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View Full Version : [Exalted]: Lunar Mates To Green Sun Princes (Infernal Exalts)

2010-03-26, 10:06 PM
Thanks to the Abyssal errata, we know that it is quite possible for one of them to still be bonded with a Lunar.

My idea/question is: What about Green Sun Princes?

Quite naturally, this is both easier and harder than in the case of Abyssals-a Deathknight who accepts a bond to the living that he doesn't try to corrupt is going to have the ire of the Neverborn hanging over him like BO on a hot day. A GSP, on the other hand, can (usually) swindle the Yozis into reducing Torment without that much of an evil act (letting an archenemy who also happens an Immaculate saint go, ranting about how she managed to trick a cruel tyrant into giving his throne to a good and just king to him).

On the other hand, the Abyssals have a very good reason to want their Lunar mates around-the reduction of Resonance. A GSP, as stated above, can usually manage on his own, thanks, and then we have the Yozi patron, who sees the Lunar and thinks "Akuma from...well, not Heaven, but certainly 'Place Where Good Demon Souls Go'".

So, do you think that such a bond could exist, and if so (ignoring own answer if "yes") what story hoo-er, problems could you forsee in such a relationship (other than Luna going "You're seeing who!?").

PS: For those of you without Manual Of Exalted Power: Infernals, a Green Sun Prince is the Yozi-corrupted version of a normal Solar, much as how Abyssals are Neverborn-corrupted versions. They are a completely different animal then Akuma, having free will and a far, far less sucky Limit Break than Resonance to impede it.

2011-03-06, 07:17 AM
I believe that the Solar Bond would persist, just as it would for a Solar Akuma or an Abyssal.

An Infernal may not need a Lunar mate as much as an Abyssal, but it's still a supernaturally powerful ally (and an exalted, at that!).
Also, a Malfean or SWLiHN Charm on an akuma'ized Lunar would make Lunar Tattoos redundant :)

The most problematic thing? If the GSPs Urge is contrary to the Lunars motivation.

2011-03-06, 07:42 AM
Green Sun Princes can canonically have Lunar mates as some of the discussion in Return of the Scarlet Empress reveals. While the overarching plot of the book isn't canon, there is nothing to indicate that this aspect of setting metaphysics isn't. Also it would wreak havoc on established knowledge of the Solar bond to have it disappear for this specific kind of twisted Solar shards.