View Full Version : Movies with Theme of trying too fit in

V for Victory
2010-03-25, 05:24 PM
Hi, I know this isn't my normal part of the playground but I have a media question.
I have a school project on the concept of normal and I would like to show the class several movie clips of people who are "Normal" or people who want to be "Normal". Do you guys have any suggestions?

So far on the list I am thinking

American Psycho
Clockwork Orange

The Glyphstone
2010-03-25, 05:53 PM
You could probably pick at least one superhero movie as a contrast to your current selection of insane people...Incredible Hulk might be a good choice, or maybe the first Spiderman movie.

2010-03-25, 06:40 PM
Lots of fodder from the X-men franchise as well. That was kind of their thing.

Innis Cabal
2010-03-25, 06:45 PM
No one mentioned the Breakfast Club? :smallconfused:

V for Victory
2010-03-25, 07:06 PM
No one mentioned the Breakfast Club? :smallconfused:

Gahhhhhhhh!!!!!! I can't believe I forgot that one

2010-03-25, 07:16 PM
The first half of District 9 prehaps?

2010-03-31, 03:21 AM
Although I have never seen the movie - the book it is adapted from, Flowers for Algernon, fits your theme. Charlie is mentally challenged and wishes to be smarter and "normal" like everyone else. The book is wonderful (and sad) - I cannot speak on the quality of the movie. However, here is a link to info.


2010-03-31, 03:39 AM
Rainman, Radio, etc?

...1984? =P

"Dancing in the Rain" might apply.

2010-03-31, 04:40 AM
Is it bad that the first thing that came to my mind was Teen Wolf? What if I added that I've never seen it?

Hm... How about... The Elephant Man?

2010-03-31, 05:45 AM
Oh, wait!

The Departed! :smallwink:

2010-03-31, 06:00 AM
Pinocchio & the numerous films depicting robots that also try to become human & fit in.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-03-31, 06:51 AM
You could probably pick at least one superhero movie as a contrast to your current selection of insane people...Incredible Hulk might be a good choice, or maybe the first Spiderman movie.

Lots of fodder from the X-men franchise as well. That was kind of their thing.

Oh yes, the lonely hero. They can heal any wound, lift a car with one hand or move objects with their mind... WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR?!?! :smallsigh:


Grow a pair already...

2010-03-31, 07:03 AM
OP: what exactly are you looking for? People trying to fake conformity? People trying to blend in with their (possibly weird) surroundings? People who genuinely want to be Like Everyone Else?

If you're not strictly limited to movies, you might consider Dexter - there are some entertaining scenes of the main character narrating his attempts to do the socially expected thing.

In the vein of Clueless, what about Mean Girls?

Oh yes, the lonely hero. They can heal any wound, lift a car with one hand or move objects with their mind... WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR?!?! :smallsigh:

Strange, I didn't notice anyone mentioning fairness, just normalcy.

2010-03-31, 08:21 AM
Although I have never seen the movie - the book it is adapted from, Flowers for Algernon, fits your theme. Charlie is mentally challenged and wishes to be smarter and "normal" like everyone else. The book is wonderful (and sad) - I cannot speak on the quality of the movie. However, here is a link to info.


I saw it in school when I was in 8th grade (wow, 10 years ago. I feel old:smalleek:). It stayed fairly true to the book. I believe it would go well on this list.

Oh yes, the lonely hero. They can heal any wound, lift a car with one hand or move objects with their mind... WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR?!?! :smallsigh:


Grow a pair already...

I lol'd.

2010-03-31, 08:25 AM
Oh yes, the lonely hero. They can heal any wound, lift a car with one hand or move objects with their mind... WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR?!?! :smallsigh:

I agree, but that isn't really relevant.

2010-03-31, 08:29 AM
TVTropes wants to help! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IJustWantToBeNormal)

2010-03-31, 02:00 PM
I saw it in school when I was in 8th grade (wow, 10 years ago. I feel old:smalleek:). It stayed fairly true to the book. I believe it would go well on this list.

Good to know it follows the book fairly well.

2010-03-31, 02:05 PM
Oh yes, the lonely hero. They can heal any wound, lift a car with one hand or move objects with their mind... WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR?!?! :smallsigh:

Grow a pair already...

Cause, you know, turning into a near mindless, unstoppable fighting machine when you get mildly aggravated, plus the fact that you're constantly hunted, is really all fine and dandy. It's not like your life got turned upside...oh. Wait. Yes, yes I think it is.

Or the fact that people want to kill/lock you up because of something outside of your control is totally fine and dandy.


2010-04-01, 01:51 AM
Good to know it follows the book fairly well.

The one thing I really remember was this part:

Punctuate the following string of words.
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Yeah we didn't get it. She let us have the whole period to work on it and no one could do it.

2010-04-01, 04:46 AM
It doesn't need punctuation. All it needs is a good solid sentence diagram or sentence tree or whatever the five people who still know the method call it nowadays. 'Twould get fine and fractal on the object side of the dividing line.

2010-04-01, 08:58 AM
...1984? =P

Flawless victory. :smallcool:

2010-04-02, 12:23 AM
It doesn't need punctuation. All it needs is a good solid sentence diagram or sentence tree or whatever the five people who still know the method call it nowadays. 'Twould get fine and fractal on the object side of the dividing line.

Yeah, I think that's a bit above 8th grade level, or at least is in Florida which (I don't know if it still is) was in 50th place for some time while I was in school. Occassionally it made to 49th, but it never lasted long.

Anyways, because I feel like it, here it is:
That that is, is. That that is not, is not. Is that it? It is.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-04-02, 01:06 AM
Cause, you know, turning into a near mindless, unstoppable fighting machine when you get mildly aggravated, plus the fact that you're constantly hunted, is really all fine and dandy. It's not like your life got turned upside...oh. Wait. Yes, yes I think it is.
Y'know, it's funny, but the Hulk is like one of the few who DOESN'T seem to be complaining.

2010-04-02, 03:43 AM
Trying to fit in?

American psycho: how fitting in can drive you nuts.
Clockwork Orange. being forced to fit in.
Clueless helping someone else fit in.
Breakfast club. All sides of the fitting in equation. Very good choice.

My picks:
Momento. trying to fake fitting in and failing utterly.
Cant buy me love. Paying someone to assist in fitting in.
Legally Blond. Hot chick attempting to fit in with the Brainiacs. A good turning of the trope on it's head.
Weird Science. Build a woman to assist with fitting in.

2010-04-02, 07:19 AM
Another vote for Mean Girls. It deals a lot with cliques and groups in a fairly frank way for a highschool-flick.