View Full Version : Stargate Universe: Destiny is Where You Make a Stand [Spoilers]

2010-03-26, 10:53 AM
A continuation of the previous thread, which is, by now, well outside of necro-ability.

SG: Universe returns next Friday (April 2). You can watch the "1.5 Trailer" here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6HvUGXjNnc). (WARNING: Season 1 spoilers)
Those of you who missed Season 1 have 1 week to catch up on the last 5 episodes here (http://www.hulu.com/stargate-universe).

Anyone else excited? Things I'm specifically looking forward to from the trailer:

Alien contact. You know, other than the Dehydrating Bug Swarm. The "where the heck are we" concept is going to play well for them here, I think; with no canon established for the part(s) of the universe they're in, it'll be much easier to break away from the Four Races. Also, that Spire.
Space battles. Gratuitous space battles, by the looks of it, even. Rewatching the scene reveals that the ships also appear to be of the same design as the one that detached from Destiny in episode 3(?)
Daniel Jackson. Not in the 1.5 Trailer itself, but he can be seen for a split second in the TV spot. Speaking of, if anyone can find said TV spot online, post a link so I can edit it into this post.

Speculation time!
The aliens, the spaceship, whats-his-name's warning; I see them as all connected. The alien species (anyone got a good nickname for them?) were keeping surveillance on the Destiny in that Chekov's Little Scout Ship from Season 1 because they could not interface with it themselves (too different of biologies compared to the Ancients. When the Tau'ri showed up and turned everything back online, it broke off to alert the Main Fleet; cue space battle(s).

2010-04-02, 07:00 PM
Whoo, less then an hour till post time!

2010-04-03, 01:35 PM
So I just found out about the new episode while on hulu and then found it on my DVR. The aliens look pretty darn cool. I wonder if they'll ccome back.

2010-04-03, 01:50 PM
So I just found out about the new episode while on hulu and then found it on my DVR. The aliens look pretty darn cool. I wonder if they'll ccome back.

Since we haven't hit the scene with them coming out of the Stargate yet, I don't think they're gone for good. Hell, I smell recurring villains. :smallamused:

I'm torn on how they dealt with the inter-special communication. Everyone speaking English for no adequately explained reason feels almost iconic to Stargate; and yet, it's kind of nice to see the producers acknowledging one of the most played tropes of Sci Fi.

2010-04-03, 01:56 PM
What I find odd is that

Rush couldn't dock properly and just cut a random hole in the ceiling instead. Why doesn't such a huge ship have more than one shuttle bay?

2010-04-03, 02:15 PM
What I find odd is that

Rush couldn't dock properly and just cut a random hole in the ceiling instead. Why doesn't such a huge ship have more than one shuttle bay?

I would assume...
...it's because the "proper" shuttle bays are in parts of the ship that are still not habitable. Big holes leading into space and whatnot.
This is, naturally, fridge logic. They probably made their entrance how they according to the rule of cool.

2010-04-03, 02:25 PM
Or maybe the docking systems just weren't compatible.

2010-04-03, 03:41 PM
I figured it was incompatible docking systems, too. I mean, it's a bad ass way to enter, but I doubt it's the way they would have chosen.

That out of the way, I have to say...I hate Chloe. Rant ahead. I've hated her since about the second or third episode. Her character is useless and the relationship with Scott is ridiculous. "Oh, I'm having a secret relationship with a coworker, but hey, now there is this hot chick who is as shallow as shallow can be who wants to sleep with me! Awesome!" I mean...really. It went from NO apparent chemistry between Scott and Chloe and in the SAME EPISODE they suddenly want to jump each other and he COMPLETELY forgets about James, with whom he'd had an ongoing relationship (according to wiki). I even re-watched the episodes prior to that one, and there wasn't even an allusion to an attraction between Scott and Chloe.

But that's not even the whole reason I hate her. It's just...she's stupid. She's working in politics but totally senseless. She is the worst stereotype of Hot Dumb Chick I've seen in a long time.

C'mon...you see a space ship BURN THROUGH YOUR SHIPS HULL and the first thing you think to do is STAND UNDER IT? WTF?

Then everyone wants to save useless stupid girl. *headdesk* There've been about 3 times where they alluded to Chloe possibly dying, and both Oz and I have rooted for that outcome. We're always disappointed.

And I feel even worse for James because she got dumped (without getting dumped) for such a stupid character. What I've seen of James I like and after this episode I'm soooo hoping she's in more of it.

Sorry...had to get that out of my system since the only other person I know who watches SGU also hates the character.

I love Greer, though. :smallsmile:

Tiger Duck
2010-04-08, 02:58 PM
Yeah I hate her too, she just doesn't serve a purpose. Which I hope will change soon, maybe the alien encounter will have had some effect on her.
Then the only character I hate will be Scott, I don't remember him having done anything really useful. That and he stole Chloe (back when I still liked her) from Eli

2010-04-08, 03:02 PM
Haha, my dislike of Scott stems from his totally unexpected dumping of James. James is a character that, despite significantly less screen time, has proven to have more personality than Chloe. Her comment about the widower cracked me up. :smallbiggrin:

Still don't understand the Chloe/Scott thing. :smallannoyed:

2010-04-08, 04:21 PM
That out of the way, I have to say...I hate Chloe. Rant ahead.
I've hated her since about the second or third episode. Her character is useless and the relationship with Scott is ridiculous. "Oh, I'm having a secret relationship with a coworker, but hey, now there is this hot chick who is as shallow as shallow can be who wants to sleep with me! Awesome!" I mean...really. It went from NO apparent chemistry between Scott and Chloe and in the SAME EPISODE they suddenly want to jump each other and he COMPLETELY forgets about James, with whom he'd had an ongoing relationship (according to wiki). I even re-watched the episodes prior to that one, and there wasn't even an allusion to an attraction between Scott and Chloe.

But that's not even the whole reason I hate her. It's just...she's stupid. She's working in politics but totally senseless. She is the worst stereotype of Hot Dumb Chick I've seen in a long time.

C'mon...you see a space ship BURN THROUGH YOUR SHIPS HULL and the first thing you think to do is STAND UNDER IT? WTF?

Then everyone wants to save useless stupid girl. *headdesk* There've been about 3 times where they alluded to Chloe possibly dying, and both Oz and I have rooted for that outcome. We're always disappointed.

And I feel even worse for James because she got dumped (without getting dumped) for such a stupid character. What I've seen of James I like and after this episode I'm soooo hoping she's in more of it.

Sorry...had to get that out of my system since the only other person I know who watches SGU also hates the character.

I love Greer, though. :smallsmile:

Agreed. Chloe is To Dumb To Live (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooDumbToLive). 90% of her screen time involves:

Fan service: In the shower, having sex, etc.
Crying and/or whining about something.
Running towards danger in order to be rescued.

I don't care how hot Elyse Levesque is - she has the acting skills of the Olsen twins and the writers have turned her into the worst aspects of Lana Lang in half a season. I hope they kill her soon, and find an attractive alien mercenary or scientist to replace her.

2010-04-08, 11:12 PM
Since the life in this galaxy sees to be insect based, good luck with the sexy alien merc... And yeah, Chloe is very stupid, but then again they needed someone to get captured to Young would go on the alien ship.

2010-04-10, 05:48 AM
Civilians. Sheesh.

And please kill off Chloe already.

2010-04-10, 09:30 PM
Since the life in this galaxy sees to be insect based, good luck with the sexy alien merc... And yeah, Chloe is very stupid, but then again they needed someone to get captured to Young would go on the alien ship.

I don't see how that will be any problem at all


2010-04-12, 02:55 PM
I’m okay with Chloe being useless. It makes more sense to me the Senator’s silver spoon daughter would be a useless waste in this situation. I live in fear of their inevitable decision to give her a relevant skill set like alien linguist or ancient technology expert. Realistically (and I realize I just used that word in relation to a Stargate show) Chloe’s only real options in the situation presented are either to leverage her only real asset (being a hot 20 year old piece of tail) for comfort and influence or being the absolute lowest person on the totem pole. Considering her privileged upbringing, it would make sense for her to take the easy way out. All I ask is that the producers acknowledge that she’s leveraging her “assets” rather than pretending she’s found her soul mate in Scott. It makes her less sympathetic but infinetly more interesting, kind of like the Sarah Bowyer character off of BBC’s Survivors series. It would actually add some plot to the insipid Scott-Chloe-Eli triangle, and it would allow better dynamics with the cast’s under used female characters like Lt James or Lt Johnasen or Wray. Of course that requires making a recurring pretty person unlikeable, which seems to fly in the face of the writers current style.

Personally, I’m waiting for Greer to either toss Scott out of an airlock or just beat the p&*s out of him for being a mopey dweeb. If Greer doesn't get to shoot somebody on the crew this season I'll be very sad panda.

Tiger Duck
2010-04-13, 04:24 AM
You're right, it's only logical that she is useless. It's less logical that she gets so much screen time while being so useless. And I agree with Syka, James is a much more interesting person and way more likeable.

2010-04-13, 01:41 PM
So just wondering, waht is the current tally on "likable" characters.

Greer, James, and... That's all I can really think of. James is only on there because she's more likable than Chloe. She did engage in an affair with a (superior?) officer, and that's conduct unbecoming so I tend not to like her for that reason.

Is Greer really the only truly likable person on the crew? I'd think that's strange that despite his obvious violent tendences, we're all willing to like him just because he's awesome and is the only character that's been given an ounce of depth.

2010-04-13, 03:11 PM
So just wondering, waht is the current tally on "likable" characters.

Greer, James, and... That's all I can really think of. James is only on there because she's more likable than Chloe. She did engage in an affair with a (superior?) officer, and that's conduct unbecoming so I tend not to like her for that reason.

Is Greer really the only truly likable person on the crew? I'd think that's strange that despite his obvious violent tendences, we're all willing to like him just because he's awesome and is the only character that's been given an ounce of depth.

Well, they seem to be demanding that we like Eli. I assume he'll start raising kittens and tending to wounded puppies to make him even more sympathetic. The medic Johansen is pretty sympathetic as well.

And I don't know if I'd chart Greer as likeable. He just gets good will for being most likely to off the show's most annoying characters.

2010-04-25, 07:45 PM
So, with the most recent episode - Human - is it a sign of a new Rush?

The Bushranger
2010-04-25, 07:48 PM
If Greer doesn't get to shoot somebody on the crew this season I'll be very sad panda.
I think he already did (in "Air"). :smallamused::smalltongue:

2010-04-25, 08:10 PM
Oh my god, you guys just had me and my boyfriend rolling with laughter...mostly because (as I've said) I really dislike Chloe, and we love Greer.

This most recent episode actually mildly endeared Chloe to me for ONE reason, and ONE reason alone. The banter with Young was inspired, not too mention we saw him smile for one of the first times. :smallwink:

My list
Likeable: Greer (yes, he's likeable), Johanson, James (her and Scott actually had a relationship according to Wiki and I believe they are the same rank...it's just a no-no in the military; even my friend in the Army who is dating someone in another company was cautious, despite the fact they weren't breaking the rules; it's frowned upon, though), Rush (after this last episode), and a few of the minor characters.

Unlikeable: Chloe. And the chick who was stupid enough to lead the rebellion. Scott, kind of. He's too...mopey and dove-eyed over Chloe. :smallsigh:

I think I like Greer because he's the most real of the characters, in my opinion. I've got a better feel for him than anyone else.

2010-04-26, 11:01 AM
...I live in fear of their inevitable decision to give her a relevant skill set like alien linguist or ancient technology expert...

Called it. Now she's the resident archeologist because she took some western civ classes.

Something came up during the current episode, and I'm sure its been addressed but I clearly missed it: why are all of the new stargates local only? They have explained that the power requirements are too high to stargate home, but why can't they stargate to planets other than the star system they're in currently? I understand that they wouldn't be able to go to gates that they don't have the address for, but they should theoretically have the address for every planet they've already visited. So the recurring plotline of people being stranded when the ship jumps, or not having enough time to explore a fascinating/valuable planet should be retroactively nullified. Leave people behind in system B, wait till the ship arrives in system C then gate back to B to tell them where you are then everyone on B gates either to system C or straight to Destiny's gate. Realize you want to spend more time examining that obelisk on the forest planet, gate back to it from system D or E, then gate back to Destiny at your leisure. Is this a glaring plothole or am I missing something obvious?

2010-04-26, 11:12 AM
Presumably the reason that Destiny has to actually fly somewhere and stop at stargates instead of going in a straight line and letting the recorded addresses do the job is that it doesn't have enough power to do any sort of far-range transporting. Or that's what I think, anyway.

2010-04-26, 11:17 AM
Presumably the reason that Destiny has to actually fly somewhere and stop at stargates instead of going in a straight line and letting the recorded addresses do the job is that it doesn't have enough power to do any sort of far-range transporting. Or that's what I think, anyway.

That's what I thought.

As for the random knowledge, I think they were mostly just trying to come up with a reason for her to go planetside rather than any real aim at saying, "Hey, she's useful!"

2010-04-26, 11:57 AM
Called it. Now she's the resident archeologist because she took some western civ classes.

Something came up during the current episode, and I'm sure its been addressed but I clearly missed it: why are all of the new stargates local only? They have explained that the power requirements are too high to stargate home, but why can't they stargate to planets other than the star system they're in currently? I understand that they wouldn't be able to go to gates that they don't have the address for, but they should theoretically have the address for every planet they've already visited. So the recurring plotline of people being stranded when the ship jumps, or not having enough time to explore a fascinating/valuable planet should be retroactively nullified. Leave people behind in system B, wait till the ship arrives in system C then gate back to B to tell them where you are then everyone on B gates either to system C or straight to Destiny's gate. Realize you want to spend more time examining that obelisk on the forest planet, gate back to it from system D or E, then gate back to Destiny at your leisure. Is this a glaring plothole or am I missing something obvious?

Right now it seems they can't select a stargate and dial it is because they don't have full control over the dialing of the gate or something like that.

Could be that unlike the gates in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies the gates on the seeded planets aren't capable of being dialed from outside of the star system they are in. The technology that was left behind in our galaxy and in the Pegasus galaxy was more advanced than what they have found on Destiny, so it stands to reason that since the Gate on Destiny is different, it isn't as advanced.

As for the planet they found in the last episode, there wasn't a gate on that planet because it wasn't there when the ships that were seeding the universe went past.

2010-04-26, 12:10 PM
Right now it seems they can't select a stargate and dial it is because they don't have full control over the dialing of the gate or something like that.

Could be that unlike the gates in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies the gates on the seeded planets aren't capable of being dialed from outside of the star system they are in. The technology that was left behind in our galaxy and in the Pegasus galaxy was more advanced than what they have found on Destiny, so it stands to reason that since the Gate on Destiny is different, it isn't as advanced.

As for the planet they found in the last episode, there wasn't a gate on that planet because it wasn't there when the ships that were seeding the universe went past.

Good point about the missing gate. I'd forgotten that little plot point. Kind of a major plot point to miss, my bad. As for the limited dialing, I don't recall that being mentioned. (Course I missed one plot point, so clearly I can miss another). They refer to dialing the gate as an active process but I can't recall exactly what method they use. There do not seem to be the giant dialing platform from the previous series.

As for the power issue, isn't the ship at pretty near full power once they've made the recharge dip? I'm assuming at some point they'll gain the ability to dial other addresses, either that or the ability to steer the ship. Once they get tired of the runaway train/ stranded crew polt lines.

2010-04-26, 12:57 PM
As for the power issue, isn't the ship at pretty near full power once they've made the recharge dip? I'm assuming at some point they'll gain the ability to dial other addresses, either that or the ability to steer the ship. Once they get tired of the runaway train/ stranded crew polt lines.
Full power might not be enough power. Destiny also has its other systems to power, and was never intended for cross-universe dialling.

Now, what doesn't make any sense about the most recent episode is

we've seen them stop the Stargate from shutting off, through the simple mechanical action of sticking an arm through it. Why not do that now?

2010-04-26, 01:15 PM
Now, what doesn't make any sense about the most recent episode is

we've seen them stop the Stargate from shutting off, through the simple mechanical action of sticking an arm through it. Why not do that now?

Big difference in timing. Short term vs unknown time span.

2010-04-26, 01:29 PM
They could have at least tried. Or suggested it, and had it shot down on-screen by a proper reason.

2010-04-26, 05:50 PM
I was wondering about that too. But I guess after thirty-nine minutes or whatever, you're hand would kind of be gone, and they probably don't have that kind of time.

2010-04-26, 08:48 PM
Well, since Hulu has episodes on a 1 week delay now, I can't really contribute meaningfully to discussions anymore. Because that delay is so effective at making me watch it on my not-part-of-the-family's-cable-plan SyFy channel. :smallannoyed:

The Bushranger
2010-04-26, 08:52 PM
Thirty-three minutes, I recall.

And we have seen them do planet-to-planet 'Gateing before, in "Air". Of course, the two who did it never came back...

I would suspect that plan would be shot down, mostly, due to not knowing how far the trip to the next system is (remember, in that intial episode, there were only three 'Gates within range, for instance).

2010-04-26, 09:26 PM
Right now it seems they can't select a stargate and dial it is because they don't have full control over the dialing of the gate or something like that.

Could be that unlike the gates in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies the gates on the seeded planets aren't capable of being dialed from outside of the star system they are in. The technology that was left behind in our galaxy and in the Pegasus galaxy was more advanced than what they have found on Destiny, so it stands to reason that since the Gate on Destiny is different, it isn't as advanced.

I've been thinking about this, and rewatching SG1 and Atlantis, and I think that part of the Destiny's program is to network the gates together, like they are in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies. But due to the ship's damage, it may not be doing that. So each time Destiny stops it should be linking the stargate's together, but since that is not happening, they are only able to go between gates that are close enough to link together with the built in programming.
Meaning, most gates don't know where the rest of the gates are, and Destiny can't dial outside the local network becouse it doesn't remember where the previous gates are.

Also, does anyone else think that the AI of Destiny is a lot better then it should be?

2010-04-30, 10:36 PM
It looks like they addressed the whole short gate range issue. I was so scared that Greer might have died. So glad when it turned out he survived. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-30, 10:43 PM
It looks like they addressed the whole short gate range issue. I was so scared that Greer might have died. So glad when it turned out he survived. :smallbiggrin:

I am now 2 episodes behind. CURSE YOU HULU.

The White Lyre
2010-05-01, 12:03 AM
Hey all,

I've been at home sick for the last week and I decided that I might as well watch a tv series to pass the time. So, I went on surfthechannel, remembered I thought the original Stargate movie was dope, and thought I'd give SG1 a chance.

Luckily for me, I got distracted by Universe. And, after just finishing episode 15 I thought, "man, there's gotta be a giantitp discussion about this". Thankfully, I was right! :smallsmile:

Anyways, to my questions. I'm hoping some of you are more aware of the setting than I am.

Once I'd powered through all Universe episodes up till now, I also watched the first few SG1 episodes (up to Cold Lazarus), and I gotta say the tone of the newer series fits my preferences much more. But I noticed that besides the lack of "adventuring" that was present before, there's also some other different things in Universe; no Goa'uld, two more chevrons (I think?) and the lack of dialing pads at the gates, replaced with the remote. Any reasons for this, besides simply being a different series?

I mean, come on, if they kept O'Neil they've gotta be striving for some sort of continuity.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2010-05-01, 12:41 AM
SG-1 gets better after the first season or so.

The differences between the gates and whatnot between SG-1 and Universe are thus: The Ancients lived in the Milky Way galaxy for a quite while, hence permenant structure designed for moderately easy use. Universe shows earlier Gate-Technology on the Ancients' part, seeded just a bit ahead of Destiny, itself built and sent out a long time before the Milky Way gate network was the way it is. Or just about the same time, i don't know, whatever. The eighth chevron is for other galaxies, the ninth for Destiny.

Re: This week's episode: Return of the Monstarantula! Goddamn I hate that thing.

The Bushranger
2010-05-01, 10:05 PM
Lord Fullbladder is correct.
...or is that Lord Ful'blad'r? :smalltongue:

All Gates have nine chevrons, it's just usually we only see seven used. Eighth symbol is first used in The Fifth Race, ninth, in Universe's pilot.

(And I still have issues about that point-of-origin symbol in Air. *twitch twitch TWITCH*)

2010-05-02, 12:29 PM
As for the power issue, isn't the ship at pretty near full power once they've made the recharge dip?
No, after a dip the ship is only at 40%, probably due to damage or sheer age that is all it can charge to atm.

why are all of the new stargates local only? They have explained that the power requirements are too high to stargate home, but why can't they stargate to planets other than the star system they're in currently?
They can go outside the system, but the gates inthe show are far less advanced than the ones in MW or Pegasus and have a range limit. We are used to them being able to go from gate to gate anywhere in the same galaxy easily but these original gates were far less advanced and couldn't send you as far.

2010-05-07, 08:30 PM
See, one of the problems with Stargate and its implications is what exists out there and what does and does not get back to the public at large.

So by the time of Stargate Universe, we have in secret multiple starships that can cross galaxies, an invisible city off the coast of SF, technology that puts shuttles to shame, and a bunch more stuff.

Now I know the problem is how secret this stuff is, but when you get to the most recent episode and you have a stargate scientist, one of our best, works on a hyperdrive. Has a spinal injury. Multiple methods exist to heal nerve damage via everything from the Prior healing power to Gould devices.

Doesn't it make sense to heal the best scientist you got so she'll be more productive, especially since she's easy to miss. Sure you can't put her back on Earth and maintain the secret, but her life seems to allow her to go hide on one of our long term bases easy enough.

2010-05-08, 01:32 PM
I didn't like this episode very much. Too much random stuff going on with too little of it making very much sense. They better clear it all up next time around.

I sort of wanted to see more of the stranded gang, not just have 'em waltz in without even a noodle incident to show for it. Or maybe actual fighting on the ship before it jumped. All we got was extra drama for Rush, who didn't really need it.