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View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Any way to combine grappling with sneak attack?

2010-04-06, 01:08 PM
I'm currently playing a "dirty fighter" type of character and one thing that I'd like to do, but so far can't find how to do with the rules, is be able to grapple an opponent and also use my sneak attack ability. I want a nasty, in your face, slit the throat type of grappler... but it just doesn't seem to be able to link up well.

Is there some ability or magic item that can bridge the gap and let me pounce on someone and then achieve a garroting/stabbing in the heart/mashing my thumbs into their eyes type of mechanical effect (that is, do a lot of precision damage)?

2010-04-06, 01:20 PM
Pin them.

"A pinned creature is tightly bound and can take few actions. A pinned creature cannot move and is flat-footed. A pinned character also takes an additional –4 penalty to his Armor Class. A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack."

"A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation. A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity bonus to AC and Combat Manuever Defense (CMD) (if any) and cannot make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat or Uncanny Dodge class ability."

The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

EDIT: Pin rules.

"Once you are grappling an opponent, a successful check allows you to continue grappling the foe, and also allows you to perform one of the following actions (as part of the standard action spent to maintain the grapple).


"Pin: You can give your opponent the pinned condition (see Conditions). Despite pinning your opponent, you still only have the grappled condition, but you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC."

2010-04-06, 05:08 PM
Greater Grapple allows you maintain a grapple (or a pin) as a move action. So you can pin them and attack with a light weapon in the same round.