View Full Version : Eragon II: Youngest OOC

2010-03-29, 09:36 PM
Hello again. Character sheets and discussion go here.

Inspiration for the plot/theme of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb9fo6dsZoo

Aelfinn/Eelfinn: http://www.darkfriends.net/wheel/2_nondark/2.6_what-up-nondark/2.6.3_finn.html

The Wheel of Time:

1st Age: Belegariad/Eragon(Origin of draconic legends; crude applications of sorcery)
2nd Age: Lews Therin's Age.(One Power reemerges; Bore (re)opened)
3rd Age: Rand Al'Thor's Age(resealing of Dark One)
4th Age: Warhammer/Lord of the Rings(One Power fades to magic/sorcery, which also fades away.)
5th Age: Modern Era(magic nigh-completely gone; some remnants(urban fantasy))
6th Age: Shannara(reemergence of magic as dominant force)/Forgotten Realms. (Wheel resets due to onset of Tippyverse)

Timeline of the Races, starting from the Modern Era

Time "Line" of the races, starting from the Modern Era. Well, humans and elves at least. I think it paints a decent picture.

Fifth Age: Humanity, with its technology, and elves, who at this point cling to the vestiges of their magic, and remain in Medieval Stasis, safe in their forests.
Sixth Age: Technology is crippled due to world-wide nuclear holocaust. Remembering old myths and legends, various mutants name themselves after mythical races in order to unify themselves via a racial identity different than "Freak". The elves are still elves, though. They haven't really changed. Magic begins to creep back into the world.
First Age: By this point, with magic fully back into the world, the elves, who never stopped using/believing in it, are clearly better than the other races. Unfortunately, because they're real jerks about it.
Second Age: However, with humanity's superior birthrate, Stalin's saying about quality and quantity comes true, especially when the humans of a certain unnamed continent discover "the One Power": a superior form of magic that can only be wielded by humans. Humanity's response to years of elvish snobbery was removed from the history books as a lesson to those pointy-eared [censored]
Third Age: But Man Grew Proud, thus proving that they weren't any better than the elves after all. The surviving elves, who were the most powerful and wisest of their kind, begin to reemerge after the Resealing of the Dark One, and the diminishing of the One Power. Because some of them are old enough to remember their former glory(and the subsequent of said glory), they are wise enough to stay humble. Even if they are still better than humans.
Fourth Age: Still the wisest of the races, they act to prevent the various Dark Lords that plague this era, noting how the world is fading. Many of them flee to the Havens beyond, while few stubbornly remain behind, seeing the magic fade around them as they watch man progress through something called "technology"...

Structure of the Game:
For the sake of convenience, I have divided the continent of Alagaesia into several "Zones" or "areas". During your turn, you may elect to move to an adjacent zone, or if you have another method of transportation(teleportation), you may do so at your leisure. Note that there will be items in the game that can teleport you...if you dare to use them.

During your turn, you may take any actions you deem necessary that do not violate the "zoning" rule. However, once you have defeated an opponent, or moved to a different zone, your turn has ended; do not post until the next turn. The turn ends when the last person finishes his actions; if more than 24 hours passes, and his actions are not completed, I will start the new turn without him.

List of Zones:

The Forest of Du Weldenvarden

The Underdark(starting place for Drow)


The Grove of the Ellcrys(located in Ellesmera)


The Spine

Doru Areaba



Helgrind(starting place for Shaidar Haran)


Surda Battlefield

Farthen Dur

The Mountain in the Middle of the Hadrac Desert(starting location for Eddie Riggs)

Special Zone: Fifth Age dystopia(unaccessable by anyone without Portal Stone, starting location for Samurai Jack)

2010-03-29, 09:39 PM
Well, it's nice to see this go it's own way.

I have a few suggestions. First, distance. Characters need some way of rapid travel, so we see less of the teleporting done in the last game. On one hand, it's no fun trudging around, but on the other, it is a bit difficult. May I suggest zones? And maybe turns?

The Tygre
2010-03-29, 10:17 PM
Reposting Quenthel for reference:

Quenthel Baenre

+ High Priestess: Qunethel is the high priestess of Lolth. (Roughly Lvl. 15-17 in D&D terms. Your call on her level.)
+ Combatant: Quenthel has proven that even without Lolth's aid, she is still a formidable combatant and leader.
+ Serpent Whip: Like all senior priestesses of Lolth, Quenthel's signature weapon is a magic flail/whip. In this case, Quenthel has bound five lesser demons into the forms of serpents to serve not only as a weapon, but dispenser's of advice, guardians, and familiars.
+ Chosen of Lolth: Quenthel has effectively saved, served, fought, and even pleasured the Spider Queen. (Or, at least Lolth before she was Lolth.) The Queen of the Demonweb Pits pays close attention to Quenthel, and is willing to lend her aid in her darker hours.
= Equipment: Like all drow, Quenthel has at her aid weapons and armor made from a version of adamantine. However, this metal decays in the sun and gradually grows brittle in the daylight.
= Drow: Quenthel has access to the racial abilities of drow, including being able to see in the dark, faerie fire, and darkness. However, good exceptions aside, most folk recognize drow as the living personifications of evil on this earth, and a veritable army of species have sworn to kill them on sight. This is to say nothing of that smug sense of cruelty and self-satisfaction that all drow bear.
- Out of Her Element: Quenthel is at her best when she has access to the vaults of magic items, lesser priestesses, and armies of her home city. Without them, the cleric is going to find herself severely limited.
- Bright Light: Quenthel is lucky that her eyes have adjusted to the surface as it is. Flashes of light, glares, shocks, and even staring directly at the sun can blind Quenthel.
- Enemies: As a drow and high priestess of Lolth, Quenthel has a long line of people and creatures waiting to kill her. Demons in the service of other Demon Lords, her sibling Gromph and Triel, other drow, the churches of Eilistraee (any given good deity, for that matter) and Vhaerun, and her hated nemesis Drizz't Do'Urden would like nothing better than to see Quenthel dead and/or tortured.
- Puppet of Lolth: There is a reason that one of Lolth's many titles is 'The Bitch Mother'. Lolth can be fickle and cruel, and unless Quenthel does exactly what she says, no matter how trivial or demeaning, the Spider Queen can withhold Quenthel's powers, or even send demons or Quenthel's numerous enemies after her. Lolth may do this even if Quenthel has obeyed her, seeking to push her favored priestess a little farther and make sure she is the strongest servant. (In other words, DM's call on Quenthel's powers.)

Like I said, it's your call on her level (She was Lvl. 15 when Insurrection began, from what I can gather) and whether or not Lolth's helping her out here.

2010-03-29, 10:26 PM
Malus Darklade
1. Malus is possessed by a Daemon who refers to itself as T'zarken. It claims to be a being just below the gods, capable of consuming entire worlds. From what we've seen, it's not wrong. T'zarken is sarcastic, cruel, manipulates Malus for no reason, mocks mercilessly and relentlessly, and occasionally gives advice. If Malus is desperate, he can even provide access to his powers. However, the more Malus use, the more control T'zarken will have over him, until Malus is a prisoner in his own body, unable to exert any control at all. As the possession increases, Malus's skin becomes scaly, his blood turns to black ichor, his fingers become claws, and his teeth become fangs. This is not temporary, T'zarken gains permanent control.
The powers T'zarken provides are usually limited to feats of strength, speed, purging poison from what's left of Malus's body, and the like, though he is clearly capable of far more. However, when completely in control T'zarken was able to kill a living manifestation of the god of war with his bare hands.
2. Spite. Not the emotion, though Malus possesses that in abundance, but a cold one, an enormous, cold-blooded, scaly, carnivorous predator weighing two tonnes. Bad tempered and terribly lethal, the cold one has the endurance to lope for six days non-stop before needing rest, and regularly trounces any opposition to it's role as top predator. The runt of it's spawn, it's very smart by nauglir standards, so doesn't lapse into the stupidity like the rest of it's kin.
3. Master swordsman, and born leader. Brutally sadistic, a born pragmatist, and is quite honorable in his own way, all though nobody else appreciates it (even other dark elves). Audacious, a quick thinker, but not a planner. If he can't win fair, he'll cheat, which he does regularly and well.
4. Artifacts. Malus has several possessions he is collecting to banish Tzarken, who is helping him do this for his own reasons. All are very powerful.
Octagon of Praan: A eight pointed star that makes the wearer immune to magic. This only works on the wearer and his immediate possessions, nothing prevents a magic uses from targeting himself or the area around him.
Idol of Korluth: A idol that allows its wielder to distort space and time. Malus hates sorcery so has no truck with it, and wouldn't understand how to use it anyway, although he once used it to teleport.
Dagger of Torxus: A dagger that allows the wielder to steal its victims souls, the souls becoming slaves of the daggers wielder doomed to perpetual misery. Doesn't work on Malus as he has no soul.
Warpsword of Khaine: A horrifically powered weapon that allows the wielder to be possessed by the Diety of murder, (not just appear to him, the sword is litteraly his hunger given corporeal form) making him a perfect fighter. Makes him totally bezeark, he will kill anything he can see when he begins using it. The blade can cut through anything. Including magic shields, and is so hot it burns, melting steel. Malus uses it because being possessed by Khaine is better then being possessed by T'zarken.
Amulet of Varog: No weapon can slay the wearer. The can still cut you to pieces, but as long as your wearing this they can't kill you, and only you can remove it while you live.
he also has magical masterwork fullplate armor made by a master, a keitan made of human skin (stylish), and a fortune in gold looted from pretty much everywhere.
5. Malus is the Scourge, a legendary figure in Dark elf prophecy (think anti-dragon, the being destined to bring the dark one into this world). No god will directly interfere with him, because to do so will make Khaine angry.

Shaidar Haran
Shaidar Haran
1. May block of magic. As in stop spellcasters from being able to use their power.
2. Knows the will of Shai'tan. His will is Superfade's will. This makes it easy for him to influence beings of evil.
3. Can use his knowledge to create advanced magic items, not least a device that traps his victims soul.
4. Can tell the difference between magics through scent.
5. All Fade's are formidable in a fight and have advanced senses. He has been upgraded, and is far more advanced, and the results weren't pretty when the Forsaken tried to go against him.
6. Does not act directly.

2010-03-29, 10:30 PM
Samurai Jack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7957244#post7957244)

Eddie Riggs and Ironheade Forces (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7938664#post7938664)

2010-03-29, 10:52 PM
Well, it's nice to see this go it's own way.

I have a few suggestions. First, distance. Characters need some way of rapid travel, so we see less of the teleporting done in the last game. On one hand, it's no fun trudging around, but on the other, it is a bit difficult. May I suggest zones? And maybe turns?

Good idea. I'll add those rules shortly.

As for the good Lady Baenre, call it level 15. Though note that her spell don't actually come from Lolth anymore, but from her belief in Lolth. She won't notice any change, of course, but it's a neat little point to add in.

2010-03-30, 06:34 PM

In the world of Final Fantasy 5, he had been a great swordsman and General in service of ExDeath. He fought the party several times, and was eventually banished to the Void by his master. Since the void transcends space and time, he would often be regrugitated out into random worlds, such as this one.
1. Very skilled swordsman, though a bit silly at times
2. Can morph into a form with eight arms, allowing him to wield multiple swords at once
3. Travels around with a green wolf named Enkidu, named after his fallen friend, which was a winged demon thing
4. Sometimes will use the Sword Excalipoor, which he thought was Excalibur, but instead barely scratches an opponent

2010-04-01, 01:48 AM
So this game going to start soon?

2010-04-01, 02:45 AM
...Yesterday, last time I checked.

2010-04-01, 07:09 AM
I'll start the game later today. Don't worry; I have a plan.

2010-04-01, 03:45 PM
IC Thread is up: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147555

If you haven't been introduced yet, you will be. Don't worry.

The Tygre
2010-04-01, 04:23 PM
**** was formerly not real, but it has proceeded to escalate to such situations.


2010-04-01, 04:36 PM
Thank you. Worth the wait?

The Tygre
2010-04-01, 04:39 PM
Oh yeah. But let's not count the eggs before the chickens lay them, eh? Still, I'm gonna' run with this.

2010-04-01, 04:49 PM
So I should wait for Jack to have an intro narration?

2010-04-01, 05:00 PM
Yep. Jack is in the future/the past right now. Well. The Fifth Age, anyway.

nanobot, I had an intro for you as well. Oh well...

2010-04-01, 05:07 PM
I could just delete the post. What did/do you have in mind?

2010-04-01, 05:14 PM
A face to face encounter with the Aelfinn and Eelfinn. You and Jack.

2010-04-01, 05:23 PM
All right, that sounds interesting, I'll delete and wait.

2010-04-01, 05:25 PM
You know, I should totally play Iroh in this. Thinking he recognises his voice Jack attacks and kills him, but when he realises what he's done he goes insane.

2010-04-01, 05:55 PM
If you want to, play him. Avatar would be...early Fifth Age. Right when magic is getting broken down into its most basic elements.

2010-04-01, 06:06 PM
If you want to, play him. Avatar would be...early Fifth Age. Right when magic is getting broken down into its most basic elements.You missed the white text. :smalltongue:

2010-04-01, 06:13 PM
No I didn't. *sobs*

2010-04-01, 06:54 PM
Jack's sword can't kill someone who isn't evil so your white text is void. :smalltongue:

It's kind of cool contrasting my characters. Jack is all about simplicity, doing what is right in the most efficent manner. Eddie on the other hand is 90% about style.

2010-04-01, 07:04 PM
It's kind of cool contrasting my characters. Jack is all about simplicity, doing what is right in the most efficent manner. Eddie on the other hand is 90% about style.

Dueling ninjas aside, of course.

2010-04-01, 07:22 PM
Dueling ninjas aside, of course.

Jack as a character doesn't care about style. The animators cared a whole lot but not Jack.

2010-04-01, 07:27 PM
But his sandals. And his outfit. He never changes them. Ever. He's had hundreds of opportunities to, but he hasn't.

2010-04-01, 07:30 PM
You never saw the episode where his sandals were broken and he had to use shoes from a store?
Didn't work out too well for him until he got a new pair.

2010-04-01, 07:57 PM
Room for one more?
I don't eat much, and I have some awesome characters...

2010-04-01, 08:03 PM
What characters?

2010-04-01, 08:09 PM
1. My be a reborn messiah. You never know. Has a magic sword, that activates when he sacrifices his most precious thing.
2. Very dedicated to justice. Hardline. Never bends. Ever.
3. Hard. Grim Surly.
4. Melisandre.
5. Davos
6. He's the King.

1. Can make magic stuff. That the gods envy, and cannot better. Like the Simirils.
2. Basically, the perfect being.
3. A very mighty fighter.
4. A colossal jerk.

2010-04-01, 08:12 PM
What series are they from?

2010-04-01, 08:23 PM
A game of thrones by George R. R Martin. Basically, imagine you have everything in the wheel of time that is good, make it even more awesome, put in some characters that would make Satan cry, like Gregor Clegane, and write about the political fight to be king.

Feanor is from the Simirilion. He made the Simarils, which were stolen by Morgoth, and managed to get most of the elves to follow him to Middle Earth as he hunted for him. He got killed by a bunch of balrogs.

2010-04-01, 08:39 PM
Game of Thrones is a story based around the struggles set in a continent. Magic is all but gone, the dragons the royal family used to conquer the continent are all dead, and all that remains of the family is a young heiress in exile.
Meanwhile, the seven great family's maneuver, engaging in war and complex schemes, as the king (Robert Baratheon, Stannis's older brother) dies, as they all seek to be the next King.

But in the North, a forgotten enemy, the others, the undead, the bringers of cold, are coming, and almost nothing can hold them back. The night watch is not the men it was, and in a generation perhaps there will not be a world left...

As the tale continues, we get some brilliant characterization, complex motives, anyone and everyone dying, it raining on the just and the unjust alike. Things get both more and less complicated, the game gets deeper, the original players dead and gone, and still no sign of it ending.

It is awesome.

2010-04-01, 10:21 PM
Sounds amazing. Problem is that I'm trying to figure out a) which Age he'd fit in(though I could just put him in the 'Finn-controlled Seventh Age), and b) how he'd get there. Bit of help there, and I'll be fine.

And Cracklord, intro for Shadar was in the first post. He's in the middle of Helgrind.

People dealing with the 'Finn, note that steel doesn't not equal iron to them.

2010-04-01, 11:00 PM
Well, fourth age for sure. The others are some product of the Dark Ones, and the Dragon has yet to be revealed. There is even a subplot for the magic beng killed off.

As for Shaidar Haran, I am thinking. First, he needs some minions to intimidate.

2010-04-01, 11:05 PM
late Forth Age it is.

He should start alone; he'll get minions shortly. Don't worry about that at all.

2010-04-01, 11:18 PM
OK then.
I thought it would be awesome if the Forsaken had used those preservation chambers to keep a whole lot of evil creatures in stasis for use as breeding stock, but that works as well.

2010-04-01, 11:30 PM
Problem with that idea was that there was a limited number of stasis boxes found during the Third Age, and there wasn't any way to replace the few they had left.

And Malus has made two horrible, though fully justifiable mistakes. 1) the elves would have any idea what a drow actually looked like other than "dark-skinned" and 2) his kingdom, or at least rumors of it, had survived. Considering that his Age is closer to the future than the past...

2010-04-01, 11:40 PM
How did Stannis get back, and how many men do I get? I need The onion knight, and Melisandre of course, but how many knights and regular infantry?

And where does Feanor come in? He's first age, but a different one. He's also a very famous elf.

2010-04-01, 11:42 PM
That's not Malus's kingdom. That's his families roots back when they were High elves, the furthest back he knew. (Still an age to late, but not bad) He is a noble, after all.

2010-04-01, 11:50 PM
Either way, though, that name is not in anybody's history books.

And you know what? I think I'll use the "stasis box to preserve Dark species" idea. The Ra'zac had to come from somewhere, after all.

How did Stannis get back, and how many men do I get? I need The onion knight, and Melisandre of course, but how many knights and regular infantry?

And where does Feanor come in? He's first age, but a different one. He's also a very famous elf.

Consulting the chart, Feanor is Fourth Age. To put it into scale, Lord of the Rings, all of it's ages, takes up roughly half of an Age on the Wheel of Time.

Still not quite sure on Stannis getting back. I could just have the 'Finn make him an offer. How well off/bad is his kingdom?

2010-04-02, 12:10 AM
On the decline, mostly because he's using his resources to do his duty rather then scheme and plot. He had plenty of support, but it's mostly dried up after a few failures. He is a king, but he doesn't rule. That is reserved for his older brother's wife, who is ruling through her son.
But Tommen is not a Prince. He's the spawn of Cercei and her identical twin brother, Jaime. Stannis knows this, and therefore, she's going off the throne even if Stannis has to kill every man woman and child to make sure of it.
He's appealingly straight forward.

And then Rand is very lucky he didn't have to deal with that Fourth age. I mean, a dragon that blots out the entire sky, Morgoth raising and dropping mountain ranges and an army of balrogs.

2010-04-02, 12:14 AM
What would he wish for, then, if given the opportunity?

By the way, how far are you reading in reading Wheel of Time?

2010-04-02, 12:16 AM
Justice. That's all he cares about. He only cares about power because it enables him to do justice.
I'm up to Book 8.

2010-04-02, 12:20 AM
When all his brothers men transfered their support to him, he wanted to kill them all as traitors for not supporting him from the start, as Renly was younger.
And a smuggler, who managed to keep him alive during a siege by bringing in food, lost his hand for smuggling. Admittedly Stannis wielded the blade himself, and then made him a knight and gave him land from his own personal holdings, and Davos is his most loyal companion and loves him in a platonic sense, but still...

2010-04-02, 12:20 AM
I can work with that.

Umm...Draxx...I don't have a clue what your post means. Never read RR Martin. He's on my "Books to Read list", after HP Lovecraft but before Kurt Vonnegut.

And then Rand is very lucky he didn't have to deal with that Fourth age. I mean, a dragon that blots out the entire sky, Morgoth raising and dropping mountain ranges and an army of balrogs.

Balefire. Lews Therin already did that. More Balefire. Or fun with Traveling. When he puts his mind to it, and isn't insane, Rand pretty much can't be stopped offensively.

2010-04-02, 12:21 AM
Alright, you introduce.

Here's what you need to know.
He has two really loyal subjects, Davos, the onion Knight, and Melisandre, the priestess.
Light is not good, she worships fire, and has magic powers. Some are not worth mentioning by Wheel of time standards, others are, such as bringing back the dead, alive with al their memories, and making people immortal.

2010-04-02, 12:23 AM
If you want, I could give you an introductory post. Dreams. Dreams of a doorway. Dreams of power.

2010-04-02, 12:28 AM
So what was Jack's price?

2010-04-02, 12:37 AM
If you want, I could give you an introductory post. Dreams. Dreams of a doorway. Dreams of power.

sure. I can work with that.

2010-04-02, 02:19 AM
So then, is Lolth Ungoliant?

The Tygre
2010-04-02, 02:24 AM
So then, is Lolth Ungoliant?

She better be, because being Tolkien's only Eldritch Abomination is waaay too awesome to pass up for something like Lolth. Seriously, I can't believe I didn't think of that before. All this time I've been trying to connect her to the Lilith mythos. Damn you, Upper Krust! :smallfurious:

2010-04-02, 02:54 AM
Well, as Tolkienverse is in this game, nothing else makes sense. :smallbiggrin:
So, yes, Lolth exists independent of both sides, and is a real, honest to creator, god like being.

2010-04-02, 09:08 AM
Prime, are you still interested in this game?

2010-04-02, 09:39 AM
Maybe. Though FSN Gilgamesh has little variety in his abilities and an ego the size of the sun.

Part of his shtick is that he was "the first hero" - since his legend is older than any other, his power as a Heroic Spirit is the greatest. And he'll need a source of mana to use his powers (if he was summoned, he'd probably kill the summoner).

Oh, and his treasury contains the "original versions" of every legendary item. So he could probably pull out some pseudo-Silmarils if he wanted to.

2010-04-02, 04:56 PM
That...could be a problem. Are there any other characters you are interested in playing?

2010-04-02, 05:05 PM
That...could be a problem. Are there any other characters you are interested in playing?Which parts in particular? Because the "originals" are from before they became legendary and he either can't or won't use what individual powers they might have (it's a little unclear whether his "sword which was later stuck in a stone and became Caliburn" has any of Caliburn's powers, or maybe if it's somehow more effective against Caliburn itself). Heck, he'll only use his own sword to fight kings.

2010-04-02, 05:07 PM
The originals were the problem. Hard to challenge him if he has Excalibur(sword and sheath), the Chodean Kal, and the One Ring in his pocket.

Could I get a character sheet?

2010-04-02, 05:09 PM
The originals were the problem. Hard to challenge him if he has Excalibur(sword and sheath), the Chodean Kal, and the One Ring in his pocket.

Could I get a character sheet?Basically, apart from one or two he's not the destined wielder of the weapons he owns, and can't use their powers (on one occasion he pulls out Gram to taunt the wielder of Caliburn). If he could pull out the Silmarils I'd say it would be from before they were filled with light. Or he couldn't make the light come out. Or he'd pull out something which existed before the Silmarils and was similar in function. I'd say the Silmarils were the "originals" of the Rings of Power, so they're discounted.

Gilgamesh, King of Heroes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu4T2A2k-oE)

+ Extradimensional vault contains unlimited wealth and prototypes of every legendary weapon (the earliest examples of each archetype), though he cannot use the active powers of their more famous descendants (ie. a sword made of ice will still freeze people, but a sword that shoots lasers is just a sword). Contents of the vault can be fired like bullets.
+ Superhuman luck
+ If summoned, remains in the world even after summoner's death.
- Enormous ego, can only take fellow kings half-seriously. Only fights at full strength against a person he considers an equal. Given that he once ruled the entire world and basically owns everything, this is... rare, to say the least.

Depending on incarnation, has either of the following:
+ Magic Resistance weakens the effects of spells against him.
+ Strength B, Mana B, Endurance C, Agility C, Luck A
+ Physical body
- Slightly more sadistic

+ Magic Resistance negates all spells with incantations less than two verses in length (if a guy learns how to cast a spell that's normally two verses in length without saying the incantation then it won't be negated). "Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals."
+ Strength B, Mana A, Endurance B, Agility B, Luck A
+ Spiritual body - can become invisible and incorporeal, though he dislikes doing so

As for those ranks:

These are the basic quantified values of Servants' parameters. Note that even E Rank is already above what an ordinary human can achieve.
For Noble Phantams, + modifiers represent the capacity of a temporary boost of power if certain conditions are met. + means a two-times increase, ++ a three-times increase and +++ a four-times increase.
A A++ Rank Noble Phantasm is said to be a mystery on the level of Divine Spirits.
A C Rank Noble Phantasm is equivalent in power to a A Rank normal attack.
A A Rank Magecraft is already on the level of High-Thaumaturgy. Magecraft of A+ Rank is said to be almost at the level of Magic
A EX Rank represents a value that cannot be quantified under the rules shown above.

2010-04-02, 10:00 PM
Well, some of those items were made to be used by anybody who had magic/saidin/saidar/whatever. I don't think he has it.

I think I'll pair you with the other Gilgamesh to keep things...interesting. If he ever stops trying to argue with a bunch of serpentine Eldritch Abominations who created his entire world in their own home. Because the leather they're wearing isn't made from cows, if you understand. They broke one of the most powerful channelers in two Ages, so much so that she can't even think of her experiences.

2010-04-02, 10:50 PM
I think I'll pair you with the other Gilgamesh to keep things...interesting.Interesting? He'd immediately try to kill him and wouldn't stop even if other enemies showed up. :smalltongue:

2010-04-02, 10:53 PM
Gilgamesh would accidentally summon...Gilgamesh. I've got it worked out in my head.


2010-04-03, 11:32 AM
nanobot, I'm going to recommend you edit your post. Or else things are going to get...interesting. By which I mean you'll need to choose a new character. Insulting Eldritch Abominations on their home territory is not a good thing, generally speaking. Especially when they created the entire world you lived in.

The Tygre
2010-04-05, 03:42 PM
Sooo... how should I be interpretin' this here divine sign? One magic item, one favor, one companion, one spell? Zuh?

2010-04-05, 05:10 PM
Well, I was going to have you interpret it yourself, but if you really want me to dictate the sign...

Go alone, but with as much as you will require. You have Lolth's favor; your mission depends on you and you alone.

The Tygre
2010-04-05, 07:52 PM
Right; sorry about ruining the mood, but I just didn't want to go with an overpowered choice or think you had a plot-centric point. From now on I'll try to take any divine signs by myself. :smallredface:

2010-04-05, 08:57 PM
Good call. And nanobot? The 'Finn's response has been posted.

2010-04-09, 08:41 PM
Prime32: If you're still interested in playing, then you can begin once nanbot has Gilgamesh blow the Horn of Valere.

2010-04-10, 02:43 AM
Sorry I have been away. Pretty unexpected. Can I have a catch up please?

2010-04-10, 05:22 AM
Industrious, you have the wrong character. You are thinking of Eddard, and it is Joffery who had him killed.

2010-04-10, 06:35 AM
Just wait for Gilgamesh to blow the horn, and Feanor can be summoned then.
And he finds a way to circumvent it, of course. I mean, he probably made it in the first place.
And, in time, it made it's way to Susan Pevensie...

No, I will never tire of finding links to draw in other unrelated fantasy worlds. Get used to it.

Oh, and Stannis must be the most terifying thing the snakes and foxes can conceive. Lightbringer is named such for a reason, and every description of Stannis ever involves the word Iron.

2010-04-10, 08:33 AM
Oh, and Stannis must be the most terifying thing the snakes and foxes can conceive. Lightbringer is named such for a reason, and every description of Stannis ever involves the word Iron.

But is he musical? Or flame-inclined? Remember the rhyme, after all:

Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to dazzle, iron to bind.

Catch Up: Aside from the other characters, Malus is exactly where he was during your last post. The Samurai you cut down(currently known by the moniker "Jack") thanked you, and began walking off.

Draxx: Actually, I'm not; the 'Finn can see the future by examining all the twists of a person's life. Feanor gets summoned once the Horn is blown.

2010-04-10, 08:49 AM
Hey, would you guys be open to a new player joining this round?

2010-04-10, 08:57 AM
What characters do you have in mind?

2010-04-10, 09:01 AM
I was thinking, Freddy Kruger, and yes, he would be pretty limited, but fun things could happen if he got pulled out of the dream world and stuck around.

And Inigo Mantoya. Cause that would just be hilarious.

2010-04-10, 09:33 AM
Krueger isn't exactly the right time for this game; 1980s, Forth Age, vs. SomeYearOrOther, First Age.

Inigo needs some sort of motivation. Any ideas?

2010-04-10, 09:36 AM
Krueger isn't exactly the right time for this game; 1980s, Forth Age, vs. SomeYearOrOther, First Age.

Inigo needs some sort of motivation. Any ideas?

Huh...well Inigo's motivation should be money. This will be the job right before the movie. And how about...


2010-04-10, 09:42 AM
Inigo is approved once I get a character sheet(picture + list of abilities).

Hellboy runs into the same problem as Krueger; Eragon is very much a standard fantasy. Hellboy is urban fantasy.

2010-04-10, 10:03 AM

+ Ingio is the greatest swords man in the world.
+ He has the six fingered sword. Made by his father, the greatest smith eva
- He is on a quest to murder the six fingered man, and is pretty obsessed with it.
- He's not very good at thinking or strategy, and he has a weird set of values and stuff.
+ He understands his own limitations pretty well.

How about Fezzik?

2010-04-10, 10:20 AM
Perfect. I'll give you an intro post.

2010-04-10, 10:24 AM
So Fezzik is ok if I make his sheet too?

2010-04-10, 03:55 PM
Yep, correct.

2010-04-10, 03:59 PM
+ Fezzik is the strongest human in the world. But only in the arms. The rest of him is still really really strong. But his arms have nearly no limit to their strength.
+ Fezzik is hard as a rock. He is pretty hard to hurt...except with weapons...
+ Fezzik has a lot of expeirence fighting large groups of people.
- Fezzik has forgotten how to fight just one person.
- Fezzik may be a bit on the slow side...a lot...
+/- Fezzik is extremly loyal to his friends and a good soul.

2010-04-10, 05:04 PM
But is he musical? Or flame-inclined? Remember the rhyme, after all:

Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to dazzle, iron to bind.

Yes, he is the chosen of the god of fire, reborn to fight the others (according to Melisandre, and he's starting to believe it).

2010-04-10, 07:53 PM
Yes, he is the chosen of the god of fire, reborn to fight the others (according to Melisandre, and he's starting to believe it).

That's...not a good sound...

Still, if the Finn can pull it off(and they have the man's ignorance on their side), they'll be that much more powerful for having removed a threat.

2010-04-10, 08:04 PM
He and Eddie Riggs will get together.


2010-04-10, 08:26 PM
Rock music, fire, courage, and iron do not the 'Finn make happy.

Though what do you mean by Stannis' description always involving Iron? Do you mean real, physical iron, or something metaphorical? Because steel != iron(well, a good percentage of it does, but not enough for the Snakes and Foxes to get royally pissed),

2010-04-10, 08:39 PM
He himself is iron. Hard, unyielding, he'll break before he bends.
He is not actually, physically iron, but it is the only way anyone can think to describe him.

Also, gratifying to see the effects of the Malus school of diplomacy.

2010-04-10, 08:42 PM
Al'Thor tried being iron. Then he gave up because iron is too soft.

2010-04-10, 08:44 PM
Yeah. But Wheel of Time is a much softer setting then game of thrones. Much softer. And it may not have done so well for Stannis, but he remains awesome.

2010-04-10, 08:49 PM
Really? Definitely moving it up my list, then. Currently reading HP Lovecraft.

2010-04-10, 09:16 PM
Well, when asked how dark it is, I always think of Gregor Clegane. Eight foot tall, pure muscle, can fight with a greatsword in one hand, and growls rather then speaks most of the time. Here are some choice tidbits form his life.

He was eight. His younger brother, Sandor, was playing with a toy of Gregors that Gregor had never touched. Gregor, when he found him, took Sandor's face and held it to a brazier until the fat dribbled out of his burning skin. it took three people to pry him away.
During the war that began the series, he was tasked with killing the heirs to the throne. He took the children, smashed their brains out against the wall, raped the queen, with their blood still on his hands, then did the same to her.
Furthermore, when her brother, after waiting years for revenge, got his duel and had an Iniago Montaya moment, Gregor did the same to him.
He enjoys watching people tortured, torturing himself, and burning and raping the defenseless. Many characters, one powered by pure awesome, who was literally made immortal by another of the fire priests, couldn't get close, and his brother, now a badass himself, has spent his entire life dreaming of killing Gregor.
Or, there is the bastard of Bolton. The Boltons are as nasty as Gregor, and enjoy skinning their enemies. The bastard takes that to extremes. He forces a woman to marry him (at sword point), then walls her up in her tower. When she is found, she's died of starvation, her mouth was bloody and her fingers have been chewed off. Said bastard was doing something to her body that you do without clothes, if you catch my drift.
Or Vargo Hoat, who cuts his servants feet off so the can't run away, and leads the bloody Mummers, each worse then the last, including a pedophile and a cannibal.
And then, their is Joffery.

Oh, and Deus Ex Machina please. Otherwise we will have to kill each other.

2010-04-10, 09:35 PM
You missed out some of the best.
What does Aerys have to do to get noticed?

2010-04-10, 09:37 PM
Not be a background character?

2010-04-10, 09:44 PM
Oh, and Deus Ex Machina please. Otherwise we will have to kill each other.

I'm trying to think of a way to get Gilgamesh not killed also; giving away the Horn of Valere to one of the Empire's fanatics...not good.

Compared to your situation, I've got a solution. Fight, but don't kill each other. Get Jack to take his robe off.

2010-04-10, 09:49 PM
I'm trying to think of a way to get Gilgamesh not killed also; giving away the Horn of Valere to one of the Empire's fanatics...not good.

Compared to your situation, I've got a solution. Fight, but don't kill each other. Get Jack to take his robe off.

Thats not exactly hard.

I'm sorry about attacking you Cracklord but there is no other way for Jack to react when faced with someone with dark magic attacking what seems to be an innocent.

2010-04-10, 10:16 PM
It's fair.

OK, in terms of ability, at least swordsmanship, Jack is a different order of being. The warpsword would balance it, make it into a fair fight, (as fair as possible, Malus fights dirty) but would mean the fight can only end with one of them dead.
The Daemons gifts, on the other hand, would give Malus enough strength and speed to overcome the samurai, but that would be...

Look, Malus is evil with a capital E. There is no chance of him and Jack working together, and I was massively out of character saving Jack. malus would have not even bothered to notice him, and would never have saved a stranger, even at so little effort. The best thing to do is drag them as far from each other as possible.

2010-04-10, 10:19 PM
Look, Malus is evil with a capital E. There is no chance of him and Jack working together, and I was massively out of character saving him. The best thing to do is drag them as far from each other as possible.

Very true. However, Lara Raith once had a fantastic description of how to control somebody. Find what they seek most in the world...and provide it. Neither of them have to trust each other, or even like each other, but if they have to depend on each other to reach their goals, I think both of them will be able to be brought together.

In Summary: Trust me. I have it all worked out.

And remember that that sword is a holy weapon. Not quite one of the Swords of the Cross(well, that's not a perfect comparison since those weapons never existed), but pretty close.

2010-04-10, 10:33 PM
Ah, rational. But for you, philosophy would be an open and shut case. If only men like Malus and Jack were rational.
If not for ye, Malus would not have killed his retainers in a fit of pique at his failure, including his lover, which served no purpose and all but compromised his chances of survival. If not for ye, Malus would not have killed his father, and burned his own city while he was at it, sentencing him to a fate worse then death, when their were far easier alternatives. If not for ye...
Well, you get the idea. Malus suffers chronic back stabbing disorder. More then that, he is cunning, audacious, witty, cynical, cruel, but not logical.

As to what he desires:
Utmost: Save his soul. More so, get revenge on T'Zarken.
Equal: Make everyone else as miserable as he is. Particularly his family. He often mitigates Utmost in order to pursue this.
Final: Take everything he wants from the world. And his appetites are so insatiable he has noted that the world itself is not big enough to support him.
He will feast upon it none the less.

And remember that that sword is a holy weapon. Not quite one of the Swords of the Cross(well, that's not a perfect comparison since those weapons never existed), but pretty close.

Not going to impress T'Zarken. Heldenhammer, which is the weapon wielded by the worlds equivalent of Jesus when building his Empire, didn't even phase one of the champions imbued with a portion of T'Zarkens power.

Why? Because T'Zarken is a Daemon, but only because he doesn't fit the criteria for god. Not from lack of power.
And while this is only a portion of him, it doesn't make new weaknesses.

2010-04-10, 10:41 PM
Ah, rational. But for you, philosophy would be an open and shut case. If only men like Malus and Jack were rational.
Malus desires several things.
Utmost: Save his soul. More so, get revenge on T'Zarken.
Equal: Make everyone else as miserable as he is. Particularly his family.
Final: Take everything he wants from the world. And his appetites are so insatiable he has noted that the world itself is not big enough to support him.

Precisely. So when Queen Islanzadí offers him the knowledge of where to find a way to save his soul, and get his revenge of T'Zarken, and Jack how to destroy Aku, the obvious solution is, of course, to kill her.

It's Maslow's hierarchy; his more immediate needs supersede his more long-term goals.

Did not know that about T'Zarken. Thankfully, he's bound up for the moment.

2010-04-10, 10:53 PM
Posting here while preparing for finals has me somewhat distracted so it just now occured to me that Aku has to exist in some form here, or the spirits are lying bastards. Either way things are a lot worse than it looks on the surface.

2010-04-10, 10:57 PM
The Aelfinn and Eelfinn do not lie. They are sneaky, underhanded, repugnant, and not to be trusted at any cost, but when they say something, it is true. Probably not in the most clear-cut way, but its definitely true.

With that in mind, remember the exact wording the Eelfinn used. And the exact bargain that you struck.

2010-04-10, 11:03 PM
And you know what? I think I'll use the "stasis box to preserve Dark species" idea. The Ra'zac had to come from somewhere, after all.

Calling you in on this now.
I mean, the Forsaken were all preserved. How? Stasis boxes. What they have access to and The Dark One has access to are very different stories, after all.

Precisely. So when Queen Islanzadí offers him the knowledge of where to find a way to save his soul, and get his revenge of T'Zarken, and Jack how to destroy Aku, the obvious solution is, of course, to kill her.

He might.
He's like that. More importantly, he doesn't actually need her help. T'Zarken knows where he is kept, regardless of what age it is (He has shown to be able to see the threads of fate, the past, and is an eternal being, so he can find his prison no matter what), and wants to be free as well. Unfortunately, Malus is only enough to sustain a certain amount, for a short time.
So, T'Zarken is using Malus to free him, at which point T'Zarken will kill him, take his body, and use that to become the scourge, kill everyone and end the world.

2010-04-10, 11:08 PM
Calling you in on this now.
I mean, the Forsaken were all preserved. How? Stasis boxes. What they have access to and The Dark One has access to are very different stories, after all.

Forsaken got trapped in the Bore with the Dark One, not in a stasis box. But something else is happening to Shaidar at the moment.

Leona Lake

"Yes...I will...Lord." Nerves still twitching, the Shade jerkily moves to the west, where the faint towers of a city can be seen.

But as he leaves, the waters of Leona Lake bubble and froth; a strange light turns the once-clear water black. Strange shapes dance below, and a voice echoes from the deep.

Who has defiled the shores of the Hadeshorn?

He might.
He's like that.
But he doesn't need her help. T'Zarken knows where he is kept, and wants to be free as well. Unfortunately, Malus is only enough to sustain a certain amount, for a short time.
So, T'Zarken is using Malus to free him, at which point T'Zarken will kill him, take his body, and use that to become the scourge, kill everyone and end the world.

And Malus is willing to allow T'Zarken to kill him, then? Since the dark elf hardly seems powerful enough to kill T'Zarken.

2010-04-10, 11:17 PM
Ah. I figured I was still in the Helgrind, as that is where that transaction took place, so I had no idea that was for me.
How did I get there?

And Malus is willing to allow T'Zarken to kill him, then? Since the dark elf hardly seems powerful enough to kill T'Zarken.

He's not, and he's not willing. But there are a few problems. If Malus dies, the daemon gets his soul anyway, and by the time he doesn't care and just wants it over he has no control over his body, and the daemon forces him back, Malus the silent passenger.

At the end of the first story he tries, and manages to win on a technicality due to the layout of the temple, destroying all his artifacts in the process except the sword. The daemon takes his soul anyway, and builds his power to complete the prophecy, so Malus hunts him down, getting some other artifacts and offending the child of chaos in the process. He manages to get his soul back, and T'Zarken plans retribution, but the child arrives, annoyed. He beats them both to a pulp, and seals T'Zarken in Malus again figuring it was the cruelest thing he could do to both of them.

2010-04-10, 11:27 PM
Ah. I figured I was still in the Helgrind, as that is where that transaction took place, so I had no idea that was for me.
How did I get there?

He's not, and he's not willing. But there are a few problems. If Malus dies, the daemon gets his soul anyway, and by the time he doesn't care and just wants it over he has no control over his body, and the daemon forces him back, Malus the silent passenger.

At the end of the first story he tries, and manages to win on a technicality due to the layout of the temple, destroying all his artifacts in the process except the sword. The daemon takes his soul anyway, and builds his power to complete the prophecy, so Malus hunts him down, getting some other artifacts and offending the child of chaos in the process. He manages to get his soul back, and T'Zarken plans retribution, but the child arrives, annoyed. He beats them both to a pulp, and seals T'Zarken in Malus again figuring it was the cruelest thing he could do to both of them.

Umm...well...you caught me...would you be willing to buy underground caverns?

As for Malus, he's going to be told how to find a way to get rid of the voice inside his head. Along with a guarantee that the source is genuine.

2010-04-10, 11:29 PM
I suppose I better.

2010-04-10, 11:37 PM
Sorry. I could rewrite it so that Shaidar steps outside, and then the lake gets in touch with its spiritual side if you want.

2010-04-10, 11:49 PM
Eh, it will do. I'll begin building my army later.

I'm sure his job as Hand of the Dark One takes him to all sorts of interesting places.

2010-04-10, 11:53 PM
Oh it does. The Hadeshorn, however, is not going to be serving the Dark One. Growing up reading Shannara keeps that lake in my fondly remembered childhood nightmares.

2010-04-10, 11:55 PM
Oh, it might not know that it is, I'll concede that.

2010-04-11, 05:58 PM
Du Weldonvarden
The corner of the woman's mouth twitches. "You have been taken far into your future, Malus Darkblade. Or if you prefer, backwards into your past. Catch."

A slim stick made of a white wood is lobbed at the dark elf. As it approaches, T'zarken shudders.


The city reminds of Eddie of a gig he once pulled in Jersey, when money was tight. There is a certain smell the place exudes that the roadie had thought could not be replicated anywhere else; apparently, the man was wrong. As the bus enters the city gates, the young commander hesitates for a moment, dismounts, and nervously enters the vehicle.

"Sir? The...Kking wwhwwwhwhishes to sssee you. He prommissses s-s-safe conductuntiltheendofyourmeetingdon'tkillmeI'mjustt hemessenger."


The instant the man grasps the Horn, he smiles in triumph.

"By the authority of King Galbatorix, you are under arrest for assaulting a member of the Teirm Military Command, possession of an unauthorized magical artifact, threatening a member of the Teirm Military Command, and consorting with subhumans. Your sentence is death, to be carried out immediately."

Raising the Horn of Valere to his lips, a single note is blown.


The World of Dreams; a place where few can enter and fewer can leave. Here, the deep dreams and nightmares of the entire world are enacted; every possibility, every choice made, every road not taken is here. A mirror of the Waking world...and yet not. Every thread on the Pattern touches the Unseen World; time has no meaning here.

Here too are the archetypes, the great heroes that are woven into the Pattern, again and again for all time. Here they wait to be reincarnated, to forget their memories and become mortal once more, to change the world and sustain their legend.

In this Age, there are no Dreamwalkers; no living soul enters here willingly, consciously. The World of Dreams lies relatively bare and empty. A cycle emerges, as people enter asleep, stay, trapped in their dreams and nightmares, and wake up once more.

That cycle now breaks, as the Horn sounds, and the heroes rush to answer its call. Riding into the waking world on a beam of light, they obey the commands of the Hornsounder.

"Kill the wolf; kill the barbarian."


The man has been dead for eons; Allanon meets the Halfman's gaze squarely and unflinchingly. Your master lies enchained and ensnared, powerless and feeble. You serve one who has no power here. Not anymore. The Lord of the Grave is gone until the next Turn of the Wheel. Leave the Hadeshorn; there is nothing for you here. A hand is raised in defiance.


"Lady, I don't have a clue what you're saying. Drop the whip, please. The Queen wants a word with you."

Where is Inigo and Fezzik in all this?

2010-04-11, 06:20 PM
nanobot? Get the Horn back ASAP.

2010-04-11, 06:22 PM
Where is Inigo and Fezzik in all this?

Ummm.....where are Inigo and Fezzik?

2010-04-11, 06:24 PM
Outskirts of Uru-Baen. Where the beasties have now swallowed the commander of the city forces.

2010-04-11, 06:24 PM
And Stannis. If you want, we can just say he's Artur Hawkwing reborn, much of it fits, particularly obsession with justice.
But I'd prefer something more elaborate that didn't leave both y characters in the same place.

2010-04-11, 06:26 PM
Stannis is with the Eelfinn at the moment. Not called by the Horn.

And you now have a chance at recruiting the Druids, Cracklord. I can place the Elfstone onto the board.

2010-04-11, 11:49 PM
How is Eddie and crew "eating" city guard? I thought he was driving past them.

2010-04-12, 02:11 AM
What would be fair to get out? About forty, I was thinking. Any more is too unlikey, any less isn't worth the effort.

Leave it there, but make me work for it. I'll be using my newly found minions, of course. Shaidar Haran doesn't act himself unless things are REALLY bad.

2010-04-12, 05:32 AM
How is Eddie and crew "eating" city guard? I thought he was driving past them.

Yes, but the captain hopped on board.

2010-04-12, 07:56 PM
There are five doors along the wall, each made of cuendillar, tionium and gromril, worked with elaborate wards and sealed with the true power.
Shaidar Haran places his hand over the smallest of the doors, and, with a flick of his mind, opens it.
Breeding stock.
The air within is heavy and musty, as though a hibernating mammal slumbers within. First to emerge is a pair of trollocs, taller then a man, but seeming smaller due to hunched shoulders and crooked, twisted backs. The first has a slavering, hyena like face and sharp ears, it's body coated with brown, mangy fur.
The other is slightly taller, a tusked pigsnout and heavy brow, with thick arms and bowed legs, covered in bristling, wiry fur.
They both lower their dark beady eyes, make snuffling, obedient noises. Behind them emerges a small, crooked figure, equally twisted, with wide, lamplike eyes and a mouth full of crooked sharp teeth. It breathes through two slits, and it's hands are far bigger then natural.
The goblin presses it's head to the floor, whimpering.
Next to emerge are equally twisted humanoids, the first one dark skinned, taunt across heavy muscle, with a brutal, craggy face and dangerous eyes, hair lank and greasy, fangs a healthy yellow, and straight, broad shoulders. It's ancestor was hunched and twisted, scrawny and sly, but just as dangerous in it's own way.
The orc and Uruk-hai both kneel, trembling.
Shaidar Haran is quiet, already calculating how many human females he will need to create an army. The number is staggering, but expected.
Next to emerge is what appears to be a dwarf, though wider and squatter. The first one to emerge is almost obscenely muscular, clad in armor of no real craftsmanship or quality festooned with spikes. His beard is shot with animal fat, and his face is tattooed with ugly runes, swearing vengeance and death to the rest of his race. His two wives are likewise decorated, wearing heavy leather skirts and headscarfs holding slightly behind him.
The thirdlings bow, grudgingly perhaps, but they do it. They never are satisfied with their place.
A cloven-hooved ungor with goat horns follows, it's muzzle more akin to that of a ravening wolf. Dark, spiral tattoos etched into his thick hide roll and shift in unnerving patterns as he moves. His nostrils flare, his clawed hands flexing with the urge to destroy. an iron amulet set with a glowing green stone hangs around his neck. It bares it's neck, shivering.
The troll was very short, muscular, and covered in shaggy gray fur. A barrel chest, disproportionately long, hunched, ape like arms, with powerful, long, thick taloned fingers. It's eyes were huge, ad framed by a long, shaggy beard.
It blinked sightlessly, then shrinks back slightly.
And behind them emerge more twisted mockeries, shapes inhuman and sinister, each one enough to strike a primal, terrified cord in human memory. Preserved outside time for an event such as this.
Shaidar Haran smiles then, but leaves them, moving to the next seal.
The air seems to get colder. then it does, frost blowing out from within, rime coating the floor and walls, as a being emerges. It is enough to make even Shaidar Haran shiver.
An Other glides out, incredibly gaunt skin and ice pale flesh all but glowing in the murk. It's armor changes color with every step, reflecting each of the shades of frost.
With incredible grace, it kneels. Behind it come two lesser Myrmadals, averting their features, and an Olog-hai, it's brutish features set in fury, as always. Almost five meters tall, with massive limbs, it looks capable of demolishing a castle wall.
Behind, their is a cacophany of roars and howls, as heathounds, darkhounds and dire wolves snap and howl, chained in place. A Draghkar emerges, cringing at it's stronger kin, and a Jumara is chained in place, thrashing blindly. A crate full of eggs, most dark and hard, waiting to be incubated, or, in a few cases, fertilized.
Last to emerge is a snake like figure, his shifting cloak blending him into the background, all but rendering him invisible to most eyes, except for the telltale flashes of movement. Shaidar Haran could smell the magic on him, and didn't need eyes to know it was there.
These would be useful too, though he would need more.
The final door he left closed. He doubted he was ready to control what was inside, and at the present though it was best to leave well enough alone.
He stares at the mismatched creatures he would make into an army, and at last straightened his shoulders. He would need human women by the thousands, and human soldiers to fight while he begun it. So be it.
He would create a cult to the dark one, as he had so many times, and give them power. In time, he would use them to recruit what he needed, until his army was strong enough to begin the war.
There was no dragon this time. No legendary hero of light. No ancient order of mystics. Nothing to stop his masters triumph.
With that thought, Shaidar Haran stepped into the shadows and vanished, the two fades following him.


2010-04-12, 08:13 PM
Thank you.
Anyone who can get all the books those creatures come from gets a cookie.
An awesome cookie.

As to my next post, Malus spends his entire life trapped between two opposing forces. First his father and mother, then his siblings, then his loyalty to his people and own self-interest against the daemon, and when that proves woefully inadequate the warpsword against the daemon, then the witchking against the daemon, and finally the witchking against the warpsword.
The idea of him not being damned either way and having to take a third option just to prolong his misery and make matters seem, but somehow profiting as things get worse for him is...
just no.

2010-04-12, 09:51 PM
Except that that third option is also an illusion, since the Ellcrys isn't his cure(it could be, but that would destroy it and destroying it would cause the Forbidding that keeps all the demons at bay unless actually called to be nullified). His "hope" is coming from the mercies of the Eelfinn. He's damned three times over, and hoping to stay balanced between warpsword, daemon, and...strange inter-dimensional deal-makers-fox people.

2010-04-12, 10:26 PM
Naive of you to assume Malus wouldn't damn the entire world in a display of petty self interest.
As to be stretched between a range of far more powerful 'people' manipulating him... Yep. This feels pretty familiar to him by now.

2010-04-12, 10:39 PM
Naive of you to assume Malus wouldn't damn the entire world in a display of petty self interest.

Not really. Ellcrys gets destroyed by Malus, guess who's at Ground Zero for Daemon Invasion Central? And the strongest, most powerful daemons would be the first to break through...

And since Galbatorix hasn't been seen in-canon, I'm going to base him heavily off the persona of Creon, from Jean Anouilh's adaption of Antigone. For people who don't know anything about that adaption(it isn't exactly famous), its basically an allegory for France under the Nazis, with Creon being the head of the puppet French government.

2010-04-12, 11:49 PM
Love that.
If I were going for it, he'd be a fat drunken slob, long past fighting.
King Robert, without the latter's basic purity of purpose.

2010-04-13, 12:23 AM
Love that.
If I were going for it, he'd be a fat drunken slob, long past fighting.

Thank you; in the last game Cracklord tried to go for an Anti-Villain characterization. I'm just trying to get a slightly different bead on the character.

2010-04-13, 12:33 AM
Of course he did.

2010-04-13, 01:41 AM
Alright. That is Tolkien and Warhammer consistent. It is even Eragon consistent, as much as anything is.

The Tygre
2010-04-13, 02:31 PM
Remember earlier, when I had said that **** was formerly not real, but it had proceeded to escalate to such situations?

I was lying.

That time is now.

2010-04-13, 07:26 PM
So, I'm a little confused. I thought Gilgamesh would have to blow the horn in order for it summon Gilgamesh. Given who blew it, I was expecting That Guy With The Halberd to show up or something.

2010-04-13, 07:43 PM
The Horn summons heroes from beyond the grave to fight for whomever blows it. Doesn't matter who did the deed; the plot of the second Wheel of Time novel revolves around finding the Horn before it falls into the wrong hands.

2010-04-13, 08:12 PM
So, I'm a little confused. I thought Gilgamesh would have to blow the horn in order for it summon Gilgamesh. Given who blew it, I was expecting That Guy With The Halberd to show up or something.

Well the only rational thing to do is to play TGWtH instead of Gilgamesh now. :smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 11:37 PM
tygre: There is a reason why Drizzt was speaking Common. The pair have an audience.

The Tygre
2010-04-14, 01:18 AM
Awww... do I have to consider the civilians? They're just -elves-. They'll grow back. That's how surface elves work, right? They grow out of trees?

2010-04-14, 02:03 AM
Well, the earlier ones collasced out of pure awesome, when it became to dense to maintain itself (see also: Glorfindel, Fingolfin, ect.)
The later ones were basically perfect, over the top, more holy then thou humans, with just enough flaws to keep them interesting. From there, they degenerated until said flaws consumed their character.
By Eragon, it's the forests way of disposing of utterly useless waste.

2010-04-14, 02:07 AM
The Horn summons heroes from beyond the grave to fight for whomever blows it. Doesn't matter who did the deed; the plot of the second Wheel of Time novel revolves around finding the Horn before it falls into the wrong hands.

Out of interest, is there any rule that said heroes have to obey said horn blower?
Because there are a whole bunch of pure legendary champions with no interest in an unworthy cause...

And while Cracklord is reminding me, what happened to Stannis?

2010-04-14, 02:30 AM
The Grave is no bar to my call. Let he who sounds me think not of glory, but of salvation.”


The Tygre
2010-04-14, 01:18 PM
Alright, fine. I won't entirely kill Driz'zt. Just turn the elves against him and maybe maim him a little. But only because I promised I would split the torturing with Cracklord! You're lucky that Twilight game was so much fun...

2010-04-14, 03:36 PM
That's sort of what I was getting at. Look at what just happened from the Elven Queen's point of view. By attacking Drizzt on sight, for no apparent reason, you've pretty much ruined drow-elven negotiations(read: ability to insert knife in back).

Expect gloating on his part. I'll post later today; I'm away from my notes.

The Tygre
2010-04-14, 04:23 PM
Wait a second. I just had an idea. A brilliant idea. An idea so stupid and genius that if I even -began- to know what I was talking about my head would explode.

If I might make a request; cancel that summons. Make sure nothing comes through, or at leas look like nothing comes through. Give a moment for Quenthel to say things from her point of view.

Cracklord; High-tail it over here double-time. I think you can see where I'm going with this. :smallamused:

2010-04-14, 05:07 PM
The guards across Terim should all shout in unison:
"Someone's been murdered!"

2010-04-14, 05:32 PM
That I can do.

2010-04-14, 07:57 PM
The Grove of the Ellcrys

One of the youths blinks at the Samurai's question. "She is a symbol of our peoples pride...and one of our strongest defenses. Long ago, demons walked the land..."

The young elf's story is abruptly cut off. "She's shedding sap! Get the buckets!" Breaking off his story, he promptly ignores Jack in order to help the others, who are frantically trying to stem the flow of sap from the tree. Jack watches them, at first in amusement, but then, the samurai notices the color of the tree's sap. Black and viscous, and all too familiar...

Castle Galbatorix

"Then whatever your true reasons, are, Mr. Riggs, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors." The man stares to the left of the roadie for a second. "Unfortunately, other duties weigh upon my time. I must beg your leave to exit. Until we meet again." The king stands and leaves the room, his footsteps echoing softly across the flagstones. It takes a moment for the full impact of his words to set in: whatever your true reasons.

In another room, bare and empty of any decoration or furniture save a single window, Galbatorix sighs. "I am right here. Come and face me-there is no need to kill any of my men."

The Fourth Age

The room beyond was another white-floored star-shaped chamber, not so large as the one — or ones — with columns. An eight-pointed star with a glassy black pedestal standing in each point, like a two span slice out of one of those columns. Glowing yellow strips ran up the sharp edges of room and pedestals. The unpleasant smell was stronger here; he recognized it now. The smell of a wild animal’s lair. He hardly noticed it, though, because the chamber was empty except for him.

Suddenly Stannis spun in a circle, searching not the pedestals but the smooth gray walls. The doorway was gone; there was no way out. Yet before he completed a second turn there was someone standing on each pedestal, people like his guide, but dressed differently. Four were men, the others women, their stiff hair rising in a crest before spilling down their backs. All wore long white skirts that hid their feet. The women had on white blouses that fell below their hips, with high lace necks and pale ruffles at their wrists. The men wore even more straps than the guide, wider and studded with gold. Each harness supported a pair of bare bladed knives on the wearer’s chest. Bronze blades, from the color, but so finely crafted as to be superior to any steel in the land.

“Speak,” one of the women said in that growling voice. “By the ancient treaty, here is agreement made. What is your need? Speak.”

Queen's Hall

Islanzadí steeples her fingers, interlacing the tips. "I...see. Drizzt, are these accusations true?" Her face betrays no emotion.

Drizzt's face, on the other hand, is slightly less cocky as it used to be. Obviously, he had been provoking you earlier. "Lying with sub-things and beasts? Slander. The rest of it...oh yes. I deny nothing. In my defense, though, drow religion and the drow way of life are such that it was impossible for me not to. Ask her about how she was initiated as a priestess. Go on."

The elven queen scowls at Drizzt. "An order?"

"A request, your Majesty. In any case, she should be allowed to speak her defense. To defend the undefendable."

Islanzadi pauses, then nods once. Gesturing to one of her guardsman, she rises from her throne. "Regardless of your motives-either of your motives-I do not like what I have heard now. Please turn over your weapons-Drizzt, you shall disarm first. Then, you will both submit to questioning. Separately. Is my will under--"

The doors boom open, and Drizzt is knocked to his feet by Malus's approach. Islanzadi frowns at the newcomer. "Now who are you?"

I think I'm retarded...but...where are Fezzik and Inigo in this?

2010-04-14, 08:19 PM
Posted Fezzic and Inigo.

Additionally, what's an Aegon?

2010-04-14, 09:09 PM
Aegon the conqueror, a fantasy character who closely resembles Galbatorix, only more awesome.
Sort of like how Shai'Tan calls Rand Lews Therin.

2010-04-14, 09:53 PM

That monologue was paraphrased from Creon's in Antigone. Well, Creon's monologue translated into English. It loses a great deal in the translation. And note that Galbatorix isn't saying no...or yes. He still needs to be convinced. For obvious reasons, given my inspiration for him, once the necessary guarantees are made, he'll sign up.

The Tygre
2010-04-14, 10:10 PM
I stand by Quenthel's bestiality statement. He sure as Hell isn't getting any from Cattie-Brie, and he keeps that panther of his around with him all the time.

Think about it.

2010-04-14, 10:18 PM
Quenthal isn't any better, in any case. Remember how drow priestesses are initiated...

2010-04-14, 10:26 PM
Eh, elves sleep with anything.

2010-04-14, 10:38 PM
Except dwarves. Doing so is a known sign of the apocalypse.

2010-04-14, 10:59 PM
Of course not. They aren't attracted to masculinity. Look at them.

2010-04-14, 11:00 PM
Well, Galadriel was blown over by Gimli's boyish charm, suave personality and excellent way with words in the definitive work.

And If I were not a staunch supporter of Sam and Frodo being platonic, I would make a case for Gimli and Legolas.

2010-04-14, 11:35 PM
Note: Cracklord, the Black Elfstone is Shadar's now.

Warning: Galbatorix does say that using the stone has a cost.

2010-04-14, 11:36 PM
Melisandre is a woman. A beautiful, fanatical, terrifying woman, who has serious powers and told Stannis he is the chosen of the lord of Light.
And Edric is his older brother (the previous king)'s bastard son.
Davos is a smuggler turned knight, who thinks Stannis is a perfect being. Basically, during a siege that lasted a year Stannis ate rats and boiled leather rather then give up, while the enemy lords threw magnificent feasts just out of bowshot every night. To try to get him to cave in. It didn't even phase him, but he had any who did thrown off the walls, and the dead catapulted over so the living couldn't resort to eating them.
He would have starved to death if Davos, the greatest smuggler ever, hadn't managed to slip past the blockade with a hold full of onions and salted fish.
Thanks to that, they survived. Just.
In reward, Stannis made Davos a knight, and gave him a portion of his own lands. However, he also sentenced him to loose the top digits of all the fingers on his right hand, for flaunting the kings laws as a smuggler all these years. Davos agreed, so long as Stannis wielded the knife itself, refusing to allow a lesser man to do it. Stannis agreed.
One good deed does not council out a bad, nor does a bad cancel out nobility, they each need to be dealt with on their own.
He has since become the hand of the king, who gives Stannis advice and acts in his name. He's also the truest, most noble guy in the series.

To best represent Stannis the king, you need Melisandre and Davos. He whispers one thing, she whispers the other, and Stannis decides.

2010-04-14, 11:39 PM
Got that. Who are the other two (or is it three) that Stannis requested?

2010-04-15, 12:07 AM
Melisandre is a woman. A beautiful, fanatical, terrifying woman, who has serious powers and told Stannis he is the chosen of the lord of Light.
And Edric is his older brother (the previous king)'s bastard son.
Melisendre is somewhat obsessed with fire, she lights people on fire who she views as heretics and makes sacrifices, though Stannis is against this.
She seems to be able to see the future in flames, and can do other things.
Edric is just an ordinary boy, talented and likable, but in himself nothing special. Except:
Stannis's sword only becomes Light Bringer in a very specific set of circumstances.

Darkness lay over the world and a hero, Azor Ahai, was chosen to fight against it. To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero's sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over. The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered. The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew before hand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her breast, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer.
Stannis, Azor Ahai reborn, needs to temper his blade to make it Lightbringer.
He doesn't love his wife, or even feel particularly fond of her. He'd be celibate except it's his husbandly duty not to be, so he shares her bed once or twice a year. The devotion just isn't there.
So Melisandre suggests Edric...
However, without Melisandre Edric's completely useless.

The Tygre
2010-04-15, 12:21 AM
Ugh... why couldn't the drow capital have been Ched-Nesad. Ched-Nesad is easy to remember, and I don't constantly worry about misspelling it. Not like good ol' Menzoberranzzan.

2010-04-15, 12:24 AM
We all know what you mean, comrade.
Fear not.
Well, now I have his trust, or almost. Now to break him.

The Tygre
2010-04-15, 12:38 AM
We all know what you mean, comrade.
Fear not.
Well, now I have his trust, or almost. Now to break him.

Care to indulge in an evil laugh? OOC, of course. I hear it restores Essence.

2010-04-15, 04:05 AM
Well played, Mr Darkblade.

2010-04-15, 05:02 AM
I'm working on my concept notes for the Eragon/Twilight crossover game and I'm trying to decide if I should enclude Avatar or not.

On one hand it allows more Science Fictionish characters to be valid PCs but on the other, they aren't as Sue-ish as the Eragon and Twilight casts and we never did finish their game so the reasoning behind the crossover doesn't fit them as well.

What do you all think?

2010-04-15, 07:35 AM
I'd take Avatar out, personally.

2010-04-15, 08:28 AM
In the next game someone should play Kenshiro. You know it would be awesome.

The Tygre
2010-04-15, 08:38 AM
Yeah, I'd leave Avatar out, too. I could see Twilight/Eragon, but Avatar is pushing the genre-mashing. Too Final Countdown, y'know?

2010-04-15, 10:10 AM
Alright no Avatar it is.

In the next game someone should play Kenshiro. You know it would be awesome.

Kenshiro: You're already dead.
Edward: Uh Yeah. Thanks for noticing.

Sorry couldn't resist.

2010-04-16, 04:07 PM
[Gilgamesh, Feanor: turn ends. Move to Dras-Leona zone.]
Surda Border

As the trio hang, there is a rush of wind. Were they moving? Everything was a blur until it all turned black...

Disjointed sounds and images.

The sound of a knife cutting through rope. Falling. A hard floor. A headache. The voice of a boy.

"I think they're coming to..."

Is this for Me?

2010-04-16, 04:15 PM
No, that's for the Martin-verse characters.

I've got to think about what I'm doing with your characters. Give me a few minutes.

2010-04-18, 08:36 PM
Paranoia and caution do not a great first impression make. Just saying.

The Tygre
2010-04-18, 10:54 PM
Paranoia and caution do not a great first impression make. Just saying.

I'm a drow. It's what I do. Quenthel thinks she's subtle, but compared to her brother and sister, she's a rubber mallet. She's not used to begging mortals, even if they're elven nobility. She walks around Arach-Tinilith like she owns the place, namely because she does on a spiritual level.

Oh well. I'm not giving up. These elves are buyers on the god market, and I intend to sell. Sometimes, you've gotta' take a jeep off the road to show how it crushes rocks.

2010-04-18, 11:05 PM
Ah well. Wait until Stannis marches into Uru'Baen like he owns the place and demands the throne on an account of a fourteen ages old claim, so old that the entore shape of the world is unrecognizeable.
That's going to be hillarious.

2010-04-18, 11:22 PM
Cracklord? Draxx? Are you using each others' accounts?

2010-04-18, 11:28 PM
No, we're using the same computer, as we're both at uni waiting for a class and all the others are taken, and he forgot to log out. Honest mistake.

He's going to do that, isn't he. "My claim is true. In a time twice as old as recorded history, when the continent had a different name and shape, my brother slew the last prince of a long forgotten royal family on the banks of a river long since dried up, in part of the world that, by the shape of the coast, seems to have sunk into the sea, after said prince abducted a girl he was betrothed too. He died/was murdered, and as his children were bastard born and his heirs were conceived by the queen and her twin brother, I have the rightful claim. Therefore everyone to hold the throne since was a pretender, and by extension traitors. I am renowned for my total lack of mercy and forgiveness, but even so I may not behead everyone if you give me the throne without a fight.
Just ask my most trusted friend, whose fingers I shortened with a butchers cleaver after he saved my life at great personal risk.

2010-04-18, 11:31 PM
Ah. Makes sense now.

EDIT: Forgot that the political situation is entirely different now.

Also, in a country that has ceased to exist...

2010-04-18, 11:42 PM
Westeros was a continent of seven kingdoms loosely divided into one. Each one is ruled by a scarily competant lord, who, in most cases is completely self-serving.
Which is why Stannis never got much support. The thought of someone on the throne who was totally unbending terrefied them. Imagine Galad who never rationalized things, but instead went along with his first impulse. Yeah.

The Tygre
2010-04-19, 12:05 AM
Clever. :smallamused: Seriously, you had me gotdamn terrified there for a moment. That was genius. Would the Lady Penitent package and, y'know, getting out of the queen's kinky chair be pushing too far? I originally thought about summoning a giant spider, but that seems to be going over the edge to me. Plus, truth be told... It's a giant spider. Unless it's one of the really big ones, there's only so much you can do with it. I think Quenthel's going to draw from this experience in the future...

2010-04-19, 06:24 PM
Remember what I said about divine signs earlier. Interpret them as you wish.

EDIT: Within reason, of course. Dust landing on Quenthal's nose is not a sign that all noses are impure and thus should be cut off.

2010-04-19, 09:09 PM
Melisandre is more then she appears.
She can see the future and the will of her god by gazing into fires. As this is wheel of Time based, we will say she has the ability to see Ta'vern, and can use fires to make out how the entire pattern is being weaved.
This is not complete, but it is pretty useful.

She has a few tricks that are impossible to quantify, she can light you on fire, as she does in a wizards duel, and a few others.
She can kill you. There were four men that declared themselves king. She fed three leaches fed with Stannis's blood into a fire, and, within two months, the other three were dead. All of them were murdered by people who stood to gain, and the plans to do so had been put into place long before her spell. And yet, they all died within two months. An impossible coincidence.
As such, lets say she can influence the pattern, tugging or snipping a few threads.

Finally, by borrowing other people's life force, she can give birth to shadows, the children of light (after all, the brightest light has the darkest shadow). These she can order to kill people, which they do. One killed Renly amongst all his guards in the middle of his army, another killed the man heading the greatest fortress in the world.

This is not power, this is something else. The higher science talked about in Robert E Howard.

Cracklord and I have been discussing this. Some is his contributions.

2010-04-19, 09:24 PM
EDIT: Within reason, of course. Dust landing on Quenthal's nose is not a sign that all noses are impure and thus should be cut off.

It is to Quenthal.

2010-04-19, 10:54 PM
Oh, please.

Like I was going to make killing the Queen of the Elves a simple thing.

The Tygre
2010-04-20, 01:37 AM
Ahhh... Well, so much for that sale. I wasn't looking to 'kill' so much as 'convert'. Now I've wasted my Arachnid Ex Machina on the NPC. At least for this chapter.

Bah. Elves. With their 'freedom' this and their 'virtue' that. Maybe I should have taken that missionary job in Eberron...

2010-04-20, 05:58 AM
If there is one true thing in all the Ages, it is this: Elves are bloody stubborn things.

EDIT: Note that the Queen is defying you. There are still a good deal of retainers and servants scurrying about. And I doubt they'll be sharing the Queen's principles. Especially since she's currently dying.

EDIT2: Lolth? In Eberron? She'd end up working for somebody about three times weaker than her due to contractual obligations. The whole setting's full of Xanatos's.

2010-04-20, 05:28 PM
Not so. Truly, the greatest of Tolkiens talents was making his elves actually wise, fair and mighty as they claim, while not being too insufferable. Nobody else has managed it. Ever.

2010-04-20, 06:30 PM
Just want to let you guys know that I will be away from my computer from Wednesday to Saturday.

2010-04-20, 09:26 PM
Who are you talking about restoring? The only woman I can think of with ties like that to Jack is him Mother but she can't really be restored right now since she hasn't been born yet.

2010-04-20, 09:29 PM
The Ellcrys. When dying, she is able to revive herself. Even Ages into the future.

Though I pity the demon who gets free during the Fourth Age.

"Hellfire? Mr. Demon, meet Mr. ICBM."

2010-04-23, 10:22 PM
Just to be clear: The elf behind the pillars is not Malus or Drizzt.

2010-04-26, 06:35 PM
It occurs to me, everyone has a target they need to kill/devastate/do terrible things to. After some consideration, Feanor's is a sword. A sword named Brisingr.
It is a sword that was made in a way not really appropriate for a broadsword, is capable of ridiculous things, and has a stupid name.
Feanor's blade is made in an appropriate way, doesn't have a stupid name (or any name at all) and can cut clean through his stupid blade.
That is my goal. Prove Feanor's superior workmanship.

2010-04-26, 06:41 PM
Fine by me. I'll send Eragon to Dras-Leona, then. The reason why he hasn't been encountered before now is because he's en route to Vroengard.

Note: I still have plans for him, though. Destroying Brisingr is one thing. But if(when) Eragon flees, don't pursue. He'll be back for the finale.

*evil cackle*

The Tygre
2010-04-26, 07:42 PM
Wait, is it one of my spider legs that just done got vivisected, or one of my good legs?

2010-04-26, 07:48 PM
Spider. Sorry for the confusion.

2010-04-27, 12:29 AM
So, I take it The man in black showed up in a comfortable mask, bested Inigo with steel and Fezzik with strength, then went after Vizzini (Inconcievable)?

2010-04-27, 02:05 PM
I'm sorry for not posting the last few days. I just moved back home from school and now I'm having computer troubles. It should be fixed over the next week or so.

2010-04-27, 11:35 PM
Teddy Roosevalt is a hero of the horn.
Let's not spoil this moment with words.

2010-04-29, 04:46 AM

The Tygre
2010-04-29, 04:27 PM
Ohhh... Sorry for not posting yesterday. My work schedule was a little rough. Finals and everything. All the end of the semester work's a bitch, y'know?

2010-05-02, 07:18 PM
In fantasy, the madmen eccentrics are always right. They always say things that turn out to be true, or do weird stuff that turns out to be useful. The Jester in a Court is almost always the wisest man there.

So why not apply that to Eragon?

2010-05-02, 08:40 PM
Oh, true.
Take the Farseer trilogy. The fool can predict the future and is playing a patient game to make the one he wishes to come to pass happen by mannipulating pretty much everyone.
Or A game of Thrones, where Stannis's fool, while being obese, pathetic, not-funny and insane, can also predict the future.
And who winds up king in Wyrd sisters, I ask you?
And then there is King Lear.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Suffice to say, that the fools are the only thing more worrying then grand viziers (or high priests).

2010-05-02, 08:51 PM
Which is why King Orrin, who is both the fool AND the king, is so dangerous.

song Orrin is playing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgOGl_OWOqg

2010-05-02, 11:46 PM
Not really my sort of music, but I can live with it.

2010-05-03, 07:54 PM
That's sort of the point. Nothing cancels out metal more than classical. Well, I personally will listen to both one after another, but that's just me. Most people can't bring the two together.

2010-05-04, 12:40 AM
Oh, I like some classical music. I love some of Wagner and most of Beethoven, and Bach has a special place in my heart. I just find Tchaikovsky too subdued and anti-climactic, with most of the instruments not doing anything.

2010-05-04, 09:09 AM
How do you feel about Holst? I love The Planets.

2010-05-04, 09:25 PM
Don't be fooled by his liking of classical, he's actually a philistine. And he only knows that much about it because he had classical piano instruction as a child.

2010-05-05, 06:29 PM
That's sort of the point. Nothing cancels out metal more than classical. Well, I personally will listen to both one after another, but that's just me. Most people can't bring the two together.

You are aware there are two (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphonic_metal) entire genre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-classical_metal)dedicated to doing just that?

From a stand point of the Brutal Legend game a closer match to a true equal and opposite force would be Nu-Metal and/or Glam Metal but classical works for this.

2010-05-05, 07:22 PM
Most people can't stand the two together, though. My family, unfortunately, is addicted to a) disco and b) pop music. Not fun.

Speaking of which, disco and pop probably would work just as well on a battlefield, when you don't have the luxury of a fortress to hide your string section in.

2010-05-05, 07:48 PM
Country is the bane of Metal (though I like both). And Soul destroys it (I like that when it is done well).

2010-05-05, 08:23 PM
Country is the bane of Metal (though I like both). And Soul destroys it (I like that when it is done well).

Devil Went Down to Georgia. They are compatible. It can be upgraded.

2010-05-05, 08:25 PM
Yeah, can't say I've heard that.
OK, the Blues and Rock and Roll.

2010-05-05, 09:12 PM

2010-05-05, 09:21 PM
OK, that sounds like it should have been left country.

2010-05-05, 09:28 PM
I like it. It makes me smile. Like a train wreck. Or the Hindenburg.

2010-05-05, 09:35 PM
Or Eragon.

2010-05-06, 07:55 PM
Apparently Country and rap can be combined as well. And sound far better then the original, as well as being hilarious. Who would have thought.
Them Wacky Rednecks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAEMjb9TPFM).

2010-05-11, 09:49 PM
Bump. Bumpity-bump.

2010-05-11, 10:09 PM
I need to wait for Tygre to post.
And Shaidar Haran needs time. I can only write so much filler.

The Tygre
2010-05-12, 12:17 AM
I need to wait for Tygre to post.
And Shaidar Haran needs time. I can only write so much filler.

Oh! Crap! I was waiting to get Drizzt's shirt back! Moving.

2010-05-12, 12:23 AM
Take what you want from Drizzt.

The Tygre
2010-05-12, 12:42 AM
If its all the same to you, I'm taking his boots and his leggings too. Quenthel's own were made from the same material as her armor, and can't have held up well.

2010-05-14, 09:12 PM
~pokes industrious~

2010-05-15, 06:37 PM
Course they aren't orcs. They're Urgals.


2010-05-15, 09:20 PM
None of us have seen them before. Malus has killed Beastmen, who have horns, but Beastmen are far more dangerous then Urgals, like armies of picts, and look far less human.
While orcs are like armies of soccer hooligans, so fit the concept far better.

2010-05-17, 10:22 PM
Waiting on Draxx to post, then I'll post.

2010-05-29, 02:44 PM
Tygre, I hope that Quenthal isn't speaking too loudly.

The Tygre
2010-05-29, 06:08 PM
Took out the parts about revenge, but Quenthel's staying adamant else-wise. The entire 'my race was unrightfully banished beneath the earth to die' thing might have made her a little bitter towards her surface cousins.

2010-05-29, 10:19 PM
Nice, this reminiscing. Really sets up and defines our respective characters.

The Tygre
2010-05-29, 11:16 PM
Aye, that it does. Quenthel needs some airing out. All this talk of home makes me question the wisdom of leaving a Yochol in charge back at Arach-Tinilith, though...

2010-05-29, 11:23 PM
*whistles innocently*

2010-05-30, 12:56 AM
Aye, that it does. Quenthel needs some airing out. All this talk of home makes me question the wisdom of leaving a Yochol in charge back at Arach-Tinilith, though...

Eh, it will do them good. Shake them up a bit, stop things getting too routine, don'tcha know?

2010-05-30, 07:02 PM
As nice as this no doubt is, I would like an update soon.

2010-05-30, 07:20 PM
Don't worry, we're about done.

2010-06-13, 05:34 PM
This could use some updatin'.

2010-06-13, 08:50 PM
Sorry about that. I've been preparing for graduation. Now I am officially unemployed. Hooray for me!

2010-06-13, 09:10 PM
Eh, you need to spend time not working so you can remember why you do (for money).

2010-06-13, 09:16 PM
I'm trying to look for a job. Been trying since May. Problem is I'm starting college in September and most places want something more long-term.

2010-06-13, 09:27 PM
I have the opposite problem.

2010-06-13, 11:30 PM
Does Stannis always jump to conclusions like this? Because it really is a wonder he gets anything done.

The chef isn't interested in power, by the way. He's got a more personal stake in the matter.

His grandfather was a Rider.

2010-06-13, 11:49 PM
It's not a conclusion. He has a one track mind. Nothing the chef could have said would have given him another impression, he feels the leaders are fools or corrupt. Unless they somehow prove otherwise, and keep in mind that Stannis's standards are ridiculous.
See, in his own world he would be right. And he should know, last time he was one of those people.

He doesn't mean the chef, he means Nuasada and company. The chef is nobody to him.

The Tygre
2010-06-24, 02:04 PM
Hold on, just let me check something here for a moment;

Best Times to Use Your Evil Laugh


#4 While standing over the conquered enemy masses.

#5 After your evil scheme has gone off without a hitch

#6 After instructing your henchmen in some vile deed


#11 Any time you feel overwhelmed with evil satisfaction

Yep. Just had to check.


Mwah hahahahaha! Haha ha hahahahahaha ah ha! MWAH HA HA HA AH HA!


Thank you.