View Full Version : April Fool's on the Internet

2010-04-01, 10:26 AM
So it seems the thing to do on April Fool's Day is for websites to play 'practical jokes' on the rest of us.

So far, I've seen stuff for the Questionable Content (http://questionablecontent.net/) and xkcd (http://xkcd.com/) webcomics, plus the obvious stuff on the Wizards site.

What other cool April Fool's Joke have you found that the internet played on you?

2010-04-01, 10:36 AM
www.google.com is now topeka :)

2010-04-01, 10:42 AM
Gmail "lost" all their vowels

2010-04-01, 10:47 AM
DeviantArt replaced all the default avatars.

2010-04-01, 11:31 AM
Friendly Banter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147484) nearly replicated your thread. April Fools! :smalltongue:

2010-04-01, 11:45 AM
Opera introduced plans to "Boldly Go where no browser has gone before" (http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/04/01/)

xkcd introduced a command-line interface (which is awesome and should stay).

Deth Muncher
2010-04-01, 11:54 AM
Opera introduced plans to "Boldly Go where no browser has gone before" (http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/04/01/)

xkcd introduced a command-line interface (which is awesome and should stay).

I wish I knew commands.

2010-04-01, 11:58 AM
There are easter eggs on the xkcd one.

"go west" (repeatedly)
"go south"
"make me a sandwich"
"sudo make me a sandwich"
"hello", "hi"

There's probably more.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-01, 12:02 PM
I can't see what the Youtube April fools day joke is.

Nor the Giantitp one:smallconfused:

2010-04-01, 12:09 PM
Youtube has the text-o-vision formats. Google, however, doesn't look any different for me.

Deth Muncher
2010-04-01, 12:16 PM
Youtube has the text-o-vision formats. GoogleTOPEKA, however, doesn't look any different for me.

Fixed that.

2010-04-01, 12:16 PM
I wouldn't have noticed the Google thing since I have the advanced search page bookmarked and they didn't change it there, but it's really pretty obvious on the main page.


2010-04-01, 12:24 PM
I don't get anything on Google either.

That could be because my computer goes to google.se, the Swedish page, and I have no idea how to get to google.com.

2010-04-01, 12:28 PM
I don't get anything on Google either.

That could be because my computer goes to google.se, the Swedish page, and I have no idea how to get to google.com.
There's a link below that says "Go to google.com"

2010-04-01, 12:34 PM
There's a link below that says "Go to google.com"

It still doesn't show the page.

The official one seems to be Google Translate for Animals.

2010-04-01, 12:49 PM
Also "help" on xkcd.

2010-04-01, 12:51 PM
Best xkcd one I've found is find Kitten

2010-04-01, 12:52 PM
There are easter eggs on the xkcd one.

"go west" (repeatedly)
"go south"
"make me a sandwich"
"sudo make me a sandwich"
"hello", "hi"

There's probably more.
"sudo" + anything
"sudo poweroff"
"sudo restart"
"sudo reboot"
"find kitten"
"i read the source code"
"hello joshua"
"your gay"
"asl" (repeat this one, it's random each time)
"buy stuff"

Yes, I did read the source code.

2010-04-01, 12:58 PM
Here's a good one:
More IGN movies! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4DHllroiqM&feature=player_embedded)

2010-04-01, 01:02 PM
Shouldn't lpr have printed 'lp0 on fire' though?

It's a little closer to Unix tradition.

2010-04-01, 01:09 PM
A few more for xkcd:
"sudo apt-get update"
"sudo apt-get upgrade"
"sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
"sudo apt-get moo"
"man last"
"man help"
"man next"
"man cat"
"light lamp"
"go south" (twice, after lighting your lamp)

Asta Kask
2010-04-01, 01:27 PM
I just started a thread on the GURPS Forum to build a "Detect Fire (Touch Range)" ability.

2010-04-01, 01:43 PM
Rock Paper Shotgun (Your favorite PC gaming site and mine) is looking at the future of gaming.

With humorous results!

Who would think this "Doom" game will ever catch on, eh? Wacky.

2010-04-01, 02:04 PM
source code for the xkcd one at http://xkcd.com/unixkcd/xkcd_cli_all.js for anyone interested.

I think all the commands have already been posted.

2010-04-01, 02:49 PM
Its weird though, last years there was a Giantitp april fool's. I wonder why there isnt anything this year? Well, the day isnt over yet.

2010-04-01, 03:00 PM
Probably because doing stuff like that takes time, and the site administrators are busy enough as it is.

2010-04-01, 03:01 PM
source code for the xkcd one at http://xkcd.com/unixkcd/xkcd_cli_all.js for anyone interested.

I think all the commands have already been posted.

I don't think I've seen "Go down" so far.

2010-04-01, 03:05 PM
Try everyone's favourite four letter f word.

2010-04-01, 03:14 PM
Try everyone's favourite four letter f word.

fsck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsck) (File System ChecK)?


* mandatory frog dissection: yes, I know what you really mean.

2010-04-01, 03:28 PM
How to appreciate the graphics of Dwarf Fortress: Watch a Dwarf Fortress video with TEXTp on.

2010-04-01, 03:37 PM
How to appreciate the graphics of Dwarf Fortress: Watch a Dwarf Fortress video with TEXTp on.

What do you mean?

2010-04-01, 03:41 PM
What do you mean?

On youtube, go to a video. No, go to the resolution controls. The uppermost one should be TEXTp, and the video is then rendered in text. Dwarf Fortress already does this, so the result is....interesting.

2010-04-01, 03:54 PM
If it doesn't have a TEXTp option, add &textp=fool to the end of the video.

2010-04-01, 04:01 PM
Blizzard's Diablo 3 Stuff (http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/community/merchandise/gamerblanket/index.xml) is funny, and cnet had a good article (http://crave.cnet.co.uk/gadgets/0,39029552,49305387,00.htm).

2010-04-01, 04:38 PM

Is having an adventure!

Inhuman Bot
2010-04-01, 10:32 PM
www.google.com is now topeka :)

Not for Canadians.

2010-04-01, 10:40 PM
Also with google: it's subtle, but look at the length of time your search took.

So far I've had it in hertz, plank momentum, warp, femtogalactic years and microweeks.

2010-04-01, 10:55 PM
Dresden Codak is... slightly stranger than usual (http://www.dresdencodak.com/cinema.html) today...

... which is kind of impressive, really....

2010-04-02, 12:51 AM
I really hope Alan Moore reads this. (http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/04/01/top-shelf-announces-league-of-extraordinary-gentlemen-1988/)