View Full Version : (invites only!!) Camp of the main army aka Bout camp for the smallfolk team

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2010-04-07, 08:04 AM
Stuff from the original thread (smallfolk edition, been modified)

[3.5] Siege of Heroes

Two teams of PC unleash all their might in the struggle for a stronghold
One team defending other attacking. Both pressing mind and might for the utmost.

Be able to use
Your might, furiousity, bloodrage as an elite warrior
Your deadly infiltration skills as a roguish shadow
Your arcane or godgiven might to hurl down doom upon your
Your your financial the make/maintain an army of mercs. Controlled and supported with ease

Things you should know
Two Teams for PC's struggle for the control of a stronghold. One side as the defenders, the others as the attackers.

Theme (there might still be a possibly to insert so theme flavour from other themes)
Smallfolk of the Radene

The Horde

The posting
Three forums will be created.
1. is the 100 ft around the stronghold in which all moments are visible to both sides.
2. One forum for each of the teams in where they can discuss there battle plans. If you don't thrust the other team you can use PM.

What more is
The game consits of two parts.
A) When there is openly warfare
B) When there is NOT openly warfare

When there is openly warfare the game will be turn based. The attackers go first (like they al had won ini) and then the defenders go. I have made a system that goes for the army of npc soldiers which based more units of soldiers. More of this later on.

When there is NOT openly warfare. I will expect that each PC give a layout of his daily routine. Just one routine which roughly stays the same though the campaign. It is practically like a march order. You're just stationary. otherwise it is rather freeform

Some honest words
I'll be honest. This is one for the brilliant planers and combat-lovers. This is one for those who both like to be the keen tactician and the charging warlord. I know this seems as a warband, but I am trying to go around that and make my own siege rpg thing.

If the game is played right and honest the even be room for assassin/spy missions.

The sweet 16 (version 1.3c)
•1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?

Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e

•2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?

Different settings as Forgotten Realms or Eberron, or Standard homebrew.

•3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?

6 presentably, three for each team.

•4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?


•5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?

The leader will have six levels and his adjutants have 4 levels.

•6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

2000 gp for each defender PC. 2000 gp for each attacker PC. Only PC can have magic equipment.
Troops have to be bought form this money pool.

Casters have to purchase 1000 gp of magic items.
That includes everything from potions to anything you can stick a +1 enchantment bonus to. But they have a limit of four items (which none can be given to team members as such), expect for potions which can be unlimited bought. None caster can buy potions unlimited as long the single potions cost i 300 gp or below.

Max two magic items for nonecasters

•7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

The smallfolks can't take "savage" classes as Barbarian or Druid. The ranger is allowed though, but they have to been created as is proper for the theme of the army.

The hordes cant take "civil" classes as Paladin or Wizard. The cleric is allowed though, but they have to been created as is proper for the theme of the army.

The aristocrat class, with it all it features form the quintessential aristocrat is allowed for BOTH sides though, but they have to been created as is proper for the theme of the army.

Max of two flaws.

Important. The leaders form each army have to be of the essential races of their armies theme.
The smallfolk commander is either a dwarf, gnome or halfling.
The horde commander is either an orc, goblinoid, halforc or reptilian.

•8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

The defenders are all kinds of smallfolk, that includes Dwarves, gnomes, haflings etc (I will allow small portions of earth-based or good underdarklanders to, whom are necessarily smallfolk)

The attackers are all kinds of horde, that include orcs, goblinoids, giants, reptilian (lizardfolk, kobolds, but not Yaun-ti) etc. I will allow small portions of werecreatures, with an appropriate LA).

This applies for the npc in army too.
Both sides can purchase warfoged as mercs put not chose to play one (unleash there is damn good background story).

•9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

32 point buy. Max HD+Con mod for first level, ¾ Max HD+Con mod for each following level.

•10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

The defenders army is as a whole Lawful good
The attackers army is as a whole chaotic evil
This applies for spell proposes mostly.

•11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?

Max three kinds of multiclassing

•12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

When it comes to open warfare, roll dices here on the forum, in spoilers.

•13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

There is my system to make units of troops move more smoothly.

•14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?

This is not a roleplaying oriented game as such. BUT the siege have strict settings. Your PC must apply for the theme. For example there is no halfdragon/planetouched/drow in the dwarves vs orcs campaign.

•15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?

45% hack & slash, 10% roleplaying, 45% puzzle solving (in forms of making a plan, sending assassins, laying traps).

•Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

All MM
The complete series of the complete series
The quintessential series
Heroes of battle
Tome of Battle
Miniatures handbook
magic compendium
the core books of forgotten realms
the core books of Eberron
dragon source books
important Arms and Equipment, But not an ultimatum.
important Stronghold builder's Guide But not an ultimatum.
Feel free the suggest relevant materiel, like Orient adventures for a knights vs samurai campaign.

Here are some of the House rules/setting for the game-play

Length of the campaignIn the stronghold and in the siege camp there is food and water for 14 days. If no new food or water is provided troops will dessert or surrender.
After 14 days the first reinforcements arrive to support the defenders. They will be small scout platoons at first, but the main army is soon to arrive.
Due to the theme defenders may have a longer cap on how long their soldiers can hold without money or payment. Fanatic dwarven paladins don’t step down (unless the ale supplies run out).

TimeIf players do nothing for three day, I Consider that a day has gone by without any of Teams have made an action.

Selection of troops
Troops can be bought as mercenaries following the rules in A&E. There will some restrictions and guide lines due to the theme.
They have to be paid for in advance for the duration of the campaign. That means their daily times 14. From there on, if they are not paid further, they will surrender or dessert.
On trooper with a CR higher than 5 can be bought.
What kind of trooper one can "buy" is based in the theme/race of your army.
Troops with class level can only be uptil level 4. Or else they would be better trained than adjutants, but they can have a CR of 5. (fx a dwarf mineral warrior fighter lvl 4, CR 5 (4 from class levels, and 1 for LA)

Troops or more liking fearsome creatures than are contructist, have no class levels or low int (as the golem fx) can have a CR uptil 7.

Extra for smallfolk: Smallfolk team can purchased renaissance weaponry for their army and heavy armour.

Troops can only have classes form the core books or in rare cases a small hand-fold of them can be a specialised team, thus having classes form outside the core books. In the end its is really up to the theme of the army.
The troops cannot take any kind of leadership feats.

Paying for Mercenaries (rules from A&E)
Paying for Mercenaries
You can hire troops with no arms or armour and equip them yourself. The daily wage for these mercenaries is 2 sp × level/CR for foot troops and 4 sp × level for mounted ones. Of course, you have to provide armor and weapons, laying the costs given in the Player’s Handbook or other souce books. The mercenaries understand that they do not own their equipment, but they are not responsible for damage to it or loss of it while fighting on behalf of the PCs. Upon completion of an assignment, they return the weapons and armour.

For unusual troops it applies that
Creatures of CR 1 or lower expect payment that is the equivalent of a human warrior mercenary (2 sp per day for foot troops, 4 sp per day for mounted
troops). Those of CR 2 or higher demand the daily wage of troops having PC classes of the same level (2 gp per day × level). For example, a minotaur (CR 4) will demand a minimum of 8 gp per day.

Remember the theme of the army. Orges fx arent are exotic troops in the horde army, but humans are and undead are.

Army recruiment list - merc are humans and fighter class as base. Make the races adjustments yourselves, these are just examples from A&E.
{table]Troops type|Level|AC|Base Attack Bonus|Cost of Gear|Daily Wage
Skirmisher foot|
Leather, large wooden shield, javelins (5), short sword| 1st |14 |+3| 32 gp |2 sp
Padded, shortbow, light mace |1st |12 |+3|41 gp |2 sp
Leather, light crossbow, handaxe|1st |13 |+3| 51 gp| 2 sp
Studded leather, buckler, shortbow, scimitar |1st |14 |+3 |86 gp |2 sp
Skirmishers, Mounted
Studded leather, small wooden shield, javelins (5), short sword light war horse,| 4th |15 |+6| 219 gp |4 sp
Studded leather, small wooden shield, javelins (5), short sword, light war horse|4th |15 |+6 |219 gp |4 sp
light foot
Studded leather, large wooden shield, shortspear, light hammer| 1st |14 |+3 |35 gp |2 sp
Studded leather, longspear, short sword| 1st |11 |+3 |40 gp |2 sp
Leather, heavy crossbow, dagger |1st |11 |+3| 63 gp |2 sp
Leather, longbow, dagger|1st |11 |+3 |88 gp| 2 sp
Light mounted
Studded leather, small wooden shield, shortspear, light flail, light warhorse| 4th |14 |+6 |214 gp |4 sp
Medium foot
Scale mail, halberd, morningstar |2nd |14 |+4| 68 gp |4 sp
Scale mail, small steel shield, longsword, dagger |2nd | 15 | +4 | 76 gp |4 sp
Chainmail, longspear, short sword |3rd |15 | +5 | 165 gp |6 sp
Splint mail, guisarme, heavy pick | 5th | 16 |+7 |217 | gp |10 sp
Breastplate, small steel shield, warhammer, dagger |5th |16 |+7 |223 gp |10 sp
Medium mounted
Chainmail, small steel shield, longsword, dagger, heavy warhorse| 8th| 16 |+11/+6 |602gp |16 sp
Scale mail, small wooden shield, trident, short sword, heavy warhorse, leather barding |8th |16 |+11/+6 |604 gp |16 sp
Heavy foot
Splint mail, large steel shield, heavy mace, short sword |5th|18 |+7 |242 gp |10 sp
Banded mail, heavy flail, dagger |5th |16 |+7|267 gp |10 sp
Banded mail, large steel shield, battleaxe, throwing axe |5th |18 |+7 |288 gp| 10 sp
Splint mail, greataxe, short sword |5th |16 |+7 |230 gp |10 sp
Heavy mounted
Banded mail, large steel shield, warhammer, short sword, heavy warhorse, scale barding| 10th |19 |+13/+8 |916 gp| 20 sp
Half-plate, large steel shield, heavy lance, longsword, heavy warhorse, chainmail barding |12th| 20| +16/+10/+6 |1,671 gp |24 sp

Thematical ideas for the army
Based on advanced technology (have access to the renaissance weapons table that applies for siege equipment too) and expert training over racial adaption. Smallfolk also get a discount on ranged siege equipment (catapults, ballistas, cannons).
Officer, special trooper and privates

Privates, mounts and special troopers
constructs (of metal, mineral or wood)
Underground animals (also dire versions), have to have a rider or shepherd.
Standard riding mounts as riding dogs and ponies (also dire versions), have to have a rider or shepherd. Also good animals as blink dogs.

Dividing up the army
Troops can assemble into squads.
Squad can be assembled into platoons and so forth.
One squad has a total 10 CR when it is formed.

Smallfolk Army Structure
Squad up till 10 CR total.
Platoon = 3 squads.
Company = 3 platoons.
Battalion = 3 companies.
Regiment = 3 battalions.
Brigade = 3 regiments.

We also work with the term "unit". A “unit” here is like the warhammer term. It can be a squad, a single monster or a freestanding PC. PC’s can join squad and become a part of their unit, giving up their own status as a unit.


Smallfolk titles
Captain = leaders.
Lieutenant = adjutant.
Sergeants = npc trooper leader and maybe lower adjutant.
Privates and corporals = base npc trooper.

these are just examples to make it eaiser to assemble an army, feel free to create your own. More is coming

{table]Smallfolk (Defenders)

2010-04-07, 08:06 AM
PC sheets Leader
O'Hara Steelsmither, Dwarf, Dragonfire Apedt 6 (http://www.roguepenguin.com/castellar/profiler/view.php?id=5042) Duskranger
Preserver 1, Warfoged mineral warrior, Figther 2/warblade 1 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=197400) Vulaas
Alan Halfshore, Hafling, Bard 2/crusader 2 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=197596) Yukitsu
Kaladrin, "Hafling", Rogue 3 /fighter 1 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=197628) Deathslayer7
Olin, Rockphil, Gnome, Cleric 4 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=197933) Dresdor
Erall, "smallfolk", Rogue 1/ cleric 3 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=198014) Sanit702
no sheet BantH (reserve)
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=197149 Corporate M (reserve maybe)

Army status:
The Keep's garrison:

2 squads of grenadier guard with support squad of 8 hospitaler sorcerers forming 1 platoon.
20 warforged warrior 1, 2 construct HD, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs, stationed behind the main wall.
8 halfling Strongheart 1, precocious apprentice
Carrying spell component pouches. +fiery burst
Know: Magic missile, repair light damage, scorching ray
4 squads of grenadier guard of horse.
40 warforged fighter 2, 6 construct HD, mounted combat, spirited charge, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances
Forming 1 partial battalion under command of Alan Halfshore

1 platoon of grenadier guard
30 warforged warrior 1, 2 construct HD, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs, stationed behind the main wall.
1 platoon of dwarven light infantry
60 dwarven warrior 1, point blank shot
Carrying halberds, 5x javalins, will create barricades at the choke points rather than wear armour.
1 platoon of hospitaler sorcerers
30 halfling strongheart 1, precocious apprentice
Carrying spell component pouches. +fiery burst
Know: Magic missile, repair light damage, scorching ray
Forming 1 full battalion under command of the Vulaas

1 platoon mixed guardsmen and guardsmen auxillary.
24 halfling warrior 1, point blank shot, far shot
12 dwarven cleric 1, precocious apprentice, war and artifice domains
Prepared: Magic stone x 2, magic weapon x1, sound burst x1
1 platoon mixed golems
One squad of 2 magma golems
2 squads of 2 force golems
1 platoon mixed golems and dragons.
2 squads of 2 force golems
a squad of copper 3 dragons
Forming 1 battalion under command of army commander.

2 squads of auxillary cavalry
20 warforged warrior 2, 6 construct HD, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances
remaining dragons
a squad of 3 copper dragons
Under command of army commander.

2 squads of auxillary scouts under command of deathslayer
17 CR 1 rogues, 1 CR 3 rogue.

2010-04-07, 08:07 AM
Chronic of the Smallfolk
It had been a golden age for the smallfolk. Petty differences had been laid aside for a century, and a smallfolk king council had even been established. The smallfolk had even expanded onto the surface world, as in the region Radene where a whole town of smallfolk had stood of nearly 50 years. The city quickly grew due to trade routes. But then the horde attacked, coming from the wasteland as a thief in the night. When the fall of the town reached the king council, they decided to meet this thread with steel in their hands and mighty words upon their lips. An army is being assembled, put a smaller has already been sent. It has reached the region by now and will help the already stationed defenders in keeping the enemy at bay, until the main host arrives. A captain with a full might treaty over the region has picked to lead this force, with his handpicked officers to assist him.

Overhead map
http://imgur.com/8DBQ0.jpg (http://imgur.com/8DBQ0.jpg)
Keep maps
interiorhttp://imgur.com/Davdt.jpgexteriorhttp://imgur.com/HUniN.jpg (http://imgur.com/HUniN.jpg)not on the maps, but in the basement their is an entrance for a secret tunnel, which leads to the outskirts of the Forest of Radene. The keep is surrounded by a 15 ft wide moat, expect for at the main gate.

Dwarven stronghold maps
MAP Ahttp://imgur.com/B4B2S.jpg
MAP Bhttp://imgur.com/oJ7Ay.jpg
Room Descriptions for stronghold
1. Guard Post
2. Guard Post
3. The Main Gate: The front door is made of iron and can be barred from within. It also has an amazing (Open Lock DC 40) lock. Anyone breaking through the front door finds himself in a space beneath the barbican, facing a dropped iron portcullis.
4. Stables
5. Entry Hall
6. Soldiers’ Barracks
7. Drill Yard: Two bright luminaries light the place so the troops can practice fighting in the light as well as the dark.
8. Armory
9. Captain’s Office: It has an amazing (Open Lock DC 40) lock on the door.
10. Captain’s Quarters
11. Chief Steward’s Office: The door has an amazing (Open Lock DC 40) lock.
12. Chief Steward’s Quarters
13. Guards’ Storage
14. Guest Rooms
15. Owner’s/general's Office: It has an improved arcane lock on the door that only the owner/general, the chief steward, and the captain of the guard can open. It also has an Amazing (Open Lock DC 40) lock on the door.
16. Owner’s/general's Quarters
17. Privy
18. Fancy Privy
19. Big Bathroom
20. Fancy Bathroom
21. Dining Hall
22. Kitchen: An everful basin provides water.
23. Servants’ Quarters
24. Vault
25. Tavern
26. Brewery
27. Chapel
28. Cleric’s Quarters
29. Cleric’s Office: locks on all three doors (Open Lock DC 40).
30. Dungeon
31. Ore Storage
32. Tool Storage
33. Library
34. Trophy Hall
35. Smithy
36. Miners’ Quarters
37. Subterranean Gate: fronted by a double-barred iron door fitted with an Amazing (Open Lock DC 40) lock + plus iron portcullis ready to drop.
38. Mine Entrance: as Subterranean Gate

2010-04-07, 08:09 AM
reserved for advice and extra rules, guidelines, post for extra sources etc

At least 20 % of the armies CR must been stationed in the keep at the start of the game. PCs not included, but you can all start there or in the dwarven fortress.

basic stats for npcs (no race is attached)

Typical Foot Soldier (Melee): Fgt1; CR
1; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init
+0; Spd 30 ft.*; AC varies; Atk +2 melee (primary
weapon), or +1 ranged (secondary weapon); AL N; SV
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will –1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9,
Wis 8, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +2*,
Intimidate +1, Jump +2*, Swim +2*;
Toughness, Weapon Focus (primary weapon).

Typical Foot Soldier (Ranged): Fgt1; CR
1; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d8+4; hp 8; Init
+1; Spd 30 ft.*; AC varies; Atk +2 ranged (primary
weapon), or +1 melee (secondary weapon); AL N; SV
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will –1; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 9,
Wis 8, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +1*,
Intimidate +2, Jump +1*, Swim +1*;
Toughness, Weapon Focus (primary weapon).

Typical Mounted Soldier (Melee)/Rider: Fgt1;
CR 1; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d8+3; hp 7;
Init +1; Spd 30 ft.*; AC varies; Atk +1 melee (primary
weapon), or +1 ranged (secondary weapon); AL N; SV
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will –1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 9,
Wis 8, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +1, Ride (horse) +5;
Mounted combat, Toughness.
Typical skirmisher/roguishRge1; CR 1;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d6; hp 3; Init +1;
Spd 30 ft.*; AC varies; Atk +2 ranged (primary
weapon), or +0 melee (secondary weapon); AL N; SV
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12,
Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +4*, Handle Animal +2, Move Silently +4, Hide +4,
Jump +4*, Ride (horse) +2, Swim +4*, Search +4, Swim +2, Balance +2, Tumble +4 ; Dogde.

Typical expertExp1; CR 1/2;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d6; hp 3; Init +0;
Spd 30 ft.*; AC varies; Atk +2 melee (primary
weapon), or +1 ranged (secondary weapon); AL N; SV
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will –1; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 12,
Wis 8, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +4*, handle animal+2, knowledge (craft related) +4
Jump +2*, Craft(primary)+7, Craft(secondary)+4, Swim +2*, Use Rope +4
balance +2;Skill Focus (primary craft).

Typical shepherd as expert, but Handle Animal instead of Craft.
ArcaneBase stats; Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10. Move the 14 around so it fits the spellcasting ability of the class. (this and the divine caster are the only trooper you can do that with.)
DivineBase stats; Str 12, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10.

You can use these "templates" and change anything, but the abilities.

2010-04-07, 08:23 AM
Oke troops, rollcall.
When you have subscribed I will put down the rolls I would like to give you. After that you can pick one. All the rolls need to be in sync with eachother, so it would be a good thing to know the chars of everyone.
You hgave chosen me as your leader (or actually I was the only one brave enough (or stupid enough, it's how you look at it +)) to take it. I will have no cowards, they can exit by catapult (on fire offcourse). I will have no deserters, they will be ballistabolted. For the rest, carry your duties with proud so I can be proud of you.

Yours Truly

2010-04-07, 09:44 AM
Alan Halfshore, first lieutenant of the Grenadier Guard reporting for duty sir.

I have a question. How much control do we have over the feats for our recruits?

Also, can we see a close up in 20 foot blocks of the keep and fortress?

2010-04-07, 10:01 AM
As best I can I will try to answer questions by updating some of the first posts.

2010-04-07, 11:47 AM
So we have complete control. First how much money do you have left. I have 998 gp left (after buying the 1000 gp of necessary stuff)

2010-04-07, 11:51 AM
I have yet to buy equipment but ill probably have around 500 gp left.

Going to buy a +1 chainshirt, then some more mudane items.

question: Are poisons ok? Or should I stay away from them?

2010-04-07, 11:53 AM
Deathslayer, poison is good. But if you want to use it, you will need to be on the reconside. Which means we will need to cooperate closely with each other.

Yukitsu, what do you have left in moneysense and you wanted defense right?

2010-04-07, 12:00 PM
i was going for recon anyway. :smallsmile:

What do you mean i cant do sabotage as well? :smallconfused:

and sanity would probably be best in recon as well. We are forming backstories together. And on that note, we were thinking we had a mission to assassinate someone but got caught. Our third party member died but we surrendered. Then with the advancing horde, you could put our skills to use.

something along those lines. :smallsmile:

2010-04-07, 12:05 PM
Scouting and recon is a subject I am not ready to burn myself on. But I was planning on creating at least these positions: defense, recruitment, recon, sabotage and assasination

Sabotage and assasination is one subject. Defense and recruitment will work closely together, recon will have to be done before the rest.

2010-04-07, 12:34 PM
what qualifies as recon? Getting information in camp, watching movement? :smallconfused:

And the biggest problems i see is this: getting in and out of our base. Getting in and out of their base.

2010-04-07, 12:39 PM
Recon is scouting: numbers, strength, what creatures are we up against, in what forms. What for weapons, what for siegeweapons (those are the first that needto go bye bye). Out isn't that hard, in is the problem indeed. For me it's easy, I take on the form of a humanoid creature (every humanoid of the horde can be done) and walk around. For you it's hard.

2010-04-07, 12:44 PM
I'm a changeling. No its not. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-07, 12:46 PM
to elaborate, disguise checks for the win! :smallsmile: +19 modifier

2010-04-07, 12:57 PM
Disquise is fun, polymorph is better. Polymorph for 24 hours FTW :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-07, 01:00 PM
Preserver 1, Inevitable defender of the weak, fulfilling my duty. I am not to lead, but have been formed for defensive actions and possibly as a sapper when need to be. It is factual that 250 pounds of gun powder could blow quite the hole in leadership of the oncoming horde, which seems to be the logical way to engage them.

2010-04-07, 01:01 PM
Preserver 1, Inevitable defender of the weak, fulfilling my duty. I am not to lead, but have been formed for defensive actions and possibly as a sapper when need to be. It is factual that 250 pounds of gun powder could blow quite the hole in leadership of the oncoming horde, which seems to be the logical way to engage them.

Well, I was planning on blowing up the stronghold. But I would enjoy if you could escape after blowing the foundations. And weak, ah laddie, there are no weak dwarfs.

2010-04-07, 01:06 PM
Well, I was planning on blowing up the stronghold. But I would enjoy if you could escape after blowing the foundations. And weak, ah laddie, there are no weak dwarfs.
Affirmative. I did not mean to implicate any weakness of your people. However, the respective mortal races are frail by comparison to my metallic shell. In any case, why blow up a defensive structure? There seems little merit in such a plan.

2010-04-07, 01:07 PM
changing forms at will is better. :smallbiggrin:

disguise blown as an orc? change to a kobold. :smallbiggrin:

that and i can make a bluff check as a free action to reestablish my disguise. :smallsmile:

2010-04-07, 01:08 PM
Affirmative. I did not mean to implicate any weakness of your people. However, the respective mortal races are frail by comparison to my metallic shell. In any case, why blow up a defensive structure? There seems little merit in such a plan.

Actually there is lot of merit. But I meant the outpost. We must start with 20% of our troops there. As soon as the army of the attackers comes. We let most of the troops get away, the rest will start rigging the building with (non-obvious) explosives. As soon as the attackers are inside, we blow the outpost up. It has the following merits:
1. dead attackers.
2. No outpost and so no defensive structure for them.

2010-04-07, 01:11 PM
changing forms at will is better. :smallbiggrin:

disguise blown as an orc? change to a kobold. :smallbiggrin:

that and i can make a bluff check as a free action to reestablish my disguise. :smallsmile:

You misunderstand me, I can also change at will, oke it costs me a full round, but that doesn't matter.

2010-04-07, 01:14 PM
so then what's the problem? :smallbiggrin: i see none.

2010-04-07, 01:19 PM
Deathslayer, poison is good. But if you want to use it, you will need to be on the reconside. Which means we will need to cooperate closely with each other.

Yukitsu, what do you have left in moneysense and you wanted defense right?

I have like 10 gp left after all the shovels, axes, bandsaws and baskets I have to buy. I'm thinking I'll have to toss that into rope, so don't expect much cash from me.

As a side note, I also bought 20 pounds of powder, so if anyone is going to be blowing up the keep, it will probably be me. As such, I'm willing to organize the defenses at the keep.

Edit: Whoops, carp, scrap that. I'll not even have enough for the powder after the tool costs.

2010-04-07, 01:31 PM
I have like 10 gp left after all the shovels, axes, bandsaws and baskets I have to buy. I'm thinking I'll have to toss that into rope, so don't expect much cash from me.

As a side note, I also bought 20 pounds of powder, so if anyone is going to be blowing up the keep, it will probably be me. As such, I'm willing to organize the defenses at the keep.

Hereby I declare the grenadier squad to blowupduty. the grenadier squad will be the group manning the outpost. the most dangerous part as this can blow up in our face instead in theirs.

The changeling squad will be recon, scouting, messaging, and sabotaging.

Preserver takes care of Radheim security.
All who are against this plan have until tomorrow to give their ideas and plans.

troops will be hired after seeing how much money we have left. I give 998 gp to the pot.

2010-04-07, 01:32 PM
Hereby I declare the grenadier squad to blowupduty. the grenadier squad will be the group manning the outpost. the most dangerous part as this can blow up in our face instead in theirs.

The changeling squad will be recon, scouting, messaging, and sabotaging.

Preserver takes care of Radheim security.
All who are against this plan have until tomorrow to give their ideas and plans.

troops will be hired after seeing how much money we have left. I give 998 gp to the pot.

I will alter some things to regain the powder kegs.

As an aside, I've got my troop purchases for the grenadiers plotted out, as I will need a certain sort of troop to properly do what I'm doing.

2010-04-07, 01:36 PM
I will alter some things to regain the powder kegs.

As an aside, I've got my troop purchases for the grenadiers plotted out, as I will need a certain sort of troop to properly do what I'm doing.

Have you also bought them or that not yet. we must have around Cr36 troops in the outpost. the thing you will rig. how much do you need. to buy the troops if you didn't allready.

2010-04-07, 01:45 PM
I got that under control. I lost a lot of long range capability in my purchases, but more medium range punch.

Also, isn't it 360 CR at the outpost?

2010-04-07, 01:45 PM
I suppose I could sink my remaining funds into powder if need/want be. That's an extra 100lbs of it. We could probably get parliment the outpost with that.

Edit: Another wise decision would be to make a "create food/water" trap in our main keep to feed the soldiers

2010-04-07, 02:22 PM
ok duskranger. i have approximately 600 gp left and still need to buy a bow and some daggers.

That will leave a little less then 400 gp. With that i can either add it into the troop fund or buy poisons.

Poisons i was thinking of might possibly be ingested poisons. That or blue whinnis which does unconsciousness.

and Light Hero you can change my name to Kaladrin. Please and thank you.

2010-04-07, 02:32 PM
Here are my purchases as of this point in time. This list includes 5 animal companion hawks, owls and bats for fast alert.

This is 2K on the dot.

360 CR, 14 days: 1008 GP
40 CR 4 spearmen, 20 CR 4 grenadiers, 13 CR 5 serjeants, 3 iron golems, 19 “mechanics”
500 ounces oil: 50 GP
73 long spears: 365
25 slings
40 pounds powder: 500
18 shovels: 36
3 handaxes: 18
150 feet hemp rope: 3

While I do plan on demolishing the fortifications, I do not intend to make it easy, as they will suspect a trap if I don't attempt to fight.

2010-04-07, 03:15 PM
Erall stumbles in looks around and sighs at how much he missed just because he was sleeping.

anyways I am reporting in, I still have 1,000 something gold ((I still need to buy more things (ie poisons basic equipment like rope maybe some other items) but I have bought my armor and weapons.))

I am indeed a changeling cleric (took the one level of rouge for the skill points) I believe that death and i would be best suited for assassination and sabatoge, though I like the idea of creating a flood trap with create water as nothing quite says death like swimming in full plate.

Edit: also @ Gm, do we get preperation time, like we knew they were coming thus we could set up traps and defenses?

and my exact gold count is 1,233.

2010-04-07, 03:20 PM
Military council time!

Discussing the strategy I have in mind for the fortress, I'd like to have your input and of course, whether I do this or not is the commander's call.

I plan on entrenching the south and west walls to prevent an encirclement strategy, forcing the enemy to attack in the north or east. This means I know which walls will be targeted by sappers and siege, and can prepare the explosive charges along the remaining walls. If they believe the partial trench system is a trap, I can still blow up the south and east walls, I simply won't be able to collapse as much of the keep, nor will it kill as many of the enemy. It does insure that I can get the ones that are attacking the walls though.

I will be sending half of my spear brigade into the tunnels with the iron golems to retrieve wood from the forest, which will be cut into pikes to line the bottom of the trenches. The golems will retrieve large pieces of wood which will be used as temporary structural supports. Those will be put in place to keep the building standing while the crew starts undermining the structures foundation. I can get a more complete collapse if the building is missing some of its inner supporting walls, and I intend to stop the whole thing from collapsing prematurely by bracing it with wood, which can be knocked out more readily by an explosion, and the whole thing will definitely go down with the subsequint fires.

I plan on retreating out the majority of my troops using the tunnel, and to have them ready to counterattack after the explosion. To make the place seem legitimate, the iron golems, who can survive both the explosion and the collapsing fortress, will hold out breathing poison into choke points. The 25 grenadiers will stay behind as well to fight at choke points and to light the fuzes, but will retreat when the fuzes are lit.

I plan on leading a charge of the spearmen into the enemy to try to disable as many of their war machines as is possible, preventing them from using them in the final push. We will then retreat back to the forest to recover the grenadiers, then retreat back to the main fortification. If cut off from the main fortress, we will prepare a counter assault force behind their lines, and will attack them in the rear as they gather together to attack the walls.

I will hold out until the walls are actually taken. Otherwise, they'll expect a trap and attempt to bypass us.

Comments? Input?

2010-04-07, 03:29 PM
If we have anyone with divination, I'd make an excellent anti-sapper, if I could be aimed for it.

2010-04-07, 05:30 PM
Olin Rockphil reporting for duty, sirrah.

Might I recommend that if we have the time to prepare our outpost as a trap, I can make use of mother earth to soften the foundations, which would make any attempts to destroy the fortifications easier.

Of course we face the unending hordes of evil, and destroying some of them may not be a worthwhile use of one fortification. Perhaps defending the fort with great resolve, and retreating into the tunnel, encouraging their best warriors to give chase. The same spell could be used to collapse the tunnel if cast properly. Piling rocks and other debris above the tunnel would cause more damage to the horde.

If I may be of any spiritual assistance, please do not hesitate to ask, milord.

OOC: Also, is the cheap fort and its basement cut stone? Or is any part of it unworked and unreinforced stone. Same for the tunnel, and it seems obvious that at least some of the main fort is hewn out of the mountainside.

2010-04-07, 05:37 PM
Olin Rockphil reporting for duty, sirrah.

Might I recommend that if we have the time to prepare our outpost as a trap, I can make use of mother earth to soften the foundations, which would make any attempts to destroy the fortifications easier.

Of course we face the unending hordes of evil, and destroying some of them may not be a worthwhile use of one fortification. Perhaps defending the fort with great resolve, and retreating into the tunnel, encouraging their best warriors to give chase. The same spell could be used to collapse the tunnel if cast properly. Piling rocks and other debris above the tunnel would cause more damage to the horde.

If I may be of any spiritual assistance, please do not hesitate to ask, milord.

OOC: Also, is the cheap fort and its basement cut stone? Or is any part of it unworked and unreinforced stone. Same for the tunnel, and it seems obvious that at least some of the main fort is hewn out of the mountainside.

Given the way it's designed, it seems more likely that a force sticking it out would simply be over run if we didn't plan assuming it would fall, as the keep doesn't have much that would less us pick off a lot of advancing enemy forces. If they over-ran it hard enough, we'd be looking at a loss of a fifth of our forces without much to show for it. If we're planning on losing it, we'll kill off some and keep our entire force intact.

If we want to keep it, I'll need another two commanders with me. One with a cavalry force, and another with a group of long range specialists.

2010-04-07, 05:46 PM
Hmm....I think I must agree with your tactical ideas. You must forgive my...unwillingness to abandon one of our forts with little defense, as I helped to build many of them in this land. But to see it swallowed by mother earth with the corpses of our enemies...that would be a true homage to the divine power I channeled to help create the monolith.

All things from her return to her.

2010-04-07, 06:08 PM
easier to backstab them while they are sleeping... mutters Kaladrin. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-07, 07:12 PM
Anyone have any specific plans for the defense of the main fortress?

2010-04-07, 07:38 PM
Anyone have any specific plans for the defense of the main fortress?

OOC: I suggest defending the deepening wall then falling back to the main keep and awaiting Randalf's coming on the dawn of the third day...

that or we could make some magical rings....or some onion rings...

Behold the +5 Onion Ring of Doom!!!! and Catsup of Unholy Might +3!

2010-04-07, 07:58 PM
OK, so my input.

We don't have superior or less numerous melee troops, and as such, we don't have any particular advantages against the enemy in narrow corridors. Thus we don't have any particular reason to fight in the tunnels as opposed to at the walls.

If we can disable or destroy their siege weapons sans possible the battering rams before they can engage us at the walls, the enfilading positions of the towers mean we'll be able to fire into them causing good casualties before they can take the walls, if they can do so at all. If we have enough troops along the walls, even that will be impossible.

The enemy will either try to tunnel past the wall into the tunnel structures that we have on our flanks, or they will try to climb above us over the mountain, dropping down behind us in the open courtyard. Doubly so if we destroy their siege before the engagement.

For that, we need at least one group of reserves guarding the tunnels, ready to move into the inner courtyard, or to the walls as necessary.

If those defenses are lost, we will likely be outnumbered, and as such, our fall back point should be the choke points in the tunnels. Rooms which are given up must be sapped to prevent the enemy from flanking other divisions as they attempt to drive back the enemy at their respective choke points.

For this, we would be best suited with metalic dragons with line type breathe attacks. They will be our markers for our fallback points, where frontline troops will fall back to them, and where we'll halt the enemy advance. We'll need about a dozen troops per choke point to defend the dragon rotating in and out of combat as it recharges its breath.

There are less expensive options than dragons, but they are the best tool, in my view, for that job.

If those tunnels are lost, we can repeat this process in the redoubt. It may be prudent to sap room 38, and the tunnel north of 31. 31 will be the last stand outpost.

2010-04-07, 08:02 PM
I believe that we should use the fort as a trap, this would also give Kaladrin and myself a much better opportunity to sneak into their camp. With so many dead they may think that we were lucky and survived.

If we could collapse the building as they go through it, and split their forces in two that would give us a much needed tactical advantage. In order to do that, we should set explosives in the foundation (as was already mentioned) and then detonate that as they charge through, maybe leave a group of mercenaries or two behind so that they do not think about it as a trap, then once we have them separated perhaps we could cave in the tunnel and force them to have to dig through it....

unfortunately during this time Kaladrin and myself would be trapped behind enemy lines gathering info/causing chaos (via assassination, poison and general mayhem) then once the horde broke through and began the assault on the main fortress we could sneak back in and give a full report in order to sneak back in I recommend we set up a certain time to meet at a wall and you guys drop down a rope and we climb up, if we are not their within an hour or two you are to assume the worse.

or that was my intention. If our leader agrees I think this will be the best chance for success.

I will be writing my back story now, and finalizing my equipment/spell list.

2010-04-07, 08:11 PM
That plan would involve half of our forces beyond the primary reach of the main fortifications to complete a plan that I would warrant myself capable of accomplishing myself. Unless you plan on leaving your infantry behind and doing subterfuge against enemy officers without the support of your soldiers.

If the former, I would request that the commander assign either the two of you, or myself to the fortress, and not both. If the latter, I would request that you aim primarily at the enemy leadership and their siege equipment, and coordinate the assault with the charge of my own division for the sake of your own safety.

2010-04-07, 08:53 PM
The problem at the moment is lack of intelligence. We don't know where the enemy is going to go or what his plans are. Similarly, the enemy doesn't know our intentions.

If I were planning the enemy invasion I'd skip the small fort all together. It is not a target of significant worth (clearly to us as well as we're willing to blow it up as our first plan) and is too small to hold out against siege without resupply and support. A quick thrust at the main fort would catch us with at most 80% of our forces, and most likely by complete surprise.

Again, if it were me I wouldn't be using artillery or siege engines, but rather sabotage to open the gates and gain access to the fort. Honestly I'd be using a unit of sneaky creatures or a PC with spells to blow apart a gate or melt through the stone walls around our gate. I think our main keep is in enough danger that we cannot become complacent or rely on our enemy to fall into our trap.

That said, if we have reliable intelligence that they are using siege engines or heavy equipment of any kind I can use my domain spells to ruin the nearby roads and slow their advance, giving us time to be reinforced (if that is still a rule in this game).

We also must realize that if we kill off some of their Officers, morale will falter as their best and strongest are destroyed. A strong officer is unlikely to die in the collapse of a building. We also must be sure to always gib the enemy. As a cleric I can assure you that a little healing will turn a nearly dead mob into a fighting force in short time. Recovery of our wounded is also of vital necessity (and makes me wish I had thought to buy a wand of CLW) for the same reason. This will strengthen our morale.

Tactically, I recommend we go ahead with rigging the small keep as a trap, but we need intelligence to plan our next move. Perhaps some hit and fade attacks with calvary or archers (or mounted calvary) would garner both information and encourage enemy casualties and desertion.

2010-04-07, 09:15 PM
As we require at the least a token garrison until it falls, I think that we'll have to make do, in the event that they bypass the fortress. That said, I do have the means to overlook a vast area for recon and early warning purposes, and will know the composition of their forces if they attempt to bypass me.

If they do so, I'll know of it. And if so, I will pick a time that I deem most opportune to attack them in the rear to prevent them from gaining momentum against the forces. Caught between such a hammer and an anvil, I have no doubts that they should fail!

However, you do have a point on the issue of subterfuge. We will need to assign someone to counter intelligence duties to prevent a premature hole opening in our lines.

2010-04-07, 09:32 PM
How about we just say our fort was designed for gnomes and other small creatures, then we only have to deal with crawling medium sized creatures and small things. :-p

2010-04-07, 09:38 PM
I believe the foe consisted in large portions of various forms of goblins and kobolds, so they would have as much to gain of that as us.

As well, we can't discount the possibility of shape shifters amongst us. Of course, true seeing is beyond us at this point in time.

2010-04-07, 10:49 PM
I could have counted wrong, but according to me we are tpentitled to 180 Cr of creatures, while the attackers may have 300. With these numbers it would meen 18CR in the fort, rest in stronghold. One of the rules is that the outpost needs to be conquered before they can push through. Stronghold is more important. Our two sneaks will be in the forest with some scouts, delivering messages from outpost to stronghold. as soon as outpost falls, grenadier squad gets message duty. the scouts need to have a maildove.

2010-04-07, 10:57 PM
I could have counted wrong, but according to me we are tpentitled to 180 Cr of creatures, while the attackers may have 300. With these numbers it would meen 18CR in the fort, rest in stronghold. One of the rules is that the outpost needs to be conquered before they can push through. Stronghold is more important. Our two sneaks will be in the forest with some scouts, delivering messages from outpost to stronghold. as soon as outpost falls, grenadier squad gets message duty. the scouts need to have a maildove.

Squad up till 10 CR total.
Platoon = 3 squads.
Company = 3 platoons.
Battalion = 3 companies.
Regiment = 3 battalions.
Brigade = 3 regiments.

10x3=30 per platoon
30x3=90 per company
90x3=270 per battalion
270x3=810 per regiment
810x3=2440 per brigade.

6 of us, so up to about 405 CR each. I'm taking 360, as it's our 20%.

2010-04-07, 11:04 PM
I could have counted wrong, but according to me we are tpentitled to 180 Cr of creatures, while the attackers may have 300. With these numbers it would meen 18CR in the fort, rest in stronghold. One of the rules is that the outpost needs to be conquered before they can push through. Stronghold is more important. Our two sneaks will be in the forest with some scouts, delivering messages from outpost to stronghold. as soon as outpost falls, grenadier squad gets message duty. the scouts need to have a maildove.

not sure i quite understand you there.

and if i wanted to buy feather tokens would that really count as a magic item for a single one?

2010-04-07, 11:51 PM
10x3=30 per platoon
30x3=90 per company
90x3=270 per battalion
270x3=810 per regiment
810x3=2440 per brigade.

6 of us, so up to about 405 CR each. I'm taking 360, as it's our 20%.

I do not know how I got the number than. In that case I will try to find some cool uses of units. Every squad needs a dragon shaman. And golems are always nice, give me some sorcerors. or wizards, so we can fireball an area.

2010-04-08, 12:31 AM
I have 1,0301,136 gp left for troops request some trops and I can purchase them

2010-04-08, 12:43 AM
I do not know how I got the number than. In that case I will try to find some cool uses of units. Every squad needs a dragon shaman. And golems are always nice, give me some sorcerors. or wizards, so we can fireball an area.

If anyone can toss a poor lieutenant a few pretty pennies, I could do with some funds for a few dragon shamans added as elite musicians and flag bearers.

2010-04-08, 12:53 AM
At first: Yukitsu, I advise you not to use the golems for the defense of the outpost, as we will almost surely lose them there. They probably will not fit trough the escapehatch. Further your troops are oke'd and I must say well thought about.

For the sneaks: hire some rogues. Give them bows and arrows and take care that they follow guerilla tactics. Hit and run.

I will spend my money on the following stuff I think:
Weapons (must look what and stuff)
Couple of iron golems.
Some fighters (lvl 1-5)
Dragonshamans (lvl4 (breathattack and such) (as squadleader)
Some lvl 5 wizards to fireball the opponent. After they exhausted there supply they will be worthless though.
This will prolly be my list of things to buy/hire.

2010-04-08, 12:57 AM
I have about 600 gp left how many rogues can that get me? :smallconfused:

2010-04-08, 12:59 AM
I am still confused on the buying the people, just tell me what I can buy or my gold and I will be happy. and we have to leave a certain percentage at the main base correct?

2010-04-08, 01:01 AM
I am still confused on the buying the people, just tell me what I can buy or my gold and I will be happy. and we have to leave a certain percentage at the main base correct?

I think the only person who knows what's the worth of people is Yukitsu sadly enough :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-08, 01:01 AM
At first: Yukitsu, I advise you not to use the golems for the defense of the outpost, as we will almost surely lose them there. They probably will not fit trough the escapehatch. Further your troops are oke'd and I must say well thought about.

I don't plan on them getting out. I'm prudent enough to know that I'm going to need a sacraficial rear guard, and golems being non-sentient are the perfect choice for that role.

2010-04-08, 01:06 AM
I am still confused on the buying the people, just tell me what I can buy or my gold and I will be happy. and we have to leave a certain percentage at the main base correct?

In theory, you can buy as many troops as you want, and you won't have to worry about payment. I run a tight ship and have prepared a complete roster of payment for the duration of the siege, which is 14 days. In theory, food is a concern to some degree (if we lose our food stocks) which is why my troops will be mostly adamantium bodied warforged.

Cost of every unit is CRx2.8 GP for the length of the siege as predicted. If it runs longer, remember, you don't have to keep paying dead troops, and as the goodguys in a siege we have some lenience. In practice, you can get a massive suicide squad of unintelligents with slam attacks, ram them down the enemy throat on day 1, and not worry about paying them.

Units that you can't pay will desert, with some leeway. If we attack the enemy paymaster, we'll basically win in one masterstroke, but odds are he'll be the most fanatically defended and most carefully watched.

Edit: Where in the hell did our recruitment officer get to? :smallconfused:

2010-04-08, 01:10 AM
In theory, you can buy as many troops as you want, and you won't have to worry about payment. I run a tight ship and have prepared a complete roster of payment for the duration of the siege, which is 14 days. In theory, food is a concern to some degree (if we lose our food stocks) which is why my troops will be mostly adamantium bodied warforged.

Cost of every unit is CRx2.8 GP for the length of the siege as predicted. If it runs longer, remember, you don't have to keep paying dead troops, and as the goodguys in a siege we have some lenience. In practice, you can get a massive suicide squad of unintelligents with slam attacks, ram them down the enemy throat on day 1, and not worry about paying them.

Units that you can't pay will desert, with some leeway. If we attack the enemy paymaster, we'll basically win in one masterstroke, but odds are he'll be the most fanatically defended and most carefully watched.

Edit: Where in the hell did our recruitment officer get to? :smallconfused:

You are promoted :smallbiggrin:. Our recruitment officer was Deuce if i'm correct, which means he's an alternative now. Which makes defense and recruitment become the samen :smallbiggrin:. Ain't you happy now

2010-04-08, 01:16 AM
so if i wanted to buy the skirmishers, foot with the shortbow padded armor and light mace, it would cost 41 gp per person + 2spx 14 days right?

coming out 43.8 gp per person?

2010-04-08, 01:20 AM
so if i wanted to buy the skirmishers, foot with the shortbow padded armor and light mace, it would cost 41 gp per person + 2spx 14 days right?

coming out 43.8 gp per person?

Yes it would. And skirmishers make excellent rogues (wish they could be scouts).

2010-04-08, 01:25 AM
17 skirmishers it is then. :smallbiggrin:

give them each 20 arrows with 2 dragons breath arrows, that leaves me with 6 dragons breath arrows.I'm sure if it comes down to it, we can burn the siege equipment to the ground. :smallsmile:

i guess my next question is would you allow races of the wild? :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-08, 01:26 AM
17 skirmishers it is then. :smallbiggrin:

give them each 20 arrows with 2 dragons breath arrows, that leaves me with 6 dragons breath arrows.I'm sure if it comes down to it, we can burn the siege equipment to the ground. :smallsmile:

i guess my next question is would you allow races of the wild? :smallbiggrin:

We must follow the DMs rule. Sothat means smallfolk only. Gnomes, halflings, dwarves. If you want something else ask the DM. Aan you know that every squad needs it's leader to make the attacks.

2010-04-08, 01:27 AM
I know I made them halflings. :smallsmile: How different is a leader? :smallconfused:

edit: and what are the exact stats on those skirmishers?

2010-04-08, 01:29 AM
I know I made them halflings. :smallsmile: How different is a leader? :smallconfused:

Most of the time a leader is a higher lvl (this is more for a higher BAB than something else), so you and the other sneak can both lead a squad (CR10+you)

2010-04-08, 01:30 AM
so 1 skirmisher is 1 cr right?

sorry but not familiar with hiring people.

2010-04-08, 01:31 AM
so 1 skirmisher is 1 cr right?

sorry but not familiar with hiring people.

CR=classlvl so 1 lvl 1 rogue = CR1

2010-04-08, 01:32 AM
ok thats what i thought. :smallsmile:

2010-04-08, 01:33 AM
so 17 halfling rogues split into two groups. One of us comannding them all together or they will be split between us. :smallsmile: Might sell some potions and make it 20.

2010-04-08, 01:34 AM
ok thats what i thought. :smallsmile:

But call them skirmishers, but make them rogues (sneak attack is usefull)

Edit: better make it 17+a lvl 3 rogue as one leader.

I really need to point out all the costs I need to make. Darn I'm bad in this stuff.

2010-04-08, 01:39 AM
Ocraphow'dIgetmyselfintothis. :smallsigh:

OK, our mainline troops should be warforged with the adamantium body feat. This gives them heavy adamantium armour without us having to pay money for armour. They also make good tough frontliners. DR 2 and AC of at least 18. Our wall troops should have an AC of 20 or so with no gear, 2 DR and about 13 HP. Considering they only cost 5.6 gp for the whole time period, that's pretty good.

Espionage specialists should be whisper gnomes. They get silence as an SLA, massive boost to hide, and move 30 like a medium creature. Less tough than a standard gnome though. If we can get some as exotics, whisper gnome scouts and rangers with the shadow template would be the ideal, as they get hide in plain sight as a racial bonus, and have a +20 hide before ranks and dex. Scouts at level 3 are good as are rangers at level 4. The animal companions make for great early warnings and night eyes.

I plan on hiring golems to mostly tie up enemies and cover our retreats where necessary. They also make excellent plugs in gaps in the fortifications. One backed with one or two sorcerers is a fine addition.

Since most of our troops will be constructs, we can focus almost exclusively on arcanists for our healers. Sorcerers are great for this as they get spontaneous "healing" as well as the ability to spam magic missiles when they get the chance. Massed level 1s with precotious apprentice are the ideal. These should consist mostly of halflings, as they will get a bonus to hit and bonus dex with their scorching rays. The remainder of our low level grunt casters should be clerics with mending to help patch up walls, heal our organics, and to give us the spell magic stone.

Magic stone turns a pebble into a +1 magic bullet that deals d6 damage. A level 2 warforged fighter with a sling can now toss a rock that does an average of 6.5 damage with a +4 to hit if he's a dedicated slinger. 11 against undead. They also have an adamantium slam attack if the enemy starts taking the walls, meaning we don't need to buy them melee weapons.

Standard troops for fortification duty are best suited as level 2 monks. Ones that are to be agressive should be level 4 fighter 2, monk 2. This gives them deflect arrow when they have sallied forth, and a move boost up to normal.

Our "last hope" should be a mix of about 4 medium dragons accompanied by several groups of dwarves. This is because dark vision will either give us an edge, or let us at least keep up underground. The dwarves should be equipped for brutal close quarters combat.

We should endeavor to have some troops mounted on constructs on our flanks to charge in from the side if we decide we need a "Rohan saves Gondor" moment. We have the Eberron books, so we may as well go with strongheart halfling figter 2s, using spirited charge riding raptors with lances. Ironically not considered exotic.

We'll want some people around who can manage counterspelling. the cheapest means of counterspell is several people with readied actions to pincushion any casters that pop up, but in the event of fireballs from afar, we may want some other methods. Fireball is going to be the most directly dangerous ability they can use easily. The easiest way to stop a fireball is to get an animated sheet of paper (1.4 GP for 2 weeks) and have it fly into them. The pea sized fireball detonates if it hits something before its intended target, thus exploding harmlessly 40 feet away from our walls.

If anyone wants some specific troops archetypes, I can make some suggestions, or I can let you pick them out yourself.

Also to the DM, I'm just a human, so if I'm making any mistakes here, please step in and correct me.

2010-04-08, 01:42 AM
so if i wanted to buy the skirmishers, foot with the shortbow padded armor and light mace, it would cost 41 gp per person + 2spx 14 days right?

coming out 43.8 gp per person?

Save a ton of money. Attach some clerics to the group with the spell magic stone. The arrows do d4 at small size, don't get halfling bonus to hit, don't get strength to damage. A magic stone from a sling is free, does d6+1+strength from nearly the same range. Also, if they bring undead, magic stones will really work them over, even without your sneak attack.

Halflings are more accurate stone throwers, whispergnomes are better sneaks. With the money you save, you can get 17 of each and enough clerics to give them all magic stones.

Edit: Oh carp, no races of stone on books list. Ask the DM if we can use whisper gnomes. They are a thematic race for us, and the DM listed goliaths from races of stone as a thematic race for us, so I think the DM is aware of it.

2010-04-08, 01:52 AM
In that case:

998 gp gives me the control over:

356 CR Warforged. That makes 100 CR3 troops with slings.

2010-04-08, 01:52 AM
I am trying a thing out. It is a little experiment. It is called

Each team gets one mission attempt.
game mechanics: You gather a team, chose a PC or conceive some other plan on how to recon. Post it in the forum if the leader agrees the the scout team and I run off and have a little pregame before the campaign starts.

Idea is that you can spy on the enemy (at the risk of being caught of course, but so might get some info). Now it want no cheating in this, so I handle all of the info being spread, and if I figured some has made preparations for something very specific that they could not possibly have then the hammer is gonna come down on the entire time:smallfurious:. This saying:smallyuk:

2010-04-08, 02:02 AM
Since your are the defending team and all smallfolk, things as mudane (not masterwork) tools, as axes, hammers, saws (these tools cannot be used for fighting) are half price.

that same goes for mundane materiels as wood, iron and stone (But not mithirl, cold iron, silver, or steel )
EDIT: however, Armours, bardings and shields made iron and steel is half price too.

EDIT: As I recall the max troops CR is 300 for the entire army.
EDIT: More on diving the army later. Something with PCs and the specific troops they command having the same turn. makes the game run more smooth.

2010-04-08, 02:03 AM
I like the reconstuff. Only, whan do you expect to start the real game. ANd what kind of info will you give them.

2010-04-08, 02:17 AM
Someone suggested me 3 lvl 10 rogues to assasinate the leaders.

What do you think of that?

2010-04-08, 02:18 AM
In that case:

998 gp gives me the control over:

356 CR Warforged. That makes 100 CR3 troops with slings.

I'd consider reducing that to 75. You'd need at least 33 clerics, and ideally all 56 of the remainder to keep 100 slingers ready for battle before they ran out of good rocks with 100 of them. With 75, you'd probably want 50 clerics, giving them more than enough, and have some healing left over. That's 275 CR. You'd have 81 leftover, which would translate into golems, cavalry, dragons or whatever.

2010-04-08, 02:19 AM
EDIT: As I recall the max troops CR is 300 for the entire army.

Looks like dusk was right. I re-read the first post and can't find that though, so it's probably tangled into the other thread.

Though this does mean we have 1 company, and 1 spare platoon divided among 6 commanders, and a total of 50 CR each...

2010-04-08, 02:26 AM
Someone suggested me 3 lvl 10 rogues to assasinate the leaders.

What do you think of that?

We can't have troops with more than 4 class levels. I recommend you use inevitables instead.

2010-04-08, 02:28 AM
Looks like dusk was right. I re-read the first post and can't find that though, so it's probably tangled into the other thread.

Though this does mean we have 1 company, and 1 spare platoon divided among 6 commanders, and a total of 50 CR each...

And Iron Golems are too expensive, take clay instead. Same stuff. But don't sacrifice those when you blow up the outpost. Clay golems are too usefull for that.

2010-04-08, 02:32 AM
Updated the rules on troops Rcm, it more of adjustments but read them if you want cool golems.

Looks like dusk was right. I re-read the first post and can't find that though, so it's probably tangled into the other thread.It is in this threads first post too.

I am setting a deadline on the army. Two weeks for now you have to post the complete army and its attached officers (mainly you the PC, complete guidelines on coming this weekend). To my knowledge it helps having a deadline, but I know that it can be stressful so I willing to hear on pleas:smallbiggrin: if necessary. Have fun

EDIT: not on the keep map, but it has a small moat, which cannot be dug deeper but it may altered on other ways.

I'm starting to dislike rules no clay golems either :smallfrown:My bad, the rules is there to restrict you from using flesh golems, blood golems etc. clay is kind earth, use it freely.

The other team questioned about this and I think you should now it too. I update the first post rules when ever I run into these ones, to make them more clear.

On monsters as warbeast and mounts: As long it smallfolk themed yes can buy whatever (no aberrations or outsiders), remember that such beasts need a rider or a shepherd. A rider needs 5 ranks in ride skill to control a specific mount, and shepherd need two ranks in handle animal skill, per creature he controls. A unit can both a rider and a shepherd (but a shepherd cannot mount a creature even though he can control it with handle animal)

Troops and classRemember that your troops all are traditionally smallfolks classed. Dragon shaman will do, but for the future:smallwink:

2010-04-08, 02:41 AM
Updated the rules on troops Rcm, it more of adjustments but read them if you want cool golems.
It is in this threads first post too.

I'm starting to dislike rules no clay golems either :smallfrown:

2010-04-08, 03:48 AM
Answer and comments ecp. for Sanity702 and Yukits, but everybody should take a look.

I am still confused on the buying the people, just tell me what I can buy or my gold and I will be happy. and we have to leave a certain percentage at the main base correct?I am sorry If I am confusing you guys. I am trying to make this easy, but I could not have thought of all the question and misunderstandings twelve people could make.
I hope you will stay with me and that I can make things clear, I think it is clear from where I am setting and will do all I can to make so it also are for you, but updating the first post.
I know it is confusing too that I am changing guidelines, but you must understand that I am simply marking the corners and at the same time trying to make it simple to overview.

- Your hard working DM:smallwink: (but I am still hopping of excitement in my chair to see how this battle is going to go. I will tell you one thing, It's going to get NASTY for BOTH teams).

To answer the question:
Troops Rcm: You can buy any kind of smallfolk themed troops, where each single creature can have max 4 class levels and the max CR 5. In addition to this you may buy warbeast, golems, mounts (creatures without the ability to take class levels) with CR uptil 7.
Troops cost: A foot trooper cost 2 sp/day x CR (that is 14 days x 2/day x CR = 28 sp x CR)
more on mounted troops later, but I promise it will be simple. I am trying to make the original complicated rules easier to overview.

Cost of every unit is CRx2.8 GP for the length of the siege as predicted. If it runs longer, remember, you don't have to keep paying dead troops, and as the goodguys in a siege we have some lenience. In practice, you can get a massive suicide squad of unintelligents with slam attacks, ram them down the enemy throat on day 1, and not worry about paying them.
Thanks for helping the DM out. Good idea about the Rcm officer. However troops need to be paid forehand.
EDIT: See post 77 # for goodies
EDIT: Some of the changing in the rules is also for balancing.
EDIT: I can see that I will need to post some basic npc trooper stats. I will three based (melee/ranged soldier, rogish or other experts requiring dex and int, spellcaster (variant on spellcasting ability).

2010-04-08, 04:02 AM
Answer and comments ecp. for Sanity702 and Yukits, but everybody should take a look.
I am sorry If I am confusing you guys. I am trying to make this easy, but I could not have thought of all the question and misunderstandings twelve people could make.
I hope you will stay with me and that I can make things clear, I think it is clear from where I am setting and will do all I can to make so it also are for you, but updating the first post.
I know it is confusing too that I am changing guidelines, but you must understand that I am simply marking the corners and at the same time trying to make it simple to overview.

- Your hard working DM:smallwink: (but I am still hopping of excitement in my chair to see how this battle is going to go. I will tell you one thing, It's going to get NASTY for BOTH teams).

To answer the question:
Troops Rcm: You can buy any kind of smallfolk themed troops, where each single creature can have max 4 class levels and the max CR 5. In addition to this you may buy warbeast, golems, mounts (creatures without the ability to take class levels) with CR uptil 7.
Troops cost: A foot trooper cost 2 sp/day x CR (that is 14 days x 2/day x CR = 28 sp x CR)
more on mounted troops later, but I promise it will be simple. I am trying to make the original complicated rules easier to overview.

Thanks for helping the DM out. Good idea about the Rcm officer. However troops need to be paid forehand.
EDIT: See post 77 # for goodies
EDIT: Some of the changing in the rules is also for balancing.

I hate the fact that I can't buy clay golems (CR10). Flesh golems are not funny, berserking in a war is stupid, certainly if he starts it in your camp.. Cavalry is not that usefull either, because of woods and stuff.

2010-04-08, 04:09 AM
I hate the fact that I can't buy clay golems (CR10). Flesh golems are not funny, berserking in a war is stupid, certainly if he starts it in your camp.. Cavalry is not that usefull either, because of woods and stuff.You can buy golems, I was just mistaken, thinking that clay was a organism. A bacteria actually, dont were I got the idea from. I'll updated the rules.
EDIT: CR 10, that is right. You could break em down to monster class and have lesser clay golems, could you not :smallsmile:

2010-04-08, 04:22 AM
You can buy golems, I was just mistaken, thinking that clay was a organism. A bacteria actually, dont were I got the idea from. I'll updated the rules.
EDIT: CR 10, that is right. You could break em down to monster class and have lesser clay golems, could you not :smallsmile:

Than the question is where can I build those.

2010-04-08, 08:51 AM
Than the question is where can I build those.You are currently in the camp of the main, planning your strategy, picking troops, etc. I am sure they have some gnome wizard that could do the trick for you.

2010-04-08, 09:07 AM
You are currently in the camp of the main, planning your strategy, picking troops, etc. I am sure they have some gnome wizard that could do the trick for you.

I have with a little luck precisely the creature I need. a force golem. CR 4 must see what's he worth, but that will be this evening. Wil write down the skills and specifics as soon as I know them.

2010-04-08, 09:55 AM
Question: What does SLA stand for and what does it mean. I have come across the term many times and never understood it. English is not my first language.

2010-04-08, 10:12 AM
Question: What does SLA stand for and what does it mean. I have come across the term many times and never understood it. English is not my first language.

Spell like ability. Creatures have spell like abilities that imitate spells, without the individual actually being a spell caster.

2010-04-08, 11:04 AM
In short terms they can do things a normal creature can't. Badboom badabing. You die no save

2010-04-08, 11:20 AM
I get it, how obvious.:smallannoyed:

2010-04-08, 11:37 AM
About Monster Manual 5, it takes a little bit longer does anybody has the book.

2010-04-08, 11:40 AM
About Monster Manual 5, it takes a little bit longer does anybody has the book.

Nope, sorry. All my books literally died in a fire.

2010-04-08, 11:42 AM
About Monster Manual 5, it takes a little bit longer does anybody has the book.

i might but im not at home at the moment. I know i have 1-4 not sure about 5. would have to check. but that wont be until another 5-6 hours before i'll get home. at school now.

2010-04-08, 11:44 AM
i might but im not at home at the moment. I know i have 1-4 not sure about 5. would have to check. but that wont be until another 5-6 hours before i'll get home. at school now.

I have 1-4 too, but take it easy, it's more because I read something about force golems. CR4 golems. So that's why I want it

2010-04-08, 11:48 AM
ill try to remember and check if i have it when i get home. :smallsmile:

2010-04-08, 11:54 AM
Hartelijk bedankt. Or like the English say Thank you very much.

Edit1: not necessary anymore just got it in. A force golem, will put the stats here in the next post (for allies and DM)

2010-04-08, 12:00 PM
FORCE GOLEM Humanoid in shape but covered in reflective blue-green metal
plates, this creature looks as though it has been mangled or rent by
powerful hands. Its body sags as though its armor has melted, or
perhaps was reshaped by great force.

Force Golem CR 4

Usually N Large construct
Init +7;
Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Listen +2, Spot +3
Languages Common, Terran

AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +4 deflection, +2 natural)
hp 52 (4 HD); DR 5/adamantine
Immune construct immunities, magic
Resist sonic 10
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Weakness force vulnerability
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee 2 slams +6 each (1d8+4)
Ranged pulse +5 ranged touch (knock back)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +11
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions force burst, force reactive
Abilities Str 19, Dex 16, Con —, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
SA force burst, force reactive, pulse
SQ construct traits
Feats Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot
Skills Balance +8, Jump +11, Listen +2, Spot +3, Tumble +9
Advancement 5–10 HD (Large); 11–15 HD (Huge)
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A force golem is immune to spells
and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. This
immunity does not extend to force effects.
Force Vulnerability (Ex) Force effects deal half again as much
(+50%) damage to a force golem.
Force Burst (Su) Once every 3 rounds, a force golem can
create a 30-foot-radius burst of force centered on itself.
Creatures in the area take 2d6 points of damage and
are knocked prone. Those who succeed on a DC 14
Reflex save take half damage and remain standing.
Force golems are immune to this ability. The save DC is
Force Reactive (Su) Whenever an opponent attacks and
misses a force golem with a melee attack, the force golem
can turn the kinetic energy of the attack back on the
attacker as an immediate action. The attacker is pushed
5 feet into an empty square of the force golem’s choice.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Pulse (Sp) A force golem can target any corporeal opponent
within 60 feet with a ranged touch attack. If the force
golem hits, it and its target make opposed Strength
checks. If the force golem wins the opposed check, the
opponent is pushed 10 feet in a direction of the golem’s
choice and falls prone in the square it ends up in. This
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

2010-04-08, 12:02 PM
I want 20 CR of these to put on the walls. As a defense, someone disagreeing with me about that?

2010-04-08, 12:03 PM
hate to put this out there but do force golems really fit with the theme of small defenders? :smallconfused:

2010-04-08, 12:06 PM
Actually, how strange it sounds yes. It speaks Terran for one, the language of the earth. Besides that it looks like it's clothed in armor. And they are the best golems we can hire :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-08, 12:18 PM
I want 20 CR of these to put on the walls. As a defense, someone disagreeing with me about that?

Behind near breach is better. Want range at the walls.

2010-04-08, 12:21 PM
Behind near breach is better. Want range at the walls.

This are our shocktroops so to speak :smallbiggrin:. They need some range though. 30 ft around them there may be none of our troops (because of the 2d6 force effect every 3 rounds (every creature knocked prone is attackable

2010-04-08, 12:23 PM
well we are only allowed 300 CR worth of creatures. As such that's 50 CR per player. I will only use 20 for rogues and whatnot so anyone else can use the other 30CR of mine.

As to the slings and magic stone, while a good idea, I like the idea of long range better along with arrows that can catch unattended food supplies/tents/war machines on fire. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-08, 12:30 PM
well we are only allowed 300 CR worth of creatures. As such that's 50 CR per player. I will only use 20 for rogues and whatnot so anyone else can use the other 30CR of mine.

As to the slings and magic stone, while a good idea, I like the idea of long range better along with arrows that can catch unattended food supplies/tents/war machines on fire. :smallbiggrin:

In that case I want 20/32 CR of golems behind me, the rest will be given to (complete with funds) to the recruitment officer aka Yukitsu.) So I need CR32 * 2 sp = 64 sp*14=896 sp = 89,6 gp that means I have left for the recruitment of other defense: 998-89.6=908.4 gp

I wil buy 5 Force Golems and 3 surprises I will post tomorrow (Magnacore Golems also CR4, creatures of Earth and Fire)

2010-04-08, 12:42 PM
In that case, if they burrow, these Magnacore golems might make for a great sapper squad for following me. I need to get my hands in MMV to check.

2010-04-08, 12:43 PM
In that case, if they burrow, these Magnacore golems might make for a great sapper squad for following me. I need to get my hands in MMV to check.

They do not burrow, they do melt ground though

2010-04-08, 03:38 PM
I have a grand total of 6gp left atm, so I won't be using any troops. I work alone :-p

2010-04-08, 04:07 PM
Ok here is a thought from me,

we allow deathslayer7 to get his rouges at whatever his CR # of people was, because dragonsbreath arrows are nasty against everything from siege weapons, food supplie, tents, even any gun powder they may have. I can spend the remaining of my gold on poison destribute it among his rouges then whatever food they don't burn they can posion.

Just a thought and that 300 CR level cap kinda hurts. :smallfrown: but I think if you allow us to do this then we can do some serrious damage. As for the assassination attempts Deathslayer7 and myself can attempt to handle those. We would just need descriptions of targets and where they might be in the camp.

edit - this also means that I relinquish my 50 CR worth of people.

2010-04-08, 04:14 PM
I am trying to think of a non-psionic way to get minor creation at low levels. Anyone know of any method to do so? It makes black lotus poison free.

Edit: Urgh, small scale is hard for me sometimes. Last IRL campaign involved 834K soldiers and a support staff of 150K on field guarding a 3126 square kilometer region.

2010-04-08, 07:29 PM
ok i suggest I go with my rogues on the premission for recon.

If this okay, let me know.

What I can do.

To get in I have shape change and as i enter i'll drink a potion of invis to hide from sentries. From there its my +18 disguise check to keep in disguise and if someone spots through it then a immediate bluff check to reestablish the blown disguise at a +7 modifier.

The first is against a spot, the second is against a sense motive. Once in it should be relatively easy to get the info i need. I could try to poison their food supplies as well as try to burn down one of their siege weapons (on the way out).

Rogues if need be, can provide a one second distraction if i need to get into a certain tent or need a quick escape route.

stats for level 1 rogues (race to be determined) with padded armor, shortbow 20 arrows and 2 dragons breath arrows. Two daggers and padded armor.

Leader level 3 rogue (race to be determined) with studded leather, shortbow 2 daggers, light mace along with 20 arrows and 2 dragons breath arrows.

what would their stats be.

2010-04-09, 01:00 AM
ok i suggest I go with my rogues on the premission for recon.

If this okay, let me know.

What I can do.

To get in I have shape change and as i enter i'll drink a potion of invis to hide from sentries. From there its my +18 disguise check to keep in disguise and if someone spots through it then a immediate bluff check to reestablish the blown disguise at a +7 modifier.

The first is against a spot, the second is against a sense motive. Once in it should be relatively easy to get the info i need. I could try to poison their food supplies as well as try to burn down one of their siege weapons (on the way out).

Rogues if need be, can provide a one second distraction if i need to get into a certain tent or need a quick escape route.

stats for level 1 rogues (race to be determined) with padded armor, shortbow 20 arrows and 2 dragons breath arrows. Two daggers and padded armor.

Leader level 3 rogue (race to be determined) with studded leather, shortbow 2 daggers, light mace along with 20 arrows and 2 dragons breath arrows.

what would their stats be.

I think the rogues use your stats. One thing on the recon mission, let one small group of rogues cause mayhem on the opponnents side of the camp.Than it's easier to sneak in at your site.

2010-04-09, 01:35 AM
I am a little busy at the moment I will be posting stats and answering questions tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

2010-04-09, 01:59 AM
Can someone direct me towards a place to buy good poison? Or good poisons to buy and price

2010-04-09, 02:09 AM
Can someone direct me towards a place to buy good poison? Or good poisons to buy and price

Nope sorry, no information here.

2010-04-09, 10:53 AM
Can someone direct me towards a place to buy good poison? Or good poisons to buy and price

Dungeonscape, Complete Scoundrel, and DMG. Waterdeep, City of Splendor has the very best inhaled one for low level. Drow of the Underdark has some good stuff too.

2010-04-09, 12:22 PM
Can someone direct me towards a place to buy good poison? Or good poisons to buy and price

Sorry, I can't think of any. The ones in the book are too expensive without psionics or level 7 wizards.

OK, at the fort, I have changed up recruitment to 20 heavy crossbowmen grenadiers with bayonets, and 20 cavalry using another individual's extra 10 CR. That's 20% at the fort. I'm using all warforged. The grenadier foot will hold the fort until it's taken, detonate it and retreat, then the grenadier horse will charge in to cause as much destruction and distraction for the assassin types to cause some trouble.

So far I've got 108 to work with for the main base. If we have force golems at the main gate wall, I'll have 3 teams of 4 slingers with 3 teams of 2 support clerics for the towers. That's 12 halfling fighter 1 and 6 cleric 1, bringing us down to 90 CR.

Medical staff will be 30 sorcerers, level 1 with precocious apprentice. Down to 60.

A regiment of 30 warforged fighter 1s with with long spears will be behind the force golems near the tunnels.

A final regiment of 30 dwarven clerics will be in the tunnels looking out for enemy sappers. If the warforged blocking a breach are in trouble, they will move out of the tunnels to support.

Whatever we have left from the remaining commanders, I'll throw into specialist support monsters, like dragons.

2010-04-10, 03:43 AM
Sorry, I can't think of any. The ones in the book are too expensive without psionics or level 7 wizards.

OK, at the fort, I have changed up recruitment to 20 heavy crossbowmen grenadiers with bayonets, and 20 cavalry using another individual's extra 10 CR. That's 20% at the fort. I'm using all warforged. The grenadier foot will hold the fort until it's taken, detonate it and retreat, then the grenadier horse will charge in to cause as much destruction and distraction for the assassin types to cause some trouble.

So far I've got 108 to work with for the main base. If we have force golems at the main gate wall, I'll have 3 teams of 4 slingers with 3 teams of 2 support clerics for the towers. That's 12 halfling fighter 1 and 6 cleric 1, bringing us down to 90 CR.

Medical staff will be 30 sorcerers, level 1 with precocious apprentice. Down to 60.

A regiment of 30 warforged fighter 1s with with long spears will be behind the force golems near the tunnels.

A final regiment of 30 dwarven clerics will be in the tunnels looking out for enemy sappers. If the warforged blocking a breach are in trouble, they will move out of the tunnels to support.

Whatever we have left from the remaining commanders, I'll throw into specialist support monsters, like dragons.

We have my elite golemsquad, if the wall gets breeched, my force golems get in, when there are trolls, my magnacore golems get in (will post there stats here shortly). I have changed my mind a little bit: 8 force golems + 2 magnacore golems. The force golems can take care of a lot of units in one hit. The magnacore are there for creatures like trolls and stuff. If needed at least.

For the team, the golems are my elite squad, but are under the placement of Yukitsu, who also has gotten the rest of my money which is if I'm correct (correct me if I'm wrong): 10 *cr 4=10*8sp=80 sp*14=1120 sp = 112 gp, so that means Yukitsu will get 998-112 = 886 gp and the 10 CR of creatures I do not need.
Dm: do you want to know some knowledge checks and the info you get from there?

2010-04-10, 09:03 AM
One day while planning the siege and drilling the troops your being call the attend the general's tent.

In there he is waiting for you behind a table which is filled with outstretched maps.

"Captain, I want you and your lieutenants to chose one of you that can go behind enemy lines and gather information about the enemy army, prior to the battle. The individual must not, I repeat, NOT take any enemy lives and be back before the siege begins. It is to risky to get caught and you all know to much about our army, but at the same time your are the best we have at the moment. That was gentlemen, return to your duties."

2010-04-10, 09:09 AM
Sir, yes sir. In that case I think I have precisely the right person for that job. I will send one of my reconlieutenants on that mission. They will be the best pick. It's too soon in the campaign for me to go and deal with the opponent with my own 'special' abilities. I will report the person that will go as soon as I have spoken to her.

2010-04-10, 09:31 AM
Perhaps we should set up some spiked pit traps around our small fortress. Any creatures we kill or injure will hamper their effort. We might get lucky and remove an officer from the battle for a short while. My soften earth and stone spell can make the construction process easier.

2010-04-10, 09:34 AM
Perhaps we should set up some spiked pit traps around our small fortress. Any creatures we kill or injure will hamper their effort. We might get lucky and remove an officer from the battle for a short while. My soften earth and stone spell can make the construction process easier.

You can work together with our defenselieutenant in buying troops, getting the defenses ready and preparing the ranks.
The idea is certainly a good one. But she has the knowhow to do it. Good luck.

2010-04-10, 09:46 AM
Perhaps we should set up some spiked pit traps around our small fortress. Any creatures we kill or injure will hamper their effort. We might get lucky and remove an officer from the battle for a short while. My soften earth and stone spell can make the construction process easier.

I'm getting spikes made with resources taken from the forest. I would appreciate if you can turn those into traps, as I had simply planned on spiking the moat.

Recalc of troops that I can account for, I've got 130. So as above + 22. I'll look for what our last commander is doing, and post up what I'm doing after I figure that out. I suspect I've got 180 to work with.

Also, I've decided that all of our cavalry are riding 2 wheeled animated objects as their mounts. That's right, hard metal biker gang lancers.

2010-04-10, 09:52 AM
I need the lieutenants of recon and sabotage here. One of them will be sended on a mission. Did you buy oil from the money, because then we could dig a trench, fil it with oil, than close it up. When the oponnetent is above it light it on fire.

2010-04-10, 09:55 AM
I need the lieutenants of recon and sabotage here. One of them will be sended on a mission. Did you buy oil from the money, because then we could dig a trench, fil it with oil, than close it up. When the oponnetent is above it light it on fire.

I bought 500 pints of oil, but am using them as ammunition. I could get more and use them in traps, but enough oil to get a lot of them is going to be costly. The spike ones are cheaper to mass produce.

2010-04-10, 09:56 AM
I bought 500 pints of oil, but am using them as ammunition. I could get more and use them in traps, but enough oil to get a lot of them is going to be costly. The spike ones are cheaper to mass produce.

Burning spikes :smallbiggrin:. You're right

2010-04-10, 09:58 AM
Burning spikes :smallbiggrin:. You're right

Actually, that I think I can make work for a relatively economical price. Cheaper than just oil in a hole, more damage than just spikes.

2010-04-10, 09:59 AM
Actually, that I think I can make work for a relatively economical price. Cheaper than just oil in a hole, more damage than just spikes.

The Question: *sniffs the air* what are you making.
The Answer: Koboldkebabs

2010-04-10, 10:00 AM
Any problems with me utilizing some of the troops around the fort to assist in construction? I'd like to place as many pit traps as feasible, and of varying sizes just to be a bit unpredictable. Since we have an escape tunnel we really don't *need* to have a clear path on the outside of the fortress, save for the cavalry, and as long as they know where the pits begin and end in a general zone they can avoid them on a charge.

I'm thinking fairly simple wooden frames covered with cloth or something similar covered in dirt.

I want several of these on the main road to the keep, the most direct path from their encampment to ours and on the sides of the main road. The excess dirt I'd like dispersed over the whole area so we don't have a huge pile of dirt somewhere, and that everywhere around the fort looks like loose dirt so its harder to spot the pits.

2010-04-10, 10:07 AM
Any problems with me utilizing some of the troops around the fort to assist in construction? I'd like to place as many pit traps as feasible, and of varying sizes just to be a bit unpredictable. Since we have an escape tunnel we really don't *need* to have a clear path on the outside of the fortress, save for the cavalry, and as long as they know where the pits begin and end in a general zone they can avoid them on a charge.

I'm thinking fairly simple wooden frames covered with cloth or something similar covered in dirt.

I want several of these on the main road to the keep, the most direct path from their encampment to ours and on the sides of the main road. The excess dirt I'd like dispersed over the whole area so we don't have a huge pile of dirt somewhere, and that everywhere around the fort looks like loose dirt so its harder to spot the pits.

I've got 90 dudes posted there so far who can help out, but they will need to stop working and get back into position when the time comes to fight. In other words, just use the troops we have stationed there to work.

2010-04-10, 10:09 AM
If necessay I have some magnacore golems (only 2 I admit it) that are perfect for actually nevermind, they're good for nothing until the battle comes. Sigh

2010-04-10, 10:09 AM
I've got 90 dudes posted there so far who can help out, but they will need to stop working and get back into position when the time comes to fight. In other words, just use the troops we have stationed there to work.

I'll take them, and when should I send them back? Or will you send for them lol.

Bear in mind I'm a healer, not a scout.

2010-04-10, 10:11 AM
I'll take them, and when should I send them back? Or will you send for them lol.

Bear in mind I'm a healer, not a scout.

let me put it this way. As soon as the cavalry comes from the outpost to the main fortress you need them ready. You need to be there to lead them to the pitland. But the rest need to be on the wall.

2010-04-10, 10:14 AM
I'll take them, and when should I send them back? Or will you send for them lol.

Bear in mind I'm a healer, not a scout.

Oh wait, you mean for the small fort? I have 20 troops billited their so far. With the way things are, I may add 10 sorcs to the list.

Since it's a smaller fortification with a moat, we probably won't need as large a work crew.

These guys have shovels and axes already mind you. And burning bits of string to light grenades with.

2010-04-10, 10:53 AM
Oh wait, you mean for the small fort? I have 20 troops billited their so far. With the way things are, I may add 10 sorcs to the list.

Since it's a smaller fortification with a moat, we probably won't need as large a work crew.

These guys have shovels and axes already mind you. And burning bits of string to light grenades with.

If you'd prefer once we have a bunch there we can repeat the trick at the other fort.

I feel they won't expect the same trick twice.

2010-04-10, 12:50 PM
Reporting for duty sir. says a silky voice behind him. you called?

2010-04-10, 12:53 PM
It's yar turn to prove yerself sneak. You will be going alone on a mission to find out what the opponent is going to throw towards us. It's a mission for a volunteer. If you don't want to do it I agree. You will be alone with things that would love to kill you. Do you accept.

2010-04-10, 01:05 PM
I'll accept. am i free to do what i want?

2010-04-10, 01:08 PM
No there are heavy restrictions. No fights, no blood, no sabotage. Only recon. If this works get the information to the outpost. Than before their army is here hide in the woods with your forces which will be there with the other recontroops so you can work behind enemylines. I want enough updates. Weakest points, build-up of the army, that kind of stuff. We need the information badly. I do not like this, but I can't go. Good luck.

2010-04-10, 01:12 PM
The changeling frowns but responds. Very well. I expect you to honor your deal as well. he says referring to the pardon.

2010-04-10, 01:16 PM
If thanks to you we win you wil certainly have your pardon. If you are dead we will give you a hero's burial. If you turn coat, I will find you and kill you. But I do trust you, if I didn't I wouldn't have given you this chance good luck. Your the chance for you and them like you to earn being free.

2010-04-10, 01:29 PM
OOC: GM says that the pit traps will cost us some money (but less because I have a helpful spell). Waiting on a price for the job. I'll donate my 6gp to the job but I'm tapped out after that. Up to the defense boss to see if it is worth the cost.

2010-04-10, 01:45 PM
OOC: GM says that the pit traps will cost us some money (but less because I have a helpful spell). Waiting on a price for the job. I'll donate my 6gp to the job but I'm tapped out after that. Up to the defense boss to see if it is worth the cost. It will cost 30,4 gp to place traps along one section of walls of the smaller keep.

And double the amount to place traps along the outer wall of the dwarven stronghold.

You can of course try and make it cheaper, I have already lowered the price due to natural resources and one caster casting soften earth spell.

2010-04-10, 01:47 PM
And what will it cost to put that kind of traps near the fortress.

And use a part of my money for the traps. If there's some left after troopbuy :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-10, 02:53 PM
I have updated the keep maps.
EDIT: I have updated the dwarven stronghold maps.

2010-04-10, 10:43 PM
First question: What's a section of wall? 5ft? 10ft?

Secondly; more to our group; what sort of funding are we looking at for the pit traps? I don't want to take a lot of money from any other potential projects.

2010-04-10, 10:45 PM
First question: What's a section of wall? 5ft? 10ft?

Secondly; more to our group; what sort of funding are we looking at for the pit traps? I don't want to take a lot of money from any other potential projects.

Whatever we have left when we're done equipment.

A wall section in the stronghold builders guide is IIRC 20 feet long to a side.

2010-04-10, 11:00 PM
ok guys. any final thoughts on equipment before i go on this mission? :smallconfused:

2010-04-11, 01:21 AM
OOC - I kinda feel useless hear..... :smalleek:
Yea and 1 hint death... .DON'T SCREW UP! Also if money is needed for traps let me know.

IC -

Erall places his hand on his friends back, a gesture that he has always done it is one that conveys, the strength to overcome any conflict, the agility to avoid danger, and most of all luck.

He looked at the commander, With your permission sir, I would like to head off to the small fort now that way when Kaladrin gets back he and I may instantly start terrorizing the enemy.

2010-04-11, 04:20 AM

Not yet laddie. I will command the troops needed at the outpost to there. You will act as a messenger between me and them. I need the details. Put the troops in the forest of Radene near the exit of the secret tunnel and command them not to attack. They are essential for guerilla tactics. Hit and run. As soon as the armed forces have arrived at the outpost you will join up with them. Hopefully your collegue will at that moment be also in the outpost. You will be the ones that leave before the real fighting starts. Through the secret tunnel off course. Joined up with your forces you will wait until they have build up their camp, when that has happened try to sabotage as much as possible. Burn the siegeweapons, slit throats of some forces. But get out before it´s to dangerous. Understood.

2010-04-11, 07:43 AM
OOC: As soon as Deathslayer7 has chosen gear for his PC, he will recon
Dont forget the deadline

2010-04-11, 07:48 AM

If I was her I would take at least one potion of Invisibility. When things go wrong not being visible is a good way to get out.

2010-04-11, 11:23 AM
OK, to add to the list, and the final roster of troops, the last 70 CR.

6 CR 7 young silver dragons. Note this is a mountainous magical animal.

8 more CR 1 sorcerers.

10 CR 2 bike riding lancers.

So, barring individually purchased troops, that's a total roster of:

30 warforged fighter 1, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs, stationed behind the main wall.

30 dwarven fighter 1, toughness, point blank shot
Carrying halberds, 5x javalins, will create barricades at the choke points rather than wear armour. Each grou of dwarves will be with a few dragons.

38 halfling sorcerer 1, precocious apprentice
Carrying spell component pouches.
Know: Magic missile, repair light damage, scorching ray

12 halfling fighter 1, point blank shot, far shot

12 dwarven cleric 1, precocious apprentice, war and artifice domains
Prepared: Magic stone x 2, magic weapon x1, sound burst x1

6 young silver dragons

10 warforged fighter 2, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances

Edit: Specific commander add ons.

Dusk: 10 golems

Me: 20 warforged fighter 1, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs

20 warforged fighter 2, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances

Deeathslayer: 17 CR 1 rogues, 1 CR 3 rogue.

2010-04-11, 11:51 AM
OK, to add to the list, and the final roster of troops, the last 70 CR.
10 warforged fighter 2, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lancesdo you have some stats on the wheeled animated object. ?

2010-04-11, 11:55 AM
do you have some stats on the wheeled animated object. ?


All animated objects are here. Wheels are listed as a speed change variable.

Steampunk cavalry FTW!

2010-04-11, 03:37 PM
If you do not mind, Commander, I would like to use this for a mount. I discovered it in the tunnels, and it appears to be trained already.

OOC: Hiring an Ankheg advanced to 9HD, making it CR 6, with this statblock
Cost I wasn't sure how to price but would 30gp/day be sufficient?

Knows the tricks "Attack (All types)" and "Down"

Warmount of Preserver 1 (Advanced Ankheg)
Huge Magical Beast
Initiative -1
Speed 30 ft, Burrow 20ft
Space 20ft Reach 10ft
AC: 19 (Base 10, 12 natural, -1 dex, -2 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: 9/
Attack: Bite +16 (3d6+13 + 1d4 acid)
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Spit acid
Special Qualities: Tremorsense 60ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low-light vision,
Abilities: 29str 8dex 21con 1int 13wis 6cha
Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack, Powerful Charge
Fort +11 Reflex +5 Will +4
Spit acid (ex):
Deals 4d4 acid in a 30 foot line, but can't use for another 6 hours after

2010-04-11, 04:16 PM
Ok for poisons I was thinking about getting Oil of taggit Dc 15 ingestion (poor it on what ever food we do not burn) and it does no initial damage but its secondary damage is unconsciousness.

2010-04-11, 04:19 PM
Ok for poisons I was thinking about getting Oil of taggit Dc 15 ingestion (poor it on what ever food we do not burn) and it does no initial damage but its secondary damage is unconsciousness.

That one's not too useful. They just delay the attack a day, start checking their rations before they eat them, and ignore the rest. It's more useful for them than us.

2010-04-11, 04:26 PM
If you do not mind, Commander, I would like to use this for a mount. I discovered it in the tunnels, and it appears to be trained already.

OOC: Hiring an Ankheg advanced to 9HD, making it CR 6, with this statblock
Cost I wasn't sure how to price but would 30gp/day be sufficient?

Knows the tricks "Attack (All types)" and "Down"

Warmount of Preserver 1 (Advanced Ankheg)
Huge Magical Beast
Initiative -1
Speed 30 ft, Burrow 20ft
Space 20ft Reach 10ft
AC: 19 (Base 10, 12 natural, -1 dex, -2 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: 9/
Attack: Bite +16 (3d6+13 + 1d4 acid)
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Spit acid
Special Qualities: Tremorsense 60ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low-light vision,
Abilities: 29str 8dex 21con 1int 13wis 6cha
Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack, Powerful Charge
Fort +11 Reflex +5 Will +4
Spit acid (ex):
Deals 4d4 acid in a 30 foot line, but can't use for another 6 hours after
its more likely to be 6x2(gp/day)x14(day)= 168 gp for the 14 days, isnt it? It count as a "foot trooper", and you dont have to pay yourself.
I would say you have to have at least five in both Ride and Handle Animal.

young silver dragons.I'm setting the line with creatures the are air based in an earth based army. Else dragons are a go too.

2010-04-11, 04:39 PM
That one's not too useful. They just delay the attack a day, start checking their rations before they eat them, and ignore the rest. It's more useful for them than us.

delay the attack by one day is better then them having an extra day.

2010-04-11, 05:25 PM
I would like if the army could be dived up by squad, that is assemble into battalion. each commanding PC the Is place as these formations, commanding officer. It makes it easier and more realistic.

2010-04-11, 05:34 PM
The Keep's garrison:

2 squads of grenadier guard with support squad of 8 hospitaler sorcerers forming 1 platoon.
4 squads of grenadier guard of horse.
Forming 1 partial battalion under command of Alan Halfshore

1 platoon of grenadier guard
1 platoon of dwarven light infantry
1 platoon of hospitaler sorcerers
Forming 1 full battalion under command of the Vulaas

1 platoon mixed guardsmen and guardsmen auxillary.
1 platoon mixed golems
1 platoon mixed golems and dragons.
Forming 1 battalion under command of army commander.

2 squads of auxillary cavalry
remaining dragons
Under command of army commander.

2 squads of auxillary scouts under command of deathslayer

2010-04-11, 05:39 PM
I believe there are some skirmishers that are unaccounted for.

EDIT: No you got those
EDIT: And that is the entire army? All right, remember what I said about silver dragons. Make them copper then you got your dragons.
EDIT: The dwarven light inf. is the clerics right?
EDIT: what no ballistas?

2010-04-11, 05:56 PM
Yup yup. Young silver and coppers are the same CR thankfully.

2010-04-11, 09:14 PM
EDIT: The dwarven light inf. is the clerics right?

30 dwarven fighter 1, toughness, point blank shot
Carrying halberds, 5x javalins, will create barricades at the choke points rather than wear armour. Each grou of dwarves will be with a few dragons.

From an earlier post. Clerics are guard auxilleries, as they need to cast magic stone on them. Guards are halflings with slings.

EDIT: what no ballistas?

My copy of heroes of battle unfortunately died in a fire. I do recall them being a touch sub-par for their cost however.

2010-04-11, 09:54 PM
its more likely to be 6x2(gp/day)x14(day)= 168 gp for the 14 days, isnt it? It count as a "foot trooper", and you dont have to pay yourself.
I would say you have to have at least five in both Ride and Handle Animal

Fair enough, and thanks for the generous pricing. For some reason I was thinking 'exotic' critters cost more.

2010-04-12, 12:50 AM
So that gives me a lot of troops as the army commander. I will place them all up and around the wall. The golems stay behind the wall. If it's breached they will be the first to get there.

2010-04-12, 01:38 AM
Not to press you but I could post the ballista's stats, and remember all ranged siege is half price for the defending army.
Posting link from SRD: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm
The ballista counts as an exotic weapon.

2010-04-12, 01:45 AM
Not to press you but I could post the ballista's stats, and remember all ranged siege is half price for the defending army.

Do not know if we have the money for that. But I will take it up with me defense lieutenant.

2010-04-12, 10:47 AM
Definitely not worth it. Costs 10 times as much as a heavy crossbow for a bit less than 3 times the damage.

I was thinking that one had different stats from the heroes of battle book, but actually that one looks pretty much spot on from what I remember.

edit: Which reminds me, my detachment is supposed to have 20 heavy crossbows.

Edit edit: If we meet something that requires a much stronger hit due to DR or fast heal or some crap we can magic missile and scorching ray spam them. Or sick some dragons on them.

2010-04-12, 12:31 PM
Fair enough, and thanks for the generous pricing. For some reason I was thinking 'exotic' critters cost more.Well it should properly have, but I am a cool guy:smallcool:

Level: Sor/Wiz 0, Brd 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Intangible semi-translucent ovals appear in front of the subject's eyes and block excessive incoming light. The subject receives a +1 bonus to any fortitude saves against being dazzled. This spell also allows subjects with light sensitivity to endure daylight without harm. Shades also allows subjects with down to a minimum of 4HD to look at a prismatic wall without being blinded.

And they boost your cha bonus +2 because they make you look cool.

2010-04-12, 12:32 PM
Well it should properly have, but I am a cool guy:smallcool:

I think we got us a army.

@yukitsu: My golems stay behind the wall, where do you want the others. Cavalry near the gate I guess?

2010-04-12, 12:41 PM
I think we got us a army.

@yukitsu: My golems stay behind the wall, where do you want the others. Cavalry near the gate I guess?

Partoling around the tunnels looking for tunnelers is my vote. Along with the dragons and dwarves.

If we need them at the walls, we can always recall them later.

2010-04-12, 12:43 PM
Partoling around the tunnels looking for tunnelers is my vote. Along with the dragons and dwarves.

If we need them at the walls, we can always recall them later.

Actually my golems ain't that fast, so I would nog mind putting them in the tunnels, but they are to slow to be fast at breaches. But okiedokie you have studied the defense. 2 force golems/2 magnacore stay up rest watches out for tunnelers, last option , take it or leave it :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-12, 12:46 PM
Actually my golems ain't that fast, so I would nog mind putting them in the tunnels, but they are to slow to be fast at breaches. But okiedokie you have studied the defense. 2 force golems/2 magnacore stay up rest watches out for tunnelers, last option , take it or leave it :smallbiggrin:

We'll keep them and the dwarves near the mouth of the tunnels, so they can be brought up more quickly, and leave the dragons in our deep reserves, as they are faster. Use your discretion as to when and if they need to be brought up to defend the walls.

2010-04-12, 12:47 PM
We'll keep them and the dwarves near the mouth of the tunnels, so they can be brought up more quickly, and leave the dragons in our deep reserves, as they are faster. Use your discretion as to when and if they need to be brought up to defend the walls.

Will do Otto will do :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-12, 12:47 PM
I have update the army status spoiler in one of the first post, plz make sure it is right

2010-04-12, 12:49 PM
note to team, since poison has been deemed no good, I still have quite a bit of gold I can spend (might get a potion of invis or two)

2010-04-12, 12:50 PM
I have update the army status spoiler in one of the first post, plz make sure it is right

There should be one less platoon of warforged fighters, and there should be a platoon of dwarven light infantry in its place.

2010-04-12, 12:50 PM
note to team, since poison has been deemed no good, I still have quite a bit of gold I can spend (might get a potion of invis or two)

Good idea. And maybe a potion of pass without trace. That way you have a simple escape plan and entry plan.

2010-04-12, 12:53 PM
note to team, since poison has been deemed no good, I still have quite a bit of gold I can spend (might get a potion of invis or two)

If you have a lot of money left over, poisons are an OK buy. Actually, get a scroll of minor creation, and use it to make black lotus venom.

2010-04-12, 12:55 PM
If you have a lot of money left over, poisons are an OK buy. Actually, get a scroll of minor creation, and use it to make black lotus venom.

Can he use scrolls?

2010-04-12, 12:57 PM
not if it requires use magic device. Sounds like a plan 2-3 potions of invis and 2-3 potions of pass without trace. (depending on price I may still have gold, goes off to check the prices)

2010-04-12, 01:01 PM
Can he use scrolls?

We can swap out the precocious apprentice feat for arcane mastery on one of our sorcerers and have them cast it for him if not. The duration lasts 7 hours, so he would have some leeway from when it's cast to when it's used.

2010-04-12, 01:03 PM
We can swap out the precocious apprentice feat for arcane mastery on one of our sorcerers and have them cast it for him if not. The duration lasts 7 hours, so he would have some leeway from when it's cast to when it's used.

I think that poison is not that necessary, specially because I'm planning to let them make hi and run attacks. Not really friendly, but it works. They must get in and get out. He, his partner in crime and their rogues are there to slow the team.

Every bit of food is on rations by the way.

2010-04-12, 01:08 PM
I did not take precious apprentice my dear sir, So I believe you are looking at the wrong sheet.

2010-04-12, 01:09 PM
I did not take precious apprentice my dear sir, So I believe you are looking at the wrong sheet.

I mean someone can cast it for you. All our sorcs took precocious apprentice. However, da boss deems it's not worth the effort.

2010-04-12, 01:12 PM
Oh, misunderstood their in which case after I buy the potions I will donate the rest of my money to pitfall traps.

2010-04-12, 01:13 PM
I mean someone can cast it for you. All our sorcs took precocious apprentice. However, da boss deems it's not worth the effort.

It's worth the effort if you send one of the sorcs with the rogues. I do not expect them to be effective within 7 hours. So he can buy the scrolls if he takes a sorceror with him. And a lot of buckets :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-12, 03:20 PM
Sir, would I be further allowed to customize the sorcerers under my command, as their Precocious Apprentice spells have not yet been taken?

Edit: Nevermind, seems they have. In that case, could they be Strongheart halflings, with their other feat being the Fiery burst reserve feat?

2010-04-12, 03:21 PM
Sir, would I be further allowed to customize the sorcerers under my command, as their Precocious Apprentice spells have not yet been taken?

Of course. I actually wrote them as having scorching ray, but switch it around to whatever you want.

2010-04-12, 03:26 PM
Silly me, not reading carefully enough.

Switching 18 of them to having grease instead of Magic Missile.

2010-04-12, 04:06 PM
I kind of recommend against that. RAI, grease isn't flammable (incindiary slime, a level 2 spell is flammable grease), and it only lasts 1 round at level 1.

2010-04-12, 04:19 PM
Doh, some reason I thought it lasted longer. Still, thinking we need a little variety, so looking for other options for some of them. Also, as per my edit, any objections to them being Stronghearts with Fiery Burst?

2010-04-12, 04:24 PM
Doh, some reason I thought it lasted longer. Still, thinking we need a little variety, so looking for other options for some of them. Also, as per my edit, any objections to them being Stronghearts with Fiery Burst?

No, that's an excellent idea. Toss that on all of them for that matter.

Can't think of anything that would be great for variety. Perhaps a few with alarm to help our hallway patrollers?

2010-04-12, 05:03 PM
That would be good, or also some with Benign Transposition so if you attack them it's possible to suddenly have a warforged in your face instead.

Possibly 10 sleep, 8 transposition, 8 alarm, 12 magic missile still?

2010-04-12, 05:04 PM
That would be good, or also some with Benign Transposition so if you attack them it's possible to suddenly have a warforged in your face instead.

Possibly 10 sleep, 8 transposition, 8 alarm, 12 magic missile still?

Sleep probably won't help in this case as much as normal. They'd have enough guys left over in the back ranks twiddling their thumbs that they could just slap them all awake. I'd split the sleep 50/50 magic missile and benign transposition given the use of fiery burst.

2010-04-12, 05:12 PM
Works for me.

2010-04-13, 12:49 AM
Looks like a plan laddies.

Has the recon team allready set out to scout the opponent.

Is the grenadier squad readied for the attack. Are our defenses ready. Is the outpost rigged. My troops have been placed in the tunnels. Do me dragons have tremorsense? And team let's win this one for the smallfolk.

Set out and annihilate.

2010-04-13, 09:16 AM
two questions: first DM; what would the overall cost be to rig the whole outside of the small fort with pit traps (save maybe one section for our use)

Secondly (to our people once the DM answers) do we have that gold available.

2010-04-13, 10:36 AM
two questions: first DM; what would the overall cost be to rig the whole outside of the small fort with pit traps (save maybe one section for our use)

Secondly (to our people once the DM answers) do we have that gold available.

By my calcs, it'll cost 729 to do the keep, and we have 900 left after troop purchases, so not enough for both sites. Feel free to place down a couple of them anyway, even if we can't get the whole wall. That means about 5 20 foot long sections.

2010-04-13, 12:20 PM
two questions: first DM; what would the overall cost be to rig the whole outside of the small fort with pit traps (save maybe one section for our use) Save the section for your use thats 91,2 gp.

2010-04-13, 10:39 PM
Save the section for your use thats 91,2 gp.

Do the small keep then and 3 sections of the large keep's outer wall.

2010-04-13, 10:46 PM
Sounds good.

I need to set up my day by day routine for the keep troops.

let's see, 4 troopers on the walls on lookout duty along with all 8 sorcs.

16 troopers weakening our outer walls, and bracing the ceiling with wooden beams. (Beams are designed to support it, but positioned such that one explosion will knock them all over, sapping the building.)

Watch groups rotate back into building every 5 hours, with 15 minute overlap to prevent gaps in the lookouts.

4 cavalry on patrol about 1 kilometer out in all directions.

16 cavalry working on cutting and carrying timber back to the fort.

Same rotation procedure.

Also, those pit traps cost less than I had thought, as I had assumed it was by the 20 foot section. So we have some money to use gentlemen. Any requests for the last ~700?

2010-04-14, 01:29 AM
Fill them with oil partly?

2010-04-14, 01:37 AM
Oil is a good suggestion. But on the other hand, do we have enough ammo for everyone, enough gunpowder. Some scrols would be okay.
Cauldrons with boiling oil (if we go medieval we do it right).
We are the defenders we will not lket them pass.

By the way, what about first throwing the boiling oil over them and then throwing a toch to them. Catch.

2010-04-14, 11:54 AM
Already included 800 pints of the stuff. Only 80 Gp.

I'm going to buy 2 raven familiars. They can scout out around the fortress to a mile flying high, and can speak common. 1 for the keep, one for the proper fortress.

2010-04-14, 11:56 AM
Already included 800 pints of the stuff. Only 80 Gp.

I'm going to buy 2 raven familiars. They can scout out around the fortress to a mile flying high, and can speak common. 1 for the keep, one for the proper fortress.

Only allowed if they are called Hugin and Mugin :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-14, 11:59 AM
I will call them Huggin' and Muggin'.

2010-04-14, 12:04 PM
I will call them Huggin' and Muggin'.

Why O Irony Why :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-14, 12:09 PM
Why O Irony Why :smallbiggrin:

It's what you get for saying "Mugin" instead of "Muninn". :smalltongue:

2010-04-14, 12:10 PM
It's what you get for saying "Mugin" instead of "Muninn". :smalltongue:

I only knew something like Hugin the other one I do not know. But watch out or I will fire you :smallbiggrin: Insubordenance aint accepted :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-14, 12:17 PM
Posh! Ya can't fire me. If I were gone, who'd be stuck with all the work?

2010-04-14, 12:21 PM
Posh! Ya can't fire me. If I were gone, who'd be stuck with all the work?

In that case I should take over. Do you know when the real battle starts. Is there any news from the recon. Is everyone allready in position.

2010-04-14, 12:28 PM
Ok I bought 3 potions of Invis, 3 potions of pass without a trace
and I am donating my remaining 86 gold for pitfall traps..

((sorry it took me so long to finish that I was a tad lazy))

2010-04-14, 12:32 PM
Ok I bought 3 potions of Invis, 3 potions of pass without a trace
and I am donating my remaining 86 gold for pitfall traps..

((sorry it took me so long to finish that I was a tad lazy))

Welcome in the army son, we will drill that lazyness out of you. Go with the rogues toward the outpost and from there move your troops through the secret tunnel into the forest. From there on wait for the spy in the enemycamp and attack the opponent in the back. Destroy siege-equipment slit some evil throats and come back alive. And if there's any news I expect you to bring it to me immediatly understood.

2010-04-14, 05:12 PM
I will call them Huggin' and Muggin'.
They are called Hugin and Munin in Denmark.

In the anglo-saxon tongue there are called Huginn and Muninn (I think, not sure).

It means thought and memory, or it is the other way around. Sure for the history class, it just one of the many things a dapple with.

2010-04-14, 05:14 PM
Yeah I know. It's why I was pesterin Dusk about how he should have said Muninn, not Mugin. :smalltongue:

2010-04-14, 10:42 PM
*is patiently waiting to kick some horde butt*

2010-04-14, 10:54 PM
Me, I'd rather not fight until we get a scout report.

2010-04-14, 11:56 PM
Welcome in the army son, we will drill that lazyness out of you. Go with the rogues toward the outpost and from there move your troops through the secret tunnel into the forest. From there on wait for the spy in the enemycamp and attack the opponent in the back. Destroy siege-equipment slit some evil throats and come back alive. And if there's any news I expect you to bring it to me immediatly understood.

Pssst.... I didn't buy any troops I donated my 50 CR of people to the group I'll go with Deathslayers troops though :p

2010-04-15, 12:49 AM
Are the scouts out? Are tehre any updates about progress of the scout we sended to the enemy. Has someone found here allready a scout. I mean there's a possibility they will scout us.

2010-04-15, 10:33 AM
Dunno. You'd have to ask deathslayer who hasn't been around lately.

2010-04-15, 11:22 AM
He has been busy with school I will pester him next time I see him.

2010-04-15, 03:47 PM
Deathslayer is currently on a recon mission and is there fore not allowed to speak in this forum until he returns.

2010-04-15, 03:49 PM
Oh. That explains that then.

2010-04-16, 12:41 AM
Even so I could ask my minions :smallbiggrin: if they have any update about her. That's was actually more IC.

For the rest of the remainder I will be IC uless I put specifically OOC above the spoiler.

2010-04-17, 10:43 AM
This game still alive?

2010-04-17, 10:48 AM
Yes, the only problem is we don't know what happened with the recon. And the game has no official starting date. According to me the outpost must be vigilant and look for recontroops.
We must start with a password system. Where the password is only known to us and a couple of troops we sended out. That means (if we change the password every day) and the outgoing troops must be back within the day that no one should be able to infiltrate that way.

2010-04-17, 10:54 AM
Well, we have 2 birds with empathic connections to two secured individuals. That ought to do for that portion of security.

For the other scouts I have sent, rank and name upon reimbarcation would be a start. Just have to track who leaves. After that, a thorough beatdown with a d4-2 weapon to make sure they have authentic adamantium skin would help.

2010-04-17, 10:58 AM
Well, we have 2 birds with empathic connections to two secured individuals. That ought to do for that portion of security.

For the other scouts I have sent, rank and name upon reimbarcation would be a start. Just have to track who leaves. After that, a thorough beatdown with a d4-2 weapon to make sure they have authentic adamantium skin would help.

Maybe yes, and a big plus about warforged is that it's a little bit harder to fake being one. On the other hand, who says all scouts are warforged?

2010-04-17, 11:03 AM
All mine are, because that's all I have. :smalltongue:

2010-04-17, 11:04 AM
All mine are, because that's all I have. :smalltongue:

The rogues, are those Warforged. Those I putted under the control of the changelings?

2010-04-17, 11:07 AM
I thought they were with our spy right now? Either way, unfortunately not under my command.

2010-04-17, 11:09 AM
I thought they were with our spy right now? Either way, unfortunately not under my command.

I want them near/in the outpost. So they can take the tunnel out. There they need to protect the tunnel in case opponents want to take it. They need to be there together with the other scout/guerilla warrior. They will be behind enemy lines and they need to do the most dangerous job of all. But they can do it.

2010-04-17, 02:45 PM
This game is still alive, but the second team is yet to finish their army. I am setting a final day of this to happen. It is going to be the 21 th that gives four to five day to the game starts.

I have tried to make an army overview in one of the first posts. The one with your sheets to be exact, but it is incomplete. Check it out and tell me what is missing

2010-04-17, 04:11 PM
Well for one, the dwarven light infantry are still listed as warforged. Other than that it looks complete.

2010-04-18, 12:35 PM
The horde will be finished Wednesday, at the soonest.

Those grenadiers what are they, more precisely
second may I have some stats for the dwarven light inf?

2010-04-18, 12:37 PM
The horde will be finished Wednesday, at the soonest.

Darn, why are they so slow than, I want too start. I get tired of the rate it goes. Is wednesday also the day the scout comes back?

2010-04-18, 12:39 PM
Scout mission is done today. But when he will chose to inform you that is another thing.

one more thing how many of which are in the mixed golem squad?

I would like to post a race, class, level of each creature in each squad/platoon. And maybe if they have some special eqp.

2010-04-18, 12:40 PM
Scout mission is done today. But when he will chose to inform you that is another thing.

on more thing how many of which are in the mixed golem squad?

The mixed golems are 8 Force Golems and 2 Magnacore Golems.

2010-04-18, 12:41 PM
The horde will be finished Wednesday, at the soonest.

Those grenadiers what are they, more precisely
second may I have some stats for the dwarven light inf?

From page 6:

30 dwarven fighter 1, toughness, point blank shot
Carrying halberds, 5x javalins, will create barricades at the choke points rather than wear armour. Each group of dwarves will be with a few dragons.

Grenadiers are the warforged as written. Also with bottles of oil, smoldering cords of rope. The ones in the keep have heavy crossbows as those are mine to bring along.

2010-04-18, 12:44 PM
30 warforged fighter 1, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs, stationed behind the main wall.

30 dwarven fighter 1, toughness, point blank shot
Carrying halberds, 5x javalins, will create barricades at the choke points rather than wear armour.

38 halfling sorcerer 1, precocious apprentice
Carrying spell component pouches.
Know: Magic missile, repair light damage, scorching ray

12 halfling fighter 1, point blank shot, far shot

12 dwarven cleric 1, precocious apprentice, war and artifice domains
Prepared: Magic stone x 2, magic weapon x1, sound burst x1

6 young copper dragons

10 warforged fighter 2, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances

Edit: Specific commander add ons.

Dusk: 10 golems

Me: 20 warforged fighter 1, adamantium body, grenadier
Carrying long spears, 10x prepared oil bombs, burning rope, heavy crossbows, 50 bolts

20 warforged fighter 2, mounted combat, adamantium body, ride by attack
Mounted on: Medium wheeled animated objects.
Carrying: Lances, 10 prepared oil bombs, burning rope

Deeathslayer: 17 CR 1 gnomish rogues, 1 CR 3 rogue.

This is the full roster from page 6.

2010-04-18, 12:57 PM
those golems how many of which in which squad and how many dragons are they miixed with?

2010-04-18, 12:59 PM
The problem is only 2 golems fit in a squad (CR8 combined). So that makes 2,5 golem in a squad :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-18, 01:00 PM
One squad of them as 2 magma, 4 squads of 2 force. It's hard to move them into platoons and squads due to their 4 CR nature. That's 1 and 2/3 platoons, which means one squad tacked on is a dragon.