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View Full Version : Dwarven druid in Eberron [3.5]?

2010-03-26, 05:23 AM
Had a peculiar thought about maybe playing a dwarven druid in a proposed new gaming group, and now I'm trying to:

1) figure out what the backstory of a dwarven druid in Eberron would be and
2) calculate what his build should be to fit with that backstory. (NB: if you actually want to address this part in any specific way, which I'm not primarily looking for, the proposed gaming group is limiting itself to mostly 3.5 core books, non-minmax builds [a single-use character is not overly welcome in the group], no extensive multiclassing and a 32-point build - in other words, simple and not esoteric stuff.)

Geiger Counter
2010-03-26, 05:29 AM
Just choose a sect
You do know that as a druid you can take toughness as every feat and still do better than most other classes right?

2010-03-26, 05:40 AM
Well, there are five druid sects in Eberron:

1. The Wardens of the Wood are the most friendly sect. They believe nature and civilization can coexist. It's highly likely that your character would be from this movement.

2. The Ashbound are opposed to civilization and are most likely to commit eco-terrorism. This is another option for your druid if he's less of a nice guy.

3. The Children of Winter embrace death and like dealing with negative energy. If you're really extreme, you could go with this.

4. The Gatekeepers are the ancient orc tradition that learned druidic secrets from the dragon Vvarak. They're the ones who sealed Xoriat away. Probably one of the two least likely sects your character's going to be from.

5. The other unlikely group is the Greenseekers---these guys hang out mostly on Thelanis and are the most hippie-like of the druids. Practically all of the other groups find the Greenseekers iffy and out-of-touch.

It's hard to go wrong with a druid, really. Let me do some reading and get back to you.

Geiger Counter
2010-03-26, 05:48 AM
3. The Children of Winter embrace death and like dealing with negative energy. If you're really extreme, you could go with this.

Actually i think they are closer to being social Darwinists, being more similar in philosophy to yugoloths. They don't have any abilities related to undead and as both druids and death worshippers are very opposed to undead (as undead cheat death).

Edit: they are vermin focused and might worship the Dealkry responsible for all the spider like aberations (I read somewhere that in eberron neogi are transformed dwarves) or a rakshasa raja of pestilence.

2010-03-26, 05:49 AM
4. The Gatekeepers are the ancient orc tradition that learned druidic secrets from the dragon Vvarak. They're the ones who sealed Xoriat away. Probably one of the two least likely sects your character's going to be from.

Actually, I could easily see Dwarves among the Gatekeepers. Since most of the aberrations now live underground, the Dwarves would have a keen interest in helping keep them out. And the orcs/half-orcs that founded them aren't likely to be xenophobic to dwarves.

2010-03-26, 05:52 AM
Actually i think they are closer to being social Darwinists, being more similar in philosophy to yugoloths. They don't have any abilities related to undead and as both druids and death worshippers are very opposed to undead (as undead cheat death).

My bad; I confused them with the Nightbringers, who are an offshoot of the Children of Winter.

Actually, I could easily see Dwarves among the Gatekeepers. Since most of the aberrations now live underground, the Dwarves would have a keen interest in helping keep them out. And the orcs/half-orcs that founded them aren't likely to be xenophobic to dwarves.

That's true, though they're kinda rare right now. Faiths of Eberron makes them to be mostly dying out.

2010-03-26, 05:59 AM
That's true, though they're kinda rare right now. Faiths of Eberron makes them to be mostly dying out.

Hmm. I could see a subsect of them being in the depths of the Mror Holds' mountains. Also, is there a druid group focused on "living rock" or some such? I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean anything. :D

2010-03-26, 06:07 AM
DOO-DAD! (obligatory lengthening text)

2010-03-26, 06:08 AM
My bad, the Thelanis Hippies are the Greensingers. Sorry, my brain's kinda messed up ATM.

Hmm. I could see a subsect of them being in the depths of the Mror Holds' mountains. Also, is there a druid group focused on "living rock" or some such? I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean anything. :D

I think the Wardens of the Wood would think "living rock" would be a nice way to make nature and civilization coexist.

It might also work with the Gatekeepers, but it doesn't seem to focus on any of their specialties (mostly dimensional protection and purification).

2010-03-26, 06:15 AM
My bad, the Thelanis Hippies are the Greensingers. Sorry, my brain's kinda messed up ATM.

I think the Wardens of the Wood would think "living rock" would be a nice way to make nature and civilization coexist.

... starting to noodle the possibility of a deep-down druid-ish cult of the living rock. I mean, hey, magma does share a number of traits with life, not to mention helping bring and support life to the surface. Could be on to something here.

It might also work with the Gatekeepers, but it doesn't seem to focus on any of their specialties (mostly dimensional protection and purification).

Again, hmm. Maybe some intersection with the Kundarak warding focus?

2010-03-26, 06:21 AM
Again, hmm. Maybe some intersection with the Kundarak warding focus?

A tenuous link at best. Kundarak's dragonmark is dwarf-only. The Gatekeepers were originally mostly orcs.

2010-03-26, 06:31 AM
A tenuous link at best. Kundarak's dragonmark is dwarf-only. The Gatekeepers were originally mostly orcs.

Right. And with the Jhorash'tar orcs in the Mror Holds mountains, that would easily explain their presence.

2010-03-26, 07:42 AM

He paved the way for us all. *Salutes*

2010-03-26, 10:11 AM
One thing you might consider is taking the druid variant from complete mage (I think that is the book it is in). You get an elemental instead of an animal companion. A dwarf druid with an earth (or fire) elemental would rock! (pun intended)

2010-03-26, 10:20 AM
A dwarf druid with an earth elemental would rock!

*Hurls self into Far Realm to escape puns*

2010-03-26, 01:05 PM
One thing you might consider is taking the druid variant from complete mage (I think that is the book it is in). You get an elemental instead of an animal companion. A dwarf druid with an earth (or fire) elemental would rock! (pun intended)

Looked it up, and that certainly fits the potential backstory/history to a T. Very interesting.

Hmm... REAL earth druid, not wasting time with all those plants and animals between us and the actual earth? :D

2010-03-26, 01:11 PM
Dwarf Druid with Stone Shape and multiclass into Monk? I see a Kung-Fu Gargoyle in your future

2010-03-26, 01:39 PM
Heh. Nah, not looking to break it any more than absolutely necessary. :smallbiggrin:

So, any more ideas how to pull off a druid with an earth/rock-based theme?

2010-03-29, 05:20 AM
Nobody else?

2010-03-29, 06:28 AM
There is always the Earth Dreamer prestige class (5 lvl's) from Races of Stone that follows along your theme. Its by no means amazing but its nippy enough.
Races of Stone in general has some nice Earth themed things

Geiger Counter
2010-03-29, 06:56 AM
Check out Defenders of the World Stone

2010-03-29, 01:08 PM
There is always the Earth Dreamer prestige class (5 lvl's) from Races of Stone that follows along your theme. Its by no means amazing but its nippy enough.
Races of Stone in general has some nice Earth themed things

Most interesting - thanks LOADS. Running this past the DM today.

2010-03-29, 04:17 PM
A slightly cheesy option would be a Planar Shepard (Faiths of Eberron) choosing Lamannia for the Planar Attunement and other abilities. This would let you wildshape into earth elements and mephits. This option basically extends all your druid spells as well. Otherwise Elemental Savant (Complete Arcane) might be another option as well.

2010-03-29, 06:23 PM
I know you said no heavily min-maxed builds, but taking Natural Spell at level six is probably the best choice any druid could make :smallbiggrin:.

As far as which sect to choose, I'm personally most fond of the Gatekeepers, regardless of the 'dying out' fluff (in fact, that can be a fun angle to play: your sect has devoted itself to locking away the nasties from Xoriat, and that's only becoming harder with fewer of you to deal with the ever increasing threats both from the aberrations you're locking away and those who might seek to free them, e.g. The Lords of Dust, that wizard from down the street who just picked up levels in the Alienist prc, the Inspired, or any number of others in Khorvaire and beyond).

As far as the stone thing goes, the previously suggested Planar Shepherd attuned to Lamannia would work, and yeah, it's capable of a lot of cheese, but it's highly flavorful, fits your concept (Stone Dwarf Druid), and can be a lot of fun to play.

2010-03-29, 08:39 PM
If ToB's OK and multiclassing penalties are not being used, a couple of levels of swordsage (take stone dragon/setting sun maneuvers) would match flavour and still probably be useful (WIS to AC).

ED: noticed you said no extensive multiclassing, which suggests you might be using favoured classes. Well, a non maxed druid might have feats available to spend on martial study/stance.

2010-03-31, 03:07 PM
Well, after talking with the DM and the other players, looks like our usual cleric will NOT be jumping over to a fighter role as she seemed to be hinting at, and I'll be filling a combat/roguely role. But after having researched the possibilities for a "dwarven earth druid", I'm gonna hang on to THAT character like grim death for a future campaign. It's just too freaking cool not to. :)

And thanks to you guys for all the nifty input.

2010-03-31, 06:02 PM
I believe Dungeonscape has ACFs for cave druids. That would be flavorful.