View Full Version : Seireitei X [BleachitP]

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2010-04-06, 10:44 PM
This is open to all BleachitP people. New people, post a character in the Character Registry first, look for feedback in OOC second, and then post here. Thank you!

New and Improved (but loose) Rules v.1.1!
These "rules" are more loose guidelines that the three active elected OOC-moderators/mediators (Hollow Zaraki (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=24526), Draken (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=25927), and strawberryman (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=41475)) discussed to prevent arguments from breaking out in the OOC. In respect to each and every player, character, and the general plot with which character interactions weave, it's greatly appreciated if people keep these in mind with posts pertaining to BleachitP.

Consider asking to join in fights before jumping in.
As a result of several flocks of people joining into fights, and said fights becoming... unwieldy at best, and a complete cluster**** at the worst, please respect that all plots might not be open. Alternatively, if you yourself want to keep a fight cordoned off from other participants, say so in the OOC, at the beginning of your post, or both.
TALK major fights over with your opponent!
This is to keep arguments about who's the better fighter, who should win, blablablablabla, out of the OOC. Of course, talk these things over in PM, or some kind of IM service. While arguments might break out over said PM/IM... It keeps it out of the OOC. Which is what we're trying to do here. On that note...
Don't argue in the OOC!
That's the whole reason we were elected. To keep conflicts out of the OOC. They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So, if you have a problem with someone, try to talk it out in PM or IM before using the OOC. And we highly recommend using one of the above listed mediators as a... well, mediator, via PM forwarding or shared IM chatrooms.

These guidelines/loose rules might be viable to change or be added on to as issues come up, but the bases are covered pretty well.

Now get out there and have fun! :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-06, 10:59 PM
"Well, that settles it then. Come on Red, looks like the tiny kid doesn't have the guts for a standoff, just to rear young, like she damn should."

"That's a bit backwards isn't it?"

"I am a backwards sort, I come from a time when men were men, murder was a way of life and women were property."

"True that, those were the good ol' days. Shame some stupid higher power thinks it was wrong. No one ever told me it was."

"Bah, who cares, lets go. There must be someone with balls somewhere."

One of Vi's eyes twitches.

"Are you kidding me? Just because I have better things to do than deal with you two jackasses, you think I don't have what it takes? Let me tell you something, I'm knocked up, and I've got a boyfriend that loves me, and will hopefully take this in stride. In a few months I'm going to squeeze a living being out from the middle of my legs, what will you have done with your life by then, you useless sacks of corrupted flesh?"

A shark is dropped on Blue Oni, and Vi continues her walk, glaring at Red Oni as she passes by.

2010-04-06, 11:15 PM
Blue Oni finds himself with a shark firmly latched to his head.

"That was quite the hurricane."

Red Oni takes a step back, looks the other way and starts whistling.

"With our lives? Nothing, 'cause we are dead you little, mindless factory of minions. But we will be doing plenty, we will be doing what we've been doing ever since before you were born. Defending this crapsack place from being ransacked by the crappier place, the one you fled to and where you got that thing, by the way, you hollowed maggot." - Blue Oni points intently at Vi's mask remains - "And I can only wonder what kind of screwed up creep went to bed with ya, probably some perv worse than that piece of trash over there" - he points at Red Oni - "got the hots for one of you hollow ****, it would make me sick if I could. Then again, ol' Hideki is right and this place is going down the crapper, hollows run rampant among 'em shinigami and they dumbasses don't even notice."

2010-04-06, 11:18 PM
Viatrix merely responds with a rude hand gesture on her way away from the Onis.

2010-04-06, 11:42 PM

It was lucky that the meeting had been called when it had, one of the few times that Mao actually found herself within the Seireitei instead of her almost religious patrols of Japan to keep the hollow presence as low as she could. Thus she finds herself, somewhat uncomfortably at that, among the other VC's with the 13th Division's emblem brazenly displayed on her left sleeve.

"What is the purpose of this meeting again?" She asks softly, feeling out of place among the other officers.

2010-04-06, 11:50 PM
Soon, at Tai's Office

Tai should hear a soft knock on her door.

If she bothers to reach out with her reiatsu-based sense, she'll see it's Captain Satoshi.

2010-04-06, 11:59 PM

There was a grunt on the other side of the door in response to the knock, then a sigh as heavy foot-steps clomphed over towards it. A moment later the door was pushed open for a red-eyed Tai to peer out at her visitor.

"Excellent, I was just thinking about you." Tai says sarcastically, moving back to her desk, "What do you want?"

2010-04-07, 12:04 AM
Satoshi smiled slightly.

"May I speak to you for a few minutes, Tai? I...have something of a favor to ask."

If available, he moved to sit down across the desk from her.

2010-04-07, 12:09 AM

With a clunk, Tai props her feet up on her desk and leans back though oddly enough it's without any sort of smug satisfaction at being able to wrangle a favor out of Satoshi.

"The fact you have to ask a favor from me and talk to me about something...Daisuke died didn't he? And you're just hiding it from everyone!" With mock joviality, Tai gave a brief chuckle to herself as her fingers temple over her stomach, "C'mon, admit it...how close was I? Or is Hans back? If Hans is back, you really shouldn't have come and visited me, I'm sure he'll announce himself via explosion or calamity soon enough."

2010-04-07, 12:17 AM
Satoshi's smile disappears as he gives Tai a flat look.

"Wrong on both counts. This concerns your Vice-Captain, Kusato."

He pauses, as if trying to compose his thoughts.

"More precisely, it concerns Kusato, and the girl...no, woman, Viatrix Klossner."

2010-04-07, 12:28 AM

Tai's own mocking smile disappears quite quickly, the woman sitting up in but a moment with alarm on her face.

"Oh Kami, she's killed the little perv, hasn't she?! I knew I should have kept a better eye on him...though I must honestly admit that I don't really blame her either...." Tai mumbles, reaching up to rub her chin thoughtfully with one hand.

2010-04-07, 12:34 AM
Satoshi blinks, then shakes his head.

"No. They're both still alive. Viatrix and Kusato, they...ah. Basically, Vi is pregnant. I believe she has decided to keep and raise the child. Her wish is that Kusato is involved as well. To that end, she asked if I could speak with you. Request that, once Kusato and Vi have talked about it, his duties could, in the short term, be reduced somewhat. I'd imagine that would take place mainly after the birth. So, a few months down the road yet. I realize this is an odd request, to be sure. Hopefully, the notably advanced warning will allow us to find a solution that fits the needs of everyone involved."

Purple Rose
2010-04-07, 12:37 AM

"It's... not much, admittedly. Little more than a rumor, really. But... I think somebody in the thirteenth squad might know something... I'm going to try to get permission from Captain Satoshi to follow it up. Otherwise... I'll have to be sneaky."

She smiles


Kenta was, as usually, late to the Vice-Captain's meeting. In fact... Today he was a tad later than usual. But he did arrive, in his normal fashion, bursting through the door with enough noise to thoroughly disrupt any meeting activities that might have started without him. The red haired VC of the fifth squad looks around at the assembled officers and flashed his signature cocky grin.

"Hey hey! Sorry I'm late, I had to take a detour through Los Noches and kick Espada skulls in on the way."

His Vice-Captain's badge is affixed rather oddly to the side of his spiked hair, making for an odd hairclip. His green eyes spark with anticipation.

"So, what are we all together for today? Wait! Don't tell me! You're finally implementing my 'Seireitei's Mightiest' tournament!"

He pumps his fist victoriously and laughs loud.

2010-04-07, 12:58 AM

For a brief time after Satoshi finished, Tai could only stare at him dumbfounded. That Kusato had actually got with someone, a girl even, seemed so...so...implausible it shut down her higher brain functions for going on two minutes.

"...Are we referring to the same Kusato? I mean...with everyone in the Seireitei, there has to be someone else with that name. I bet there's even some in my own division!...But you ain't, are you? Hmm..." Tai fell silent, her hands templed on her desk as thoughts coursed through her brain about the situation. Cause it was one hell of an odd one.

"I want to speak to Viatrix. In private. Can you bring her here?"

2010-04-07, 01:02 AM
To her first question, Satoshi gave a helpless shrug.

"It's him. She mentioned your division and everything. Greta's even come home all but squealing about them being on a date or some such, and stopping by her office."

At her request, he frowns.

"Why? I can go find her, and ask her if she will. But I can't bring her. That's beyond my authority, as she's a member of a sovereign people, and not in my Division. Don't you recall that asinine fight where you told me to mind my own Division's business?"

He smirked a bit at Tai at that statement.

2010-04-07, 01:15 AM

"Satoshi, I am not above petty bureaucratic revenge, keep that in mind." Tai says with a smirk of her own before continuing, "And more to the point it was question, wasn't it? Not a 'Bring her to me'. I want to talk to her about this, I don't know her or where she is but you probably do. So I asked you."

2010-04-07, 01:21 AM
Satoshi holds up his hands in a calming gesture.

"Sorry. I'm perhaps a bit stressed still. She...kind of dumped me into a river just a bit ago. Tends to throw off your day."

He rubs the bridge of his nose.

"I'll need some time to find her; she doesn't really emit reiatsu, so if she's hiding, she'll be found when she wants to be found. But. I shall start looking for her, and pass the request on. Thank you for your time."

He stands to leave, then pauses at the door.

"No offense, Tai, but you should be politer with her than myself or others. She may decide to stop listening to you and dump you into a river. Hard to say."

With that, he blurs off, starting to search Seireitei at high speeds, working outwards from his office in Vi's last reported direction.

2010-04-07, 01:29 AM
Vi seems to be making no effort to hide, in fact, in a stroke of luck, she's fairly close to the 7th Division barracks as she slowly walks along. She raises her eyebrow as/if Satoshi approaches her.

"...Weird, I would think you'd be avoiding me after what I pulled."

2010-04-07, 01:32 AM
Vi seems to be making no effort to hide, in fact, in a stroke of luck, she's fairly close to the 7th Division barracks as she slowly walks along. She raises her eyebrow as/if Satoshi approaches her.

"...Weird, I would think you'd be avoiding me after what I pulled."

Satoshi smirks.

"It didn't hurt, I dried off, and I understand why. Though...I'm actually here to pass on a request. Captain Tai of the 7th Division would like to speak with you. Presumably regarding this whole...issue. Would that be alright with you?"

2010-04-07, 01:34 AM
"...uh, sure?" Vi seems put off, and more than a bit confused at this request. "I guess, I was heading that way anyway..."

2010-04-07, 01:37 AM
Satoshi smiles.

"Good. I believe she wants a private meeting, if that's alright with you. I can wait in an outer area of the barracks, if you'd like. Or I can go see to some of the initial arrangements."

2010-04-07, 01:40 AM
Vi shrugs. "Yeah. You can do whatever, I was just going to hang around Kusato's barracks anyway. I guess he's in some meeting." With that, she makes her way to the Captains office at a slightly quicker pace.

Shortly... there is another knock on Tai's door.

((Unfortunately, deadtiming!))

2010-04-07, 01:41 AM
Satoshi nods, and disappears into a blur of shunpo.

He's off to start making arrangements for everything.

The Librarian
2010-04-07, 06:23 AM
Katisugo stands up now content with his rest and decides to go out for a drink. As he strolls through Seireitei he passes by the Onis nodding at them before continuing unless they stop him.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-07, 08:05 AM

Xavier arrives at the Vice Captain's meeting in full uniform. His robes look new and clean. On one arm is the Vice Captain's badge, on the other is the symbol of House Ryder. As always a pair of glasses are clipped to the front of his robes. He would look perfect today were it not for the fact that his hair looks oddly damp. He eyes Kenta, shuddering at the idea. The last bright idea from him that was passed through double the number of people getting treated at 4th division. Regardless, Xavier takes a seat and listens intently.

2010-04-07, 08:14 AM

"It's... not much, admittedly. Little more than a rumor, really. But... I think somebody in the thirteenth squad might know something... I'm going to try to get permission from Captain Satoshi to follow it up. Otherwise... I'll have to be sneaky."

She smiles


Hollow Hazuki paused while eating the sweet rolls to give an uncertain look to Etsuko.
"While I appreciate you doing as much for me as you have, you don't need to get into worse trouble - maybe even locked in here with me - just to try and find my sword. There's someone in 13th division who is looking for my sword as well, so don't push yourself too hard."

The uncertain look turned to a slight frown, but that returned to a more neutral expression as she raised her hands and continued eating the sweet pastry.
"Did you make these?" She asked as she swallowed. "The only thing I could ask for otherwise would be some water."

Purple Rose
2010-04-07, 11:25 AM

The barely Seated shinigami waves her hand dismissively at Hazuki's concerns.

"If there's one thing I'm good at, it's not being caught. Besides... I have a feeling that whoever it is in the thirteenth squad that's looking for your sword, they don't have your interested necessarily in mind."

She reaches into her uniform again and pulls out a small canteen. She removes the top and holds it out to Hazuki.

"I didn't make them myself, but I did... acquire them... from the squad kitchen. They won't be missed. Besides, you're appreciating them a thousands times more than whoever would have gotten them."

2010-04-07, 11:35 AM

The reply was swift this time.

"Come in."

When Viatrix did enter, she'd find Tai sitting upright in her chair, hands folded together in front of her with a grave expression on her face.

"You're Viatrix Klossner and one of the Bount, correct?"

2010-04-07, 11:47 AM
Viatrix puts up her guard as she enters and sees the expression on Tai's face. A butterfly floats to the Captain's desk, providing speech for the Bount girl, as usual.

"...yes? I am."

2010-04-07, 11:54 AM

The barely Seated shinigami waves her hand dismissively at Hazuki's concerns.

"If there's one thing I'm good at, it's not being caught. Besides... I have a feeling that whoever it is in the thirteenth squad that's looking for your sword, they don't have your interested necessarily in mind."

She reaches into her uniform again and pulls out a small canteen. She removes the top and holds it out to Hazuki.

"I didn't make them myself, but I did... acquire them... from the squad kitchen. They won't be missed. Besides, you're appreciating them a thousands times more than whoever would have gotten them."

Hollow Hazuki

Hazuki gratefully took the canteen with a nod of thanks before drinking the water. When she had finished, she handed it back.
"You are probably right. I guess the last time I had something that tasted this good was...well, the last time you brought me something like them." She said, a faint smile coming to her face.

"I haven't heard anymore Bount attacking, so I assume everything has been boring out, yes?" She asked.

2010-04-07, 01:10 PM

The captain tensed at the confirmation, falling silent for some time as she glowered at Viatrix with her one eye. Finally...she took a deep breath and briefly leaned back in her chair without ever moving her gaze from the Bount girl.

And then she launched herself over the desk, grabbing hold of Viatrix and pulling her into a bone-creakingly tight embrace as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for turning Kusato into a respectable man! I never thought this day would come, no matter how long I waited for someone to rein in the little goof ball! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Do you have any female friends? Someone who could do the same for Vasea? Does Kusato know yet? Can I see the look on his face when you break it to him that he needs to become an upstanding man?" Tai bubbled out almost thankfully as her mind filled with visions of Vice Captains who wouldn't cause so much trouble for her, even if it was because they had become whipped by their girlfriends. She could live with them living with that.

"Ah ha ha ha! What a happy day! Do you drink? Wait, drink is probably bad for you right now, huh?"

2010-04-07, 01:16 PM
Viatrix is completely taken by surprise, and for a moment, she considers reverting back to her old ways and doing something embarrassing to the Captain. But the realization that it would likely be counter-productive dawns on her before she can even manage to open a concrete portal.


"...uh... y-you're welcome..."

Get her off me... Get her off me... Get her off me...

"...c-can you let go, please? I... don't really like p-people that I don't know touching me."

2010-04-07, 01:24 PM

"Huh?" Tai looked puzzled for a moment at Vi's words then shrugged and dropped the Bount to the ground carefully and took a step back with a massive grin on her face.

"Don't know me? You're practically family now! In a really round-about way in any case. Sooo...give me some details. How far along do you think you are? Wait...this was a willing thing right? Kusato didn't bring along an ether-soaked rag?" Tai says suspiciously but there was a joking twinkle in her eyes before she slammed her hands down on her desk, "Jokes and pseudo-family ties aside! What can I do to make this easier on you Viatrix?"

2010-04-07, 01:33 PM
"...I think about a month. And yes, it was willing... Even if I was a little nervous..." Vi wrings her hands a bit.

"I haven't told Kusato-kun yet. But... it would be nice if, when the baby is born, he could maybe have a little more time for us. I realize that's a lot to ask, since you're in a war right now..." The girl sniffles a bit as she spontaneously starts crying. "...d-dammit, it's too early for this crap..."

She finds a seat nearby, and wipes her eyes a bit. "...sorry, give me a minute... this is all happening so fast."

Purple Rose
2010-04-07, 06:38 PM

Etsuko smiles faintly back at Hazuki.

"Yeah, fairly boring. Lots of repairs and stuff. They have just about everything all fixed up and a lot of people seem... almost on edge. I'm not sure, but I think there is some kind of plan in the works to take care of the arrancar. Could be wrong though. I think people are just shook up about that whole mess with the bounts."

2010-04-07, 07:57 PM

"Well that's a relief at least." Tai mutters to herself even as Viatrix spontaneously begins to leak water, shaking her head as she circled around her desk. Soon a silk rag was tossed into Vi's lap, polish stains on it but it was the best that Tai could manage on short notice like this.

"Hey, keep your chin up. Last I checked, you weren't a New Bount which means you are, at the very least, probably over fifty years old. That's more then twice the amount of time that most human women have before they start having kids so you have twice the amount of experience they do. More importantly, you have family and friends to rely on for support." Tai says as she circles back around to the same side that Viatrix was on and sitting on the edge of her desk, "You also have an entire division, numbering in the hundreds, of shinigami with expert medical training and hell...even I know some 'therapy' type stretches and stuff that could help you stay calm and limber. Trust me, it seems scary now but soon it'll hit ya that you don't have to do this alone...I think that's about the time people start talking about a 'glow'."

"As for Kusato, don't worry about his off-time. Vasae can pick up his slack while Kusato builds a house for you and him, it's a bit belated and old fashioned but it's the least he could and is going to do to help with this."

2010-04-07, 08:33 PM
Viatrix wipes her eyes, breathing slowly to try and calm herself down.

Then, Tai mentions family. The floodgates re-open.

"...I... I thought I'd g-gotten over t-this... Eirine would have had a n-niece or nephew." She buries her face in the cloth.

2010-04-07, 11:59 PM

The captain reaches out to gently push Viatrix's head up, an odd grin on her face.

"Haha, don't rub your face in that cloth to hard, you'll get metal polish all over your face!" Tai says in a light-hearted tone of voice before reaching out to give the Bount girl a pat on the shoulder, "Yeah...I heard about that through the grapevine a little bit. But hey, it's not the end of the world, no matter how much it might seem like it."

For a brief moment, Tai looked around conspiratorially before leaning in close to whisper to the Klossner as if revealing a great truth. Which she very well might be doing.

"You want to know a secret? I had a sister myself. Long time ago back during the latest Shinigami/Quincy War, we were both in the 11th Division. Different team-mates but we both fought against the Quincy and put our lives on the line for what we thought was right. Heh...Hana used to joke about how the hollows were the only ones winning that war, it always got a laugh out of me." Tai says, pausing for a moment with a little smile on her face, "But it didn't last, you know? There was some confusion about the last war and some shinigami thought that maybe we shouldn't be so hard on the Quincy. Try a more diplomatic approach to it all. Years of fighting and do you know what I found?"

Her tone turned grim, a bit regretful too.

"I found my older sister defending an outpost of the damn Quincy against her fellow shinigami. I never felt as...betrayed as I did then. We had both bled for that war, we'd seen friends die...and she defended them? It was almost like a stab in the gut, but then the blade was twisted. Hana...she...tried to stop a superior officer from advancing, guy was a relic from the old 11th like me, and he just...cut her down. Right then and there. It made it all the worse for me, you know? There she was...trying to defend what she thought was right...and she gets sliced in two before I can even process it all." A slightly longer pause then as Tai removed her hand from the Unbount and gave a long and weary sigh, "Course...she wasn't remembered as a bright-eyed protector of those in need, she was remembered as a traitor to the cause and a Quincy sympathizer. She was scorned...and forgotten. Except by me. As long as I remember Hana, it's like she never left me."

One steely gray eye turned on Vi as the beginnings of a smirk returned to her face.

"It's the same for you. You can mourn the wound...but that doesn't help anything, it just makes it all worse. Or you can celebrate the good times you had with your sister and live the life she didn't get a chance to. Raise her nephews or nieces the right way and tell them about their Aunt so she lives on in at least one form. It's your choice Viatrix, and you know the right one."

2010-04-08, 12:33 AM
Viatrix stares at Tai...

"...Isn't this... k-kind of different? Hans was a monster... Even if he... was trying to do what he t-thought was right..." She bites her lip...

"...I loved my sister, but I don't even know what t-to think anymore. She might h-have been putting on a false smile f-for all those years... and that helped me, even if I d-didn't want to act like it. ...But t-that she also agreed with w-what Hans was doing? I... I just d-don't know." The Bount girl pulls her legs up, and wraps her arms around them, in a pseudo-fetal position. She's still crying a bit.

"...I was... abused when I was younger... by a man I thought I c-could trust. That we t-thought we could trust. He took care of us... but sometimes, after closing the tavern he owned, h-he..." If Vi could choke on her words, it would be obvious that's what her pause was caused by now. Her expression is pained, and her hands are clenched into fists. "...when Eirine t-tried to help me, he'd just... crack a bottle over her h-head, or something..." She buries her head in her knees, shuddering with voiceless sobs. A couple minutes pass before she works her composure back up. "I... we never really t-told anyone about it, though... aside f-from Greta. When I t-told her, she... she t-took care of him. And from then on... w-we just sort of k-kept to ourselves." Vi wipes her tears on her sleeves, even though she hasn't quite stopped yet.

"...that Eirine would willingly help someone who would use someone in that same manner to the benefit of his own cause... I... I don't even know h-how to comprehend it. I d-don't even know if she's really dead... even if she isn't, the old Eirine I knew is..."

2010-04-08, 12:51 AM
"I ain't saying it's exactly the same, never is...but I am saying there's enough similarities that the choice is the same for you..." Tai paused as Viatrix continued, face turning more and more stony as her story continued, then turning red from outrage.


Tai's hand smacked across Vi's forcefully, the captain's face glowering at the smaller girl with a frightful intensity even as Tai trembled with rage.

"You idiot! You know, I thought that 'Eirine' might have honestly sided with Hans before you revealed that little tidbit...but do you really think that your sister who got beat on your behalf to try and save you from someone like Hans would willingly join forces with someone like your tormentor?" The throaty growl came out from between clenched teeth, Tai's eye all but glowing as she glared at the bount girl, "Hans was a master manipulator. He mind-controlled your kind through scars he put on them. He convinced people to do what he wanted with words. He threatened them to get compliance if need be...And it never occurred to you that Eirine joined him because she had no choice?!"

Tai shook her head angrily as she stood up, finally wrenching her gaze away.

"Kami above! 4th Division and 8th spent days making sure the 'New' Bount and old weren't being controlled by the noseless bastard. And you...you thought a sister who went through hell with you would turn just like that! Use your head Viatrix! Think through every angle and not just the one presented to you on a platter! If I wanted to control somebody, I wouldn't just take them at their word, I'd get leverage over them first to ensure they wouldn't turn on me at a crucial moment! It's basic diplomacy and intimidation! Great Kami...you can't honestly tell me that you had so little faith in your sister that you think she'd turn so easily, can you?"

2010-04-08, 01:04 AM
Viatrix just sits there, absolutely dumbfounded. Her tears have at least ceased, but that her mask is one of shock is probably not much of a relief, if Tai is even concerned. She is, more or less, as still as a statue, the only indication of her state as a living (well, relatively) being is the red mark where the Captain slapped her ever-so-slowly fading away.

2010-04-08, 09:41 AM

Etsuko smiles faintly back at Hazuki.

"Yeah, fairly boring. Lots of repairs and stuff. They have just about everything all fixed up and a lot of people seem... almost on edge. I'm not sure, but I think there is some kind of plan in the works to take care of the arrancar. Could be wrong though. I think people are just shook up about that whole mess with the bounts."


Hazuki nodded.
"They're just being scared as usual...But I cannot blame them." She shrugged, a rueful smile. It was quickly gone though as she gestured to her legs and arms.
"With these restraints I am nothing more than any other citizen of Soul Society. My power is sealed away, like a sword in it's sheath. Maybe an ironic comparison."
Her expression narrowed a little.
"You know, I trust Daito that something would work out here, much like how I trusted Nishi.
Being in here for this long...I've changed. I can tell. When my sword submitted, she changed me in our swap. But even now, I can tell that three months here...I'm not as angry as I used to be. Maybe I'm getting used to these chains and things. And I'm afraid," she said quietly. "That this prison is ultimately going to make me content. It's a good feeling to see you Etsuko. And it is the same for Daito, and even for that Ken person.

The longer that I stay here, the more I'm afraid I'm going to end up like my sword- meek and obedient."

She rested her chin on her knees.

2010-04-08, 10:08 AM
There was a knock on the door.

"Hazuki? May I come in?"

It was Daito.

2010-04-08, 10:42 AM

Hazuki paused and looked at the door curiously. She gave a shrug of her shoulders to Etsuko, and pulled her feet up underneath her so she was sitting correctly.

"I'm here. Come in." She replied.

2010-04-08, 10:48 AM
The door was actually opened by the attending guard. First, because it was procedure.

Second, because Daito had something like a half-dozen books stacked in his arms.

Without registering Etsuko and Hazuki fully, only enough to avoid them as he walked in, he made way for a very simple desk nearby. There, he placed the 6 books.

"Right. Just like you asked; two adventure books, that one history book you asked for, the haiku book, and...."

That's when he actually noticed Hazuki had a guest. He coughed in embarrassment.

"Oh. Uh, sorry, Etsuko. I didn't fully realize you were here. If you girls would prefer, I can just come back later. I mean, I've got a while before duty and such, so I can always come back later to chat. In case you're, you know, having girl-time talk or some such."

Purple Rose
2010-04-08, 01:36 PM

Etsuko nodded as she listened to Hazuki, frowning slightly. She is about to speak when Daito interrupts them. The woman waits patiently as he enters.

"No, no. It's okay. I was just stopping in for a quick visit. See how things were going and all."

She pauses to glance at Hazuki quickly before turning back to Daito.

"Do you need me to leave?"

2010-04-08, 01:40 PM
Daito shakes his head.

"Not if you don't want to. Nothing private or anything; I'm just stopping by to drop off books and chat."

He looks around the room before shrugging and sitting on the floor as well, in a cross-legged posture.

"Not a whole lot going on right now, though there's a lot of buzz that something is going down soon."

Purple Rose
2010-04-08, 02:02 PM

Etsuko nods.

"I've heard rumors of some kind of action soon. Vice Captains' meeting today too."

She shrugs.

"I'm sure whatever it is we won't find out about it until after it's either all over with or all of the Seireitei is caught up in it."

2010-04-08, 02:12 PM
Luckily, or unluckily, Vi wasn't given forever to just sit there in her own thoughts. A couple of hours, max, and then Tai walked over to stand in front of Viatrix with a cup of...something in her hand.

"Hey, wake up. You've started to bug me." She says gruffly, nudging the bount with one foot before taking one of Vi's hands and wrapping it about the cup of sake (regular, not Tai's).

"Drink that and then go ponder what I said somewhere else."

2010-04-08, 04:01 PM
Vi avoids eye contact with Tai, nodding and silently drinking the sake before making her way out; all the while completely silent, and a bit absentminded. She stops to sit down in the front of Kusato's barracks/apartment, still looking fairly stunned.

2010-04-09, 05:51 AM
Hazuki raised an eyebrow in surprise at the number of books Daito brought.
"Thanks for bringing them." She said with a nod of her head. She shook her head however, as both of them tripped over each other offering to leave.
If they both trip over themselves on the door, then it'll be awkward.
"Neither of you needs to leave." She said, a faint smile coming to her mouth in amusement.
"So, the Vice Captains are all assembling? Must be something important then. I guess I'll have to wait to hear from you again before I find out." Looking at Daito, she tilted her head a little.
"I don't suppose you know anything about when they'll let me out, do you?"

2010-04-09, 10:29 AM
"I'm sure we'll get marching orders soon enough."

Her final question sparks a memory in his brain.

"Oh! Right! Well, I'd say I have some good news. Here, read this."

There's a grin on his face as he hands her a note.

It essentially states that, having displayed "good behavior" and such in her time here, Hazuki can now move about Soul Society, albeit with an escort, at least for now. In time, the direct escort may even be removed.

2010-04-09, 10:48 AM

Hazuki couldn't keep a smirk from coming onto her face as she started to read the message.
"Of course I was on good behavior." She said outloud, gesturing to the binds on her feet and wrists.
"It's hard to do anything with these on.
But I suppose it is something to be thankful for that at least I can go out. With an escort." She says, lying back on the floor and setting the note down beside her.

2010-04-09, 10:57 AM
Ken excitedly runs over to Hazuki's holding area after getting permission to visit her. He stops at the entrance upon seeing Daito and Etsuko and shouts "Congratulations Hazuki!" assuming that she has already heard the good news. He stays off to the side unless called in.

2010-04-09, 10:58 AM

Hazuki couldn't keep a smirk from coming onto her face as she started to read the message.
"Of course I was on good behavior." She said outloud, gesturing to the binds on her feet and wrists.
"It's hard to do anything with these on.
But I suppose it is something to be thankful for that at least I can go out. With an escort." She says, lying back on the floor and setting the note down beside her.
"And even the escort might get relaxed after a while. All things considered, I'd say you just need to ride this out, and you'll pretty much have your freedom. And since they seem to have given Captain Kiljaeran a whopping 2 guys, you'll probably only be stuck with 1. Shoot, if we wrangle it right, I could probably get away with being named the "escort" once in a while. I'd suggest Etsuko here, but she's kind of on probation from her Captain. Might be best not to push things too much."

Purple Rose
2010-04-09, 11:14 AM

Etsuko grins and moves to give Hazuki a tight hug.

"That's great news!"

She also liked the idea of possibly being Hazuki's escort. She wondered if she could get Daito to somehow have it work out so a request for her to serve such a role could be submitted to her Captain. For now, though, she was just glad that Hazuki would be getting out of this stuffy cell.

2010-04-09, 11:24 AM
Hollow Hazuki
Hazuki's gold eyes blinked in surprise as Etsuko hugged her, but she smiled at the end of it. She nodded with Daito's comment.
"Of course. I won't do anything stupid...though I guess that if I knew the people who were 'escorting me' I would be less inclined to."
Her expression softened a little though.
"Free again huh? It's strange though." She looked at the paper again. "I always knew what I would do as soon as I had gotten freedom...but now that I had it, and have been put in here... I'm not sure what to do. Find my sword of course...but somehow I don't think they are giving me freedom to go to the human world again." She said doubtfully.

Purple Rose
2010-04-09, 11:35 AM

Etsuko sits back and smiles.

"Don't worry about it. There are other ways to go about these things. And... I'm sure you'll know what to do when the time comes. For now though, let's see about getting you out of here and figure out where to go from there."

2010-04-09, 02:07 PM
Koujin peers into his vice-captain's empty office, one eyebrow raised. He probably bailed...Actually, I think there's a meeting for all the VCs... Koujin shrugs, and leaves a note on the door indicating he left to get lunch.

"I wonder where Darius is..." Reaching out with his senses, Koujin searches for the 8th division captain.

2010-04-09, 02:18 PM

Etsuko sits back and smiles.

"Don't worry about it. There are other ways to go about these things. And... I'm sure you'll know what to do when the time comes. For now though, let's see about getting you out of here and figure out where to go from there."

Daito quirks his head to the side.

"You're not the only one helping her, Etsuko. I know you seem to like bending or breaking the rules, but I'm sure that I could help things along as well. Better that you lay low, as it were, and get let off early for good behavior. Then you can start being a bit sneakier. Though not too sneaky. I think we can do everything just fine through the normal channels. That way, when we reach the goal, there's no question we were on the up and up."

2010-04-09, 02:34 PM
"I wonder where Darius is..." Reaching out with his senses, Koujin searches for the 8th division captain.

Kiljaeran was currently standing at a small intersection catching his breath. His exhaustion wasn't due to distance travelled but rather the lack of it; The junction was only about 100 feet from the 8th Division headquarters, but he'd found himself totally unable to get cross it. For the past twenty minutes a few bemused witnesses had seen him repeatedly try to go down one road only to change his mind mid-step and jerk back towards the other. Over time this indecision had worsened until it seemed more like a one-man brawl than a dilemma. Once or twice he had actually grabbed onto a nearby wall to halt his own movement while his feet resolutely continued to march forward. Of course, anyone privy to the heated row being conducted inside Kiljaeran's head would have quickly learnt the true cause of the delay.

"-have been stuck in that cell for what seems like a year, so I'm not about to waste one more second-"

"Waste? Practically any activity would be less of a waste than your worthless pursu-"

"If we could all just take a deep breath and-"


2010-04-09, 02:58 PM
Due to the internal discussion and Koujin's limited reitsu presence, Kiljaeran may not even notice the other captain's approach until he's tapped on the shoulder. "Good afternoon! I haven't see you in a while...how are you doing?"

2010-04-09, 03:46 PM
The light shoulder tap produced a comically exaggerated jump from Kiljaeran, followed by an equally ridiculous 180 degree turn towards its source.

"Wha-Oh, it's you. How am I doing, you ask? I'll be absolutely peachy once I can get these morons to listen to reason. Yeah, you heard me! We're doing this my way, and anyone who says different will end the day with a few new bruises!"

As nonsensical as this one-sided rant sounded, its threat wasn't an idle one. Judging from the way that his gloved hand had balled into a fist, the former 8th Division captain really was on the verge of punching himself right in the face. The forces of reason and harmony had clearly left the premises some time ago.

2010-04-09, 03:52 PM
Koujin blinked. "But...same body..." You did punch yourself not too long ago... "...right. Um...what are you disagreeing over?"

2010-04-09, 04:20 PM
The reply which followed was punctuated by regular twitches which hinted at a major struggle. Not that such a hint was needed, since the strained and differing tones were more than enough by themselves.

"It's just a simple matter of direction. Now that we are free to roam once again, we should really be running round and round the battlefields getting our edge back!"

2010-04-09, 04:25 PM
"Alright. First things first. You're going to get some lunch with me. While we do that, you can figure out what you're going to do." The smile that Koujin shows doesn't match his commanding tone. "Alright?"

2010-04-09, 04:33 PM
A few moments of outward silence and inward screaming later, Kiljaeran grudgingly acquiesced. The tension had obviously eased a little in the interim, because only a single voice answered this time.

"'All' right? No, this is only 68 percent right at the very most. Still, that will have to suffice for the moment..."

2010-04-09, 04:41 PM
Koujin shakes his head as he leads ahead. "Actually, I don't think I know you. Art and Pace I do...but I must have left before you reappeared..."

2010-04-09, 05:00 PM
"A piece of happenstance which was to your disadvantage. To be brief, I am the sole remaining voice of reason in this fragmented gestalt which some choose laughingly to call a soul. While I have been given the moniker of 'Sage', the idea of using but a single word to encompass the multitude of interconnected identities which compose a person is quite frankly insulting in the extreme. Furthermore, there are several other reasons why this title is both inappropriate and unacceptably imprecise. In the first instance the word itself is one which has been tainted by unfortunate associations to the unenlightened times of soothsayers and other such-"

As Kiljaeran continued his 'brief' summary, two facts become clear: One was that this was definitely a new fragment about which Koujin knew nothing. The other was that unless a way was found to shut him up, there would eventually be nothing that Koujin didn't know about him...

2010-04-09, 05:17 PM
"..." If you would? 'course. Koujin's eyes darken almost imperceptibly. "Dude. Shut up." "Ahem. Sorry about that. It's nice to meet you Sage." Koujin glances at the huge gate they approach. "Is there anything you...er...any of you would prefer to eat?"

2010-04-09, 05:30 PM
Satoshi was partway back to his office when he stopped on a handy rooftop.

'Hm. Maybe I ought to go ahead and stop in on the meeting. Help Kenji give a bit more force to things...'

With that, he blurred away once more.

It wasn't long before he arrived at the outside of the room housing the Vice-Captains' meeting.

Keeping a tight grip on his reiatsu, Satoshi softly slipped into the room and made his way to a spot on the wall near Daisuke.

Many of the Vice-Captains started when they turned to look at Daisuke again, and saw that Satoshi was also standing there. They likely didn't detect his entry.

Satoshi wore a small smirk when he saw their surprise.

'I've still got it.'

2010-04-09, 05:50 PM
Damara's eyes immediately move to Satoshi as he enters the room, following him for a few seconds before returning to their default positions as he loses interest and returns to his thoughts.


2010-04-09, 06:39 PM
Though he did not detect Captain Satoshi's entrance until he was meant to, Kenji was not surprised when he turned to notice that Satoshi had entered. Once the last of the Vice-Captains entered the room, Kenji stood up. "Ok, I guess I'll take Lead this time." He smiled.

"Many, if not all, of you have likely noticed by now, that there are preparations underway for a Major operation. Among other things, the Rukongai has been rearranged somewhat, as well as some new construction. The Senkai Gates have been... rearranged, somewhat. Perhaps biggest of all, the 12th has been in a fervor the last few months. Allow me to stress that none of these moving parts are aware of what the others are doing, and several don't even know the whole story of what they themselves are working on. You are to be the first that have not been directly involved in the planning of this operation to be given a glimpse at the Big Picture. Being Vice-Captains, you are all cleared to know this information. No one else, save those superior in rank to you, are. This information is not to leave the room." It wasn't often that Security clearances were invoked, so this is sure to get the attention of all those present.

"The Arrancar Treaty that Soul Society established through the Arrancar Liaison Mia von Geister was agreed upon under the following conditions, among others; the Treaty was to last until the destruction of the Mutual Enemy posed by the Olympians. To Soul Society's best intelligence Hans Rojak, curse the name, was the last of that faction. So long as Hans Rojak was alive... The Treaty held." Kenji paused for a moment to let that truth sink in. Specifically, that now that the Bount dictator was dead... the Treaty was implicitly dissolved.

"The only question that now remains is who will strike first; Soul Society, or Hueco Mundo. If you remember the 13th Strategem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-Six_Stratagems)... 'Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake.'" Kenji stepped forward to the center meeting table, and pulled up a map from where he had readied it earlier. "Take a look at this map."

The other Vice-Captains will look at the map to see it is... Blank. Save for a Kanji written in the middle; "Sea of Japan." (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Japan_sea_map.png) "See this?" Kenji pointed to a tiny bit of landmass up in the very top corner. "This is the coastline directly opposite J-City." Kenji smiled. "And this..." He pointed to the opposite corner, at open water. "Is where the Senkai gates have been repositioned in the Mortal World."

"Some of you, particularly you, Kaizuki-san," Kenji said, indicating the 12th Division's Vice-Captain, "May be aware of the 12th Division's recent project. For those of you who don't know what that project's goal is... They are mass-producing a special substance that, when activated, triggers a pulse of Spiritual Pressure nearly undetectable to Shinigami, but that registers as a Huge spiritual Presence to the senses of a Hollow. We're not exactly sure how they detect prey, all we know is we've figured out how to duplicate it in a rough form. Essentially... Hollow Bait." Vice-captains who have been Squad leaders in the past may be familiar with the stuff, usually used in directing Fake Hollow attacks during Training Exercises. However, great pains are taken to ensure that this bait functions on Fake Hollows only, with only the occasional mishap attracting actual Hollows. It seems... that this is the opposite intent here.

"At a date to be determined, every fighter of 3rd-Seat level or higher, also including exceptional talent from ranks lower than 3rd on an individual basis, from every Division and every Special Assignment, such as the Kidou Corps, will travel through the Senkai Gates to this Position." Kenji pointed again to the empty corner, smack in the middle of the Sea of Japan. "Along with them will travel a full complement of 4th Division Battle Medics, and a Complement of 12th Division researchers, taking with them..." Kenji's eyes sparkled. "Well, we'll just say 'As much Hollow Bait as we can Carry.' The basic battle plan is... Set it all off at once. And then Go Crazy. No Limiters. No risk of collateral damage out over the ocean. No Holds Barred."

By this time, Kenji is beaming. "We will continue to fight until we are either Forced to retreat, or we empty all of Hueco Mundo of every Hollow it has to offer. Expected are High-level Hollows, Menos Grande, and possibly even higher ranking threat levels. Needless to say, that latter option is not likely." Kenji nodded. "Oh-- and, there's a Catch. Given what we know about one 'Eirschreniung Von Geister'--am I pronouncing that right?--and his capability of Surveillance, we suspect that should a Captain level Shinigami enter the Mortal World, it will trigger alerts and response from Hueco Mundo. Because of this, no Captain level fighters will accompany the Operation into the Mortal World."

"Ideally, the whole operation will go off without Hueco Mundo's noticing. However, should they catch on to our plan and send fighters, the Captains that are being held in reserve will be watching very closely for any violation of the Treaty by Hueco Mundo, at which point they will immediately respond to fight back any attacks on Seireitei fighters. Other than that... it's all us."

"Hueco Mundo will find out about this eventually, but with any luck long after we've retreated to Seireitei, Thousands of rescued souls in tow. They will have to respond to this as a threat, because it is-- if they don't do something to stop us, we could do it again, and again, every time robbing them of power. Of control. Meanwhile, saving countless Souls back into their Proper rest. If high level Hollows respond to the Hollow Bait, we might even be redeeming a whole new Generation of Shinigami here. The 14th Strategem: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-Six_Stratagems) 'Borrow a Corpse to Resurrect the Soul.' At any rate, it will be Hueco Mundo that violates their own treaty, not Soul Society. And we will be ready for them when they do."

Kenji stopped to take a breath, and dabbed at his forehead with a shoulder. That wasn't so hard. "Well... I'll open it up to Questions."

2010-04-09, 07:07 PM
Damara looks up with subdued interest as Kenji calls everyone to attention, nodding coldly in recognition to the mention of the preparations around the Seireitei and the Thirty-Six Stratagems. He gently leans in to look at the map as Kenji explains his plan to the assembled Vice Captains. He does not visibly react as the entire operation is laid out before them, although he does look surreptitiously at some of the other Vice Captains, trying to gauge their reactions. When Kenji finishes speaking, he leans back into his chair and processes the information for a few seconds. Then he speaks.

"This plan is...very risky."

The corner of his mouth turns upwards a small amount, giving a faint hint of a smile.

"It is, however, also ingenious. I approve."

2010-04-09, 07:44 PM

The Vice-Captain to the 13th Division was blissfully unaware of just where Kenji pointed to on the map, but it was the information that was spoken that concerned her the most.

"I feel this plan takes too many risks." She says softly, but with a sort of quiet clarity as Mao stood up. "With the Senkaimon repositioned to this stretch of the ocean, we leave the 13th Division forces stationed in the Mortal World without a means of retreat or reinforcement until this operation concludes. We are entrenched enough that it shouldn't be a major concern but..."

"I've heard no mention of how you plan to keep the intelligent hollows or arrancar from simply retreating once they discover the trap. Either of those two kinds of enemies spell disaster if they manage to return 'home' with such information. Should one do so, then we broadcast that a fair portion of our military strength is positioned...somewhere leaving the rest of Japan open. Has this issue been corrected Kenji-san?"

2010-04-09, 08:16 PM
"Has this issue been corrected Kenji-san?"

Kenji nodded. "Of course. Not every Senkai Gate has been re-configured to this position; More versatile than this, in our presence even now are two members of Soul Society capable of utilizing Garganta, with which we can deploy reinforcements (including the captains themselves, should it come to that) with much greater accuracy and speed than a Senkai Gate. Even so, the most critical access and reinforcement channels relying on Senkai Gates remain open. Third Seat and higher level fighters are seldomly involved in the day-to-day patrols and defense of the Mortal World; positioning such fighters however we choose does not at all impact the day-to-day status quo of our 13th Division patrols in Mortal World Japan. In addition to these, a large contingent of 6th Division, the Reinforcement Division, have already been moved to the Mortal World in anticipation of increased Hollow Activity in the Mortal World; On D-Day, additional reinforcements from both the 1st and 2nd Division Unseated ranks will be prepared to Hot-Drop into key locations around Japan simultaneously with the main operation over the Sea of Japan, should the Hollow appearance rate change for the worst. We anticipate the opposite, what with most Hollows (we hope) being drawn into the trap."

"The 5th will be keeping Communications Butterflies running through the Mortal World constantly. The first sign or mention of high-level Arrancar breaking the Treaty will have one (or more) of the on-standby Captains on the scene momentarily, regardless of location all over Japan."

"As to the possibility of an attack on the Seireitei itself... The Arrancar are not the only ones capable of such a devious misdirection. As mentioned, all 13 Captains will be on standby for just such an attempt. Should the Treaty be broken and a Captain be dispatched to the Mortal world, a retributive strike has already been planned against Hueco Mundo itself. The Orange Haired One and his Lackeys will have to be aware of this possibility, and therefore the strength of any force that they can afford to devote to a proactive attack will be limited by their own need to defend themselves. ...And this is all on the contingency that Hueco Mundo is alerted, an occurrence that we've taken great pains to avoid. We shall see whether or not it is enough."

Kenji paused. "Of course the plan is not without Risk. In fact, I will be the first to admit that it is highly risky. What it comes down to is... Will you be able to handle yourselves, Vice-Captains? If you are all up to the challenge... then our plan will succeed."

Purple Rose
2010-04-09, 11:02 PM

Etsuko listened to Daito's words and frowned. He was right. And it kinda annoyed her.

"I guess... But I like being a part of the action. I would rather not be left out if at all possible."


As he listened to the plan, a wide grin spread slowly across Kenta's face. It was everything he had been waiting months for. A chance to get out there and fight. To prove his manliness in combat. To let his fists speak of his soul.

"Finally, a plan I can get behind. I say we go for it as soon as possible. Sooner, in fact. Actually, can I go ahead and start right now while the rest of you get ready?"

He clashes his knuckle-blades together.

2010-04-09, 11:06 PM

"Well, look. Honestly it doesn't have to be one or the other, you know. Maybe if you both do it together they'll consider it more strongly." Hazuki said with a shrug.

"First though, it'd be really nice if one of you got the guard or warden to release the seals on my arms and legs..." She said, rising to her feet slowly, but showing that the way they were bound didn't give her a lot of room to move easily. Certainly not run.

2010-04-09, 11:08 PM
Daito stands.

"I'll get him. And you may have a point."

He goes to speak quietly with the guard outside for a few moments.

Soon, Daito is back inside, as is the guard, and the seals are being released, one by one.

Purple Rose
2010-04-09, 11:30 PM

Etsuko stands and moves out of the way of the guard, waiting for Hazuki to be released. She smiles as each restraint is undone.

2010-04-10, 03:23 AM
After a while of waiting outside, fatigue hits Vi like a brick in the face. She sleepily stands, then negotiates her way into Kusato's room, laying down upon his futon/bed and making herself comfortable.

It doesn't take her long to fall asleep. Her dreams center around Eirine.

2010-04-10, 03:34 AM
"..." If you would? 'course. Koujin's eyes darken almost imperceptibly. "Dude. Shut up." "Ahem. Sorry about that. It's nice to meet you Sage." Koujin glances at the huge gate they approach. "Is there anything you...er...any of you would prefer to eat?"

Kiljaeran raised an eyebrow at Koujin's rebuke, but stopped his rambling without complaint. This was nowhere near the first time he'd been shut down in mid speech, and experience had told him that there wasn't much point in forcing it.

"...A little rice will be quite sufficient."

2010-04-10, 08:09 PM
"Rice? Hmmm....I do know a place..." Koujin fidgets with one hand, as if drawing out directions in the air. "Alright, this way." He points off to the right, and begins walking.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-10, 10:05 PM

There will be a light knock on the door to Hector's room.

2010-04-10, 10:11 PM

There will be a knock on the door to Hector's house.

Hector walks to the door, one hand holding a large binder with a few hundred pages. Many of which have messy notes scrawled on them.

When he's close enough to the door, it will open on its own, with Hector a few feet back.

"Yeah? What do you need?"

He's still reading the book.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-10, 10:17 PM
Hector heard a woman's voice from behind him and feels a hand on his shoulder. "I think you may need to get a larger engine to compensate for the extra weight." Eirine will say with little emotion.

2010-04-10, 10:19 PM
Hector acts casual at first, as the voice doesn't register.

"I'm thinking so, but it's hard...to..."

He looks up at the owner of the voice.

2010-04-11, 06:32 AM
Kiljaeran followed in silence, lost in thought. If Koujin didn't want to hear the rest of his speech, he could at least recite it to himself in the privacy of his own mind.

"Shot down again, huh? Tell you what, why don't we ditch this loser and head to the 4th Division wards? I bet they've got a few coma patients who'd make a great audience for you..."

Privacy was hard to come by these days.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-11, 08:46 AM
Eirine Klossner

Hector was greeted with the familiar face of Eirine Klossner. A small smile was on that face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She asks, removing the hand from his shoulder.

2010-04-11, 09:18 AM
Eirine Klossner

Hector was greeted with the familiar face of Eirine Klossner. A small smile was on that face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She asks, removing the hand from his shoulder.

For a couple of moments, Hector just blinked.

Then, the binder was falling to the floor, and he was a couple feet further back.

Oh, and a large cloud of metal was starting to form metal binders around her.

"You! Traitorous bitch!"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-11, 09:33 AM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine blinked a few times as well. "Well excuse me." She says, picking up the binder from the floor. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" She will ask, sounding disappointed.

2010-04-11, 09:42 AM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine blinked a few times as well. "Well excuse me." She says, picking up the binder from the floor. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" She will ask, sounding disappointed.

The metal attempts to constrict around her body. The binder is knocked from her hands as metal tries to encase each finger, then bind them all together. The rest of her body is targeted to be bound in metal strips.

"You stopped being an "old friend" when you sided willingly with Hans. Do you know the pain that man caused us? Do you know what it did to Viatrix? What he did to her? Do you even care, traitor?"

Hector sounds upset.

2010-04-11, 10:50 AM
As the final restraint was released, Hazuki couldn't help but let a smile fill her face.
"Thank you." She said with a nod of her head to the guard. Able to move at last, she stretched and enjoyed the sensation of freedom, even at the expense of momentarily ignoring the rest of her guests in the room. As she finished, she gestured to the door.
"Well? Let's go already. I don't know to where, but anywhere is better than here right now." She said, stepping around the guard.

Purple Rose
2010-04-11, 12:29 PM

Etsuko grinned.

"Agreed. How about we go get something to eat to celebrate?"

2010-04-11, 12:36 PM

"I know just the place."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-11, 12:38 PM

The binder was knocked out of her hands, but when the metal tries to grab her she will disappear. She was now sitting on a couch, holding her zanpaktou in shikai. "I hoped we could talk about this civilly." She will say.

2010-04-11, 12:44 PM
The metal hovers around, the cloud rubbing against itself, creating an angry sounding metallic grinding.

"You. Want to talk...civilly? About what? You working for that ****ing madman? The murderer? The usurper? Do you know the **** we've gone through here because he decided it was better to play god than be honest and diplomatic? I bet you the shinigami would have been way nicer if our "leader" wouldn't have tried to kill them all. Not to mention, he was a leader only because he freaking mind controlled us. And you. Sided. With him. Willingly. With no mark."

His voice drops an octave.

""Civil" is me not pinning you to the floor via impalement, and ripping every atom of metal out of your bloodstream, and watching you choke and die. For working with one who would murder his own kind just to power his ego-trip fortress. So this is the best you're going to get, bitch."

2010-04-11, 01:04 PM
Ken felt a little amiss seeing as he had gone totally unacknowledged. "So, mind if I tag along?"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-11, 01:39 PM
The metal hovers around, the cloud rubbing against itself, creating an angry sounding metallic grinding.

"You. Want to talk...civilly? About what? You working for that ****ing madman? The murderer? The usurper? Do you know the **** we've gone through here because he decided it was better to play god than be honest and diplomatic? I bet you the shinigami would have been way nicer if our "leader" wouldn't have tried to kill them all. Not to mention, he was a leader only because he freaking mind controlled us. And you. Sided. With him. Willingly. With no mark."

His voice drops an octave.

""Civil" is me not pinning you to the floor via impalement, and ripping every atom of metal out of your bloodstream, and watching you choke and die. For working with one who would murder his own kind just to power his ego-trip fortress. So this is the best you're going to get, bitch."

Eirine Klossner

Eirine frowned, not moving from her place on the couch. "He didn't mark me because he didn't to. He had my sister as a bargaining chip." She places her feet on a coffee table. "She had a mark. If I tried anything funny then he'd kill her. We both know that. Besides, I was too valuable to him. He didn't want to damage one of the most important pieces of his plan." She will grip her zanpaktou tighter. "Tell me, were you blind to all of this?"

2010-04-11, 01:43 PM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine frowned, not moving from her place on the couch. "He didn't mark me because he didn't to. He had my sister as a bargaining chip." She places her feet on a coffee table. "She had a mark. If I tried anything funny then he'd kill her. We both know that. Besides, I was too valuable to him. He didn't want to damage one of the most important pieces of his plan." She will grip her zanpaktou tighter. "Tell me, were you blind to all of this?"

Hector frowns.

"You should know Hans played swiss cheese with my memories. Some things are still fuzzy. So. You weren't marked, but worked solely out of fear? What I've heard of your words to Captain Satoshi say differently. Unless you were a bald-faced liar to him. Which is possible, I suppose..."

He looks her square in the eye.

"So, answer me this. Was the only reason you cooperated with Hans the mark on your sister? As in, you only did it to protect her. You had no extra motives, not actually agreeing with him, and so forth. Is that a correct statement?"

Edit: He frowned in thought.

"Why were you such an important piece of his plan, anyways?"

2010-04-11, 03:31 PM
Kiljaeran followed in silence, lost in thought. If Koujin didn't want to hear the rest of his speech, he could at least recite it to himself in the privacy of his own mind.

"Shot down again, huh? Tell you what, why don't we ditch this loser and head to the 4th Division wards? I bet they've got a few coma patients who'd make a great audience for you..."

Privacy was hard to come by these days.

As the two walked, a frown slowly appeared on Koujin's face.
That wasn't very nice of you.
He was gonna talk your ear off!
It's not like you don't listen to every other shinigami who wants your ear...

"I apologize for interrupting you a bit ago...I believe you were describing the problematic correlations that your...nickname has?" Koujin looks at Kiljaeran, smiling slightly.

2010-04-11, 04:01 PM
Somewhat taken aback, Kiljaeran gave Koujin a look which contained a strange mixture of disgust and gratitude. The expression needed no words, because it was practically a sentence in and of itself; It said 'I'm fully aware that you're just doing this to humour me, but I'll take it anyway'. Not that Kiljaeran would ever give voice to such things, of course. Instead he simply launched back into his previous rhythm once again.

"Correlations with long discredited mystics, yes. It has always been a continual source of bewilderment to me that such individuals are still..."

Barring further interruptions, this lecture would continue throughout the entire journey to the restaurant...

...even if said restaurant turned out to be on Pluto.

2010-04-11, 04:14 PM
Rather than just simply listen in silence, Koujin will interject every once in a while. Requesting for clarification or bringing up related points. While he obviously doesn't have the impressive intellect of Sage, he seems to be able to keep up with the train of thought just fine.

"Ah, here we are..." It was a fairly little place, but the extra seating in the small park across the street made it feel like a larger, 'open-air' restaurant.

2010-04-11, 04:25 PM
The Kiljaeran who swept his gaze across the restaurant wasn't the same one who had been walking with Koujin up until now. The transition was very easy to spot, if only from the way that the formerly ceaseless stream of words had abruptly ended. This Kiljaeran simply gave an approving nod to the surroundings and spoke only two words.

"Quite pleasant."

He then meandered over to one of the outdoor tables, still casually examining the scenery. He chose to wait for Koujin to actually address him before speaking again; At the moment he was willing to bet that a bit of silence would be welcome.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-11, 05:39 PM
Feiyan sighed. I can't believe nobody can say anything more than, "The oni and that Bount girl are the ones to place your blame on." Oh well. Since I'm here, I might as well grab a bite to eat...this place looks good. She looked up at Saezuki, who was floating along beside her. Inside or outside, Saezuki-chan? Saezuki thought for a moment, before declaring, Outside. It's prettier. While going to her table, Feiyan saw the captains sitting at their own table. She bowed slightly. Good to see you both, Kiljaeran taichou; Koujin-taichou. She gave a little smile.

2010-04-11, 08:07 PM
After answering a few more questions, Kenji took advantage of a lull in the discussion to move things forward. "Anyway. Over the next few weeks, each of you should be keeping in mind members of your Division that are fit to potentially participate in the Operation. This means that they must be able to fend for themselves-- in the thick of things, babysitting is not practical nor is it doing anyone any favors. Consider your 3rd seats for this role; many, I would suspect, will be able to step up to the challenge, as well as even seated officers beneath their level, but the individual decision comes down to you and your respective Captains."

"As said, the specific date for the Operation is not set yet, but please remain alert for the go order. You will likely only receive a day or two's warning, so be prepared to act at any time. Beyond that, I would only like to stress again that none of this information is to leave the room."

"...Now, moving on to the next item on the agenda..."

2010-04-11, 08:30 PM
The abrupt halt in words catches Koujin unexpected, looking curiously over at Darius before realizing the change. "Hmm...yes." He moves over to the table with Kiljaeran and sits down.

"Good afternoon...Feiyan-chan? Is that right?" Koujin has a slight frown.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-11, 10:45 PM
Hector frowns.

"You should know Hans played swiss cheese with my memories. Some things are still fuzzy. So. You weren't marked, but worked solely out of fear? What I've heard of your words to Captain Satoshi say differently. Unless you were a bald-faced liar to him. Which is possible, I suppose..."

He looks her square in the eye.

"So, answer me this. Was the only reason you cooperated with Hans the mark on your sister? As in, you only did it to protect her. You had no extra motives, not actually agreeing with him, and so forth. Is that a correct statement?"

Edit: He frowned in thought.

"Why were you such an important piece of his plan, anyways?"

Eirine Klossner

Eirine looked directly into Hector's eyes. "Everything that I did, I did to keep my sister safe. Everything I do is for, and I will continue to do so."

Eirine relaxes a bit, letting herself get more comfortable on the couch. "As for my importance, it was on the nature of Bount/Shinigami hybrids or somesuch. His end goal was to make the Bount the new Shinigami, letting us purify the hollows."

2010-04-12, 12:15 AM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine looked directly into Hector's eyes. "Everything that I did, I did to keep my sister safe. Everything I do is for, and I will continue to do so."

Eirine relaxes a bit, letting herself get more comfortable on the couch. "As for my importance, it was on the nature of Bount/Shinigami hybrids or somesuch. His end goal was to make the Bount the new Shinigami, letting us purify the hollows."


He lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Let me ask this a different way. You say you wanted to "keep your sister safe". To a degree, this explains not rebelling against Hans. But did you, in any way, shape, form, or idea, actually agree with what he did, or was doing? That is to say, did you find any of his methods, any at all, acceptable? This is putting aside the question of keeping Viatrix safe. Did you find anything he did acceptable? Did you find his end goal acceptable?"

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:23 AM
The abrupt halt in words catches Koujin unexpected, looking curiously over at Darius before realizing the change. "Hmm...yes." He moves over to the table with Kiljaeran and sits down.

"Good afternoon...Feiyan-chan? Is that right?" Koujin has a slight frown.

Feiyan bowed her head, blushing a little. Yes, that's right, sir.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-12, 12:03 PM

He lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Let me ask this a different way. You say you wanted to "keep your sister safe". To a degree, this explains not rebelling against Hans. But did you, in any way, shape, form, or idea, actually agree with what he did, or was doing? That is to say, did you find any of his methods, any at all, acceptable? This is putting aside the question of keeping Viatrix safe. Did you find anything he did acceptable? Did you find his end goal acceptable?"

Eirine Klossner

"I'm afraid that I can't separate the two. Everything he did was acceptable in that he could keep my sister safe. I could care less if it was Hans or Daisuke calling the shots, the only thing that matters is that she, and the Bount people, were safe. Under Daisuke's administration Viatrix was tied up and threatened. Hans had the power to make sure that no one would ever do that to her again. The ends justify the means."

2010-04-12, 12:11 PM
Eirine Klossner

"I'm afraid that I can't separate the two. Everything he did was acceptable in that he could keep my sister safe. I could care less if it was Hans or Daisuke calling the shots, the only thing that matters is that she, and the Bount people, were safe. Under Daisuke's administration Viatrix was tied up and threatened. Hans had the power to make sure that no one would ever do that to her again. The ends justify the means."

There is a spike of metal embedded in the wall next to her head.

"No. They don't. They never do. Only monsters try to justify the things Hans did with that bull****. It's stupid and flimsy. It's for weak, blubbering cowards who don't want to put in the extra effort to do the right thing the whole time. He was going to enslave humanity. After he outright slaughtered thousands upon thousands of souls here in Soul Society. No, you don't get to make inane claims about ends justifying means. Especially when we both know Daisuke and his men don't do a fraction of what Hans did, besides the fact they released Viatrix. I thought you maybe actually had a brain behind that airheadedness of yours. I guess I was wrong."

He marches forward a few steps, standing about 7 feet away from her on the couch.

"Now. Why the hell are you here now? To see your sister? You think that will help, especially if you try to say all the horrible things Hans did were okay because it protected her? Do you know what that monster did to Greta? How hard Viatrix took that? And now you want to waltz back into her life, after three long months, and say that everything should be better? You're...I'm not even sure there are words to describe. I'm trying very hard not to just entomb you in metal right now, Eirine. But you should feel glad you came to me first. I don't know how Viatrix would react. And considering how on the ball Captain Satoshi is, he might pick you up soon enough anyways. So. Why are you here?"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-12, 12:28 PM

Eirine glared at him. "I am here to meet my sister, to reconcile with her and the other Bount. Clearly that is not going to work with you. Also, I have some refugees from the Mortal World. They should be arriving soon, or about five seconds ago depending on where you stand in the timestream." She slowly stands up, folding her zanpaktou and tucking it under her arm. "I thought we both gave a damn about the fate of our people. Apparently I am wrong, chalk up another point for how stupid I am acting, Hector." She will make her way to exit. "Geez. It's hard to believe my sister ever had a crush on you." She will mutter fairly audibly.

2010-04-12, 12:33 PM

Eirine glared at him. "I am here to meet my sister, to reconcile with her and the other Bount. Clearly that is not going to work with you. Also, I have some refugees from the Mortal World. They should be arriving soon, or about five seconds ago depending on where you stand in the timestream." She slowly stands up, folding her zanpaktou and tucking it under her arm. "I thought we both gave a damn about the fate of our people. Apparently I am wrong, chalk up another point for how stupid I am acting, Hector." She will make her way to exit. "Geez. It's hard to believe my sister ever had a crush on you." She will mutter fairly audibly.

Metal blocks the door.

"Don't talk to me about caring about the fate of our people. I just want us to be free. The refugees are more than welcome. We'll get new houses built for them fairly quickly; many hands and all of that. But you won't be sidling around by yourself out there. I'm going to keep an eye on you. Maybe I can convince some of the others not to attack on sight."

The metal slides aside, and goes to hover around Hector; he seems to have a fair amount of extra metal, more than could be stored on his person.

"You're going to have to do better than "ends justify the means" with Viatrix. Now let's walk."

The door opened on its own, a clear indicator she should start walking out.

2010-04-12, 11:14 PM
"What brings you out today, Feiyan-chan? Oh, and call me Koujin, or Koujin-taicho if you must." He smiles, and ever so slightly sparkles.

What did you do?
After Koujin has left his mindscape, his two zanpakutou spirits laugh and high-five.

"Darius and I were about to have lunch, would you like to join us?"

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 07:00 AM
Feiyan blinked. ...join them for lunch..? Oh, god, oh, god...Saezuki, of course, was wheeling around in invisible circles overhead with her arms high over her head and face frozen in an expression of triumph. Yes! Nice going! Feiyan made up her mind. I-I'd love to join you, if that would be all right...Koujin-san, Kiljaeran-taicho.

2010-04-13, 07:55 AM
Kiljaeran gave Feiyan a pleasant smile that would seem totally out of place to those who'd known the 'real' Kiljaeran. With no trace of reluctance or hostility he waved away her concerns with one hand while gesturing towards a free seat.

"Of course it would. By all means, draw up a chair."

"Who's that?"

"The 3rd seat of the 4th Division...which you should already know as we share our memories of her..."

"Yeah, but those medics are really forgettable. They're just random faces to me."

"Now now, I want you on your best behaviour. This is one of the medics who tended to us after the mission to Khaos Hall, so even to you she shouldn't be just another 'random face'."

"...I suppose."

2010-04-13, 07:57 AM

Hazuki gave Ken a sideways look and a shrug.
"I don't mind. I'm not paying for your food though." She said with a little bit of sarcasm.


"I know just the place."

Gesturing to the doorway, she followed Daito (and assuming also Etsuko and Ken) out of the room.
"Lead on then, Daito. My stomach is right behind you."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-13, 08:33 AM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine left the house with Hector, staying silent. She still had her zanpaktou folded up beneath her arm.

"I am not meeting Viatrix just yet." She says suddenly. "I have a friend at 4th Division to see." She turns in the direction of 4th Division and continues walking with Hector.

Elsewhere... Ajax will hear a knock on his door.

2010-04-13, 09:52 AM
Ajax blinks, gets up from doing a bit of repair work on his motorcycle, and opens the door to his garage.


Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 10:40 AM
Kiljaeran gave Feiyan a pleasant smile that would seem totally out of place to those who'd known the 'real' Kiljaeran. With no trace of reluctance or hostility he waved away her concerns with one hand while gesturing towards a free seat.

"Of course it would. By all means, draw up a chair."

"Who's that?"

"The 3rd seat of the 4th Division...which you should already know as we share our memories of her..."

"Yeah, but those medics are really forgettable. They're just random faces to me."

"Now now, I want you on your best behaviour. This is one of the medics who tended to us after the mission to Khaos Hall, so even to you she shouldn't be just another 'random face'."

"...I suppose."

Feiyan sat down at the indicated seat. Thank you, Kiljaeran-taicho. She thought hard. But, which Kiljaeran's the one talking to me? Oh well. She decided to start a conversation, even if it wasn't the most interesting one. How are the both of you doing? She asked pleasantly.

2010-04-13, 11:05 AM

Hazuki gave Ken a sideways look and a shrug.
"I don't mind. I'm not paying for your food though." She said with a little bit of sarcasm.

Gesturing to the doorway, she followed Daito (and assuming also Etsuko and Ken) out of the room.
"Lead on then, Daito. My stomach is right behind you."Daito
Daito smiles as they walk.

"Hopefully the rest of you will follow."

He leads the group onward.

(OOC:Up to everyone else if they end up at the same restaurant as Kiljaeran and Koujin or not.)

Eirine Klossner

Eirine left the house with Hector, staying silent. She still had her zanpaktou folded up beneath her arm.

"I am not meeting Viatrix just yet." She says suddenly. "I have a friend at 4th Division to see." She turns in the direction of 4th Division and continues walking with Hector.

Elsewhere... Ajax will hear a knock on his door.
Hector remains silent, keeping Eirine in front of him as they walk.

2010-04-13, 11:31 AM
"Extremely well, as a matter of fact. I'm sitting in an open air restaurant and making pleasant conversation while waiting for good food and drink. After spending three months in prison, an experience like this becomes something to be appreciated and savoured all the more."

Whichever Kiljaeran it was that addressed Feiyan, he certainly bore no resemblance to the former incumbent. After all these decades of dealing with a stressed sarcastic workaholic, this new version was likely to be a welcome relief to many people.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 01:56 PM
"Extremely well, as a matter of fact. I'm sitting in an open air restaurant and making pleasant conversation while waiting for good food and drink. After spending three months in prison, an experience like this becomes something to be appreciated and savoured all the more."

Whichever Kiljaeran it was that addressed Feiyan, he certainly bore no resemblance to the former incumbent. After all these decades of dealing with a stressed sarcastic workaholic, this new version was likely to be a welcome relief to many people.

Feiyan smiled. It's got to be a real change for you, being out in open sunlight. You could maybe say that being in the hospital, tending to all of the wounded, whether they were shinigami, or bount, was a small prison of its own kind. It's quite nice to know that it's finally finished and the wards will be free of too many patients, at least for now. She paused. Not...to seem rude, Kiljaeran-taicho...but is what they say, about you having split personalities...I'm just curious as to whether it's true or not. Of course, if it's too personal a question...you don't have to answer. I was just wondering.

2010-04-13, 02:14 PM
As if in answer to Feiyan's question, Kiljaeran underwent a rapid metamorphosis there and then. His formerly smiling face became stern and disapproving, while his voice took on a lecturing quality that wasn't friendly in the least.

"No, it most certainly is not. The term 'split personality' refers to a form of insanity which is totally absent in-"

Another sudden shift later and the Kiljaeran with the comforting voice returned. He sounded slightly distracted this time, though, as if he was dividing his attention between two different conversations.

"Yes, it's true. Rest assured, though, that we are all quite real and not a simple delusion. Don't worry if the concept unsettles you somewhat at first; You most definitely won't be alone in that feeling."

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 02:20 PM
As if in answer to Feiyan's question, Kiljaeran underwent a rapid metamorphosis there and then. His formerly smiling face became stern and disapproving, while his voice took on a lecturing quality that wasn't friendly in the least.

"No, it most certainly is not. The term 'split personality' refers to a form of insanity which is totally absent in-"

Another sudden shift later and the Kiljaeran with the comforting voice returned. He sounded slightly distracted this time, though, as if he was dividing his attention between two different conversations.

"Yes, it's true. Rest assured, though, that we are all quite real and not a simple delusion. Don't worry if the concept unsettles you somewhat at first; You most definitely won't be alone in that feeling."

Feiyan smiled supportively. I'm not saying that having a spilt personality is a bad thing. We all have one, to some extent. Our zanpakuto spirits are manifestations of our own souls, so you could perhaps call them your second personality. My spirit, Sazeuki, feels like a sister to me. In fact, she has the same name and appearance as my true sister, wherever she is...if she's still out there. So don't feel as if I'm trying to root it out like some kind of disease. It's nothing like that. I'm sorry if I offended you...accept my apology?

2010-04-13, 02:38 PM
The attempt at conciliation had apparently been phrased in just the wrong way, because when the stern face emerged again it seemed even more annoyed than before.

"No, having a split personality is most definitely a bad thing! Are you seriously unable to comprehend basic nomenclature even after it's been explained not ten seconds ago? I will accept your apology as soon as you actually take the time to listen to what other people are saying!"

With that Sage receded, and an awkward silence followed. Kiljaeran gave Feiyan a sympathetic look that showed that this sort of scene was very familiar to him.

"Please don't take his words too seriously. He tends to have low tolerance for those who don't concentrate hard enough on their speech. Personally, I prefer to let my words flow freely enough that they can surprise even me. What's the point of caging them so tightly that they don't have room to breathe?"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-13, 02:39 PM
The Garage

When he opened the door no one was present. When he turns around he sees Eirine, sitting on Ajax's motorbike with a smile on her face and an oil-covered rag on her shoulder.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 04:38 PM
The attempt at conciliation had apparently been phrased in just the wrong way, because when the stern face emerged again it seemed even more annoyed than before.

"No, having a split personality is most definitely a bad thing! Are you seriously unable to comprehend basic nomenclature even after it's been explained not ten seconds ago? I will accept your apology as soon as you actually take the time to listen to what other people are saying!"

With that Sage receded, and an awkward silence followed. Kiljaeran gave Feiyan a sympathetic look that showed that this sort of scene was very familiar to him.

"Please don't take his words too seriously. He tends to have low tolerance for those who don't concentrate hard enough on their speech. Personally, I prefer to let my words flow freely enough that they can surprise even me. What's the point of caging them so tightly that they don't have room to breathe?"

Feiyan blinked. She could feels Saezuki's confusion within her mindscape. What the hell is wrong with this guy? How did that old ninth girl ever put up with dating him...
Saezuki, don't be rude. It's just that one personality that appears to not like me.
Your point? The guy's six freakin' people!
Yes, I know that. I'll just have to make sure I don't do anything to insult that one mind...

She retreated from her mindscape and blushed slightly. I'm sorry. I've never had any kind of true split personality, so I'll never be able to fully know what it's like...

2010-04-13, 04:53 PM
The Garage

When he opened the door no one was present. When he turns around he sees Eirine, sitting on Ajax's motorbike with a smile on her face and an oil-covered rag on her shoulder.

Ajax stares for a moment. He shuts the door, leans against it, and looks into her eyes. His expression, for the moment, is neutral, seemingly the best compromise that his warring loyalties can agree to.

"Hey, Eirene. How ya been?"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-13, 07:04 PM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine smiled at the large Bount, letting the rag drop to the floor. She stand up and steps away from bike and closer to Ajax.

"Pretty good, pretty slow. You?" She will ask, adjusting her hairclip.

Purple Rose
2010-04-13, 07:52 PM

Etsuko follows them out, walking alongside Hazuki. She chews her lip and feels inside one of her hidden pockets. She looks at those with them and sighs silently.

"I'll... I'll cover lunch. I have a little extra spending money."

2010-04-13, 09:11 PM

Noticing Etsuko's strained expression as they walk Ken abruptly halts for a moment and pretends to look aghast. "You most certainly will not! I will cover everything as is customary of a gentleman of my caliber. A fair maiden such as yourself need not worry about such trivial things! Should we encounter any puddles, mud or trash along the way I shall offer my back as a bridge so that you may walk across without soiling your shoes!" He turns to Hazuki briefly, "Naturally I will do the same for you." He then proceeds to walk ahead of the two women and carefully examines the upcoming path to ensure it is safe for them to traverse.

2010-04-13, 09:24 PM
Daito coughs to catch attention.

"Or, we could go around puddles. But if you want to cover our bill, feel free."

2010-04-13, 09:44 PM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine smiled at the large Bount, letting the rag drop to the floor. She stand up and steps away from bike and closer to Ajax.

"Pretty good, pretty slow. You?" She will ask, adjusting her hairclip.

Ajax shrugs, remaining slumped against the wall. One hand falls to his side, while the other wraps around to rub the back of his head.

"Things've been all right. Could've been better... they say ya were on Hans's side. That true?"

2010-04-13, 10:51 PM
Koujin tenses slightly at Feiyan's last comment. "I believe the term that is the issue is 'split-personality', which is a purely mental condition, and not the same thing as what Darius here experiences." He moves over, making a seat for the girl, as well as reaching for a menu. "Now then, we're here for lunch, correct? I'd recommend essentially everything here, though my experience here is a bit...dated." Koujin scratches the back of his head as he passes menus to the other two shinigami that sit with him.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-14, 06:53 AM
Koujin tenses slightly at Feiyan's last comment. "I believe the term that is the issue is 'split-personality', which is a purely mental condition, and not the same thing as what Darius here experiences." He moves over, making a seat for the girl, as well as reaching for a menu. "Now then, we're here for lunch, correct? I'd recommend essentially everything here, though my experience here is a bit...dated." Koujin scratches the back of his head as he passes menus to the other two shinigami that sit with him.

Feiyan sighed. It's a pretty touchy subject...I should probably just leave it alone. Nobody fully knows what it is, so it's not my place to say. She paused to accept the menu that Koujin passed her. Thank you...she looked down at the various dishes, praying she hadn't messed up the atmosphere of the table.

2010-04-14, 07:22 AM

Hazuki passes a sly smile to Etsuko after Ken finishes his words. What was the meaning of the expression? But it was gone quickly, and as they exited the building, she shielded her golden eyes from the light. Wincing and pausing for a few moments to let her eyes get adjusted, she frowned. But it had quickly turned to a more satisfied smile as she smelled the air. Fresh air.

Free again.

"I don't mind wherever it is you want to go. Perhaps in defense of the gentleman we should not choose something too expensive. I don't think I want to wait that long either to be honest."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-14, 08:04 AM
Ajax shrugs, remaining slumped against the wall. One hand falls to his side, while the other wraps around to rub the back of his head.

"Things've been all right. Could've been better... they say ya were on Hans's side. That true?"

Eirine Klossner

Eirine paused, deciding how to best answer his question. "In a sense. I worked for- well, alongside him three months ago. He did not mark me if that is what you are wondering, but he did not need to." She takes off her hairclip and begins fiddling with it. "But everything I did was for the well-being and safety of the Bount."

2010-04-14, 09:14 AM
Ajax tenses quite a bit at this answer, his arms crossing over his chest. It has almost the effect of a storm cloud brewing. His voice, in his reply, is much chillier than usual.

"That's all the reason you have? Safety and well-being of the Bount? I knew ya weren't marked, but I figured he had some other hold on ya. Yer sayin' you think his plans were fer the best?"

Shades of Gray
2010-04-14, 10:28 AM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine shook her head slowly. "He did threaten my sister. I knew he would do nothing to me, because I was valuable to his plans, and he would not hurt Viatrix because that would make me uncooperative. The Bount people, in this way, were untouchable by Hans." She explains.

"That being said, I think Hans had the correct end vision. But it did not justify the means in regards to Greta." She will say sadly, acting ashamed of Hans' execution of his plan.

Purple Rose
2010-04-14, 07:51 PM

Etsuko is about to give Ken a rude response but catches Hazuki's look and smiles herself. She pauses next to Hazuki as they step out into the light and her expression softens at the sight of the girl's reaction to the fresh, open air.

"Something fast and cheap, then? Sounds good to me."

2010-04-14, 08:23 PM
Eirine Klossner

Eirine shook her head slowly. "He did threaten my sister. I knew he would do nothing to me, because I was valuable to his plans, and he would not hurt Viatrix because that would make me uncooperative. The Bount people, in this way, were untouchable by Hans." She explains.

"That being said, I think Hans had the correct end vision. But it did not justify the means in regards to Greta." She will say sadly, acting ashamed of Hans' execution of his plan.

Very, very slightly, a bit of his tension eases. Perhaps the red light in the morning sky wouldn't turn out to be a typhoon after all.

"Yer right fer Greta, but his goal? Makin' us rulers'a the world, and him the ruler'a us? No; there ain't a decent administrator outta all of us, and he was one'a the worst. 'n that's assumin' he wouldn't abuse his control. Pretty damn bad plan all around."

The Librarian
2010-04-14, 09:26 PM
Katisugo is strolling down the long halls of Seireitei making his way to 10th division to pay Myojin a visit.
I wonder what ol' Myojin is doing?

2010-04-15, 01:06 AM
One of the many Senkai Gates in Soul Society opened, and out stepped two figures.

One was a tall teenage boy, holding the hand of a slightly shorter teenage wolfgirl.

"Well, that was, as always, an interesting trip. Let's hit your folks' place."

2010-04-15, 10:31 PM
Ami smiles and nods, leading the way to her house.

When they walk in, Katashi is busy painting what looks like a scenic piece of some sort, and Mayu is sitting by the living room table, looking through assignments from her tutoring. While Katashi keeps his focus up, the wolfgirl's mother looks up from her work with a smile. "Welcome home, Ami. Good to see you, too, Tyler. Sorry if things are a mess..."

2010-04-15, 10:34 PM
Ami smiles and nods, leading the way to her house.

When they walk in, Katashi is busy painting what looks like a scenic piece of some sort, and Mayu is sitting by the living room table, looking through assignments from her tutoring. While Katashi keeps his focus up, the wolfgirl's mother looks up from her work with a smile. "Welcome home, Ami. Good to see you, too, Tyler. Sorry if things are a mess..."

Tyler gives a dismissive wave as he walks over to one corner of the living room and drops his bag.

"It's no big. This is nothing. So, how have you both been? Ami tells me a bit when she comes back from visiting, but it's been a while since I've been myself."

2010-04-16, 12:02 PM
"So...Does anything look good to the two of you? I mean, I've been eating hospital food for a month, so it all sounds good to me..." Not that it wouldn't have anyway... Oh shush. Koujin looks between his two current companions.

2010-04-16, 12:25 PM
"Fine... It's a little quiet without our daughter around, but we've gotten used to it. Oh, we just had a guest bedroom put in recently; you're welcome to sleep in there from now on." Mayu points down the hall. "Ami can show you where it is, if you want to leave your things in there."

Ami nods to her mother before looking back at Tyler. It's obvious her troubled mood has all but evaporated in the smile she has.

2010-04-16, 12:37 PM
"Fine... It's a little quiet without our daughter around, but we've gotten used to it. Oh, we just had a guest bedroom put in recently; you're welcome to sleep in there from now on." Mayu points down the hall. "Ami can show you where it is, if you want to leave your things in there."

Ami nods to her mother before looking back at Tyler. It's obvious her troubled mood has all but evaporated in the smile she has.

Tyler chuckles a bit.

"I think I prefer that to the couch. Let's go, Ami."

He grabs his bag off the floor and moves to follow Ami.

2010-04-16, 12:40 PM
Kiljaeran's eyes roamed over the various items on sale, lingering every so often on something particularly appetising. With each one his imagination crafted a sensation of how they might taste, complete with aromas and textures. However, the dissenting voices that sounded in the background whenever he lingered too long made it depressingly clear what the final order would be. Not that any of that showed on his face as he brought his attention back to Koujin; He answered with the same bright enthusiasm as before.

"A bowl of plain rice will be fine, thank you."

2010-04-16, 01:17 PM
Ami takes Tyler's hand (Katashi twitches a bit at this, but says nothing) and leads him down the hall, stopping at the obviously newly constructed bit of hallway and one of the doors therein. Which is, incidentally, right next to Ami's room.

The interior is plain beige and meagerly decorated; the sole piece of furniture is a futon.

2010-04-16, 01:21 PM
Tyler tries not to hurry too much out of Katashi's sight.

When he walks into the room, he smiles.

"Not bad. A good guest bedroom; I'll put my stuff away, then I think I'll...go visit Shirubaru and Wolfgang. Did you want to come with me, or spend some time here?"

2010-04-16, 01:46 PM
"Go ahead... I wanted to get cleaned up anyway." Ami quite suddenly advances to give Tyler a quick kiss on the cheek. "...Thanks for coming with."

2010-04-16, 01:51 PM
"Go ahead... I wanted to get cleaned up anyway." Ami quite suddenly advances to give Tyler a quick kiss on the cheek. "...Thanks for coming with."

He gives her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you for letting me. I'll get going; no use worrying your folks about anything untoward occurring."

With that, Tyler walked back into the living room, where he stopped for a moment.

"Mayu, Katashi, good to see you again. I'll be back after a little bit."

With that, he walked towards the front door, and was soon on his way.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-16, 02:11 PM
Feiyan scanned the dishes on the menu. After looking briefly at everything, she looked up at the two captains. I haven't dined here before. Are there any dishes that you would recommend?

2010-04-16, 05:24 PM
It hadn't taken Tyler that long to arrive. Oh, sure, he had to pass through the gates and all. And without activating his mask, he was further limited.

But one of the things he had been doing was training his body's abilities without the mask. Nowhere near his masked abilities, but enough that he could jog at the rate normal humans sprinted, and then some. And he was barely sweating when he got to the top of the hill.

He took a moment to cool off and slow his breathing, then walked slowly towards the memorial.

He'd start with Shirubaru-sensei today.

2010-04-16, 05:34 PM
The memorial wasn't the same as when Tyler had left it, though it might take a moment or two since the only alteration was to the inscription on Shirubaru's half of the statue.

At the very end of the inscription, a word had been added.

Shirubaru Kenpachi Reishiro. Beloved Friend. Cherished Teacher. Inspiring Captain. Noble Hero. Murderer.

Only the last bit looked new, as if it had been chiseled in as a passing thought.

2010-04-16, 05:37 PM
For a long moment, the new word didn't fully register.

When it did, Tyler didn't scream. Didn't yell. Didn't punch the ground.

But if anyone had been watching, they would have noticed a shift in his stance.

His face frightfully still, he slowly walked around the monument.

He wished to see if someone had defaced that side, as well.

2010-04-16, 05:43 PM
Wolfgang's side remained untouched by whomever had defaced the front side.

2010-04-16, 05:58 PM
Tyler walks back around and considers the monument for several long moments.

Then, he summoned his mask and disappeared from sight.

Ami, and perhaps others, can likely feel the surge.

Soon, he is outside either the Daisuke's office, politely knocking on the door; his mask had crumbled as soon as he reached the building itself.

(OOC:Looking back, I feel safe basically assuming the VC meeting was soon over. The Big Plan was discussed already.)

As he waits, he is clenching and unclenching his hands. Power seems to almost vibrate off of his person.

2010-04-16, 08:19 PM
The door opens, to reveal Daisuke. Not impressed. What is it?

2010-04-16, 08:24 PM
The door opens, to reveal Daisuke. Not impressed. What is it?

Tyler walks inside silently.

"Commander-General, could I request ensured privacy? I promise I am not mad at you. This is not an act of intimidation. I am merely exhibiting as much self-control as I have in regards to the situation at hand. So, if you have some sort of soundproofing, that might be good."

He pauses.

"And I promise not to yell too much."

2010-04-16, 08:50 PM
Daisuke looks at the 1st divisioners who have gathered to see what the fuss is about. Make it happen, you lot.

The door closes. We're secure. What is it?

2010-04-16, 09:02 PM
"Some bastard defaced Shirubaru-sensei's monument! No note, no explanation. They just decided to trundle up there and change it! The ****ing coward didn't even have the guts to admit it to anyone!"

Tyler is pacing and waving his arms a bit.

"We held up our end of the bargain. Our memorial is small and personal. When the time comes, we can easily move it. In return, after some missteps on my part, you graciously allowed us to place it at the site of the deaths of two people we held dear. We spoke nothing against any of your losses. When the time comes, I intend to pay respect to their memory. But in the meantime, I figured it wouldn't be too much to ask that our memorial be left alone, and not notably altered without our consent."

Tyler threw his hands into the air.

"I guess it was too much! I guess the honest intent of a few paltry mortal world kids doesn't matter to Soul Society, does it?"

His hands fall to his sides, where they clench, and he breaths in a few deep, slow breaths.

His reiatsu, which had been surging a bit with nearly every sentences, calmed.

"That was, perhaps, uncalled for. Nonetheless, I feel an insult has been given not only to Shirubaru, but my friends and I as well. I ask permission for Metta to come and repair the monument, and to perhaps try to ensure this horrid defacing cannot be repeated by the person too cowardly to openly state their opinions in another venue. I can't tell you what to do with people under your command. I can't even really ask. But whoever did it has not been a good witness for Soul Society."

2010-04-16, 09:06 PM
Daisuke, by the end, is scowling. Permission granted. I'm going to see the exact nature of the defacing myself.

2010-04-16, 09:09 PM
Daisuke, by the end, is scowling. Permission granted. I'm going to see the exact nature of the defacing myself.

Tyler nods.

"I'll go with you, so I can describe it exactly to Metta. Good thing I have my phone on me still."

2010-04-16, 09:13 PM
Daisuke nods, and shunpos to the hill.

2010-04-16, 09:15 PM
Tyler, with some effort and use of his mask, followed, and arrived a bit less than a minute after Daisuke, breathing a bit hard.

He walked over and pointed at the defacement.

The memorial wasn't the same as when Tyler had left it, though it might take a moment or two since the only alteration was to the inscription on Shirubaru's half of the statue.

At the very end of the inscription, a word had been added.

Shirubaru Kenpachi Reishiro. Beloved Friend. Cherished Teacher. Inspiring Captain. Noble Hero. Murderer.

Only the last bit looked new, as if it had been chiseled in as a passing thought.

"See? Not funny. And frankly, not true. And of course, they leave no identifier. Like I said, a coward."

2010-04-16, 09:21 PM
Permission granted. I'll place a monitoring kido on the site, as well. If someone tries again, I will know, and they will not like the outcome.

2010-04-16, 09:28 PM
Tyler pulled out his phone and dialed Metta.

2010-04-18, 12:57 PM
Feiyan scanned the dishes on the menu. After looking briefly at everything, she looked up at the two captains. I haven't dined here before. Are there any dishes that you would recommend?

"Like I said earlier, I've had, and enjoy essentially everything that they make here..." Koujin pauses for a moment, thinking. "Most of the food is rather heavy though. You might go for one of the steamed noodle dishes."
A waiter begins to approach.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-18, 01:40 PM
Feiyan smiled and closed her menu. Sure, why not. That sounds good.

2010-04-18, 03:15 PM
Tyler slapped his phone shut, frowning the whole time.

He turned to face Daisuke for a moment.

"Metta will be here after a while; I'll have him fix the monument. You mentioned some sort of kido to warn you if people tampered with it. Would you mind placing them on the monument now? I'm sure Metta can fix it without setting them off. And if he thinks up something to, ah, add to the security, that might help us even more. I know it's a lot to ask, but...could you maybe ask some questions? See if one of your Captains knows something? I...I would appreciate it, but I also understand if you can't. I...See you later, Commander."

And with that, Tyler turned and started jogging away. His mask was donned to aid his speed as he quickly moved back to Ami's house.

Once there, he dropped the mask and quietly re-entered the home, his face pensive.

2010-04-18, 03:19 PM
Daisuke nods, and begins placing kido around the area.

2010-04-18, 03:21 PM
Tyler bumps right into Ami, who looks like she was attempting to rush out from the bath, herself. Her hair is wet, and the clothes she picked out are mismatched and obviously put on in haste. The girl just about hits the floor in surprise. "...Tyler!? What's wrong?"

2010-04-18, 03:26 PM
Tyler bumps right into Ami, who looks like she was attempting to rush out from the bath, herself. Her hair is wet, and the clothes she picked out are mismatched and obviously put on in haste. The girl just about hits the floor in surprise. "...Tyler!? What's wrong?"

Tyler's face seems....strained. Stretched. At a glance, he is calm, but a closer look reveals he's mostly just "restrained".

His hand shoots out and automatically catches Ami before she can fall very far, helping her right herself. His gaze is...off in the distance, despite being in the house.

"Someone defaced Shirubaru's monument. They carved the word "Murderer" at the end of our tribute. No note, no name, no nothing. The cowardly bitch or bastard just put it on there, like they had all the right in the world. The Commander General was...displeased, but had no knowledge of the incident. He's placing some kido on the monument to detect future tampering, and I think he's going to ask around. Metta will be by later to fix it. Right now, I'm not sure if I want to yell, smash something, or beat someone up. So I've settled for trying to just calm down. I think it's working. Almost."

2010-04-19, 06:05 PM

Ami blinks. "Who would do something like that...?"


The door to Kusato's apartment slides open, to reveal the owner, looking to Vi in puzzlement. He sits down next to the tired Bount girl, and gives a gentle rousing push on her shoulder. Her eyes flutter open and she sits up after a few moments, looking to Kusato with a wane smile.

"Hey, beautiful. What're you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you." She pauses, biting her lip. "I've... got something to tell you, Kusato-kun..."

...Those who may have heard Vi's initial screaming a few hours ago by now are greeted by a slightly louder exclamation from the 7th Barracks.

2010-04-19, 06:19 PM

Tyler shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know. Some sniveling coward too afraid to own up to their crime, most likely. Like I said, Metta will fix it, and between Mettan and the Commander-General's kido, we'll keep this from happening again."

His fists still occasionally clenched and unclenched, but it wasn't as rapid or forceful as before.

2010-04-19, 06:52 PM
After Daisuke has finished with his kido, he shunpos to the Senkai gate. You're all ready, I assume?

2010-04-19, 11:02 PM
After Daisuke has finished with his kido, he shunpos to the Senkai gate. You're all ready, I assume?

(OOC:Uh....Who's he talking to?)

2010-04-20, 04:35 PM
{{The people going to beat up hollows. OW PMed me on this, saying they're ready.}}

2010-04-20, 04:42 PM
After Daisuke has finished with his kido, he shunpos to the Senkai gate. You're all ready, I assume?

Daito saluted the Commander-General and nodded, holding his tongue for the moment so any Vice-Captains could speak up.

'About time we took the initiative.' he thought eagerly to himself.

2010-04-20, 04:53 PM
Nasumi and Chie bow deeply to the Commander, having headed back to the Seireitei to join the group at the start of the mission, thereby hopefully improving their coordination. As Daito, they keep their mouths shut, leaving the answer to those higher in rank.

2010-04-20, 05:32 PM
Damara, as usual, had arrived at the Senkai Gate before anyone else except maybe Kenji himself. He looks no different from normal, his appearance still immaculate despite the unusual circumstances of the gathering. His hands are clasped behind his back, and he looks coldly at the assembled group, weighing their abilities in his mind. As the Commander-General approaches, he salutes crisply, but remains silent. This is not out of concern for rank; he just lacks anything to say.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-20, 06:41 PM
Very, very slightly, a bit of his tension eases. Perhaps the red light in the morning sky wouldn't turn out to be a typhoon after all.

"Yer right fer Greta, but his goal? Makin' us rulers'a the world, and him the ruler'a us? No; there ain't a decent administrator outta all of us, and he was one'a the worst. 'n that's assumin' he wouldn't abuse his control. Pretty damn bad plan all around."

Eirine Klossner

"I don't know... I was a means. We were all just means to whatever goal. Did you think he'd ever tell us what he was really planning?" Eirine said in a sad tone, checking her watch. "But I would not let Hans take full power. I- We had a way to break free of his control, Marco and I. We could have stopped Hans no matter what he tried." Eirine says brightly, displaying uncharacteristically characteristic optimism. "I do not like dwelling on the future." She will say, a loud whizzing noise emanating from her watch as she manipulates time around it. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss before I go see Vi?"

2010-04-20, 07:37 PM
Ken stood ready to go. He simply nodded in response to Daisuke's question.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-20, 07:47 PM
Feiyan grinned. I haven't been to the mortal world in ages! I'm ready to go...sir! She bowed to Daisuke.

2010-04-20, 08:30 PM
Kenji straightened up when the Captain Commander arrived. Kenji had been fiddling nervously with the handle of his Zanpaktou ever since he'd arrived, nodding in turn to each of the Shinigami as they trickled in over an hour or so. The participants did not arrive at the same time, and were varying degrees of punctual, but really they were all early-- with still hours left before the Operation was ready to begin, all of the Vice-Captains, 3rd Seats, and distinguished Shinigami of lower rank (including at least two or three Unseated) as well as details from the 4th and 12th bearing Medical supplies and the Hollow Bait, respectively, all arrived ahead of time.

Loosely, the assembled Shinigami divided themselves into Squads, less Official distinctions and more informal agreements to watch each others' backs. Kenji smiled, even through his raw nerves-- that was what made these Soul Reapers strong, their instinct to band together under pressure.

And now the moment had arrived. Kenji bowed a short greeting to the Captain-Commander. "All present and accounted for, Commander General."

2010-04-20, 08:43 PM
Eirine Klossner

"I don't know... I was a means. We were all just means to whatever goal. Did you think he'd ever tell us what he was really planning?" Eirine said in a sad tone, checking her watch. "But I would not let Hans take full power. I- We had a way to break free of his control, Marco and I. We could have stopped Hans no matter what he tried." Eirine says brightly, displaying uncharacteristically characteristic optimism. "I do not like dwelling on the future." She will say, a loud whizzing noise emanating from her watch as she manipulates time around it. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss before I go see Vi?"

Ajax hesitates, then shakes his head.

"Well, how 'bout what yer plannin' to do after seein' Vi? Why come here, after all this time? Ya gonna try to stay with us, or somethin'? What've ya done since we last saw ya? How'd ya escape?"

As he speaks, his tension begins to dissipate, and, a moment after he finishes, a hint of a half-grin grows on his face.

"Lotta questions, but I figger you, more than anyone, oughta have time to answer."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-20, 08:59 PM
Eirine Klossner

"I got away with this portal... thing that Catrin had. Oh, Donovan too. Anyway, we traveled a bit, saw some sights, and actually found a few bount too." Eirine will say, a click as her watch stops. "I came here to just see some friends, and my sister, as well as bring in some Bount refugees. As for staying with you... Not likely. I'll probably go back and tour the world with Catrin and Donovan, Seireitei's really not my thing." Eirine says with a shrug. "I'll decide on what I'm going to do after seeing Vi. After all, I have the time to decide." She smiled, the watch starting again. "I'll make sure to tell you what the outcome is regardless, anyway."

2010-04-20, 09:01 PM
Daisuke nods. Very well. Watch your backs, don't do anything excessively foolish.

He looks at Kenji. Good luck. The go-order is given.

Purple Rose
2010-04-20, 10:04 PM

Kenta slams his fists together firmly and grins a wide predatory grin.

"It's about time we got this party rolling."

((Presuming they are good to go to the mortal world he will proceed to do so.))

2010-04-20, 10:05 PM
Ajax nods, and opens the door.

"Hn. All right. Well, I'll wait fer that, then. I'm glad ta hear that yer position ain't as crazy as I'd heard."

2010-04-21, 05:24 AM
Orcos stands behind Mao, giving Kenta an appraising look as he makes his proclamation. Heh. Red-head's got the right attitude. However, while overjoyed from the fact that Captain Checkmate had allowed him to join the mission, there is one thing bugging the infernal.

"Er, Vice Captain, ma'am, am I right that we're going to the sea?", the demon badgers Mao with a nervous tone on his voice. "As in, the open sea? I can't walk on thin air like you do, not in this form."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-21, 07:59 AM

Eirine gave the large man a hug before walking towards the door. As she was walking she suddenly disappeared in a thin gray mist, the faint image of numbers floating about as she did so.


"I'mma take a shortcut to 4th Division ."Eirine said as she rounded a corner, disappearing in a cloud of numbers.

2010-04-21, 08:55 AM

Eirine gave the large man a hug before walking towards the door. As she was walking she suddenly disappeared in a thin gray mist, the faint image of numbers floating about as she did so.


"I'mma take a shortcut to 4th Division ."Eirine said as she rounded a corner, disappearing in a cloud of numbers.

Hector curses as she vanishes.

"Damn it."

He thinks for a minute...then goes to seek out Ajax.

2010-04-21, 10:59 AM

Orcus wasn't the only one having some concerns about combat on the open ocean, but she did manage to not look worried about it as the demon questioned her.

"I am not certain to be honest Orcos-san. I believe that that a sufficiently remote location was picked, which in Japan can certainly mean the middle of the ocean, but I am not certain." Hearing his complaint though, Mao frowns, "That is a problem. But you said 'this form' are there others you are capable of taking?"

2010-04-21, 12:09 PM
"Well, yes. But I need your explicit permission", the demon says while mentally cursing Siegfried, or whoever it was who'd forgotten to pass on the info, into lowest pits of Hell.

"I'd rather have it before I step through that gate. Knowing you guys, the other end is in the middle of open sky. I... can't swim. If I fall down, I'll sink like an effin' anvil. I'd rather not have to crawl back from the bottom of the darn ocean." Orcos seems really distressed at the idea. Something in his tone suggests it wouldn't be the first time.

2010-04-21, 12:11 PM
Viatrix sighs, once again alone as Kusato ran off after receiving the news. Idly, she steps outside, resting her shoulders on the railing, and looking up to the sky.

Worry was the last thing that circulated her mind. Somehow, she knew that Kusato just needed some time. And yet, an odd, coincidental thought passes through her head.

...I wish Eirine were here...

2010-04-21, 04:16 PM
Hector curses as she vanishes.

"Damn it."

He thinks for a minute...then goes to seek out Ajax.

Ajax is still at his garage, having finished his work on his motorcycle, and begun his work on a car. He's presently underneath it.

2010-04-21, 04:22 PM
Ajax is still at his garage, having finished his work on his motorcycle, and begun his work on a car. He's presently underneath it.

Hector knocks on the garage door frame.

"Did you just get a weird visitor?"

Hector seems agitated. The bits of metal whirring about his body are a big clue.

2010-04-21, 05:59 PM
Ajax slides out, a wrench in one hand and a screw in his mouth. He removes the object and shrugs.

"Talkin' about Eirene, Hector?"

2010-04-21, 06:04 PM
Ajax slides out, a wrench in one hand and a screw in his mouth. He removes the object and shrugs.

"Talkin' about Eirene, Hector?"

Hector frowns.

"Yeah. She came by and acted like nothing had happened. Gave me some bull**** line about the ends justifying the means. Then ran off. Probably going to see Vi. I didn't see a point in trying to follow her, she'd just use those time powers of hers."

2010-04-21, 06:37 PM
Ajax nods.

"All right... and why're ya comin' after me, then? I ain't fast enough ta catch her either."

2010-04-21, 06:41 PM
Ajax nods.

"All right... and why're ya comin' after me, then? I ain't fast enough ta catch her either."

Hector sighs and gives a dismissing wave.

"That's not why I'm here. I just had a hunch she'd talked to you. I was following that hunch. And maybe venting."

He stays silent.

"So, do we just wait for these refugees she claims? Go try to find Vi and see if Eirine comes to speak with her? Report her appearance to the Gotei?"

2010-04-21, 06:50 PM
Ajax lies back down, supporting his head on his arms.

"I'd say we oughta send a message ta Vi, and wait on the refugees. If ya really want to report her to the Gotei, I ain't gonna stop ya, but I don't think she means any harm right now."

2010-04-21, 07:01 PM
Ajax lies back down, supporting his head on his arms.

"I'd say we oughta send a message ta Vi, and wait on the refugees. If ya really want to report her to the Gotei, I ain't gonna stop ya, but I don't think she means any harm right now."

"Someone who was morally fine with what Hans did is someone to watch carefully. But you're right, I doubt the Gotei could hold her. I'll send word to Vi."

He stepped back onto the street and raised his voice.

"Hey! Vi! Need to talk to you real quick."

2010-04-21, 07:04 PM
Ajax sighs, shakes his head, and scoots back under his ride.

2010-04-21, 07:10 PM
One of Vi's butterflies flutters in front of Hector; except, the voice that comes out of it is almost unrecognizable. It's tired, and a little raspy (which is odd considering the lack of vocal chords), but... slightly warmer than the normal Vi.

"...Yeah? What is it?"

2010-04-21, 07:12 PM
One of Vi's butterflies flutters in front of Hector; except, the voice that comes out of it is almost unrecognizable. It's tired, and a little raspy (which is odd considering the lack of vocal chords), but... slightly warmer than the normal Vi.

"...Yeah? What is it?"

Hector is silent for a moment, then sighs.

"Eirine is in Soul Society. Ajax and I both just finished talking to her."

2010-04-21, 07:22 PM
Viatrix just about falls over from shock on her end. For a long while, she's silent.

"...How? What did she say? Why is she here?"

2010-04-21, 07:26 PM
Viatrix just about falls over from shock on her end. For a long while, she's silent.

"...How? What did she say? Why is she here?"

"No idea. Lots of things. To drop off refugees, try to come crawling back for acceptance, and to see you."

He huffed angrily.

"She gave me some line about doing everything out of concern for you, and not minding Han's methods, because the ends justify the means, and apparently a mindslave world is totally awesome because everyone would be safe. Roughly speaking, that is. She keeps poofing away in number clouds. Not sure how we can really track her. You might could get a handle on her, but I think Ajax and I are **** out of luck. I hate to break it to you like this, but you deserve a head's up. Especially since shock might not be good in, ah, your current condition."

His voice is now awkward, and a bit ashamed.

"Sorry again about that whole thing."

2010-04-21, 07:38 PM
Viatrix absentmindedly treks back into Kusato's apartment, having a seat against the wall with a dazed look on her face.

"...It's... fine. Thanks... ...I'm sorry, too."

2010-04-21, 07:42 PM
Viatrix absentmindedly treks back into Kusato's apartment, having a seat against the wall with a dazed look on her face.

"...It's... fine. Thanks... ...I'm sorry, too."

"I was unharmed, you were in a very emotional place. It's fine. And if I hadn't tried to be smart, and had that damn second stash of the serum....anyways. I...Just wanted to give you a head's up. Let me and/or Ajax know if you need help. Maybe even call on a couple of those Shinigami over there. Take care, Vi."

With that, Hector waved to Ajax and started walking back to his apartment.

He had a ray gun to tinker with.

2010-04-22, 07:34 AM
Kenji nodded. This is it.

"All right, everybody!!" Kenji shouted so that everyone present could hear him. "Blades Up! This is going to start happening real fast!" With a whip-like swish and a gleam of light, Suzume leapt from her sheath. "Gentlemen," Kenji said to the 12th Division team in possession of the hollow bait. They nodded in response; everything was ready.

"Will you grant us passage?" Kenji asked the Senkai Gate's guardians. "We will," They replied, and the Senkai gates began to open. "We all know what to do!" Kenji called to the assembled forces. "Once you find your groove, don't stop! The name of the game is Endurance, so even little wounds must be avoided as long as you can." The distinctive Clash of the Senkai gates' fully opening resounded through the staging area. "And above all, watch each others' backs. If you judge that you can't handle an enemy alone, have five people attack it all at once, dispatch it quickly, and move on to the next."

Kenji stepped forward. "In Shirubaru-taichou's memory!" He called, then spun and dashed through the Senkai gate to lead the mass transfer through the World Inbetween...

2010-04-22, 08:22 AM
Damara tenses ever so slightly as Kenji declares their attack. He does not draw Shiro Hoshi, but loosens the blade in its sheath. He shifts a bit, stretching subtly with most of his body to work of what little nervous tension he had acquired. When Kenji gives the word, he clasps his left hand around his sheath directly below the guard of the sword, and runs forward through the senkai gate.

2010-04-22, 12:57 PM
Kuenai and Yasu had been sitting on a nearby roof for some time, chatting quietly. At the declaration of the mission's beginning, Kuenai hopped down and slowly walked through the gate, spinning her blossom-printed tanto in one hand. She was faintly smiling.

2010-04-22, 01:01 PM
Daito drew his sword and held it into the air.

"For Shirubaru!"

He lowered the blade to a close guard by his side, and tensed his legs...

Then sped through the portal, ready to fight.

Purple Rose
2010-04-22, 01:15 PM

Kenta clenches his fists and strikes an invigorating pose, letting loose a triumphant roar before charging through the gate, his spirit pressure already surging powerfully.

2010-04-22, 01:17 PM
As the strike team assembled and disappeared deeper into the light of the Senkai gate, some distance away, near the administrative building of the Central 46, Aiko Honoka completed her message and sent a small flock of twelve black butterflies calmly floating into the air. They immediately spread out over Soul Society, each one seeking out a Captain to deliver the words she needed spread. One of them even managed to find its way through the open Senkai gate on its own with the intention of tracking down Captain Bieber still stationed in the Mortal World.

Once they reached their destinations, each Captain would be delivered her message:

"I apologize for the short notice, but I must request a sudden Captain's meeting as soon as possible, at the behest of the Central 46. There are matters regarding the future of the Gotei 13 that must be brought to everyone's attention. I shall answer any further questions in person during the meeting. While not strictly mandatory, I strongly encourage everyone to attend.

I will hopefully see you all at the First Squad Barracks.

~Aiko Honoka"
Once the butterflies were out of sight, Aiko readjusted her straw hat and elegantly began gliding her way toward the meeting hall.

2010-04-22, 01:36 PM
"Very well then Orcos-san. You have my permission to transform so long as it is not in a way that threatens, directly or indirectly, the shinigami forces on this operation." Mao says crisply after thinking over her wording of the permission. Course, she had no idea if the demon only needed permission or if the exact wording matter, so she simply assumed that it mattered.

That said, Mao's hand fell to the pommel of Akuin'akka-gitou and drew the zanpakuto from it's sheath. The 13th Division's VC didn't join in on cheering as the others ran towards the gates, but followed with silently as her mind focused on the task at hand. There could be no room for error if she was going to make certain that all of the others made it back home safely.

2010-04-22, 01:40 PM
As the strike team assembled and disappeared deeper into the light of the Senkai gate, some distance away, near the administrative building of the Central 46, Aiko Honoka completed her message and sent a small flock of twelve black butterflies calmly floating into the air. They immediately spread out over Soul Society, each one seeking out a Captain to deliver the words she needed spread. One of them even managed to find its way through the open Senkai gate on its own with the intention of tracking down Captain Bieber still stationed in the Mortal World.

Once they reached their destinations, each Captain would be delivered her message:

"I apologize for the short notice, but I must request a sudden Captain's meeting as soon as possible, at the behest of the Central 46. There are matters regarding the future of the Gotei 13 that must be brought to everyone's attention. I shall answer any further questions in person during the meeting. While not strictly mandatory, I strongly encourage everyone to attend.

I will hopefully see you all at the First Squad Barracks.

~Aiko Honoka"
Once the butterflies were out of sight, Aiko readjusted her straw hat and elegantly began gliding her way toward the meeting hall.

Vince, in an odd, and certainly unexpected show of punctuality is the first to arrive at the first squad barracks. When he does, he scratches his head sleepily, not entirely sure of what exactly could be so important aside from the war...

He takes a seat near the right corner, propping his feet up against the table, and leaning back in his chair in a gross display of unprofessional attitude towards the meeting.

2010-04-22, 01:45 PM
Satoshi is, fittingly, the second Captain to arrive.

He strolls into the hall, a small frown of worry on his face.

Rather than sitting, as Vince does, he actually paces around a bit, hands held behind his back. He seems to be thinking through one or more items in his head, his mouth faintly moving, with no sound coming out.

2010-04-22, 02:13 PM
Surprisingly, Tai was not far behind Satoshi, which was curious given her usual lateness when it came to official meetings. A dead-serious expression was on her face, lips set in a grim line.

Must be important is Aiko-senpai called a meeting. Kami I hope someone else hasn't invaded the Seireitei.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-22, 02:29 PM
Feiyan gripped the hilt of her sword tightly as she rushed into the senkaimon along with the others. Now's my chance to finally show these people my powers...no...that's not quite right. She smiled grimly as she looked ahead. Your wish is about to come true....little sister.

2010-04-22, 02:41 PM
Chie and Nasumi do not join the war cry, saving their energy for keeping up with the Vice Captains.
Siegfried is fairly late, given his transport time. He opts for leaning against a wall, flipping through the pages of a novel that he's been working on.
Ajax is under his car, and so cannot see the gesture.

2010-04-22, 03:00 PM
"Um... directly or indirectly... yes, I will do my best, Ma'am", Orcos replies. His mind is already racing through the pages of his contract, mostly due to the foreboding feeling that a very literal interpretation would prevent him from doing anything at all.

Rubbing his temples, Orcos follows others through the gate. "Must abide orders by lawful authorities... robbed of corporeal form... whoever came up with that ****, I'll kill that son of a-..." Mao will hear him mutteri and curse under his breath.

2010-04-22, 03:42 PM
"All right, you clods, get moving!" Kohaku's voice comes from the back of the crowd of 12thers pulling a large cart with the Hollow bait inside. The small scientist herself is even loaded, carrying an almost comically over-sized bag on her back. She ushers the cart forward, taking the lead of their slow march toward the gate.

"About time we got some damn action...", Are the last words that escape her lips before she passes through the gate.

2010-04-22, 03:42 PM
Daisuke, in fact, is the fourth to arrive, shunpoing directly into his spot.

2010-04-22, 04:03 PM
Koujin will enter nibbling on the last piece of chicken from his lunch. He nods to each of the other captains in turn, taking his seat with no comment.

Captain's meeting, called by Aiko?
Unexpected, to say the least...

2010-04-23, 05:00 AM
Kuenai and Yasu had been sitting on a nearby roof for some time, chatting quietly. At the declaration of the mission's beginning, Kuenai hopped down and slowly walked through the gate, spinning her blossom-printed tanto in one hand. She was faintly smiling.


Yasu wasn't far behind Kuenai as she walked toward the gate, his usually unkempt hair surprisingly orderly for the occasion. In his hand he carried a slender, pure white staff, marked with the darkest of black runes in a spiraling pattern up the side, culminating in a smallish Onyx gemstone at the crown. In addition, he carried his Zanpaktou at his side, an unusual thing considering how seldomly he tends to use it.

Yasu made a face as though amused by the Senkai Gates as he passed through, almost so as to say, "How charmingly old-fashioned." Still, he didn't pause for more than a second before continuing through after Kuenai...

-----To the Mortal World!-----

2010-04-26, 01:31 AM
After a brief wait in relatively anxious silence, the figure of Aiko finally glided through the door. She lifted her head and tipped back her hat to look over the faces of the few that had gathered. Not as many as she was expecting, but it would have to do. The choice wasn't entirely up to her and she couldn't delay things much longer.

"Is this everyone?" she asked no one in particular, a slight, disappointed frown taking its place upon her face.

2010-04-26, 10:34 PM
After a brief wait in relatively anxious silence, the figure of Aiko finally glided through the door. She lifted her head and tipped back her hat to look over the faces of the few that had gathered. Not as many as she was expecting, but it would have to do. The choice wasn't entirely up to her and she couldn't delay things much longer.

"Is this everyone?" she asked no one in particular, a slight, disappointed frown taking its place upon her face.

Satoshi stopped his slow pacing and turned to face Aiko. He paused as Captain Taniko of the 4th slipped quietly into the room and went over to one side quickly. After another moment of waiting, he spoke.

"I believe this is all that is going to turn up for now, Aiko. The others likely had things they couldn't interrupt at this juncture. We can make sure to spread the word."

Even as he speaks, he seems a bit...distracted.

Perhaps it's because his Vice-Captain, and several other officers, are off fighting a giant horde of Hollows in the Mortal World. Maybe.

2010-04-26, 11:21 PM
"I understand that many of our best warriors are currently doing battle in the mortal world, so I will try not to take up too much of your time. I'm sure you have other worries to attend to," Aiko remarked with a pale smile, but soon wiped it away and glided further into the room. She approached one of the empty seats, but did not sit. Instead, she remained hovering over it and the others before finally deciding to continue.

"We are in a time of crisis. While a shaky truce exists between us and the Arrancar, it cannot last forever. We can all admit that we have seen this. The Central 46 are no different, and have decided to take new measures in order to preserve their own safety, and in turn, the safety of Soul Society's government. I am here to relay these changes.

"The most drastic of which is the fact that they no longer want to be seen. Granted, the members of the Central 46 have always covered their faces to protect their identities. When they were chosen for the job, they agreed to give up their past lives to better serve Soul Society, and now they wish to take it all a step further. No member of the group shall ever be seen in person again, barring extreme emergency. No one is permitted entrance to their chambers, which unfortunately includes you, Captain-Commander," she explained, giving a small gesture toward Daisuke.

"I do not particularly agree with their actions, but they feel that it is a necessary precaution and I understand their motivation. If every piece of information is hidden from even our own military, then it can never be held in jeopardy by those who wish to claim it. Instead, I will be acting as the eyes, ears and mouthpiece of the Central 46 from here on out. If our enemy wishes to breach our government again, then they will have to go through me." Aiko managed to crack a slight smile before adding, "And I can assure you that I am no push-over."

Suddenly, her eyes turned toward the floor and the smile faded, instead being replaced by a pang of regret. "Unfortunately," she continued, "I feel that that is far too much responsibility to place upon a member of our military organization. As such, I regret to inform you all that I will be retiring from my Captain's Seat and be taking my place at the side of the Central 46 indefinitely. I want to continue fighting for my beliefs, but with the needs of the government, I simply cannot. I do not want to put such important, administrative information at risk in battle, and... Well, I cannot express how much regret I feel at my inability to help in Rojak's invasion. Perhaps we would have lost... Fewer lives if I had not been neglecting my duties as Captain," said Aiko, still staring into the floor. For a second, it almost seemed as if she could begin crying at any moment, but despite the somber atmosphere, not a single tear was shed. She had grown so used to controlling her emotions.

2010-04-26, 11:27 PM
Satoshi spoke after a moment.

"Don't blame yourself for what happened with Rojak, Aiko. Nothing there was your fault. The "could have, should have, would have" is on my shoulders, and perhaps others. What's done is done. Now is the time to move forward. I also regret your removal from our ranks, but it sounds as if it is for a necessary and noble task. If we can aid you in any other way, please ask. We'll do what we can."

2010-04-27, 01:18 AM

For once, Tai kept her peace, and mouth, shut as Aiko spoke about the purpose of the meeting, though it took obviously monumental effort to do so. Her one eye widened to the point it was bugging out of her skull.

WHAT?! How could Honoka-sempai just..just...QUIT like that?!

It was like the floor had dropped out from underneath of her, and nobody seemed in that big a rush to put it back where it belonged either. Aiko had been a captain since...since...before she could remember. Before she had been a shinigami! Hell, Aiko could almost be described as the reason that Tai decided to join the Gotei 13 in the first place!

Course, Tai hadn't really measured up to that role model, what with the cussing, drinking, bullying, and violence but she had tried! She'd come so close to being able to honestly shake the woman's hand as a comrade and equal! And now the Central 46 decided they needed her more?!


Even Satoshi's self-deprecation didn't draw her out of the stunned silence, not even just to laugh at him! And then...words.

"I..hope you have an uneventful retirement Aiko-senpai." Tai says, subdued and respectful as she gives the stately noblewoman a deep bow.

2010-04-27, 09:10 AM
Who would've thought...

Koujin is slightly less successful at disguising his surprise. While he says nothing, his face clearly indicates this was an unexpected event.

2010-04-27, 05:43 PM
Daisuke doesn't react at all, on the other hand.

Indeed, for a moment... it almost seems like his face is carved out of stone.

Then... I wish you an uneventful retirement, Aiko.

2010-04-27, 05:44 PM
Siegfried listened quietly to the speech, his eyes slowly widening in disbelief.

Don't they remember what happened the last time we had little access to them? Are they really willing to open the possibility for another period of chaos, like Girikio-sensei ushered in? ...Nevertheless, the rule of the Central 46 is absolute; I lack the authority to argue this and win.

He pushes himself off of the wall, and walks a few steps toward Honoka Aiko.

"Well, then, Honoka-tai.... Honoka-sama, it seems that the fate of our world rests in your hands. Hopefully, the same is true of the request that I sent some time ago. Have you yet received it?"

2010-04-27, 06:03 PM
Earth to dumbass...
Oh for the love of...

Koujin blinks for a moment, then his expression calms. "I hope the work stays appropriately boring, and make sure it doesn't go to your head." Koujin grins slightly, but his eyes don't show it.

Thanks. I'm...not sure if I would have been able to say something...
No problem.

2010-04-28, 01:51 AM
Eventually, Aiko managed to pull herself from her slight depression and return a dim smile to her face. Her eyes found their way back up and scanned over the others in the room before finally closing again as she placed a hand to her chest. "Thank you. All of you. It means a great deal to me to hear such acceptance of my choices," she admitted. She then let her hand fall forward and form into a first, her expression changing into one of determination. "I promise you all that I will use my position here to better Soul Society now and as long as I still live."

After a brief pause to let her inspiration sink in, she turned to Siegfried with a wider smile. "I have indeed received your request, as have the Central 46. It didn't take them long to reach consensus in agreement with your plans. Hopefully, your preparations will not be necessary, but you have permission to carry them out nonetheless," she answered as completely as she could, though still managing to skirt around the issue of what the request could have been in the first place.

2010-04-28, 01:55 AM
Daisuke looks at Aiko. "May I ask what the method of communication with Central 46 will be in the future, if no one is allowed to see them?"

At this, a note of... disappointment enters his voice. Not at Aiko.

At Central 46. He expected better of them, really. A judge cannot be shut off from the world and still expect his decisions to be right and just ones. "I assume Hell Butterflies."

2010-04-28, 02:17 AM
"Actually," Aiko replied, turning her eyes back to the Captain-Commander with a look that told him she was going to be giving him more disappointing news, "they have requested that any communication with them be done through me. It adds another layer of bureaucracy, and as I said before, while I do not necessarily agree with the Central 46's laws, I will still obey them and carry them out."

She suddenly turned her eyebrows up and added in a worried tone, "However, I fear that a great deal of trust from all of Soul Society must be placed within my hands."

2010-04-28, 02:19 AM
"I believe you are worthy of that trust."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-28, 08:02 PM

Viatrix heard a knock on the door to her room.

2010-04-28, 08:18 PM
((Not her room. :smalltongue:))

Vi doesn't even look.

"...Come in, Eirine..."

2010-04-28, 08:21 PM
"I believe you are worthy of that trust."

Satoshi nodded.

"As do I."

Shades of Gray
2010-04-28, 08:27 PM
Eirine Klossner

The door creaked open, Eirine entering the room. She was wearing a black dress that reached to her knees; It had a large white bow on the front. Her hairclip was nowhere to be seen.

The bount looks at her sister for a few seconds, leaning right next to the door as she closes it with her foot.

Finally, she will speak. {Hey sis.}

2010-04-28, 08:29 PM
Viatrix looks at the floor, still sitting with her back against the wall.

{...Hey, big sis...}