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2010-04-04, 06:11 PM
If you are not one of the following, you are in the wrong thread :smallwink:
Janus: Jairus Soland ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=187491)
Hybasha: Aramil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=187610)
TruorTupnm: Harold Brownlock (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=196886)
Binks: Marlon Salas (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=196739)
Lord Mattos: Kelsan (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8163)

A quick note: I’m going to be spoilering things I don’t want you to know, so if it doesn’t have your name or “all players” on it, don’t read it!

OOC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147860).


You are all standing around the main square of Alderstown, a small farming village, minding your own business when Atton, the son of the mayor, comes running into town. He spots his father and sprints over to him, shouting as he runs:
“Kara! She fell into a hill! We were playing outside of the town and she fell in! I couldn’t find her; she’s really scared!”

Kara is the mayor’s younger child, a girl about 5 years old.

The mayor looks around frantically, and you decide to offer to find Kara. He accepts gratefully; with his lame leg, he would not be able to rescue her himself. Atton starts pulling you towards the hills behind town.

When you arrive at the hillside, Atton says:
“We were playing hide and seek on this hill and I heard her scream. I couldn’t find the hole where she fell in, but she said she was underground and scared when I shouted to her.”

You are not surprised that Atton couldn’t find whatever hole Kara fell into; the hillside is covered in dense undergrowth.

You can question Atton further or roll Search checks to find the hole, or anything else you think will be useful.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-04, 07:22 PM
Green will be Kelsan's color

Upon hearing the mayor's son shouting, Kelsan, slightly tall for an elf and wearing a dark green cloak, stops milling through the crowd and listens. After hearing a bit more, he starts to move through the crowds in the direction of Atton and his father. This seems like a more important matter than the simple archery tournement that I was going to go to after leaving this little town, he mutters as he weaves through.

On the hillside, Kelsan begins to question Atton. You said earlier that you couldn't get her out, but now you say that you could not the hole. I'm confused, do you know where the pit is or not?

2010-04-04, 07:23 PM
"Stay calm," Jairus says, "we'll find your sister."
He proceeds to search for the hole. Then he gets an idea.
"Atton, please keep talking to her. It'll help her calm down, and maybe we can follow her voice to the hole."


LISTEN: [roll0]
SEARCH: [roll1]

OOCGah, ninja'd
Jairus continues his search, but listens in for Atton's response.

2010-04-04, 07:33 PM
Oops, good catch Lord Mattos! I redid the beginning from a slightly different idea, and that got missed somehow. :smallredface: He couldn't find her originally. (I knew I was going to mess up somewhere...)

2010-04-04, 07:44 PM
Marlon allows the others to take the lead in talking with the Mayor and Atton, listening excitedly. Finally, a chance to use his skills to help others! Following the others to the hill he begins searching around for the hole, being careful to watch where he's stepping so he doesn't fall in one.

Search: [roll0]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-04, 08:19 PM
"Ah, I see. In your haste, you had given mistaken information." Kelsan proceeds to search the hill for any signs of the pit.

RollsSearch: take 20 to cover as much of the hill as possible. Result of 24.

Listen: [roll0]

2010-04-05, 02:11 AM
Marlon's careful search turns up a narrow fissure in the ground, maybe 8' long and no more than 2 1/2' wide at its widest, in a dense patch of shrubbery. The bushes around it look a bit damaged, as if someone had fallen on them or grabbed hold of them recently.

2010-04-05, 05:06 AM
Harold frowns at Atton's shouting but follows along as he leads the group to the hill. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to be in the mayor's good graces," he muses to himself. Before he's able to help with the search very much, Marlon finds a likely hole, and Harold sizes the others up as they approach it. "My, my! Quite a formidable-looking party just to find one girl! I doubt that my assistance will be required to haul her out. Nevertheless, I did make the trek here..."

He nods distractedly at the others as he makes his way to the edge of the fissure, into which he peers. If he doesn't see anything, he calls out, "Kaaaraaa? Er, deeeariiie? Blink your eyes twice if you can hear me!" He shoots a challenging glance around at the others. "I said that to calm her, if needed. The ridiculousness of the request distracts, you see." As he's talking (unless we get some response that would make this action seem unnecessary), he's pulling out his rope and a torch. "Would anyone care to lower me in?"

Rollage ---> Spot ---> [roll0] Listen ---> [roll1]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-05, 09:52 AM
"Actually, I think we should use my rope. With all the undergrowth around here, I could probably attach my grappling hook to some of it," Kelsan says as he pulls it out and begins to twirl it. "I'll even go down first to check if it's secure."

RollsListen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-04-05, 11:13 AM
You do not hear any reply from the hole.

2010-04-05, 01:18 PM
"Yes, that rope will probably be safer," Jairus remarks to the ranger.
"I'll climb in with you. If she's hurt, then you'll need an extra pair of hands."

Savannah, I won't be able to post for the rest of the day. If Jairus needs to make any checks, could you roll them for me? Thank you.

2010-04-05, 04:38 PM
Surprised that his generous offer has been rebuffed, Harold laughs and backs away from the fissure with a sarcastic bow. "Ha! Grand! Proceed, o magnanimous ones! If the child happens to have run off with a library book, perhaps I might be permitted to reclaim it?" He stows his rope away, wondering why theirs are presumed to be better than his, then notes that they have attached a grappling hook to the rope that they're using, something which he would consider risky, with such treacherous terrain. He then deposits himself on the ground with a small smile to see if there are any mishaps of the sort that the had been intending to avoid via asking someone else to lower him down.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-05, 04:44 PM
Kelsan simply glances out of the corner of his eye at Harold. He then proceeds to attach his grappling hook to the side of the pit, then begins to climb down.

Rolls:Use Rope: [roll0]
Climb: Take 10 for total of 16

2010-04-05, 07:30 PM
Aramil is dark orchid
Aramil waits his turn to climb down and asks everyone,"Let's hope the girl is safe and that we wont have to fight underground."
i can respond sooner then today i just wasnt aware we be ready so soon :D

2010-04-05, 08:58 PM
OOC: Sorry, Hybasha, I apparently forgot to PM everyone.

IC: Kelsan gets down without any trouble. The fissure remains narrow for about 10', before opening into a cave.

Anyone in the cave can read this:
The cavern looks like this (the grey outline is the shape of the fissure):

The cave is dark; just enough light filters down from the fissure above for you see dimly. The air is cool and damp. The floor is rocky and uneven and, around you, you can see many stalactites and stalagmites, some of which have formed columns. Kara is nowhere to be seen.

2010-04-06, 12:51 PM
"Nothing personal," Jairus says to Harold, preparing to lower himself down as well. "You're more than welcome to come down with us."

He begins the descent into the fissure.

Use Rope [roll0]
Climb - Take Ten = 6

2010-04-06, 12:55 PM
Jairus also gets down without incident.

2010-04-06, 02:05 PM
"Climbing? I guess that's something an adventurer must do. Alright then!"

Marlon starts down the rope, hoping that he's holding on correctly since this is the first time he's done something like this.

Climb - take 10 for a total of 10 (come on rope...be knotted :P)

2010-04-06, 05:04 PM
Harold leans forward to see when he loses sight of the others. Off-handedly, he calls down, "Is there any sign that she fell into this particular crevice? Otherwise, you may merely be wasting your time down there."

2010-04-06, 05:43 PM
Aramil and Runta look at the crevice each looking discouraged to go down,"Perhaps one of us should stay up with Runta to make sure the rope stays put?"

2010-04-07, 05:14 AM
Harold eyes the canine with trepidation, shakes his head nervously, and heads down the rope. "Alright, I shall come to investigate for myself. May as well leave no stone unturned for the daughter of our most beloved mayor." When he gets to the bottom, he lights a torch and starts searching.
Listen ---> [roll0] Search ---> [roll1] Spot ---> [roll2]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-07, 08:20 AM
"Everyone," yells Kelsan, I have found a tunnel out of the cave. Maybe she went down it. We should check just to make sure."

RollsListen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-04-07, 10:45 AM
Harold and Marlon reach the bottom without incident. Aramil could probably set up a harness with the rope to lower Runta down, if he wanted to.

On the cave floor, you find what appear to be the tracks of a small humanoid.

2010-04-07, 11:23 AM
Aramil calls down,"Do you see anything down there?"

2010-04-07, 12:29 PM
"Oh how I wish I'd prepared some kind of light spell this morning. Oh well, a tunnel out you say? Well since she's not here that seems like a likely route to go." Marlon waits for someone with a source of light to start moving down the tunnel then follows behind them.

2010-04-07, 04:19 PM
Harold points the footprints out to everyone, then sighs, "Apparently, Kara is an impatient one. Possibly, her brother is normally very unreliable? Ah, well. We shall have to follow these to see where the little imp has toddled off to." He calls up to Aramil, "Many, things, yes! Would you join us, please? This search seems to have taken a turn for the lengthy." If possible, he starts following the tracks.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-07, 05:58 PM
"Harold! Did you find anything in your search?" asks Kelsan. Upon hearing that he found tracks, he waits until everyone is down the rope, then pulls it down and also tries to follow the tracks.

Rolls: Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

2010-04-07, 05:59 PM
You need the Track feat to follow tracks. Kelsan will have it as a bonus feat, so he should be able to track her. (Using a Survival roll.) -- Lord Mattos posted while I was typing this :smalltongue:

The tracks go everywhere and you can't figure them out.

2010-04-07, 06:04 PM
Aramil asks the boy,"Any chance you have something that belongs to your sister a shoe or ribbon?"

2010-04-07, 06:11 PM
"Everything of hers is at home. Aren't you going to help find her? She must be down there!"

Edit: Just to point out (since the tracking failed), while you can't track without the Track feat, if you think she's wandered off down the tunnel, you could walk a ways down it and search for footprints again. (Sorta a 'poor-man's-tracking'. If you guess wrong about where the tracks are, you get nothing, but if you guess right, you can at least confirm it.)

2010-04-07, 06:30 PM
Aramil tell the boy,"This is important if you can fetch something of hers my friend here can track your sister." Aramil points to Runta indicating her as "my friend".

2010-04-07, 06:54 PM
"I would have to run back home--no, wait! Before we started to play, Kara found a feather she wanted to keep. I think we left it over there."

Atton sprints off to a large tree with a knothole in its trunk. He climbs up, puts his hand inside the hole and feels around for a moment before running back to you, holding a large, black feather. "Would this work? She was holding it while we walked up here to play."

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-07, 08:08 PM
"I'm sorry, but I cannot begin to make sense of these tracks. I seems that she wandered over the whole cavern. But since she's not here, I will search again in the tunnel," says Kelsan. "It would probably be easier to make sense of them there."

Kelsan walks into the tunnel and starts searching.

"Oh, and could somebody bring over a torch?"

RollsTake 20 on Search for total of 24.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-04-07, 08:18 PM
Do you have a light source? If not, you can't see anything in the tunnel.

If you do have light:
You do find tracks. You can roll a Survival check to follow them again, since you are in a new spot.

2010-04-07, 09:10 PM
Aramil quickly takes the feather and has runta smells it she gets a scent and barks down the crevice,"Hey guys runta has a scent of the girl maybe we could give her a shot?"

2010-04-08, 03:57 AM
Harold obligingly toddles over towards the tunnel, when Kelsan decides to employ other people's generosity rather than be independent and light his lantern. He stops however far into the tunnel he'd have to be to be spotting and searching out things that the group hasn't gotten to yet. He smiles indulgently at the guy, showing that such is his view, then calls to Aramil (since I'm not entirely sure if he's come down yet). "Please do, by all means! We have been unable to make neither head nor tail of these tracks, as of yet." Since he's deeper in, he scopes the place out again ---> Listen ---> [roll0] Search ---> [roll1] Spot ---> [roll2]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-08, 08:07 AM
"Aha! I've found tracks," Kelsan says suddenly. "Perhaps these will be less confusing." He begins to follow them.

Rolls: Listen: [roll0] Now why couldn't I have rolled tht for the survival?
Spot: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

2010-04-08, 03:50 PM
Aramil: Runta sniffs the feather, then sniffs Atton. She sniffs the feather again, and begins to sniff the ground carefully. After a few moments of circling the fissure and hillside, she sticks her head down the fissure and woofs. She looks back up at you, and sticks her head down the fissure again.

Kelsan: These tracks are much clearer and lead out of the cave, along the tunnel.

2010-04-08, 04:07 PM
Marlon follows Harold, and his light source, into the tunnel. "Where do the tracks go? Do they look like she's injured? That would have been a fairly good fall."

Gonna try a knowledge (arcana) check to see if there's anything special about this fissure when it comes to the arcane, like old tales or something Marlon might have heard. I highly doubt it but don't have much else to do so why not.

2010-04-08, 04:29 PM
At Marlon's question, he looks to Kelsan, to see if he plans on answering, but he decided that the guy probably would have told them if he'd come across any information like that. He offers his torch to the ranger, and, whether it's taken or not, he pulls out another and waits for Aramil and his wolf. Once they're down, he suggests, "It looks as if the tracks lead down this tunnel. I don't believe that any of us knows anything about this place. If you do, make yourself known. How deep does it go? Does anything dangerous live down here? Being unsure, I suggest that we move carefully."

He points at Aramil, then himself, then Jairus, then Marlon, then Kelsan. "You and your wolf, up front. Direct us. I'll come along with you, then I suppose, you, then you, then you, because you carry a bow. I suppose that you are a more experienced tracker than the rest of us? You can give us a second opinion, so that this wolf does not lead us astray. I am Harold, by the way. I am a librarian, currently, but I have had some experience with finding and...liberating some sought after reading material. And, now, if there are no objections, let us find this girl and get back to town."

OOC ---> I don't know. You could mayhaps also toss a few Listen and Spot and Search type rolls down and hope that you get lucky?

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-08, 04:49 PM
After examining the ground for a while, Kelsan says with a start: "The tracks seem to lead out of the tunnel." He accepts Harold's torch. "Thanks. Sorry, but I don't know anything about this town, much less this cave. I was simply passing through the city on my way to an archery tournament." He then waits with Harold until Aramil and his pet get into the cave, then takes his position in the marching order. He constantly looks around as they begin to walk

RollsSpot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-04-08, 07:08 PM
Jairus nods at Harold's directions, lighting his lamp and taking his place. He looks about for anything unusual, while listening for the girl.

SPOT [roll0]
LISTEN [roll1]

2010-04-08, 07:27 PM
Aramil makes a harness and hooks Runta to it
do i need a certain roll?
He lowers her down and hopes she isnt harm in the coming down.

2010-04-08, 07:56 PM
Marlon: you've got no ideas.

Aramil: normally that would involve a Use rope and Strength check, but I'll wave them as it's not worth the time in pbp. (Plus this way, you don't risk her falling :smalltongue:)

Once everyone is down and heading along the tunnel, you discover that it is not that before it opens into a new cave.

Map + description (all players):

In addition to the three natural exits, the southeast side of this large cavern has caved in, creating a large rubble pile. Beyond it, you can just glimpse worked stone. A faint scent of rotting meat permeates the air.

Runta heads north. (Kelsan, the tracks you are following also head north.)

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-08, 08:04 PM
Although Kelsan is in the back, he is still following the tracks as Runta is tracking the scent, sometimes stopping for a second to get his bearings straight. He glances offhandedly at the south and southeast exits of the cavern.

"Perhaps we should check those out later," he mutters.

Rolls:Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-04-08, 08:24 PM
Aramil follows Runta and pulls out his weapons he whispers to Runta in druidic, "Use the scent to find the girl I hope this girl is not too injured."
He listens to Harold and holds no objection,"Fine but if the girl dies im going to say it was your fault." Aramil whispers to Runta in druidic,"Hault my friend this one want to see something."

2010-04-08, 08:33 PM
"Hm!" Harold exclaims, when he sees the worked stone. "Now, what do you suppose that could mean?" He sees that the wolf is headed north and touches Aramil on the elbow. "Could you hold your wolf for a moment? Observe that, beyond those rocks." He turns to address the entire group, "I wish to investigate. Would anyone object to my creeping over there? That smell worries me, at the least. It may help to know what we might encounter. Of course, if we feel that we should hurry on to find the girl as soon as possible, that is fine." If he doesn't get too many objections, he'll head for the worked stone ---> Move Silently ---> [roll0] Listen ---> [roll1] Search ---> [roll2] Spot ---> [roll3] Also, we are coming from the west opening, yes? And each square is five feet? If so, I figure that Harold would beckon the others to come after him, until they get a decent amount closer to his goal. Also, also, there are stalactites, stalagmites, and columns. Would any of them assist with cover, and would they all provide the same amount? Merely wondering stuff.

2010-04-08, 09:05 PM
Marlon walks over to one of the northern cave walls and touches the surface. As Harold goes to investigate Marlon observes him, also curious about the strange smell and stonework.

2010-04-09, 02:53 PM
"All right, but let's be quick. She could be in danger."
Jairus shines his lantern on the stonework, also inspecting it himself.

SPOT [roll0]

2010-04-10, 01:20 PM
As you start to head towards the rubble, you hear a little girl scream in fear from the north.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-10, 02:01 PM
"I think we should inspect those corridors later. We must hurry!" yells Kelsan as he hears the scream. He waits for the others, then goes up the tunnel with them. He constantly looks around and concentrates on hearing.

RollsListen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
My haste has given me little time to concentrate on my surroundings...

2010-04-10, 03:32 PM
Aramil tells Runta "come" in druidic as he pursues the sound with scimitar and shield in hand .

2010-04-10, 04:04 PM
Marlon, upon hearing the scream, follows Aramil, crossbow drawn. "We must hurry!" he says to the others as he heads out.

2010-04-10, 04:51 PM
Jairus draws his sword, quickly following the rest of the group after the screams.

LISTEN [roll0]

2010-04-10, 05:39 PM
OOC ---> But...did you see that nice Move Silently roll I made? oh well. http://www.starwarsepics.com/forums/scarlet/smilies/rolleyes.gif Also, any answers for my earlier questions about how these maps are working? Also, also, here's some rolls, I suppose ---> Listen ---> [roll0] Spot ---> [roll1] Can we tell how far away the scream is?

Harold abandons stealth and heads to the north, as well. He waits a beat, hoping that someone else will attempt to calm the girl, but, when they don't, "Calm yourself, child! We shall save you! To assist us, tell us what you can see!"

2010-04-10, 07:09 PM
OOC: Sorry didn't see your map questions somehow.
*Also, we are coming from the west opening, yes?
*And each square is five feet?
*Also, also, there are stalactites, stalagmites, and columns. Would any of them assist with cover, and would they all provide the same amount?
Yes. The dots on the map are stalagmites or columns. They all provide the same cover bonus: +2 AC and +1 Reflex if you are standing in their square. I realized that I also forgot to mention that the floor is very uneven, so you have to move at 1/2 speed.
*But...did you see that nice Move Silently roll I made?
Yes, I did. Some stuff happens at a fixed point in time, not in reaction to you :smallwink:

As you move north, you hear her scream again. The tunnel eventually opens out into the following cave:

The smell of rotting meat is stronger in this cave, and you can see Kara ("K") huddled back against the wall, cowering away from the largest centipedes you have ever seen. Two are the size of dogs ("SC") and the third is nearly the size of a pony ("MC")! When you reach the mouth of their cave, the centipedes turn towards your light.

Centipede initiative: [roll0]

2010-04-10, 07:14 PM
Aramil initiative [roll0]
Runta initiative [roll1]
Aramil orders Runta to attack nearest centipede while he casts producing flame at the centipede closest to the girl.
sweet first natural 20 baby

2010-04-10, 07:28 PM
Marlon, upon seeing the centipeeds, shouts quickly "Whoa! Giant bugs!"

Initiative [roll0]

2010-04-10, 11:34 PM
Jairus grits his teeth, waving his lantern to get the centipedes' attention, and prepares for battle.


He attacks the largest of the centipedes (MC).
ATTACK [roll]1d20+4
DAMAGE 1d8+2

2010-04-10, 11:37 PM
OOC: Hmm, rolls didn't work. Let's try again.

ATTACK [roll0]
DAMAGE [roll1]

2010-04-10, 11:39 PM
whoops forgot Runta's rolls attack:[roll0]

2010-04-11, 04:59 AM
Harold, upon seeing the centipedes, grows serious. He makes a calming motion with one hand at Kara. "Be still, girl! Er, Kara, yes? Be brave. The silent kind. We shall have you out of here in no time." Seeing Jairus heading for the big one, he nods and follows, glad to have help. Initiative ---> [roll0] And now, for some stuff that may or may not be correct ---> Attack ---> [roll1] Second Attack ---> [roll2] First Bit Of Damage [roll3] Second Bit Of Damage ---> [roll4] To edit ---> Well, dang. Whether I did it right or not, those rolls are not so great.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-11, 09:03 AM
Upon entering the cave, Kelsan can only be described as awestruck. But he quickly changes to serious and, lightning fast, shoots an arrow.

RollsInitiative: [roll0]
On his turn, Kelsan shoots the closest bug medium centipede after moving to D5 (drawing his bow as he runs).
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2010-04-11, 01:00 PM
You are standing just below where the map begins. Because you are not actually fighting anything there, I'm going to assume that you can push past each other without trouble, so everyone effectively starts their movement in D8.

{table]Aramil + Runta | 23
Centipedes | 22
Kelsan | 19
Jairus | 18
Harold | 11
Marlon | 7[/table]

Hybasha: To simplify things as much as possible, Runta acts on your initiative. Ordering her to attack is a Handle animal check (free action, DC 10). You should specify where you move to, as you don't want to block everyone behind you. Also, you need to roll a ranged touch attack for your produce flame against the centipede (and damage in case you hit).

TruorTupnm: Your rolls are correct, but attacking with both weapons is a full-round action. You would not be able to move to the centipedes and attack with both blades. You should specify which square you want to move to, then attack with one blade. Does not appear to be the case, sorry!

2010-04-11, 01:26 PM
Aramil moves to D4 Attack[roll0] Damage [roll1]
handle animal [roll2] Runta is ordered to go to B4 to attack
wow a 2nd natural 20 can i get a what what?

2010-04-11, 02:39 PM
Okay, I'll do it again, then. Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.

Jairus heads to C4 and attacks the centipede (SC).
ATTACK [roll0]
DAMAGE [roll1]

2010-04-11, 02:55 PM
When Marlon's turn comes up (late as that will be :P) move to G5 (that's 6 spaces right? 3 up 3 right) and shoot the nearest centipede with the crossbow.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-11, 05:39 PM
Got it. Within that case, Harold heads up to D6, from which he shoots at the big centipede with his shortbow. Attack ---> [roll0] Damage ---> [roll1]

Edited because I forgot about only moving at half speed.

2010-04-12, 07:31 PM
Don't forget that you can only move 1/2 speed due to the uneven cave floors.

Aramil doesn't quite make it to D4, but he can stop at C5, D5, or E5 and attack. Which one are you attacking?

Runta moves to B4 and bites at the larger centipede, but fails to bite through its hard shell.

Centipedes will attack when I find out which one Aramil hit.

2010-04-12, 08:19 PM
OOC:On Marlon's turn just move up 3, skip the right 3 then.

2010-04-12, 08:27 PM
Aramil moves to D5 and attacks furthest one

2010-04-13, 11:45 AM
The centipede at B2 shrivels and dies in the flames Aramil threw.

MC bites back at Runta:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If it hits, she needs to make a Fortitude save.

The remaining SC also bites at Runta:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: 1
If it hits, she needs to make a Fortitude save.

Kelsan's turn.

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-13, 03:14 PM
I already said my turn in the spoiler above.

2010-04-14, 12:05 PM
Aramil is in D5; Kelsan could go to E5 (let me know if that's not OK). He has to shoot carefully to not hit Runta (-4 attack for shooting into melee), so he does not hit the centipede.

Jairus can make it to C4, but he cannot attack this turn, because he has to move at 1/2 speed due to the uneven floors.

Harold does not have a free shot from D6, as Runta and Jairus are in the way. If you want to do something else, let me know. (You could just shout for Jairus to move and you would be able to shoot next turn.)

Marlon is basically stuck behind everyone. He could move to C5, but then he'd have the same problem as Harold, as well as blocking Harold further.

Kara has not moved, but she is looking at you.

End of round 1 (all players):
Kara: A2
MC: A3
SC: B3
Aramil: D5
Runta: B4
Kelsan: E5
Jairus: C4
Harold: D6
Marlon: either D7 or C5

DM only:
both centipedes full health

If Harold or Marlon would like to modify their actions, do so now. Also, Aramil and Runta are up.

2010-04-14, 04:17 PM
Aramil moves to D3 and pulls out his sword and shield
Runta continues to attack:[roll0] damage[roll1]

2010-04-14, 04:50 PM
OOC ---> How does that -4 for shooting into melee work? Kelsan gets that, but Harold isn't able to attempt, or were you just suggesting that he get Jairus to move? Merely wondering. Either way, that attack roll will probably end up with him missing the main centipede, and I figure that switching to try for the smaller one would be a bit cheatery, in addition to probably not even hitting. I suppose that he'll just wait at D6, then move to a hopefully better position on his next turn.

2010-04-15, 01:46 AM
TruorTupnm: I was checking something and I discovered that I can't find a reference for my earlier comment that attacking with both weapons is a full-round action. It appears to be a standard action, so you can disregard my earlier comment.

On the penalty for shooting into melee: I had assumed that Kelsan was shooting at the SC because there was no one between him and the centipede. However, I discovered that I messed up my comment on your action. You can shoot at the centipedes, but you still take the -4 for shooting into melee, and they can also use your allies as soft cover, giving them +4 to AC (so your chances of hitting are pretty low). There's even a nice illustration of exactly this on pg 151 of the Player's Handbook, so I'm not sure why I messed it up :smallredface: Sorry!

2010-04-15, 01:52 AM
Runta gets in a good bite, but does not manage to drop the centipede. It snaps back at her:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] <- this is a 1 (damage is never 0)
If it hits, she needs to make a Fort save.

SC bites at Jairus:
Attack [roll2]
Damage 1
If it hits, make a Fort save.

2010-04-15, 07:14 AM
Runta fortitude save[roll0]
please dont die Runta!

2010-04-15, 12:08 PM
Jairus barely dodges the centipede's (SC) lunge, and takes the opportunity to strike back.

ATTACK [roll0]
DAMAGE [roll1]

I assume that since I'm not actually using shield right now (because of my lantern), I don't get the shield's AC bonus, right?
Also, if the centipede drops, Jairus will take a five-foot step towards the closest centipede, if it's possible in this terrain.

2010-04-15, 12:18 PM
Runta shakes off the poison.

Jairus misses. (Yes to both your questions.)

Harold is up. (Hopefully I won't screw up on your action this time!)

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-15, 03:19 PM
You seem to have forgotten someone.

Kelsan, realizing that he might hit one of his teamates instead of the centipides, instead drops his longbow, moves to the closest centepide (drawign his longsword as he runs) and attacks it.

damage: [roll1]

2010-04-15, 03:58 PM
I'm running this battle simultaneously for two groups. You're lucky that I haven't called someone from the other group to act!

Kelsan runs to C3, and neatly decapitates SC. Jairus still misses MC (since I'm assuming that you'd attack the one that's still alive).

Now Harold is up.

2010-04-15, 04:20 PM
Marlon, having been unable to get a shot in at one of the creatures but unwilling to get too close, backs off and tries for a lucky shot.

What are these things!?

Just putting my turn up so that when Harold posts things can move along quickly. Going to assume I ran up to C5.

Move - Go to E3. (Difficult doubles movement right? And d&D uses a 1-2-1 system for diagonals? So I should be able to go to D4 for 2 movement, then E3 for 4 more movement, using up all 6. If that doesn't work then D3 is my destination, one step up, one right, one up for 3 spaces moved, double cost)

Standard - Attack MC if possible with crossbow. [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-15, 06:37 PM
Harold slides over to C5, from which he shoots with his shortbow. If he can do this with any hope of immediate success, he'll bark at Aramil, "Order your wolf out of the way, so that I can have a clear shot!" His attack, from which I reduced four, due to Runta being all up in the way ---> [roll0] The damage ---> [roll1] Also, would it be possible for him to tell Aramil to order Runta to move up to B3, so she's not in the way, or, since they already did whatever they're going to do for this round, we can't change it, and I should have just had Harold spouting commands at everyone about how to coordinate from the beginning? Also, also, dang. Why am I playing a halfling? They can't move quickly. Argh. After shooting, he observes, in response to Marlon, "They appear to be overgrown centipedes. Nothing to get excited about." He ends this with a significant glance towards Kara.

2010-04-15, 07:21 PM
Harold aims carefully, but narrowly misses the centipede.

Marlon shoots the centipede (your calculations for getting to E3 are correct), killing it.

All three centipedes are dead; everyone gets 60 XP. Congratulations!

Kara, seeing the bugs dead, runs towards you with her arms outstretched.

2010-04-15, 07:24 PM
Aramil puts away his sword and shield and asks,"Little one are you okay did those monsters you?"

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-15, 07:31 PM
Kelsan grimly wipes the bug goo off hs sword on his cloak while walking over to Kara and Aramil.

"Don't worry, he says. "we'll get you back to the surface and to your family. You aren't in anymore danger."

Then he goes over and retrieves his bow.

OOC:IIRC, if an arrow misses, it has a 50% chance of being destroyed (while one that hits is automatically destroyed). So did my arrow? If not I retrieve it too.

2010-04-15, 07:53 PM
OOC ---> Well, I suppose that anyone could just roll to find out if we get our arrows back. One, yes. Two, no. Your arrow ---> [roll0] My arrow ---> [roll1]
If he can, Harold takes the time to retrieve his arrow. Either way, he nods his thanks to the people who are handling the girl. While they do that, he takes a look around the room, merely out of curiosity. Search ---> [roll2] If he finds nothing, he makes an about face and beckons the others to follow him back out.

2010-04-15, 08:27 PM
Well that was quite invigorating. Is everyone alright? Marlon says as he looks about for any more potential threats.

Bolts work the same way for being destroyed right? I'll roll my bolt the same way (1 yes, 2 no) assuming the GM's cool with it. [roll0]. If possible I'd like to retrieve it (assuming it survived)

Taking a look around as well.
Spot - [roll1]

2010-04-16, 02:02 PM
"I'm not hurt," Jairus answers to Marlon. He sheathes his sword and kneels down to Kara's level.

"Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself in any way?" he asks gently.

2010-04-17, 05:34 PM
Kara runs up to Jairus and throws her arms around him. She shakes her head, indicating she is not hurt. You can see that she is a bit bruised and scraped up, but she does not appear to have been bitten by the centipedes.

Those of you searching the cave find what appears to have been the centipedes' nest in the upper right part of the cave. It contains several bat corpses, and seems to be the source of the rotting meat smell.

OOC: You are welcome to roll for your own arrows/crossbow bolts/etc.

2010-04-17, 11:44 PM
Jairus wraps an arm around Kara and stands back up.
"Let's take her back to her family. Would anyone be willing to further investigate this cave afterward?"

2010-04-18, 05:10 AM
Harold nods and trots his way back to the south, figuring that they'll all be coming along to at least escort the girl back out of the fissure. To Jairus, he off-handedly mumbles, "I would, as a matter of course. Let us assist the little one out, then begin the exploration."

2010-04-18, 10:05 AM
Marlon follows the rest of the group as they head out. "I'm in" he says in a tone that is clearly supposed to sound calm, but instead sounds more like he's excited and failing to hide it.

2010-04-18, 02:57 PM
Aramil replies,"As long as she gets home safely i guess i'm in."

2010-04-19, 02:14 PM
Nothing happens to you on your way to the fissure cavern.

2010-04-19, 02:31 PM
Within that case, I figure that they'd stick the kid on the end of the rope and order her relative to pull her back out, then post a warning sign about giant centipede caves. After that, they'd head back to the worked stone that interested them, where Harold would do some of this again, I suppose ---> Listen ---> [roll0] Search ---> [roll1] Spot ---> [roll2]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-19, 03:19 PM
Kelsan says nothing for the entirety of the trip back to the first cavern except for an "I'm in, also." He tosses his rope up to Kara's family to pull her up with, then pulls it down.

As the group gets to the second cave with the other tunnels, he says, "Shall we explore the ruined tunnel, or the open one?" He also looks around for anything suspicious.

RollsSpot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2010-04-22, 04:27 PM
Marlon, upon re-entering the second cave with the others, immediately heads over to the rubble pile blocking the worked stone to examine it.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-04-23, 01:34 PM
Aramil follows the group his sword and shield in hand and tells Runta in a hushed whisper in the tongue of druidic to be aware.

2010-04-23, 11:56 PM
Well, when you get to the fissure, it seems that Atton is the only one up top. He calls down: "Da couldn't get up here* and everyone else had to be working, so they sent me back to wait for you. Da says if you come to our house, he'll give you a reward for rescuing Kara, though."

*If you've been in the village for even a short while, you know that the mayor is missing a leg.

2010-04-24, 05:14 AM
At Atton's announcement, Harold visibly brightens. "Ah, and to think that I had planned to berate the man for not warning his librarian about the nearby giant centipede caves! Some small recompense for saving his daughter is certainly due! I am, after all, only a librarian." Once Kara is up, he climbs up, too. At the top, he carefully questions Atton ---> "You wouldn't happen to know much of the history of this place, would you? Or would your father, perhaps?"

2010-04-24, 02:10 PM
Kara immediately runs up to Atton and hugs him.

Atton thinks about your question for a moment then says, "Da would know more about the area than I do."

2010-04-24, 03:23 PM
Jairus smiles as Kara hugs Atton.
"Could you take us to your father, Atton?"

Savannah, is it pretty clear where this fissure is, or should we mark it so that we can find it again?

2010-04-24, 03:28 PM
Anyone who was bitten by the centipede make another Fortitude save.

Janus: You know where the fissure is, but it wouldn't hurt to mark it. At the very least, it would prevent others from falling in!

Assuming that no one has any objections to taking Kara home:

Atton leads you to the mayor's house. When you reach the door, an elderly gnome woman comes running out: "Kara! You're safe! Your father is in his office, why don't you go and see him and then I'll get you a nice bath and some bandages." The gnome turns to you as Kara scampers off, "Thank you so much for getting her! I'm Ellywik, Mayor Gilmer's housekeeper. If you would follow me, please?"

When you reach the mayor's office, Kara is sitting in his lap, giving an animated retelling of your fight against the centipedes. After she finishes, Ellywik takes her out of the room to get her cleaned up.

The mayor addresses you, "I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. I was so afraid that she would encounter that monster that's been attacking the farmers before she could be rescued. Although, from what she told me, she found some other monsters entirely. Please, take these," he hands you each a leather pouch, "and if you have need of healing I will summon one of the priests. You are welcome to stay in the spare bedroom if you need a place to stay and join us for dinner if you want. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

2010-04-24, 04:53 PM
Jairus thanks the mayor and accepts the leather pouch, but raises an eyebrow at the mayor's mention of monsters.
"A monster attacking the farmers? What kind?"


2010-04-24, 05:14 PM
Harold takes the pouch, bows his thanks, then stows it, not wishing to be rude by possibly being disappointed by the reward while in front of the guy. He shakes his head at the mention of healing, but he's looking full of trepidation at the mention of a monster besides the giant centipedes. He scratches his chin thoughtfully, though, when he remembers the area in the cave that they had wanted to check out. "Hmmm... What can you tell us about this monster? Might it have anything to do with the structure that we discovered?" He bows his head again, this time to apologize, then explains, "While looking for, um, Kara, we found something that looks as if someone may have been living there, at some point. I wished to ask what you knew of this. We didn't have time to investigate fully. Is it merely, perhaps, an unused catacomb?"

2010-04-24, 10:49 PM
Marlon follows the other back to the Mayor's house. He accepts the leather pouch, looking rather excited at the prospect of a reward of any kind, and listens as the others talk.

2010-04-25, 12:14 PM
"I'm not sure exactly what the monster is; the reports I've gotten have been rather limited. It is usually described as a wolf-like creature with a skeletal head. It prefers to prey on humans, unfortunately, so we just put out a reward for killing it as so far no one has been able to find it. The children weren't supposed to be out today, given the situation, but apparently they managed to sneak past Elly.

"As for this cave, I know nothing about it. It is possible that the earthquake a few years ago opened it up."

2010-04-25, 01:28 PM
Anyone want to roleplay dinner with the mayor? I'm up for it. Might be a good opportunity for our characters to be properly acquainted.

2010-04-25, 04:04 PM
Irked that the mayor doesn't know much, he replies curtly. "I see. Would someone else know more of the history of this place?" He turns to the others with a reassuring wave. "I shall, at the least, attempt to uncover some information at the library before we return to investigate the structure." When his brain comes back to the subject of the monster, he raises an eyebrow at the mayor. "Your children should not have strayed so far...even during the day? This beast has been seen during the day, as well?"

OOC ---> I am up for it. Hopefully, Harold hasn't been too annoying. He's just a bit on the arrogant side and might need to be shown that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

2010-04-25, 04:12 PM
Aramil follows quietly (sorry i was preoccupied with some things)

2010-04-25, 08:28 PM
(Responding to Harold)
The mayor shrugs. "No one that I can think of. You are welcome to do your own research, of course, but this is a quiet little village.

"As for the monster, it has been mostly seen in the mornings and evenings, but the timing is varied enough that I told the children not to leave the village without an adult."

I'm fine with roleplaying the dinner if you all want to.

Don't worry about it, Hybasha. Life occasionally gets in the way of D&D :smalltongue:

2010-04-26, 04:08 PM
What time is it in-game? Do our characters have time to do some research before dinner with the mayor?

2010-04-26, 05:52 PM
It's probably mid/late afternoon. So you'd have at least 2-3 hours of time before dinner.

2010-04-26, 09:53 PM
Jairus politely takes his leave, and uses the next couple of hours to talk to the local farmers and clergy about the monster attacks.
And, if there is enough time, he stops by the local merchants in hopes of finding sunrods.

I'm assuming that there is a clergy around here somewhere.
Gather Information - Take 20 - Result of 25

2010-04-26, 10:03 PM
Is there a library around here? Or some place where they store books and history? Thinking Marlon will go there to do some research. I know Harold's planning the same thing, but two minds are better than one.

2010-04-26, 10:27 PM
Aramil and Runta takes rest outside the mayor's house lying in the yard provided he has one.

2010-04-27, 12:59 AM
If you look in your pouch, you find the mayor has given each of you 25 gp.

Jairus doesn't learn much beyond what the mayor had already said. He does discover, however, that when it is seen fleeing the scene of one of its attacks, the monster is usually headed in the direction of the hills you were just in.
He can also find [roll0] sunrods for sale by a traveling merchant.

Marlon and Harold can check out the house of records. What are you researching?

Aramil and Runta find a nice tree outside the mayor's house to sit under.

2010-04-27, 09:53 AM
Marlon heads off to the house of records to see what he can learn.

Just looking at general history of the town, major events and the like...looking in particular for two things. Clues as to the identity of the monster (I doubt they're there, but might as well try) and information on the earthquake the mayor mentioned, whether it might have anything to do with the cave and monster or anything. What kind of check would you like me to roll? Int?

2010-04-27, 04:59 PM
Harold, "Mm,hm!"s and mutters to himself, then makes a thankful bob of his head to the mayor and turns to the others before heading to the house of records. "I suppose that I shall see you all for dinner, momentarily, in that case. Hopefully, there will be something of importance to discuss."

At the house of records ---> Looking for the same stuff as Marlon, along the lines of local legends and the political and geological history of the area. I'm not sure which of these should be used, or if I should be rolling separately for different subjects. Gather Information ---> [roll0] Profession (librarian) ---> [roll1] I am not sure if I should be aiding him, or he should be aiding me, so I'll toss this in there, too. Aid Another ---> [roll2]

Ranger Mattos
2010-04-27, 06:01 PM
Kelsan says nothing the whole trip to the town and then to the house of records. He simply nods to the mayor in appreciation of the gold.

House of RecordsKelsan looks for the geography and geology of the area and town, known species of creatures (what the monster might be), and anything about any underground catacombs or tunnels of some sort. Gather Information: [roll0] or if needed Intelligence check: [roll1]

OOCSure I'm up for the dinner.

If you've been wonderign why I've been gone for a little while, it's because I was grounded. My sister threw a chunk of solid metal at me and broke a window.

2010-04-27, 08:17 PM
I think what I will do for the library is let you make Knowledge checks untrained if you are using it. If you are trained, it will give you a +2 bonus for your check. Profession (librarian) will act like aid another. (Harold could either make a check with the knowledge skill and aid himself with librarian, or make two aid another attempts for someone else with the knowledge skill + librarian.)

It looks like Marlon and Harold are interested in Knowledge (local), (history), and possibly (geography) or (dungeoneering). Kelsan seems to be interested in (geography), (nature), and (dungeoneering).

Each check will take an hour and you have 3 hours until dinner. Each person can only make a particular check (or aid with a particular check) once.

OOC:It seems to be the season for life interfering with D&D. I have to ask, how did your sister throwing something at you get you grounded?

2010-04-27, 08:37 PM
We should probably pool our efforts on the geography or dungeoneering check since we're all researching it. Either of you trained? I'll try for an aid another on that one since I'm not. Going to be making a local/history/aid another on geography over the course of the 3 hours. Local, then history, with geography whenever the others do that check.
Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (history): [roll1]
Aid Another Knowledge (geography or dungeoneering): [roll2] vs DC 10 aiding Harold on whichever he goes with unless he also aid's Kelson, in which case aiding Kelson with whichever he goes with.

Come on dice...don't fail me now...

2010-04-27, 08:55 PM
I think they failed you :smalltongue:

2010-04-27, 08:58 PM
Yep...looks like :P. Oh well, it's at least in character for someone who's never studied anything besides magic seriously to not know where to start...maybe the others can have a good laugh at Marlon studying the wrong books with confusion or something :smalltongue:

2010-04-28, 04:02 PM
At the house of records, Harold scurries around and quickly gets distracted by all of the books. Upon noticing that Marlon and Kelsan are around, he flips the book he'd been perusing closed and grumbles something about how he isn't finding anything useful. He steps over to Marlon to see if he needs any help, but, seeing the man's obvious lack of competence, he quickly retreats and attempts to peer around Kelsan, to see what he's researching. "I greet you, elf. What was it that you wished to see? I have, as you know, much experience in this place."

OOC and rolls ---> Hmmm... Looks as if I'll go with Harold just employing his Profession (librarian) in place of Aid Another to help Kelsan out with whichever subjects he decides to go for. Looks as if that's all I'm allowed to do. He'd be helping Kelsan out because it looks as if Marlon got there first, and, with those rolls, Harold would just assume that the guy is an idiot who is not worth helping. He would just be helping and not looking for stuff on his own because he isn't trained in any of those knowledges. Three Profession (librarian) rolls ---> [roll0][roll1][roll2]

To edit ---> Woo, in addition to Hoo! Best librarian ever! http://www.starwarsepics.com/forums/scarlet/smilies/rolleyes.gif

2010-04-28, 08:59 PM
You can also make untrained knowledge checks as aid another or to investigate a topic, so you can make 2 checks per hour. You can even apply your librarian aid to your own knowledge checks if you want to. (So you are about twice as useful as anyone else!)

2010-04-29, 01:43 AM
While attempting to assist Kelsan, he also takes the time to check on the stuff that he was interested in. Got it. Hopefully, this is more helpful ---> Knowledge (history) ---> [roll0] Profession (librarian) ---> [roll1] Knowledge (dungeoneering) ---> [roll2] Profession (librarian) [roll3] Knowledge (local) [roll4] Profession (librarian) [roll5]

2010-04-29, 10:48 PM
Harold discovers that the cave you were in shows signs of a fairly recent earthquake. The fissure and the entry into the man-made area both likely opened due to the quake.

2010-04-30, 10:50 AM
Aramil and Runta still snoozing around (what can i say lazy druid )

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-01, 05:29 PM
"Actually, I did not know that," Kelsan says to Harold. "I am trying to find out what that tunnel we found could be, and what this monster might be."

Rolls & OOCSo I get 2 more checks, right? Well then:

Know (dungeoneering): [roll0] faillllllllllll
Know (nature): [roll1]

Actually, we both got grounded.

2010-05-01, 05:51 PM
Kelsan is flipping through a book of drawings of creatures when he notices a drawing of a strange wolf-like creature with a skeletal head. The description says it is called a "krenshar" and it uses its ability to pull the skin back from its face to scare its opponents.

2010-05-02, 08:37 PM
Jairus asks about the price of the sunrods.

2010-05-02, 08:41 PM
"For a fine young man like you? 2 gold pieces each."

2010-05-04, 03:09 PM
Marlon looks up from his book, an in-depth terrain height guideline that he's struggling to even look like he understands, as Kelson speaks. Did you find anything?

2010-05-04, 04:01 PM
Terrain height guideline. I love it.

For the sake of moving things along, I'm going to give people about 24 hours to respond, then if nothing of interest happens, it will be time for dinner with the mayor.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-04, 04:44 PM
"I think I may have found something," Kelsan says to Marlon. "It's called a krenshar. Here, look."


(I can do this, right?)

2010-05-05, 06:14 PM
Whoa! That thing looks really cool.

After a moment's pause Marlon swallows loud enough to be heard in the quiet library and speaks again. Do you think that's the monster the mayor was talking about?

2010-05-08, 01:53 PM
"Two gold pieces? Excellent. I'll take the three."
- 6gp
+3 sunrods
Revive Thread check [roll0]

2010-05-08, 02:16 PM
It's getting to be time for dinner, so everyone heads back to the mayor's house, where Elly greets you at the door and "suggests" that you make use of the mayor's bathhouse before dinner.

After you are cleaned up, you make your way to the dining room, where the mayor and Kara are already seated at a long table. Shortly after your arrival, Elly and Atton appear, carrying serving dishes. After they have served everyone, they both join you at the table.

Dinner consists of roasted venison and potatoes, ale or cider, and apple pie with cream. Elly is an excellent cook.

The mayor turns to you, "I don't believe that I know you all that well. Perhaps you could tell me a little more about yourselves?"

Move plot along check: Take 20. :smalltongue:

2010-05-08, 03:35 PM
Used to eating as much as he can, as long as he has the opportunity, Harold is attempting to not look as if he's gorging himself. This mostly results in the guy being unable to really taste any of the food. He takes a sip of cider before replying, "Ahem. I cannot speak for these others, as I was barely aware of their existence, before today, but I am a librarian. I have lived here quietly for not too terribly long, but I suspect my stay to be an eventful one. My only complaint, so far, was that no sign was posted near the openings in the tunnels that we found, but, now that I know that you only recently suffered an earthquake, I must say that your dominion is quite inviting." He then waits a beat, then chows downwards again.

2010-05-08, 07:34 PM
Aramil looks at his host and says, "I am a traveler nothing more."

2010-05-08, 07:49 PM
I'm just a student of magic. Marlon says as he stares at the food with something approaching amazement.

2010-05-09, 11:10 PM
Jairus politely swallows the cider in his mouth, setting the goblet back on the table.

"My name is Jairus Soland. I am a paladin of Heironeous the Invincible, and like Master Harold I have only been here for a short time. I primarily make my living from city to city, accepting errands from local churches and other sources."

2010-05-10, 01:04 AM
Harold scans the group, sighs, then announces, "But, if I may, I would like to speak of business." He looks doubtfully at the mayor's family, then raises an eyebrow at the mayor, wondering if he should keep quiet about more serious matters around them, but he continues with, "Kelsan and I uncovered some information on what is most probably afflicting this settlement. I presume that we are all willing to work to eliminate this threat? We seem to have been quite effective together, in the cave, at the least." He then gets distracted by sniffing at and reaching for the gravy boat.

2010-05-11, 10:43 AM
Marlon perks up at the mention of working together to eliminate a threat. This was precisely the sort of thing he left in search of, and the rather strange man who'd asked was correct, the teamwork in the caves had been exhilarating.

Doing his best to disguise his excitement at the prospect of working together, and failing miserably, Marlon speaks again I think that would be a great idea!

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-11, 04:37 PM
Kelsan sits in his chair, slowly eating potatoes and sipping the cider. "I am merely passing through town. Or I was, until these recent event started. I am originally from the great forest to the [direction]. The village I was born in was ransacked by orcs and I was raised by the wood elves. Recently, I've been attending various archery tournaments. I was headed to one when I was swept up into the adventure with these fine fellows. *sip*

2010-05-13, 09:37 PM
"Well, if you fine adventurers are able to solve our monster problem, that would be wonderful," the mayor says, looking pleased at Harold's suggestion to eliminate the monster.

Unless you want to do anything more with dinner, you spend a restful night in a nice bed and have a good breakfast in the morning. Now what?

2010-05-14, 03:24 AM
During dinner, Harold eventually does manage to get a hold of the gravy boat. Later, he thanks the mayor for his hospitality, then asks about how he's been handling guards, mostly hoping to make sure that everyone is aware that there is a danger and that the library should be well-protected. He turns to the others and sighs. "I wish that we knew more of this beast, but I suspect that it is related to the recent earthquake. We should go back into the tunnels. Perhaps this monster was released or is attracted to something down there. Otherwise," he raises a questioning eyebrow. "I don't believe that we have any other leads..."

2010-05-14, 03:47 PM
That seems like a reasonable course of action Marlon says as he glances about at the others questioningly.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-14, 04:55 PM
"I agree. And I was interested about that tunnel anyways," Kelsan says without looking up from the arrow he is making.

OOC: Since I'm only making an arrow, can we have a change from the rule that it takes a week? Like a day, or even an hour?

Anyways, 20 arrows = 1 gp, so 1 arrow = 5 cp = .5 sp. I pay 2 cp. Craft Check: [roll0] Includes -2 for improvised tools.

EDIT: Can I please change that to take 10?

2010-05-15, 01:54 AM
Assuming that the others are ready and willing to go, I figure that the group will head back down into the tunnels, with Harold heading for that worked stone area first, unless something different has come up.

2010-05-15, 02:27 AM
Lord Mattos For crafting arrows, I think that the reason that it takes so long is that you also have to gather and prepare all the supplies. I'm willing to assume that you do so every day while camping, so I'm fine with you taking 10 and making one arrow right now.

You all head back to the fissure and descend into the cave. You make your way into the large cavern without incident. For reference, here it is:

Harold inspects the rubble pile and estimates that it would be possible to climb and get into whatever structure it connects to, but you will need to take care to make sure that you don't slip. (Balance check if you're climbing.)

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-15, 07:51 AM
Kelsan looks towards the south tunnel. "Perhaps that tunnel connects into the one we are trying to get through to."

2010-05-15, 03:25 PM
Harold looks up from the area he'd been studying, "Hmmm..."s, then listens at the worked stone area. [roll0] If he hears nothing, he'll agree and start heading to the south. If he hears something, he'll probably alert the others and just be a bit more cautious as he heads to the south.

2010-05-15, 03:42 PM
HaroldYou don't hear anything.

2010-05-16, 11:01 AM
Attaching a sunrod to his belt, Jairus makes his way to the southern tunnel, keeping an eye and ear out for anything unusual.


...I can put a sunrod on my belt, right? I don't think they generate heat (but I don't have my book with me).
SPOT [roll0]
LISTEN [roll1]

2010-05-16, 12:28 PM
Sunrod on the belt is fine.

You're all heading south, then? The tunnel twists and turns for a while and then:
Jairus hears faint squeaking and rustling. After a short distance more, you find this cave:


You can feel a faint breeze in this cavern. Above you, a massive colony of bats stirs, disturbed by your lights.

2010-05-16, 12:41 PM
Jairus equips his shield and places his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Be careful," he whispers. "We don't want them to swarm."

2010-05-16, 02:23 PM
"Put out your lights!" Harold hisses. Quietly, he'd advise the group to just move past this area, and once they're close to the end of it, I suppose that they'll drop a bunch more Listen checks, hopefully being able to turn the lights on again, in the new area. If people don't like that idea, or the bats start attacking or somesuch, he'll come up with something else.

2010-05-16, 03:01 PM
Marlon, who hadn't brought any lights to begin with, trusting in his teammates to light up the area, looks up in amazement at the bats above, the sheer number of them surprising him. Still following Harold, the person who seems to him to have the most command of the environment, Marlon glances about the new cave in wonder.

2010-05-16, 03:51 PM
Can a sunrod be "turned on and off" in some way? The Player's Handbook is unclear on this.
If it can be done, Jairus extinguishes his light.
If this would ruin the sunrod, he puts it in his back to cover the light.

Jairus soon rediscovers that humans cannot see very well in the dark.
"Kelsan, if you wouldn't mind, I could use your eyes to get through here."

Provided that Kelsan consents, Jairus holds on to the elf's bag to guide him through the dark room.

Marlon gasped at first glance of the bats.
The wizard's first reaction was that of shock and fear, which slowly gave way to pure amazement and epiphany.

Yes, father... I shall become a bat./CHEATING :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-16, 04:01 PM
OOC - answer
I think of sunrods as glorified glow sticks, so no, they cannot be turned off. You could probably put it in your pack and still have enough light for those with low-light vision to see clearly and the rest of you to see faintly, without it being bright enough to bother the bats.

2010-05-16, 07:16 PM
Aramil pulls out his scimitar and shield as he travels with the group

2010-05-17, 09:26 PM
*edited my last post*

Jairus places the sunrod in his bag. Still able to see, if only a little bit, he carefully makes his way across the room, always feeling the ground with his foot before placing his weight on it.

2010-05-17, 10:57 PM
Without the presence of the light, the bats settle and you are able to cross the cave without incident. There is a tunnel on the other side leading out.

2010-05-18, 02:19 AM
At the end of the current area, about to head into the next one ---> Listen ---> [roll0] Spot ---> [roll1]

2010-05-18, 03:47 PM
Jairus also keeps his eyes and ears open.

SPOT [roll0]
LISTEN [roll1]

2010-05-18, 03:50 PM
You can tell that the passage is twisty and goes for quite a way. You suspect that it leads outside, based on the faint breeze you feel.

2010-05-18, 04:03 PM
Once past the bats, Harold asks Jairus to pull the sunrod back out, for full visibility. If that doesn't give us any more information, I figure that they'll continue on, just to see where the tunnels come out.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-18, 05:06 PM
Upon entering the cave with the bats, Kelsan realizes that the tunnel must lead outside, because the bats would not come in through the crevasse. He makes his way through the cavern without difficulty, and constantly watches for anything suspicious.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2010-05-19, 12:13 PM
Kelsan does not see or hear anything interesting in the bat cave. (Unless you think bat guano is interesting...you see a lot of that.)

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-21, 08:31 PM
Kelsan is thinking to himself that this tunnel is vvvveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy llllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg.

2010-05-21, 09:32 PM
Heading down the tunnel, you discover that it is indeed quite long. After a while, it opens into a larger chamber. Just before you reach this chamber, however, the keen ears of those listening pick out the sounds of something gnawing from ahead.

2010-05-22, 01:53 AM
Spot ---> [roll0] I am assuming that Jairus's sunrod was our only source of light? Also, is the daylight still just coming from ahead of us, and we haven't reached the end of the tunnel yet, or can we tell if it's coming from other cracks above us or something?
If Jairus wouldn't have already pulled the sunrod back out, Harold would then tell him in a less polite manner to bring it back out. Also, he'll ready his crossbow and attempt to position himself for a clear shot, if there's room in this part of the tunnel.

2010-05-22, 01:04 PM
Sorry for the delay.
Please note that I am currently posting under the influence of allergy medicine. I'll try not to sound weird.
Never thought I'd have to trudge through bat feces for a heavenly cause...

Jairus clips the sunrod back onto his belt (the first time he's told, mind you). Upon hearing the gnawing, he readies his sword and shield.
SPOT [roll0]

2010-05-22, 03:38 PM
You can see light from ahead, so you know it leads outside soon, although those without low light vision have trouble seeing without additional light.

Harold and Kelsan:
"K" is a shaggy creature that looks like a cross between a wolf and a hyena, with a spotted coat and a bristling mane running down its spine. It is currently lying down and munching on a large, meaty bone.

As you peak in, it looks up from the bone and sniffs the air.

2010-05-22, 03:41 PM
DM only:
S-[roll0] L-[roll1]

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-22, 04:04 PM
With his keen elven senses, Kelsan tries to see what is making that sound. He brings his bow out and fits an arrow to the string.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-05-22, 04:08 PM
Lord Mattos, you can look in the spoiler for Harold in my previous post.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-22, 04:22 PM
"There is something in this cave," Kelsan whispers to the others. "It's a krenshar."

OOC: I have a feeling we'll be fighting it. Should I roll initiative?

2010-05-22, 04:29 PM
OOC:If you're planning to go into the cave, yes you should.

2010-05-22, 09:52 PM
Jairus nods silently.

"I volunteer to move in first and get its attention," he whispers.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-23, 10:53 AM
"All right, I'll follow you in," responds Kelsan.

2010-05-23, 12:07 PM
Looking from person to person for a moment Marlon gathers himself up, steps over to a position behind Kelsan, and bravely states, I'll follow you in.

2010-05-23, 12:17 PM
"K" is a shaggy creature that looks like a cross between a wolf and a hyena, with a spotted coat and a bristling mane running down its spine. It is currently lying down and sniffing the air suspiciously, large, meaty bone forgotten between its front legs.

When you enter the cave, the krenshar leaps to its feet with a snarl.

Initiative: [roll0]

Remember that everyone is moving at 1/2 speed due to the rough terrain.

2010-05-23, 12:46 PM

2010-05-23, 12:59 PM
Harold attempts to keep pace with Jairus, ready to shoot with his shortbow, as soon as he gets in range. Initiative ---> [roll0] Attack roll, when possible ---> [roll1] Damage ---> [roll2]

2010-05-23, 02:22 PM
When possible Marlon moves 1 space in any direction if necessary (don't want to go too far from the entrance) and attacks the creature if possible.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-23, 06:51 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-05-23, 07:17 PM
Assuming he starts at A1, Jairus will move to B3 on his turn.

Are we using the rule that diagonal movement is a move and a half? I hope not.
Rolling Initiative again, since I tied with Lord Mattos and our Initiative modifiers are the same.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-23, 07:39 PM
Rerolling init: [roll0]

If that is somehow a 20, then reroll again: [roll1]

I still use my old one, right? This is just a tiebreaker?

2010-05-23, 07:50 PM
Current initiative:

Still need initiative from Hybasha/Aramil.

2010-05-24, 07:36 AM
Aramil swinging his already pulled out scimitar a bit before the battle, "What in hells name is that?"

2010-05-24, 11:23 AM
Lovely, the monster goes dead last.

What is Marlon attacking the creature with? I'm assuming something ranged. In that case, he moves to B2 and gets a solid hit.

Jairus is up. You can start anywhere you want in the tunnel (A1, A2, or B1).

DM onlyKrenshar is at 3 hp

2010-05-24, 11:51 AM
Sorry, should have said. Using crossbow, same as last fight.

2010-05-24, 08:49 PM
Jairus moves from B1 to C3.

2010-05-25, 06:00 AM
Aramil and Runta are last to enter the cave so they move in to the cave as much possible and end their turn.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-25, 03:39 PM
Kelsan moves to B4 to get a clear shot. Is anyone in the way? If not, then Kelsan shoots at the krenshar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-05-25, 04:07 PM
Kelsan's arrow hits just to the side of Martin's bolt, and the krenshar's movement is cut short as it slumps over, dead.

[geeze...kill my monsters before they can react, why don't you...grumble grumble]

2010-05-25, 04:29 PM
Harold gives Kelsan a curt nod, then starts scoping the place out. When he gets close to the krenshar, he releases a sigh of relief. "Well, that wasn't so difficult! With luck, it was alone." Search ---> [roll0]

2010-05-25, 04:54 PM
Savannah, I'm the one who either can't get a shot off or can't overcome the monsters' AC.
*pat pat* I feel ya.

Jairus, surprised by how quick the monster was slain, keeps his weapons equipped as he looks for signs of any other dangers in the room.
Spot [roll0]

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-25, 05:36 PM
"Is that grass I see?" Kelsan wonders aloud as he looks to the southeast. He walks over to the entrance to the cave, sighs a little due to a slight breeze, and looks out for anything.

Roll for arrow survival: [roll0] 2 successful

2010-05-25, 07:39 PM
Those of you searching the cave find a nest in a back corner containing, among other things, bones and clothing remains, including a couple of belt pouches.

There is no sign of other krensars.

Looking outside, you can see that the cave opens onto the same hilly area behind town.

2010-05-25, 10:48 PM
Harold checks to see what's inside the pouches. After that and finding out where the exit takes them, he rolls his eyes, then nods back at the tunnels. "The bats are unlikely to naturally disperse through here, if we frighten them, I suspect. I would like to clear our way, as a safety measure. We are continuing on into the underground structure back there, yes? Or shall we merely attempt to pass them by again and hope that an easy getaway will not be required?"

2010-05-25, 10:51 PM
The pouches contain a total of [roll0] silver pieces.

2010-05-26, 12:52 AM
Well...that was rather easy... Marlon says as he glances about. Hesitant to go any nearer to the creature than necessary he nonetheless inches over to check if it's dead. before joining the others.

2010-05-26, 12:58 AM
Just FYI, ammunition that hits a target is destroyed; it's only arrows/bolts that miss that can be recovered.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-26, 04:57 PM
OOC: oh well, it was destroyed anyways.

After taking his split of the silver, Kelsan speaks. "Yes, I agree that we should go back to the manmade tunnel. I think we should just make our way past the bats." He barely waits for a response before he begins to stroll around, looking at the cave while the rest of the group reaches a decision.

2010-05-27, 07:07 PM
"Fair enough, though we need to remember to inform the mayor of the krensar's death. We should probably bring back some sort of proof, too."

Jairus places his sunrod back into his pack before entering the bats' chamber.

I understand that in real life, bats urinate whenever they swarm. Please, for the sake of our characters, let's not startle them.

2010-05-27, 07:30 PM
I did not know that, but I'll remember it! :smallbiggrin: I do love using random facts to screw with my players make the game more realistic.

2010-05-28, 12:21 AM
Harold shrugs his shoulders at the decision to leave the bats be, then nods at the suggestion to bring proof of the monster's death. He cuts a paw off and sticks it in his backpack, then distributes the silver equally (three silver pieces for everybody), and follows the others. At the worked stone area, if we manage to get back there with no problems, he does this sort of thing again ---> Listen ---> [roll0] Search ---> [roll1] Spot ---> [roll2]

2010-05-28, 07:06 PM
You pass unharmed through the bat chamber. At the rubble pile, Harold does not detect anything amiss, although he notes that it will be difficult to climb the pile without the loose stones slipping.

2010-05-29, 12:22 AM
"Hrmph." Harold points that out to the others and tells them to be careful. [roll0] Oh, yeah. Whoops. That was Move Silently.

2010-05-29, 12:30 AM
Just realized I hadn't given you XP for the krenshar. 60 XP each.

Balance checks are needed to get up the rubble pile without falling. If that's what Harold just rolled, he passes easily. Harold is quiet, but still needs to roll Balance if he's climbing the pile.

2010-05-29, 12:36 AM
OOC ---> Got it. Balance ---> [roll0] Towards the experience points, I just figured that we'd be going up against something soon after, and we'd get all of the experience in one large chunk. Phew!

2010-05-29, 12:40 AM
That's enough to get up the pile without falling. I'm going to wait to give the others a chance to follow before telling you about what you see next.

As for the XP, I don't want to go back through the thread to figure out what you've handled (as opposed to what the other group has handled), so I figured I'd give it out after each encounter.

2010-05-29, 01:48 AM
Marlon boldly moves to follow Harold striding with confidence after having the strange creature fall so quickly to the group...perhaps too much confidence.

Oh great...a balance check. Well, here goes. [roll0]

I'm sort of expecting a fail, but hopeful for a good roll.

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-29, 10:17 AM
Kelsan takes his time walking up the pile.

Take 10 for result of 13 on Balance check.

2010-05-29, 11:13 AM
Jairus attempts to make his way up the pile, discovering first-hand that heavy armor isn't always the best thing in the world.

Taking 20, if possible, for a result of 14.
If that's impossible for any reason, [roll0]

2010-05-29, 01:51 PM
Kelsan and Marlon join Harold on the other side of the pile, but Jairus slips back down in a clatter of stones.

I'm willing to allow you to take 20 because it would take too long to roll multiple attempts in a pbp, but you will be making a lot of noise for 2 minutes. Alternatively, aid another would help.

2010-05-29, 03:09 PM
At the top of the rubble, Harold twitches at all of the noise that Jairus is making. He reaches out a hand to steady the guy and points out some stable places to climb. Aiding Another for Balance ---> [roll0]

2010-05-30, 09:51 AM
Sighing at his predicament, Jairus gratefully accepts Harold's help to get up the slope.

All right, so Aid Another gives me a +2 Bonus, right?
Balance [roll0]

Question: I know that my shield gives a -2 to Balance checks, but does that apply all the time, or only when it's equipped?
If it's the latter, then Jairus will unequip his shield, resulting in a -2 modifier instead of -4.


2010-05-30, 09:58 AM
Jairus laughs quietly in spite of himself.
"Oh, for the love of-
I'll be up in a moment, gentlemen. Any and all help will be appreciated."

Balance [roll0],
plus any modifiers from Aid Another or an unequipped shield that I may receive.

If this fails, I guess I'll just take 20.

Any chance we can hunt down the Dice Gods in this game?

2010-05-30, 11:15 AM
Aramil and Runta try to climb up the pile carefully
Aramil attempt [roll0]
Runta attemp [roll1]
wow really bad roles i will take 20 on both :D

2010-05-30, 12:07 PM
Jairus narrowly aviods twisting his ankle, but after removing some of his equiment and much help from his companions, he makes it to the top. Likewise, Aramil requires a bit of assistance, although Runta scrambles up on her own.

The walls and floors of this chamber are made of tightly fitted stone. There is no source of light, other than Jairus' sunrod.

This chamber appears to have been a chapel prior to the wall falling in. Two rows of benches face the west wall, where an alter containing a pair of unlit candlesticks and a small, green-bound book lie. Above the alter, a hand holding a bundle of arrows is carved. On the opposite side of the room, a there is a heavy bronze door. On the north and south walls, the word “HANAN” is carved in an old-fashioned script.

DMDoor is not locked, but is stuck.

2010-05-30, 03:12 PM
Jairus raises the sunrod, taking in the impressive surroundings. He looks around, trying to remember anything about "HANAN" from his studies, and magically checks for evil within the room, focusing especially on the altar and its contents.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]
Detect Evil on the chapel, focusing on the altar, candles, and book.
Spot (for any danger in the room) [roll1]

2010-05-30, 03:24 PM
You don't know anything about "HANAN"
You get the feeling that the alter area might once have been evil, but it has long since faded.
You don't spot anything dangerous.

2010-05-30, 03:35 PM
"I don't sense any evil here," Jairus whispers. "Perhaps in the distant past, but nothing recent.
"Does anyone know what this "HANAN" refers to?"

Jairus approaches the altar and looks at the book's cover.

I don't suppose I need to roll to find its title or any markings, do I?

2010-05-30, 03:36 PM
Marlon looks about the strange room for a bit, pondering on the meaning of the words on the walls.

Ideally I'd like to try a knowledge(arcana) check on the word Hanan as well as a spot/listen around the room

Knowledge(arcana): [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2010-05-30, 03:55 PM
Jairus: The same symbol of a hand holding a bundle of arrows found above the alter is embossed on the scaly green leather binding of the book. A silver clasp set with a ruby holds the book shut.

Marlon: Nothing from the Knowledge (arcana) check. You don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary.

2010-05-30, 04:59 PM
Upon entering the room, Harold gives the place a good once-over, then examines the book and altar. Interested in whether he'd recognize something about it due to being a librarian (I have to try), he merely mumbles to Jairus, "Never heard of it." Appraise ---> [roll0] Profession (librarian) ---> [roll1] Search ---> [roll2] Spot ---> [roll3]

2010-05-30, 05:10 PM

Does Jairus, as a paladin of Heironeous, immediately recognize this as Hextor's symbol?

2010-05-30, 06:51 PM
Harold: (I'm assuming you are concentrating on the book) You don't remember anything about "HANAN" or the book from your work as a librarian (nice try, though!).
The book seems to be bound in green dragon skin. Taking a closer look, you discover a trap set into the ruby on the clasp.

Jairus: Hmm...Tell you what, the DC was 10, but since you are a paladin of Heironeous, I'll give you a +2 circumstance bonus. That means that your earlier Knowledge (religion) check was enough to reveal that the symbol above the alter and on the book is the holy symbol of Hextor.

2010-05-30, 08:06 PM
"Hextor," Jairus hisses.
"Be careful, everyone. This is the symbol of Hextor, the god of tyranny. Be on your guard; they don't call him the 'Herald of Hell' for nothing."
He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword.

2010-05-30, 10:08 PM
When he finds the trap, Harold immediately pulls out his thief's tools to work on it, but he hesitates at Jairus's warning. One gulp later, though ---> Disable Device ---> [roll0]

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-31, 09:15 AM
Hextor? Kelsan thinks to himself. He looks over to Harold and his trap-disabling, and decides he won't be of much help there. So instead, he casually taps his fingers on one of the pews while looking for anything suspicious.

Listen: [rollv]1d20+8[rollv]
Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

Ranger Mattos
2010-05-31, 09:16 AM
Listen check reroll: [roll0]

2010-06-01, 06:57 PM
Marlon looks around, somewhat confused and a bit tired after all the climbing and wandering in the cave. Deciding that the others seem to have things under control he sits on the bench nearest to the hole, taking some weight off his feet for a bit.

2010-06-01, 09:21 PM
So where, exactly, is everyone standing?

2010-06-01, 11:50 PM
Jairus is at A3, to Harold's side (assuming that Harold is directly in front of the book as he attempts to disarm the trap).

2010-06-02, 12:01 AM
Marlon's sitting on the pew on the left side of B2. Not sure 100% where that puts him (since if I stand up I'd be in A2).

2010-06-02, 10:47 AM
That is a scary question. Should I be apologizing to my party for setting something off? Anyways, I figure that Harold would be, yes, on the upper half of A3, or the bottom half of A2, warily stretching over to the book. Whichever works?

Ranger Mattos
2010-06-02, 03:37 PM
That gives me a bad feeling.. anywho, I'm in C3, next to the edge of the pew.

2010-06-02, 07:07 PM
Aramil is at B2 with runta at his side

2010-06-02, 07:23 PM
Harold works at the trap, concentrating hard. After a moment, he thinks he has it, but a moment later the ruby lets out a large burst of flame.

Everyone is in the blast, so everyone takes [roll0] fire damage. Reflex save DC 11 for half damage.

The table that the book is sitting on and the pews that were caught in the flame are smoldering gently, but the book is unharmed.

Ranger Mattos
2010-06-02, 08:39 PM
Reflex: [roll0]

Kelsan rolls to the side, behind the pew, barely managing to get behind in time. After a second, he sticks his head up and asks, "Is everyone okay?"

2010-06-02, 08:49 PM

Marlon dives over the pew as well, a bit slower than Kelsan so he's still caught in the blast but quick enough to dodge some of the fire.

What happened?