View Full Version : [Bleachitp] Episode 34: March of Empty Souls

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2010-03-16, 09:42 PM
This Episode details events that transpired in Hueco Mundo during the long period of respite Soul Society had after the bount attack.

Hueco Mundo... The endless white sands beneath midnight eternal, illuminated by a waning moon.

At the very heart of the white sands stands the metropolis of Las Noches, seat of power of Toho Tohon and those under him, its dome so massive that it can be seen from anywhere in the desert, the one true landmark empty waste

Which does not mean it is the only thing resting upon the rolling dunes...

2010-03-16, 10:15 PM
Tirano sits up and scratches the back of his head. Yawning, he walks out under the eternal night sky. "Looks like it's about time..." He grins.

2010-03-17, 12:46 AM
Mordolo swings his serrated blade absentmindedly behind Tirano, though his careful motions ensure that it merely rotates in a circle rather than hitting anything. "So, what exactly is the plan, boss?" He seems jittery and anxious to get to killing things.

Kayi looks at Las Noches from the back of the group. There you are, Von Geister. It is almost time. Can you see me? I hope you realize what is coming.

2010-03-17, 05:37 AM
Frame is silent alongside the group. Unlike the others, he looks neither eager, nor concerned, nor expectant. He simply is.

2010-03-17, 07:44 AM
Hall of Dreams, last night:
"You still can't bring yourself to trust them?"

"This isn't a matter of trust anymore. It all just feels... futile."

"Why so?"

"Back when we fought... you said that we hollows could change. That if we really wanted to, we could become better persons. Did you mean it, or was it just a ruse to get me killed?"


"... where I stand, there's not much of a difference between the two."

"So, if I really wanted to change... I'd want to be destroyed as well?"

"Do you?"

"Not here. Not now. Because it... wouldn't... change a thing."

"See you in Hell, then."

Samael stands arms crossed beside Mordolo. He's wearing a simple leather west, baggy linen pants kept up by a blue sash, and a crimson scarf around his neck. His sword hangs, unsheathed, from the sash. He looks unenthusiastic and unnerved.

"I suggest we just crash in - it's not like stealth is any use with all contingencies Ghost King has in place. I can burn part of the wall down - God knows I've been wanting to do so for a long time."

2010-03-17, 08:21 AM
The sixth member of the group wasn't immediately visible, buried as he was beneath the desert sands. Part way into the conversation his rounded head emerged from the ground, looking like some sort of domed periscope. Not to imply that this was an unflattering position for him; To the average eye Grumo was a lot more appealing when his globulous body was out of sight.

"All clear. Worms say so. Ready yet?"

2010-03-17, 09:12 AM
"Escher's suggestion is rather accurate, actually. We're going to be going for an...explosive entrance, and continue straight toward the center of Las Noches. Specifically, all of you will take the lead slightly, so I can build up some speed, and then lead the way from there." Tirano surveys his collected group of Arrancar.

"You're probably just going to bail on us, right? Leave us to the "tender mercies" of Las noches?" Sebastian uses air-quotes around tender mercies, and seems momentarily pleased with himself that he could do so.

"Nah. That's a far too convoluted way of offing all of you. No, I'm actually going to do what I said I would."

Sunako is present, but still doesn't seem to want to talk to Tirano.

2010-03-17, 09:52 AM
Samael frowns at Sebastians comment. Shrugging, he takes few light steps ahead of the group, then leaps forward with small burst of Sonido, leaving a small crater where he stood. After a while he switches to fast running, waiting for the rest to catch up.

2010-03-17, 10:00 AM
Tirano follows at a brisk jog, Sebastian lopes along after some brief grumbling, and Sunako accelerates into a run, getting ahead of Tirano.

2010-03-17, 02:55 PM
Mordolo grins widely. "Showtime." Swinging his sword around, he begins charging across the dunes, his aura switching from orange to vivid red. Unless anyone else seems to, Mordolo will take the spearhead of the charge. He will likely catch up to Samael rather quickly.

Kayi hangs back for a moment, enough to look to Tirano if for only a second. But soon after she is following behind the group, her eyes closed in concentration, attempting to detect what is ahead with her pesquisa.

2010-03-17, 03:45 PM
Frame is dead last, moving entirely by Sonido. In between jumps, he looks around suspiciously before continuing.

2010-03-17, 07:43 PM
Approaching Las Noches, something will become visible to the group of... Ryoka, on lack of better term.


They start roughtly three miles away from the city, twenty feet tall ornate stone monuments, spaced about a block from each other, surrounding the city in numerous lines, standing idle among the white sands.

2010-03-18, 04:56 AM
Samael nods to Mordolo as he catches up to him, then slows down a little and continues running slightly behind him. He keeps on causing small explosions at steady intervals as he alternates between Sonido and running. He is mildly puzzled by the obelisk's once they come to view. Those weren't here before. Another defense mechanism?

"Should we stop or keep on running?" he shouts after veering a bit closer to Mordolo. He then slows down again, trying to give himself a chance to avert whatever might happen to first one getting past the pillars. His eyes are blazing as he steadily increases his reiatsu; if something tries to jump on him, he'll do his best to return the favor.

2010-03-18, 11:31 AM
"Mordolo, check one out. Your preferred manner would be best." Tirano gives him a thumbs up and a smile, suggesting that the manner might be...destructive.

2010-03-20, 09:43 AM
Morodolo nods, still smiling intensely. Without even pausing in his run, he draws up his sword and cuts one gash across his hand. Clenching his fist tightly, he builds the energy until his smile grows to full length. "Here it goes, boss!" Throwing out his arm, the Gran Rey Cero explodes outwards towards the nearest obelisk in the distance.

(I'm assuming the group isn't close enough that they're about to pass the obelisks.)

Kayi has been concentrating on her pesquisa while running, so that anything with reiatsu that tries to attack them will not be a surprise. She does not seem to notice the obelisks as physical or spiritual objects.

2010-03-20, 06:45 PM
The obelisk is shattered, rock fragments flying out of it.

Nothing further to add.

2010-03-20, 07:23 PM
Kayi is disturbed in her concentration by the sudden explosion. "What did he blow up?" Her voice seems angry despite its cold.

2010-03-20, 07:49 PM
For comic effect, a large piece of the obelisk falls at Kayi's feet.

There appears to be something etched on one of the faces.

2010-03-20, 07:53 PM
Kayi scoops it up as she runs, examining it with her eyes open. "I imagine these were left for us. Von Geister knows that we are coming now if he did not already."

2010-03-20, 07:58 PM
The etchings appear to be the shattered remains of a man's bust, along with a few words, half of which are lost.

Carlos Abasolo
Brother of Baude
Fraccion to Alej
Soldier of Las

Yep. It is a headstone. Grats on breaking it.

2010-03-20, 08:19 PM
Frame watches with guarded interest as the group approaches the obelisks. When Mordolo destroys one, he takes a few steps back, subtly preparing to avoid a counter if it's a trap. When the larger chunk lands at Kayi's feet, he leans forward a bit to see it, identifying it almost immediately. He then facepalms gently, shaking his head.

2010-03-20, 08:21 PM
Kayi scoffs at Mordolo, then puts the stone in a pocket on her uniform. I apologize, old comrade. I promise I will return this to your resting place.

Mordolo's expression remains continually happy. "Guess they're breakable, boss! Nothin' too important, either. Suppose we can walk right through."

2010-03-21, 12:53 PM
"...huh. I must be on edge or something today..." Tirano shrugs. "Yeah, keep going." he resumes his pace.

2010-03-21, 05:40 PM
As it becomes clear the spires aren't dangerous, Samael speeds up and races past the others. He takes few passing looks at the headstones, but the names in them say nothing to him. If nothing appears to impede him, he'll run to the wall and a let loose a cero, blasting a tunnel trough the construct.

2010-03-22, 04:31 PM
Mordolo is charging up right behind Samael, charging another high-power cero in his bleeding hand. "Don't get in the way, Escher!"

2010-03-22, 04:51 PM
Frame continues his eclectic movement forward, eventually coming to a full stop some distance from the walls, behind the more violent members of the group. He does not assist in breaking down the wall, watching coldly from the back.

2010-03-22, 05:25 PM
Just before reaching the tunnel he made, Samael darts sharply to the left, not the slightest bit interested in getting Mordolo's cero to his back. His sonido carves a deep crack to the wall as he runs along to het out of the way of the bigger blast.

2010-03-22, 07:36 PM
The ceros blast a tunnel through the vast wall, a deep hole into the darkness, without the light of day visible on the other side.

It's a thick wall. Don't think you can just nuke it once and get to the other side.

2010-03-23, 08:13 AM
Mordolo doesn't think one is enough. That's why his next has the power of about 4.

"Here we go!" The giant stream of energy bursts forth, pausing slightly as it appears from his hand before jetting straight into the tunnel Samael's cero created. Mordolo's Gran Rey Cero is much, much larger than Samael's, so it widens his tunnel before it begins to lengthen.

2010-03-23, 08:16 AM
A gust of wind and a dim light come from the tunnel, proving that a breach was made on the other side.

The alarms of the city ring, and the King of Hollows turns his attention to the breach, his reiatsu weighting down on the area as he scans it for the spiritual presences of the intruders.

2010-03-23, 09:24 AM
Ah. Here we go, Samael thinks as he feels the familiar presence encroaches from the hole. He halts and stands horizontally on the wall for a moment, before turning and speeding into the tunnel - if there's anything left on the way, he'll clear it with a cero of his own. His reiatsu has changed so much in the past week that the Ghost King probably doesn't recognize him, though it's largely inconsequent. Once Samael's within the dome, he darts to the right, getting out of others' way. He takes a deep breath and looks around, bracing himself for the incoming counter-attack. I guess this is how it begins. Or ends.

2010-03-23, 10:18 AM
Mordolo, Sunako,and Sebastian follow Samael through the tunnel, spreading out once they reach the other side. Each prepares for combat.

Tirano has actually been lagging behind a fair bit, still quite a distance away when the hole is cut in the walls of Las Noches. As soon as it is though, he begins to speed up dramatically.

2010-03-23, 10:33 AM
The Espada are warned of the invasion by a surge of spiritual power. But will most likely not be the first ones to arrive.

Upon exiting the tunnel, Tirano's Vanguard is swiftly met with a wall of intense flames erupting around them, the sand beneath it melts into glass, and two spiritual pressures can be felt behind it, though the owners cannot be seen, and only barely heard as the flames crackle.

"These chumps again?"

"You have no reason to be surprised, Scamozo."

"Have one. Feel that reiatsu?"

"Yes, it is not our business."

2010-03-23, 12:24 PM
Samael is unfazed by the flames. Even though it isn't his own reiatsu, heat and fire are small obstacles to him. Then again, same could not be said of all others.. He grasps the hilt of his sword, contemplating. "I think we could extiquish the flames momentarily with few strong ceros. Onward?"", he asks, his eyes blazing as he begins charging energy.

2010-03-23, 06:21 PM
Mordolo swings his sword through the fire once or twice, but doesn't do anything further. "Well, that's annoying. You wan' it, you got it, Escher."

Kayi does not enter. She stands out of the sightline of the tunnel, waiting for Tirano to make it up while she focuses her pesquisa to see who is in the area.

2010-03-24, 06:28 AM
Samael drops closer to the base of the fire wall, then shoots a powerfull cero at the root of the flames, hoping the explosion will make them yield if even for a second. He prepares another cero and prepares to dash through if his method shows signs of working.

2010-03-24, 06:44 AM
Grumo decided to bypass the flames altogether by burrowing beneath the sands. Descending quickly to a safe level, he moved through the (presumably) safe earth without a care in the world. In no time at all he was rising to the surface on the other side, leaving a convenient tunnel for others to follow.

Not that he'd actually told anyone about all this, of course. Still, it was a fairly large tunnel; They were bound to notice sooner or later.

2010-03-24, 10:01 AM
Depending on how far grumo tunnels under the sands in the direction of las noches he may to his doubtless suprise find hiself dropping out into an open tunnel already there. The walls are lined with reinforced sand to maintatin their integrity and this will tip him off that they are deffinatly not natural.

Should he end up in this tunnel very specific alarm bells elsewhere in las noches may sound.

2010-03-25, 09:56 PM
Unless the fire is particularly unusual, there will suddenly be a rather large hole in it, in line with the opening out into Hueco Mundo. The following sonic boom might even blast away the rest of it.

Tirano is currently running at near full velocity, straight toward Palacio Real. He should reach it in less than a minute.

2010-03-25, 10:06 PM
Nah, it is a lot of fire but it is very pierceable. In fact, Samael pierced it, allowing sight of the Templario, Vicenzo Scamozo, grinning wickedly as he whips the flames back into place.

In the while, a terrible reiatsu looms closer, stopping at the wall just above the intruders, behind the raging inferno, before moving again, out through the wall.

Von Geister's attention has been taken by Kayi.

2010-03-25, 10:17 PM
Grumo was indeed rather surprised to find that he'd run out of earth way ahead of schedule. As such he plummeted rather gracelessly into the tunnel, making a considerable dent in the sandy floor. After levering himself onto his feet and looking quizzically around, he shrugged his shoulders and set off down the passage. It seemed to be going in the same general direction as his intended path anyway, so he didn't see any harm in it. After all, it wasn't as if he couldn't go through any walls that got in the way...

2010-03-25, 10:29 PM
...In short order, a rain of black cero rain down on the various intruders; the source seems to be a large flying black serpent, upon which the Tercera Espada Elizabeth Rosemarie is riding. Her voice rings high and clear above the clashes...

"...Surrender, all of you! We will give no quarter for challenging Lord Toho-sama!"

((This is likely after the trip to find other suitable mounts, so, other Fraccion... :smallwink:))

2010-03-25, 10:31 PM
And above them, on the wall, appears... Takeshi.

Male again, incidentally.

He's glaring at Tirano. No words.

2010-03-25, 10:35 PM
Not far from Elizabeth is another creature. A Hollow Wyvern (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070509233601/ffxi/images/3/33/Seiryu.jpg) opens its maw and unleashes another Cero, joining the ones from Skadi in penning in the attackers.

Noriko doesn't speak immediately.

She simply glares at the group. She is already in the armor of her release, but only one Noriko is there. Or at least, only one they can see.

2010-03-25, 10:44 PM
"Oh, we shall surely die now..." Sebastian loudly mopes, leaning against his scythe.

Sunako glares up at the two flying women, her hands tightening into fists.

2010-03-25, 10:49 PM
"Surrender, we will give no quarter!" - Vicenzo mocks, before looking to Reene and back to the wall, after an approving nod.

"Just get to business and give none already!"

Vicenzo clenches his fists, and what remains of the wall of fire implodes, colapsing upon the intruders.

That will leave a mark. It leaves a large, smoldering, transparent mark of glass on the sand floor, in fact.

2010-03-25, 10:56 PM
As soon as the fire implosion clears, Noriko will leap from her mount.

"To battle, Lady Elizabeth! To battle!"

There is a fierce gleam in her eye and a smile on her face.

On the way down, her form blurs, and 5 more Norikos appear, all ready for battle. One blurs away in sonido, placing herself well back from the battle for now.

The others land within seconds of each other, crushing glass between their feet. They all immediately crank up their War Auras for several moments, before shutting them off. Not enough to truly disrupt the enemy, but enough perhaps for a good couple seconds of muddled thoughts.

They smile and speak as one.

"Who's ready to party?"

2010-03-25, 11:05 PM
A shell of glass surrounds Sunako. It shatters from an explosion of movement, she sonidos; appearing before the furthest Noriko. A dangerously sharp knife-hand attempts to sever the arrancar's neck and right shoulder from the rest of her.

Sebastian peers out from the hole in Las Noches's wall, having retreated there from the fire. "Yeah! You get her...while I stay back here."

Tirano is still running. His image blurs into an extended line from his speed. He's about a quarter of the way to Palacio Real.

2010-03-25, 11:11 PM
The Noriko that Sunako goes after laughs at the attack. She leaps backwards, avoiding the neck-slice, while holding her yari forward and firing a few bala from it.

Another Noriko comes in from the side and tries to stab Sunako in the side. Both of these Norikos speak in unison.

"Oh, are you angry because your boyfriend left you behind? Or did he pick someone else? Maybe he got tired of the feeling of sand on his skin!"

Meanwhile, two more Norikos go after Sebastian. They also speak in unison, with identical grins on their faces.

"Come on our, scythe boy. We want to play.

The fifth Noriko (also the last one visible to the group) stands there, watching the proceedings of the fights.

2010-03-25, 11:24 PM
A dance-like spin puts Sunako out of the way of the stab and bala. "His skin can't feel anything." Her hand jabs out, attempting to grab the Yari just below the pointy bit. If successful, a blob of sand will envelop the blade, hardening into a heavy ball. If not, She'll sonido behind the newly arrived Noriko, one hand-jab to each kidney.

"Eep. Hey you guys! You're supposed to be the ones fighting." Sebastian looks at Mordolo and Samael, hoping for some kind of intercession.

2010-03-25, 11:29 PM
The two Norikos going after Sebastian advance slowly, their faces grinning. They speak no more words.

The Noriko that Sunako originally attacked has her yari disabled, and takes a couple of kidney jabs.

She then vanishes, and two Norikos come in from behind, each trying to pin a hand.

"Oh, that's no fun at all! Indeed, no fun at all. AT least not for him, and probably not as much for you! I'm sure you'll feel this, though!"

2010-03-25, 11:31 PM
"Hm." Hands are pinned. Legs lash out with cutting points at both clones' waists.

2010-03-25, 11:33 PM
One clone takes the hit and vanishes. The other lets one hand go and rolls away from the stab, creating another clone as she does so. This clone backs off a bit and starts charging a cero.

"You won't need this hand anyways, will you, darling?"

With that, the yari pinning the hand charges a quick cero and fires it.

2010-03-25, 11:33 PM
A torrent of scouring sand washes over Sunako and the Noriko she is closest to, followed closely by a deluge of blue-hot flames. More glass is in order.

"Does that count as friendly fire? Meh, she will get better."

Templario Vicenzo Scamozo grins from ear to ear, holding out his burning sword.

"Yes, Vicenzo, it is friendly fire, no matter your personal opinion or the puns involved."

Privaron #104, Reene Lucaster holds out an extended hand, the sand of Las Noches swirling around it.

2010-03-25, 11:37 PM
The Noriko that was charging a Cero from a distance frowns. She produces a clone to replaced the fried Noriko. Said clone goes to join the two closing in on Sebastian.

This Noriko sonidos next to Vicenzo for a moment.

"She's pining after the one that ran towards the Palacio Real, and he can't feel anything on his skin. Have fun with the jokes."

She then blurs and joins the other three.

The fifth Noriko continues to watch.

Meanwhile, Takeshi is joined by the final Noriko, standing there calmly.

"It's been too long since I could do true violence to an enemy. It's...refreshing."

There's a small smile on her face as her eyes flicker back and forth over the battlefield.

2010-03-25, 11:46 PM
Skadi idly fires a cero at Sebastian from high in the air. Liz sighs. "It's a shame you choose the path of violence..."

2010-03-25, 11:46 PM
A much thicker shell of glass is hardened over Sunako this time. Her mouth can just barely be seen moving. Become one with the desert sands, Sabaku Joushou!

A wave of sand blasts out from Sunako's position, obscuring everything for a moment. Once the air clears, Sunako can be seen standing, facing away from her opponents. Her upper body turns, providing a rather awkward image of her legs facing one way and her torso facing the other. A snap of her arm sends several bolts of sand whistling through the air at Vicenzo and Reene.

Sebastian ducks further back under the overhang provided by the wall, hiding from the cero.

2010-03-25, 11:50 PM
(OOC:So, uh...what about losing that hand that was pinned with a yari that charged and fired a cero?)

The 4 Norikos make a couple of short Sonido hops, and surround Sebastian as best they can, yaris pointing inwards.

"I'm feeling just generous enough to give you a teeny chance to give up. Say "I surrender" or we fire."

2010-03-25, 11:58 PM
Reene twists her fingers, glaring at Sunako, and a maelstrom of sand rises from the ground, blocking the bolts.

"Last time you had quite an advantage girl. I was too tired to think about fighting, but this is not the case anymore. Vicenzo, release."

The templario takes a step forth, making a wide slash with his sword.

"At your side, milady! Burn the flesh, and burn the soul, Del Fuego!"

The next step, now out of a pillar of flame and smoke, is taken by an immolated man, with a face like an elongated skull, the mouth full of long, razor teeth, a sword of fire on one hand and a whip of fire on the other. Black smoke soon engulfs the creature.

"Your carcass will adorn the cell of your eunuch of a boyfriend."

Vicenzo roars, his empty throat and eye sockets glowing with the fire within, his searing reiatsu alone turning the sand around him into thick glass, not even allowing it to solidify.

2010-03-26, 05:24 AM
"Cero Infernal!", a voice croaks from below Vicenzo as a column of white hot flames shoots from the ground. Singed form of Samael Escher stands on the ground, liquid glass whirling around him as he absorbs the molten material to heal his wounds. His face is twisted n anger completely untypical of him.

"You ask us to surrender? Why, pray tell me? What does it help us now? You seem eager to destroy us, no matter what!", he snarls, charging a new cero as he speaks. "And even if you were the saints themselves, you still bow to likes of the Ghost King! I won't drop arms if my life is forfeit from the start!"

2010-03-26, 07:24 AM
Skadi idly fires a cero at Sebastian from high in the air. Liz sighs. "It's a shame you choose the path of violence..."

Liz will likely sense that a still-unreleased Frame is somehow above her, dropping down from above. His face lacks any trace of blood lust or even animosity as he dives towards Skadi. When he has almost impacted, he twists gracefully in the air swinging his body around into a powerful kick at Liz's head.

2010-03-26, 11:19 AM
"Cero Infernal!", a voice croaks from below Vicenzo as a column of white hot flames shoots from the ground. Singed form of Samael Escher stands on the ground, liquid glass whirling around him as he absorbs the molten material to heal his wounds. His face is twisted n anger completely untypical of him.

"You ask us to surrender? Why, pray tell me? What does it help us now? You seem eager to destroy us, no matter what!", he snarls, charging a new cero as he speaks. "And even if you were the saints themselves, you still bow to likes of the Ghost King! I won't drop arms if my life is forfeit from the start!"

The Noriko on the wall frowns.

"Takeshi? Don't worry about the one that got away. I'm sure he won't be a threat, ultimately speaking. Perhaps you should subdue that fire bug down there? I'm no fan of Vicenzo, but he is helping contain the invaders. I've got to go down and coordinate a bit with myself."

Noriko on the wall sonidoed next to the watching Noriko, and they placed themselves back-to-back, giving a full view of all directions on the battlefield.

2010-03-26, 11:29 AM
Vicenzo stomps out of the column of flame, cackling.

"Are you daft ashhead?! I am not giving you the option to surrender! I am going to flay you and roast you on a spit! Or at least you will hope so, because if you survive long enough for the King to be done with that traitorous wench, then you will be at HIS mercy! Alone in the dark with only your fears to make you company!"

He looks rather unharmed by the flaming cero. Probably fire immune.

2010-03-26, 12:14 PM
There's a flash as Liz uses her blade to deflect the blow. It's Frame's luck that she used the blunt side. Skadi pulls away from the Arrancar, aiming a black cero at him as Liz looks upon him... sadly?

"We do not need to fight... why are you attacking Lord Toho-Sama's domain?"

2010-03-26, 01:15 PM
Frame twists out of the way in an impressive display of agility as Liz blocks his strike with her sword, foot avoiding the blade entirely as he tumbles past Liz and Skadi. He "lands" in a midair crouch, then stands fully. He calmly sidesteps Skadi's cero, then stares at the Tercera for a few seconds.

"I care little for this conflict. I fight because it is part of my duty."

2010-03-26, 02:29 PM
"You vastly overestimate your tyrant's, any tyrant's ability to impress me", Samael snarls, drawing his sword. There's a thundering roar and a splash of molten glass as he lunges at Vicenzo - at the same time, new Cero Infernal is sent towards Liz. Closing the distance in fraction of a second, Samael delivers a flurry of furious slashes towards the burning man.

"Alone in the dark? Only my fear as company? I've been living my nightmares ever since I died. Futile death is the worst you can threaten me with, and that you've already given. So please, just shut up!"

((OOC: note - Samael has yet to resurrect. So Noriko's "bug" has to remain metaphorical for a little longer.))

2010-03-26, 03:50 PM
Sunako launches a spray of sandbolts at Privaron #104, quickly chasing behind them toward her opponent.

2010-03-26, 04:02 PM
Frame twists out of the way in an impressive display of agility as Liz blocks his strike with her sword, foot avoiding the blade entirely as he tumbles past Liz and Skadi. He "lands" in a midair crouch, then stands fully. He calmly sidesteps Skadi's cero, then stares at the Tercera for a few seconds.

"I care little for this conflict. I fight because it is part of my duty."

With a jump, and flourish of her actual wings (which she has kept hidden to this point), Liz charges Frame, sword glowing red as she channels a cero into the blade. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nBgXXHvKHU)

"Toho-sama wishes to create a better world! ...Even if that world is run by the mighty... Who are you to challenge his goals; a mindless hollow, spurred by a false prophet into violence!?"

2010-03-26, 04:13 PM
Frame listens to Liz's outburst without visible reaction. He reaches across his body with his right hand, pulling loose a cord, then shrugs free of his restrictive garb, revealing his armor. Frame doesn't move as Liz gets closer to him, then, finally, when she has almost reached him, he disappears in a burst of Sonido, reappearing high above the lady arrancar.

"Do not judge my actions. You know naught of me."

2010-03-26, 04:17 PM
"Then explain yourself!"

Liz spins as Frame reappears above her, launching the rose-red cero up at her opponent. Removing her left hand from the hilt of the blade, she aims a barrage of bala in the air around the cero, making dodging a difficult affair.

Despite the effort, she has yet to release.

2010-03-26, 04:22 PM
Tirano continues to run. He's about halfway to Palacio Real.

2010-03-26, 04:23 PM
Frame remains silent as the barrage of attacks come towards him. At seemingly the last second, he releases the Cero he had been charging behind his back, countering Liz's attack. Immediately after, he sonidos directly in front of Liz, about to punch at her, then vanishes and reappears behind her, launching a powerful kick.


2010-03-26, 04:24 PM
(OOC:So, uh...what about losing that hand that was pinned with a yari that charged and fired a cero?)

The 4 Norikos make a couple of short Sonido hops, and surround Sebastian as best they can, yaris pointing inwards.

"I'm feeling just generous enough to give you a teeny chance to give up. Say "I surrender" or we fire."


2010-03-26, 04:28 PM
Liz attempts to block with her blade, then, as Frame feints, she instead rolls forward, turning to hold up a defensive stance (http://www.thearma.org/essays/StancesIntro.htm) at her foe, but not striking yet.

"You claim to fight because of duty. I'm defending my home from you, as well as my family. Do you not think I deserve to know why you and your kin are attacking? Or are you just the servant of a bloodthirsty tyrant?"

((Ochs here.))

2010-03-26, 04:59 PM

"Why the hell are you coming after me, woman!?" Sebastian will take all four blows if he feels he can get his hands on one or two of the attackers in the process. If not, he'll pull a short range sonido to drop low and make a wide arc swing for the legs of as many as he can threaten.

2010-03-26, 05:07 PM
Three of the Norikos shift far enough back after their stabs, but the last seems to not move quite fast enough.

"Simple tactics. Go with the weakest of enemy forces. You've not surrendered, so you're still enemy forces. Thus, kill you, and the others are easier to destroy in turn."

Suddenly, all 4 Norikos let their War Auras slip out a bit. Sebastian will be hit by 4 overlapping fields that drive him to more openly violent solutions. Right now, it's just a niggling in the back of his head, but it's hard to say if it might not get stronger.

Edit:(OOC:Hm. And now Hadrian's offline again. MSH, probably better to steer Sebastian unless Hadrian happens to post for him. HE himself has admitted he has an erratic online schedule.)

2010-03-26, 06:19 PM
(sounds good. I have no confidence in writing dialogue for him though...)

Sebastian grins slightly, sides bleeding. His grip on one of the Noriko's tightens, and suddenly all his wounds vanish. The gripped arrancar gains the gift of punctured flesh. A hop up precedes a wide stroke with his scythe.

2010-03-26, 06:21 PM
(sounds good. I have no confidence in writing dialogue for him though...)

Sebastian grins slightly, sides bleeding. His grip on one of the Noriko's tightens, and suddenly all his wounds vanish. The gripped arrancar gains the gift of punctured flesh. A hop up precedes a wide stroke with his scythe.

The clone staggers under the sudden wounds, the scythe further slashing her...

Until she simply vanishes.

Four Norikos charge as one; one fires a barrage of Bala, one fires a quick Cero, and the other two simply seek to stab Sebastian.

"Big mistake."

2010-03-26, 06:29 PM
(did she make another clone? otherwise there would only be 3...)

Sebastian uses the cero as cover from the stabs, and leaps at the bala-firing clone in an attempt to tackle her. If successful, she'll gain the scorched skin from cero and bala.

2010-03-26, 06:34 PM
(did she make another clone? otherwise there would only be 3...)

Sebastian uses the cero as cover from the stabs, and leaps at the bala-firing clone in an attempt to tackle her. If successful, she'll gain the scorched skin from cero and bala.

(OOC:Yeah. That's not a mistype. The wounded one vanishing, and 4 charging in, means she made a clone.)

The Bala-firing clones hops back and holds the point of her spear in Sebastian's way. Meaning he needs to rethink his approach if he doesn't like impalement.

Meanwhile, the other 3 Norikos also attempt to stab him from each side and behind, forming a sort of compass of stabbing.

2010-03-26, 06:41 PM
From a midair sonido, Sebastian puts himself behind the rear-most Noriko and goes for a hand print on her back. His scythe is held ready.

2010-03-26, 06:44 PM
The rear-most Noriko takes the print...and drops her Yari.

She spins, and grabs Sebastian around the torso, working to pin his arms to the side.

There's a savage grin on her face.

2010-03-26, 06:54 PM
"Eheheh..." Arms are pinned, though scythe isn't dropped. The wounds from cero and bala are instantly and rather painfully granted to the Noriko gripping him.

2010-03-26, 06:58 PM
The Noriko gripping him simply laughs maniacally.

The other three Norikos take a few seconds to charge their Cero, then fire on both the clone and Sebastian. She doesn't let go until the triple blast is striking both herself and Sebastian. Then she fades, leaving him to take the brunt of the blast.

A new 4th Noriko appears next to one of the others, fresh and ready for the fight.

Meanwhile, Norikos 5 and 6 approach the tussle, though they stay back for a few moments yet.

2010-03-26, 06:59 PM
Vicenzo raises his blade to parry Samael's, the flames solid like steel.

Bold words for some piece of trash who only survived a meeting with the king out of sheer, dumb luck."

Reene sighs once at the oncoming projectiles, before vanishing in a blur of sonido.

She reappears not far behind where Sunako was standing when she fired the bolts, and with a swift hand motion she fires a bala at Sunako.

"Simpleton. Scamozo, forget that one and do as you were commanded."

"Your wish is my command m'lady!"

Vicenzo then erupts in fire in front of Samael, before hurling himself like a fireball at Sunako.

2010-03-26, 07:09 PM
Liz attempts to block with her blade, then, as Frame feints, she instead rolls forward, turning to hold up a defensive stance (http://www.thearma.org/essays/StancesIntro.htm) at her foe, but not striking yet.

"You claim to fight because of duty. I'm defending my home from you, as well as my family. Do you not think I deserve to know why you and your kin are attacking? Or are you just the servant of a bloodthirsty tyrant?"

((Ochs here.))

Frame also slides into a defensive stance, fists held before him. His eyes remain fixed on Liz in a steely, cold stare. He does not react to Liz's statement for several seconds, but eventually, he answers her.

"I serve a cause far greater than Tirano could ever hope to be. For now, however, I follow him, as that duty commands I must. Fight to defend your family, but do not try to claim moral superiority over me."

2010-03-26, 07:13 PM
Samael snorts as Vicenzo returns to pursuing Sunako. Luck or no, I survived. And that's the only thing that matters. He glances quickly both at the wall, as well as Tirano's trail. He's beyond my help now.

Suddenly, Samael dives down, back to the glassed sand - and then, with another loud boom, heads for the hole they entered through. My obligation ends here.

2010-03-26, 07:18 PM
Sunako's body falls flat against the ground, rising back up and reforming opposite Reene from Vicenzo. Her arms snap out in bladed whips, seeking important internal bits.

Sebastian flashes into sonido, able to react just as the clone begins to break down. Landing near the opening into Las Noches, his skin smokes from the wash of the collective ceros. He blinks as Samael roars by. "My suspicions are confirmed! If only I could run away as well as those who would deceptively call themselves my allies."

2010-03-26, 08:33 PM
All 6 Norikos snarl.

"You missed your chance to live and not fight. Time to die!"

5 Norikos charge in at Sebastian, with 3 of them firing Bala to pin him in, and the other 2 sonidoing in to work on stabbing his legs with their yari.

The final Noriko begins charging a cero.

2010-03-26, 08:39 PM
Reene sinks in the sand, bursting out of it behind Vicenzo, who roars a wall of intense flames into existance, more than hot enough to turn any sand that comes near into molten glass.

"Solidify this area Scamozo."

Vicenzo roars again, and a surge of fire blasts off from him, overing a radius of no less than one hundred feet, turning the sand into molten glass.

The wave then colapses again, taking the heat with it, and the molten glass turns solid.

"What will you do now, dearie?"


Outside, Von Geister lands before the hole the intruders made, which begins to seal as the debris of the blast returns to its proper place.

2010-03-26, 09:11 PM
Sunako's arms retract, and she dives into the sand under the wash of fire and glass. Spikes of rock-hard sand jab up through the glass, mostly going after Reene, but a few aim at Vicenzo's legs.

Sebastian takes the Bala full on. Rushing forward, he attempts to dive right through the cero at the Noriko firing at him.

2010-03-26, 09:15 PM
The Noriko firing the cero leaps back with a sonido, continuing her evasion as necessary. She begins firing Bala.

Meanwhile, the two Norikos who had been attempting to stab him also begin firing Bala. Thus it is that all 6 Norikos are now moving around the battlefield, firing Bala at Sebastian.

All the while, he should feel bits and pieces of calm, rational thought slipping away, in favor of violence. Six War Auras intersect on his being at times, though not every instant. At least 1 aura is always on him, though.


2010-03-27, 12:39 AM
Mordolo switches from red to orange to bright yellow, then in a flash of sonido he is in the air facing Takeshi. "Hello! You look like one of the strongest of this bunch. Care to test it out?" Without waiting for a response, Mordolo swings his sword at Takeshi, his aura fading from yellow to orange and coating the blade as it moves.


Kayi looks up. I'm here, Von Geister. A click sounds across the wall as Kayi pulls her sword from its sheathe. She moves into the open tunnel as Von Geister is sealing it. Holding up her left hand, she charges a red cero in her hand, aimed down the tunnel. For a single moment, she seems to shiver slightly. It is not a red cero that leaves her hand, but a blue one.

The blast should be powerful enough to keep the tunnel open and truly get Von Geister's attention. It should also leave the tunnel open for Kayi's shout to easily reach Von Geister's "ears." "I apologize, King! I have returned!"

2010-03-27, 02:32 AM
The tunnel Grumo found himself makes its way in the general direction of where the palliza Octava stands. What is left of it at least, after his eviction kiniezumi harvested what materials he ahd invested leaving it a hollow shell of a building. The tunnel will curve up into a smooth ramp exiting on the sands, some way from the other combatents. The paliza is a hollow ruin, a mere ghost of its former glory, a den of shadows and echoes. It is from one of those shadows that another shadow peels.

"Well well well. What bring you to my tunnels?" Kinezumi stands then smiling politely and bows ironicly. "Kinezumi Arzita, Octava espada at your service. Now," he says, the smile twisting into something much more sinister "Who the hell are you?"

2010-03-27, 06:28 AM
Curses, Samael thinks as he notices Kayi in the tunnel. He takes a sharp turn, landing on the wall, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of his ally and the Ghost King. New plan - I'll make my own way out. However, as he weighs his chances, he notices Mordolo lunging at Takeshi.

Samael smashes small portion of the wall and grabs one of the fragments - he sends it flying towards Takeshi's head. Hopefully, the distraction will let Mordolo get a good strike in.

2010-03-27, 06:47 AM
Takeshi draws his sword as Mordolo jumps at him, glaring. Very well.

Then, he notices the piece of rubble flying at him. As he blocks Mordolo's attack, his other fist swings at the rubble- and smashes it into pieces. Don't think a sneak attack like that's going to work against me.

2010-03-27, 07:01 AM
Samael smirks. He grabs few chunks more, sending a volley of rocks towards Takeshi - a cero would have too high of a risk to hit Mordolo. Lets see how much attention you've got to spare, Samael thinks, before speeding up along the wall to avoid possible counter-measures.

2010-03-27, 07:04 AM
Takeshi knocks a few more projectiles out of the way, before moving his head so that one of them speeds right past it... at Mordolo's face.

2010-03-27, 10:53 AM
(Pss. tvga, Von Geister was already focusing on Kayi, the tunnel fixing was sort of an offhand thing)

The King frowns slightly as the tunnel is blasted open again.

"So it seens, Tierra."

Von Geister forgets the tunnel for the time being, taking a slow walk closer to Kayi.

"We had an agreement. Your betrayal was forgiven, as long as you did not return."

"Why did you return, Kayi, and most importantly, why with these hopeless fools?"


Reene leaps high as the attack comes, grazing her leg, and up in the air she stays, staring down as she reaches for a potion vial. Scamozo's heat turns any sand approching him into heavy, liquid glass, which he parries with an explosion of flames.

"Persistant little wretch."

The rising temperature causes the glassing to sink deeper in the sand, the layer of searing liquid growing thicker by the second.

2010-03-27, 11:32 AM
The tunnel Grumo found himself makes its way in the general direction of where the palliza Octava stands. What is left of it at least, after his eviction kiniezumi harvested what materials he ahd invested leaving it a hollow shell of a building. The tunnel will curve up into a smooth ramp exiting on the sands, some way from the other combatents. The paliza is a hollow ruin, a mere ghost of its former glory, a den of shadows and echoes. It is from one of those shadows that another shadow peels.

"Well well well. What bring you to my tunnels?" Kinezumi stands then smiling politely and bows ironicly. "Kinezumi Arzita, Octava espada at your service. Now," he says, the smile twisting into something much more sinister "Who the hell are you?"

Grumo didn't seem to register the atmosphere around him, nor the intentions of the Octava. He simply replied in his usual manner, without even breaking his gait.

"Boss's orders. No you aren't. Don't know; Master called me Grumo."

The stranger's questions having been answered, Grumo simply walked past him without a second glance. It was as if the Octava was just a random bystander who had asked for directions. Strange figures who leaped out of nowhere were all well and good, but there were tunnels to be traversed and orders to be followed.

2010-03-27, 11:43 AM
Frame also slides into a defensive stance, fists held before him. His eyes remain fixed on Liz in a steely, cold stare. He does not react to Liz's statement for several seconds, but eventually, he answers her.

"I serve a cause far greater than Tirano could ever hope to be. For now, however, I follow him, as that duty commands I must. Fight to defend your family, but do not try to claim moral superiority over me."

Liz's eyes narrow. "As far as I am concerned, you've failed to answer my question... I have no choice. Descend from Asgard, Frigga. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdMhTL5bZrs)"

With a flutter of wings, Liz is soon just in front of Frame, aiming for a diagonal downward slash from her right. The halo behind her spins, gathering reishi...

2010-03-27, 11:44 AM
Sunako is forced to withdraw further down, avoiding the solidifying sand. Some distance away from the burning arrancar, a large humanoid form bursts up through the thinner glass, and attempts to swat Reene out of the air with a large clawed hand.

Sebastian attempts to dodge and weave through the shots, only somewhat effectively. He'll backpedal to the wall, and duck behind the edge of the opening. "While taking injury is my miserable lot in life, perhaps you could assist in causing harm to that woman...women out there?" Sebastian looks up at Samael, expression showing no expectation of help.

Tirano is not far from finally reaching Palacio Real.

2010-03-27, 11:47 AM
A Cero fires, destroying the lip of the wall he is hiding behind.

It's followed by a barrage of Bala from 3 Norikos, working such that it pens him in.

The other 3 charge for a couple of seconds, and fire 3 Cero in a pattern where all 3 may hit, and at least 1 is almost guaranteed.

2010-03-27, 11:58 AM
At first, Samael doesn't seem to hear Sebastian's plea and continues running upwards along the inside of the dome. Then, however, he screeches to halt and performs several quick slashes to the structure, sending some rubble falling down as he carves a large, pyradimal chunk out of the wall. "Catch!", he shouts as he hurls the boulder towards Norikos - but before it hits, he fires a cero through it, aiming to hit one clone with the ray and others with shrapnel.

2010-03-27, 12:03 PM
"Wuah!" Sebastian dives out of the way of the falling rubble (and ceros). The rock takes most of the blasts, but the goat arrancar still gets some bleed-off from the attack. "Even when supposedly helping, all they do is attack me..." He peeks up and over what remains of the pile of rock, hair slightly smoking.

2010-03-27, 12:09 PM
The Noriko about to be hit by the cero fades, and another takes her place nearby her fellow clones.

The shrapnel simply bounces off her armor and tough skin.

"You are a weak, pathetic waste of space, aren't you, scythe boy. Can't even fight your own battles? We should kill you just to do the universe a favor. You know, I am feeling hungry..."

2 Norikos continue to alternate Cero and Bala at Sebastian.

The other 4 scatter, and begin firing a seemingly random pattern of Bala and Cero at Samael.

2010-03-27, 12:18 PM
Samael's face twists in a strange half-smile as his figure blurs in a chain of rapid fire bursts of sonido. Sizeable portion of the wall is blasted away from around him. Thank you for your help, Samael thinks, before increasing his distance to the Norikos, leaving a large crack on the wall in his wake. His arms are scratched and bleeding, but regeneration isn't his top priority - he's more concerned about not letting Noriko get a clear shot. Hopefully, Sebastian will grow a backbone to provide distraction.

2010-03-27, 12:21 PM
The Norikos shooting at Samael cease fire after a few barrages. They frown in unison.

Suddenly, one by one, they disappear in a blur of sonido.

A few moments later, each of the 4 comes down from a slightly angle behind him.

All are looking to stab or pin him.

The final 2 Norikos continue shooting at Sebastian.

2010-03-27, 12:23 PM
"Lo, it is truly my miserable place in the universe to be a waste of souls and reishi...even blessed fingers do little to compensate..." He ducks behind the rapidly diminishing rubble pile. His scythe pokes out for a moment, a rather wimpy cero lancing out toward one of the clones.

2010-03-27, 12:26 PM
Said wimpy Cero is countered with a stronger Cero.

Then the fire from both Norikos seems to cease.

If Sebastian looks, they are taking several seconds to charge Cero, aiming them to collapse the rest of his cover.

2010-03-27, 12:33 PM
Sebastian waits, tracking the charge of each cero. As soon as they fire, he attempts to sonido up and over the pile of rocks, hopefully landing between the clones. His timing wasn't the best, so he's been clipped pretty well by one of the ceros, but attempts to transfer his wounds to one of the clones.

2010-03-27, 12:36 PM
Both clones turn at his landing.

He successfully transfers his wounds to one. She gasps in momentary pain...then latches onto him from one side. The other Noriko also reaches her arms around the scythe-wielding Arrancar, pinning his arms, while her yari pins his scythe.

The wounded Noriko then fades, replaced by a new one from the grappling Noriko.

In short order, two Norikos hold tightly onto Sebastian.

"Maybe we can't kill you, but we can keep you from doing anything!"

2010-03-27, 12:37 PM
Samael is alerted by the sudden onslaught. He doesn't have a cero ready, and he's quite confident that four-on-one with the Norikos would end up badly for him. However, he's quite confident he can outrun the clones for a while longer.

As the Norikos close on him, Samael focuses all his effort on his sonido - there's a loud explosion and a lrage crater is left on the wall as he speeds away from the assault. However, as he glances over his shoulder to take a look at his pursuers, sharp pain on his side tells him his evasion wasn't perfect.

How about letting me help at last?, a voice echoes in his mind. Not just yet, if I can just avoid it, Samael replies and whirls around, detaching himself from the wall. "Cero Infernal!", he shouts, shooting out a flaming cero. It's trajectory happens to pass through two of the clones, but that's more of a beneficial side-effects - the cero's true mark is the damaged wall section Samael and Noriko caused a moment ago. Unless the clones block it, it will burn a deep tunnel through the dome.

2010-03-27, 12:40 PM
It does indeed burn through two clones as the 4 Norikos speed after him.

However, noting his target, the other two fire off a Cero apiece that manages to redirect the blast into an empty, unblemished section of the wall.

Two more Norikos pop out from these warrior women, and all 4 again begin speeding towards Samael.

2010-03-27, 12:47 PM
"Even surrounded by women, it is simply to restrain me, for they are my enemies..." Sebastian sighs dramatically. He winces ever so slightly, his side becoming burnt from a cero. Samael's wound dissipates similarly.

2010-03-27, 12:54 PM
Grumo didn't seem to register the atmosphere around him, nor the intentions of the Octava. He simply replied in his usual manner, without even breaking his gait.

"Boss's orders. No you aren't. Don't know; Master called me Grumo."

The stranger's questions having been answered, Grumo simply walked past him without a second glance. It was as if the Octava was just a random bystander who had asked for directions. Strange figures who leaped out of nowhere were all well and good, but there were tunnels to be traversed and orders to be followed.

Kinezumi blinked in apparant surprise. That was... not the expected response,
where was the anger, the lies, the explanations. Wordplay of any sort beyond simply stating ones intentions. With a flash of sonido he was once again in front of Grumo.

"That was rude of you, we're just getting to know each other, where are your manners." He smiles predatorily and wraps one of the ribbons of his glaive round his hand idly. "What did you mean "No you aren't" just then?"

((I'll make sure to be online and posting as much as I can))

2010-03-27, 01:01 PM
Duplication? And no sign of exhaustion... how do you damage an opponent like that? Samael muses as he observes the Norikos. A plan emerges in his mind, put he's in utterly wrong place and state to pull it off. Sighing, he stops and turns to face the Norikos, seemingly accepting that his fate is to fight them. But...

"Color the skies, Lucia!"

Samael activates his resurreccion blink of an eye before the Norikos are on him. His upper hands grasp his forewings and he sends them towards one of the clones in a mighty punch. His claws strike forwards to skewer another two, and finally he ducks so that his back is towards the last one, his wings shooting out like springs in an attempt to burn it.

"You're not going to give me any quarter, are you?", his blackened form speaks as his left eye, now covered by a crystalline lense, gives the clones holding Sebastian a murderous glare.

2010-03-27, 01:03 PM
"Manners were lost a long time ago. Can't have two eights. Master is eight, so you aren't."

Seemingly oblivious to the implied threat Grumo moved to walk around Kinezumi and continue on his way. Hard as it was to believe that anyone could be so oblivious, his behaviour really did seem to stem from simple ignorance rather than bravery. If this was all an act of psychological warfare to annoy Kinezumi, it was a very convincing one indeed.

2010-03-27, 01:07 PM
This was... agrravating, taunts he was used to. Insults or slights were a fact of life, out and out being ignored? That wasnt nice... He drew the glaive and held it loosely in his hand before standing in front of Grumo once more. Should Grumo attempt to go around he will find himself actualy blocked this time.

"There is no other eight, Visconti died in his attack on soul society and his predeccessor died an age ago. I am the Octava and as you say there can be no other. Would you like the see the tattoo?"

2010-03-27, 01:13 PM
"Even surrounded by women, it is simply to restrain me, for they are my enemies..." Sebastian sighs dramatically. He winces ever so slightly, his side becoming burnt from a cero. Samael's wound dissipates similarly."I hate to give an enemy advice, but any self-respecting woman is completely turned off by your depressing attitude."

Their grips tighten slightly. If this keeps up, it might start hurting him.

Duplication? And no sign of exhaustion... how do you damage an opponent like that? Samael muses as he observes the Norikos. A plan emerges in his mind, put he's in utterly wrong place and state to pull it off. Sighing, he stops and turns to face the Norikos, seemingly accepting that his fate is to fight them. But...

"Color the skies, Lucia!"

Samael activates his resurreccion blink of an eye before the Norikos are on him. His upper hands grasp his forewings and he sends them towards one of the clones in a mighty punch. His claws strike forwards to skewer another two, and finally he ducks so that his back is towards the last one, his wings shooting out like springs in an attempt to burn it.

"You're not going to give me any quarter, are you?", his blackened form speaks as his left eye, now covered by a crystalline lense, gives the clones holding Sebastian a murderous glare.
(OOC: My mental picture has them at least 50ish yards away, so he can glare, but they won't hear him.)

The first Noriko blocks his forewing attack with her yari, and is merely driven back several yards.

The next two are indeed skewered, grimacing in pain as they writhe on his claws, until their bodies fade.

The final Noriko is burning to ashes as she is dissipated.

The only remaining Noriko of this group is finally looking slightly winded. She shakes it off and stands straight, summoning 3 more clones.

"After you have attacked my home, my person, and my lover? I'm not inclined to, but I might listen and let you surrender if you speak up right now. Otherwise, I'll attack with full force."

The 4 Norikos spread out so its harder to attack them all at once, several yards between each woman, all of them about 10 yards away from Samael.

2010-03-27, 01:19 PM
A hand taps on Samael's shoulder just before Noriko finishes responding.

"I dunno about her, but you're interrupting my alone time with my fiance, so from both of us, that'd be a decisive 'no'."

Lance is standing behind the Arrancar, hands tucked into his pockets, with somewhere between an annoyed yet eager grin.

((If you'd rather Lance stay out of this, fine, but Noriko could probably use the help. :smalltongue:))

2010-03-27, 01:19 PM
This time Grumo was indeed stopped dead in his tracks, but not by physical force. Kinezumi's word had finally had some effect on the advancing Arrancar, causing a look of deep disturbance and uncertainty to manifest on his face.

"Died...Not possible...Liar..."

All at once his expression became impassive once more, equilibrium apparently restored. However, this fact was overshadowed by the massive fist that he'd sent hurtling towards the Octava.

"Override 7 activated."

2010-03-27, 01:28 PM
Kinezumi's eyes had a split second to widen before they were impacted by a surprisingly large fist, a sonido straight back took a lot of the speed and thus power out of the punch, but it still very much hurt.

Spiting out a small quantity of blood from his mouth, lip split and streaming slowly, he turned to grumo his face a bizzare carricature of a smile. "We well well, no manners at all."

He took and an agressive stance holding the glaive out in front of him, aiming to use its vastly superior reach to hold his opponent off. "From indefferent to killing intent in no time at all. Which offended you, that idiot Visconti or his even weaker predecessor?"

He punctuated his words with a lunging slash with his weapon, the shape of the blade wasn't great for stabbing but if it connected it would tear a neat and paiunful slash out of Grumo's stomach. Now was the time for an assualt of words as much as one of blades.

2010-03-27, 01:35 PM
Lance's gesture will soon turn his situation very unfortable - after all, Samael's shoulders are conjoined with 13 feet long wings of living fire. Startled, Samael jumps aside, so that he's a healthy distance from both adversaries.

"My only wish is to leave this place alive - if I surrender, will you let me do that? I doubt it", Samael replies, eyeing the Norikos and Lance warily - he holds his forewings up and curls his wings around his body to provide optimal defense. "Your home, your lover... you can keep them. I just want to get out of this place, so I can crawl somewhere where my death means something."

"Let me get through that tunnel, and you'll never see me again - I'll be the Ghost King's trouble after that. I'm done with this fight."

2010-03-27, 01:47 PM
Another voice comes from behind Samael. I rather doubt it, myself.

Leonardo is glaring at him. Here's a counter-offer. If you surrender, Takeshi-sensei will probably try to see to it that you're treated as well as possible.

2010-03-27, 01:48 PM
All 4 Norikos laugh (though each in a slightly different way).

"Let you go? After all you've done? You're lucky I'm offering surrender at all after you took me out several times already. Do you know how much that hurts, by the way? No, I'm just giving you the choice of "get imprisoned with my body intact" or "lose my limbs, then get put in the dungeon". You aren't getting away with no consequences. Not now."

Suddenly, they all charge Ceros. Each will fire in turn, aiming to corral Samael into the path of the 4th and final blast.

2010-03-27, 01:51 PM
Lance looks at his torched hand. "Huh, ow." Then back up at Samael. "Ok, fine, but at least..."

Lance is quite suddenly in front of Samael, his foot raised to meet the Arrancar's face, aiming a forceful kick in the direction of the hole he burrowed. "Take a parting gift!"

2010-03-27, 02:09 PM
In his mind, Samael silently thanks the poor inter-communication skills of his enemies. Dodging all of Noriko's ceros would have taken him straight to Leonardos lap, but Lance's sudden action makes that unnecessary. He takes the brunt of the kick with his left shield, though he still lets is send him down - once his course is set, his wings stiffen and he flies towards the tunnel with hitherto unrevealed speed. His body is wracked with pain as some of Norikos ceros grace him, but it's not important - what is, is the chance to finally flee. "Star Kindler!", he shouts. Several white hot orbs detach from his wings, leaving a strangely distorted trail behind him. Stopping him before he gets out is nearly impossible now - expect maybe, for Lance...

2010-03-27, 02:15 PM
Lance puts his fingers out in front of him in the impression of a gun, firing a few crackling bala at the retreating Arrancar, and then a final, bouncing cero. "And stay out." After he's sure Samael has left, he places his hands back in his pocket, and looks around at the other fights.

2010-03-27, 02:18 PM
Norikos snarl and speed after Samael.

"Not so fast!"

Each takes a turn firing a Cero, repeating the cycle when they're through. They pursue him through the tunnel if necessary, hoping to at least seriously injure him, thus perhaps slowing him down.

2010-03-27, 02:21 PM
Leonardo also leaps, heading through the tunnel at high speed. Oh, no. You're not getting away that easily!

2010-03-27, 02:24 PM
Unfortunately for him, Samael still can't take the fastest way out - Kayi and the Ghost King are too close to the mouth of the tunnel. So before he comes out from the other end, he screeches to halt, and grimaces as a volley of energy blasts hit him in the back. Annoyance... must make... another tunnel, he thinks, his face distorted from pain.

"Cero Infernal!", he rasps, turning against the wall of the tunnel, creating a side branch that hopefully comes out a safe distance away from the Ghost King. However, the ray costs him valuable time - his pursuers are already on the mouth of the tunnel when he picks up speed again. One more... straw left, Samael thinks, and begins calling the stars he created - maybe he could buy enough time with them.

2010-03-27, 02:26 PM
Norikos can see their attacks hit.

"Keep up the pressure, Leonardo!"

They continue their stagger-fire tactic as soon as they reach the branch he created and have a clear line of sight on Samael again.

2010-03-27, 02:27 PM
In a burst of Sonido, Juro arrives at the scene.

Ah man, what the hell? I just got some sleep, and now this! It better be worth my time...

He surveys the battlefield, trying to figure out what's going on.

These guys again? I could crush them myself...

He then notices Sebastian. His look of mild annoyance turns to pure hatred.

The goat's come back, huh? Time for some payback.

Juro Sonidos in front of Sebastian, drawing his zanpakuto as he does.

Hey Goat-Boy! Let's play a game!

2010-03-27, 02:28 PM
Leonardo continues to chase the escaping Arrancar. Fine, then. Roar! LEON!

His resureccion activates, using the boosted speed to continue to chase after Samael.

2010-03-27, 02:38 PM
The volley of ceros blast way one of Samael's wings, which forces him to divert his course and land to the ground to regenerate it. He turns to face resurrected Leonardo with grim determination. "You really don't see it, do you? The futility of all this? I would have let you alone!", he snarls. His body is battered, but quickly absorbing repair materials - however, even though it doesn't show, he has already suffered wounds that can't be healed in such a trivial manner.

In the tunnel, Noriko will feel the world turn upside down as a swarm of reishi orbs shoot past her - the dots soon appear from the mouth of the tunnel, illuminating the eternal night of the desert. They spread around and reach for Leonardo like outlines of a giant hand. At the same time, Samael braces himself and begins to charge a cero - it's his last stand.

2010-03-27, 02:41 PM
The Norikos stumble, taking several precious seconds to reorient themselves and begin running again.

If they reach the mouth of the tunnel in time, two will exit immediately, with two hanging back. The two that exit first will fire off Ceros as soon as they see the target (Samael).

2010-03-27, 02:42 PM
Leonardo fires off a few Bala to disrupt the hand, before leaping off the ground, and heading at a right angle to Samael.

2010-03-27, 02:46 PM
(Pss. tvga, Von Geister was already focusing on Kayi, the tunnel fixing was sort of an offhand thing)

(Right, but even if that was the case, Kayi probably thought the offhand thing was a "stay out of this" move.)

Kayi cannot look the King in the face. Though she speaks, she keeps her head down and towards the ground. "I truly mean no disrespect, King. I had intended to hold to our promise. But there were two major reasons that caused my return. And in the end, one of them will be dead." Her left hand glows red, as if pooling energy for another attack, while her right shifts her sword into a ready position. "And as much as I agree with you, I am here. It is already too late to dissuade me." The energy in her hand dissipates completely, as if remnants of her previous attack had evaporated.

As he blocks Mordolo's attack, his other fist swings at the rubble- and smashes it into pieces. Don't think a sneak attack like that's going to work against me.

Mordolo smiles as their swords collide. The rubble smashes into Mordolo's cheek as he turns his head, shattering but inflicting only minor damage. "Heh. That idiot. I'll be sure to kill him for you later." Swinging his sword around, Mordolo attempts another strike, his aura becoming bright red as he does. This blow appears to be much, much more powerful than his last.

2010-03-27, 02:50 PM
As the ceros and balas touch the cluster of stars, their rays twist and bend as they are send wildly off course, disappearing to the horizon. Samael blocks Leonardo with his shields, and delivers a flurry of blows with his claws.

"You know... your offer sounded honest", Samael rasps as he melees Leonardo. "Why do... good people like you... let someone like the Ghost *cough* King... rule yourself? Why do you trust a traitor like Toho?" He uses a burst of sonido to gain some distance, returning on the defensive.

"Can you tell me that?"

2010-03-27, 02:50 PM
Hmm. Acaxochitl is standing around inside Las Noches unaware of what's going on outside.

2010-03-27, 03:17 PM
Takeshi moves his sword, blocking that one, too. That's all? Really?

Here. Let me show you how it's done.

Takeshi's strike, when it comes, has all the considerable strength available to Takeshi- enough to shatter stone, even without Resureccion- and the skill of a master of Kenjutsu, practiced by one who learnt when the style itself was young. A single, diagonal slash.


Leonardo blocks most of the slashes, but does take one nasty slash along his arm. Because I'm sworn to follow Takeshi-sensei, and Takeshi-sensei follows Toho.

2010-03-27, 03:30 PM
Suddenly, the 4 Norikos appear in a blur of sonido, launching a series of quick thrusts at Samael, mostly aimed at driving him towards Leonardo.

"Because I serve Lady Elizabeth! And she and I both follow Toho! And...because Takeshi follows him, too!"

2010-03-27, 03:40 PM
It is fortunate that Mordolo is not made of stone.

It is unfortunate that Mordolo is not fast enough to dodge that attack.

The strike falls directly at Mordolo, who shifts to block. While he does prevent the blow from cleaving him in twain, he does not stop any of its considerable strength or momentum, causing the arrancar to tumble through the air and into the ground below, leaving an impact crater and a cloud of dust. As he pulls himself from the rubble, Mordolo admires the gash in his zanpakuto where he blocked the strike. His grin grows even wider.

"This is gonna be awesome. Hope you're ready for me, it's gonna be big!" He charges a cero in his bleeding left hand while he winds up with his sword. Still glowing red, he pushes off of the ground towards Takeshi, then throws out the energy, forming an incredibly large wave of pure red moving quickly towards the Espada.

2010-03-27, 03:40 PM
"That's all?", Samael questions. His face is obscured by a ball of flame gathering before it, but his voice is still audible. "An oath? No oath is worth upholding unjust laws." With a beat of his wings, Samael jumps backward, avoiding Norikos blows but landing him dangerously close to Leonardo. At the same time, however, his hand reaches forward, and the cluster of stars collapse upon the group, distorting the space around them and causing the outside world to disappear into blur.

"I had to burn at a stake to realize that - I hope you don't have to do the same."

2010-03-27, 03:45 PM
"Not just an oath! A person! I would never abandon Lady Elizabeth! Or Takeshi! And those you are with have attacked them both! They will win the day, but it is not something I can forget! And you can't even claim the moral high ground of personal loyalty, as you abandon your comrades! BURN!"

All 4 Norikos shift closer and fire Ceros at near point-blank range.

2010-03-27, 04:00 PM
Leondardo glares, putting distance between him and Samael. You have no right to lecture us, deserter.

He fires numerous Bala at Samael.


Takeshi frowns, as he charges up a cero in direct response to Mordolo's charging up of one. At the same time that the other Arrancar fires, he counterceros.

2010-03-27, 04:17 PM
He took and an agressive stance holding the glaive out in front of him, aiming to use its vastly superior reach to hold his opponent off. "From indefferent to killing intent in no time at all. Which offended you, that idiot Visconti or his even weaker predecessor?"

He punctuated his words with a lunging slash with his weapon, the shape of the blade wasn't great for stabbing but if it connected it would tear a neat and paiunful slash out of Grumo's stomach. Now was the time for an assualt of words as much as one of blades.

The attack hit its mark easily, gouging a track across a portion of Grumo's form. Though the wound was certainly decent, it didn't seem to faze the large Arrancar as much as it should. Even at this early stage, it was clear that Grumo worked more on enduring blows than avoiding them; He'd be hit a lot more, but it would also take a lot more to bring him down. As the glaive completed its motion he stretched out a hand and attempted to grab the shaft, preventing it from withdrawing. All through this he still responded to the Octava's questions, speaking in a voice that was even flatter than usual.

"Offense: Spreading blasphemous lies about his Divine Majesty, the Octava Espada Augustus Visconti. Verdict: Guilty. Sentence: Death. Let His will be done."

Assuming that Grumo had managed to grab the Octava's weapon, he would proceed to give it a sharp tug and pull his opponent along with it. A large cudgel was held in Grumo's offhand, ready and waiting to give the new arrival a proper welcome into his threat range.

2010-03-27, 04:50 PM
Sebastian is currently still pinned between two Noriko clones. He has made no attempt to escape. "I'm certain you would gain great fun at the expense of my pain and bodily harm, but I'm otherwise occupied at the moment." A few of Samael's injuries disappear, manifesting on Sebastian's body. The way he's being grappled makes them hard to see at best, however.

Tirano has finally reached Palacio Real, and will take a massive leap straight up the side of the building. He resumes running, but now almost vertically.

2010-03-27, 05:03 PM
"Never abandon them? Even when you know they'll lead not only to your destruction, but that of others as well?"

Even though seemingly sure shots, many of the ceros and balas fired miss their target - in the field of sundered space, nothing stands where it should. One of Noriko's cero's warps and flies towards Leonardo, where as some of his balas twist around and blast Noriko.

Still, some find their target. As Samael stumbles out of his field, using his knowledge of its pattern, he's missing one of his arms and part of his abdomen. Even though they can be healed on the surface, he knows some of the damaged organs can never be replaced.

"Sometimes, it's necessary to throw down your superiors and ideals, no matter how dear they are to you, lest they drag you down with them", he says as he rises far above his trap. "I hope you can make better use of that revelation than I ever did. Cero Infernal - Conjunto!"

Samael can't aim straight at his opponents any more than they can at him - but he doesn't have to. As he keeps up the firing blast, its trajectory will arc inside the field, hitting nearly half of all possible points inside it and finally striking the ground. For a brief moment, a large explosion illuminates the desert - the star cluster dies with it. Samael gathers last of his strenght to fly away before the dust clears.

((OOC: last chance to get retribution - the he's off))

2010-03-27, 05:16 PM
Assuming that Grumo had managed to grab the Octava's weapon, he would proceed to give it a sharp tug and pull his opponent along with it. A large cudgel was held in Grumo's offhand, ready and waiting to give the new arrival a proper welcome into his threat range.

Kinezumi pauses for a flicker as his slash is mostly ignored, still these things can add up in time, and grinned strangely when his weapon is pulled. He pulls himself along the weapon with all his might combining with the force from Grumo adding some force to a rapidly approaching kick, he fully expected the cudgel to make contact whether his kick did as well. At this stage of the combat injury was largely irrelavent. Ressurecion healed most wounds and since neither of the fighters had deigned it necessary yet then Kinezumi wasnt going to bother with over caution. Still, he raised his arm to try and take the worst of the impact as his legs dived towards grumo.

2010-03-27, 05:30 PM
Grumo's cudgel smashed into Kinezumi just as Grumo himself was hit with the full force of the kick. The impact knocked the wind out of him and put him off balance, causing him to comically flail his arms as he wobbled back and forth. Once stabilised he sought out his target once more, swinging his cudgel again if the Octava was still within reach or charging if he'd retreated. So far the fight was very agreeable to Grumo; A straight exchange of blows, without all that pesky strategic manoeuvring that always gave him a headache.

2010-03-27, 05:31 PM
"And despite your desires, I must now take your fun, as fate takes mine."

Suddenly, Samael will feel much better. Wounds gone, scorches healed, organs replaced. Sebastian, likewise will gain all the injuries, much more horrible on his respectively weaker frame. He coughs out blood, now being held up by the two clones more than being restrained. "And even now I have no ability for retribution...my body fails me in moment of greatest need..." He crumples further, sand stained from dripping blood. "I...can't even feel my fingers..." Unless Noriko continues to hold him up, he'll fall to the ground.

(Hadrian, if you want to rewrite this, feel free)

2010-03-27, 05:39 PM
His smile at the feeling of flesh compressing and bones creaking beneath his heels is short lived as a blow from a cudgeol sends him flying several metres over the sands before a jarring impact. Ignoring the pain Kinezumi rights himself with a leap before flipping nimbly out of the way of Grumo's deceptively quick to react charge he cursed briefly at the fact his Zanpukto was on enitrely the wrong side of his opponent before vanishing mid flip in a crack of sonido to appear some distance away landing gracefully on his feet.

Holding his side and wincing exageratedly he forced a merry grin onto his face "Thats some power you have there, ranged never was my sort of combat but I suppose all is fair in love and war. And besides, why should I ever play fair?"

He begins running in a strafing arc around Grumo before letting off a stream of rather diffuse bala as he went, energy attacks not being his speciality these are not overly strong but they are numerous and persitant and if left to his own devices Kinezmu will gradualy speed up in his rings till Grumo is trapped in a veritable circle of bala

2010-03-27, 06:31 PM
(Right, but even if that was the case, Kayi probably thought the offhand thing was a "stay out of this" move.)

Kayi cannot look the King in the face. Though she speaks, she keeps her head down and towards the ground. "I truly mean no disrespect, King. I had intended to hold to our promise. But there were two major reasons that caused my return. And in the end, one of them will be dead." Her left hand glows red, as if pooling energy for another attack, while her right shifts her sword into a ready position. "And as much as I agree with you, I am here. It is already too late to dissuade me." The energy in her hand dissipates completely, as if remnants of her previous attack had evaporated.


Von Geister frowns and glares at Kayi with eyes half-open as she readies her blade.

"I see. The ice queen defrosts, and with it comes boldness, and foolishness."

In a short motion, his cane is a flail with a long chain.

"Pray for death for all of them, Kayi, because you know the alternative."


As Tirano goes up, defensive turrets start firing at him.

2010-03-27, 08:02 PM
As Tirano runs, he seems not to actively dodge or evade the shots. However, none seem to find their mark. His speed, however, has reduced. Tirano continues to ascend up the side of Palacio Real.

2010-03-27, 08:53 PM
Kayi looks up and meets Von Geister's eyes. The determination is unlike anything she has shown the King of Hueco Mundo before. "I hoped you would understand, but I did not expect mercy." She points her sword at Von Geister, holding it out at arm's length. "I am not delusional. I will hold nothing back."


Kayi's sword obeys her words as her hand lets go. Her eyes glow gray before she disappears in a cloud of white.

The resulting energy spike and temperature change should alert anyone in the vicinity that this is not somewhere you want to be standing.

Takeshi frowns, as he charges up a cero in direct response to Mordolo's charging up of one. At the same time that the other Arrancar fires, he counterceros.

The ceros collide, stopping for a moment in mid-air before Takeshi's continues straight through, destroying the other and forcing Mordolo to swing down his sword to block. Though he is pushed back to the ground, he successfully deflects the cero partially, suffering some slight burns on his arms. His grin is still quite extreme, though his breathing is heavy.

"I can't believe I didn't come here earlier! You're a great fighter, I'm glad I picked you instead of one of those other guys. Heh. I suppose I should introduce myself, since I haven't been kind. Mordolo's my name." He plants his sword blade-down in the ground, then draws it with his left hand. "I've decided it's about time I introduce you to the real me. Ready, Espada?"

Ripping his blade from the ground, Mordolo cuts a long gash across his right arm with the blade. As he does, his smiles widens, though he forces his eyes shut. "Ease his passing. Analgésico."

With a boom, any dust around flies straight up in a pillar, surrounding Mordolo until he finishes his transformation.

2010-03-27, 09:00 PM
Takeshi looks at him. My name is Hayashi Takeshi.

Segunda Espada.

He looks at the pillar. Wake up.


A red pillar of energy envelops him, whipping up a sandstorm.

{{Music! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p_3ZlKGzn4) :smallbiggrin:}}

2010-03-27, 09:09 PM
Mordolo's smoke clears first. The sword he holds in his hand now bears a blade on each end, and he holds it like a staff in the ground. His previously bleeding arm is now covered with a grotesque stinger of pure Hollow bone. Only his eyes are visible on his face, but even just seeing those it is obvious that Mordolo is smiling.

"I'm glad. Hold nothin' back, Segunda. I won't either!"

Mordolo glows bright yellow, then sonidos into the air to meet his foe.

2010-03-27, 09:20 PM
Obligatory music. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTdvfH3PA34&feature=PlayList&p=941136316D7A923A&index=18)

"Resurreccion so quickly? Kayi, Kayi, I would expect better tactics from you."

Von Geister lifts his cane, flinging the flail head up, and then brings it crashing down again, creating a shockwave of jagged rock fragments to surge towards Kayi's mist.

"Releasing your power right off the bat is not "going all out", it is fooly, specially against other arrancar you stupid kid."


Draken remembers he forgot about Sunako's attack.

Reene is swatted off towards a wall, being engulfed by the debris of the destruction, but it soon settles under the pressure of her reiatsu, revealing a pissed off woman.

"Glass. Her."

On cue, Vicenzo immolates again, and flings himself as a white-hot fireball right into Sunako's larger form.


One of Von geister's gillians, far bellow, looks up at Tirano, and fires a crimson cero towards him.

2010-03-27, 09:31 PM
The faint expression on the sandy figure's face seems to smile, before throwing itself at Vicenzo, loosing its shape in the process. Its goal seems to be to seal him within the shell of glass he'll make from his inherent heat, and then bury it under the rest of the sand.

Sunako steps out of the base of the figure-turned wave of sand, and leaps into a sonido at Reene. She'll appear standing perpendicular to the wall, just above the other arrancar, and lead into a sweeping, sharp, kick.

Tirano pulls back a reirykou-enhanced fist and drives it into the wall below him. If successful in making an opening, he'll slip inside. If not, he'll attempt to sonido out of the way.

2010-03-27, 09:33 PM
Takeshi's pillar of energy clears, to reveal the two gigantic arms of his Resureccion.

He starts walking forwards. Hold nothing back, you say?

My punches can demolish cities. Are you sure you can stand all that if it's focused on your body?

2010-03-27, 09:41 PM
"Releasing your power right off the bat is not "going all out", it is fooly, specially against other arrancar you stupid kid."

As the fragments of rock approach, they seem to freeze over and slow down, eventually coming to a stop just inside the cloud of smoke.

"This is not what I meant when I said 'nothing'."

The white smoke flies away, leaving a small sheet of snow on the ground just around Kayi's form. As it does, the temperature in the area drops, so much so that even the stones around the tunnel are becoming coated in frost. Kayi's eyes are shut in serenity. She breathes deep, then releases a smokey breath. "It has been a long time."

She opens her eyes, the grey glow still evident. An icicle forms in the vent on her arm, glowing with energy as it appears. "I imagine you would not remember. But I remember clearly. The day that I achieved this form." Drawing her arm up, she swings the icicle to her right side. The floating rock fragments in front of her split apart, then fall to the ground, shattering upon impact.

"It has been some time since that day, my King. I have come some distance since then."

He starts walking forwards. Hold nothing back, you say?

My punches can demolish cities. Are you sure you can stand all that if it's focused on your body?

Mordolo continues forward. "Sure. Shatter a city! It'll be fun to watch." He swings his double-bladed weapon toward the Segunda, pulling the chain so that it flies in an arch across his position.

2010-03-27, 10:01 PM
Liz's eyes narrow. "As far as I am concerned, you've failed to answer my question... I have no choice. Descend from Asgard, Frigga. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdMhTL5bZrs)"

With a flutter of wings, Liz is soon just in front of Frame, aiming for a diagonal downward slash from her right. The halo behind her spins, gathering reishi...

"As you will."

In an impressive display of reaction, Frame disengages his airwalking the instant Liz appears in front of him, plummeting out of the way of her strike and rocketing towards the ground. As he does so, he draws his Zanpakuto from its sheath at his waist. He points it upwards at Liz.

"Blot out the Sun, Tempestad de Arena."

As Frame transforms, he impacts the ground, releasing a large mass of sand into the air. Before it clears, he rises from the cloud, several long, sinuous pillars of sand rising with him. He spins rapidly as his approaches Liz, his cloak billowing out in a large circle. Dozens of bala fire from the surface of his mantle, storming towards the Tercera.

2010-03-27, 10:04 PM
Vicenzo has much less problems than Sunako would hope. The glass does not solidify around him as intended, and he is perfectly capable of swimming through the molten silicate, leaving a solidfying path behind him.

Reene, in turn, is less than surprised by the attack, parrying the vertical blow with her sword and a dense, spiralling shield of debris.

"Enough. Scour, Gandra."

Bone plates cover Reene's body, and a long, flat tail extends behind her, turning up to reveal a five-fanged mouth-like thing, drooling some foul fluid, her hands and feet grow claws, and four short tubes extend from the back of an eyeless skull-like helm.

The sandstom around her grows in viciousness, as the sand under her control turns into small, jagged fragments of crystal.


Tirano will have no problems with breaking the wall.

Toho's reiatsu is only a few stories up now.


Von Geister breathes out, pulling the flail chain closer to him again.

"I do not forget things Kayi, I am old, but not senile. So come, show me the depth of your devotion to the fool who commands the destruction of memorials to the fallen, who charges blindly into oblivion and leaves his comrades to face the legions of a much vaster enemy."

Von Geister waits.

2010-03-27, 10:30 PM
Kayi clenches her fist at her side. "I will be the first to admit that Tirano is a fool. It seems I have a tendency to follow those of limited intelligence."

Her image flashes, disturbing the snow around her. Frost travels through the tunnel, covering the sides as Kayi sonidos the distance between her and Von Geister. The icicle at her arm swings towards Von Geister from above.

2010-03-27, 10:42 PM
The old man blurs for a moment, but appears to stay behind, shattering to bits under the blow, mere fragments of rock.

The flail head shoots at Kayi's back, with the chain leading back in a ninety degree arc to the true Erscheinung.

"I am offended, Kayi. You were my follower once, after all."

(OOC: like usual, that weapon's component reishi vibrates 2,000,000 times per second.)

2010-03-27, 10:43 PM
Takeshi raises one of his arms to block, the blade clanging off the white arm, then sonidos forward, bringing his strength to bear.

It's nowhere near as powerful as his full power- if he let the power spread, a city building would probably go down, but otherwise, nothing else.

But it is focused on Mordolo.

2010-03-27, 11:04 PM
Tirano enters Palacio Real, quickly finding the path to a stairway, if there is one. If not, he'll take a more direct route.

Sunako frowns. She snaps out one arm with a bladed tip, seeking to test Reene's defenses, and to see what kind of abilities she possesses.

2010-03-27, 11:19 PM
Takeshi raises one of his arms to block, the blade clanging off the white arm, then sonidos forward, bringing his strength to bear.

It's nowhere near as powerful as his full power- if he let the power spread, a city building would probably go down, but otherwise, nothing else.

But it is focused on Mordolo.

Mordolo sonidos around the blow to the left, dragging his stinger arm along the edge of Takeshi's arm as he does. The chain attached to his sword also flies in Takeshi's direction in a clothes-lining fashion as Mordolo moves.

"You're tough. I like that. I think if we weren't gonna kill each other we mighta been friends, Takeshi."

"I am offended, Kayi. You were my follower once, after all."

Neither the fake nor the flail surprise Kayi, who shifts her weight in order to sonido-dodge the attack. An icicle flies towards Von Geister from Kayi's previous position while she appears somewhere between him and the flail-head.

"My wit is still cold. It has been a while since I have had the chance to use it effectively."

2010-03-27, 11:23 PM
Takeshi's left arm swings around at Mordolo as he ducks under the chain. Maybe. But unfortunately, we are bound to do battle.

The stinger sends up sparks- but Takeshi's arm is not injured.

2010-03-27, 11:33 PM
"Never abandon them? Even when you know they'll lead not only to your destruction, but that of others as well?"

Even though seemingly sure shots, many of the ceros and balas fired miss their target - in the field of sundered space, nothing stands where it should. One of Noriko's cero's warps and flies towards Leonardo, where as some of his balas twist around and blast Noriko.

Still, some find their target. As Samael stumbles out of his field, using his knowledge of its pattern, he's missing one of his arms and part of his abdomen. Even though they can be healed on the surface, he knows some of the damaged organs can never be replaced.

"Sometimes, it's necessary to throw down your superiors and ideals, no matter how dear they are to you, lest they drag you down with them", he says as he rises far above his trap. "I hope you can make better use of that revelation than I ever did. Cero Infernal - Conjunto!"

Samael can't aim straight at his opponents any more than they can at him - but he doesn't have to. As he keeps up the firing blast, its trajectory will arc inside the field, hitting nearly half of all possible points inside it and finally striking the ground. For a brief moment, a large explosion illuminates the desert - the star cluster dies with it. Samael gathers last of his strenght to fly away before the dust clears.

((OOC: last chance to get retribution - the he's off))Only one Noriko remains after the storm, and she is badly singed. Her voice is likely unheard by Samael, though Leonardo should hear it.

"Some people...are worth dying for. There is mroe to life, than mere survival. Pah. Chase him if you wish, Leonardo. I wager...he is dead anyways."

She closes her eyes, and fades.

"And despite your desires, I must now take your fun, as fate takes mine."

Suddenly, Samael will feel much better. Wounds gone, scorches healed, organs replaced. Sebastian, likewise will gain all the injuries, much more horrible on his respectively weaker frame. He coughs out blood, now being held up by the two clones more than being restrained. "And even now I have no ability for retribution...my body fails me in moment of greatest need..." He crumples further, sand stained from dripping blood. "I...can't even feel my fingers..." Unless Noriko continues to hold him up, he'll fall to the ground.

(Hadrian, if you want to rewrite this, feel free)The two Norikos frown.

They release Sebastian, and step back two paces.

Suddenly, 4 more Norikos are created. They wait a moment...

Then all 6 stab down into various points on Sebastian's body. Each limb, the location of the heart, and the back of his head. Then, every yari is charged with a quick Cero, fired into the body, and the ground.

Once the grisly work is done, all but one of the Norikos fade away.

"That...was frustrating."

She walks to the open, observing the battle.

Putting two fingers to her mouth, she whistles.

The wyvern (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070509233601/ffxi/images/3/33/Seiryu.jpg) from before comes winging down.

Noriko leaps to meet it in the air, swinging onto the creature's back.

"Come, Gullveig. To War!"

With that, they wheel around in the air. A moment's consideration...

And both Noriko and the wyvern begin carefully pelting Frame with Bala, working to support Elizabeth.

2010-03-27, 11:38 PM
Leonardo coughs up blood. ****... seems I'm going to be out of it for... a while.

You've gotten away... it seems.

Julia sonidos next to him. You idiot... you've gone and gotten hurt again.

His Resureccion dissipates, as she picks him up and heads for the gates of Las Noches.


{{Remind me what exactly he did with the stinger part?}}

2010-03-28, 12:03 AM
Takeshi's left arm swings around at Mordolo as he ducks under the chain. Maybe. But unfortunately, we are bound to do battle.

The stinger sends up sparks- but Takeshi's arm is not injured.

Mordolo flashes, dodging Takeshi's left arm with a sonido. He moves to grab his sword, leaving Takeshi at the center of a long circular chain shape. "Heh. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what you believe."

The chain restricts, drawing quickly back to Mordolo's arm.

2010-03-28, 06:37 AM
"Fare well. I'm sorry that it came to this", Samael whispers as he catches Julia coming from the corner of his eye. There's a loud sonic boom, sending a gust of wind washing over the retreating pair as Samael speeds to the spheres, leaving Las Noches far behind. For a moment, his blazing trail can be seen on the eternal night sky like a falling star , or a comet - then it is gone, as Samael wrenches a garganta open, heading for Mortal World for the last time.

2010-03-28, 08:21 AM
Noriko leaps to meet it in the air, swinging onto the creature's back.

"Come, Gullveig. To War!"

With that, they wheel around in the air. A moment's consideration...

And both Noriko and the wyvern begin carefully pelting Frame with Bala, working to support Elizabeth.

Frame does not even spare Noriko a look as her attacks launch towards him. His mantle once again slides back down around him, and he agilely weaves through the hail of Bala, continuing to launch his own at Liz. Noriko will find herself occupied by a vicious sandstorm that seemingly springs into existence around her, erasing visibility and buffeting her and her mount with powerful winds.

2010-03-28, 10:50 AM
His smile at the feeling of flesh compressing and bones creaking beneath his heels is short lived as a blow from a cudgeol sends him flying several metres over the sands before a jarring impact. Ignoring the pain Kinezumi rights himself with a leap before flipping nimbly out of the way of Grumo's deceptively quick to react charge he cursed briefly at the fact his Zanpukto was on enitrely the wrong side of his opponent before vanishing mid flip in a crack of sonido to appear some distance away landing gracefully on his feet.

Holding his side and wincing exageratedly he forced a merry grin onto his face "Thats some power you have there, ranged never was my sort of combat but I suppose all is fair in love and war. And besides, why should I ever play fair?"

He begins running in a strafing arc around Grumo before letting off a stream of rather diffuse bala as he went, energy attacks not being his speciality these are not overly strong but they are numerous and persitant and if left to his own devices Kinezmu will gradualy speed up in his rings till Grumo is trapped in a veritable circle of bala

At first Grumo was able to practically ignore the cloud of Bala, shrugging it off like a swarm of annoying flies. The trouble was that the biggest fly of them all was now moving too fast for him to swat, no matter how many times he swung at it. Allowed to move unimpeded, his opponent eventually became blurred circle which disgorged a seemingly endless stream of Bala.

The blasts may have been pinpricks to the large man, but even pinpricks can kill someone if there's enough of them. He struggled in the face of the onslaught, becoming covered with burns in short order. The rising smoke from the Balas soon made it hard to even see him at all. In no time he seemed to vanish completely...

The first sign that something was wrong came when Kinezumi's Balas started coming out of the other side of the smoke without hitting anything. The second sign was when a massive bulk shot out of the sand directly in front of the Octava, arms held wide and ready to close on him. If Kinezumi was unable to stop in time he would likely find himself crushed in a painful bearhug that aimed to break every bone in his body. The folds of Grumo's stomach (which somehow acted like an extra limb) moved to close in as well, suffocating him in a wave of constricting fat.

"Target acquired."

2010-03-28, 11:08 AM
Reene's back plating is incredibly strong, the attack rebounds on it.

"Don't you dare touch me."

Her tail rears up, revealing a charged cero that is suddenly fired at Sunako.

Vicenzo erupts from the floor again, holding a large ball of churning molten glass over his hand.


There are many staircases, always in spiralling wells.


A wall of stone rises before the icicle, dispersing in the air after blocking the attack.

"Irrigating the brain is a good way to deal with that. So fasten your heart, Kayi, because I will get your blood pumping more than any other man ever will."

The flail disperses, and Von Geister points his cane forward.

"Haunt, Pesadelo."

The mist engulfs him, and then retreats to reveal the eyeless mask and the four disembodied hands, fingers stretching eagerly.

"I am obliged to ask you this, as I have asked of others before you. Kayi Tierra, what do you fear most?"

2010-03-28, 11:34 AM
Sunako dives forward, her body warping out of the way of the cero. Her arms extend into long scything blades that aim for Reene's limbs. Hopefully the sandstorm at least partly hinders Vicenzo.

Tirano takes the nearest stairway, the non-direct path slowing him somewhat. In just a few moments, he should arrive at Toho's signature.

2010-03-28, 01:08 PM
Liz flaps her wings, countering the bala with a rain of her own bala petals, and taking advantage of Frame's ever-so-short period of diverted attention, flicking a handful of rose seals at her opponent.

The halo is spinning a little faster...

2010-03-28, 02:16 PM
"I am obliged to ask you this, as I have asked of others before you. Kayi Tierra, what do you fear most?"

"You should know the answer to that, King."

Kayi fires another icicle towards Von Geister's new form as another forms in its place. Both hands hold blue energy in clenched fists.

"I have been hoping for this."

The temperature begins dropping.

2010-03-28, 02:20 PM
Frame does not even spare Noriko a look as her attacks launch towards him. His mantle once again slides back down around him, and he agilely weaves through the hail of Bala, continuing to launch his own at Liz. Noriko will find herself occupied by a vicious sandstorm that seemingly springs into existence around her, erasing visibility and buffeting her and her mount with powerful winds.

Noriko snarls and guides Gullveig to a higher altitude, escaping the swirling sand.

Surveying the battlefield for a moment, she elects to direct the wyvern to fire a few Cero at Sunako from on high. If nothing else, it may distract the woman enough for her two opponents to finish her.

2010-03-28, 04:46 PM
The blur that was Kinezumi strafes around grumo, a rain of golden brown needles lancing out in a deadly circle. When the bala begin slicing out through empty smoke Kinezumi knows that something is very wrong, the explosion of sand only confirmed it. At the speeds he had reached momentum left him no chance to get out of the way and sonido would only carry him into Grumo fasterl, an impac Kinezumi imagined would be far the worse for him than his opponent, in his moment of indecision he panicked and was left barreling straight in to the other arrancar's waiting arms.

The pressure was... unbearable. Bones creaking kinezumi realised he would only have second before his own heirro ensured his internals were curshed flat and so he took the only option that remained to him, to release. "Primo Dansa, Nero Rosa Turbino" he managed to croak out wincing in pain before an explosion of black tinged reiatsu forced Grumo's arms wide open allowing Kine to leap backwards, launching himself off his oponent with a kick in suddenly formed bone plated boots, boots covered in tiny thorns whom Grumo's layers of fat may well protect him from. Kine takes a moment to pick up his zanpukto which shifts in his hands into a pair of smoothly curved broadswords, their ribbons wrapping their own way round his wrists and his stance becoming defensive.

"A fair turn of speed for a man of your size, with my release first it seems you had me at a disadvantage; allow me to take that from you. Rosa Cero" He runs his right hand down his left arm picking up glistening droplets of liquid and then charging up a fast but diffuse cero that was laced with the toxin.

((sorry for not being on, at my boyfriend's so posting opportunity limited :smalltongue:))

2010-03-28, 04:53 PM
Liz flaps her wings, countering the bala with a rain of her own bala petals, and taking advantage of Frame's ever-so-short period of diverted attention, flicking a handful of rose seals at her opponent.

The halo is spinning a little faster...

The streamers of sand that swirl around Frame move rapidly around him, twisting around to block the Bala petals before they can reach the ascending Arrancar. He gets closer to Liz, then, when he he's about fifteen feet away, vanishes in a burst of Sonido and reappears high above her. He is no longer looking at her, his mask staring straight up into the sky. The sand streamers continue towards Liz, lashing out at her if they get close enough and attempting to ensnare or distract her.

Noriko snarls and guides Gullveig to a higher altitude, escaping the swirling sand.

Surveying the battlefield for a moment, she elects to direct the wyvern to fire a few Cero at Sunako from on high. If nothing else, it may distract the woman enough for her two opponents to finish her.

No matter how high Noriko climbs, the sandstorm continues to blast around her, following her movements and if anything intensifying. Thick ribbons of sand begin coalescing and whipping at her, attempting to knock her from her mount.

2010-03-28, 04:57 PM
(OOC:...Seriously? He can split his concentration that effectively, to fight the Tercera Espada while still concentrating on Noriko, who isn't even shooting at him? Fine. Whatever.)

Noriko snarls, and becomes 6.

Gullveig roars out a cero, working to blast a hole in the mini-sandstorm.

Of the Noriko clones, 4 arrange themselves along Gullveig's back; 2 leap down and grasp her legs (1 to each leg). All of them begin to fire at the sand, with the "lead" Noriko joining Gullveig in blasting a path out.

2010-03-28, 05:22 PM
Liz pirouettes and climbs, the golden Halo moving in front of her as she aims her blade through... and but a few moments later, a truly massive cero explosion aims to smother the entire area around Frame's form.

2010-03-28, 05:23 PM
The combined efforts of the six Norikos blast away large swathes of the sandstorm, allowing clear visibility and causing the remaining sand to fall away from her. After a few seconds, however, the sand regroups into many smaller streamers, which twist rapidly through the air around her, taking turns whipping at the various Norikos while contorting to avoid counterattacks, not always successfully.

Liz pirouettes and climbs, the golden Halo moving in front of her as she aims her blade through... and but a few moments later, a truly massive cero explosion aims to smother the entire area around Frame's form.

Frame looks down at Liz, revealing the three Ceros charging in front of his eyes like portals into distant, unseen sandstorms. They continue charging for a few instants after Liz fires, then release, all three combining into a single, truly massive Cero that counters Liz's in a titanic explosion. When the smoke clears, Frame can be seen falling towards the ground, although it is difficult to tell whether or not it is of his own volition.

2010-03-28, 05:27 PM
"You should know the answer to that, King."

Kayi fires another icicle towards Von Geister's new form as another forms in its place. Both hands hold blue energy in clenched fists.

"I have been hoping for this."

The temperature begins dropping.

Von Geister's mask splits in the middle, revealing rows of marble teeth that stretch into an impossible depth, and he swallows the icicle.

After a few crunching sounds, he growls, and fragments of ice drop from the receeding mist, long, countless tentacles stretching into view, with razor thorns and glaring eyes and gaping maws, finally followed by four great skeletal wings opening wide.

"I will not offend you by demanding surrender with the offer of mercy now."

A gray light appears between the fingers of one of his wings, followed by another such orb for each of the others.

"Survive, Kayi. I do not wish to lose a soldier with your potential."

The ceros turn black.

"Cuatro Ceros... Oscuros."

A deluge of darkness is unleashed against Kayi.


Reene parries the scythes with her new claws, releasing another cero as soon as Sunako has made a movement to avoid Noriko's.

Vicenzo gathers more magma molten glass, which spirals into a convulsing orb, not unlike a cero.



Tirano stands before the massive double door of the throne room. A thing of greenish white rock adorned with spirals, waves and spheres. Behind it... Is Toho.

2010-03-28, 05:32 PM
The combined efforts of the six Norikos blast away large swathes of the sandstorm, allowing clear visibility and causing the remaining sand to fall away from her. After a few seconds, however, the sand regroups into many smaller streamers, which twist rapidly through the air around her, taking turns whipping at the various Norikos while contorting to avoid counterattacks, not always successfully.

Frame looks down at Liz, revealing the three Ceros charging in front of his eyes like portals into distant, unseen sandstorms. They continue charging for a few instants after Liz fires, then release, all three combining into a single, truly massive Cero that counters Liz's in a titanic explosion. When the smoke clears, Frame can be seen falling towards the ground, although it is difficult to tell whether or not it is of his own volition.

The Norikos and Gullveig continue using Bala and Cero to fend off the attacks. A few Norikos are lost, but are replaced quickly. Gullveig takes a few hits, but she only growls stoically, powering through the pain.

After several moments, all 6 Norikos and Gullveig suddenly twist and fire 7 large Ceros at one side of the twisting mass of sand, breaking an opening through it.

Before it can reform, Gullveig speeds through, racing for clearer air further into the dome, before wheeling around to see if there is pursuit.

(OOC: Wow, I love how he can multi-task like this. :smallannoyed:)

2010-03-28, 05:37 PM
((OOC: The sandstorm, as such, has already dissipated. What remains of it are the "snakes" of sand that have been attacking the Norikos. Additionally, Frame has reasons that he is able to multitask at this level of efficiency.))

The Noriko's escape is easily successful, as the streamers are unable to keep up with Gullveig, although they continue to dog Noriko and her mount.

2010-03-28, 05:44 PM
Liz stops her ascent, letting out a short whistle with her free hand before working into a dive. In short order, Skadi joins in for a three-front pincer attack with a keening cry. The Lady Espada's blade begins to glow red, and a trail of bala petals follows her path.

2010-03-28, 05:48 PM
As Liz and Skadi converge on him, Frame flips upright and floats in the air, looking from one to the other. After a few seconds he stops moving, then two arms emerge from his robes, each one rapidly charging a Cero.

2010-03-28, 06:47 PM
Acaxochitl using her Pesquisa technique to taste the air for weakened Arrancar sensed one coming towards the gates of Las Noches and quickly ran into action to quickly help said Arrancar. "Aaagth tasthe like.." She said with her tongue still out trying to figure out who it was.

2010-03-28, 06:50 PM
She'll see Julia carrying Leonardo, approaching the gates. Help me get him in, will you?

2010-03-28, 06:58 PM
Acaxochitl looked at him and then stuck her tongue back into her mouth being glad no questions were asked. "Yes as you command!" She then shook her laugh and laughed a little "I'm sorry I came off to strong I meant yes, yes I will." She stood scratching her head "Should I umm or are you going to umm." She took a short pause "Carry him?"

2010-03-28, 06:59 PM
Just tell me where to go. He's not that heavy.

2010-03-28, 07:06 PM
The "Palacio Real"

2010-03-28, 07:08 PM
Julia nods. All right.

She carries Leonardo there, being quite careful with him.

2010-03-28, 07:21 PM
While walking to the hospital facilities in Palacio Real Acaxochitl asked politely "What's going on out there?

2010-03-28, 07:24 PM
A group of rogue Arrancar are attacking Las Noches- Takeshi-sama and Leonardo-san went to help defend against them.

2010-03-28, 07:30 PM
"Should I heal them too?"

2010-03-28, 07:31 PM
They're still fighting- you'd just get caught up in it.

2010-03-28, 07:33 PM
"I was talking about the Rogues actually. You know because it's my job to heal Arrancar plus so we can make an example of them." She laughed nervously.

2010-03-28, 07:40 PM
If you wish to. Either way, I'd advise that you wait until the battle is over.

2010-03-28, 07:50 PM
Yes I`ll make sure to do so.

2010-03-28, 07:57 PM
Julia follows her in, and follows instructions on where to put Leonardo for treatment.

2010-03-28, 08:01 PM
"Alright just throw him down anywhere and then just turn around and pay no attention to the treatment."

2010-03-28, 08:06 PM
Julia set him down on a bed... then leaves to let the medic do her thing.

Leonardo is pretty much unconscious. :smalltongue:

2010-03-28, 08:13 PM
Smiling she looked over making sure the coast was clear and then started to vomit up her healing salve and releasing it onto Leonardo. "Yeah be glad your not awake. That stuff really stings." She then went to grab a towel to start wiping her healing goop off.

2010-03-28, 08:16 PM
Leonardo starts to heal!

2010-03-28, 08:40 PM
Kayi fires an icicle up just before the ceros begin to fire. It's not even aimed anywhere near Von Geister, and appears to be some sort of gut reaction.

"Cuatro Ceros... Oscuros."

Her fists clenched, Kayi forces herself to look down, away from the oncoming blasts. One chance. No room for failure. Around her, small pieces of broken rubble shake as if of their own accord.

A deluge of darkness is unleashed against Kayi.

Kayi throws her hands downward, unleashing her charged ceros into the ground at her feet. Dust and rubble fly in various directions at the force of her attacks, leaving the four dark beams of death flying into a cloud of dust. The beams themselves likely make a satisfying explosion, destroying even more of the ground.

The dust of six ceros fills the tunnel, making it impossible to see much of anything at all. Any particle of dust in the air begins to freeze.

When all the dust settles, a giant crater exists where Kayi was standing previously, a deep hole at its center. A cough resonates from it, then Kayi leaps from it, new icicles formed on her right arm.

Inside one of the icicles, her glowing left hand is clearly visible. She rips it from the ice, leaving the glow inside.

"It is not the offer that would offend me. It is the result."

2010-03-28, 08:43 PM
Though Grumo's fat did indeed protect him from Kinezumi's newly extruded thorns, it didn't really matter. After all the damage that he'd suffered already the Cero that followed was more than enough to deal a crippling blow. It blew a sizeable hole in his frame, leaving no doubt that collapse would be imminent unless he followed the Octava's example.

"Writhe, Gusano."

As with almost all Arrancar, Grumo's release didn't so much alter his appearance as reveal the true form that had always been there. The armoured, towering figure that now stood ready looked far more like the ideal Grumo than the lumbering fat man from a few seconds earlier. His weaponry had improved as well; In addition to a menacingly large tail, worrisome chittering sounds now emanated from every fold of his flesh. His third weapon wasn't immediately obvious, but if Kinezumi attempted an acrobatic leap in the future he'd learn that gravity was no longer quite so accommodating as before. Even his vocabulary had improved:

"Your defeat is certain. Surrender and be annihilated."

Despite that, his intelligence clearly hadn't grown to match it. Working on the very simple assumption that bigger was better, he still hadn't cottoned on to the fact that the little thorny man in front of him was a lot more dangerous than he looked...

2010-03-28, 09:20 PM
Kayi fires an icicle up just before the ceros begin to fire. It's not even aimed anywhere near Von Geister, and appears to be some sort of gut reaction.

Her fists clenched, Kayi forces herself to look down, away from the oncoming blasts. One chance. No room for failure. Around her, small pieces of broken rubble shake as if of their own accord.

Kayi throws her hands downward, unleashing her charged ceros into the ground at her feet. Dust and rubble fly in various directions at the force of her attacks, leaving the four dark beams of death flying into a cloud of dust. The beams themselves likely make a satisfying explosion, destroying even more of the ground.

The dust of six ceros fills the tunnel, making it impossible to see much of anything at all. Any particle of dust in the air begins to freeze.

When all the dust settles, a giant crater exists where Kayi was standing previously, a deep hole at its center. A cough resonates from it, then Kayi leaps from it, new icicles formed on her right arm.

Inside one of the icicles, her glowing left hand is clearly visible. She rips it from the ice, leaving the glow inside.

"It is not the offer that would offend me. It is the result."

Music change. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SySV9xBU6M&feature=related)

Kayi's answer is punctuated by a large, disembodied fist flying at her from the side.

"Is that so."

Von Geister slides into the earth, his vast shadow visible beneath the sand like a fish would be in the water.

"You should be less criptic Kayi, I can't read your mind after all... Not without holding you close in my arms, that is."

A long, ethereal tentacle shoots out of the ground, aiming at Kayi's forehead.

2010-03-28, 10:09 PM
((OOC: The sandstorm, as such, has already dissipated. What remains of it are the "snakes" of sand that have been attacking the Norikos. Additionally, Frame has reasons that he is able to multitask at this level of efficiency.))

The Noriko's escape is easily successful, as the streamers are unable to keep up with Gullveig, although they continue to dog Noriko and her mount.

(OOC:Just saying "he has reasons" isn't good enough. Put it in his entry and tell us it changed, or post it in the OOC. Noriko has to have literal multiple brains to multitask to this fine of a degre, between him fighting the Tercera Espada without getting pasted (which is a feat itself), and apparently having sand tentacles chase Noriko, even when she isn't near him. At all. So yeah, spell it out.:smallannoyed:)

Norikos frown in unison. Three of them set themselves to constantly destroying any remaining sand tendrils, without too much trouble.

The rest of her, as well as Gullveig, then circle for several moments.

Noriko quickly spots Sunako fighting Renee and Vicenzo.

Some careful repositioning gave them a good angle...

And 4 decently strong Cero fire, one after the other, working to herd Sunako such that she is more easily hit by the others fighting her.

And of course, 3 Norikos continue to easily keep the sand streamers away from them.

2010-03-28, 10:56 PM
As Liz and Skadi converge on him, Frame flips upright and floats in the air, looking from one to the other. After a few seconds he stops moving, then two arms emerge from his robes, each one rapidly charging a Cero.

Liz doesn't hesitate, flipping her blade upward as she changes direction, releasing another red cero. With her idle hand, she plucks another two rose seals from her wings and flicks them, aiming to impale through Frame's hands (and the two cero as well).

((Reminder: Rose seals aren't bala petals. They're roses that attract her cero/bala.))

2010-03-29, 05:29 AM
Kinezumi grins at the hole his cero left in Grumo, what the blast itself had left would soon start to react to the neurotoxin. All he had to do was wait for the blindness to set in.

"Such weakness despite your assertions, perhaps you lack the grace for higher combat?"

His smile turned to a scowl and then to intruiged staring as his opponent released, as with all ressurecion the wounds would be healed and the poison purged and so it would have to be reapplied. The extra protection could prove extremely problematic to this, would another form be better? No, this would do for now, it would be unlikely a being of that bulk could match his agility. Releasing his swords so that they dangled from their ribbons he used a crack of sonido to initiate a sort of spinning leap that turned his outflung blades in to a whirlwind of death. Or at least, thats what he tried to do. When his feet plunged back down to sand several metres short of his opponent leaving him stumbling for a moment he knew something was very wrong. He had made the classic misake of misjudging his opponents release.

He took a few steps backwards, wary of entering Grumo's reach. "I assume conversation is still lacking? And what have you done to make me so heavy."

His smile had since turned sour, ranged combat may have been the better option, but it was not one he was skilled in. An attack was inevitable, but it didnt have to be a frontal one, or one from behind judging from the tail. Kine ran forward again, eschewing acrobatics until the last moment turning his frontal attack into a feint to the side, hoping he had currectly judged the eztra power he'd need to put into the jump to compensate.

2010-03-29, 09:45 AM
"Emergency cognitive restoration only 63% complete. Not enough words to explain."

For the moment Grumo still had the time to engage in random banter, since blocking Kinezumi's improvised attack didn't take much of his attention. The Octava's thorny limbs were no longer able to pierce the thick armour, and his jump still lacked the speed needed to feint properly. The large Arrancar's tail parried the incoming blades with a flick to the side, but it didn't make any move to counterattack. Instead, dozens of toothy mouths started to wriggle out from every one of Grumo's crevices, chattering ravenously as they did so. They dropped to the floor in a steady stream, homing in on Kinezumi and promising to strike the blow that their master had not.

Grumo's strategy was now becoming clear. His release hadn't increased his speed one bit; He was still the same lumbering oaf as before. Instead of raising him up, it focused on dragging everyone else down to his level. Formerly nimble flyers would be forced to fight with weights on their feet, while those who shifted across the ground would find it transformed into a gauntlet of teeth. The message was clear: If Grumo couldn't touch the sky, then nobody else should have the chance either.

2010-03-29, 09:45 AM
(OOC:Just saying "he has reasons" isn't good enough. Put it in his entry and tell us it changed, or post it in the OOC. Noriko has to have literal multiple brains to multitask to this fine of a degre, between him fighting the Tercera Espada without getting pasted (which is a feat itself), and apparently having sand tentacles chase Noriko, even when she isn't near him. At all. So yeah, spell it out.:smallannoyed:)

Norikos frown in unison. Three of them set themselves to constantly destroying any remaining sand tendrils, without too much trouble.

The rest of her, as well as Gullveig, then circle for several moments.

Noriko quickly spots Sunako fighting Renee and Vicenzo.

Some careful repositioning gave them a good angle...

And 4 decently strong Cero fire, one after the other, working to herd Sunako such that she is more easily hit by the others fighting her.

And of course, 3 Norikos continue to easily keep the sand streamers away from them.

((Fair enough. With respect, however, I would prefer not to post it publicly, as it would involve fairly significant spoilers about Frame, and was not intended as a combat ability in the first place. I would be fine PMing you the information, if that is acceptable.))

Noriko's continued efforts finally succeed, and the sand tentacles are ripped apart by the continued Ceros despite their best attempts at dodging. No more sand rises to bother her.

Liz doesn't hesitate, flipping her blade upward as she changes direction, releasing another red cero. With her idle hand, she plucks another two rose seals from her wings and flicks them, aiming to impale through Frame's hands (and the two cero as well).

((Reminder: Rose seals aren't bala petals. They're roses that attract her cero/bala.))

Frame twists to avoid the Rose Seals, but is only partially successful, one Seal stabbing through his left hand and disrupting the Cero charging there. Frame doesn't hesitate, growing a third arm next to the impaled one and slicing the damaged appendage off. He doesn't visibly react to any pain caused by this, and the third arm retracts back into his cloak. He begins to retreat, flying up and away from Liz and Skadi, although his attention remains firmly fixed on them. The other Cero is still charging.

((Ah, thank you for telling me. I hadn't realized.))

2010-03-29, 09:50 AM
(OOC:No. We "spoiled" the Tirano plot. Use spoilers if you must, but it's only fair in light of that fact that you post this bit of past information. If it affects a character's abilities, it should be in their registry, under spoilers if you feel it necessary.)

2010-03-29, 10:39 AM
Sunako first must evade the hail of ceros from Noriko. A kicked foot sends several sand-bolts in her direction, intending to disrupt more than specifically damage. The Cero from Reene pulls Sunako's attention back to her closer opponent, and she divides evenly in half to avoid the blast. Once the cero dies away, Sunako will sonido directly above the scorpion-like arrancar, attempting to grab on and entangle her limbs.

Tirano freezes before the great door. One hand makes it's way up to massage his temple, porcelain face grimacing. After a few moments, he straightens up, moves closer, then knocks on the door.

2010-03-29, 10:59 AM
Noriko and her clones use Bala to disrupt the sand bolts, while Gullveig wheels further away.

Once clear of the sand, she silently flies the beast overhead for a few moments.

Then, with a whisper to her wyvern, 5 of the 6 Norikos leap from their positions, all of them falling through the air towards Sunako.

Using air-walking, they subtly adjust their trajectories, giving enough spread Sunako should have trouble hitting her with simple sand bolts.

Once closer, they will all charge a Bala on the end of their yaris, and seek to stab them into Sunako's sandy body and at least disrupt it.

The final Noriko wheels overhead, the message to Renee and Vicenzo is clear. "So long as you don't hit me, do whatever you need to to take her down."

2010-03-29, 03:46 PM
This was, enraging. That ridiculous weight in the air was preventing him from using his traditional means of combat and the ridiculous layers of fat or armour or.. whatever the hell it was was shielding him from the rose's kiss. Taking his distance again Kinezumi watched in horror as a tide of... worms or maggots it really didnt matter what the hell they were. In short, kine was out of options, this form was deadly, but entirely unsuited to this kind of combat.

But were any of the others better? What was reach and agility before that armour, what was poison before one who couldnt feel it. What were wings when you are denied the sky? Wings... of course! Kinezumi could have hit himself, there was more to Doriano's form than just a pair of wings. Grinning genuinely for the first time since the battle had started Kine reached for the mask that covered his jaw which began to shift under his touch, transferring itself across the left side of his face, building up into a grimacing moniker. "Rugita, Zanna del Drago" With a crack of red tinged reiatsu his hair turned jet black and a pair of white leathery wings burst from his back with a crack shredding his jacket in the proccess.

Grinning with a mouth now full of needle sharp teeth Kine opened his mouth wide a tiny flickering light can just be made out at the back "Burning Cero" with a wash of light a wide, weakcero fanned out before him, but this cero clung to what it hit, burning in cloying masses of some bizzare form of fire, and he was using it to bathe the ground the worms travelled on.

2010-03-29, 03:58 PM
Liz takes advantage of Frame's minor concentration break on cutting off his old arm... in a blur of sonido, she's behind him, aiming an upward slash with one hand, and whistling at Skadi with the other; in response, the dragon prepares a cero to counter Frame's.

2010-03-29, 04:04 PM
Frame does not even look at Liz, although she can likely sense that his attention is focused on her. Three arms spring from his back, catching her sword and managing to hold it back temporarily. Two more grow and lash out at her, bladed fingers whistling through the air. Frame continues to charge the Cero.

2010-03-29, 04:10 PM
Liz deflects one arm with her shield, and winces as the other pierces her side, however, with a burst of strength, she attempts to turn the blade in her hand, aiming to impale it through her opponent's chest... all the while, glowing red.

2010-03-29, 04:26 PM
Liz's effort proves too much for the already strained Frame's arms to overcome, and they break under the stress, snapping loudly and falling like dead leaves from Frame's body. Before her sword can pierce him, however, Frame snaps out five more, which continue to hold the sword away from his body. The deflected arm also helps to hold the blade, while the one that managed to hit Liz twists in the wound.

2010-03-29, 04:43 PM
Liz keeps up the pressure despite the pain, putting both hands on the hilt of her blade, and pushing in... then, with a flap of her wings, the two are surrounded by bala petals, leaving Frame literal milliseconds to make a decision before they hit him and ignite.

At the same time, Liz lets the cero charging in her blade out at her opponent's back.

2010-03-29, 05:04 PM
Frame reacts quickly to Liz's devastating combination of techniques. He stretches the hand charging the Cero around, and snaps his other arms out of the way of Liz's Cero, meeting it with his own. A powerful, point blank explosion rips through the area, detonating Liz's Bala petals before they can reach Frame and tearing the two combatants apart. Frame hurtles through the air, and when the dust clears he is sagging at one shoulder, visibly breathing heavily, numerous tears visible in his formerly pristine mantle. Thin streams of sand fall from these tears.

2010-03-29, 05:04 PM
Kinezumi's unusual Cero burned a bloody swathe through the worm legions, causing what had formerly seemed like a victory march to become a slaughter. The advancing carpet of worms now let out a collective shriek as they became enveloped in Kinezumi's fire and were consumed. In no time at all the ground was clear once more, save for a few scattered remnants that were in no condition to mount another assault.

Grumo blinked a few times at the devastation before him, seeming more confused than distraught at the loss of his minions. Then, without any change of expression, he coaxed his body into movement and charged at Kinezumi with tail in hand. Despite the apparent indifference, even his limited brain could see that the battle's flow had changed. Without the worms to provide interference it would be much harder to get a hit on the shifty little man, especially when he noticed that Grumo's 'gravity' only worked on those who weren't touching the ground.

This was going to be tricky.

2010-03-29, 05:18 PM
Face alit with the dancing reflections of fire on the sand Kine grins like a cheshire cat, this smile continuing albiet now ungenuine as his opponent charges him "The turle moves, how exciting. Will our conversation advance with your activity?"

As grumo ran some of the sticky fire clung to his feet but having burned out all easily available fuel it quickly extuinguished at his next pounding step. Kine started to flip our of the way before he realised his mistake and instead used a sonido enhanced leap into the air and gliding down wings wide open, the enhanced gravity turned this graceful swoop into a barely controlled plumit but nevertheless he landed a few metres behind grumo, hoping inertia would buy him the time he required as he began charging a fresh burning cero.

2010-03-29, 06:17 PM
Grumo's conversational skills had indeed improved since the last time he'd spoken. His vocabulary had been growing for a while, but now his comprehension and ability to form coherent sentences were starting to catch up as well.

"It's nice to have thoughts again. I used to have really big thoughts. I thought about ratios and schematics and conduits and stories and..."

Grumo's strike slammed into the ground upon which Kinezumi had stood, creating a decent depression but missing its target completely. It was already obvious that he wouldn't be able to wheel around in time to intercept Kinezumi, but he did it nonetheless. If the Octava was a little slow in charging his Cero then Grumo might just be able to catch him with a hit just after it had fired. It was a long shot, but the large Arrancar didn't mind taking a few hits from failed long shots.

2010-03-29, 06:18 PM
Kayi's answer is punctuated by a large, disembodied fist flying at her from the side.

Kayi turns to face the oncoming punch, but she doesn't have the reaction time to dodge. The fist slams into her uncharged icicle, sending her careening into the nearby tunnel wall. She slams the charged icicle into the wall due to the force of the attack, leaving her attached to the wall.


The vent disconnects from the embedded icicle, allowing Kayi to naturally fall to the ground. She lands on one knee, but rises back to a standing position. Her hands begin to glow with energy once again.

"You should be less criptic Kayi, I can't read your mind after all... Not without holding you close in my arms, that is."

A long, ethereal tentacle shoots out of the ground, aiming at Kayi's forehead.

"You gave up your right to do that, King. That right has been denied to you for some time."

Kayi fires an icicle at the tentacle. This icicle, however, seems to lose its solidity as it fires, becoming pure energy as it flies. She also forms another icicle on the lower vent around her energy-charged hand, pulling it free again as another icicle forms on the upper side.

The tunnel has begun to take on a white color as the ice continues to form and spread.

2010-03-29, 06:27 PM
Liz hits the ground, panting slightly, and bleeding from her side. However, she looks at Frame with determination. "...You still have time to surrender. No one will think less of you."

2010-03-29, 06:36 PM
Von Geister's tentacle is torn off, bleeding some foul liquid of an unknown coloration, and then going back underground.

"What makes one call another his or her king, but muster the will to deny their lord?"

The sand of Hueco Mundo moves of its own accord, trying to bind Kayi to the floor.

"This world itself bends to my will! How could any who live here not do the same? We hollows, who revere power, who are born of pain and terror, how can we not follow the greatest and most terrible of us?"

The Ghost King rises from the sand, glaring at Kayi with innumerable strange eyes. His hands growing long, hooked claws of reishi gathered from the air.


Tirano finds the doors opening to a large, dimly lit room.


To Sunako's (and Noriko's, to a minor extent) surprise, most likely, Reene suddenly curls into a thight ball, engulfing herself fully in her nearly impervious plating.

And then comes the heat. The heat of a true tsunami of molten glass washing over the three (seven) women, suddenly turning into a mountain of solid, hard glass around them.

"Gotcha, whore!"

2010-03-29, 06:42 PM
Frame seems to consider for a minute. Then, he answers, still in the same toneless voice.

"Perhaps. Regardless, our fight is now irrelevant. Tirano is at Toho's throne room. My role has already been served, as you will not be present to defend your lord. The outcome of this battle shall be decided there, not here. We may continue, if you wish, but I see no point. I'd rather not chance killing someone as interesting as you have proven to be."

2010-03-29, 07:23 PM
The sand that grasps at Kayi continues to freeze and refreeze as it shifts. Though it still moves, it likely has trouble pushing through the combination of ice and Kayi's pure spiritual energy, which creates enough of a push at this moment to keep forcing the sand at her feet and around her away.

"The reason, King of Hueco Mundo, is that I only refer to that title out of respect for your previous position. In the end, you are a servant to a greater master." She fires her charged icicle into the ceiling, leaving it lodged there. Another icicle flies from her vent, this one melting into energy as it approaches Von Geister from afar.

"You follow a Shinigami. What does that say about you?"

2010-03-29, 07:41 PM
Liz blinks, not showing so much as a hint of panic. "...I was under the impression Lord Toho-sama had left Las Noches some time ago... I suppose, his reiatsu is present, even if he hasn't made his presence known as he usually does..."

2010-03-29, 07:55 PM
Sunako's body warps and twists out of the way of Noriko's strikes, causing the attacks to stab at Reene (most likely unsuccessfully). Sand will attempt to work it's way into the cracks of Reene's armor, but the wave of heat arrives before any progress can be made.

Shifting as quickly as she can, Sunako attempts to move underneath Renee, to avoid the blast of molten glass.

Tirano casually enters the room, smiling slightly. "I'm back..."

2010-03-29, 08:41 PM
Liz blinks, not showing so much as a hint of panic. "...I was under the impression Lord Toho-sama had left Las Noches some time ago... I suppose, his reiatsu is present, even if he hasn't made his presence known as he usually does..."

Hint of a shrug. Frame's physical motions are very difficult to accurately gauge underneath his cloak.

"His absence at this time would be...farcical. Still, that would hardly be the first time such has happened. It matters little to me. I am merely an observer."

He looks down at his battered form, then back up at Liz.


2010-03-29, 09:06 PM
Von Geister twists in the air, and shoots a bala to intercept Kayi's icicle, approaching and giving her a wide smile full of razor teeth.

"Former title? I disgress. I am the King of Hollows. And Toho, even if he was a shinigami once, has not been one for a long, long time now. As hollow as you or me, and much, much more, he is almost a god.

And kings must serve gods, just like generals must serve their kings, General Kayi Tierra."

A terrible spiritual pressure engulfs Kayi, as Von geister releases upon the plane the brute force of his reiatsu.

"But that is not what you asked, is it Kayi? No... You asked what my choice to serve a greater power says of me... Well, it says I am smarter than you, and it does not detract from the simple fact that I am much, much greater than you. General Kayi Tierra."


Sunako will be aghast as the liquid wave washes beneath Reene as well. And no, going into her shell is not an option, it is impermeable, a trade-off for being completely incapable of fighting back.


Toho sits upon his throne.

"So you are."

2010-03-29, 09:24 PM
Three of the Norikos are annihilated by the wave immediately.

Two of them sweep around to the opposite side, and in that brief moment, they each fire Ceros on opposite sides of Sunako, pinning her in...Right in the path of the molten glass.

They, too, are swept to ashes.

The final Noriko rubs her head with one hand.

"That bloody well-guh!"

That's when Von Geister's reiatsu hits her like a wave. She starts gasping for breath. Gullveig fares somewhat better, but still has to guide herself down to the sands away from the body of fighting. Rider and mount crouch on the sand, working to breathe normally in this choking, clawing pressure.

2010-03-29, 09:36 PM
Sunako is consumed by the wave of glass, and can only be assumed to be cooked into a similar consistency.

"So...what do you want me to do first? I mean...I should probably try and collect everyone who came with, so the Exequias ends up being more than just me..." He scratches the back of his neck.

2010-03-29, 10:04 PM
Kayi falters for a moment, but the moment is incredibly short. Under the impressive weight of Von Geister's reiatsu, somehow Kayi manages to stand.

"Do you truly believe that Toho Tohon is a god?"

Kayi's goggles begin to freeze over now. The temperature is dropping to incredible levels. Even as an incredibly powerful ethereal being, Von Geister should be able to recognize that these temperatures are growing far beyond their normal level.

"I had a belief once. Do you know the reason I became an arrancar, King of Hollows? Do you know the reason I sacrificed to attain this power? It was that belief that drove me. The belief that if I had the power, if I had the strength, I could prove that I was worthy to be a servant under a true god. A god among hollows. The reason I became what I am now, what I am standing before you, is because I believed that you would achieve what you were truly destined to be. You were not destined to be a mere King. You should have taken your place among the gods. Kings should serve you. No one should rule over you.

"I could not believe that you had chosen to weaken yourself. King of Hueco Mundo, Erscheinung Von Geister. I would have served you faithfully. But I would not serve a god who willingly served the other side.

"I hope the death of your god will open your eyes."

2010-03-29, 10:34 PM
"Do what you will, but do not expect it to change your fate."

Weird line.


Reene smirks in her protective barrier as the enemy's reiatsu begins to wane, and patiently waits as Vicenzo leaps up to the torrent of solid glass and starts to melt his way down to the queen.


Von Geister twists back to his natural position, breathing out a cloud of heated air, and droping slightly, closer to the ground.

"You were once, perhaps, who I trusted the most, Kayi, besides my personal knights, and my own consort. And this is where we stand now. You doubting that I hold to my ambitions, and I defending the ally I found in the battle against the Seireitei, one with the power to bring about the wretches who would not submit to me."

The large... Thing, that is Erscheinung Von Geister coils over the sand, wings stretched down.

"In but a matter of months we will be making the final push, where the Seireitei falls, and he returns to his world as King, and we will never see a shinigami again. I abhor serving, be sure, and those who, like you, served me in the past still answer to me first and foremost. And soon, it shall be like that again.

But it won't be from the efforts of the idiot who guided you here today. I know, because whatever foolish reason you had to believe he could do it... Is moot."

2010-03-29, 10:36 PM

Kayi's determination breaks for a moment.

"What are you talking about?"

2010-03-29, 10:45 PM
"Are you okay? I mean...you're not running a fever or something, are you?" Tirano looks curiously up at Toho. He seems to think for a moment, then smiles. "You know what? I'll make tea once I get back. And then we can swap stories from the past few years." He walks back to the door, nods once, and then starts to leave.

2010-03-29, 10:53 PM
"What am I talking about? I had expected you to understand by now Kayi... He's not here... But I did leave a surprise for your new friend."

Von Geister breaks a grin with a thousand of teeth.

2010-03-29, 11:00 PM
As Tirano turned to leave, the halls echoed with a maniacal laughter, emanating from Toho's mouth, but sounding entirely different than the voice from a moment before. A purple haze began to filter in from the corners of the room, covering the floor in a fine mist as the cackling continued. One by one, eight other figures made their presence known, each one with an eerily similar reiatsu as they surrounded the path between Tirano and the elevated throne. Finally, the laughter subsided and Toho looked down at the other Hollow with a sudden menace.

With a step forward, his entire face shifted. The mass of orange hair behind his head seemed to pull itself away and dissipate into nothingness while the rest of his skin and robes melted away. The changing figure then stepped off the edge of the platform, dropping to the floor and letting the rest of his disguise tear off and vanish as if it had been burned off. The true culprit atop the throne was revealed.

"Deception is so easy these days," the Primera stated through a sly grin.

2010-03-29, 11:26 PM
"What am I talking about? I had expected you to understand by now Kayi... He's not here... But I did leave a surprise for your new friend."

Kayi's eyes went wide.

"Not...here? But then..."

She did not need a response. She already knew.

A small little girl sits alone on the swing set. No one seems to want to play with her. She lightly begins to swing herself, but she is too little, and the swing barely moves. Though she tries, harder and harder, harder and harder, she cannot get the swing to move. She had spent days watching other kids on the swing fly into the air, soaring above the ground. All she wanted was to be like them, to be flying. But she couldn't do it. She could not.

The recess bell rang, but the girl did not get up. She refused. No matter what, she would fly like those other kids on the swing. No one would notice if she didn't go back in. No one would notice at all. So she sat on the swing, and slowly rocked back and forth, back and forth, hoping she would begin to fly.

As she tried to swing, she felt something strange. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. When she turned around, it was too late. All she saw was black. Then, nothing.


The little girl stood at the center of the void. A voice, her voice, echoed through the darkness.

"You're alone. He's gone. Gone. He tried the impossible...you thought he would succeed? You were foolish. And now, all your faith, all your trust, everything you believed in. Where has it brought you now?"

The girl fell to her knees, crying, sobbing. Her cries echoed as the voice continued to speak.

"You made friends. You talked to others, invited them into your home, interacted with them. You helped them. And in the end, you abandoned them. Why? What made you? What was it that drove you away?"

The tears would not stop flowing. They flowed like a river from the eyes of the girl, never ending. The stream continued into the void, continuing on forever, just like the darkness.

"You abandoned the one you believed in because you thought he was failing. He would have accepted your help. Asked you to help him lead his armies to victory. He would have been grateful to have your support. And what did you do? You disappeared. Leaving behind no trace. You pushed him away. You. It's your fault. Your fault!"

The tears began to change. They were no longer liquid now. The river began to crystallize, cracks slowly forming as it reverted to its solid form. The girl continued to cry, but the tears froze as soon as they left her eyes.

"You can't fly. No one can fly. Those other kids could fly, but you can't. You can't fly because you have no one else to fly with. Don't you realize, little girl? Don't you see? Can't you see?"

The girl stopped crying. Her skin grew pale as frost began to creep up her body. A single snowflake fell into her open hands.

The girl spoke only one word.

The ancient arrancar before her had asked her a question once. As a layer of ice began to form around her body, Kayi stared into the form of Von Geister. Something was different. There was no sense of determination, no sense of hatred or regret or sadness. Her entire body was blank, a shell now trapped in another shell of ice. There was only one thing that remained. Kayi now had the answer to the question posed to her before. Her mouth opened beneath the ice that now covered her.


The ice shatters. Waves of energy spread across the tunnel, shattering the already frozen stone around them. Kayi can no longer be seen, the energy enveloping her too thick to crack or break through.

2010-03-29, 11:45 PM
Von Geister wraps his body in fog again, like a mantle.

Now it was just a matter of patience, the little skirmish would soon be over.