View Full Version : Dungeon crawl CR5

Jair Barik
2010-03-27, 03:45 AM
You stand in a 15ft by 15ft room. The walls and floors are made of carved granit and are very firm.

On the middle of the east and west walls are two corridors, each 5ft wide leading off away from the room and ending in a steel door. The eastern corridor is 15ft long and the southern coirridor is 5ft long.

Let the dungeon crawling begin...

Alth Falath
2010-03-28, 11:18 AM
Korlen turns to Athal and says "I would suggest that you go first, so that we don't blunder into traps. The south seems as good a place as any to start"

2010-03-28, 12:13 PM
Athal shrugged and made his way to the corridor, searching for traps along the path.

Search for traps.

Jair Barik
2010-03-28, 01:47 PM
You find no traps in your search to the corridor.

2010-03-28, 03:58 PM
"It's safe." Athal called back as he made his way down the corridor. "Let's go already."

Alth Falath
2010-03-28, 06:09 PM
Korlen follows athal down the corridor and to the door.

2010-03-29, 08:59 AM
Gravitz follows his two companions with Razor staying close to his side.

Jair Barik
2010-03-29, 10:29 AM
You all get to the door without anything spontaneously killing you.

Alth Falath
2010-03-29, 05:42 PM
Korlen nudges Athal to try and open the door.

2010-03-29, 05:44 PM
Athal sighed and searched the door for traps as he had the hallway. "Don't touch me."


Alth Falath
2010-03-29, 10:50 PM
Korlen opens the door and looks inside.

2010-03-30, 03:47 AM
Nurring nodded his agreement with the direction the group was to follow and slowly shuffled his way toward the door. Thankfully the pair were very slow and spent most of the time looking for traps and keeping their ears out. So it was not too much trouble for Nurring to catch up to them.
He hefted his axe in his right hand and his sheild on his left arm yo make sure everything was comfortable.
"mmrrf mmfff rffmm mff??" he asked.

Jair Barik
2010-03-30, 04:07 AM
Finding no traps you attempt to open the door. It isn't locked and so it opens easily enough revealing a large room 35 ft by 35ft with a door at the centre most northern part of the wall (where you currently stand) and another door much the same as this one at the southern most section of the eastern wall. Long slits run along the course of the room top to bottom and side to side forming a grid structure in the floor, and a single column stands at the very centre of the room.

Alth Falath
2010-03-30, 02:55 PM
"Well, this looks suspicious. So...monsters in the walls?"

2010-03-31, 05:27 PM
"grrrf wmmmf!" Nurring said suspiciously.

2010-03-31, 05:28 PM
Athal looked at the slits and sighed. "That can't be good."

2010-04-03, 05:37 AM
If he could have shrugged in such a way that it would have been noticed underneath the two inch thick plates resting on top of the chain and scale layers which in turn rested on 1 inch thick padded leather he would have.
Instead Nurring did his best to nod.
Not waiting to see if the others had even the vaguest of a clue as to his intentions he strode forward into the room, his shield ready and his axe raised.

Jair Barik
2010-04-03, 06:25 AM
Is anyone following him or do I assume he enters alone?

2010-04-03, 08:08 AM
I'll watch first. :smallamused:

2010-04-03, 08:49 AM
Athal stayed out of the room and called out. "Uh, are you sure that's such a good idea?"

Jair Barik
2010-04-03, 10:17 AM
there is a grinding of stone as Nurring steps upon a pressure plate a few steps into the room and both exits are sealed by large stone slabs decending from the ceiling.

@nurring only

6 great swords rise up from slits in the floor and rapidly speed across the room. 3 rise up out of the vertical axis and 3 out of the horizontal axis. Two of these swords come smashing into you but you manage to avoid the worst of their sudden assualt, though one does penetrate your armour (10 damage).
As each sword reaches the opposite side of the room it slides back into the ground.

Party initiative, what do you do this round? Nurring, post in spoilers.



[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

2010-04-03, 11:02 AM
Outside the stone door...

Gravits points at the wall and makes a guttural noise to Razor. The dinosaur wildly attacks the stone, the poison from its claws turning to acid.

Claws: [roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
Bite: [roll4] [roll5]
Tail: [roll6] [roll7]

Venomfire damage: [roll8]

Attacking the wall is the best I can think of... The attacks probably wont get past the hardness but the acid damage should do something.

Alth Falath
2010-04-03, 12:33 PM
Korlen tries to break down the wall by using his flail two-handed

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Damage

2010-04-04, 08:32 AM
Nurring holds his shield close in front and slowly and carefully steps back away from the pressure plate that he had triggered. Carefully retracing his steps back toward the door he came in.

Jair Barik
2010-04-04, 09:29 AM
@Outside the door
Your attacks manage some damage to the door but for the time being it holds firm


You back up to the stone door but it is still firmly closed. Another six blades rise from the slits in the floor. Not quite the same slits but the same two as last time intersect with you, your armour holds firm this time though and you suffer no injury.



[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

Party initiative

Alth Falath
2010-04-04, 10:38 AM
Korlen continues to attack the door

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2010-04-04, 01:08 PM
Athal drew his blades and quickly slashed the door. He wasn't doing anywhere near as much damage as his partner but it was better than nothing.

Sword 1

Sword 2

2010-04-04, 05:32 PM
The dinosaur continues to attack the stone wall.

Claws: [roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
Bite: [roll4] [roll5]
Tail: [roll6] [roll7]

Venomfire damage: [roll8]

Jair Barik
2010-04-06, 03:20 AM
@,main party

Your attacks are wearing the door down but it continues to hold.


Only one blade crosses you this time and it fails to wound



[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

Jair Barik
2010-04-06, 03:24 AM
OOC: To speed thing up I will assume that you maintain your current respective tactics...

@the main party

After about 3 rounds your venomfire finally manages to break down the door revealing Nurring standing at the entrance to the room with his back to you


Over the course of three rounds several blades strike harmlessly against your armour. There seems to be no pattern as to which slots they rise from. At the end of the third round just after the blades retract the door to the room comes crumbling down behind you.


[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]


[roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]


[roll21] [roll22] [roll23]
[roll24] [roll25] [roll26]

Alth Falath
2010-04-06, 11:04 AM
"Nurring, are you alright. Do you need assistance?"

2010-04-07, 06:45 AM
Nurring backs out through the collapsing stone door and rejoins the others. His armor covered in scratches and nicks but only one small wound on his arm is evident.
Carefully stowing his axe in it's sheath he reaches up and lifts the front visor of his helm, then he unfastens the steel plate behind the visor and carefully pulls down the chain coif and leather padding behind that to reveal the face of a very hair dwarf. After some spluttering and removing of beard from his mouth he spoke to his team mates. "Ya sure took ya flamin time."

Alth Falath
2010-04-07, 08:33 AM
As Korlen walks over and heals him, he responds "And I suspect you're the master of going through walls in no time then."

Casting Cure Light Wounds

Jair Barik
2010-04-07, 09:12 AM
You hear a grinding of stone as Nurring re-enters the room and see that the stone slab blocking the exit out of the room is lifting up into the ceiling. The room now appears exactly the same as before except that there is a small pile of rubble near the entry way.

Alth Falath
2010-04-08, 09:14 AM
"Clear out the trap this time then?"

2010-04-08, 04:58 PM
Athal calmly stepped forward, and looked around for a way to disable the trap. "Stand back, please." He said calmly. "This might be messy."

(One disable device check, please.)


(... on second thought, can i take 10/20?)

Jair Barik
2010-04-09, 03:15 AM
After his first attempt Athal is quite confident that he has disabled the trap despite the fact tat he hasn't actually looked for a trap to disarm in the first place. (search typically comes before disable)

2010-04-09, 05:48 AM
After his first attempt Athal is quite confident that he has disabled the trap despite the fact tat he hasn't actually looked for a trap to disarm in the first place. (search typically comes before disable)

(... *sigh*)


Jair Barik
2010-04-09, 08:18 AM
After a quick glance Athal is unable to identify that there is a pressure plate directly in front of the door and that the other squares are also likely to be pressure plates but that the plate is not in fact connected to anything by the looks of things. It is purely decorative and has no relationship to the door closing.

2010-04-09, 10:14 PM
"Ay was jus' hopin ya had a trick o' some sort you'd be usin."
Nurring watched with some amusement as Athal searched. He tended to his small wound, tying a strip of spare cloth about it to ensure the bleeding would not continue. "Back in ma box then ay" he jokingly remarked as he began to refit his multiple layers of armor back over his face and kneck once again.

Alth Falath
2010-04-11, 11:05 PM
"Well, if that isn't the solution, it must be elsewhere. Can you give it another look?"

Alth Falath
2010-04-15, 12:43 PM
Athal carefully walks into the room and checks again to find the trap

[roll0] Search
[roll1] Disable Device

Jair Barik
2010-04-15, 01:03 PM
All he can determine is that there is likely a single mechanism capable of disarming the entire trap but that this mechanism is located further into the room. He could search the rest of the room for this mechanism but to do this he would need to enter the room properly instead of simply standing in the doorway.

Upon entering the room the plate he stands upon depresses and three swords rise up out of slots in the opposite wall, a further three rising up out of slots in the side wall. These swords then rush across the room. The door on the other side of the room grtinds closed.

Two of these swords intersect with Korlen but he dodges one and the other only scratches him (3 damage).

Korlen is now 5ft into the room and the rest of the party are still outside. It is now the parties round of initiative, post actions in any order.


[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]


[roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]

Alth Falath
2010-04-16, 09:33 AM
"I vote we go back and try the other door. Maybe there'll be less traps and more monsters."

2010-04-17, 05:54 AM
Nurring nodded in agreement as he was doing up his last strap. It was obvious that this trap was beyond them. When he was done he un-sheathed his axe, holding it firmly in his right hand once again, and turned back the way they had come.

Jair Barik
2010-04-17, 06:59 AM
Opening the other door reveals a large empty room of 40ft by 40ft. The door opens on the uppermost section of the western wall (you are at the NW corner) and the only exit appears to be a similar door on the southern wall 10ft along from the eastern wall. bar this door the only other fittings of the room are five metal chains that run up the walls and into the darkness that clouds the ceiling (you cannot make out the ceiling as the illumination here is poor and it is very tall, the darkness doesn't appear to be magical). There is one chain on each wall except for the eastern wall which has two lengths of chain and these are each positioned roughly centrally and are slotted into the floor.

Alth Falath
2010-04-17, 08:52 AM
"If the ceiling is as high as it seems, we should be careful of monsters swooping down from above
Athal slowly moves through the room, checking it for traps
[roll0] Search

Jair Barik
2010-04-17, 09:30 AM
Athal slowly progresses around the room and eventually finds a trigger for a trap. A 15ft square of stone around the door out of the room is in actual fact a pressure plate.

((OOC:Has anyone else entered the room yet?))

2010-04-17, 09:42 AM
"Found it." Athal called back as he bent down and started trying to disable the trap. "Stand back."

((sorry i haven't posted))

Disable Device

Alth Falath
2010-04-17, 10:13 AM
OOC: No, we're standing back and letting the rogue do point if we don't see monsters.

Jair Barik
2010-04-17, 11:38 AM
Athal goes about his work disarming the trap uninteruppted whilst the rest of the group stays in the passage.

Alth Falath
2010-04-19, 03:12 PM
"Do you think it is safe to enter?"

Alth Falath
2010-04-27, 11:19 PM
Korlen walks into the room.

Jair Barik
2010-04-28, 04:08 AM
Nothing untoward happens to Korlen. As far as everyone is aware the only trigger seems to be at the entrance to the opposite door,

Alth Falath
2010-05-01, 12:18 PM
Korlen waits until the trap is disable. "So, shall we continue on then?"

2010-05-01, 01:04 PM
Athal nodded. "We've wasted a lot of time here."

Alth Falath
2010-05-04, 09:36 PM
"Well, open the door and let's proceed then"

2010-05-05, 05:43 AM
((is it locked?))

Jair Barik
2010-05-05, 06:33 AM
((At the moment you are just standing ther having not actually attempted to open the door let alone walk up to it. As a rule of thumb you must post your actions as opposed to just talking about them in a dungeon crawl to avoid nasty mistakes where the DM assumed somebody was opening a door and they end up with a 16 ton weight on their head. As it stands only Korlen and Athal are in the room, neither has approached the door))