View Full Version : Halo Flood vs Nurgle

2010-03-24, 01:24 PM
I've just got to really wonder which would win? The halo flood or Nurgle and Co.?

The Glyphstone
2010-03-24, 01:28 PM
Not really much of a fight here. The flood are parasites, though very infectious ones. Nurgle is the God of parasites, disease, infection, plague, and death. Grandpappy's cauldron of disgusting tricks alone would probably have enough diseases he could unlease to exterminate the Flood. And that's assuming he doens't just send demons against them, which by definition couldn't be infected due to lacking physical bodies with any real permanence.

Did I mention he's a god?

2010-03-24, 01:47 PM
Not really much of a fight here. The flood are parasites, though very infectious ones. Nurgle is the God of parasites, disease, infection, plague, and death. Grandpappy's cauldron of disgusting tricks alone would probably have enough diseases he could unlease to exterminate the Flood. And that's assuming he doens't just send demons against them, which by definition couldn't be infected due to lacking physical bodies with any real permanence.

Did I mention he's a god?

Yes, somewhere at the beginning I think :P

I thought if any of the flood remained it would be able to completely reconstruct the gravemind.

2010-03-24, 02:07 PM
Yeah, except there wouldn't be anything left if Nurgle directed his attention.. He can turn a entire planet of flood into protein sludge pretty quickly via use of the Life Eater virus...

I'd say it's a pretty easy one shot win for Nurgle.

2010-03-24, 02:24 PM
Now the orks vs the flood... that could be a fun matchup.

2010-03-24, 02:31 PM
Nurgle of course. The flood is pretty intimidating, but Nurgle is a GOD. Say it with me, GOD. IT means that diseases,parasites, and all of these things.

2010-03-24, 02:41 PM
Nurgle of course. The flood is pretty intimidating, but Nurgle is a GOD. Say it with me, GOD. IT means that diseases,parasites, and all of these things.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!

Sorry, just slipped out there.

2010-03-24, 03:24 PM
Now the orks vs the flood... that could be a fun matchup.

You do know even the (almost) endless assimilating nid hordes refuse to face the orks head on right? The flood has better chances against Nurgle.

2010-03-24, 03:37 PM
You do know even the (almost) endless assimilating nid hordes refuse to face the orks head on right? The flood has better chances against Nurgle.

So, out of curiosity, why is it that Orks vs Space Marines is often portrayed as a fierce battle with many casualties on both sides, but at the same time, it's extremely common for the Imperial Guard to capture 90% of the planet and then leave a huge number of orks just hanging around?

You'd think if the orks were so terrifying they could recapture their own planet. Or at least cause actual trouble.

2010-03-24, 03:44 PM
So, out of curiosity, why is it that Orks vs Space Marines is often portrayed as a fierce battle with many casualties on both sides, but at the same time, it's extremely common for the Imperial Guard to capture 90% of the planet and then leave a huge number of orks just hanging around?

It's also extremely common for the orks to overrun and enslave whole planets. There's at least one SM chapter base curb stomped by an ork WWWAAAGHHH!!!, not to mention forgeworlds with titan legions to defend them.

So you don't really capture the planet from the orks. The orks let you stay around to get some proper fighting. If you insta curb stomped those humies, they wouldn't send any reinforcments or charge at melee with you would they?:smallwink:

You'd think if the orks were so terrifying they could recapture their own planet. Or at least cause actual trouble.

The orks do cause trouble. Lots of it. Even between both Armageddon wars, the planet was terrorrized by ork assassins striking from the jungles.

Again, orks need war like humies need food. A subjugated planet is no fun. Much better to raid the humies so they provide fun but they don't retreat everything. But keeping the balance between stomping humies and don't make them fall in despair is hard job.

Armaggedon is the ork master piece. It keeps receiving constant elite reinforcments and half the ork galaxy knows it as the ultimate vacation resort!

warty goblin
2010-03-24, 03:45 PM
So, out of curiosity, why is it that Orks vs Space Marines is often portrayed as a fierce battle with many casualties on both sides, but at the same time, it's extremely common for the Imperial Guard to capture 90% of the planet and then leave a huge number of orks just hanging around?

You'd think if the orks were so terrifying they could recapture their own planet. Or at least cause actual trouble.

I suspect that depends entirely on whether the orks are in WAAAUUGGH! mode or not. Once they are, I suspect violence is going to ensue.

Brother Oni
2010-03-24, 07:50 PM
it's extremely common for the Imperial Guard to capture 90% of the planet and then leave a huge number of orks just hanging around?

Because short of an Exterminatus, it's virtually impossible for the Imperium to eradicate every ork spore on a planet.

That said, there's apparently a distinction between 'civilised' orks and feral orks. Maybe the feral ones are the loose spores which survived unnoticed?

2010-03-24, 08:02 PM
That said, there's apparently a distinction between 'civilised' orks and feral orks. Maybe the feral ones are the loose spores which survived unnoticed?
Dem feral boyz just be muckin' about 'till some boss comez ta make it into a proper WAAAAAAAGH

2010-03-24, 08:11 PM
You do know even the (almost) endless assimilating nid hordes refuse to face the orks head on right? The flood has better chances against Nurgle.

Aren't the nids in the middle of a huge attritional battle with the orks over control of one of the larger ork slave-systems?

For the thread topic: nurgle cur-stomp. although maybe he considers the flood misguided children and "purifies" them instead.

2010-03-24, 08:19 PM
You do know even the (almost) endless assimilating nid hordes refuse to face the orks head on right? The flood has better chances against Nurgle.

I seem to recall that the Tyranids WON at Octavius.

Lycan 01
2010-03-25, 01:59 AM
I suspect that depends entirely on whether the orks are in WAAAAAAGGGH!!!! mode or not. Once they are, I suspect violence is going to ensue.

Sorry, had to fix that. :smalltongue:

In this case? Nurge. In the case of Flood v Orks? Orks. Eventually. But until that distant day, it'll be as though Gork and Mork presented every Ork in the universe with their own little slice of heaven. :smallamused:

2010-03-25, 02:53 AM
wouldn't nurgle have command of the flood since they're a plague sort of thing?

2010-03-25, 02:58 AM
Dem feral boyz just be muckin' about 'till some boss comez ta make it into a proper WAAAAAAAGH

I thought the point was that it takes quite a while for a fully fledged waagh to get into gear, and that the orks first have to produce forms able to build technology, or something.

2010-03-25, 03:23 AM
I seem to recall that the Tyranids WON at Octavius.

Only after some very cunning trickery. The nids only won because they were smart enough to turn the orks against each other trough several clever ruses, then pick up the remains.

2010-03-25, 03:36 AM
I thought the point was that it takes quite a while for a fully fledged waagh to get into gear, and that the orks first have to produce forms able to build technology, or something.

Kind of true. A lot of Waagh's start when a Big Mek gets a vision and starts building a Gargant or similiar. Other Orks on that planet hear about this, decide it'll be a good opportunity for some crumpin' and gather around him. This brings more Meks that start building their own war machines which in turn brings in more Orks etcetera.

Eventually, the number of Orks reach a kind of 'critical mass' point and they leave their planet in a massive swarm to lay waste to whatever planet their unreliable methods of warp travel land them on.
News of such destruction gathers more orks to the Waaagh which increases it's destructive power which increases it's number of orks which increases it's destructive power and so on...

So yes, it does take a while to build up a REAL interstellar Waagh. It also relies on the 'karisma' of the Warboss to keep the Orks in line for long enough to reach 'critical mass'. (Karisma being defined on how big he is and how hard he hits the other Boyz.)

2010-03-25, 02:04 PM
I thought the point was that it takes quite a while for a fully fledged waagh to get into gear, and that the orks first have to produce forms able to build technology, or something.

Not quite. Feral Orks are feral because as the ork population grows, the orks become significantly more powerful... You find Feral Orks on civilized planets where the local PDF and Guard are keeping them in check, so they have a very small population and not a lot of WAAAAAGH potential. If the local defenders are negligent or some big boss arrives from off-world to whip da boyz inta shape, though, they're going to be a much bigger threat in short order.

2010-03-25, 02:18 PM
There are advanced ork forms. The first orks to spawn will be the lesser ork forms. Fungus plants and squigs. Then snotlings and gretchen. Then smaller boyz to set up a society; Diggaz(to make the typical ork shanty town), Brewas(To get the food, and more importantly the drink) and Hunters(To kill squigs and fight enemies). Then finally the last stage is the end of the chain, advanced orks who are able to become meks, weird boyz, nobs or painboyz and ork kulture can start to mekanize.

Regular flamer sweeps across an infested area keeps the orks to the level of a minor nuisance.

Flood would be a pretty good match for Orks. Just by coopting their technology and warriors. They could grow out of control pretty easily. The inevitable result would be a world consumed with a rolling back and forth conflict between Ork and Flood.

2010-03-25, 02:50 PM
Actually, I wonder if the flood would have the same problem with the Orks that they do with hunters in terms of assimilation.

2010-03-25, 05:40 PM
Actually, I wonder if the flood would have the same problem with the Orks that they do with hunters in terms of assimilation.

Well.. clearly not. The problem with Hunters is that they are a hive of tiny creatures united in a single suit of armour. There is nothing big enough to infect and take over. Orks may release spores when they die but the actual organism is certainly big enough for flood infection to take hold.

2010-03-25, 05:53 PM
Flood would be a pretty good match for Orks. Just by coopting their technology and warriors. They could grow out of control pretty easily. The inevitable result would be a world consumed with a rolling back and forth conflict between Ork and Flood.

Except that none of the 40K races managed to "corrupt" orks untill now. One of their main strenghts is that their strenght cannot be stolen or copied. They were designed that way to be the Old Ones ultimate unstopable weapon.

There's just no daemonic orks, and neither the nids or kroots, both masters of assimilation, managed to copy the orks main strenghts. Why would the flood fare any better where not even Chaos and masters of biotechnology failed?:smallwink:

2010-03-25, 05:58 PM
Actually... The Flood wouldn't might not work on Orkz. They're plants, and probably don't have a technical spinal cord the way we do... Though, I suppose they could end up getting parts of an Ork, since they can meld other species bodies... So we'd see Orkz fighting with thier own arms, or trying to kick themselves to death. Orkz fighting themselves, Orkz fighting each other, and Orkz fighting dem puny humies. Sounds like greenskin paradise. :smalltongue:

2010-03-25, 09:01 PM
Except that none of the 40K races managed to "corrupt" orks untill now. One of their main strenghts is that their strenght cannot be stolen or copied. They were designed that way to be the Old Ones ultimate unstopable weapon.

It isn't corruption. Kill the Ork. Hijack the corpse. Pick up and use the weapons.

I also think you're pretty badly wrong on Orks being completely incorruptible. Hard to corrupt? Perhaps. But they weren't immune to the slavers that ended up ravaging the galaxy as well as numerous other things.

They also weren't an ultimate weapon. They were a speed bump to hold up the necrons and c'tan. One of a number of custom built species. Many didn't work out very well, unlike the Orks. The "Ultimate weapons" were stuff like the blackstone fortresses. Things designed to directly strike at the C'Tan.

There's just no daemonic orks, and neither the nids or kroots, both masters of assimilation, managed to copy the orks main strenghts. Why would the flood fare any better where not even Chaos and masters of biotechnology failed?

Tyranids and Kroot managed to assimilate orks fine. Ork-eating Kroot have distinct strengths and weaknesses based around the orks. Tyranids kill and digest the orks fine, and have created a few bioforms based around their experiences against the orks (most notably the biovore).

Daemonic corruption doesn't work on them(I mean.. it does. Sort of. There are mutated orks. Orks who've been driven mad by daemons. But the basic orkish psychology is so simplistic and the physiology is so robust that it is less affected and hard to notice.) but the Flood attack isn't spiritual corruption. It's a plain and simple ork->floodzombie process.

They're plants, and probably don't have a technical spinal cord the way we do...

No, Orks are sort of plants. But they still have a skeletal structure, a central nervous system, meaty flesh, blood. Everything the flood needs. The plant thing is a technicality since for all functional purposes they act like every other meatsack.

Shas aia Toriia
2010-03-25, 09:10 PM
It's also extremely common for the orks to overrun and enslave whole planets. There's at least one SM chapter base curb stomped by an ork WWWAAAGHHH!!!, not to mention forgeworlds with titan legions to defend them.

Just wanted to address these points there.

1. Rynn's World, the Crimson Fists homeworld wasn't curbstomped by the orks. A missile malfunctioned from inside the base and blew it up. And the Fists still won, with their chapter at one tenth strength and practically no armour.

2. Orks beat Titan Legions the same way the beat everything else - more weapons. With the size of a WAAAGH!!! needed to make gargants, that's a lot of psychic energy to power them. And 10 gargants beats 1 titan of equivalent class pretty consistently.

2010-03-26, 11:13 AM
You mean the slightly better headcrabs vs NURGLE... Seriously?

I take it your new to 40k?

2010-07-13, 01:06 PM
The Flood would consider Nurgle to be the ultimate Grave-Mind, case closed. He(It) is the only thing that the Flood might consider a "Deity".

2010-07-13, 01:14 PM
The Flood would consider Nurgle to be the ultimate Grave-Mind, case closed. He(It) is the only thing that the Flood might consider a "Deity".

is 3 months past the necro line?

The Glyphstone
2010-07-13, 02:15 PM
is 3 months past the necro line?

Thread Necromancy
Bringing a thread back from “the dead.” If a thread has fallen to page three and hasn’t been posted in for a month and a half, don’t post to it. Start a new topic if you want to discuss the subject.

Double past the necro line, actually.

2010-07-13, 02:15 PM
Damn, didn't notice that, sorry.