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View Full Version : [3.5] Looking for two modules

2010-04-05, 04:23 PM
I'm looking for a module that features an abandoned dungeon (abandoned at first look anyway) that my players can explore. Hopefully made for characters about level 9-10 (the party is lower but well optimised). Hopefully one with lots of inventive traps and interesting challenges. Can anyone suggest one?

I'm also looking for a module where the players explore the underdark, or local equivalent, which will follow on from that, hopefully one which includes some of the denizens of the region plotting to attack or actually attacking the surface.

I'm not looking for modules that are necessarily perfect to just pick up and play - I'll be adapting and altering them heavily, I just find it very helpful to have a base on which to build.

Thanks in advance!

2010-04-05, 04:28 PM
Tomb of Horrors. It's not abandoned, technically, but it's one of the best trap-based encounters you'll ever find. It's built for 4-6 9th level characters.

2010-04-05, 04:33 PM
Tomb of Horrors. It's not abandoned, technically, but it's one of the best trap-based encounters you'll ever find. It's built for 4-6 9th level characters.

And also famous for killing anyone who enters. I'm not sure the party would like that. :smallbiggrin:

Still, maybe I should take another look at it.... It was interesting.

2010-04-05, 04:35 PM
Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land is a good enough module, it includes going into the Underdark in Chapter 4 I think, to prevent a drow house from aiding the Zhentarim to overtake Shadowdale. You also defend the village from an attack later on.

It's made for parties I think from level 9 to 13 or something.

2010-04-05, 04:50 PM
Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land is a good enough module, it includes going into the Underdark in Chapter 4 I think, to prevent a drow house from aiding the Zhentarim to overtake Shadowdale. You also defend the village from an attack later on.

It's made for parties I think from level 9 to 13 or something.

Thanks, I'll check that out. :3

The Big Dice
2010-04-05, 04:54 PM
Grimtooth's Dungeon of Doom is a great module to get hold of. Virtually no monsters, just traps and death all over the place. Just opening the door has a chance of killing you.

It's also not tied to any system, so you can make it as tough or as easy as suits your characters.