View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 86: McToughy & Croysp vs. Oro & Isolde

2010-04-03, 09:23 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 86: McToughy & Croysp vs. Oro & Isolde


XP Award: 600 XP to each non-DQd member of winning team
GP Award: 600 GP to each non-DQd member of winning team

McToughy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=92125) - AlterForm (Red North)
Croysp (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=5067) - Psionic Dog (Red West)
Oro (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=142599) - Scorer (Blue South)
Isolde (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6917) - 02youeng (Blue East)

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases.

2010-04-03, 09:41 PM
McToughy, reporting in.


2010-04-03, 09:59 PM
Psidog and Alterform... and I though last match was though... I guess there are no easy choices at this level...

Oro reporting in...


Still need to think purchases and set up strategy with partner

Psionic Dog
2010-04-03, 11:48 PM
Croysp checking in.

Need to consult partner before declaring purchases

I'm thinking of getting a healing belt. Croysp didn't hold up as well as I'd have liked our last match.

Any thoughts on how we should handle this match?

2010-04-03, 11:53 PM
Reviewing their last match, Oro's a straight up beatstick and Isolde is some kind of melee mage thing. If we pair off, McToughy/Isolde (Saves and AC to counter Color Spray, buffs, et al) and Croysp/Oro (Speed to play cat/mouse) will work.

However, if they under stand how McToughy works, they'll try to gang up on him to eat his immediate action then punch through while defenses are down. Not sure how we'd deal with that situation except attempt to execute our Alpha Strike before their Alpha Strike.

2010-04-04, 05:26 AM


Heh...this should be fun. McToughy will need teamwork to take down - his Elan damage ignoring thingy is an immediate action, so if we hit him twice in the same round, he can only stop one of the attacks. Croysp's speed of 60 isn't all that helpful either - McToughy will fall behind very quickly if Croysp moves his full speed. Both of them only use melee attacks, so I'm gonna buff up myself with Shield and Mage Armour - with Law Devotion up, Croysp will need a 19 to hit me. On McToughy, it should only take 2 rounds to drop him if I use Acid Orb and you hit him.

I would say meet up together, and stay together. If they both attack together, we'll have plenty of time to use up spells - we still have Enlarge Person, Glitterdust, See Invisibility, Mage Armour and Shield from the last round. Enlarge Person will give you 10ft reach, and with my AC and 20% concelement, if you stand behind me, and attack over me, you should be safe, and they shouldn't be able to hit me.

Waiting on Oro before purchases.

2010-04-04, 11:56 AM

Didn't know about McToughy's thingy, Remember my scroll still has bull's strenght too, having all three buffs up can max my damage rolls.

However, how exactly works the inmediate action to reduce damage form McToughy? I need to understand it fully.

And growing up and taking you as cover sounds nice, also it may be me AoO should they forget my size.

So, we meet in the same place again? Our corner, which this time would be X-Z 23-26?

2010-04-04, 02:41 PM
The corner sounds good.

McToughy's damage reduction works like this: He gets damaged, he uses an Immediate Action to use Elan Resillience, which reduces the damage taken by 4 points for each PP he uses. Because you can only have 1 Swift or Immediate action a turn, he can't use that ability if he's hit twice in one turn - he'd need 2 Immediate Actions to block both attacks.

I'm gonna use Mage Armour and Shield first, on myself, then Enlarge Person on you, then Bull's Strength. If you drop the scroll on the floor, I only need a move action to pick it up. I've also still got Glitterdust from the last round, if I can blind them, it'd be awesome. Hopefully Croysp splits off from McToughy, he's easier to kill.

Any purchase ideas? I like the idea of Tanglefoot Bags

2010-04-04, 02:45 PM

Tanglefoots sound good, I always like to have a good reserve of Tanglefoots, Alchemists and Curative potions (which by the way I just found that Faith Healing is better than Cure and cost the same :smallannoyed:)

I already buyed Alchemists

So, I will buy:

Tatoos of force screen
Faith Healing Potions

Plus any strange effect you may want me to buy...

Psionic Dog
2010-04-04, 08:27 PM
Hmm. I'm mostly worried about Isolde's color spray.
We both have decent will saves, but that's still a 50/50 chance of going down if one goes off.

Croysp could *probably* take Oro, but it's not much of a certainty. Croysp might take down Oro with one swing, but it looks most likely that it would become a race to see who hits twice first. I think Croysp can maneuver to make the first attack, but Oro has the AC advantage.

Readied actions might be our friend this match.

You know, the good ol'
"Take a 5-ft step and attack if a foe attacks or casts a spell within 15 ft"
"Move if a foe moves or otherwise provokes an AoO within movement distance"

2010-04-04, 08:28 PM
You wanna just get buffs up then hide in a corner somewhere, then?

Psionic Dog
2010-04-04, 08:52 PM
And wait for them to come to us?

It might work.

A second idea:

What if Croysp climbed up on top of the walls?
He could give directions to McToughy while tossing sling stones and alchemical items to disrupt castings before jumping down to gang up our foes once battle is joined.

Of course, some planning will have to wait until we see what they buy. Last match they bought a pile of expendables, and it seems likely that at least one of them will do so again.

So far my tentative purchase list looks like:
Belt of Healing: 750 gp
Thunder stone: 30 gp
2 acid flasks: 20 gp

Total: 800 gp, leaving Croysp 150+ for reactionary buys.

Anything Croysp should consider adding or forgetting?

2010-04-05, 02:32 PM
Option 2 sounds good. Rendezvous near E5 to give Croysp time to climb and MT time to buff?

Psionic Dog
2010-04-05, 03:21 PM
Croysp will spend his earnings to purchase:
(1) Belt of Healing.
(1) Thunderstone.
(2) Acid Flasks.
I believe that comes out to 800 gp total.

No other purchases planned, reserve right to make reactionary buys should Oro or Isolde buy anything.

That works. With the corner bonus Croysp should make it to the top without having to buy a grapple with a little luck.

2010-04-05, 05:06 PM
Hmm...I think a few more scrolls might be a nice idea. They might come in useful, and it'll confuse them about our plan. A couple of Tanglefoot Bags, a Kelgore's Firebolt or two, a Summon Monster I scroll, maybe Obscuring Mist...any more spells you want?

2010-04-05, 07:17 PM

I only need you to cast enlarge and bull's strength, so I think I'm fine, I'm gonna buy:

2x Tanglefoot Bag
2x Psinic Tatto Force Screen
2x Potion of Faith Healing
And if I have enough money a composite longbow... but still not sure

If there's nothing more to discuss, then we're all set, just waiting you to confirm.

2010-04-05, 07:51 PM


A scroll containing:

1x Obscuring Mist
1x Shield
1x Seeking Ray
1x Grease [225g total]

2x Tanglefoot Bags [100g]

Right to reactionaries, etc...

2010-04-05, 08:32 PM
No purchases for McToughy.

2010-04-05, 09:32 PM
Oro's Purchases:

2x Tanglefoot Bag = 100gp
2x Psionic Tatto Force Screen = 100gp
2x Potion of Faith Healing = 100gp

Psionic Dog
2010-04-06, 08:03 AM
Croysp will purchase one Psionic Tatoo of Precognition in reaction.

No other reaction pruchases planed but may make counter reactionary bla bla bla.

Any one wish to counter that or are we ready to start? It looks like the order is:


2010-04-06, 12:12 PM
I've nothing more to add

2010-04-06, 02:13 PM
MT is ready to go.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-07, 06:54 PM
Looks like Isolde can lead as out if/when Oro's ready.

2010-04-07, 06:55 PM
I'm absolutely ready....

2010-04-08, 10:45 AM
Let's do this then. On an unrelated note, I just recieved a PSP in the mail, and I am currently hacking it so it plays PS1 games. Good times. Also updated my character sheet, appearently I didn't save the last time I did, so I had to redo last round's purchases as well as this rounds. Feel free to check if you want.

Isolde, round 1

Starting in N26, with a big scroll in each hand [Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease] and [See Invisibility, Shield [CL2,] Mage Armour, Glitterdust,] wearing my Arcanist's Gloves, MW Shortsword at my hip.

Swift action: enter Child of Shadows stance
Move action: move to T26
Standard action: cast Shield [CL2] from my scroll

[roll0] [DC 3]
And, because of my abissmal rolls so far with these, I'll stick it in now, just in case...

[roll1] [DC 5]

Turn done

2010-04-08, 10:49 AM
Oops, forgot stats:

HP: 7/7
AC: 20 [16 FF, 14 Touch,] 20% concelement

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Mage Armour, Glitterdust

Shield: 20/20 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

Psionic Dog
2010-04-08, 11:53 AM
Croysp - Round 1

Start in M2 holding nothing.
Aura of Attack is active.
Move to E-5.
Climb to D-4. [roll0] DC 20 (25 - 5 corner)


Location: D-4 (or E-5 if climb failed)
HP 22/22
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes

2010-04-08, 02:20 PM
McToughy - Round 1

If LoS:
Begin in B13. Psionic Focus is held. Wearing Banded Mail +1. MW Longspear is 2-handed. All equipment is on my person.

Standard: Manifest power. DC 16 Psicraft to ID.
Force Screen. No augment.
Move: 30 ft to F10.

HP: 13/13 (0 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 14/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: F10

End Turn

2010-04-08, 08:11 PM
Oro 1st Turn

Oro starts in Y14 with his scroll of Bull's strenght and Enlarge person in his hand.

Double moves to S25

If Isolde is next to me, Drop Scroll, if not I may revise if I see Isolde first.

End of Turn


Oro started @ Y14
Oro ended @ S25
HP 18/18
AC 18 (10 +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +4 Armor) T 13 FF 15
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Scroll(Maybe dropped)
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

2010-04-09, 05:25 AM
Gonna ask for LoS before my next turn.

2010-04-09, 10:16 AM

McToughy:No LoS.

Croysp:No LoS.

Isolde:Oro is in S25.

Oro:Isolde is in T26.

2010-04-09, 10:36 AM
Isolde, turn 2

Free action: Whisper "Hey there tough guy. Your spells coming next."
Standard action: cast Mage Armour from scroll on self.
Free action: drop See Invisibility/Glitterdust scroll on my space [T26]
Move action: pick up scroll of Bull's Strength/Enlarge Person

Turn done

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Bull's Strength, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility on floor in T26]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 19/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 600/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

Psionic Dog
2010-04-09, 11:03 AM
Croysp - Round 2

Try again: Climb to D-4
[roll0] Edit: Success!

If Successful: Activate Psionic Tatoo: Precognition.
Otherwise: Try yet again.


Location: D-4 (or E-5 if climb failed)
HP 22/22
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes

2010-04-09, 11:06 AM

McToughy:Croysp is in D4.

Croysp:McToughy is in F10.

Isolde:Oro is in S25.

Oro:Isolde is in T26.

2010-04-09, 02:59 PM
McToughy - Round 2

Free: Flash Croysp a thumbs-up
Standard: Manifest power. DC 16 Psicraft to ID
Vigor. Augment to 2 PP for 10 THP
Don't forget the displays (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#display)on the power. Vigor is Material and Olfactory.
Move: 10 ft to G8

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: G8

End Turn

2010-04-09, 08:07 PM
Oro 2nd Turn

Oro just stays still waiting for buffs...
Standard: Full Defense.
Free: Whisper to Isolde: So, how much time will these spells last, the usual? Also, try to invisible me only if we have time to do it...

End of Turn


Oro started @ S25
Oro ended @ S25
HP 18/18
AC 22 (10 +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +4 Armor, +4 Dodge) T 17 FF 15
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Free
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

2010-04-09, 09:17 PM
Isolde, turn 3

Free: whisper to Oro "No Invisibility left, I'm afraid. This next spell, Bull's Strength, will last 3 minutes. Enlarge Person will last 1 minute, it may be wise to wait till we draw near the enemy before I cast it. But I imagine they'll find us, or we'll find them, before it wears off if I cast it now."

Standard action: cast Bull's Strength on Oro

[roll0] [DC 4]

Turn over, your go

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility on floor in T26]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 18/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 599/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

Psionic Dog
2010-04-10, 07:13 AM
Croysp - Round 3

Croysp gives a small wave, looks around, and shrugs.

Move action 1: Move to O-7 and draw a sling loaded with a thunderstone.

Move action 2: Sneak halfspeed south to M-7.
[roll0] [roll1]
If I can't break up stealth by move actions then add -5 movement penalties.

Not Done, need LoS.

2010-04-10, 02:38 PM
Croysp:I'm not sure how you're getting to O7 from D4 in a single move, or without a jump check.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-10, 03:24 PM
Croysp has a 60ft speed.

Start at D-4.
Move 20ft south to H-4 for the running jump.
Auto-succeed on 15 ft jump to K-7. (Croysp has a +15 jump modifier)
Continue 25 ft south to O-7.
Draw Loaded sling as part of movement.
End of first move action.

Then continue south at half speed for the incomplete 2nd move action.

2010-04-10, 03:34 PM
Croysp:Ah, right, that 'technically it doesn't say the running start has to be in the same direction as the jump' thing. Regardless, since you lack ranks in Jump, you still need to roll to see if you land prone. Also, M7 is north of O7; so where exactly are you ending if you make the jump?

Psionic Dog
2010-04-10, 03:58 PM

First the jump check (I'd forgotten Croysp was untrained)
[roll0] DC 20 to land standing.

As for ending Locations, I meant to say move from O7 to M7 by way of Q7.

That is, Move Action #2: Half Speed Sneak: O7 >south> Q7 >back north> M7.

I hope it's not too late to add that qualifier since Crosyp did specify he moved south out of O-7 and is still ending in M-7... :smalleek:

Finally, Crosyp also intends to draw a second weapon as part of his second move action, but I need to know what if anything he sees before deciding on which one.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-10, 03:59 PM
Technical difficulties one moment...


2010-04-10, 06:10 PM

McToughy:Croysp is in M7.

Croysp:McToughy is in G8.

Isolde:Oro is in S25.

Oro:Isolde is in T26.

2010-04-10, 07:33 PM
McToughy - Round 3

Standard: Total Defense
Move: Hide (Terribly)

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: G8

End Turn

2010-04-10, 08:02 PM
Oro 3rd Turn

Oro just stays still waiting for buffs...
Standard: Full Defense.
Free: Ok, no problem. Just be following your instructions.

End of Turn


Oro started @ S25
Oro ended @ S25
HP 18/18
AC 22 (10 +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +4 Armor, +4 Dodge) T 17 FF 15
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Free
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 1/30 Rounds

2010-04-10, 08:12 PM
Isolde, round 4

Free action: whisper "Last spell incoming. Give me a round to stow my scrolls and ready my arms, then, let us hunt."
Standard action: cast Enlarge Person on Oro
Free action: drop empty scroll [that previously had Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength]
Move action:: pick up the scroll of See Invisibility and Glitterdust from my space

Turn done

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility on floor in T26]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 17/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 598/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

Psionic Dog
2010-04-10, 09:03 PM
Not Done, need LoS.

Looks like this got skipped.

LoS: Round 3
Draw Acid flask as part of movement before ending. Now holding loaded sling in one hand, acid flask in other.
I doubt that changed anything, but if it some how did shout out.

Croysp - Round 4

Croysp gives an exaggerated shrug and sneaks south to Q-7 before jumping west.
Jump 10ft to R-4: Auto-succeed by 5.
Continue south to W-4.

Still have one move/standard action remaining.

Not Done. Need LoS again.

2010-04-10, 09:17 PM
Actually, yeah, I'll add something in response to that.

MT - R3 addition
Free: Speak: Sounds will likely not penetrate these walls due to their high penalty to the listen DC. If you can't see them, it is almost certain they can't hear you. Bear this in mind on your turns so we can communicate clearly by voice without fear of compromising our positions.

Probably won't change anything further.

2010-04-10, 09:25 PM

McToughy:You lose LoS to Croysp as he exits Q7 to the west.

Croysp:No LoS.

Isolde:Oro is in S25.

Oro:Isolde is in T26.

2010-04-10, 09:30 PM
McToughy - Round 4

Move: 30 ft to L6
Free: Speak: Any sign of them to the east?
Standard: Ready an Action
Action: Move
Trigger: MT gains LoS to Isolde or Oro, or Croysp takes any action.

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: L6

Need a LoS check before I end turn.

2010-04-10, 09:51 PM

McToughy:Croysp is in W4.

Croysp:McToughy is in L6.

Isolde:Oro is in S25.

Oro:Isolde is in T26.

2010-04-10, 09:52 PM
No change.

End Turn

2010-04-10, 09:59 PM
Oro 4th Turn

First, Oro enlarges to S24-T25
Oro waits for Isolde...

Standard: Full Defense.
Free: Roger, roger.

End of Turn


Oro started @ S25
Oro ended @ S24-T25
HP 18/18
AC 20 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, +4 Dodge, -1 Size) T 15 FF 14
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Free
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 2/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person 1/10 Rounds

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

2010-04-10, 10:29 PM
Isolde, turn 5

Free action: whisper "Right, let's get this show on the road."
Move action: stow scroll of Glitterdust and See Invisibility
Move action: move to Y23, drawing my MW Shortsword
If I get LoS at any point, might well change actions.

Turn done, need LoS

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch,] 20% concelement

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility on floor in T26]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 16/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 597/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

2010-04-10, 11:04 PM
Refs:Spot for Isolde: [roll0]

McToughy:Croysp is in W4.

Croysp:McToughy is in L6. Isolde enters X24.

Isolde:Oro is in S25. When you enter X24, you see Croysp in W4. You may revise your turn from this point.

Oro:Isolde is in X24.

Minor rewind to Isolde's turn.

2010-04-10, 11:22 PM
Stick my tongue out at Croysp, and say to Oro "Croysp's atop the walls, west of my position

Psionic Dog
2010-04-11, 06:36 AM
Not Done. Need LoS again.

Croysp's ending got skipped, again. So before I go reading all those LoS spoilers...

Rewind back to Croysp - Round 4

Stop hiding and move east to W-7.
Give another exaggerated shrug.


HP 22/22
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 98/100

That might have changed some stuff.

2010-04-11, 07:15 PM
McToughy - Round 4 Revision

Move: 30 ft to M9
Move: 30 ft to S9

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: S9
Reactive Listen - (1d20+2)[13]
Reactive Spot - (1d20+6)[21]

End Turn

2010-04-12, 09:19 AM
Oro 4th Turn Revision

First, Oro enlarges to S24-T25
Oro waits for Isolde...

Standard: Ready an Action

To move when I see Isolde's signal, eitherway.

Free: If you see some one, signal me.

End of Turn


Oro started @ S25
Oro ended @ S24-T25
HP 18/18
AC 20 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, +4 Dodge, -1 Size) T 15 FF 14
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Free
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 2/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person 1/10 Rounds

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

2010-04-12, 11:06 AM
Isolde, turn 5, take 2

Free action: whisper "Right, let's get this show on the road. I'll signal if I see anything."
Move action: stow scroll of Glitterdust and See Invisibility
Move action: move to Y23, drawing my MW Shortsword

If I get LoS at any point, might well change actions.

Turn over, need LoS

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch,] 20% concelement

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: unused
Unused scroll spells: Seeking Ray, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility on floor in T26]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 16/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 597/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

2010-04-12, 12:00 PM

McToughy:Croysp is in W7.

Croysp:McToughy is in S9. Isolde enters X24.

Isolde:Oro is in S24/T25. When you enter X24, you see Croysp in W7. You may revise your turn from this point.

Oro:Isolde is in X24.

Minor rewind to Isolde's turn.

2010-04-12, 12:11 PM
Isolde, turn 5, take 2, part 2

Keep moving to Y23. Stick out tongue at Croysp. Call out to Oro "Croysp's on the walls, west of my position. About 15 paces away."

2010-04-12, 12:19 PM
Readied Action Triggered

Move to X24-Y25

2010-04-12, 01:10 PM

McToughy:Croysp is in W7.

Croysp:McToughy is in S9. Isolde is in Y23. Oro is in X24/Y25.

Isolde:Oro is in X24/Y25. Croysp is in W7.

Oro:Isolde is in Y23. Croysp is in W7.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-12, 04:29 PM
Croysp - Round 5

The half-orc points east and shouts:
"Here they come! Oro and Isolde are both at the South East corner, and look fully buffed: Oro's enlarged!"

Move: Back up to W-5
Ready Action
Attack Isolde with Sling (loaded with thunderstone) if Isolde or any enemy within 20ft of Isolde casts a spell, drinks a potion, or readies an action.

By the way, Croysp is holding a loaded sling and a flask. Could those foes of mine in LoS list what they're holding in their next post? Thanks. :smallsmile:


HP 22/22
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 97/100

2010-04-12, 04:41 PM
McToughy - Round 5

Free: "Roger. From now on, though, can you be more specific in their location? I might be able to pop through the walls at them."
Move: 5 ft to S10. Disappear heading east.
Finish Move: 25 ft to S15
Move: 30 ft to V19Move: Reappear in T19 and then 10 ft to V19

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: V19

End Turn

2010-04-12, 04:59 PM
Oro 5th Turn, Round 6

No problem Psidog, it's easy for me, I have nothing carrying, but don't worry, about to change :smallwink:

Free: Draw Greatsword
Free: Enter Rage
Full-Round Action: Run to X5-Y6

End of Turn


Oro started @ X24-Y25
Oro ended @ X5-Y6
HP 18/18 +4/4
AC 14 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Rage) T 9 FF 12
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Greatsword
Hand 2 Wielding: Greatsword

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 3/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person: 2/10 Rounds
Rage: 1/6

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

Rage Effects:
+4 STR
+4 CON
+2 Will Saves

2010-04-12, 05:02 PM
Need to correct something in STATS, no big deal, you may carry on


Oro started @ X24-Y25
Oro ended @ X5-Y6
HP 18/18 +4/4
AC 14 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Rage) T 9 FF 12
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Greatsword
Hand 2 Wielding: Greatsword

Consumables Used:
Scroll of Make Opponents Cry (Bull's Strength+Enlarge)

Bull's Strength: 3/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person: 2/10 Rounds
Rage: 1/6

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

Rage Effects:
+4 STR
+4 CON
+2 Will Saves

2010-04-12, 07:21 PM
Isolde, turn 6

For Croysp: I'm holding a scroll in one hand, and my MW Shortsword in the other, Arcanist's Gloves worn.

Move action: move to Y17
Swift action: activate Law Devotion [+3 attack]
Standard action: cast Seeking Ray from scroll at Croysp [only one spell I have that does 4d6 damage, no point with a spellcraft check]



Turn over

HP: 7/7
AC: 24 [20 FF, 14 Touch,] 20% concelement

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 10/10 rounds remaining [+3 attack]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, Enlarge Person [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 15/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 596/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Colour Spray, Lesser Orb of Acid x2

2010-04-12, 07:24 PM
Oooooh baby...first time I've ever had a crit chance with a spell.


2010-04-12, 08:30 PM

Free: Speak out of Turn: Hey! Don't kill him so fast! Leave some for me!

Nothing to hold play, carry on.

2010-04-12, 10:01 PM
Speak: "I don't think I finished him, and he has a healing belt! Don't worry friend, there's still flesh for you to rend!"

Same as Oro, not holding anything up

Psionic Dog
2010-04-12, 10:24 PM
Crosyp's ready action triggers when Isolde starts to cast...

[roll0] (including -2 range increment, -1 for using a stone instead of bullet)

Since Crosyp has cover from the wall against Oro this doesn't provoke an AoO.

If it hits, DC (10+damage + spell level) Concentration check to still get the spell off.

If it misses [roll2]

Edit: Ok, miss. If 1's 10ft back toward croysp and it counts clockwise then it would impact against the Z-15 wall.


The stone (more specifically Crosyp's thunder stone) detonates where ever it impacts.

Everyone within 20ft of point of impact needs to make a DC 15 fortitude save or become defend.

If defend, there is a 20% spell failure chance for casting any spell with a verbal component, and I'm going to argue that this is a distracting effect requiring an additional DC (15 + spell level) Concentration as well.

So to rob Crosyp of his HP Isolde will need:
A DC (15 + spell level) Concentration check.
If it's a hit, a second (DC 10 + damage + spell level) Concentration check.
And a DC 15 Fort save, 20% chance of spell failure (assuming a vocal component) if the save fails.

Lets see if Croysp still eats that effect before posting turn.

Oh wait, ready action puts Croysp back to act after Oro. If that didn't disrupt the casting then Croysp might not be around much longer. :smalleek:

Free Shout: (for all non-deafened)
"In case this is the end Good By and Fairwell! Oro's literally at my feat and Isolde is be his lonesome scarcely 10ft east of the blue starting ring in the center of the corador. If I fall Avenged me!"

Need comment from Isolde then McToughy may go.

2010-04-12, 10:57 PM

I'm curious, is the misdirection roll same as splash weapon? cause if it is, then the thunderstone would have landed in Z1...

Psionic Dog
2010-04-12, 11:07 PM
Z1? :smallconfused:

No, it was never in any danger of missing by that much. It is indeed a grenade weapon miss direction, but those only land 5ft per range increment away from the target.

Isolde was in the second sling range increment, so it was a miss by 10 ft.

If west was back toward Crosyp, then the 8 would have meant 10ft southwest of Isolde if the outer wall hadn't stopped the thunderstone short.

2010-04-12, 11:10 PM

I won't argue range hehehe

No, what I mean is direction, it says "1 being straight back at you and 2 through 8 counting clockwise around the grid intersection or target creature. "
so 8 would be diagnoally back right of you, and such bearing would be towards Z1

2010-04-12, 11:21 PM
PsiDog and refs:
In the Concentration skill page on the SRD, there is no such thing as "a distracting effect requiring an additional DC (15 + spell level) Concentration" check.

The list of things forcing a concentration check is:

Damage, continuous damage, distracted by a non-damaging spell [which a Thunderstone is not,] motion, entanglement, grappling, and weather

So...where did you get that from?

[roll1] [1=miscast]

Psionic Dog
2010-04-13, 12:23 AM
02youeng / Refs
Distracting spell/Power.
DC = Spell/Power's DC + spell level.

Thunder stones make a load bang with a DC 15 fort to resist, so I'm thinking a DC (Save DC 15) concentration would be needed.

2010-04-13, 12:24 AM
"Distracting spell/power"

A thunderstone is neither of those.

To elaborate, the distraction is made by mundane means - a Thunderstone is made with the Alchemy skill [which, despite needing to be a spellcaster, is not magical in itself, as no spells are cast in the item creation process - a level 1 Ranger/Paladin qualifies for the skill, with their CL of 1, despite knowing no magic,] and does not have a CL listed, like magic items do. The one entry in the Concentration skill page that makes sense in this scenario mentions the word "spell" thrice - in the actual distraction description twice "Distracting spell’s save DC - Distracted by nondamaging spell," and in the footnote - "If the spell allows no save..."

Psionic Dog
2010-04-13, 06:22 AM

Very well, withdrawing insistence on the concentration effects. Logically it ought to require a concentration check, but 02youeng is correct. This is the Arena where RaW is taken literally to a fault when possible.

RAW is flawed. All obey the RAW.

Croysp drops to 0 hp and is disabled.

More Speach: (for the non-deafened)
Man, these guys are in an all-out nova... maybe we should stall until their 1-minute buffs start expiring."

McToughy's go.

2010-04-13, 06:40 AM
Apologies if I seem over-zealous, or game ruining...don't mean to. If I ever happen to travel the over 9000 miles to wherever in the US you are, I guess I could get you a beer to make up for being a bummer in the Arena

Psionic Dog
2010-04-13, 07:15 AM
Not a problem, but thanks for the offer.

In hind sight it was probably more me trying to pull a fast one on you than you being over-zealous.

Disputes like this are probably unofficial arena traditions so all's cool. :smallcool:

2010-04-13, 11:12 AM

Having gone over the SRD bits as well, I have to uphold the notion that no Concentration check is required. Technically, the stone qualifies as an attack, but there's nothing in Concentration which mentions attacks, just damage dealt. Which also means that, by RAW, if a mage somehow had damage reduction or something which reduced a successful attack's damage to 0, it would not force a Concentration check either. It's crazy, but sadly, not the least logical thing upheld by RAW.

Keep going, it doesn't hold up play.

2010-04-13, 04:33 PM

Oro:When you reach X12/Y13, you see McToughy in V19. Does this change your ending point?

2010-04-13, 06:28 PM

Oro:When you reach X12/Y13, you see McToughy in V19. Does this change your ending point?


Interesting data, but I will keep my current position.

2010-04-13, 06:36 PM
Is it McToughy's turn?

2010-04-13, 06:40 PM

McToughy:Croysp is in W5. You see an enlarged Oro run by through the X/Y rows, leaving LoS to the west.

Croysp:McToughy is in V19. Isolde is in Y17. Oro is in X5/Y6.

Isolde:Oro is in X24/Y25. Croysp is in W5.

Oro:Isolde is in Y17. Croysp is in W5. You saw McToughy in V19 while passing by.

2010-04-13, 06:43 PM
For all to hear [well, except myself, I suppose]

"Oro, finish Croysp before he can heal himself! Then we can gang up on McToughy, he'll need both of us working in tandem to finish him! I'm deafened, hand signals for me please!"

2010-04-13, 06:59 PM
McToughy - Round 6

Move: 30 ft to X15

Need LoS check.

2010-04-13, 08:44 PM
Everyone gains LoS as McToughy enters W15. Croysp is in W5, Oro in X5/Y6, and Isolde in Y17.

2010-04-13, 09:07 PM
@Refs: Where is Oro at? I got LoS saying he ran west past me...apparently to end up in the SE corner of the arena? :smallconfused: Won't impact my turn (unless he wound up adjacent to me), but I'd rather not fight Schrodinger's Combatant. :smalltongue:

McToughy - Round 6 cont.

Free: Speak: Oh, hi there. :smallamused: Croysp, patch yourself up buddy, that looked harsh. I'll try to stall 'em for a round or two.
Standard: Attack Isolde
[roll0] vs AC (No cover due to using a Longspear with reach)

Well, at least I hit. Better than I usually do.

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: W15

End Turn

2010-04-13, 09:18 PM
Ouch, me on 0 HP...unless my concelement saves me.

[roll0] [1=miss]

2010-04-13, 09:20 PM
Sorry for the double post, but...

"Haha! Luck favours me for once! Finish Croysp, Oro, I have something for McGotDangerouslyCloseToDisablingMeThere!"

2010-04-13, 09:27 PM
Since McToughy missed Isolde, and Isolde took a free action to speak in response to the miss, I'm going to take a rewind for additional information being gathered. Although it's really more an addition, I guess.

McToughy - Round 6 Part the Third

Swift: Manifest power. DC 16 Psicraft to ID
Dimension Hop
McToughy disappears from W15

Actions Continued out of LoS:
Reappear in V17

Status Repost
Began turn in V19, moved to W15, attacked Isolde (miss), DHopped to V17

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 11/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: V17

End Turn

2010-04-13, 10:09 PM
Oro 6th Turn, Round 7

I've been waiting a looong time for this moment: An attack with a +13 modifier! IAnd Croysp is the honored guest :smallbiggrin:

Free: This is for attacking Tunatl!

Standard: Attack Croysp

If Crit
Additional Damage

If hit, then move to W12-X13
If miss, stay there.

End of Turn


Oro started @ X5-Y6
Oro ended @ X5-Y6 or W12-X13
HP 18/18 +4/4
AC 14 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Rage) T 9 FF 12
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Greatsword
Hand 2 Wielding: Greatsword

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 4/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person: 3/10 Rounds
Rage: 2/6

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

Rage Effects:
+4 STR
+4 CON
+2 Will Saves

2010-04-13, 11:59 PM
Despite the +2 AC bonus from cover, that's a hit, right?

If so...

Yet another free action: "Think you killed him enough?"

Psionic Dog
2010-04-14, 06:46 AM
cover is a +4 bonus so that just missed...

Croysp - Round 7
Free: [roll0] To act as if not disabled...

need to see what that does.

EDIT: waiting on a question in the waiting room.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-14, 11:17 AM

5-ft step to V-4, breaking LoS to Oro and Isolde.
[roll0] in case either try to reestablish LoS next turn.

Use one belt charge.
[roll1] -1 for standard action while disabled.


HP 11/22
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 96/100

2010-04-14, 12:42 PM
No idea why I thought it was +2.../shrug

Isolde, turn 7

Free: Swap Law Devotion to AC
Move action: move to V14

Need LoS before continuing.

2010-04-14, 02:37 PM
Refs:Spot for Isolde: [roll0]

Isolde:When you reach W15, you see McToughy in V17. You may revise your turn from this point.

Oro:Isolde is in W15.

Croysp:Isolde is in W15. McToughy is in V17.

McToughy:Croysp is in V4. Isolde is in W15.

2010-04-14, 02:59 PM
Isolde, turn 7, part 2

Swift action: Transmute [+2 Int]
Free action: drop scroll on my space
Standard action: cast Colour Spray on McToughy, DC 16 Will Save [no AoO due to cover]

[roll0] [1=fail]

If you fail, you also drop whatever you're carrying due to stunning.

Free action: "Oro! McToughy's around the corner, back to the east! Croysp's either left the walls, or is hiding - can't see him!"

End turn

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch,] 20% concelement

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 9/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 10/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 14/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 595/600 rounds remaining

Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Lesser Orb of Acid x2

2010-04-14, 03:02 PM
Quick Ref question before I respond.

I never did figure out where Oro was at. Since I popped down to W15 I probably would have seen him, and judging by hist last attack on Croysp he's somewhere to the west. Just want to make sure I have my intel correct.

2010-04-14, 03:08 PM
McToughy:X5/Y6. Sorry, I edited that earlier post but forgot to mention it.

2010-04-14, 03:11 PM
Thanks Sallera.

Immediate: Burn 1 PP for +4 to saves. (First time I've had to use Resistance...)


2010-04-14, 08:07 PM
Is your turn over McToughy?

2010-04-14, 08:08 PM
Sorry for the confusion; it never was my turn. Should still be Isolde's. Should be...whoever's after Isolde? Is that McToughy? :smallconfused:

2010-04-14, 08:09 PM
He said "End Turn"

2010-04-14, 08:12 PM
Indeed he did. Used to seeing it in bold after the Statusblock. I'll take my turn in a bit.

2010-04-14, 08:19 PM
McToughy - Round 7

Free: Speak: "Croysp, I need eyes on Oro's position. Hop to! Also...we might want to swap targets. Or drop Isolde real quick."
5ft step to U16
Standard: Attack Isolde
[roll2], [roll3] (Failure on 1-20)

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: U16

End Turn

2010-04-14, 09:00 PM
Oro 7th Turn, Round 8

Move 20' to W2-X3

Reactive Spot

Not done yet

2010-04-14, 09:12 PM
Oro 7th Turn, Round 8 2nd Part


Free: Pass Greatsword to one hand grip.

Use remaining speed to make a jump as part of the move action and end in V2-W3

High Jump I just need 1' to reach edge and see him DC 8

Attack Croysp (considering -4 for using one hand only)

If Crit
Additional Damage

End of Turn


Oro started @ X5-Y6
Oro ended @ V2-W3
HP 18/18 +4/4
AC 14 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Rage) T 9 FF 12
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Greatsword
Hand 2 Wielding: Free

Consumables Used:
None yet

Bull's Strength: 5/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person: 4/10 Rounds
Rage: 3/6

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

Rage Effects:
+4 STR
+4 CON
+2 Will Saves

Psionic Dog
2010-04-14, 09:32 PM
Ok... you lost me.

Why only a 1ft high jump and not a 5ft high jump?
How can you weld a 2-handed weapon 1-handed even at penalty?
Was there any obvious reason why was Oro compelled to only swing with one hand in the first place?

Just trying to figure out what Oro did and what condition Oro is now in.

2010-04-14, 09:35 PM

From the fights of yours I've seen, I'd say that Murky-Eyed has been a very cruel flaw to you. Maybe you should retrain it next level.

2010-04-14, 09:38 PM
I would, but...retraining Hard of Hearing for Quick is so tempting. Assuming I get to stack it in the proper order, 40 ft speed for 3 piddly HP is awfully tempting. :smallfrown:

Speaking of which, Hard of Hearing somehow slipped through the sheet check process unnoticed. Interesting.

2010-04-15, 06:07 AM
Ok... you lost me.

Why only a 1ft high jump and not a 5ft high jump?
How can you weld a 2-handed weapon 1-handed even at penalty?
Was there any obvious reason why was Oro compelled to only swing with one hand in the first place?

Just trying to figure out what Oro did and what condition Oro is now in.


1ft jump is because Large creatures have 16' reach and in order to save me an additional move action, I did my jump as part of the first move action so I could grab the edge of the wall and see you without cover.

ok, so, I grabbed the sword with one hand so I could grab the edge of the wall as well... and yes, SRD says you need two hands to effectively use a two handed weapon, so you can use a two handed weapon ineffectively with one hand

Psionic Dog
2010-04-15, 08:02 AM
Jumped and grabbed. Got it.
Still not 100% sure about the 1-hand 2-hand weapon thing, but since it would have missed anyone I won't hold up the match asking for further clarification.

Croysp - Round 8

Croysp beaks hiding at V-4 as he drops his sling into U-5.

He moves east dropping to the ground at V-5 (auto-succed on Jump Down).

For those who still have LoS:
Continue 1st move action east to X-14, drawing Great-Ax along the way.

Free: Speak (for any in LoS who can hear common)
Oro is on the other side of the far wall below where I was standing, I don't think he's fast enough to both catch up and attack before you strike again.

Plus I'd guess he's only got 24 seconds or so left on his rage, so it'll be easier on us if we can safely wait that out.

Free: Transfer Acid flask to mouth, and take a proper 2-handed grip on ax.
Free: Rage.

[roll0] (including a +2 flanking bonus)


HP 15/26
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 96/100
Rage: 7/7

2010-04-15, 12:27 PM
Isolde, turn 8


Shout loud enough for the whole Arena to hear: "Oro! Come back around the corner, both of them on me now!"
Standard action: Shadow Blade Techinique against Croysp


EDIT: Just 1 normal hit, sans cold damage then.

Turn over

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 2/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 8/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 10/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 13/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 594/600 rounds remaining


Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Lesser Orb of Acid x2

2010-04-15, 02:27 PM
McToughy - Round 8

Free: Speak: I think he has some buffs up; perhaps that flask of yours would be more likely to hit?
Standard: Attack Isolde
[roll0] (Includes flanking)
[roll2], [roll3] (Failure on 1-20)

Turn not done.

2010-04-15, 02:29 PM
McToughy - Round 8 cont.

5ft step to U15.

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: U15

End Turn

2010-04-15, 07:37 PM
Oro 8th Turn, Round 9 1st Part

Move: To X8-Y9

Not done, need LoS before continuing

2010-04-15, 08:53 PM

Oro:Alright, it didn't end up mattering, but this should still be clarified. Grabbing the edge wouldn't have denied Croysp cover, since you are still occupying the squares below. You'd have to actually climb up to see him, as you don't have eyes in your fingers. And no, you cannot attack one-handed with a two-handed weapon unless said weapon is a size too small for you. At any rate, when you reach W2/X3, you see Croysp in X14 and Isolde in W15. You may revise your turn from this point.

McToughy:Don't believe you'd have had flanking at U16, not that it mattered. Isolde is in W15. Croysp is in X14.

Isolde:McToughy is in U15. Croysp is in X14. Oro is in W2/X3.

Croysp:McToughy is in U15. Isolde is in W15. Oro is in W2/X3.

2010-04-15, 09:39 PM
Free: Speak out of turn: Croysp, mind shifting a square to the east?

2010-04-16, 09:16 AM
Oro 8th Turn, Round 9 2nd Part

Move: To X12-Y13
Free: Take Greatsword with both hands

End of Turn


Oro started @ V2-W3
Oro ended @ X12-Y13
HP 18/18 +4/4
AC 14 (10 +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +4 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Rage) T 9 FF 12
98 arrows left

Hand 1 Wielding: Greatsword
Hand 2 Wielding: Greatword

Consumables Used:
Scroll of Enlarge and Bull's STR

Bull's Strength: 6/30 Rounds
Enlarge Person: 5/10 Rounds
Rage: 4/6

Notes for me:

Enlarge Effects:
+2 STR
-2 DEX
-1 Attack and AC
Greatsword Damage 3d6

Bull's Strength Effects
+4 STR

Rage Effects:
+4 STR
+4 CON
+2 Will Saves

Psionic Dog
2010-04-16, 11:08 AM
I'm pretty sure we all have LoS to each other... don't know if we need to wait on a ref to make that official or not.

Croysp - Round 9

Croysp turns around and smacks Oro with his Ax.

[roll0] [roll1]

5-ft step to X-14
Free: Switch to holding ax in one-hand, and take alchemical flask out of mouth with other.

Speech for those who can hear:
HA! McT, I think Oro's defenses are softer, if less squishy. You might also try using your reach to disarm or sunder Isolde's only blade.

Best luck.
Free: Return flask to mouth and resume 2-handed grip on ax.


HP 8/26
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 95/100
Rage: 6/7

Belt Charges left: 2

2010-04-16, 12:10 PM
Hopefully this ends things for someone. Preferabley not myself...

Isolde, turn 9


Free: 5ft step to V15
Swift action: activate my Arcanist's Gloves
Standard action: cast Lesser Orb of Acid on Croysp

[roll0] [1=spell fail]

Move action: pick up scroll from W15

Turn over

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 1/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 7/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 8/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 12/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 593/600 rounds remaining


Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2
Level 1: Lesser Orb of Acid

2010-04-16, 01:14 PM
Is Isolde wielding his her short sword at the moment?

Psionic Dog
2010-04-16, 03:24 PM
Croysp uses an immediate action to expend his psionic focus to delay taking the Lesser Orb of Acid damage by one round per the Time mantel ability.

2010-04-16, 09:38 PM
When she cast the spell, she had her sword in one hand, and the other free. I stowed one scroll earlier, and dropped the other a couple of rounds ago.

2010-04-16, 11:59 PM
Everyone has LoS. Oro is in X12/Y13, Croysp is in X14, McToughy is in U15, and Isolde is in V15.

2010-04-17, 09:06 AM
McToughy - Round 9

5ft step to V14
Standard: Attack Oro

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: V14

End Turn

2010-04-17, 09:07 AM

2010-04-17, 11:44 AM
That puts me on -10 dead...

2010-04-17, 12:19 PM
Free: Speak
Tactical retreat until her buffs run out, or just keep slugging away? you probably want to use your Healing Belt again if you have any charges left. Also, what aura do you have up?

Psionic Dog
2010-04-17, 01:06 PM
Croysp - Round 10

Standard: Activate belt [2 charges]

Free: Remove flask from mouth.
Free: Speak.
Aura of attack, but it when down with my psionic focus when I stalled Iso's damage - I was a dead-man walking! Thanks for dropping Oro.

Should we try a disarm-graple combo on Iso?

Free: Return flask to mouth.
Free: Drop ax.
Move: Draw Long-Spear.


Croysp now takes the 13 acid damage.

HP 11/26
AC 15 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 94/100
Rage: 5/7

Belt Charges left: 0

2010-04-17, 06:15 PM
Free: Speak out of turn
Yes. Reach weapons will make disarming her puny little short sword so much easier. :smallamused:

2010-04-17, 10:10 PM
Isolde, turn 10


Free action: 5ft step to U15
Move action: stow my scroll
Swift action: activate the last charge on my Arcanist's Gloves
Standard action: Lesser Orb of Acid on Croysp

[roll0] [1=fail]

Turn done

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 0/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 6/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 7/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 11/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 592/600 rounds remaining


Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2

2010-04-19, 02:13 PM
Waiting for PsiDog to respond to that attack before I take my turn.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-19, 02:17 PM
That drops Croysp to 0-hp land, again.

So disabled, but still standing.

2010-04-19, 02:34 PM
Free: Speak
See if you can sunder her scroll or disarm her or something. Snuffing one of her scrolls would be preferable; she's probably nearly out of innate spells at this point.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-19, 03:10 PM
Croysp: (out of turn communication)

The half orc winces, then nods slowly.

2010-04-19, 03:37 PM
McToughy - Round 10

Standard: Ready an Action
Action: Attack
Trigger: Croysp ends his turn, or Isolde takes any action, or Isolde moves, or Isolde 5 ft steps.

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: V14

End Turn

Psionic Dog
2010-04-19, 05:32 PM
Croysp - Round 11


lets see what happens.
EDIT: :smallyuk:

Free: Shift to holding spear in one hand.
Standard: Activate Psionic Tatoo
DC 16 PsiCraft:
Vigor. Gain 5 temp, loose 1

Free: Take flask out of mouth to speak.
I'll join the attack as soon as I have a free action and positive hp.

Oh, I'm not sure if sundering the scroll is worth it: Hitting a held diminutive object probably isn't much easier than hitting the caster herself. Disarming or sundering a light weapon two-handed one on the other-hand is much easier.

Free: Return flask to mouth and spear to two hand grip.
5-ft step to X-16


HP 0+4/26
AC 13 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable - 2 rage)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 93/100
Rage: 4/7
Vigor: 10/10

Belt Charges left: 0

2010-04-19, 06:40 PM
Free: Speak
Clever. I didn't think to (ab)use the timing on Disabled damage to soak it into THP.

2010-04-20, 07:10 AM
Isolde, turn 11


Move action: move to W15 [provoking no AoO's - McToughy has a reach weapon, Isolde has cover from Croysp]
Standard action: attack Croysp


Turn over

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 0/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 5/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 6/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 10/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 591/600 rounds remaining


Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2

2010-04-20, 07:37 AM
Attempting to leave U15 triggers McToughy's readied action.

MT 5 ft steps to W13, then attacks Isolde, using the attack to make a disarm attempt. MT is out of reach, so no AoO.
[roll0] vs Isolde's attack roll (which will be at -4 for using a light weapon; MT's AR includes his +4 for using a 2-hander). If MT wins, Isolde's short sword will be in U15. If Isolde wins, she may attempt to counter disarm (I think? The "immediately" bit in the "if you fail" section makes me think it bypasses reach requirements).

Isolde will then provoke an AoO for leaving U15.
[roll3], [roll4] (Failure on 1-20)

At the very least, play will rewind to Isolde's turn, just as she enters V15.

2010-04-20, 08:08 AM
I can't beat that roll, but you still need to roll concelement on the disarm.

2010-04-20, 11:24 AM
Actually, I'd say a counter-disarm is not possible if the person is not adjacent and does not have a reach weapon. In that case, if you fail to disarm, that would simply be the end of the action.

I'd also say this would be true if your opponent did not have a free hand, or was 2 handing a weapon not capable of being used to disarm. And ditto for trip checks and the like. It's RAW conflicting with RAW, and in this case it seems more likely those things wouldn't happen than it would be that the person teleported or grew a third arm in order to fulfill the counter-trip or disarm option.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-20, 11:47 AM
Speaking of which, does Isolde even have concealment?

I seem to recall the concealment being tied to movement somehow, and at the time of the readied action she hadn't moved yet this round and had only moved 5-ft last round.

Don't know how or if that changes anything.

2010-04-20, 12:13 PM
A good question.

Oh, and 02, I think you can still roll the disarm if you want to hope for a natural 20. If memory serves, that's an autosucceed on a disarm check, since it's an attack roll.

2010-04-20, 05:35 PM
Speaking of which, does Isolde even have concealment?

I seem to recall the concealment being tied to movement somehow, and at the time of the readied action she hadn't moved yet this round and had only moved 5-ft last round.

Don't know how or if that changes anything.

The stance that grants Isolde concealment requires her to move 10 ft on her turn, and lasts until the start of her next turn. Therefore, she won't have concealment. Interesting. :smallamused:

I was leaving concealment out because it wasn't an attack roll against Isolde; rather, it was just an attack roll.

2010-04-20, 05:59 PM
Fortunately, this doesn't appear to require a rewind, since your previous attack against him that missed due to concealment occurred on a turn where he did move.

2010-04-21, 09:40 PM
Isolde still needs to redo her turn.

2010-04-22, 01:02 PM
Good point about the concelement, don't have it until I move. Natural 20 to not get disarmed, heh


Well, damn it.

Your AoO misses, at least.

Finish move action in U15, 2nd move action to pick up my sword, turn done.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-22, 04:01 PM
Croysp likes this 'disarm' idea. Particularly after managing to sustain over twice his raging HP in damage so far today.

Croysp - Round 12

Move to W-15.
[roll0] (including +4 for 2-handed long spear)


HP 0+4/26
AC 13 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable - 2 rage)

Aura: Attack.
PsiFocus: Yes
Precognition: 92/100
Rage: 3/7
Vigor: 9/10

Belt Charges left: 0

2010-04-22, 06:10 PM
Grr you, die already.


EDIT: Epic fail.

2010-04-22, 07:35 PM
McToughy - Round 12

Standard: Ready an action
Action: Attack
Trigger: Isolde takes any action or moves or ends her turn.

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: V14

End Turn

2010-04-22, 09:02 PM
Isolde, round 12

Move action: pick up sword
Move action: move out of LoS, last spot you see me is S18
Finish in S17.

Turn over

HP: 7/7
AC: 27 [23 FF, 17 Touch]

Arcanist's Gloves: 0/2 charges remaining
Law Devotion: 4/10 rounds remaining [+3 AC]
Transmute: 5/10 [+2 Int]
Unused scroll spells: Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, See Invisibility, Glitterdust, [Glitterdust and See Invisibility scroll stowed, other scroll in W15]

Child of Shadows stance
Shield: 9/20 rounds remaining
Mage Armour: 590/600 rounds remaining


Prepared Spells:

Level 0: Ghost Sound x2, Sonic Snap x2

2010-04-22, 09:12 PM
Isolde's attempt to leave U15 triggers McToughy's Readied Action. It also provokes an AoO.

RA: Attack

AoO: Attack

Impressive. Two twos in a row.

Free: Speak
We'll wait her out here. I don't suppose you have any proper healing?

2010-04-22, 09:16 PM
That is called, The Power of 2!


Psionic Dog
2010-04-22, 09:48 PM
I believe that also provoked an AoO from Croysp as well.

[roll0] [roll1]

Croysp - Round 13

Free: Switch to holding longspear in one hand and alchemical flask in the other.

Speak: "I thought the plan was Disarm-Grapple? Once the knife was gone and the AoO danger with it we make one simpler touch attack and then squeeze squeeze squeeze.

I can only keep this rage going another 12 seconds before I'm disabled once more."

Move >> V17 >> T19 >>S20, revising once/if LoS reestablished.

Not Done, need LoS

2010-04-23, 02:31 PM
Free: Speak out of turn just after Croysp speaks
Oro has some potions of CLW. We can scavenge them off his corpse, but you have to stay here. Even if you go down, I can shove 'em down your throat. Use a rewind in response to this speech to recant your movement so I don't have to go running after you.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-23, 07:47 PM
Croysp - Revised

Free: More Speach:
That's... actually a pretty good plan. I'll start chugging vials until something heals me and then try to restore my Psionic Focus. I'm not sure what Isolde has left, but it's probably not much more the sword, maneuvers, and 0th order magic.

Move: X-14 (adjacent to Oro's cooling corpse)
Free: Transfer Acid Flask to mouth.
Free: Longspear to one hand.
Standard: Loot body: Take one vial. If there happen to be three vials with the same markings select one of those, otherwise random.

((Sorry Scorer. Only way to keep Croysp in the game.))


HP 0+4/26
AC 13 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable - 2 rage)

Aura: Attack (only active when focused)
PsiFocus: No
Precognition: 91/100
Rage: 2/7
Vigor: 8/10

Belt Charges left: 0

2010-04-23, 08:41 PM

Let's be fair, let's luck decide... There's a lot of vials in me :smallamused: And there's no way you can know which one does what right? That's a ruling I remember from Kyeudo, so...

There's a total of 6 vials of potions in mine corpse, below I will spoiler with assigned numbers for each one, and you can roll a d6...

And let a Ref tell you what happens to you when you drink it :smallcool:


1-3 Cure Light Wounds
4-5 Faith Healing
6 Shield of Faith

2010-04-23, 08:43 PM
Free: Speak
Speak up if you get healed. Not sure if I'm able to visually detect that effect. Also, pray the Arena Gods don't suddenly decide to introduce Potion Miscibility. :smallwink:

2010-04-24, 03:26 AM
Can I ask what caused a rewind/revision/whatever? I see no ref involvement.

2010-04-24, 01:28 PM
Me too would like a Ref revision.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-24, 03:07 PM
Can I ask what caused a rewind/revision/whatever? I see no ref involvement.

The Ref involvement was actually a waiting room question response where High Ref Sallera ruled that the... unique circumstances... experienced since the end of Isolde's - Round 12 turn was sufficient for Croysp to revise actions.

2010-04-24, 03:58 PM
The end of Isolde...?

2010-04-25, 06:33 PM
Having looked at everything, I don't see where a rewind is justified.

2010-04-25, 06:35 PM
Having looked at everything, I don't see where a rewind is justified.

Post 165 in this thread, along with posts 917-919 in the Waiting Room.

2010-04-25, 06:40 PM
Oh yeah, I read all that. I simply don't agree with it.

2010-04-25, 06:55 PM
Summon Kyeudo tiem?

2010-04-25, 06:59 PM
Summon Kyeudo tiem?

Alas, with two High Refs disagreeing, methinks it is.

*backs away while the scroll is prepared*

2010-04-25, 07:01 PM
Well, I don't disagree, as I have no idea what's going on. Just seemed bizarre that a rewind would happen then.

2010-04-25, 07:09 PM
Well, I don't disagree, as I have no idea what's going on. Just seemed bizarre that a rewind would happen then.

I meant Sallera and Hustlertwo. At least, I think that's what your first sentence refers to.

Sorry to keep you out of the loop in this ordeal, though. Secret secrets are no fun; secret secrets hurt someone. Hopefully you, in this case. :smallwink:

2010-04-25, 07:11 PM
Hehe, don't worry, I put myself out of the loop, so I guess I'll deal with it.

2010-04-27, 02:26 PM
GM Kyeudo

*falls out of the sky*
*picks self off the ground*

What seems to be the issue here?

2010-04-27, 02:33 PM
In order of occurrence: (And still not for 02Yoeoung's eyes)

Croysp - Round 13

Free: Switch to holding longspear in one hand and alchemical flask in the other.

Speak: "I thought the plan was Disarm-Grapple? Once the knife was gone and the AoO danger with it we make one simpler touch attack and then squeeze squeeze squeeze.

I can only keep this rage going another 12 seconds before I'm disabled once more."

Move >> V17 >> T19 >>S20, revising once/if LoS reestablished.

Not Done, need LoS

Free: Speak out of turn just after Croysp speaks
Oro has some potions of CLW. We can scavenge them off his corpse, but you have to stay here. Even if you go down, I can shove 'em down your throat. Use a rewind in response to this speech to recant your movement so I don't have to go running after you.

Ref Question(s): (Not 02Yeoung or Scorer)
Q1: In a 2v2 would having your partner shout out "Wait Stop" or the like give grounds for a rewind?

Q2: If a wounded barbarian's rage ends while they have temporary hp, does the hp drop from the Con Loss come out of the temporary pool or skip strait to reducing the real hp?

Say, a level 1 barbarabian who was reduced to 0 hp but latter gained 5 temp hp has his rage end.
Is the barbarian now -2 hp + 5 temp or 0 hp +3 temp?

Disclaimer: Vested interest.

My rationale on Q1 was that it was introducing new information to act off of, and thus, would call for a rewind. In the specific case in question, I also added information that amounted to more than "Wait Stop!" Additionally, since LoS had not yet been checked, my partner (Croysp) could not have garnered any information to act off of with regards to the opponent.

PsiDog:The speech given is sufficient grounds for a rewind under the circumstances, yes. I believe the lost hp would come out of the standard pool rather than the temporary.

At which point Hustlertwo disagreed with Sallera's ruling. So here we are.

2010-04-27, 02:33 PM
Big Boss

Problem appears to be that the Psionic/Alterform team wants to sort of artificially engineer a rewind, in that it was Psionic's turn, Alter spoke to him out of turn as we've been allowing, and then Psionic rewinds based on the speech. Or something to that effect. Alter mentioned the pertinent post numbers for this case both here and in the waiting room a couple posts above. So far, Sallera says yes it's allowed, I say no, free speech doesn't qualify as grounds for a rewind. No one else has weighed in aside from those in the match.

2010-04-27, 02:54 PM
My take on it
While speech of your teammate may indeed give you information that would have influenced your turn, allowing a rewind for that would be a very abusable precedent. After all, the speech comes after the fact, so the speaking character knows how things turned out afterwards(dicerolls and all that). So, how would we supposed to judge if the information given by the teammate would really have changed what the player would have done? It's way too speculative.
Maybe character A would have moved away instead of shooting character X because his teammate B told him that Y was sneaking up on him, maybe he wouldn't have. Maybe character B would simply have held his tongue if he saw A rolled a critical because then moving away would've been the worse choice in retrospect, knowing the rolls.

2010-04-27, 03:13 PM
GM Kyeudo

I have to agree that, although speech would normally be considered new information and thus allow a rewind, allowing rewinds based on an out-of-turn speech action would open the door to abuses of the existing system.

2010-04-27, 03:18 PM
GM Kyeudo

I have to agree that, although speech would normally be considered new information and thus allow a rewind, allowing rewinds based on an out-of-turn speech action would open the door to abuses of the existing system.

Well, worth a try. Although I'm not sure how one would introduce new information by speaking and force a rewind without speaking out of turn. :smallconfused:

I wanted to post suggesting a "stack" of information gained, allowing rewinds only to the "top," but Kyeudo hath spoken. His 1000 souls are to the left as he exits.:smallbiggrin:

Psionic Dog
2010-04-27, 03:28 PM
... was that a ruling or an opinion of consideration? :smallconfused:

So just to clarify: was the ruling "No Rewinds" or "It works in this case, but we need to decide on limits to prevent abuse?"

I have to agree that allowing rewinds of speech once any information is known would be trouble.

Which was why I asked, because in this unique case no outside information was known. No dice rolls or LoS had been made between the posted action and the interjection to have biased the decision.

If that was an "Illegal Rewind: Play as first posted" ruling then we'll still need an answer to this question (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8360468&postcount=915) and a LoS check as of the original post reposted below.

Croysp - Round 13

Free: Switch to holding longspear in one hand and alchemical flask in the other.

Speak: "I thought the plan was Disarm-Grapple? Once the knife was gone and the AoO danger with it we make one simpler touch attack and then squeeze squeeze squeeze.

I can only keep this rage going another 12 seconds before I'm disabled once more."

Move >> V17 >> T19 >>S20, revising once/if LoS reestablished.

Not Done, need LoS

2010-04-27, 03:51 PM
Let it go, guys. You already have a 2 on 1, I don't think this ruling going against you will be the decider. I'm sure you realized it was fairly suspect anyhow.

Refs/Psionic and Alter

Ironically, I wouldn't have minded if Psionic just edited his turn before anyone else posted, since as far as I know that's legal (assuming you didn't roll anything, naturally, or incur an AoO or damage somewhere along the way). But rewinds are only supposed to be for genuine mistakes or due to LoS results given from a ref, not something engineered in a 2v2 to allow you to tailor your teammate's turn to your specifications.

As for the original query, no clue.

2010-04-27, 03:59 PM
Except that for PsiDog to have known to edit his post, I would have had to have posted. Him doing so would have not only been easily visible (timestamps), but also probably illegal. He knows what to do now though, anyway. But just in case...

Free: Speak out of turn (doesn't matter when)
Get back here ASAP anyway. I'll start ripping potions off his body so you can just pick them up. Hopefully I can discern the 3 CLW ones.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-27, 04:04 PM
Let it go, guys. You already have a 2 on 1, I don't think this ruling going against you will be the decider. I'm sure you realized it was fairly suspect anyhow.

Fair enough, waiting on LoS then.

I'm now in three different matches waiting on LoS...

2010-04-27, 04:16 PM
Make that 2 games for me. Been what, 4 days in round 91?

2010-04-27, 04:29 PM
Well, in my defense, I've been working on my final project for the past nineteen hours straight, and that's pretty much how the last few days have gone as well. :smalltongue: I can afford a bit of a break for now, though, so I'll see if I can get caught up.

Refs:Spot for Croysp: [roll0]

Croysp:McToughy is in V14. When you reach U18, you see Isolde in S17. You may revise your turn from this point.

Isolde:Croysp is in U18.

McToughy:Croysp is in U18.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-27, 06:30 PM
Thanky. I understand about projects and finals (see my latest avatar).

Croysp - Continued

Free: More Speaking.
Isolde's in S-17!

If you wish feel free to keep up the fight. I have enough actions left to find and drink 1 potion myself without risk: 2 or 3 if my Autohypnotic training works. Once cured I'll try to regain my focus.

Croysp then turns around and move west the way he came, breaking LoS with some.

LoS (McToughy)/Refs
Lets see, that used up 20ft of movement... Croysp uses his remaining 30ft to move to scoot back to X-14.

Standard: Loot Oro!
Take one vial.
If he notices that exactly three of the vials have the same markings or are of similar appearance he'll take one of those. ((The intent of course being to grab one of the three cure light potions))


HP 0+4/26
AC 13 (+4 armor +2 dex -1 vulnerable - 2 rage)

Aura: Attack (only active when focused)
PsiFocus: No
Precognition: 91/100
Rage: 2/7
Vigor: 8/10

Belt Charges left: 0

2010-04-27, 08:03 PM

OK, I'm inclined to agree with P-Dawg on this one. Presumably the vials have to be marked somehow, even if it isn't by name, and so he'd then be able to figure out by numbers which ones were what.

2010-04-27, 09:27 PM

And I'm inclined to say no :smalltongue: Maybe I am biased, cause it's my loot, but if he can know which potion is which one, then why we spoiler that info all the time??? :smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile:


2010-04-27, 09:36 PM

But if there's no visual distinction whatsoever between potions, then how do you know what to drink? You'd have to roll randomly just to see which of your own potions you consumed. I accept the notion of them not being specifically labeled, but there must be some sort of identifying characteristic to the potion, it seems to me.

2010-04-28, 02:21 PM
Forgive my interuptions here, but I think I can solve this one.

I can see that most potions can and sometimes do come with identification labels, add in the fact all potions/scrolls/whatever come from the Arena's magic vending machine. However, a player can state that all thier potions are unmarked. This would not mean that the player would have to roll a % to drink the correct one.
If character A bought a potion of healing and a vial of poison and stored each item in a seperate pouch, only that character would know which was which. If character B opens/robs/whatever character A's belt/equipment, then character B would have to identify which vial held which fluid. So character B just randomly drawing a vial out and drinking it would have to roll a % to see if she/he had been poisoned or been healed.

So I say: PD if you wish to take a potion from Scorer's corspe, then you would need to roll a percentage to see which potion you have gotten, after you drink it.

I hope this helps and doesn't confuse this any futher.

Psionic Dog
2010-04-28, 03:11 PM
Wait... we just got a ruling and now we have a conflicting ruling again already? Now we need people willing to put on the high ref hat to clean this up. :smallfrown:

Anyway, RandomAction all of that, while true in theory, is a presumption that would have required mundane preparation prior to the match.

If the character declared on their character sheet or listed those as match preparations at the start then the potions would have to be randomly selected. If Oro did in fact say in Round 1/match start that the potions had had their markings removed and were stored in individual belt pouches then I suppose I'd have to roll those % dice.

However, we can't have people saying "oh, but I really did that" retroactively. If the potions came out of the Arena Vending Machine then the Arena Vending Machine markings should still exist by default.

So I still say Croysp ought to be able to identify potions in some way because Oro was presumable keeping all vials in the same stash (again, unless stated earlier at start) and wasn't rolling % dice to drink his stash.

2010-04-28, 03:34 PM

I'll go out on a limb to get the match moving and rule in an official cpaacity. Initial ruling stands, the potions are identifiable either through label or some other distinguishing characteristic. PD beat me to the punch on the rebuttal to Random's proposal; it's far too complex a system (especially given Scorer's large number of potions) to be considered an acceptable thing to retcon. Although for the future it could be put forth as a potential counter to this, I won't rule for or against that right now. But it is something that would have to be specifically stated beforehand.

Game on!

2010-04-28, 03:38 PM
PsiDog/AlterForm/Scorer:*pulls out High Ref hat*


*removes stray arrow and several layers of dust*

Ahem. Yeh, no rolls required. If the owner can differentiate their items, then so can someone else, and by long and obvious precedent, the owner has no trouble telling one potion from another, even those owners that aren't wearing anything. If one did purchase a bunch of belt pouches and state some elaborate pre-match scheme of erasing all their potions' markings as Random stated, then perhaps random rolls would be called for, but in the current situation, that's not the case.

And ninja'd, naturally.

2010-04-28, 03:43 PM
@refs/etc etc

Very well, then. I see that gatting the match underway is more important. In that case, I say we will be able to determine potion effects just by seeing it in the future.:smallsmile:

Nothing to hold play, go on.

2010-04-28, 03:57 PM
So Croysp grabbed what was clearly a potion of CLW, then? Excellent.

Also, I'm totally filing away the "unmarked potions belt" idea for future reference.

Seeing as that bit of ref business is concluded, my turn:

McToughy - Round 13

Free: Speak
Knock that potion back, then rejoin the fight. I'll try to stay within LoS. Let's try to get the Disarm-Grapple plan that I most certainly did not forget going again.
Move: 30 ft to T19
Standard: Ready an Action
Action: Disarm (seeing as recent precedent requires me to ready the specific special attack action)
Trigger: Isolde takes any action or moves

HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 4 shield, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Psionic Focus: Yes
Force Screen: Expires at top of McT round 21
Vigor: Expires at top of McT round 22
MW Longspear in two hands.
Position: T19

LoS check will be required.

2010-04-28, 04:00 PM
That seems like comparing apples and oranges. But if you want to summon Kyeudo on this one, that isn't entirely unreasonable, although as of right now we've got two high ref opinions for it and only an initiate against (with the caveat that I realize these titles are largely ornamental, and don't necessarily mean one knows more about the game than the other). Don't be surprised if you wait for a few hours or a day or two to end up exactly where you are now, though.

2010-04-28, 04:40 PM
Scorer:Being able to tell one from the other has nothing to do with being able to tell what either does.

McToughy:Isolde is in S17.

Isolde:McToughy moves to T19 and readies an action.

Croysp:No LoS.

2010-04-28, 04:43 PM
Actions will stand as posted.

End Turn

2010-04-29, 10:14 PM
I concede. I can't win this, and drawing it out longer is an exercise in futility. Apologies to Oro, but I'd rather get us into our next round than make us both wait while they roll too low to hit me, and I ping PP of McToughy damn slowly.

2010-04-29, 11:08 PM
McToughy and Croysp muddle through the various ref queries on both sides to get the win!

2010-04-29, 11:28 PM
Actually I think it was better, you prevented them from looting mine corpse :smalltongue:

2010-04-29, 11:59 PM
Aaah, so that's what they were doing. I thought it would be double readied actions to rape me sideways.

2010-04-30, 12:21 PM
No, it was a debate about whether they knew Scorer's potions, so Psionic could know which one was CLW so that he could drink it and re-enter the fray.

2010-04-30, 02:29 PM
No, it was a debate about whether they knew Scorer's potions, so Psionic could know which one was CLW so that he could drink it and re-enter the fray.

In summary (as I understand the ruling): Unless specifically mentioned as such in the first post of a match, potions have some sort of identification. It may not be "Potion of CLW CL1," but it would be at least something like "Red Potion," allowing a combatant (Croysp in this case) to recognize a certain number of identically marked potions. This would have let him nab on of Oro's 3 CWL potions by process of elimination.

2010-04-30, 03:08 PM
Pretty much. We're not saying if a person has one potion each of two different types, you can tell which is which (that's a debate for another time). But if there's 2 of one type and 1 of the other, you will be able to distinguish between the three and the one.