View Full Version : Atrond Academy (IC)

2010-03-27, 03:59 PM
Atrond Academy, a bastion of hope for specials, throughout the globe. You have all arrived from New York City, and flew onto 3 mile island, which is now out in the Atlantic Ocean. Upon arrival, you were picked up in sleek black limo's that drove to the entrance of the Academy. Atrond Academy is a prestigious one, from looks alone. The entrance is surrounded by a force field, and two United Nations guards with the patches of IBS, wave you in.

As you step out of the car the September weather is perfect around 70 degrees, and the sun is shining. Students around you mention something about a weather controller at the Academy making it like this year round. You all walk into a building named "Deacon Hall" and a faculty member named Mr. Sunshine directs you towards the freshman seating that's of course in the front row. There seem to be about another 30 new freshman, besides yourselves in the Academy, with around 150 other students. As the past students talk, they get louder and louder.

That is until a tall man, with brown hair around 30 in a completely black suit with a red tie, slowly walks onto the stage and says" Students, I welcome you back to Atrond Academy an place where the new shall meet the old. My name is Magnetized and I am the Dean of Student's for the school. For, all of the new students we warmly welcome you to our magnificent school. This is a place where all of you will learn how to use and control your powers. This is a place of safety where you can learn your limits, and where the rest of the world is kept out. Without further ado I, would like to introduce you to the Headmaster of the Academy Mrs. Stone." Warm applause radiates from the students who've attended the Academy at the end of Magnetized speech, and it's clear that many students are quite fond of him.

Mrs. Stone appears on the stage from the side, and shakes Magnetized's hand. She appears to be a young white lady around her early 20's, and is weary a conservative blue skirt, with a white blouse and blue jacket. She turns to the crowd and says " Thank you Mr. William's for that, lovely speech. Students I am the Headmaster of this Academy, and it's my job to insure your safety and learning. However there is something more important that you must know. The world that we live in does not yet fully, understand, or accept us. Our kind is often persecuted against, and many of you will try living a normal life difficult at best. The goal of this Academy is to help create people who understand their powers, and use them in a way to help society. Some of you will take more prominent roles such as hero teams. Others of you on the other hand, will choose a field related to their powers like Healing for doctors. Regardless, of what you choose this place shall be a safe one. I hope to meet each of you personally and now I would like to ask the Freshman class to perform one favor for myself and this school. I would like it if each of you could introduce yourself to us, and tell us a little about your powers. Now, who would like to go first?"

2010-03-27, 06:01 PM
Taking a moment to make sure nobody else is heading up a young man wearing black pants and a deep crimson dress shirt stands and moves to the podium where he begins to speak in slightly accented English.

My names is Mikhail Brandt. For those of you who recognize the surname I will let you know that that my abilities are somewhat different from my family's. My primary ability is through the use of flame control though several powers of mine are close range. In addition to those I have some proficiency in dimensional control allowing for easy item storage and teleportation.

After he finishes his brief introduction he returns to his seat to await the next volunteer.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-03-27, 06:45 PM
Samantha, the cheery and bouncy individual that she is, jogs up to the podium. "Hi, everyone! I'm Samantha, and I have power over darkness; I can create blasts of energy, use it to block peoples' sight, bind people with it, and turn invisible. I can also summon an area of darkness. And fly too, but I'm not sure what that has to do with darkness. Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a great time here, and I'm sure it'll be great meeting all of you." She bounces off back to her seat, smiling ear to ear the whole time.

2010-03-27, 06:47 PM
Jerec rises eventually, letting some other students go before him. He didn't feel that special compared to some, but hey, superpowers are superpowers. His dress was plain, jeans and a grey t-shirt, and he seemed slightly unkempt in general. Not that he had bad hygiene, he just didn't go for the fine details of looking good.

Hi. I'm Jerec. Jerec Tombs. And, I guess the easiest way to tell you my power is to demonstrate it.

He stepped back from the podium, holding his arms bent in front of him, as if he were a surgeon recently sterile. Bones suddenly pushed through his skin, wrapping around his and fingers forming three huge bony claws, coming through his back in several large spikes, two of which became a pair of wings.

I control my bones, and rapidly create new bone.

He sets a clawed hand on the podium, and the bone seems to slough off, and form a small bone dragon figurine as he retracts the rest of his bony appendages back into his body.

That's about it. If anyone wants that thing they can have it.

He returns to his seat casually, hands in pocket.

2010-03-27, 07:04 PM
Chris doesn't know whether he should look forward to his time at the Academy or not. He is already feeling uneasy, sticking out of the crowd because of his size, and now he even has to tell all of them what he is able to do. There is the reflexive unsure look around, but he knows that waiting doesn't make things any better. Chris sighs deeply, goes to the podium and speaks up with his relatively deep voice.

"Chris Gray. I'm immune against poison and disease, I can strengthen beings or drain them, inhibit others, influence their emotions, heal and..." He stops as impressions of him healing his mother and her reaction come to the surface as well as another disturbing accident. "...ressurect." He clearly isn't happy about talking about his abilities, but there aren't any accusations in his voice or eyes. He silently moves back into the crowd.

2010-03-27, 08:36 PM
After a while, a small black haired caucasian girl rises, and after a short hesitation, walks up to the podium. Her clothes, a gray pleated skirt a long sleeved black top top, look classy and expensive but somewhat inapropriate on her, as she had dressed in a desesperate atempt to look older and more mature, but only managed in the end to make the fact she's only fourteen (and still look almost twelve) stand out more. For a keen enough observer, it's obvious she's nervous, even if she do her best to look calm and composed.

Carolyn takes a short look at the assembled students before being able to open her mouth. Good god, why was she even here ? Not that she really had a choice in the matter, mind you. But she could have fought a little harder. The fact she got to get away form mother and father probaly had explained why she hadn't but she was starting to have second thoughts.
This whole place was well... terribly intimidating. Peoples able to craft statues out of their own bones, armed UN guards, force fields... Her original confidence had been gradualy vanishing since she got here. She felt so... out off place. Out of her league, so to speak.
Oh hell, she was starting to fidget wasn't she ? She had to compose.
No matter how much people assured you otherwise, first impressions were everything. And superpowered or not, schools were schools. Was she to give any impression of shyness now, and some of these people would take it as an invitation to eat her alive later.
Better get this over with.

"Hello. My name is Carolyn Weber. I'm..." she hesitates a bit, not sure how to continue. You had to walk the mindscapes to know how it was. Plus, she wasn't sure how much of her powers she should tell. It's amazing how people tended to avoid it when they realised you could read their minds, let alone control them. On the other hand, this was a school for super, right ? They probably had known much worst and were probaly used to it. And if they didn't like it.. well it's not like she couldn't make them like it, right ?
Actually no, she was well aware it was pure imbecilic bravado, but the self delusional tough was enough to provide the small boost in confidence nescessary to finish her little speech.
."...well, I'm a telepath, I suppose. I can read minds and communicate by toughts and such. i don't think there's much more to be said about it, right ? Thank you."

Without any more worlds, and with a slightly defiant expression she moves out of the podium and straight back to her seat.

Jesse Drake
2010-03-27, 09:43 PM
Forest doesn't seem to want to speak. He's always felt like a freak, and now, he looked around and felt like he might not be alone. And yet, it didn't make him happy. It didn't anger him, but he wasn't happy.

But seeing boney boy do his thing, he figured he might as well show what he can do.

"My name is Forest Lordd-" He pauses. "That's with two D's, not one." He doesn't know what to say exactly. So, he let's his powers do the talking . Several long vines shoot from his back, and begin to flail. "I am somewhat different- I was born this way. These are part of me." It almost looks like it pains him a bit, but even more shoot out, from parts other than his back. Smaller ones, little bits of leaves and vines, and grass, from all over. Then it retracts.

"I'm actually poison- I'd stay away from me if you were smart." He wants to add that, but he doesn't want to get kicked out. Besides, that time guy seemed to think he could handle it. Why would he worry the others?

2010-03-28, 05:30 PM
The crowd politely listens to Mikhail, and you can hear some muffled talk about, your abilities, but for the most part, look let down, due to the lack of you showing off your powers. Some of the girls look at you and one of the new freshman, who has a curvaceous body, in a red blouse, and short shorts says " Are you as hot as your powers?"

Some of the crowd oohs and ahhs at Samantha's powers, as she describes herself. They applaud seems genuine, and as you go back to your seat you can sense many eyes looking at you, almost burning into you.

Jerec's display of powers, gets some whoops from the crowd as they watch you use your abilities. One of the freshman girls in a black shirt, and a cute white skirt extends out her hands. As she does so the dragon figurine, slowly floats to her hands and she looks at you and mouths thanks. As he sits down the applause is even stronger yet.

Chris's description of his powers stun the crowd, and for once nobody has anything to say. As he slowly walks back to his seat, stilted applause occurs and it seems to mainly be from the faculty. Evidently, the ability to resurrect, is not one that is even common among your kind.

Carolyn's talk does not seem to go over well with most of the crowd, as one shouts " You better not get into my head, you hear?" The girl who took the dragon figurine, and the group around her says " Oi, leave her alone ok she hasn't done anything wrong ok?" Applause emits from the people in the front row mainly concentrated, in the area around the girl who spoke up.

Forest, gets many approving looks from the crowd and some of the kids who look a bit dirty in the front row, clap especially hard. Ms. Stone says " Thank you for that, now does anyone have any questions now that these 6 brave people have gotten up here? This also includes you six."


Jesse Drake
2010-03-28, 06:23 PM
Forest doesn't say anything. He just stands there. He does seem to glare at Mikhail- fire. It was one of the things he couldn't stand. Just thinking about it made him want to cringe. But he didn't. That would be uncool. Forest just stands, and after a moment, shifts his stare into the vacant beyond.

2010-03-28, 08:41 PM
"You better not get into my head, you hear?"
Carolyn bites her lips in order to repress an answer along the lines of "No risks, I have acute kenophobia", and just goes back to her seat to make herself forgot. that had gone prety much as well she expected it to. Another wonderfull year in perspective. he does make a mental note of thanking the girl who took her defense later tough.

having nothing to add or ask for now, she just focuss her attention on the others, watching with poilte interest and clapping lightly when the situation calls to.

I don't know if evyrone noticed, since our dm forgot to link top it in the recruitement thread, but we do have an OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146941) so it would be nice if everyon reposted a link to tthier character sheet here for future reference

2010-03-29, 12:42 AM
This doesn't look much more promising than being around normal people. He considers asking about if he is expected to train his last ability, but wipes the thought away. He doesn't want any more attention and just stays silent throughout the rest of the procedure.

2010-03-29, 12:47 AM
Mikhail takes particular note of Chris and Carolyn's abilities over the other 3 presenters. As the heckler shouts after Carolyn's speech he almost begins to act but stands down as the other girl takes to her defense takes to her defense.

When the young lady questions him about his powers he merely smirks and turns his head to look at her.

I believe you'll get a good look at my powers, they're hardly subtle. I'll leave it up to you to decide. What I would like to ask is what your ability is so I can see if there is some way working together could benefit the both of us.

2010-03-29, 10:15 AM
Jerec smiles at the girl in the white skirt, and takes note of her face. Sadly, he was sitting a fair distance away from her, so he'd just have to find her later. She was cute, and if anyone can appreciate the fact that he bends his own bone, then hey, this would be the place for it.

He was impressed by the other's powers. Hard not to be, he hadn't had much exposure to the world of superpowers before coming here.

Jesse Drake
2010-03-29, 10:20 AM
Actually, Forest is a bit interested in Jerec. He approaches him quietly, and asks him "Does that hurt?" After all, he's the one with powers most like his.

2010-03-29, 12:20 PM
Jerec looked up at Forest when he approached. "Forest, right? Lordd, two D's. He laughed a little, pushing a little bit of bone through one of his hands just to look at it. "It used to hurt a lot. Over time, though, I guess I got used to it or maybe the nerves died where I normally push bone through, so it doesn't hut so much anymore." He shrugged, letting it retract. "It might still hurt if I did it other places, but I don't usually have much reason to stick bone through the middle of my thigh, so who knows. What about you, though? Are there like, plants living in you? Do they hurt?"

Jesse Drake
2010-03-29, 02:54 PM
"I guess my answer would be the same." He shows you one of the ones on his back, and says "Those have been part of me since I was born. These other ones have just started growing. And it sucks, cause they are thick. But, they do protect me from real pain."

2010-03-29, 03:31 PM
Ms. Stone looks at you two as you talk, and a smile grows on her face. She turns to you and says Before I give all of you, the final speech, Colonel Adams would like a word with you."

A youngish man in his late 20's appears on the stage. He's of average height, with ocean blue eyes and is in his formal military attire. You can see all of his various awards, and medals that are upon him. He turns to Mrs. Stone and says " Thank you Heather, I will make this short, which I'm sure the students will appreciate. The Colonel pauses and looks at you, each one of you it seems and says " As Mrs. Stone has already said we live in a world where our kind is not fully expected. I'm from the IBS, and sometimes it seems like we will never achieve the equality that we deserve. I know, all of you are here under different circumstances , but remember one thing. Here you can be who you are, truly and accept that fact. This is a center of knowledge and learning and if any of you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask your wonderful instructors. Now, I ask one thing that I'm sure Mrs. Stone will as of you as well. Each weekend a plane will be flown into the city -yes the force field will be lowered- and you will have the weekend to do as you wish with chaperones. This is a privilege, not a right. If the the school or the IBS deem it, after your behavior you won't go. Also, while in the city please don't inform others , that you attend this school. Also, don't use your powers publicly and only when necessary. It will be your discretion to choose when, but keep in mind that you actions will be reviewed and you will be either penalized or rewarded based on your efforts. Please keep this in mind and thank you. With that the Colonel smiles as you, and then his feet rise and with a loud boom he disappears through the open skylight.

Mrs. Stone shakes her head and says " Sorry about that he was one, to always show off. Now I would like you all to keep in mind what the Colonel said and there are a couple of more rules for you. No fighting with each other, powers or not. Lights are off at 12, unless you have an exception made which will be a note in your room when you arrive. Classes start at 8, and lunch is at 12, classes end at 3:30 each weekday. Dorms here are co-ed and each dorm area, is made up of one class. Now are they any questions before I send you, with the junior and senior prefects?"

The Dark Fiddler
2010-03-29, 04:06 PM
Samantha is glad to hear that they won't be cooped up in the school constantly. Although she can't see herself flying out to the city every weekend, the idea that the possibility is there does excite her.

Throughout the entire assembly, after introducing herself, Samantha is looking around the gym. She wants to strike up a conversation with someone, but with there being so many people in the gym, it's a bit daunting, so she ends up just sitting and fidgeting for most of the time. However, about the time the Colonel flies off, she notices she's sitting next to the self-proclaimed telepath, and decides to say something. "Hi! Carolyn, right? I'm Samantha, nice to meet you!" At this she holds out her hand, and she says all this without losing the smile on her face or the cheeriness in her voice. She continues regardless of whether Carolyn shakes her hand. "I'm sorry about what that kid said to you, I'm sure you're a nice enough person and even if you weren't you really wouldn't deserve to be under such suspicion without reason. Anyway, your powers sound cool. This may sound strange, but you can feel free to poke around my mind if you ever want; I've always wondered what it feels like to have somebody reading your mind..." At this she slows her geyser of words, realizing she hardly gave Carolyn a chance to say anything, and that the last part of what she just said could put her off from being friends. "Sorry, I have a tendency to ramble a bit when I'm excited... or nervous.. or scared..."

2010-03-29, 05:58 PM
As the colonel flies away, carolyn sudenly realise what had been bothering her in his speech. and the headmaster's too, the same expression repeated a few time.

"Our kin ?" Yes both had emphatized heavily on the seclusion one experienced with the discovery of such talents - ans she certainly could testify on that- but kin was a word with such a strong meaning that it's use was anything but casual. Did they really expect that just because everyone here had somme unusual abilities, it made them all one big happy familly ? Somehow she doubted it.

Her reflections are interupted as a hand shoot toward her in a sudden attack of civility. Partly out of desire not to agravate anyone, partly out of a polite reflex, she shake it back. Turning her attention to the owner of the aformentioned hand, Carolyn take a look at the tall girl on her side. If this verbal flow is any indication of samantha's usual conversation, this exchange was going to be pretty one sided.

"I am glad to meet you too, Samantha. And thank you for your support."
On the other hand she's seems genuinly friendly. And since she just been given the authorisation, Carolyn see no reason not to check it out more directly.

Sneaky, Limited to surface toughts, subtle, mind reading.
Don't know what's needed to detect (notice and/or mental awareness maybe ?). Save 21 for Samantha if she want to resist.

Weither it works or not, Carolyn keep talking as if she did nothing. She's not much of a conversationalist but she's starting to relax a bit.
"So it is your first year here too. What do you think of the whole thing so far ?"

The Dark Fiddler
2010-03-29, 07:47 PM
Samantha won't resist. You sense that Samantha is relieved she didn't accidentally offend you.

"It doesn't seem that bad, so far. I'll admit I was a lot more nervous earlier, but it seems that there's some really nice people here. Granted, there's a few not-so nice people, but that's to be expected, I suppose. I'm wondering if the classes are going to all be normal stuff like history and mathematics, or if there'll be a class on controlling our powers or anything like that. Actually..." Now that Samantha has a question, she raises her voice enough for Mrs. Stone to clearly hear her. "Will classes just be normal stuff like history and science, or will there be classes on powers and stuff like that?"

2010-03-29, 09:17 PM
Ms. Stone says " Morning classes will be regular classes for high school math, science, English, as well as social. After lunch power classes will begin which will be on your schedule."

2010-03-29, 09:48 PM
Mikhail turns from the buxom women behind him and looks at the chatting girls to his side, speaking mostly to Carolyn.

I see you two are making fast friends. It would seem that even the risks inherent in powers such as yours can't dampen Samantha's cheer. Not that that's a bad thing. the latter was amended hastily to cut off any offense. I can understand better than you'd think the potentially off-putting nature of your powers, mine are more complex than I lead most to believe since to go fully into detail can upset some people. I do wonder how class assignment will be handled though, I was never sent any information about it and even the IBS chartered plane still didn't have any real information. Perhaps there will be a selection exam or more maybe a sort of time-sensitive portent or fortune-telling method. Of course I could be wrong and my digressions make me hardly one to comment on Samantha's loquacious nature. He shrugs at the last and smiles a sheepish grin as he turns once more towards the front of the stadium waiting to see where to go next.

Jesse Drake
2010-03-30, 08:59 AM
Forest turns to Ms. Stone, and asks "When do we get our schedules?"

2010-03-30, 12:34 PM
Carolyn just nod discretly to Mikhail comment about Samantha's talkativity with a small helpless grin (the fact of being adressed on a casual manner by a boy who ranks much higher on the scale of hotness than those who usualy do, might go a long way to explain her temporary speechlessness. You don't need to be a telepath to see she's slightly uneasy, but having somme self control, she just compose herself quickly. And while she is suitably intruiged by his talk about his own abilities, it's obvious that he wouldn't talk about it further and that anyway that wouldn't be nor the time not the place for such a discution. She does comment on the classes, tough.
"I suppose that given the great diversity of student's origins, it is possible we'll all follow at first a common course in order to be sure everyone is brought ot a same baic level. That would give time for our teachers to get a basic idea of our abilities and characters while letting us getting aquainted to our options.

What I'm wondering about is what would the programm of those power classes be ? On a theorical side, I suppose ethics and tacics. But, given the individual varialbility of powers from student to student , what about the practical side ? Wait and see, I suppose."

2010-03-30, 02:06 PM
Chris doesn't want to interrupt the others' conversation (and assumes they don't even want to talk with him), so he waits for a short pause. He'll live here with the others, so he can't just isolate him. "You got a point, but I hope they keep it mostly theoretical in my case."

He looks back to the front: "Is there a way to get some sort of medical training, maybe learning material or volunteer work?"

2010-03-31, 12:01 AM
As he listens to Carolyn's musings Mikhail nods.

Perhaps you're right, having us as a large block to break off later has it's merits and it establishes a common knowledge of other user's abilities. As for your musings on the training, I assume it will follow an orthodox pattern. Typically a basic physical conditioning to build the enduracne and strength one will need in a combat situation, controlled exercises to boost proficiency with the basic functionality of your powers, advanced training to train how to combine your powers into more effective means, basic sparring following an established pattern to train the basic reactions you'll need and then advanced sparring which is an application of actual combat under controlled circumstances. He looks at Chris as he continues, Depending on the last few exercises you may get all the practice you'll want and more.

He turns back to Carolyn with his face relaxing from it's formerly serious look to a carefree grin. Of course from what I've grasped of your powers that would hardly be an effective method of training for you. The basic physical training and power training would be very useful to focus and control your powers. I wouldn't see you moving towards combat until the later team battles. At which point you'd fill a intelligence/counter-intelligence role, using your powers to mask our presence while hunting the enemy. Of course tipping my hand so much on the training ideas plays somewhat into the ISB's hands in why they were so happy to welcome me. Then again if they didn't think through at least that much there wouldn't have been any real worth in my coming here. He glances towards Ms. Stone with an inquisitive lift of his brow before he settles back, waiting for instructions.

2010-03-31, 12:16 PM
"Some physical training and basic self-defense sound fine, but I don't know how I feel about all-out combat training, even though this world isn't very pretty. Putting the focus on that for all students sounds good for some people, but like a waste for others and having someone around to immediately heal the wounded will probably give a false sense of security to those who benefit from the training... Uh, I... take it there are a lot of soldiers in your family? I'm sorry, I don't know anything about them, correct me if I say anything stupid." The different points of view make this conversation kind of difficult for Chris and the last thing he wants is an argument on the first day at the academy. Apart from that, he waits for the assembly to come to an end.

2010-03-31, 10:15 PM
You could say that though it wouldn't be entirely accurate. We have a strong martial tradition as demon slayers, though it's been over a generation since we've had any work and the last real threat was defeated in a series of undocumented battles in the 1940's. The Thule society found something they shouldn't have and had to be stopped. Today those with the talent are taught the traditional style while those who don't take up support roles as part-time smiths and scribes while working within regular society. Of course the master smiths and lore keepers work full time at their tasks using the same support structure as the instructors and trainees. Mikhail paused for a moment as his mind truly caught up with the discussion thread. He hadn't meant to volunteer quite so much even if it was reasonably well known or deduced outside of the family. He checks his watch before he speaks next.

Well I believe discussion has gone on for longer than we originally though. Perhaps it would be best to keep moving with the agenda to settle into the dorms and begin the days planned activities? Not that I intend to prevent further discourse but I believe that the incredible breadth of our powers and talents includes the ability to walk and talk at the same time? The last jab is offset by a charming smile and a gesture for the ladies to leave the aisle, his arm placed just so to block the loitering students from casually walking into their path.

2010-04-02, 04:25 PM
Ms. Stone turns to the crowd and says " Power classes, shall be 1/2 ethics and usage. The other half which I'm sure you will all appreciate shall be power usage. Anyway, morning classes shall be like those at your previous high school, with a focus on all the key classes such as math and science, among others." With a wave of her hand she dismisses you.As, the students rise out of their seats 2 female seniors come from the back of the crowd. One of them is a tall white girl, with bright dazzling yellow hair, and chocolate eyes. The other is a girl of average height and has chocolate rich skin, with surprising violet eyes, and glossy straight hair. They are both wearing bright red shirts, and denim jeans. The tall girl says " My name is Monique, and I will be showing 15 you to your dorm rooms 15 of rooms per floor. Samantha will show the rest of the group. She gives a quick bright smile to her friend and as she walks away she beckons for you to follow.

As you walk through the building, you can see how 3 mile island has become a state of the art system. Doors glide open as you walk through them. And lights turn on whenever you enter a room, and then turn back off. You walk for about 10 minutes, and then you enter a magnificent courtyard. This courtyard has marble stone set into the ground for a pathway and is about 200 feet in diameter. There is a small swimming pool in the middle with it's own hot tube attached to it that is currently off. To the right hand corner of the yard, there is a garden that has lily's, roses, orchids, as well as many other types of plants. The rest of the yard has benches throughout it and picnic tables set up. Monique says " This is the place where people hang out all the time. Your dorms are to the left, and the rest of the people in your class are on the right. The courtyard is open all the time, but at night we just ask that you keep the noise down. Now follow me."

You enter the dorms to the left, and you walk up a set of stairs passing 5 rooms on the base floor. On the top floor you enter a massive common room that has a 52 inch big screen tv, a coffee table with various magazines on it, couch, some chairs, and a love seat. The carpeting of the room is a subdued blue and it has sea-foam green walls in it. As you walk through the common rooms you all enter your rooms.

In each of your rooms you have a single bed, with a nightstand and a walk in closet. Each of you also has a cabinet, and study table that has a brand new laptop, with a phone next to it, that contains notes saying for you. The rooms contain a soft brown carpet, with blue walls, with a lampshade on the nightstand, and a light in the middle of the room. There is also a small bathroom with shower connected, as well as a 24 inch tv across from your bed. All of your bags are in here ready to be unpacked as well.

Monique says " I'll be in the common room for a few, and then I'll head out. She stops and says " Just to let you know, some of us seniors are organizing our own introduction to the academy tonight. Meet us outside after lights out if you wanna. Swing by if you have any questions." And with that she is gone.

2010-04-02, 05:45 PM
Carolyn follow the tour silently. She isn't impressed as you might expect by the luxury of the setting, no matter what she may have to say about her mother, carolyn has to recognize that that she never failed as a pourveyor, so carolyn is used to live in a nice environement. She is however agreably surprised by the whole arangement, particulary by the single rooms and batrooms. She expected it would be co'ed or common dorm.

After adresing a small see you later wave to the people she was talking too earlier, Carolyn get into her room and pose her lugage near her bed. She'll take care of it later. Right now, she just lie on her bed and closes her eyes just for a little while. After a few minutes of enjoting the silence (Samantha is nice but what a chatterbox.. and let's not talk about Mikhail) , she'll read the note by the phone.

2010-04-02, 05:50 PM
Chris shuts his room's door behind him. He slowly takes a few steps around the room and looks at everything inside before he decides to unpack. He doesn't have that many clothes and given his experience with maintaining a household it doesn't take long until all of them are lying or hanging neatly where they belong. His other belongings follow soon afterwards, like CDs as well as books (including a few about biology and the human body), but most importantly his music equipment in the form of a small stereo and headphones, for which he had to save money for quite some time to afford them. Once he is done, he just sits down on the bed and closes his eyes. Having nothing to take care of and no household to maintain feels weird, like something is missing.

After a few minutes in relative silence, Chris gets up when he realizes his thoughts start to drift back to his home. He listens to the messages on the phone and takes a look at the laptop to distract himself, configuring it to his liking and installing all the necessary (security) software. The rest of the day will probably be spent in his room or wandering around the building or campus to get a look at his new surroundings. He isn't sure yet, he'll see.

Jesse Drake
2010-04-02, 09:18 PM
Forest doesn't seem to care about the tour. He pays no attention to anything- except when they pass the little garden area. Forest takes a moment to remember this area.

Other than that, he appeared to be sullen the whole tour. Really, he was quite overwhelmed.

When Forest arrives in his room, he sees his "free gear". He chuckles, and takes it. "This might not be so bad." He thinks. Then a grin creeps across his face. "What kind of poser suck up is gonna be there- all these people have powers. They're probably gonna do some major hazing."

He just lays in his bed, and look up. What a day.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-04-03, 08:46 AM
Samantha is excited throughout the tour, and is constantly making small (unimportant) comments expressing this; it's obvious she's new to the luxury of the school. When they're shown their rooms, she thanks Monique and makes a mental note about the meeting. She spends about a minute looking over her room, before reading the note by the phone. Unless it's anything greatly surprising, she'd then leave her room to talk to people.

2010-04-04, 11:41 PM
Mikhail takes a moment to hang his garment bags in his closet and to unpack the essentials from his suitcase, the final item to be unpacked being a small scrimshaw figurine of a wolf. Taking a seat at the desk he powers on the laptop and connects to his e-mail to manage what affairs need his approval. That taken care of he turns to address the memo and finally drawing out a book of his from his dimensional pocket to lean back and skim over as he takes in the events of the day.

Well this was an interesting day, we'll have to see how it turns out in the future. At least it seems like I've made some progress in making allies here. Perhaps I should move to the common room to catch some news and make myself a little more visible. Maybe Chris or Carolyn will choose to come out and be social again, which would be nice since their powers seem to be the most interesting. Then again I'm trying more to act on this book and I just can't really wrap my head around it, I wish the elders wouldn't place it in such high esteem.

Standing up Mikhail puts his copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince" on his shelf and leaves his room to turn the news on in the common room.

2010-04-06, 11:37 PM
Carolyn decide to get out of her room. Not that she particulary wants to mingle, but this is the first day. If she cast herself as an asocial it will stick to her for a looong time and that would probably bite her later.

2010-04-07, 10:10 AM
Hearing the chatter on the outside, Chris decides to stay in the common room for a bit before going to explore the academy. Seeing the news broadcast, he sits down on the couch for a few minutes, as the program will surely be switched to something loud and more or less irrelevant by then by the majority (unless the current one already stalks celebrities). Should Carolyn pass by, he calmly asks "How are you doing?" While the question is genuinely meant as it is said, chances are it is seen as just an attempt to get her talking, so he doesn't pry for an answer if she doesn't want to respond.

2010-04-07, 01:47 PM
Carolyn is a little surprised. Of all the people to engage discussion she didn't expect Chris, who appeared to her as having a somewhat lonely nature.
Anyway, if he had striked the effort of starting a conversation, it would be impolite at least not to answer.
"Pretty well thanks you. I admit the living arrangements appears much better than I expected. How do they work for you ?"
Not the most fascinating answer, she realised. But light coinversation had alway been an art wich escaped her.

2010-04-07, 05:30 PM
Ah, small talk. Guess I should have said it differently. "It's a nice dorm I guess, but not even having to cook for myself is... strange. It's good to hear you're okay, though, as the assembly was a pretty mixed bag... Anyway, just wanted to know. I guess it would only be fair to answer something in return, if you want." Chris doesn't want Carolyn to feel awkward by artificially adding topics, even though the assembly clearly still lingers in his mind.

2010-04-07, 06:18 PM
Carolyn allow herself to sit on the couch "You don't mind ?"
"That was nothing unexpected, really. When one learn that even it's own mind isn't fully secure anymore, well..." She shrugs "...it is inevitable that for the most part, defiance would be the reaction. I'm learning not to let that kind of things get to me."

She marks a small pause, it is obvious that behind her declared indiference, the whole thing is still weighting on her mind."That said, in retrospect I suppose, I could, no I should have been less direct about it. Luckily most of them will have forgotten about me in two weeks or so."s) She bites her lips slightly as she realise she has been saying much more that what she originaly intended. sure that's a load out of her mind, but she'd have to watch it in the future.

She has a thin smile while looing at her interlocutor"Not all reaction were bad, so I should count myself lucky here.
Speaking of assembly. If it isn't too rude of me asking, I couldn't help but notice that you yourself ,didn't seem really comfortable...?" she let her sentence hanging, not exactly sure how to finish it tactfully. She is curious but don't want to be nosy. She will not press the issuer if chris refuse to answer.

2010-04-07, 11:53 PM
Lowering the volume on the TV Mikhail turns from the news broadcast and enters the discussion.

It's understandable why he might be nervous. Think of the most famous healer of all, and the only one prior to be known to raise the dead. It's obvious to see that he drew sensational attention with his powers and likely had some unwanted attention. But then I digress into hypotheticals again. The dorm is nice, enough to give you what you need but not so much as to tempt you to hide away from the others. He turns back to the news and shrugs as he turns it off.

Never could get used to American sensationalist journalism, and it's rude to have the TV on during a conversation. Going back to your earlier comment Carolyn. What do you mean you hope to be forgotten? Let me give you a tip, people who skulk about make other people think they're up to something sneaky or hiding something. I know it'll be hard for you but if you open up more people will come around. Anyways, care to guess what the upperclassmen meant by a senior introduction? Perhaps an introduction to a common hang-out or maybe a lesson in the hierarchy? From what I've heard it may go either way, I think you may have a better guess than I do.

2010-04-08, 01:53 AM
"People being afraid of mind readers is like being afraid of guns or knives. They can do harm, but only if the wielder wants to and most ignore the last part. I understand where they are coming from, but it's a bit ridiculous. As if the kitchen equipment would charge at me, yelling Sparta. But telling everyone upfront might have been a good thing, since there are some people with common sense here."

Just when Chris wants to answer Carolyn's last question, Mikhail interrupts and as he goes on, a frown forms on Chris' face. "My guess would be harassment and humiliation as a means of introduction. I've never been in the news though, I was already aware of what I can do from the moment I was born, so no "accidents". But I don't know how I feel about being mentioned in one sentence with Jesus." Chris leans back and stays silent for a moment before turning to Carolyn again.

"As for the assembly, well... I expected a strong reaction, but I'm still trying to figure out if that was a good or bad silence."

2010-04-08, 03:30 PM
Carolyn stares at Mikhail. Being friendly is one thing, barging unanounced into a conversation is another. She get back to Chris. "Jesus, really ? I though he meant Asclépios." Not the he ended up much better, mind you but the parabole would much more apropriate.

I doubt the reaction was a negative one. Crowds tend to go rowdy when they are angry. But as to say if it's a good thing...
I gather your abilities are uncommon as they are powerfull. They will certainly command respect but I don't envy the pressure you will be under."She probaly could have been more tactfull but she wasn't one to sugar coat the truth, at least not without a good reason and not with people she was develloping a certain respect for. "I just hope nobdy get the 'bright' idea to provide you with an oportunity to give us a pratical demonstration" she smiles as she had just joked, but she's actualy half expecting someone to stupid enough to kill someone of him/herself just to see a resurection happening.

2010-04-08, 05:29 PM
Chris shrugs. "This is honestly the first time I hear about Asclépios, Jesus was the only mythological figure who could raise the dead I could think of. Whoever it may be, comparisons with mythological figures are just... eh."

He nods as he listens to Carolyn and gives a pained half-smile as he hears the "joke", very aware that something that depraved may actually happen. "Being able to do some good will have to be enough for me." He stays silent for a moment, not wanting to talk about his abilities any longer for the moment. It may be better to leave the two alone for now. "Well, I probably shouldn't keep you any longer. Thank you for your time and honesty. I'll go catch some fresh air." Chris gets up and leaves the dorm to clear his head. He takes a walk around the vicinity, returning an hour or two later and mostly staying in his room, although with the door ajar.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-04-08, 05:48 PM
It's about the same time that Samantha walks out of her room to find somebody to talk to, and Carolyn and Mikhail sitting on the couch and skips over to join them. "Hey guys, how you doin'?"

2010-04-09, 11:49 AM
Carolyn watches a chriss moves away. He didn't sem too happy. Has she pushed indescretion too far ? it was alway the same ptobleme with her.
"I'm an unseferable chatterbox, aren't I ?"

"Wondefull Samantha." answer Carolyn, with the conviction you can imagine from her ,while getting up.
listening to endless small talk didn't bother her that much, but she might as well get away from the idiot box while doing so. (In her opinion, the only reson anyone would watch most of the programs, whose stupidity ranked somewhere between sad ad downright insulting, was not so much by interest in their contetn that due to how much it made real life look better in comparaison.)

2010-04-12, 12:02 AM
Turning off the news Mikhail checks his watch and then sighs before speaking.

Is all of your news as sensationalist as that? It's like they're too busy telling you what to think than giving you facts to decide yourself. Anyways, we have time to kill until the welcome party this evening, do you have any ideas on what we might do or should we just kill time re-arranging our rooms until they come for us?

Jesse Drake
2010-04-12, 02:57 PM
Forest leaves the comforts of his room. He wanders around- he's not really looking for anyone particular. But he happens to to wander upon the others, gathered together.

They gathered together- what the event. They'd probably start excluding others from it very soon. Those things happened no matter what the school. Then again, if he were to assume those things, he'd be no better than what he's accusing them of.

He just passes by, slowly lurching on his way.

2010-04-14, 04:22 AM
Carolyn felt like going back to her room right now, since no one seemed to have anything to add, but she decided to give sociability one last chance. " I suppose we could explore the place a bit. it can't hurt to know the place better"

The Dark Fiddler
2010-04-14, 06:22 PM
"Sounds like a great idea! Make sure we don't get lost on our way to our first classes!" Samantha jumps up off the couch quickly, and gets ready to run off. "Where first?"

2010-04-14, 06:29 PM
".. Er.. the gym ?." proposed carolyn completly at random. As much as Carolyn rued in advance the day it would happen, they probaly would have to do somme physcal exercise at somme point. "...or we could just walk at random and see where we get ?" she actualy wanted to follow the boy who had passed by a moment ago. from what she had readed, plant based powers didn't seem something all that common to her and she wondered what history there could be behing that.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-04-15, 06:40 PM
"Good idea!" With this, Samantha hops off in a random direction, quite COINCIDENTALLY in the direction that Forest went in. She's making small comments all along the way, and just assumes that Carolyn, and possibly Mikhail are following her.