View Full Version : So what is EVE online like?

2010-03-16, 08:19 PM
Pretty much what the title says, it seems pretty awesome from the ads but those are ads they're whole purpose is to look awesome. So can any EVE players tell me what its like?

EDIT: Due to dial-up I Can't watch videos without waiting for hours first, Sorry.

2010-03-16, 08:33 PM

2010-03-16, 08:44 PM
Also, free 14 day trial to see for yourself:


2010-03-16, 08:53 PM
I've been playing for almost 2 months now, and I really like it.

But what you have to really be aware of is that EVE is a player driven game. After the initial wow! factor wears off over the visuals and other cool elements, it's really up to you to decide how to have fun.

The mission running is a good place to start, but there are a limited number of different missions, and every station in the universe draws from this same pool, so anything you need from these missions can get very grindtastic.

So if you like fighting, earn your way into player run corporations that have those massive space battles. Or you can be a pirate and ambush unwary players. Or you can play the economic game and try to earn billions of ISK (game money).

The 14-day trial period is a good taste, but I think you won't really be able to tell if the game will stick with you until perhaps the 3-month point. This is where you'll know enough about the game and have enough options open to you to see if there's a niche you'll really enjoy.

2010-03-16, 09:00 PM
I figured it was player driven I started looking it up after the WoW people told me I should look into it because WoW probably wasn't my thing.

2010-03-17, 12:51 AM
Yahtzee is anything but a serious reviewer, so do not listen to a word he says even if it somehow is compatible with reality.

That being said, I hate the "you play the game and you dare expect to be spoon-fed entertainment? Hah, in our game you have to organize your OWN fun!" approach. And that's the approach EVE Online has.

The game is all about joining a corporation and becoming involved in its activities (politics, combat, but possibly something low-tiered like asteroid mining or construction). An alternative is just grinding and being bored by repetetive missions.

That's what EVE Online was for me. Pretty views of space, but very repetetive and got boring fast.

Inhuman Bot
2010-03-17, 12:59 AM
Yahtzee is anything but a serious reviewer, so do not listen to a word he says even if it somehow is compatible with reality.


Or maybe

"What is this I don't even"

2010-03-17, 02:30 AM

Or maybe

"What is this I don't even"

Yahtzee is a hatemonger masquerading as a reviewer - at least partially because that's what his fans want to hear (see his Arkham Asylum review, for example). Very funny, sure, but not a good source of information.

Anyway, I always found EVE was a game I played while I was doing something else. Set destination, push autopilot, read some book, find asteroid, hit autominers, stat up some D&D characters, etc. The only 'combat' I ever got into was being ganked by pirates who could one-shot my mining barge without any trouble.

I think all the fun in EVE is concentrated in the corps. If you manage to hook up with one of them your huge space fleet will be getting ganked by pirate space fleets in no time at all. If you don't... well, there's nothing to do.

2010-03-17, 02:45 AM
It's only any fun if you have cool people to play with. Otherwise, it's a boring time-sink.

2010-03-17, 03:47 AM
Yahtzee is anything but a serious reviewer, so do not listen to a word he says even if it somehow is compatible with reality.

That being said, I hate the "you play the game and you dare expect to be spoon-fed entertainment? Hah, in our game you have to organize your OWN fun!" approach. And that's the approach EVE Online has.

The game is all about joining a corporation and becoming involved in its activities (politics, combat, but possibly something low-tiered like asteroid mining or construction). An alternative is just grinding and being bored by repetetive missions.

That's what EVE Online was for me. Pretty views of space, but very repetetive and got boring fast.

Well, i wouldnt say he isnt a serious reviewer. Hes like redlettermedia, putting serious points but surrounding them in his over-the-top rants. Eve Online CAN be a great game but it requires you to spend a long period of time doing boring activities until your at a point where a serious corporation will care about you. You can do very little until you get the skill-points to start piloting decent ships with all the support skills to make them useful and the communication with other players to get the team-effort approach to ANYTHING working.

Its a time sink just to get to the point where you can start playing the game. If you get past that it can be amazing...or so im told.

Brother Oni
2010-03-17, 07:18 AM
There's a fair few negative posts and some slightly misleading comments here that I'll try and clear up.

As people have said, EVE is a very niche game, so definitely try before you subscribe. I believe if you get it off Steam, you get a 21 day trial instead, so it may be worth downloading it that way.

As Cubey said, you make your own goals up - don't expect to be led around by the hand. This can be quite daunting at first, so if possible, try and get into a starter corporation (guild) to show you the ropes. There are a number of corps that do this, the most famous is Eve University (I'm not sure they accept trial players though).

Most, if not all, the PVE elements get very tedious after a while - this is mostly missioning (quests) and solo mining.
This is because the focus of the game is PVP, be it from actively going out and shooting people, to under-cutting the competition on the market.

As for the comment that it's a time sink until your character skills are good enough to compete, that's true if you count a week as a long time sink.

For PVP, all you need is small ship, a stasis webifier, a warp scrambler/disrupter and an afterburner/mwd, which all takes less than a week to train up. This will net you the tackler role in gangs, and a tackler is always needed.
Solo pvp is different and you will need a bit more training to become effective at it.

The age of the character generally only determines how flexible they are and specialisation helps new players catch up with the veterans. I may have over a million skill points in piloting battleships, but that's not going to help me if you catch me while piloting my industrial class ship.
Even if I were piloting my 100 million ISK battleship with multi-billion ISK modules, if 5 one month old players turn up in frigates that cost under a million each and start attacking me, chances are I'm going to lose that fight.

2010-03-17, 07:45 AM
Take an 8 pound sledgehammer, and hit yourself in the face five times. Then repeat with a smaller one. When you get to the smallest hammer, then the fun starts. :smalltongue:

Seriously though, the game is fun, but the early stages will feel frustrating if you don't have friends to play with and help you along.

A number of people play around here, so if you decide to dive in, ask and see when they play and maybe they'll let you tag along. That'll give a better feel of the game than jumping in and trying to learn.

Do not be suckered into shuttle scouting.

2010-03-17, 08:32 AM
Well, i am a ..... 3 year old pilot? I think its 3 anyway, at least 2, trained all main ship lines of the gallente faction, mining more or less maxed, and so forth, so ive been around for quiet awhile. For me most of the reason i played eve for so long is i had a bunch of friends online there and i enjoyed the time with them. I spent most of my time mining with a few times spent flying combat missions with my corp, pirate hunting actually, so much fun. It is pvp where the fun comes from, fighting other players, those several mins of high stress action, seperated by mins, to hours of waiting. But thats normal for all combat anyway :P But in all, the game is really a hit and miss, either you love it, or you dont. The only way to find out is to play.

2010-03-17, 09:27 AM
Take an 8 pound sledgehammer, and hit yourself in the face five times. Then repeat with a smaller one. When you get to the smallest hammer, then the fun starts. :smalltongue:

Seriously though, the game is fun, but the early stages will feel frustrating if you don't have friends to play with and help you along.

A number of people play around here, so if you decide to dive in, ask and see when they play and maybe they'll let you tag along. That'll give a better feel of the game than jumping in and trying to learn.

Do not be suckered into shuttle scouting.

Sounds like certain descriptions of dwarf-fortress, with less suggestions to apply magma.

2010-03-17, 10:59 AM
Yahtzee is a hatemonger masquerading as a reviewer - at least partially because that's what his fans want to hear (see his Arkham Asylum review, for example). Very funny, sure, but not a good source of information.

I really like Yahtzee because he's not always fawning over games, he's focused on the product and the developers, unlike some reviewers, who I get the impression are trying to sell these games to me. It's a step closer to serious criticism, which is something I think the industry desperately needs to get.

See? They're doing it wrong, not me. Not me. Maybe. Excuse me, I've got to go suppress this hypnotic urge to buy new games.

Inhuman Bot
2010-03-17, 11:27 AM
Yahtzee is a hatemonger masquerading as a reviewer - at least partially because that's what his fans want to hear (see his Arkham Asylum review, for example). Very funny, sure, but not a good source of information.

Anyway, I always found EVE was a game I played while I was doing something else. Set destination, push autopilot, read some book, find asteroid, hit autominers, stat up some D&D characters, etc. The only 'combat' I ever got into was being ganked by pirates who could one-shot my mining barge without any trouble.

I think all the fun in EVE is concentrated in the corps. If you manage to hook up with one of them your huge space fleet will be getting ganked by pirate space fleets in no time at all. If you don't... well, there's nothing to do.


Honestly, I agree with his gameing veiws frequently.

I've liked a few games he disliked, but agreed with his points. :smalltongue:

2010-03-17, 11:28 AM
ya, definately, i find the pc game industry is failing, why? game quality is horrible lately, i mean i look at all these games coming out and its like ... ok, what makes me want to play them? the only one i really saw is silent hunter 5, and i dont want to touch it with a 10ft pole because of the requirement to be online, and the fact that it was out for like 2 weeks and already 2 days you cant play the game. I STILL go back to older games from like 5 - 10 years ago for my fun, and dont buy knew ones because they just arnt good. And yes i dl games because i cant justify spending money just to get crap, and i will say company of heroes, dled that, and love it, looking to buy it but apparently they stopped making copies so its hard to actually find. Still looking though.

Brother Oni
2010-03-17, 11:30 AM
Sounds like certain descriptions of dwarf-fortress, with less suggestions to apply magma.

It depends on your definition of magma. If you mean hot semi viscous volcanic rock applied liberally to sensitive parts of your anatomy, resulting in excruciating pain for the rest of your thankfully brief existence, then no.

If you mean having your ship melted out from around you with tachyon lasers with T2 scorch crystals, then being boiled alive in your pod juice and having your flash cooked corpse being recovered then stuffed and mounted somewhere as a pirate's trophy or just sold to the Soylent Green corp as waste biomass, then yes.

2010-03-17, 11:50 AM
Most of what's already been said is pretty much accurate. EVE is focused pretty much entirely on player interaction, and can and will get extremely boring if you decide to ignore everyone else. I did that when I first started and got bored. Came back to the game a few years later, managed to get into a corporation within a week, and found the game much more entertaining.

Also the 21 day trial is definitely better for deciding if you like the game or not. On Steam it costs something like $5, but there's also an invite system that can get you that trial for free. Everyone gets 3 invites/month, so I'm sure if you asked on of the playgrounders who play you can probably get an invite sent your way.

2010-03-17, 12:03 PM
What is shuttle scouting?

Brother Oni
2010-03-17, 12:11 PM
Shuttles are the cheapest proper ship available (not including rookie ships which are free).

You get in one, then jump blind through a gate. Usually into a large nasty gate camp (ambush/blockade), where you usually die in a few seconds in a blaze of hot fiery death.
You then wake up in your medical clone and are usually made to go get another shuttle then try scouting out an alternate route.

If you're not fried on the spot, then you get to go to the next gate and repeat the entire blind jump procedure again, until you and your gang reach your destination.

Mortality rate is usually very high for shuttle scouts, so you use either a disposable alt or a new cannon-fodder player so that clone costs are cheap or non-existent.

2010-03-17, 02:27 PM
Eve Online CAN be a great game but it requires you to spend a long period of time doing boring activities until your at a point where a serious corporation will care about you. You can do very little until you get the skill-points to start piloting decent ships with all the support skills to make them useful and the communication with other players to get the team-effort approach to ANYTHING working.

You can be useful to basically all 0.0 corps/alliances within an hour, simply by training Propulsion Jamming.

2010-03-17, 07:44 PM
You can be useful to basically all 0.0 corps/alliances within an hour, simply by training Propulsion Jamming.

Ok, my comment did sound kind of negative but i do like and enjoy eve online, however i find this culture of need x amount of skillpoints before people will let you join in to be a little frustrating. However a week is not the 'timesink' i was referring to, more like a month for new players. It can be fun especially if you know people with a corp and have all headsets in a teamspeak/vent server. It is definitely not a huge load of fun individually however and requires people to co-operate. If your looking for a game for the long haul you should be thinking about eve.

Speaking of which, seems like a fair few playgrounders play? Perhaps we should have a recruiting drive of sorts and gather everyone who is interested in playing log in together and guide some people through?

EDIT: rereading myself makes me think i need to clarify. I think the time sink comes from learning to walk so to speak, as every method of playing the game can take a while particularly if you don't have someone to specifically show you how to do it quickly and efficiently.

2010-03-17, 08:17 PM
Which is why I avoided Dwarf Fortress. I can only suffer one addiction at a time.

Precisely, it is more fun than it sounds, and can be a great way to watch awesome fights if the corp is paying for your shuttles.

Brother Oni
2010-03-17, 08:35 PM
Speaking of which, seems like a fair few playgrounders play? Perhaps we should have a recruiting drive of sorts and gather everyone who is interested in playing log in together and guide some people through?

I'm currently in between corps at the moment, so if need be, I can start up some sort of GitP trainer corp to help new players through. I believe a number of the other EVE players here are heavily involved in 0.0 politics and/or are pirates that can't enter high sec, so they may not be able to contribute much.

However I'm currently persona non grata in Gallente space so I can't help new Gallente players and I'm on GMT, which limits my availability to people living too far outside that zone.

EDIT: rereading myself makes me think i need to clarify. I think the time sink comes from learning to walk so to speak, as every method of playing the game can take a while particularly if you don't have someone to specifically show you how to do it quickly and efficiently.

So you're referring to the infamous EVE learning curve then? :smallbiggrin:

By that definition, wouldn't every game is a time sink while you learn the mechanics and how to play? I do admit that EVE is guilty of having a longer learning time (I still don't know all the ins and outs of POSs or invention and I've been playing since '05).

2010-03-17, 09:17 PM
Yahtzee is a hatemonger masquerading as a reviewer - at least partially because that's what his fans want to hear (see his Arkham Asylum review, for example). Very funny, sure, but not a good source of information.

Anyway, I always found EVE was a game I played while I was doing something else. Set destination, push autopilot, read some book, find asteroid, hit autominers, stat up some D&D characters, etc. The only 'combat' I ever got into was being ganked by pirates who could one-shot my mining barge without any trouble.

I think all the fun in EVE is concentrated in the corps. If you manage to hook up with one of them your huge space fleet will be getting ganked by pirate space fleets in no time at all. If you don't... well, there's nothing to do.

I actually really liked his review and thought it captured EVE.

2010-03-17, 11:15 PM
So you're referring to the infamous EVE learning curve then? :smallbiggrin:

By that definition, wouldn't every game is a time sink while you learn the mechanics and how to play? I do admit that EVE is guilty of having a longer learning time (I still don't know all the ins and outs of POSs or invention and I've been playing since '05).

Well, most others introduce a small mechanic as you play the game, eve drops a bomb on you as you first start and are faced with a somewhat overwhelming task ahead of you without clear instructions or a path (outside of the tutorial to show basic mechanics and the newish tutorials which kinda show what you should do).

We dont need to start a corp or anything its just if new people want to start up, try and arrange a time where an experienced member is available to help out.

2010-03-18, 12:38 AM
Their business model is hilariously brilliant. If you want to attain a certain skill, you can't "play more" to advance faster. There's a set amount of real time (note that you do not have to be playing during this time though) it will take to train every skill, and you pay them for the privilege. They practically have a license to print money!

There are things you can advance faster by "playing more," such as faction standing and some other stuff, but in terms of your basic character skill points which determine what you actually can pilot and do, it just takes real time.

The Glyphstone
2010-03-18, 01:53 AM
While I don't particularly like EVE due to PvP being exactly the opposite of what I enjoy in most cases, there is one very intriguing thing, the fact that they allow you to buy extra game time with in-game currency. It's not something to look forward to as a new player, but from what I've been told by friends that play, an account can become practically self-sufficient after a certain point via mining/killing to earn ISK which you trade for game credit to farm more ISK in an exponentially increasing rate depending on how many miner alts you've trained.

2010-03-18, 02:48 AM
You know, a GitP corp may be worth thinking about... My character is between corps right now so I'd sign up.

Problem is what we'd do in EVE - Small Gang PvP sounds about right. That way even newbies can contribute. Plus fewer logistical problems. No need to have a central base to accumulate indy stuff, just split the loot in-game. The new fleet system should let us organize that sort of thing fairly easily.

OTOH, we can just start a fleet. Make a thread in this forum and name a system + fleet name. Then if any GitPers want in they can just head to the system and look up the fleet.

Brother Oni
2010-03-18, 04:09 AM
There are things you can advance faster by "playing more," such as faction standing and some other stuff, but in terms of your basic character skill points which determine what you actually can pilot and do, it just takes real time.

Technically speaking, you can, either by buying implants or buying a new character.

That said, once you've hit a certain level of competency, skill points are somewhat low on the hierarchy of measuring playing effectiveness.
I'd rather have a wingman to watch my back than an additional X million SP.

I like their business model - it allows casual players to keep up in terms of effectiveness with the more dedicated players or those with a lot of leisure time to spend. The hardcore players have more toys to play with, but they're not going to be able to pull miles ahead over people who can only play at the weekends.

While I don't particularly like EVE due to PvP being exactly the opposite of what I enjoy in most cases, there is one very intriguing thing, the fact that they allow you to buy extra game time with in-game currency.

This is due to the developer's take on combating RMT in their game - offer it themselves for lower than the currency sellers do.

Whether you think this is the right approach is up for debate, but at least it's a step toward recognising and combating the problem beyond the standard trace and ban.

I'll leave the corp creation up in the air for now - if we get enough people willing to join up, then we can re-consider it then.
Now all we need is some new players who need help to post when they're likely to be online. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-18, 08:44 AM

Soon as I have sufficient connection again to support it, EVE will be the first MMO I get back into.

2010-03-18, 09:18 AM
Real Money Trading

Usually via the Chinese, and often from people who are not particularly averse to hacking accounts to get game money to sell, sometimes to get it back from people they just sold it to in order to resell it.

I have been playing Eve for 3 or 4 years now, most of it in 0.0. My corp and alliance failure cascaded rather totally over the past six months or so so I've just been puttering around in empire. Having fun actually. It's nice to not be paranoid about every single person who enters local. Finally switched over to paying for the account via in-game currency too, should have done that long ago.

Brother Oni
2010-03-18, 09:27 AM
Real Money Transfer. You probably know them as ISK/gold sellers.

It's the spam you get advertising "BUY CHEAP ISK NOW! 300MIL ISK FOR 13 DOLLARS! GO TO http://www.buyisknow.com".

Buying in-game currency from third party sites is usually against the EULA and/or the TOS (mostly because the developing company aren't getting any money for it) and can also get your computer infected with key loggers so they can steal the contents of your account.

Most other games ban gold sellers and confiscate the money from buyers. CCP do that in addition to trying to offer it cheaper than them.

2010-03-18, 09:31 AM
You know, a GitP corp may be worth thinking about... My character is between corps right now so I'd sign up.

Problem is what we'd do in EVE - Small Gang PvP sounds about right. That way even newbies can contribute. Plus fewer logistical problems. No need to have a central base to accumulate indy stuff, just split the loot in-game. The new fleet system should let us organize that sort of thing fairly easily.

OTOH, we can just start a fleet. Make a thread in this forum and name a system + fleet name. Then if any GitPers want in they can just head to the system and look up the fleet.

Couldn't we just set up a GitP chat channel? Then just send invites to it to whoever requests one.

2010-03-18, 09:40 AM
That could work, my corp + allies maintain a general chat, and i fully agree, my corp ran pirate hunts, no matter what your level was your invited, if you can fly a ship, absolutely, new players would run a tackler role, myself i flew an arazu until it poped, so much fun, oh ... you cant target us no more? well ... thats too bad :D sure that ship requires a lot of training to do, but to fly a frigate? cheap and very effective, or if you want to train up to an interceptor, much more effective with a higher suvivability rate and relitively easy to train for, again all you need is a web and scram.

But ya i wont be there but i can say definately a cool idea.

2010-03-18, 10:01 AM
Sounds like certain descriptions of dwarf-fortress, with less suggestions to apply magma.

Soon you should be able to apply magma, that is when the planetary control is released.

OTOH, we can just start a fleet. Make a thread in this forum and name a system + fleet name. Then if any GitPers want in they can just head to the system and look up the fleet.

You know 2 years ago I would have encouraged everyone to do that and then bring a small fleet of my own to kill you, but now I would probably join the fleet damn you [current corp] your industrial profits have made me soft.

2010-03-18, 11:42 AM
I think Eve has been pretty much covered here, I really like it, but it really is a very niche game. Brother Oni has probably one of the better game descriptions here. I wouldn't join any GitP corp, I have my own corp right now, no 0.0 yet, but its a corp targeting new players, and we are willing to welcome all you new playgrounders if you want, just look up Thorcrest, you'll find us. Its located in pretty much the centre of Caldari space FYI. Anyways, Eve can be great, but as it is with all games, it can be very addicting and it is really up to the individual how much they like the game or are willing to play it.

2010-03-18, 03:59 PM
Not based near jita are you? Lagtastic jita! :P

2010-03-18, 04:13 PM
A few Jumps away in Jouvulen, makes hiring new players much easier, also, way too much trafic in Jita for it to be affordable! :smalltongue:

2010-03-18, 04:29 PM
I would certainly consider getting into EVE if there was a starter GITP corp I could join. I dont actually have an account, but I have played the demo and liked what I saw. It seems like my kind of game.

Lord Herman
2010-03-19, 12:45 PM
I'm considering subscribing to EVE. I've played the trial for a little over a week now, and I'm quite enjoying it. I liked X3, but I always felt the economy was a bit 'artificial', while in EVE, it's actually made of people.

I do get the impression that most of the time, I'm not actually doing anything - I just run it in the background while I'm mining, or not run it at all while waiting for my production order to finish or my skills to train. Only when I'm hunting rats or performing missions do I actually do something.

I haven't really explored the MMO part of the game, though. I suppose the game gets a lot better when you're actually in a corporation, or fighting in a fleet.

As for a GiantITP corp, I'd be all for it if I decide to subscribe.

2010-03-19, 12:55 PM
EVE is fun. Despite the fact that some times it can be really boring.
I figure that in a short term (like.... 1 week of game) you will be bored for 40% of your time in game, but as you progress the game becomes more and more fun.

The thing that really bothers me is the navigation system. I really enjoy the free fly mode from Freelancer, and, while the tactical system of EVE makes sense for big-hug ships, I hardly think its realistic for small ships.

I'm looking forward for Black Prophecy and Jump Gate Evolution before making up my mind with EVE

Brother Oni
2010-03-19, 08:24 PM
You do realise that EVE ships in general are huge? The rifter, probably the most agile frigate in the game, is about the size of a boeing 747.

The developers once released an image of all the EVE ships with a scale model of the Eiffel tower in the corner for reference; here's a link to it (warning big image) (http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/DavikRendar/EVE_Shipchart_Apocrypha_Edition.jpg).

Inhuman Bot
2010-03-19, 10:16 PM
You do realise that EVE ships in general are huge? The rifter, probably the most agile frigate in the game, is about the size of a boeing 747.

The developers once released an image of all the EVE ships with a scale model of the Eiffel tower in the corner for reference; here's a link to it (warning big image) (http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/DavikRendar/EVE_Shipchart_Apocrypha_Edition.jpg).

The image is broken. :smalltongue:

2010-03-19, 10:33 PM
I'm sensing Faction type ship differences, What sort of ship is the hel? Oh and how common are those enormous ships that go almost all the way across the image?

2010-03-19, 10:37 PM
Well, if some people want in, I can take them on a tour of that most honorable profession: Jetcan miner baiting

Those of us with more experience can cloak and provide remote-rep support. If we all join the same NPC starter corp, we should get aggro timers on those who try to steal back their cans. This gives me a few ideas. Are you guys into role-playing in-game? If so, we all join one of the Amarr corps, probably Theology Council. Then we do the jetcan thing in Amarr space - except we also place slaves/dancing girls into the can on occasion.

Then if they take back their cans, we shoot them for interfering with our investigations. Our catchphrase shall be:

"Nobody expects the Amarr Inquisition!"

EDIT: Those are Titans. They can only be built and moved around in 0.0 space. Unless involved in a war, they're usually kept cloaked up and hidden away because they're big juicy targets that give the killer(s) bragging rights until everyone forgets about it.

Brother Oni
2010-03-20, 04:04 AM
The image is broken. :smalltongue:

Hmm, it works for me and apparently it does for other people. Try googling "Eve Online Ship chart" for a version you can see.

I'm sensing Faction type ship differences, What sort of ship is the hel?

The Hel is a mothership or a capital class tier 3 carrier. Its intended role is to provide extended logisitics support for fleets, but often they just end up as glorified transports.

There's quite a few faction differences between ships, in design, function and appearance.

Amarr designs generally focus on lasers and heavy armour. They're often gold in colour and have a very smooth, sleek appearance. Tactically, they tend to get to their optimal range and blast away, relying on their lasers to out damage and their armour to out last the opponent.

Caldari designs focus on shields and long range. They're often asymmetrical in shape and are an industrial blue/gray colour. Tactically, they tend to stay at range and use their electronic warfare systems to disable the opponent while pounding them with long distance missiles and railguns.

Gallente ships focus on armour and close range. They have an organic look to them and a green/blue colour scheme. Tactically, they like to get in close and melt the opponent with blasters, trying to outdamage them before their armour fails, although some designs also favour drones (small semi autonomous combat robots) to harass or kill.

Minmatar ships focus on speed and versitility. They have an industrial orange/brown rusty look to them and a standard joke is that they're held together with duct tape and willpower. Their versibility means that the same ship can have either an armour or shield focus, so it can be difficult to predict (and hence counter) their ship setup. Tactically, they outfly the opponent, using their speed to dictate the engagement range, thus either bombarding them at distance with artillery or close up high damage with autocannons.

Well, if some people want in, I can take them on a tour of that most honorable profession: Jetcan miner baiting

Those of us with more experience can cloak and provide remote-rep support. If we all join the same NPC starter corp, we should get aggro timers on those who try to steal back their cans.

In NPC corps, only for the person who's can it is and in any case, to join the same starter corp, we'd need to be all of the same race and bloodline unless we all sign up for a milita.

A better way would be to have everybody in the same player corp, but have a new young alt/player as the CEO while the rest of our vets just hide in the numbers.

This gives me a few ideas. Are you guys into role-playing in-game? If so, we all join one of the Amarr corps, probably Theology Council.

I like the Amarr Inquisition thing. :smallbiggrin:
My character in game is an ex-military Caldari patriot, but I don't get much of a chance to roleplay.

Edit: Forgot to mention, Titans are relatively rare. There are maybe 200 of them (out of an estimated server population of 300,000 players), but they're all concentrated in the hands of the big 0.0 alliances as it takes a massive amount of resources and time to build them, not to mention the training time to be able to fly them.

2010-03-20, 07:15 AM
Edit: Forgot to mention, Titans are relatively rare. There are maybe 200 of them (out of an estimated server population of 300,000 players), but they're all concentrated in the hands of the big 0.0 alliances as it takes a massive amount of resources and time to build them, not to mention the training time to be able to fly them.

Really there are even that many? I thought the number had yet to even reach the triple digits but yea, your lucky to see a titan, or if you are, you'll quickly be exposed to a vacuum of space as the ENTIRE CORP is escorting those thing around .

Brother Oni
2010-03-20, 09:25 AM
Apparently we're both wrong and there are estimated to be around 300 of them (http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=784827).

2010-03-20, 09:37 AM
Can you use another factions ships or are you just stuck with whatever faction your in?

Lord Herman
2010-03-20, 11:55 AM
Can you use another factions ships or are you just stuck with whatever faction your in?

If I'm not mistaken, you can use any faction's ship as long as you have the prerequisite skill. So if you are Gallente, but you want to fly a Caldari frigate, you'll have to learn the Caldari frigate skill.

Brother Oni
2010-03-20, 01:08 PM
Yup, you can learn to fly any ship in the game. All the ship skills are easily available on the market (although they're usually cheaper in that faction's space).

Your starting choice of faction and bloodline decides your character portrait, some RP choices and 2 starting skills (racial frigate and weapon system). There's no longer any measurable mechanical difference.

For example, in the fluff, the Amarr and Minmatar factions are at war, with the Minmatar being recently freed slaves of the Amarr.
However there is a faction of the Minmatar who decided to stay loyal to the Amarr, called the Ammatar. Since the character choices don't reflect this background, some players who decided to be Ammatar just used Minmatar characters and trained their characters up to use Ammar ships instead.

Lord Herman
2010-03-21, 06:52 PM
Well, I've finally subscribed. My trial was about to expire, and I had just too much fun mining rocks in space.

Does anyone have any tips on getting better at mining? I'm currently flying a Bantam with two mining lasers, two expanded cargo holds, and a survey scanner. I'd prefer something with a little more cargo space, but most stuff I've seen has a lot of skill requirements. For instance, I'd need at least a week to train all the skills I need to fly a mining barge. Learning to fly a Badger takes less time, I think, but I've heard they're rubbish at mining. Or am I better off just upgrading the stuff I have on my Bantam?

2010-03-21, 06:54 PM
Well, I've finally subscribed. My trial was about to expire, and I had just too much fun mining rocks in space.

Does anyone have any tips on getting better at mining? I'm currently flying a Bantam with two mining lasers, two expanded cargo holds, and a survey scanner. I'd prefer something with a little more cargo space, but most stuff I've seen has a lot of skill requirements. For instance, I'd need at least a week to train all the skills I need to fly a mining barge. Learning to fly a Badger takes less time, I think, but I've heard they're rubbish at mining. Or am I better off just upgrading the stuff I have on my Bantam?

Upgrade to an Osprey (Caldari cruiser, gets mining bonuses and stuff), start skilling up for a barge.

2010-03-21, 11:01 PM
Upgrade to an Osprey (Caldari cruiser, gets mining bonuses and stuff), start skilling up for a barge.

Ospery to Retriever is the best bet i think. Also, mining is great to do with a buddy who can haul while you mine. Teams/corps just do this only bigger. Good social event actually.

Lord Herman
2010-03-22, 04:37 AM
Ospery to Retriever is the best bet i think. Also, mining is great to do with a buddy who can haul while you mine. Teams/corps just do this only bigger. Good social event actually.

How does that work, exactly? Does the miner simply sell the ore to the hauler, or is the profit split between them after the ore has been delivered and processed at the station?

Edit: Is there any sort of formalised system to this sort of thing, or is it just informal agreements between the players?

Brother Oni
2010-03-22, 07:07 AM
How does that work, exactly? Does the miner simply sell the ore to the hauler, or is the profit split between them after the ore has been delivered and processed at the station?

Edit: Is there any sort of formalised system to this sort of thing, or is it just informal agreements between the players?

It's usually all informal, although larger corps/alliances may have a formal contract system in place to buy minerals/ore after the op.

Usually what my old corp used to do was everybody mining with a single hauler. At the end, the corp bought all the minerals and the money got divvied up equally.
Some corps have a tiered system depending on how much people contribute, but that's all informal.

One point - when refining ore, make sure you have someone who can do it with 100% efficiency (no reprocessing or tax losses) as over several million units, that loss can start becoming substantial.

I agree that it's a good social event, especially when everybody has headsets. The last time I was involved in one, we ended up playing guess the film from the soundtrack, then went on to admiring the *cough*attributes of various female celebrities (our corp chat got quite blue very quickly on mining ops). :smalltongue:

2010-03-22, 08:25 AM
The big advantage of the huge corps is the ability to protect miners in 0.0 space. Mining there can be profitable, but not without protection from the big rats out there.

Lord Herman
2010-03-22, 08:28 AM
One point - when refining ore, make sure you have someone who can do it with 100% efficiency (no reprocessing or tax losses) as over several million units, that loss can start becoming substantial.

Speaking of skills and stuff, do most corps have a clear division of labour? So some people will train up mining skills and do nothing but mining, others will only refine, et cetera? Or will each player perform multiple task for the corp?

Also, when you're in a corp, will you spend most of your time doing things for the corp, or will you still be freelancing from time to time?

2010-03-22, 08:41 AM
Ah yes, NEVER mine alone unless you have a very good book.

With friends however, mining can be a very fun profession. Part socialization, part firing glowing, rock-blasting lasers and one more part watching out for can-flipping bastards. (and then countering with a cloaked battleship when they bait)

I think I'll go show up for an op with my alt this weekend perhaps.

If you want to mine, train for a retriever ASAP. But before this, train for the badger and badger II. Then when you're mining rocks and see other miners, have a look at their corp and talk to a few people. Say that you're new, etc, but you have the skills to haul on mining ops.

That was how I got into my first corp. Of course, I got bored and joined the can-flippers/pirates - A convoluted tale that eventually resulted in my character being marooned in her pod in Wormhole space after a couple of successful attempts at corptheft and a not-successful attempt at assassinating my (then) CEO. This hilariously resulted in the ambushing party jumping after him into Empire space and being CONCORDed followed by my subsequent discomfiture at being shot by my former corporation's defense towers.

EDIT: More reason for my betrayal was the CEO's acrimonious tendency of making derogatory remarks regarding non-caucasian races. In this he gained no small amount of my resentment and ire. So do not think of me as some opportunistic Judas who did this for thirty silver pieces or some such nonsense.

2010-03-22, 09:09 AM
Well, I've finally subscribed. My trial was about to expire, and I had just too much fun mining rocks in space.

Does anyone have any tips on getting better at mining? I'm currently flying a Bantam with two mining lasers, two expanded cargo holds, and a survey scanner. I'd prefer something with a little more cargo space, but most stuff I've seen has a lot of skill requirements. For instance, I'd need at least a week to train all the skills I need to fly a mining barge. Learning to fly a Badger takes less time, I think, but I've heard they're rubbish at mining. Or am I better off just upgrading the stuff I have on my Bantam?

If your serious about mining, get a hulk, the largest mining barge, but hulks require a lot of funds and training time, so what i did at the time is i skipped a ... skiff i think its called and went straight to retreiver, the amount of ore those mine is far better then any other ship not of mining barge class, then went to whatever ship is above a retreiver for 3 strip mining lasers, then jumped to hulk ... its worth it trust me. and make sure you have someone to refine for you with 0% loss or train up skills to get to that 0% on at least the refining side, tax would be good to get to 0% too if possible for you but ya it will cut down on your losses a lot. Myself i fly gallente so i prefered the iteron 5 for hauling with T2 cargo expanders, can empty a can and a bit full of ore and when you have like 12 cycling so they dont expire at 1 hour ... well it pays off :P

oh and about corp stuff, that depends on the corp really. Most of the time i guess you would freelance, but again, depends on the corp.

Lord Herman
2010-03-22, 09:14 AM
Btw, is it just me or is there a lot of overlap between the EVE community and the Dwarf Fortress community here on the boards?

Brother Oni
2010-03-22, 09:25 AM
Speaking of skills and stuff, do most corps have a clear division of labour? So some people will train up mining skills and do nothing but mining, others will only refine, et cetera? Or will each player perform multiple task for the corp?

Also, when you're in a corp, will you spend most of your time doing things for the corp, or will you still be freelancing from time to time?

It depends very much on the corp and how you want to play.

Some people like mining, thus will only train mining skills, while others have mined once in the tutorial and will never go back to rock hugging again.

Some people train up dedicated alts for the purpose of having perfect refining, while others like to build a 'jack of all trades' character. The problem with generalised training compared to specialised training, is that it takes a lot longer for the generalist to get as good as the specialist at their specific task.

There are some grouped skill sets that make sense to train up together. For example miners usually also have good refining skills as A) it's more convenient to do it yourself than wait a couple hours for the refiner to log in and B)the higher end mining equipment requires some of the refining skills to use (namely the ore processing skills).

The older players tend to be able to multi-task better as they've had more time to train up skills.

As for daily life in the corp, again it depends on the corp. Some are very casual, with the members doing whatever they like and meeting up every now and again for a corp op (mining, missioning, pvp, whatever), while others are very strict and require you to be online at specific times.

Corps generally do have a code of conduct however. My industrial corp had a no pirating/can flipping policy as most of us either didn't have the experience or the skills to get involved in a major corp war. As an addendum to this, we had a no smack talking clause - EVE has consequences for your actions and annoying the wrong person can result in significant problems for your general gameplay.
One case I remember, was a new player insulting a miner in local chat after can flipping him. The miner however was extremely wealthy ingame and hired a mercenary corp to teach the smack talker a lesson. The resulting war completely destroyed that player's corp and scattered their members.

EDIT: More reason for my betrayal was the CEO's acrimonious tendency of making derogatory remarks regarding non-caucasian races. In this he gained no small amount of my resentment and ire. So do not think of me as some opportunistic Judas who did this for thirty silver pieces or some such nonsense.

I was meaning to ask you how that went.

By the bye, wouldn't racist remarks count as petitionable harassment (one of the few valid ones in the game)?

Edit: I expect the Dwarf Fortress and EVE Online posters do overlap due to the harsh, high death nature of both games.

2010-03-22, 11:50 AM
So I'm vaguely curious what we've got here peoplewise, if this corp idea does kick off. My account's unsubbed until I can secure some income, but I was smart enough to save an Evemon dump of just before my account lapsed, meaning I can see what I have skillwise. Also included is my picture, because it happened to be in my images folder. Spoilered for large image.

http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4910/191129799.jpgSkado Pokoe

Intelligence: 19.80
Perception: 16.50
Charisma: 8.80
Willpower: 16.50
Memory: 19.80

Corporation Management
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Anchoring
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Corporation Management
Total Skillpoints in Group: 4,493

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Combat Drone Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Drone Durability
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Drone Interfacing
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Drone Navigation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Drone Sharpshooting
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Drones
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Gallente Drone Specialization
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Heavy Drone Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Mining Drone Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Minmatar Drone Specialization
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Repair Drone Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Scout Drone Operation
Total Skillpoints in Group: 308,597

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Cloaking
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Cynosural Field Theory
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Electronic Warfare
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Electronics
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Electronics Upgrades
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Frequency Modulation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Long Range Targeting
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Propulsion Jamming
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Sensor Linking
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Signature Analysis
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Survey
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Target Painting
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Targeting
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Weapon Disruption
Total Skillpoints in Group: 400,133

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif EM Shield Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Energy Emission Systems
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Energy Grid Upgrades
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Energy Management
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Energy Pulse Weapons
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Energy Systems Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Engineering
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Explosive Shield Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Kinetic Shield Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Shield Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Shield Emission Systems
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Shield Management
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Shield Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Shield Upgrades
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Tactical Shield Manipulation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Thermic Shield Compensation
Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,359,145

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Advanced Weapon Upgrades
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Controlled Bursts
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Gunnery
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Large Energy Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Medium Energy Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Medium Hybrid Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Motion Prediction
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Rapid Firing
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Sharpshooter
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Small Energy Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Small Hybrid Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Small Projectile Turret
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Surgical Strike
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Trajectory Analysis
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Weapon Upgrades
Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,894,523

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Industry
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Mass Production
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Mining
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Production Efficiency
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Refining
Total Skillpoints in Group: 31,072

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Armored Warfare
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Information Warfare
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Leadership
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Mining Foreman
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Siege Warfare
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Skirmish Warfare
Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,750

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Analytical Mind
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Clarity
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Eidetic Memory
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Empathy
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Focus
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Instant Recall
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Iron Will
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Learning
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Logic
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Spatial Awareness
Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,266,371

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Armor Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Astronautics Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Drones Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Electronic Superiority Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif EM Armor Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Energy Weapon Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Explosive Armor Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Frigate Construction
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level5.gif Hull Upgrades
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Hybrid Weapon Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Industrial Construction
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Jury Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Kinetic Armor Compensation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Launcher Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Mechanic
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Projectile Weapon Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Remote Armor Repair Systems
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Remote Hull Repair Systems
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Repair Systems
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Salvaging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Shield Rigging
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Thermic Armor Compensation
Total Skillpoints in Group: 719,075

Missile Launcher Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Defender Missiles
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif FoF Missiles
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Heavy Assault Missiles
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Heavy Missiles
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Missile Bombardment
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Missile Launcher Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Missile Projection
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Rapid Launch
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Rockets
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Standard Missiles
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Target Navigation Prediction
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Warhead Upgrades
Total Skillpoints in Group: 217,985

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Acceleration Control
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Afterburner
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Evasive Maneuvering
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Fuel Conservation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif High Speed Maneuvering
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Navigation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Warp Drive Operation
Total Skillpoints in Group: 500,550

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Astrometric Rangefinding
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Astrometrics
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Biology
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Cybernetics
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Infomorph Psychology
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Laboratory Operation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Metallurgy
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Research
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Science
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Thermodynamics
Total Skillpoints in Group: 78,000

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Connections
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Criminal Connections
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Diplomacy
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Fast Talk
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Negotiation
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Social
Total Skillpoints in Group: 112,503

Spaceship Command
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Amarr Battleship
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Amarr Cruiser
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Amarr Frigate
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Amarr Industrial
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Battlecruisers
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Caldari Cruiser
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Caldari Frigate
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Caldari Industrial
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Destroyers
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Gallente Frigate
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level3.gif Minmatar Frigate
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level1.gif Minmatar Industrial
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level4.gif Spaceship Command
Total Skillpoints in Group: 924,144

http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Contracting
http://myeve.eve-online.com/bitmaps/character/level2.gif Trade
Total Skillpoints in Group: 2,830

Total Skillpoints: 7,822,171
Total Number of Skills: 154

Skills at Level 1: 34
Skills at Level 2: 44
Skills at Level 3: 33
Skills at Level 4: 31
Skills at Level 5: 10

2010-03-23, 02:08 AM
Well, he didn't cop on that I was a traitor - I got shot because he kicked me after I questioned his leadership.

Aside from being racist, he was severely incompetent. Lost a True Sanshas' POS and some other POS stuff to an ambush by piratical sorts on his completely undefended Mammoth in Wormhole space. The other was when gave his "friend", not in our corporation, an Orca to transport to the POS. Said friend made off with it (duh) and some of the other members belongings.

EDIT: I would have petitioned, save for realizing (with a battleclinic search) that he had never once won a fight, lame carebear that he was. In order to subsidize his repeated horrific losses, he was buying PLEX and selling them for ISK. This being so pathetically funny that I decided to forgive him; that he would spend real money to entertain pirates. Maybe I'll have a go at him someday, if he hasn't quit.

2010-03-23, 11:34 AM
And then jump in a shuttle and pod him. :D MMO Rule Number 12: Thou shalt always pour salt in it.

2010-03-23, 02:04 PM
Wow, looks like there's quite a lot of interest here for EvE. I've been playing for about a month and a half with a smallish group on another forum and I've been loving it. It doesn't look like anyone's stepped up to start a GITP corp yet, so I'd like to promote my corp instead.

HAL Industries is a pretty new corp that started over on Halforums.com. We consist of about 10-12 newer players mentored by a few veterans. Right now we're pretty casual, most players do their own thing during the week but on weekends we've been running various corp ops. We've got miners, mission runners, and we've recently been getting our feet wet in PvP. For fleet ops we've been doing things such as a PvP frigate tournament for new players (with a 20mil ISK reward to the winner); fleet maneuvers to get people used to flying in a group, scanning out a system, etc.; and just this weekend we did a low-sec/wormhole mining op.

Right now we are focused on helping the new players find their niche and get them up and running, whether it be getting our miners in mining barges, our combat pilots PvP experience, etc. We've just started open recruitment and we'd love to have people from GITP join our ranks. New or old, we can find a place for you.

Our only requirements for recruitment are a copy of your numerical user ID and limited API code (new players, you can find this through your account settings) just so we can try and protect ourselves from new corp griefers. If anyone is interested you can get more information by checking our Halforums thread here (http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?11949-EvE-online-you-don-t-have-the-stuff) or by contacting the following people in-game via EvEmail or PM.

Hellkyte (CEO)
Straker IV (officer)
Rick Baern (myself, also officer)

Edit: Also with your corp application I'd like to request people just make a note that they're from GITP so we can keep track of where we are getting recruits from.

2010-03-23, 02:28 PM
Well, if people are promoting their own corps, I have a new start up corp running, just send a message to Throcrest via EveMail, or PM me here... I guess.

2010-03-23, 07:39 PM
This is Hellkyte from the Halforums corp. And just so yall don't think we're spamming yall, you can see I've been a member on this forum for a while. Also, I spent a small (small) amount of time playtesting the OOTs boardgame expansion. Kevin at Ape games is a cool guy.

Anyways, just wanted to second what my dog (get it?) was saying. We are growing fast, but also growing securely. Our main sources of recruiting are from forums like these, as generally you can tell that someone has been on the forum for a long time which removes concerns about griefers and spys.

Here's the thing about EvE:


No better way to say it. Learning it on your own is brutal. Learning it with a good corp is a lot less difficult. We have members in american, european, and...australian time zones. Crazy.

We do have our own forum (not trying to poach from here, but a good corp needs its own forum for managing itself) as well as a ventrillo server. The server only handles 15 at the moment, but its more than enough.

Anyways, just wanted to stop in and say hello. Would love to have yall contact us in game.

Edit: I expect the Dwarf Fortress and EVE Online posters do overlap due to the harsh, high death nature of both games.

wow, spot on mate. Dwarf fortress is like my second favorite game. Behind this one.

2010-03-24, 06:21 AM
Reading this is making me want to start EVE up again. I've got two accounts so I could Mine and haul in High-sec...My main account is already in a Retriever (or was it might have BLOWN UP (tm)) and the other had a good Gallente hauler....might be worth the time while I study Air War College.

2010-03-24, 11:03 PM
If you do end up renewing, throw an app in over at HAL Industries.

2010-03-25, 06:49 AM
If you do end up renewing, throw an app in over at HAL Industries.

Forgot my damn log in info so I'm waiting for a ticket from CCP to be answered. If I start again, I don't want to wait to reskill up to Mining Barge again.

I just started hitting my stride in mining with the Retriever when I stopped for lack of involvment with ANY OTHER LIVING SOUL except can flippers.

Brother Oni
2010-03-25, 07:47 AM
I just started hitting my stride in mining with the Retriever when I stopped for lack of involvment with ANY OTHER LIVING SOUL except can flippers.

So what did you do with all the ore you mined? Horded it all in station like Chribba? :smalltongue:

2010-03-25, 07:57 AM
actually ive currently got about 60 mil in ore at least refined in station at the moment .... i find it kinda entertaining :D and thats just at buy order price if i recall

2010-03-25, 09:48 AM
I was in High Sec space and I had a second account that was built to haul away my ore.

UNFORTUNATELY, it looks like CCP only holds accounts for 6 months, so....I might have to start over again. Which I'm certainly NOT going to do unless I am involved in an active corp.

Quite frankly I don't want to PvP very often and focus on mining/industrial/trade...although I will have to PvE to raise sec status to lower refining taxes...I never got the hang of finishing missions at all.

2010-03-25, 10:14 AM
Makes me tempted to dig out my Eve Online Character. I was about to break into Battleships when my Corp hit a rough patch, I lost three Harby's in quick succession because of stupid Fleet Leader Mistakes, and just got annoyed with the game.

2010-03-25, 10:32 AM
UNFORTUNATELY, it looks like CCP only holds accounts for 6 months,

WTF? No. Not unless something changed in the past month or so.

2010-03-25, 10:36 AM
ya, my account is still there when i went back , 2 years later for 5 days :P

2010-03-25, 11:23 AM
Well, my problem is that I can't remember the password and the email that I used years ago is no longer valid...so I might be a tiny bit screwed.

By the by...does the corp have a hauler character? or Miner? I really don't mind being the corp miner but I'd like to remove teh need for a second account to actually move my ore convientently. (and buy a spelling upgrade)

Speaking of starting though...do any of you have a buddy code for 21 free days? Between that and trying to find out my old account I should be set.

2010-03-25, 11:55 AM
Speaking of starting though...do any of you have a buddy code for 21 free days? Between that and trying to find out my old account I should be set.

You want the Buddy 21 day Trial Account? Send me your email, in a PM if you want, and I can send you one sometime today.

Brother Oni
2010-03-25, 12:04 PM
Well, my problem is that I can't remember the password and the email that I used years ago is no longer valid...so I might be a tiny bit screwed.

By the by...does the corp have a hauler character? or Miner? I really don't mind being the corp miner but I'd like to remove teh need for a second account to actually move my ore convientently. (and buy a spelling upgrade)

Speaking of starting though...do any of you have a buddy code for 21 free days? Between that and trying to find out my old account I should be set.

Try mailing CCP support with as much information as you can remember about the character (approximate SP, location, account and character name, etc) along with the fact that you've forgotten your password and that the listed email is no longer valid.

At worst, all that happens is that they can't unlock that account.

When did you last play? Character creation has changed so that you get double training speed up to 1.6million SP.

Let me know if nobody else gives you a buddy code (they get some free time if you sign up) and I'll sort you out. I don't need the time myself (I subscribe for blocks at a time).

2010-03-25, 12:08 PM
Thanks someone offered and I sent them a PM so hopfully tonight I'll download the client and get on (so to speak).

I used the petition they direct me to, but no luck as of yet. I'll try the same user name as before and if I get an error that will confirm the info is still there.

2010-03-25, 12:25 PM
Well, my problem is that I can't remember the password and the email that I used years ago is no longer valid...so I might be a tiny bit screwed.

By the by...does the corp have a hauler character? or Miner? I really don't mind being the corp miner but I'd like to remove teh need for a second account to actually move my ore convientently. (and buy a spelling upgrade)

Speaking of starting though...do any of you have a buddy code for 21 free days? Between that and trying to find out my old account I should be set.

We do have a couple of miners, but we could always use more. The more characters with mining barges we have, the more profitable wormhole mining will be. Our CEO has an alt with a hauler and I've got one of my own but I'm usually flying a combat ship during fleet ops.

Edit: As for your old account, it should still be in the system. We just had a guy join up who left the game for a few years and recently renewed his subscription.

2010-03-25, 12:31 PM
Finally got an email back from CCP, unfortunately some of the info is at home, but we'll see.

I enjoyed the mining aspects...especially as I slog through my Air War College reading it should be fine.

Worst case I'll just train up to Galliente BS and mine with a Dom, with their drones I will be ok in 0.4-0.6 space.

2010-03-25, 12:42 PM
mine with a Dom, with their drones I will be ok in 0.4



good one

You are 'ok' in .4 and under if you are at all times ready to brutally massacre anyone you see. Or running at the drop of a hat. A mining domi is fine against rats, but other players who know what they're doing will eat you for a light snack and you won't have any idea what just happened except that you lost your battleship that you worked so hard to get and why do people have to be so mean RAGEQUIT.

Lowsec is fun, but fly what you can afford to lose, and if you're doing anything other than hunting other players, do so in a group. Preferably one that has fought and won a few engagements together.

2010-03-25, 12:45 PM
Wow, that is a change from before. Often is 0.4 to 0.6 you would be able to find systems that were ghost towns and all you had to watch out for were the NPC rats. Are there so many low-sec pirates now that you can't get away?

2010-03-25, 01:04 PM
Wow, that is a change from before. Often is 0.4 to 0.6 you would be able to find systems that were ghost towns and all you had to watch out for were the NPC rats. Are there so many low-sec pirates now that you can't get away?

Nope, there's still plenty of nice quiet systems you can sit around and mine in. Just remember that a roaming pirate fleet could pop in at any time. Never count on mining in low sec unless you can guarantee that you can escape or kill anyone who tries to come after you. :smalltongue:

2010-03-25, 01:05 PM
No, if you're relying on obscurity, you might be safe enough. But that's an entirely different thing than relying on drones for defense. IF someone out hunting for kills sees you in local and manages to find which belt you're in fast enough to get a tackle, and you're not explicitly set up for pvp, you're probably done.

Silly carebears ratting or mining in lowsec are prime targets for some of the people I've played with. They make a point of looking for people like you, and they don't need to be in big crowds to find such targets. You might be able to avoid them by picking certain areas of lowsec to hang out in, but you're rolling dice that are going to come up snakeeyes sooner or later.

2010-03-25, 01:11 PM
True, I didn't mean to imply that I would be immune from PvP, but more from PvE issues...issues that I couldn't ignore in my Retriever where I was pretty much forced to stay in 0.8 space or higher.

Heck, I never had any combat skills and never even went to L2 missions either. That's why I like the building/mining aspects.

I LOVE SW galaxies original crafting...with different material levels...spreadsheet MMO for the WIN!!!

2010-03-25, 02:36 PM
I remember my corp fighting a carrier in low sec, we didnt have enough firepower to destroy it but we were close, a few of us were in bbs and tahts about it :P

2010-03-25, 05:12 PM
PvE isn't hard. For 0.5 systems and above, I've never had any trouble that 5 hobgoblin II drones couldn't handle.

2010-03-26, 12:15 AM
Wow at all the corp recruitment in this thread. Guess there are more playgrounders in Eve than I thought.

My corp... well, it's not really recruiting at the moment. However, my alliance, Labores Solis Insidiae is recruiting industrial corps of all sizes for strength in numbers. We also have alliance mining ops with Orca support, POS lab slots for rent to alliance members, occasional wormhole ops, and freighter pilots willing to haul for alliance members.

We're an excellent resource if your corp doesn't have their own Orca, freighter, or research POS.

If you're interested, contact our executor, Dj Zon in-game.

2010-03-26, 12:29 AM
As I said, why don't we just set GitP channel and let everyone join it? We won't have to worry about leaving/joining a specific corp and can still chat, set up fleets, goof around, etc.

Lord Herman
2010-03-26, 03:46 AM
Good idea. How does making a channel work? Will a channel always be open to everyone, or can we set a password or something so only playgrounders can get in?

This HAL Industries corp sounds interesting. My character is less than a month old, and not very specialised, but I'm sure there's stuff I could do. I have an osprey set up for mining (can't afford a real barge yet), a badger for hauling, and a cormorant for combat.

2010-03-26, 06:31 AM
Well started a trial account to get my feet wet while I sort out the old account. Seems more "noob" friendly now in the beginning with the career agents and all the extras...very nice.

Of course I can see the steep ramp up to increase my utility from here, but at least I feel I could be doing something useful in the mean time.

2010-03-26, 08:15 AM
grrrrr you guys are making me want to get back into eve :P

2010-03-26, 09:06 AM
No! Resist the temptation, it's not worth it!

Low Sec mining seems best done by renting areas patrolled by corps. A good one is expensive, but they'll also patrol and keep out PvP, and knock down the rat population.

2010-03-26, 09:09 AM
Ya, but with the way the current mineral market is, the risk vs reward of low sec mining in belts is kinda worthless, and wormhole mining is really the only thing i would do, or whatever that other one is ...

2010-03-26, 09:19 AM
Might be worth shuttleing around and finding a lower population low-sec area, or heck doing the same thing in 0.0 in a shuttle...I hear that many 0.0 areas are virtually empty...of course I'm to damn chicken to go and find out.

2010-03-26, 09:24 AM
LOL, just got my petition back from CCP and it says that "The account was accessed by hackers and was closed. I am escalating the petitiona nd it will be dealt with soon."

Wonder how that happened as its been years since I played...so my main miner in his Barge may take a while longer yet.

2010-03-26, 09:54 AM
That sucks :( but at least they found it, hopefully everything works out forya, and 0.0 mining is dangerous depending where you go, and the rats are much better and bigger, and you have to go low sec to transport your minerals out which is the by far most dangerous part unless you have an alt to scout for you.

2010-03-26, 12:57 PM
good news is my account is unbanned and will be playable with all skills available.

Bad news:

1. Hackers took my isk and some items..GMs put the isk back but who knows if I even have a ship to pilot.
2. Still can't get into my account as its tied to a VERY old inactive email so the GMs still have to change it to my new email so I can ask for a new password.

After that I'll be ready to move over to Tew and ask for a Corp invite.

2010-03-26, 01:15 PM
If someone's linked this already, sorry, but what's covered in this article (http://eve.klaki.net/heist/) is basically "EVE online: you're doing it right."

There's a reason fans of this game say that "EVE" is short for "Everyone Vs Everyone."

Lord Herman
2010-03-26, 01:57 PM
If someone's linked this already, sorry, but what's covered in this article (http://eve.klaki.net/heist/) is basically "EVE online: you're doing it right."

There's a reason fans of this game say that "EVE" is short for "Everyone Vs Everyone."

Wow. If I hadn't already subscribed, that story would certainly have convinced me to.

2010-03-26, 02:30 PM
Ok, so, I think I've set up a channel we can all chat in. It's by invite only, so if you want in PM me with your character name and I'll pass you and invite.

Brother Oni
2010-03-26, 08:26 PM
Wow. If I hadn't already subscribed, that story would certainly have convinced me to.

If you think that was good, you should have a look at the EVE Bank and Ebank scandals (http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/100/1002527p1.html).

One was a simple Ponzi scheme while the other was more a straight forward corp theft.

2010-03-26, 09:18 PM
OK, my main account got activated and I got to "Jonzac" stats. I've attached them below because they were better than I thought.

================================================== =====================
Name: Jonzac
Gender: Male
Race: Minmatar
Bloodline: Sebiestor
Balance: 12,049,238.26 ISK

Intelligence: 18.02
Charisma: 6.36
Perception: 14.84
Memory: 13.78
Willpower: 13.78

================================================== =====================
Corporation Management, 1 Skill, 750 Points
: Anchoring (3) L1 750/768,000 Points
Drones, 2 Skills, 136,342 Points
: Drones (1) L4 91,087/256,000 Points
: Scout Drone Operation (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
Electronics, 5 Skills, 274,009 Points
: Electronics (1) L5 256,000/256,000 Points
: Electronics Upgrades (2) L1 1,259/512,000 Points
: (Currently training to level II, completes 3/26/2010 11:25:07 PM)
: Propulsion Jamming (3) L1 750/768,000 Points
: Survey (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Targeting (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
Engineering, 11 Skills, 582,703 Points
: EM Shield Compensation (2) L1 500/512,000 Points
: Energy Emission Systems (2) L2 2,829/512,000 Points
: Energy Grid Upgrades (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
: Energy Management (3) L4 135,765/768,000 Points
: Engineering (1) L5 256,000/256,000 Points
: Kinetic Shield Compensation (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
: Shield Compensation (2) L3 16,015/512,000 Points
: Shield Operation (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Shield Upgrades (2) L4 90,510/512,000 Points
: Tactical Shield Manipulation (4) L1 1,000/1,024,000 Points
: Thermic Shield Compensation (2) L2 2,829/512,000 Points
Gunnery, 8 Skills, 129,499 Points
: Gunnery (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Medium Projectile Turret (3) L3 24,000/768,000 Points
: Motion Prediction (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
: Rapid Firing (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
: Sharpshooter (2) L2 2,829/512,000 Points
: Small Hybrid Turret (1) L2 1,415/256,000 Points
: Small Projectile Turret (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Weapon Upgrades (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
Industry, 8 Skills, 709,770 Points
: Industry (1) L5 256,000/256,000 Points
: Mass Production (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
: Mining (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Pyroxeres Processing (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
: Refinery Efficiency (3) L4 135,765/768,000 Points
: Refining (1) L5 256,000/256,000 Points
: Scordite Processing (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
: Veldspar Processing (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
Leadership, 0 Skill, 0 Points
Learning, 8 Skills, 241,263 Points
: Analytical Mind (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Clarity (3) L3 24,000/768,000 Points
: Eidetic Memory (3) L2 4,243/768,000 Points
: Focus (3) L3 24,000/768,000 Points
: Instant Recall (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Iron Will (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Learning (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Spatial Awareness (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
Mechanic, 6 Skills, 262,518 Points
: Astronautics Rigging (3) L3 24,000/768,000 Points
: Hull Upgrades (2) L4 90,510/512,000 Points
: Jury Rigging (2) L4 90,510/512,000 Points
: Mechanic (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Repair Systems (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Salvaging (3) L2 4,243/768,000 Points
Missile Launcher Operation, 6 Skills, 70,491 Points
: Defender Missiles (2) L1 500/512,000 Points
: Heavy Assault Missiles (3) L2 4,243/768,000 Points
: Heavy Missiles (3) L2 4,243/768,000 Points
: Missile Launcher Operation (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
: Rockets (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
: Standard Missiles (2) L3 16,000/512,000 Points
Navigation, 4 Skills, 2,434 Points
: Afterburner (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
: Evasive Maneuvering (2) L1 500/512,000 Points
: Navigation (1) L2 1,434/256,000 Points
: Warp Drive Operation (1) L1 250/256,000 Points
Science, 6 Skills, 449,180 Points
: Astrogeology (3) L4 135,765/768,000 Points
: High Energy Physics (5) L3 40,000/1,280,000 Points
: Infomorph Psychology (1) L2 1,415/256,000 Points
: Laboratory Operation (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Research (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
: Science (1) L5 256,000/256,000 Points
Social, 2 Skills, 32,000 Points
: Connections (3) L3 24,000/768,000 Points
: Social (1) L3 8,000/256,000 Points
Spaceship Command, 9 Skills, 830,909 Points
: Battlecruisers (6) L4 271,530/1,536,000 Points
: Caldari Cruiser (5) L3 40,000/1,280,000 Points
: Caldari Frigate (2) L4 90,510/512,000 Points
: Destroyers (2) L2 2,829/512,000 Points
: Mining Barge (4) L3 32,000/1,024,000 Points
: Minmatar Cruiser (5) L4 226,275/1,280,000 Points
: Minmatar Frigate (2) L4 90,510/512,000 Points
: Minmatar Industrial (4) L3 32,000/1,024,000 Points
: Spaceship Command (1) L4 45,255/256,000 Points
Subsystems, 0 Skill, 0 Points
Trade, 1 Skill, 1,415 Points
: Trade (1) L2 1,415/256,000 Points

I still have my retriever and about 12 million ISK so I should be able to start...I can do 100% refining for all highsec ores at a 50% factory.

I'll start moving my stuff over to TEW, but its going to take a bit of time to do that...especially all the ore and minerals I have.

2010-03-27, 09:10 AM
Wow. If I hadn't already subscribed, that story would certainly have convinced me to.

That gets dwarfed in ISK value destroyed and sheer drama by the disbanding of BoB.

Which in turn gets dwarfed by the ISK value stolen and sheer karma by Goonswarm's collapse and Karttoon's subsequent hijacking of it.

Whenever you think "there will be absolutely no way to top this" it turns out to be wrong.

2010-03-27, 10:04 AM
Mmm... Just wait until the minutes for the next CSM meeting are up. They've advocated that people should be able to see the overview of the area outside their station while docked and that warp scramblers should stop people from docking.

If true, it would be a serious boon for all empire-space warmongers (and would help those who are trying to avoid docking ganks as well).

2010-03-27, 10:40 AM
Which in turn gets dwarfed by the ISK value stolen and sheer karma by Goonswarm's collapse and Karttoon's subsequent hijacking of it.
I was there when it happened, it was less a collapse and more "wait, why didn't the Sov bills get paid?"

Then Karttoon came back from his honeymoon and ganked the alliance.

:edit: That said, while it didn't collapse when Sov dropped, it seems to be collapsing now, haven't been following politics since before my account unsubbed, but apparently a bunch of "pubbie" corps are branching off to start a new alliance. Here's hoping MerchI takes the helm and reforges W.A.N.G.

2010-03-28, 02:48 PM
Good idea. How does making a channel work? Will a channel always be open to everyone, or can we set a password or something so only playgrounders can get in?

This HAL Industries corp sounds interesting. My character is less than a month old, and not very specialised, but I'm sure there's stuff I could do. I have an osprey set up for mining (can't afford a real barge yet), a badger for hauling, and a cormorant for combat.

Feel free to contact me in game. We're growing pretty steadily. Think we already have someone else from the forum in corp. Anyone who joins from a forum I trust (this one and a couple others) with sufficient history in the forum also gets a nice 3 mil isk signing bonus. Its not a lot for an old player, but for a new player it makes the first month like a million times easier.

There are also a lot of internal courier contracts. Good way for a new player to make isk. And we have some older players who run lvl 4 missions who always need someone to salvage for them.

With regards to the industrial alliance, that sounds interesting. We have a number of pilots who are doing industrial stuff, myself included. Question though. Would they have a problem with us can flipping and doing low sec piracy? We're kind of all over the place at the moment, just to allow our members to explore the different options that exist. Plus, we can flip miners that take too much ore in our mining systems. Cause we're jerks.

I'm guessing the answer to that is no. If not though, would yall have a problem with us wardeccing? At this point I'm guessing my chance of getting approval are lim as x->0.

On a wholy unrelated note, I just got some fantastic BPCs/BPOs last night. Going to be able to increase my ROI on minerals by quite a bit (20-40%) Pretty psyched about that.

For people interested in crafting, I can say, without a doubt, that EvE has the most advanced crafting and trade system in any MMO I am aware of. Except maybe Second Life....but....that doesn't really count. Cause its too weird.

Oh yeah, and that link. That's one of my primary recruitment tools. The GHSC manuever is....I dunno, the most incredible thing I have ever heard of in an MMO. And the fact that it is considered to be within the accepted realm of play is awesome. One thing you can say about CCP is that they don't bend over to appease crybabbies (ahem.....Blizzard).

Edit: Also, what do you mean by "playgrounders"?

2010-03-28, 09:54 PM
Edit: Also, what do you mean by "playgrounders"?

As in 'giant in the'?

2010-03-28, 11:44 PM
You know, a GitP corp may be worth thinking about... My character is between corps right now so I'd sign up.

Problem is what we'd do in EVE - Small Gang PvP sounds about right. That way even newbies can contribute. Plus fewer logistical problems. No need to have a central base to accumulate indy stuff, just split the loot in-game. The new fleet system should let us organize that sort of thing fairly easily.

OTOH, we can just start a fleet. Make a thread in this forum and name a system + fleet name. Then if any GitPers want in they can just head to the system and look up the fleet.

hmm interesting, I'd consider joining, anyone want to pm me their username I'll send them mine of my trail i'd want to reactivate. The problem I found is I didn't have anyone to play with.

2010-03-29, 12:16 AM
As in 'giant in the'?

ahhhhh.....was getting a little over sensitive. Thought I was being called a carebear for a second. :)

So it looks like we have 2 GITP members in corp now, would love to see more come in. Feel free to start your own corp of course, but numbers matter in the initial stages of growing a corp, and if everyone here goes off on their own way your corp won't make it past 5 men and will never be able to do anything.

So the merger idea is still out there to whoever that was I talked to in game.

More than likely once we get more members and they get enough experience to figure out exactly what they want to do we will split into a couple smaller corps, (like a pirate corp and a high sec industrial corp.)

I just got my first major industrial jobs running. I also threw a bunch of BPOs into the furnace for research. Should see them sometime next month :). I'm actually pretty stunned how easy it is to make money on building rigs. I would have thought the margins would have gotten pretty thin by now, but they are still pretty nice. I'm also starting to build cruisers. Not a great margin on them, but they are really just for my main to go get blown up in low sec.

Should be fun.

2010-03-29, 12:45 AM
anyways my characters name is Jareth Mirina, caldari race.

Message me with GITP in the intro.

2010-03-29, 07:49 AM
ahhhhh.....was getting a little over sensitive. Thought I was being called a carebear for a second. :)

So it looks like we have 2 GITP members in corp now, would love to see more come in. Feel free to start your own corp of course, but numbers matter in the initial stages of growing a corp, and if everyone here goes off on their own way your corp won't make it past 5 men and will never be able to do anything.

So the merger idea is still out there to whoever that was I talked to in game.

More than likely once we get more members and they get enough experience to figure out exactly what they want to do we will split into a couple smaller corps, (like a pirate corp and a high sec industrial corp.)

I just got my first major industrial jobs running. I also threw a bunch of BPOs into the furnace for research. Should see them sometime next month :). I'm actually pretty stunned how easy it is to make money on building rigs. I would have thought the margins would have gotten pretty thin by now, but they are still pretty nice. I'm also starting to build cruisers. Not a great margin on them, but they are really just for my main to go get blown up in low sec.

Should be fun.
Necronic, you are a carebear.

And yes, people do tend to undervalue rig components. It's more of a secondary occupation. Also, the fact that the drop frequencies for rig components from NPC ships isn't very well known. This means that there's usually an over-supply in many areas and people just can't be bothered finding a better deal. The NPC factions with the highest drop rates for the highest-demand salvage (Tritanium Bars, Armor Plates) are in Amarr space and the journey from there to Jita isn't usually considered worthwhile just to transport said components (you aren't guaranteed to salvage enough to make transporting them economically sensible). So trawling Amarr space for cheap rig components can frequently make a profit.

If you want specific advice on how best to do this, I take ISK. (The reason I don't make a lot from this is because I rate boredom as an expense)

2010-03-29, 08:39 AM
oh do i wish i had money and time :S

2010-03-29, 10:37 AM
So... There's currently 3 people signed up for the Gitp chat channel. Two more waiting for me to spot them online so I can toss them an invite. The channel is invite only and won't require you to leave/join any corps so you can still chat with fellow playgrounders. All that's asked is that you don't go and use the channel as a way to hunt down and/or grief other playgrounders.

I'll send out an invite to anyone who posts their character name in this thread, or anyone who sends me a PM with their name in case you don't want anyone else to know who you are in here.

Lord Herman
2010-03-29, 11:10 AM
Yes, join the GitP Chat. We will not track you down and gank you. Providing us with detailed information about your location, the cash value of your ship and cargo, and the nature of your armaments and defences as well as advice on how to counter them is entirely safe.

Disclaimer: The above may or may not be a blatant lie.

2010-03-29, 05:11 PM
Throw me an invite - There's only one Caewil in the game.

2010-03-29, 05:25 PM
a bit like this:

2010-03-29, 08:44 PM
I have a question about the mechanics of the game. From what Ive heard it seems that the Minmotarr(sp?) are the primary drone using faction. But my question is, if I roll a char from another faction and decide to play a drone carrier type ship, would I be at a big disadvantage compared to a Minmotarr player of the same style of play (i.e. lots of drones)?

2010-03-29, 09:21 PM
Actually, Gallente use drones the most. The Minmatars' hat is speed.

2010-03-30, 12:14 AM
Actually, Gallente use drones the most. The Minmatars' hat is speed.

In a very general sense its like this (with big exceptions)

Gallente - Drones, lots of cap, armor or shield tanking

Caldari - Missiles, EWar, Also lots of cap, shield oriented

Amarr - lots of armor. Like tons of armor. Then some more armor.

Minmitar - Duct tape.

2010-03-30, 12:46 AM
I have a question about the mechanics of the game. From what Ive heard it seems that the Minmotarr(sp?) are the primary drone using faction. But my question is, if I roll a char from another faction and decide to play a drone carrier type ship, would I be at a big disadvantage compared to a Minmotarr player of the same style of play (i.e. lots of drones)?

The disadvantage to rolling a character from a different faction is that you won't start with any skills related to flying Minmitar ships and as such will need to spend time training them. This is only really a 'big' disadvantage if you're in some sort of hurry to fly Minmitar ships or are planning on exclusively flying them.

For the most part your chosen faction just determines what skills you have trained when you start. Generally something for the faction's favoured weapon, some basic faction piloting, and maybe something to keep your ship alive a little longer.

2010-03-31, 09:15 AM
I have a question about the mechanics of the game. From what Ive heard it seems that the Minmotarr(sp?) are the primary drone using faction. But my question is, if I roll a char from another faction and decide to play a drone carrier type ship, would I be at a big disadvantage compared to a Minmotarr player of the same style of play (i.e. lots of drones)?

It's irrelevant. The only difference it makes is a few days training whatever skills a member of a different race would get by default. After that you just train for whatever ship types you want to fly, and for the equipment you want to put on it.

I started as Gallente (drone race) then trained Minmatar for a while because I figured speed is life. Then came back to Gallente.

2010-03-31, 03:09 PM
My real concern is about the actual ships, because theyre the limiting factor. Do other factions have drone capable ships? For example would I be able to find an Amarr ship that is capable of carrying lots of drones.

2010-03-31, 03:37 PM
My real concern is about the actual ships, because theyre the limiting factor. Do other factions have drone capable ships? For example would I be able to find an Amarr ship that is capable of carrying lots of drones.

Yes actually, Amarr in particular has several cruiser-class drone ships that are very strong. You can find drone ships for any race, it's just Gallente that are guaranteed to have them on every one. You can find occasional cross-fits in other ways; for example, putting projectile guns (normally minmatar) on the tier 2 Gallente battlecruiser, along with a passive shield tank (normally caldari), results in a pretty tough target (Gallente normally does armor tank). Missiles is primarily Caldari, some Minmatar, and a little bit Amarr; I don't think Gallente ships are even capable of fitting the launchers (I've never tried, if I have a task requiring missiles I use a minnie or caldari ship). Turret weapons of various sorts, you'll have ship-specific bonuses for the appropriate racial type, but you can ignore that and use some other type if you choose to.

This can get into pretty arcane details of ship setups though, it's really best not to try to plan too hard about things like this until you've actually flown some and have an idea of what works for you.

2010-03-31, 05:31 PM
Tristan has missile points. You have to do a 2-2 split between blasters and failkets. Overall prefer the Incursus for PvP but it is there...

2010-03-31, 08:12 PM
Ya aside from gallente ammar are the only ones with real drone ships really, but i love the thorax way too much to give up my gallente cruisers :P

But really, if you want to do something you can train it no matter how you start. Just the 4 race ships are more or less,

Gallente - Drones, close range blaster common, armor tank
Ammar - Lasers, usually longer range (may have changed) armor tank,
Minmatar - Fast, can do armor and shield tanks, missiles and autocannons,
Caldari - Missiles, lots of missiles, shield tankers

those are really the primary general race stuff, but of course theres exceptions within each. (at least as far as i remember them from 2 years ago)

2010-04-01, 09:16 PM
Throw me an invite - There's only one Caewil in the game.

Were you talking to me?

2010-04-02, 12:03 PM
Idiot newbish question: is there any sort of crafting system in the game, through which you can make absolutely pointless knicknacks with no appreciable affect on the game?

This may or may not be a dealbreaker.

2010-04-02, 12:17 PM
Idiot newbish question: is there any sort of crafting system in the game, through which you can make absolutely pointless knicknacks with no appreciable affect on the game?

This may or may not be a dealbreaker.

I don't think there is but you can buy (or loot) random stuff that's pure fluff and has no impact on the game such as exotic dancers, militia, hobos, janitors, frozen food, milk, water, porn movies, regular movies, DNA, other players frozen corpses and much more.

But the crafting system is HUGE, and when the planetary interaction patch comes it will be even bigger (and then you could possibly make the useless stuff, I mean it makes sense that you can have the fields produce food and the towns produce hobos). Currently about 80-90% of all things on the market are drops from rats (npc's) and stuff made by other players. CCP has said that they want to increase that to 100% with the planetary thingamajiggary.

Eugh this is making me want to play again but my finals are in less then a month.

2010-04-02, 01:48 PM
Basically, I'm trying to see if there's any pointless bullsquid that I can sell in a door-to-door fashion, like I did with mechanical rodents in World of Warcraft.

I guess I'll poke around some more.

2010-04-02, 01:54 PM
Basically, I'm trying to see if there's any pointless bullsquid that I can sell in a door-to-door fashion, like I did with mechanical rodents in World of Warcraft.

I guess I'll poke around some more.

Well the players in EVE are playing the super rich immortal capsuleers. 1 isk (the EVE currency) could probably pay for a family for life so it kinda makes sense that they don't make the useless everyday items. Instead they spend their wealth on their useless toys (ships, guns, pointless alliances and wars).

2010-04-02, 02:07 PM
Basically, I'm trying to see if there's any pointless bullsquid that I can sell in a door-to-door fashion, like I did with mechanical rodents in World of Warcraft.

I guess I'll poke around some more.

Step 1: Get a mission that gives you Exotic Dancers, movies, DNA, etc.
Step 2: Go from system to system selling them.
Step 3: Become known as Rutskarn, the Travelling Salesman.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: PROFIT!


DISCLAIMER: Exotic Dancers/movies/cigarettes/etc are items used for courier missions. Failure to deliver them will annoy your mission agent and result in a loss of the collateral you had to pay for the mission.

Actually, that reminds me. The next time my corporation goes to war I want to load up my tackle frigate with Exotic Dancers. When I get blown up and my wreck is looted there should be massive lulz on my end. Hey Rutskarn, if you join EVE and do this I'll buy Exotic Dancers from you. :smalltongue:

2010-04-02, 02:11 PM
Step 1: Get a mission that gives you Exotic Dancers, movies, DNA, etc.
Step 2: Go from system to system selling them.
Step 3: Become known as Rutskarn, the Travelling Salesman.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: PROFIT!

And if you do that and if I start playing again this summer I could probably hook you up with at least some of that crap from my missions since I usually either stuff in some random station and forget about it or don't loot it
Except militia, exotic dancers, janitors and other people. When we get walking in station my army will crush everything.

2010-04-02, 05:20 PM
Well the players in EVE are playing the super rich immortal capsuleers. 1 isk (the EVE currency) could probably pay for a family for life so it kinda makes sense that they don't make the useless everyday items. Instead they spend their wealth on their useless toys (ships, guns, pointless alliances and wars).

Faction ships are the equivalent of the junk items. They are obscenely expensive, and very rare. They are also really awesome, but there are kind of a status symbol.

The crafting system (feel dirty calling it that. Its industry) is simply incredible in EvE. You will be blown away.

2010-04-02, 06:27 PM
Well I have been told that We will have high-speed internet by Monday. so I think I will try this then.

2010-04-02, 09:54 PM
Since when is the crafting system simple? Industrialism is one of the more complicated parts of the game, especially with t2 stuff.

2010-04-02, 10:06 PM
Hmmm. I'm getting a hankering for a deep game experience, EVE does nicely while you are in college, neh? Only thing is my rather limited income, how hard is it to make enough isk to reliably purchase PLEX?

Gah, all this talk of EVE makes me want to play again. If I do, I'll probably look you up Necronic, as I never made it that far and I hate playing with myself(yuk yuk yuk)

2010-04-03, 05:37 AM
Starting characters have been changed to have virtually no skills anyway, so all races have (at most) about half a day worth of skills different than the others, all of which can be trained.

The trick is deciding on what ship you eventually want and going for it, as ships require at least one of four different racial ship piloting trees. So if you want to fly gallente ships, you'll need gallente ship flying skills. If you decide to switch to caldari, you'll need caldari ones.

In all, the game is a huge time sink and looses its fun value very, very swiftly.

2010-04-03, 06:52 AM
Hmmm. I'm getting a hankering for a deep game experience, EVE does nicely while you are in college, neh? Only thing is my rather limited income, how hard is it to make enough isk to reliably purchase PLEX?

Gah, all this talk of EVE makes me want to play again. If I do, I'll probably look you up Necronic, as I never made it that far and I hate playing with myself(yuk yuk yuk)

Plexes sell from 230-350 mil. Level 4 missions give 10-20 mil per mission (depending on mission and depending on if you salvage). One level four takes from 1-3 hours (depends on your skills, ship and the mission).

I think it takes about a month or two to be reliably able to do level 4's

2010-04-03, 12:56 PM
I'll just have to wait for my employment to pick up, then.

What I enjoy about EVE is that my character keeps training while I'm away, passive character development is great for a student.

Is there any way to look at your characters stats without logging in game? I'd like to see how the old boy was doing, see if it would be better to make an entirely new character or not.

2010-04-03, 01:30 PM
I'll just have to wait for my employment to pick up, then.

What I enjoy about EVE is that my character keeps training while I'm away, passive character development is great for a student.

Is there any way to look at your characters stats without logging in game? I'd like to see how the old boy was doing, see if it would be better to make an entirely new character or not.

Yes, get evemon. It's a great tool to see how your training is going and to make training plans and to see how the optimal stat distribution for each plan is.
I would also get eve fitting tool so you can get a general idea of how good a fit is or how it compares to other fits before buying.

Evemon and EFT making eve a better place.

2010-04-05, 05:41 PM
Hmmm. I'm getting a hankering for a deep game experience, EVE does nicely while you are in college, neh? Only thing is my rather limited income, how hard is it to make enough isk to reliably purchase PLEX?

Gah, all this talk of EVE makes me want to play again. If I do, I'll probably look you up Necronic, as I never made it that far and I hate playing with myself(yuk yuk yuk)

Feel free to look me up, and we'll take care of you. Jonzaq is already in here, and he seems to be enjoying it.

2010-04-06, 12:03 AM
Call it a deal when I get back in. Look for me in two weeks to a month, have to make sure I'll have the money to blow on something so frivolous.

2010-04-06, 10:32 PM
Call it a deal when I get back in. Look for me in two weeks to a month, have to make sure I'll have the money to blow on something so frivolous.

Be sure to come back here and tell us all what you think.

I devoted 3 years to that game before RL (read: Girlfriend and Promotion) made it impractical to keep playing. I played just about every aspect of the game, from piracy to mission running to corp management to alliance lackey to trader and industrialist, and while I played I had a great time.

There is much you can do (with time and appropriate skill points) to keep yourself occupied, but the aspect of the game that took up the most of my time was all the playing I did while not logged on. Reading the forums to learn things I didn't know, planning out trade routes and ratting (NPC farming) routes and safe low-security routes, making spread-sheets for experimental ship layouts or optimal production runs, ect.

The one piece of advice I would give to any newbie in EvE is use the forums. Any question you might have is answered in their somewhere. Unless they have done some major overhauls since I stopped playing, the built-in forum search feature is useless, so you will want to use Eve-Search (http://www.eve-search.com/) instead to find information on the forum. And be mindful, in my experience the Eve forums are much harsher towards newbies than most other forums, even game forums.

GL, I hope you have fun!

Brother Oni
2010-04-08, 06:21 AM
And be mindful, in my experience the Eve forums are much harsher towards newbies than most other forums, even game forums.

Only if you go whining about 'griefing' in Crime and Punishment or General Discussion.

Posts that appear to have been thought out beforehand, with a reasonable attempt at punctuation, grammar and spelling, usually get polite informative replies, compared to your average knee jerk posts raging about 'why the pirate who shot me shouldn't be allowed to play and I should get full compensation from CCP because they griefed me'.

New Citizens is usually free of the elitest 'go back to WOW' attitudes, and I believe that the mods intentionally try and keep it clear.

CAOD (or whatever it's called now) however...

2010-04-08, 09:55 AM
CAOD (or whatever it's called now) however...

It is COAD and always has been. I wonder sometimes how that misspelling got started.

But yes it's garbage. If you really care about the politics and wars you can sift it to get some idea of what is going on, but proportion of useful info is low and has been steadily dropping for years.

2010-04-08, 10:07 AM
I'm going to plug another invite to the EVE GitP chat channel now. It's invite-only, all Playgrounders are welcome. Post your character's name or send me a PM and someone will invite you when we see you online.

2010-04-24, 03:47 PM
Only if you go whining about 'griefing' in Crime and Punishment or General Discussion.

Posts that appear to have been thought out beforehand, with a reasonable attempt at punctuation, grammar and spelling, usually get polite informative replies, compared to your average knee jerk posts raging about 'why the pirate who shot me shouldn't be allowed to play and I should get full compensation from CCP because they griefed me'.

New Citizens is usually free of the elitest 'go back to WOW' attitudes, and I believe that the mods intentionally try and keep it clear.

yeah that's generally true. There's definitely people that will talk trash and call you an idiot, but to be honest I think the EvE community is more helpful to new players than most. Another great place to use is the in-game help channel. Its remarkably useful.

I actually have a new player guide I wrote up. Its not focused on specifics as much as it is about the philosophy a new player has to embrace to really get the most out of EvE, particularly players who come from other MMOs.



We are still recruiting and would love to help train up new players. We can give people buddy codes if they want so they get the extended trial. We have a regular OP schedule and do lots of cool stuff.

Currently we are discussing setting up a POS in wormhole space. A lot of what I have seen about it so far is incredibly fascinating. Its not easy mode money making like mission running, but if you work at it you can bring in ridiculous amounts of isk.

One of my characters is pretty industry focused, so I am really excited about the possibility of having a place to research blueprints and build t2 rigs, and all the other fun stuff.

Plus the other character is PvP focused, so I am really interested in simply killing people in w-space or jumping back into k-space on a jihaad squad run.

2010-04-24, 04:19 PM

I hope this is meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, otherwise that last paragraph is just plainly ridiculous.

2010-04-28, 10:38 PM
I hope this is meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, otherwise that last paragraph is just plainly ridiculous.

Look...I'm an elitist jerk when it comes to games. You shouldn't be surprised by that if you looked around my site at all. I really do think that EvE is the greatest MMO made to date. Its not perfect, it definitely has flaws, and its not fantasy based, but the principles behind its design, like those behind Dwarf Fortress, represent the gold standard for game design.

2010-04-28, 11:16 PM
So, I think I'll try it back on! The name is Joshua Warden in-game, I'll find you when I get there.


I'm having difficulties logging into my account, different computer means it won't recognize me, and it is having issues recognizing the name of my old character. On top of that, the website appears to be having issues and doesn't respond properly.

So, I'll try to get this figured out and be in sometime this weekend.

Also, read your guide, hahahaha, yeah. The only part I disagree with is the remark about Yahtzee. Weel, see ya soon!

Also also, I'm Caldari and if I remember I either have Caldari or Gallente rep. I was running kill missions mostly, but probably not terribly effectively. So uhh... even though my account is a few years old, I'll have some dumb newby questions.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-29, 06:07 AM
I hope this is meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, otherwise that last paragraph is just plainly ridiculous.

No offense to Narbonic personally, but most of the article is ridiculous. It's almost a poster-child example of why I will never play EVE; the god-awful holier-than-thou attitude that so many of its players seem to adopt, their minority status compared to the other industry giants driving them to insist that EVE is God's gift to online gamers, and they as his chosen prophets have been elevated to a superior form of humanity for choosing to play it.The fact that you honestly seem to believe this (that, and using an Ayn Rand quote non-sarcastically), and it's not just the typical gamer posturing, is somewhat depressing actually.

2010-04-29, 06:38 AM

Your response also follows the same vein of people who poo, poo EVE without ever playing it. Yes, the people to play EVE seem somewhat elitist as there is a different level of effort (more a different focus on self-discipline) than other "industry giants" demand of their clients.

EVE is not for everyone, just like being a constant raider in WOW is not for everyone.

I do think everyone should try a game before dismissing it, but I'm old enough to realize that everyone is biased to their view of the world and unconsciously denigrates the unknown.

Its really too bad you don't give EVE a firm 6-9months of effort...I think anyone who does that will never be disappointed.

2010-04-29, 07:45 AM

Your response also follows the same vein of people who poo, poo EVE without ever playing it. Yes, the people to play EVE seem somewhat elitist as there is a different level of effort (more a different focus on self-discipline) than other "industry giants" demand of their clients.

EVE is not for everyone, just like being a constant raider in WOW is not for everyone.

I do think everyone should try a game before dismissing it, but I'm old enough to realize that everyone is biased to their view of the world and unconsciously denigrates the unknown.

Its really too bad you don't give EVE a firm 6-9months of effort...I think anyone who does that will never be disappointed.

Stop being biased against people who are biased! Anyway, 6-9 months is a big time investment, and more importantly a big money investment, not everyone is going to spend that to see IF they like it.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-29, 10:01 AM

Your response also follows the same vein of people who poo, poo EVE without ever playing it. Yes, the people to play EVE seem somewhat elitist as there is a different level of effort (more a different focus on self-discipline) than other "industry giants" demand of their clients.

EVE is not for everyone, just like being a constant raider in WOW is not for everyone.

I do think everyone should try a game before dismissing it, but I'm old enough to realize that everyone is biased to their view of the world and unconsciously denigrates the unknown.

Its really too bad you don't give EVE a firm 6-9months of effort...I think anyone who does that will never be disappointed.

Trust me, it's far from unknown - I've spent a great deal of time talking to people who play and love EVE, and even done some research into the game (I remember hearing about the Bank of EVE pyramid scheme a few years back and thinking "wow, that's awesome"). I don't hate the game - it's an extraordinary and quite successful exercise in the next level of user/player interaction with an MMO. CCP build a giant space-sim sandbox, put on a sheen of "PvE" content (even my 'casual' EVE friends don't consider 'ratting' to be anything worthwhile), and let the subscribers fill in the blanks. I find it unfortunate that the end result was an anarchist's paradise, but that doesn't minimize the scope of the accomplishment any - there's real-world economic studies on EVE's in-game economy, for example.

The deal-breaker is the playerbase attitude...I was horrified back when I started regular endgame raiding in WoW and found myself viewing people without raid-tier gear as bad players...attitudes are contagious, and I don't want to go anywhere near a game that might end in me not just seeing "weaker" players as bad players, but as bad people. It's like a really weird religion in some ways, utterly convinced that their choice of scripture colored pixels makes them special, and that 'converting' will be an unforgettable life-changing experience.

(For that matter, there's also King's point...I don't have the time or income to afford any MMO right now.)

Brother Oni
2010-04-29, 10:40 AM
Trust me, it's far from unknown - I've spent a great deal of time talking to people who play and love EVE, and even done some research into the game (I remember hearing about the Bank of EVE pyramid scheme a few years back and thinking "wow, that's awesome").

There's an old phrase I remember that goes along the lines of "1000 travel books aren't worth a single real trip". You've certainly done your research into the game, but have you actually played it yet?

I say give it a try if you haven't played it - if you loathe the game and the playerbase afterwards, then at least you'll have a more valid firsthand account of why it isn't for you.

(For that matter, there's also King's point...I don't have the time or income to afford any MMO right now.)

Income should not be an issue - any one of us can give you a 2-3 week trial so you can give it a go. The trial is more than long enough to see whether you'll actually like the game or not - there's no need for the 6-9 month commitment that Jonzac suggests, unless you want to dabble in almost everything EVE has to offer.

Time to give it a proper assessment is something entirely else and one I sympathise with.

The Glyphstone
2010-04-29, 11:04 AM
There's an old phrase I remember that goes along the lines of "1000 travel books aren't worth a single real trip". You've certainly done your research into the game, but have you actually played it yet?

I say give it a try if you haven't played it - if you loathe the game and the playerbase afterwards, then at least you'll have a more valid firsthand account of why it isn't for you.

Income should not be an issue - any one of us can give you a 2-3 week trial so you can give it a go. The trial is more than long enough to see whether you'll actually like the game or not - there's no need for the 6-9 month commitment that Jonzac suggests, unless you want to dabble in almost everything EVE has to offer.

Time to give it a proper assessment is something entirely else and one I sympathise with.

It's possible - maybe sometime in the future I'll change my mind and consider it. I was disputing the accusation that I don't know anything about EVE, am just mindlessly knee-jerking against it, and if I were only to 'see the light' and play my worldview would change forever.

Brother Oni
2010-04-29, 03:44 PM
It's possible - maybe sometime in the future I'll change my mind and consider it. I was disputing the accusation that I don't know anything about EVE, am just mindlessly knee-jerking against it, and if I were only to 'see the light' and play my worldview would change forever.

It may be worth waiting until Incarna (walking around in stations) is available until you try. At least that way, if you don't like EVE, you've at least tried the testbed for CCP's World of Darkness MMO.

I do admit that playing EVE has dramatically changed my MMO playstyle - whenever I meet a random stranger wanting to be friendly for no apparent reason, I'm immediately suspicious. I also refuse to join unsolicited pickup groups, simply because of a now-defunct EVE mechanic.

2010-04-29, 05:09 PM
It may be worth waiting until Incarna (walking around in stations) is available until you try.

No, no, I don't see the point of waiting another 5 years.

(only half kidding)

whenever I meet a random stranger wanting to be friendly for no apparent reason, I'm immediately suspicious.


I consider it good survival instinct training. Just because the cutthroat viciousness isn't as widespread elsewhere doesn't mean there's none of it.

2010-04-29, 05:22 PM
It's possible - maybe sometime in the future I'll change my mind and consider it. I was disputing the accusation that I don't know anything about EVE, am just mindlessly knee-jerking against it, and if I were only to 'see the light' and play my worldview would change forever.

I'll send you a PM and let you know what I think of the community I find myself in, mm'kay? Its true that there are a lot of bad attitudes out there, can't deny that one, but there are a lot of things and ideas that can make EVE a truly epic game. You know this, that pyramid scheme, the guiding hand social club, that huge war against BoB.

Maybe you'll find EVE is a good fit. You sound like the sort of person that likes to know and research things, and thats really how you get a competitive edge in that game. Might be up your ally.

2010-05-01, 11:25 AM
Woah, to be fair my attitude in that article doesn't reflect the attitude of the player base. That's just me being an arrogant prick.

One thing about EvE that I love is that the attitude towards new players is actually pretty helpful. This isn't to say that there aren't people who will be jerks, but there are many players who are really helpful. The Help channel is probably the best indicator of that.

Yeah, once you get a little more into the game attitudes (some attitudes) change, but that's no different from any other MMO/online game. Actually, it is slightly different, because in EvE you can actually be called to task on whether or not you can back up your trash talk.

It is a little elitist, but not like the Comic Book Store guy, more like Howard Roark. EvE players don't effusively espouse their superiority, it just IS. :smallsmile: (I appreciate the irony of that statement coming from me.)

Also, Incarna is to me an embarrasing waste of time on CCPs part. Who gives a damn if I can walk in stations? What does that add?

Brother Oni
2010-05-03, 04:56 AM
Also, Incarna is to me an embarrasing waste of time on CCPs part. Who gives a damn if I can walk in stations? What does that add?

Not much to EVE itself, unless they expand on what's capable while in station (possible DUST 514 expansion?). It may pull new players in as one of the barriers to entry that's been mentioned that some players can't reconcile their ingame avatar is a ship, rather than a person (which is in in the fluff).

Very important to CCP itself as it's intended to be the test for their engine of the WoD MMO they're developing.

Of course, if they give you the ability to look outside the station without undocking, that would be a very big change to EVE mechanics. :smalltongue:

2010-05-04, 01:05 AM
Bump for great justice!

Well, I'm back, and its pretty cool. I forgot what a deep game it is, and now that I'm in school the training times dont seem onerous at all. Frankly, its kind of nice. I can keep to schoolwork in the week and hop on on the weekends for as long as I please, steadily better at the things I like to do.

Can't wait to get into some PVP though :roach:

Further discussion! Further interest! If anyone wants, I'll shoot them an extended trial =) My character is named Joshua Warden if you want to find me.

2010-05-04, 12:37 PM
I'm giving the game a try (Gallente faction, named Elliot Bridan). I want to play the game as a miner/manufacturer with no desire for PVP. (Yes, I'm a bloody carebear, but I prefer to build than to destroy so sue me.) I am trying to determine whether this will be plausible (and entertaining) before I am ready to pay for the game. Is the game truly as elitist as it seems from descriptions? I haven't seen it ingame, but I'm only 5 days in, so that doesn't say much.

Brother Oni
2010-05-04, 01:17 PM
Yes, it's perfectly possible to play the game without actively engaging in PVP of the sort where you shoot other players.

As the game's market is player driven however, it's virtually impossible to avoid any sort of PVP - every person you undercut on the market is sale they're not making and price wars can get very competitive (in some cases, the amount of economic damage they can inflict is far more than a bunch people shooting things can do).

Turning a profit in manufacturing is difficult at first as you're competing with people who have fully maxed out skills and good blueprints, but with work and a bit of luck, you can find a niche for yourself.

Most miner/manufacturers also engage in trading as well, which has a relatively low skill barrier, but requires a fair bit of legwork (scanning the markets on prices of certain goods) to do well.

Ideally you want to get yourself into a corp where they can show you the ropes, especially with the manufacturing interface which can be tricky at first. There are a couple recruiting in this thread which are looking for miners.

Last piece of advice - always tank your ship. There was a recent news story where an untanked industrial ship was destroyed while carrying blueprints in high sec space.
The destroyed blueprints were estimated to be somewhere in the region of a billion ISK although the aggressor claims more. The industrial pilot has since said he's retiring from EVE, so I reckon he lost a lot more than he claims.

2010-05-04, 01:45 PM
You can try look at the corp eve university www.eve-ivy.com they are a copr designed to help new player "figure it out".

2010-05-04, 02:11 PM
I have a very poor opinion of Eve-U.

I created a trial account a few months back to see what the newbie experience was like, since it had been a while since I was in that situation. Ended up in Eve University because it has such a good reputation. I found it to be a simply terrible experience. First of all, they nearly always have empire wardecs against them - often from Privateers, but the specifics of who it is doesn't matter - even if it's a one-man alt corp, the policy is the same: while a war is active, nobody is allowed to do anything. You're not allowed to undock, you're not allowed to fly around, you're not allowed to risk anything on your own. You are only allowed to undock as part of an organized fleet, when such a fleet is being run (which is not necessarily when you are on). In other words, you can't actually play the game you are paying for. 90% of the time you're operating under these restrictions (and if you violate the "don't undock" order, you get kicked out).

More importantly, the Eve-U leadership has this drastic risk-aversion attitude - they are obsessed with preventing "griefers" from getting easy kills on the newbies - thus the "nobody undocks without permission" order. This is EXACTLY WRONG. Nobody ever learns to treat losing ships with the proper disdain, or how to become a dangerous target to attack, by AVOIDING combat. The best possible method - and I have seen this by way of helping to train up multiple comparatively new people for life in 0.0 - is to have them right in the middle of danger with ships they can afford to lose, so that they lose them, and see what it was the enemy took advantage of, so as to learn. All they're doing is training their people to be cowardly blobbers - which, leaving aside all the e-honor stuff, just isn't FUN. What is fun is to take a couple friends in disposable cruisers and go raid some larger group and maybe you you get blown up but maybe you get some kills and get away - it's more likely than you might think, and an incredible rush. Eve-U tries as hard as it can to keep its pilots from learning this, from learning how to fly on their own, from learning how to be self-reliant, from learning how to not be afraid of their own shadows.

Eve-U is bad.

Beyond that, there's this focus on forum posts. Being promoted from "untrustworthy probationary newbie" to "newbie we'll allow to take part in interesting things" depends (or did at the time) on your having made a certain number of posts on the forum. Now I have no inherent objection to posting (hey, I'm here) but being required to do so, as though it proves anything, really rubs me the wrong way. If I have nothing to say I say nothing.

There was also a total lack of orientation-type stuff; what is expected from the new pilot, what they should be looking at, why voice comms are important, and so on. I have the impression they expected people to go dig up all this information on the forums for themselves, but a self-starter and motivated person of that sort might chafe at the other restrictions Eve-U imposes.

If you want a newbie training experience, the one I would recommend is Agony Unleashed (they may be operating under the name Agony Empire now). They do classes: any relatively new character with a certain set of skills can sign up, and they take this fleet of 30-odd frigates out into 0.0 and mob whoever they meet, and if you get blown up it's no big deal because it's just a frigate. You get to fly with people you'd never met before, learn from some really solid pilots, and at the end you just leave the fleet and go back to what you were doing before - and can always join up with Agony for their next outing if you choose.

(and no, I'm not an Agony pilot, my only contact with them was to have taken one of their classes, years ago)

Brother Oni
2010-05-04, 05:06 PM
The only problem with Agony classes is that they may be prohibitively expensive for new players to sign up for.

Unless they've upped the money you get from the tutorial, 12 million for the basic pvp course is a little out of their reach.

If new players are really interested in pvp, sign up for the militas, then look into pvp corps or the AU classes once they have some experience.

I believe some people here are willing to offer free tutorials about aspects of the game to new players - just PM somebody here or try and get invited to the GITP channel.

2010-05-04, 06:03 PM
A few weeks ago some of us from HAL Industries did a low/null sec roam and ran into some guys from Agony Unleashed. They know their stuff and put up a fight, but we still managed to do some damage of our own before getting the hell out of dodge.

2010-05-15, 01:46 PM
That was a fun fight.

I have had way too many almost kills recently and it is driving me nuts

First was a hulk mining in low sec. We almost got him, but didn't get the point on him in time. Frustrating, would have been a great looking kill

Then just a couple weeks ago I was scanning out some wormholes and found a couple mining barges going to town on some ore. I went and refitted a scrambler while waiting for my corp mates to bring something heavy into the hole. As they were warping to me (I was cloaked and right off of the miners) I uncloaked and started putting a point on them.

Somehow....and god only knows how, they managed to get away from me. GRRR!

Edit: Also, I would love an invite to the channel. My character's names are "Hellkyte" and "Tehg Rhind"

2010-05-15, 02:40 PM
Invite me to the channel as well, please. The in game name is Joshua Warden.

Feel free to join up with us people =D Good times to be had for all.

2010-05-16, 01:41 AM
A few questions:

1) How much time does this game need? How many hours a day, that is, should I expect to spend to make significant progress? I play League of Legends and the nice thing about that game is that there is no monthly subscription and I can play for just a few hours a week and feel like I "made progress"
2) Its a subscription based model, so that means $15 a month or I can't play, right?
3) I want to start playing over this summer, so I should have time in July and August (I will have access to high speed internet as of the 3rd week of June, essentially). But I will start college and dunno how much time I'll have. Is it worth the "risk" of spending $30 on this game when I'll be wanting to try Starcraft II as well as playing League of Legends?

2010-05-16, 03:13 AM
A few questions:

1) How much time does this game need? How many hours a day, that is, should I expect to spend to make significant progress? I play League of Legends and the nice thing about that game is that there is no monthly subscription and I can play for just a few hours a week and feel like I "made progress"
2) Its a subscription based model, so that means $15 a month or I can't play, right?
3) I want to start playing over this summer, so I should have time in July and August (I will have access to high speed internet as of the 3rd week of June, essentially). But I will start college and dunno how much time I'll have. Is it worth the "risk" of spending $30 on this game when I'll be wanting to try Starcraft II as well as playing League of Legends?

1) As much or as little time as you need, its good to check in just once a day to see how things are going and change what your skills are training but if you put skilsl which take a long time to train you dont have to log in for a week or even a month if you are really busy. The more time you put in the more money you will have to spend but its not overly crippling.
2) Yea.
3) Thats entirely up to you.

2010-05-16, 05:42 AM
1) As much or as little time as you need, its good to check in just once a day to see how things are going and change what your skills are training but if you put skilsl which take a long time to train you dont have to log in for a week or even a month if you are really busy. The more time you put in the more money you will have to spend but its not overly crippling.
2) Yea.
3) Thats entirely up to you.

Good to know. :smallsmile: Assuming I have the time this summer, I will attempt to pick up the 14/21 day trial, after that, I'll try and figure out how much money I have and see if I can actually afford this game.

2010-05-16, 05:50 AM
Yes, it's subscription based, but if you've got a crapload of ISK, you can put your hands on in-game time cards that let you play without paying.

On the other hand you have to pay to play until you can afford to play for free.

I've always felt newbie squadrons were best served by being built around the carrier fleet model. One or two ships running the high value fight enhancing equipments and the rest being the newbies and a couple of experienced Cruiser pilots leading and teaching. So they start off seeing the benefits to setting up with a corp and fighting with a fleet. As they get better you start taking off the training wheels. Lower the number of enhancements running one at a time until it's only the cruisers in the fleet.

Those people issuing wardecs against eve U? probably former students trying to bore them out of existence. Because seriously, 'playing' the game like that makes 0.0 mining look entertaining for the guy who's only around for his efficiency module. (If there's anything more boring, I have not found it.)

2010-05-16, 11:23 AM
Yeah I pay for my account with money I make trading. Getting the bankroll up in the first place was a bit difficult. I did my numbers last night looking at my monthly profitablility:

Starting cap - 140 mil (from when I played before)

Feb - 80 mil
March - 400 mil
April - 800 mil
May to date - 700 mil

And for people who think EvE takes a lot of time, I have done this with ~1 hour of play time a night on average.

Tyrannis is really screwing me up though.....completely killed my reprocessing industry.

2010-05-16, 10:01 PM
It's a bit harder from a standing start though. But if you research on the forums before diving in, you can know what you're doing before you get into it and have a workable plan.

Or you can try and find a financier to front you the cash or a card.

2010-05-16, 11:33 PM
I too, am a college student and play EVE. I am not taking light classes and I don't have a lot of time to play. However, the character advancement is independent of time played which is pretty sweet. So, my character can keep skilling up during the week and I have new toys to play with on the weekend =D

My advice, if you start playing,is to not train the learning skills at first. The learning skills make training other skills take less time, but it is very boring to do this. I suggest only training them after you have played for a month or two and know if you want to stick around at all.

Also! Find people who play at the same time as you, and join them! Soloing this game is boring, playing with others is awesome.

2010-05-17, 12:28 AM
I have to completely disagree with Riva. Training the learning skills up front will save you loads of time down the road. Getting the five basic learning skills up to level 3 takes very little time compared to the received benefit. Then, once you have some experience under your belt and begin training other skills you'll get a feel for what other learning skills you'll want to train and when.

In short: train your damn learning skills.

Brother Oni
2010-05-17, 02:17 AM
I'd like to offer a compromise between Baerdog and Riva - only train your learning skills up if you know you're going to be playing longer than 6 months.

That said, getting your basic learning skills up to 4 and your advanced learning skills up to 3 isn't a particularly hard task, especially with the training queue allowing you to stack multiple levels of a skill at once.
If you're playing longer than a month or two, then it may be worthwhile to do this level of training.

Taking your basics up to 5 and advanced up to 4 is a longer term goal, which should only be done once you got all the immediate fun stuff out of the way.

It's only the old school or hardcore players that train advanced 5.

Ah, Eve. 1 question, 3 different answers, all of which are correct, depending on the situation. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: fixed formatting

2010-05-18, 06:37 PM
Wohoo looks like we are now getting our first war dec.

2010-06-02, 09:30 PM

Fail cascade :(

Looks like our corp is about to dissolve. Bunch of people took off for summer, think we are now down to 3.

2010-06-03, 12:50 AM
Dag nabbit! I dissapeared due to midterms/finals approaching.

Sorry mate, that sucks!

Nonetheless, fun game, go give it a try!

2010-06-05, 01:14 AM
Also, I do have to agree with Riva to a degree. You should bang out the most basic of the learning skills, but its best to figure out if you really like the game before you dedicate a long time to training skills