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View Full Version : Help me build Falkor, the luck dragon. (3.5)

2010-03-22, 11:54 PM
This afternoon at work I sent around a picture of my boyfriend riding his dog. This, to one friend, started first an attempt to discern its breed (half-lab mutt), a debate over the merits of whether a medium sized creature should ride a heavy warhorse or a sufficiently advanced riding dog (there aren't rules for this, but it'd be a decent tripper & tough as hell), and then on to the ever-present question "how much better would this be if this could fly?"

Our thoughts then remained on how to model Falkor, the luck dragon from The Never Ending Story. I have a burning need to play this. I would be willing to be a paladin who devotes half his feats to this. Our plans involved "find prestige class that lets you ride dragons and modify the silver dragon," "get a large/huge celestial riding dog, and find a way to make it fly," and "google everything we can think of until we find stats for a luck dragon." The last of them has failed and the first bend the rules more than I like. Thus I turn to you, the playground. Make this work.

I want it as soon & low-level as possible. I don't care if it takes every resource I have, if I have to play a tier-5 class, or if it can hurt anyone. He must have above-average intelligence, be durable enough to ride, able to fly, and preferably look like a white Lhasa-Apso. Anything better is gravy. I would prefer to be able to take him in towns and/or dungeons, but if I'm still functional without him, not needed.

Try to keep it to core & completes +MIC/PHBII, but (since I will be telling the DM from the start this is half the point of my character, and negotiating fine details face-to-face) assume I can cherry-pick one or two things each from most other books. Dragon Magazine is entirely out of the question.

Thanks to you all, in advance.

2010-03-23, 12:41 PM
Awaken a Remorrhaz (sp?) and rehash its physical apprearance.

2010-03-23, 05:22 PM
Hyperconscious has a psionic PrC (Astral Dragoon maybe?) that lets you ride an astral construct. I would go along that route, I think.