View Full Version : Used PC Games

2010-03-26, 02:03 PM
Do they exist? I've notices that unlike consoles, the local videogame stores don't carry used PC games, and sometimes don't even carry PC games at all. This isn't too much of a problem, especially with the growing amount of online sellers, such as Steam or Stardock, but it does create something of a problem for games that aren't offered. For example, Rise of Legends isn't offered on either online seller, and buying a hardcopy it extremely expensive, as it's a relatively old game.

2010-03-26, 02:45 PM
It largely depends on which older game we're talking about, but you might have some luck at used bookstores. Last time I was there my local Half-Price books had several of the older and more popular games, admittedly not a comprehensive selection but they did have a few odds and ends, primarily RTSs for some reason. For the most part however I either 1) bought it a decade back and still have it or 2) It was re-released (Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 1 2 & Tactics, Blizzard Collection Chests). Good luck, I'm afraid you're probably going to need it.

Inhuman Bot
2010-03-26, 02:53 PM
It largely depends on which older game we're talking about, but you might have some luck at used bookstores. Last time I was there my local Half-Price books had several of the older and more popular games, admittedly not a comprehensive selection but they did have a few odds and ends, primarily RTSs for some reason. For the most part however I either 1) bought it a decade back and still have it or 2) It was re-released (Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 1 2 & Tactics, Blizzard Collection Chests). Good luck, I'm afraid you're probably going to need it.


Though a local store and a nearby EB games around here sell some used PC games, they seem to be more the exception then the rule.

2010-03-26, 03:10 PM
I would check out gog.com (good old games) for older games at a reasonable price. No DRM and all that blah blah blah. I bought Fallout 1 and 2 as well as Arcanum for a modern machine and they run great.

I know its not used, but I chose to interpret what you posted as 'Looking for older and cheaper games' and well, this is the best answer I have!

2010-03-26, 03:13 PM
Game stores tend not to buy second-hand PC games because they think it would encourage someone to buy the game, copy and/or crack it for their own use, and then sell it second-hand back to the store. It's harder to copy console games, so they're happy to offer those used!

warty goblin
2010-03-26, 03:44 PM
Game stores tend not to buy second-hand PC games because they think it would encourage someone to buy the game, copy and/or crack it for their own use, and then sell it second-hand back to the store. It's harder to copy console games, so they're happy to offer those used!

And for games with activation based DRM, a used copy loses significant value depending on how many times it's been installed.

Besides, between all the different digital distributers, it'd be really hard to keep a market going for used games when you could guaranteed get a copy online for only a little more and quite often less money.

2010-03-27, 05:28 AM
The rule against selling second-hand PC games has been in place a lot longer than activation-based DRM or even online game delivery, though--I know for a fact that Game in the UK haven't sold second-hand PC games for at least a decade, although they did second-hand console stuff for a while (not sure if they still do).

Dave Hartwick
2010-03-28, 04:36 AM
Try pawnshops. You could also try starting a game swap club at work or school, but that's getting harder with the already mentioned DRM concerns and digital distribution.

2010-03-28, 07:43 AM
Really? I buy used and new both off Amazon, plus there's any number of used game stores around here.