View Full Version : What did YOU do during the Timeskip? III [BleachitP]

2010-04-01, 12:43 PM
Three months pass in the world of BleachitP... This thread is for the purposes of posting what your characters did (in a reasonable summary) in that time. Have at it, people! Longer stretches of conversation or events should be played out in Episode Threads.

Purple Rose
2010-04-01, 01:13 PM

Etsuko spent the duration of the timeskip carrying out her punishment. Her behavior improved markedly and she performed her duties admirably. She also spent some time looking into Hazuki and her history with the Seireitei.


Kenta was Kenta. He did his duty, picked some fights, frustrated his captain.


Isabella spent her time recovering from her injuries and moping about.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-01, 01:59 PM
Feiyan: Kept looking after Cecilia's recovery, through the various stages. I'd say that they probably became pretty close in those three months, but that's for Prime to say as well. Although I'd like to think they became friends! :smallsmile:

EDIT: She also visited Hazuki as much as her schedule allowed her to.

2010-04-01, 02:02 PM
Katsu: Spent a few days in the mortal world and then went home to work on his kido.

Jack: Files for promotion, and visits Feiyan between his training sessions.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-01, 02:05 PM
Oh yes, forgot to include that about Feiyan. Probably visited Jack. And probably killed Saezuki seven times and afterward imprisoned her for life. :smalltongue:

2010-04-01, 02:27 PM
Damara: Damara has been running the Sixth Division in Koujin's absence, a role he has proven adept at.

Frame: (will depend on the ending of the episode)

Allan: Allan has been working on improving his relations with the Soul Society, as well as training.

2010-04-01, 03:07 PM
Orcos spent a long time in his little cell. A day after the Bount attack, the guards brought a medic in to better treat his burns, and took his Manual of Operations with them; after that, nothing interesting happened for weeks. The lack of action was mind numbing, but hey, at least he was still in heaven. Curiously, he didn't see the female guard who had let him out anymore - he only hoped he hadn't caused too much trouble for the good gal.

Then, after a month of incarceration, when he had already grown accustomed to the boring routines of his prison and become certain that he'd been forgotten about, the decision came. The captains has presented their opinions, and Central 46 had gone trough the offer in one of their meetings; he was to be freed and placed under one of the Shinigami divisions - 13th, to be exact.

Transition to the Mortal World went smoothly, though J-City turned out be quite a culture shock. For the first few days, Orcos spent a lot of time just staring at life of modern Japan, wondering "What the heck is wrong with these people?". His life returned to more familiar tracks when his new superiors, clearly not all that happy for having the infernal waste his working time by gawking at mortals, decided to overwork him to death. Past few weeks mostly consisted of helping with patrol duties and wading through non-classified intel as he searched for clues about Hell's troublemakers. Few bits of info pointed toward a mortal company called Moulton & Grandier, but the devil behind the scenes has so far eluded his grasp.

Currently, Orcos is in watch duty, sitting behind a reception counter of 13th's new headquarters, playing solitaire with a card deck he's bought. He's trying to fulfill a task he finds particularly annoying - trying to learn the names and faces of most important officers in his division and Gotei 13 in general. To this end, he's glued a photo and scribbled a name on each card - his main grief with the method is that the deck doesn't have enough jokers to properly express his opinions about his chain of command.

2010-04-02, 12:09 AM
Elizabeth spends the time relaxing with her Fraccion; some time before Tirano attacked Las Noches, she traveled out to the dunes of Hueco Mundo to find mounts not unlike Skadi for Noriko, Amaya, and Ruy. For the rest of the time, she mostly either read, trained, or rested.

Viatrix pitched in what she could to establish the Bount enclave. In between that, her usual naps, and other busying about the Seireitei, she began to get closer to Kusato; others may have seen them on their multiple dates over the three months. She also became slightly familiar with the 7th Division, in her occasional stalking of her essential first real boyfriend.

Yumi finished signing up for her pseudo-service with the 13th; doing the best she can as a junior chef. She alternated days she spent between Fubuki, Junko, and Nasumi. Seeing as she made no effort to make her affection a secret, it's very possible her relationship with her "angels" spread through for some much-needed gossip among the 13th.

Lance mostly hung out with Palillo, but occasionally he snuck out to the dunes to do some private personal training.

Hades continued to masquerade as Matthias; he kept up a fairly consistent routine during the whole 3 months. Researching in the Kido Corps library, having short periods of quiet meditation at random locations in the Seireitei, occasional walks and visits with random officers to find out more about the history and culture that he had "clearance" for. At no point did he seem aware to Satoshi's surveillance team that they were watching him. Which may creep them out more, in a way.

Kohaku continued her research into weapons, occasionally disappearing for short periods of time to an undisclosed location.

Ami stayed in the Mortal World with Tyler, attending his school. She occasionally visits with her parents, but otherwise makes herself comfortable in the Halstein house.

Nero spent a large portion of the time recovering; then, fades into obscurity once more.

2010-04-02, 12:36 AM
Erscheinung spent these three months preparing more than ever before, gillian were rounded up, hollow were gathered, arrancar were created, the defenses of the city were bolstered with the new defensive array in the Thousand Needles Graveyard. Some minor time was spent restoring the damage done by Tirano's attack, and lastly, he prepared whatever contingencies he could.

The Templarios made life miserable for whoever they could.

Helena cared for Alicia to the best of her capability, also keeping her promise to Xavier and keeping him informed.

Mia and Sandra helped their father prepare the contingencies, defenses and troops.

Hideki kept to his routine.

Blue Oni was mean to someone.

Red Oni was weird near someone.

Donovan left the Seireitei as soon as he could, vanishing in the mortal world without another word to the other bount... In the Seireitei.

Miradar cackled malevolently while pulling unseen strings on all the poor souls that, aware or not, had damned themselves by even the slightest association with him.

2010-04-02, 07:29 AM
Cecilia Reishiro insisted on returning to active duty before she had fully recovered - she was training the troops of 11th division even without her shinigami powers. Any of her men who mocked her for this ended up visiting 4th division.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-02, 10:49 AM
Eirine Klossner: Eirine and Catrin have been traveling the Mortal World, going all over Japan in search of any Bount that may have escaped from Hans in the past and rounding them up. Catrin and her will be returning to J-City shortly, to catch a plane so they can extend their search.

Alicia Eve Ryder: Alicia has been slowly recovering with Helena's help, but she has been remaining slightly quieter than usual. She is getting used to life in Hueco Mundo.

Xavier Adam Ryder: Has been taking care of the wounded, and seems to be getting even less sleep than usual, staying in his office for days. His room is a mess; full of diagrams, books, and other miscellaneous objects. He has also been involved with getting the Bount enclave up and running.

2010-04-02, 11:51 AM
Marro Kassagrad: After "dealing" with Tirano, he returned to his palace to await further orders.

Masato & Miharu Shinichi: Masato spent his time with his sister recovering in the Seireitei until finally being given the clearance to return home. They quickly settled back into as much of a routine as they could, Masato returning to his schooling and substitute Shinigami business, although there remains a nagging doubt in the back of his mind. Miharu however, opted to stay home rather than go back to college. She hasn't been the same ever since she returned. Both siblings decided it was for the best if they didn't explain everything to their parents just yet.

2010-04-02, 12:22 PM
Hector Deitrich concentrated mostly on helping establish the Bount Enclave. At first, they used the large Bount Embassy as a home. But with the help of Vi and the others, they managed to start work on a residence in one of the rockier areas at the outer edge of the Rukon. With Hector pulling metal deposits from the ground, they could reinforce the stone into something as strong as modern architecture.

He also went out drinking with Marco and Soren at least once a week. No word on how lucky with the ladies they've been...

Daito Juuji continued his duties as 3rd seat of the 11th, seeking to subtly help Cecilia with keeping the rest in line.

He also took the time to visit Haruki often, though he made sure to never bug her while there. He strove to provide a listening ear, and a viewpoint that gave at least some moderation.

Noriko Kenshin picked out a wyvern mount, Gullveig. It wasn't long before she felt more at home in the sky upon the creature's back.

She continued to train extensively, both by herself, and with her Lady and fellow Espada; occasionally, she would train with Takeshi and his Fraccion, just to give herself some variety in opponents.

Speaking of the Segunda Espada. Noriko often wandered to Takeshi's palace. Sometimes for, ah, "fun", and sometimes simply to visit him and his Fraccion. Whenever she visited, she made a non-combat clone to spend time with Adilla.

Tyler Halstein somehow split his time between school, his father, Ami, training, and helping Masato. Whenever Ami visited her parents, he would spend that time training as hard as he could. After nearly three months of training, he felt he had a great deal better mastery of both of his forms. As well, he began to get the sense he had an even greater depth of power...But he could not determine how he could access it.

Tsukami Satoshi continued in his duties as Captain, Head of House Satoshi, and the designated successor to Daisuke. One of his main areas of focus was rebuilding and organized Second Division, with the painful loss of several officers and unseated. By the end of 3 months, he just barely had all Officer seats filled, and his division was still down to 190 shinigami, from his target of 200. He still managed to have 1 or 2 of his people keeping an eye on Ami whenever she was in the Mortal World, though they kept themselves discrete at all times.

One thing that devoted some attention was his formal marriage to Greta. While they invited many people, including many noble houses, it was still a quiet, simple ceremony.

As well, some of his time was taken up giving what assistance he could to the recovering New Bount, and the establishment of their Enclave at the edge of the Rukon. Connected to this, he helped some of them find jobs in the Rukon via his initiatives to assist the non-noble residents.

He continued his personal training. One of his main focuses was on keeping his mind strong, to deal with Houkan Ouji's somewhat increased strength. He was only able to achieve his Resurreccion once in three months, due to his Inner Hollow demanding "compensation". So far, the twisted clown had settled for a combination of ego-stroking (because Satoshi had to come to him for help) and a greater degree of perception of the outside world (accompanied by a running commentary by the being). Satoshi made sure some times were still blocked off from the being during that week.

The Librarian
2010-04-02, 12:52 PM
Katisugo Ichimyouri: Over the past few months Katisugo has gone back into his usual routine in 12th Division. The morning naps over piles of signed work and complete documents, afternoons full of "fun" experiments with the unseated shinigami, or aiding other Division when they wanted his help. Katisugo's also been working with some of the Captain's putting him on good terms with most of them and getting on especially good terms with the members of 12th division, giving him that welcoming sense for the first time in his 300 year absence. Some things haven't changed with him though, mainly his frequent duels with his long time friend Myojin Isamaru (This has been okay-ed) Their fights usually end with a wall or two of the labyrinthine pathways between divisions, and the two disappearing before they can be blamed to a bar in the Rukon where they get wasted, and forget what happened the night before, reawakening in the oddest of places.

2010-04-02, 03:58 PM
Ajax Quartermaine: Ajax spent most of his time helping Hector get the Bount compound set up. He's a bit quieter than before, but has largely regained his good cheer. He's also begun work on a series of watermills for easier production of bread, as some of the surrounding areas of Rukon are better suited to the Western crop than rice.

Less useful to the common man, but more to his taste, are the numerous weapons batteries that he's constructed for the Seireitei, planning for them to be placed so that weak fighters can use them from the protection of the Gotei's buildings. Approval of the project has yet to be granted.

Siegfried Bieber: After fully catching up on everything that had happened, Siegfried was mortified at all the catastrophes that had occurred in his absence. Resolving to prevent such an occurrence from happening again, Siegfried has not since left the Mortal World base unless he could arrange for rapid transport back, usually via reiphone contact to Adrián Visangre. In recognition of Visangre's achievements while he had been away, Siegfried offered him a promotion to 10th Seat. The writing training is ongoing.

On one of those occasions that he could comfortably head back to the Seireitei, he questioned Iwai regarding his memories of Las Noches, particularly with regard to the abilities of his former comrades.

On another, he requested of both Hideki and Kinkuzo ways to move the entirety of J-City out of harm's way, then back again when danger has passed, as he was afraid that the fighting was likely to spill into the Mortal World.

The rest of the time, he trained himself further, finally perfecting his Shunko technique, spent time with the incarcerated Captains, and got back into his reading, rationalizing that he might not have that much longer, given that the war is likely to come to a head in the near future.

Fubuki: Fubuki spent as much time as possible with Yumi-sama, typically in the slowly regrowing garden. She contacted what Quincy personnel she could regarding Yumi-sama's past life, in order to supply her mistress with the information required. The rumors burn her ears, but she is proud to acknowledge the true among them, whenever they come up.

Nasumi: Nasumi has been in contact with ARC for supply of some of their prefabs, as demand in the 13th has been higher for them than anticipated. She's also begun work with 7th for more attractive housing, as the Captain seems less than inclined to send the Division back, now that his fears about the Quincy superweapon firing on the Seireitei have been realized. Whenever her duties permit it, she spends time with Yumi-sama.

Junko: Junko has spent more time in mortal society than either of the others of Yumi's Angels, either on dates with Yumi or in the college library, reading mortal philosophy and poetry. She's almost always available when Yumi needs someone to lean on- one of the advantages of the minimal responsibilities of her position.

Nakamura Amaya: Amaya spent most of her time further improving her hand-to-hand skills, cooking for the whole of Palacio Tres, and reading to reacquire some of the basic knowledge that she'd lost over her centuries of decay. On the expedition to get epic mounts, she chose an immense buzzard hollow, which she chose to name Peste. Now and then, the hint of an old memory troubles her...

Suzuki Rin: Rin continued her duties as Squad Leader. However, most of her time that was not spent either asleep or doing her job was spent on the Hazuki case, trying to track down Lan Jia. It is a maddening, seemingly impossible task. She has also acceded to Hollow Hazuki's sarcastic request, and visited her in prison. Even she isn't entirely sure why she did so.

2010-04-02, 10:01 PM
Juro: Juro sat in his palace, alone and drunk. He seemed oblivious to the increase in activity around him, continuing on as usual.

2010-04-03, 12:14 AM
Hollow-Hazuki Was locked away in 8th division, though was visited by a few different shinigami. She has become quieter and more composed, though looks a little tired.

Tsukiha/Hazuki Is still with Yori, and the two have grown closer in the three months of being together.

2010-04-03, 04:40 AM
Darius Kiljaeran: Over the course of three months Kiljaeran divided his time between being interrogated by the 8th Division, conversing with visitors/fellow prisoners and searching for his lost companions. One by one the other shards returned, disoriented and searching for answers. Finding the labyrinth's meeting room missing its red side came as a shock for each of them, but few tears were shed for Prime; Even Art couldn't muster very much grief over the man who had imprisoned him for decades in the name of Soul Society. Between the 8th's harsh interrogations (which started again from the beginning every time a new Kiljaeran arrived) and the heated arguments between them, the fragments didn't have much time to relax.

As play resumes Kiljaeran has just been deemed pacified enough to be released from prison. Resuming command of the 8th Division is obviously out of the question and a close watch will be kept on him, but after three long months he can finally wander the streets of Seireitei once again. Whether his disparate souls will be able to decide how to use this freedom is another matter entirely.

2010-04-03, 04:32 PM
Koujin: After some time in the 8th division, he was granted an opportunity to fight against Tokumei for control of his body. He was successful, though the event drained him significantly. He's been out of the 4th Division only for about a week. (I'll post the fight...somewhere. If people are interested, I suppose.)

Metta: Has gone back to classes, Hung out with his friends, and attempted to replicate his success with modifying his form. He hasn't been successful, and his normal powers have also started acting...funny.

Kuenai: She's been...around. Somehow, the work assigned to her gets done (though usually a bit late) but she's rarely seen around the Kido Corps. When she is, it's usually bugging Yasu, or chatting with Matthias. (if permission is granted, of course)

Tirano: -to be determined-

2010-04-05, 09:52 AM
I shall include that Ken visited Hazuki as much as he could if he was allowed to and if he wasn't he tried he to sneak in on several occasions to see her. He would even go so far as to attempt to become a neighbouring cell mate by committing petty crimes. He also dropped off any reading material or other things she might ask for.

2010-04-11, 03:41 PM
Adrián: Dithered and procrastinated about replying to Siegfried's offer of a seated position. Continued with patrol work in the interim.

Sören: Went out drinking with Hector and Ajax often, and put in just enough work with the Bount enclave to make it look like he wasn't being a complete slacker.

Idelfonso: Continued doing his standard thing of being the effective head of the Las Noches secret police and assassin's bureau.

Isaac: After ensuring the void reishi orb was safely contained, he reported back to 8th to finish his interviewing process. He then proceeded to work alongside both the 12th Division and the Kido Corps in analysing the void reishi and its potential uses.