are going next.
actually I already have plans for the three of you but ya some audience feedback will be putting you in places.

oh and I'll be skipping the jailbreak for everyone else

2010-03-19, 05:06 PM
That second photo seem pretty dark. But cool so far.

2010-03-20, 02:40 AM
Hm, you know what would be good? Having a little character portrait in front of their text, to make them more distinguishable aside from text color (which is pretty much unassigned currently). :smallsmile:

2010-03-20, 09:11 AM
Er, ya sorry In didn't say who was who I was assuming people would match the dialog to who was saying it by context.

anyway the colors are as follows

Ric green
Celis purple
josh orange
and the other two colors are the sea elf and hidden elf respectively
but ya I'll try and get some thumbnail portraits

and the second picture is dark because of a mod that gets rid of the ambient lighting in dungeons

2010-03-20, 11:09 AM
000937F4, the code for the Grand Ring of Light, the picture snappers best friend.

Plus it's easily removeable if you don't want to be tempted.

2010-03-21, 05:43 PM
Hopefully, I'll get my disc back tomorrow.

Zem-Na's font color shall be RED

I'm thinking that Zemna will do the main quest, fighters guild, Tears of the Fiend and Elseweyr Anequina exploration. Any other quest mods that people want to reccomend?

2010-03-23, 06:55 PM
I have the next set of screenshots ready but its Tok's turn to post his first part so expect to see part one of Ric's story tomorrow

2010-03-23, 07:21 PM
Ok, we're up. Ready Zemna?





"Ungh...Alright, alright. Don't be such a wheiner, man, I was just trying to catch some extra z's."

You're ALWAYS trying to catch some extra z's, you lazy ass.

"Hey, chill, man, I'm ready to go. So, can we start now?"

...*sigh* Yeah, let's do this. We open the scene to you....sleeping. Like you always do. But instead of on top of someone's roof, it's in a prison cell.

"'K...Just one question. Why're we doing the main quest? Aren't we supposed to be showing off the mods and crap, rather than just screwing with the vanilla content?"

The main quest has some minor quirks added to it. Besides, everyone will want to know how you handle being the Champion of Cyrodill.

"No, they'll want to see the mods."

JUST DO IT, ALRIGHT!? The Main Quest is only about 5% of what the people will be seeing here anyway. Now get ready. You're on in 3...2....1!!



"Hey! Argonian!"


"Argonian. Wake up, you slimy marsh dweller!!"



"...Ungh...Oh, Talos, it's this ******* again."

"See? I'm up. So, what insults do you have prepared for me today?"

"You know, Argonian, sometimes, when they let us outs-"

"You've told me that one already, Valen."

"Oh....Well, you'll probably remember this one too then."


"You're going to be brutally murdered someday."


"Ok. Ok. Can we at LEAST skip the rest of the jail part? Everyone knows what happens here."

But, I have so many screenshots to show...T_T

"So show 'em and let's skip the boring-ass dialogue."

*sigh* Alright, I guess that's a decent compromise.

Zemna gets a big sword.

He kills stuff.

Emperor dies and he escapes with the Necklace of Plot Advancement.

"Now...Wasn't I supposed to do something of great importance to the safety of Tamriel?....Meh, it's probably nothing. I'll head to Elsewyr. They probably serve good soup there."

2010-03-27, 07:45 PM
sorry for the delay, my computer ate most of the screenshots

Enough excuses, just at least do a small somthing for them

ok ok I get it.

Here we have the map, as you notice the other towns are undiscovered locations so we cant fast travel there

now as we make are way to the arcane university, we stop off at a shop just inside the walled area.


Inside said shop.

Ok, why are we here?

to get usefulness

This, my friends, is the aurum reactor whith it we can make so of the more interesting spells. To our left we have a book of Midas spells and to our right a book of summons.

So it makes spells huh, how?

like this

We put items into the reactor for the spell we want

Cast a spell on it any spell will do.

Take and eat the resulting residue.

And there you have it, we now know Midas chest.

Okay, now we have a game braking portable chest spell eh.

Ok perhaps the Midas chest is more game braky than its LAME counterpart, in any case there is your example.

put our stuff in the midas chest

Well tagging Tok again so that it for now

2010-03-28, 05:07 PM
After taking about thirteen naps and rediscovering what it's like to be shot....

I remembered that potions were my best friend. After I came to this realization, I decided to move to Elsewyr, land of the cats.

"Put bluntly, it's a very hot place. Even at night. And mudcrabs seem to have some larger, more nasty cousins hanging out there."

The first city I decided to go to was Dune, where they hang their clothes up on highly elevated wires for Talos knows why.

As it turns out, not all Khajiit look the same in Elsewyr.

Since the palace was closed off, and people were getting on my case for trying to sunbath on top of their roofs, I decided to move to a much nicer place in the Savannah part of Anequina known as Corinthe.

The market there was pretty awesome. Got me a nice hot bowl of soup there. And some candles for when I need to crawl through a dark dungeon...Oh, and some Lamellar armor too.

I then continued my tour by heading to an Orc dominated town known as Orcrest. The whole place was slummy and reaked of dead rats. Not a bad place overall, but Tok forgot to take pictures of it, since he's a bish.

I am NOT a bish! D:<

Sure, just keep believing that. Anyway, it wasn't long before I was able to find some decent work there. An argonian offered to reward me if I found him some rat meat to eat, and a blond chick wanted me to set her up on a date with a minotaur....Yeah, I'm serious.

I haven't found quite enough rat meat to properly feed the poor argonian yet, but I managed to set the lady up with the minotaur by talking to a certain woman who knew their language. As far as I know, they're still getting aquainted. Hopefully, the blond chick will tell me how it went when it's over.

...OH YEAH!! One more thing. I saw some elephants. Apparantly people ride those things like horses around these parts.

....And so, here I am now, still in Elsewyr, gorging myself with soup and exotic sweets. Tommorow, I think I'll explore the palaces of some of the cities...Except for Dune's, since, like I said, it's closed off. Anyway, this is Zem-Na, signing out.

2010-03-29, 12:43 AM
Could you show us some of the summons and midas?

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-29, 01:35 AM
I must say that the red lizard looks Badass.

2010-03-29, 03:44 AM
Beginning to wish I had Oblivion on PC now, to join in with the fun.

Could try pestering my friend to see if he's found my copy of Morrowind again...

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-29, 03:58 AM
I am beginning to think I should reinstall it and then do a serious Mod Hunt.
There was a lot I loved with it, but also so much I hated with it.

(I suck at close combat, and you can't really avoid it).

2010-03-29, 05:26 AM
Where did you get Elsweyr from? Not a mod I've seen before, I think.

2010-03-29, 07:29 AM
Avoiding close combat: Stop levelling up. Right now. Done quitting doing that? Good.

Go Stealthy, and use a bow or longsword. Chameleon is now your best friend. The objective is to get into position to kill without being seen. Then when you take the shot, you eliminate them in a single blow either from an arrow, or from a blade.

Alternately, a magic-user can go stealthy and eliminate them that way. While it takes simply forever to reach enough Restoration for it, a strength 100 Absorb Health is basically an instant kill button for lower level creatures and it heals you.

2010-03-29, 07:29 AM
I must say that the red lizard looks Badass.

Anyone in a pose like that is bound to look badass. :smallcool:
(That being said, the new armor looks ridiculous on him.)

2010-03-29, 02:49 PM
Anyone in a pose like that is bound to look badass.
(That being said, the new armor looks ridiculous on him.)

It offered higher protection. That's why I made him wear it. Preparing for battle isn't always going to be stylish.

Maybe it should be.

Maybe you should go die in a ditch, Zem-Na.

I did that yesterday. That's when I learned it's not smart to jump into canyons.


2010-03-29, 03:16 PM
Could you show us some of the summons and midas?

Just give me a moment and I'll let you choose what ones you want to see.

Caution: My oblivion is far from stable, it can and will crash given half the chance, summons are a big offender here.

also, due to my mod setup things do NOT scale to my characters level anymore so be careful where you ask me to go.

2010-03-29, 03:21 PM
You mentioned earlier that you thought Unique Landscapes had too many different files. I just saw they made a compilation, here. (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19370)

2010-03-29, 03:45 PM
last time I looked at this it wouldn't show the files

2010-03-29, 03:55 PM
It's not just the fact that Unique Landscapes has several different files. The mod runs into conflicts with other mods so often, it's a HUGE hassle.

Where did you get Elsweyr from? Not a mod I've seen before, I think.

Sorry I didn't answer you before.


It's currently ranked #8 in the most endorsed mods of all time at TESNexus. I crapped my pants when I first learned of it's existence. It's, like, the first tamriel expansion mod that's decent AND doesn't conflict with freakin' everything.

2010-03-29, 04:02 PM
Ah, right. Well, I have a list of about 50 mods running, currently, and only needed about three patches, but well, your decision. I just think they are beautiful.

2010-03-31, 02:04 PM
....I'd be helping out with pics right now if Triscuitable didn't have my Oblivion disc atm DX

Gosh darnit Tokromar...

Use Xenius Race Compilation. I can help with it too, if you'd like. I have the game now as well.

But I have to use HyperCam, I have my PC hooked up to my TV right now.

Use HGEC (with underwear, of course!) for the bodies. I prefer fighter the most. Otherwise the female models look too fragile.

WryeMorph and WryeBash are necessary.

(And you guys told me you were going to use FComp. You still doing that?)

2010-03-31, 04:37 PM
Use Xenius Race Compilation. I can help with it too, if you'd like. I have the game now as well.

Race balancing project is a little more well balanced

But I have to use HyperCam, I have my PC hooked up to my TV right now.

oblivion has a built in screen capture mode go look it up on the youtubes

Use HGEC (with underwear, of course!) for the bodies. I prefer fighter the most. Otherwise the female models look too fragile.

that's your opinion

WryeMorph and WryeBash are necessary.

not so much on morph but ya bash is necessary

(And you guys told me you were going to use FComp. You still doing that?)
its spelled FCOM and yes I'm using it

2010-03-31, 06:43 PM
Can we get a complete list? Links or not as long as the names are correctly spelled.

2010-03-31, 07:12 PM
Gosh darnit Tokromar...

Use Xenius Race Compilation. I can help with it too, if you'd like. I have the game now as well.

But I have to use HyperCam, I have my PC hooked up to my TV right now.

Use HGEC (with underwear, of course!) for the bodies. I prefer fighter the most. Otherwise the female models look too fragile.

WryeMorph and WryeBash are necessary.

(And you guys told me you were going to use FComp. You still doing that?)
03-29-2010 02:02 PM

Thanks for giving me the disc back Trisc.

Xenius Race Compilation....Nonononono. I don't play elves. Usually. And that compilation is 99% elves, 1% bishounen vampires, so NUUUUUU.

I am using both HGEC (with undies) and Rob's Male Body Replacer (also with undies).

I have Wryebash, since that's the only way I can use FCOM. And yes, I'm using FCOM. As for WryeMorph, it's not REALLY a necessity. At least not until I plan on switching characters mid game, which may never happen.

Anyway, on with Zem-Na's adventures....


While wandering around the desert, Zem-Na came across a somewhat disturbing inn owned by an extremely fat lady named Libia Beltaire. The lady seemed obsessed with Khajiit, and kept them as pets. Said woman asked for a boon from Zem-Na. You see, Libia had accidentally beaten one of her "kittens" to death because the Khajiit was a female and causing the other Khajiit to become exited.
Libia wanted Zem-Na to retrieve some preservation liquid or something weird like that for her. In response, Zem-Na gutted the polite but clearly evil woman and left her to rot on the doorstep of her inn, freeing all the Khajiit slaves.

Of course, murder is-

It wasn't murder...It was justice. Granted, I feel kinda bad that the jackass had to die, but it was necessary in order to free the Khajiit. 'Sides, the woman was killing those Khajiit. I had to do something. Those Khajiit are probably slurping on some hot, spicy chicken soup right now...Yup, I did a good deed.

...Ermm....The law seems to see differently. Regardless, whatever Zem-Na did happens to be a capitol offense to Imperial Law, and an imperial guard happened to be standing a short distance away from where Zem-Na was standing. Luckily, however, Zem-Na was able to abuse the flawed Imperial crime system and pay the fine for murder. It did cost him a pretty septim, but all the dungeon crawling he'd recently done seemed to have payed off.

After going through the whole legal stuff he needed to do in order to pay off the fine, Zem-Na spent the remainder of his money on a clear Glass Claymore.
"Wait...Won't this thing break pretty easily? I mean, it's made of glass..."

Luckily, the shopkeeper assured him that the glass was actually harder to break than steel, so his worries evaporated into the air immediately.

Zem-Na spent two consecutive weeks long doing small favors for people, wandering around, and even participating in a few arena matches at the Imperial City. After a while, Zem-Na became concerned for the lady who wanted to marry that one minotaur, so he decided to return to Elsewyr and check up on the two. Apparantly, things had progressed faster than anyone could have hoped.

"Meh. I've seen worse couples."

Unfortunately, there was one problem. She didn't believe that her father (named Salaun) would necessarily approve of her marrying a bull, so she sent Zem-Na to tell him in her stead so that he wouldn't blow up in her face. Instead, her father blew up in Zem-Na's face. Awesome. Anyway, after finally realizing that his daughter was indeed intended to marry a minotaur, Salaun refuses to let her marry the beasty thing. Since Salaun seemed like a deply religious man, I decided to visit a local priest and see what he had to say about it.

It turns out Saint Elessia or some other saint (I forget which one) married/had a relationship with a minotaur herself, as mentioned in a certain book. So, Zem-Na wandered the wilderness of Elsewyr for hours and hours searching for some imperial fort that he had no idea where to find. The priest didn't exactly give him directions on how to find the fort. Eventually, Zem-Na happened to find it by wandering around aimlessly. Inside, there was a priest who gladly handed over the book to him for the sake of LOOOOVE.

After retrieving the book, Zem-Na returned to Salaun and showed it to him. The lizard also reassured him that the church supported the marraige completely.
Salaun agreed to not negatively interfere with the marriage and to support her by kicking her out of her house. To Zem-Na, it seemed like a bit of a jerky move, but at the very least, Eloine was now permitted to marry the Bull-thing. She was delighted to hear about it too.

Eloine repaid Zem-Na by upping her disposition toward him to 100 and giving him a treasure map to some cave fairly close to the eastern Elsewyr border. However, before he could leave to retrieve said treasure, he felt a gurgly feeling in his abdomen that was reminiscent of when a man has diarrhea. Taking this as a sign from the Gods that the place was dangerous, Zem-Na hired some adventurers to come along with him as back up.

The first was an blond amazon chick named Tamara, who to this very day continues to smile and gawk at Zem-Na in a creepy fashion, giving him nightmares whenever he tries to sleep indoors.
The second person Zem-Na recruited was a cute , bosmer-sized woman with fox ears that specialized in thievery and bow combat.

Unfortnately, there weren't any decent male adventurers that were willing to travel with Zem-Na, so he had to ask for help from a third female adventurer, which made him feel somewhat outnumbered and uncomfortable. Still, Zemna managed to retain his cool, lax attitude while recruiting the third party member. Even though she happened to be dressed in a fashion that would make Mehrunes Dagon cry tears of joy.

...I try not to ask Aanila many questions. It just makes her want to slaughter bunnies for some reason.

And so, with three other adventurers to back him up, Zem-Na proceeded to recover the treasure marked on his map.

The cave the three went into was filled with no less than about 35 imps, all confined into really tight spaces, which make them hellish to deal with.

At the end of imp-filled maze, the party came upon what looked like some sort of altar or grave.
"...I think I see something behind that oddly glowing skeleton.

As it turned out, the tomb had a guardian. The guardian was some sort of spectral ghost-Pahmer, aka the ghost of a Bosmer turned completely into a cat. Luckily, Aanila was carrying god-like Daedric weapons and the rest of us had an array of silver weapons. The Pahmer fell quickly.
After disposing of the guardian, Zem-Na picked up an enchanted short sword and a bonemold helmet that lay next to the rotting skeleton on it's stone bed.

After grabbing all the goodies we could, the party left the cavern and climbed on top of a cliff so that they could all make a dramatic pose.
I took the upper body armor off for this pose, since you guys seem to love seeing me with my shirt off. Wierdos.

You look like a badass with your shirt off, Zem-Na.

Oh. Well, I guess I can take that as a compliment.

And so, the Zemna began to wander the wilderness of Elsewyr yet again. This time, with backup.

2010-04-05, 05:22 AM
Can I ask which map/interface mod you are using? I have a a colour map mod, but in my game, the map is so tiny, it fills about 10% of the screen, and I can barely see anything. I remember one mod which made it bigger, but can't remember it's name.

2010-04-05, 12:32 PM
Can I ask which map/interface mod you are using? I have a a colour map mod, but in my game, the map is so tiny, it fills about 10% of the screen, and I can barely see anything. I remember one mod which made it bigger, but can't remember it's name.

I think elven cartographers was the name of the map mod

sorry about taking long to update

2010-04-05, 02:47 PM
Having beaten a friend to death borrowed Oblivion PC from a friend, I am pretty much ready to contribute in a week or so when I get back from holiday, if you don't mind/want/need.

Currently running Deadly Reflex, HGEC (not Rob's, yet) Armaterium (or spelling) and JOG's Stealth Overhaul. Among others that aren't coming to mind right now.

Any other suggestions? And character ideas? (Would prefer it to not be stealth based, I'm not great at that.)