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View Full Version : Looking for a homebrew-er

2010-04-02, 09:56 AM
Hey everyone,

I am working on a homebrew system for DnD 3.5/4.0 I named it: The Course of History

I have already a big concept and already made the skeleton of the core rule book. i also worked several chapters out already. I was hoping that someone could help me with it. here are some reasons
- I am noy an English native speaker so my language skills are limitted.
- It is just a lot of work I could do all by myself but with two it will be faster
- With two you can help eachother and correct mistakes and flaws.
- Two know more than one

I need someone who
- is familiar with history (i'm a history student myself)
- is familiar with homebrewing ( I read most of the DnD books and have experience writing novels but more experience is always welcome)
- can speak english good enough to write in a book
- Is open for discussion and talk about the books, i will not use you as a writing servant. If you help me make the book you get as much credit as i will.

I think we should use Google documents for the book so we can work on the same ducument and not have to send eachother evey change we make in the file. We can use a chat program like Messenger of AIM for the discussions and all the talking.

I can send you the file as it is now, by email if you would like to get a look at it first.

I hope someone is interrested in joining me.



2010-04-02, 11:52 AM
Hey everyone,

I am working on a homebrew system for DnD 3.5/4.0 I named it: The Course of History

I have already a big concept and already made the skeleton of the core rule book. i also worked several chapters out already. I was hoping that someone could help me with it. here are some reasons
- I am noy an English native speaker so my language skills are limitted.
- It is just a lot of work I could do all by myself but with two it will be faster
- With two you can help eachother and correct mistakes and flaws.
- Two know more than one

I need someone who
- is familiar with history (i'm a history student myself)
- is familiar with homebrewing ( I read most of the DnD books and have experience writing novels but more experience is always welcome)
- can speak english good enough to write in a book
- Is open for discussion and talk about the books, i will not use you as a writing servant. If you help me make the book you get as much credit as i will.

I think we should use Google documents for the book so we can work on the same ducument and not have to send eachother evey change we make in the file. We can use a chat program like Messenger of AIM for the discussions and all the talking.

I can send you the file as it is now, by email if you would like to get a look at it first.

I hope someone is interrested in joining me.



I can help with the history and the homebrewing.

2010-04-02, 01:12 PM

Thanx for the reply. You answer like it's something small. But maybe I wasn't clear enough about explaining what it is realy. It is supposed to become a whole new core rule book. Though most is sort of copy paste from the already existing core rule book. but other chapters have to be writen all over with new rules and stuff. It's alot of work and I am thinking and working on it for 3 weeks already. So or you are just willing to help or you didn't made up from the tekst that it is alot of work. I hope you are still in. but if not it is still okay and someone will come by soon enough i think. Just let me know


2010-04-02, 01:36 PM
Thanx for the reply. You answer like it's something small. But maybe I wasn't clear enough about explaining what it is realy. It is supposed to become a whole new core rule book. Though most is sort of copy paste from the already existing core rule book. but other chapters have to be writen all over with new rules and stuff. It's alot of work and I am thinking and working on it for 3 weeks already. So or you are just willing to help or you didn't made up from the tekst that it is alot of work. I hope you are still in. but if not it is still okay and someone will come by soon enough i think. Just let me know

An entire core rulebook? That's a tall order. I can help with small bits, I suppose. Not the entire thing.

2010-04-02, 02:22 PM
gehe ye but most of the stuff is jsut adjusting of the already existing rules.

most work is in making classes (already existing classes but they should be adjusted to realistic classes. (no magic or magical abilities)

2010-04-02, 02:26 PM
I've hombrewed a few systems into d6, d12,and d20 formats, but my real emphasis lies in world creation and mechanics creation. Seriously, one of my campaigns used 3.5 rules, but we used a friendly game of tic tac toe to decide dice rolls.