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2010-04-01, 08:05 PM
Beneath Jamestown:
Illanee had worked for month to lay out a general map of the drow Underdark beneath the lands of Jamestown. She has rich friends, so she had help, and was even able to recruit a mighty orc warrior-servant of Odin to aid her.

Her plan was to break her best friend and former pupil, Shrike, out of the Underdark where she lived as a slave in a lab. To do this Lockhart and Illanee had to free the mighty ogre fighter, Bruug, and the elf druid, Sabriel, first.
Then she could free Shrike and her husband, Liam, from the drow scientist.

At the moment it was the high winter solstice, many evil drow were celebrating with dark ceremonies under the arctic circle where it is dark for weeks. This drow scientist had gone for he was a high priest of Lolth. When he was gone, lesser drow and other guardians like the charmed Bruug were running the small city.

Lockhart and Illanee entered the sceintist's private chamber as mice. {Illanee's mother gave Illanee's employee Lockhart a brief enchantment for infiltration.} Illanee has an item that changes her into a little black mouse with silver eyes.
They freed Sabriel easily, she was held near the master's chamber in a dark cell.

Removing Bruug's collar took delicate work, but Illanee managed it too. With the good ogre active again, he'll be able to carry all of the lost items of everyone. These things were in a closet in the Master's room, but Illanee and Lockhart confiscated them all.

When we join the heroes, all of them, with Shrike's baby too, will be in the lab; one that Liam and Shrike spent many long hours. A wingless pixie friend of Liam's has been freed from his magical bonds {Via token from Illanee's mother}. This wingless pixie could no longer fly, but had developed the power to teleport. He had already promised to take Shrike's baby to safety. This now was the time, and may be the only way the baby can get out safely. "I serve Titania, the fairy queen. I shall protect the baby with my meager life!" The pixie salutes the parents with a little flip in the air, which sprinkles pixie dust over all of you.

Illanee and Lockhart will become aware of the extent of this magical cloning and humanoid-construct creations as they look around. There are many bodies hooked up to tubes, and in glass tanks, as well as all sorts of buttons and flashing lights on consoles. Illanee and Lockhart will have subdued the few drow lab-techs that were there. Most drow were sleeping at this time.
In an adjoining room the drow were working on a couple of big blue giants. {Liam and Shrike were never allowed in here before.}

Members Only:
Illanee- drow ranger, worshiper of Eilistraee
Shrike- psi-ranger; close friend of Illanee
Liam- Wizard, husband of Shrike
Bruug- the mighty ogre with a heart of gold
Sabriel- elven druid, Bruug's best friend
Lockhart- Orc Barbarian, follower of Odin

OOC- Now that you are all suited up and 'fresh' give a description of yourselves.

The Bushranger
2010-04-09, 07:57 PM
Shrike is a tall, young yet "seasoned" redhead, her hair kept short, just off her shoulders, and greenish-brown eyes with a piercing gaze. Her body is fairly athletic - although not as toned as she would like, having been kept cooped up here in the few months since giving birth to her child, Daen Ethan, named after their fallen companion (and, thanks to some evil wizards and their scheming ways, the child's biological father) and her own father.

Back now at last in her familiar and comfortable leather armour, she looks around with distaste at the cloning facility, with relief at Bruug, Sabriel (especially) and Illanee, then almost worriedly at her beloved husband, Liam the Wizard, hesitating for a moment before nodding to the pixie and stepping forwards with the precious bundle in her arms.

"I trust that you shall. Hopefully we won't be too long."

2010-04-10, 07:16 AM

Standing a little over 8 ft. tall, the ogre would already make for an imposing sight, covered in shining plate armor and carrying a massive club, axe, and spear. He has lanky, black hair and dull, yellowish-brown skin. He has red eyes that seem to show signs of thought behind them. Standing protectively near Sabriel, his head held low, he remains quiet and avoids meeting anyone else's gaze.

2010-04-10, 08:02 AM
Tall and thinly built, Liam has blonde hair and blue eyes that fasten often on his wife, and light up every time they do. He is dressed in southron-style scholar's robes.

ooc-btw, I'm assuming there's been no time to memorize spells (since he technically just got his spellbook back).

2010-04-10, 12:46 PM
Sabriel looks pale and thin. The lack of sun done her has diminished her beauty whatnot and there are a few bruises on various parts of her body. She's garbed in Drow clothes as well since hers would have worn out. Her hair is also cut short. She has no recollection of time passing.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-10, 01:05 PM
Illanee stands before you ready for action, in beautiful but functional clothes, armor, and gear. A powerful-looking longbow sticks up over her shoulder, and a jeweled rapier bounces at her hip as she walks. Small dagger pommels peek out from at least two places on her person, and a light shield with intricate tracings floats aloft near her left shoulder.

She possesses the beauty, to some the terrible beauty, common to noble drow. But somehow Illanee projects caring and concern, as her emerald green eyes scan for danger.

"May she keep you safe," Illanee says quietly after the pixie and baby boy.

2010-04-10, 03:34 PM
Illanee will have been able to slip Liam the spellbook as she freed Sabriel and Bruug. {Illanee would need a spelled-up wizard.} Liam had an hour to prep, he was rested, so he will have been with his book enough to prep for an escape before Illanee came back for him and his wife.

In addition, Liam likely worked on a few other spells in his 'free time'. Being a crafty wizard he could have made notes on other scraps of paper to ever so secretly design his new spells while in the Library.

Liam will be ready.

This pixie will actually be slipping into the feylands with the baby, since teleporting from the Underdark is out of the question. Most dimensional travel is totally prevented here. Unfortunately, the wingless pixie can only take one to this 'otherworld'.

2010-04-11, 06:44 AM

Lockhart is an imposing figure, blessed with all the natural good looks of a full-blooded orc but with a dominance of posture and an athleticism of frame that goes beyond even that. His hair is his most un-orcish feature, a thick black mane swept back in a well-groomed ponytail, a pair of raven feathers in the tie. Currently he wears a wide-brimmed hat, but the eyes that gaze out from under it are cool and collected, and possess a truly uncanny perceptiveness that belie his bulk and speak of one who lives by his wits as well as his brawn.

When he speaks, his deep voice seems to fill the space around him. His Common is fluent, but some may notice the signs that it is not his native tongue nor the terms in which he thinks. "So! Shall we smash what we may on our way out?" He seems to relish this prospect.

The Bushranger
2010-04-12, 08:14 PM
Shrike hesitates for a moment, then carefully hands her child to the pixie before stepping back, reaching for Liam's arm and holding it tightly, lest her empty hands cause her to change her mind.

"Smash everything. But don't kill unless necessary. Not everyone here is irredeemably evil," she cautions Lockhart, mentally running through the list of her...co-workers...and categorising them into 'kill on sight', 'kill if must' and 'spare if at all possible' categories.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-12, 08:41 PM

Once everyone appears to be ready, she nods to the others and with a simple, "it's time," bids them to deal with this room and begin their flight from this place.

She checks their avenue of escape and begins to lead the way.


2010-04-12, 08:56 PM
Liam holds on to Shrike's hand as their child is taken away, despite knowing the relative safety he will be going to, he holds on to her tightly, and then follows Illanee's lead.

2010-04-13, 02:19 AM

Lockhart grins and slings the crude greatsword from his shoulders. Before laying to, though, he touches a pair of fingers to his left eyelid and activates his second sight. No innocents would be harmed on his watch.

((Detect Evil, up and running. Let's see what we can do to lower neighbourhood property values. :smallcool:))

2010-04-13, 01:50 PM
Shrike can begin to smash the main lab, but it may be more trouble than it is worth.
First, there is a lot to break here, and second, she's not sure if this might trigger High Command. The priests of the drow had gone to the Arctic, but not the wizards. Those drow were out in full force, and surely had 'helper-clerics' around for aid.

The wingless pixie hugs both Liam and Shrike before taking the baby, which is about the same size in his arms. He will fade away, the baby with him.

There are a few ways of escape.
1. Full frontal assault: Many drow-wizards.

2. Sneaky escape through alleys and underbelly of drow city.

3. Underneath it all to the deeper Underdark, where other dangers might lurk. Least drow here.

4. Perhaps find another 'drow' mode of leaving Underdark....?

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-14, 10:55 AM

She leaves it to those more familiar with the devices to choose what can be shut down, impaired, or destroyed.

"Let's see how far from here we can get unnoticed - or at least unnoticed by anything that can stop us."

She picks the most promising exit for that purpose and scouts ahead, rapier drawn, trusting that Lockhart is close behind and the others are with him.


2010-04-14, 01:47 PM
Delving into the deep Underdark was akin to going into the ancient wilderness of the much smaller surface world. Things down here seem so dangerous and were always lurking. {Illanee knows the Underdark quite well, and was raised in the drow universities.}

Ilanee would've been well-prepared for the journey underneath the Drow city. Less powerful races lived there. Communities of Duergar, Kuo-toa, Myconids, Derro and other dwarven races among those who live in these lands. Caution should be taken in all cases.

Illanee will, of course, steer the group from Aboleth and Illithid domains. These creatures should be noted however, for they too consider the Underdark their realm to roam.

As with all places in the Underdark, magical travel is heavily guarded.
{Thus the lack of the Queen's Wizards volunteering for the service. Luckily, Shrike has some rich friends!}

The Bushranger
2010-04-14, 02:25 PM

"Sneaking sounds good to me," the redheaded psion agrees with her mentor, and tries to position the group so that Liam will find himself in the middle - and, thus, hopefully with someone between him and anything that might wish to snack on a squishy wizard.

Taking a tight grip on her bastard sword, she does her best to be stealthy as they move along.

Readied action: manifesting Force Screen if attacked.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Hide: [roll3]

2010-04-14, 03:22 PM
I can try but im afraid i cant sneak too well. Sabriel says. And I'm afraid that i've cause some problems i might not be aware of.

2010-04-14, 05:02 PM
Liam moves with his wife and if asked his opinion, he points to Shrike, "What she said."

2010-04-14, 09:50 PM

"Hmm. Very well then. The silent way." Lockhart shrugs and consoles himself by jamming his sword through something within arms reach that looks expensive and unlikely to explode


Damage: adamantine greatsword [roll0], so it ignores hardness.

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]
Hide: [roll4]

2010-04-15, 02:27 AM
Before leaving the lab, Lockhart can destroy a big glass water tank, and spill some viscous fluid all over the place in a fantastic shattering splash. Liam and Shrike know the drow use this 'fortified' water to grow their clones in; this one had nothing living in it. The drow also use planar magic, and Lockhart might want to shy away from those huge magical devices. These are the ones that look like they might blow-up if Lockhart smashed them.

Shrike will see why Illanee was her 'mentor' she seems even more stealthy then ever. The more experienced Shrike will recognize that the drow lady is well-supplied with awesome magical gear.
{OOC- To get the group up to speed, perhaps former 'gifts' of Illanee's mother can get the group up to proper magic levels. Illanee would know the group would need more 'ooph' in the escape. I may accept any one item DMG, that will get you up to par for a 9th level PC. I will leave that for you to determine. :smallwink: Of course, Lockhart and Illanee are good for now. :smallcool:}

Illanee is prepared and can get the group into lower Earth-vent passages, there are hundreds of these, Illanee doesn't know them exactly, but has a feel for the layout. Luckily this drow priest, Bel-Mtor, lived near the lower depths of the city. Many passages go down, and Illanee knows of a few basic paths that don't involve going near the illithid 'community'. {Illanee knows Bel-Mtor is a drow family name, and is also the name of this drow city. This fellow Bel-Mtor is an extremely powerful individual.}

There were the former gnome regions, but since all the gnomes had been taken from the planet, these parts might be filled with anything. Much of Illanee's knowledge is dated, for the surface world has long been disconnected from the events of the Underdark. The 'surface' includes Illanee's home, the disparate and disassociated city of Eilistraee. {Illanee mentored Shrike in her time away from this good drow city. Teaching the young woman what she had learned of this world's surface as a ranger. Illanee would look exactly the same. Elves don't really age.}

The 'Safest' Routes:
1. Former Gnome Realm {unknown}
2. Myconids {possible drow 'farmers'}
3. Derro {very dangerous}
4. Duergar {Grumpy, expensive fellows, Illanee likely brought gems if she wanted to deal with these guys}
* 5. At this point the underbelly of the drow city can still be used as an escape

Illanee will of course do her best to steer the group away from the main settlement regions, but this might give you an idea of the multitude of routes around the Underdark.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-15, 10:12 PM

Illanee heads for the gnomish realm - of all the local residents they seemed the most likely candidates to reason with. And if, as was rumored, they were gone, perhaps at least part of their journey could be through abandoned area.

"Let's head for the gnomes - or whatever's left of them. If they're really gone and the caves have gone back to the wild, that's still better than some of the other Underdark denizens."

The idea that some of the dark's more terrible things may have moved into the vacuum was pushed quickly to a quiet corner of her mind.

2010-04-16, 05:51 AM
These passages are steep, and you will be forced to rappel at many points. The caverns themselves will be quite fascinating if you are into limestone formations, and natural geode chambers. A Spelunker's Dreamland.

The idea to pass this region would be to skip above the ancient gnome lands, toward the South-West. {Not knowing what lurks there now.} From here the next step would be to friendlier dwarves, who might provide shelter for a fee. But, getting to these former mountain dwarves could be the problem.

One thing that bothered Illanee would be the stench emanating from below. The direction of the former gnome lands. It was likely goblins.... or.... she shuttered to think it....

Almost on cue with her thoughts will be a clatter and clanging of pots and pans. Or it sounds like that. Strange guttural curses in a vaguely dwarven language. And the idiotic bickering that ensued could only mean one thing to Illanee: Gully Dwarves.
A near retarded race of Dwarf. Even the dwarves are embarrassed to admit a distant kinship with them. They ruin, soil, and destroy everything the touch, even if they don't intend to.

The Bushranger
2010-04-16, 08:35 PM

Hearing the clattering of the gully dwarves, Shrike sighs and pauses for a moment in her rapelling, before continuing down the cliff at hand. "Great. Sounds like we're about to have company..."

She also gives Sabriel a look saying she wants to talk when they get the chance.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll0] to know how to deal with gully dwarves.

2010-04-17, 01:16 AM

With a hand on his greatsword and his second sight active, Lockhart will try to ignore the Gully Dwarves as best he can. Filthy creatures. Even knowing nothing about their kind, he does not trust them.

2010-04-17, 04:58 PM
Shrike knows a lot- using her 'local' knowledge: As far as humanoid intelligence goes, the gully dwarf ranks probably at the bottom. When asked to count more than two, they will lose track of the numbers. They don't have words for quantities more than two, other than a dwarven word they have created that means 'more-than-two'.

Only one versed in dwarf could even communicate with one of these filthy beings. If you wanted to. Another problem with these creatures due to their squalid living conditions is their diseases. They are often filthy, marked by scars, boils, and sores. Their eating habits are poor, they look nothing like dwarves. Instead of being hearty robust fellows, they are skinny and pot-bellied almost sickly.

Despite all that, and their shortened dwarven lives, they live very happily. Somehow they have become immune to the diseases they carry.

Illanee can try to skirt above this stinky region, but at the moment it sounds like a small group of them is banging around ahead of you on this path. You can hear just a bit of their squeaky voiced conversation. It is hard to distinguish male and female voices at this distance.

Lockhart, Liam and Illanee are able to understand what is said by the gully dwarves. It is an extremely simplified dwarven language.
"Dis way!"
"No dis way!!"
"Quiet! You loud!"
"No you too loud!"
"Adumbro* be praised!" This one sounds exasperated. There is a choral gasp.
"Silence fool! You call him here!"
"He no hear me!"
There is a chaotic conversation, of high-pitched bickering in the barely discernible dwarven dialect. The 'backtalker' seems to be causing some alarm with the other dwarves.

Lockhart, Illanee and Shrike will guess no more than 10 of these dwarves.

The path:
The way the lava-vents bend within the earth currently blocks your light sources... {whatever they may be :smallconfused:} from the gully dwarf's view. Illanee would be prepared, or something glowing in the lab could be borrowed. There were magical 'lamps' the drow use to simulate light effects, since some of their creations had 'surface-eyes' that needed testing.

* A very high Arcana roll to know this name.

2010-04-17, 09:16 PM

The ogre will stay near the back of the party, near Sabriel. He'll grimace as he hears the squeaking voices and loud banging, although he is unable to make out what they are saying. He'll mutter quietly, "Least can't be too many monsters about, with all that noise..."

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-18, 03:49 PM

Illanee slows to scout less far ahead of the group. She passes the word to the others, "gully dwarves. Filthy, bumbling, idiot things. Let's try to skirt them, but be ready."

She draws her bow and presses ahead.

The Bushranger
2010-04-18, 06:57 PM

"A handful, maybe two," Shrike agrees in a whisper, then turns torwards Liam. "Unpleasant creatures, love do you have any illusions you can make? If they see us, it might be possible to just scare them away."

Move Silently: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-04-18, 09:51 PM
At this point in the 'vent', Illanee would have turn back about a mile to get to the last junction area. There should be an area up ahead, but it sounds like that is where the gully dwarves are.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-19, 09:22 AM

If they were farther from the lab, Illanee would feel more comfortably backtracking. As it was, it seemed that perhaps they would have to go through, or at least past, the gully dwarves.

"Yes, an illusion would be nice, though we should be ready to use force, if need be."

2010-04-19, 07:03 PM
Bruug grunts in response to Illanee's words. "Not worried 'bout a bunch of stinky dwarves." He grips his greatclub tighter as he looks at Sabriel to gauge her reaction and try to guess her opinion.

2010-04-19, 07:06 PM
Sabriel looks unresponsive, as if shes been through a lot and doesnt really believe it ended just yet.

The Bushranger
2010-04-19, 08:06 PM
Shrike looks at Sabriel worriedly, takes a tight grip on her sword, and waits for Liam to cast (or not).

2010-04-19, 08:20 PM
Liam frowns, "I don't have an illusion spell memorized, per say. I can cast a semi-illusionary conjuration or evocation if you like. A wall of fire around them, a circle of fire around us as we move and suchlike. How many of them are there?"

2010-04-19, 08:53 PM
Shrike and Illanee will be able to scout ahead and see the noisy party of gully dwarves. There are 8 of them, all in rags. One is old, andlooks to be the leader. He is hunched over, but still spry.

There are two females.... you think, for there is no hair on their chins and their sideburns are long and knotted. There is one short fellow with a short brown beard, he is a nimble fellow and seems to be the one the commotion is all about.

Two of the dwarves carry torches, and are looking about the cavern with fear.

The Bushranger
2010-04-19, 09:00 PM
"About 8," Shrike whispers to Liam. "And they're agitated. I think fire around us would work nicely..."

2010-04-19, 09:12 PM
Liam nods, "Is there room to maneuver it through there... it would be in a circle around me... up to 30 feet in diameter, but if they get within 10' of the flames they will take damage. Is it our goal to sweep through the cavern and kill them?"

2010-04-19, 09:18 PM
The caverns are wide and are slightly sloping down. For the most part this vent-passage is 20 feet wide, currently the 8 gully dwarves are spread within a 20 foot diameter circle blocking this direction. Beyond them is another junction point, and in this region the cavern widens up. Great caution must be had in this junction cavern.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-19, 10:07 PM

Illanee smiles approvingly; Shrike's suggestion was a good one, take advantage of the gully dwarves nature. Illanee draws an arrow and prepares to encounter the nonsensical little creatures.

"If we can pass without killing them, great. If not, we do what we must. A ring of fire that bars their approach sends the right message, I think and lets us know their intention."

2010-04-20, 12:51 AM
Liam nods, "It's a quasi-illusion, if they disbelieve it it will cause less damage... they'll start taking damage if they get within ten feet, and depending, they may charge through anyway. So... how close can we press together as a group?"

The Bushranger
2010-04-20, 01:00 AM

Shrike takes a tighter grip on her sword - and moves very close, indeed, to Liam. :smallwink:
"Close enough, love," she whispers, as she activates her defenses.

Manifesting Force Screen, and also activating the Skin of the Defender.
Was my item request OK'd? Don't want to presume/assume. :smallsmile:

2010-04-20, 01:19 AM
Liam chuckles, "Never, milove... never."

2010-04-20, 02:48 AM
The group will be seen {and heard} from some distance all lit up in Liam's illusion.

Lockhart will notice two evil ones among the octet. Both of them will flee madly at seeing the illusion, this occurrence of the evil gully dwarves might be a random slice of life. Two others will follow suit, but the old one, 2 females, and the short, bold one stare curiously with trepidation at the awesome fiery display encircling the group.

Liam's illusion of fire has frightened and mesmerized the 4 remaining gully dwarves.

The old one with a filthy white mop falls to his knees and begins cowering and crying, and pleading for his life. "Please mistress dark lady!! We meant no harm. We seek only food! This one led us to our doom!" He speaks in poor drow-tongue, much to Illanee's surprise. Drow is an ancient dialect of elf.

The short one still stood bold, though his large dark puppy dark became huge with surprise. He stammered and pointed, as the two females tried to silence him. This dwarf speaks gully-common. "She's not one of dem! She's with humans!" The two females wrestle him to the ground, and try to bow like the old one.

"An ogre!!"

The other female finally gasps, pointing at Lockhart. "That no scary! That scary!!" This female with an enormous pot-belly seems most impressed with the mighty orc, even though Bruug towers over all. In these earthen-vents the ogre can walk at his full height, but in armor he is as loud as the gully dwarves.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-21, 03:46 PM

She realized now that she had hoped they'd all run or all fight. Parlaying with gully dwarves was like reasoning with a toddler from a foreign country. At least these ones speak Drow - sort of.

"Where was that one leading you? What was the other dark mistress having you do?"

Illanee does her best to look stern and demanding as she awaits her answers. She had many more questions, but that was probably their limit.

The Bushranger
2010-04-21, 08:01 PM

Shrike remains silent, doing her best to appear as 'the Dark Mistress's bodyguard' within the ring of fire, her sword held at a non-threatening angle, yet the glint in her eyes saying that a correct answer would be wise.

Intimdate: [roll0]

2010-04-22, 07:30 AM
The other three cower before Illanee, but the the short bold one stands strong, and meekishly tries to make eye contact with the drow elf. Illanee would even be surprised at this and knows that many drow might kill him for this.
{Illanee speaks many languages.} The old one will speak broken drow, the young one dwarf-common.

The old one has his face quivering in the rock ground, but knows the drow speaks to him. "He bring food. Promise more. No harm! We love drow!" The two females nod, and kiss the ground before you.

The short proud one pats his chest. "Me saw land of great light. More-than-twos of trees. Enough to feed more-than-two."

2010-04-22, 10:52 PM

The orc eyes the gully dwarves, then Illanee, then the surroundings. His drow friend seemed to have the noisy folks well in hand, but they perhaps were but a distraction. He liked it not that some had run off, but to give chase would have drawn too much attention.

In the mean time, he paced around the edges of the group, beady eyes scanning the outside for trouble.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-24, 12:01 PM

Illanee sighs. The land of great light and more than two trees sounded like the surface world, but it was hard to tell and almost useless to try to ask the gully dwarves how far. More than two sleeps is probably the answer.

She addresses the short proud one, hoping his pride could be played upon.

"That is smart. We are going to that land, too. We will feed you, and you can lead the way. Deal?"

2010-04-24, 12:35 PM
Liam doesn't speak at all, maintaining his concentration to keep the fire circle burning.

The Bushranger
2010-04-24, 07:25 PM

Shrike remains quiet, trying to apply what little she knows of the gully dwarves to measure their sincerity, as she stands close to Liam.

Sense motive: [roll0]

2010-04-25, 01:25 AM
The bold one is surprised but perks up and dares to keep staring at Illanee. "Me know duh way!! Dees way!!" He will be pointing the direction you came from... not necessarily to the drow city, but back in that direction.

The two female gully dwarves with their pockmarked, boil covered faces start to look up from their hands, still kneeling before your group. They seem interested in Illanee's food.

Shrike thinks these dwarves are genuine.

2010-04-27, 11:02 AM

Lockhart paces impatiently. "We are wasting time here, and risk more visitors. Let us be on our way, either forward or back." He looks to Illanee.

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-27, 01:46 PM

Illanee nods to Lockhart, she shared his impatience, but what the gully dwarf offered was a great possibility with great risk. More information was needed.

To the eager dwarf, she comments, "Does this path go through or near the drow city?"

The Bushranger
2010-04-27, 08:09 PM

"Can't say I'm especially enthuiastic about backtrackin', either," Shrike mutters quietly to Illanee and Liam.

2010-04-27, 10:30 PM
Liam nods, focusing on the fire... knowing quite well that if he looks at his wife his concentration could be severely tested.

2010-04-28, 01:49 AM
The bold gully dwarf nods eagerly and points from whence you came. "I go where da drow go poop!!" He says in joyful glee.

The group can push on by the gully dwarves to the junction point or go the way of the bold gully dwarf. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-29, 07:54 PM
Bruug growled to himself as he looked at the others. "No want go through poop. Not gully dwarf. Lets keep going. Leave dwarfs."

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-29, 08:24 PM

"Agreed. Wherever that is, it's too close to where we don't want to be." She charitable hands a bit of food to the female gully dwarves. And addresses the eager one, "sorry we don't want to go that way. Too close to other drow."

She fixes him with a hard look. "Don't follow us and forget you saw us. Bad things happen to people who mention us."

She draws her blade and presses on toward the junction.


2010-04-29, 10:37 PM
Liam grimaces, "I've had just about enough of wandering around in sewers... it seems every adventure we've had so far has had unfortunate scatological references..."

2010-04-29, 10:53 PM

Lockhart can't resist the urge to grandstand a little. As Illanee finishes her threat, he catches the Gully Dwarf's eye. A thick hand slowly forms a heavy fist, and an unnerving smile plays across his brutal orcish features. "As the lady says. Bad things. Like me." The moment of tension lasts for a few moments as the message sinks in fully, and then he is off with the others.

Once they are back moving and out of earshot, he walks with the others, stretching his arms above him and visibly far more relaxed than he has been since they met. "Ahaha, that felt good! I have been wanting to play the enforcer for some time. It is necessary for some, I find, to be motivated by fear. But to keep so serious is difficult when there is no challenge!"


Intimidate: [roll0]

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Hide: [roll3]
Move Silently: [roll4]

2010-04-30, 04:37 AM
The group can push by the gully dwarves with no problems. Lockhart will make all four scatter to the ground with his intimidate. Even Bruug will be impressed by how scary this 'little' orc can be. A fight between these two would be a most fiercesome sight.
The bold gully dwarf salutes respectfully, and gives a bow as your group pushes on.

The two lady gullies devour the food that Illanee gives them, and don't even pause to offer the men any. The old fellow is too scared to get up from the rock floor.

The Junction:
The massive cavern ahead is a dangerous place, and even walking to the correct 'earth-vent' in this dark, wide open area was very dangerous. If the group is lucky nothing will happen, but any wandering monster or being could lurk in this underground domain.

Options: {Avoiding drow and Illithid lands of course}
1. Continue skirting above the old gnome realm to the 'hopefully' friendly mountain dwarves; exiles of the human extermination of 2000 years ago.

2. Myconids {Once again a threat of drow farmers.}

3. An underdark wildlands, very dangerous. Even drow steer from it.

4. Duergar {These expensive gem-seekers' border is near this junction point.}

Roland St. Jude
2010-04-30, 02:03 PM

Illanee mentions the four options and states a preference for continuing to skirt the old gnome territory.

"Maybe we get lucky and get straight through to the dwarves, real dwarves, who can be reasoned with and counted on to stand by an agreement. And if not, hopefully what we find up here is better than what we'd find on the low road."

As they reach the wide open space, Illanee switches from rapier to bow and tries to pick out the appropriate vent to head for.

2010-04-30, 02:29 PM
Liam nods, "Sounds fine by me... do you want me to drop concentration on this firewall... I can keep it going, barring problems, but obviously we won't be able to move fast, and we'll be giving ourselves away as we go."

2010-04-30, 08:08 PM
This route across the massive junction region would take a couple days to pass, even at a good pace. It is utter darkness, and light travels a long way here. Subtle glow lamps can be used to avoid grues, but using a modern bright lamp or light spell could draw undue attention. Illanee would give three days of this way. She hopes by then the dwarven farmers should be seen.

2010-05-01, 01:13 AM

Lockhart hefts his greatsword. "A walk in the park! Come, we shall make great time across this place, and encounter any foes before they have a chance to encounter us. Hoho!"

2010-05-01, 07:06 AM
Liam lets his concentration slip, and the wall of fire disappeares a few rounds later. He'll then take some time then to enjoy watching his wife walking, and the interplay of muscles exhibited thereby.

2010-05-01, 05:58 PM
The route near the gnome-zone will have many relics and broken monuments from the era of gnome domination of this region. The passageways along this side of the junction cavern are marked with curious statues and rune carvings. An archeologist could likely spend years studying the ancient hieroglyphs of this people that abandoned these lands about 60 years ago.

Anything of obvious value was chiseled away, and it is clear that there were once great mosaics on this side of the junction. Perhaps this whole side glistened with jewels, but now it was barren and colorless. Even the magic paint had been chipped away.

Your resting period can take place near a region where there are several shrines to gnomish gods. Illanee would know that it is bad luck or at least superstition to go too close to these shrines without being a holy one.

The Bushranger
2010-05-01, 10:01 PM

Marching silently, Shrike becomes aware of Liam watching her, and, smiling a bit, alters her stride just so so that he can enjoy the view a little better. Especially of those southern hills...

As they approach the gnomish shrines, she pays attention to the surroundings a bit more, her senses alert.

...taking 10 on Spot and Listen. "Passive senses", more or less.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-02, 09:50 AM

Illanee takes the vanguard, navigating by subtle clues in the surroundings and intuition born of years in the dark. She keeps her bow at the ready and scans for danger.

She slows at the gnomish shrine area and suggests resting near, though perhaps not inside, them. She suggests to them a staggered watch schedule that exempts Liam so that he will have adequate rest without adding to their downtime.

Illanee has a feat, Quick Reconnoiter, that allows her to make an active Spot and Listen check each round as a free action. She's basically always listening and looking for the unusual. Her take 10 score for spot and listen is 27.

2010-05-02, 09:36 PM
In the faint distance of this cavern, near the end of your resting period, Shrike and Illanee will hear metal squeaking, like a wheel.

With your party given ample time to prepare, you can all hush and watch as a strange caravan passes.

There is only a lite glow on these metal cages, much like the glow sticks that Illanee has. You will all see how far the light still travels across this dark open gap under the earth.

To some of you this caravan might seem surreal with huge snails pulling captives in metal cages on wheels. There are about 15 Gith, and a few off humanoids, but clearly it is a gith dominated party.

Liam can't tell from this distance if it is one of the split races, or the original Gith. It is hard to say since this is not just a plane-traveling race, but also time-hoppers as well.

2010-05-05, 05:43 AM
There are humanoid captives in the metal cages.

2010-05-05, 07:20 AM
Liam whispers, "Giths... or Githerazi or Githyanki... I can't quite tell."

2010-05-05, 09:33 AM
Bruug snarls silently at the sight of the slavers. Glancing over at Liam, he'll whisper back. "They good, or bad? Don't like slavers..."

2010-05-05, 09:44 AM
Liam shrugs, "They are beings of Limbo... the Gith were the original race, they split into two and moved to the Astral Planes, the Githerazi are Lawful and follow a sort of monastic order, the Githyanki are Chaotic and worship a lich queen. I don't know a great deal about the original Gith, though it could be them because they are time shifters as well as plane hoppers. The daughter races keep slaves and have a general attitude of superiority over other humanoid races. At least, from what I've read, never seen them in person."

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-05, 09:59 AM

"The question is, do we lie low and avoid them, or attack and hope to free the prisoners?"

She pauses for a moment, tapping delicate fingers on her bow absently.

"For all we know they are prisoners not slaves, and we'd have to ask to find out, losing our advantage. And even if we rescued them, how would we protect and move them through the underdark? I'm inclined to let them pass and set up watch for the night - unless anyone feels strongly that this is a battle we should fight."

2010-05-05, 10:18 AM
Glancing over at Sabriel, Bruug will study the caravan for a long minute before shaking his head slightly. "No fight. Too many opponents, too many questions. Can't save everyone..."

2010-05-05, 02:19 PM
Staying quiet the group can let the gith-caravan pass by without incident.

This slight delay slowed things a bit, but eventually you will get closer to the dwarven realm. Illanee would likely rest and then push on to meet the outskirts of the exiled dwarves the following morning.

The Bushranger
2010-05-05, 06:56 PM
Shrike sighs, shaking her head as they decide not to intervene. There are sound tactical reasons, true, but it still makes her heart ache...

She stays a little closer to Liam during the remainder of the day's journeys, trying to keep her mind off of it, trying to make sure nobody snatches him, or both.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-06, 12:55 PM

Illanee pushes on, silently creeping her way through the dark. So far, so good.

She picks her way ahead, wary of danger, and using her gift of seeing in these dark places to scout for her friends.

2010-05-08, 07:51 AM
Shrike and Illanee will detect a slight hum in the rock here, it is distant and great whatever is causing it. Perhaps a colossal aquifer or even lava flow? Or a machine? There will be actually 8 ways into the dwarven realm, which really involve taking different passages closer to or farther from the core of the city.

1: Through mushroom, fungal, animal farming regions
2: Rural Dwarves
3: Less rural dwarves
4-6 Dwarven common folk
7: City
8: Fortress

You will still pass through each region, but by taking farther 'pathways' you also stay longer in the dangerous junction.

OOC- Think of the numbers as possible difficulty factors. Illanee and Liam are very knowledgeable folk and will be putting their two brains together.

2010-05-08, 09:04 AM
Liam ponders as Ilanee lays out her knowledge. "Don't you think taking the farming regions would be safest?"

2010-05-09, 01:08 AM

Lockhart stretches, tired of sneaking and eager for some real exercise. "I say we choose the fastest route, or near enough. The farms sound like they take us out of our way."

The Bushranger
2010-05-09, 01:13 AM

"I say we take the safest route," Shrike says, frowning a little. "And...does anybody else feel that?"

2010-05-09, 02:52 PM
Lockhart will seem to be outvoted and the longer, safer route is taken.

Illanee takes you out of the massive junction cavern and into the rock vents again. You will again be in a rough passage about 20 feet in diameter. It has been flattened out, obviously by some underdark design so the path is flat.

It won't be long before a dwarven guard post will be seen. There are 12 dark haired, but pale skinned dwarves. Illanee will be able to plan for them, and will hear them before they hear you. Light can also be hidden, so you can get the drop on them.

2010-05-09, 09:17 PM
One thing about Illanee's info, it is long out of date. As the dwarven guard station is neared a trap is triggered.

Anyone could have done it, and it is a wonder no one else fell, however one moment Sabriel is at your side, the next there is a deep gaping crevice that opened on one side of the passageway.

{OOC- Sabriel is quite gone. She hit her head on the way down so is unconscious and unable to do anything herself. She is out of sight before anyone notices. Deathslayer you were a great player when here, good luck on the tests.}

Shrike will have to pull her husband by the robe as the bookish man nearly plummets after their long time elven companion. Bruug and Lockhart can only turn and see the speck disappear down the seemingly endless pit.

As this happens the sounds of armored dwarven guards approach from the mapped position of the guard station.

2010-05-09, 10:42 PM
Liam dangles, preserved by his wife's strength. "Okay... note to self, safest is never completely safe." He frowns sadly, as Shrike pulls him back. "I'm sorry, it happened so fast I couldn't even think about grabbing her."

2010-05-10, 02:27 AM

In an instant, Lockhart is at the edge of the pit and about to start climbing his way down...

2010-05-10, 05:45 AM
It appears to Lockhart that the crevasse below is bottomless and if he is not careful he too might slip and fall.

Already the clanging of armored dwarves from the guard post ahead are nearing. Liam and Shrike can pull themselves together and continue on past the crevice. A slab slid open revealing the endless hole.

The Bushranger
2010-05-10, 08:37 AM
((Aww. :smallfrown:
Well, at least we didn't see the body...so she could possibly come back when DS's schedule lets up...))

Shrike pulls Liam back out of the hole, gasping...then clings tightly to him, burying her face in his shoulder and shuddering, managing not to sob out loud considering their position, but...

After a moment, she pulls back, still holding tight, and shakes her head a little. "It's alright. We'll grieve later..."

2010-05-10, 10:29 AM
Liam just holds Shrike tightly and nods. Then, hearing the armored feet approaching, steps away and toward the sound, putting himself between the dwarves and his wife. He prepares his mind to cast a spell.

2010-05-10, 10:36 AM
Bruug stood in shock, staring at the empty space where Sabriel had disappeared. Slowly, he begins shaking his head, a look of horror and disbelief evident on his face. "Not again. Not again. Not again," he began repeating under his breath as he began running towards the hole, still shaking his head in denial.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-10, 04:48 PM

Illanee moves quickly to the spot, but not quickly enough. Once Liam is safe, she allows her attention to be snapped back in the direction of their armored guests.

2010-05-10, 09:59 PM

The impulsive orc, in a moment of passion, dives down the hole himself... but as he falls his body seems to compress, ever smaller, and reshape itself into a raven in full dive. Speeding downward, he may pass out of sight in a few moments.

2010-05-11, 03:14 PM
The Dwarves:
Ahead in the passage a wall of shields is formed by 5 dwarves, then several others climb on their back, or kneel through the cracks of the shields with crossbows. A voice shouts out in the human common tongue, though it is thick with the accent of the old mountain dwarves. "Ay! Now tell me: From whence you came?" The way he asks the question makes you think he already knows the answer.

Lockhart in the hole:
The chasm opens up, and Lockhart could fly forever. He will go into utter darkness, where he starts to wonder if he can even find the tiny hole that he got in here.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-11, 08:02 PM

Illanee grimaces. Sabriel lost and maybe Lockhart, too, and now, so soon the dwarves. Still, they had to be answered.

"We've rescued our friends from the clutches of the evil drow and their foul laboratories. On our way to the surface. We sought you out, though we were not prepared for your cunning trap. We seek passage."

2010-05-11, 11:40 PM
Bruug will stand in front of the gaping hole, shaking his head slightly as he stares down into the darkness, willing Sabriel to reappear. He ignores the others, and then the dwarves, obsessed as he is with his friend the druid. It is only when Illanee speaks that something pierces the fog covering his mind: the words "your trap".

Standing up straight, Bruug turns to face the shield wall, his lips curling up into a snarl as he studies them. It was their fault Sabrield was gone, their fault he'd failed again. Gripping his greatclub tightly, he begins to move through his allies carefully, his attention focused on the shield wall.

2010-05-12, 01:53 AM

Surprised at the extent of the caverns beneath them, Corvoid-Lockhart will take a quick swoop around before heading back. Now if only he could tell which crevice was his. Light always seemed to work differently when he was in this form, better at distance and worse up close, better in dusk and worse in darkness. Well, at least his ears worked the same. He listened for sounds from above that might indicate the passage.


Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-05-12, 03:29 AM
The dwarf behind the wall of shields chuckles, though it is more in fear. He might sound a bit sarcastic."That is no dwarven trap. We like to see our victims all smashed and bloody. We like to see our violence. I apologize for the drow. They have a stranglehold on us even now. It is good I found you first. We may have a chance of getting you out of here yet! Those drow are pretty riled up, and now that the master is back. Ooo-wee! A $%!#storm is gonna whip up something fierce."

An older dwarf parts the shield-wall and steps forward. This older fellow is wary of the ogre that menacingly steps away from the gaping chasm. The lead dwarf wears fine polished plate mail. His hair is quite gray. He looks at the 'rogue' drow, a little suspicious. "I don't know what yer game is... but even my boss doesn't trust you. Even if you are with the grays. I am Commander Hurlboch. Apparently, I'm your guide... at least until the next contact. All I know is that it comes from the grays. You won't get too far without aid in the New Kingdom. The drow and illithid have spies everywhere." By "New" Kingdom he is clearly referring to his people's new home. {OOC- Grays are gray elves.}

Lockhart will find the slightly glowing spot above, and can make his way back to the others. The old dwarf looks suspiciously at the large raven that flies out of the hole. "Is that your friend?"

2010-05-12, 04:59 AM
Bruug stops as he listens to the dwarf explain himself. He growls at bit at mention of the 'master', but does lower his club as he realizes these dwarves weren't his enemy. He stands up straight and bows his head to the commander. "Then lets go." Glancing over at the bird, he stares in wonder, finally managing to croak out. "Sabriel?"

2010-05-12, 05:55 AM
Hurlboch has no interest in sticking around, and seems to like this ogre's eagerness to get moving.

The Bushranger
2010-05-12, 08:51 AM
Shrike remains quiet as Illanee parlays with the dwarves - diplomacy not being her strong suit. Standing quite close to Liam, she closes her eyes, and whispers a silent prayer to the Dark Maiden that her friend will be safe...or at the very least, that her soul will find peace and happiness.

At Hurlboch's mention of spies, she opens her eyes again, a bit of a glint in them. "Trust me. If we find any spies, they will face the penalty for being such."
She drops a hand onto the hilt of her sword, clearly looking forwards to avenging their loss.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-12, 09:03 AM

"Thank you. I am Illanee Els, a daughter of Eilistraee, and I am afraid that it is I who must apologize for the evil drow. Misguided traitors and treacherous fools.

We appreciate your aid and we're eager to return to the surface."

Illanee's thoughts linger over Sabriel. Perhaps like Lockhart she had some animal form that could help her. Maybe she had a soft landing or caught an out-cropping. Eilistraee, if she has fallen guide her soul to peace, and if she lives guide her back to us.

2010-05-12, 09:09 AM
Liam nods, "Pardon for any angry words or deeds good dwarves, we have just lost a comrade to that trap... one who was dear to all of us."

2010-05-13, 04:03 PM
The old dwarf respectfully nods in silence looking at the hole. "We would put signs up, but the drow take them down. At least a warning. We dwarf aren't allowed past this region. Only the drow and gith merchants can go anywhere." He mutters in annoyance. He has a thick dwarven accent, but speaks excellent imperial-common.
"We'll take you a little further. But, I've been warned, they might already know you're here...." He looks ominously at the dark chasm in the passage behind you.

2010-05-13, 08:34 PM
Bruug puts a hand to the hilt of his greatsword, grinning evilly. "Let them come. I could use the release of a battle."

2010-05-14, 01:22 AM
Hurlboch laughs uncomfortably at Bruug's bold words. "Come, come, come... I am sure before you get out of here there will be plenty of chances for you to make a brush with death, but not on my watch. Come on big fella, follow me."

The dwarves will lead on. The other dwarves are younger, and look suspiciously at the group they escort. They will say little, and seem very paranoid.

2010-05-14, 10:56 AM

Corvoid-Lockhart circles the scene and follows the group. No point changing back until there was something to communicate, and there are advantages to being in less obvious and more mobile forms.

2010-05-15, 01:26 AM
The dwarves will lead you to the end of this passage which ends in a massive stone gate that is operated by even more mountain dwarves with dark hair.

Hurlboch will give a signal in mountain-dwarf and the gate will slowly grind open as thick gears turn interior wheels.
He keeps his voice low, and will try to keep you moving. "We risk much. Come hurry."

2010-05-15, 08:58 AM
Liam nods, "We appreciate your risk."

The Bushranger
2010-05-15, 09:08 PM
"As do I," Shrike says quietly as she makes sure Liam enters ahead of her, guarding his rear. :smalltongue:

2010-05-15, 10:19 PM
Following the dwarves past the gate-station Hurlboch will take you to a secret passage. Before moving a stone in the wall, he makes you swear with your right hand up, "Never tell anyone of this way. No one." He will leave the other dwarves at the gate station, leaving another dwarf in charge. Hurlboch will lead the way down into the dwarven city. {OOC- Yes, down.}

He is quiet on your long walk through the cramped quarters. Bruug will have to stoop, and Lockhart will find that his big axe would be useless in here. "They didn't speak imperial human. They know not that you are escaped. Even I cannot necessarily trust them. Spies are everywhere my friends." He will say this after leading in the darkness for sometime.

2010-05-17, 08:59 AM
Bruug shakes his head. "Sorry to hear that. Nowhere's safe. So where we going? Who we going to see?"

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-17, 10:06 AM

Illanee moves nimbly through the tight quarters, her eyes, born to this darkness, peering ahead. She moves quietly and subconsciously keeping to areas of shadow or cover.

A bit dismayed that the dwarves they met have been laid so low as to live in fear, practically under control of the evil drow, Illanee scowls at Hurlboch's revelation about his own group. Still, they were lucky to find an ally in all this.

2010-05-17, 09:34 PM

Still in bird-form, Lockhart settles lightly on Illanee's shoulder. A beady eye meets hers knowingly. Yes, better to stay compact in this tiny space.

2010-05-18, 02:33 AM
Hurlboch seems to take an instant liking to Bruug. "I've never met an ogre I liked. You are a special being, my friend.
I am taking you to my friend. He is an elf and his name is Kramens. Apparently, he knows the Lady Illanee through her husband Raven. I didn't want to say too much around the other dwarfs, but I serve the Alliance. We dwarven members have it pretty rough down here. Most folk are good... but we are fearful. We have had a dark history. But, at least the great libraries have been preserved here. Even if the old cities are now run by the ogre-magi." He seems to spit in disgust at mentioning the ogre-magi, but clearly differentiating any relation to them and Bruug, regardless of the two ogre-types being distant ancestors.

In Raven-form upon Illanee's shoulder Lockhart will get a special* vision from Odin as he passes a small crack in the wall. The crack is large enough that Lockhart can fit in his bird-form.

Hurlboch mutters as he sees the raven eyeing the crack in the passage."That passage goes deep into the Underdark. Very dangerous."

* Sonofzeal see PM. Lockhart is getting safely retired. Possibly for travel into other-worlds and planes. :smallcool:

2010-05-18, 07:24 AM
Since Shrike is behind him, something else actually caches his interest. "Libraries? Is there any chance we'll get to see them?"

2010-05-18, 12:46 PM
Hurlboch chuckles, "Sure. Can you read old Dwarven runes?"

The Bushranger
2010-05-18, 08:50 PM
[size=1]"Don't mind him, he gets this way around libraries. I can think of only one thing that can drag him away from them, in fact."
Shrike chuckles softly, and gives her husband a wink.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-18, 10:19 PM

Illanee remembered Kramens. Like many of the more powerful elves she'd met or heard of, he had a knack of appearing and disappearing unexpectedly around important events. He'd been aboard that skyship Raven and the others brought down, which seemed like an odd place for an elf, she thought. But was a good person to be headed toward.

"It is good to meet a member down here," she says referring obviously to the Alliance. "When we return topside, is there anything we can do to improve your lot down here?"

2010-05-19, 07:13 AM
Kramens was at the wedding of Shrike and Liam, and was even in the expensive painting now hanging in the living room of Illanee and her husband back home. In fact, it was likely the last time any of you remembered seeing him.

Hurlboch is only mildly surprised at your familiarity with Kramens. "That elf has been around since... oh... before you were born." He looks at the humans with a little humor in his eye.
"As for my people... well... we've found a balance here. To return to the old mountain would mean even more death."

The veteran dwarf leads on down the dark passage.

2010-05-19, 07:41 AM
Liam shrugs, since everyone else is making light of his interests - albeit in a playful way, "Actually, I do know how to read old dwarven runes..."

2010-05-19, 08:10 AM
Hurlboch smiles, he is beginning to find Liam fascinating. "We have modern rock carvings in the temple chamber, copies of the old dwarven scriptures of the old temple abode. Tales of ny people. I like to think the original tales are still intact within the mountain, but part of me believes those blasted drow have no respect for history. I don't care if they are considered the victors!"

You will walk for hours, and it won't be long before you realize you might be traveling for days. This was the long route, and now Illanee wasn't exactly sure where under or in the dwarven farmlands you were. Hurlboch is a wealth of history knowledge of the drow/dwarf relations here. At one time they had been enslaved before the exile, by the illithid and gith.

2010-05-20, 04:40 AM
"Your histories mention ogre empire at all?" Bruug asks conversationally as they walk through the seemingly endless tunnels and 'farmland'.

2010-05-20, 07:48 AM
Liam snorts, "I've heard that old saying... history is written by the winners. Personally, in my opinion, anyone who destroys true history in favor of some fluffed up, pretentious, self-serving tale is ultimately the real loser. Even if they did win once, they'll never remember the real reasons for it... especially how much of their victory might have been blind chance." He looks at the Dwarf, "By the same token, I have nothing but the highest respect for a supposed 'loser' who catalogues true history - even the parts that might hurt to think back upon. Many people might consider me a loser because I fled a situation that easily might have led to my death. Then again, there is another old saying... he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day."

2010-05-20, 08:57 AM
The dwarf gives Bruug a sidelong glance as if to say, 'Surely you jest?', then with stunned surprise. "You didn't know!?! Hmm.... My friend, the ogre empire has a most ancient, and once elegant history... Unfortunately... ehh...." He trails off, this 'empire' seems to be a bothersome one for him.

Eager to change the topic with Liam, he'll say: "Sad thing about drow history, is they destroy it often. Every new 'leader' wants to rewrite the histories. Your human books are rife with this. I wonder if even the surface elves have the true ancient histories."

2010-05-20, 10:11 AM
Liam nods, getting into ther conversation. "My own particular studies involve runes, letters, and diagrams - particularly those of arcane significance and the magical geometries contained therein. As part of the alliance I hope to read more elven histories, though, perhaps even true ones, and find out a few things that are not generally talked about. After all, dragons have used magic for millenia before the elves - and elves have done so centuries before the humans. They've forgotten more magic probably, than we as humans have yet to know."

2010-05-20, 10:32 AM
Bruug shakes his head as he attempts to steer th conversation back towards the empire. "Most ogres have forgotten. I only know a little. Please, tell me more while we walk."

2010-05-20, 02:32 PM
Lockhart will get it in his head that he can find Sabriel through the crack in the rock-wall. He will change to raven form and fly away.
{OOC- His adventure will be epic, but off-screen. Lockhart is safely retired.... or is he!?}

Hurlboch will advise Lockhart against leaving. When he is gone he will continue to discuss history with Liam and Bruug. "Your history leaves out the ogres. They too learned magic from the dragons. Even before the elves. We dwarves had to figure it out. Blasted lizards. No offense to the Great Dragon. Dragons and dwarves have had issues going way back."

On ogre history it is like asking a survivor about the Holocaust. Hurlboch sighs sadly, "Your people were the mightiest of all humanoids. Only recently have your omnipotent people fallen from power. 50 years ago the world was secret ruled by one man. The greatest of all Ogre-magi. Even the dragons feared his magic.

Funny thing. Laser-tech and his arrogance killed him. A tiny little forest gnome named Arturs."

{OOC- So he stepped out from behind the 'ethereal veil'. I forgot my PCs had a disruptor laser-rifle, then cockily rolled my d20 before all to see. It is perhaps the most Epic 1 I have ever rolled as a DM, and changed the course of my gameworld history by this forest gnome who pulled the trigger. In fear of the ogre-magi return attack, he took the entire world population of gnomes -of all kinds- to another planet far, far away.}

2010-05-20, 02:42 PM
ooc - that was no laser rifle... it was... an oddly shaped staff of fireballs, yeah, that's it... there is no tech... pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

ooc - also... yes, dear players... that is a 1... but perhaps none of you noticed the Nilbog lurking in the shadows! That means the NPC rolled a 20! :)

2010-05-20, 02:45 PM
Ah, the Nefarious Nilbog! :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-20, 04:58 PM
It was a frustrating time for my players in the Labrynthe (yes, I know it isn't spelled that way - except in my worlde) of the Goblin King (All hail the Bowie, may his wall-walking ever astound.). All the variants appeared - with appropriate allies, forming large groups. They fought their way through. Defeated everything... then left all their treasure and valuables in the lair of the Nilbog and walked out. The players all started to grouse, to talk of unfairness... then the smallest player of them all, said. "Hey, let's go back and visit the Nilbog. I think we should worship and praise him! Give him gifts and heal his ills!"

They praised him to death, and got their stuff back. Thank you littlest player, who used her brain to think instead of her mouth to complain.

The Bushranger
2010-05-20, 08:16 PM
...and Dorothy wants a laser rifle now. :smalltongue:))

Shrike falls quiet, listening to the stories as they move onwards, her senses remaining alert.

2010-05-20, 08:46 PM
"Just 50 years, and already so much forgotten...That needs to change." Glancing over at their guide, Bruug will smile. "Thank you. Once the ogres return to their glory, we'll help you clear your mountain."

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-20, 10:16 PM

Illanee listens silently. She had watched her people struggle to survive and to maintain their own history, and she was familiar with the evil drow's continuing murder and recreation of their own past. It was as deceitful and nefarious a practice as anything else they did. She is familiar, in broad strokes, with much of what Hurlboch says, but listens carefully for bits of lore unknown to her, and perhaps her people. Despite that fact that she's being led, she continues to scout around them.

2010-05-21, 06:05 AM
Hurlboch seems to relax as he opens up about the hidden ogre history to Bruug.
"In recent times, the ogre-magi were unknown to the humans as they are now. If the humans knew that even now their world trade spins on the axis your kin rule.... Tk-tk-tk... They'd all go mad."
Hurlboch likes Bruug a lot. He will also tell stories how the humans and the ogres teamed once to slaughter most of the elves and dwarves. "We've had a rough bond ever since..."

He'll also listens to Liam's clever tales on Nilbogs, which he knows nothing about, it does help pass the time walking in the dark passages.
"Eilistraee created a city far away. A safe-haven for drow who didn't want to be a part of the great cleanse. Their history isn't as old as ours." He says this with a twinkle in his eyes, looking at Illanee.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-21, 08:01 PM

"We're proud of our exodus and our fight to live the way we want." She responds to Hurlboch, but without a hint of defensiveness.

"But yes, it's not too far back that our history merges with those we'd rather forget - doing acts we'd rather not claim as our own. I think many of my people long for a long and storied history like your people's or the grays'.

What do your tales say about that time, when my people left to follow Eilistraee?

2010-05-22, 01:43 AM
Hurlboch looks at Illanee, "If what Kramens says is true. Then you are the kin of Eilistraee herself." Illanee and all drow of her city trace their heritage to Eilistraee, but to think of her as a real flesh-and-blood ancestor is new to Illanee. "Eilistraee is one of the last to do it. You know... achieve godhood." He smirks. "I bet them wood elves don't tell you about that one, huh?

Eilistraee was a great woman. Pity what the drow did to her material remains. Her garden on Earth was a legend to even the ogres."

"There were even good ogre-magi if you can believe that. We dwarves tell it like it is."

The group will travel far, in fact it will be days in the small passage. Hurlboch explains, "It is lucky you went this way the other ways into the city were much more dangerous. Heavy drow patrols are out looking for you. I've never seen so many Beholders up here. Always looking at you with those horrid eyes."

This path may be long, but it is the safe uneventful route.

2010-05-22, 07:57 AM
"Good ogre-magi? What happened? Where did, or do they live?" Bruug asks, a note of hope in his voice.

2010-05-22, 07:56 PM
Hurlboch seems bummed to answer Bruug. "None lived... too long unfortunately. Treachery among their own is also been a trait since the fall of the Irda. Your root race, and once one of the most beautiful beings to walk the face of the planet."

OOC- Hurlboch will then delve into the lost history of the Irda:
Hurlboch will fill Bruug's ears with a world of wonder and even a promise for redemption in himself.

"One of the last true Irda claimed he had found a way to unlock... ahem... 'New-Irda' to transform your modern forms to those of old. Apparently, he understood genetics and high magic. This fellow never was able to fulfill his vision. He escaped with Eilistraee to what is now the Empire's kingdom of Zhe, but didn't live much longer. The drow of Eilistraee praise him even now. He was called Gor-Mor." This name and that of the Irda will be familiar to Illanee, however, their connection to ogre-dom would be mindboggling. What Illanee and Liam do know of the Irda, is that they flourished to the highest of height of all cultures of the humanoids and their empire eons ago. All their history now is myth and legend, little is known more than their name. What Hurlboch describes is beautiful, and the visions in your mind are breath-taking. Clearly, if true, these mountain dwarves had a rich and well maintained history.

The Bushranger
2010-05-22, 10:26 PM
Dorothy stays quiet and alert, as she listens, and learns, although she does look at Illanee in surprise at hearing she's a direct descendant of their goddess.

2010-05-23, 10:16 AM
Bruug looks over at Illanee, his shock evident on his face. After a few minutes he turns back to Hurlboch. "This Gor-Mor, how long ago did he die? And where is Zhe? Is it far from here?"

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-23, 12:23 PM

Illanee smiles coyly at Hurlboch comment on her divine lineage. This was the common teaching of her people. That her mother, and thus Illanee herself, were daughters of Eilistraee in both a physical and spiritual sense. It was pleasing to hear from an outside authority that this was likely true. It made some of the privilege and status her family enjoyed seem more justified and Illanee's many personal blessings seem inherited rather than just fortuitous. She flashes a wan smile and what might be a tiny shrug as Illanee catches Dorothy's regard.

Regarding the Irda, This was a lot for Illanee to take in, though it was exactly the kind of thing she was listening for. But what really gave her pause was the connection of the Irda to Zhe - Raven's homeland. Could her husband have such a heritage?

She shares a shocked look with Bruug, and she's eager to hear the dwarf continue.

2010-05-23, 02:51 PM
Hurlboch scratches his chin, and looks over at Illanee. "His legends date about 20,000... 22,000 years ago. Dates for me get confusing sometimes, but I'm good with general story arcs." The veteran dwarf smiles.

According to the tales of Hurlboch the Historian, the Irda ruled all. "They are the reason so many aliens are on this planet. They were an explorative people. They traveled the multiverse... THEY caused the war and rift with the Gith, and even allied with the illithids against them. Gith are impossible to fight. Too many of them. Best to just stay clear of them, and don't hassle their merchants too much." Hurlboch will start to talk numbers, and you will get the feeling that there are a lot of Gith. To give an example of population size Hurlboch compares humans to drow. "Now, there's maybe 15 million humans up there... just a guess. But, the gith like to keep the human population at about that level. Now drow outnumber humans possibly 20 to 1. Now the Gith... well... the Gith. They keep us ALL in line. Due to their affinity with planar AND time-travel, they out number us all a million to one! Maybe more."

That last thought sends a chill up his spine. One that he doesn't like to think about. "The Irda/Gith wars and the curses of the fey created modern ogres... modern 'ogre-magi' are more naturalized Irda. Or according to the legends of Gor-Mor: 'Imperfectus Curatio-Genetics'. If what this mythical fellow says is true even you Bruug could some day learn to alter nature through arcane ways. Your ancestors didn't need gods or books to do it. All of your people were natural sorcerers like the ogre-magi."

2010-05-23, 07:49 PM
Bruug listens in awe, having never heard any of this before. But one thing catches his attention. "Wait, curses of the fey? What fey? What curses?"

2010-05-23, 10:28 PM
Hurlboch is embarrassed and doesn't know how to answer this one. He had glazed over the fey part in the speech. He finally just says it. "Well, the 'ogre-form' you have now. It wasn't always like that. At one time even the elves were envious of the Irda beauty. When the Irda turned upon the planet Earth the fey fought back. It is the fey who helped bring about the infighting that ruined the Irda." He hung his head low. "I am ashamed to admit that my own people, the mountain dwarves, continued to befriend the evil Irda, even after the hill dwarves and mountain elves left the alliance."

In the journey, he will talk of the dwarven kings's interaction with the Irda, and how they helped in the fight of the last Blood War. Of this topic he will relish the most, and will savor any attempt to speak of it. {OOC- Sort of like a civil war-buff or WWII-junkie.}

2010-05-23, 11:56 PM
Liam listens with interest, and without interrupting.

2010-05-24, 05:33 AM
It will be days of travel through stale air before you smell odd odors, musky scents, and Hurlboch will relax. Smells like my uncles old mushroom farm.

2010-05-25, 10:00 AM
During their travels, Bruug will eventually ask their guide. "What would it take for me to get into one of your libraries? I'd like to read everything about the Irda, especially anything about their religion..."

2010-05-26, 06:33 AM
Hurlboch shrugs about the libraries, "I guess if you're in no hurry I can show you the libraries. All written in old dwarf. I can help you some, but I do have to get to the council after all this. Be sure to let Kramens know you are interested. I am sure he wouldn't mind spending time with these lovely ladies down here." Looking at Shrike and Illanee. "Odin knows he's not found of our proud and hairy women. Besides, he'll have his own hassles getting you all to the top."
He chuckles to himself about Kramens. Illannee would know why.

Days will pass with only one encounter. A small patrol of three dwarves, one of them turned out to be a priest of Odin. They will speak softly in dwarven, "The elf awaits." These guys don't say much and according to Hurlboch, are part of the Secret Alliance.

2010-05-26, 06:48 AM
Bruug nods, a million different things going through his mind. "How much longer until we reach him?"

2010-05-26, 03:45 PM
It will take a few more days on this route, but eventually Hurlboch will take you to a secret cavern. It will be at this point where things could get dangerous, for he says you are beneath the dwarven city directly.

The Bushranger
2010-05-26, 06:57 PM
Shrike takes a keener interest in her surroundings as they approach the cavern, moving closer to Liam.

2010-05-26, 08:36 PM
Liam smiles, putting his arm around her. "We'll be okay."

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-26, 11:10 PM

Taking her cues from Hurlboch, Illanee returns to scouting mode as they approach the cavern. She draws her rapier in tight quarters and her bow where the space suggests it might be usable.


2010-05-27, 12:48 AM
Bruug glares around him as he draws his greatsword, ready for the worst.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2010-05-28, 04:55 AM
Illanee will be the first to hear the shuffling noise of a group of armored dwarves entering the larger carven. These dwarves wear dark blue robes over the armor decorated with all sorts of silver astrological signs. More than a few of them have ravens with them, and Liam will recognize them as priests of Woden, the most powerful god of the dwarves. He is given many names, but Odin is the most common.

With these powerful priests is a taller more slender fellow wearing his 'battle' gear, and decked out in expensive black leather with slick silver sword dangling on his hip. Just to name a couple of his possessions. He is pleased to see the 4 of you, but clearly concerned for he had hoped for more. Kramens bows before you all letting his long brown hair wave about. He seems pleased to see Illanee. "Good to see you again, kid. Sorry about the losses." She will see a couple of bit of silvered hair on his head, betraying his aged elven years.

He will give Illanee a wink, giving her lots of visual attention as he wades through the dwarven priests. He makes his way to Shrike and Liam, kneeling before them. "So, sorry... I got a little out-of-hand at the wedding. Fine wine gets my juices flowing. Next thing you know, I'm trying to hook-up with an ex-girlfriend. You know how it goes... I hear the wedding reception turned out without hitch though. Very good... Very good... Umm..." He seems a little preoccupied, and looks at the expectant dwarven priests and then to Hurlboch.

"Hello, Hurl-bucket. Hope this fellow didn't bore you with his tales of the Demon/Devil Blood Wars. He'll go on for days. Don't even get him started on the Dretch Mob Volumes. Take a human lifetime to read those books he wrote."

Annoyed at the playful elf, Hurlboch gives a hrumph. "I only wrote the last 40 volumes. One must always be prepared for the attacks of chaos. Be warned, the New War has already begun..." The dwarven priests don't much like Hurlboch talking about that, and they will begin muttering and grumbling. One old white haired priest steps forward to discuss things quietly with Hurlboch in mountain-dwarf-tongue.

Kramens speaks an aside quietly to the 4 of you.
"I was hoping we could enjoy the sights of the city, but you don't have time. Rumor has it that the drow high command is fully aware of everything about you four. It'll be the best I can do to help you get back to Sunhaven. Someone called the White Drow seeks the death of Liam and Shrike. Apparently, the elves of Illyria already knew this before Illanee left with the orc. I had to get our best feelers out looking for you. I am glad you found Hurk-butt. He's one of the best we got down here. These Odin priests are too mysterious for my tastes. They were also out looking for you."

Finally the old priest will waddles noisily over to you in his heavy robe covered plate. "We have decided. You will be gated. We too have alien-tech. And we know how to use it!" His dark eyes twinkle. Hurlboch looks on standing with the priests a little sheepish now.

Kramens is surprised and smiles. "Well, perhaps it'll be easier this way..."

2010-05-28, 07:31 AM
Bruug will watch and listen to the elf and the dwarves stoically, saying nothing. Finally, as the dwarf mentions leaving, he'll turn towards Kramens. "And Sabriel? She....fell. Isn't there something one of you can do?" His voice cracks slightly, the subject obviously still very emotional for the large ogre.

2010-05-28, 10:10 AM
Liam sighs, "It doesn't matter where I seem to go in this world, someone always wants me dead... what is it this time, another prophecy?"

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-28, 03:53 PM

Illanee does her best to look disapproving of Kramens' attention. He probably just enjoys that, too. She was adventurous and liberal about a great many things, but Kramens' was just too much. Too obviously the charmer, full of himself, and possibly justified about most of it. She looks at him with skeptical eyes but says nothing.

"Home then," she says at the mention of a gate, relief apparent in her voice.

The Bushranger
2010-05-28, 08:25 PM

"Home, then. So we can kill this 'White Drow' first." Shrike wonders who this 'white drow' is, and why they might be known by that hame, but for the moment, she puts a hand gently on Bruug's shouder as she looks at the priests. "Sabriel indeed was...lost to us." Again. "If there is anything at all you can do to try and find her..."

Knowledge (Religion) for any teachings of Eilistraee about 'white drow': [roll0]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) for any hear-say on the topic: [roll1]

2010-05-29, 06:50 PM
When Bruug mentions Sabriel, Kramens casts his eyes down, and then looks to the dwarves. "I know they will do what they can. Sabriel is very important to my people. To me as well..."

Looking to Liam, Kramens shrugs. "Not sure who this white drow is, but I hear she's hot. And I also mean hot-headed. Apparently, she thinks you have a kid or something, and she trying to kill him too. Running around killing human sailors in the empire right now. We've only got witnesses. I'm here to warn you guys. She acts like a trained ninja assassin and wears all-white, with her white top-notich, with silver lens on her eyes." He uses his hands to describe her as well.

He indeed likes Illanee's reaction, and will keep his lips shut for a majority of the trip to the surface.

You will unfortunately skip the modern city of these mountain dwarves. Still the outer halls were a site to see, and would bring tears to any architectiphile.

The route up is too quick, and you will pass through an aqueduct zone, one that Kramens says is very dangerous. The ways are guarded heavily. He will at this point announce that Liam is able to teleport if he is able to. "Otherwise we take our chances." He seems just as eager to do both paths.

Illanee and Kramens once had an adventure, but he did take all the glory those days, being so ridiculously experienced at the time, compared to her.

Shrike knows nothing about the white drow. Not even Liam or Illanee read or know anything about this. An albino drow was rare, but usually killed after birth. There were no known living white drow.

The dwarven priests of Odin will assure Shrike, they will do what they can for Sabriel.

2010-05-29, 11:11 PM
Liam nods, "I can teleport. Not with perfect accuracy. I could probably even take Shrike with me... believe me, it has been on my mind. I'm sure that I would have a very good chance of making a certain bedroom in Sunhaven even." He smiles, "That being the place I know best."

The Bushranger
2010-05-29, 11:13 PM
Shrike nods in gratitude to Kramens and the priests. "Thank you."
She sighs, wishing she could do more, then chuckles at Liam. "Oh, I'm quite sure you could handle that," she says, her mood lightening a bit.

Roland St. Jude
2010-05-30, 04:17 PM

Illanee tries her best to ignore Kramens during the ascent. It was difficult though, given his obvious interest and considerable charm. She mostly succeeds.

Anyone who can teleport to safety should do so. We've been very lucky so far.

2010-05-30, 07:00 PM
Retro- Hurlboch note:
The old dwarf is sad to see you go, but distant. He is trapped behind the rest of the dwarven priests. He says nothing, but with his eyes he will softly blink, and you will feel as if he is wishing you luck.

Water Zone:
With Illanee often taking point, through this region of former aqueduct passages, Kramens will 'study' her backside quite often without her knowing. The rest of you will totally see his leering, and when caught, will merely give a little wink or nod in her direction.

Regarding the teleport Kramens chuckles, "Liam. I agree with Illanee. If we get into trouble I want you to take your wife and go. We two elves with Bruug will get out without trouble. Heck, they have no interest in killing Bruug down here. His biggest concern with the dark forces is slavery or imprisonment. Besides I can then catch up with Illanee.

The elves got me so busy. Did you know they had me at the elven university this year? Me? Archery, of course." he says with pride, patting the black bow he has slung under his cloak.

The 'water zone' is quite fascinating with its own wildlife areas, as some caverns are large with fungi-forests and fish filled rivers, other areas are tiny crawl spaces through wet stone. Apparently, the dwarves diverted the water from this area. If it ever were to return you all would likely be instantly crushed under the pressure. According Kramens these great dams bring freshwater to the dwarves, and even other denizens of the Underdark.

Still water seeps through the rock, and at times, you will be wading through water. Illanee is prepared, and will choose non-steam heated routes. Some of the water passages in this area are boiling.

2010-05-30, 07:04 PM
Bruug will growl a the mention of the dark forces. "Never again." Calming himself with a visible effort, the ogre decides to change the topic. "Kramers, what do you know of Gor-Mor and his studies?"

2010-05-30, 07:17 PM
Kramens scratches his chin, "The Irdan friend of the drow? He wasn't the last. That's all I know. What the human history says. I came a across a city of them on the other side of the planet. Near the great elven empire.... but you didn't hear it from me, because even the elven empire is only a myth. Did Hurlboch tell you that yarn about your Irda ancestors...? It might be true." He chuckles at his own jokes. "Gor-mor... I don't know anything about him in particular though. Other than that he was the last Irda that walked with man... at least openly. This realm... this planet... is dominated by the fallen Irda, a race of once noble Irda. This world is their domain. They keep it safe from the forces of the evil and chaos... as well as from the guidance of good and wisdom. It is sort of a double-edged sword. We all step in line and do our part. And even if some of the prestige of the ogre-mage has fallen in recent times, even the drow respect the great masters of humanoid magic."

2010-05-30, 07:41 PM
Bruug lets it all sink in for a few minutes before replying. "When you say fallen Irda, you mean the ogre-magi? Yet you say they're not evil? Where is this city you found? I would like to go there someday."

2010-05-31, 06:58 AM
Kramens lowers his voice even as the roar of the water-ways rumble in the rock around you. "See that's what I'm trying to tell you. This is all secret histories, even the elves don't want this getting out. It is likely true that the fallen Irda are the Ogre-Magi of today. Their way of life still dominates our world unbeknownst to millions of humans on the surface world. There are many ogre-magi cities. What I'm saying... or may have heard of... is the concept of a true Irdan city, with ties going back to their golden age." He doesn't seem to like the topic of conversation, but feels Bruug should know some things.

2010-05-31, 07:53 AM
Bruug nods, hanging on the elf's every word. "Those are the type of Irda I would be interested in. If they existed. Bu enough about them. I've always wanted to see more of the world Kramens. Any places in particular you would suggest? Rumor has it you're an elf who's seen a lot of the world."

2010-05-31, 02:14 PM
Kramens shrugs, in response to Bruug, still a little unsure of the topic. "Sounds like I'd start there.

Tell you what.

Go East for a long time....

Or West, doesn't really matter. World is round. That I saw for myself."
He glances to the ceiling as if he were looking at the heavens momentarily.

"There is a great elven kingdom...

You may be some of the only people who know this stuff.
Don't go there. You may draw your own danger.
However, if you go where the sunset is golden, and the rainbow touches the horizon... you may find the lost city of the Irda." He looks at Bruug, quite seriously all of the sudden.

Illanee's back-up route through this water zone worked. Her friend Wrick and she likely prepped a long time for this rescue mission. She will avoid any wandering drow, illithid, and beholders. The way is long, but safe, and conversations can continue periodically on the long windy underground route. Travel is extremely slow, but after a while the aqueduct hum may be calming.

After a few days, you will reach the Lair of the Shadow Dragon. This is the most dangerous, but as long as you don't cause trouble, and get out this cavern can be bypassed. Only then will you get to the lower regions of Sunhaven, where the queen's blue/silver robed wizards will greet you in mass.

The Bushranger
2010-05-31, 11:43 PM
Shrike finds the shadow-dragon's lair intriguing, but, knowing she's crunchy and tastes good with ketchup, won't go poking around unless anybody else does.

Otherwise, she stays quiet, and close to Liam, listening to the tales of the Irda.

2010-06-01, 04:22 AM
Kramens points out the Shadow Dragon's lair. "Oh, no... we won't go there. You could really screw things up there. Mostly for yourself... at best. At worst, the whole Northern Kingdom caves into the earth. Either way stay away from that epically ancient overgrown lizard. Unless you have an audience, and I don't think I'd want to be around someone who could arrange that."

Kramens will push on by these dark caverns saying to Illanee that this is the most dangerous part of the trip.
As if to confirm Kramens' paranoia, the queen's wizards all scold you for coming this way. They claim they are rescuing you when they teleport you to Illanee's ranch home in the vinelands.

2010-06-01, 07:41 AM
Once they return to Sunhaven safely, Liam will just hold on to Dorothy for a good long while. Then, they will undoubtedly go looking to see their child.

The Bushranger
2010-06-01, 01:41 PM
And Dorothy will be happy to hold onto Liam (among other things :smalltongue:) for a long while herself, before hurrying to find their child.

2010-06-01, 01:44 PM
Illanee's Estate:
No one at the estate knows anything about Liam or Shrike's son, Daen.

This will begin an inquisition led by Illanee into the land of the fey. This whole investigation into the land of the fey was difficult. Since no one could go there without the fey's permission and/or aid.

Illanee's mother will stop her inquest however, and pull the princess aside one day. Somehow, Bruug, Shrike, and Liam will be nearby.
This dark elf queen will make quite a dramatic entrance with all the concerns of the time. A team of experts were there to help, and even the blue goblins were doing their best.

The Queen of the good drow comes only with her companion wizard. A badass wizard-fighter, one of Illanee's mother's many companions, and Illanee might even think he is her father. It is hard to say with the freedom of drow sexuality.
Her mother is gorgeous to put it simply, and could be mistaken for Illanee's sister. The good drow queen has a voluptuous and athletic body, that is mostly on display. She wears a blood red skirt, that is more of a thin strip of fabric in front and behind, as well as a tiny support bikini to match. On her back, beneath a matching blood-red cape, she has strapped a silver sword with a fine platinum tiara on her head jeweled with red diamonds. Her companion in black leather-chain{?} looks to be carrying everything else.

This Queen is the high priestess of the dancing goddess, and her every step is an 'art of movement' in itself. Illanee will forget some of the coldness her mother had in the past, a classic drow trait. There is warmth in her voice now. She comes at night, and her silver eyes will flinch at the light sources of Illanee's ranch. She motions in the direction of Illanee's most dear friends. Who at this point of the investigation are likely sensitive to any noise around the ranch and can listen to all that is said. "What are you doing here? You a high drow princess? A long time ago, I thought of it as growth, your 'explorations with the non-drow... I... You... Your husband. Raven. You will outlive him a hundred times over. Even your son's mixed blood will only give him so many years for you. You must understand your place in this world as my daughter. Someday you will need to provide me with an heir. Your half... human son could never rule Eilistraee. The Spider would come down hard upon us for that.

You need to leave this place. There is only heart-ache here for you. Don't think you are the first kin of Eilistraee to produce a half-human child." She raises a silver eyebrow mysteriously. "You must go with these mortals. Take the ogre to the gem dragons. They will know the way to his Irdan city. As for Liam and Shrike, they need to leave this place. They still have skeletons in their closet, and risk bringing their own trouble to Sunhaven. They need to find their son, but traipsing about the feylands won't do you any good now. There is a White Drow looking for you all, but it is no drow. It is a wood elf gone bad.

A ship is coming to the Northern lands, your destiny lies on that ship, my dear. As does the fate of your friends and their child. This land... this land is for the humans. You. You now bring the drow to the human empire." She smiles, and means that in a completely different way, than what Liam, Shrike, and Bruug might understand this to be.

The local temple of Pelor and even the local wizards of the queen will help look into the matter. The only thing the high priestess of the sun says was that the baby is safe. Kramens will become the couple's ally in trying to contact the fey. Sunhaven, which is alive with fey, seems to be no help. All these fey after long months of investigation only turn up that the unseelie took him.

2010-06-01, 02:10 PM
Liam's glower will grow with every stall, delay, and negative finding. Finally, he will speak, as coldly as he has ever spoken in his life. "I let my son go, because I was given assurance of his safety, no mention was made that his return would be difficult, or that there might be any chance of his non-return. He could have stayed with us and apparently have been as safe, and remained in his mother's arms." He looks about him, not letting one of these amazing people, despite all their assistance, free of the full wrath of his anger. "This alliance is responsible for both my son's safety and return. I have never pretended to be anything other than what I am... a southron mage on the outs with the empire - I have never made a promise to your people that I have not done my utmost to complete, and now this is all you have to tell me about my son's circumstance... this is all you have, Ilanee, to tell Shrike of her child's condition?" He shakes his head, "You are all responsible for my son's return... I hope that your next report is something more than this dissembling uncertainty. Exactly how did my son end up with the unseelie? Where did your alliance fail on it's word of HONOR!"

2010-06-01, 02:21 PM
A blue wizard of the queen will try to calm Liam, "It is not Illanee's fault. We of the alliance have no control over the unseelie."

2010-06-01, 04:05 PM
Liam turns on the blue mage, "So how did he end up in their hands? Where was your failure! I already know mine... I trusted you!"

2010-06-01, 11:23 PM
Bruug will lay a massive hand on Liam's shoulder. "Rage won't get him back. We'll find your son. And I know everyone here will help too." He glances at the wizards, the blue goblins, and Kramens meaningfully before looking back at Liam and Dorothy. "We'll find him. I know it."


Upon meeting Illanee's mother, Bruug won't be able to keep himself from staring. Hanging on her every word, it still takes a moment for it to sink in that she has given him a very good lead on his own investigation. Dropping to one knee, Bruug will bow his head to the woman. "Thank you! I am in your debt, m'lady. Thank you!"

The Bushranger
2010-06-01, 11:34 PM
Dorothy, finding her son missing...seems to go into a state of shock, almost, but when she recovers, her rage is epic, and, grabbing an axe, she starts to hack away at a few nearby trees, before managing to be calmed...

Hearing the words of Illanee's mother, she doesn't answer with the anger of her husband...but, instead, merely turns her back, and starts to walk away in cold fury.

2010-06-02, 01:03 AM
Liam looks at Bruug and nods, "You're right... I'm wasting my anger here. The words have been said, the future is in their hands now... it will be what they make of it, succeed or fail. I have to see to my wife." He turns and follows after Shrike. When he finds her he will hold her for a long time before he whispers to her. "I'm so sorry I failed you... we will get him back, there is no price I will not pay."

2010-06-02, 05:31 AM
The queen's wizard is defensive. He is a fellow in his mid-30's, with a long blond beard. He is quite frightened by Liam, despite the fact it is clear he is a powerful archmage. He cringes before the angry parents, as he tries to explain. "I'm trying to tell you the Secret Alliance never got the baby from the wingless pixie. Someone stole the baby from him. As the sun priestess Cara told you, he is quite safe and alive. We know that much. We were able to determine after browbeating the fey, that it was indeed the unseelie fey We've unfortunately seen a rise in their population, just as the good fey are returning... so are they."

The queen seems reluctant to speak with Bruug. She will acknowledge him kindly and warm-up to him. "Don't be silly. Thank me for what? I've never met an ogre like you. The great Gor-mor always held hope for the lay-ogre. He had an army of ogre-knights. They are remembered in our annals. From what I hear from my daughter, you might be worthy of their armor.

If you can find the gemstone dragons, and unite them. Then I will show you the way to the Great Ogre Tomb."

When Shrike goes bezerk she will find druids and fey come out of the woodwork... literally! They will try to disarm her if she tries to hack anything else. When she walks away there are people watching her every move. Others stay behind to heal the damage she caused.

The Queen will turn to Illanee and grab her lower belly almost sexually. "You know my need. I am patient. You are young. But, know your future living as a human ends only in pain. This wizard and his wife's grief is but a glimpse of what you will feel in some manner. Do not think my concern is out of anger. I love my grandchild. And I will insure the safety of him. I will also help find the lost child."

The next morning, an exhausted Queen Eliza, staggers from the master bedroom of the house. {OOC- Roland, Raven would be around the house for this return, and this happens before his current trip to the Underdark.} The queen's companion wears only a silver loincloth and helps her stand to face the grief-stricken parents. "I have found your son... he is on a boat."

OOC- The search for young Daen will take the group out of Sunhaven, and into the Old Empire.

2010-06-02, 06:11 AM
Bruug will become very excited at the mention of the ogre-knights, his enthusiasm only diminishing a little at mention of the task he is set."Unite the gem dragons? How? What are they fighting about? And unite them against who?" Hesitating for a moment, Bruug will continue. "Did these knights have a name?"

The Bushranger
2010-06-02, 10:43 AM
Shrike, thankfully, concentrated her fury mostly on already-dead stumps. Despite the serious tempting to thoroughly take out her rage on the fey, she manages to hold back...mostly.

When Liam reaches her, she buries her face in his shoulder and cries. Her usual tough exterior completely shattering in a way he, or anybody else, hasn't seen previously, shuddering as she takes a long time to cry herself dry, finally whispering. "Don't say that. I wouldn't want you to risk your soul for him. And you didn't fail me. I should have known better."

That night, she won't want the usual...exploration she and her husband have previously performed. Instead, just wanting to be held...

The next morning she manages to be a bit more composed, and listens to Quinn Eliza's words, looking slightly embarassed at her outburst the previous day. "He's safe?" she asks the mother of her mentor hopefully.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-02, 02:26 PM

Illanee had thought that returning to the surface would be then end of her brief excursion and a return to life as normal - as she had intended it. She is disappointed in the new developments all around.

She moves quickly to reassure her friends, Liam and Shrike, but all she can offer is a resolute, "we will find your child."

As for her mother, Illanee fully understands, and even sympathizes, and her mother seems to say all the right things. Still, she was hoping for more than a handful of years outside the machinations of her people and their enemies. Just one single lifetime to be with her Raven and raise her son.

"Thank you for the warning. I will go to protect what I love." She looks pointedly at her mother, insistent, and princess-like as she continues.

"They must be protected," she says firmly, meaning mostly her child but also Raven, "that is my need.

I will go, if I must, and I will provide your heir, as is our way, praise Eilistraee, but this time, this human lifetime, I have committed to my husband and son. I am mindful, mother, of all my duties.

2010-06-02, 03:05 PM
Day Before the Scrying: The conversation continues...
The queen will understand her daughter's agreement, and will say nothing more on this issue. The queen's companion has a subtle smirk cross his face.

The Queen will continue speaking politely with Bruug. "Most of the gem dragons are dead. A few live, but are kept apart by the chromatic dragons. I can't get involved, because the gith would destroy my city. You. The gith hardly know who you are, or where you came from Bruug. As for our fight. The one of old, of the Irda, and even my drow.... It is the alien invaders from the multiverse. Hard to really point at one thing.

If these elite group of ogres had a name I do not know. But, they were the guardians of the gem dragons for generations before the drow dominance of Lolth took over the Underdark and ruined the ogre."

The Next Day:
The Queen will try to comfort Shrike, "Safe... the wood elves will show you where to find him... Princess Appi and Constable Wrick know the way." She will tightly squeeze Shrike's hand. After this the queen will need her sleep, and her consort will silently teleport her away shortly. Princess Appi lives in the elven Crystal Tower of Sunhaven County. Illanee knows her well. Kramens will be staying with the princess at the moment. Illanee also knows the hobbit: Wrick.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-02, 06:31 PM

Illanee wishes her mother well and thanks her for coming. Though it may not have seemed that way to others, there was a genuine warmth between mother and daughter, on this trip particularly. Illanee was glad she'd come and thankful for the guidance.

She makes the necessary introductions between her friends, greeting both Wrick and Appi with all the decorum she can muster. She's eager to get to this boat and fulfill her promise to her friends, Shrike and Liam.

The Bushranger
2010-06-02, 06:58 PM

Shrike smiles gratefully at her mentor as she holds tightly to Liam. "Thank you. I know we will..."

She nods to the Queen, the hand-squeezing appreciated (and somewhat returned), as slowly her spirit seems to return, and she has a fire in her eyes that predicts bad things for the Unseelie Court.

2010-06-03, 06:35 AM
Bruug will be sure to gather all his gear and weapons before going along with the others, not sure if they'd be coming back or not.

2010-06-03, 06:41 AM
The Amethyst Tower in the temple district of Sunhaven is a sight to see, an elven architectural wonder. Nearby is the glowing domed sun temple dedicated to the sun-god, Pelor. Blue-silver patrolmen of the queen guard this district, which includes a fortified barracks, a town hall, a market, and even fine public housing projects, as well as multiple smithies, mills, silos and warehouses. The water systems and baths were also being built up to a quite civilized manner upon an ancient sewer system.

The crystal tower and glowing sun temple looked out of this world in this homey town in the woodsy hills, especially at night here at the Temple District of Sunhaven.

Illanee will be sent a notice from Princess Appi for a 'Meeting', soon after her mother the Queen leaves. Illanee can lead her three close friends to the crystal tower at a time when they are ready. Appi would prefer as soon as possible.

The crystal tower is much bigger on the inside, and it is hard to describe the surreal angles, and expensive decor of the interior, but it is a breath-taking walk up to the crystal tower's command center. Which literally has a massive visual-screen and big table with dials and lights to control it.
Here is the pretty elven woman named Appi, who will greet you sweetly. She has platinum blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and flawlessly perfect beauty. She is elven royalty, and you can sort of sense it from her presence. She will embrace you all then present a cage to you. "Sunhaven's protector, Wrick, was unable to meet you due to the damn hippies, but he found this guy snooping outside the sun temple."

Inside the cage is a familiar wingless pixie, who sits depressed, and glittering green with some elven enchantment to prevent his feyland teleport. "He told me Sabriel sent him." Her accent is there, and she makes no attempt to hide the beautiful twirls of her tongue on the imperial language. She clearly is not amused by the wingless fey.

2010-06-03, 06:56 AM
Bruug will stare at the pixie in shock before squatting down to look the pixie in the eye. "When? When did this happen? Where? What else did 'he' say? Who is he?"

2010-06-03, 07:48 AM
Liam's eyes blaze when he sees the fey. "WHERE IS MY SON!"

The Bushranger
2010-06-03, 11:40 AM
Shrike bows slightly in greeting to the elven princess, and can't help but admire her beauty as she stands close to Liam...

...although when she spots the pixie, her eyes snap, and she steps forwards to stand next to Bruug.

"I second that question. And how could you be sent by Sabriel. I believe you need to explain - and quickly," she growls.

2010-06-03, 02:56 PM
Princess Appi lessens the green glitter swirling around the fey, a special fey-bound dimensional anchor. "I will let him speak for himself. He says he has no intent to leave, but I'm not so sure."

The wingless pixie is now able to talk. He bows his head, he is flustered at all the questions and tries to answer them as best he can. The pixie is confused. "Sabriel. The elf. From the lab. She told me to not give the baby to anyone. He is safe. Quite safe. I will take you there." He seems frightened and confused. "I was told not to trust anyone. She was in the fey-lands when I got there. She brought the orc with her too."

The elven princess is now confused.

2010-06-03, 06:21 PM
Liam growls, "You were not to hand the child over to Sabriel... you were supposed to keep him safe til his mother and I collected him from the fey. Sabriel does not consort with any orc that I know... you gave my baby to an illusion or an ensorscled member of our party. You were supposed to give him back to me or his mother!" He frowns, "It was probably this so-called "white drow" who is undoubtedly aligned with the unseelie... that's right, you gave my child to the unseelie!"

2010-06-03, 06:45 PM
Bruug will not look so certain. "What about Illanee's friend, the half-orc? He went down after her. Perhaps they both survived and reached the feywild somehow."

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-03, 06:57 PM

"Sabriel fell, but Lockhart fled of his own free will. He was my guardian; he would not have left me without good reason. Perhaps he found her.

Or perhaps you were tricked," she says to the fey.

"But perhaps the only way to find out is for you to take us to where the child is.

Tell us where exactly and then let's go there."

2010-06-04, 02:07 AM
The wingless pixie is a little nervous and explains, "The baby IS with the Seelie. Not the unseelie!!! The good fairy queen is suckling him as a nursemaid right now!"
Seeing as everyone misunderstands him he waves Liam back from his puny cage. "No, no!! You see, she told me to do this to save him from the White Drow."

When Bruug speaks the wingless pixie looks at him as if he is the only one in the world who understands him. "Yeah! That's it! That's what I'm saying. The elf and orc ( They don't get more full-blooded than Lockhart :smallbiggrin:) made it out. They didn't tell me how, but they said you would come here. So I am here. I am in no condition to keep the baby safe alone. I am too weak. Titania is much more powerful than I."

Princess Appi is suddenly amused, "So, what you are saying, is the baby is actually with the Fairy Queen of the North."

All of you might still think he is lying, but he is trying hard to make you believe him. Really it does sound ludicrous talking of fairies and the like, only Liam has been to the realm, or at least a gateway point. Shrike saw it once, it was a magical night that neither would forget. "In a manner of speaking yes!!! He is there quite safe, and if you alert the fairies of the fair parents arrival, I am sure Titania will summon you right away. You might want to tell them it is urgent, we tend to dally and all... Princess Appi knows folk who can take us there now." Appi will nod in affirmatively.

Appi will take you to an old druid, who is friends with a dryad.

The dryad will take you to one of these 'fairy gateway' points. Delving fully into the feylands is hard on a mortal. Here at this sacred ground you will meet Titania.

{OOC- Ready when you are. :smallcool:}

2010-06-04, 08:37 AM
Bruug will take a knee before the fairy queen, head bowed respectfully for a moment before looking up at her. He will remain quiet, letting Liam and Dorothy do the talking, as it is their child they are there for.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-04, 09:49 AM

Illanee does believe the little fairy, or at least accepts that he believes what he's saying. They would go and see and the matter would be settled; no sense going around and around with the little one.

Illanee hugs Appi gratefully for her aid and prepares to accompany her friends through the gateway. She would see to the safe return of all those involved. Perhaps even Sabriel and Lockhart, she thinks hopefully.

2010-06-04, 12:20 PM
Liam bows before the faerie queen, he looks up. "Your majesty, I am called Liam. Your servant has informed me that you are currently protecting our child."

2010-06-04, 01:57 PM
The adventure into the woods to meet the old druid is a little fun and exciting, and you will feel the excitement of a child in the pit of your belly as you enter the forest northeast of Sunhaven. Something magical is in the air, you can't see it, but you know that this trip will not be forgotten. None of you have ever been to this sacred grove of cherries.

The old druid is a dark skinned Antarian, he is a right and kind fellow, if a little reserved. This man with a big white afro, will take you to a grove of multicolored cherry trees. A woody green lady will partially poke her head out of one of the eldest and biggest cherry tree. This area is canopied as the cherry trees have grown together, and it is actually shadowy light here. This shadowy effect only adds to the magical mystery mood of the forest.

The dryad will ask that you eat one of her magical cherries. She is shy and sweet, it seems you have nothing to fear from her.

Once you eat the cherry, the magical vision of the 'other-world' will come into view. You will see a golden glow which Liam somehow knows is the coming of the Fairy Queen; surprisingly, this unassuming wizard has a lot of experience with the feylands. Illanee doesn't, but is at least friends with those seelie of Sunhaven.

Bruug takes a knee, and then as if in answer to Liam, the golden glow and haze of fey-fog surrounds you all, though the colorful cherry trees are still there. The throne of Queen Titania is brought to you. Cobweb, Peaseblossom, and the other little colorful pin-points of fairy-light are there flying all about the gorgeous queen's golden throne and dais. It is not gold of metal more of a glowing gold, but also her throne has a pinkish hue that emanates with the gold, and you will feel as if you are in a healing good energy right now.

The centerpiece of this amazing throne was clearly the voluptuous elven looking woman on the throne. Her hair currently, was a deep dark brown, but you could see some of it shifted silver to gold as she stood. What you were now gazing upon now was the most beautiful of nymphs. Liam and Illanee knew this right off. Shrike and Bruug will also wonder why they are not blinded or dead, since this nymph is partially nude from the belt up, suckling the dark haired baby, Daen.

You will all be able to show utter respect for the beauteous creature and somehow through the power of Titania's epic magic she allows you to view her beauty. She will gently rise from her throne and descend all the while suckling the child. She wears a skirt, that consists of soft rainbow feathers of something like a peacock; her 'feather-skirt' doesn't leave much to the imagination. "Welcome, Liam and Shrike. Illanee and Bruug. Welcome. This boy will be happy to see you. He's quite the smart one. I can already see that." By this time the fairy queen will be at the bottom of the dais presenting the baby to Shrike. You are in the presence of a goddess, and it is all you could do to maintain Yourself.

The baby is unfazed by all this and is completely relaxed in this magical view of the world. 'Cherry-vision'
When the boy sees his mother and father he gets excited, and giggles as if nothing is wrong, he is quite happy, and Shrike and Liam will get the feeling there is also giggling going on in their minds. As if the boy were a natural telepath. "He will be an excellent psion. A strong athletic one."

If you don't eat the cherry:
You will see your friends likely weeping and talking to themselves. The old man just stares at the big cherry tree with a huge grin on his face, and the dryad just goes back into the tree.

2010-06-04, 05:07 PM
Liam looks confused, "Why were we told by some that the child was in the hands of the unseelie?"

The Bushranger
2010-06-04, 07:25 PM

Shrike's fierce expression softens a bit as she hears the pixie's story, and she feels hope in her heart for the first time in awhile. Sabriel made it out...? she thinks, desperatly clinging to this...

When they arrive at the Fairy Queen's throne (having, indeed, taken the red pilleaten the cherry), she bows in respect as well (although she can't help but admire the Fairy Queen's...beauty...a bit. Although is it admiration completely, or partially envy?)

Rising silently, she reaches out gratefully to take Daen from his ersatz nursemade, her arms trembling, from the vision before her, and from the relief of having her son in her arms again. "Thank you, my Lady," she whispers, holding the child close to her chest and gently rocking him, a smile spreading on her face as she steps back to beside Liam, looking down at her son and relaxing, gently rocking him in her arms. And giggling softly, herself.

2010-06-05, 04:24 AM
Queen Titania sighs, "It is hard to say, the way that time flows for you mortals. He will spend time with the unseelie. However, that is not my fault. How it effect you now? I cannot say."

Titania hands the baby gently to Shrike, and immediately the baby recognizes his mother laughing hysterically.

"You have us here. Always ready to protect your son. The time now is for you to rest in Sunhaven. We will complete the youth's training when he is ready, and so are you."

'The Blue Pill':
The little city kid watching in the woods will be amazed when Shrike pulls a baby out of a tree.

2010-06-05, 08:03 AM
Bruug will look up at the queen, finally daring to speak. "What about Sabriel? Is she alive?"

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-05, 08:25 AM

Illanee stands silently in the glow of the Fairy Queen. Her scouting, mediation, or even support seems unneeded here. She is happy for her friends and their little one.

The Bushranger
2010-06-05, 12:58 PM
Shrike gently rocks her son in her arms, stepping back with a grateful expression, and smiling happily as she giggles along with him.

2010-06-05, 02:08 PM
Titania looks seriously at Bruug for a moment, "Your friend is alive.... Battling the Gith. She was drawn into the epic battle, and so was the orc. Coming to your material plane now... would only mean great danger for it."

Titania's golden glow begins to fade and the shadowy cherry trees start to come into vision. You realize Titania is leaving. "If you need us again. We are here. I will answer your call."

OOC- Unless you guys need more to play out, I am ready to catch you all up with the timeline. This will mean that you guys get some brief peacetime in Sunhaven. You will notice that Illanee's friends running Sunhaven are busy, so you won't see them around much. However, you will all become well-known here because of your association with Illanee.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-05, 08:56 PM

Illanee bows to the Fairy Queen and waves, almost childlike, to her fey friends like Cobweb and Soyo, if she can recognize them. She was truly amazed by the scene and eager to return and learn more about it. But for the moment, she would like to return her friends to Sunhaven so that they can relax.

2010-06-05, 09:25 PM
Bruug sighs as he smiles slightly. "At least she lives. And she has Lockhart with her." Bowing his head once more to the fairy queen, Bruug will stand up. "Your majesty, one last question before you go: would you be willing to tell me about the Irda, as they used to be? Before they fell?"

2010-06-06, 06:36 AM
The fairy queen laughs at Bruug. "Just one question?"

Familiar fey will float about Illanee, and will telepathically greet their drow friend.

Titania smiles, "The Irda were beautiful. Their cities are what the humans and elves strive to recreate, but likely never will. They could move things with sound, and before the dragons brought magic to them, there was no class ranking.

The Irda's downfall was aided by the envy of others. It wasn't only them who led them to their doom. Man, the elves, and dwarves all fought the Irda for power."

2010-06-06, 08:20 AM
Bruug nods as he takes in what the queen has to say. "What about Gor-Mor and his research? Can you tell me anything about it? Or about the ogre-knights and the gem dragons?"

2010-06-06, 11:06 AM
Liam just wraps his arms gently around Shrike who is holding the baby, he is just happy that his family is together again.

2010-06-06, 03:14 PM
Titania smiles as the feylands start to fade away, the magical effect of the colorful cherries seems to be fading. "It sounds like you know much already, Bruug. Gor-Mor never achieved the success he sought. The ogre-knights and gem dragons were all part of an ancient world order. The world was beautiful. Nature was mighty, and the cities of today were, but a glimmer in the future. For your answers. You will need to quest for the Irda. Only they can give you the answers you seek. A ship will take you to their lands someday. When you see the ship, you know it will be the one."

As the sight of the sacred feyland-gateway fades, Bruug is left with a vision he can hardly comprehend. It is a world of colorful beings, beautiful. Living at one with nature, as well as above in magnificent floating castles. An army of handsome ogres, not twisted by malnutrition and inbreeding, wear the finest armor. There even seem to be races among the ogres, and Bruug will see a literal rainbow of people. Bruug will see faces on these ogres, and he will see himself in them.

All of you will get a glimpse of the Queen's illusory-vision, then before you all, you will find yourself in a very normal looking cherry grove. The old Afro'd druid is weary, and says he needs rest. The dryad has also retired to her tree. The grove of cherries is still mystical and ancient, but the blue, pink, gold, silver, purple, rainbow or colors of the cherries are gone. The old druid will chuckle. "You all are very special to have seen the true nature of the fruit. You have insight into a reality that most mortals never get."

Illanee can lead you and the baby back to Sunhaven. It is a bit of a jaunt, but here in the outer reaches of Sunhaven's forests there is peace, and you all may enjoy the couple-day-jaunt home with the happy baby.

The Bushranger
2010-06-06, 06:20 PM
Shrike relaxes against her husmabd, turning slightly torwards Liam so he can see little Daen in her arms, smiling happily, only half-listening to the others as the feylands fade away.

She nods gratefully to the druid, and is also quite relieved to hear that Sabriel is alright. As they turn to leave she carefully carries her child, staying close to Liam's side as they return to Sunhaven.

2010-06-06, 07:06 PM
The trip to Sunhaven is safe, and you will see plenty of good omens on the way.

The next year or two will pass in idyllic peace. Bruug can get to know the 'little general', Wrick; who works with Princess Appi. Wrick is a hobbit sorcerer who seems to know everything about the Underdark and this location of the world. However, he only knows that Irda is a new name for the ancient ogre-people.

Sometime late in the summer when young Daen is actually talking in simple words, and even communicating telepathically, the Princess Appi will summon you.
It involves the White Drow.

{OOC- If you need more of a break here, I understand. We can also move you sooner, and take care of retro things here as needed. I will link you through this IC, so stick with this for now. I will link all PCs of both threads into the same IC thread. For now -in the new thread- Shrike will have to describe the little black mouse with silver eyes and tail on her shoulder. This will be Illanee undercover. :smallcool: When she is needed we think a surprise entrance will be fun. Her magic item evades most magical detection sight, and was able to use this item to get into the Underdark.}

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-07, 10:23 AM

Illanee spends her time with her husband and son at their estate. She seems quieter than when she left, as she ponders her mother's warning and vision. She pushes her duty to produce a full-blooded female heir out of her mind. She'd always known that was coming, but she had figured she had another hundred years at least before she was bothered about it. She is glad that Raven has taken over the role of host and socialite to their good friends in her absence, and that the vineyard has prospered with the help of her hand-picked help.

Illanee struggles with whether and what to tell Raven, though. Ultimately, she decides to tell him only that her mother has had a vision and that Illanee herself may need to leave for a while to protect them all. Together they prepare for Bleys's protection in the inevitable event that they she and Raven must both be away.

She counsels Raven about the Underdark in preparation for his mission into the former lair of the great Shadow Dragon, and bids him a passionate, and secretly fearful, good-bye as he heads off with his companions into the earth.

2010-06-07, 03:27 PM
OOC- Illanee will never get the chance to say good-bye before they leave. The Earthquake has not yet happened in Sunhaven on your time-line. You likely won't be anywhere near Sunhaven when the Earthquake happens. In fact, it will be Illanee who thinks she is giving a passionate good-bye to her husband when she leaves. However, it won't be Raven at all.... :smallbiggrin:

OOC2- Bruug will be working on his charm and interpersonal-communication in the off-time. If you want to work on training we can do this. Liam can learn some more meditative steps with Shrike's help.... and well, I'm ready to summon you away to the elves and fey already. Please keep important IC stuff here. This is where I keep track of things in my 'historic' record. :smallcool:

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-07, 03:47 PM
OOC-I'm normally pretty good at tracking multiple timelines, but I must admit that this one's got me confused. As I recall it from the Sunhaven thread, Illanee returns from the Underdark after the hippie druid attack but before Raven heads into the Underdark. Raven and Illanee rush together to hear Appi and Wrick's briefing (at the very start of the most recent Havenites thread).

Frankly, I'm content to not think about it any more. Or I'd be content to know a single point in time (even in the future) where I can fix in mind both Raven and Illanee's timelines (like "when Illanee gets on the ship, Raven is X place).

However, if you wouldn't mind, I'd be interested to know what order these events happen in:

Raven returns from the chaos valley
Illanee leaves to rescue her friends (two seasons of wine (2 years?) occur before she returns)
Hippie Druids attack Sunhaven
Illanee returns with her friends from the Underdark
Raven leaves into the Underdark to investigate the quake

My sense was that they happened in this order and that the last thing listed would happen within two years of the next to last thing.

(As for training, I have some ideas. Bluffing, martial maneuvers, and increased relationships with the fey (who she is already friends with)).

2010-06-07, 04:03 PM
OOC- When Illanee gets on the ship, it will be way after the return from the Lost Valley; and perhaps a month before the Earthquake.

Illanee's Timeline:
Years in SY:
Fall 183- Return from Lost Valley {with chaos and wild magic}
Early Winter 183- Illanee rescues friends from drow
Turn of 183/184- Illanee returns to Sunhaven with friends.
{Sometime in here Illanee will leave}*
Fall 184- Evil Hippie Attack
Late Winter 185- Earthquake- Raven leaves

* Yes, there is 'another' Ilanee in town...

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-07, 05:41 PM
Makes sense.

2010-06-07, 07:21 PM
Liam will...

1) Spend time with Dorothy...
2) Spend time with Little Daen...
3) Spend time with Dorothy & Little Daen...
4) Work on his magic/loremastery (to 11th level - 3rd level Loremaster)...
5) Finish his Spell Mastery...
6) Work on another meditative level with Dorothy...
7) Spend more time with Dorothy & Little Daen...
8) Learn more about the fey...
9) Work on another meditative level with Dorothy...
10) In all this time work on the next child... (assuming that goes with Dorothy's desire)...

stop me any time, and say cut! :)

2010-06-08, 01:22 AM
Bruug will divide his time. Mostly, he will spend his time with the devotees at the Temple of Bahamut, learning just what it means to be a knight, especially how to act and speak properly. Secondly, Bruug will attempt to learn as much as he can of the Irda and world geography, especially the former from the fey.

2010-06-08, 03:39 AM
Enough time will pass for Liam and Shrike to have another child. Liam will get so good at Shrike's cycles, that he might even understand her better than she does. Liam just does SOME thing real right. :smallbiggrin:
Liam will be able to boost his kama-sutra bonus with this practice.

You won't see much of the wizard in this time, when he is not attending to the baby, he's attempting to make another.

Bruug will meet Mila, the pretty priestess of Bahamut, at the temple. She was in love with Daen. She is devastated when learning of his passing. She will say that they lost many good warriors against the goblinoids. "You may have been lucky to have missed the battle.... Though perhaps my Daen would still be alive. We needed the queen's wizards to bale us out." She is heartbroken, and will accept the condolences of the kind ogre.

Bruug will not learn more of the Irda than he saw in the vision of the fairy queen. Though Princess Appi promises to contact the high council of the elves regarding the matter. Her father is on it, and could know something she doesn't.

The Bushranger
2010-06-08, 05:47 PM
Shrike will...

1) Spend time with Liam...
2) Spend time with Little Daen...
3) Spend time with Liam & Little Daen...
4) Work on studying magic. With the aim of being able to use healing implements. (i.e. aiming to gain skill points in UMD)
5) Spend more time on geography studies with Liam. :smallamused:
6) Spend time with Liam exploring the swelling hills and changing geography...
7) Spend time with Liam, Little Daen and the product of said swelling hills and changing geography (if she has a daughter, she'll name her after Sabriel).
8) Practice her swordsmanship (aiming for Two-Weapon Fighting)
9) Spend more time with Liam, focusing on the study of the rolling southern hills and caverns...
10) Spend time learning more about Eilistraee from Illanee.

To Dorothy, this sounds like a most cunning plan. :smallamused:

...she will also spend time getting to know Mila, if she can, and spend some time telling her how bravely Daen fought, that they might live, and that she knows he would want Mila to be happy. But that she totally understands how things are for her. "I've lost...people I was very close with."
She might even tell Mila about her sister, whom she (as far as she knows) lost, years ago.
She won't reveal little Daen's parentage to her, though.

2010-06-09, 05:15 AM
Bruug will commisserate with Mila, telling her of the good times their group had, and glossing over what happened at the end. He tells the poor girl about Daen's heroic stand to defend the group, standing alone against the horde of hobgoblins, insisting the others flee.

2010-06-09, 07:13 AM
Shrike and Illanee:
These two will likely be inseparable, and at this time Shrike will also become quite familiar with Raven- Illanee's husband. With Illanee back she will have lots to do with picking a successor. They knew it, and so did she: Illanee could not be a full-time council member of this community.
Illanee would be key in advising the people, but her time away, and potential for 'secret alliance' work could get her leaving at all times. The people wouldn't know the 'secret alliance' part, but they would begin to see that Illanee might go away for 'business' a few more times.

Illanee can discuss Eilistraee with Shrike in more detail, to the best of her knowledge. Illanee has gained more knowledge of her goddess/ancestor since the two met years back and she can share it with her former apprentice. Shrike will feel as if she is getting the completing pieces to her spiritual journey with the dancing goddess.

The priestess will become quite friendly with Shrike and Bruug. They will find that she is a little more experienced in divine power than before. She listens to tales of Daen, and will often ask for details again. She is like a lost puppy when it comes to her warrior-lover.

2010-06-10, 04:42 AM
One day, after Shrike's 2nd child is born, the elves summon you to the crystal tower. This time there are many there.

2010-06-10, 09:36 AM
Bruug will go along with the others, staying near the back of the group. He's brought all his gear, prepared in case now was the time for them to go to this boat they'd all heard tell of.

2010-06-11, 03:49 AM
Once again you will meet in the fancy Control Room of the Crystal Tower. The scry screen shows an interesting view. It is as if you are looking at an island from the sea. However, this island is surrounded by a huge wall, that is a great feat of engineering in itself. Beyond the 100 foot walls is a toxic cloud, that crackles with green energy.

Gathered here in the Control Room are many of the locals: Wrick the Hobbit, Princess Appi, Kramens Longleaf, and about a dozen other elves. Even a dark mountain dwarf sat in the corner in his fancy silver armor.

Princess Appi speaks, directing your attention to the scry-screen. She hangs her head as if she has heard bad news. "This is the island that a ship is sailing for. No Man has been there in over 50 years when the old empire built the wall surrounding the entire island. Some thought it was to keep Man away, but indeed it is to keep what is there in place. Those who live beyond are by no means trapped. These people are the Ogre-magi... and with them, Bruug, are the evil Irda. We know little if there are many or few, but these Irda are those whose hearts turned black long ago. And into the modern times were protected by the ogre-mages. As with you Bruug... there may be good among the Irda there. But, the toxic cities of the ogre-magi would never let them get too strong.

This ship also has the White Drow as a stowaway onboard... We aren't sure why she suddenly allowed herself to be detected there, but those on the ship do not know she is still there. Already she has claimed two on their crew, and we fear more are next. Somehow we feel it involves Shrike and Liam's past crimes in the empire. For some reason even our most powerful seers have trouble viewing this murky vision.

None of you need to go, but if you are, it is urgent that you go now, and say your good-byes immediately. This crew is setting sail from North Zalbos soon, and we have arranged to have you three aboard. We understand Illanee has a special token that will allow us to get her as a stowaway aboard. One the White Drow will not see. I fear a real drow visible on the ship now might raise suspicion of Alliance involvement. If anyone more powerful than yourself went, they could bring doom upon the already ill-fated ship."

Appi is quite serious with Shrike and Liam, "I understand your fears for guardians. Queen Titania has promised to look over the boys. I fear, however, your own lives are about to be severely threatened."

There are fruit, nuts, and berries laid out for snacking. As well as mead, juices, and water. The elves don't want you to starve.

{OOC- Random determination brought another son into the family.}

2010-06-11, 07:39 AM
Liam snorts, "Past crimes..." He shakes his head, "There was some obscure prophecy by some soothsayer that indicated that one who was gifted with arcane talent, and possibly a scion of my house - though like most prophecies it was highly ambiguous - would cause a shift in the power of the empire. The empress had already summoned several individuals who fit this prophecy, and they all vanished without a trace. When my own arcane talent showed to be extremely strong, I recieved a summons as well. I decided to leave the empire, so that is my crime... not staying around to be prophetically neutered with extreme predjudice."

2010-06-11, 09:50 AM
Bruug nods his head. "I will go, White Drow, ogre-magi, and evil Irda be damned!"

The Bushranger
2010-06-11, 10:35 AM
Shrike, looking much more relaxed and happy since their arrival in Sunhaven again, stands next to Liam, her hand laced in his. Her daily talks with Illanee have, she feels, greatly enhanced her understanding of spiritual matters; while none of her spirit (or beauty!) have dulled, she seems to have learned how to better control herself as time passes. Although Liam clearly still knows exactly how to make her lose control. :smallwink:

Having left the boys, for the moment, to be watched by Mila during the meeting, she allows her mind to drift back to the discussion at hand, frowning at the mention of 'crimes', and shaking her head. "And I'm glad you didn't," she says in response to Liam, chuckling softly. And pressing a little closer against his side... "I suppose that my own 'crimes' would have been how I reacted to having my parents killed." She frowns, then shakes her head. "It may be dangerous, but...I think we should go."

And then her eyes widen a bit as she ehars Appi's comment regarding guardians for the boys. "She...that would be acceptable. More than. I know they would be safe with her."

She'll probably have a mug of mead being sipped, enjoying its various properties as she listens. And wraps a leg around Liam's as the plans are discussed.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-11, 12:39 PM

"The crew of this ship. Who are they and on what mission do they sail there?"

Illanee had come prepared to leave immediately - her summons here was very different than the social calls she sometimes received from her friend Appi. She fixes her eyes on the screen and munches quietly as the discussion proceeds. If she did need to be in stowaway form, this might be the last good meal she gets for a while.

2010-06-11, 07:12 PM
Liam smiles, looking into his wife's eyes. "If you think we should go, then we shall, and the faerie queen seems to be trustworthy for taking care of the boys." He leans forward and steals a kiss from his wife after she takes a sip of ale. "Mmmmm... that is good ale." He winks at her.

The Bushranger
2010-06-11, 08:17 PM
Dorothy can't help but giggle a bit, and winks at Liam impishly. "You know you love how it tastes," she says in a teasing tone, snuggling closer and smiling before returning her attention to the others. (Well, most of her attention. All that except for one hand's worth, anyway.)

2010-06-11, 09:10 PM
Liam smiles, holding her hand and whispering in her ear.

Dorothy:"So... a romantic sea voyage to face whatever crimes others wish to pin on us. You'll have to tell me all the details of your story, anything you might have overlooked before. If this takes us into an imperial court I know a few of the protocols we can use to deal with the matter... and in a sense it will help me. If our foes do wish to take this to a court situation, they wouldn't dare 'disappear' me while I'm representing you."

2010-06-12, 04:33 AM
The elven princess's pretty green eyes seem to darken when Liam explains himself. "You are no mere noble. You descend from a long line of dark noble-wizards. Most of your kin have been burned from the history books. Even now there exists relatives of yours that would use your soul to advance themselves. Liam. You must realize. You are that scion of the future. If you can realize your human potential.

I also must inform you heir-wizard, that the empress you fear. The fire empress, is gone. At least banished to the plane of Fire until a time far after you have passed from this earth. Her much more reasonable daughter rules the old empire now, and has opened up the borders. Travel is free to foreigners once again. At least those regions not controlled by the wizard-admirals. More of Liam's family members... or distant cousins." She smirks at him, but only slightly. She doesn't like to show emotion. Liam almost thinks she is baring her teeth to him.

"This ship will set sail to this isle to save their captain. Now funded and led by the captain's former lover, Lady Merie of North Zalbos. We want to get you there ASAP. The ship will leave at dawn."

Kramens the elf chuckles, "The modifications have just been finished. I believe Merie even renamed the ship. It is something else entirely now." You will notice that Kramens has his hand inappropriately on Appi's lower buttocks.

The Bushranger
2010-06-12, 10:57 AM
Dorothy smiles, and whispers back to Liam:
"Sounds like fun. And it's...quite sad. It's why I never speak of it. But I didn't know I'd done anything worthy of being tracked down...but I'll tell you everything once we get somewhere more private. Then perhaps afterwards you can...reassure me..."
Winking at Liam and smiling a bit again, she turns her attention back to Appi, her eyes widening a bit as she hears of her husband's past.
Although Kramen's antics bring the smile back yet again, almost smirking a little, as she knows how much she enjoys having Liam do that to her. :smallwink:

2010-06-13, 06:15 AM
Appi doesn't let Shrike off the hook, when she catches the young lady's 'eyes' at her husband. Appi is still amused, "You are not one to talk. There are those who seek to avenge your accidental crimes. Somehow... I am sure the White Drow is involved."

Appi and the elves will transport you to North Zalbos, where you will act as specialists for this spelljamming-type ship that you are supposedly to be assigned to.

You have this night to make arrangements and say good-byes. Queen Titania will appear when she is need to suckle the children and care for them. Fey will come out of the woodwork for this exchange.

{OOC- A powerful doppelganger will fool the elves, and even Raven for a time, as not-Illanee will get involved in Sunhaven politics. :smallamused: Illanee's passionate good-bye is not with her husband, and when she is leaving before dawn, she might wonder what was wrong with her husband this night. She can chalk it up to sadness of her leaving.}

2010-06-13, 08:56 AM
{OOC- A powerful doppelganger will fool the elves, and even Raven for a time, as not-Illanee will get involved in Sunhaven politics. :smallamused: Illanee's passionate good-bye is not with her husband, and when she is leaving before dawn, she might wonder what was wrong with her husband this night. She can chalk it up to sadness of her leaving.}

ooc - I'm totally confused. Is Illanee the doppleganger, or her husband... you called her not-Illanee, as though she was the doppleganger, but then you say her passionate goodbye is not with her husband and that she might wonder what was wrong with him. Sorry, this was confusing to me, and if it's meant to be a reveal it therefore didn't work???

2010-06-13, 01:09 PM
Before they leave, Bruug will take Kramens aside to speak to him privately. "Is this the island we spoke of before, or is there another? And how am I to help the gem dragons from there? Oh, and, um..." Bruug will look a little embarrassingly at the elf before going on. "I don't think my current...attire, would be appropriate for a journey at sea. I don't suppose the elves have a chain shirt or something in my size laying around, do they?"

2010-06-13, 01:59 PM
ooc - I'm totally confused. Is Illanee the doppleganger, or her husband... you called her not-Illanee, as though she was the doppleganger, but then you say her passionate goodbye is not with her husband and that she might wonder what was wrong with him. Sorry, this was confusing to me, and if it's meant to be a reveal it therefore didn't work???
OOC- I think you've missed some of what is going on with Illanee. That is good. It is not meant for you anyway. :smallwink:

Kramens and Bruug:
Kramens takes the moment with Bruug and kindly smiles, "I believe it is the island. Not sure how you can help the gem dragons. I think that we can trade for something more appropriate. Do understand, you may want the armor at sometime though..."

2010-06-13, 05:53 PM
Bruug will nod. "Indeed. I thought as much. I suppose I could trade my cloak if necessary."

2010-06-14, 02:12 AM
By the next morning elven wizards will teleport you to the biggest city Bruug has seen with his own eyes. One full of humans, great walled buildings, and incredible military fortresses. North Zalbos is a real metropolis full of flying wizards and even a few magical type transport ships to get around.

A full armada was very visible, but the arsenal of fully operational submarines were the most worth mentioning. North Zalbos was a military base like none Bruug had seen. In his adventures he'd heard of the Irda, elf, and dwarven cities. He now realized that the era he lived in now was Man's, and even he had to step back and respect that with the fear that this great militaristic city emanated.

2010-06-14, 08:47 PM
Bruug studied the city as best he could, trying to commit everything to memory. This, this was the type of city he wanted for his own people. A bustling, ordered town, full of happy people that were able to live their own lives in peace. And fully capable of defending that peace, obviously.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 12:48 AM
Shrike, meanwhile, stays close to Liam as they go through the town - arm in arm, if she can. This is a far different place than Sunhaven - bigger, louder...and, quite frankly, it makes her slightly on edge.

2010-06-15, 01:28 AM
Bruug was an oddity, and the elves advise Liam and Shrike to act as if he was their legal servant. Appi even made work orders for all of you, so you had legal business in the city. Not that anyone should bother you in the empire with the new empress in power, there was talk of civil war, so as usual nothing could be held sacred. Bruug would stop traffic when he passed, and even ogre-magi will mutter among themselves when they see a kinsmen pass by.

It is 90% human, but the open borders meant you could see almost any race of the world here now. Illanee in her little mouse form would be amazing.

{OOC- Illanee's mother would make sure Illanee could talk in mouse form.}
Kramens has a smirk on his face when giving you his marked map of North Zalbos. "Now don't lose this map. You only get one chance to find the Spelljamming Guild."