View Full Version : BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup Thread 2

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Goblin Music
2010-04-15, 08:07 PM
Suzumebachi is Soifon's zanpakutou.

indeed this is what i meant.

2010-04-15, 08:07 PM
Well, anyone who wants to do it can. :smallsmile:

Goblin Music
2010-04-15, 08:17 PM
Shinigami uniform, school uniform or casual outfit?

2010-04-15, 08:44 PM
Posting my new character for reference.

Arakida, Taiki (Last Name, First Name) - Student and Substitute Shinigami

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: approx. 165 lbs.
Reiatsu: While the feeling of power is staggering, it's effect is much lessened due to the fact that he looks so relaxed.
Rank: Substitute Shinigami
General Foreshadowing: Yes, I mean to play this character a lot. Yes, I gave him so much freedom that I can do pretty much anything. I like freedom.


Has L's hair (http://i51.beon.ru/20/28/32820/91/939491/Death_Note___L__by_Asami_chan.jpeg), an athletic body, and is constantly slouching, so he appears 5'9" rather than his real height. He has gray-green eyes, and a slim, tannish face. He wears a black hoodie with a chibified skull and crossbones on it, and a pair of ripped jeans when not at school. When at school he wears the school uniform. His actual Shinigami outfit is Ichigo's bankai outfit. cause I think it looks cool.

He's been going to school. Not much history with that.


While Taiki is quite relaxed and usually enjoyable to be around with his friends, if it's around people he doesn't know or goes to school with, he has to keep up his 'image'. That is, "I'm a psychotic freak who doesn't like to talk, and if you cross me I will kill you. Painfully."

Zanpakuto: Un-Named.

Zanpakuto Release Command: None Yet.

Unreleased Zanpakuto:

A seven-foot ōdachi, with a jagged inside edge. The blade is of the normal width, but seeing as it's ridiculously long, and has the normal guard, it requires around a foot long handle for him to hold it.

Inner World:

To Be Revealed.

Zanpakuto Spirit:

To Be Revealed.


To Be Revealed.

General Abilities:

To Be Revealed.

Shunpo: Taiki is very good at Shunpo, and uses it often.

Hoho: He is also very good at Hoho, and can chain an awful lot one after another.

Kido: Terrible. Seeing as he's merely a Substitute Shinigami, and not a full one, he's never had a chance to use Kido, only to have seen it.

Zanjutsu: Well, he only really uses his sword. He's very good with Zanjutsu.

Hakuda: If you asked him about it, he would glare at you, pretending he knew what it was.

Connections: Fellow Classmates. He probably won't talk to them though. But, if you are a spiritually aware human, who can sense spiritual pressure, you can probably pick out Taiki in a crowd. He's abominable at hiding it, assuming that nobody else can actually sense him.

I believe there was talk of 10th division teaching somewhere. Is that actually happening, or am I misinformed?

One another note, does this character look all right?
Name: Iwamori Higure (Family name, Given name)
Position: Spiritually Aware Human
Reiatsu: Dark Slate Grey
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 145lbs.

Appearance: Higure is a tall, thin man with almost gaunt features. His square, silver-rimmed glasses obscure his dark blue eyes, causing his pupil and iris to almost blend in with each other. His dark hair is almost shoulder length, and pulled away from his face. at a glance, he appears to be frowning, but almost never is.

In the way of clothing, Higure always wears his aforementioned glasses, dark pants or slacks, nice shoes, a short sleeved dress shirt of some pleasing pattern using purple, and a dark colored vest. Over this he has a long, grey coat, not quite a trenchcoat. Untaidake sits under his left arm, upside down. The sword hangs loosely, easy to draw with his right hand.

Personality: Higure is a calm man, easy to imagine in a lab coat inventing a cure for cancer or the newest chemical weapon. A chemistry major with a taste for DnD, he's not one to doubt any sort of outlandish explanation or request. He's joking around his friends, and always good for a conversation. Currently a consultant working for Daiichi Pharmaceutical, he gets a lot of free time, and will wander the streets looking for interesting things. He likes swords and knifes, and owns several of each. Of course he's always carrying one. Higure also likes computers and reading.

Zanpakuto: Untaidake
Untaidake was inherited from his grandfather, along with a note. The note said that the sword was called Untaidake, and was passed down from his grandfather before him. The beautifully crafted wakizashi is very sharp for looking so ceremonial.
Picture 1 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1616.jpg) Picture 2 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1615.jpg) Picture 3 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1614.jpg) Picture 4 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1613.jpg)
20' all together, 14' blade
Untaidake takes the spiritual form of a green Coatl* with yellow eyes.

Abilities: Higure has found that Untaidake can cut through almost anything, and that he seems to move faster while holding Untaidake. While Untaidake is short, Higure is fast, and doesn't need Untaidake to kill someone. He's not strong, but is a master of hand to hand combat. In addition to English and Japanese, he speaks some Russian.

*:a coatl is a type of winged, feathered serpent in DnD. The best picture I can find is this (http://towardsmecca.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/0105_mtgarb_en_lr.jpg).

...Is your name REALLY CMOTDibbler? You sir, win an internet, solely for being a character from my favorite book series.

And now I'm thinking of Higuri walking onto campus and getting called a pedophile for following Taiki's inability to hide his reiatsu...

2010-04-16, 12:26 AM
Can I request the order in which I would like my character to be considered for Captain slots if I have him set as a possible candidate for several such roles?

Also, 3rd Division Summary under Takahashi Taiki:
Every member of 3rd Division knows what they represent. Their symbol, the marigold, represents despair. The despair that they bring to enemies of Soul Society, but also the despair that they themselves hold in their hearts.

As their primary duty, 3rd Division is in charge of managing general prisoners in Soul Society. They maintain the status of the Maggot's Nest and similar detention facilities, and it is they who ensure that the exiled remain just that. When those who have been given their sentence prove problematic, it is also 3rd Division's duty to discipline such troublemakers, whether through torture or the final punishment: execution. Additionally, 3rd Division is generally in charge of interrogation, though they are less adamant about this duty and generally are willing to pass it to 10th Division, should it be necessary. Taiki generally makes it his job to take charge of the more horrible places like the Maggot's Nest, where he is particularly suited due to his skill in Hakudo. He generally delegates management of other facilities to his seated officers, allowing them to choose from the remaining which Shinigami they wish to manage their prison shifts.

Taiki protects his squad from as much harshness as possible, despite the general dark nature of their duties. He understands the kind of people that Soul Society has to put into prison and what effect they can have on the psyche. To counter possible mental degradation within his squad, Taiki requires periodic mental health checks from his troops, usually by assigning appointments with 4th Division for them.

In short: 3rd Division are the jailers of Soul Society.

If I need to add much more or clarify anything, please let me know. This is more-or-less a draft.

2010-04-16, 12:30 AM
Shinigami uniform- having just released Shikai (Kasanip's sketch of her, basically).

2010-04-16, 12:47 AM
Also, on that comic of Kasanip's:

at some point, it should happen. :smallamused:

2010-04-16, 12:49 AM
Also, on that comic of Kasanip's:

at some point, it should happen. :smallamused:

I hope Kina gets involved somehow...I'd like her to end up friends with some of the Mortal World characters besides Quincies, considering she's making an attempt to act a bit normal.

2010-04-16, 12:51 AM
I hope Kina gets involved somehow...I'd like her to end up friends with some of the Mortal World characters besides Quincies, considering she's making an attempt to act a bit normal.

No reason she couldn't. Kasanip just didn't have everyone in the comic. I'd like to see a similar scene myself. Especially because our current setup for the students seems like a group made to work together, rather than go off and fight a bunch of solo duels.

2010-04-16, 12:52 AM
Yay! :smallbiggrin: I do agree, then, we should have it happen.

I dunno why I like Kina's character so much.

Also, the comics are really, really good. If I didn't say that already. I very much enjoyed the other one for comedic effect.

2010-04-16, 12:52 AM
No reason she couldn't. Kasanip just didn't have everyone in the comic. I'd like to see a similar scene myself. Especially because our current setup for the students seems like a group made to work together, rather than go off and fight a bunch of solo duels.

Although, this being Bleach, solo duels will happen. :smalltongue:

We'll just be able to fight as a team as well.

Hmmm... Izumi would definitely be on offence.

2010-04-16, 12:56 AM
Michiko and Kaito would likely be in trouble in one-on-one fights, especially early on. Telekinesis only does so much, and barrier-fu is tricksy stuff. They're great support characters, though.

2010-04-16, 12:58 AM
Good point there. Izumi... she's actually meant to be well-rounded- far more so than either Ichigo or Masato were. Indeed, although she won't know any at the start of the RP, she will learn Kido as time goes by.

Also, does anyone mind if her father runs the local hospital? :smalltongue:

2010-04-16, 12:59 AM
Good point there. Izumi... she's actually meant to be well-rounded- far more so than either Ichigo or Masato were. Indeed, although she won't know any at the start of the RP, she will learn Kido as time goes by.

Also, does anyone mind if her father runs the local hospital? :smalltongue:

We need an easy "in" for a second place to heal up (besides the shrine).

2010-04-16, 01:01 AM
Okay. He's going to be spiritually aware, but he's not actually going to have spiritual powers.

2010-04-16, 01:55 AM
Michiko and Kaito would likely be in trouble in one-on-one fights, especially early on. Telekinesis only does so much, and barrier-fu is tricksy stuff. They're great support characters, though.

Pfft. :smalltongue: Says you. Trust me, Michiko may not do super well, but she ain't a slacker in a fight either.

2010-04-16, 01:59 AM
I hope Kina gets involved somehow...I'd like her to end up friends with some of the Mortal World characters besides Quincies, considering she's making an attempt to act a bit normal.
The way I see it our characters are practically destined to befriend each other since they're both somewhat shy and kind of sad. Ken might at first appear menacing but he'd act like a bit of a gentle giant (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GentleGiant) and get along fine with her.

Purple Rose
2010-04-16, 02:00 AM
Um.... :smallredface: If everyone wants, I can take charge of the introductory plot for the highschool students first encounter with a hollow. I don't think it will need an actual episode thread, just a bit of direction so it isn't up to chance that such an awesome scene will be allowed to happen.

2010-04-16, 02:04 AM
Okay. Well, Izumi will have already encountered a Hollow (how do you think she's going to get her Shinigami powers, a bunch of drunk 11thers?), so maybe this one should be more powerful than average. Enough so that we all have to work together to beat it.

Purple Rose
2010-04-16, 02:32 AM
I figured either more powerful or more numerous.

Also, the image of a bunch of drunk 11th's going out and randomly giving mortal's shinigami powers made me giggles. :3

2010-04-16, 02:39 AM
Aki will be in on the scene, though, like Horn's character, she will have encountered Hollow's before. She might actually try to act like she doesn't know what is going on, until it becomes obvious that such isn't going to work.

"*eeeek* Whatever could that horrible crea... you guys aren't buying this, are you? Well... shoot."

2010-04-16, 05:53 AM
Also, does anyone mind if her father runs the local hospital? :smalltongue:

That could work really well, since Nakahiro's father is a doctor at a local hospital.

Additionally, on the talk about recreating Kasanip's scene...I approve.

2010-04-16, 05:54 AM
(how do you think she's going to get her Shinigami powers, a bunch of drunk 11thers?)
Drunk Sato Hachirou?

Also, I volunteer to play the obligatory villains in the school scene.

2010-04-16, 07:56 AM
Aki will be in on the scene, though, like Horn's character, she will have encountered Hollow's before. She might actually try to act like she doesn't know what is going on, until it becomes obvious that such isn't going to work.

"*eeeek* Whatever could that horrible crea... you guys aren't buying this, are you? Well... shoot."

Meanwhile, Taiki will pretend not to notice, and fail miserably. Seeing as it's kinda hard to pretend you can't see the giant monster trying to eat everyone.

2010-04-16, 08:48 AM
On the subject of the mortal world student characters:

Imagine what it'd be like for them come across (later, of course) a Hollow they cannot defeat together and have their weird new English teacher show up and save them by 'shooting' himself in the head.

2010-04-16, 09:28 AM
On the subject of the mortal world student characters:

Imagine what it'd be like for them come across (later, of course) a Hollow they cannot defeat together and have their weird new English teacher show up and save them by 'shooting' himself in the head.

That sounds a lot like one character overshadowing the rest. =\

2010-04-16, 09:42 AM
On the subject of the mortal world student characters:

Imagine what it'd be like for them come across (later, of course) a Hollow they cannot defeat together and have their weird new English teacher show up and save them by 'shooting' himself in the head.

That sounds a bit excessive.

There are, however, definitely ways he could pull off a big damn heroes moment without overshadowing everyone else.

2010-04-16, 10:01 AM
I meant a big damn heroes moment. Just put it poorly. >_>

2010-04-16, 10:52 AM
On the subject of the mortal world student characters:

Imagine what it'd be like for them come across (later, of course) a Hollow they cannot defeat together and have their weird new English teacher show up and save them by 'shooting' himself in the head.

If said hollow was Elder, his "WTF?" moment towards Sören doing something so seemingly idiotic would probably be enought to turn the tide against it >_>

Also, to people withdrawing characters from play: remember to erase them from the registry and petition someone to delete them from the wiki so we don't have abandoned character concepts haunting everywhere.

2010-04-16, 11:16 AM
...Is your name REALLY CMOTDibbler? You sir, win an internet, solely for being a character from my favorite book series.

And now I'm thinking of Higuri walking onto campus and getting called a pedophile for following Taiki's inability to hide his reiatsu...

Of course. Terry Pratchett is a great author. And thankies for the internet, mind if I sig this?

2010-04-16, 11:17 AM
So the character concept I've had brewing is a (very) unstable vizard, the problem lies in trying to find a way to have him there from the start and actualy having powers at that point without overshadowing anyone.

Essentialy his intended powerset is healing which when he flips (and looses control entirely until way later in the story) changes to damage equal to the healing he did ala Hanataro's Zanpukto. Obviously he wouldnt start off with any vizardness, like Ichigo really, and would start with weak healing powers. Next power jump would be completely uncontrolled masking which is a danger to others and thus prompts him to learn to at least prevent it appearing. After that comes learning to dismiss it when active, and then to turn it on. Non shinigami whose healing comes from weird gloves (either made of energy of hollowesque bone havent decided yet) and I was hoping for advice on how to go about balancing and developing through that power set. And if thats okay with everyone of course.

2010-04-16, 11:24 AM
I believe there was talk of 10th division teaching somewhere. Is that actually happening, or am I misinformed?

This got lost in the shuffle, so I repost.

The Librarian
2010-04-16, 11:53 AM
I am now extremely tempted after seeing CMOT"s character to create a spiritually-aware human that also plays DND just so I can make post of our two characters playing DND in the middle of BleachITP.:smallbiggrin:

2010-04-16, 11:59 AM
Preposterous. All this talk of the students meeting hollows and I am not even present to pipe in.

2010-04-16, 11:59 AM
I am now extremely tempted after seeing CMOT"s character to create a spiritually-aware human that also plays DND just so I can make post of our two characters playing DND in the middle of BleachITP.:smallbiggrin:The next ?ITP world shall be set in an MMO.

Or better yet, we shall play a PbP game about players of a PbP game.

2010-04-16, 12:04 PM
Meanwhile, Taiki will pretend not to notice, and fail miserably. Seeing as it's kinda hard to pretend you can't see the giant monster trying to eat everyone.

I just realized, something you should know. Takahashi Taiki (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8284833&postcount=30) is a character I posted, and even if he's not a Captain I plan on using him. Just so you know in case we maybe run into naming issues.

The way I see it our characters are practically destined to befriend each other since they're both somewhat shy and kind of sad. Ken might at first appear menacing but he'd act like a bit of a gentle giant (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GentleGiant) and get along fine with her.

That depends, is Ken a mortal? I find it unlikely they'd get the chance to spend a huge amount of time if Ken's gonna be in Sereitei a lot and Kina would be in the Mortal World, but hey, it's a possibility. I'm all for it.

My intended Kina development was for her to initially seem like the "damsel in distress" with few abilities but an apparent spiritual awareness (she can see Hollows/Shinigami), then she cr0wns a Hollow in a surprise scene where she reveals she's a Quincy, then she gains power and becomes more open about it.

2010-04-16, 12:15 PM
The next ?ITP world shall be set in an MMO.

Or better yet, we shall play a PbP game about players of a PbP game.

Serial Experiment Lain in the Playgrounds? Or perhaps Paprika...?

@Tgva: Nothingclever redid Ken's character. He's a mortal boxer now. It caused me a headache when I noticed it in the registry.

2010-04-16, 12:28 PM
Hm, I wonder if I should make Val a bit younger (a senior?) so she can get in on the fun. :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 01:08 PM
The next ?ITP world shall be set in an MMO.

Or better yet, we shall play a PbP game about players of a PbP game.

.hack//ITP would be epic. That is all.

2010-04-16, 01:11 PM
.hack//ITP would be epic. That is all.
Yureka (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Yureka)ITP would be cool, but I doubt many have heard of it (it's also known as iD_eNTITY).

...Ooh, what about Slayers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QdtEXexKns)ITP? :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-16, 01:28 PM
That depends, is Ken a mortal? I find it unlikely they'd get the chance to spend a huge amount of time if Ken's gonna be in Sereitei a lot and Kina would be in the Mortal World, but hey, it's a possibility. I'm all for it.

My intended Kina development was for her to initially seem like the "damsel in distress" with few abilities but an apparent spiritual awareness (she can see Hollows/Shinigami), then she cr0wns a Hollow in a surprise scene where she reveals she's a Quincy, then she gains power and becomes more open about it.
He's been redesigned for this setting for a while now, not that I had expected anyone to notice or anything.
(http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/characters:dai-ken) I'd be up for a playing a rescue scene or anything mortal related for that matter when stuff starts up.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 01:38 PM
...Ooh, what about Slayers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QdtEXexKns)ITP? :smallbiggrin:

Its called Freeform D&D :smalltongue:

And, it seems most of the discussion has moved on to how the game will start. Should we get to voting for the Central 46 so we can get everything else squared away?

2010-04-16, 01:38 PM
He's been redesigned for this setting for a while now, not that I had expected anyone to notice or anything.
(http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/characters:dai-ken) I'd be up for a playing a rescue scene or anything mortal related for that matter when stuff starts up.
Hey, *I* noticed!

Goblin Music
2010-04-16, 01:45 PM
are there any applications for the 13th division captain?
if there are not i think that i will nab said division for Ryoichi

Masamune Ryoichi (last first)
work in progress

Gender: Male
Age: 442
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 120
Reiatsu: Dull gold
Division and Rank: working on that
Appearance: mid twenties, short, not very muscular. He wears the usual outfit with his sword slung at his back (like Hitsugaya).
Personality: serious but forgiving. Ryoichi loves to fight but dislikes using his sword.
Zanpakuto: Hold fast and prevail, Yamaban!

Spirit: a tall man garbed in a light armor made out of stone. Yamaban also has a short cat like tail also made of stone.
Sword:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_0Kv3yrbDOss/S8fAiK2ydrI/AAAAAAAAAIE/VXnUE5kjR5w/RyoichiSwords.gif from top to bottom: Sealed, Shikai, bankai.
Sealed: Yamaban takes the form of a standard ōdachi with a piece if quarts as the guard
Inner world: Sand. Almost like a beach if there was no lake or sea. There are also some stones and plant life in the ‘middle’ there is a tall mountain with smooth slopes, situated on the top is a small hut.
Yamaban rapidly grows into a huge stone sword the same size as Ichigo’s Zangetzu.
Yamaban is sharp enough to cut anything it touches, except resilient shikai and normal bankai (Ikkaku’s bankai could be cut for instance). Yamaban’s only other ability is when Ryoichi buries the tip into the ground (or similar substance) and while touching the sword, he can create shapes out of stone sprouting from the ground. All shapes must be of the most basic geometrical designs (Prism, Pyramid, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, ect) which can be hollow. Ryoichi can also shoot these into the air to deal with aerial opponents. The maximin volume that can be shaped at once is about 5 cubic meters

Bankai: Yamaban shatters and reforms in a bladed staff, in general this staff acts like Ikkaku’s shikai (three section staff) it’s blades are no sharper than a normal katana. At the same time thin segmented stone armor with a huge stone tail with a blade on the end (much like the ones on the staff but as sharp as the shikai blade) forms on Ryoichi. By planting his tail in the ground Ryoichi can use the same stone formation ability with increased volume shape-able.

General Abilities:

Terrible; Ryoichi cannot use any kido without incantation and even then he cannot perform anything above level 5

Good; about the level of the average cannon VC

Master; Ryoichi practices daily during every free moment.

Very good, Ryoichi prefers hand to hand more than his using his overly large sword.

Ever since he came to the Rukongai Ryoichi had never remembered his past life. He grew up in some of the poorer districts of the Rukongai moving between them as he grew tired of the area. He spent a good while roughing up the more violent characters in hopes that they would improve their attitude on life. Eventually he made it to the academy by means of some highly fortunate events. There he studied the ways of the shinigami and their reason for existing. He quite enjoyed using his superior skill in swordplay to distinguish himself in class, thoroughly thrashing his classmates then helping them understand why they would not be looking foreword to the next day, and in turn grudgingly accepting help with his Kido, never quite getting the hang of it. After he graduated from the academy Ruoichi headed into the 11th division and worked his way up, leaving bruised and beaten comrades in his wake.
Possible connections: pretty much anyone.

2010-04-16, 01:48 PM
And, it seems most of the discussion has moved on to how the game will start. Should we get to voting for the Central 46 so we can get everything else squared away?

I'd say that's not a bad idea.

Back when it was discussed, it seemed like "3" was the most popular number.

Offhand, I'd suggest that we do a couple of things. First, I nominate Draken to "moderate" the process. He has stated he will not be a member of the 46 due to his position as King of Hollows. He can make sure we don't get to tangled up, and be the vote-counter. If he doesn't want this, I would suggest someone who is absolutely not going to be a 46'er. In other words, someone who has explicitly refused such a position.

As for voting itself...*Shrugs* I say everyone posts the 3 people they think should be 46'ers. Then, the 3 with the most votes become "finalists", with all of us able to raise any serious objection, as well as giving said people time to contemplate if they wish to hold said position.

Then, if everyone's happy with the choices, these 3 become the "Central 46".

Anyone have any thoughts on that process?

Oh, and it should probably have an "official date range" or something, so we're not trundling along, and someone votes 3 months down the road or something.:smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 01:51 PM

Frozen Feet

2010-04-16, 01:53 PM
Can we get a list of those who have taken themselves out of consideration for the 46, as well?

2010-04-16, 01:54 PM
Well. I can tally the votes. And will ask you people to do it like Innis did.

2010-04-16, 01:55 PM
Suggestion for vote cut-off: April 25th

My votes:


2010-04-16, 01:55 PM
Can we get a list of those who have taken themselves out of consideration for the 46, as well?

I don't know if there's a formal list. I know strawberryman and Draken, as leaders of the 2 main factions, specifically withdrew themselves. Not sure about any others. Of course, the proposed "finalist period" allows for people to withdraw.

I suppose the "time frame" is "now until we say we're done". :smalltongue:

Knight's Three Picks

2010-04-16, 01:56 PM
Indeed, I think I rememeber all of my previous suggestions standing down. Also, to provent influence and favouritism we should privatly PM our votes to an impartial observer, I believe Draken is acting as such for Central itself so he seems the best candidate for this.

So yes, perhaps those who wish to opt out should do so, and then once we have a definitive list then we PM our 3 votes to Draken.

2010-04-16, 01:57 PM
Edge's Three Picks


2010-04-16, 02:01 PM
The Berry-man's three votes:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 02:03 PM
Innis Cabal
Strawberry Man

Those are the only ones I know who've opted out

2010-04-16, 02:06 PM
The second and the third one have already said so in this thread quite often but how can you be so sure about the first guy?

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 02:07 PM
Has the crazy overflown and your starting to speak in gibberish now Draken? :smalltongue:

2010-04-16, 02:10 PM
I know not what you speak of, good miss.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-16, 02:14 PM

Um...anyways...my votes...

Callos, Sucrose, Frozen Feet.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 02:16 PM
I know not what you speak of, good miss.

Orange radish in the dish soap?

2010-04-16, 02:18 PM
Lorolars Fantasic super special awesome voting extravaganza!(tm)
Zarah, in my opinion one of the finest roleplayers we have. Level headed and capable of sculpting far reaching and downright awesome plots

Sucrose, one of our more frequent posters and a verteran to the Seretei side, well suited to being in charge of it as they've been there from the start.

Kasanip, her posts are beautifully constructed and we need newer blood in the head office to prevent the veterans from dominating. The fact she can explain cultural differences we miss entirely is another big plus.

Since votings not private it seems I thought I'd share my reasoning :smalltongue:

2010-04-16, 02:22 PM
Reasoning? I thought people just pick names at random from a list!

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 02:25 PM
Reasoning? I thought people just pick names at random from a list!

Thats how I got you Frozen. Don't knock it. :smalltongue:

The Librarian
2010-04-16, 03:10 PM
I say we choose Zarah, Callos, and Kasanip for the Central 46.

2010-04-16, 04:47 PM
I bring with me a suggestion from someone at BG.


Votes: Callos, Zarah, Kasanip

2010-04-16, 04:49 PM
The Berry-man's three votes:

I'll go with these please.

2010-04-16, 04:52 PM
I say we choose Zarah, Callos, and Kasanip for the Central 46.

I second this.

2010-04-16, 04:54 PM
Two requests for Prime.

1. Discuss other roleplay scenarios in the freeform thread with allcaps title I made long ago, it is in the first page right now, with a talk about FMA, in fact.

2. Could you add my characters to the wiki? I am lazy busy slightly daunted by the task.

2010-04-16, 05:17 PM

He's been redesigned for this setting for a while now, not that I had expected anyone to notice or anything.
(http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/characters:dai-ken) I'd be up for a playing a rescue scene or anything mortal related for that matter when stuff starts up.

I apologize. I now feel like a jerk. :smallfrown:

Sounds good, then. Though...he is a younger student, right? I mean, social circles would probably find Kina a bit weird if she was hanging out with a Senior most of the time.

2010-04-16, 05:21 PM
Hey nothingcleaver...I just read that empowered human...and He's really really really similar to Nick...as in...like he's the exact same as nick until Nick gets more of his Hollow posers...

2010-04-16, 05:24 PM
Well. Duh. They are human teenage students. Not really a very varied lot.

2010-04-16, 05:25 PM
Well. Duh. They are human teenage students. Not really a very varied lot.

No as in his powers. He beats Hollows to death by boxing. So will Nick.

2010-04-16, 05:26 PM
Well. Duh. They are human teenage students. Not really a very varied lot.

You'd be surprised, actually. Depends on where you go to school.

2010-04-16, 05:31 PM
No as in his powers. He beats Hollows to death by boxing. So will Nick.

Not a whole lot of other options. Weapons are somewhat hard for an underage to acquire.

They can belong to the same club.

2010-04-16, 05:32 PM
Also, Kaito will beat hollows to death.

Sure, it's with his brain, but still. Like Draken said, kids don't get to carry guns, and without making us all Substitute or Living Shinigami, we start getting limited. *Shrugs*

2010-04-16, 05:32 PM
Not a whole lot of other options. Weapons are somewhat hard for an underage to acquire.

They can belong to the same club.

My issue was the fact that the power set is basically the same...

2010-04-16, 05:33 PM
There's always Karin's method. In fact, I thought that one was the most interesting of the ones I've seen Mortals use.

2010-04-16, 05:34 PM
Hm... I believe, to make the likelihood of Valeria becoming friends with one or more of the Mortal World crew, I'll make her a Senior in the high-school.

Any complaints?

2010-04-16, 05:35 PM
No as in his powers. He beats Hollows to death by boxing. So will Nick.
Yes, but Nick will eventually acquire other powers Ken won't have. Their personalities and thematics are still different enough for there not to be much worry.

2010-04-16, 05:38 PM
Yes, but Nick will eventually acquire other powers Ken won't have. Their personalities and thematics are still different enough for there not to be much worry.

Yeah, ok. I was just kinda feeling my characters toes were being stepped on. It's all good. But I has solo claim to being the Chad of this game! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue::smallwink:

2010-04-16, 05:38 PM
Really, it's kind of like one Shinigami player complaining to another "But both our characters cut Hollows to death with swords!". It is, in the strictest sense, true.

It does not, however, invalidate either character.

2010-04-16, 05:38 PM
Not from me.


In other news, new character. He's the Exequias of Hueco Mundo, so he's a minion master.

The Conductor, Exequias of Hueco Mundo

Age: Old. It is difficult to say exactly how old, as the Arrancar could have been around for any amount of time before Geister found him.
Height: 5’6
Weight: 142 lb.
Speech/Reiatsu/Cero color: Grey
Aspect of Death: Silence
Mask Fragment: The top half of his mask remains, concealing his face
Hollow Hole: The hole is on his Right Hand. He normally covers it with an elegant pair of White Gloves.

Physical Description:
A small man, the Conductor is physically unimposing. His posture is slightly dipped, burdened almost. A shock of white hair stands out over his masked eyes. Their color is startling green, showing from behind the mask. His face, at least the uncovered portion, is unlined, revealing that he is perhaps not as elderly as his posture and hair hint. His dress is rather unique among the inhabitants of the Hueco Mundo. He is never seen in anything other then a full Coat and Tails. Furthermore, his dress immaculate, clean despite the environment he exists in. He cuts a strange, almost elegant figure in the world of the Hueco Muendo.


The Conductor is quiet man, fond of understatement. He is soft spoken, and seems to lack strong feelings of the type that drive most Hollows. Indeed, he appears to be constantly distracted, his mind always elsewhere. That is partially correct. He describes it as listening to the symphony that no one else can hear. The few Hollows that have attempted to test the Conductor because of this quickly discovered the results were not to their liking. The Conductor is not weak, nor is he a fool, and even distracted, he is more then capable of dealing with those that would challenge him.

Despite his mannerisms, he is completely relentless, having no mercy, and no interest in acquiring it. He kills those that cross him with no regret, and no real joy. It is just something he accepts as inevitable. His vision of the world is that of an orderly place, where each even flows out of the actions that preceded it. What happens now is determined by what happened in the past, each piece of the symphony of existence fitting with the rest. He lacks animosity, easily conversing with those he has attempted to exterminate, when circumstances change. By the same token, real friendship is impossible. He will kill those he has known for years, without a twinge of hesitation or regret. He numbers among the closest thing to a loyal servant Von Geister has, serving the Hollow King as the sole member of his Exequias. Why he serves the Hollow King like that isn’t a question the man feels obliged to answer.

The Conductor is a difficult Hollow to categorize. His powers are lacking, compared to many of his comrades. However, his Resurrection can make him a fearsome threat. As well, he is everywhere at once, running messages and observing things for the Hollow King.

Cero: The Conductor can fire powerful Cero’s from his Baton, usually with a contemptuous flick.

Bala: The Conductor can like was use Bala, though his talent with the skill is not especially notable.

Hierro: The Conductor’s talents at Hierro are lacking, compared to Hollows of comparable power. However, even his minor talents can present a formidable barrier to the weaker of his foes.

Garganta: The Conductor can use Garganta. His one real exceptional talent with the skill is his ability to send his Band Members though the Garganta, and control them even when they are in another dimension. This allows for many Hollows to stay in contact, something that would otherwise be near impossible.

Sonido: The Conductor is talented at this skill, flashing about if he wishes to. Against stronger foes, this is his major defense, fleeing backwards, using his Band Mates to distract his foes, while he launches Ceros at them.

Zanpakutou: Miedo de Ruidos (Anticipation of Cacophony)

Sealed Form:
A bone Conductors Baton, simple and small. It has a cork handle, simple and plain.

"Acordase, Miedo de Ruidos"
The Conductor maintains his humanoid appearance, but he grows two additional arms, and an apparently massive hump. He is capable of pulling out various instruments from under the, where the Hump is located. The Instruments are capable of producing massive bursts of sound, which the Conductor can use to produce various effects. As well, he still has his Baton in this form, continuin to release his Cero's from it.

Resurrection Special Ability: By dropping the Instruments, and tapping it with his Baton, he can summon a Player. These creatures, appearing to be shadowy creatures, vaguely humanoid in form, are intelligent, autonomous beings. However, they maintain constant contact with their master, something he interprets as a ‘symphony.’ They have varying powers, depending on the instrument they carry. For the most part, they are fairly weak, but they are apparently limitless in number.

The Players have many features in common. They are formed of shadow, the substance they are made being unsure. They are vaguely humanoid in shape, but can fool no one. They are intelligent, and autonomous, by gain all their desires and motivations from the conductor. They cannot speak (except for the Flautists, due to their special ability), They are uniformly attired in a black and white Dress Suit, with a Red Cummerbund and Bowtie. Any one of them is probably a bit less powerful then the average unseated Shinigami.

Instrument List

Violins: They can generate focused blasts of sound with their instruments, similar in effect to Bala, though far less powerful.
Violas: Their song slows the reflexes of those that listen, robbing them of speed.
Cellos: The Cellists generate despair with their song, robbing the weak minded of their determination and drive.
Double Bass: Can cause undulations in the ground, throwing the unwary from their feet.

Horns: Siren’s Song. They are capable of stealing the will of the weakminded. Rarely effects anyone other then unempowered mortals, and cannot control more then one or two.
Trumpets: Generate deafening blasts of sound, causing pain, and often deafening listeners.
Trombones: Their song generates walls of sounds, blocking ways of approach ot their brethren
Tuba: Similar to the Violins, but less forced. More in the nature of a wall of sound, knocking those weak enough to not break through it.

Flautists: Masters of speed, they possess little combat ability, acting as scouts instead, covering vast tracts of territory quickly. These are the only Players that can speak, but all they can do is relay the Conductors Voice.
Clarinetists: Capable of completely concealing their presence, these are spies. Again, lack combat ability.
Oboist: The Oboists are capable of measuring the Spiritual Power of anyone they see.
Bassoonist: These are support players, strengthening the effect of the Song of those around them.

The only group designed to directly engage foes in Melee. They wield Drumsticks like clubs, both blocking and attacking with them

Segunda Etapa:
Not attained yet

2010-04-16, 05:40 PM
Yeah, ok. I was just kinda feeling my characters toes were being stepped on. It's all good. But I has solo claim to being the Chad of this game! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue::smallwink:

Does that mean you are the designated Worf for this game?

2010-04-16, 05:41 PM
Does that mean you are the designated Worf for this game?

...yes? I think so...explain please

2010-04-16, 05:42 PM
Let me see...

Unarmed melee combatant. Staple of anyone without some other attack. Nick actualy has bala and cero too. Ken has no ranged attacks I see.

Strength, reflexes, stamina and durability boosts. Hardly unique, hardly a matter, these are staples every character has.

Regeneration. Unusual on a non-hollow in Ken's case. This is actualy a point in his favor. Every other hollow regenerates.

Sonido/flashstepping. Again. Only basic stuff.

Those are the overlaps I found. Not many and nothing truly worrysome. As a matter of fact, the issue here might be that neither actualy has personal, unique abilities listed. Nick has a number of generic hollow abilities and Ken is, all said, a prototype of a quincy.

Edit: also The Worf Effect. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)

2010-04-16, 05:43 PM
Let me see...

Unarmed melee combatant. Staple of anyone without some other attack. Nick actualy has bala and cero too. Ken has no ranged attacks I see.

Strength, reflexes, stamina and durability boosts. Hardly unique, hardly a matter, these are staples every character has.

Regeneration. Unusual on a non-hollow in Ken's case. This is actualy a point in his favor. Every other hollow regenerates.

Sonido/flashstepping. Again. Only basic stuff.

Those are the overlaps I found. Not many and nothing truly worrysome. As a matter of fact, the issue here might be that neither actualy has personal, unique abilities listed. Nick has a number of generic hollow abilities and Ken is, all said, a prototype of a quincy.

Edit: also The Worf Effect. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)

Yeah. I has withdrawn my concerns.

I don't wanna always get chucked out of every fight so that BBEG's can prove they are strong....

2010-04-16, 05:47 PM
(I was joking, X. That's what Chad does in Bleach.)

2010-04-16, 05:49 PM
(I was joking, X. That's what Chad does in Bleach.)

I know. i was just having fun. But I do kinda expect a little Worf Effect...I just hope that Nick isn't the only one who has to deal with it. It would be nice if he wasn't the toughest guy around. I didn't design him to be that way.

2010-04-16, 05:57 PM
The Berry-man's three votes:

Also, quoting Votes for great justice.

2010-04-16, 06:00 PM
Of course. Terry Pratchett is a great author. And thankies for the internet, mind if I sig this?

Good sir, you can have the internet. Solely for being CMOTDibbler.

Can I buy a sausage?

EDIT: Also, I've got a completely redesigned sketch for Karite, which I will post when I get back from the Hot Chip concert.

And, reposting for suggestions/flames/"why do you keep doing this?":

Arakida, Taiki (Last Name, First Name) - Student and Substitute Shinigami

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: approx. 165 lbs.
Reiatsu: While the feeling of power is staggering, it's effect is much lessened due to the fact that he looks so relaxed.
Rank: Substitute Shinigami
General Foreshadowing: Yes, I mean to play this character a lot. Yes, I gave him so much freedom that I can do pretty much anything. I like freedom.
Known Affiliation: Students, Kendo Club.


Has L's hair (http://i51.beon.ru/20/28/32820/91/939491/Death_Note___L__by_Asami_chan.jpeg), an athletic body, and is constantly slouching, so he appears 5'9" rather than his real height. He has gray-green eyes, and a slim, tannish face. He wears a black hoodie with a chibified skull and crossbones on it, and a pair of ripped jeans when not at school. When at school he wears the school uniform. His actual Shinigami outfit is Ichigo's bankai outfit. cause I think it looks cool.

He's been going to school. Not much history with that.


While Taiki is quite relaxed and usually enjoyable to be around with his friends, if it's around people he doesn't know or goes to school with, he has to keep up his 'image'. That is, "I'm a psychotic freak who doesn't like to talk, and if you cross me I will kill you. Painfully."

Zanpakuto: Un-Named.

Zanpakuto Release Command: None Yet.

Unreleased Zanpakuto:

A seven-foot ōdachi, with a jagged inside edge. The blade is of the normal width, but seeing as it's ridiculously long, and has the normal guard, it requires around a foot long handle for him to hold it.

Inner World:

To Be Revealed.

Zanpakuto Spirit:

To Be Revealed.


To Be Revealed.

General Abilities:

To Be Revealed.

Shunpo: Taiki is very good at Shunpo, and uses it often.

Hoho: He is also very good at Hoho, and can chain an awful lot one after another.

Kido: Terrible. Seeing as he's merely a Substitute Shinigami, and not a full one, he's never had a chance to use Kido, only to have seen it.

Zanjutsu: Well, he only really uses his sword. He's very good with Zanjutsu.

Hakuda: If you asked him about it, he would glare at you, pretending he knew what it was.

Connections: Fellow Classmates. He probably won't talk to them though. But, if you are a spiritually aware human, who can sense spiritual pressure, you can probably pick out Taiki in a crowd. He's abominable at hiding it, assuming that nobody else can actually sense him.

2010-04-16, 06:04 PM
Terry: There already is a Taiki, so I would consider changing his name to something else. Beyond that, I'll look at it when I'm in less of a rush.

Hm... I believe, to make the likelihood of Valeria becoming friends with one or more of the Mortal World crew, I'll make her a Senior in the high-school.

Any complaints?

No, apparently not. More students! MORE!

2010-04-16, 06:05 PM
Uh, Terry? Hoho and Shunpo are almost the same thing. They're not really 2 separate categories. If one is good at Shunpo, they're good at Hoho.

2010-04-16, 06:08 PM
If you have shikai powers thought out, put them up momentarily so we can review them, even if you won't put them up in his wiki or registry entry. At least PM them to a handful of people for evaluation if you don't want to reveal them to everyone.

And don't forget to vote.

2010-04-16, 06:09 PM
Thanks KD. That helps.

And at tgva: Bloody hell. Time to go find that Japanese name generator and input names until I get a fun one...

Found it. Kazeatari, Kaz for short.

Frozen: Kay.

Release Command: Honor The Sword, Masamune.


With a ten-foot blade, this sword would be considered very large. The blade is about three inches wide, and has no guard, instead going from it's bandaged metal handle straight to a blade. The bottom part of the blade makes up for this by being jagged where you would catch his hand, but only at the front. The blade then proceeds to go curve slightly as it goes up, until the tip, where it is at about a 15-20 degree slant. The blade then just goes straight down, with again a very slight curve (In this time), and then stops at the handle.

Shikai Attack: Shikeihanketsu! (Death Sentence.)

As Kaz twists his body around, the entire blade turns into pure reiatsu, which he then hurls at the enemy.


After initial release, The sword is about 75% of the time released. The other 25% is when he doesn't feel like dragging it around.

2010-04-16, 06:09 PM
If you have shikai powers thought out, put them up momentarily so we can review them, even if you won't put them up in his wiki or registry entry. At least PM them to a handful of people for evaluation if you don't want to reveal them to everyone.

And don't forget to vote.

I agree with Frozen Feet.

Especially because that 'staggering power' thing has me worried.

2010-04-16, 06:47 PM





Why do I get to vote when I just picked the three most level-headed and likely to make unbiased decisions?

2010-04-16, 08:05 PM
Okay. Well, Izumi will have already encountered a Hollow (how do you think she's going to get her Shinigami powers, a bunch of drunk 11thers?), so maybe this one should be more powerful than average. Enough so that we all have to work together to beat it.

If anyone hasn't offered already, I've started working on a character for just this purpose (we had two when I was thinking about it). I'm mostly just working on the zanpakuto right now, though I've got the rest mostly hammered out.

2010-04-16, 08:12 PM

The original plan was that the shinigami in question would die in the process of giving her his powers- basically, he was so wounded that giving her the powers would take literally everything he had left.

2010-04-16, 08:18 PM
Oh. Well would you be adverse to changing that plan?:smallbiggrin:

2010-04-16, 08:21 PM
Eh. I was joking about the drunk 11th divisioners, and I'm not sure I'd want to do it for real.

2010-04-16, 08:28 PM
Oh wait, sorry. I meant I was going to make a different character (probably 7th under Innis' captain candidtate) not necessarilly a drunk 11th division.:smallredface:

2010-04-16, 08:32 PM
Oh. Maybe, in that case. :smallsmile:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 08:37 PM
Takeshi can really fill in -any- of the unclaimed Divisions.

I'll have a fuller write up later of what Division he works in. And yes, people please remember I -am- trying to make the Drunken Party Division....so...ya, just keep in mind we already have a whole place swarming with Captain Grabass's

2010-04-16, 08:39 PM
Also, 3rd Division Summary under Takahashi Taiki:
Every member of 3rd Division knows what they represent. Their symbol, the marigold, represents despair. The despair that they bring to enemies of Soul Society, but also the despair that they themselves hold in their hearts.

As their primary duty, 3rd Division is in charge of managing general prisoners in Soul Society. They maintain the status of the Maggot's Nest and similar detention facilities, and it is they who ensure that the exiled remain just that. When those who have been given their sentence prove problematic, it is also 3rd Division's duty to discipline such troublemakers, whether through torture or the final punishment: execution. Additionally, 3rd Division is generally in charge of interrogation, though they are less adamant about this duty and generally are willing to pass it to 10th Division, should it be necessary. Taiki generally makes it his job to take charge of the more horrible places like the Maggot's Nest, where he is particularly suited due to his skill in Hakudo. He generally delegates management of other facilities to his seated officers, allowing them to choose from the remaining which Shinigami they wish to manage their prison shifts.

Taiki protects his squad from as much harshness as possible, despite the general dark nature of their duties. He understands the kind of people that Soul Society has to put into prison and what effect they can have on the psyche. To counter possible mental degradation within his squad, Taiki requires periodic mental health checks from his troops, usually by assigning appointments with 4th Division for them.

In short: 3rd Division are the jailers of Soul Society.

If I need to add much more or clarify anything, please let me know. This is more-or-less a draft.

If anyone wants to comment.

2010-04-16, 08:39 PM
Hmm... not exactly what I had in mind. I completely forgot about the drunken party-goers half of the hardworking 7th division I envisioned when I referred to it, although maybe it could work...:smalltongue:

2010-04-16, 08:40 PM
Takeshi can really fill in -any- of the unclaimed Divisions.

I'll have a fuller write up later of what Division he works in. And yes, people please remember I -am- trying to make the Drunken Party Division....so...ya, just keep in mind we already have a whole place swarming with Captain Grabass's

There is no such thing as too many Captain Grabasses.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 08:42 PM
There is no such thing as too many Captain Grabasses.

It was more meant for people who do want to play that type of character. There's a home for them!!

And I agree totally.

2010-04-16, 08:43 PM
What we need is a female Captain Grabass to shake things up a bit. :smallwink:

2010-04-16, 08:44 PM
Ude has some of that in him. He is a House Expy, after all.

2010-04-16, 08:44 PM
If anyone wants to comment.

I think your role of the 3rd is better thought out than the last game, tvga. Jailers sounds fine to me, but it also seems a little bit narrow, but that's just me. Also, I would like to mention how much I like Taiki and his zanpakuto. Because an invisible sword is that much easier to draw:smalltongue:

2010-04-16, 08:46 PM
Well, the other part I wanted to add was the "secret-keepers," meaning they keep most of the secret information that Gotei has collected, but then I realized that might be part of another Division's duties. I do know that 3rd should be the Interrogators/Torturers/Executioners. I think they do fit that ideal.

Edit: Wait, you're gonna draw Taiki? That's be fun.

2010-04-16, 10:39 PM
Oh wait, you thought I was serious? That was more of a joke. Like the kid who drew his invisible castle that looked like this?

Although, I was thinking about drawing him since I liked him so much... I might have something for you once I can get my scanner working.

Purple Rose
2010-04-16, 10:41 PM

My votes. Also, I won't be able to post tonight and possibly tomorrow. :smallfrown: RL can suck sometimes.

2010-04-16, 10:42 PM
Before I forget again...

I vote for Callos, Frozen, and Kasanip

Innis Cabal
2010-04-16, 11:27 PM
Since the number's not all that important atm. Here's Takeshi's Division with a little more fluff and history

The Xth Division

The Xth Division has long been the guardian’s of Soul Society. While others police and enforce the rules, spy and gather data on enemies, the Xth has endured every war with a sword in one hand, hammer and chisel in the other, and a stone on their back. Well known for their work ethic and rambunctious partying both, the Xth is the working man’s Division, taking the brunt of all assaults, cleaning them up and celebrating those who lived while remembering those who died.

Takeshi specifically asked to be placed in the Xth Division to prove his sincerity and work ethic to the wider community of Soul Society due mostly to his age. When the Vice Captain passed away, he took his position without complaint, having been voted by the entire Division for the job. The former Captain, an elderly man named Osugi Ren was placed into the 0 Division, promoting Takeshi on the spot to his position, over seeing his Captaincy Test alongside two other Captains and the Commander General himself.

Flower: The flower for the Xth Division is the Bumblebeee Orchid, which in the language of flowers means Industry. In an amusing turn, the flower itself is widely reputed for its intoxicating scent and shape, so like a female bumblebee that it actually traps and uses male bumblebee's to spread its pollen.

Motto: “Work hard during the day, party hard during the night. You’ll get to sleep when your dead.”


Defense: The Xth Division act as the guards of Soul Society, defending them during assault in times of war and general riots from unhappy souls from outside Soul Society.

Maintenance: As the Guardians of Soul Society, it also falls to the Cth Division to make certain all walls, barriers and other buildings are up to proper code throughout Soul Society. Owing to their nature, it is likely that much of what they repair is also much of what they themselves damage in times of peace.

Morale: While the Xth Division is known for their work ethic, they are also known for their ability to throw off the yolk and to party harder, stay up later, and generally cause more damage to their surroundings than any other Division. Their reputation as partiers and wild deviants is well earned, due in part to their presence throughout Soul Society.

Sake Brewing: As the chief morale officers of Soul Society, it falls to a special section of the Division to oversee and direct the brewing, jarring and creation of all sake in Soul Society. Those in this elite group are easily recognized for their face masks, and red sleeved kimono.

Skills required

Members of the Xth Division are expected to be strong, loyal and dutiful workers and allies, serving the greater good of Soul Society without question. They are also almost all required to have a good sense of humor, and hold their drink better than any other Division. Drinking tests are the most common form of rank promotion, among feats of strength and boasting skills.

Captaincy and Promotion

The Xth Division has a long standing tradition of promotion and honors to ones works, with a more regimented and structured command structure then many other Divisions. Seated officers earn their position, and at any time may lose said position for more qualified members. Worth ethic and accomplishments, skill with ones zanpakuto, and the ability to hold ones liquor are all well marked and widely reputed areas of required excellence. It is required that all Captain’s study under their predecessor, and hold the position of Vice Captain prior to their promotion within the Division itself. While it is possible (and rumored to have happened only once in the entirety of the division itself) to become a Captain through other means, doing so without the express well regards of the former Captain spells trouble for the newly appointed. Due to the nature of the Xth, its Captaincy line is well documented

Ten Devil’s Drinking Challenge

A great secret ritual and rite of passage in the Xth Division, the Ten Devil’s Drinking Challenge must be completed by all members of the Division, no matter their seat or position in the Division itself. The Xth Division keeps all information on this ritual tightly under lock and key, though the odd rumor slips out now and again. This practice is widely thought to be intentional, allowing the ritual to grow by hear say and reputation alone. Potential members to the Xth Division who do not pass are sent to another Division, oddly retaining only vaguely fuzzy memories of the events themselves, never enough to recount in detail or length of the ritual or practices they were a part of.

This effect is owing to the special sake utilized in the ritual itself, so potent it is claimed that the liquid can tarnish metal and strip paint off of any surface. While the validity to this claim may be suspect, what is not suspect is that even members of the Xth Division themselves cannot remember exactly what transpires the night of their initiation into the Division, or for several days afterwards. Members of the Xth Division wake up anywhere up to a week after their initiation ritual with a massive hang over, most often in a Fourth Division Hospital.

Previous Captains

Osugi Ren: Currently stationed to the 0 Division, the wide rumor holds that once Takeshi was placed in his Division, Osugi Ren took him as his successor instantly, grooming him for the short duration of his Vice Captaincy and seated life.

Kinji Fukasaku: Retired and Reincarnated, gave position to Osugi Ren 200 years prior to game start. Not much is documented for this Captain, mostly owing to his predecessor.

Yoko Matsuyama: Previous Vice Captain of Yōjirō Takita, succeded her late Captain after his untimely disappearance. Rumors abound as to the exact nature of her raise to power. The only female Captain of the Xth Division in recorded history, marked as easily the wildest and most productive Captain, Yoko Matsuyama remains a member of the Division after having retired from the Captaincy, granting her Vice Captain Kinji her position after only one hundred years. Nicknamed The Crimson Butterfly for her zanpakuto, Yoko Matsuyama was not admitted into the 0 Division, and now resides as a lowly unseated member despite her colorful history, living her last few years in relative peace. The exact nature on how she has accomplished this is just as easily wrapped in rumor and lies, though clerical misdirection is certainly being utilized, owing to the fact she is on record for having reincarnated shortly after her retirement was issued.

Yōjirō Takita: The only Captain to recive Captaincy without studying under Bunta Sugaware, formally the Vice Captain of the 5th. His name has been stricken from all official documentation in the Xth Division’s ledgers, and only exists in official documentation for Soul Society as a whole. Speaking his name is a cardinal sin, holding the highest punishment of instant demotion. While the exact nature of his removal from the Xth Captain’s seat is uncertain, he holds the shortest term of all Captain’s at only 10 years.

Bunta Sugawara: Reputed Bad Boy of the Xth Division supposedly created the foundation for what the Xth Division is today. Held the Captaincy for the Xth Division for the longest term in documented history of the Xth at four hundred years.

Special Organizations

Like all other Divisions, the Xth Division (aside from the Divisional duties themselves) have several groups within their ranks that fulfill specialized duties and oversee more focused facets of the Division’s Duties.

Stone Eaters: The mason’s and general builders of Soul Society, the Stone Eater’s are easily marked by their large frames and dust covered clothing. Only the strongest members of the Division are placed within the Stone Eaters, the organization overseen by the fourth seat of the Xth Division. Long standing members of the Stone Eaters are often promoted to the Fourth Seat of the Xth Division, though this is not a requirement for the promotion. The Stone Eaters are a few of the only Shinigami who know how to work Seki Seki Stone, and are said to be the only ones who know how to mine it from the few existing quarries.

Jar Holders: As mentioned previously, it falls to the Xth Division to distill, brew and experiment with the sake supply of Soul Society. The Jar Holders, as they are collectively are called, make up the smallest internal organization of the Xth Division, and can be easily recognized by their red hemmed kimono and face masks. The Jar Holders are reputed to have several functioning distilleries and specialized rice paddies on the outskirts of Soul Society that only they and the Captain of the Xth Division know about. The Third Seat of the Division oversees the Jar Holders, and all Third Seat’s must previously be a member of this organization before their promotion.

2010-04-16, 11:56 PM
Although, I was thinking about drawing him since I liked him so much... I might have something for you once I can get my scanner working.

Hey, it's up to you if you want to. I think it'd be cool, though.

The Bankai might be more interesting. You wouldn't have to draw the details of his wings and scythe, but you could show their invisible shapes with the smoke that he makes.

In any event, do put it up when/if you draw something!

2010-04-17, 12:06 AM
Now I remember why I didn't draw him the first time. I couldn't figure out exactly what you meant by "his kosode is sleeve-less". That's just the shirt part of the Shihakusho, right? Or does it include the haori?

2010-04-17, 01:48 AM
As a matter of fact, the issue here might be that neither actualy has personal, unique abilities listed. Nick has a number of generic hollow abilities and Ken is, all said, a prototype of a quincy.

I hope it's not an issue for anyone. I like the idea of playing the most visually underwhelming vanilla character. I get to challenge myself by seeing how many ways I can describe my character punching something without sounding boring and repetitive.:smalltongue: If I give him unique abilities they'll probably just further cement his very specialized theme such as letting him parry small energy projectiles and reduce the effectiveness of large ones by punching them.

Being the equivalent of a prototype quincy sounds great. Perhaps Ken can find his own equivalent of the sanrei glove and do a week long Rocky montage wearing it for an easy justification of a power increase.:smalltongue:

I've read the Hajime no Ippo manga but never watched the anime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Vh8tVPjHk). This will give me a reason to. Plus Ken reminds me of my favourite Street Fighter character, Dudley (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFZ6NxZ0e5U), who blows my mind (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV6qMjJW9WU).

I apologize. I now feel like a jerk. :smallfrown:

Sounds good, then. Though...he is a younger student, right? I mean, social circles would probably find Kina a bit weird if she was hanging out with a Senior most of the time.
No need to apologize old bean. Weird? We have superpowers sir.:smallwink: They don't have to be best buddies, they could just be on friendly terms. Who cares if her current friends find her behaviour unusual when she can replace them with super friends (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqRxWAqnQ_g)?
Besides every senpai needs a trusty kohai and every male character that broods or could be perceived as brooding needs a symbolic imouto to show his nice side.

As for who I vote for:

2010-04-17, 03:34 AM
You should've seen this coming.



Reposting Kaz's shikai for critique.

Release Command: Honor The Sword, Masamune.


With a ten-foot blade, this sword would be considered very large. The blade is about three inches wide, and has no guard, instead going from it's bandaged metal handle straight to a blade. The bottom part of the blade makes up for this by being jagged where you would catch his hand, but only at the front. The blade then proceeds to go curve slightly as it goes up, until the tip, where it is at about a 15-20 degree slant. The blade then just goes straight down, with again a very slight curve (In this time), and then stops at the handle.

Shikai Attack: Shikeihanketsu! (Death Sentence.)

As Kaz twists his body around, the entire blade turns into pure reiatsu, which he then hurls at the enemy. (Yes, the blade is brought back after the attack. Why wouldn't it be?)


After initial release, The sword is about 75% of the time released. The other 25% is when he doesn't feel like dragging it around.

2010-04-17, 05:49 AM
So it's going to be a permanent release sword that turns into a wave of energy when the wielder feels like it? You might want to expand on how powerful the wave of energy is, and what happens if it is somehow trapped.

EDIT: For current and future players, 7th, 9th and 11th divisions need a bit of love. They're quite empty.

Here's a bit of history of the 11th, from the time when Hannibal was a captain. Hopefully no-one will mind.

Nakano Takuma: Former 9th division officer who got transferred to 11th in hopes that he could bring some order to the ramshackle division. As he was promoted by the decision of other captains and not by a duel with the previous captain, he had major problems commanding any form of respect from his underlings - that is, untill one day he snapped under the stress and went on a rampage, hospitalizing half of his division. After that, his captaincy continued without a hitch, mainly because everyone was too afraid to stand up to him. He retired from Gotei some 400 hundred ago - supposedly due to being wounded by Hannibal Magalhães, but most likely he just wanted some well-deserved rest.

Hannibal Magalhães: Previously an unseated member of the 11th, he achieved captaincy by beating the tar out of Nakano Takuma in front of the whole division. Though this change was initially cheered by some, it soon became apparent he was even worse than his predecessor. Captains of the same era often summarized his leadership qualities as "a loud voice and prodigious use of violence". Fortunately, he had the sense to keep some the calmer minded divisioners close to himself, to help at decision making and keep the bureaucracy running. Hannibal retired 200 years ago after being severely wounded on a dangerous mission - or that's what the official records tell you.

2010-04-17, 07:38 AM
So it's going to be a permanent release sword that turns into a wave of energy when the wielder feels like it? You might want to expand on how powerful the wave of energy is, and what happens if it is somehow trapped.

EDIT: For current and future players, 7th, 9th and 11th divisions need a bit of love. They're quite empty.

Here's a bit of history of the 11th, from the time when Hannibal was a captain. Hopefully no-one will mind.

I need to word that better. It's just a one-hit attack. As in, Kaz spins with the sword, and technically "Throws" the energy at his opponent. It can't be trapped. It's his bloody special move. In terms of power, compare it to Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou. It's supposedly powerful, but in reality enemies take it without flinching.

2010-04-17, 08:23 AM
I got the impression the whole sword turns into energy and is thrown like a boomerang. That's why I asked whether siphoning the energy somewhere would prevent it from coming back.


Also, here's my suggestion for the opening theme of this RP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuntwroTM8k). For those inept in Finnish, here's a translation of the lyrics. (Yes, I was dissatisfied with the videomaker's version. Sue me.)

Dull weight of work weighs my spirit down
Imperceptibly directs my gaze to the ground
Days after days repeating themselves
Fleeing from change faster than the sound

Under the surface it fumes
And bides its time

Another me
Wants to flip and shout
Another me
Won't give up yet
Another me
Wrecks the old plans

There's another world deep within me
Tightly I control that other life of mine
Humbly follow the golden middle way
In the footsteps of others

Under the surface it fumes
And bides its time

Another me
Wants to flip and shout
Another me
Won't give up yet
Another me
Wrecks the old plans

2010-04-17, 08:34 AM
Irony: I was walking YGOTAS when I played that song.

2010-04-17, 08:52 AM
Also, here's my suggestion for the opening theme of this RP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuntwroTM8k). For those inept in Finnish, here's a translation of the lyrics. (Yes, I was dissatisfied with the videomaker's version. Sue me.)
I dunno if that's appropriate. What about... *searches Youtube for "Nana Mizuki", clicks random link* this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pQBje-IJ5c) or this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyzOFXO3L4)?

Should keep nc happy. :smallwink:

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXLn9Ttk2RQ

2010-04-17, 08:53 AM
Looks interesting, Terry. One thing that I'd like to point out is, aside from having a ranged option, Kaz's shikai will have much the same limitations as a zanbato: being quite unwieldy, and having only three directions it can attack from in a ground combat, rather than the usual four. Still pretty cool, though.

Anyway, my votes, working under the assumption that one cannot vote for himself (as I'd rather like to be involved in the decisions Central 46 gets to make) are:
Frozen Feet

Edit: For the record, my intro theme choice, out of those presented thus far, would be Transmigration.

2010-04-17, 09:52 AM
While reading Fap Note (Lolzy it waz.) I found this:

Answer - FLOW (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0KktAReNHk&NR=1)

That shall be my character's theme song.

2010-04-17, 01:27 PM
I dunno if that's appropriate. What about... *searches Youtube for "Nana Mizuki", clicks random link* this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pQBje-IJ5c) or this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyzOFXO3L4)?

Should keep nc happy. :smallwink:

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXLn9Ttk2RQ
Sadly I don't really like Nana Mizuki. (Yeah, probably sounds like blasphemy to you.:smallwink:)
It's hard for me to come up with any good suggestions since I think most of what I listen to just doesn't fit the theme.

Here's one song I'd suggest since it's the most suitable song I've heard so far today from my play list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1dNgnmhX7A I think it would sort of fit initially before our storyline gets dark and edgy. I can envision a camera at first showing some scenery as the song starts and then panning around to various characters that are either unaware of it or posing and then showing some generic foreshadowing shonen fight scenes here and there with some more posing and scenery in between.

2010-04-17, 03:03 PM
I don't know if Zarah intended for Kujo to work alone or not, but I had this idea and ran with it.

Erik/Riku/Eriku Ginomamori (First Name, Last Name)
Age: 127
Reiatsu/Speech Colour: #330000. Feels like lying in a warm bath… drowning.
Affiliation/Rank: First Apostle of Chaos Made Flesh (self-bestowed); former Ail of the House of Glyndwr

Physical Appearance: Eriku is of mixed White British and British Japanese heritage, the tone of his skin residing halfway between those of his two parents. His hair is short, spiky and black, and the irises of his eyes are a dullish red. He is tall, and built with densely packed muscle that leaves him looking athletically slender. The features of his parents blend into an attractive face, which combined with elegance, poise and almost tangible charisma, make him stunningly handsome.

Almost as stunning is his voice. Almost always tinted with an edge of seduction, Eriku’s words are like silk over pearl, always spoken softly, but rarely inaudible.

Eriku’s typical outfit consists of a black suit with a deep maroon shirt, the top button left undone but nevertheless accompanied with a navy blue tie. He typically wears his zanpakutou at his right hip.

Personality: Eriku bores easily, and loves to be different. It’s why he joined Kujo in the first place. Over time, he came to love the man rather than difference and freedom he provided, idolise him even. Quite when Eriku took the step that made Kujo into his personal deity is up for debate, but the rogue shinigami will now and forever have Eriku’s devotion and service.

Eriku is not reserved about his faith, either. He is more than happy to proselytize to all in his cool, charming manner, even in the midst of combat. However, he has no patience for infidels and heretics (as he sees them) – those who not only refuse Kujo’s perceived divinity, but also actively act against his lord’s wishes.

History: Born and raised in Britain by a White British father and British Japanese mother, Eriku’s mortal life was uneventful up until his death in traffic collision. Brought over to Annwn, Eriku showed promised, and remarkably quickly worked his way to the position of Ail of his House with remarkable speed, mostly due to the time he spent on combat training out of boredom. But he was still bored.

One year, whilst serving as a Fianna, he deserted, leaving Britain behind in search of excitement elsewhere. It was on his travels that he encountered Kujo, and Eriku quickly became one of his most devoted followers and servants.

Combat: Eriku is specialised in Zanjutsu and Hoho, and barely competent with Hakudo.

Ealaín/Kido: Eriku is proficient with Silakus 73 and Girserusu 77, and can use up to Silakus 54 and Girserusu 58 without incantation.

Treoir Anam/Zanpakutou: Kuroyousei (Black Claim)

Sealed Form: Kuroyousei take the shape of a katana whilst sealed, with a deep, dark maroon binding on the grip.

Spirit: The spirit of Kuroyousei takes the shape of a middle-aged man with shoulder-length dark hair, his face obscured with a straw hat. He is clothed in an altered version of shinigami shihakusho, white replaced with blue-black, and black with a deep, dark maroon.

Mindscape: An endless green field around a small hillock with a cherry tree atop it, its flowers in full bloom.

Shikai: Tsukurigoto, Kuroyousei – Lie, Black Claim

Shikai Appearance: In shikai, Kuroyousei shifts into a kaiken ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiken_(dagger)) with a guard that curls back towards the hilt to form a ring. The hilt retains its dark maroon bindings.

Shikai Abilities:
Zanitsuwari – Cutting Lies: Whenever anyone lies, whether to someone else or to themselves whilst within earshot of Kuroyousei, they are wounded on a random part of their body as though they had been cut by Kuroyousei’s shikai form. The wound is deeper the more serious the lie is.

Kyouko no Moushiyou – Strength of Words: The severity of the wounds caused by Kuroyousei in shikai increase slightly every time a word is spoken within earshot of it during shikai. The effect fades upon reseal, and it can never more than triple the effectiveness of Kuroyousei.

Eriku is held by the following geis:
Is physically incapable of harming anyone in love with him.

2010-04-17, 03:15 PM
I don't know if Zarah intended for Kujo to work alone or not, but I had this idea and ran with it.

Erik/Riku/Eriku Ginomamori (First Name, Last Name)
Age: 127
Reiatsu/Speech Colour: #330000. Feels like lying in a warm bath… drowning.
Affiliation/Rank: First Apostle of Chaos Made Flesh (self-bestowed); former Ail of the House of Glyndwr

Physical Appearance: Eriku is of mixed White British and British Japanese heritage, the tone of his skin residing halfway between those of his two parents. His hair is short, spiky and black, and the irises of his eyes are a dullish red. He is tall, and built with densely packed muscle that leaves him looking athletically slender. The features of his parents blend into an attractive face, which combined with elegance, poise and almost tangible charisma, make him stunningly handsome.

Almost as stunning is his voice. Almost always tinted with an edge of seduction, Eriku’s words are like silk over pearl, always spoken softly, but rarely inaudible.

Eriku’s typical outfit consists of a black suit with a deep maroon shirt, the top button left undone but nevertheless accompanied with a navy blue tie. He typically wears his zanpakutou at his right hip.

Personality: Eriku bores easily, and loves to be different. It’s why he joined Kujo in the first place. Over time, he came to love the man rather than difference and freedom he provided, idolise him even. Quite when Eriku took the step that made Kujo into his personal deity is up for debate, but the rogue shinigami will now and forever have Eriku’s devotion and service.

Eriku is not reserved about his faith, either. He is more than happy to proselytize to all in his cool, charming manner, even in the midst of combat. However, he has no patience for infidels and heretics (as he sees them) – those who not only refuse Kujo’s perceived divinity, but also actively act against his lord’s wishes.

History: Born and raised in Britain by a White British father and British Japanese mother, Eriku’s mortal life was uneventful up until his death in traffic collision. Brought over to Annwn, Eriku showed promised, and remarkably quickly worked his way to the position of Ail of his House with remarkable speed, mostly due to the time he spent on combat training out of boredom. But he was still bored.

One year, whilst serving as a Fianna, he deserted, leaving Britain behind in search of excitement elsewhere. It was on his travels that he encountered Kujo, and Eriku quickly became one of his most devoted followers and servants.

Combat: Eriku is specialised in Zanjutsu and Hoho, and barely competent with Hakudo.

Ealaín/Kido: Eriku is proficient with Silakus 73 and Girserusu 77, and can use up to Silakus 54 and Girserusu 58 without incantation.

Treoir Anam/Zanpakutou: Kuroyousei (Black Claim)

Sealed Form: Kuroyousei take the shape of a katana whilst sealed, with a deep, dark maroon binding on the grip.

Spirit: The spirit of Kuroyousei takes the shape of a middle-aged man with shoulder-length dark hair, his face obscured with a straw hat. He is clothed in an altered version of shinigami shihakusho, white replaced with blue-black, and black with a deep, dark maroon.

Mindscape: An endless green field around a small hillock with a cherry tree atop it, its flowers in full bloom.

Shikai: Tsukurigoto, Kuroyousei – Lie, Black Claim

Shikai Appearance: In shikai, Kuroyousei shifts into a kaiken ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiken_(dagger)) with a guard that curls back towards the hilt to form a ring. The hilt retains its dark maroon bindings.

Shikai Abilities:
Zanitsuwari – Cutting Lies: Whenever anyone lies, whether to someone else or to themselves whilst within earshot of Kuroyousei, they are wounded on a random part of their body as though they had been cut by Kuroyousei’s shikai form. The wound is deeper the more serious the lie is.

Kyouko no Moushiyou – Strength of Words: The severity of the wounds caused by Kuroyousei in shikai increase slightly every time a word is spoken within earshot of it during shikai. The effect fades upon reseal, and it can never more than triple the effectiveness of Kuroyousei.

Eriku is held by the following geis:
Is physically incapable of harming anyone in love with him.

Eriku, Naraku. Are we developing a theme here that Kujo's high-rnking followers have their names ending in "ku"? :smalltongue:

2010-04-17, 03:17 PM
I don't know if Zarah intended for Kujo to work alone or not, but I had this idea and ran with it.

Sort of. Kujo himself is very much a lone-wolf, but he's more than willing to use people to get his means. Draken already had the idea of a sort of cult-like following behind the rogue Shinigami, which seems reasonable. Just don't expect Kujo to return any sort of loyalty. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Semi-ninja'd!

2010-04-17, 03:18 PM
I took that as a given when writing up Eriku. Abuse of his zealotry only seemed natural. :smalltongue:

On another note, does his shikai seem all right, power-wise?

2010-04-17, 03:36 PM
Only question I have about it is what qualifies as a lie for the shikai.

Is it something Erik knows to be a lie?

Is it something the speaker knows to be a lie (or at least not sure of the veracity)?

Is it something the listener knows to be a lie?

Is it something that is, fundamentaly, a lie, in spite of the knowledge of listener, speaker, or Erik?

More of a clarification of flavor. The power is quite tame.

Also, no one is expecting the Shinigami Inquisition!

2010-04-17, 03:40 PM
Only question I have about it is what qualifies as a lie for the shikai.

Is it something Erik knows to be a lie?

Is it something the speaker knows to be a lie (or at least not sure of the veracity)?

Is it something the listener knows to be a lie?

Is it something that is, fundamentaly, a lie, in spite of the knowledge of listener, speaker, or Erik?

More of a clarification of flavor. The power is quite tame.

Also, no one is expecting the Shinigami Inquisition!

Err... good question. The bolded one is what I'd go with. It's also worth noting that Eriku is not immune to his shikai effects. So he can wound himself to boost the damage of shikai by lying if he should so wish.

2010-04-17, 03:41 PM
Not from me.


In other news, new character. He's the Exequias of Hueco Mundo, so he's a minion master.

The Conductor, Exequias of Hueco Mundo

Age: Old. It is difficult to say exactly how old, as the Arrancar could have been around for any amount of time before Geister found him.
Height: 5’6
Weight: 142 lb.
Speech/Reiatsu/Cero color: Grey
Aspect of Death: Silence
Mask Fragment: The top half of his mask remains, concealing his face
Hollow Hole: The hole is on his Right Hand. He normally covers it with an elegant pair of White Gloves.

Physical Description:
A small man, the Conductor is physically unimposing. His posture is slightly dipped, burdened almost. A shock of white hair stands out over his masked eyes. Their color is startling green, showing from behind the mask. His face, at least the uncovered portion, is unlined, revealing that he is perhaps not as elderly as his posture and hair hint. His dress is rather unique among the inhabitants of the Hueco Mundo. He is never seen in anything other then a full Coat and Tails. Furthermore, his dress immaculate, clean despite the environment he exists in. He cuts a strange, almost elegant figure in the world of the Hueco Muendo.


The Conductor is quiet man, fond of understatement. He is soft spoken, and seems to lack strong feelings of the type that drive most Hollows. Indeed, he appears to be constantly distracted, his mind always elsewhere. That is partially correct. He describes it as listening to the symphony that no one else can hear. The few Hollows that have attempted to test the Conductor because of this quickly discovered the results were not to their liking. The Conductor is not weak, nor is he a fool, and even distracted, he is more then capable of dealing with those that would challenge him.

Despite his mannerisms, he is completely relentless, having no mercy, and no interest in acquiring it. He kills those that cross him with no regret, and no real joy. It is just something he accepts as inevitable. His vision of the world is that of an orderly place, where each even flows out of the actions that preceded it. What happens now is determined by what happened in the past, each piece of the symphony of existence fitting with the rest. He lacks animosity, easily conversing with those he has attempted to exterminate, when circumstances change. By the same token, real friendship is impossible. He will kill those he has known for years, without a twinge of hesitation or regret. He numbers among the closest thing to a loyal servant Von Geister has, serving the Hollow King as the sole member of his Exequias. Why he serves the Hollow King like that isn’t a question the man feels obliged to answer.

The Conductor is a difficult Hollow to categorize. His powers are lacking, compared to many of his comrades. However, his Resurrection can make him a fearsome threat. As well, he is everywhere at once, running messages and observing things for the Hollow King.

Cero: The Conductor can fire powerful Cero’s from his Baton, usually with a contemptuous flick.

Bala: The Conductor can like was use Bala, though his talent with the skill is not especially notable.

Hierro: The Conductor’s talents at Hierro are lacking, compared to Hollows of comparable power. However, even his minor talents can present a formidable barrier to the weaker of his foes.

Garganta: The Conductor can use Garganta. His one real exceptional talent with the skill is his ability to send his Band Members though the Garganta, and control them even when they are in another dimension. This allows for many Hollows to stay in contact, something that would otherwise be near impossible.

Sonido: The Conductor is talented at this skill, flashing about if he wishes to. Against stronger foes, this is his major defense, fleeing backwards, using his Band Mates to distract his foes, while he launches Ceros at them.

Zanpakutou: Miedo de Ruidos (Anticipation of Cacophony)

Sealed Form:
A bone Conductors Baton, simple and small. It has a cork handle, simple and plain.

"Acordase, Miedo de Ruidos"
The Conductor maintains his humanoid appearance, but he grows two additional arms, and an apparently massive hump. He is capable of pulling out various instruments from under the, where the Hump is located. The Instruments are capable of producing massive bursts of sound, which the Conductor can use to produce various effects. As well, he still has his Baton in this form, continuin to release his Cero's from it.

Resurrection Special Ability: By dropping the Instruments, and tapping it with his Baton, he can summon a Player. These creatures, appearing to be shadowy creatures, vaguely humanoid in form, are intelligent, autonomous beings. However, they maintain constant contact with their master, something he interprets as a ‘symphony.’ They have varying powers, depending on the instrument they carry. For the most part, they are fairly weak, but they are apparently limitless in number.

The Players have many features in common. They are formed of shadow, the substance they are made being unsure. They are vaguely humanoid in shape, but can fool no one. They are intelligent, and autonomous, by gain all their desires and motivations from the conductor. They cannot speak (except for the Flautists, due to their special ability), They are uniformly attired in a black and white Dress Suit, with a Red Cummerbund and Bowtie. Any one of them is probably a bit less powerful then the average unseated Shinigami.

Instrument List

Violins: They can generate focused blasts of sound with their instruments, similar in effect to Bala, though far less powerful.
Violas: Their song slows the reflexes of those that listen, robbing them of speed.
Cellos: The Cellists generate despair with their song, robbing the weak minded of their determination and drive.
Double Bass: Can cause undulations in the ground, throwing the unwary from their feet.

Horns: Siren’s Song. They are capable of stealing the will of the weakminded. Rarely effects anyone other then unempowered mortals, and cannot control more then one or two.
Trumpets: Generate deafening blasts of sound, causing pain, and often deafening listeners.
Trombones: Their song generates walls of sounds, blocking ways of approach ot their brethren
Tuba: Similar to the Violins, but less forced. More in the nature of a wall of sound, knocking those weak enough to not break through it.

Flautists: Masters of speed, they possess little combat ability, acting as scouts instead, covering vast tracts of territory quickly. These are the only Players that can speak, but all they can do is relay the Conductors Voice.
Clarinetists: Capable of completely concealing their presence, these are spies. Again, lack combat ability.
Oboist: The Oboists are capable of measuring the Spiritual Power of anyone they see.
Bassoonist: These are support players, strengthening the effect of the Song of those around them.

The only group designed to directly engage foes in Melee. They wield Drumsticks like clubs, both blocking and attacking with them

Segunda Etapa:
Not attained yet

No comments on the Arrancar? I thought I did a pretty good job, but evidently I did a great job.

2010-04-17, 03:50 PM
@Tacky: No point in me making any comments, since I already did. Elsewhere. :smalltongue:

Err... good question. The bolded one is what I'd go with. It's also worth noting that Eriku is not immune to his shikai effects. So he can wound himself to boost the damage of shikai by lying if he should so wish.

I presume this refers to Kyouko no Moushiyou, but right now that ability makes it look like the cutting power increases whenever a word is spoken, not that it increases whenever the other ability activates (which, might I say, is even more limited).

Edit: Wrong smily. They are both blue.

2010-04-17, 03:53 PM
Gah, I put word instead of lie. >.<

But I guess leaving it as word could be fine with the maximum limitation in effect.

2010-04-17, 03:55 PM
Gah, I put word instead of lie. >.<

But I guess leaving it as word could be fine with the maximum limitation in effect.

I now have the image of a Shinigami essentially filibustering the fight, just reading the Phonebook.

2010-04-17, 03:57 PM
Or, y'know, preaching about Kujo's magnificence or attempting a mindscrew/seduction attempt.

2010-04-17, 04:08 PM
Final post before I consider Kaz to be okay:

Arakida, Kazeatari (Last Name, First Name) - Student and Substitute Shinigami

Gender: Male
Age: 17, August 22nd. (Sagitarrius)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: approx. 165 lbs.
Reiatsu: While the feeling of power is staggering, it's effect is much lessened due to the fact that he looks so relaxed.
Rank: Substitute Shinigami/Junior
General Foreshadowing: Yes, I mean to play this character a lot. Yes, I gave him so much freedom that I can do pretty much anything. I like freedom.
Known Affiliation: Students, Kendo Club.


Has L's hair (http://i51.beon.ru/20/28/32820/91/939491/Death_Note___L__by_Asami_chan.jpeg), an athletic body, and is constantly slouching, so he appears 5'9" rather than his real height. He has gray-green eyes, and a slim, tannish face. He wears a black hoodie with a chibified skull and crossbones on it, and a pair of ripped jeans when not at school. When at school he wears the school uniform. His actual Shinigami outfit is Ichigo's bankai outfit. cause I think it looks cool.

He's been going to school. Not much history with that.


While Kazeatari is quite relaxed and usually enjoyable to be around with his friends, if it's around people he doesn't know or goes to school with, he has to keep up his 'image'. That is, "I'm a psychotic freak who doesn't like to talk, and if you cross me I will kill you. Painfully." He's known as "Kaz" to his friends.

Zanpakuto: Un-Named.

Zanpakuto Release Command: None Yet.

Unreleased Zanpakuto:

A seven-foot ōdachi, with a jagged inside edge. The blade is of the normal width, but seeing as it's ridiculously long, and has the normal guard, it requires around a foot long handle for him to hold it.

Inner World:

To Be Revealed.

Zanpakuto Spirit:

To Be Revealed.


To Be Revealed.

General Abilities:

To Be Revealed.

Shunpo: Kaz is very good at Shunpo, and uses it often.

Kido: Terrible. Seeing as he's merely a Substitute Shinigami, and not a full one, he's never had a chance to use Kido, only to have seen it.

Zanjutsu: Well, he only really uses his sword. He's very good with Zanjutsu.

Hakuda: If you asked him about it, he would glare at you, pretending he knew what it was.


Fellow Classmates: He probably won't talk to them though. But, if you are a spiritually aware human, who can sense spiritual pressure, you can probably pick out Kaz in a crowd. He's abominable at hiding it, assuming that nobody else can actually sense him.
Shinigami: Those who frequent the mortal world to do "work" mooch off of him. He's not very happy about that.
Loner: Seeing as Kaz is rather apathetic towards humanity, he usually ignores people.


Dark Is Not Evil (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsNotEvil)
Hidden Depths (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HiddenDepths)
BFS (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BFS)
Magnificent Bastard (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagnificentBastard)
Hypocritical Humor (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HypocriticalHumor)
Good Is Not Nice (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsNotNice)
Shinigami (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Shinigami) - Again, All Shinigami.
All Love Is Unrequited (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllLoveIsUnrequited)
Unusually Uninteresting Sight (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnusuallyUninterestingSight)
And That Would Be Wrong (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AndThatWouldBeWrong)
Limited Wardrobe (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LimitedWardrobe) - Every Character Is Using This.
Mathemetician's Answer (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitle3zaap0y7ym6o?from=Main.MathematiciansAnswer) - Expect a lot of these.


Release Command: Reach For The Stars, Masamune.


With a ten-foot blade, this sword would be considered very large. The blade is about three inches wide, and has no guard, instead going from it's bandaged metal handle straight to a blade. The bottom part of the blade makes up for this by being jagged where you would catch his hand, but only at the front. The blade then proceeds to go curve slightly as it goes up, until the tip, where it is at about a 15-20 degree slant. The blade then just goes straight down, with again a very slight curve (In this time), and then stops at the handle. The handle is made mostly in the form of metal nie, making it resemble the night sky.

Shikai Attack: Shikeihanketsu! (Death Sentence.)

As Kaz twists his body around, the entire blade turns into pure reiatsu, which he then hurls at the enemy.


After initial release, The sword is about 75% of the time released. The other 25% is when he doesn't feel like dragging it around.

On another note, If anybody is creating a bloodthirsty character, I have an entire sword (Murasama) created around it, using the swordsmith Murasama as an example.

2010-04-17, 04:18 PM
On another note, If anybody is creating a bloodthirsty character, I have an entire sword (Murasama) created around it, using the swordsmith Murasama as an example.It's Muramasa. And that was kind of used already. (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Muramasa_%28spirit%29)

2010-04-17, 04:22 PM
EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXLn9Ttk2RQ
That brings to mind another but equally awesome song named Black Diamond. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m07mtrKc9v0)


Would anyone else find it amusing if I made God of Thunder (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYjlisHj6EM&feature=related) Elder's theme song? :smalltongue:

2010-04-17, 04:22 PM
I think you were conflating Muramasa and Masamune.

They were seperate people.

2010-04-17, 04:29 PM
I know that. Muramasa was the bloodlusting crazy one, while Masamune was the peaceful one. Irony states that Masamune is more well known from SEPHIROTH then from his epic sword making skillzz.

I take it Kaz is fine then. Score. :smallbiggrin:

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 06:24 PM
I dunno if that's appropriate. What about... *searches Youtube for "Nana Mizuki", clicks random link* this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pQBje-IJ5c) or this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyzOFXO3L4)?

Should keep nc happy. :smallwink:

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXLn9Ttk2RQ

I personally like the Black Diamond song Prime.

Speaking of which, I've already got a theme song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrIz0KCq1YA) set for Katisugo.

((I really hope there no one here against this band.:smallannoyed: I think there great.:smallbiggrin::smallwink: ))

Moon Wolf
2010-04-17, 06:29 PM
Violins and rock guitar, at the same time? Interesting...me likey. :smalltongue:

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 06:33 PM
I'm currently self-teaching myself to do an improvision of this song on piano.

I think the band Nightwish is simply epic for the variety of instruments and music that they play. I don't necessarily prefer their new vocalist though.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-17, 06:35 PM
Cool. I'm playing lots of Beatles songs on guitar...because I'm upholding someone's honour. It's a long story, though...plus it's pretty sad.

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 06:54 PM
Lost a bet?:smalltongue: LoL, nah don't really need to know.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-17, 07:03 PM
It's more serious than that. I'm carrying out someone's will.

2010-04-17, 08:09 PM
Cool. I'm playing lots of Beatles songs on guitar...because I'm upholding someone's honour. It's a long story, though...plus it's pretty sad.

2010-04-17, 08:19 PM
Ok, I'm pretty sure my character, Myojin, is the oldest in Seireitei. This makes me feel he needs more backstory... because it's probable everyone would know him, things like that.

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 08:39 PM
Ok, I'm pretty sure my character, Myojin, is the oldest in Seireitei. This makes me feel he needs more backstory... because it's probable everyone would know him, things like that.

*Katisugo appears, apparently drunk*

DaaA LWook at Vu yA old FaUrt Mojiin.


2010-04-17, 08:46 PM
Hmm... Anyone left to vote?

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 08:52 PM
CMOT, you got a vote on who should be the Central 46 members out of any of our players?

Innis Cabal
2010-04-17, 08:58 PM
{table]Name|Number of Votes
Callos deTerran|13
Frozen Feet|11
Knight Disciple|1[/table]

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 09:01 PM
Hmm, looks like Kasanips gonna get the boot from the 46.:smallfrown:

I think she would have been a strong voice for the Central 46 group.

2010-04-17, 09:07 PM
Hmm... Anyone left to vote?

*Raises hand* Spent too long mulling over my votes. :smalltongue:

Goat Votes:
Callos deTerran

2010-04-17, 09:10 PM
{table]Name|Number of Votes
Callos deTerran|18
Frozen Feet|10
Knight Disciple|2[/table]

Current tally. By my counts.

Edit: Just double-checked. My tally is correct.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-17, 09:14 PM
I must have missed a post. Sorry bout that.

2010-04-17, 09:14 PM
I know that. Muramasa was the bloodlusting crazy one, while Masamune was the peaceful one. Irony states that Masamune is more well known from SEPHIROTH then from his epic sword making skillzz.

Actually, I know Masamune from one of the best games ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3pRXgMv2GE&feature=related).

2010-04-17, 09:17 PM
Actually, I know Masamune from one of the best games ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3pRXgMv2GE&feature=related).

Man, I was going to disagree with you... but I can't.

2010-04-17, 09:20 PM
I said "one of," implying there are others! There is no disagreeing. :smallbiggrin:

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 09:22 PM
Actually, I know Masamune from one of the best games ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3pRXgMv2GE&feature=related).

*twitch* *twitch*
*Sigh* Shes right. Its pure win.

*hands over internet*

2010-04-17, 09:22 PM
I said "one of," implying there are others! There is no disagreeing. :smallbiggrin:


Disagreeing with tgva's statement is indeed impossible. Inconcievable!

2010-04-17, 09:24 PM
*twitch* *twitch*
*Sigh* Shes right. Its pure win.

*hands over internet*

Tgva is a dude.

2010-04-17, 09:25 PM
*hands over internet*


tgva's Internet Count: 1.

The Librarian
2010-04-17, 09:35 PM
Tgva is a dude.


Sorry tgva I slipped on the keyboard:smallredface:

2010-04-17, 09:36 PM
Can we spoiler images?

Please? They are freaking huge.

2010-04-17, 09:40 PM
I got an internet, Righty. Chandra forgives you.

By "forgives" I mean "incinerates." Because that's really what she does.

2010-04-17, 09:44 PM

Disagreeing with tgva's statement is indeed impossible. Inconcievable!
Psssh. A truly great game is Breath of Fire. Not many games have you enter a new level by going through a toilet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VvcdbdS30o).

2010-04-17, 09:50 PM
They can all be good games. If HCBailly likes them, they must be good.

Edit: I decided to borrow Innis's style. I think I will make 3rd Taiki's main competitive division if I can't come up with something as good as this for 2nd. Feel free to comment and ask questions.

The 3rd Division

Though many consider 3rd Division the glummest division, in reality the 3rd consists of some of the most polite people in Soul Society. However, each bears with them a hint of darkness, the sign of their duties as members of 3rd Division, the division of jailors.

Taiki became Captain after befriending the previous 3rd Division Captain Murata Takuma. Though he was a member of 2nd, Taiki proved his abilities to Captain Murata. As he had been nearing retirement, Captain Murata requested that Taiki be allowed to attempt the Captain's Exam. After receiving enough recommendations, Taiki battled his own captain as a proof of his abilities before he was accepted as a replacement for Captain Murata. Since then, Taiki has been a capable leader of the 3rd for at least 200 years.

Flower: The flower for the 3rd Division is the Marigold, a symbol of grief and despair. This emotion represents that borne by all members of 3rd Division because of the duties they must perform for Soul Society, and it is the emotion that all who suffer the wrath of 3rd Division experience in their hearts.

Motto: “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage.”


Prison Wardens: As their primary duty, 3rd Division is in charge of managing general prisoners in Soul Society. They maintain the status of the Maggot's Nest and similar detention facilities, and it is they who ensure that the exiled remain just that. Taiki generally makes it his job to take charge of the more horrible places like the Maggot's Nest, where he is particularly suited due to his skill in Hakudo. He generally delegates management of other facilities to his seated officers, allowing them to choose from the remaining which Shinigami they wish to manage their prison shifts.

Execution: When those who have been given their sentence prove problematic, it is also 3rd Division's duty to discipline such troublemakers, whether through torture or the final punishment: execution.

Interrogation and Torture: Additionally, 3rd Division is generally in charge of interrogation, even through means that are seen as cruel or uncivilized. Though they perform this duty well, they take no pride in it. In fact, sometimes 3rd will allow (Police Division) to do this duty themselves.

Skills required

The 3rd Division holds highest in its requirements a resistant mind. Those Shinigami who have performed the duties of the 3rd can attest to the intensity of their duties and the possible emotional damages, and Taiki is well aware that his Shinigami must be strong-willed if they are to survive the rigors of higher-level positions. Besides that, the only requirements are strength of duty and a desire to succeed.

Captaincy and Promotion

3rd Division operates under a merit-based promotion system, like most. Those who prove themselves time and time again will be promoted to higher-ranking positions, and those who fail to perform their duties will likely be demoted, or at the very least heavily reprimanded. Additionally, Taiki makes it his business to know how well his officers are doing in all regards, and if he feels any of his officers are not performing due to a "mental health issue" he will set up an appointment with 4th Division for you and expect you to attend it or be relieved of duty. Generally, Taiki chooses Shinigami he has a sense of respect for to take high-level positions.

Captains of 3rd Division have acquired their seat through proving their abilities in traditional manners. Most have been required to take the Captain's Exam rather than simply being recommended.

Previous Captains

Murata Takuma: Takuma was the greatest captain that 3rd has had since Captain Osagawa. Though his influence was subtle, Captain Murata was responsible for the advancement of 3rd's abilities and the development of several prison protocols which increased efficiency and reduced danger within the facility. Captain Murata's command was also the only in 3rd Division history to experience no riots in the Maggot's Nest whatsoever. It was Takuma who befriended Taiki and led him to the position he holds today.

Hatayama Shiro: Shiro was the unfortunate follower of Mio in the 3rd's Captaincy. He could never be as good or as recognized a captain as Mio, and though he tried, in the end he opted to simply run his division as well as he could and not attract attention. Though he remained a captain for a century, eventually he was killed by Hannibal Magalhães during a riot in Maggot's Nest. Though Hannibal was restrained afterwards, Captain Hatayama was considered lost when his body could not be recovered during the escape.

Osagawa Mio: Mio was the first and thus far in history the only female Captain of the 3rd Division. During her command the 3rd experienced a rise in crime and therefore a rise in their duties and ranks. Many flocked to Captain Osagawa's command due to her excellence and her general charisma, despite the duties expected of her division. Of those that joined 3rd during this time, only half remained after Mio was accepted into Division 0.

Special Organizations

3rd Division is divided into several groups, each controlled by one of the seated officers. Each of these "squads" oversees one of the several prison facilities in Sereitei, with two operating the Maggot's Nest. Each seated officer is allowed to manage their facility however they choose. However, Taiki requires reports every month and makes visits to every prison facility periodically to make his own judgments on whether the management is "satisfactory."

In addition, one squad exists that has additional duties:

Execution Force: Taiki himself leads this elite squad within the 3rd. It is this group that is in charge of performing executions. Among all of Sereitei, only they and the Commander-General have the knowledge or ability to use the Sokyoku. In addition, they are very capable combatants, generally able to subdue any Shinigami who attempts to resist their sentence. In a pinch, this squad is also trained as the equivalent of a Shinigami SWAT Team, capable of moving quickly into enemy territory and bringing down a target. However, they rarely if ever perform this duty due to the other squads generally having the resources to do that themselves.

Also, Frozen_Feet, I assumed you wouldn't mind if Hannibal killed a captain in the past. If you do, I can remove that little sentence.

2010-04-18, 12:21 AM
Ok, I'm pretty sure my character, Myojin, is the oldest in Seireitei. This makes me feel he needs more backstory... because it's probable everyone would know him, things like that.

Ryuunosuke Osamu has Myojin beat by exactly one hundred years. :smallwink:

2010-04-18, 02:11 AM
...Well, I figured I'd chip in, too.

The 1st Division

The 1st Division, while one of the smallest, certainly holds no small amount of prestige. The just over one hundred members of the squad come from all backgrounds, and more often than not have been in one or more divisions in their tenure. However, each one has either natural or learned experience in administrative skill; more or less making the 1st Division fit for leaders and examples for the other squads to follow.

While the new Commander-General Tsukada Ryouichi runs a tight ship, it's not completely overbearing; when he isn't overloaded with work himself, he makes a point to get to know new recruits, as well as some older ones. His compassion and dedication has at least given him a good name within the squad, despite his the shortness of his term as of yet.

Division Size: 124.

Flower: The flower for the 1st Division is the Chrysanthemum; a symbol of truth and innocence. Both values that the Gotei attempt to uphold, and protect above all.

Motto: "Don't fight for what you believe in, defend it."


Administrative: The 1st Division, by and large, files and keeps track of paperwork from all ends of the Seireitei, in an attempt to keep things running orderly, and efficiently.

Budgeting: While it may seem trivial to some, the 1st Division also keeps track of and distributes the funding they receive from the edict of the Central 46. As necessary, they can assign a raise in the case of excellent service, or a dock in a case of insubordination; though this, of course, is more along the lines of the entire division's funding. Individual pay is up to the Captain.

Field Commanders: The only real combat-centric purpose of the 1st Division, in cases of large-scale combat, one or more officers of the Division may be sent to a battlefield to coordinate orders and lead the other divisions present in a calm and efficient manner.

Necessary Skills

The 1st Division requires a two-fold set of skills: the ability to lead, and keep up with ones' job. As the administrative division, individuals are usually weighed down with upkeep and reports from the other divisions. As such, responsibility is key.
However, as detailed above, most seated officers must also be prepared to be sent into the field, and be prepared for any situation; to lead, one must have a calm head, after all.


Commander-General Ryouichi doesn't merely look for martial skill when considering an officer for promotion. He takes into account all facets of that shinigami; competence, leadership, orderliness, and to a minor extent personality. He heavily favors those who have a clean and concise way of doing their jobs, but on rare occasions, if another officer is slightly more unorthodox, but displays unswerving loyalty and dedication, he'll give them a chance to prove themselves as well.

Previous Captains

Akiyama Hideaki: The previous Commander-General of the Gotei 13, and head of a minor Noble house, some would say that Hideaki was a bit of a prodigy from the start. He lead the Gotei with proficiency for nearly 1000 years, making a name for himself during the short-lived war with Las Noches. All of his decisions were quick, concise, and were made in the interest of the whole of Soul Society, not just the Shinigami, so it was nothing short of a tragedy when he was murdered by the rogue Shinigami Kujo just 2 years ago; leaving a shadow over Ryouichi, and high standards to prove himself by.

2010-04-18, 05:51 AM
Actually, I know Masamune from one of the best games ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3pRXgMv2GE&feature=related).They only renamed it that in the translation. In the Japanese version the sword was named Granleon.

2010-04-18, 05:52 AM
So, anyone want to OOTSify Izumi? :smalltongue:

2010-04-18, 05:55 AM
Also, Frozen_Feet, I assumed you wouldn't mind if Hannibal killed a captain in the past. If you do, I can remove that little sentence.
I'm okay with it. It's good flashback fodder. Though it does heighten the feeling that only way Hannibal is getting out of prison is if the villains decide to break him out.:smalltongue:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-18, 09:02 AM
So...for the central 46 thing, FF and Kasa-chan are at a tie...what shall we do?

2010-04-18, 09:05 AM
Wait for kasanip to say something about that, first and foremost.

2010-04-18, 09:20 AM
Wait for kasanip to say something about that, first and foremost.

And probably try to at least wait a day or two more. For any straggler voters, I suppose.

2010-04-18, 09:21 AM
I am surprised and humbled that many people would vote for me. Thank you very much for trusting in me. m(_ _)m

However, I vote for Callos deTerran, Zarah, and Sucrose.

Because of such a late vote, I know this creates more trouble than it should be (because 3tie for Sucrose, Frozen_Feet, and myself), so after thinking, I humbly decline such a position upon the council. :smallredface:

I hope a satisfactory ideal can be decided between Sucrose and Frozen_Feet. I think both of you would do a good job.

2010-04-18, 09:29 AM
Got to say it is actualy easier to boost up the number of councilors to five and pretend it was always like that. :smalltongue:

Without adding more votes. For the record. It would get silly and make my life miserable.

2010-04-18, 09:35 AM
Got to say it is actualy easier to boost up the number of councilors to five and pretend it was always like that. :smalltongue:

Without adding more votes. For the record. It would get silly and make my life miserable.

He's got a point here. If all 5 would be willing, it's not a bad idea, per se. Three was just the originally proposed number. This way, we still have an odd number. Which is good, for something like this. >_>

2010-04-18, 09:50 AM
I am willing for there to be 5 Central 46 members.

I'm okay with it. It's good flashback fodder. Though it does heighten the feeling that only way Hannibal is getting out of prison is if the villains decide to break him out.:smalltongue:

It will only make it that much more epic when he does escape.

2010-04-18, 09:57 AM
I am willing for there to be 5 Central 46 members.

So am I. Kasanip could always be the tie breaker on occasion if she doesn't want to routinely deal with stuff.

2010-04-18, 10:07 AM
Am I allowed to say something? <.< >.> I think I'm allowed to say something.

I second the idea of 5 councillors. Make it feel more like there's an actual council.

Purple Rose
2010-04-18, 11:24 AM
Agreed. It would work well and would allow for all the people we thought worthy of the position to get in. :smallsmile:

2010-04-18, 12:53 PM
Ryuunosuke Osamu has Myojin beat by exactly one hundred years. :smallwink:

Ah, so he does. All right, second oldest. Still.

2010-04-18, 01:01 PM
5 Central 46'ers sounds fine.

2010-04-18, 01:09 PM
5 Central 46'ers is mine by me as well.

2010-04-18, 01:11 PM
4(5)6? 0.o


However, I will forgo my vote to support this motion.

2010-04-18, 01:14 PM

No. Just... no. On every possible level, no.

2010-04-18, 01:15 PM
4(5)6? 0.o


However, I will forgo my vote to support this motion.

...I'm confused.

Are you voting against having a Central 46 group at all?

Are you abstaining from voting on members?

Are you abstaining from saying one way or another on the "5 members" idea?

2010-04-18, 01:16 PM
I think he is just making a joke that our central 46 has 5 members.


The forgoing vote I guess means he will not be voting for the members for whatever reason.

2010-04-18, 01:20 PM
it was just a joke, as Draken suggests.

I don't want to mess with the votes any, but would like to reinforce my opinion that I like the idea of 5 members of the group.

2010-04-18, 01:20 PM
And here I thought he was referencing High Octane Nightmare Fuel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Torchwood_creatures_and_aliens#The_456).

2010-04-18, 01:20 PM
A pun, being that 5 is in fact the center of 4 and 6.

2010-04-18, 01:23 PM
Two Questions.

1.)Do we have a "Logistics" Division, like what the 7th (http://bleachitp.wikidot.com/7th-division) is in the current game? Or will that be covered by the 4th Division? This is important for my construction of my proposal for 8th Division.

2.)What do people think of the idea of having multiple people hold the same number seat in a Division. Not Captain or Vice-Captain. I'm thinking more something like "8 10th Seats" or the like. Specifically, this is for the 8th Division. The main reason is to ease tensions; if a squad has a couple of seated officers, but their tactics guy is an unseated, it might increase friction. If, instead, he's a fellow officer (even a lower rank), it might help smooth things out. I'm not sure on numbers exactly, beyond "more than 20". It might well be that the top 5 seats are singular, and the 6-20th seats are the ones with multiples.

2010-04-18, 01:26 PM
4th runs inventory, and does transport. Logistics also usually covers acquisitions, but that isn't the 4th's job.

And I know in canon, there were two officers in the third seat of one of the squads, so that would be fine with me.

2010-04-18, 01:28 PM
I don't want to mess with the votes any, but would like to reinforce my opinion that I like the idea of 5 members of the group.
Why? :smallconfused:

You have just as much right to vote as anyone.

I'd really like to see everyone give an opinion on this. That said, if people don't vote at all, in my mind, they have no room for complaints down the road. But mostly, I want this to be something the whole community agrees on, not a half dozen voters, while everyone else sits on the sidelines. That's kind of a bad precedent. :smallwink:

2010-04-18, 01:28 PM
There were two 3rd seats because there was no VC, I think.

I don't have any problem with it I suppose.

2010-04-18, 01:30 PM
I have no issues with multiple holders of the same seat. And it is stated quite often in canon that the lower seats are not exclusive, as seens to be the usual case with... Well, 5th and up at the very least.

2010-04-18, 01:32 PM
4th runs inventory, and does transport. Logistics also usually covers acquisitions, but that isn't the 4th's job.
Right. Hm. So they're the ones that take care of sending any and all supplies of any and all kinds out to people who need them? Including wartime logistics?

This is important, or I wouldn't be so insistent. :smallwink:

And I know in canon, there were two officers in the third seat of one of the squads, so that would be fine with me.

There were two 3rd seats because there was no VC, I think.

I don't have any problem with it I suppose.

I recall that as well.

I should be clear here. I'm not talking doubling up. I'm talking something like a hundred or more seated officers, split between various ranks (not sure if I'll do an even split, or a graduated system (ie, 5 6th seats, 10 7th, 15 8th, etc.)) below Captain and Vice Captain (and possibly below 5th seat). The 8th as a whole would have something like 30-500 shinigami.

2010-04-18, 01:35 PM
Well, unless someone else wants to job very badly, yeah, probably. I imagine the 4th functioning as the one does in canon. They are really supposed to just be healers, but do the fact that Ude is lazy, end up getting the jobs that no one else wants. Running supplies during wartime would be part of that, I assume.

I still haven't decided how large they are, but they are probably the largest division by a good margin.

2010-04-18, 01:37 PM
Heh. 12th under my rule will be all seated officers, with interns still in the academy being the only unseated, graduating to 20th seats immediately upon being admited into the division.

I also plan on it being a really tiny division, due to this fact. :smallcool:

2010-04-18, 01:43 PM
Well, unless someone else wants to job very badly, yeah, probably. I imagine the 4th functioning as the one does in canon. They are really supposed to just be healers, but do the fact that Ude is lazy, end up getting the jobs that no one else wants. Running supplies during wartime would be part of that, I assume.

I still haven't decided how large they are, but they are probably the largest division by a good margin.

Congratulations. 4th Division is new best friends with 8th. >_>

2010-04-18, 01:55 PM
I suggest people thinks of the seats like this

5th seat and up = Officers (Troop and Platoon leaders). People who take care of things on the strategical level.

6th to 20th seat = Non-Commissioned Officers (Drill Sergeants, Squad Leaders). People who take care of things on the tactical level.

Unseated = Crew (Lance Corporals, Privates). Mooks. People who are bossed around by the above.

2010-04-18, 01:58 PM
I suggest people thinks of the seats like this

5th seat and up = Officers (Troop and Platoon leaders). People who take care of things on the strategical level.

6th to 20th seat = Non-Commissioned Officers (Drill Sergeants, Squad Leaders). People who take care of things on the tactical level.

Unseated = Crew (Lance Corporals, Privates). Mooks. People who are bossed around by the above.

Normally, that would work.

But my vision of 8th is the "Tactics and Strategy Division". >_>

2010-04-18, 02:05 PM
Knight: Your division is probably in charge of all of that during war-time. When it's not wartime, I don't think most divisions are going to let 8th tell them how they're supposed to be doing their jobs unless they back it up with evidence showing them how they're doing it wrong.

2010-04-18, 02:09 PM
Knight: Your division is probably in charge of all of that during war-time. When it's not wartime, I don't think most divisions are going to let 8th tell them how they're supposed to be doing their jobs unless they back it up with evidence showing them how they're doing it wrong.

They're not "field commanders". In fact, even in wartime, they're not necessarily going to be the people in charge. They're the people who come up with plans.

In peacetime, I'd wager they help run training exercises. And they probably help with patrol route planning and such.

Though if you have ideas on how to help them not be perceived badly, I am all ears. I've not got my full writeup done yet, so I'm open to advice.

2010-04-18, 02:20 PM
They're not "field commanders". In fact, even in wartime, they're not necessarily going to be the people in charge. They're the people who come up with plans.

In peacetime, I'd wager they help run training exercises. And they probably help with patrol route planning and such.

Though if you have ideas on how to help them not be perceived badly, I am all ears. I've not got my full writeup done yet, so I'm open to advice.

5th seat and up = play wargames plan strategies with the CG?

6th to 20th seat = Drill Sergeants, teaching tactical symbols, reconnassaince and basic combat tactics?

Unseated = Cartography, updating situational reviews?

I believe your 8th would have closest ties with 5th (Signal Corps) and 9th (Recon). In war time, I believe they'd do pretty much what my Platoon does in Finnish army: sit on their asses somewhere in the backlines, shouting commands via radio hell butterflies to the frontline units (9th and 11th).

2010-04-18, 02:21 PM
Congratulations. 4th Division is new best friends with 8th. >_>

That's nice. Most of the 4th Division need friends.

2010-04-18, 02:22 PM
It really is fascinating to see how closely this new version of the 8th Division happens to resemble my original intentions for the old one. Believe it or not, when the RP first started this was exactly the role I had in mind for the 8th: Coordination of strategy and tactics across Seireitei. It was only as play went on that they gradually shifted in roles; First from general strategy to defence, then from that to the loveable inquisitors of the present.

And now through a strange twist of fate they've come full circle and arrived back where they started. Even though I won't be part of the reboot, it should be fun to watch how 'take 1' of the 8th Division turns out this time.

2010-04-18, 02:22 PM
5th seat and up = play wargames plan strategies with the CG?

6th to 20th seat = Drill Sergeants, teaching tactical symbols, reconnassaince and basic combat tactics?

Unseated = Cartography, updating situational reviews?

I believe your 8th would have closest ties with 5th (Signal Corps) and 9th (Recon). In war time, I believe they'd do pretty much what my Platoon does in Finnish army: sit on their asses somewhere in the backlines, shouting commands via radio hell butterflies to the frontline units (9th and 11th).

Oh...I like that. Cartography...I didn't even think of that.

As far as wartime goes...I'd say it'd be more like you'd have an 8th member in a combat squad to help plan on the fly. Or something. Communication is good. On-sight re-evaluation is better. But yes, I'm liking these ideas.

Edit: But 4th is also going to be big. Logistics is a huge part of planning.

2010-04-18, 02:23 PM
Edit: Well, you got a good answer, so I'll spoil all of this in case you want to look at it.

My initial thought was that you wanted them to be the "people in charge," but since you don't then there's really no issue.

I figured they'd be like the group who does inspections on divisions. It's 8th that keeps everyone else running the way they're supposed to be running, instead of slacking off like some divisions do in canon (*cough11thcough*). So, 8th goes around and makes inspections, and the higher-seated members issue letters to the proper division leader to ensure that whatever problems are found get fixed.

They also probably deal a lot with "logistics" like the 7th in our game does, in that part of their planning is making sure that supplies get to wherever it is they need to be and that no one is completely shorthanded, etc.

The thing about having a division for "planning and strategy" is that, well, each division has people who are leaders. That's what the Captains do. So if you want a team of strategists, they probably shouldn't be like a commanding officer to every other division. I could imagine "If you do this, your efficiency will increase .5%, which will result in a 3% increase in effectiveness" might be something we hear from the stereotypical 8th Division member, but I would be wary if most of what they said was "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!"

Basically, 8th shouldn't expect to be in charge of how everyone else does their jobs, but they can make sure that people can do their jobs and that they do them effectively.

2010-04-18, 02:29 PM
Edit: Well, you got a good answer, so I'll spoil all of this in case you want to look at it.

My initial thought was that you wanted them to be the "people in charge," but since you don't then there's really no issue.

I figured they'd be like the group who does inspections on divisions. It's 8th that keeps everyone else running the way they're supposed to be running, instead of slacking off like some divisions do in canon (*cough11thcough*). So, 8th goes around and makes inspections, and the higher-seated members issue letters to the proper division leader to ensure that whatever problems are found get fixed.

They also probably deal a lot with "logistics" like the 7th in our game does, in that part of their planning is making sure that supplies get to wherever it is they need to be and that no one is completely shorthanded, etc.

The thing about having a division for "planning and strategy" is that, well, each division has people who are leaders. That's what the Captains do. So if you want a team of strategists, they probably shouldn't be like a commanding officer to every other division. I could imagine "If you do this, your efficiency will increase .5%, which will result in a 3% increase in effectiveness" might be something we hear from the stereotypical 8th Division member, but I would be wary if most of what they said was "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!"

Basically, 8th shouldn't expect to be in charge of how everyone else does their jobs, but they can make sure that people can do their jobs and that they do them effectively.

I'll probably roll a bit of that idea, in, but probably even more of what Frozen said.

Also, I don't always foresee them being leaders. They won't say "Jim go here, Bob go there, Lucy go there". They'd turn to the squad leader and say "It looks like it would work well if we sent 2 people west, and 3 people east, and hit them with a pincer. But things might change. What do you think?"

Or, in the words of General Patton: Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

8th would give the general plan on a squad level. It would be up to the Squad Leader (if that person isn't the 8th member) to then take that plan, and implement it, with any last-second changes they see fit.

Does that make more sense?

2010-04-18, 02:31 PM
Yes, that's what I generally expected. Carry on, good sir. :smallwink:

2010-04-18, 02:31 PM
Oh...I like that. Cartography...I didn't even think of that.

As far as wartime goes...I'd say it'd be more like you'd have an 8th member in a combat squad to help plan on the fly. Or something. Communication is good. On-sight re-evaluation is better. But yes, I'm liking these ideas.

Edit: But 4th is also going to be big. Logistics is a huge part of planning.

During peace time, I'd imagine the 4th would handle Logistics on a normal schedule.

But my guess is that during wartime, they'd probably just do what they are told, either by your group, or by the 1st.

2010-04-18, 03:12 PM
I'm wondering if we're gonna go by the "older means smarter" way of Captaincy. I think it'd be funny for a five year old to decide MASSIVE decisions.

A pun, being that 5 is in fact the center of 4 and 6.


2010-04-18, 03:16 PM
I'm wondering if we're gonna go by the "older means smarter" way of Captaincy. I think it'd be funny for a five year old to decide MASSIVE decisions.


2010-04-18, 03:31 PM
"Off with their heads!"

Spoilered, not for size, but for the safety of the weak of heart.

2010-04-18, 03:36 PM
"Off with their heads!"

Spoilered, not for size, but for the safety of the weak of heart.

*Knows what that is*


*Runs screaming into the hills*

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 04:05 PM
Draken made Knight run for the hills...Only one word for that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCaRdCQCSuc&NR=1)

Moon Wolf
2010-04-18, 04:06 PM
+1 to that. Scratch the pizza dinner. :smallyuk: *runs away to OTHER hills screaming*

2010-04-18, 04:10 PM
Draken made Knight run for the hills...Only one word for that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCaRdCQCSuc&NR=1)

*A Cow falls on Righty*

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 04:16 PM
Damn Cow-apults!

*Roasts the Cow into Medium Rare steaks with a Hado 33*

EDIT: Yeah I just made a Monty Python reference B**** Now you gotta act. Probably a misspelling, but my point stands.

2010-04-18, 04:34 PM
Whoops, is there still time to vote? If so, my votes are:
Callos deTerran
Knight Disciple

Oh, and Righty: *summons 10 big daddies* Run. :smallamused:

2010-04-18, 04:35 PM
*whips out Shock Gel Thrower* Let's dance.

2010-04-18, 04:45 PM
Character Themes

The Conductor- Danse Macabre (By Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns)
If you have never heard this song before, you have been shamefully deprived of a cultural experience.

Tani- Born to Be Wild (By Steppenwolf)
No one has not heard this song.

Ude and Aki I haven't quite decided on.

2010-04-18, 04:51 PM
I'm very bad at finding music, so if anyone decides they've found a piece of music that might work for Kina or Taiki then I'd love to use it.

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 04:54 PM
Whoops, is there still time to vote? If so, my votes are:
Callos deTerran
Knight Disciple

Oh, and Righty: *summons 10 big daddies* Run. :smallamused:

*Injects EVE into hand which is then incased in insects claymore held in other.*
What tgva said.

2010-04-18, 04:57 PM
*Knows what that is*


*Runs screaming into the hills*

What is it, then?

2010-04-18, 05:01 PM
An Atropal. Undead God Fetus.

They are what happens when you piss off your GM, and you are beyond the reach of that Damn Crab.

2010-04-18, 05:01 PM
What is it, then?

An Atropal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm#atropal).

Innis Cabal
2010-04-18, 05:09 PM
I'm wondering if we're gonna go by the "older means smarter" way of Captaincy. I think it'd be funny for a five year old to decide MASSIVE decisions.

Isn't that sort of what Takeshi is? He's only roughly 15 compared to the other Captains.

2010-04-18, 05:12 PM
What is it, then?See those crows in the background? They're actually in the foreground. As in, they are closer to you than the subject.

2010-04-18, 05:15 PM
Isn't that sort of what Takeshi is? He's only roughly 15 compared to the other Captains.
"Not to mention the whelp seems to act like he just realized sex, drugs and rock'n'roll happen to exist."


About the atropal... yeah, I remember now what those are. Never seen a picture before, so I didn't recognize it. Who sicko came up with those?

2010-04-18, 05:19 PM
The same guy who came up with the final boss for Half Life?

2010-04-18, 05:29 PM
Not nearly as bad as whoever designed the...

This image is the apex of "does this reming you of something?"

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 05:42 PM
...No Comment

2010-04-18, 06:04 PM
The same guy who came up with the final boss for Half Life?

http://image2.sina.com.cn/gm/newgames/2004-11-23/U610P115T9D62137F167DT20041123104852.jpghttp://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/8741802/images/1269369249127.jpg Holy Moly, Nihilanth is a giant Atropal!

And Draken: Just... No. :smallsigh:

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 06:11 PM
@ Draken:
http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv352/sirjamesthegood/DoubleFacePalm.jpgSorry, I have no other explanation for this

2010-04-18, 06:12 PM
I thought we wanted a more lighthearted game!

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 06:17 PM
Yeah, I thought this game was to include less if not any mindrape

Innis Cabal
2010-04-18, 06:21 PM
Its all reserved for you Righty.

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 06:26 PM
Its all reserved for you Righty.


2010-04-18, 06:30 PM
1. Spoiler the image.

2. No one said anything about mindrape.

2010-04-18, 06:31 PM
Hey Right...

Guess what I've got for you.

Cake! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWT15PHGuWI)

2010-04-18, 06:33 PM
KD, that scene was actually a scene I loved from Heroes. It doesn't bring me any amount of horror.

Maybe it's because Heroes stopped making Sylar seem very scary at all after the 1st Season.

2010-04-18, 06:34 PM
KD, that scene was actually a scene I loved from Heroes. It doesn't bring me any amount of horror.

Maybe it's because Heroes stopped making Sylar seem very scary at all after the 1st Season.

Plus, there's cake!:smallbiggrin:

The Librarian
2010-04-18, 06:34 PM
1. Spoiler the image.

2. No one said anything about mindrape.

*Shrugs*thought the image was small enough.

EDIT:@ Knight: LoL, Cake

2010-04-18, 06:35 PM
You seriously should have expected this by now.