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View Full Version : starwars 3.5 sith swords for dummies

2010-04-10, 07:06 AM
I am in a game and want ot make a sith with a sword but im having trouble understanding how they work

and if they come anywhere close to a light saber

please help

2010-04-10, 08:31 AM
I don't know if they updated them from the Dark Side Source book (which is 3.0 edition d20 Star Wars), but Sith Swords are pretty awesome under those rules.

They're stated out as a 2d6, critical 19-20, exotic slashing weapon.

They retain their hardness against lightsabres, so a Sunder attack by a lightsabre won't necessarily cut through them.
The main thing that makes them awesome is that when you spend a Force Point, calling on the dark side, you can choose to add that bonus to the damage instead of the attack roll - and that bonus lasts for 10 rounds + 1 per Force user level.
During that time, there's nothing to stop you spending another point to get the bonus on your attacks, or to boost your strength score through normal Force skill use.

It's probably balanced - you'll gain more bonus to damage than a Jedi with a lightsabre ever does, but you'll have to spend a Force Point to get it (where the Jedi's bonus damage is always on).

The Dark Side Source Book lists Sith Swords as an "alchemically altered blade" - -there are no rules specifically for making one.
However, the Sith Alchemy equipment costs 10 000 credits (at least), and the Alchemy skill (probably "Craft (Alchemy)" in 3.5 versions). Listed cost for the Sith Sword is 6 000 credits. Under normal crafting rules, you'd spend half the sale cost in making the item.

One last caveat: your GM has the final say on whether any of this is available.
The published material stresses the rarity of everything to do with the Sith - the alchemical equipment, the swords themselves, and so on.
If I was running your game, I'd make you go on a separate search for the equipment and knowledge - it could be fun. You GM may just say "No" and try to get on with the story he or she has in mind.

2010-04-10, 08:48 AM
I think you need to clarify: are you playing a pseudo-Sith in a D&D 3.5 game, or some version of the Star Wars RPG with an actual Sith sword (and if so, which version)?

2010-04-10, 05:08 PM
I think you need to clarify: are you playing a pseudo-Sith in a D&D 3.5 game, or some version of the Star Wars RPG with an actual Sith sword (and if so, which version)?

I am playing in a starwars game using the revised core rule book and the supplements with it

2010-04-10, 07:29 PM
I am playing in a starwars game using the revised core rule book and the supplements with it

Unfortunately, all my Star Wars experience comes from running SW Saga Edition, but Altair's advice looks pretty good.

2010-04-10, 07:36 PM
Sith Swords rock, but they are not exactly inconspicuous, unlike a lightsaber (at least when it is turned off). Also, they do not ignore the DR of targets (like LS). They can also deflect blaster bolts. We are talking of a bastard sword with the blade made of black glass of insane sharpness, good luck explaining that to the customs office when you land on Coruscant :)

2010-04-10, 07:41 PM
We are talking of a bastard sword with the blade made of black glass of insane sharpness, good luck explaining that to the customs office when you land on Coruscant :)
Have it in a secure case.
"I'm an art collector."

2010-04-10, 08:03 PM
Nothing as complex, these are the kinds of situations that mind tricks were invented for.
"That is a very interesting ukulele Mr. Obviouslynotevil"

2010-04-11, 01:32 AM
well me and my DM worked out a cosept of me being a old sith experiment

so i keeping the sword a secret isnt a problem just want to make shure its not going to gimp me