View Full Version : programming concepts homework help

2010-04-06, 11:21 AM
First off let me say I do not want to cheat i just want help understanding flowcharts, pseudo codes, heirchy charts etc. I do have a specific assignment in mind I can put up if anyone is willing to help. I thought I understood it all pretty well but then I got a 'C' on my last assignment so thought I would ask the knowledgable, and probably more computer savvy, people here.

2010-04-06, 11:52 AM
You'll have to be more specific.

If you're having trouble with flow charts, why not look at one that has nothing to do with programming? Here's a simply one:

Light blue squares are instructions. Rotated dark blue squares are decisions. They let the flow chart branch depending on yes/no questions. These are the equivalent of your if/then statements.

Capt Spanner
2010-04-06, 12:02 PM
xkcd has a useful guide: (http://xkcd.com/518/)


2010-04-06, 12:13 PM
Let me clarify by saying, I don't know the specifics of the information you're looking for on the topics. Basically flow charts and pseudo code are just ways to help you think about program structure before you code it. It's the same as writing an outline for an essay before you write it. It helps you logically think about your structure before you get down to the nitty gritty. For me, it's a nice starting place for a classroom problem to keep me from being overwhelmed. It's much easier to take a problem and write out how you'd solve it step by step. That's how I start on a flow chart. Then as you break down each step you get more and more detail until you're ready to write the solution. That's just my two cents. I'm a pretty bad programmer overall.

2010-04-06, 12:30 PM
Well my specific assignment is this;

You are a manager for a small service organization. You need to develop a application/database that includes the name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and blood type for your staff. What variables and modules would you need to accomplish this? Develop a hierarchy chart that shows the modules, the pseudo code, and a flowchart to illustrate your solution to this problem.

Your submission should include a listing of variables with types, modules and sub-modules needed, a hierarchy chart, pseudo code, and flowcharts as needed.

Now I think I have the flow chart down (maybe) but the instructor said to be sure to include, "A Hierarchy Chart and Flowcharts for all 4 of the basic modules [ Main ( ), MainLoop ( ), HouseKeeping ( ), and FinishUp ( ) ] as well as pseudocode for each module."

That is what confused me. What modules is he talking about? Should I make some up? Like having a box for receiving, inputting, viewing, and editing data as an example? My college is online so its tough not being able to have someone hands on show me, I'm pretty computer illiterate. Also pretty much all of the pseudo code thing I don't understand...ugh...thanks for any help guys/gals.

2010-04-06, 12:33 PM
arkady, that made me lol :)

I think I'm sort of getting it, it's just that I'm bad when not given specifics. Like the asignment says to include several different modules but doesn't give those to me. It seems as if I should just make stuff up but that seems wrong somehow.....

2010-04-06, 12:50 PM
Based on his examples of basic modules (Main, MainLoop, Housekeeping, and FinishUp) I think you can make your own modules. Think of them as a section of the program. Your instructor is trying to get you to divide a big program into a bunch of smaller parts. If you divide things up correctly, each subsection will be trivial.

Pseudo code is english that looks like code. Basically you can leave out all the tricky syntax and curly braces and such.

2010-04-06, 02:01 PM
Yeah given a lack of direction on that, just make your own modules. Alternatively email hte professor. I found asking questions like that to be the best route when I wasn't sure. Honestly though, I think valadil is right. He's just trying to get you to see why and how you structure a large program first rather than just hacking out code.

2010-04-06, 02:18 PM
I think I'm sort of getting it, it's just that I'm bad when not given specifics. Like the asignment says to include several different modules but doesn't give those to me. It seems as if I should just make stuff up but that seems wrong somehow.....
Not only is making stuff up for the modules not wrong, but it seems to me that making that stuff up is in fact the main point of this assignment.

The basic idea is to break the large task down into several very simple small tasks, make one module dedicated to each task, and show both how each module works by itself to accomplish its small task and how the group of modules work together to accomplish the original large task. How you divide things up and make them work together is up to you, what matters is that your set of modules would, in fact, actually do the job it's supposed to in a sensible way, and that your charts and pseudocode make it reasonably clear how they would get it done.

2010-04-06, 02:42 PM
ok, so i took some advice an emailed the professor. Apparently he included (in a hard to find section of the online college board) a ready made flow chart and pseudo code and I just have to plug stuff in. It is very confusing however. Is there a way I can get an attachment up on this site so you guys/gals can take a look at it and point me in the right direction?