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View Full Version : 3.5 - Severed nose (weird ideas welcomed!)

2010-03-24, 04:37 AM
In our last game PC lost his nose. Don't ask me how. Almost all the tissue of the nose has been cut off and the bridge of nose is completely shattered.

I was looking at Regeneration, but the local city doesn't have any cleric of that level (13th-level clerics are rare!). But they do have some connections in the city that could help them... improvise something.

Please tell me all the weird and/or practical ideas you have :)

Geiger Counter
2010-03-24, 04:42 AM
He needs a high quality prosthesis like this

Totally Guy
2010-03-24, 04:43 AM
He could get a replacement metal nose through business connections. Then he could become a hard nosed businessman.

He could wear a mask from the top of his head down to his upper jaw. Then he would have a stiff upper lip.

Or what about a scary knotted wooden nose? He could have several so that each morning he could pick his nose.

2010-03-24, 04:50 AM
all of Glugs ideas are fantastic :smalltongue:

or if you want to go with a more traditional approach (with a little more serious tone) in ancient India they would lop the noses off of thieves and other criminals (to mark them as such) the common practice of the day was to insert 2 bamboo tubes into the nasal cavity and place flesh taken from the thigh or ass region over and around the bamboo thus grafting a new nose on. It was not perfect but it worked well enough to pass as a nose in regular society and from farther off.

Zeta Kai
2010-03-24, 05:18 AM
Tycho Brahe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tycho_brahe#Tycho.27s_nose) wore a prosthetic made of silver & gold. Adventurers usually have an ample supply of both. I'd tell him to go see his local silversmith & hope for a high Craft roll. Or, better yet, go with copper; it's cheaper, & supposedly more comfortable.