View Full Version : How to Train Your Dragon?--What Age?

2010-03-29, 08:30 PM
Hi guys

Thought you could help me. If you've seen the new movie, How to Train Your Dragon, what's the minimum age child you would allow to see this?

All 3 of mine want to, but my son is pretty young (four). He's seen star wars (classic Luke, Han, Leia ones), but that was on our TV at home. My others are 6 and 9.

So, spoiler tag where needed, but I'm curious what age children you would say could see this movie.


2010-03-29, 08:43 PM
I'm probably the wrong person to take a stab at this (I saw Elm Street at age 7 and Exorcist at 9), but I think it's pretty okay for all ages.

Yeah, it's PG, but that's because it's about dragons. And not singing and dancing cuddly dragons, roaring and fire breathing dragons. There's nothing in the film that's much scarier than what's in the trailers, so unless your kids were scared of that it probably won't be a problem.

The climax is basically a big loud action sequence, but again it's just people and dragons fighting. No gore or anything. Tamer than Star Wars. I can only speak from my own experiences, but I would have loved this stuff at four. I loved the transforming robots, and the military guys in silly costumes shooting lasers at terrorists in silly costumes, and the guy with a sword who fought the guy with a skull for a face, and I would have loved these dragons as well.

Incidentally, I saw it with my 6 year old cousin. She was enthralled. Yeah, she's a little older than 4, but she's also primarily into Disney princesses and fairies. She liked the dragons. I don't think there's much difference between a "unicorns and pixie dust" 6 year old and a "exploding helicopters are cool" 4 year old, but I don't know your kids. Just use your discretion.