View Full Version : Aliens vs Predator: Spirit of the Hunt

2010-04-04, 09:24 AM
I love the AVp series, especially the Yautja. If you're here, you probably like AVP as well, so I welcome you to the game!

In this FFRP, you can be either a Yautja (Predator) hunter, Human Marine, or a Xenomorph (Alien) prey. Pick a skin (customize it if you want), or even make your own (if you know how, I don't), from the selection below. If you can find different/better pictures, feel free to use them as well.


For me, I'll be using Spartan. http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd330/Alsojames/1-4-1.jpg?t=1270391873

To make a character use the following criteria:

Some other information

We also have a wiki: www.spiritofthehunt.wikidot.com

2010-04-04, 04:44 PM
(Go Yautja!)

Name: Fang
Age: 19 human years
Ht: 5'9''
Wt: 101 lb
Other info: Fang is one of the youngest hunters. He is equipped with a pair of standard issue wrist blades, as well as two plasma casters, as well as a long range plasma caster rifle.

2010-04-04, 07:15 PM
Great! Now all we need is a few more players. (and you, Creed ol buddie ol pal, need a picture for your character page)

2010-04-06, 04:26 PM
(Well, we might as well start off, and get some more players as we go along).

Hunter stands in a corner of the armory, his wristblades sheathed on his arm, his plasma caster perched on his back, and his spear slung over his back. He waits for the youngbloods he has trained to arrive.