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View Full Version : Whare Is The: What OOTS Character Are You Quiz?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-25, 11:39 PM
I know I've seen it somewhere and I want to take it but I cant find it. :smallfrown:
If anyone knows where it is or has a link please let me know.

2010-03-25, 11:43 PM

I tested as Durkon, guess I'm subtle and boring too.:smallwink:
I'm sure there are others floating out there
yep here are some more:





2010-03-26, 01:17 AM
I did all the quizzes and my most common is Vaarsuvius. This worries me.

Nimrod's Son
2010-03-26, 02:34 AM
Write a list of OotS characters, close your eyes and stick a pin in it. Works just as well, if not better. :smallwink:

2010-03-26, 07:03 AM
I got Vaarsuvius once, an elven wizard the quiz creator doesn't know how to spell once, someone named Vaarsuvius who seems very similar to the OotS one but is established as male once, Elan once, and a character similar to Elan but apparently neutral good once.

2010-03-26, 09:19 AM
I hate it when quizzes have a question like,if it's which oots charachter are you and theres a question like "which do you think you are?"Or if i'm taking a quiz for what dnd race I am theres a question like "How tall are you?"

2010-03-26, 10:26 AM
Quizzes that has some six different outcomes and determines them via some six (four to ten) questions are outright laughable. They suck so much that they aren't even good for a quick, entertaining distraction.

2010-03-26, 11:23 AM
Quizzes that has some six different outcomes and determines them via some six (four to ten) questions are outright laughable. They suck so much that they aren't even good for a quick, entertaining distraction.
Indeed. If you're familiar with the comic at all it's extremely easy to tell which answers produce which results. I can attest to this via direct empirical evidence, having done all five non-Team-Evil-related quizzes in the OP six times, and and gotten each of the six characters in turn for each quiz. No, that was not a fantastic waste of time (though I had to pretend it was for some of them in order to get Roy).

2010-03-26, 01:15 PM

Haley Starshine

The red-headed thief. Haley may come across as greedy and selfish, but she's really a very nice person. She has trouble spending money, but will whole-heartedly give her all to her friends unless they completely disregard her feelings.


2010-03-26, 03:48 PM
I got Belkar Bitterleaf and Mitd for my results to the two quizes.

2010-03-26, 03:48 PM
It scares me if anyone got belkar as a result

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-26, 07:31 PM
Thanks but none of the oots quizzes that you showed me are the awesome one I saw about a year ago.
It gives you a list of characters you resemble in order of most to least and has about 20 questions. :smallfrown:

Nimrod's Son
2010-03-26, 11:50 PM
Thanks but none of the oots quizzes that you showed me are the awesome one I saw about a year ago.
It gives you a list of characters you resemble in order of most to least and has about 20 questions. :smallfrown:
I remember the one you're talking about, but I'm far too lazy to go looking for it. But I remember that I got Roy and Xykon as first and second, respectively, with virtually no margin in between. If that ain't a sign that the whole thing is broken, I don't know what is. Either that or I'm schizophrenic, but we're almost certain that's not the case.

2010-03-27, 09:03 AM
You are Xykon, the evil liche, bent on getting the world by opening the gates!


2010-03-27, 09:05 AM
Haley Starshine
The red-headed thief. Haley may come across as greedy and selfish, but she's really a very nice person. She has trouble spending money, but will whole-heartedly give her all to her friends unless they completely disregard her feelings.
lol that is amazing.

2010-03-27, 09:27 AM
I got xykon and haley, but I'd normally class myself as more of an elan, after he became mildly useful.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-27, 09:30 AM
I found it hear. (http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=toph1)

2010-03-27, 09:45 AM
I found it hear. (http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=toph1)

The rest are OK but that one is awsome, I got who I compare myself to, elan, and other ones down the list who I also find I am similar to

2010-03-27, 09:53 AM
I got primarily Roy and Vaarsuvius. I prefer the mage to baldy.

Lols. The last one said Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, and Xykon.

2010-03-27, 09:59 AM
For heroes, I was Roy.

For villains, I was Redcloak.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-27, 10:41 AM
I like these quizzes. :smallbiggrin:
Are their any more? :smallconfused:

2010-03-27, 10:49 AM
I like these quizzes. :smallbiggrin:
Are their any more? :smallconfused:

Theres a decent one here (http://www.gotoquiz.com/results/which_order_of_the_stick_character_are_you)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-27, 10:53 AM
You're link leads to the wrong page.

2010-03-27, 10:57 AM
You're link leads to the wrong page.

sorry, here (http://www.gotoquiz.com/results/which_order_of_the_stick_character_are_you)

2010-03-27, 01:57 PM
I took the villains one. There were only 4 questions, and it was insanely obvious which character each answer was linked to. The quiz might as well just have asked which villain are you and called it a day, because assuming you know the comic, you know which answer will get you which outcome.

2010-03-27, 02:03 PM
"Whare" is it? Oh its "hear".

Well, I took the quiz and ended up being Roy Greenhilt. Not too bad I suppose.

The Unlucky One
2010-03-27, 11:10 PM
Nale and V, Durkon and Roy, Xykon, RC, Haley, Elan, Belkar and Miko..

Nice quiz

2010-03-28, 04:26 AM
Hmm...did them all, trying my best to ignore what the answers would lead to.

From the five that forbiddenwar posted (not counting the villains one) I got: Roy, V, Haley, Durkon, and Elan, respectively. Something doesn't seem right here...

josha's gave me a tie between Roy and V, with Xykon as a close third ('cause we all know those three are so similar :smallsigh:)

licoot's gave me Celia?!? I'm nothing like Celia, so I don't know where it's getting that from :smallconfused:

Apparently I'm unclassifiable! (Although the villains one gave me MitD. That sorta fits with unclassifiable.) Or the quizzes could be useless. Fun, but useless. :smallwink: I'm almost tempted to see if I could come up with a better one based on some psychological personality tests.

2010-03-28, 01:57 PM
Took the quizes in order, and I'm:


So... what does that mean? :smallconfused::smalltongue:

2010-03-28, 02:07 PM
The one Licoot linked to gave me the following with practically no difference between 2 and 3

My #1 is: Durkon Thundershield
My #2 is: Elan
My #3 is: Redcloak
My #4 is: Roy Greenhilt
My #5 is: Vaarsuvius
My #6 is: Miko Miyazaki
My #7 is: Xykon
My #8 is: Belkar Bitterleaf
My #9 is: Nale
My #10 is: Haley Starshine

2010-03-28, 02:15 PM
So... what does that mean? :smallconfused::smalltongue:

That you are more consistent than I am? That quizzes on the internet are not reliable? 42? Take your pick.

2010-03-29, 01:51 AM
V, Nale, Redcloak, Xykon, Belkar... in that order...
Should I be scared?

2010-03-29, 02:16 AM
Top 3 in order, with almost no difference in between:


Apparently, I'm a schizo.

2010-03-29, 02:36 AM
Goblin #365

So... combine V and Ellan and you get me. Well... the core of me. :P

Bumbling yet powerful wizard anyone? http://www.theargonath.cc/stuff/fotrobservation61.jpg

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-29, 07:57 PM
I made this thread so you could provide links to quizzes, not compare results. :smallannoyed:

2010-03-29, 09:07 PM
So? You got your quiz links. Now it's our turn and we say: RESULTS!

The short ones seem to stick my answers in Roy, then V, then Elan. The Villain one puts me down for MitD, which basically responds to the Elan answers, I guess.

Of the long ones, the first spits out Elan, then Roy, then Miko, all pretty close together. The second one mucks it up by adding Celia, who comes in an easy first because I'm apparently so pure and sweet. I guess I'm in a pretty good mood today.

2010-03-30, 02:01 PM
I made this thread so you could provide links to quizzes, not compare results. :smallannoyed:

And you got your links in the post directly below you. Want us to throw away the tread now, meaning that you've created a totally pointless thread? Let's have some fun with it and compare our results instead, don't you agree?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-03-30, 06:39 PM
Ok fine but most of them suck and all are out of date.

2010-04-04, 09:38 PM
I ran the first two quizzes. As a PC, I am Roy Greenhilt. Ok, my lawfull good perfectionistic honor bound never-removes-the-stick-from-his-ass dragonborn palladin really fits.
As a villan, The Snarl??? I think that may be because I hadno better answer then destroy destroy devour. I think there may be a better interpritation out there.

[Edit: In order of posting, my results. All how said paladin would answer.
The Snarl?
[Edit: also took that "awesome" quiz you quoted. Redcloak!?!?!?! no way!
...wait...now that i think about it...hmm...nope, I am not very religous, i am not a racist, in fact, I hate the overactive use of racism, derogitory terms, and cursing in modern society. NO WAY.]