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2010-04-08, 04:17 PM
Some things in this world should not be here. For example, the technology of millenia hence, or people from another universe. But they do, for instants, before paradoxes destroy them in the infinitesimal amount of time they spend here. But Metal, in all its glory, escaped here from the Land of Metal aeons ago for that Land, but only forty or so years for us. And it grew, and grew.

The fabric of reality is thin and tears easily. And when this happens, it can't stop things that should be in another world from escaping this one. This happened one particular night in 2010. Luckily, metal has grown enough in this world that it could not be sucked back through the dimensional rift. But the Land of Metal demanded recompense as parts of our world flowed through the hole in spacetime into the Metal Land, and several people involved with metal were sucked through instead.

@Vini Fear On stage with Cancer of Fear, with all the fans (except the many goth girls screaming your name) looking more bored than usual, as you didn't give previous songs your all, you launch into your newly-written epic. The crowd soon livens up.

Eventually, the last verse comes in. The instruments double in speed, and continue to accelerate. You scream louder and higher until you get to a pitch never before heard by human ears, or pronounced by human vocal chords. And then, everything goes black and silent. Did you pass out?

@"Metal Maniak" MytenYou close your eyes to focus after killing the nurse. No metal...?

Your mind wipes blank. This happens every time you get stressed enough to have a personality switch. But nobody takes your body over. What is going on here? You have become as a black, silent, motionless observer. Two forms in your mind take on bodies. One of them, dressed in blued steel armour chased in gold, buffed to perfection by a thousand slave girls, mounted on a warhorse similarly barded and holding a gleaming lance, faces down another, dressed in black leather and rusty piercings, wielding only a rusty mace.

They charge. The lance-wielder strikes the foot-soldier in the chest and tears out a few piercings, but as he falls, the mace wielder cracks the horse in the legs with his weapon and the armoured man is flung clear. And then it all goes black again.

@Vincent Vurnier You are just sitting there innocently. Writing a new riff couldn't be that difficult, could it? Unless...unless you'e played so many riffs you can't come up with anything original as it just sounds, to you at least, like mixtures of many licks you have already played. Thrash. What distinguishes thrash guitars? Rapid chords played with rapid chord switching. You try this. Chord switching every semiquaver doesn't sound too great. Maybe slower? Faster even? You play faster, just to see what happens.

After a few seconds of unbelievably fast chord switching the like of which has never been seen, your fingers begin to feel numb. You look down and see that they seem to have disappeared. This can't be. You stop playing the guitar, or at least try to. It seems to be playing itself, and going faster and faster. Now the disappearance, invisibility, whatever it is, spreads up your arms to your shoulders.Then up your neck and down your body, and when it reaches your eyes you see nothing. When it reaches your ears, you no longer hear the still accelerating chords. It is black and silent, and numb. There is no movement.

@Madness Fimbulwinter VIII.3 has survived another night and the betting pool grows. Yes, you've played a gig. Another secret underground one. Of course, technically being a terrorist, you can't really advertise. You are sick of this. Shouting where you are going to be next week into the audience as the police break up the audience is not a great means of attracting newcomers. So today is when you have decided to make the difference. In a room you have painted black, with a few skulls, impaled pig heads and candles lying about to give the place an air of mystery, not that the underworld cares about such formality.

You have a particularly expensive pig tied up in the middle of the room. It has been there for a few hours now. You take out your Kriss knife. As you raise it on high and hurl your arm down at the pathetic creature on the floor, it pierces the flesh by about a millimetre, causing a terrified squeal before you know no more. Everything goes dark and quiet.

@David St. Umläut It is a long-running in-joke between your band and fans that matter is at critical mass whenever you decide to strike it. In this case, it is true. You smash a drumstick down onto a cymbal to start a song, and the cymbal shatters into pieces. Then everything goes. You see, hear, feel and smell nothing. Your first thought is that shreds of metal got into your eyes, nose, and ears. This is a slightly far-fetched idea. But you have no other idea how else this could have happened.

@Myten: You are now in your power metal personality.

After what seems like an eternity, you are dumped out of this emptiness onto a bed of rock. The drop was not far enough to do any damage, but it was quite painful. Others begin to fall around you. This is all well and good, before you look around and see where you are. You are all on the huge, held-aloft hand of a hundreds-feet-high statue of a long-haired, muscly man holding a microphone high in the air by the stand, with his mouth wide open, screaming into it. Looking out, you see the nearby landscape. The land rises like a rock leviathan from the dark and turbulent sea. The coastline reaches out into the cold water with thousands of crooked fingers; these are fjords and inlets carved millennia ago when glaciers scraped across the land's surface, doing battle with its rock.

Yet there are signs of life. Nestled in the jagged arms of the fjords are settlements. Long wooden buildings or campsites rest on whatever flat planes the rock grudgingly provides. Smoke rises from a rudimentary smithy. Men and women walk about, looking like ants from this height. Anywhere people can live, they will.

This place is at base a vast expanse of ancient igneous rock, thinly blanketed with soil. The rock, including the statue you are on, is mostly granite of an unusual colour, nearly as dark as slate. Some of it is shot through with quartz and other crystalline rock. These veins range in colour from deepest black to pink to cloudy white. Rocks, some marked by ancient glaciations, stab from the earth, either in spikes at random, or shaped as if by a giant hand into recognisable sculptures of giant weapons, instruments, and other such things.

2010-04-08, 05:00 PM
"Augh. Would it kill you spirits to put down a &^%$ing mattress? This really hurts! I bust my ass scrounging up enough money for a nice corn fed and..." The figure looks around as he tries to take things all in.

A lithe figure with the odd scar or two, Madness clearly lives up to the name you haven't actually heard. A body covered in arcane, blasphemous tattoos.

Clean shaven with Long Black hair and adorned with a spiked black leather jacket that seems to have one arm torn off and (carry the 1...) thirteen cuts.

"Okay. This is not the underworld."

He turns and stares at the nearest person balefully and demands, "Where am I?! Tell me my next album cover won't be titled 'your name pushed down a cliff'."

He pauses again, "Wait no. First tell me your name so I know what to title my next album if you don't tell me where I am."

2010-04-08, 06:36 PM
"this place, this statue. its awesome. but. how did i get here? i wasnt drunk." Vincent stands on his toes for a moment and stretches his arms up to the sky, his trousers made of leather, although torn in places, his torso adorned in a sleevless denim jacket, with a multitude of badges and patches attached. under the jacket is a black metallica death magnetic tour shirt, with the sleeves poking out of the denim jacket, with one sleeve folded up containing a pack of ciggerettes. his arms are bare other than a skull and crossbone sweat band around his right wrist, and bracelet made of steel chain around his left wrist. his features are that of an average in height mid twenties male. he brushes his almost 3 foot long blond hair out his face with his hand. revealing a blury blue eyes, as if he had missed out on some sleep lately. he takes a ciggerette and pulls a etched zippo lighter from his pocket, and lights it. etched on the shining steel lighter on one side is an ornate looking set of initials "V.V." and on the other, a skeletal hand raised up with index and little fingers pointing to the sky.

after a moment he ponders on how he got here... for about 4 seconds before giving up, he looks at the others who are here too, and replys to the question "my name? Vincent, Vincent Vurnier. whats yours? ive no idea how we got here though."

2010-04-08, 07:55 PM
Myten stands up quickly, looking like he's about to scream at someone. He looks around,"What? This isn't the hospital? Where am I, did I finally succeed? Is this hell?" Myten is a burly man, with long brown hair, wearing black jeans and a black leather vest. He has his ears pierced, and a piercing on the back of his right hand though there are many places where piercings appear to have been ripped out. He has scars on most of his vital areas, as if he had had many brushes with death. Myten sighs. "Even if this is the afterlife, we might as well make the best out of it. I'm Myten, bass guitarist, and metalhead." He extends his hand.

After a moment, he notices the piercing, and rips it out. He then grabs the piercings on his ears, this time undoing the clasps and throwing them off the statue. Brushing down his vest he once more extends his hand, now with blood running down from where the piercing used to be.

2010-04-08, 08:08 PM
Vincent takes Mytens hand, and shakes it firmly. "i dont think were dead, and dont go jumping off this statue either, bassists are in short supply"

2010-04-08, 08:16 PM
David sat up an checked his faces for shards. None where there. He sat up and looks at the landscape. He muttered something in Finnish roughly translating to 'I bet Gwen had something to do with this.' Looked down the edge of the statue. "Thats interesting." Great and right in the middle of a gig too.

2010-04-09, 01:52 AM
"That doesn't happen every day." Vini Fear said, his hand on his hip as he stood as close to the edge as possible looking out over the settlements. As he turned to regard his cool eyes on each of you, you have to take a moment to admire him. A short but very handsome guy, all things considered, even if you don't dip in that pond. Long straight black hair, piercings, tattoos, an angelic and beautiful face, a leather duster with spikes, the works. It's his eyes that are intimidating. But his voice is amazing. A hand brushes back the hair from his eyes as he finds nothing interesting about any of you, his focus returning to the land of metal stretched out before you all.

"Perhaps I have transcended the world." He said, his voice ringing out clear and pure. "Where ever we may be- Heaven. Hell. Dream. Or reality. The stark honesty we have to face is this; atop a statue is no place to be in any of those." He started to walk back through the crowd of you, pausing once he reached the side of the group that wasn't near the edge. "Vini Fear." The man added as an after thought. "The beautiful cherub casts disbelief upon his own delusion, but finds no refuge from it. Trauma only serves to strengthen the soul and mayhap this be a dream or an afterlife it doesn't serve well to ponder the cause of our tribulation." Vincent took a moment to sweep back his hair. "Fear will merely hold us here; the solution is obvious; jump to end the dream; jump and you will either fly or die. If I'm wrong, I'll owe you a seat in Valhalla."

With his speech completed, Vini ran towards the edge of the hand and slid down the arm towards the mouth.

2010-04-09, 04:07 AM
As this statue is not of a bizarre arm-chinned man, Vini does not reach his mouth, but after fifty or so yards of steady acceleration gained through sliding down the granite slope of the man's right arm at a 70% gradient, he stops with a bump on the statue's shoulder and almost overruns and smashes into the back of his long-haired granite head, which is turned to his left. From here, Vini can clearly see the bottom part of the gigantic microphone stand wielded in the man's other hand, seemingly miles below, and that the statue is dressed in a remarkably detailed chainmail vest, the rings two feet wide, with a spiked jacket of smooth material, possibly leather, worn open over the top.

He can also see the people in much greater detail. No longer the size of ants, they are now about ladybird-sized. Vini can see them heft tiny flagons of mead and joints of meat, and silently strum tiny electric guitars around match-flame campfires.

2010-04-09, 10:30 AM
"i suppose we should stick togeather for now. lets get going." vincent heads towards the edge that vini went down, and tries to slide down off the palm where there might be a gentler slope down, or the bottom curves off so its not as sharp a stop. he clutches his guitar infront of him and slides down. its planely obvious that he doesnt want his guitar damaged. even if he has no amp to plug it into.

for those who care, the guitar is a B.C. rich warlock. black, spikey and shiney :smallwink:

2010-04-09, 11:18 AM
Vincent can only take the same path as Vini, and ends up similarly bumped at the bottom of the slope, where the arm becomes a shoulder. The sights he sees are much the same.

2010-04-09, 12:37 PM
Myten secures his bass guitar and follows the group.

2010-04-09, 01:42 PM
The rather adversarial Madness shrugs, puts his guitar across back, and takes a leap onto the arm.

2010-04-09, 09:11 PM
You are now all on the shoulder and it is starting to get a little crowded. A strange bat-like creature with a grinning face flaps its way over the other shoulder and another few of them fly around you.

2010-04-09, 09:23 PM
Ignoring the bats, Myten looks around for a way down.

2010-04-09, 11:57 PM
There is no ladder, no rope. It seems the only way to get down is to climb down the statue itself.

2010-04-10, 12:06 AM
Myten shrugs, might as well go down.

Climbing (15): [roll0]

2010-04-10, 12:10 AM
Using the huge rings of the statue's chainmail shirt as hand- and toe-holds, Myten is able to descend to the statue's hips, where the chainmail ends. The statue's belt and tight trousers are too smooth to grasp. From down here, Myten can see that the statue is standing with its feet far apart, the left knee slightly bent. But unless that presents some way to get further down, he is going to have to go back up.

2010-04-10, 12:25 AM
Looking annoyed Myten climbs back up to the group.

Climb (15): [roll0]

2010-04-10, 09:40 AM
Vincent Floyd Valley looks around from his vantage point, seemingly amused he was followed at all. Choosing not to indulge in some sarcastic remark, he instead leans against the head with one hand. "Nothing can extinguish the flame of this fallen star." He said cryptically, before watching the other man climb down the chain mail. It seemed like a good idea so Vincent prepared to follow, before he saw the man coming back up. It wasn't long enough.

Mentally running through a checklist in his mind, he watched the people down below intently to see what they were doing as he waited for Myten to return. When the other man did, he cocked his head at him and said, "Maybe you can reach the other side of the face, see if there's a way down through his mouth." Before going back to watching the people below. He ignored the bat completely.

2010-04-10, 10:32 AM
The people on the ground are going about their day-to-day life, the dream life of a hardcore metalhead, drinking, eating, playing and listening to music, enjoying each other's company, brandishing large weapons. They are entirely oblivious to your presence.

2010-04-10, 11:03 AM
Madness takes a deep breath and shouts as loud as he can, "HEY YOU GUYS!"

Apparently he's trying to catch the attention of the people on the ground.

2010-04-10, 11:21 AM
He can't seem to get through to them. This is fairly strange, as you are not all that far away. Maybe there is some kind of background noise, or maybe they are just ignoring you. Meanwhile, Madness has shouted at the top of his voice in close proximity to the others without giving any warning while they are already edgy from being a long way from the floor and they all start.

2010-04-10, 06:05 PM
"WHAT THE?! goddamit you could of atleast warned us before you yelled like that, someone could of fell off."

"i think our best way down is down the microphone stand, its in the statues other hand and the stand is at an angle all the way down to almost the foor, its the closest were going to get really. look."

2010-04-11, 09:24 PM
Madness doesn't seem to pay much attention to the complaints, "Any of you guys have anything we could throw at those guys down there? With any luck the locals will think we're gods and we can demand tribute in ladder form."

2010-04-11, 09:31 PM
Myten shakes his head. "All I've got is my guitar, and you guys aren't going to touch it. And warn us next time before you pull a stunt like that."

2010-04-12, 10:11 AM
Vincent seemed non-pulsed by the yelling.

"This one lacks a plan or a projectile." He spoke after a second, pondering just jumping again.

2010-04-12, 05:20 PM
"All I got are my Drum sticks and I doubt they'll be of any help." Dav id sat down taking deep breaths. He pulls a small smirk at the mention of the locals thinking they are gods.

2010-04-12, 05:30 PM
"think we are gods? WE ARE GODS!" vincent says triumphantly. "well, people virtually worshiped us in the thousands and even millions. so why should it be any different here? heh maybe if we put a show on for them?" he laughs jokingly. "anyway, weve got to get down there. im going down the mic stand and hopefully they can hear us from there." vincent does indeed attempt to get round to the other shoulder and to the mic stand.

2010-04-12, 05:40 PM
"We don't have any amps, so pretty unlikely that they'll hear us. Even if we play." Myten follows Vincent.

2010-04-13, 01:57 AM
By clambering around the statue's head using its hair, Vincent and Myten are able to get to the statue's other shoulder. From here it is a straightforward climb down the statue's upper arm, and then a very easy balancing act across its forearm to reach the mic stand. From here, the bottom of the stand is still a good distance away, far below you. The pole of the stand is at a fairly steep gradient, as wide as your typical large toolshed, but is perfectly rounded and hundreds of feet long.

2010-04-13, 12:43 PM
Madness shrugs, and draws his ritual knife. Uh oh. That can't be good.

A quick slash and blood starts falling... wait... did he just cut his own hand?

He waves it a little in an effort to get a bunch of it to fall on the crowd.

"Now... which one of us is the loudest?"

2010-04-13, 01:31 PM
The blood does not reach the "crowd", a strange term for a grouping of villagers in various structures nowhere near the statue, being several hundred yards away. Madness takes one hit for the blood loss.

2010-04-13, 01:34 PM
Vini Fear follows after Myten and the other Vincet, after making sure they made it safely enough. He arrives just in time to be asked which of them is the loudest.

"Well, without an instrument, it would have to be me." Vini Fear says, with no degree of humility. He walks over to the edge and looks out over the people far below. "Greetings mortals! This is Vini Fear from Cancer of Fear! Hear my voice and tremble, children of this place!" He called out, his penetrating voice ringing loudly.

2010-04-13, 01:50 PM
"What is this?" A group of men, most of them well-muscled, all but one of them with long hair, and all of them with some kind of oversized weapon on hand, are the closest group to you. They had, until they noticed you, been sitting about drinking mead. One of them, with many tattoos decorating his powerful arms, a studded black leather jacket, a very pale complexion and long dark hair, comes over to you, a longsword drawn. He looks at the bottom of the mic stand, where you are situated. "Are you man? Beast? Are you spirit?"

2010-04-15, 10:25 AM
"We are men, the greatest of men, we are the sons of metal, those that rose from the common to become extraordinary. Those who heard the call and became something more. We're rockstars." Vini Fear said with confidence, a small smirk crossing his lips. Then a more serious look replaced it. "Those of you, er, children of, well, can you help us get down from here?"

2010-04-15, 10:57 AM
Myten poses with his guitar.

2010-04-15, 11:37 AM
"Alright, if you talk properly in future. Fetch a rope!" One of the bigger, stronger-looking men, with long blond hair, runs towards the more dense tents and buildings. After five minutes, he returns with a long coil of rope over his shoulder, a large rock tied to one end of it. A spectacular procession of men and women follow him, wearing leather, spikes, chains and black, with long hair and tattoos, looking like an army. The man walks up and flings the rock what must be fifty feet into the air. It flies over the mic stand and stays there. "Find something to tie it off to, and come down it."

2010-04-15, 05:13 PM
vincent ties the rope off on itself and checks its secure before attempting to put his weight on it and climbing down.

2010-04-15, 05:32 PM
Myten continues behind Vincent.

2010-04-15, 05:46 PM
It is impossible to tie the rope around the microphone stand as it is too big for a human to reach around.

2010-04-15, 06:02 PM
Myten gestures to Madness. "Perhaps we could jab your knife into the statue?"

2010-04-15, 06:14 PM
"hold the rope tight, im going to tie them togeather..." vincent climbs down the side with the rock on, swings back and forth until the other rope is in his hand, the hangs off that one while tieing the other rope around it in a slip knot that will only slip upwards towards the microphone stand making it tighter.

2010-04-15, 07:47 PM
OK, make a Climbing roll and Knot-Tying roll, both at -4 for doing them both at the same time, doubtless very awkwardly.

2010-04-15, 08:34 PM
fat chance... climb d3d6
knot tie [roll0] minus 4 from both.

2010-04-15, 08:35 PM
rolls dont work in edits... [roll0]

2010-04-15, 09:00 PM
Vincent gets to the opposite rope but slips when he releases one hand's grip to tie the knot. The rope unravels from around his hand, spinning him downwards above a fifty-foot drop. DX check to grab the other rope before you plummet.

2010-04-15, 09:03 PM
[roll0] vincent frantically grabs for the rope.

2010-04-15, 09:09 PM
Vincent plummets through the air for just long enough to realise he is going to die (Fright Check). Then, he doesn't die. The crowd has swarmed forward and caught him. Just like an incredibly high stage dive. [roll0]Rolling vs crowd's ST He rolls over the top of the crowd before being plonked back to the ground harder than is strictly necessary.

2010-04-15, 09:10 PM
why do i have to do all these rolls? :smallsigh: [roll0]

vincent is caught by the crowd like some super high stage dive.

"thank you, my people! you all passed the first test!" vincent trys to make it sound as if falling was part of the plan.

2010-04-15, 10:17 PM
Since everyone else is plummeting to their death, madness follows suit and attempts to climb down.

No way he's getting left behind in all the self destruction fun!


2010-04-16, 04:37 PM
Dang forum roller.

2010-04-16, 04:40 PM
Myten climbs down as well.

2010-04-17, 04:38 AM
Alright, ST roll for Vini, who is the only person still holding the rope while the other two climb down it.

2010-04-17, 01:12 PM
"This isn't a good idea at all." Vincent remarks, watching the others climb down. He makes no move to get down the rope yet, and appears pensive.

2010-04-17, 01:30 PM
"True, how will Madness get down?"

Franz Totenkopf
2010-04-17, 06:06 PM
It was a dreary Night at The Carnivore Concert. The stage was set up as if it was a living being, with demonic tentacles, and Eyes that stared into your soul. Blood fell upon the many worm-like heads of the stage. A cry as black as nigh filled the crowd with horror and awe. Then at that moment Intestinal Discomfort began to play. People screamed, and headbanged through the bands powerful riffs, screaming lyrics and, epic solos. Zombis Maximus, lead vocalist was at the top of his game. He let out a Death rattle to shake the Earth.

The stage began to shake. More blood pumped from the stage. Lightning had cracked the sky. Zombis stopped, something was wrong. Two worms grew from the stage like festering boils. Zombis was shocked, they looked like the same two oragnic limbs of his bands logo. He backed away slowly. This did little. The worms grinned and ate their master sending him to a new era.

The Age of Metal.

Zombis' life flashed before his eyes, not too long but not bad at all he thought. Then his mind faded to black.

When he awoke he found himself in a New world. As he looked at the atmosphere he bluntly uttered: "This is soooo cool"

In the distance he saw a couple of fellows by a large statue of a dude with long locks of hair. He ran to them, unaware that he awoke from a pool of blood. Nor did he notice his guitar had changed as well.

2010-04-24, 09:40 AM
A sixth man appears on the statue's upper hand as people continue to descend the rope. Vincent Vurnier on the ground level meanwhile, is being stared at by all the people, nobody daring to ask the first question.

2010-04-24, 06:14 PM
"so, where might i ask, are we?" Vincent asks the crowd.

2010-04-24, 06:25 PM
There is a generalised babble from the crowd and you distinctly hear the words "land" and "metal" repeated several times, but you can't make out anything more due to crosstalk. The large dark man, some kind of leader, hushes the crowd. "This? This is the land. The Land of Metal. The only land we acknowledge. It might not be the Metal Land for much longer, but I don't want to bore you with our plight. Where have you come from? If you're just visitors, you must come and drink with us."

2010-04-24, 06:46 PM
"Land of Metal. Sounds like a dream come true." Myten flashes the devil horns to the leader. "I'm starting to love this place." He examines the people, trying to gauge the sub-genre they're part of.

2010-04-24, 06:51 PM
"land of metal eh? you must have some pretty killer bands around here? i play in a band myself, well used to till i arrived here."

2010-04-24, 07:16 PM
Myten...examines the people, trying to gauge the sub-genre they're part of.

Seemingly, some sort of power- or classic metal. Maybe they aren't and that's because the mediaeval, spike-and-leather way they dress is the only style it can replicate. There are some darker-looking people, dressed in black and spikes.

The leader narrows his eyes at Vincent. "Please don't evade the question - where did you come from? I apologise for my suspicion, but it's necessary under the current climate."

2010-04-24, 07:22 PM
"oh erm. we come from earth... surely were not still on earth are we? ive never heard of the land of metal before."

2010-04-24, 07:24 PM
"All I know is that I found myself on top of that statue."

2010-04-24, 07:30 PM
The man isn't particularly impressed. "Earth, you say? Well, that's very interesting. You know about metal?" he says, looking at Myten's devil-horns in shock.

2010-04-24, 07:33 PM
"know about it? i live it, i eat drink and breath it."

2010-04-24, 07:38 PM
Metal is my life. There is nothing else to say.

2010-04-24, 07:41 PM
"It seems we have found kindred spirits!" calls the man to the crowd, who cheer. "Join us tonight, then, if you can. We were planning to have a concert and a feast - well, actually, we do that nearly every night. It can only go well. What do you say?"

2010-04-24, 07:43 PM
"i may only be speaking for myself, but i say hell yeah!" vincent happily agrees to join them watching a concert. a concert in the land of metal surely has to be one of epic proportions.

2010-04-24, 07:44 PM
"Hell Yeah! besides, I haven't seen a concert for a while, kept getting kicked out."

2010-04-25, 06:12 AM
Not having said anything for awhile, Madness suddenly chimes in, "Land of metal huh? I'd be lying if I said I hated suspected something like that." He tilts his head and contemplates, "Alright if that's where we are I say we blow everyones minds! More than that it'll be nice to have a show not get busted by the five oh. Alright first things first."

Madness turns to the nearest denizen, "Where's the equipment? Need to know what I'm working with."

2010-04-25, 11:51 AM
David takes his drumsticks out. "This aught to be fun. I might need some help looking for bones... leather... or something"

2010-04-25, 12:01 PM
Madness gets no answer from the person he asked - it's not generally accepted to ask random passers-by about things they may or may not know about. The leader replies for him. "Equipment? But you have your own instruments, don't you?"

2010-04-25, 12:33 PM
Myten laughs, and brings out his bass guitar. "Well of course we do, We have no amps however"

2010-04-25, 01:56 PM
"Amps?" The man looks genuinely confused.

2010-04-25, 02:35 PM
Amps, you know screaming boxes of volume. David seems confused at the situation.

2010-04-25, 04:29 PM
"Well no, I suppose it makes sense." Madness states to his fellow earthlings. "It looks like it's a dark age society so they probably don't have electronics." He scratches his head. "Damn... this is going to be hard. I've made my own amps before, but I've never done much smelting... uh..."
He turns to the same villager he's been hassling with questions so far, "Take me to yon blacksmith please?"

2010-04-25, 04:58 PM
"Go and annoy someone else," grunts the poor confused man, who looks a bit like a bulldog. He then walks away.

2010-04-25, 05:07 PM
Myten seems genuinely confused. "How do you make your music loud without amps?"

2010-04-25, 05:10 PM
"Music is loud anyway, isn't it? Unless it's the type that goes about stirring up trouble - anyway, watch." He lifts up a guitar, looking like a lute, though thin as a typical electirc guitar, and strums a chord, which is just as loud as if it had been played through an entire speaker cabinet.

2010-04-25, 05:12 PM
"no amps eh? now, i see you can make it loud without amps, but what about all the effects? you know? sometimes its fun to play with a little wah-wah."

2010-04-25, 05:14 PM
The chord continues as he lifts the neck of the instrument and the sound changes. It begins to screech out, distorted. When he lowers it again, it goes back to its original tone. "Just move it. We think the world itself makes the sound. Can't you feel the ground shake?"

2010-04-25, 05:40 PM
"well.. this is my guitar, from back where i come from, and its designed to need an amp... hell lets give it a shot" Vincent pulls his guitar off his back and just plays a powerchord, to see what will happen.

2010-04-25, 05:44 PM
The chord rings out, loud, clear and pure, blasting back the crowd's hair. At the same moment, there is a loud crash from over a nearby hill. Nothing in particular seems to have happened, but you can sense the guitar in your hands has become an instrument of awesome power. Everyone applauds.

2010-04-25, 05:50 PM
with the power chord ringing out, vincent moves the guitar in as many different ways he can think of, re-sounding the chord everynow and then to see what kind of effects he can get out of it.

2010-04-25, 05:54 PM
The sound changes in hundreds of bizarre ways, while the air and the ground rattle intermittently. Nothing particularly special seems to be happening with this one chord, except if it is played with the guitar held upside-down behind your back, it causes a horrifically high-pitched squeal that shoots visibly twisting air out of the guitar's body to fly ahead of you. In this instance it is wasted, burning a hole in a large tree.

2010-04-25, 06:01 PM
vincents mouth almost drops open.... "wow...." after a short moment, he decides this.... this world, this place, is pure awesome.

"hmm, guys, im gonna go stand a little way away, and just jam for a bit.. see what else happens, course i dont wanna hurt you guys, so dont come too close till i stop playing."

vincent in sheer excitement marches off a little way away and begins all sorts of riffs, followed by powerchords, followed by normal chords, solos, and shreading 7 shades out of his guitar.

2010-04-25, 06:08 PM
The sound is improved, certainly, but no riff you have ever heard before does anything major. The only effect it's possible to get is the one you had earlier with the power chord, and that takes a lot out of you (gain [roll0] Fatigue).

2010-04-25, 06:27 PM
"Huh. That's strange. Still production value is very important. Fog machines and lighting, costumes and make up... gotta put on a spectacle. Bah, nevermind. I'll just have to improvise and show them what I mean." Madness says to... who is he saying this exactly to?

He pulls Fimbulwinter VIII.3 off his back and starts experimenting. Wait, is a Guitar supposed to sound like that?

2010-04-25, 06:57 PM
Myten leaps into the air. "Awsome! This place rocks!" He pulls out his Bass Guitar and plays a few riffs.

2010-04-26, 11:01 AM
Fimbulwinter is playing as though plugged into an amp, but otherwise there is no real effect. Myten's bass shakes the people's bodies, even their souls, and he gets a feeling of awe that he somehow knows the crowd are feeling.

2010-04-26, 04:43 PM
Myten raises his fist into the air, forming the devil horns. "Awesome! Let's rock this world!" He continues playing, testing out distortion techniques and the like.

2010-04-26, 05:52 PM
after feeling vincent has tried most things, he heads back over to the group. "couldnt do anything else special... hey erm, metal landinians... is that normal? you know to shoot things out of the guitar?"

2010-04-26, 06:00 PM
"It is unusual. But not unheard of." The green-tinged sun dips behind a foggy hill.

A horde of men crest the hill. They are vast in number, but not in body. They are all scrawny and flabby, with lean, pinched-looking faces, covered in spots or scars from where they had spots, and the majority are short. They wear polo shirts and navy or black synthetic tracksuit bottoms, and as you can see from those who do not wear a baseball cap, all wear their hair less than an inch long, and still have it drenched in grease and gel, plastered to their foreheads, and some have it highlighted. They wear cheap-looking, imitation-gold chains around their necks, poorly-made plated rings on their fingers and white trainers upon their feet, and their ears are pierced with huge plastic rings that hold the flesh open around them in circles inches wide. They flick their weapon hands around in front of them as though performing a tremolo, thumbs and index and little fingers extended in a disgusting parody of the devil-horns, using this motion to spin a bizarre hoop-shaped, chakram-like weapon around by their wrists. Some, instead, carry kitchen knives. The air rings with their battle cry as they rush in a drunken rabble down the hill - "YOU STARTIN', BLOOD?"

The metal denizens grasp their oversized weapons and await the oncoming tide. "Oh, no...Gods...here they come again...HOLD THE LINE!" They line up to receive the charge.

2010-04-26, 06:25 PM
"no! no! you cant have chavs here too! this is supposed to be the land of metal! quick, gimme a weapon, this, i shall enjoy" Vincent goes and searches for a weapon or someone who can arm him.

2010-04-26, 06:34 PM
Vincent is tossed a huge, heavy-looking, shining steel broadsword. It would seem to be too heavy to lift, but either it is lighter in this world or Vincent is stronger, because it is easy enough to swing.

2010-04-26, 06:36 PM
"hmmmmm i liiike." vincent waves it around a little before trying to catch up with the rest of the metal landers

2010-04-26, 06:40 PM
Myten stops playing, replacing his bass on his back. "Anyone happen to have an axe on them?"

2010-04-27, 12:03 AM
Madness cracks his knuckles, "I guess that no matter where you are, you always get some *******s trying to ruin it for everyone."

He takes a deep breath, and screams ""LET'S SHOW THESE LITTLE BITCHES SOME REAL POWER!"


2010-04-27, 11:30 AM
An axe is tossed to Myten. The horde comes crashing down the hill, but when the metalhead leader raises his sword, the inhabitants tense up, then when he points it at the invaders, they charge, wall of death-style, flooring the first two rows and trampling them underfoot before they are slowed enough to break into fullscale battle.

2010-04-27, 05:17 PM
Vincint spins the sword in his hand so that it points to the ground, raises his arm and back handed thrusts the sword through the skull of an oncoming chav

2010-04-27, 05:36 PM
...Alright. But a Broadsword roll would be more appropriate than a shiny description.

2010-04-27, 05:40 PM
broadsword attack, the first of many, im sure[roll0]

2010-04-27, 05:48 PM
Vincent misses the man with his broadsword attack and in his attempt to dodge, the chav nearly falls onto the floor. He retaliates clumsily with his kitchen knife, saying in an artificially deep voice; "What ya ******* doin', mate?"
[roll0] [roll1]
The knife penetrates Vincent's arm, causing a minor flesh wound.

2010-04-27, 05:50 PM
"im removing you from the genepool! thats what!" Vincent yells in his face.

2010-04-27, 05:55 PM
He pulls out a small, cheap-looking speaker, some mockery of a telephone, and presses a button. Tinny, repetitive and badly-composed music blares out, and several of his friends gather around. "You been disrespectin' our mate, mate? You been callin' his mum a gene-pool?" they say, among other ludicrous taunts. One of them moves in to push you.

[roll0] Slam attack at -2 for being Skinny

2010-04-27, 06:07 PM
Myten swings his axe into the nearest foe.

Axe attack (13) [roll0]

2010-04-27, 06:09 PM
Very good, roll damage.

2010-04-27, 06:20 PM
Damage [roll0]

2010-04-27, 06:24 PM
The axe smashes its target in the ribs, but he leaps backwards in time to avoid the worst of it and rather than kill him the axe bears him to the ground. He still has a gaping wound in his chest.

2010-04-27, 06:51 PM
Madness points Fimbulwinter at the crowd of posers, ""This isn't really quite my style. But I'm going to try it anyways."

Going to try doing that same power chord

2010-04-27, 06:53 PM
Nothing at all happens, and the chakram-like weapon of a nearby, particularly tall man is swung at Madness.


The blade scores Madness deeply in the gut (unless he wants to try parrying with Fimbulwinter VIII.3 at -2 for improvised weaponry).

2010-04-27, 07:39 PM
That guitar of his is probably the most powerful weapon in the land, not going to risk damaging it unless he knows there's a way to fix it.

"Would you believe this isn't the first time some poser lodged a Chakram in me? Anyone got a gun? I seemed to have left mine back home."

He pauses, and looks around, "Nevermind... Okay, plan C! Mind blowing guitar solo to inspire all!"

Electric Guitar of 15

2010-04-29, 06:18 PM
Those who hear the guitar solo fight more ferociously, save the enemy, who shrink back. There are no unbelievable effects. The man who just attacked Madness goes for him again. [roll0][roll1]

Madness has dropped to -1 HP and needs a HT test to remain conscious.

2010-04-29, 08:47 PM

This could be bad.

edit: But it isn't!

2010-04-30, 05:21 PM
Vincent spins around in a wide arc at all the chavs in range of his sword.

im assumeing its still only 1 roll? [roll0]

2010-04-30, 05:28 PM
You can't do that, I'm afraid, without certain advantages. But you can make two attacks on the same person.

Vincent slashes through the chest of the man right in front of him and decapitates him on the backswing. Two of the chavs run away, but the rest of his friends spread into a semicircle and go to surround Vincent, concentrating more on ensuring they are not alone than on their enemy.

2010-04-30, 07:04 PM
Myten puts all his strength into killing the foe he just hit.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-30, 07:40 PM
Myten is able to chop the writhing man almost in two.

2010-04-30, 07:58 PM

Madness holds his hand up high, with the devil horns as he continues to bleed profusely.

... And running for cover. Those chakrams hurt!

Going for any cover I can find really. If nothing else is around, behind one of the legs aught to do.

2010-04-30, 08:22 PM
Madness has to make another HT test this turn or pass out.

2010-04-30, 08:52 PM
Vincent strategically pulls back to cover madness in his retreat "you alright? looks like ill have to give you some cover for a moment"

2010-04-30, 09:54 PM
"What I really need is a machinegun. But yeah sure, I could use the help. Thanks bud."


2010-05-02, 06:07 PM
Myten attacks while moving back to Madness's position.


2010-05-02, 06:11 PM
One of them is swatted aside. The metalheads seem to be gaining the upper hand, but the other side has not quite routed yet. One of them stabs at Myten, missing, while another attacks Vincent, chakramming him in the forehead.



2010-05-02, 06:13 PM
blood pours down his face almost blinding him. GODDAMIT THESE CHAVS ARE ANNOYING. he thinks to himself.

he pulls his guitar out swings it round over his head and plays the power chord. aiming towards the attacking chav.

2010-05-02, 06:31 PM
He is blasted off his feet and through the air, hurtling hundreds of feet to land at the feet of the first few to flee. And they do flee, in great number.

Franz Totenkopf
2010-05-11, 03:40 PM
Standing on the Hand statue Zombis murmurs to himself,
"Holy ****!! Is that a Mosh pit? But why are they killing each other? Proably too much booze. I wish I could get over there, but uhhh this statue looks really steep.

Wait a sec I could just get there attention by yelling at them, I guess Ill just let out a Death rattle."

Zombis let out a mighty Death cry.

2010-05-11, 04:15 PM
This didn't work for anyone else from a lower position, so it won't work for Zombis from this one.

2010-05-11, 05:39 PM
Godammit. why wont they retreat? they have lost and they know it, all they are doing is damaging my blade!"

2010-05-11, 06:07 PM
They are retreating. I said as much earlier.

2010-05-11, 07:18 PM
Myten takes out his bass and plays a few power chords. "Hells yeah! You run!"

2010-05-11, 07:21 PM
They are retreating. I said as much earlier. i meant the rest of them, i didnt think all of them were retreating

"what was that about?"

Franz Totenkopf
2010-05-14, 06:27 PM
Damn they didn't hear me, well I guess I'll make a suicide jump to the bottom.......or I could just slowly climb down this statue, verrry slowly


2010-05-14, 07:02 PM
vincent thinks he sees a dot on the statue. "hey, guys, did we leave anyone up there?"

2010-05-14, 10:23 PM
Myten shakes his head. I don't think so... Though perhaps we should check?

2010-05-15, 09:04 AM
"look up there" vincent points up to the ant sized dot ontop of the statue