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2010-05-01, 08:40 AM
Ghost Rider

"No offense meant but I'm a wanted man to, killing possesed government agents doesn't do good things for cop's receptions on you. I'll see you around Midnighter." With that the Ghost Rider calls his bike and drives past the police blockade and back into the night, looking for a new lead on the Cullens since everything else has gone dead.


The Bride

While that may distract the otaku assasin, it just gives the Bride a clear shot for the woman's throat. A shot which she takes with gutso.



Well that is none of Kirby's business, fisticuffs are such a messy business. A business his small raound frame was not built for. Carlisle can handle himself. Kirby instead focuses on finding an alternative exit from the basment.

2010-05-01, 07:26 PM
I bow, though my teeth are clenched. Removing a rose, I place it carefully on the floor. "For your pains. Think of me when you glance on it. And as for your daughter, I have cultivated a special rose for her."
With that, I am gone.

"Go." The priest sats firmly. "Ah am nae guid at protectin others when Ah fight."
With that, he removes another pair of bayonets, which he twirls like a conductor before walking forward. "Ye hae the look oh ae weakling. Why not try tae prove me wrong?"

2010-05-02, 04:50 AM
As you move back, the door swings open, revealing a tall, lean, dangerous looking man, and Carlisle. The patriarch has been hard at work. You know an artist when you see one.

Sam and Anderson
The wolf pads forward, slowly revealing itself in the low light. It's so dark you can barely make out your own hands, but somehow you can see every detail, from the drool on the slavering jaws, to the wiry black fur and yellowed claws.
It is incredibility lethal, far more then any natural predator. If some insane god had written a poem about death, this would be it's product.

The Bride and Travis
The kiss is warm, and she tastes sweet. She feels firm in all the right places, soft in the others. The sword cuts across her artery, spurting more of the thick, syrupy blood, but she doesn't seem to notice.

2010-05-02, 12:30 PM
((Well, Midnighter, V, and Ghost Rider have all split up.))

Sam Oliver

Sam slinks behind Anderson, putting as much violent Scottsman between himself and the Wolf as he could. He'd seen something similar, in the form of an escaped soul, but when that had happened, he'd been prepared. He'd had a vessel specifically designed to catch it. In this case, his vessel was only good for certain souls.

He whimpers.

2010-05-02, 01:33 PM
Ghost Rider

The endless sin stinks across the city where his prey lies in wait but the trail is cold and the the Rider grows weary of his hunt.

He pulls over to a gas station and uses the pay phone to call Caretaker. The last known survior of the order. Sent by the Catholic church to moniter the Ghost Rider as he hunts across the Earth for demon and other nasty monsters. Hopefully she'll have gathered him some information since he left.



Nicodemus is greated on the stairs by a small pink ball with a face that seems to be composed mostly of jagged teeth. A radient hunger lingers in the beast's eyes suggesting it is only holding back it's desire to feed by the sense that it is not his match physically.

"Pleased to make your aquantancie. I am Kirby of Dreamland. You are?"

2010-05-02, 03:46 PM

The man extends a formal bow to the diminutive anthrophage. The Church's foremost enemy smiles wickedly at the extra-dimensional creature, white teeth gleaming in the flickering candlelight. His shadow rushes around Kirby, never touching the being, always circling the creature. From somewhere within the inky depths, a pair of glowing green eyes stare at Kirby, and the Dreamworld native somehow knows that it is smiling as well. The shadow retreats, and boils around Nicodemus, reaching upwards to be petted by the Denarian.

"Nicodemus Archleone. It truly is a pleasure to meet you."

2010-05-02, 04:04 PM
Travis stands momentarily still, shocked by what is occuring, kissed by a woman, that never happens to otaku! Then he screams out orgasmically," AW YEAH!" and the beam katana extends ridiculosly, of course, she made the mistake of standing right in front of him when this happens, and promptly gets impaled.
Jules cooly walks over to the men stuffing the squirming bag into the van, acting like nothing unusual is going on. "Excuse me fine gentlemen. I hear there is a Big Kahuna Burger joint around here, and I would like to know if either of you knows the directions to the place."

2010-05-02, 04:53 PM
The big man loading the truck stares at you. He taps his chin a few times, then brightens. "Yes, I think I know what you mean. Follow this street, second left, then left again. The sign still says 'Service station', but that's just because they never got around to changing it."

She staggers back, the wound in her neck and another just below her ribs making her lurch, and she is panting slightly. Then she smiles. "Kill the other girl."
It was a brief, basic connection, not the emotional one usually required for the more advanced type of hypnotism, but it's worth a try.

Ghost Rider
The power is out, and the public phones are not working. Fortunately, a nearby pedestrian values his life more then his new iphone, so he hands it over.
((How is she characterized??))

Six police cars arrive, and three times that many officers emerge and lower weapons at you. Then, recognizing you for who you are, the weapons vanish mysteriously and they approach, still looking wary.
"What happened? Sir?" They remember to add, still looking cautious. Far from the universally corrupt cops Basin City is famous for, this group seems to know their job.

Sam Oliver And Paladin Anderson
The wolf crouches low, preparing to spring, it's teeth bared, then bounds a few feet closer, until it is crouched barely ten feet away.
It growls, the sort of growl that begins in the back of its throat and ends in the back of yours.

2010-05-02, 05:44 PM
Ghost Rider

Blaze curses as he retries his call on the cell phone. Technology doesn't always like his demon aura, it should hold as long as he just uses it as a phone but you never know.


The Bride

The Bride takes another shot at the woman's neck, this time aiming for the vocal cords. These people, Bella aside are too smart to be on drugs. Something else is going on with them so if she's trying to trick Travis best sever that problem at the roots.



"You just severely wounded my friend Carlisle. He was physically my superior so I will no effort to challenge you directly." Kirby steps back down into the basment out of Nicodemus's way.

"Mind you I have no issue with calling the police with the indication that you were forcing the poor Cullens into the various illicit activites going on here and sending the other vampires after you if you do not give me a reason not to."

2010-05-02, 06:57 PM

The immortal raises an eyebrow.

"And what is it about these vampires that would command the loyalty of one such as yourself. Certainly not the...accommodations that you are provided."


"We've got a ****er of a terrorist in a Guy Fawkes mask. Black cloak, Rennaissance outfit. Good with knives." The Midnighter stares at one of them.

"You don't seem as incompetent as most in the city."

Sam Oliver

"Yes," he says, still edging away. "I'm definitely letting you take this one."

2010-05-02, 08:50 PM
"We're metro cops. Not locals. Got sent once we heard about the power-out. To try and keep order." says the sergeant, who is well built aside from the beergut and has the squint of someone who tries to read without sufficient light. “I don’t suppose this fancy dress man happened to leave you an address, his dental records and some incriminating photographs? Or described his entire plan and told you where he’d be targeting next? Because otherwise all we have to go on is jack and squat. I mean, he walks ten feet away, tosses the mask over a hedge and he’s just an ordinary citizen. I’m sure you understand what I mean.”

Nicodemus and Kirby
Carlisle closes the door behind him with atotal disinterest, muttering "Fiat justitia, et pereat mundus", and resumes his soft singing. You hear rummaging for a few moments, then soft, hopeless screams, a few wet noises, then silence, bar the singing.

Ghost Rider
“Well.” Drawls a voice, in between chewing something. “If it isn’t my favourite abomination. What do you want with little old me?” She’s upset about something. “Let me guess. You realized you don’t have a clue what you’re doing and decided to patronize me and my lifes work again.”

2010-05-02, 09:00 PM
"Joost as well. Noo' get out a' here, sae if he gets past me fer ae second ye hae a chance tae live." He says, then a slashers smile appears in his face and his eyes harden until you could use them as an anvil.
"Ifthese men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me. But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD. And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation."
Anderson yells as he advances, the bayonets multiplying in his hands like a dodgy blackjack player with two decades experience.

2010-05-04, 09:50 AM
Ghost Rider

"You're the one who sent me out here with no information. These Cullens don't die like vampires should and an insane terrorist blew up the cities records on them. Not to mention the fact that Satan has a pencil pusher out here who can suck Zarthos out of my body." Blaze curses the woman on the other end of the phone.

"So you're going to tell me what you know or else me and Dan are walking and you can tell the Vatican that you screwed up. If you're lucky they'll just put you under Anderson and I'd hate to imagine how he'd react to knowing you let monsters like me and my brother go free."



"I do not need much." the pink ball says.

"All I require are the resources to hunt my self some prey. There is nothing so pleasurable as the cries and pleas of man as there life fades in your jaws."

2010-05-04, 04:37 PM
Travis blinks and whinningly complains,"Why? She's hot, look at those titties, they're really nice."

2010-05-04, 04:44 PM
Ghost Rider
"Touche." She replies, then sighs. "I have no idea why they are immune to most vampire weaknesses, might be anything. The only answer I can figure might have a possibility is that their curses don't come from Satan at all. Anyway, that means you should use conventional weapons, rather then the traditional. As for said pencil pusher..." You hear pages being turned. "Oh, that's one of the potentials. There are about six alive at the moment. When they turn twenty they begin killing each other, and the survivor gets to be the antichrist. For more information, read the bible."
She goes quiet for a minute. "How's your bike? Still good?"

Anderson and Sam
The Wolf springs forward, hard enough to knock you off your feet, and begins savaging the priests neck with yellow fangs.

She smiles at you, turning up the power. "I have six friends, all as beautiful as me, and we'd all be very happy if you killed her."

2010-05-04, 04:56 PM
The Bride

"It says a lot about my life that this isn't the most disgusting exchange I've bore witness to." The Bride says before planting her right foot firmly in the woman's gut and attempts to kick her over the ledge so that she'll fall to the ground and hopefull die.


Ghost Rider

"My bike? It's fine. Any leads on where in this hellhole they are living?" Blaze sighs deeply as turns and makes sure his bike still is fine, never tempt fate in this business, there are two very powerful men who just revel in people saying stupid things that they can use to screw things up for the world.

2010-05-04, 05:23 PM
Travis is now completely unresponsive, he is now apparently locked in a coma-like daydream, and is slightly drooling. If one were to view into his mind, they would find an orgy between him, her, and the cast of Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly; and then they would go insane from the horror of it all.

2010-05-04, 06:01 PM
The Bride
She twists as best she can, but her injuries slow her and ruin her co-ordination, sending her staggering towards the edge. She barely right herself in time. With a hiss she breaks of concentration and crouches low, but you're not fooled. The stunt she played on Travis was her last hope.

Ghost Rider
"Good. Take care of it, that's a good bike. The best thing about you in fact. They have money, so probably in the classy end of town. Or what passes for it over there. Try 110th street. Oh, and don't go in alone, guns blazing. You may be an abomination, but you're still our best bet of keeping Satan out of the world." She hangs up.

2010-05-04, 06:21 PM

Sam has not been trained by any masters, or teachers or anybody who knows even a smidgeon of martial arts or survival tactics. Which helps explain the young man caving to his primal instincts, screaming like a little girl, and running as far away as his legs can carry him. Which isn't that far, as he bumps his thigh against a trashcan, and has to limp as quickly as he can out of the alley.


Nicodemus smiles at the idea. His shadow writhes under him as he opens his hand to the creature, revealing an old, tarnished coin. One side bears a set of scales, faded and worn and tarnished, while the other bears a woman, dressed in the fashions of Rome staring levelly at him through the dividing lines of a strange and terrible symbol. The symbol glows faintly red, and Kirby can smell surfer and brimstone, suffering and madness and cruelty.

"Then, come, Kirby of Dreamland. Come and see."


"There is a set of knives in the wreckage; the man threw them at me. Even if he was careful enough to not get any prints on them, they probably weren't homemade. Get them into a lab, find where they were made, and track for multiple orders of the model. He had at least two more; I know the man probably ordered them in bulk."

2010-05-04, 09:13 PM
You make your way into the alley, still panting as adrenaline and the poisons of terror course through your veins like battery acid. Everything seems clearer and sharper, the sting of rain on your face, the prickling as your skin becomes itchy, the bellows of your lungs.
Then you look up, and forget it all.
A vision of loveliness is standing in the alley waiting for you, her catlike eyes slightly narrowed and her short hair brushed back. She’s dressed in bright, clashing colours, and on her face is an expression of tenderness.
“Are you hurt?” She says, doeful concern flashing in her eyes.

The Metro cops begin to clear the area, finding the knives under the rubble. They are very well made, the sort of knives that have to be handmade and cost two hundred dollars each. They are long, sharp enough to shave with and don’t appear to have any identifying marks.
No fingerprints or DNA can be detected.

2010-05-04, 09:18 PM
The priest thrashes beneath the wolf, using his immense stregnth to pick it up and bodily throw it off as far as he can. He then removes a bayonet, changing it to four with a flick of his wrist and hurling them at the wolf.
His eyes are blazing, and his teeth are gnashing. Anyone watching would likely observe that if he had a shield he'd have bitten through it. He's completely bezeark.

You peel back the Grips to reveal an old fashioned stamped on symbol barely legible in the steel, Winchester and Sons, est 1956, Basin City.

2010-05-04, 09:39 PM

"I need the address for Winchester and Sons. Then, I want you to search the area; dumpsters, trashcans and the like. If he did dump his mask and cloak, he won't have enough time to erase DNA."


As Sam looks up at her, he forgets to breathe for a moment...which, given his injury and recent exercise, leaves him shortly gasping for air.

"Injured...leg. There's...a wolf in that alley. We...have...to go. Now."

2010-05-04, 11:44 PM
The wolf somehow endeavours to twist in midair, skidding along the road to hit the wall with its shoulder. Insanely, it doesn’t seem the least hit damaged by this, instead leaping nimbly aside so the bayonets hit the wall, and bounding towards you again, fire in its eyes.

“Of course.” She says, giving you a nervous look, but walking over and placing your arm across her shoulders. There is a faint electric tingle as you touch her. She’s slight, but she doesn’t seem bothered by your weight, instead helping you down the alley.

The sergeant shrugs, but one of the officers is able to give you directions. It’s about five minutes walk.
You catch up with Mr Blaze as you leave the ruins.

2010-05-05, 10:22 AM

"A strange coin, but I have no use for trinkets."


The Bride

The Bride swings her katana at the woman's throat once more.


Ghost Rider

Blaze approaches the Midnighter.

"I got a lead on the vampires but they'll know I'm coming by now and be prepared for me. I could use some help. So how about we hunt down your masked man and then go after mine?"

2010-05-05, 07:29 PM
The Midnighter

"Sounds like a plan. You drive."


"Thanks." That was going to be one killer bruise in the morning.

"Not to sound like a bad movie or anything, but what's someone like you doing in a place like this?"


"Hardly a trinket at all. As you will see." Kirby has no time to react; Nicodemus places the coin on Kirby's forehead.

Kirby can feel hellfire scream through his veins; smell the brimstone and hear the sizzle of coals. He is not burned by the experience; to the contrary, it brings a rush and euphoria, a lust for blood and flesh despite his prior meal. His round body shudders the feeling washes over him, and as he exhales, an image of a tall woman, dressed in a white gown, kneeling before him. She stares at him, dark eyes smoldering with Hunger, and smiles.

"How may I serve you, my host?"

2010-05-05, 07:56 PM
She laughs, a high, tinkling sound. "I got lost when the lights went out." She replies. "You know how it is. But I was looking for you."

The Bride and Travis
You don't exactly remove her head.
You make a Pez Dispenser out of her.
Travis snaps out of the hypnotism, though the perverted fantasies may linger a while.

The door opens, and Carlisle steps out. There is something... odd on his face. Nodding at Kirby, he begins making his way down the stairs, looking for something. He has removed his apron and gloves, so that while his pale skin is speckled with blood his clothes are pristine.

2010-05-05, 08:05 PM
Jules suddenly develops the angry Samuel L. Jackson serious stare. "Brother you bull****ten me? Cause I'm pretty sure you are. Big Kahuna Burger is a quality restaurant, not some cultureless ****hole like McDonalds. I know, that even in this ****hole of a city, a Big Kahuna Burger would pull some Mickey Dees bull****. Perhaps you need a better method to help you concentrate," Jules rapidly pulls a gun on the man."Now then, what the hell kinda **** you tryin to pull tonight? Who or what the hell you storin in that bag?"

2010-05-05, 08:14 PM
The man was obviously too shocked to reply at your sudden outburst, and for a few moments doesn't even register your gun. When he at last sees it he plasters on what you assume is supposed to be a reassuring smile and holds up his hands.
"We're just impounding some local wild animals, sir. Nothing for you to worry about."
His partner is crabwalking sideways and reaching into his pocket.

2010-05-05, 08:16 PM

Sam tenses up. Mind racing, he delivers his query with his customary elegance and precision.


2010-05-05, 08:27 PM
She gives him a blinding smile. "I know this is going to sound really weird, but I had a dream about you last night, and I knew I had to help you with something." She replies, as you come to a turn in the alley.

2010-05-05, 08:32 PM

"That...sounds less odd than you might think. I'm a regular weirdness magnet. Oh, I just forgot. I'm Sam."

2010-05-05, 08:47 PM
The Priest leaps to his feet and throws himself at the wolf as well, both hands holding plenty of bayonets.

The shop Midnighter and Johnny Blaze come too is small, made of sandstone with no windows. A poster on the wall has what appears to be an upside down Anarchist symbol on it.
It's unlocks, and an electronic bell goes off.
A scottish accented voice, sounding old and bitter speaks up. "If you boys are here to loot, take what you want, I'm fully insured. Though I;m damned if I know why you're not going for the jewelry store across the road."
The figure speaking is an old man, with a beard, spectacles and dressed in macintosh. He is smoking a pipe.

2010-05-05, 08:55 PM

"Not here to loot. Trying to solve a case. Attempted murder. The knife was one of yours. Anybody buy a large shipment of knives recently? Or not even recently-back during the Kent administration. At least four of them."

2010-05-05, 09:05 PM
The man gets up slowly, with an audible creaking, and extends his hand. "May I see it please?" He says softly. "It may help me remember."

2010-05-05, 09:11 PM

"Sure. Give me a minute." Pulling out the blade, the Midnighter bends the weapon's tip, rendering it useless for stabbing. Then he does the same for each edge.

"Here you go."

2010-05-06, 12:30 PM
Ghost Rider

As Midnighter talks to the man, Blaze looks into his soul, searching for any known sin relating to the incident at city hall last night.


The Bride

"Wakey-wakey kid. We've still got a job to do. Go check on my bike, I got to make a call." The Bride snaps at Travis. As soon as he is out of earshot she dials up Bill.

"I know you're still sore about me retiring on you but I think I found someone who might make up for it. I found a kid who could be my successor. He's still green, easily distracted and tricked but he has a lot of raw talent. With some training he could easily be one of the more deadly vipers."



((Kirby game fanon in coming))

In this mental realm Kirby is not the pink ball he apear to be in reality but a swirling mass of discord and chaos itself formed into a rough shape that vaugely resmbles his material form. The woman in white gazes into the form of what was called in dreamland a nightmare. Literally the personification of the bad dreams mortals have had for centuries.

"Your host? Terribly rude of you to be making such claims over my physical form without even offering me a proper introduction first madam."

2010-05-06, 02:11 PM

The Fallen bows her head.

"I am Na'amah, my host. A Fallen Angel imprisoned in a coin. I have no power over you that you do not wish me to have. I can give you as much power over others as you wish to have."

2010-05-06, 06:33 PM
The Bride
"Good to hear from you Kiddo." Bill replies. "I'll give the kid a look. You never know. Now, I take it you've already got some of them? That's my girl. Well, give this kid my address and tell him he can look forward to a life of vast amounts of money.Then put him on."

She turns left, still guiding you. "Well, that makes things easier. What are you looking for?"

This time the wolf is forced on the defensive, unable to keep up with your sheer brutality. You notice it seems to have a healing factor of it's own, your earlier blows already faded.

2010-05-06, 08:33 PM

"A spirit of...something or other. Goes by the name of Archer, if that means anything to you." Sam's leg may be injured, but his mind isn't. Why hasn't she introduced herself yet?

2010-05-07, 04:12 AM
He takes the knife, and sits down, closely examining it.
Ghost Rider stares at him, as he sees into the very pits of his soul. It takes you a moment, but your worst suspicions are confirmed. He is the one who blew it up.

2010-05-07, 05:04 AM
Without even looking away, Jules fires two shots at the other man's feet, just to make him dance. "Try anything else and your balls are next."
"Now then, I suggest you stick some animal control sign on your van, cause it would at least give your bull**** some weight. Besides, even animals got the sense to avoid this ****hole city, cept the rats of course. So either you have the most coordinated ****in rats in history, or there's somebody in the bag. Well I'd like to see these ultra-coordinated rats, so please open it."
"Fine whatever, I'll go check on the bike Wish I still had mine." He then goes off to check on the bike and make sure nobody is trying to steal it.

2010-05-07, 11:11 AM
The Bride

The Bride makes it down the fire escape and approaches Travis.

"Okay, kid. I have a very powerful man on the phone here who is in a position to offer you a lot more money then K-Entertainment to kill people, he is a hardcase and quite an ******* when he needs to be. If you accept he will put you through training that you will make you beg for death and enternal damnnation to prepare you but if you make it through you will be an even deadlier killing machine and have all the money and women you can imagine. Think long and hard about this."

She hands Travis the phone.

"Make up your mind quickly though. He is not a patient man."


Ghost Rider

Blaze whispers to Midnighter. "It's him. I can see the blood of every city official on his soul."



The Nightmare takes this into consideration for a moment.

"What do you get out of this then? My understanding of magic is lacking but I do know it almost always comes at a price."

2010-05-07, 05:51 PM
I put the useless knife down. Once more I underestimate the partner. "Well, it seems you have detected my ruse." I say. "A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent. Well ,here I am then. To quote the vernacular: 'What are you going to do about it?' "

2010-05-07, 05:55 PM
She shakes her head. "No, it had nothing to do with that. I'm Alice by the way. I don't know my last name, so I go by Cullen. You haven't told me yours yet, but you are Sam."

"Holy ****" He yells, jumping back. His partner goes for the gun at his belt.

2010-05-07, 06:42 PM

The leather-clad man slams V against the wall.

"I'm thinking 'Rip out your spine' for starters, and work my way up from there."


"But I just told you that...wait. What do you mean Archer had nothing to do with that? I'm never going to get this job done, am I?"

Kirby's Mind

"Some of my kindred prefer domination in their relationships with mortals. One deal for power, and then another, each one costing the mortal more and more of their free will. The wiser among us, though, find a mutual partnership to be much more practical, and beneficial for both parties. Here is my bargain with you, Kirby. Help me in my goals; help me to bring the world into chaos, to make them despair for the future. Let them fear." She smiles, and the hellfire smolders in her eyes.

2010-05-07, 06:51 PM
Meaningfully I glance down at the knife pointed at his genitals. "You could do that, but I doubt you'd enjoy life as half a man. Now why don't you let go and sit down?" I gaze through the mask. Masks on-top of masks. Really, am I any more then another man?
"I want to talk. After we're done, then we can cut each other to pieces."

2010-05-07, 06:54 PM
"No. No you're not." She shakes her head sympathetically. "Sorry."

2010-05-07, 07:02 PM

The Midnighter releases V.

"Fine. Let's talk."


"...Damn it." He doesn't finish the job, his Father gets mad. Well, not mad. "Disappointed," like it makes any real difference why he decided to collapse every shelf in the Work Bench and nearly kill him.

"Anything good happening in my future, then?"

2010-05-07, 07:38 PM
Light Yagami
God walked the streets of 'Sin City' that day. He walked them with a blank smile that hid the disgust welling up in his chest. All his work to improve the world, and with L dead that was quite a bit, and yet this city resisted change. It was still the hell hole of the world. Light idly looked up at his invisible partner, Ryuk. He'd once heard Ryuk describe the shinigami realm in great detail and it sounded like heaven in comparison to this city. He'd come here alone; he knew that he would be only Kira here, because Light could not stand a moment of it. He kept his hair over his face to avoid anyone actually catching the smirk that crossed his lips as Ryuk murmured something about this place not knowing what had hit it. Still smiling, Light walks calmly through the streets; he'd heard things about 'Sin City' cops and felt they were a good place to start in his 'clean up,'

Hunger. Hunger. He'd seen them move. Run. Sparkle. He need that. Not so much the sparkle; but the immortality and strength. They were the next step for him. They thought him dead. He could move. Feed. He racked his hand against the door to the 'Cullens' house; he wished to simply blow down the doors with but a thought. No. Subtlety. Don't draw attention. Knock. Knock. Knock. KNOCK.

2010-05-07, 07:40 PM
I sit back down, affecting an air of nonchalance. Seeming to be at ease is a powerful tactic.
"You asked me earlier why I targeted you first. Opportunity is one reason, but there is another." I pause, letting him absorb my words, then continue. "You aren't like the others. You still have something of a conscience. Perhaps enough to see the way this will go."
"You can't win. Kill me by all means, this body is flesh blood and muscle, but it won't let you win. It won’t change a thing. All this talk of building a world that can’t be torn down is nothing but talk. Because it cannot be done. You’ve done good, moral things, heedless of the consequences of doing so. Morality for it’s own sake has it’s cost, same as anything. If the skeleton over there turned his gaze on you, what would he see? What makes you the hero?” I pause again. “But I digress. It is authority that will be destroyed. Not order. And even utopia needs it’s heroes. Do you understand?”

2010-05-07, 07:50 PM
"Apparently you are destined to meet a beautiful girl in a set of improbable circumstances." She replies with a smile. "Who is going to think you are very interesting, kinda cute in a troubled way, and ask you to buy her a drink."

The lights return. The blackout is over.

Light Yagami
You have been walking in the dark so long that you are almost surprised to find the streets illuminated once more. For a second the light hurts, but you soon feel better.
America. You prefer Japan, but they are getting to close to you over there.
The Police Station is ahead. The lights haven't come on yet, leaving the place still dark. Appropriate.

Cullen House
Everyone within hears the knock (Nicomdeus, Kirby, and the maids).

The figure who opens the door is big, with a glazed look on his face. Too many women, and too many pills. He is muscled to an almost obscene extent, and fairly good looking. He is biting his lip so hard it's bleeding.
He doesn't say anything, he just stares at you in a vague way.

The wolf turns and runs, unable to match your savagery or strength. It's far faster then you.

2010-05-07, 07:57 PM
Light Yagami
Hehehehe nice city, Light. Just the kind of place you humans seem to like best.

Kira's eyes flash up at Ryuk, anger besmirching his face. The damn shinigami knew he couldn't respond in public. Not out here, no matter how common the insane likely were around here.

[I]Getting bright, but not at the station. Planning to kill everyone in there? [I]

Of course not. Most of them maybe, but not all of them. A few were likely good people. The rest would suffer his judgement all too soon. Kira strides up to the door. In most cases he would have gotten their names off the internet, but the cops of Sin City didn't put their names on a site.

Hunger. Hunger. Brute. Speak;
"My name is Zane. Zane Taylor. I've come from the town to speak with the 'Cullens' I believe they are like me. "
Lie. Lie. Liar. Murderer. Killer. Feast. Evolve.

2010-05-07, 10:13 PM

The Midnighter pulls off his mask. He appears to be in his early forties, with short dirty blond hair.

"I don't have any illusions as to what I am. I'm a killer, plain and simple. My life begins ten years ago; I don't have any memory of any life before I became what I am. I can't help it, you see. I'm driven to do it. It's all I know."

Fingers drum against the wood of the table.

"But you have to believe in something better. You have to try to see it, to make a better world, to do what you can with what you have. I'm not a statesman or diplomat or a ****ing politician. I have the power to hit things until they stop breathing. So I use it the best I can."

There's stubble on his cheek; he brushes against it absently.

"I don't know if we can make a better world. But I know that we have the power to try, and to stand back and do nothing is as bad as switching sides and robbing banks and trying to blow up the world."


"Really? Something to look forward to, then." He continues walking with her for another block, a vaguely innocent expression on his face.

"Yes, I would love to buy you a drink."

2010-05-08, 02:36 AM
The big vampire stares at you for a moment, his weak puffy eyes still glazed, then, abruptly, launches a tremendous roundhouse of a punch at your head.

Light Yagami
As you step through the doorway, the lights begin to return. The Officers have been using old fashioned gaslamps and other, non electrical forms of lighting, as well as an old fashioned radio.
The topic of several frantic conversations seems to be the explosion of city hall. Perhaps this is why none of them have noticed you yet.

"Splendid." She says, coming to the end of the alley. A very nice yellow Porsche is waiting, with not so much as a scuff mark and leather seats. It is beautiful the way the stars are beautiful, shining, flawless, and far beyond your reach, but you don't get the same emotional rush you would looking at a view.
Something is very wrong about this situation.
Expertly levering you into the passenger seat, she places herself in the driver seat and puts a pair of designer sunglasses on.
"Got anywhere in mind?"

2010-05-08, 02:44 AM
"Exactly. But you have not taken the next step." I remove my latex mask and fake facial hair, to reveal the Fauksian one beneath. I am now the symbol I have chosen to be. If I remove it I will be only flesh, bone and blood. "You cannot give them that. Nor can your daughter, or the doctor, or any of the rest. Nor can I. What they need, they can only do for themselves. And so you must die. You should be honored, you are one of the few I decided to deal with directly, the others will meet less remarkable fate. One last courtesy to a man I respect."
I stand up too, and replace my hat. "How will humanity meet it's destiny, and move beyond the endless cycle that has stollen you, made you nothing more then a player in a script not of your choosing? By getting rid of men like us. By throwing aside all our leaders, men who claim to be above the rest. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? Men will themselves. And you will have no part in it."
My knives slide out. "Goodbye."

2010-05-08, 08:31 AM

"No." The Midnighter's hands clench into fists once more. "I have far too much to live for. Let the world rot and cities burn. But I will see my daughter grow up and my husband grow old."


"I'm kind of new here. I don't have any idea where a good place is. I don't suppose you'd mind if I ask you to take me to take you out for a drink?"

This was so convenient. And when you deal with the Devil on a regular basis, you learn to question convenience. Sam hadn't gone to fast food in ages. The Devil's Heir reaches into the pocket of his canvas jacket, and retrieves a pair of black glasses. A gift from his father, they were to "help see the true face of evil." Of course, he could have been lying. And even if he knew more about Alice, it was probably better to wait. Let the oldest trick in the book (Get her drunk) give him an advantage, however slight.

2010-05-08, 11:39 AM
Punch. Stop. Telekinesis to hold punch in air.
"You shouldn't have done that. Not at all."
Slam him back against the wall. Walk in, removing his scalp with Telekinesis. Feeding time. Grow. Evolve.
Kira listens with a little amazement. Someone had beaten him too this city. Unfortunate. With a sigh he takes out the page of the death note he'd specifically made for this page, with causes of death filled in all down the page, but absolutely no names filled in. Writing the same thing so many times was a hassle, but it was necessary to be above suspicion. He strolls up to whoever seems in charge and says,
"Excuse me, I'm here to collect a listing of your current payrole. We attempted to e-mail you, but we obtained no response."

2010-05-08, 12:17 PM
Ghost Rider

When V makes his move the Ghost Rider does as well. Chain slieds out from his jacket's sleeve and wraps itself around the anarchist's ankles.

"You made one mistake mister. Our job is not to make the world a better place, if we can that is always a nice bonus but at it's core our job is to stop the world from getting any worse."



"Since you put it that way. I accept." the nightmare seems to smile as it accepts the fallen one's power for itself.

2010-05-08, 12:33 PM
Kirby's Mind

The mental landscape around the two fades away, to reveal Nicodemus's face. Above his dark eyes, bright with triumph, is another pair, made of solid sickly green.

"Welcome, Kirby, to the Order of the Blackened Denarius. Now then, let's see what the commotion downstairs is all about."


The Midnighter snatches his mask, and puts it back on.

"Talk's over. We will now return you to your regularly scheduled spine-ripping."

2010-05-08, 03:02 PM
The Bride

The Bride makes it down the fire escape and approaches Travis.

"Okay, kid. I have a very powerful man on the phone here who is in a position to offer you a lot more money then K-Entertainment to kill people, he is a hardcase and quite an ******* when he needs to be. If you accept he will put you through training that you will make you beg for death and enternal damnnation to prepare you but if you make it through you will be an even deadlier killing machine and have all the money and women you can imagine. Think long and hard about this."

She hands Travis the phone.

"Make up your mind quickly though. He is not a patient man."


Travis take the phone and says to Bill, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll have to decline it. I'm content with my life, don't need any change to it."

2010-05-08, 05:21 PM
Bill is not someone you say no to. He's someone you either agree with, or beg as hard as you can.
But Travis doesn't know this, and this fact doesn't come through in Bill's reply. "Well that's a shame. I do hate to see talent go to waste."

The big man staggers back under your onslaught, hitting the wall painfully. Surprise is apparent in his eyes. He ignores his scalp peeling back, not seeming to notice, or perhaps just not caring. Instead he lunges at you again, despite the force you are exerting with your mind.

This is the point that Kirby and Nicomdeus arrive.

A few police sign it without looking, a few examine it but not with any particular engagement, then one scarred old sergeant with an uncanny resemblance to Bruce Willis stares at you and shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it, I’m retiring in a week.”

She has good reflexes. You know this for a fact as if she didn't you'd be very dead by now. The car seems to only have two speeds, Mach 3 and stationary. You'd feel a lot better if she kept her eyes on the road, but she keeps turning to talk to you, and while the attention of a beautiful woman is not to be dismissed life is preferable.
At last you come to a stop at a club near a golf course. If anything, her car is outclassed by the Bentley's, Ferrari's and what looks like a Bugatti Veyron. A valet promptly arrives, and takes the car.

2010-05-08, 06:20 PM
Feed. Stop. Stop him. FREEZE!
He feels the power coursing through him. The power is HIS. This insect will fall. Freeze him.
Kira looks at the man. A good man, if his senses tell him anything. Once assured that everyone except him has their name on his paper, he checks his watch and hurries out the door, checking the paper with a smile on his face;
every single person who signed the paper had the exact same message by their name.
Dies in an explosion at the Police Department caused by faulty equipment in the gas vane. Light smiles once he's walked a mile away from the station and watches with amusment as he counts down alongside his watch.


Ryuk cackles, his teeth glinting in the light.

2010-05-08, 06:40 PM
"Spare the rod." I reply, backing away slowly. I do not delude myself into believing I can win in a fair fight, not against either. He showed me that before. But that does not mean I can’t win. It means I must change the situation. When I feel my back against the wall, I turn and race through the back wall, concealed behind a drawn curtain. Soon I've vanished into the tunnels where I make my abode. “Whose is that shape in the shadows? Whose is that face, in the mask?” I muse aloud. Just loud enough for them to hear me. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence."

The priest pursues, his lips wide in a maniacal smile. There is almost nothing left of Anderson beneath the rage, he's become an instrament of death, a killing machine.

2010-05-08, 09:26 PM

The President curses. "If I knew that the Carrier was fully functional, I'd call in an air strike. Send Jack in, have him crush the tunnels below. But looks like we'll have to chase the madman."


Taking in his current attire(canvas jacket, tuxedo T-shirt, and jeans) and that of everybody else, Sam feels very under-dressed. Thankfully, his duffel has managed to stay with him throughout the entire night.

"I don't suppose you'll excuse me for a moment? I...um..." he makes a vague gesture at his clothing. "have to change."

2010-05-08, 09:43 PM

The empowered Nightmare stares at Sylar and Carlise's fight for a few moments before turning to Nicodemus.

"Another friend of your's?"


Ghost Rider

"I always hate it when they run." Blaze mutter before calling his bike. The bike pulls itself through the front door and into the tunnel.

"I've yet to meet someone who can outrun a bike though."

2010-05-08, 09:54 PM

"No," Nicodemus idylly replies. "I have some degree of professional admiration for the serial killer Sylar, but I find him personally repugnant. Excellent technique, though."


The Midnighter holds a hand in front of Blaze.

"Hold on. We know he loves explosives. Rushing in would be foolhardy."

2010-05-08, 09:55 PM
Alice winks. "You're not trying to ditch me, are you?" She asks, then indicates he's free to run off. "I'll be at the bar. Don't be too long."
It's only once she's out of sight that suddenly a whole stream of questions bombard you. For one thing, while she's very attractive she looks about seventeen, and what you'd taken in her eyes for the sparkle of mischief on reflection seems to be something cold and predatory.
She's not a demon. You've met enough of them to know they aren't like this. So what is she?

Wolves do not hunt alone, if they can avoid it. They work best as a team, one taking the attention, while the other sneaks up behind and cripples the prey.
A small, auburn haired shape darts behind you, razor sharp claws arcing in and hamstring you with a single fluid movement, then the wolf gracefully turns and leaps, teeth seeking your throat.

He freezes, not moving. No breath, no heartbeat, nothing at all.
No way to continue fighting back.

You feel a blast of hot air as the station goes up. It's a waste, really. Corrupt as they were, all the files, the information and the knowledge about this cities scum was lost in the explosion. On the bright side, this city would no doubt see a surge tomorrow as all the scum saw what they assumed was their chance. No, he'd have no shortage of targets.
A groan sounds behind you. The old sergeant is crawling out of the wreckage. He's pushing fifty, and has a heart condition. It's a miracle he survived.

2010-05-08, 10:06 PM

Not looking back, Sam quickly heads to the men's room, and splashes cold water on his face. Then, he hurries to one of the stalls, and undresses. Off with the jeans and tuxedo tee. Off with the canvas jacket. And out with the only suit that Sam owns. Given to him by an angel, the sharp black suit is an exact replica of the one his father wears. The last time he had worn it, he had faced off against Him to try to win back his soul. Now, he puts it on again like a knight riding into battle.

The Heir to the Devil's Throne strides out of the stall, and looks himself in the mirror once more. Then, reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulls out the glasses his Father had given him. Given to him to see the true nature of things, and with a strict warning never to put them on around him.

"The better to see you with, my dear."

Shirt. Pants. Shoes. Tie. Cufflinks. Glasses. It's time.


2010-05-08, 10:09 PM
Kira smiles grimly. The first step to reclaiming this city. Making it his. He knew the man would survive; the death note never kills someone who's name isn't written regardless of circumstance. He grabs the man and drags him away into the alley. He'd be important; yes, very important indeed.

Heh. Were you going with this one.

"You'll see, Ryuk. You'll see."

Feed. Telekinesis. Scalp. As the scalp is removed, Sylar walks over to exposed brain, glaring at it hungrily, his hands about to run over every crevice, understand it. Improve himself. Evolve. Grow. Meet his destiny head on. He ignores the world around him as he begins his work.

2010-05-08, 10:20 PM
Kirby's Mind

This is why Nicodemus so detests Sylar, my host. Kirby's Angel whispers in his ear. He views the killer as little more than a dog, clawing and scraping after the leavings of his betters.

2010-05-09, 05:35 AM
The priest falls, toppling like an ancient oak about to be made into a thousand 'save the trees!' brochure's. As he falls, he flings a handful of bayonets at the wolf, and turns.
He's shocked and horrified. "But ye're joost ae wee bairn!"
He's seen the like, immortal children, vampires who were turned at a very young age. This is something different, he spends most of his time with kids, and knows how they act, the ways they behave.
His jaw sets. It will be seconds before his leg heals. "Sae be it." He mutters, and begins to force his unsteady legs beneath him.

Knock and enter, I'm nowhere to be found.

2010-05-09, 08:24 AM

"So it would seem. No doubt he thinks some similar of me." Kirby ponders.


Ghost Rider

"Who said anything about us following him?" Blaze asks before the bike speeds down the tunnel on it's own.

"It'll clear us a path and corner him for us."

Of course since V is gone it won't find anything but it will clear any traps he has set.

2010-05-09, 06:49 PM
Ghost Rider
The difficulty of the maze is more the distances involved and confusing mess of directions, rather then any traps. A few, such as electrocution and pressure pads are found and activated, while a few more less direct ones are defeated by means of smashing through them, such as steel doors sealing the tunnels.
It occasionally senses a flutter of something, that gives the impression of a cloaked figure, but it never actually appears.
Ghost Rider and Midnighter
The Bike returns after twenty minutes, having smashed it's way to the heart of the sanctum and returned. You now have a clean way in.

Having leapt up a side tunnel you are now in the street n the other end of the block. No doubt you have rigged your base to blow or something, but you have no way to activate it.

You eat his brains. Nicodemus and Kirby watch.

With a blur of speed she leaps forward and plants her small foot into your heavy jaw. If the laws of action and reaction were being paid attention to, neither her momentum nor her weight would have been enough to so much as bruise you.
Nobody was listening to them, however.
Instead, your head snaps back, your vertebrae creaking in protest and your teeth clacking together painfully. You go flying back, slamming into a brick garden wall, which promptly collapses.

She waves you over, smiling again. "You clean up well." She comments, taking another sip of the odd cocktail in her hand. It is fluorescent green, with two bits of fruit, an umbrella, and a very long, oddly shaped straw. The sort of drink you were meant to drink on beaches in the Caribbean.

A crowd is gathering around the ruined station, gasping, and a few screams. Most of them get out their mobile phones and take pictures.
You are mostly ignored. Just the way you like it.

2010-05-09, 07:01 PM
Sam Oliver

"Thank you. I'd say you look amazing, but I can't actually tell at the moment. Let me put my glasses on."

Put them on, and see the true nature of things. Unfolding his glasses, Sam places them over his eyes.

2010-05-09, 07:07 PM
Her skin, porcelain pale becomes completely white, the sort of white that can only be artificial. Her skin tightens, making her seem slightly gaunt. Her eyes are deepset.
And she sparkles, like facets of diamonds catching the light one at a time and reflecting it directly into your eyes.
You have no idea what she is, but she isn't human.

2010-05-09, 07:21 PM
Sam Oliver

First rule of interacting with non-humans: don't be prejudiced. Even a demon could be a good person. As shown, of course, by his good friend Tony, and his best friends new wife Nina. Just because Alice wasn't human didn't mean she was evil. It just meant that Sam had to be a bit more careful around her. At least, until she tried to kill him or something.

Still wearing his glasses, Sam takes the seat next to her.

"You look pretty good yourself. Like a diamond amongst...um...lots of...rich people...who somehow aren't wearing any jewelry!" Oh, to be flustered and tongue-tied in front of a beautiful girl. The fact that he was flustered and tongue-tied because she wasn't human and hitting on him instead of she was beautiful and ignoring him was just icing on the cake.

2010-05-09, 07:27 PM
Full. For Now. Pink puff ball. Other standing at his side. Don't recognize. Didn't stop me.
"My name is Slyar; I don't think you two have anything I need...so if you would inform me of where the rest of the cullens are? It would be most unfortunate if you chose not to."
Drag the man into an alley way, attempt to find seedy motel. Small place no one would pay attention to. In this city, no one would care what he was doing, especially with that department building leveled. The first step of the plan in motion, he was invisible. All too soon, though, this city would be worshiping him.

2010-05-09, 07:30 PM

"I have been watching you, Gabriel Grey. And rest assured, that we have a common cause at the moment. The Cullen clan will die tonight." Nicodemus taps his nose. Throughout this entire exchange, his shadow has kept uncharacteristically still. For the moment, the Denarian appears to be a normal mortal.

"What do you think?"

2010-05-09, 07:55 PM
"Sylar. My name is Sylar. Grey died long ago; he was nobody." Wrong. He's wrong. Sylar. Sylar. Not Grey.
"I need to feast. I can feel some of them coursing in me. I don't have that sweet immortality yet. Just their strength, it seems."

2010-05-09, 08:11 PM

Nicodemus chuckles at Sylar's last sentence. The leader of the Order of the Blackened Denarius could give the serial killer immortality, if he so desired. The bearer of one of the 30 coins was immune to the ravages of time, and was granted supernatural toughness and healing. And Nicodemus himself had augmented that, by wearing the very noose that Judas Iscariot hung himself with. Listening to Sylar state his desire for immortality in front of a creature fully capable of giving it to him amused the two thousand year old man.

"As you say, then, Sylar. Aside from the patriarch, who is unfortunately immune to any harm for the moment, the remaining Cullens are scattered around the city. Shall we search for them, then?"

2010-05-09, 08:20 PM
"Fine. Tonight I'll feed until all of their abilities pass on. We share a common goal in all this, for now at least." Work. Feast. Trust. Not long. Only as long as necessary. Then leave. Nothing comming from them. Feel something in Pink fluff ball, but not power. Just....off. Strange.
"Who's the...ball? Who are YOU, anyway."

2010-05-09, 08:24 PM

"Indeed it is for our mutal benefit that the Cullens be consumed tonight." Kirby states.

"Between the three of us we can locate the scattered Cullens in a more efficent and timely manner, allowing all three of us to take what we want from them. As for who I am you may call me Kirby."


Ghost Rider

"Damnit. Sly bastard got away again." Blaze curses as he mounts the bike.

"At least the cave is clear now."

2010-05-09, 08:30 PM
"Fine. 'Kirby' it is. Now how do we go about hunting them down?" Feed. Feed on them. Feed soon. Consume. Become Immortal.

2010-05-09, 08:43 PM
Travis speaks again,"It's not a waste sir, just that I've been told that this would all be for more money. Thing is, I'm not in this for the money really, well okay, so I may be killing the Cullens to pay my rent, but that's just cause there are no odd jobs availble in Santa Destroy. Point I'm trying to make, I'm in this because I love it. You only feel alive with one foot in hell, I'm sure you know that feeling yourself. All food tastes like blood, little else really feels good, only pleasure comes from having death right on your ass at all times. It's all about the rush, sir."
Jules shoots at the other man reaching for his gun, this time aiming for his knee.

2010-05-09, 08:45 PM

"Let's see what our little anarchist was playing at, then. Maybe his den will give us a location." The Midnighter begins his descent into the tunnels.


"I am Nicodemus. As for the how...we need a live human for a little ritual. One that will point us in the direction of the Cullens."

2010-05-09, 09:09 PM
"Fine. We need to find one; shouldn't be too hard with an entire town down the hill." Hurry. Hurry.

2010-05-09, 10:28 PM
After fifteen minutes of narrow, claustrophobic tunnels, you come to the centre of my abode. You will not find me. No, I have shed my vestments, and am but a figure in another building, watching your progress through a close circuit camera.
I can do nothing. Nothing at all. But I can watch, and speak. I am the observer, and yet I feel like the narrator in a tale that unfolds. Control. If we let it slip for even a moment, it is gone for ever.

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death.” I say, knowing there is nobody to hear, or get the reference. Perhaps I am mad. I have suspected it from time to time. But I do not believe so. A mad man could not build all I have. I am driven. Driven past the point of self, to the sad point that lies beyond.

At last they come to the Shadow Gallery. It is a labyrinth of interconnecting underground tunnels and rooms, but they found it. I would expect no less of them.

The gallery is the main room as it is filled with an amazing collection of human culture. There is art that spans from the renaissance to the painted covers of comic books, literature that ranges from Shakespeare to Spillane,
philosophy from Plato to Bukowski, and a vast collection of nonfiction, and an entire wall is lined with videocassettes.

And the roses, beautiful, grown in the darkness, the victims of all my love and care. An incomparable bocade.

A jukebox stands in front of an enormous vinyl and CD collection of music.

Of more interest is a dressing bureau, a wig and a pair of black leather gloves, knives, plenty of them, and the mask; it is like something from the masquerade ball of another era, an exaggerated goatee, harlequin cheeks and a smile, forever fixed, at once be-guiling and be-deviling. The symbol I have chosen to be.

I switch on the intercom.
“Why so silent, good monsieurs? Did you think that I had left you for good? Have you missed me, good monsieurs? I have written you an opera! Here I bring the finished score - Don Juan Triumphant! Fondest greetings to you all.” I open, then televisions flicker and come to life. Each of the scenes should be recognizable to one of them. "Let us take a moment to see how things procede. A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self."

The first screen shows Jeroen Thornedike is slumped on the floor beside a chair in a small room, walnut paneled with a mahogany table. Clearly some side room in a court building. There is a syringe lying next to him, with just a hint of white powder remaining, and the vein on the upside of his elbow has been opened. “And so we begin with tragedy, as we watch a man’s flaws consume him. As he once more seeks the bliss that comes of throwing aside his responsibilities and letting himself drift, no worries, no cruel fate demanding his attention. But wait? One should be careful what one allows into themselves, no? A dealer with a grudge thought he was supplying to his wifes lover. He was right, though he got the wrong lover. No doubt he feels vindicated anyway. If the Doctor was lucid, no doubt he could fix it with a snap of his fingers, it is crude. And yet, he cannot, as you watch he slips over the precipice of no return. He will not recover. He will be discovered in ten minutes and remain in statis for some two months, as the less distinguished doctors try to save him. His replacement will be delayed, and come into being in a new world.”

Hawksmoor was alone, in what seemed to be the Sahara desert. Whether it was or not was irrelevant, without the sustenance of a city he won’t last long. “And now, Drama. A malfunction when he asked to be brought from Moscow to Beijing, and now no sustenance, no respite. All alone, with no help of salvation. A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have. I am sure the two of you are finding yourselves very close.”

Angela Spica is alone it what looks like an old foundry. It doesn’t take a genius to guess something bad is about to happen. “Do you remember the changers? So do I. No doubt you suspect some connection by now. You would be wrong, such open heroics is antiquiated. I was silent, a watcher, and I learned from their mistakes. One does not make decissions for people, one leads them to come to the right idea themselves. Soon she will find where the carrier was compromised, a labtop in an office. An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself. She recognized the tecnique, the electronic signature, or thought she did. But copying takes no real effort. One should always examine what one thinks they know. And alas, she will find herself swallowed by a red herring. No doubt you will try to warn her, but keep in mind you a half an hour underground, and we are close circuited. No reception, you understand. A new world is coming, no matter how you try to deny it. I am not the only vissionary, I am simply the only one who will succeed.”

The other screens show people you don't recognize. Beauracrats, politicians, the like. I speak again. “Each of these men shall find themselves caught up in the struggles to replace you, dying one at a time until no one is left to take up the reigns. I will have nothing to do with it, I will simply watch the dominoes fall. I couldn’t get a camera on board the Carrier, so you must take my word on your husband and Shen Li-Min, but they are fine for now. They have until you die. And I regret your daughter’s rose is a long time coming. She will be last.”

2010-05-09, 10:58 PM
((I suddenly feel inadequate as a Gamesmaster. I'll allow that, if only because he has pulled off that sort of stuff in the comic series and while it is blatant god moding, it's only blatant god moding to characters that aren't part of the story.))
Sylar, Kirby, Nicomedus
Edward is gone, but Carlisle has emerged, now dressed sharply in silk suit that shows of his trim body. He stares at you again. "So this is it? A savage, an artist, and an old man who doesn't realize the world is slipping beyond his grasp. Are you hear to kill me?"

She finnishes her drink, and signals for another. It occurs to you that girls like her never seem to have to wait to get the barrmans attention, even when he's in the middle of serving somebody. "Nice of you to say so. Actually, the sparkling annoys me, but it's better then dying. So, what sort of work are you here to do?"

"A man after my own heart. There is a joy in it, I'll give you that. But when it comes to the subject of me, I've learned there is another joy. A better one. The knowledge that you are the best. The feeling that comes when you walk past the greatest tallent in the world, and know that next to you they're nothing but a thug with a sharp piece of metal. The knowledge that it's an army that's afraid to take on you."
He stops. "Well anyway kid, come see me after you finnish up. We'll smoke a little weed, and swap some stories." He hangs up.

The Bride
There is a torn slip of paper in her pocket, and a handgun in her purse. It's odd she didn't use it. The slip is an adress, a famous club in the rich half of the city.
And a name. Sam Oliver.

He screams, fumbling the ground and hitting the pavement with a thudding sound. "OK!" The other one yells, spilling his guts at the thought of spilling his guts. "It's a kid! I swear, nothing bad's going to happen to him! It's just the adoption people have a problem with my boss. We're not doing anything wrong!"

2010-05-09, 11:01 PM
Anderson laughs as he pushes himself to his feet, laughing at the idea that she could hurt him. "Guid try!" He yells. "Try again!" With that he launches another barrage of bayonets, this time at the girl, then throws himself after them, arms outstretched.

2010-05-09, 11:21 PM
((Don't worry about it. Now then, how to get the Midnighter out of there...actually, I just had an idea. I don't have to do anything at all...))


The Midnighter's face turns pale, and he drops to his knees, staring at the palm of his hand. It is shaking. His vision is blurred. He's breathing heavily...

And then he laughs. Long and hard and full of triumph.

"So that's your plan? Change the world? Shock the system? A New New World? Well too bad, madman. Because there's a reason why my daughter's the last on your list. She's the Spirit of the 21st Century, and if anyone knows more about your little scheme, it's her. If anyone is going to be able to foil your plans, its the person who mirrors the state of the world. You want to shock me into inaction, and despair, or cause me to rage in impotence? Well you won't get that from me! I'm going to find you, and rip your spine out, and Jenny is going to rescue my team members. Go ******bate on anarchy one last time, terrorist. Because I'm coming for you."


The shadows around the Denarian writhe as the man's second set of glowing green eyes appear on his forehead. Out comes the .44 loaded with cesium bullets and another hellfire-forged sword.

"Yes. Yes we are."

Sam Oliver

"Well, you obviously aren't a dead soul, so what are you, really?" As the bartender takes her order, Sam signals for a beer. The resulting glare goes unnoticed. "And basically, I'm here because the Devil wants me to return some escapees from Hell. And I'm doing that because I have no choice in the matter."

2010-05-09, 11:26 PM
"And yet, she hasn't. How curious." Unlike him, I am the very soul of calm. I let him hold that thought for a moment. "I have said to you many times I am a symbol, just as she is. She might save your team. But then, perhaps she wants me to succeed, and is playing a longer and subtler game then either of us. I am not like you. I do not pretend to speak for the world. Now to quote the venacular: Come and get me." With that, all the screens go black, and my voice fades.
I lean back and wait.
((Sorry, can't resist))
"Just as planned."

2010-05-09, 11:33 PM
"You know, he has about a hundred children doing the same job. As they do it for longer, they get more powers, which become stronger as stronger demons are being released, and by then he's started to convince them his point of view. There's no accident to it, he's releasing the souls himself. And when all the other children die, whoever is left will get to close the book. The book called Revelations."
She signals for another glass. "You're being used to destroy the world."

Carlisle shakes his head. "Put it down. You are getting tiresome, Apostle. I do not intend to let myself die. And I would rather not get this suit dirty. Now unless you want to spend the rest of existence in there," he guestures to a row of blood samples on the wall, each precisely labled in a spidery hand, "You will leave. Now."

She mannages to avoid all but the one that catches her in the throat. She lets out a tiny gurgle, and then you have her in your strong grip. She's as helpleess as the child she mimics in your powerful hands.
The wolf whines, and it's eyes widen.

2010-05-09, 11:38 PM
"A savage?" Radiation courses around Sylar, the air around him heating up, "I'm no savage. I'm evolution, the next stage. You? You're the primitive savage here." Move toward vampire. Hands outstretched; radiation coursing. Burn him, fry him. Feast. Hunger.

2010-05-09, 11:44 PM
((I'll wait for the others before posting as Nicodemus again.))


"And if I don't do it, my mother's soul is forfeit, my ex-girlfriend dies and gets a one way trip down, and I die and get tortured for all eternity. So yeah, I get screwed either way." Sam takes a swallow of his beer. Stupid bartender didn't put any ice in it. And it's foreign; way to much flavor in it. Stupid Australian beer. Sam is in a foul mood.

"And besides. Apparently Upstairs has a plan for me. I nearly got out of my contract, but an angel broke my hand before I could beat the Devil. Told me to keep believing. And that I wasn't alone."

2010-05-09, 11:45 PM
Without even the slightest change of expression, Carlisle backhands the mutant, almost dislocating his jaw and knocking him from his feet. "Personal space, please." He says mildly. He replaces his hand behind his back. "Now, what was it you wanted?"

"Of course they did. Whatever they say, they are bigger bastards then you’re dad. Whatever dad says." She shivers, and suddenly looks very small and vulnerable, then snaps out of it. "They don’t want to preserve things, they want to win. To do that, they need the world out of the way. So they are going to let you destroy the world, then sweep in and finish hell off.” It’s her third drink, and she’s already signalling for a fourth. “And not stop to think about collateral. Like humanity. As for God himself, well if he didn’t interfere sixty years ago, I doubt he’s going to stir himself for you.”
“The devil has their souls. And he isn’t going to let them go over a deal. And by the time he tells you that, you won’t care, the humanity will be burned out of you. Every tiny bit of power he gives you makes you more like him.”
She puts the half finished glass on the table. “Now have I got your attention?”

2010-05-09, 11:49 PM
Pain. PAIN. Rage. Strength. Amazing strength. Speed. Want. NEED.
"I want what you have. I need to grow. Evolve. I want to get inside that pretty little head of yours and see what. makes. You. TICK." The smile Sylar's let cross his face reemerges.

2010-05-09, 11:55 PM
"Do you?" He says, sounding bored. "Wouldn't you like to be far more powerful still?"

2010-05-09, 11:58 PM
"...How? For What?" A cost. Always a cost. A trade. Something for something...but that power.

2010-05-10, 12:00 AM
"I have certain advantages, it is true, but I am not perfect. It has always been my dream to create the perfect being. Let me study you, and I can give you not just my stregnth, but the power to storm the gates of heaven itself."

2010-05-10, 12:01 AM

San empties his glass, and signals for another. And a shot of whiskey. Make that three. Of each.

"You bet you do."


"He's telling the truth, of course. He will gleefully study you. A nice little vivisection to find out what makes you tick. An ironic end, but to each his own. God so adores free will, after all."

2010-05-10, 12:03 AM
Light Yagami
You find a motel near a service station. Twenty rooms, well within your allowance. The sort of place that is traditionally used for mildly wealthy people to meet prostitutes. As you book a room, you see behind you a very good looking man with tousled bronze hair, wide bronze eyes and a wary look on his face. He is clearly terrified of something, and keeps glancing around.
He books the room beside you, and tips generously.

She smiles. "Now, let me ask you something. What have either of them done for you? God, Satan? Nothing. To them, your just a pawn. But both of them forget if a pawn gets to the end, it becomes the most dangerous piece of all. Stop taking orders, and go your own way. Don’t look to them for direction. You can be anyone, anyone at all. So why be a pawn? I'll help you if you want. If you need money, I have plenty. More then I can spend. If you need a friend I can be there for you. Let me help you, Sam."

2010-05-10, 12:13 AM
Sam Oliver

"But why? Why are you doing this for me, though? I don't have anything really, other than my friends, and they're busy having fun in Vegas. Well, Sock is probably in jail by now, but Ben and Nina are on honeymoon. You've just pulled the rug from under me. I want to stop being a pawn, you're right about that, and I'm going to need help, but please, tell me why you're doing this. It seems that I can't trust anybody anymore."

2010-05-10, 12:18 AM
He walks into his room, tossing the cop onto the chair. Tears the bed sheets, wraps them around his hands and arms. Gags him.

HAHAHA! I knew you were into some really kinky stuff. You know, Misa would probably do this without a kidnapping.

"Quiet, Ryuk."

"I'm not a rat." Not a test subject. Never again. Scientist plays with me. Takes powers. Almost kills. Can't trust Carlisee. Can't trust Suresh. Psychic wave clears problem away.

2010-05-10, 12:22 AM
My Name is Ozymandias,
King of Kings:
Look on my Works,
ye Mighty, and despair!

Complete solitude was a rare thing for an unmasked vigilante and billionaire. In public, there were always photographers and journalists trailing in his wake. In private, calls and lusting secretaries came at him like bullets. You either took it or dodged them. When the quiet came, he valued it.

He wasn't a superhero anymore. He was a different sort of hero, one who bore the shame of a monumental sin. And yet, who was to say it was not worth it? Was it not a wiser alternative then the possibility of total eradication? He felt so. So there was no use further deconstructing it.

A closed of broadcast that his satelite happened to pick up, completely at random, filled him with alarm. He watched the screens whenever he had a chance. All knowledge is powerful. One just has to know how to interpret it.

The broadcast itself piggy-backed the stock exchange of a major firm. Untraceable. And the point it was delivered to was apparently six tonnes of concrete in a waste disposal plant.

He sits back. The odds of this happening are ludicrous, millions to one. Someone wanted him to get this. How did they expect him to react?

He ponders for a moment, then picks up a phone. In no time, a voice is speaking in The Midnighter's ear. We have never spoken, but no doubt he knows of me. "This is Adrian Veidt. Come quickly. We have something to discuss."

2010-05-10, 12:28 AM
She opens her mouth...
And closes it, as no sound comes out. At last she shrugs. "I want to stay alive. I want to find a purpose. I want to go somewhere He can't come after me. Isn't that enough? I don't need you to protect me, or anything like that, I just need..." She trails off.

The man wakes up. He blinks at you, then he begins straining. He's old, but age hadn't softened him, except in a few places. Mostly, it had hardened.
At last he gets tired fighting, and begins to rock his body, until the chair collapses under him, and he hits the floor. With that, he begins squirming towards you.

It passes over the Patriarch of the Cullens. "You need to be stronger." He says, stating a fact. "But what you already have also needs to be improved. You are... less." He guestures at Nicomdeus "Less then him. Less then me. Less then you should be." His eyes are alight, tawny gold with flecks of red.

2010-05-10, 12:32 AM

Sam hesitantly puts his arm on Alice's shoulder.

"Need what? Who do you need to get away from?"

The Midnighter

The Midnighter had indeed heard of Adrian Veidt before. Not only by reputation, but from the old leader of the Authority. Jenny had many words to say about Ozymandias. The words "smartass ponce" were often repeated.

"This is the Midnighter. I'm listening."

2010-05-10, 12:36 AM
"That's unnecessary. I saved your life. I have no intention of hurting you." Kira strides over to the man, "I want to help you. I want you to help me; we can rid this place of criminals. We can save 'Sin City,' from itself. Do you understand?"
"I do need to be more." Fact. Truth. Weak. Running mouse. Weak. More like Cat. Need to be Cat. Feed. Hunger. "I need to be the best. To be the next step. To advance. I AM the next step."

2010-05-10, 12:40 AM
"I just recieved information. Two of the Authority are dead. One will be in seconds." I let that sink in.
As I do, I get dressed. Slim, expressive fingers curled and strained beneath the heavy leather of the gloves. Form fitting metal and latex, gleaming and strong. Regal. His diadem was replaced, last was the mask.
"You need help. You will never find him alone, and it is logical to assume the rest of your team has similar problems. Meet me at my headquarters."

2010-05-10, 12:47 AM

"I'll be there. Tell me who's dead. If it's the Engineer, she probably isn't. Hawksmoor should be able to survive for another hour at least."

The Midnighter turns away from the Shadow Gallery, and begins making his way out. "Come on, Ghost Rider. There's going to be Hell to pay."

2010-05-10, 12:49 AM
She leans into your embrace, unexpectadly. It feels... nice, and she seems to be taking comfort from it. "Trust me, you can't do anything. At least, not until the last day of winter. And by then, it will be much too late. All you can do is help me get away." She signals for another drink.

The man glares at you, then slowly nods. His glare disapears. He looks interested.

"Well then. Perhaps you should ask your new friend about the coin in his pocket. The destiny he's keeping from you. The power he doesn't want you to have?" Carlisle replies. "Or not." He turns his back, and strolls back into the room.

2010-05-10, 12:55 AM
"Good. You're listening." Light takes out a small piece of the deathnote from his pocket.
"Think of someone who truly deserves to die, scum. Someone who's gotten away with their crimes, and write his name on this paper, and he dies. Nothing can stop it. A name and a face and you have them. You saw it's power at the station. Work with me, and we can wipe out crime like the cops never had the drive or ability to do. Join me, and we can cleanse this city as allies."

"Coin? What coin?" Grab Nicodemus with Psychic power, "What. Coin."

2010-05-10, 12:55 AM

"Then I'll help you. And you'll help me. We'll help each other. It's a whole big...helping people festival-thing." Sam smiles at her. "I never thought I'd get to play a more heroic role. Even stopping evil souls meant I was helping the Devil."


The man is unfazed by Sylar's attack. Held against the wall, feet almost a foot off the ground, he remains perfectly calm and collected.

"There is no need to be violent, Sylar. Put me down. Now." Sylar can feel something ice-cold, something as hard as steel gather around his ankles. Slithering and sliding over his shoes, into his shoes.

2010-05-10, 01:09 AM
"Tell me what he meant." Ignore it. Doesn't matter. Not ending the hold. "Tell me what he meant or your head might be the one I want to...analyze next."

2010-05-10, 01:38 AM

Nicodemus closes his eyes. After a moment, he opens them again.

"You won't be doing any of that, Sylar."

The shadows under the serial killer writhe, and continue their ascent up his body. Coils of shadowstuff wrap around his legs and torso, holding him fast in place, binding his arms tightly to his sides. The telekinetic hold shatters. Nicodemus descends.

"You won't be getting a coin by that method, Mr. Gray."

The Denarian puts his arm out, and the shadows recede, coalescing under his outstretched hand. He pets them like a loyal dog, and they return to their normal dimensions.

2010-05-10, 05:12 AM
Light Yagami
The man stares at you. "My first impression is you are a nutjob. Well, why not. Doing things the direct way never helped me none." He says. "I been at this thirty years, I put more scum behind bars then bares thinking about, and it's never done the least bit of good. And you tell me that there is justice in this piece of paper. What are you, an assassin with a conscience? You look like a kid, but you got the eyes of someone who knows what death is. I've killed a few times. Most of the time I was forced into it, but I know what death is. You need more then a name to kill a man."
He rubs his hand through his thinning salt and pepper hair. "But then, what the hell. I'm a cop, but I don't take much pride in it. The only worse police in history worked for Stalin. Let me tell you about Junior. Roark junior. Acts like a handsome, young playboy. But that's not what he likes. No, he's on victim number four. Number four. He cuts up children, rapes em, then kills them. But he's dads a senator, so a beat coplike me can't touch him. Well so be it."
With that, Detective John Hartigan takes out the bronze badge and drops it. "I'm with you kid. You need muscle, I'm here. You need names, I know every scumbag in this city. You need anything, ask me."

"Don't sell yourself short." She replies, pulling away, and composing herself. "You've always been a hero, you just haven't known it."

2010-05-10, 10:16 AM
((Eep soo many posts.))

Ghost Rider

"Where are we going?" Blaze asks as he moves forward to allow Midnighter to get on his bike.



"Would it not be simplier to simply offer him a coin as you did me?" Kirby asks.

"Fighting amongst ourselves allows the Cullens to further scatter devestating any advantage we may have over them."


The Bride

"You made an honest choice, Kid. Come on we got to make a pitstop on the way out to the Cullens." The Bride motions to the backseat of her bike for Travis.

Once he is on she drives off towards the club she found the note for.

2010-05-10, 10:42 AM
The Midnighter

"Veidt Industries. We have a lead."


Nicodemus glances at Kirby.

"It would be. But he has to ask for it. Politely. You must accept the coin of your own free will for it to have any power."

2010-05-10, 02:56 PM
"There you go, probably could have circumvented the whole problem if you had just done that in the first place, instead of tryin to feed me a load of bull****. Now then mutha****a, open the bag, I want to see just who you decided to kidnap from the orphanage."

2010-05-10, 04:16 PM
Light Yagami
A smile appears across Kira's face, "An assassin? No no no, assassin's work on a small scale; I'm far beyond that point. I've wiped out more criminals than you can even comprehend exist." Kira smile widens as he offers the paper, "Take the paper then, write his name on it while picturing him and I shall show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

"Just tell me what it is first. I want to know; then I'll freely take it. Doctors call it informed consent, I would hope this works the same way." Gain power. Evolve. Cullens? Feast.

2010-05-10, 05:52 PM
The man takes the page, and writes, in the heavy, blocky letters of a man who writes like they are chipping stone, carefully writes the name in the manner of the not naturally literate. Richard Roark. "Rotten way to kill a man." He mutters. "So now what, how long does he have? And what happens to him?"

The man removes a craft knife, which he uses to peel back the duct tape. Inside there is a small, blond boy with wide blue eyes and an angelic expression. The sort of boy people picture when they say they want to have children.
He's been sedated, so his struggles are jerky and weak.

She pays the bill, which prompts a mild twinge in your ego, and stands up. It is time to go.

The Bride and Travis
You park the car in the lot. As you make your way toward the entrance, the maître d' raises an elegant, white gloved hand. His every inch is prim and proper. "This is a suit occasion, gentleman. Lady. Do you have more suitable attire?" A tinge of a french accent draws his words out, but it's almost certainly fake.

2010-05-10, 05:55 PM
"Forty seconds. Heart Attack as a default. May I introduce to you our associate in this business, Ryuk?" Kira grins as the shinigami moves into plain view; he'd yet to meet anyone who didn't freak when they saw their first shinigami. He grabs a remote and flips on the T.V ,"Any news station that would report on it? I do want you to understand the power in our hands."

2010-05-10, 06:55 PM

"By accepting the coin, you will agree to share your body and mind with a Fallen Angel. You will be given power: your healing will become supernaturally quick, those extraordinary abilities of yours will be augmented by Hellfire. You will gain command over an alternate demonic form, created by your subconscious self. And all you need to do is agree to hold the coin, for as long as you live."

2010-05-10, 07:15 PM
Power. Massive Power. Immortality. An end to the search. Fullfillment. Evolution. Infinity. Eternity. POWER.

No. Reliance. Weakness. Dependence.










Admitting weakness. Needed help. Couldn't evolve on your own. He's special; us? We're nothing. Insignificant, in the face of the coin. Not ours; his. We die, it moves on.

We'll never die.

Only because of it. No control; it controls us.

We could-

Do nothing. A fallen angel? What's so special about us, just a pawn of an old entity. A demon, dancing for favor.

But...but...I can feel it, at long last everything we've been striving for.

We can do it without giving in to the coin.


.....Make our choice then; but if it's the wrong one, nothing will stop the exploding man, and mark my words, it will be us.

It doesn't need to be.



No guarantees we'll understand.

We always understand.

What shall we do then?

Take a stand.



"I...want it. I need the power."

And really, who cares what levels we must sink to to get it?

2010-05-10, 08:30 PM

Nicodemus reaches into his pocket once more, and draws out another of the Thirty. It looks rather mundane, really. For one of the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas Iscariot, an unholy artifact over 2000 years old and, and the vessel from which a Fallen exerts its power, it looks like nothing else than a tarnished nickel. The silver denarius lies in the palm of Nicodemus's hand.

"Then take it, Gabriel Gray. And feel the power of the Fallen."

2010-05-10, 08:41 PM

Slyar grabs the coin.

Power. True Power.


Godhood. True Godhood. But something is...



You want the other coins; you can feel them. You know they exist. You want all of them. Just like powers.

So....then I guess?/B]

It never really is enough then.

[B]Once we get the other coins, we have no where else to go.

True...then we know our next course.

"Sylar. Our name is Sylar."

2010-05-10, 08:47 PM
The Bride

"Of course. We've just traveled a long way. If we may use your restrooms to change?" The Bride says removing a suitcase from her bike and passing the man a few fifites.


Ghost Rider

"Veit Industries? The company owned by the old Cape?" Blaze asks before driving off to the bussiness district.

2010-05-10, 08:54 PM
"Kirby was it?" Ally. Friend. Potentially, "What are you, exactly?"

2010-05-10, 09:16 PM

"Of course. I forget most people of this world are not familar with those like me. I come from Dreamland, a land of dreams. I am the material representation of what you might call a nightmare." Kirby explains.

"I admit my form here rather disapointing."

2010-05-10, 09:17 PM
"How did you end up here, exactly?" Strange. Dreamland? Nightmares? Heard strange things, but this might take the cake.

2010-05-10, 09:23 PM
((Way to for me to infodump.))


"I had consumed all that was worth my time in Dreamland, so I took up traveling the cosmos, Eagleland, Hyrule, the Muchroom Kingdom and most recently this world. Unfortunately when hunting my first few meals I ran afoul the Cullens."

2010-05-10, 09:24 PM
"Meals?" Strange. Crossing worlds to feed a 'hunger?' Sounded like himself almost.

I doubt he means it metaphorically.

2010-05-10, 09:28 PM

"Apologies. But one's birth name is best for such occasions. How does it feel?"

Sylar's Brain

Out of nowhere, a mirror image of himself appears in Sylar's vision.

"How can I serve you, my host?"

2010-05-10, 09:30 PM
"Powerful. Everything I've ever wanted.....finally. Like I could kill the entire Cullen clan and rip their power from their brains. I could swallow Nakamura and Petrelli whole, and their little cheerleader, to."
Sylar's Mind

Told you that there would be repercussions.

Quiet! Who....are you exactly? The angel in the coin?

2010-05-10, 09:39 PM
Sylar's Mind

"Himself" nods. "Correct. I am Akariel. Is this form unnerving to you? I can take any that you wish." Every detail of the illusion is perfect. Stance, posture, voice...everything.

The construct of Sylar vanishes to become the Cheerleader, becomes Nakamura, Petrelli, the Elder Suresh, the Younger Suresh. Finally, the image becomes that of Elle Bishop, electricity crackling at her fingertips.

"Any preferences?"

2010-05-10, 09:48 PM
Elle? That's an interesting choice.

Shut up.

I'm just saying-


So we go back to not listening to me?


Now before he started talking, assume whatever you're going to assume, as for what we're doing? We're going to reach our true potential. We understand the coin, so we're going to expand on that.

2010-05-10, 10:19 PM

Elle tilts her head. Her normal attire is replaced with a tweed power suit and bow-tie.

"What is it you wish to know?"

2010-05-10, 10:21 PM
Sylar's Mind
We're going to get the rest of the coins. More power. Godhood.

2010-05-10, 10:30 PM

"That might be more difficult than you believe. While the idea of bearing multiple coins is attractive, it is also impossible. There have been others who have tried doing so, and all have failed. One coin, one bearer. That is how has been since the beginnings of our imprisonment."

Elle pauses for a moment, and is replaced by Chandra Suresh.

"But there is another path to power. We grow in power by inflicting pain and suffering on others. Through the tortured screams of mortals, through their agony, you will become better able to use the strength I give you. And we gain the most power from doing so against those who hunt us."

Another image. Three swords, glowing with pure white fire. An old-fashioned broadsword; a katana sword-cane, and a calvary-style rapier. All three have one feature in common; worked into each of their crosspieces was a single, rusted nail.

"The wielders of the Swords of the Cross have long sought to destroy us. Killing a Knight, who is chosen directly by an Archangel, is no easy task. Their blades force our influence away; it becomes a duel by skill alone; man to man. But doing so will give you access to far more power than you have at the moment."

2010-05-10, 10:36 PM
What if one were to kill all three of them? What if one was to slay all of them and take their abilities? Would that be possible? What kind of power would that entail?

It never will end will it? We're never satisfied.

2010-05-10, 10:49 PM

"Kill all three, and three more will come to bear the swords. We cannot touch the Swords of the Cross; their power comes from a source that is anathema to us. To wield both the Fires of Hell and the Fires of Creation would be impossible. Any who attempted it would be torn in two by the opposing forces."

Chandra Suresh fades back into Sylar's duplicate.

"But as for power...look at Nicodemus. He has slain hundreds of Knights in his lifespan. His Denarian form is partially absorbed into his normal form; he no longer needs to transform to benefits from it. He is responsible for the Black Death, for the two Sacks of Rome, and for other disastrous events that can easily spring to one's mind. He kidnapped and nearly broke the sum total knowledge of human experience. So there is power in slaying a Knight, my host. Sweet power from the depths of Hell."

2010-05-10, 10:55 PM
Power. True Power....wait he's responsible for WHAT?

Told you there were downsides.

How much of an effect does this power have on one's mind, exactly?

2010-05-10, 11:13 PM

"No more than any other power, my host. You would change if you became president, or hosted a late-night television show. Power changes a person; are you not different from Gabriel Gray?"

2010-05-10, 11:18 PM
Yes; but it must be withen limits. To completely throw away our humanity merely for power would lead us down a life of self-serving debauchery and psychosis that we should not so readily embrace.

For once, you and I are in agreement. We mustn't ever use our powers like...that. It might be best to get rid of Nicodemus when we are stronger.

It would both strengthen us and eliminate a threat....and it would be one of those things that would make us a 'Hero' to most.

Like Mom wanted....just like she wanted.

We're not a walking Nuke; we need to understand that, as does our new 'friend,'. You understand correct?

2010-05-10, 11:23 PM

"I am merely here to provide options, my host. You are a human being, who has free will. It is your choice to be or not be, to do or not do."

2010-05-10, 11:25 PM
Sylar's Mind
Good. Good; thank you for the information then. You've answered our questions; do you have any of your own?

2010-05-10, 11:29 PM

"None, my host. But Nicodemus is watching you."


Nicodemus smiles as Sylar begins talking to himself. It was a very common mistake, to talk in reality when mental communication worked just as well.

"Are you satisfied, Sylar? Because there is a job that we must do."

2010-05-10, 11:32 PM
His eyes twitch over to Nicodemus, "That was an...experience. I think it's going to take time to get use to several voices in my head. Just out of curosity, what did I do here while I was in my head?"

2010-05-10, 11:39 PM

"You were talking out loud, I am afraid. You do not need to do so to communicate with Akariel. Simply think of what you wish to say, and direct towards the entity. I am surprised that he did not tell you of this before."

Having Sylar speak out his side of the conversation was important, though. It gave Nicodemus insight into the man, when the serial killer thought he was speaking privately. One reason why no Fallen would instruct their host beforehand on the matter.

2010-05-10, 11:45 PM
"Ah. Then you know exactly what I think of you. Pity. Remind me to find a way to return him the favor somehow. Well as you said, we're going to have to have to complete our job, Nicky." Anger. Annoyance. Twitch hand. Coin untrustworthy. Knew. Failed to take warning.

2010-05-11, 12:06 AM

"Your personal feelings towards me are irrelevant. Many have tried to kill me in the course of events. I am still here. There is little else to be said on the matter."

Akariel whispers to Sylar in Elle's voice. Nicodemus controls the coins. If we do not do as he instructs, we will not be given to a bearer. And then we are alone, all alone, in a sea of emptiness and infinite black. Unable to see or smell or hear or touch or taste. Alone, completely and utterly. We will not go back to that place willingly.

2010-05-11, 12:11 AM
"Pending one more, now what were we doing before I zoned out?"

You're never leaving my possession again. I WILL be immortal; so I hope you enjoy working for me, because this is your position for eternity with no options for promotion.

2010-05-11, 12:21 AM

"We were going to kill Carlisle Cullen."


There is no need to be rude about it. We're both getting what we want from this bargain. The Fallen Angel sounds offended. He's using Sylar's mother's voice too.

2010-05-11, 12:24 AM
"Ah, then let us get back to that."
That upset you? Pity; that was me trying to be kind. This is going to be a long eternity.

2010-05-11, 12:24 AM
Light Yagami
The television is switched on, and the report begins. Hartigan crosses his legs, and leans back, tapping his leg impatiently.
“The city is in panic, as the after effects of the night become seen, as well as the toll they have taken on our beloved city. The night’s power shortage causes remain unknown, however the city collapsed into chaos, with four riots. While we are yet to receive a police report on the incident, deaths have been estimated at topping two hundred, and an incalculable damage to property and public works.
More on this later.
A sad day for the Roark family, our cities ancient founders, as Senator Roark was shot dead, along with the majority of his staff, by member of the Authority Rose Tattoo, over what appears to be a connection to the murder of Angela Spica. Also referred to as ‘The Engineer’, Spica was a scientific progeny researching nano-machines, who inherited her powers from a The first engineer, a member of the terrorist cell ‘The Changers.’ While the exact circumstances of her death have not been released, several graphic photographs have been, which show she was tortured, and badly beaten.
In addition, certain files about his life have been revealed, that seem to indicate a partnership with Magliozzi and the mafia, as well as being implicit in several other crimes and embezzling millions from public works. More on this later.
His older Brother, Cardinal Patrick Henry Roark was found dead in a confessional, repeatedly stabbed. Nobody is known to have entered the church, so whoever responsible must have some alternate means of entry. It is suspected this is a political killing, as the man was a very gifted speaker, at one point thought to run for president, and had a great deal of influence throughout the West Coast of America. Anyone who has any information about this is encouraged to come to the police immediately.
Authority member Apollo, also known as the sun god, has agreed to give a statement later today. We shall keep you advised as more information is provided.
At home, The Basin City central police department was blown up. No groups have officially taken credit, but suspected is a shadowy figure that refers to himself as V. Yesterday this terrorist blew up city hall, leaving behind a tape explaining his reasons for doing so. No survivors have been found who could testify the events. Whether or not this is accurate remains to be seen.
It is for these reasons the Metropolitan police have officially instituted emergency powers, and declared a breakdown of order. With luck, these measures may help the city begin to recover.
Just in, Senator Roark’s only son has allegedly died of a heart attack. The handsome young man is a frequent patron of music and dance clubs. If one was of a suspicious mind, they might claim the timing is too convenient for coincidence."

2010-05-11, 12:30 AM
Light Yagami
"I believe you now understand what you hold in your hands? We've wiped a good deal of the so-called legitimate power out of the city. I'm now offering you the ability to wipe out the illegitimate as well. Wipe out all of them; then all that's left is those who deserve to live, who deserve to rebuild. This city gets the clean slate it deserves. Are you still with me?" A gleam crosses Kira's eye; the gleam of someone who truly believes every word they preach.

2010-05-11, 12:36 AM
The same gleam is in the old Detectives eye. “To the bitter end. This old man just found a new purpose.” He stands up. He is dressed professionally, wearing an oxford shirt, tie, and dress slacks, along with his signature trenchcoat. He has a distinguishing cross-shaped scar on his forehead and despite his age is a muscular and imposing man. And he is yours. He'd dive into a volcano if you asked him to.
“I’m with you kid. But if we move to quickly, we’ll create chaos, thousands of times worse then this. We should leave out the biggest bastards of the bunch until things start to get better.”

2010-05-11, 12:42 AM
The Midnighter

Something's wrong. His radio-telepathic link with the rest of the Authority just went dead. Something bad had happened.

"Faster. We need to go faster."


"Yes. Let's." Nicodemus walks back down the corridor.

"After you."

Sam Oliver

"Do we have a destination in mind, or are we just running as far away as possible?" Sam looks nervous, eyes constantly darting back and forth. He expects to see the Devil appear at any moment.

2010-05-11, 12:43 AM
"True. We need to avoid using the default of Heart Attack from now on regardless; it'll draw the task force in, and bumblers they may be, they might hit on my location. For now, though, we need to ensure we don't simply let the city fall into Anarchy when we're done. Do you think you can rally what's left of the city behind you?"

"Indeed." With that Sylar moves forward.

2010-05-11, 01:04 AM
Hartigan rubs his face. "...No." He says at last. "Not right now. The two mafia dons are going to be keeping things tight for the moment, though it won't last. For the moment, they are in control. I might be able to pull rank on a few of the Metro, make a few honoury officers, create a militia, that sort of thing, but for the moment, I'm pretty well useless beyond a man to pull a trigger and supply names."
He looks up at the cheep electric light. "Of course, I can give you all the names on the databases, and I can introduce you to other people who'll want to help out."

The Midnighter and Johnny Blaze
At last, you arrive. You make it into the building, and after an interminably long ride in the elevator with soothing music, and at last emerge in what appears to be a second waiting room.
A tall, lean, hard eyed man with long hair, scruffy clothes and a scraggly beard is putting the finishing touches to something. “I take it you have an appointment?”

Suddenly Alice straightens. “We need to leave. Now. Doesn’t matter where.” She grabs her purse, wraps a headscarf around her and puts on a pair of designer sunglasses in a single movement, then begins walking rapidly out, heels clacking sharply against the tiles. Your marginally surprised she doesn’t blur with speed, she's moving so fast.

Nicomedus, Kirby and Sylar
The door to the vampire patriarch's room won't open.

2010-05-11, 01:09 AM

"Yes we do. I need your cell phone. Now." The Midnighter doesn't even wait for the man to say anything. He snatches the device, and dials a number he knows by heart. Radio-telepathy is down, but regular communications still work.

"Sweetie? It's me. Pick up."


The mostly-human struggles to catch up. He manages to keep her in his sights.


Nicodemus pauses for a moment, then murmurs a spell used to light pipes. With the Hellfire augmenting it, though, the resulting fireball should be more than sufficient to simply burn the wood down.

2010-05-11, 01:10 AM
"I can call in the full power of a national government, theoretically, but we're trying to avoid that IF we can. We can theoretically collapse the entire mob structure and call in the army, but I'd prefer to avoid that. This is supposed to be a secret until the city is already cleaned up." He pulls out a few pages of the Death Note, giving them to the officer, "These are all you'll need. Over the next couple of days, wipe them out in what seem like coordinated attacks. Things that can be blamed on radicals or some type of mob war. We want them thinking that a virtual army has arrived at their door and they can't hope to fight it."

Sylar watches impassively as Nicodermus hurls his fireball at the door. He's more than ready to meet anything behind that door with Telekinises.

2010-05-11, 01:22 AM
Wallace raises an eyebrow, but hands it over, and resumes his sketching. He's got real tallent.
Apollo picks up. He is, however, silent. He's waiting to hear what you have to say.

The Bride and Travis
He nodds, and flicks his head, indicating two doors down the hall to his right. "Be quick, I beg." He says, and lets you past.

For a moment, implausibly, the wood resists, then at last it ignites, disolving into ash.
The room beyond has changed. It's now a different room, in a different place. Limestone walls, dark with time, and cold air. No light.
You can hear the vampires voice, chanting softly. "Master Rahl guide us. Master Rahl teach us. Master Rahl protect us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives are yours."
He is nowhere to be seen, but before you are three boxes, guilded with intricate designs in the shape of the cosmos, and bejeweled with priceless stones.
Something feels odd about it, dangerous yet you can't help but desire them, more then you have ever desired anything in the world. Power, Chaos, Evil, none of these motivations seem important besides the pull of the three boxes.

2010-05-11, 01:36 AM

"The Engineer is down, Jenny isn't interjecting even though I know that she knows that she bugged this line, and the whole place is a mess at the moment. Could you get Rose Tattoo over to the Engineer's body, and see if she can't revive Angie? Even if it isn't permanent." His voice cracks at the last sentence. "We still need to know how and why she died. Then get her to the Doctor. She's the Spirit of Life; purging the toxins from his body should be child's play."


The Denarian knows about temptation. Living with Anduriel, and being the tempter himself on many occasions has hardened his heart to such things. But they are curious, and for that reason, possibly useful.

Anduriel. What are those boxes?

2010-05-11, 05:51 AM
Apollo sighs. "Listen Angel, we're doing all we can, but that's not very much. Nobody has a clue where the doctor is. He was meant to sit for a hearing, his lawyer showed up without him, and he hasn't been heard about since. And as for..." He stops. He sounds like he's about to cry for a moment. "There isn't enough of her left to bring back. Her bodies so far beyond functional it's sickening. Someone must have." He shuts up again, and takes a deep breath. He sounds lost. You've been hurt before, it's part of being superheroes, but nobody had ever come at you like this, picking you off by inches, without giving you a chance to fight back. "I don't know what to do. There, I said it. I can't fight shadows! I don't know how to fight someone who won't fight me! And I keep worrying who'll be next, Li-Min, or Rose... or you." He sighs. "Do you have a lead or anything?"

i don't know. I feel I should. They should be familiar as my own body, and yet I can't remember them. They are powerful. That is all I can say for sure.

2010-05-11, 08:49 AM

"Sweetie, if you're worried about me getting into trouble..." The Midnighter's tone turns serious. "Here's what we'll do, then. I want you to start orbiting the sun as soon as you can; you can survive in space, and your solar batteries should get supercharged. We'll hold you in reserve, since none of our really big guns are responding. Get Shen to start tracing the Doctor's location. If she could find Krigstein's lab when Jenny was a baby, then she should be able to find the man. Once Swift finds the Doctor, we can really start cooking. Have you heard anything from our daughter?"

Taking another deep breath, the Midnighter cracks a smile. "As for a plan...you know me, angel. The rules of this game have changed. So I'm doing what I do best; cheat, fight dirty, and leave them all bleeding with their heads on a pike. Sound good?"


That is the second time you have told me that you did not know something. You are a Fallen Angel, Anduriel. You were one of Satan's top lieutenants, and the reason why you are imprisoned in the coin is because he was afraid of your power unchecked in his domain. You have some idea what those boxes are, Anduriel. Even speculation would be useful.

2010-05-11, 11:25 AM
The Bride

The Bride tosses Travis a suit to put on as she makes her own way to the women's restroom.

Once there she finds herself a stall and puts on a slim red dress and removes her sword from it's scabard and places it in the thin steel linned compartment over her left hip.


Ghost Rider

There isn't much Blaze can do but wait but in his unpatient state he begins to pace around the lobby. Examining the various works of art, often when it comes to collectors of valuable ancient art they come across cursed or otherwise enchanted objects by accident that cause people like him all sorts of headaches.



For the time being Kirby watched passively as the other two go for the door.

2010-05-11, 03:34 PM
With a lithe grace that he had come to be known for, Adrien rose from the comfort of his purple chair. He had been thinking about this moment all day, though he had still managed to pay attention to his actual work. Though he liked to point out that his status as "smartest man in the world" was a marketting ploy by a to eager image consultant, the claim wasn't that far from the truth.
He opens the door, taking in every detail of the waiting room outside his office at a glance.
"When you are done." He says softly. Adrian never feels the need to raise his voice. At board meetings, you could see the straining of the rest of the organization as Ozymandius softly dictates policy. "We can begin."

The priest, maniacal with bloodlust, exterts as much force as he can, ripping the monster that wears the image of a girl limb from limb.

2010-05-11, 04:45 PM
Ghost Rider

Johhny felt truly underdressed talking to this well dressed busniness man in his biker leather. So far though none of the artifacts seemed to cursed enough to cause him any problems.

"Adrian Veit? You've barely aged a day since the New York clean-up in '85."

2010-05-11, 04:54 PM
Desire. Need. Not a stranger. I know it well.

It's tricking us.

We need it.

We do.

Too weak.

If we've ever one fault, it was a weakness against temptation. Oh and the fact that we're still a vir-

You almost sounded wise there.

Almost? For you, this is about as high as wisdom gets.

Slyar moves forward to get the box.

2010-05-11, 05:10 PM
"Thank you, John." He replies, his memory never letting him down. "You look quite well yourself. How's your other half?" He offers a strange, sad half-smile. He is always polite, especially when he's not sure about an individual.

2010-05-11, 05:53 PM
Sylar, Nicodemus and Kirby
"DON'T" a voice thunders, then adds much more softly, "touch that. You won't like it." Carlisle emerges from the small, antechamber, set to resemble a chapel.
He's flawless skin seems... cracked, like it has been turned to porcelain and the rest of him is swelling beneath the surface.

Anduriel seems to blaze all of a sudden. She is furious. Whatever you may become, host, you are still in so many ways nothing more then the idiot shepherd boy who stumbled upon the weregeld of a savior in his fields. You wish to know? So be it.
To be Master of all, so you may help others, so all will do your bidding. To end yourself, or end the world. Rule as you have chosen.

2010-05-11, 06:00 PM
"Why? It can't be good, but it...calls to me."

2010-05-11, 06:58 PM

Apologies, Anduriel. I haven't been myself as of late; I blame Dresden. Freeing the Archive and nearly killing me tends to put an edge on one's mood.

"What are those boxes, Carlisle? They do seem quite potent."

The Midnighter

Still on the phone with his husband, the Midnighter waits for Apollo's response.

2010-05-11, 07:38 PM
Sylar's Mind
Now that I think of it, do you know anything about those boxes? Do you sense anything from Carlisee that I can't?

2010-05-11, 09:56 PM
Light Yagami
The detective hands you a sheet of paper. Name after name is written in a thick, heavy hand. “Alright. That’s ninety dead. They’re all small timers, crooks, enforcers, and the odd drug dealer or confidence man. Scum, but small scum. They’ll all be dead in the next three hours, through either gunshots or stabbing.” He runs his hand through his hair again. “Rotten way to kill a man. But then, they aren’t much. If there isn’t a mob war yet, there will be soon with this.”

Even a man of your diverse talents cannot arrange so much from a position of total disconnection. You have a few connections who know some of the truth. You are using them too, of course. It’s just a few of them know it.
While a drug dealer in Washington knows you as a detective with a drug habit, an engineering firm employs you as a low level technician, and a range of other people know you on the end of chains so convoluted they can’ be guessed at, none of them have any suspicions about who you are.
The person at the end of the phone is one of the exceptions.
A rich, sultry, emotionless voice is on the other end. “I did as you asked.” She says softly.

You can hear your husband smile over the phone. You’re not sure how, some subtle change in attitude, or something like that perhaps.
“I’ve done that much.” He says. “Swift called me an hour ago. She reckons he’s been found, but not recognized. She’s been taking a look at public institutions, no luck yet. Rose killed the senator, though he probably deserved it, so I’m doing all I can to keep things together here. I’ll be at City Hall Monument if you need muscle, dealing with the [press and making empty noises while I decide whether or not to call in the army. Damn Jack for not being here when I need him. Once I got that cleared up, I’ll go trip the light fantastic up above. Jenny’s alive, and doesn’t seem to be in any danger, but that’s all I can say for sure. She’s spaced out, like she’s left her body. If anyone’s hurt her…”
He sighs. “I know you can take care of yourself, angel. You just get so worked up, and there are breakable things around here. Like the entire city. Stay calm, we can’t kill this son of a bitch if he gets us too. Love you.” He hangs up.

Anyone with access to a television see’s this.
The second special report tonight, with a third due to come in an hour.
The Mob has fallen into a sullen, grudging, desultory effort to sustain chaos, interfering with any attempts to fight fires or prevent looting, but otherwise just roam. Sacred Oaks is under siege, and the few remaining police are mostly fighting a losing battle, or looting themselves.
Old Town appears to be the only part of the city untouched by the devastation.
It has been revealed that ‘The Engineer’ was killed by the mob, and is believed to have been caused by ‘The Colonel’ an enforcer often posited to work for ‘legitimate businessman’ Wallenquist, frequent patron of the arts and collector of exotic items, although there is no concrete evidence of this. The nanotechnology that gives her the unmistakable liquid metal look and empowers her with ‘super ‘abilities has been removed. An investigation is pending, with the entire area being swept for evidence. Police will issue a statement later tonight.
Apollo has issued a statement regarding Rose Tattoo’s murder of our elected Senator. Apparently, his death is unconnected to either his son or his brothers, and was brought about by a suspected involvement in, or at least a acceptance of, The Engineer’s killing. He has agreed to be given a post-mortem trial, as soon as order is restored.
Police have apprehended a suspect for the murder of Patrick Henry Roark, one Miho, a woman living in Old Town working as an enforcer, although her alibi holds she has not left the neighborhood in six months. Reportedly, the wounds inflicted on him were caused by a very specific blade, with only three known in circulation, two possessed by the woman. In addition, her history as a gymnast, professional dancer and Olympic level fencer make her uniquely suited to sneaking, besides her rumored affiliation with the Triads. Whether the charges will stick remain to be seen.
Kirby, Nicomedia and Sylar
He paces over, and places his boot on top of the boxes. “What are these? I don’t know yet. But I know a lot. Reason and unreason fought, and one side used this to send the other.” He pauses, and stretches out a hand. “Here. To a world not built for us. But power corrupts, and the man found more things he didn’t like about his kingdom. Hyrule, for instance. So that, too, he sent away, until there were none left but his chosen few. And then, having no further need for the power with morality so clarified and the world as he wanted, he sent them away, and eventually they came to me.”
The rests a foot on them. “Orden, they call them. I call them Genesis. And in two months, on the last day of winter, I will open them. One will kill me, One will give me mastery over this world, free to write and unwrite it as I please, and the last… well, Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” And until I decide which one to open, nothing can hurt me. Quite an arrangement. But them, God provides.” His eyes are shining with fanaticism.

Travis and The Bride
Travis is still in the room when you emerge. As you do, you see a normal looking young man in a flash suit, and a breathtaking young woman far more attractive than him in a yellow cocktail dress.

By the time you get to the car, it’s already started, and she looks ready to accelerate. ‘She hands you two slips of paper. Their plane tickets. To Italy.

2010-05-11, 10:18 PM
"Good. You get use to killing like this; the only way to clean the world is on a large scale." Kira sits down, "Now comes prepping for the next step; we need to be prepared to take advantage of the Mob war to ensure that we can take over when we're done."
Sylar listens for a moment before he resumes attempting grab a box to open from under his foot. , "Interesting."

2010-05-11, 10:38 PM

Sam hops in, and buckles up. If there were two seatbelts, he would strap both of them in.

"Well, I've always wanted to travel. Good thing I have my passport."

The Midnighter

He's smiling as well. "I caught an image of the Doctor back here. He's in the side room of a court building. Love you too. Give Jenny a kiss for me."

He ends the call.

Staring straight at Veidt, the Midnighter stops smiling.

"You said you have leads. And that two of my team is dead, and another moments away. Talk."


Anduriel, Nicodemus does the mental equivelent of a murmur. do you have any idea what would happen if one was to destroy one of the boxes?

2010-05-11, 11:00 PM
Nicodemus, Kirby and Sylar
All things made by man can be destroyed. She replies. Beyond that, no. If what he says is correct, and I suspect it is, it could have any number of effects. I would not risk it. She murmurs back.
The Vampire’s knee shoots up in a blur, sending Sylar staggering back. “I treasure few things. These are one of them.” He says. “Do not touch, or I will split you down to your components and sell them to people who want power.”

“Good, we’re going to be gone for a while.” She says, and then floors it. You zoom out of the carpark like a bat out of hell, the force slamming you to your seat. “I know a mystic who says he’s a priest. He can cut your ties to your father. He can’t change what’s already happened, but I imagine going through life as you are isn’t too bad.

Hartigan nods. "So we wait. OK then. If you don't mind, I'll take my car and look around. I like to keep my eye on the action myself."

2010-05-11, 11:06 PM

"Sounds good to me. The powers would go away then, right? I'd just be a normal guy?" Sam has to practically scream to make himself heard over the roar of the engine. He also starts sputtering after he accidentally swallows a bug.


Thank you, Anduriel. I'll sacrifice a virgin for you later.

Nicodemus rubs his cheeks as he stares at the boxes.

"Why the last day of winter, Carlisle? What is so special about that date?"

2010-05-11, 11:08 PM
"You have a cell phone, correct? We need to be able to stay in contact after all." Interesting; would help to have man on the street, rather than wait for news.

"You seem to have overestimated your skills." Slam him against the wall with a Hellfire-enhanced Telekinesis, take the boxes. Use them, godhood in no time.

Those things WILL kill us. Without a doubt. This is a BAD idea.

2010-05-11, 11:18 PM
Anderson throws hwhats left of the girl, and turns to the wolf.
"A shepherd must tend his flock... and at times, fight off the wolves." He intones, removing another pair of bayonets.

"Perchance I saw you." I reply softly, staring at the screen in front of me. "Well done. Now wait, with my thanks." I hang up. A frighteningly direct woman, with little of the flair I myself delight in. If I could love anyone as a man, and not as a symbol, it would be her.

"I do not know what warrants such hostility." Adrian says, returning to his office, where he stares out his huge window at the skyscrapers, all much smaller. When it comes to aflluence pissing matches, nobody can touch Vedit industries. He sighs, then turns. "Very well, I will give you the facts. I saw what this terrorist did to your comrades. I saw it because I was meant to, such a coincidence is unlikely as me tossing a knife out this window and hitting the man responsible. The laws of averages say it is, but that is all that can be said."
He turns. "He wants you to talk to me. I don't know why. But I suspect he expects us to create a trap. Well, we will not, and instead continue this investigation. The Engineer was killed in a professional manner, by a gifted killer. Wallenquist organized it, although that will never be proven, and no doubt knows something, or has a contact who does. I would suggest we start there."

2010-05-11, 11:27 PM
“It is a year from the day I put them in play, little man.” He responds. “Now, there are two ways this can end. You give me one of the coins. We shake hands, and you go looking for more recruits. We continue contact as we choose, no more.” He says, not responding to Sylar’s efforts. His boast of being untouchable seem to be true. “Or I kill all of you, take Anduriel and continue as I have. And stop that Sylar, it’s laughable.”

“No. He can’t change what’s already happened. But he can cut away the deal, as long as you’ve never ate any food at hell, never signed a contract offered by the devil, and never made any oaths to your father.” She replies, driving through backstreets like they’re a six lane free-way. The tyres are screeching in protest.
“I got a phone.” Hartigan replies. “I’ll be at Kadie's Club Pecos. It’s the safest place in the city, and a good place to hear things. It’s where the cities lowest scum tend to hang out.” There is something else he’s hiding from you. A woman, you suspect, or a close friend. But he’s honest.

The wolf backs away, whining. Behind, the pieces of the girl start to pull themselves together.

2010-05-11, 11:27 PM
The Midnighter

"Don't flatter yourself, Veidt. I'm pissed at my friends getting killed. And how do we know that you aren't the one behind the terrorist's mask? Jenny Sparks told me about you. Called you a poncy smartass with a good heart and a decent lay."

((ooc: No, the Midnighter doesn't know about the Squid Incident. Nor does he suspect.))


Anduriel. Is there any way you can think of to break his ties with those boxes? Any particular rituals that might be useful?


"Um...I swore I'd kill him if he killed a particular woman. Does that count?" Sam realizes what he had just said. "And she wasn't my girlfriend or anything. She was sleeping with him-the Devil, I mean-and then she left, and she was nice and he just snapped his fingers and said she had just been run over by a bus even though she was lying." Sam takes a pair of heavy breaths.

2010-05-11, 11:36 PM
"Fine. I guess you really are untouchable." Sylar subtly attempts to pull one of the boxes away with his telekinesis.
He's going to kill us for this. That's assuming it actually works, anyway.

2010-05-11, 11:38 PM
"I have never taken particular pride in myself for my ability in that area, though it is gratifying to hear she enjoyed our little trysts as much as I did." He says, unflappable as ever. "Now, think. I have been here all day. I regret that my success has left me with little time alone, so it is clear I am not this terrorist. While I admit that I have both the resources and ability to replicate his deeds, such school boy heroics are more damaging to a cause. While my socialist sympathies are well known, I am far from an anarchist. I left my mask a long time ago, why take up another?”
He sighs. “I have supported your cause, funded your administration, and poured millions into your public works administration. Quite an elaborate cover, wouldn't you say? The fact of the matter is, you can trust me, or you can not. But you need help, which I can provide. Now, what do you say?”

2010-05-11, 11:45 PM

The leather-clad hero hesitates for a second.

"...you're right. On both counts. If you're looking for an apology, though, ask my husband. He and my daughter are the only ones who get to hear those words."

His shoulders deflate, and he presses to fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"We're going to need your help on this one."

2010-05-11, 11:48 PM
Carlisle shakes his head. "You are annoying me little man." He says, stepping over the boxes, one of which is lifting very slowly.
He steps forward until he is glaring at him from inches away. His hand shoots out with shockening swiftness and takes his throat, lifting him the difference in heights, so that Sylar's feet dangle beneath him. The box is slowly bobbing towards you. "Now, for every time you annoy me, I am going to rip something from you. I've done this before, I'm very good at it. I think I'll start with the telekinesis. Unless you want to beg?"

I remember something. Chainfire. That is all. The fallen angel reports. What that is, is a secret upon another world, that has been removed from memory.

“Don’t worry, I’m not about to get jealous. I was married yesterday.” She replies. “And no, I don’t think it does count. At least, I hope so.”

2010-05-11, 11:55 PM
"It is alright, I assure you." He replies, then gets to business. "This terrorist thinks of his tactics the same way people play chess. He evaluates probable responses, and plans ahead. Dozens of moves, I should imagine. So when he included me, he obviously had something in mind. I do not like to be a reactionary force. I like to be in control, or appear that way. So he brought me in to encourage a response out of you. Most likely, a trap for him, with your daughter as the bait.”
He stops. “And that is what I initially planned to do, I admit. But no doubt that is what he wants, so allow me to suggest an alternative. We follow the clues. At the very least, we can remove a very powerful man from his arsenal, and get revenge for the murder of your comrade.”

2010-05-12, 12:02 AM
The Midnighter

"Sounds reasonable. Though your resources are such that we can do more. I may not be the greatest chess-player, but I can crack the pieces in half. No chessmaster ever sees that one coming. Your company, mainly because it's been cooperating peacefully with our administration, has emerged almost completely unscathed from Jack's policies. Well, no more damaged than it should have been."

The Midnighter leans forward.

"Do you have any technology relating to trans-dimensional travel? Not through the Bleed, of course, but more along the lines of spiritual journeys through the unconscious."

2010-05-12, 12:07 AM
Well, this is the end. Congrats, it was all for nothing.


We've lost.

Something must hurt him!

Sylar starts using a Hellfire-boosted Radiation explosion with no restraint for the people in the area; a massive blast similar to what would have happened in New York.

Turns out that WAS us.

2010-05-12, 12:07 AM
He hesitates. "Not quite, but I have something simmilar." He stops. "I have a machine for cerebral expansion, designed to expand the capabilities of memory, store knowledge and thoughts as data. When linked, a humans capacity to store information is expanded. I origonally designed it to store a concience, a sort of data necromancy for preserving knowledge and wisdom but..." Recognizing that he's losing his audience, he finishes lazily "Will that perform adequately?"

2010-05-12, 12:10 AM
The blast shatters the room, sending you both rocketing apart with amazing force. Carlisle slumps, unconcious, while given your capabilities it is perhaps best if you dictate the effects yourself.

2010-05-12, 12:18 AM

"Not the most ideal machine, but any port in a storm. I might not be able to bring anyone back, but I can find who can." His speech is getting, faster; he's started pacing across the room.

"I need to get to that machine. There are dead people I need to talk to."


Thrown across the room himself, the leader of the Denarians is slammed against one of the shelves. He blacks out for a brief moment, but the power of the noose is such that he is merely inconvenienced by the blast. Wearily, he gets to his feet.

The rope used by Judas Iscariot to hang himself. Killing that priest all those years ago was so worth it.


"Married? You look so young...how old are you? Oh, that was a bad thing to say. Nevermind. But what happened that you aren't married anymore? Or is that a rude question also?"

2010-05-12, 12:26 AM
NUKE; Sylar, Nicodemus, Kirby
While passing over the two coin holders do minimal damage(Up to Indy and Dark) the blast continues expanding in all directions running through the mansion and reaching into Forks. The people have only time to scream as the blast continues to travel, wiping the entire town off the map. A thousand voices screamed in terror, and were silenced. The fire burned the land, and wiped out any vegetation. What little might have survived the blast and radiation was consumed by the very fires of hell. Little more than a burnt out crater, centered on the old mansion, is left. For the entire fallout area, the only sound is that of silence.

2010-05-12, 12:32 AM

The Denarian's clothes have been disintegrated; the only scrap he is wearing is the noose around his neck. Lip curling in disgust, he reaches into his shadow and pulls out yet another set of clothing. A black cotton shirt (http://filmchat.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/wfilmfest_magnificent7_001.jpg), and denim pants under a canvas trenchcoat.

"That was foolish of you. Rash. We've just made national news."

2010-05-12, 12:37 AM
She sighs. "I don't know. Older then I look, anyway. Much older." She doesn't offer anything else on the subject.

Nuke fallout area
Carlisle is unconcious, his suit reduced to tattered and burned remnants. The boxes are completely untouched by the blast.

You're phone rings. It's Swift.

2010-05-12, 12:39 AM
Sylar kneels down where Carlisee dropped him, "What....what did I do?"

2010-05-12, 12:43 AM

The Midnighter picks it up.

"Swift. What have you found?"


"Merely knocked him unconscious. First thing to understand about rituals is that they have very specific circumstances. Loopholes are very specific. You can't brute force a ritual into releasing itself. Actually, that's a lie. You can brute force a ritual, but that sort of power is several orders of magnitude above you or me. The Queen of Winter, in her own domain; likewise the Queen of Summer, for example."

2010-05-12, 12:46 AM
"How far do you think that blast went?" Sylar pushes himself up walking over to Carlisee's unconscious body, and then over to the boxes, "Do you think we should take them?"

2010-05-12, 12:49 AM
"I found him." The Tibetan woman is breathless. “That’s the extend of the good news, I’m afraid. He’s in bad shape. I’m going to have to fly him the old fashioned way, on a jet. I should be back at the city in a few hours. Have you got the terrorist yet?”

2010-05-12, 12:50 AM

"No idea, and let's not touch the focus items of said ritual. The media will be here shortly; best be off before we end up on the FBI watch-list. And I don't fancy hiding underground for the next hundred years."

The Midnighter

"Excellent. How bad shape is he in?...I haven't got the terrorist yet. Though I'm about to get a very good lead." The Midnighter is walking while talking on the phone; he's headed for Veidt's machine.

2010-05-12, 12:52 AM
"I need their bodies." He replies, slowly dressing himself in the costume he has not worn for decades, beyond the occasional publicity stunt. "If they are too long dead, it will not work. No more then a few hours."

2010-05-12, 12:56 AM
"Already...on...it." Sylar looks up throught the wreckage, slowly he turns back to Nicodemus, "Where to next then?"
Sylar's Mind
I....I've got nothing to say anymore.


2010-05-12, 10:23 AM
Ghost Rider

Blaze had been following his fellow hero's conversation silently. "What about their souls? When I'm finished with them I can never guarntee they are intact."



Kirby had managed to use his hellfire agumented ability to float to ride the blast current away from the core of the explosion. He now floats back to Sylar and Nicodemus.

"That was unpleasant. A shame the house would have served well as a focal point for the vampires to flee to as things grow worse across the city. Where shall we resume our search then?"


The Bride

The Bride follows the man from a distance.

2010-05-12, 03:02 PM
The Midnighter

"Don't need the bodies. Strap me in Ozzy, because I'm headed for the Garden of Infinite Memory. Next stop, every Doctor that ever lived."


"The nearest major city, for starters. I had a private train, but I believe it is currently inhabiting the atmosphere. Therefore, I suggest we simply fly there."

Nicodemus's shadow expands, and it flares behind him like a set of immense bat wings forged of pure darkness.

"You each have an alternate form, given to you by your Fallen. Kindly transform yourselves, and we should be off."


I can enable you to shift into your form, my host, but I will need a minute of your time to do so. Do I have your permission? The form is chosen based on your personality, and characteristics.

2010-05-12, 04:55 PM
Control on the streets worsens, as a gang war looms. Already, a great deal of people have been killed, and it seems only a matter of time before the war spirals out of control. On that note, Apollo has left our city, saying he had urgent business elsewhere. This is suspected, though not confirmed, to equate to his dead team mate, 'The Engineer'.
The town Falkes in Washington mysteriously vanished. Two hikers report there was a blast of fire similar in substance to a nuclear explosion. No radiation has been detected, and no survivors were found when the area was swept. The military denies any knowledge of this, and it has so far been labled an act of terrorism.
There is a clamor in Old Town with the arrest of one of their girls, and several police officers sent to keep the peace have been violently assaulted. Spokesperson, 'Gail Dawson' has gone on record that Miho is innocent and it is a sign of our cities degenerating justice that she can be accused." She also said that if the law does not change, she will take it into her own hands.

The boxes and Carlisle lie there, undisturbed.

You park at the airport, and she gets out.

The Bride
You and (I'm going to assume) Travis follow them to the airport.

2010-05-12, 05:42 PM
"Now then, I'd like to know who he is exactly, cause I know somebody wouldn't send two thugs to kidnap a kid just to adopt them as their own."
"Well we've been following them for a while now, and I really want to get rid of this stupid suit; so should we kill them now and give airport security a scare?"

2010-05-12, 05:53 PM
"He's just a kid. Nothing special, good genes. Blue eyed American boy everyone imagines when they decide to have kids." The man replies.

2010-05-12, 08:49 PM
"I do not know if that is possible." The billionaire admits, keeping pace with the Midnighter. "I am reducing thought-waves to data, not actually storing a conscious." Just the same, he doesn't offer any complaints, leading down to the bottom floor where all the work in progresses are kept.
eventually he comes to a device that looks unsettlingly like an electric chair, albeit with massive screens and more controls.
"Sit in the chair. Do not move if possible. If there are any fragments of your identity you wish to hide, tell me and I will explain the process."

The priest growls under his breath as the beast lopes away, clutching the remains of the little girl Part of him wants to hunt it, the other half insists he can't afford distractions. In the end, he shrugs and decides to return to the hotel he has been staying.

2010-05-12, 08:55 PM

"If it expands your mind, it should work. In theory. I've run the simulations." The Midnighter sits idylly in the chair.

"And I don't have any secrets. Other than the ones I don't know myself."


Sam gets out of the car, and follows Alice. Until they reach Rome, he's noticeably tense. Eyes darting around, head constantly turning so he is sure they aren't being followed. Or even worse, to check if his Father is anywhere near.

2010-05-12, 09:03 PM
The Bride

"How about we scare them?" The Bride makes her way over to the woman and places her sword against her throat.

"Neither of you move, except to answer my questions and you'll both live to do whatever it is you do."


Ghost Rider

Johnny pulls Adrian aside from Midnighter.

"Is this process safe? He has a husband and daughter to take care of and the Authority just lost half it's membership. If there is any chance this could go wrong...."

2010-05-12, 09:07 PM
"How fortunate for you. I take it you don't have any privacy either?" Vedit says ironically, then pulls the leaver before the superhero can answer, or realize every aspect of his life, even the most private details, are about to be poured through. The screens flicker, then show bars randomly shifting color as they stream the heroes mind, depatterning wavelegnths. Thousands of volts enter his brain as the computers transfer the electronic signals to data.
The Superhero watches for a moment, to make sure the Midnighter doesn't die (it is, after all, a work in progress), then turns to Johnny Blaze. He's silent for a moment, then decides to answer. "I tested it on myself, but for the most part... no. No it's not. It could in fact kill him, wipe his memory, destroy his higher motor functions, I could even use this to rewrite his identity completely if I had the patience. But he wouldn't care about the risks. And he's right. We need help."

2010-05-12, 09:08 PM

Sam stares at the Bride. He's twitching with panic.

"That's a sword. A really sharp pointy sword. Oh God, we're going to die. We are going to die."

2010-05-12, 09:13 PM
Sam, Travis and the Bride
"Why didn't I see you?" She asks, shocked, then shakes her head. Her expression changes from shock and confusion to naked terror. "Please, I've never hurt anyone. I'm a vegetarian for gods sake!"

Your life flashes before your eyes, to quickly to really catch any of the details. Time with Apollo, acts of brutality, playing around with Jenny, it's all there, and gone so quickly you barely notice it. The only thing that really stands out is The High, for a brief moment, his handsome face staring directly at you. "Think for yourself and question authority.
And if you can think for yourself, what do you need authority for?"
Then it stops, and you feel your mind expand. You're in the doctors garden.

Light Yagami
It's been an hour, and the phone rings. "There is one man we need to kill. I've never met him, though I've seen mugshots of the *****. Goes y the alias 'The Colonel.' Works for Wallenquist, and turned a few enforcers into a highly effective private army. Even shipped them in automatic weapons and is packing real heat. Problem is, I don't know his name."

2010-05-12, 09:20 PM

The Garden of Ancestral Memory. The epicenter of the collective subconcious, where archtypes and saints dwelled. Here was every past incarnation of the Doctor, a long line of those who forever changed the world. Some of the names immediately sprang to mind; others were lost in the passage of time. Personally, the Midnighter couldn't see why there had to be so much purple.

"Doctors! Jerom is in trouble; I need a favor. And no, I'm not sorry for bursting in uninvited. This is an emergency. Fate of civilization, anarchy, the whole works."

2010-05-12, 09:28 PM
((I know they are probably not obstructive beuracrats. And I have decided I don't care. But they will help out anyway. Just not a lot.))

One of the spirits, an African-American, pushing ahead and looks down on you. "This is not your concern." He says, not altogether unkindly. "This is for Thornedike to deal with. And yet you are here, and he is not. What do you need us to do?" It seems a sudden change of track, but it then occurs to you that he probably has no intention of actually helping out beyond some advice and a few vague promises.
"And how do you know this is not the way things are meant to be? Everybody dies. I can personally attest to that. Why do you fear change so?"

2010-05-12, 09:30 PM
The Bride

"Be quiet kid. If you make a scene, I'll have no choice but to bleed the two of you so shut up. I'm an assassin and I got a note telling me to find someone named Sam which I assume is you. Who wanted me to find you and why did they see fit to interrupt my current assignment?"

The Bride holds the sword tight but adjusts for any squirming to prevent and blood loss for the time being.


Ghost Rider

"Thats what I was afraid of." Blaze sighs.

"I hate to be impersonal about a tragedy of this size but the men downstairs would love to see this country fall to pieces without the Authority. Anarchy begets chaos and fear which they thrive on."



Kirby embraces the powers of the coin and pulls upon his new form. The pink puffball is gone, replaced by a swarm of locusts chained together by minisucule chains made of hellfire. Once Sylar and Nicodemus take to sky the locust will follow.

2010-05-12, 09:33 PM
The superhero nods. "Freedom without direction is a path to destruction." He sighs. "He's not a good man. But neither am I. And he is all the country has." He turns, and you are struck by the earnest look in his eye. "Believe me, I will let nothing happen to him, or any of his companions, as long as there is breath in my body."
He turns, and stares briefly at the scenes. "Don't worry, he will live to kill again."

2010-05-12, 09:39 PM
The Midnighter

"And Jerom is about to join the rest of you in the Garden if nothing is done. I need to know how to get to the Infinite City, and bring one of its residents back."

The Midnighter stares at the former Doctor, one of the former members of the Changers.

"You once told Jerom that Earth has always needed its Shaman, has always had a Doctor. Both of you were the first two work with a pantheon, the first two to realize that the world could be changed for the better when you cooperated with others. That others could help you when you could not do something. And now he's incapacitated, and my Engineer is dead just as yours was. We need your help."


"Y-y-yes. I'm Sam. And the reason why you were sent to kill me is because of my father. He's the Devil. Literally. And I'm trying to get out from under his thumb and not cause the apocalypse."

2010-05-12, 10:09 PM
It is time. A narrow window of opportunity perhaps, but one I must either risk, or give up. And I cannot give up.
I stand outside the headquarters of the broadcasting network. A target nobody has thought to strike. They think these battles are fought with muscle, nothing could be further from the truth. These battles are fought in the hearts and minds of the people. Afterall, they decide who is the hero, and who is the villain. Not us. Never us.
I emerge from the shadows, and walk towards the front door.

2010-05-12, 10:11 PM
The Midnighter
"You misunderstand. It's not that we don't want to help you. It's that we can't. We cannot leave this city. What power we possess is dying by inches as it returns to you. All I can give is my knowledge, and my advice." He sighs.

Two guards see you approach. They have been kept up to date with the state of the city, an are jumpy. They both draw guns before even recognizing you.

The building is full, with people trying to get out of the city while they can, to escape the destruction happening within the limits.

2010-05-12, 10:13 PM
The Midnighter

"Then tell me how to do it. Tell me the way, instead of opening the door. Give me the knowledge of how to get to the Infinite City and retrieve someone there. I'm Jenny Quantum's father. That has to make the path easier."

2010-05-12, 10:17 PM
The Bride

"So you're telling me the devil wants me to kill his son which is you? I've heard a lot of dumb excuses in my time on this job but that takes the cake."

2010-05-12, 10:22 PM
The Bride
"It was not for you. It was for her. She wanted vengeance, and was told he was responsible you see...Forgive me. I am a seer, and at times I forget you cannot see the world as I do."

The Midnighter
"I will. But the journey is up to you. I can do no more." He places a hand on your forehead, and the knowledge is transmitted directly into your brain, forestalling the Gamsemaster having to explain something he himself does not understand.

2010-05-12, 10:22 PM

"It isn't an excuse!...well maybe it is, but it isn't a lie! I mean, think about it. How did you get your assignment? Odd circumstances, sudden appearances? I mean, there wasn't anything off about the whole process?"

The Midnighter

"Thank you." Exiting the Doctor's Garden came far more easily than entering it. Entering the Infinite City left him with a bruised ass, several memories of situations that frankly worried him about the state of his daughter's sanity, and fish guts over one of his gauntlets.

But the result was the same in either case. Landing on the streets of the Infinite City, he searches for an old friend. Tall, blonde, foul-mouthed, and probably lighting a cigerette. Jenny Sparks, Spirit of the 20th Century. Overtime never felt so sweet.

2010-05-12, 10:24 PM
They are dead before their weapons are in their hands. I step over them, and use their security card to enter the building. I take the stairs, slowly making my way to the main control room. When I arrive I step in, humming 1912 overture to myself.

2010-05-12, 10:34 PM
The Bride

"I'll admit this has been really strange but the devil? No offense, but I'd expect the spawn of Satan to be slightly intimitaing." She dismisses Sam's rambling and turns to the woman, she holding at sword point.

"Who wanted vengence?"

2010-05-12, 10:36 PM

"Exactly. Hence the me getting out from under his thumb, and the him trying to kill me. I'm a disappointment, an embarrassment. Best to use another of his children, or sire another."

2010-05-12, 10:40 PM
The Bride
"My mother." Alice says, adding to the confusion helpfully. "The woman you just killed. That allowed me to escape. See, it all happened because Sam is here, and you killed Bella and maimed Edward. They were after Sam, see. So she thought Sam had done it, until she found you. Understand?" Her descriptions leave something to be desired.

The technicians scream. One of them pulls the alarm, which you have already disconnected. Another reaches for a phone.

2010-05-12, 10:45 PM
The Bride

"Then you are aware that I have been paid to kill you. Even if I let Sam here go, I'm already obligated to kill you." The Bride says matter of factly.

"Though since you're being so helpful want to tell me why your family doesn't immediately fall to pieces when cut by this sword?"

2010-05-12, 10:49 PM
The Bride
"I have no idea. Our skin crystallizes, so it's hard to cut. We're vulnerable to fire, and sharp impacts, if it helps. Although I doubt you're going to kill me. And we're in an airport, full of people. And a lot of them have guns. With bullets. I don't know why you want to kill me, almost nobody even knows I exist. I can understand why you'd want to kill the rest, however. I would if I could."

2010-05-12, 10:52 PM
I ignore them. Instead I walk over to the controls, flick a few switches to do a channel-wide broadcast filtering out other broadcasts, and insert a disk. I then lock the machine so no alterations can be made, and find a man about my height. He gets the honor of playing me in the drama to come.

News Broadcast, channel wide.

The screen flickers, and a masked man in an operatic costume with a masquerade mask of a harlequin. I tip my hat.
“I am sorry, but the scheduled special report has been canceled. Instead, I will inform you about events to come. You all know who I am. My picture is up on the walls. My arrest is being clamored for. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Because I am feared. Not for what I am, but for what I have to say. Because of the power of my words, and because you shall learn the truth, and the truth will set you free. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? God is dead.” I begin. “How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? We will ourselves. We will decide who we are and who we shall be. You are mad, furious! The city is collapsing around you, the world is slipping from the iron grasp of control. Who do you turn to for safety? Who will be our saviors?”

I lean forward. “All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. And the world has been robbed, and what we get in place is a overmen, sneering at the ants below as he crushes you all between the wheels of his regime. A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality. But that too has been stolen, and instead we live our life by tenants passed down as if by god. But god has nothing to do with this, it is false idols we hold in awe.

Well the times, they are a’changing. I dare do all that become a man, who darest do more is none. Will you be men? The mighty have been lain low, their power shown to be lies. Those that remain have fled, leaving you all to your fate. And now what? Do you lie down and die? Do you wait for the hated saviors to return? Or do you strike back. Do you break the chains you have bound yourself in, or do you allow yourself to be led to the slaughterhouse by those who see you as only statistics. That is a matter for you. But allow me to advise.

Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. So I will be brief indeed. I have a dream. A dream where men like them, men like me, have no power. A world of dreamers, where such despotism is not possible, for power does not exist. I know. Many of you have responsibilities, families. Stability is secure, where what I propose is not. But is this the future you want? Is this the life you want for your children?

I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease, slaughter. The prospect of the end of the world, the closing of humanities infinite potential. Men who abuse power, destruction, chaos. A corrupt, powerless administration. And that does not excuse you from standing by and doing this to yourselves. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. But rather then overcome them, in your panic you turned to the men who fancied themselves saviors, and found you had no way to remove them once you had made them. Destroyed by your own monster. They promised you order, they promised you peace, and all it cost was your silent, obedient consent.

Well I will end the silence. I will remind you all, and remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow this to pass unmarked, and turn to your saviors to free you from my words. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me, and wash ourselves clean of the sin, to reinvent morality and build our own order. For no matter how terrible they may be, they are but individuals. But we are so much more then that, we are the lifeblood of this country. And we can never be defeated."

Adrian rolls his eyes, though pays careful attention. "Winston Churchill said it best. A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Only problem is, people will listen to him."

2010-05-12, 11:03 PM
The Infinite City

"About time you showed up here," says said blonde, who is, indeed happily smoking a ciggie. "What, did married life rot your brain already? Come on then."

The Midnighter

The Midnighter wakes up from the machine, and finds nobody else with him.

"I found Jenny...and I failed..."

Veidt's machine begins to hum and crackle. Smoke begins to emit from the thing. A bolt of lightening cascades from the chair, and crashes directly in front of Veidt, forming into the shape of a woman as it does so. The image then fades to one Jenny Sparks, in Union Flag tee, and white suit (http://www.outzone.ru/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/44-jenny-sparks.jpg). She blows smoke into his face.

"Hello Ozzy. You've gotten flabby in your advanced age."

2010-05-12, 11:07 PM
Bending over, Adrian takes her hand and plants a kiss on it, a courtly gesture as old-fashioned as him. "Jenny. Nobody could ever prick my ego like you." He says fondly. Then his eyes harden, and the moments gone. Removing a remote, he rewinds the televisions on the wall, repeating V's speech on nearly a hundred screens. "I am sure you know most of what's going on, but you should see this."

2010-05-12, 11:17 PM
Ghost Rider

A nearby TV in Adrian's office plays V's message to the masses.

"That son of a bitch. He has to know how much good we've all done for this world. Where is this station's studio?"

As the word "studio" is uttered Blaze turns into his skeletal form and the bike pulls itself up to the front lobby.

2010-05-12, 11:21 PM
Jenny Sparks

The Spirit of the 20th Century blows a smoke ring.

"Well bugger that. Sorry in advance, Ozzy. Your electricity bill is not going to look good."

Using her abilities, Jenny reaches through the electrical grid, and grasps hold of the telecommunications network. Soon, every radio, every PA system, and every speaker either show or are tuned to Jenny's voice.

"This is Jenny Sparks of the Authority. Exactly. I've got a fancy memorial in London, a nice little gravestone, and I'm up and kicking because someone is trying to bollocks up the system. Since I saved your sorry-ass hides from God, and Kaizen Gamorra, and Sliding Albion, and you don't even want to know what else, I think I ought to enlighten you wankers about what this little ponce is saying."

"Let's say that the Guy Fawkes reinactor is right. Let's say that you could get rid of us superpowered types. Let's say that you'd be all lovey-dovy with your new morality. I'd give this glorious new reign of his six months at the most. Because let's be honest here. Even if human nature's perfect, then you're still dead. Because there are things out there that want to kill you. There are creatures and inhuman beings drifting in the cold and dark who would like nothing more than to see you suffer. Remember Sliding Albion? They would've turned Earth into a rape camp if it hadn't been for us. A world where power doesn't exist means that we get to be the whipping boy of the universe. You all know me from ten years ago. I'm not elegant, I'm not smooth, and I sure as hell am going to be sleeping with somebody before last call. But I've never lied to you, and I'm telling you now that we're your protectors. As bad as you think we are, we know there are things a lot worse."

Jenny's message ends, and she slumps to the ground. She isn't unconscious, but she doesn't have enough strength to stand at the moment. Doesn't stop her from taking another drag, though.

2010-05-12, 11:27 PM
"No problem. This is all powered on Renewable resources. Not quite free yet, but we're getting there." He says, then turns to Blaze. "Top floor. Talk to Wallace. Don't get too aggressive, he doesn't like it." He completes, then turns to Midnighter. "Well then, now what? I suspect we are supposed to go to the tower, and further that their will be a trap waiting for us, as well as no leads. Just the same, it is a path we could follow."

For the first time in a long while, I am surprised. The unexpected. Events following a different course. And now, everything I have put together is falling apart, until I gain a new foundation. I can already feel the headaches.
I drug the man I took aside, and quickly strip out of sight. I dress myself in his uniform, and give him the dubious honor of wearing mine. He is rambling incoherently, and staggering around. In a few minutes, he will become violent, aggressive, and attack everything in sight. And I will be gone, another face in the crowd.
She's wrong, of corse. Mostly that the things trying to kill us are any better then the people already doing it. Wrong about so many things. But most of all, she's wrong about what she said. In a better, cleaner time it would have been just the thing to say. But in a time as order slides into chaos, of mob mentality and no direction, such words are empty.
I finnish, and the air fills with knockout gas I produced from easily obtainable chemicals, suffusing the entire building, concealing movements, and emptying the floor.

2010-05-12, 11:58 PM
The Midnighter

"I think we should check the broadcasting station first. Even if it is a trap, we aren't exactly spoiled for leads."

The Midnighter pulls out his cell once more. He makes a note to get some form of radio-telepathy back online.

"Swift? This is the Midnighter. Jenny Sparks is back. Try not to jump her bones when you see her."

Jenny Sparks

Lying down on Veidt's very luxurious carpet, Jenny makes a soft sound of protest.

"Don't listen to him, Shen. I wouldn't mind at all."


"I have an idea," he says nervously. "We go to Rome, you be with me the whole time so that I won't escape(and I won't), somebody does some ritual that frees me from the Devil, and then you can start with the killing. I don't want to die, but if I die now, I get tortured for all eternity. Can assassins do that? A supervised delay of death?"

2010-05-13, 12:29 AM
Swift squarkes her protest "It's not your business how we catch up. It's been ten years, after all. Besides, I've seen you and your husband at it, so who are you to judge me?" She almost hangs up on you, then adds, almost as an afterthought, "I'll be back in an hour, and Rose can work her magic. He's not too far gone, apparently."
You then get another call. "It's Rose." Says an emotionless voice, the sort of voice that belongs to someone who gets no joy out of life, but takes a certain craftsman's pride in a job well done. "I'm with some special forces." The spirit of murder says. "We're about to break into the tower. Do you want him alive? I know it's not really my specialty, but we've all got a bone to pick, don't we."

Sam, Travis, The Bride
"That would work." She says brightly. "See, I know I talk to the two of you in Volterra at some point, and if you don't go ti Italy and I die that can't happen. So we need to do something along those lines. I'm not sure what."

Johnny Blaze
The studio is where he described it. The lean, bearded man you saw before is waiting for you. "So what do you want to do?" He asks. "Vedit has all the toys, so whatever it is we can probably do it."

SWAT units in full riot gear burst in, brandishing guns. The gas makes it hard for them to focus, and a red mess of laser targeting don't help. At the front struts a voluptuous, expressionless woman in a red body suit, equipped with all a manner of custom weapons. Her eyes are hard as diamond cutters.

2010-05-13, 11:58 AM
Ghost Rider

"I need to track and hijack the signal V just broadcast on. Can you do that?" As Blaze asks this of the man of this he begins burning runes and sigils on the floor.

"I have an urgent message to send him."


The Bride

"I'm not even sure I'm getting paid to kill you it's only her that I want." The Bride places her Katanna back into her dress.

"I'll go with you to Italy. Travis what about you?"

2010-05-13, 03:35 PM
Travis gives a shrug,"Eh why not? It's a vacation I don't pay for, besides, I might get to see the Pope or someone like that. All's cool."
Jules shoots him in the testicles, and replies,"Strike two mother****er, you sure as hell don't want to strikeout. Now kindly tell me who this kid is, no more bull****." *Angry Samuel L. Jackson face*

2010-05-13, 03:47 PM
The Midnighter

"Take him alive. And if things go badly, get out of there. You're the Spirit of Murder, but our terrorist is one crafty son of a *****. We'll still need you to heal the Doctor in an hour. You're the Spirit of Life too."

2010-05-13, 04:29 PM
The man screams, a terrible, highpitched scream that ends in a whimper, and falls to the ground, writhing in pain. "He's gifted." The man sobs. "That's all they told me. He's gifted. I don't know what they're going to do to him. Please, that's all I know."

Ghost Rider
Wallace strokes his beard. He's calm as a monk. "I've seen a lot of this city. Thing is, he's not arguing. He's rabble rousing. Which is what people want at a time like this. Just ask Winston Churchill. Things are sliding to hell, and people want someone to blame. And worse, he's dented the Authorities invulnerability, so they suddenly don't seem so impressive. Fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter. But that's your problem. Now, we own a few channels, so we can use them, but to make a broadcast like he did you'd need to go to the station tower."

Sam, Travis, The Bride
Alice smiles brightly. "That's good! Here." She reaches into her bag and withdraws two more tickets. They both have your names printed on them, as well as all your details.

"If you say so." The line goes dead. It's then it occurs to you. Rose had made a joke.

2010-05-13, 04:39 PM
The fire escape is blocked. So is the main entrance, the side entrance, and the entry to the lobby.
A man staggers out of the swirling fog, dressed in a black cape and mask.

The retired vigilante begins pacing. It's the only nervous habit he allows himself. Besides, it helps him think.

2010-05-13, 04:40 PM
The Midnighter

The Midnighter stares at the phone for a moment. He turns to Ozymandius.

"I think I should be scared now."

He pockets the device. He extends his steel bo staff.

"Time to see a criminal about an Engineer. Take no prisoners, leave no corpse intact."

Jenny Sparks

Struggling to her feet, Jenny lights another cigarette.

"I'll handle crowd control. Ungrateful wankers, the lot of them. Door."

One bad thing about being dead; you don't quite know about current events. The current state of the Carrier is one of those events.

Sam Oliver

"Oh, good. Wait. How are you going to bring that sword through airport security?"

2010-05-13, 04:41 PM
"A definite problem; get the name of someone he trained, have the deathnote kill him, but alongside it write him sending the information off to a newspaper or TV station." A simple, yet elegant solution to a simple problem. He closes the phone as the announcement comes on. His face seems to collapse into snickers, "God is dead? No, no God is very much alive, and he's watching you."

Heh; another player in the city, and a masked one too. That's going to cause problems, eh?

"Everyone has a weakness Ryuk; and everyone has a name and a face."

Sylar can feel the power as it takes shape inside of him, forcing it's way out of his body. All features fade from his body until he's little more than a 3D shadow, floating weightlessly beside the Kirby-Locust, "Shall we go then?"

2010-05-13, 04:43 PM

"Yes. Let's."

Upon wings of utter dark, Nicodemus takes to the skies.

2010-05-13, 05:17 PM
"If you think it will work..." He says, doubtful.
((by the way, Light saw the announcements, right?))

They open fire before he has a chance to so much as open his mouth. They've spread out, each one just out of sight of the next, bar the five or so that accompany Rose Tattoo.
She takes four quick steps, and suddenly her sword is in her hand and the head bounces off, rolling a bit before coming to a halt.

2010-05-13, 05:38 PM
"He has an apartment in the inner city, 295-297 George Street." Vedit replies softly. "I have never met him, but I keep tabs on such people." He leaves the room, and begins to get changed into his uniform. At last he emerges, once more in the costume stained with blood nobody will ever see.
"Shall we?" He asks, leading you towards his car.

Removing the mask, they find it's the short, mexican janitor. Another man identically dressed staggers out.
I move silently, and quietly. Before he has a chance to cry out, I tae one of the me and drag him into the mist. I cut his throat, and take his body armor and face shield.
I then slip back into line.

2010-05-13, 05:41 PM
Rose twists and cuts him down to, then flicks the blood of her sword, red droplets flying everywhere. "Go back. Seal all the exists, and kill anyone who tries to leave. We'll do more once the gas clears.